ASSESSING THE CORRELATION BETWEEN ENVIRONMENTAL TAXES AND THE PUBLIC ENVIRONMENTAL MINDSET IN DAVAO CITY An Undergraduate Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the College of Accounting Education Name of Researchers Antipasado, Keith Marian G. Base, Alexis Jhoelle P. Lismoras, Jane Rose S. Adviser: Myra T. Miraflores, CPA, MSA September, 2023 1. INTRODUCTION The Philippines, an archipelago in Southeast Asia that is famous for its natural beauty, faces great environmental challenges including deforestation, pollution and the effects of climate change. The environment is a precious resource that needs to be managed responsibly. In reply to these challenges, there are a number of ways that governments, corporations, and individuals can contribute to the care of the environment. One of these ways is by implementing environmental taxes. Environmental taxes on gasoline, electricity, water, and other types of pollution can contribute to reducing environmental stress and the impact of human activity on the environment, as well as providing incentives to move towards more sustainable practices (Rao et al., 2023). Environmental taxes, also known as green taxes, are one of the revenues that the government seeks that not only increase its revenue but would help to preserve natural and precious environmental resources. This measure aims at imposing taxes on all types of pollutants. Environmental taxes in the Philippines include Taxes on Transportations, Tax on Energy, Air Pollution Tax, Tax on Water Resources, Tax for the Biodiversity Services, Taxes on Waste Management, Tax on Resources, and Tax on the use of Chemicals in Agriculture stated in the House Bill No. 6945. In conformity with Briefing EU policies – Insights, in practice, environmental taxation aims to make market decisions more environmentally sensitive by weighting environmental damage or negative externalities in prices. However, a certain degree of public understanding and support is required for such taxes to be effective and widely accepted. In recent years, public environmental understanding and awareness have been increasing around the world. According to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center (2020), over 78% of respondents in all countries viewed environmental protection as a “very important” or top priority. Moreover, more than 85% of respondents from all Member States agreed that the government should be doing more to safeguard the environment. This survey exhibits some degree of public understanding of environmental issues and suggests a favorable opinion of the notion of environmental protection. On the other hand, (Hui, 2023), the power of an environmental mindset cannot be understated. By relying on objective evidence to support one's understanding of an object's nature, it will have the ability to impact an individual's attitudes, beliefs, and behavior profoundly. By embracing this perspective, it can foster a more effective and persuasive approach to environmentalism that benefits both people and the Earth. According to Rebekah (2020), it's important to take action now towards protecting the health of our planet. Additionally, she also talked about the Green Mindset, which is a set of accepted attitudes or beliefs regarding the conversion to an environmentally responsible lifestyle. Despite this favorable opinion of environmental protection, environmental taxes remain unpopular and are often met with resistance, both from individuals and companies. This resistance is primarily the result of both the financial costs associated with the taxes and the perceived effect that these taxes might have on the environment (OECD, 2011). Fears of “green taxes” being used to increase the cost of living or as a way to increase taxes and government revenue are also common among the public, which can influence their opinion on environmental taxes. While it is difficult to draw direct correlations between environmental taxes and the public’s understanding of the environment, some research has pointed towards a potential link. Local environmental taxes, if well-designed and implemented, can be effective in raising public awareness about environmental issues and promoting environmentally responsible behaviors. Environmental taxes can help to encourage the public to become more environmentally conscious through their impact on financial incentives. However, in order for environmental taxes to be effective, it is necessary to allay the general public’s fears by providing clarification of the purpose and expected effects of the tax, as well as to properly account for its cost and include public engagement in the design and implementation of the tax. Therefore, it is crucial to assess the correlation between environmental taxes and the public environmental mindset in order to gauge the effectiveness of this approach in driving positive change. In a world where human and the environment have come together, many existing studies focus on the impact of environmental taxes on economic aspects, such as tax revenue or industry compliance. While there is ample research on factors influencing public environmental mindsets, there may be a gap in understanding how specific policy measures, like environmental taxes, can impact and potentially shape these mindsets. The proposed research addresses a gap by concentrating on the correlation between environmental taxes and the public environmental mindset, which is an area that has received comparatively less attention as well as an area that could benefit from more comprehensive exploration in the context of environmental policy and sustainability. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to assess the correlation between environmental taxes and the public environmental mindset. 2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter shall present a review of the relevant literature. In addition, a review of the different documented studies and publications relevant for this research work is conducted by means of various readings and investigations. Pigouvian Tax Theory The economic theory known as the "Pigouvian tax theory," which was named after the British economist Arthur Pigou, proposes to use taxes on a market transaction that creates negative externalities. A negative externality occurs when an economic activity imposes costs on individuals not directly involved in the activity. By levying a tax in these circumstances, it may be possible to recover some of the costs associated with these externalities and "internalize" those costs into the price of the product stated by the Tax Foundation (2023). Environmental Psychology Theory Environmental Psychology focuses on the relationship between individuals and their environment. It takes into account how humans shape the natural world and the built environment, and how that environment shapes us humans. People can find solace in nature, it's common knowledge. The theory can inform the research by exploring how environmental taxes impact perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors related to the environment. The study can draw on motivational theories within environmental psychology to understand what motivates individuals to engage in environmentally responsible behaviors and how environmental taxes may serve as motivators or disincentives (Diaz, 2022). 3. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK This study determines the Correlation between Environmental Taxes and the Public Environmental Mindset in Davao City focusing the individual tax payers. The conceptual framework showed two variables (see Fig. 1). The first variable is the environmental taxes, including the tax knowledge, and burden concerns. The second variable is public environmental mindset: Sustainability constraints, Environmental crisis and Balance of nature. ENVIRONMENTAL TAXES Tax Knowledge Tax Burden PUBLIC ENVIRONMENTAL MINDSET Sustainability Constraints Environmental Crisis Balance of Nature Figure 1: Conceptual Framework of the Study 4. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY The study aims to Assess the Correlation between Environmental Taxes and the Public Environmental Mindset in Davao City. 5. METHODOLOGY This chapter will indicate the research design, respondents, research instrument, data gathering process, data analysis, and statistical tool of the study. Research Design The study will utilize a quantitative methodology and make use of a descriptive correlational research design. Bhat (2018), descriptive correlational research is a valuable tool for researchers seeking to explore the connection between multiple variables. By analyzing data without making assumptions about cause and effect, this technique allows for a deeper understanding of potential causal factors that contribute to the relationship between variables. Through the collection and analysis of data on at least two variables, researchers can gain valuable insights into complex relationships. All in all, descriptive correlational research is a crucial research design that can provide valuable insights into complex variables. References Amazon Web Services. (2020). House Bill No. 6945. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Oct. 2023]. Bhat, A. (2018). Descriptive Correlational: Descriptive vs correlational research. [online] QuestionPro. Available at: BRIEFING EU policies -Insights. (n.d.). Available at: BRI(2020)646124_EN.pdf. Diaz, D. (2022). WHAT IS ENVIRONMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY? [online] University of Sunderland. Available at: [Accessed 13 Oct. 2023]. Hui, L.C. (2023). Environmental Mindsets of Intelligence. [online] Center of Open Science. Available at: [Accessed 13 Oct. 2023]. OECD (2011). Environmental Taxation A Guide for Policy Makers. [online] Available at: PEW RESEARCH CENTER (2020). Environmental Protection Rises on the Public’s Policy Agenda as Economic Concerns Recede. [online] Pew Research Center - U.S. Politics & Policy. Available at: Rao, M., Vasa, L., Xu, Y. and Chen, P. (2023). Spatial and Heterogeneity Analysis of Environmental Taxes’ Impact on China’s Green Economy Development: A Sustainable Development Perspective. Sustainability, [online] 15(12), p.9332. doi: Rebekah (2020). Developing a Green Mindset in a Toxic World – Simply Living Green. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Oct. 2023]. Tax Foundation. (2023). What is a Pigouvian Tax? [online] Available at: