INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF GRAND-BASSAM STEM: School of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics MTH 2300 – DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Tuesday/Thursday 11:30 AM-12:50 PM – Room 22 Fall 2025 I. II. Instructor Information: A. Name : B. Phone : C. Email : D. Office location : E. Office hours : Akossi Aurelie Phd N/A TH 1:00pm-2:30 pm By appointment Course information A. Number of Class Hours per week: B. Number of Credits: C. Articulation with Georgia State University: D. Course Prerequisites: 3h 3 Yes 1. MATH 1113 or MTH 1303, minimum grade of C 2. MATH 2211 or MTH 1401, minimum grade of C or E. F. Computer Skills Prerequisites (CSP): Course Description: 1, 2, 6 Introduction to discrete structures which are applicable to computer science. Topics include number bases, logic, sets, Boolean algebra, and elementary concepts of graph theory. III. Position of the Course in the University Curriculum: A. Level: Undergraduate B. Core Curriculum Group(s): D,F,G elective [BS Math] C. Required for majors: IV. Institutional Learning Outcomes supported by the Course:€ € € € € € € V. VI. Communication (Oral and Written): Y Collaboration: N Critical Thinking: Y Contemporary Issues: N Quantitative Skills: Y Technology: N Problem Solving: Y Instructional Goals Alignment: School, subject area and individual course goals A. Learn to write a mathematical proof, B. Strengthen problem solving skills, C. Learn the basic language and problem solving tools of discrete mathematics in order to use these infurther study (either of computer science or of more advanced topics in discrete mathematics). Learning Objectives: At the end of the course, students should be able to: gMTH 2300 Syllabus Spring 2025 Page 1 A. Identify logical form, form compound statements using the connectives and, or and not, determine truth tables of more general compound statements, determine whether two statement forms are logically equivalent or nonequivalent, apply De Morgan’s laws to form negations of andandor, determine whether a statement is a tautology or a contradiction, and use logical equivalences to simplify statement forms. B. Determine truth tables for compound statements containing conditional and biconditional connectives, represent if-then as or, and then use this representation to negate an if-then statement, determine the negation, contrapositive, converse and inverse of a conditional statement, rewrite a conditional statement as an “only if” statement, and as sufficient and necessary conditions. C. Determine whether an argument is valid or invalid, use valid argument forms such as modus ponens, modus tollens, etc. to do complex deductions, and illustrate a proof by contradiction using the knights and knaves example. D. Give the input/output table for the following gates: OR, ANDandNOT, find a Boolean expression (input/output table, respectively) of a circuit, find a circuit corresponding to a Boolean circuit (input/output table, respectively) by finding the disjunctive-normal or sum-of-products form, determine whether two logical circuits are equivalent, and simplify a combinatorial circuit. E. Represent a binary (hexadecimal, octal) number as a decimal number, represent a decimal (hexadecimal, octal) number in binary notation, represent a binary number in hexadecimal (octal) notation, and add and subtract binary numbers. F. Determine the domain and the truth set of a predicate variable, identify universal and existential statements, be able to write these statements in formal and informal language, and identify universal conditional statements, negate universal and existential statements, as well as statements containing both universal and existential statements. G. Define an even (odd) integer, prove an existential statement using an example, use a direct proof to prove universal statements such as “The sum of an even integer and an odd integer is odd”, “If the difference of any two integers is odd, then so is their sum”, etc., disprove a universal statement by an example, follow the directions for writing proofs of universal statements, and identify common mistakes in proving statements. H. Use direct proofs or counterexamples to prove or disprove statements involving the rational numbers. I. Use direct proofs or counterexamples to prove or disprove statements involving the divisibility of integers, and use the quotient-remainder theorem to illustrate a proof by division into cases. J. Use methods of proofs by contradiction and contraposition to prove various statements. K. Find the explicit formula for a sequence, and be able to do calculations involving factorial, summation and product notations. L. Be able to prove statements using mathematical induction. M. Determine whether one set is a subset of another, whether two sets are equal, whether an element is in a set or not, be able to determine the union, intersection, difference and complement of sets, illustrate sets using Venn diagrams, determine the Cartesian product of two or more sets, prove set identities, use set identities to derive new set properties from old set properties, use Venn diagrams to prove set identities, determine whether sets form a partition of a given set, and determine thepower set of a set. N. Determine whether a relationship is a function or not, determine the domain, co-domain, range of a function, and the inverse image of x, prove or disprove whether a function is one-to-one or not, determine whether a function is onto or not, determine the inverse of a one-to-one correspondence, determine the composition of two functions, and show that if two functions are one-to-one (onto) so too is their composition. O. Determine the arrow diagram of a relation, whether a relation is a function or not, determine the inverse of a relation, whether a relation is reflexive, symmetric or transitive, determine the transitive closure of a relation, show that the binary relation induced by a partition is an equivalence relation, and show that the set of equivalence classes of an equivalence relation on A forms a partition of A. P. Identify loops, parallel edges, etc. in a graph, draw the complete graph on n vertices, and the complete bipartite graph on (m,n) vertices, determine whether a graph is bipartite or not, list all the sub-graphs of a given graph, determine the degree of a vertex in a graph, prove that the sum of the degrees of the vertices is equal to twice the number of edges, show that in any graph there is an even number of vertices of odd degree, apply these results, and determine the complement of a simple graph. Q. Determine whether a walk is a path, simple path, closed walk, circuit or a simple circuit, determine whether a graph is connected or not, prove that a graph has an Euler circuit if and only if the graph is connected and every vertex of the graph has even degree, determine whether a given graph has an Euler circuit and, if so, indicate one, prove that a graph has an Euler path if and only if the graph is connected and has exactly gMTH 2300 Syllabus Spring 2025 Page 2 two vertices of odd degree, determine whether a given graph has an Euler path and, if so, indicate one, and determine whether a graph has a Hamiltonian circuit and, if so, indicate one. R. Determine whether a graph is a tree or not, show that any tree with more than one vertex has two leaves, show that any tree with n vertices has n-1 edges, show that if G is a connected graph with n vertices and n1 edges, then G is a tree, determine in a rooted tree, the root, level of a given vertex, height of the tree, children, parent, siblings, ancestors and descendants of a vertex, determine whether a given tree is a binary or full binary tree, and prove results regarding binary trees. S. Apply Kruskal’s algorithm or Prim’s algorithm to determine a minimal spanning tree for a given graph. VII. Required Texts Discrete Mathematics with Applications, 3rd edition by Susanna S. Epp, Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, 1995 VIII. Additional References / Bibliography IX. Course Outline Week Lecture Topic 1 Logic of Compound Statements • Logical Form and Logical Equivalence • Conditional Statements • Valid and Invalid Arguments • Digital Logic Circuits • Number Systems & Circuits for Addition 3 Logic of Quantified Statements • Predicates • Negation of Quantified Statements • Multiply Quantified Statements • Arguments with Quantified Statements 5 Elementary Number Theory and Methods of Proof • Proof and Counterexample • Rational Numbers • Divisibility • Quotient and Remainder • Contradiction and Contraposition 7 Sequences and Mathematical Induction • Sequences • Mathematical Induction 8 Set Theory • Basics of Set Theory • Set Properties • Boolean Algebra 9 Functions • Generic Functions • One-to-One, Onto and Inverse Functions • Pigeonhole Principle • Composition of Functions 11 Relations • Relations on Sets • Reflexivity, Symmetry and Transitivity • Equivalence Relations • Partial Order Relations 13 Graphs and Trees • Graphs • Paths and Circuits • Trees • Spanning Trees X. Reading Chapter 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Chapter 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Chapter 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.6 Chapter 4 4.1 4.2 Chapter 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 Chapter 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Chapter 10 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.5 Chapter 11 11.1 11.2 11.5 11.6 Methodology Used gMTH 2300 Syllabus Spring 2025 Page 3 Lectures will be based on the textbook. Students will have to read parts of the book before lectures, hence, to help better understanding and participation of students in class. You are responsible for all the material covered in class, whether or not you attended this class. It is therefore your responsibility to get miss material from others before the next class Taking good notes during the class is of significance importance. XI. Assessments A. Frequency There will be weekly homework assignments. The purpose of them is to get you to live and breathe the mathematics that we will be covering. It will be most helpful to regard them as a fun challenge. B. Weighting of different assessments The course grade will be computed as follows: 30% homework, 25% midterm, 40% final, 5% contribution to group discussions. This last 5% will be based upon my assessment of the extent of your constructive participation in class discussions. This is a judgment call that I alone will make. C. Types and expectations There will be one midterm and a final. No programming assignments will be given. Your lowest homework score might be dropped from the grade computation. 1. Individual: All tests and assignments will be done on an individual basis. Anyone found cheating and/or copying, in my opinion, will receive an automatic F for the course. 2. Quizzes 3. Exams 4. In-class Participation IUGB Grading Scale Letter Grade Credit A+ A AB+ B BC+ C CD F K V W WF I XII. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NO YES NO NO NO NO Quality GradingScale Points (In Percentage) 4.30 97-100 4.00 93-96 3.70 90-92 3.30 87-89 3.00 83-86 2.70 80-82 2.30 77-79 2.00 73-76 1.70 70-72 1.00 59.5-69 0.00 <59.5 0.00 Credit by Exam Pass/Fail 0.00 Audit 0.00 Withdrawal 0.00 Failing withdrawal 0.00 Must be made up before the next semester begins General Policies Students are expected to follow all published IUGB rules and regulations. The instructor reserves the right to modify the outline and/or the assignments as deemed necessary to meet certain needs or situations that will arise during the semester. Students with Special Needs or Disabilities: Please let the instructor know if you have any special needs and need specific accommodations. gMTH 2300 Syllabus Spring 2025 Page 4 Attendance Policy: Attendance will be taken. I reserve the right to withdraw a student (with a ‘WF’) who has excessive (≥ 6) absences. Submission of Assignments: Hidden collaboration will be regarded as cheating.We will be discussing the homework problems in class on the day that they are due. Therefore, you must hand them in either at the beginning of class, or email them BEFORE class to me. In the absence of a documented medical or family emergency, late homeworks will not be accepted.Any queries about the grades should be brought to my attention within a week after the graded students’ works have been returned to the class. Make-up Policy: There will be no makeup test. A missed test or exam will result in 0 points. Contact me in advance in case of a disaster such as illness. An original letter addressed to me on a letterhead paper from a physician or hospital stating that you could not take the test or exam as scheduled is necessary for me to consider your case. Academic Integrity: All work submitted for grading must be the student’s own work. Plagiarism will result in a score of 0 for the work or dismissal from the course and the Dean will be notified. No copying from another student’s work, of any class, is allowed. It is the student’s duty to allow no one to copy his or her work. If it is found that one student copied from another, both papers will be given a score of 0 regardless of who copied from whom. Classroom Conduct: All Mobile Phones MUST be turned OFF at the beginning of each class. Assistance with the Course gMTH 2300 Syllabus Spring 2025 Page 5