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Functional Pump Conditioning Workout Plan

Marcus Filly - Functional pump conditioning
Svenska 2, Ämnesteori För Lärare (Uppsala Universitet)
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Welcome to Functional Pump Conditioning!
Great conditioning workouts are part science, part creativity, and part experience of what
works well and delivers consistent results. Over years of writing workouts and seeing
thousands of athletes put them to use, Functional Bodybuilding conditioning has become
more and more refined.
Too much science in a workout and forgetting to make it creative and fun risks athletes
losing interest. But too much fun can overlook the need for fundamental core principles
that work. And having too little real world experience of writing programs and seeing them
executed, risks workouts that fall flat for unforeseen reasons.
Anyone can write a workout that hurts and puts you in the pain cave - but there is a need
for quality conditioning workouts that target a whole different goal than global intensity.
Thoughtfully constructed pieces to help you develop more muscle, shed body fat, and
control your stress levels so you leave the gym feeling good rather than in need of a nap
takes skill.
Functional Pump Conditioning is the response to the obstacles athletes have faced getting
burned out and beat up from relentless intensity. Crushing Metcons are often the culprit,
as they take people beyond their threshold and force them into compromised positions.
These Functional Pump Conditioning workouts are thoughtfully designed to keep you
under control, make you work hard, and really deliver on the idea of doing Metcons for
How to Use These Workouts
These pieces range from 15-20mins in total time, including rest periods. Save about
3-5mins for set up and break down of your equipment and you can budget your time
There are ten different conditioning workout formats and you will have six variations of
each format. You will find that there are some themes that you really enjoy and that work
particularly well for you. I encourage you to do all the 6 variations and then get creative by
subbing in some of your own movements you like.
Within a given week you might want to do a blend of different styles of workouts rather
than sticking to any one format.
Other things to note are that in some of the formats there is a bias towards a certain part
of the body (legs, core, shoulder, etc). Pick one that is complementary to the strength work
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you are doing on a given day and that will help you avoid over training movement patterns
in a given week. If you are already doing shoulders for strength work in the form of
pressing or push presses, then it makes sense to complement that with a shoulder focused
Functional Pump Conditioning workout.
Got Questions?
Check out the Revival Strength Knowledge Base for answers to the questions we see most
commonly, including abbreviations, substitutions, and more, or join the Functional
Bodybuilding Facebook Group to chat with your fellow athletes. Hover over a movement
name (in most pdf viewers) to link to the demonstration on YouTube, or you can find our
movement library on the Functional Bodybuilding channel (https://youtube.com/
functionalbodybuilding). Enjoy!
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These time restricted workouts are a great way to be very precise with your time
management, and also challenge your repeatability.
Every 2mins - Ideally these working sets will take you around 60-75sec to complete, leaving
you with 60-45sec to recover. When the clock reads 2mins, 4mins, 6mins, and so on (every
2mins) you will start another set. You always rest the remainder of the time prior to the
next 2min time point. If the work listed takes longer than 75sec, consider reducing the reps
or weight of your loaded exercise to ensure you can repeat the sets for the full 6-8 rounds.
Every Minute - Ideally these working sets will take you around 30-40sec to complete,
leaving you with 30-20sec to recover. When the clock reads 1min, 2mins, 3mins, and so on
(every 1min) you will start another set. Move back and forth between the two different 1st
and 2nd labeled sets.
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Every 2 mins x 6-8 Sets:
6 Alternating Dual KB Rack Step Ups 20/16"
8/6 Cal Assault Bike
10-12 GHD Sit Ups
EMOM x 12-16 Mins:
1st - 6 KB Alt Step Ups 20" + 8 Cal Row
2nd - 10 Toes to Rings + 10 Tuck Ups
Every 2mins x 6-8 Sets:
10sec Assault Bike Sprint
10 DB Suitcase Cyclist Squats
14 Russian Twists (use one DB for loading)
Coach Tip:
When choosing box heights for your step ups, pick a
box height that is roughly knee height or slightly lower.
Then to make it more difficult you can increase load.
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Drop in the Bucket
EMOM x 12-16 Mins:
1st - 6 Back Rack Drop Lunge 4" + 10sec Row Sprint
2nd - 12-14 GHD Sit Ups
Every 2mins x 6-8 Sets:
10 Filly OH KB Walking Lunge
(switch arms every set)
15sec Assault Bike HARD
20 L-Crunches
EMOM x 12-16 Mins:
1st - 4 Dual KB Squat Clean from Floor + 8 Dual KB Front Squats
2nd - 10sec Row @ 100% + 10 Toes to Rings
Coach Tip:
If a single minute has two movements to complete, be sure to
position your equipment pieces in close proximity to each other
so you donÕt waste a lot of time in transition. This will impact the
total effect of the session.
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Advanced gymnastics are fun! For those that can do them they offer a great way to really
build well rounded upper body strength and muscle aesthetics. Because these movements
require so much stabilization and control you will get a great deal of muscle recruitment.
This can make them ideal for building great upper body conditioning workouts. The issue is
that far too often the reps are prescribed in a way that leaves athletes slowly chipping away
and not getting enough contractions. We aim to find the right balance between difficult and
easier contractions here. Have no fear if you canÕt do the moves yet. See the substitution
list below.
How to Use - in each advanced gymnastics conditioning format you will see there are
multiple sets repeated after 2-3mins rest periods. The goal would be to achieve the same
work output for every set. That means you will likely have to pace yourself on the first
rounds. Why is that important? If we aim for consistency and start off slow, we can avoid
burn out too early and end up accumulating more quality reps. More reps will mean
muscular adaptation and a better overall pump and functional aesthetics workout.
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4 Sets:
1 Legless Rope Climb
1 Rope Climb 15'
2 Strict Muscle Ups
4 Ring Dips top of Muscle Up
4 Bar Muscle Ups Kipping
10 Ring Rows
15 Calorie Row
Ring Muscle Ups - Muscle Up Rows on low rings
Bar Muscle Ups - Burpee Pull Ups
Legless Rope Climbs - Use your Legs
Rope Climbs - Towel Pull Ups
Strict HSPU - Pike Strict HSPU
Kipping HSPU - Yoga push Ups
Archer Ring Push Ups - Off Set Push Ups
rest walk 2-3mins between sets
3min AMRAP:
1 Burpee Muscle Up
2 Ring Dips top of MU
3 Strict Pull Ups Wide Grip
4 Strict Toes to Bar
5 Clapping Push Ups
6 Calorie Bike
rest walk 2mins between 3mins AMRAPs x 4 Sets
5min AMRAP:
Ski 20/17 cals
-in time left over AMRAP1 Legless Rope Climb
2 Bar Muscle Ups
3 Strict HSPU
4 Hand Release T Push Ups
rest walk 2-3mins between sets x 3 Sets
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4 Sets:
75 Double Unders
2 Rope Climbs
3 Burpee Bar Muscle Ups
4 Ring Dips
5 Renegade Rows 60/40lbs
rest walk 2-3mins between sets
3min AMRAP:
12/9 Cal Row Buy In
-then AMRAP in time remaining1 Legless RC 15'
2 Strict Handstand Push Ups
3 Kipping Handstand Push Ups
4 Strict Toes to Rings
5 Push Ups 2020 Tempo
rest walk 2-3mins between sets x 4 Sets
5min AMRAP:
Row 20/17 cals
-in time left over AMRAP4 Alternating Archer Ring Pull Ups
1 Rope Climb
4 Alternating Archer Ring Push Ups
15 Double Unders
rest walk 2-3mins between sets x 3 Sets
Coach Tips:
If there are multiple higher skill movements in
one workout and you are still getting your
confidence up in these, it can be beneficial to
take one of the higher skill movements and
use the substitution list above to lower the
skill level. Create an environment with your
workout where you can keep moving.
Remember that you can also adjust the
difficulty of movements by changing range of
motion or the surface you are using. Examples
include using the floor instead of rings for
push ups to scale back. Or you can place mats
under your head for HSPU skills to decrease
the range of motion.
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Training under fatigue isnÕt always the ideal way to improve the muscular impacts of a
workout. Often times fatigue will simply make movement quality go down, which puts
people at risk with higher skill movements. But if we use fatigue with lower skill core and
abdominal movements, we can get a really powerful and safe effect. Breathing work
combined with core contractions is a terrific way to work the deeper abdominal muscles,
due to the force of respiration alongside simultaneous flexion and twisting motions. These
combinations are a terrific way to train your core.
How to Use - Because these workouts donÕt tax the upper or lower body too specifically
and really just focus on core and breathing work, they are great for use on almost any day
of training you have. If you have had a full body day of lifting then these are a particularly
great way to finish things up for the day.
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4 Rounds for Time:
Ski 250/200m
10 Supine Toes to Bar (3sec lowering)
rest 3mins
4 Rounds for Time:
500/450m Bike
10 Barbell Windshield Wipers
ÒAmanda BÓ
7min AMRAP:
Row 250/200m
10 Rower Pike Up
Coach Tip:
rest 3mins
7min AMRAP
Bike 10/8 cals
10 Ring Body Saw
Try to slow down on the core exercises and
really focus on getting full range of motion
and deep contractions with each rep.
When a tempo is called for be sure to hit it
For Time:
Toes to Rings
*100m Row between sets
rest 3-5mins
For Time:
Tuck ups
*250m Bike between sets
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4 Rounds for Time:
500/450m Bike
20 Alternating Single Leg V Ups
rest 3-5mins
4 Rounds for Time
250/200m Row
10 Ring Fall Outs
7min AMRAP:
Ski 9/7 Cals
12 V-Ups
rest 3mins
7min AMRAP
Bike 9/7 cals
12 Tuck Ups
For Time:
*250/200m Bike between
Coach Tip:
rest 3-5mins
For Time
Wtd Hollow Rocks with 10-15lbs plate in hands
*100m Row between sets
The quality of the reps means how much
you are focused on the totality of the
muscle contraction. Really bring your focus
to the muscles as you do your crunches
today in #6. It is a small range of motion so
you must focus on getting the most out of
each rep.
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The combination of a mono structural cardio movement with either weighted or
bodyweight movements in a time domain focused workout is a great way to develop
metabolic stress at the local muscle level. The movements IÕve selected either follow an
increasing rep count and/or have sufficient complexity and repetitions to them that you
canÕt really build up too much speed in these. Plus, the back to back nature of multiple 5
minute segments with rest results in a controlled pacing that keeps you feeling good at the
end while still reaping the benefits of hard conditioning work.
Be sure to have your equipment set up for all 3 pieces in each workout ahead of time if you
can. This will ensure you stick to the 2min timed rest intervals that are important to adhere
to closely.
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5min AMRAP
2-4-6-8-10-12Ékeep adding 2 reps per round
Renegade Rows 50/35lbs
*5 cal row between each set
rest 2mins
5min AMRAP
2-4-6-8-10-12...keep adding 2 reps per round
Strict Knees to Elbows
*5 Cal bike between each set
rest 2mins
5min AMRAP
2-4-6-8-10-12...keep adding 2 reps per round
Alternating DB Thrusters 50/35lbs
*30 Double Unders Between Each Set
Up Against the Wall
5min AMRAP
Ski 12/10 Cals
12 Close Grip Push Ups
rest 2mins
5min AMRAP
Bike 12/10 Cals
12 Goblet Cyclist Squats
rest 2mins
5min AMRAP
Row 12/10 Cals
2 Wall Walks
Coach Tip:
When there are weighted movements, opt for
something on the moderate to heavy side so
you have to really focus on the muscle
contractions vs. just racing through.
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Sneaky Strength
5min AMRAP: 1-2-3-4-5-6....
DB Bench Press 65/45lbs
*5 cal row between each set
rest 2mins
5min AMRAP
KB Rack Reverse Lunge (1 = 1/leg)
*20 Double Unders between each set
rest 2mins
5min AMRAP
Strict Toes to Bar
*5 Cal assault bike between each set
Swinging Gorilla
5min AMRAP: 2-4-6-8-10-12...keep adding 2 reps per
Alternating KB Gorilla Rows 70/53lbs
*5 Cal Bike Between Each Round
rest 2mins
5min AMRAP
2-4-6-8-10-12...keep adding 2 reps per round
Kipping toes to Rings
*5 Burpees Between Each Round
rest 2mins
Coach Tip:
5min AMRAP
2-4-6-8-10-12...keep adding 2 reps per round
Single Arm KB Hang Squat Cleans 53/35 (2 = 1/
arm, 4 = 2/arm, etc.)
*5 Cal Row Between Each Round
When performing Single Arm KB Cleans,
remember that a proper KB rack position at
the top brings the thumb into contact with the
chest. Avoid letting the hand/KB drift away
from the chest as this puts added stress on
the elbow.
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On the Floor
5min AMRAP: Row 12 Cals
10 Alternating KB Gorilla Row 53/35lbs
rest 2mins
5min AMRAP
Bike 12 Cals
6 DB Burpee Box Step Ups 3/leg
rest 2mins
5min AMRAP
Ski 12 Cals
8 Barbell Floor Press (155/105)
Up and Over
5min AMRAP: 1-2-3-4-5-6....
Single Arm Incline DB Bench Press 60/40lbs R
Single Arm Incline DB Bench Press 60/40lbs L
*1 Turkish Get Up/arm between each set 60/40lbs
rest 2mins
Coach Tip:
5min AMRAP
Wtd Strict Bar Dips (25/10lbs Dumbbell
Between legs)
*5 Cal Row between each set
rest 2mins
5min AMRAP
L-Sit Lift Overs (tap feet on each side = 1 rep)
*5 Cal Bike between each set
In the Up and Over workout the cadence of
the 3 five minute pieces will increase with each
one. It starts slow on purpose so stick with the
heavier loads and just focus on great
movements. Then things get a bit faster
towards the end. The final 5mins is very
similar to a fatigued abdominal workout
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When people write conditioning workouts, they often totally disregard isometrics and strict
gymnastics. This is a huge mistake in my opinion. Yes, I will agree that you will be slowing
down to hold a static position - or even using strict gymnastics can slow things down. But
slow isnÕt bad; it just provides control points that allow you to sustain longer and have more
high quality contractions as you move through fifteen minutes of continuous movement.
These formatted workouts will hammer home the point that these are important additions
to your conditioning.
How to Use - The 15min Grinder is a conditioning format that requires a certain mentality
to get the most value from. You have to look at the full 15mins as one continuous effort
that you are going to hold a steady state of work for. Get focused on your pace and keep
reminding yourself that your goal is to NOT STOP. You should finish one movement or hold
and be able to go right to the next. In the final moments you should be able to pick up the
speed if you needed to.
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15min Grinder:
20sec L Sit on Rings
15m Quadruped Crawl Forwards
15m Quadruped Crawl Backwards
10 Dual KB Clean and Push Press 44/26lbs
5 Strict Chest to Bar Pull Ups
15min Grinder:
30sec Dual KB Rack Wall Sit
30sec Dual KB Rack Carry
3 Wall Walks
6 Strict Toes to Bar
9 Ring Push Ups
15min Grinder:
20m Single Arm Farmers Walk R (heavy load)
5 Single Arm KB Rack Squat 2020 tempo R
5 Strict Lean Away Ring Pull Up
20m Single Arm Farmers Walk L (heavy load)
5 Single Arm KB Rack Squat 2020 tempo L
15sec L-Hang from Rings
Coach Tip:
There are a lot of carries and KB rack holds in
these formatted workouts. Remember to keep
your shoulder blades in a proper position,
which is slightly retracted and pulled down.
Avoid lifting up too much with your upper
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15min Grinder:
6 Dual KB Clean 53/35
20m Dual KB Rack Carry
6 Alternating Single Arm Bias Pull Ups 3/arm
6 Dual KB Push Press 53/35
20m Dual KB Rack Carry
6 Alternating Archer Ring Pull Up 3/arm
15min Grinder:
6 Floor Press 135/85lbs
30m Cross Body KB Carry 70/53 R
8 Strict Bar Dips
30m Cross Body KB Carry 70/53 R
10 Hand Release Push Ups
30 Double Unders
Coach Tip:
15min Grinder:
5 Strict Press 135/95lbs
20m Filly Carry R 70/53lbs
20m Forward Sled Drag HEAVY
5 Strict Ring Dips
20m Filly Carry L 70/53lbs
20m Reverse Sled Drag HEAVY
When performing movements like Push Ups or
Dips in the GRINDER formats, try to really take
your shoulders to the fullest capable range of
motion. You arenÕt rushing, so make the
movement great quality and hit full range.
That might mean even pushing your shoulder
blades forward a bit in a push up to get
another 1Ó at the top.
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These workouts move to a format with a higher repetition volume, and are either 10mins
long or 10 rounds in length. The goal in either case would be to get close to 7-10 rounds,
which means a lot of contractions using kettlebells and dumbbells. These workouts are
great for building unilateral volume into your training. A lot of strength sessions have a bias
towards bilateral exercises. By using this format, you can get a great dose of unilateral reps
in, which helps strength balance and muscular development.
How to Use - Err on the side of choosing weights are there moderate or lighter. Since you
will be moving for a lot of rounds and repetitions, the volume of contractions will do the
trick. You donÕt need heavy weights here to be effective.
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AMRAP 10mins:
5 Single Arm KB Floor Press R
5 Single Arm KB Floor Press L
5 Dual KB Clean
20m KB Front Rack Carry
2 Wall Walks
*you can pick a moderate weight KB, just be sure you can do the full reps of each
movement unbroken
10 Rounds for Time:
5 Tall Kneeling DB Press
5 DB Bent Over Row
5 DB Power Clean to Push Press
20m DB Overhead Carry
*purposely choose moderate to lighter dumbbells for this
AMRAP 10mins:
5 Single Arm KB Clean R
5 Single Arm KB Press R
15m Single Arm KB OH Carry
R 5 Single Arm KB Clean L
5 Single Arm KB Press L
15m Single Arm KB OH Carry L
*pick the toughest KB Weight you can confidently complete the 5 presses each round
Coach Tip:
For the 10min AMRAPs that are time capped,
consider doing the same workout in two
successive weeks and picking a different
weighted DB or KB to see how this impacts the
net effect of the workout.
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10 Rounds for Time:
5 Standing DB Arnold Press
5 DB Bent Over Row
5 DB Hammer Curls
10m DB Carry with hands at top of Hammer Curl
*choose a moderate to light DB weight. This will get hard
even with lighter DB's
AMRAP 10mins:
10 Body Rows
10 Single Arm KB Push Press R
10 Dual KB Gorilla Row
10 Single Arm KB Push Press L
Err on picking a light KB. We want constant movement for
10 Rounds for Time:
6 Incline Alternating DB Chest Press
6 Dumbbell Deadlifts
6 Hand Release T Push Ups
30m DB Farmers Carry
It is fine to use different loads for the Chest Press and the Deadlift. Deadlift likely will be
heavier and the same load you would use for the Farmers Carry
Coach Tip:
For incline chest presses in a conditioning workout, experiment
with different incline levels within the same workout. Try 5 rounds
at one incline and 5 rounds at another. Or choose the one that
feels most confident and safest on your shoulders.
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When I started to use this format over three years ago, I was blown away by the efficacy of
how specific movement couplets performed in high volume (either ascending or
descending in reps) had the power to impact muscle hypertrophy and give a massive
pump. The format is such that there are a lot of transitions that need to take place - and
often these transitions happen before the athlete gets to a point of failure. This ensures
you can keep moving, you never get going too fast, and that you stay in control throughout
the workout focusing principally on utmost quality muscle contractions.
How to Use - These couplet of couplet workouts are best paired up according to the
movement patterns of the day. The movements are almost always based around strict
exercises that donÕt leverage kipping or hip drive. This ensures you get an accessory style
muscle endurance impact rather than a total body intensity conditioning effect. Pick the
appropriate workout to match the strength or bodybuilding work you did that day.
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Coach Tip:
When the workout calls for going heavier with loads if
you can, keep in mind that you should be able to
complete the sets unbroken in most cases. DonÕt pick
100-lb KBs for deadlifts if it means you will have to
break the first set of 10 up into 4-4-2 as an example.
For Time:
Handstand Push Ups
Dual KB Gorilla Row 53/35lbs
rest 3mins
For Time
Kettlebell Bench Press 53/35lbs
*1 Legless Rope Climb between each set
For Time:
Double KB Deadlift 70/53/hand
(if you have heavier KB's by all means load up if you like)
Kipping Toes to Rings
rest 3mins
For Time
Body Rows
Cyclist Goblet Squat (70/53)
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For Time:
Strict Handstand Push Ups (Scale to Ring Dips)
*after each set:
5 Double KB Hang Snatch @ 53/35lbs/hand
Hand Release Push Ups
*after each set:
5 Double KB HPC to OH @ 53/35lbs/hand
Coach Tip:
For Time:
Barbell Bench Press (115/75lbs Starting load
- add weight every round)
Strict Toes to Rings
For Time
KB Floor Press 53/35lbs/hand
GHD Sit ups
In these variations when you donÕt get rest between
the two couplets, you have to think about the
entirety of the workout from the beginning. DonÕt
race through the first couplet only to arrive at the
second one exhausted and have to slowly slog your
way through. Use some of what youÕve learned
about pacing in other variations of the training to
pace well here. Even though these workouts say ÒFor
Time,Ó you will get maximal benefit if you stay
consistent throughout.
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For Time:
Barbell Z-Press (95/65)
Wtd GHD Hip Extensions 45/30
rest 3mins
For Time
Single Arm DB Bench 50lbs R
Strict Toes to Rings
Single Arm DB Bench 50lbs L
Kipping Toes to Rings
For Time:
Coach Tip:
KB Suitcase Deadlift R 70/53
KB Suitcase Deadlift L 70/53
Ring Push Ups
rest 3mins
For Time
Alternating KB Thrusters 53/35lbs
Dual KB Russian Swings 53/35lbs
Dual Russian Kettlebell Swings are a fantastically
hard exercise and will really challenge your posterior
chain and shoulder stability mechanics. One
common mistake I see here is people shrugging up
their shoulders and using their upper traps too
much. Really focus on keep the shoulder blades
down and using your hips to drive the swing action.
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One of the most common faults I see when clients do mixed modal conditioning and metcons
is coming out too hot. They start off super fast and they burn out quickly, leading to poor
quality reps and increased risk of injury. Also, when you are just trying to survive a workout and
get the reps done, you are not thinking about the quality of contractions each rep gets. Focus
on quality contractions will increase your ability to get great muscular adaptation. Like Arnold
always said, Òyou have to be inside the muscle and feel and see the contractions happen.Ó
This format is great for keeping that ßy and die common fault at bay. By having a sizable buy in
on a conditioning tool, the athlete will get pre-fatigued and normalize their pace before starting
to hit the weighted contractions that follow. The pre-fatigue will send blood to the muscles and
the metabolic stress of that aerobic work beforehand will enhance the repetitions to come.
How to Use - You always begin with a Buy-In on a cardio piece. In the AMRAP versions, once
that distance is completed, use the remainder of the time allotted to complete as many rounds
of the movements listed in order as possible. For the FOR TIME versions, you will move directly
into completing the work rounds listed. In either case, only perform the Buy In cardio piece one
When you kick these workouts off, the Buy In portion of the workout is designed to take up
anywhere from 1/4-1/2 of the total workout time. With that in mind, pick a challenging but
manageable pace on the cardio implement to start. DonÕt be in a rush to get through it. When
you Þnish the row/bike/ski/etc, you should feel like going and grabbing that Þrst rep right away.
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4min AMRAP:
500/450mm Row Buy In
-then in time remaining6 Gorilla Rows 70/53lbs
6 GHD Sit Ups
rest 2mins
4min AMRAP
1000/900m Bike Buy In
-then in time remaining8 Goblet Reverse Lunge Alternating Legs 70/53lbs
4 Single Arm DB Deadlift R 70lbs
4 Single Arm DB Deadlift L 70lbs
rest 2mins
Repeat again from the TOP
Coach Tip:
For Time:
40/35 Cal Row
KB Push Press 53/35
*after each set:
100' Front Rack Carry
Rest 5mins
For Time:
40/35 Cal AB
Hand Release T Push-Ups
*after each set:
8/6 Strict Pull Ups
In ÒCharlesÓ Part 2 you are going to be performing
strict gymnastics in a couplet after the assault bike. I
encourage you in any workout with strict gymnastics
to focus on the quality of your range of motion as
opposed to the speed of getting the reps done. So
instead of just trying to get your chin to clear the
bar, try pulling as high as you can on every rep. For
the push ups, try really pressing your shoulder
blades up to the ceiling on every rep rather than just
locking out the elbows. This will have a dual effect of
keeping you controlled in your intensity and also
maximizing functional range, which means training
more of the joint and muscles.
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8mins AMRAP:
50/44 Cal Ski buy in
-then in time remaining AMRAP8 DB Hang Power Cleans 50/35lbs
2 Rope Climbs
rest 4mins
8mins AMRAP
50/44 Cal Row buy In
*Every 60sec until you finish these calories you must get off the rower and complete 4 DB
Front Squats 50/35lbs
-then in time remainingComplete as many DB Devils Press as you can 50/35lbs
4min AMRAP: 500/450m Row buy In
-then in time remaining4 Renegade Rows 50/35lbs/hand
32 Double Unders
rest 2mins
4min AMRAP
1000/900m Bike buy in
-then in time remaining4 Dual KB Russian Swings 53/35lbs
3 Dual KB Cleans
2 Dual KB Rack Squats
rest 2mins
Repeat again from the TOP
Coach Tip:
In ÒAlessandroÓ there is a KB complex in
the second 4min AMRAP. As a challenge,
try to perform every round of the complex
unbroken (4+3+2 all in a row without
putting the bells down). Then you can rest
and repeat those complexes as many
times as you can in the remainder of the
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For Time:
Ski 40/35 Cal Buy In
Dual KB Gorilla Row 53/35
*15/12 Push-Ups After Each Round
rest 5mins
Row 40/35 Cal Buy In
Barbell Z Press 75/55lbs
*50m KB Rack Carry After Each Round 70/53lbs
8mins AMRAP:
1000/900m Row buy in
-then in time remainingAMRAP
4 Single Arm KB Front Squats R 53/35lbs
4 Single Arm KB Split Snatch R 53/35lbs
4 Single Arm KB Front Squats L 53/35lbs
4 Single Arm KB Split Snatch L 53/35lbs
rest 4mins
8mins AMRAP
400/350m Ski Buy In
-then in time remaining10 Close Grip KB Push Ups
5 Single Arm KB Clean and Push Press R 53/35lbs
5 Single Arm KB Clean and Push Press L 53/35lbs
*additionally at min 4 you must stop and return to the ski erg and complete another
400/350m Ski
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In the world of writing conditioning workouts it is so common to see full body exercises and
lower body exercises being used. It makes sense in a traditional programming philosophy
where the goal is total body intensity. Full body and lower body movements are often more
powerful and generate more intensity. With Functional Pump Conditioning and the FBB
approach, we want more specificity on what parts of the body get worked. We also want to
control intensity to get the most value from our contractions and optimize body
composition and stress too. So the Upper Muscle Endurance format really allows us to
focus in on the upper body and get a lot of great contractions in this portion of the body
whilst also getting your breathing up!
How to Use - I find that if you are short on time and you want to get a good upper body
workout for the day, this is a great stand alone format. You can do a short FBB Prehab/Prep
session for the upper body and then jump right into this. IÕd go with the 4 set format in
these instances and if you have a little extra time and want to bump things up to 5 sets, it is
going to be totally suffi cient to blast your upper body for the full session.
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4 sets: 10 Strict HSPU
10 DB Push Press 50/35lbs
10 Bent over BB Row @ 135/95lbs
20/17 Cal Row -damper 10
40 Double Unders
-rest 2mins between sets-
4 sets: Every 5mins Start a New Set
20 HARD Effort Row Strokes with damper set to 10
100' Farmers Walk @ 70/53lbs/hand
10 Strict Pull Ups - vary grip each set (mixed grip, supinated, pronated)
5 Renegade Rows 70/50lbs (TOUGH WEIGHT)
For Time:
500/450m Row @ Tough Effort
200' KB Front Rack Carry @ 70/53lbs
-rest 2 minAMRAP 4 min - Strict HSPU
AMRAP 3 min - Strict Toes to Bar
AMRAP 2 min - Burpees -no jump @ top
AMRAP 1 min - Double Unders
-rest 2 min200' KB Front Rack Carry @ 70/53lbs
500/450m Row @ Tough Effort
Coach Tip:
You are seeing some advanced gymnastics
show up here like Strict HSPU. If you donÕt
have these yet please refer to the
substitution list back in the Advanced
Gymnastics section. The point is that you
are starting your sets off with the harder
advanced movements. Choose something
that challenges you and donÕt be afraid to
try something just a little outside your
comfort zone.
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4 sets: 45 Weighted Rope Double Unders
8 Double KB Hang Power Clean to Overhead @ 53/35lbs/hand
16 Deficit Push Ups Hands on Kettlebells
8 Double KB Bent Over Row @ 53/35lbs/hand
16 Sit Ups - feet anchored around KB
300/275m Row - damper 10
-rest 2-3 mins between sets
Coach Tip:
I like to use Damper 10 Settings on the
Concept 2 machines as a tool when doing
this type of upper body work. While
rowing is supposed to be a lower and full
body exercise, when you raise the drag
factor of the rowing machine, you canÕt
help but get a bit more upper body pump.
This pairs nicely with our upper body
4 sets:
Every 5mins Start a New Set
6 Strict C2B Pull Ups
9 KB Pullovers 53/35lbs#
12 Alt. Dual KB Gorilla Rows
53/35lbs# (6/arm)
15/13 Cal Row damper 10
For Time:
500m Row
-1 min rest5 rounds for time:
8 Strict Bar Dips
8 Dual KB Cleans 53/35lbs/hand
-1 min rest500m Row
-1 min rest5 rounds for time:
12 Unbroken Push Ups
12 Unbroken Kettlebell Swings 53/35lbs
*Unbroken Sets - you must complete all 12 reps without stopping. Penalty if you don't is to
restart the reps for that set from 0. Pace yourself and lower the rep count as needed in
order to challenge yourself with unbroken but manageable sets.
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These workouts were designed to help take the pressure off you as an athlete and not
worry about the clock and going fast. The entire format utilizes movements that by the
nature of their cycle time, range of motion, and loading, canÕt go fast. You will be slowly
grinding your way through them. So donÕt worry about going fast and instead really focus
on the QUALITY aspect of this.
How to Use - These are great workouts to put at the end of a training session that had
some particularly hard and intense lifting or gymnastics sets in it. If you have already
tapped out your brain a bit with your weightlifting, then give your brain and body a little
break and pick a workout that is quality focused, slower in tempo, and really just a great full
body core workout.
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ÒRyan Y.Ó
For Quality:
1 min Hollow Hold
200' Sandbag Bear Hug Carry @ 150#/100#
1 min Superman Hold
200' KB Cross Body Carry R @ 70/53#
1 min Hollow Hold
200' Sandbag Bear Hug Carry @ 150#/100#
1 min Superman Hold
200' KB Cross Body Carry L @ 70/53#
1 min Hollow Hold
Coach Tip:
For the exercises that call for carries and
holds, I want you thinking about how you are
using your shoulder blades and stabilizing
them. Adopting strong and safe positions
with your shoulder while carrying
implements is not only important to staying
safe, but also to reinforcing great shoulder
stability for later on when you are doing
more complex dynamic movements.
For Quality:
100 Weighted Rope DU's
8 Alt TGU @ 70/53lbs
75 Weighted Rope DU's
6 Alt TGU @ 70/53lbs
50 Weighted Rope DU's
4 Alt TGU @ 70/53lbs
25 Weighted Rope DU's
2 Alt TGU @ 70/53lbs
12mins For Quality:
2 Turkish Get Up R 53/35lbs
8 Single Arm KB Clean and Push Press R (begin at the top of the last rep of TGU)
53/35lbs 20m Single Arm KB Overhead Carry R 53/35lbs
12 Forearm Plank to Tall Plank
2 Turkish Get Up L 53/35lbs
8 Single Arm KB Clean and Push Press L (begin at the top of the last rep of TGU) 53/35lbs
20m Single Arm KB Overhead Carry L 53/35lbs
Assault Bike .3 Miles
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For Quality:
1 min KB Rack Wall Sit 53/35lbs
200' Double KB Front Rack Carry 53/35lbs
1 min Right Leg Wall Sit
200' Double KB Overhead Carry 53/35lbs
1 min Left Leg Wall Sit
200' Double KB Front Rack Carry 53/35lbs
1 min KB Rack Wall Sit
200' Double KB Overhead Carry 53/35lbs
Coach Tip:
For Quality:
12 Strict Toes to Rings
10 Renegade Rows 50/35lbs
8 Wall Walks
10 Strict Toes to Rings
8 Renegade Rows 50/35lbs
6 Wall Walks
8 Strict Toes to Rings
6 Renegade Rows 50/35lbs
4 Wall Walks
6 Strict Toes to Rings
4 Renegade Rows 50/35lbs
2 Wall Walks
I love the complex of moving from a Turkish
Sit Up directly into a Z Press. The
combination is great for core strength,
shoulder mobility, and scapular endurance. I
encourage you to scale back loads in
Workout 6 if you are feeling at all like the
challenge of this load is too much. You
should be feeling smooth in this complex
and not straining too much.
12mins Continuous Work For Quality:
5 Single Arm Turkish Sit Up R 35/26lb
5 Single Arm KB Z Press R 35/26lb
3 Wall Walks
5 Single Arm Turkish Sit Up L 35/26lb
5 Single Arm KB Z Press L 35/26lb
Row 100m
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WhatÕs Next
Did you love these workouts? We hope so! Functional Bodybuilding has a wide range of
applications, and you can find more programs using these training methods at revivalstrength.com.
For a full training program that incorporates this conditioning style as well as warmups,
mobility, strength and structural balance work, and more, Persist is a fantastic option. This
ongoing subscription program comes with full equipment, minimal equipment, and
bodyweight only options for ultimate flexibility, and includes five days of training per week
plus rest day and recovery flows.
Get a free two week trial of Persist at https://revival-strength.com/persist-minimalist/
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