ENGL101: Research and Writing 1 Essential Research Question Worksheet Before beginning a research process, formulating a research question to guide your process keeps you focused on the topic you are exploring. An essential research question is an openminded question that requires you to look at and explore both sides of your research. This question will lead you through your research process but will also lead to additional essential questions. These questions will help you narrow your topic, focus on important sources, and interpret your research. For this beginning step of the research process, use this worksheet to focus in on the research question you will seek to answer. To do this, you will complete the following steps: o Prewrite through a freewriting process to establish what you know o Continue the prewriting process by developing a list of questions about your topic you would like to know the answer to—the more the better! o Seek patterns within the questions you generated to help guide your thinking o Develop an essential research question to guide your research process. While this question may grow and change through the process, it becomes your launching point for the process. Be sure to complete the above steps in order to ensure you have completely explored the questions around your topic. When you have completed the essential research question worksheet to develop your research question, submit the worksheet to the course to receive instructor feedback. You can then begin seeking the answer to your question. Step 1: The Topic Your topic: Privacy rights Step 2: Freewriting Freewriting is a pre-writing strategy meant to allow free flowing, uncensored ideas. These ideas should help you gather thoughts, ideas, and topics that you may want to explore as you move forward. To complete this freewriting, follow these steps exactly: 1. Set a timer for 10 minutes. 2. When you push start, begin typing and type continuously without stopping (in sentence/paragraph form). If you run out of topics to write about, repeat the last word ENGL101 – PP Essential Research Question Worksheet 2 you wrote until another thought comes. [If you prefer to handwrite, feel free to write this step out on paper and upload a picture with the rest of the Worksheet.] 3. This may be the only time you hear this in an English class, but do NOT worry about mistakes in spelling, grammar, etc. Those are concerns for a draft, not the pre-writing process. 4. When the alarm rings, finish your last thoughts before stopping. What to write about: In the space below (or on a separate piece of paper), describe why you chose your topic and discuss what you know about your topic already (before beginning the heavy research process). Privacy rights can mean a lot of things weather weather its its with patients or people with disablitys or just you living in your home often so our privacy is broken by the law or just by people with no respect succh as stalkers stalkers stalkers stalkers and what ever have you. I feel as though privacy is very important important important Important important and it can make or break break break break you and how you feel in your home home home home and the worst feeling to me is to have your home violated violated violated sometimes the la violates violates violates violates privacy with out your knowinf like wiretapping and many more or scammers can hack into your accounts and get into all of your personal information so a violation of privacy can come from many places places places with out your knodwadgle that’s the most scarriest thing is knowing at anymoment your pivacy could be violated and life can be changed Step 3: Brainstorming Questions Now that you have explored what you know about your topic, spend 15 or 20 minutes listing questions about your topic. You want this list to be as long as you can make it. Don’t feel confined by simple questions about background information. You will find that type of information out as you research; instead, dig deeper into questions that encourage thought and connections. What is a volation of privacy? How can privacy every day life? What is coverd by privacy laws? What sparked this topic and what made it so contraversal ? Are there any laws and if so how many ? Are there any contraversal court cases if so how many and what one stood out the most ? ENGL101 – PP Essential Research Question Worksheet 3 Step 4: Developing the Essential Research Question Read through the questions you have generated. What questions are interconnected or related? What patterns do you see? What questions can be combined into more detailed, focused questions? Mojrity of my questions are focused on the law aspect of privacy. So they are mostly connected that way.i belive I can combine my non law questions to gether to get one more detailed foucus. Step 5: Writing the Essential Research Question The Research Question you begin with helps you begin the research process, but it will change and lead to more questions as you explore and learn. Try using the below formats to get started generating an essential research question: What is the relationship between __priavte_________________________ and _____________public______________? What effect does ________vilation of privacy have _________________________________________________________________? What difference does ___________________pubilc information have over private__________________________________________________? What is the best explanation for _____________private information_______________________________________________? Why does it matter that _____________certian things remain private ______________________________________________________? What can society do about ____________respecting priacvy _____________________________________________________? ENGL101 – PP Essential Research Question Worksheet How could things be better ___________with privacy law_____________________________________________________? What is more important ______________privacy or public inofrmation_____________________________________________________? What might be the cause of ______________________violation of privacy__________________________________________? Or formulate your own questions…. Step 6: Choose a Question After exploring possible questions, pick one to be the focus for your research process: 4