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Anatomy & Physiology Exam Review Sheet

Rochester General College of Health Careers
Isabella Graham Hart School of Practical Nursing
PN 100 Anatomy and Physiology
Units 6 – 9 Exam 2 Review Sheet
Students: this review sheet developed to take supplemental notes during the review session for exam one and
supplements the individual unit review sheets completed during each systems topic. This will be reviewed at
the scheduled unit review, and one may use as desired to prepare and study for the unit exam.
The exam on Units 6 - 9 is a 50 - item exam that includes 48 single answer multiple choice questions and
two select all that apply. There are 12 to 13 content questions from each unit on the exam.
Disclaimer: This review sheet is intended for students to use as a guide to supplement, organize, and then
apply content for this unit before, during, after the unit examination and future course and program work.
1. Estrogen and progesterone drive the menstrual cycle. What are the levels of estrogen and
progesterone during each phase of the menstrual cycle?
 Menstrual
 Proliferative
 Secretory
 Premenstrual
2. What substances do each of the following enzymes located in the small intestine digest?
 Maltase
RGCOCH Aug 2022 PN 100 AP Unit 6-9 Exam 2 Review Sheet
Developed 8.14.2022 CB JEL EW
Rochester General College of Health Careers
Isabella Graham Hart School of Practical Nursing
PN 100 Anatomy and Physiology
Units 6 – 9 Exam 2 Review Sheet
 Lipase
3. What are the definitions of each of the following terms?
 Emulsification
Contact digestion
Chemical digestion
Mechanical digestion
4. What are the definitions and functions of each of the transmitters noted below?
 Neurotransmitter
5. What nervous system cells are in each of the following?
 Central nervous system
Peripheral nervous system
RGCOCH Aug 2022 PN 100 AP Unit 6-9 Exam 2 Review Sheet
Developed 8.14.2022 CB JEL EW
Rochester General College of Health Careers
Isabella Graham Hart School of Practical Nursing
PN 100 Anatomy and Physiology
Units 6 – 9 Exam 2 Review Sheet
6. What is the function of each of the receptors?
 Chemoreceptor
7. What are the definitions of each of the following?
 Ptosis
RGCOCH Aug 2022 PN 100 AP Unit 6-9 Exam 2 Review Sheet
Developed 8.14.2022 CB JEL EW
Rochester General College of Health Careers
Isabella Graham Hart School of Practical Nursing
PN 100 Anatomy and Physiology
Units 6 – 9 Exam 2 Review Sheet
8. What is the purpose or function of each of the following in the eye?
 Iris
Optic disc
9. What are the following associated with the tongue?
 Gustation
Four primary tastes
10. What is the function of each of the following related to hearing?
RGCOCH Aug 2022 PN 100 AP Unit 6-9 Exam 2 Review Sheet
Developed 8.14.2022 CB JEL EW
Rochester General College of Health Careers
Isabella Graham Hart School of Practical Nursing
PN 100 Anatomy and Physiology
Units 6 – 9 Exam 2 Review Sheet
Tympanic membrane
Auditory ossicles
Organ of Corti
Cochlear nerve
11. What is the definition of each of the following terms?
 Ataxia
12. What is the function of each part of a neuron? What part contains the nucleus of the neuron?
RGCOCH Aug 2022 PN 100 AP Unit 6-9 Exam 2 Review Sheet
Developed 8.14.2022 CB JEL EW
Rochester General College of Health Careers
Isabella Graham Hart School of Practical Nursing
PN 100 Anatomy and Physiology
Units 6 – 9 Exam 2 Review Sheet
Myelin sheath
13. What are the main functions of each area of the brain?
 Cerebrum
14. What is the function of each of the following organs in the digestive system?
RGCOCH Aug 2022 PN 100 AP Unit 6-9 Exam 2 Review Sheet
Developed 8.14.2022 CB JEL EW
Rochester General College of Health Careers
Isabella Graham Hart School of Practical Nursing
PN 100 Anatomy and Physiology
Units 6 – 9 Exam 2 Review Sheet
Small intestine
Large intestine
Pancreas (exocrine)
15. What (in correct order) are the three parts of the small intestine?
16. What (in correct order) are the four parts of the large intestine?
17. What is the definition of each term below?
 Digestion
 Peristalsis
18. What is basal metabolic rate?
RGCOCH Aug 2022 PN 100 AP Unit 6-9 Exam 2 Review Sheet
Developed 8.14.2022 CB JEL EW
Rochester General College of Health Careers
Isabella Graham Hart School of Practical Nursing
PN 100 Anatomy and Physiology
Units 6 – 9 Exam 2 Review Sheet
19. What is the purpose or function of each of the following in the digestive system?
 Bile
20. What is the definition of each of the following terms?
 Polyuria
21. What is the function of each of the following glands? What hormones do they produce? What
are the functions of each hormones?
 Anterior pituitary gland
Posterior pituitary gland
RGCOCH Aug 2022 PN 100 AP Unit 6-9 Exam 2 Review Sheet
Developed 8.14.2022 CB JEL EW
Rochester General College of Health Careers
Isabella Graham Hart School of Practical Nursing
PN 100 Anatomy and Physiology
Units 6 – 9 Exam 2 Review Sheet
Thyroid gland
Adrenal cortex
Adrenal medulla
22. What hormones are produced by the cells in the Isles of Langerhans endocrine pancreas? What
are their functions?
 Alpha cells
Beta cells
Delta cells
23. What hormone is produced by the pineal gland? What is the function of this hormone?
24. What is the purpose of the digestive system?
25. What is the purpose of the endocrine system?
RGCOCH Aug 2022 PN 100 AP Unit 6-9 Exam 2 Review Sheet
Developed 8.14.2022 CB JEL EW
Rochester General College of Health Careers
Isabella Graham Hart School of Practical Nursing
PN 100 Anatomy and Physiology
Units 6 – 9 Exam 2 Review Sheet
26. What is spermatogenesis? When does sperm production begin in males? How long does sperm
production occur in male life span?
27. What is the definition of each term below?
 Parturition:
28. What happens during each of the phases of the menstrual cycle noted below?
 Last days of menstruation
Follicular phase
Luteal phase
RGCOCH Aug 2022 PN 100 AP Unit 6-9 Exam 2 Review Sheet
Developed 8.14.2022 CB JEL EW
Rochester General College of Health Careers
Isabella Graham Hart School of Practical Nursing
PN 100 Anatomy and Physiology
Units 6 – 9 Exam 2 Review Sheet
29. How many chromosomes are in a mature sperm and ovum?
30. What is the function of each of the following in sperm?
 Flagella
31. What is the corpus cavernosum in the penis?
32. What are the functions of the following in the umbilical cord of the fetus?
 Umbilical vein
Umbilical arteries
33. What is the function of each of the following in the uterus?
 Endometrium
34. What is oxytocin? What is its function in the body?
RGCOCH Aug 2022 PN 100 AP Unit 6-9 Exam 2 Review Sheet
Developed 8.14.2022 CB JEL EW