Gagne style Strategies for Instruction How do we teach it? Stages to Learning Acquisition Fluency Maintenance Generalization Activities That Teach? What are some of the different things your coaches/teachers/parents have done to teach you something? Remember Instructional strategies have 2 distinct purposes for the task at hand. 1. 2. They give information and provide assistance. They also give feedback and reinforcement. BEYOND INCIDENTAL/ SPONTANEOUS LEARNING Planned Learning Lesson design Examples What it can look like. OtUPhI carlton’s dance Gagne #1 Attention Grabbers Gagne #2 3 PART OBJECTIVES Determine the ‘CONDITION’ Coach to the Natural Cue -the factor that tells us to initiate the skill in the natural setting Ex. How will you know when to wash your hands? - they are dirty - you are going to eat - you are finished going to the bathroom Determine the ‘STANDARD’ What is the realistic end goal for the learning? Complete task: • Independently • With verbal/visual/gesture prompt How can you be confident they have learned the goal? • Passing grade on a test? • Time it takes to complete the task? • Consecutive days they perform the task? Gagne #3 PRIOR LEARNING Making connections to previous learning knowledge Cognitively sets learning - Frontloads learning Assists in memory – storage and retrieval Assists in transfer and generalization Activities – ask questions, quiz, review, video, summary Gagne #4 PRESENTING THE CONTENT – TEACHING STRATEGIES Parallel talk Before any formal teaching ever begins, talk about the task. Demonstration Model the task, allow the individual to observe you. Demonstration can be done in different ways: 1. The instructor demonstrates. 2. The learner can watch another person. 3. The instructor can physically guide the learner through the task. Task Analysis and Chaining Breaking down the task to learnable chunks Total task Forward Backward Chalk and Talk Coach has the information, and the coach presents the information to the learner. Lecture PPT Notes/handouts worksheets Single Pieces of Learning This learning requires a single or discrete response. Often used to teach cognitive tasks. Several methods: Match to sample Oddity Simple discrimination Paired associations Experimenting Allowing the individual to discover what works best 1. state the problem or question 2. experiment – try 2 or 3 solutions 3. choose the best one Trial and error protecting an egg Experimenting Functional applications? Problem Solving Helping the individual/groups solve their own problems – informed decision making 1. explain the problem 2. what are possible solutions 3. discuss what to do next and commit to an action 4. review results Problem Solving Functional applications? Role Rehearsal Practice of social skills 1. define the issue 2. coach models behaviour 3. learner models behaviour OR 1. Determine the issue 2. Exaggerate the undesirable approach 3. Learner demonstrates the desired approach Stories – different then social stories Presents a situation in such a way that clients can gain understanding. 1. 2. 3. Develop relevant story Present the story Ask questions or problem solve solutions with the client Games A type of instruction that integrates the focal concepts in an activity. More in Lab computer science Gagne #5 GUIDANCE Supervised Practice Helping them remember – scaffolding • Tips and tricks • Work sheets • Case study/examples • Mnemonics • Concept maps/ graphic organizers • Role play touch and go game of birds Prompting Is where you give assistance to learn a new task. Gagne #6 PRACTICE BUILDS CONFIDENCE Unsupervised Practice Instructional Aids They are supplementary training devices/activities. They support and reinforce the learning of a task/skill. More in Lab Why use them? Provide the learner with opportunities to discover, do, see and/or hear Offers learners practice and application Can help solve language barriers Assists learners in remembering important information Gain and hold learners' attention To clarify and aid generalization of concepts Things to Remember Must be practical Portable, durable and safe Easy to use Should not require a lot of trainer support Aid in increasing the learner's attention on the task The aid should appeal to the learner but not distract the learner Clearly connected to lesson objective Gagne #7 FEEDBACK Reinforcement Be specific Immediate work to delayed Praise is always ok Fade out tangibles Correction Give what is needed – not more Immediate Encourage Praise some aspect of the task Gagne #8 ASSESSING LEARNING An evaluation tool that reflects the learning and your objective (standard) Test/quiz on content Data collection chart Case study/scenario Performance of skill • Rubric Gagne #9 RETENTION AND TRANSFER Maintaining the knowledge Identify ongoing practice Applying knowledge to new situations New examples Case studies Student critiques Teach another *special note #4,5,6,8 Strategies under each can be interchanged and used throughout the lesson example: safely crossing the street #4 – story #5 – role play #6 – problem solve a situation activity #8 – matching game * goal is to have an active lesson Another way to look at lesson planning Introduction Content Assessment • 1 – gain attention • 2 - objective • 3 – prior learning • 4 – present content • 5 – provide learning guidance • 6 – provide learning activities (practice) • 7 – provide feedback • 8 – assess performance • 9 – enhance retention and transfer Summary One more Review Gagné's Nine Events of Instruction - YouTube