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MDIDS-GT Software User Guide: Gas Turbine Design

MDIDS-GT Software User Guide ©
January 2025
Imagine the possibilities
Imagine the possibilities
Integrated Design System for
Gas Turbines and Electric Ducted Fans
User Guide
Release Version
RDDM © 2025
Research Design Development Management
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MDIDS-GT Software User Guide ©
January 2025
Welcome to MDIDS-GT
The Multi-Disciplinary Integrated Design System for Gas Turbines. This software is an evolutionary step
in the state-of-the-art for gas turbine whole engine multi-disciplinary-integrated (MDI) development,
design, analysis, and simulation. A proper MDI foundation is important to bring value to the multidisciplinary-optimization (MDO) approach.
What makes MDIDS-GT so different from other academic or commercially available gas turbine software?
Well, it combines, incorporates, and standardizes many unique disciplines into one functional and
versatile environment. MDIDS-GT is much more cost effective, as compared to other software that offer
different tools for different disciplines, because MDIDS-GT is a single software flexible enough to be used
for many disciplines and support the various gas turbine design activities related to these disciplines.
MDIDS-GT is a powerful & inexpensive conceptual and detailed design tool. It incorporates the use of
the various 1D and 2D philosophies and methodologies, which have been developed and used by the gas
turbine industry over the last seventy years, into one user-friendly, versatile, and functional application
environment. MDIDS-GT can be used for:
o Preliminary performance analysis and cross section set-up
o Design-point detailed design of compressor and turbine stages
o Generation of off-design performance maps
o Airfoil design and preliminary stress analysis
o Disk design and preliminary stress analysis
o Preliminary internal air-system allocation
o Preliminary Turbine cooling flow assessment
o And much more to come through planned releases
This software was developed for both the entry-level engineer and the well-experienced designer in mind.
It will help you create a whole gas turbine engine from concept to detailed design quickly.
Imagine… you will be able to:
o Reduce the concept and detailed design lead-times
o Reduce the concept and detailed design resource requirements
o Reduce the cost of using expensive third-party tools and software
o Maintain consistency between your communicated designs
o Reduce peer-to-peer information transfer error
o Improve inter-disciplinary communication and standardization
o Quickly converge on the myriad of design parameter decisions
o View the design in a rapidly generated 3D representation
o And most importantly, it will become an integral part of your organization’s design system
MDIDS-GT is more than just software; it is a professional relationship with us. We are more than just a
service provider; we are your partners. With MDIDS-GT you will have access to continuous updates,
research resources and associates, and a passionate collaborative team ready to help you make this
amazing, specialized engineering software, an integral part of your design system.
How easy is it to use MDIDS-GT?
MDIDS-GT is based on RDDM's philosophies of Lean, Quality, and Agile with respect to software design.
That means that every attempt has been made to make this specialized engineering application as simple
and intuitive as possible. In other words, it is VERY EASY to use. And finally, feel free to send us your
feedback, comments, and suggestions.
Enjoy 
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I would like to convey my heartfelt and sincere gratitude to my main sponsor and stakeholder, Dr.
Marcelo Reggio, for his generosity in offering me to start teaching ten years ago the Aero Propulsion
course AER 4270 at Polytechnique Montreal. He set in motion this entire software development and
educational endeavor the day he called me and said “you will teach the bachelor course!”
Then one day, a few years later, with a simple, straight faced phrase of “there must be a PhD in
all of this research you do?” he started me on the journey of obtaining a PhD based on transonic axial
compressors. It was his confidence that inspired and ignited the inner courage and grit to execute such
an undertaking.
I would also like to thank Dr. Ron Miller and Dr. Steen Sjolander, of Carleton University, for
offering me to teach the Aero Propulsion course AERO 4402. It is with honor and humbleness that I
stepped behind the podium that Dr. Herb Saravanamuttoo stood for many decades; and I even received a
signed copy of his latest edition … now that’s just awesome!
A special thank you is passed on to Eddy Petro and Alain Robidoux, of Polytechnique Montreal,
who both shared their knowledge and supported the CFD aspect of my PhD thesis. Not only did I benefit
from their knowledge transfer, so did the students of Polytechnique Montreal and Carleton University.
Much thanks and gratitude are due to the countless cited authors who prepared the fields of
knowledge to be harvested by this humble researcher. There are no better words to describe them than
those stated by Sir Isaac Newton; “If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders
of giants.”
And finally, and most importantly, I would like to thank my students of AER 4270, MEC 6615, and
AERO 4402, who have participated, laughed, asked questions, and surprised me of what they are
capable of doing with respect to gas turbine design, analysis, and simulation. It is because of you, your
constructive criticism, your enthusiastic participation to create new modules and new knowledge, and the
desire to do more that has made MDIDS-GT grow into what it is today; a multi disciplinary application that
lets you “Imagine the possibilities” ...
… and yes … I know … there are bugs … and the compressor crashes … my bad.
John Kidikian, PhD, Eng.
MDIDS-GT Senior research associate
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John Kidikian and Private
Jad T. J. I. Hassani
Seif Fouda
Amine Kchouk
Cedric Kouakou
Marco Esteban Casteneda
Charles Tremblay
Abdel-amir Salah
John Kidikian
Zineddine Aliche
Elias Belaïd
François Boucher
Chelesty Badrieh
Dany Chemali
Jean-Christophe Côté
Alain Khazzaka
Reda Hsein
Christian Kouatchou Tchamo
Kaven Marcoux
Philippe de Tilly
Adib Andraos
Oussama Azdad
Electric Ducted Fan off-design
performance module
Nacelle and Aircraft Fuselage CFD
Overall cross section gas path
prediction module
NOMAD MDIDS-GT integration
Turbine tip clearance literature
Turbofan fan stage CFD with
ANYSIS Turbogrid & CFX
Turbine stage geometry prediction
Turbine disk-fixing-blade stress
analysis using ANSYS
Transonic axial compressor test
data matching
Analyse aérodynamique d’une
chambre de combustion annulaire
Analyse du transfert de chaleur à
travers les aubes d’une turbine d’un
moteur à combustion avec ANSYS
Axial compressor geometry
Compressor airfoil profile shape
Turbo-prop performance charts
Turbo-fan performance charts
Preliminary investigation towards
axial compressor geometry
Centrifugal compressor theory
Méthode d’analyse du transfert de
chaleur au travers du disque d’une
turbine à gaz
Protocole – Analyse de la
transmission de chaleur dans l’aube
d’une turbine à gaz
Protocole – Analyse de la
transmission de chaleur dans l’aube
d’une turbine à gaz avec
Axial compressor test data
Preliminary cooling flow estimation
Incorporated into
MDIDS-GT or Course
Yes - Both
Yes - Both
Yes - Course Notes
Yes - Both
And many more future collaborators to come!
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Table of Contents
Welcome to MDIDS-GT ................................................................................................................................. 2
Using MDIDS-GT: Basic Overview ............................................................................................................... 10
Design Window ........................................................................................................................................... 14
The DESIGN tab ........................................................................................................................................... 15
STEP 1: Preliminary Design ......................................................................................................................... 18
STEP 2: Detailed Design .............................................................................................................................. 27
STEP 3: Off-Design Analysis......................................................................................................................... 74
The CONES tab ............................................................................................................................................ 84
The EXHAUST tab ........................................................................................................................................ 86
The AIR SYSTEM tab .................................................................................................................................... 87
The SHAFTS tab ........................................................................................................................................... 90
The COMBUSTOR tab .................................................................................................................................. 92
The NACELLE tab ......................................................................................................................................... 93
The MATERIALS tab..................................................................................................................................... 97
The PERFORMANCE Tab.............................................................................................................................. 99
Full Engine 3D Cross-Section Visualization ............................................................................................... 103
CONSOLE application for optimization with NOMAD ............................................................................... 106
APPENDIX I – Off-Design Analysis User Interface Evolution ..................................................................... 112
Closure ...................................................................................................................................................... 115
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Table of Figures
Figure 1: Main window ................................................................................................................................ 10
Figure 2: Design window ............................................................................................................................. 10
Figure 3: Multiple design windows .............................................................................................................. 11
Figure 4: Auto-initialization panel ................................................................................................................ 12
Figure 5: Design window ............................................................................................................................. 14
Figure 6: DESIGN tab steps........................................................................................................................ 16
Figure 7: Preliminary sizing & performance analysis .................................................................................. 18
Figure 8: Results of STEP 1 data entry ...................................................................................................... 21
Figure 9: Preliminary spool data section ..................................................................................................... 22
Figure 10: Gear ratio ................................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 11: Gearbox picture example (applied to all shafts) ........................................................................ 24
Figure 12: Refined gas turbine design configuration .................................................................................. 27
Figure 13: Stage Detailed Design Window ................................................................................................. 27
Figure 14: Detailed Design STAGE subsections ........................................................................................ 28
Figure 15: DP ML iterative scheme seed vales .......................................................................................... 30
Figure 16: Export gas path geometry button............................................................................................... 31
Figure 17: Turbofan fan stage mean-line design ........................................................................................ 36
Figure 18: Fan stage design ....................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 19: Turbo-Fan fan stage configurations ........................................................................................... 37
Figure 20: Fan stage blade row nomenclature ........................................................................................... 38
Figure 21: Turbofan meridional splitter design............................................................................................ 39
Figure 22: Meridional splitter simple export file format ............................................................................... 40
Figure 23: Compressor Stage blade row nomenclature ............................................................................. 41
Figure 24: Turbine Stage blade row nomenclature ..................................................................................... 42
Figure 25: Centrifugal stage design option selection .................................................................................. 43
Figure 26: Centrifugal compressor design parameters ............................................................................... 43
Figure 27: Pritchard Airfoil Detailed Design Window .................................................................................. 46
Figure 28: Badrieh airfoil profile design window with stress analysis view ................................................. 47
Figure 29: Badrieh airfoil profile design window with stacking options view ............................................... 47
Figure 30: Airfoil section with platform and shroud casing views ............................................................... 49
Figure 31: Preliminary cooling assessment ................................................................................................ 50
Figure 32: Blade stress analysis BC correction .......................................................................................... 51
Figure 33: blade stress analysis ................................................................................................................. 52
Figure 34: Export geometry button ............................................................................................................. 52
Figure 35: Default section cuts versus Inner cuts design ........................................................................... 54
Figure 36: Refined airfoil curvature ............................................................................................................. 55
Figure 37: Airfoil stacking options ............................................................................................................... 55
Figure 38: Badrieh airfoil profile design window ......................................................................................... 56
Figure 39: Badrieh airfoil profile design window without stacking refinement ............................................ 57
Figure 40: Badrieh airfoil profile design window with stacking refinement ................................................. 58
Figure 41: Different disk designs ................................................................................................................ 60
Figure 42: Disk detailed design window ...................................................................................................... 61
Figure 43: Blade platform design ................................................................................................................ 63
Figure 44: Blade shroud design .................................................................................................................. 65
Figure 45: Blade Tang, Fixing, and Trunk design ....................................................................................... 66
Figure 46: Disk and Fixing design, meridional versus forward face perspectives ...................................... 68
Figure 47: Fixing design Zoomed In ........................................................................................................... 68
Figure 48: Blade Tang design initialization with reference points ............................................................... 69
Figure 49: Tang and Fixing geometric elements......................................................................................... 70
Figure 50: Export geometry button ............................................................................................................. 71
Figure 51: 360-degree 3D view of stator and rotor-disk combo.................................................................. 72
Figure 52: 3D view of single blade sector with platform, fixing, and shroud designs ................................. 72
Figure 53: Off-Design Analysis Window ..................................................................................................... 74
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Figure 54: Single Speed Line ...................................................................................................................... 75
Figure 55: Automated Performance Map .................................................................................................... 75
Figure 56: Off-design analysis map for compressors (Standard loss model) ............................................. 77
Figure 57: Off-design analysis map for compressors (PhD model) ............................................................ 77
Figure 58: Off-design analysis map for turbines (Standard loss model) ..................................................... 77
Figure 59: Off-design analysis speed line for compressors (Standard loss model) ................................... 79
Figure 60: Off-design analysis speed line for compressors (PhD model) .................................................. 79
Figure 61: Off-design analysis speed line for turbines (Standard loss model) ........................................... 79
Figure 62: Compressor off-design map data and corrections factors ......................................................... 81
Figure 63: Selection between Rotor and Stage values ............................................................................... 82
Figure 64: Front Cone Design .................................................................................................................. 85
Figure 65: Rear Cone Design ................................................................................................................... 85
Figure 66: Valid pressure-based IAS compressor stream allocation .......................................................... 88
Figure 67: Invalid pressure-based IAS compressor stream allocation ....................................................... 88
Figure 68: IAS stream path type = "above shaft" ........................................................................................ 89
Figure 69: IAS stream path type = "through shaft" ..................................................................................... 89
Figure 70: IAS stream path type = "above combustor" ............................................................................... 89
Figure 71: IAS stream path type = "through combustor" ............................................................................ 89
Figure 72: the SHAFT design interface ....................................................................................................... 90
Figure 73: the COMBUSTOR design interface ........................................................................................... 92
Figure 74: Parameterized Nacelle design window ...................................................................................... 93
Figure 75: Point-Based Nacelle design window.......................................................................................... 95
Figure 76: Material data viewer ................................................................................................................... 97
Figure 77: Off-Design Performance Window for Electric Ducted Fan (EDF) .............................................. 99
Figure 78: Off-Design Performance Charts .............................................................................................. 101
Figure 79: MDIDS-GT 3D rendering of a Turbo-Fan (2022+ version) ...................................................... 104
Figure 80: MDIDS-GT 3D rendering of a FanJet or Electric Ducted Fan (2022+ version) ....................... 105
Figure 81: MDIDSGT console application................................................................................................. 106
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Using MDIDS-GT: Basic Overview
The software starts off with the main window with general menu items and toolbar buttons. To start, click
on the New button and a new design window will open.
“New” button
Figure 1: Main window
Design window
Figure 2: Design window
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Multiple Design Windows
MDIDS-GT is capable of handling multiple design windows by clicking the New button. There are no
hard-coded limits to the number of design windows that can be opened. The only limitations are those of
available computer memory, and the ability of the designer to handle multiple design windows. It is
recommended to use 2 or 3 design windows at a time to reduce and avoid errors. Use the Cascade, Tile
horizontal, or Tile vertical menu buttons to arrange the multiple design windows.
Multiple window arrangement
Figure 3: Multiple design windows
Drop-Down Menus
There are various drop-down menus (picklists). A consistent methodology has been used in MDIDS-GT to
indicate those items that are available and not available. Items surrounded by the { } brackets (or
squirrely brackets) signify that that particular item is not available in the version that you are using.
Data Entry
Data is updated, changed, or viewed by the various data entry boxes. A consistent methodology has
been used in MDIDS-GT for data entry.
this data entry box is editable
this data entry box is non-editable, unless particular option(s) has (have) been selected. The
data displayed has been internally calculated and displayed to the user.
this data entry box is non-editable and unavailable to use in the current software version
GRAY: Not available
WHITE: Editable
GREEN: information
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Auto-Initialization of the input file
MDIDS-GT has an auto-initialization option that can be executed during the opening of an input file, or
during the progress of an integrated gas turbine design. This feature has been introduced to reduce
preparation time when stopping and continuing the progress of a particular design.
The auto-initialization options, located in the panel on the right-hand side of the design window, follows
the logic of the performance calculation -to- mean-line -to- airfoil initialization process. The autoinitialization steps are executed in the following order:
Step 1: preliminary performance update
o The design-point performance condition is executed
Step 2: design-point mean-line execution
o Fan stages
o Compressor stages
o Turbine stages
Step 2: Airfoil design
o The following blade row geometries are initialized
 Compressor DCA 6% and DCA 10%
 Pritchard based airfoil profiles with the hold geometry option unchecked
NOTE: Pritchard based airfoil profiles with the hold geometry option checked and
Badrieh compressor profiles, checked or unchecked, do not require any autoinitialization
NOTE: The auto-initialization option is available for the Turbo-Fan and Fan-Jet
Show Hide Auto-Init
panel button
Auto-Init panel
Figure 4: Auto-initialization panel
Closing of the application
MDIDS-GT follows a two-step process when closing the design window or the main application. When
you select the close window or close application feature, by pressing the upper right corner X button,
MDIDS-GT will ask you if you are certain that you want to proceed with the closure.
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Pre-loaded material properties
The following table lists the materials that are preloaded into MDIDS-GT for weight and stress analysis.
17-4PH steel
410 steel
4130 steel
4340 steel
Alloy 713C
Alloy 713LC
Alloy X
AMS 6416
Haynes-1 88
Rene 41
Rene 65
Rene 80
Rene 95
Rene 104
TD Nickel
Stainless Steel
Fictitious alloy, used for academic examples
chromium-nickel-molybdenum stainless steel
Fictitious alloy, used for academic examples
Austenitic nickel-chromium-based super alloys
Austenitic nickel-chromium-based super alloys
Austenitic nickel-chromium-based super alloys
powder metallurgy (PM) Ni-based super alloy
Also known as {ME3} and ME16
Precipitation hardening, nickel-based high temp alloy
Wrought nickel super alloy
Precipitation hardening, nickel-based alloy
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Design Window
The Design Window is the main design and analysis working area. It controls which design modelling
aspect or component you will be working on. It has various solution viewing options, and the Open and
Save buttons.
Solution viewing
“Open” & “Save”
Modelling aspects
Figure 5: Design window
Modelling Aspects
The available Modelling Aspects are indicated by the green checkmark ( ) bedside the names on the
tabs in the design window. To obtain access to the design modelling aspect window, first click on the tab,
then right-click in the design window. Doing so will reveal the pop-up menu for that specific modelling
aspect and will lead you to other design windows.
 The Modelling Aspects that are under development and modification are
indicated by the construction ( ) symbol.
The Modelling Aspects that are not available are indicated by the not
available ( ) symbol.
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The DESIGN tab
The following are the available Design steps in MDIDS-GT:
STEP 1: Preliminary Design, with the following features
o Prelim Perf
o used for the Design-Point performance analysis and conceptual gas turbine
meridional cross section set-up
o { Prelim Geo }
o used to predict an initial turbofan cross section
STEP 2: Design Point Analysis, with the following features
o Stage: used for the 1D design-point mean-line model detail design analysis for
o Axial Fan stages
o Axial Compressor stages
o { Centrifugal Compressor stages }
o Axial Turbine stages
Airfoil: used for the airfoil profile shape detail design and preliminary stress analysis
DCA 6%
for axial compressor airfoils based on DCA of 6% max thickness
DCA 10%
for axial compressor airfoils based on DCA of 10% max thickness
for DCA, MCA, and hybrid DCA / MCA for axial compressor airfoils
Pritchard +
for axial turbine airfoils and for axial compressor airfoils with diffusion control
{ Centrifugal }
for centrifugal compressor aerofoils
Disk: used for the disk profile shape detail design and blade component details
Disk Profile
used for the disk profile shape detail design and preliminary stress
analysis. The following disk profile shapes are available:
{ Hyperbolic }
{ Conical }
Platform design
Used for the design of compressor and turbine blade platforms
Shroud design
Used for the design of compressor and turbine blade shrouds with or
without knife edges
Fixing Design
Used for the design of compressor and turbine blade tang, fixing, and
trunk designs
STEP 3: Off-Design Analysis
The standardized compressor and turbine off-design simulation window is used for:
o Compressor Stages
o Test data matching and validation of single stages
o Single stage 1D mean-line model and auto map generation
o { Multi Stage multi-spool 1D mean-line model and auto map generation }
o Turbine Stages
o { Test data matching and validation of single stages }
o Single stage 1D mean-line model and auto map generation
o { Multi Stage multi-spool 1D mean-line model and auto map generation }
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Design steps
Figure 6: DESIGN tab steps
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Preliminary / Conceptual
Performance Analysis
Cross Section Set-up
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STEP 1: Preliminary Design
The Preliminary Sizing & Performance Analysis window is where the designer will create the
conceptual design-point performance cycle and will develop the first pass conceptual cross section of a
whole gas turbine engine or component. This window is divided into seven (7) sub-sections. Each subsection has an update button ( ) that when red ( ) is clicked to update the information and modifies the
cross section. Some sub-sections have a Default write button ( ) to quickly apply generic default values
to that sub-section. The Run button ( ) executes the preliminary design-point performance assessment,
and the Transfer data from Step 2-to-1 ( ) button does just that.
Figure 7: Preliminary sizing & performance analysis
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The preliminary design sub-sections are as follows:
Section1: Preliminary Definition
This section is used to define the cross-section. Depending on the type of selection, it will enable
or disable the various data entry boxes in the other sections:
o Number of spools
(hard-coded max value of 3)
o Combustor
 Straight
 Reverse
o Engine type
 Turbo-fan
(to define a Turbo-Fan configuration)
 { Turbo-shaft }
 { Turbo-prop }
 { Industrial }
 { APU }
 Core Only
(excludes bypass design)
 Compressor
(to define compressor stages only)
 Turbine
(to define turbine stages only)
 FanJet
(to define a Fan-Jet or Electric Ducted Fan configuration)
 None
o Engine size
 { Micro }
 Small
(for small university rigs)
 { Medium }
 { Large }
 { Ultra }
 None
o Exhaust
 Unmixed
 Mixed
 { Mixed & Lobe }
 None
o Cycle
 Open cycle
 { Closed cycle }
Section 2: Design Criteria
This section defines the overall gas turbine performance values, such as
o Altitude
o Tamb
Ambient temperature based on Altitude
o 
Ambient temperature correction
o Pamb
Ambient pressure based on Altitude
o Target thrust
ByPass Ratio
Power Turbine fixed RPM
o Bypass mass flow
o Core mass flow
o Forward Mach number
 The available data entry boxes are controlled by the selections from the
Preliminary Definition section
 Use the Default write button ( ) to quickly apply generic values for the
particular engine type chosen.
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Section 3: Preliminary Compressor Data
This section defines the basic overall design parameters for the compressor spool, such as
o Number of stages
(hard-coded max value of 17)
o Spool RPM
o Compressor spool total specific work
o Compressor spool total pressure ratio
o Compressor spool total-to-total efficiency
o Maximum tip speed
o Maximum rim speed
o AN2
 The RPM, max tip/rim speed, and AN2 will define the overall size of the
preliminary compressor stage(s)
 The available data entry boxes are controlled by the selections from the
Preliminary Definition section.
 Use the Default write button ( ) to quickly apply values for the particular
Spool RPM imposed.
 This step must be executed to prevent internal data structure issues
Section 3: Preliminary Turbine Data
This section defines the basic overall design parameters for the turbine spool, such as
o Number of stages
(hard-coded max value of 17)
o Spool RPM
o Turbine spool total specific work
o Turbine spool pressure ratio
o Turbine spool efficiency
o Maximum tip speed
o Maximum rim speed
o AN2
 The RPM, max tip/rim speed, and AN2 will define the overall size of the
preliminary turbine stage(s)
 The available data entry boxes are controlled by the selections from the
Preliminary Definition section.
 Use the Default write button ( ) to quickly apply values for the particular
Spool RPM imposed.
 This step must be executed to prevent internal data structure issues.
Section 5: Preliminary Spool Data
This section defines the basic overall design parameters for the spools, such as
o Shaft length
o Bore radius
o Gear ratio, for geared turbo-fans
o { Mechanical efficiency (eta), m }
Section 6: Duct Losses
This section defines the basic overall duct inlet & exhaust duct losses
o { Inlet loss }
o { Exhaust loss }
o { Bypass eta }
o { Core eta }
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Section 7: Boundary Conditions
This section defines the various gas turbine performance and/or boundary condition values.
o Comp or Fan inlet angle
Compressor inlet flow angle
o Target T4
Combustor exit or Turbine Inlet temperature
o delta T
in lieu of a target T4, a delta from T3 of the compressor exit
o Combustor eta
Combustion efficiency
o Pressure Loss
Combustion pressure loss
o Fuel to Air Ratio
o Turb. inlet angle
Turbine inlet angle
NOTE: The available data entry boxes are controlled by the selections from the
Preliminary Definition section.
The green Run button ( ) is used to execute the preliminary design-point performance cycle for the
following engine types:
Turbo-fan, { Turbo-shaft }, { Turbo-prop }, { Industrial }, { APU }, Core Only, and Fan-Jet
For the Compressor and Turbine selection, there is no performance assessment required. The designer
must go to STEP 2 and run the 1D design-point mean-line analysis.
After STEP 2 is completed, the designer will use the Transfer data from Step 2-to-1 ( ) button to
transfer the overall spool values (delH, and efficiency or Pressure ratio) to the design-point performance
model to further align, update, and execute the preliminary design analysis solution.
The results stemming from STEP 1 can be viewed in the Design Window. Four (4) toolbar buttons are
available to view the data as follows:
o SI
SI units
o X
Station numbering
o G
General data
o TP
Performance spool temperatures & pressures, on screen or in tabular format
Results viewing
Figure 8: Results of STEP 1 data entry
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Using the Preliminary Compressor & Turbine Data Sections
This design section follows a two-step process.
STEP 1: first, fill in the estimated spool RPM, spool total specific work, spool total Pressure Ratio
(PR) or spool total-to-total efficiency. Then click the red checkmark ( ) to update the values
STEP 2: after step 1 is completed, you can now add the target maximum tip or rim speeds, and a
targeted AN2. You may use the default button ( ) to quickly apply generic sizing parameters.
NOTE: if you change the RPM, you may want to change the target values.
NOTE: changing the maximum tip or rim speed values and then clicking the red
checkmark ( ) will re-establish the generic spool layout and apply a generic
division of work across the stages. Just use the first section if you wish to only
update the performance data without affecting the geometry of the engine crosssection.
Figure 9: Preliminary spool data section
The 1st pass geometric results of using the Preliminary Sizing & Performance Analysis window are
shown in the proceeding two figures. MDIDS-GT will create a basic cross section set-up. The user will
need to continue to STEP 2 to add the stage details and any refinements to the cross-section geometry.
NOTE: the geometry created using STEP 1 is considered as Picture Only. The
designer will need to refine the details of the geometry to obtain realistic results.
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Using the TurboFan Gear Ratio Option
In the Preliminary Spool Data section, the user is allowed to define the gear ratio between the turbinecompressor spool. First, select the spool of interest and then turn on the gear ratio option by selecting the
a) Gear ratio off
b) Gear ratio on
Figure 10: Gear ratio
Enter the gear ratio as follows:
 (LHS) Left Hand Side edit box is the Turbine gear ratio
 (RHS) Right Hand Side edit box is the Compressor gear ratio
On clicking the red check box, MDIDS-GT will
 commit the gear ratio
 update the compressor and fan RPM based on the gear ratio
 convert the compressor or fan RPM white edit box to a green information box
Figure 11: Compressor or Fan edit box conversion based on Gear Ratio Option
The user is still allowed to update either compressor (white edit box) and turbine RPM. The compressor
or turbine RPM will then be adjusted based on the gear ratio.
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Figure 11: Gearbox picture example (applied to all shafts)
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Limitations of STEP 1: Preliminary performance model
The following performance features are not catered for in STEP 1: Preliminary performance
1) Parasitic losses
2) Compressor bleed flows or Turbine purge flows
3) Work or Horse Power (HP) extraction due to various accessory gear boxes
STEP 1 Example: 2-spool Turbofan with “boost” stages
STEP 1 Example: 2-spool Turbofan without “boost” stages
SPECIAL NOTE: In MDIDS-GT, the fan stage is considered as a separate component residing on a
spool. This was done purposefully to have the flexibility to add or remove boost stages from the same
spool, and to support the development of other gas turbine configurations such as Turboprops and
Industrial gas turbines. In MDIDS-GT, the Fan stage spool number will always be labeled as Spool 1,
independently from the rest of the gas turbine cross-section nomenclature.
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Stage Detailed Design
1D Design-Point Mean-Line Models
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STEP 2: Detailed Design
Once Step 1: Preliminary Design is completed, the designer will proceed with the next gas turbine
design process step of Step 2: Design Point Analysis. This step is split into three major integrated
design-point and detailed design aspects:
STAGE for the 1D mean-line model design and aerodynamic sizing of fan, compressor, and
turbine stages
AIRFOIL for the aerodynamic design and preliminary stress analysis of fan, compressor, and
turbine airfoils
DISK for the design and preliminary stress analysis of the disk profile, platform, shrouds, trunk,
and tang & fixing designs
The designer will move back-and-forth between these three (3) main multi-disciplinary integrated design
aspects as they try to optimize the various compressor, turbine, and fan stages to obtain the desired gas
turbine configuration and performance. A refined Turbofan cross section is shown below.
Figure 12: Refined gas turbine design configuration
The detailed-design window is divided into two (2) main sections LHS (Left-Hand Side) for the visual
display and RHS (Right-Hand Side) for data entry. The visual display is automatically updated based on
the detailed design aspect of STAGE, AIRFOIL, or DISK. Each section of the detailed design window has
different data entry options.
Figure 13: Stage Detailed Design Window
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AXIAL STAGE detailed design window
The AXIAL STAGE detailed design section is where the designer will refine the geometry and execute
the multi-stage multi-spool 1D design-point mean line (DP ML) analysis for the fan, compressor, and
turbine stages. This window is divided into various sections as shown below.
DP ML analysis
Results viewing
Tip Mach Number
Stage parameters
Blade row corner
blockage and
free-vortex values
Axial spacing
Stage Options
Airfoil design
Calculated DP
Overall Spool
design values vs
target values
Exit Mrel
Cooling Purge or
Bleed flows BC
View basic graphs
Airfoil loss and loss
User defined spool
gas properties
Figure 14: Detailed Design STAGE subsections
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Toolbar buttons
Results viewing options
The results viewing buttons give the designer insight to the various values and results calculated
within MDIDS-GT. The buttons are as follows:
SI Converts the displayed imperial units to SI
{X} Blade row station numbering
Presents on screen inlet and exit geometry values
TP Presents a table of the mean-line results
Presents on screen general stage specific calculated parameters
Presents a table of the blade-row loss structure decomposition
Presents an embedded table for the fan, compressor, and turbine stage pressure ratio
and efficiency. The table lists the stage pressure ratio and efficiency decomposition
PR and Eta calculation
Rotor + Bypass Stator
Rotor + Bypass Stator + Bypass Strut
Rotor + Core Stator
Rotor + Core Stator + Core Strut
IGV alone
IGV + Rotor
IGV + Rotor + Stator
IGV + Rotor + Stator + Strut
Vane + Blade
Vane + Blade + Strut
a) H button
b) TP button
c) G button
d) L button
e)  button
For the TP and L tables, the designer has two options to copy the data found in the tables. A
Copy All and a Copy Selected option. These options will copy the table values to the computer
clipboard as tab-delimited text. The designer may paste the values in a spreadsheet application.
Copy Selected to Clipboard
This option will copy the selected fields in the table as tab-delimited text.
Copy Entire Table to Clipboard
This option will copy the entire table, including row and column headers, as tab-delimited
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Design-Point mean line debugging
There are 2 design-point mean-line analysis debugging tools, which are made available for the fan,
compressor, and turbine stages.
Seed Table
The seed table button reveals an embedded table, in the upper left corner of the
visualization window, where the designer is allowed to adjust the MDIDS-GT design-point
mean-line analysis iterative scheme seed values. These values are used to modify the
internal numerical scheme initial (seed) values to avoid divergence issues (represented by
NAN or INF results).
Figure 15: DP ML iterative scheme seed vales
The debug button is used to force the relative exit Mach numbers (Mrel,ex) values (color
blue) that are displayed. This button is used when the designer wishes to force a certain exit
Mach number, and bypass (override) the MDIDS-GT internal iterative scheme. This is useful
when investigating divergence issues or trying to match specific test data.
Design-point mean line analysis
There are 3 design-point mean-line analysis buttons, which are made available based on the type of
stage type calculation.
Single Stage ML
The Single Stage ML button is used for executing a single stage design-point mean-line
analysis. This is useful when debugging single stages.
Single Spool ML
The Single Spool ML button is used for executing the current spool multi-stage design-point
mean-line analysis.
Multi-Spool ML
The Multi-Spool ML button is used for executing a multi-spool multi-sage design-point meanline analysis of the Fan, Compressor, or Turbine.
Take a picture
The Take a picture button takes a JPEG image capture of the current spool design visible in the
graphics window. To be able to take a picture of the whole spool, the user is required to resize the
window to get the whole spool in view. The JPG file will be saved in the same folder as the MDIDSGT input file.
o The file naming convention is [component]-[spool][number].jpg
o i.e. Turb-Spool1.jpg
Export Geometry
The Export spool GP button will create a geometric output file of the hub, tip, and meridional splitter
gas path profiles for the selected spool Fan, Compressor, or Turbine blade rows. The output files are
then modified by the designer to be used for an ANSYS-TurboGrid CFX analysis. The files are named
with the following convention (turbine example shown):
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Figure 16: Export gas path geometry button
Stage design parameters
Tip Mach
The Tip Mach fields represent the rotor tip Leading Edge and Trailing Edge mechanical Mach
number. It is based on the tip radius angular speed versus the 1D mean-line model mid radius Static
Temperature for the speed of sound calculation.
NOTE: The tip Mach number is based on the mid-radius static temperature for the
speed of sound calculation.
Blade row radial corner points
The blade row corner points are used to define the meridional mean-line cross-section of each stage.
The radial Hub and Tip values are either inputted or manipulated in the visualization window with the
yellow circle handles by pressing down on the left mouse button. The Mid-radius values are
automatically calculated for the designer.
Blockage and free-vortex values
o The blockage (Cd) values are used to modify the geometric flow area to an effective flow area.
NOTE: The blockage values should be checked () to avoid the internal Cd formulas
which are currently used by the off-design mean-line model.
The Free-Forced vortex values (F-Vortex) are used to define the type of vortex calculations for
defining the radial profiles.
NOTE: The F-Vortex values and functionality are not yet available
Axial Gaps
This parameter refers to the distance, or axial spacing, between airfoil blade rows and proceeding
stages. When checked (), this value is an absolute value in inches, when unchecked it is a decimal
percentage (i.e. 0.50 = 50%) of the hub section axial chord of the preceding airfoil blade row.
Airfoil design parameters
Airfoil Type
MDIDS-GT provides five (5) types of airfoil profile shapes
o DCA 6%, Double Circular Arcs 6% maximum thickness for compressors
o DCA 10%, Double Circular Arcs 10% maximum thickness for compressors
o Modified Pritchard type airfoils for turbines or diffusion controlled compressors
o Badrieh compressor profiles
 Used for Double Circular Arc, Multiple Circular Arc, and Hybrid DCA-MCA
o Centrifugal blade row
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Tip Type
This parameter is for the airfoil hub or tip clearance types
1) Unshrouded
2) { Mini-Shrouded }
3) Shrouded
4) { Trenched }
5) None
Dia / C or Diameter
o For compressors, it is the percentage of the leading and trailing edge airfoil diameters
as a percentage of chord
o For turbines it is the actual diameter of the leading and trailing edge circles of a
Pritchard airfoil
Calculated DP geometry
Once MDIDS-GT executes the design-point mean-line analysis, it will display the calculated designpoint geometry parameters of interest. The following values are displayed:
o The inlet and exit blade metal angles
o The total turning or camber angle of the airfoil
o The calculated geometric Throat area
o And the calculated (initial prediction) setting angle
Mrel exit
The Mrel exit (relative exit Mach number) values are the imposed blade row exit Mach numbers.
These fields should be used when debugging the design-point analysis of a stage. These values are
used in conjunction with the Stage Debug (
) button.
Cooling Purge or Bleed flows BC
These set of values define the stage bleed or purge flows. Three values are provided
o Cool %dec is the cooling flow mass flow rate percentage entered as a decimal value (i.e.
0.05 = 5% cooling)
o Cool To is the cooling mass flow total temperature in degrees Rankine
o dPo/Po is the total pressure loss percentage due to the cooling flow mixing losses
NOTE: The Cooling BC should be checked () to be able to force the cooling flow
boundary conditions.
NOTE: The unchecked Cooling BC functionality is not yet available as a feature in
Airfoil loss and loss corrections
Airfoil Loss
o If checked (), the airfoil loss is imposed and the internal MDIDS-GT mean-line loss
model is ignored
o If not checked, the loss is calculated using the internal MDIDS-GT mean-line loss
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NOTE: for Fan and axial Compressor stages, when the airfoil loss is:
 checked, the resultant Angles that are displayed are those of the design-point
mean-line flow angles which excludes the reference incidence and deviation
 not checked, the resultant Angles that are displayed are those of the designpoint mean-line metal angles which includes the reference incidence and
reference deviation corrections
NOTE: it is recommended to use the checked () Airfoil Loss when matching
predicted flow angles.
Loss correction
This parameter is used for calibration or matching purposes between what was predicted by
the MDIDS-GT design-point mean line loss model and external test data.
NOTE: it is recommended to use the Loss Correction variable to adjust the MDIDSGT predicted loss while trying to match test data based losses, flow and metal angles.
Stage parameters
The stage parameters section is used to enforce the stage reaction and work. MDIDS-GT will
display the calculated stage total pressure ratio (PR), the calculated total-to-total efficiency (eta), and
the imposed stage RPM
Stage Options
The stage option section is used to define the various geometrical and solutions options as follows:
o { Stator-less }
defines if the stage has a stator (vane) or not
Has Strut
defines if the fan, compressor, or turbine stage has a strut
Has Split Stator
defines if the fan stage has a split (bypass) stator
defines if the compressor stage has an IGV (Inlet Guide Vane)
Is Centrifugal
is used to define if the stage is a centrifugal stage. Upon selection the stage design
window will automatically become a centrifugal stage design window.
Ind Turbine In
is used to separate the inlet boundary conditions of the turbine from the exit boundary
conditions of the compressor + combustor. This option will use the original preliminary
analysis Total Pressure values as the inlet boundary conditions to the turbine.
Hold Geometry
is used to freeze the design from being updated from the design-point mean-line
calculation. This option is used when the designer is satisfied with the design-point meanline analysis and now wishes to design in detail the airfoil and disk geometries.
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Overall Spool values
This section displays the calculated overall spool values and imposed target spool values stemming
from the preliminary performance analysis. The following sets of target and calculated overall
parameters are displayed
o delH Spool total specific work
o PR
Spool pressure ratio, calculated as below
Overall Spool PR Formula
Last Stator Po,exit / First Rotor Po,inlet
Last Stator Po,exit / First Rotor Po,inlet
First Stator Po,inlet / Last Rotor Po,exit
Excludes Split (bypass) Stator and
Strut on the spool
Excludes IGV and Strut on the spool
Excludes Strut on the spool
Spool total-to-total efficiency. The formulas exclude the following
Overall Spool Efficiency Exclusions
Excludes Split (bypass) Stator and Strut on the spool
Excludes IGV and Strut on the spool
Excludes Strut on the spool
And the following overall calculated values are displayed
o Spool Total Power
o Spool Total Torque
View Charts
The view chart options are used to display the basic stage pressure and reaction trend or the stage
surge margin and de Haller trend.
a) Compressor charts
b) Turbine charts
NOTE: The View Charts options should be unchecked during the initial design-point
mean-line analysis set-up to avoid issues caused by NAN or INF mean-line model results
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Stage Parameters and Stage Data: Pressure Ratio and Efficiency values
With respect to the various core stage pressure ratio and core stage efficiency calculations, the fan,
compressor, and turbine stages are handled differently. What will be shown in the stage parameters
section post mean-line solution, and as part of the stage data (viewed in the left-hand side) is as follows:
Core Stage PR Formula
Core Stator Po,exit / Rotor Po,inlet
Strut Po,exit / IGV Po,inlet
First Stator Po,inlet / Last Rotor Po,exit
If there is no core strut, then the core stator exit is
The evolution of PR values will be shown when the
user clicks on the  button
If there is no strut, then the stator exit is taken.
If there is no IGV, then the rotor inlet is taken.
The evolution of PR values will be shown when the
user clicks on the  button
If there is no strut, then the rotor exit is taken.
The evolution of PR values will be shown when the
user clicks on the  button
Core Stage Efficiency Formula*
C 
C 
T 
PREX / IN  1
T0,EX  IN 
Since efficiency is based on the PR value of the
stage configuration, then the comments of the
previous table take precedence.
  1
PREX / IN  1
T0,EX  IN 
The evolution of efficiency values will be shown
when the user clicks on the  button
Since efficiency is based on the PR value of the
stage configuration, then the comments of the
previous table take precedence.
To , IN
 1
To , IN
To , IN  EX
 1
 
To ,IN 1  
  PRIN / EX 
The evolution of efficiency values will be shown
when the user clicks on the  button
Since efficiency is based on the PR value of the
stage configuration, then the comments of the
previous table take precedence.
The evolution of efficiency values will be shown
when the user clicks on the  button
* : reference only
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FAN STAGE detailed design window
MDIDS-GT is capable of creating the various Turbofan Fan stage configurations encountered in the
industry. They are created by using the following stage options:
 Has Strut, the stage has a strut
o In the Strut geometry section, the Bypass Strut option will allow the strut corner points to
be part of the bypass duct geometry
 Split Stator will split the stator into a bypass stator and a core stator.
o The Bypass Stator geometry section will allow the split stator corner points to be part of
the bypass duct geometry
As shown below, the bypass stator and bypass strut mean-line definition and related parameters are
made available upon the various option selections.
Figure 17: Turbofan fan stage mean-line design
Figure 18: Fan stage design
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The various Turbofan Fan stage configurations that can be created are as follows:
Generic Axial Fan Compressor stage
 Similar to axial compressor design
Design lessons-learned
 Design-point static pressure-based reaction value could
start off from a high value of 95% or more, and could
reach a minimum of 70%.
 The reaction value may be modified until the stator exit
angle has reached a value close to the axial.
Generic Axial Fan Compressor stage with strut
 Similar to axial compressor design
Axial Fan Compressor stage with bypass strut
 Similar to axial compressor design
 “bypass strut” option selected in strut design section
Axial Fan Compressor stage with bypass (split) stator and
bypass strut
 Similar to axial compressor design
 “bypass strut” option selected in strut design section
 “split stator” selected in stage option section
Design lessons-learned
 Design-point bypass static pressure-based reaction
value should start off between 95% to 100% to avoid
mean-line convergence issues
 The bypass reaction value may be modified until the
bypass stator exit angle has reached a value close to
the axial.
Axial Fan Compressor stage with bypass stator, bypass strut,
and core strut (frame)
 Core strut feature is not available
MITIGATION: if the proceeding compressor stage does not have
an IGV, then the proceeding stage IGV option may be used for
the core strut model.
Figure 19: Turbo-Fan fan stage configurations
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Turbofan Stage Blade row Nomenclature during export
When exporting the airfoil from MDIDS-GT to ANSYS Turbogrid or Design Modeler, MDIDS-GT identifies
the airfoil blade rows as follows
Figure 20: Fan stage blade row nomenclature
Airfoil ID
Bypass (Split) Stator
Turbofan Split (Bypass) Stator option
To create the split-stator with strut bypass geometry, the designer should do the following:
1) In the stage options panel select has strut
2) Enter the geometric definition in the strut panel, and select bypass strut option
 the selection will modify the “strut” title to “bypass strut”
 it will add the “bypass gaps” in the “stage geometry” panel to allow gap adjustment
i. the fan blade and split stator
ii. split stator and strut
 it will modify the inner gas path to reflect the configuration
3) In the stage options panel select split stator
4) Enter the geometry definition in the bypass stator panel
5) Enter a Reaction value for the split stator
6) Execute the mean-line
If the fan stage has a split stator an no bypass strut, then the designer should follow the above
procedures. Once completed, uncheck the has strut option.
NOTE: Do not forget to click the red check marks (
updates to be accepted.
) for the various changes and
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FAN STAGE - Meridional Splitter design window
MDIDS-GT is capable of creating the meridional splitter geometry that separates the flow between the
bypass duct and the core gas path, as shown in the figure below.
a) TurboFan meridional splitter
b) Meridional splitter geometry
Figure 21: Turbofan meridional splitter design
The meridional splitter option is found on the Stage tab menu. Click on the Meri Splitter (
open the meridional splitter design window. Three (3) drawing options are available:
) button to
Draw Meridional Splitter
This option is used if the designer wants to have the meridional splitter drawn. A minimum of
three (3) points are required.
Construction Points
This option, stemming from the Draw Meridional Splitter option, is used to display the
meridional splitter construction points as red circles.
Update ends
This button is used to auto align the meridional splitter end points (the first and last point on the
coordinate list) with that of the bypass stator leading-edge hub point and the core stator leadingedge tip point.
No. of Divisions
This option is used to define the number of discretized points, between the meridional splitter
construction points, when using the export to ANSYS TurboGrid gas path feature.
 By default, the meridional splitter is not created during the preliminary sizing of
the gas turbine cross section.
The points are not mouse manipulated
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 It is suggested to set-up a basic meridional splitter geometry design, before
refining the Turbofan fan stage, such that the splitter endpoints are correctly
updated due to airfoil corner point changes.
 The meridional splitter design is based on a counter-clockwise orientation,
starting at the bypass stator hub, moving upstream towards the fan rotor, and
then downstream towards the core stator tip.
The Simple Import Splitter Geo button ( ) and the Simple Export Splitter Geo button ( ) are used
to import (read) and export (write) a formatted text file of the meridional splitter geometry coordinates. The
format of the import and export text files are as follows:
Number of rows in the file
X- coordinate and Y-coordinate on the same line with space(s) in between
Refer to the figure below for an example of a meridional splitter coordinates import & export text file.
Figure 22: Meridional splitter simple export file format
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Compressor Stage Blade row Nomenclature during export
When exporting the airfoil from MDIDS-GT to ANSYS Turbogrid or Design Modeler, MDIDS-GT identifies
the airfoil blade rows as follows:
Figure 23: Compressor Stage blade row nomenclature
Airfoil ID
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Turbine Stage Blade row Nomenclature during export
When exporting the airfoil from MDIDS-GT to ANSYS Turbogrid or Design Modeler, MDIDS-GT identified
the airfoil blade rows as follows
Figure 24: Turbine Stage blade row nomenclature
Airfoil ID
Stator (Vane)
Rotor (Blade)
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CENTRIFUGAL STAGE detailed design window
NOTE: the development of this design module is currently on-hold
MDIDS-GT incorporates the capabilities of designing a centrifugal compressor stage. To do so the
designer needs to select the is Centrifugal stage option. In doing so, the stage design window will
automatically convert from an axial stage design window to a centrifugal stage design window. To convert
back to an axial stage, the designer needs to select the is Axial stage option.
a) Axial stage design
b) Centrifugal stage design
Figure 25: Centrifugal stage design option selection
Figure 26: Centrifugal compressor design parameters
Rotor Geometry
To be further developed and described
Rotor Control points
To be further developed and described
Stage Options
To be further developed and described
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Airfoil Design
Preliminary Stress Analysis
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AIRFOIL detailed design window
The AIRFOIL detailed design window has been divided into multiple sections to support the various
design processes the designer will encounter. The designer will be able to:
 define and refine the airfoil main cross-section cut geometry definition
 define and refine the airfoil intermediate inner cut geometry definition
 define and refine the stacking of the airfoil intermediate inner cuts
 apply material properties
 execute a preliminary stress analysis for the fan, compressor, and turbine blades
 execute a preliminary cooling flow assessment for turbine vane and blade rows
 export the airfoil geometry to ANSYS TurboGrid or DesignModeler for Fan, Compressor, and
Turbine blade rows (aerofoils)
The AIRFOIL design window is used to design Inlet Guide Vanes (IGV), stators (vanes), rotors (blades),
struts, and split (bypass) stators. The AIRFOIL main menu provides access to various design
functionalities and analysis.
MDIDS-GT uses three (3) predefined default airfoil design sections, or section cuts, of:
 HUB (Section 1, or 0% span)
(Section 2, or 50% span)
(Section 3, or 100% span)
For Compressor blade rows, the designer has three main approaches to define the airfoil profile shape:
 Basic geometric parameters, based on a standard DCA 6% and DCA 10% profile shape
 The Badrieh profile shape that is used for DCA, MCA, and Hybrid DCA-MCA profile shapes
 The Pritchard+ profile shape that is used for diffusion-controlled compressor profiles
For Turbine blade rows, the designer has two main approaches to define the airfoil profile shape:
 Basic geometric parameters, based on a modified Pritchard airfoil definition
 And additional refinement by using Bezier curves
The compressor airfoil design features for DCA 6% and 10% will be replaced by the
Badrieh approach.
Currently, DCA 6% and 10% airfoil design is limited to the Pritchard design panel, and
only the following parameters should be edited:
 Axial chord
 Stagger Angle
 LE Metal Angle
 TE Metal Angle
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Figure 27: Pritchard Airfoil Detailed Design Window
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Figure 28: Badrieh airfoil profile design window with stress analysis view
Figure 29: Badrieh airfoil profile design window with stacking options view
The table below lists the different airfoil design panels and tabs with respect to the Turbine-Pritchard
design approach and the Compressor-Badrieh approach.
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Table 1: Airfoil design panels and tabs
ID number
Figure 24
Figure 25 and 26
Airfoil section cut number selection tabs
Airfoil inner cut number selection tabs
Pritchard based geometric parameters
Badrieh based geometric parameters
View construction line options
Material properties selection
Stress analysis boundary condition modifiers
Preliminary cooling analysis
Stress results
Displacement results
Stacking parameters selection
Inner cut count selection
Stacking Options
Stacking visualization
Platform or Shroud Modifier
Compressor and Turbine airfoil inner cuts
The designer may refine the airfoil geometry by adding intermediate inner cuts. Use the up-down ( )
button to change the number of inner cuts, and then use the refresh ( ) button to update the inner cuts
geometry, stemming from the main cross section design, based on the selected interpolation scheme.
MDIDS-GT provides two interpolation schemes
 Linear interpolation scheme when designing with section cuts
 Linear and Non-linear interpolation scheme when designing with inner cuts
NOTE: the non-linear interpolation scheme is not available for the Turbine airfoil profiles
Hub and Shroud alignment
The designer may refine the airfoil hub and tip design sections to align with its respective platform or
shroud design, if any. Use the Align parameter to adjust the vertical position of the airfoil section with
respect to its drawn casing.
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a) hub platform
January 2025
b) tip shroud
Figure 30: Airfoil section with platform and shroud casing views
Preliminary Turbine Cooling Flow Assessment
MDIDS-GT is capable of providing a preliminary cooling flow assessment for turbine vanes and blades.
Predictive formulations are available for the following cooling schemes:
 Convective
 Film Cooling
 { Transpiration cooling }
For details on the formulas and parameters, the user is referred to the research module
Module 09 A - Turb Cooling.pdf found on the MDIDS-GT website.
NOTE: The adjusted inlet gas temperature (Tgi+) is further modified if the delta Tin of the
stress analysis boundary condition (BC) has been modified.
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Figure 31: Preliminary cooling assessment
Blade Stress Analysis
MDIDS-GT is capable of providing a preliminary stress analysis for compressor and turbine blades.
Compressor and Turbine stator stress analysis is not available.
The following are the main MDIDS-GT modelling assumptions associated with the preliminary stress
 The airfoil is stacked linearly
o between section cuts, the airfoil is discretized with linear interpolation between each
section cut
o between inner cuts, the airfoil is further discretized between inner cut pairs
 The airfoil is solid with no internal cooling
 The airfoil shroud (if any) mass is imposed on the tip section or tip inner cut
 The radial temperature profile is based on the stress analysis BC options
 The average temperature used for:
o An uncooled blade is based on the 1D DP mean-line model mid relative total temperature
o A cooled blade is based on the Tbl (Temperature of the Blade) calculated from the
preliminary cooling analysis
NOTE: the preliminary stress analysis is available for both the default 3 main section cuts and
its equivalent inner cuts, for both the Pritchard based and Badrieh based airfoil types
Additionally, the designer has the option to modify the design-point values to simulate certification
requirements. These parameters are found in the Stress Analysis BC section, where
 %RPM (in decimal format) is the percent increase or decrease of the imposed design-point RPM
value used in the stage mean-line model analysis
 DeltaTin, in degrees Rankine, is the absolute increase or decrease of the blade inlet flow relative
 deltaM, in lbm, is the weight correction for one airfoil count for blade features not catered for in
MDIDS-GT or for mass corrections
 { T profile } is used to select which type of temperature profile the designer wants imposed on the
blade for the stress analysis
o Constant value, which is the default option
o { Free / Forced } vortex based temperature profile
o { Generic } temperature profile
o { User imposed } temperature profile
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Figure 32: Blade stress analysis BC correction
When the blade main sections have been designed and stacked, the blade stress analysis buttons are
made available. Two (2) buttons are provided
 The solid green play button ( ) is used to execute a single point preliminary stress analysis. The
results of the stress analysis are exported to either a section or inner cut based text file
o Section cut based file example
 MDIDS-StressOuputSectionCut-Fan-Spool-1-Stage-1-AF1-Rotor
o Inner cut based file outout name
 MDIDS-StressOuputInnerCut-Fan-Spool-1-Stage-1-AF1-Rotor
 The text file has the following format
The green and white play button ( ) is used to execute a multi point preliminary stress analysis.
o The multi-point stress analysis input file has the following format, where:
 The first value is the number of stress analysis points in the file
 Followed by the stress analysis BC modifiers
|--RPM%dec--|--deltaT degR--|--Tci degR--|
1.0 0 0
1.025 5 0
1.025 10 0
1.05 15 0
1.10 20 0
The results of the stress analysis are exported to a StressAnalysis_Output.txt file with
the following format, where
 The first value is a condition point number identifier
 Followed by the stress results
|--Radius (m)--|--Stress (Pa)--||--STy (Pa)--|--STu (Pa)-1
3.35407000000000E-0001 0.00000000000000E+0000 2.10490678140349E+0008 3.52995116383691E+0008
3.34552395833333E-0001 5.96749102916135E+0006 2.10490678140349E+0008 3.52995116383691E+0008
3.33697791666667E-0001 1.20297848036593E+0007 2.10490678140349E+0008 3.52995116383691E+0008
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Blade stress analysis
Figure 33: blade stress analysis
Export Airfoil Geometry
The export geo button (
) will create a geometric output file of the IGV, stator, rotor, strut, or split stator
(bypass stator) to be used for ANSYS-TurboGrid CFX analysis or ANSYS DesignModeler.
The general format of the ANSYS TurboGrid export file is:
 Cartesian coordinates of (X, Y, Z) or (axial, tangential, radial)
 Metric units, in centimetres [cm]
 For Turbine blades based on Pritchard profiles, the designer may export, based on which show
all button is activated
o the exported profile sections are the 3 main design sections (hub, mid, and tip) and two
design sections external to the gas path (or hyper sections), with one at the hub and one
at the tip
o or the refined inner sections design with hyper sections
 For Compressor blades based on Badrieh profiles, the designer may export, based on which
show all button is activated
o the basic 3 section design with hyper sections, similar to that described for the turbine
o or the refined inner sections design with hyper sections
Figure 34: Export geometry button
Specifically for ANSYS TurboGrid, the MDIDS-GT generated blade.curve file has the following file
 #SECTION number
 Followed by the airfoil profile x y z coordinates
 Each section ends with an empty line
 The blade profile is one continuous set with no double copies
 Each blade row export file is properly identified
o i.e. MDIDS-Turb-Spool-1-Stage-1-AF1-CURVE-file.txt
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The exported MDIDS-GT curve file, based on the default 3 sections design, has 5 sections as
o #SECTION 0, is the hub hyper section
o #SECTION 1, is the actual hub section
o #SECTION 2, is the actual mid section
o #SECTION 3, is the actual tip section
o #SECTION 4, is the tip hyper section
For details on how to use ANSYS TurboGrid and CFX to create compressor and turbine stage
CFD cases, the designer is referred to the research module found on the MDIDS-GT website.
Module 11 - Primer ANSYS CFD.pdf
For details on how to use ANSYS TurboGrid and CFX to create a complete TurboFan fan
stage, the designer is referred to the research module found on the MDIDS-GT website.
Module 11 A - ANSYS CFD Fan Stage.pdf
For details on how to use ANSYS DesignModeler to create a fixing design analysis, the
designer is referred to the research module found on the MDIDS-GT website.
Module 07 A - ANSYS workbench.pdf
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AIRFOIL detailed design window for Pritchard turbine profiles
MDIDS-GT is capable of creating turbine airfoil shapes based on a modified version of the versatile
Pritchard airfoil profile shape approach. These airfoil profile shapes are based on the following geometric
 Axial Chord
 Throat length
 Stagger Angle
 Meridional Angle
 Unguided turning
 LE Metal Angle
 TE Metal Angle
 LE Diameter
o With a LE weight modifier to change the LE shape from elliptical to flat
 TE Diameter
o With a TE weight modifier to change the TE shape from elliptical to flat
 LE wedge angle
o With the option to split the wedge angle between the SS and PS curves
 TE wedge angle
o With the option to split the wedge angle between the SS and PS curves
The designer will first define the turbine airfoil shapes based on the default 3 section design of hub, mid,
and tip. Once satisfied with the results, the designer may define the airfoil shape by inner cuts. To do so
the designer will need to select the No. of intermediate cuts and press the red check mark.
When the number of intermediate cuts is greater than zero (0), the designer will have access to the
individual cuts for further refinement.
Figure 35: Default section cuts versus Inner cuts design
NOTE: when the 3-section design has changed, the designer should press the refresh cuts
button (
) to update the inner cuts definition.
NOTE: stacking refinement is not currently available for turbine blades
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For refining the profile definition, the designer may use the Bezier-spline modification options for:
SS (suction surface) Pre-throat curvature
SS (suction surface) Post-Throat curvature
PS (pressure surface) curvature
SS Pre-throat
SS Post-throat
Figure 36: Refined airfoil curvature
NOTE: The Bezier spline modification, or manipulation, is available for both the turbine main
airfoil sections and the inner cuts.
The designer can also view how the airfoil is stacked, and select various stacking options from the
following available options:
 LE (Leading Edge) stacked
 CG (Center of Gravity) stacked
 TE (Trailing Edge) stacked
LE Stacked
CG Stacked
TE Stacked
Figure 37: Airfoil stacking options
NOTE: right click in the LHS graphics window to access the stacking options.
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AIRFOIL detailed design window for Badrieh compressor profiles
MDIDS-GT is capable of creating DCA, MCA, and Hybrid DCA / MCA compressor airfoil shapes based on
the versatile Badrieh airfoil profile shape approach. These airfoil profile shapes are based on the
following geometric parameters:
 %Axial Chord
 Stagger Angle
 Meridional Angle (calculated to match the end wall angles)
o NOTE: it is not recommended to modify this value
 LE Metal Angle
 TE Metal Angle
 LE Diameter
 Max thickness
 TE Diameter
The following values are automatically calculated for the user
 LED / c ratio
Leading Edge Diameter versus Chord (true) ratio
 Tmax / c ratio Maximum Thickness versus Chord (true) ratio
 TED / c ratio
Trailing Edge Diameter versus Chord (true) ratio
Figure 38: Badrieh airfoil profile design window
The designer will first define the compressor airfoil shapes based on the default 3 main design sections of
hub, mid, and tip. Once satisfied with the results, the designer may refine the airfoil shape using the inner
cuts option found in the stacking tab.
To apply and adjust the inner cuts, the designer will modify the No. of intermediate cuts and press the
red check mark. When the number of intermediate cuts is greater than zero (0), the designer will have
access to the individual cuts for further refinement.
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NOTE: when the 3-section design has changed, the designer should press the refresh cuts
button (
) to update the inner cuts stacking definition.
Inner Cuts Non-Linear Interpolation
MDIDS-GT provides a refined stacking interpolation scheme for the airfoil inner cuts. For the Badrieh
airfoils, the following parameters are available to apply either a linear interpolation or non-linear
 Axial Chord
 % Axial Chord
 Stagger Angle
 Max Thickness
 Delta Xcg Stack
 Delta Ycg Stack
The default stacking behaviour, when activating the Badrieh compressor profile, is linear interpolation with
no refinement. This is represented by an aqua colored parameter as shown in the figure below. The
refined stacking table remains empty.
Figure 39: Badrieh airfoil profile design window without stacking refinement
When the designer clicks on the refresh button (
) found in the Stacking Options panel, MDIDS-GT will
initialize the stacking values based on the three section cuts. Upon clicking the red check mark, MDIDSGT will apply a linear interpolation to the inner cuts and change the parameter color to black, as shown in
the figure below, to indicate that there is a stacking refinement applied to the parameter.
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Figure 40: Badrieh airfoil profile design window with stacking refinement
MDIDS-GT uses two Bezier curves to apply interpolation schemes. One Bezier curve is used between
section cuts 1 and 2, and another Bezier curve is used between section cuts 2 and 3. This allows a
designer to apply a hybrid interpolation scheme to the inner cuts; either linear or non-linear interpolation
between the section cuts.
The designer is allowed to add more stacking control points, and then mouse control or table edit the
values. To add above or below a row, or to delete a row, right click on the table and select the option.
NOTE that:
 the user is prevented from deleting rows identified as 1, 2, or 3
 the user is prevented to add a row above the row identified as 1
 the user is prevented to add a row below the row identified as 3
The following options are available in the Stacking Options Panel:
 To have the 3D view auto-updated, click on 3D real time update
o NOTE: this option is computer resource intensive
 To highlight where the inner cuts are located on the curves, click on the Show Cuts option
o The inner cuts are highlighted as maroon dashed lines, and will be dynamically updated
as the curves are modified by the control points
 To activate the mouse control, click on the Mouse Control option
o Mouse manipulated circles are highlighted as yellow, and those that are not mouse
manipulated are highlighted as red circles
to know which table row should be edited, refer to the mouse manipulated circle color scheme
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Disk Design
Includes the design of
Blade Platform
Blade Shroud
Blade Trunk
Disk Tang & Blade Fixing
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DISK detailed design window
MDIDS-GT is capable of providing a preliminary disk (rotor) stress analysis. Two calculation options are
 Run ( )
This button executes the preliminary stress analysis
Real-time ( )
This option executes the preliminary stress analysis calculation while the designer manipulates
the disk geometry coordinate points (yellow circles)
Furthermore, MDIDS-GT provides the following buttons
G general data ( )
The general data button will open a tabular window that shows the discretized stress analysis
Take a Picture (
The take a picture button captures a JPEG image of the disk profile (with platform if any) and the
resultant stress analysis graph. These images may be used in reports.
Various geometry export options
The disk design stress modelling assumptions are as follows:
 The disk temperature boundary conditions for the bore and rim are manually applied (imposed)
 The disk has a linear temperature gradient from the disk bore to disk rim
 The disk is considered adiabatic, and the heat transfer to-and-from the cavity and purge flows are
not modelled
The following disk geometry types are available:
 Ring
 Web
 { Hyperbolic }
 { Conical }
 Centrifugal
The figures below show the various disk types supported in MDIDS-GT.
a) Ring design
b) Web Design
c) Centrifugal design
Figure 41: Different disk designs
NOTE: the centrifugal disk type model is on-hold
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The right-hand side of the window allows the user to select the material proprieties, adjust the disk
geometry, and impose the bore and rim temperature (degrees Rankine) boundary conditions.
Component weights
Boundary Conditions
Material Selection
And disk properties
Disk Stress Boundary
Figure 42: Disk detailed design window
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Blade/Rotor PLATFORM detailed design
The Platform Design section is used to define the blade (rotor) platform (hub casing). The following
parameters are available:
Has Platform
Cst thickness
Platform width
Platform angle
To define if the blade has a platform or not
The constant thickness value is applied to the platform profile
Is a calculated value used and shown in the airfoil design section
Is the platform skew angle relative to the axial direction and is shown in the airfoil
design Section 1
Is the platform design iteration number appended to the export files. This value is
manually adjusted by the user.
The platform geometry definition table has the following three parameters
is the platform’s geometry coordinate point axial distance (dX) from the disk
centerline (cl)
is the platform’s geometry coordinate point radial distance from the engine center
is used to identify which platform point is associated to the airfoil hub corner points
o L for left hand side
o R for right hand side
The platform material selection is inherited from the blade material selection.
The construction points option is used to visualize where the platform geometry points are located.
These points are not mouse manipulated.
The Update Ends option is to realign the platform geometry points identified as L & R with the airfoil hub
corner points.
NOTE: The points are not mouse manipulated
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Figure 43: Blade platform design
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Blade/Rotor SHROUD detailed design
The Shroud Design section is used to define the blade (rotor) shroud (tip casing). The following
parameters are available:
Has Shroud
Cst thickness
Shroud width
Shroud angle
To define if the blade has a shroud or not
The constant thickness value is applied to the shroud profile
Is a calculated value used and shown in the airfoil design section
Is the shroud skew angle relative to the axial direction and is shown in the airfoil
design Section 3
Is the shroud design iteration number appended to the export files. This value is
manually adjusted by the user.
The shroud geometry definition table has the following three parameters
is the shroud’s geometry coordinate point axial distance (dX) from the disk
centerline (cl)
is the shrouds’s geometry coordinate point radial distance from the engine center
is used to identify which shroud point is associated to the airfoil hub corner points
o L for left hand side
o R for right hand side
The shroud design window incorporates the Knife Edge Design section. The number of knife edges,
Knife Count, is obtained directly from its respective stage design. There are two design sections for the
knife edges
o Initialization values: this section is used to initialize the knife edge geometry based on a start
position, Start position, and a constant distance, Cst spacing, between the knife edges. On
clicking the Write Default ( ) button, MDIDS-GT will auto-populate the knife edge geometry
 The knife edge geometry definition table has the following five parameters
o Pos: the user may set the knife edge at any position from the disk center line (cl). This
allows for variably spaced knife edges
o Theta: is the angle to create a forward (+) or backward (-) leaning knife edge
o Span: is the knife edge height
o B1: is the width of the knife edge base
o B2: is the width of the knife edge extremity
The shroud and knife material selection is inherited from the blade material selection.
The construction points option is used to visualize where the shroud geometry points are located.
These points are not mouse manipulated.
The Update Ends option is to realign the shroud geometry points identified as L & R with the airfoil tip
corner points.
NOTE: The points are not mouse manipulated
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Figure 44: Blade shroud design
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Blade/Rotor TANG and FIXING detailed design
The Tang Design and Fixing Design sections are used to design the blade tang & fixing geometry.
Procedurally in MDIDS-GT, we start with the tang design and then transfer the layout to the fixing design
for further refinement.
Figure 45: Blade Tang, Fixing, and Trunk design
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In the Tang Design section, we have the following options:
o Fixing Type: a selection of available fixing types
o Spine location: the radial location of where the fixing design center line is located. This radius is
located on the disk center line, measured from the engine center line
o Spine angle: is the spine angle measured from the vertical axis of the disk center line
o Spine width: is the upper and lower construction line width in reference to the spine center line
o Lobe Count: is the number of lobe counts to initialize the Tang design table
o Init R: is the radial location of the first construction point
o Init dR: is the radial location increment for the remaining construction points
o Sec ½: is the calculated disk sector ½ angle (for reference)
o Rad 7: is the disk point representing the blade hub leading edge corner point (for reference)
o Iter: is the tang design iteration number appended to the export files
o This value is manually adjusted by the user
The Tang Discretes section allows the user to define the export file geometry number of points of
discretization. This is used to create refined curves and lines.
The Tang design has the following additional options
 Construction Lines: this is used to display the spine construction lines and the inner & outer
radius construction lines for visual reference
 Highlight Tang Element: this is used to highlight the tang design element for visual reference
o The user will need to be in the Tang Design table
 use the keyboard up-down arrows to select the element to be highlighted
 or click on a cell in a row for the element to be highlighted
In the Fixing Design section, we have the following options:
o deltaYpos: this value is used to define the fixing radial location difference in reference to the tang
LINE elements
o delta Weight: this value is used to define the curvature weight difference in reference to the tang
o Copy from Tang: this button is to transfer the tang geometry to the fixing geometry with an initial
adjustment based on deltaYpos and delta Weight
o Iter: is the fixing design iteration number appended to the export files
o This value is manually adjusted by the user
Within the Fixing Design section, we find the Trunk Geometry section. Here, the calculated blade trunk
parameters are shown, with the option to change the upper trunk sector angle.
 Height: is the calculated trunk height If the disk design option of Max Rim Height is unchecked
 Taper: is the trunk tip sector angle to be applied to create a tapered design
 Xarea: is the average cross sectional area of the trunk
 Volume: is the volume of the trunk
 Mass/AF: is the mass of the trunk per airfoil
The Fixing Discretes section allows the designer to define the export file geometry number of points of
discretization. This is used to create refined curves and lines.
The Fixing design has the following additional options
 Construction Lines: this is used to display the inner & outer radius construction lines for visual
 Highlight Fixing Element: this is used to highlight the fixing design element for visual reference
o The user will need to be in the Fixing Design table
 use the keyboard up-down arrows to select the element to be highlighted
 or click on a cell in a row for the element to be highlighted
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To zoom in and out of the tang and fixing design, use the plus and minus buttons (
JPEG image of the fixing design, click on the Take a Picture (
) button.
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). To take a
Figure 46: Disk and Fixing design, meridional versus forward face perspectives
Figure 47: Fixing design Zoomed In
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Creating a Tang design
The Default Write button, found in the Tang Design section, is used, in conjunction with Init R and Init
dR values to create the first pass tang construction points, from which the tang will be refined. The tang
design initialization is executed as follows:
1) Verify that the disk design has a calculated sector angle and ½ sector angle
2) Choose a fixing type
3) Enter a value for the spine location, spine angle, and spine width
4) Select the number of tang lobe count
5) Enter a value for Init R
6) Enter a value for Init dR
7) Press the default write button
 This will auto populate the tang design table with Point (P) elements
8) Click on the red check mark to accept the first pass geometry
 This will create a set of references points for the designer to build from
9) Refine the tang design by choosing one of the design elements as defined in the table below
10) Once satisfied with the tang design, enter values for deltaYpos and delta Weight
11) Click on the Copy from Tang button to transfer the tang geometry to the fixing
12) Refine the fixing geometry using by choosing one of the design elements as defined in the table
Figure 48: Blade Tang design initialization with reference points
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The “start” line; also referred to
as the “non contact surface line”
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for the tang design, this line defines where the
tang commences from the disk rim edge and
connects to the first tang inner radius
for the fixing design, it defines where the
fixing will intersect with the trunk, and if there
is no trunk then it will be the intersection with
Furthermore, for the fixing, the “start” line
connects to the first fixing inner radius.
The fixing “inner” radius
The fixing “pressure surface”;
also referred to as the “contact
surface line”, “contact pressure
surface”, or the “flank” or “flank
The fixing “outer radius”
The “transition” line
The “close” line
The “close” curve
depending on the specific design, this feature
may be referred to as the
 “last line” which is used to assist in setting up
the “close” line or “close” curve
 or as the “non contact surface line” which is
used to transition from the fixing “outer” radius
to the next fixing “inner” radius
 this is a straight line element that joins the
bottom of the LHS and RHS of the design.
this is a curved element that joins the bottom
of the LH and RHS of the design.
Figure 49: Tang and Fixing geometric elements
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Table 2: Tang and Fixing design elements
Design Element
Start Line
Radial Location
Start Angle with
respect to the
sector ½ angle
Line length
Mid Point radial
Line Length
Inner Radius
Outer Radius
Close Line*
Close Curve*
Radial Location of
mid point**
Radial Location of
mid point**
Bezier curvature
Bezier curvature
Bezier curvature
Line angle with
respect to the Start
Angle point
location and the
horizontal axis
Line angle with
respect to the
horizontal axis
* CL and CC end point values are calculated based on the last Line (L) geometry element
** mid point calculated based on preceding & proceeding Line (L) geometry element
For details on how to use ANSYS DesignModeler to create a fixing design analysis, the
designer is referred to the research module found on the MDIDS-GT website.
Module 07 A - ANSYS workbench.pdf
Export Disk Geometry
The Simple export button ( ) will create individual geometric output text files for the disk, platform,
shroud, tang, and fixing designs. These files may be used to plot in Excel or another application.
The Specific Export Disk Geo button (
) has the ANSYS (DesignModeler) option. This will create
individual geometric output text files of the disk, platform, shroud, tang, and fixing designs to be used with
ANSYS DesignModeler.
Figure 50: Export geometry button
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3D Blade Row viewing
MDIDS-GT provides the designer a quick 3D rendering to view the airfoil blade rows and disks.
a) Stator or Vane
b) Unshrouded Blade
with Platform and Disk
c) Shrouded Blade
with Platform and Disk
d) Centrifugal Rotor and Disk
Figure 51: 360-degree 3D view of stator and rotor-disk combo
a) unshrouded blade and disk
(i.e. High-Pressure Turbine)
b) shrouded blade and disk
(i.e. Low-Pressure Turbine)
Figure 52: 3D view of single blade sector with platform, fixing, and shroud designs
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Off-Design Analysis
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STEP 3: Off-Design Analysis
The Off-Design Analysis window is where a single stage compressor and turbine off-design analysis are
performed. This window is divided into eleven (11) sections:
1) Off-design analysis window’s main menu
2) Off-design performance charts visualization
o For Compressors: rotor or stage -vs-mass flow rate, and PR-vs-mass flow rate
o For Turbines: Stage -vs-PR, and Q-vs-PR
3) Off-design parameter (boundary conditions) input panel
4) Off-design results summary of interest
5) Debugging / Refinement panel for “pesky” cases
6) Options to select the following
o the compressor loss model type
 Standard loss model
 Kidikian’s PhD loss model
o Set the mass increment for off-design chart refinement
o Turn on / off the automated mass identification based on change in percent RPM
o Turn on / off the animation for user interface speed
o Turn on / off the export option for the map execution
o Turn on / off the export option for the speed line execution
7) Adjust the from Max % to Min % RPM to execute, and at what % Inc (percent increment) to plot
8) Basic graph scaling options
9) { cooling flow boundary condition calculation and adjustment }
10) Setting angle adjustment and { clearance calculation and adjustment }
11) Off-design performance conditions alignment
o For Compressor stages only (based on Kidikian’s PhD)
Figure 53: Off-Design Analysis Window
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Off-Design Analysis Options
The designer has various off-design analysis options:
Single Point Analysis (or Debug) ( )
This mode will analyze and display a single off-design condition based on the inputs entered in the
off-design analysis input panel. This is useful for benchmarking, calibrating, verification, and
debugging of single off-design cases. Single off-design cases are identified by a black triangle (aka
“debug”). The design-point condition is represented by a red circle for reference.
The Single Point analysis is available for both Compressor and Turbine stages
Single Speed line analysis ( )
This mode will automatically adjust the inlet mass flow at the specified off-design RPM (RPM OD) to
create a single off-design speed line. This is useful for benchmarking, calibrating, verification, and
debugging of single speed line case.
o Turbine speed line results are identified by green dots.
o Turbine limit load values are identified by the yellow dots.
The Single Speed Line analysis is available for the Turbine stage only
Automated Map Generation ( )
This mode will automatically create a full off-design performance map based on adjustments of the
inlet mass flow (mass in) and the off-design RPM (RPM OD). Map speed lines are identified by green
o Turbine speed line results are identified by green dots.
o Turbine limit load values are identified by the yellow dots.
Figure 54: Single Speed Line
Figure 55: Automated Performance Map
The Automated Map Generation is available for the Turbine stage only
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Similar to the Detailed Design Window, the off-design window provides access to the flow field
and loss data with respect to a single condition case (TP and L buttons respectively). Use the SI
button to show the flow field results in SI units.
The Take a Picture button ( ) will save JPEG images of the two Compressor or Turbine
performance charts in the folder of the last opened file.
The rescale button ( ) will automatically scale the performance charts to their initial size
The erase button ( ) will delete the graph results such that you may try again.
Off-design Map and Speed Line Export options
The designer has two (2) options to export the off-design map results to a text file: the map and speed
line. These results may be used in other applications (software) or be used for data analysis. The options
 Map Export On
This option is selected to generate the off-design map export file. The export filename structure
for the compressors and turbines are as follows:
Standard Compressor model
i.e. OD-Map-Comp-Standard-Spool-1-Stage-01.txt
PhD Compressor model
i.e. OD-Map-Comp-PhD-Spool-1-Stage-01.txt
Standard Turbine model
i.e. OD-Map-Turb-Standard-Spool-1-Stage-01.txt
The Map export text file structure is different for compressors and turbines as follows:
 Compressor with Standard compressor loss model
o Inlet mass flow rate
o Rotor efficiency (eta)
o Rotor pressure ratio (PR)
o Rotor inlet Mach number (Min)
o Stage efficiency (eta)
o Stage pressure ratio (PR)
o Stator inlet Mach number (Min)
 Compressor with PhD compressor loss model
o Inlet mass flow rate
o Rotor efficiency (eta)
o Rotor pressure ratio (PR)
o Rotor inlet Mach number (Min)
o Stage efficiency (eta)
o Stage pressure ratio (PR)
o Stator inlet Mach number (Min)
 Turbine with Standard turbine loss model
o Inlet mass flow rate
o Stage efficiency (eta)
o Stage pressure ratio (PR)
o Stator inlet Mach number (Min)
o Rotor inlet Mach number (Min)
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Figure 56: Off-design analysis map for compressors (Standard loss model)
Figure 57: Off-design analysis map for compressors (PhD model)
Figure 58: Off-design analysis map for turbines (Standard loss model)
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Line Export On
This option is selected to generate the off-design speed line export file. The export filename
structure for the compressors and turbines are as follows:
Standard Compressor model
i.e. OD-Line-Comp-Standard-Spool-1-Stage-01.txt
PhD Compressor model
i.e. OD-Line-Comp-PhD-Spool-1-Stage-01.txt
Standard Turbine model
i.e. OD-Line-Turb-Standard-Spool-1-Stage-01.txt
The Speed Line export text file structure is as follows:
 Compressor with Standard compressor loss model
o massIn Inlet mass flow rate
o RPs,in
Rotor inlet static pressure
o RPs,ex Rotor exit static pressure
o RMrin
Rotor inlet relative Mach number
o RMrex
Rotor exit relative Mach number
o SPs,in
Stator inlet static pressure
o SPs,ex Stator exit static pressure
o SMrin
Stator inlet relative (absolute) Mach number
o SMrex
Stator exit relative (absolute) Mach number
 Compressor with PhD compressor loss model
o massIn Inlet mass flow rate
o RPs,in
Rotor inlet static pressure
o RPs,ex Rotor exit static pressure
o RMrin
Rotor inlet relative Mach number
o RMrex
Rotor exit relative Mach number
o SPs,in
Stator inlet static pressure
o SPs,ex Stator exit static pressure
o SMrin
Stator inlet relative (absolute) Mach number
o SMrex
Stator exit relative (absolute) Mach number
 Turbine with Standard turbine loss model
o massIN inlet mass flow rate
o SPS,in Stator inlet static pressure
o SPS,ex Stator exit static pressure
o SMrin
Stator inlet relative (absolute) Mach number
o SMrex
Stator exit relative (absolute) Mach number
o RPs,in
Rotor inlet static pressure
o RPs,ex Rotor exit static pressure
o RMrin
Rotor inlet relative Mach number
o RMrex
Rotor exit relative Mach number
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Figure 59: Off-design analysis speed line for compressors (Standard loss model)
Figure 60: Off-design analysis speed line for compressors (PhD model)
Figure 61: Off-design analysis speed line for turbines (Standard loss model)
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Axial compressor off-design alignment analysis
The axial compressor off-design analysis options (buttons) are based on the 2019 PhD thesis of John
Kidikian entitled “An Off-Design Mean-Line Methodology to Predict the Missing Data of Single-Stage
Transonic Axial Compressor Tests”. The axial compressor off-design options share most of the features
of the Turbine Stage off-design analysis with additional options.
The MDIDS-GT internal axial compressor off-design loss model has
been tuned for the following NASA axial stages:
Stages 35, 36, 37, 38
Single Point Analysis (or Debug) ( )
This mode will analyze and display a single off-design condition based on the inputs entered in the
off-design analysis input panel. This is useful for benchmarking, calibrating, verification, and
debugging of single off-design cases. Single off-design cases are identified by a black triangle (aka
“debug”). The design-point condition is represented by a red circle for reference.
Forward (mass increase) Single Speed line analysis ( )
This option will automatically increase the mass flow rate of the single off-design case until the
engineering based choke condition is encountered. The results are displayed as black triangles.
Reverse (mass decrease) Single Speed line analysis ( )
This option will automatically decrease the mass flow rate of the latest single off-design case until the
engineering based stall condition is encountered. The results are displayed as black triangles.
Import Compressor test data (
The import data button allows the designer to import the axial compressor test data. The data
imported are identified by the light blue squares. The following is the input file structure:
o The number of test data points to be read
o The test data of mass, stage PR, Stage eta, rotor PR, rotor eta
The text information shall be kept in the input file
Mass flow rate increment and decrement (
The increase and decrease mass flow buttons will increment the mass flow and automatically run the
off-design condition. These buttons are used to help identify the stall/surge and choking conditions.
The results are displayed as black triangles.
Compressor off-design map data and corrections factors
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Figure 62: Compressor off-design map data and corrections factors
Import Compressor Off-Design Map data and correction factors
At the bottom of the off-design analysis window, we find the second import data button that will load a
formatted file of the compressor off-design test data with the various correction factors to be
employed. This file is used to identify the various rotor and stator correction factors to match the
imported test map data. The file structure is as follows:
o The number of test data points to be read
o The main test data followed by the correction factors
 Cond_No Condition number or identifier
 OD_Flow Off-design mass flow rate
 OD_RPM Off-design RPM
 R_CDin
Rotor inlet blockage factor (CD)
 R_CDex
Rotor exit blockage factor (CD)
 R_Loss
Rotor loss value
 S_CDin
Stator inlet blockage factor (CD)
 S_CDex
Stator exit blockage factor (CD)
 S_Loss
Stator loss value
 R_Dev
Rotor Deviation value
 S_Dev
Stator Deviation value
 Rimp
Is the Rotor loss imposed or calculated by the internal loss model
 Simp
Is the Stator loss imposed or calculated by the internal loss model
 Rcdini
Is the Rotor CDin imposed or calculated by the internal loss model
 Rcdexi
Is the Rotor CDex imposed or calculated by the internal loss model
 Scdini
Is the Stator CDin imposed or calculated by the internal loss model
 Scdexi
Is the Stator CDex imposed or calculated by the internal loss model
 Rdimp
Is the Rotor Deviation imposed or calculated by the internal loss model
 Sdimp
Is the Stator Deviation imposed or calculated by the internal loss model
NOTE 1: The text information shall be kept in the input file
NOTE 2: the input file can only be manipulated as a text file by using MS Notepad.
NOTE 3: for the input file flags 0 means to use internal formulas, whereas 1 means
to us the input file based correction factor values
Run single off-design map condition ( )
This option allows the user to run a single off-design point after the condition is selected. It will show
the results using the black triangle.
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The option will erase any off-design (black diamond) values
Run All Cases ( )
The run all cases button will execute the entire off-design test data conditions that has been imported
Additionally, the desinger has a choice between displaying the Rotor or Stage parameters during data
matching efforts. It is recommended to start with the Rotor data matching exercise before executing the
Stage data matching exercise.
Figure 63: Selection between Rotor and Stage values
The designer is obliged to re-load the imported compressor test data, and
execute the off-design conditions to see the correct alignment of results
For details on the formulas and parameters used in the MDIDS-GT off-design model for Stages
35, 36, 37, and 38, the user is referred to the 2019 PhD thesis by John Kidikian
An Off-Design Mean-Line Methodology to Predict the Missing Data of Single-Stage
Transonic Axial Compressor Tests
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Cones Tab
Exhaust Tab
Air System Tab
Shafts Tab
Combustor Tab
Nacelle Tab
Materials Tab
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The CONES tab
The CONES tab gives access to the Cone Design window to define the turbojet, turbofan, or fanjet front
and rear cone designs. The cone design is defined by a Bezier curve with n-control points which are
mouse interactive.
The available cone parameters and variables are:
Which Cone
Zero Datum
Performance Corrections
Axial Length
Edge Height
Cap Length
Coordinates table
Construction Points
Mouse Control
this is used to select either the front or rear cone design
when checked, sets the rear cone datum to zero
this is used to define the cone design iteration
adjusts the export geometry number of discretized points between
the control points
used to correct either the inlet or exit performance values
 Delta-To: total (stagnation) temperature
 Delta-Po: total (stagnation) pressure
 Cone eta: total-to-total inlet or exit efficiency
the cone axial length
the radius of the rear cone end point to define a flat butt type cone
the axial length of the rear cone internal cap cover
A table to enter the Bezier curve control points
 Right click on the table to expose the add above, add below,
and delete row options
when checked, shows the design coordinates as circles
when checked, shows the selected row coordinate as a yellow
circle for mouse interaction
The following table represents the units to be used for the “Cone Design” window
Axial Length
Edge Height
Cap Length
deg F
Change in the total (stagnation) temperature
Change in the total (stagnation) pressure
Cone axial length
Rear cone edge radius
Internal cap axial length
NOTE: MDIDS-GT will prevent the designer from
 Deleting the first row
 Deleting the last row
 Adding a row above the first row
 Adding a row below the last row
Additionally, the coordinates of the added row will be automatically calculated as the
average value between the preceding and proceeding rows in the table.
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Figure 64: Front Cone Design
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Figure 65: Rear Cone Design
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The EXHAUST tab gives access to the detailed Exhaust Design window. This window is divided into the
following sections.
1) The Bypass duct performance parameters of temperature and pressure correction
2) The Core duct performance parameters of temperature and pressure correction
3) Basic Bypass duct geometry parameters
4) Basic Core duct geometry parameters
5) Exhaust Duct options
6) Center body (or rear cone) geometry
7) Detailed segment division of the Bypass and Core outer wall geometry
8) Thrust parameter detailed decomposition (results)
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The AIR SYSTEM tab gives access to the preliminary internal air system allocation window. The
Internal Air System, IAS for short, is also known as the Secondary Air System or SAS.
NOTE: when using the IAS window, it is strongly recommended to have the design
window in view with the air system button (
) selected to see the IAS streams.
The Preliminary Internal Air System Allocation window is divided into three main sections:
1) The Compressor IAS Allocation section
 This section contains the free-vortex values of static temperatures and pressures for the
compressor rotor and stator hub and tip radii
2) The Turbine IAS Allocation section
 This section contains the free-vortex values of static temperatures and pressures for the
turbine stator (vane) and rotor (blade) hub and tip radii
3) The Air System Assignment section
 This section contains options to
i. Assign the IAS stream number
ii. Clear the compressor and turbine IAS allocation data
iii. Assign the compressor and turbine IAS allocation data
iv. Select the IAS stream path type
v. Adjust the compressor to turbine stream pressure loss
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How to assign the IAS stream
NOTE: To be able to use the IAS window properly, the following must be satisfied:
1) There are no NAN or INF values in the compressor or turbine mean-line
2) The STAGE Ind Turbine In option is not selected.
STEP 1: select the stream number, Stream No., by using the up-down button. This button will adjust the
stream number by a count of one. The range of stream numbers is Min of 1 and Max of 6. Each stream
number is visually displayed by different line colors.
STEP 2: from the Turbine IAS allocation section, choose the spool and stage of the turbine you wish to
cool (or “purge” to)
STEP 3: from the Compressor IAS allocation section, choose the spool and stage of the compressor
you wish to use as the cooling flow source (or “bleed”)
NOTE: for IAS hub streams use compressor hub values to charge (cool) the turbine hub values,
and for IAS tip streams use compressor tip values to charge (cool) turbine tip values.
STEP 4: from the Turbine IAS allocation table select the pressure value(s) you wish to cool. They will be
highlighted as dark blue.
STEP 5: from the Compressor IAS allocation table select the pressure of the compressor bleed that’ll
charge (cool) the selected turbine pressure value(s). They will be highlighted as either light blue (aqua)
for a valid allocation, or red for an invalid allocation
Figure 66: Valid pressure-based IAS
compressor stream allocation
Figure 67: Invalid pressure-based IAS
compressor stream allocation
NOTE: when selecting IAS pressures MDIDS-GT will make a comparison between the selected
values for validity. The MDIDS-GT validity rule for pressure is (PScomp – delPo min)> PSturb. If
true then the selected compressor pressure is highlighted as light blue (aqua), if not true then the
selected compressor pressure will be highlighted as red (refer to the two figures above)
NOTE: In MDIDS-GT, for each IAS stream there can only be 1 compressor bleed source.
However, for each IAS stream there may be multiple turbine purge (or sink) locations.
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Figure 68: IAS stream path type = "above shaft"
Figure 69: IAS stream path type = "through
Figure 70: IAS stream path type = "above
Figure 71: IAS stream path type = "through
STEP 6: from the Stream path type drop down list box, select from the four (4) available IAS stream
paths of:
1) Above shaft
2) Through Shaft
3) Above Combustor; this option is to mimic an IAS stream that will be used to charge the LP or
Power turbine stages
4) Through Combustor; this option is to mimic an IAS stream that’ll be used to charge the HP turbine
NOTE: These choices will tell MDIDS how to represent the IAS stream. The representation is for
visual purposes only, and is based on the simple shaft representation found in MDIDS-GT. Refer
to the figures above for examples.
STEP 7: when satisfied by your selection, click on the Assign Comp button to assign the compressor
bleed boundary conditions to the internal data structure, and click on Assign Turb button to assign the
turbine purge boundary conditions to the internal data structure.
NOTE: if you are dissatisfied with your choices, you may deselect either the compressor or
turbine boundary conditions by clicking on Clear Comp to clear the compressor boundary
condition, or the Clear Turb button to clear the turbine boundary conditions.
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The SHAFTS tab
The SHAFTS tab gives access to the design of the gas turbine shaft geometries. The window is divided
into the following sections
Figure 72: the SHAFT design interface
Shaft geometry section
This section gives access to the shaft inner and outer geometry definition. The designer is
allowed to define the inner and outer shaft profile independently from each other, and has the
option (from the pop-up menu) to add a row of coordinated above or below the current position,
and to delete the row of coordinates.
Draw Shaft
The “Draw shaft” option is used to toggle between the preliminary (aqua colored) shaft design
and the more complex shaft design. The shaft color displayed is also transferred to the main
graphics window shaft color.
Construction Points
This option, stemming from the Draw Shaft option, is used to display the shaft construction points
as aqua (light blue) circles.
Mouse Control
This option, stemming from the Construction Points option, is used to highlight in yellow the
selected shaft construction point which is controllable by the mouse.
{ Material Properties }
The “Material Properties” section is used to select the shaft material, which will also automatically
calculate the shaft volume and mass.
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{ Bearings Tab }
The bearing tabbed section gives access to the basic bearing type and geometry definition based
on the following parameters
o Bearing Type is the type of ball or roller bearing to be chosen
o Axial Location is the axial location of the bearing with respect to the shaft
o Race width
is the bearing housing race width
o Bearing D
is the bearing diameter for either a roller or ball bearing
o Bearing W
is the bearing width for a roller bearing
NOTE: By default, the detailed shafts are not created during the preliminary sizing of the
gas turbine cross section, and only a picture shaft is used for presentation only.
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The COMBUSTOR tab gives access to the design parameters for the various combustor geometries
available in MDIDS-GT. The combustor type displayed is updated through STEP 1 “preliminary sizing and
performance analysis” found in the DESIGN tab.
The following are the design assumptions for the various combustor type:
Straight-Through Combustor
The straight-through combustor entry section corner points (points 1 and 2) are equal to the last
compressor stage stator trailing edge corner points. Additionally, the combustor exit section corner
points (points 3 and 4) are equal to the first turbine stage vane leading edge corner points. The axial
distance is used to change the overall length of the straight-through combustor.
Reversed-Flow Combustor
The reversed flow combustor uses a 4-point preliminary definition scheme as shown in the figure
below. The entry section radial location (points 2 and 3) are based on the combination of various
height values such as d23 (the radial distance between points 2 and 3), d34 (the radial distance
between points 3 and 4), and the radial difference between points 1 and 4.
The exit section radial location (points 1 and 4) are equal to the first turbine stage vane leading edge
corner points.
There are 3 axial distances for the reversed flow combustor:
o Throat
defines the throat distance between the radial plane of point 2 and point 4
o Axial Outer defines the axial distance between points 2 and 3
o Axial Inner defines the axial distance between points 2 and 1
The Hold geometry option will freeze the combustor geometry from being updated from the “Combustor
Chamber design” window.
Straight-through combustor
Reversed flow combustor
Figure 73: the COMBUSTOR design interface
NOTE: this window is currently used to define a simplified preliminary combustor geometry
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The NACELLE tab gives access to the design parameters of creating the external geometry of a
Turbofan or Turbojet nacelle. To access the Nacelle Design window, change the tab to NACELLE in the
main window, and right click to reveal the Nacelle Design window.
There are two approaches to design the nacelle, parameterized Geometry based or Points based. For
both design approaches the following parameter is common:
this is used to define the nacelle design iteration when exporting the geometry
Currently MDIDS-GT only designs Axisymmetric nacelles
NOTE: By default, the nacelle is not created during the preliminary sizing of the gas
turbine cross section.
Parameterized Nacelle Geometry
Figure 74: Parameterized Nacelle design window
The parameterized nacelle geometry is based on the following geometric features:
 Leading Edge (LE) Circle
 Trailing Edge (TE) Circle
o either defined as a circle or as a weighted Bezier curve
Suction Side (SS) Curve
Pressure Side (PS) Curve
o defined as a Bezier curve
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The LE and TE circles are defined by the following parameters:
The circle center point axial position
The circle center point radial position
The circle diameter
The circle wedge angle at the top
The circle wedge angle at the bottom
Bezier weight value when weighted option selected
The circle angle of attack
The circle radius target for the Bezier weighted curve
The Weighted option is used to turn on or off the Bezier weighted curve.
 If checked the circle is drawn as a Bezier weighted curve
 if unchecked the circle is drawn as a circle.
The default selection is unchecked.
The Nacelle Suction Side and Pressure Side curves are defined as Bezier curves. The table is used to
define the axial and radial positions of the Bezier curve control points.
NOTE: MDIDS-GT will prevent the designer from
 Deleting the first row
 Deleting the last row
 Adding a row above the first row
 Adding a row below the last row
Additionally, the coordinates of the added row will be automatically calculated as the
average value between the preceding and proceeding rows in the table.
The designer can also define the level of Curve Discretization when plotting and exporting the
geometry. There are four (4) geometric parameters that can be discretized:
 Leading Edge (LE) Circle
 Trailing Edge (TE) Circle
 Suction Side (SS) Curve
 Pressure Side (PS) Curve
The following drawing options are available:
 Draw Nacelle
This option is used to draw the nacelle in the main cross section, and in the 3D rendering of the
Construction Points
This option, stemming from the Draw Nacelle option, is used to display the nacelle construction
points as aqua (light blue) circles.
Mouse Control
This option, stemming from the Construction Points option, is used to highlight in yellow the
selected nacelle construction point which is controllable by the mouse.
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Points Based Nacelle geometry
Figure 75: Point-Based Nacelle design window
The following drawing options are available:
 Draw Nacelle
This option is used to draw the nacelle in the main cross section, and in the 3D rendering of the
engine. A minimum of two (2) points are required two generate a line.
Construction Points
This option, stemming from the Draw Nacelle option, is used to display the nacelle construction
points as aqua (light blue) circles.
Mouse Control
This option, stemming from the Construction Points option, is used to highlight in yellow the
selected nacelle construction point which is controllable by the mouse.
 The nacelle design is based on a counter-clockwise orientation. You may start
and end where you see fit.
 The nacelle can be either an open loop or closed loop design
 For a closed loop design, you will need to add the first point as the last point in
the geometry table
 Additionally, the coordinates of the added row will be automatically calculated as
the average value between the preceding and proceeding rows in the table.
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Nacelle geometry export
The Simple Import Nacelle Geo button ( ) is used to import (read) a simple text file format of the
nacelle geometry coordinated which is point-based.
The Simple Export Nacelle Geo button ( ) is used to export (write) a simple formatted text file of the
nacelle geometry coordinates. The export file coordinates will be based on the selected nacelle design
type of Geometry or Points.
The format of the simple import and export text files are as follows:
 Number of rows in the file
 X- coordinate and Y-coordinate on the same line with space(s) in between
Refer to the figure below for an example of a nacelle coordinates import & export text file.
The Specific Export Nacelle Geo button (
) is used to export the nacelle coordinates to an ANSYS
DesignModeler file format. Click on the down arrow to see the export options. The export file coordinates
will be based on the selected nacelle design type of Geometry or Points.
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The MATERIALS tab gives visual access to the MDIDS-GT materials database. The following features
are available:
 Export material data to a comma separated file
 Material selection drop down list
o The unavailable materials are surrounded by { } (squirrely) brackets
 Constant material properties (assumed as temperature independent)
o Density
o Poisson Ratio
o Specific Heat
 Material property’s lower and upper temperature limits
o T1 is the lower limit
o T2 is the upper limit
 Number of discretized points
o For plotting visualization and export file purposes
 Temperature based material data visualization
o Material Yield and Ultimate stress values
o Young’s modulus of elasticity
o Thermal conductivity
The user may adjust the T1 and T2 values to see the lower or higher temperature behaviours coded into
MDIDS-GT. Click on the refresh button to have the figures updated.
Figure 76: Material data viewer
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Performance Tab
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The Performance tab gives access to MDIDS-GT’s internal off-design engine performance model. It
provides a section to enter the off-design performance conditions, and options to create the off-design
results and accompanying performance charts.
NOTE: The current performance model is for a single stage Electric Ducted Fan.
Figure 77: Off-Design Performance Window for Electric Ducted Fan (EDF)
This window is divided into six (6) sections as follows
1) Menu bar
The menu bar has the following options from left to right
 Run a single off-design condition
 Run all the off-design conditions
 Create the off-design charts of a single off-design condition
 Create and add the map of the off-design conditions into a single map
 Create a varying Forward Mach number based off-design chart into a single map
 Map creation of the working (running) line
 Import values (no longer used)
 Export values (no longer used)
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Change table results between SI and Imperial values
Show the temperature and pressure results of a single off-design condition
Show the airfoil loss results of a single off-design condition
Hide the TP or L results table
Refresh the graphs
Save the performance chart based on the condition number name
Save the performance chart based on the “all” condition name
Copy to the clipboard the off-design conditions table to be able to paste to Excel or other
Copy to the clipboard the off-design results table to be able to paste to Excel or other
2) Reference condition and options
This section displays the Design-Point reference condition of
 Altitude
 Thrust
 Ambient Temperature
 Ambient Pressure
 Forward Mach number
 Air Flow
 Compressor inlet total temperature
 Compressor inlet total pressure
 Exhaust Area
 Compressor Q value
This section also provides the option to
 Impose a mass flow different from the one in the off-design condition
 Impose a RPM different from the one in the off-design condition
There are three (3) additional map options of
 Turn on / off the map animation for rendering speed
 { Apply the performance correction factors }
 Turn on / off the export results option
3) Off-design performance condition
This table is used to enter the various off-design conditions to be calculated. Right click in the
table to expose the add row above / add row below / delete row options
4) Off-design performance results
This table automatically updates the off-design performance results of interest.
5) Off-design performance chart and map selection
The tabs are used to show the various performance charts of (refer to the figure below for details)
 Thrust and power based off-design performance charts
 Compressor off-design performance charts
NOTE: The “working line” charts were used for R&D purposes.
6) Off-design performance graphs
This is the user interface section that displays the charts
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a) Thrust and Power performance charts
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b) Compressor performance maps
Figure 78: Off-Design Performance Charts
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Full Engine Rendering
Console Application
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Full Engine 3D Cross-Section Visualization
MDIDS-GT provides a full 3D rendering of your gas turbine whole engine cross section. The 3D rendering
is done automatically by pressing the 3D button ( ) in the main application.
NOTE: All the airfoils have to be initialized and stacked in the “airfoil” section of the
“design” tab.
GUI controls
Scene Visualization Controls
For visualization purposes various mouse options, GUI controls, and menu controls are available.
MOUSE CONTROLS: all mouse events are controlled by pressing down on the left mouse button and the
specified keyboard key simultaneously, and moving the mouse.
 L + mouse: changes the scene’s lighting intensity
 Shift + mouse, or mouse wheel: zooms in and out of scene
 Ctrl + mouse: pans the scene relative to the scene’s Y axis (move the mouse left to right)
 Alt + mouse: pans the scene relative to the scene’s X axis (move the mouse up and down)
GUI CONTROLS: controlled by the 3 track bars on the right hand side of the 3D window
 Pitch: to rotate the scene in the pitch direction
 Roll: to rotate the scene in the roll direction
 Turn: this track bar will rotate the components around the shaft axis. The scene has been
developed to show an accurate view of the shaft speed ratio based on a normalized RPM
 Camera button ( ) takes a JPEG image of the scene
 Reset button ( ) returns the scene to its initial viewing state
Axis on/off button ( ) shows/hides the scene axis
Film button ( ): make an AVI recording with the engine turning
Target location: edit the vertical target location for zooming and rotating. Associated with the 3D
view of the Disk design mode
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Figure 79: MDIDS-GT 3D rendering of a Turbo-Fan (2022+ version)
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Figure 80: MDIDS-GT 3D rendering of a FanJet or Electric Ducted Fan (2022+ version)
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CONSOLE application for optimization with NOMAD
MDIDS-GT has been coupled to Polytechnique Montreal’s NOMAD optimizer through the use of a Python
interface called MDIDS-NOMAD and the console application version called MDIDSGTconsole.
Figure 81: MDIDSGT console application
For details on how to download and run MDIDS-NOMAD, the user is referred
to Amine Kchouck’s instructions found in the software resources section.
MDIDSconsole - High Level instructions
1) Open the folder where the MDIDSGTconsole application resides
2) Copy the required input files in this folder
3) From the folder open a command line prompt by clicking the file path identifier and typing “cmd”
then press enter
For a basic command line prompt execution write the following and press enter
MDIDSGTconsole [the input file name] [the output file name]
i.e MDIDSGTconsole EngineV2500-input EngineV2500-Output.txt
For a command line single point optimization execution write the following and press enter
MDIDSGTconsole [input-name] [output-name] -OPT [opt-input name] [opt-output name]
i.e. MDIDSGTconsole EngineV2500-input EngineV2500-Output.txt -OPT opt-input.txt opt-ouput.txt
For the -OPT based optimization, the bypass flow is calculated based on the core-flow and BPR found in
the input file. To improve the console application performance, the fan, compressor, and turbine meanlines are ignored during the -OPT optimization. The optimization input file is a single line of values, with
no headers, based on the master input file’s engine spool configuration as follows (NOTE: spaces are
used to show input file differences):
1-Spool TurboFan:
2-Spool TurboFan:
3-Spool TurboFan:
NOTE: all input file parameters are based on imperial units as per the MDIDS-GT GUI
The following table lists the optimization switches available and those that are planned to be available.
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Table 3: MDIDSGTconsole -OPT switches
OPT switch
Optimization of STEP 1 Turbofan preliminary performance based on
the following target values of:
 Thrust
Using input values of
 Fan work
 Boost Work (if any)
 LPC Work (if any)
 HPC Work
 (fixed) T4
 (fixed) BPR value
 (core) Core mas flow rate
Fan stage(s) 1D DP mean-line optimization
Compressor stage(s) 1D DP mean-line optimization
Turbine stage(s) 1D DP mean-line optimization
Fan stage airfoil optimization for preliminary stress
Compressor stage airfoil optimization for preliminary stress
Turbine stage airfoil optimization for preliminary stress
Fan stage disk optimization for preliminary stress
Compressor stage disk optimization for preliminary stress
Turbine stage disk optimization for preliminary stress
Fan stage fixing optimization for preliminary stress
Compressor stage fixing optimization for preliminary stress
Turbine stage fixing optimization for preliminary stress
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Table 4: MDIDS-GT coding for 2023+
Component and/or Functionality
Combustion design
Turbofan design option
The “What”
Add hydrogen as fuel
Add 2nd combustion equation
Add 2nd bypass design option
General features
Stage interface
Mean-line General
Off-design analysis window
Extend CONSOLE to cater for
o mean-line optimization
o airfoil optimization
o disk optimization
o fixing optimization
Convert the “geometric” bubble to a table
Convert the “stage data” bubble to a table
Modify the free & forced vortex calculation
Check level 0 cooling for fans and compressors
Create interface for 3rd party loss model
DONE For map generation add a “slow motion” button
For “Off-Design Map Conditions” section
o add an “add/delete” functionality
o add an “edit” option
o add an “export/save” option
DONE Add auto-compressor map
DONE Modify auto-turbine map behaviour
Internal air system allocation
Main design window
Turbine gas path geometry
Gas path export functionality for CFD
Incorporate Seif’s, Charles’, and Francois’ codes
Draw the inter spool ducting line
Create 2D representation for a lobed exhaust
Create 3D rendering for a lobed exhaust
Add a color indicator for each stream # in the IAS prelim
allocation window
Choose vibrant colors to define the air system streams
Add chart to show the temperature and pressure
distribution along axial length of engine
Create smooth 2D gas path representation
o Geometry panel for defining points
o Display smooth gas path
o Export smooth gas path
o User choice to export smooth or ML gas path
Export or display the blade row interface points
Turbine blade row design
Matrix mathematics
Shaft dynamics
Review and improve the weighted LE and TE curves
Add matrix calculation module
Add Python interface
Add advanced combustion geometry creation
Add shaft dynamics calculation
Add bearing and seal geometry
Internal Air System
Add advanced air system model
Preliminary cross section prediction
“Stage” tab cross section view
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Design-Point and Off-design mean-line functionality limitations
Table 5: MDIDS-GT blade row architecture
Fan stages
Compressor stages
Turbine Stages
Split Stator
Table 6: Current version blade row Inlet & Exit block functionality limitations
Fan (uncooled)
Fan (uncooled)
AF1 (rotor)
AF1 (rotor)
AF2 (stator)
AF2 (stator)
AF4 (split stator)
AF3 (strut)
AF4 (strut)
AF4 (split stator)
No off-design
Compressor (uncooled)
Compressor (uncooled)
No IGV structure
No IGV structure
AF1 (rotor)
AF1 (rotor)
AF2 (stator)
AF2 (stator)
AF3 (strut)
AF3 (strut)
Turbine (cooled)
AF1 (stator)
Turbine (uncooled)
AF1 (stator)
AF2 (stator)
AF2 (stator)
AF3 (strut)
AF3 (strut)
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Constructive Geometry applications, API’s, and platforms (for potential benchmarking / collaboration /
incorporation exercise):
 OpenCascade
 OnShape
 FreeCad
 KernelCad
 Grabert
 Double Cad
 QCad
 MSCad
 Autodesk123D
 ANSYS space claim
 Fusion 360
 CGAL ?
 NewtonDynamics.DLL
 Python
 mrMath.dpk
 (DONE) NOMAD  Amine Kchouck’s Python interface between NOMAD and MDIDSconsole
Combustors are hot 
There are 3 types of combustors
 Can type
 Annular straight through
 Annular reversed flow
Combustor shape should be transferred to 3D rendering
 Q. Do we need to show the dilution and cooling holes
 Q. do we want to show the annular segments
Shafts design types:
 Bore shaft design, examples: GP7200
 Disk level shafts, examples: Trent 900, CFM 56
 Shaft profiles should be separated into 2 profiles, inner and outer profile
o Simple shaft and complex shaft option
Bearing symbols to be used:
 Square for roller bearings, handles radial loads only
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Circle for ball bearings, handles radial and axial loads
All bearings need a housing geometry
Use the Trent 900 cross section for sample arrangement
 For 3-shafts, inter shaft bearings are required, see Trent 900 cross sections
Shaft length approximation and/or initial limits
 Core compressor shaft, approximately at the last HPC rotor with a long conical connecting arm
 Core turbine shaft, approximately at the last HPT stage
 LPT Shaft, usually 2nd to last stage
 LPC, usually Fan and the 1st stage boost
Connecting arm shape
 6-point hockey stick
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APPENDIX I – Off-Design Analysis User Interface Evolution
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Please feel free to communicate and share with us your questions and feedback. We’ll use
them to improve this user guide and the software itself.
Thank you all in advance
The MDIDS-GT development team
Imagine the possibilities.
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