Survey Questionnaire MISMATCH OF TEACHER'S SPECIALIZATION AND SUBJECT TAUGHT ON THE INTRINSIC MOTIVATION OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS: BASIS FOR AN INTERVENTION PLAN Confidentiality Disclaimer This study investigates the impact of the mismatch between teachers' specializations and the subjects they are assigned to teach on the intrinsic motivation of senior high school teachers. All information gathered will be kept strictly confidential and used exclusively for research purposes. In compliance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (Republic Act No. 10173), all responses will be handled with the utmost care to ensure that your identity remains protected. No personally identifiable information will be linked to the data, and results will only be presented in an aggregated or anonymized format to prevent the identification of individual participants. Your participation is voluntary, and your honest responses are crucial for the success of this study. I. Demographic Profile Name: _____________________________________ (optional) 1.1. Field of Specialization English Filipino Science Mathematics Social Science TLE Pls. specify __________________________ 1.2. Teaching Position Teacher 1 Teacher 2 Teacher 3 1.3. Length of service 1-2 years 4 -5 years 5-6 years 1.4. Subject taught Pls Specify: _____________________________________ 1.5. Educational Attainment Bachelor Degree _______________________________________________ Master’s Degree _______________________________________________ Doctorate Degree ______________________________________________ II. Intrinsic Motivation of Teachers. This questionnaire is composed of 30 items designed to assess various aspects of your intrinsic motivation as a teacher. The statements in this questionnaire relate to how you feel about teaching, your responsibilities, and your interest and enthusiasm for your work. For each statement, please select the response that best represents how strongly you agree or disagree. There are no right or wrong answers, so please respond as honestly as possible. Your responses will be kept confidential and used only for research purposes. Rating Scale: 1 = Strongly Disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Neutral 4 = Agree 5 = Strongly Agree Statements Teaching Responsibility 1. I feel a strong personal responsibility to ensure my students understand the material I teach. 2. I am committed to fulfilling my teaching duties, even when it requires extra time and effort. 3. I believe it is my duty to create a supportive learning environment for all students. 4. I take pride in being accountable for the academic and personal growth of my students. 5. I feel teaching gives me purpose in life. 6. I feel a deep sense of responsibility for the success of my students in and outside the classroom. 7. I learn new teaching skills at the workplace. 8. I can teach well because I have access to the required teaching materials. Teaching Interest 9. I genuinely enjoy the process of teaching and exploring new concepts with students. 10. I am always eager to find engaging ways to present material in my classes. 11. I am interested in continuously learning new methods to improve my teaching. 12. Teaching is more than a job for me; it’s something I truly enjoy. 13. I feel excited when I think about new topics and lessons to introduce to my students. 14. I’m free and empowered at the workplace 15. I can express myself creatively at teaching and at work. Teaching Satisfaction 16. I am satisfied with the positive impact I have on my students’ learning and development. 17. Seeing my students succeed gives me a sense of fulfillment in my role as a teacher. 18. I am proud of my contributions to my students’ academic achievements. 19. The progress my students make over time makes me feel satisfied with my teaching efforts. 20. I feel a strong sense of accomplishment when I witness my students’ overcoming challenges. SD 1 D 2 N 3 A 4 SA 5 21. I am satisfied with the standard of my professional life. 22. I feel equipped for the teaching profession. 23. I have opportunities to broaden my professional expertise Work Enthusiasm 24. I feel energized and enthusiastic about my teaching responsibilities. 25. My passion for teaching keeps me motivated, even during challenging times. 26. I approach each school day with a positive attitude and eagerness to teach. 27. I find myself eager to plan and prepare new lessons or activities for my students. 28. I look forward to interacting with my students and engaging them in the learning process. 29. I feel highly motivated in the workplace 30. Promotion opportunities motivate me to do a better job. III. Difficulties encountered by teaching outside of Subject Specialization This section of the questionnaire consists of 20 statements designed to help us understand the challenges teachers face when teaching subjects outside their area of specialization. Please read each statement carefully and indicate your level of agreement using the scale provided below. Rating Scale: 1 = Strongly Disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Neutral 4 = Agree 5 = Strongly Agree Statements Content Knowledge and Confidence 1. I feel confident in my understanding of the subject content that I teach. 2. I often feel uncertain when preparing lessons in this subject area. 3. I find it challenging to answer in-depth questions from students in this subject. 4. I believe I would be more effective if I had formal training in this subject. Instructional Strategies 5. I struggle to find effective teaching strategies for this subject. 6. I feel that my lessons lack depth because of my limited knowledge in this area. 7. I find it difficult to create engaging and interactive activities for my students in this subject. 8. I feel less prepared to assess students’ understanding in this subject accurately. Classroom Management 9. I find it challenging to maintain classroom control when teaching this subject. SD 1 D 2 N 3 A 4 SA 5 10. I feel less confident handling student questions in this subject area. 11. I feel that students are less engaged in my lessons because of my limited subject knowledge. 12. Managing classroom discussions in this subject is harder for me than in my area of expertise. Job Satisfaction and Motivation 13. I feel less motivated to teach this subject compared to my area of specialization. 14. I experience higher levels of stress when teaching this subject. 15. I would prefer to teach subjects that align with my formal training and experience. 16. I feel that teaching outside my specialization negatively impacts my job satisfaction. Professional Identity and Self-Efficacy 17. Teaching outside my specialization makes me feel less competent as a teacher. 18. I feel a sense of imposter syndrome when teaching this subject. 19. Teaching outside my field of expertise has affected my professional identity. 20. I am less likely to see myself continuing in the teaching profession if I have to teach subjects outside my specialization. Teacher Job Mismatch Questionnaire Instruction: Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding your current teaching role. Use the scale below: 1 = Strongly Disagree | 2 = Disagree | 3 = Neutral | 4 = Agree | 5 = Strongly Agree Statement 1. My current teaching role aligns with my qualifications and expertise. 2. The subjects I am assigned to teach match my area of specialization or training. 3. I feel overqualified for the responsibilities of my teaching position. 4. The skills required for my role differ from those I consider my strengths. 5. I often feel underutilized in my current teaching position. 6. I am required to perform tasks outside my area of expertise frequently. 7. The workload and expectations in my current role do not match my professional experience. 8. My career goals align with the opportunities provided in my current teaching role. 9. I believe my current role allows me to make the best use of my skills and abilities. 10. There is a significant gap between my professional expectations and the realities of my teaching role. 1 2 3 4 5