Short Review Short Review Identify pictures of tourist spots in the Philippines. Tubbataha Reef diving spot in Palawan Island Short Review Identify pictures of tourist spots in the Philippines. Mayon Volcano in Bicol Region Short Review Identify pictures of tourist spots in the Philippines. Chocolate Hills in Bohol Island Short Review Identify pictures of tourist spots in the Philippines. Banaue Rice Terraces in Ifugao Province Short Review Identify pictures of tourist spots in the Philippines. Taal Volcano and Lake View in Tagaytay City Feedback Fill in the blanks with details stated in the numbers. 1 – your name 2 – the places where you like to go 3 – the people whom you like to be with you during your travel 4 – your target travel date 5 – realistic plans to achieve your travel goals After filling in the blanks, read and reflect: Fulfill your dreams. Keep this file for future activities. Feedback MY TRAVEL GOAL I am ____________(1)____________. I love to visit ____________(2)____________. During my trip, I hope to be with __________(3)________. I plan to travel on ____________(4)__________. In order to make my dream a reality, I will ___________________(5)_____________________ __________. Quote of the day “The most beautiful in this world is, of course, the world itself.” – Wallace Stevens Content Area Vocabulary Hospitality and tourism industry is a vast sector that includes all the economic activities that directly or indirectly contribute to or depend upon travel and tourism. This industry sector includes Hotels and Resorts, Restaurants and Catering, and Clubs and Bars. Tourism is the act and process of spending time away from home for recreation, relaxation, and pleasure while using the commercial provision of services. Content Area Vocabulary Hospitality is the activity or business of providing services to guests in hotels, restaurants, bars, and other areas where people go to eat or relax. Accommodation is the act of providing what is needed or desired for convenience to guests. Travel is to move or transfer from one place to another for an important purpose. Fundamentals of the Tourism Industry Why do people travel? Many would answer for business, some for leisure, and others would say for education. How about you? As you review this learning material, reflect on the importance of traveling. Types and Forms of Tourism A. Based on the point of origin 1. Domestic tourism happens when residents travel within their country of residence. This is more difficult to measure than the other kind because there are rarely currency, language, or visa implications. 2. International tourism involves travel outside the country of residence where currency, language, and visa are to be considered. Types and Forms of Tourism B. Based on travel arrangements 1. An Inclusive Tour is a travel where several components like accommodation, fare, food, and amenities are purchased together, and one price is paid. 2. Independent Travel is when needed components like accommodation, fare, food, and amenities are purchased separately. 3. Tailor–made Travel is a combination of inclusive and independent travel, and the Internet may be used for bookings and payments. Types and Forms of Tourism C. Based on the purpose of travel 1. Leisure and recreation include visiting other places during weekends, holidays, or free time to visit friends and relatives, exploring other places for cultural tourism, and leisure and sports activities like swimming, hiking, and biking to de-stress and rejuvenate. 2. Study travel includes visiting another place or country to learn or apply skills learned inside the classroom in a different environment, such as in the Practicum Training Program. Types and Forms of Tourism 3. Health tourism is a wider term for travel that focuses on medical treatments and the use of healthcare services. It covers a wide field of health-oriented tourism, ranging from preventive and health conductive treatment to rehabilitation and curative forms of travel. Wellness tourism is a related field. 4. Business and professional tourism involves traveling to a destination away from home or a normal workplace. Some types of business tourism are incentive travel, exhibitions, trade fairs, conferences and meetings, and corporate events. Worked Example Class sharing on these questions: a. Why do people travel? b. What are the positive and negative impacts of the pandemic on the tourism industry? c. How can you help in the promotion of domestic tourism? Lesson Activity Teacher can share pictures or videos of his or her personal travels to inspire his/her students to think of their dream destinations. Lesson Activity List the Top 10 Destinations on your notebook. The place must be specific. Besides the destination, specify your reason/s for choosing that place. Short Review Let us examine this picture: Short Review Let us examine this picture: 1. What can you say about the room? 2. Do you like to stay in a place like this? Scope of Hospitality Industry a. Accommodation and Lodging refers to a place where one stays but not his or her home. Accommodation is to stay for a long period of time, while lodging is to stay for a short period of time. b. Travel services include transportation by air, land, or water. Travel and ticket bookings are also a part of this service. c. Food and Beverage Services caters to anything that involves meals to be eaten by guests as well as the services done for this purpose, like table setting and food catering. Scope of Hospitality Industry d. Recreation and Entertainment are the activities that provide fun amusement to guests. It can be in the form of sports and arts, whether visual or performance. e. Conventions and Events Management include organizing activities for large meetings of an organization or group. f. Cruises are large passenger ships used mainly for vacation. Scope of Hospitality Industry a. Catered Accommodation is an accommodation that provides guests with food. b. Non–catered accommodation is an accommodation where food is not included in the package. The guest either dines out, brings his / her own food, or relies on food delivery services. Types of Accommodations and Their Characteristics a. Catered Accommodation is an accommodation that provides guests with food. b. Non–catered accommodation is an accommodation where food is not included in the package. The guest either dines out, brings his / her own food, or relies on food delivery services. Worked Example Let us dream big. Imagine yourself 15 years from now, and you will have enough savings to start your own business. You opted to build your own business that is related to the hospitality industry. What would it be? Describe your planned business and be ready to share it with the class after 5 minutes. At least ten volunteers will be asked to share. Lesson Activity Come and Visit Our Place Complete the table by giving an example; it could be an establishment or organization for each scope of the hospitality industry that is found in your place: Learners’ Takeaways Let Me Tell You Where I Like To Go a. Learners will be grouped by threes. b. Each student will share his/her travel goal (done under A.2 Feedback in this exemplar) Formative Assessment Campaign Logo a. Teacher will allow the students to select a pair. b. Each pair will create a logo inviting tourists to visit their barangay. c. The logo will be drawn on a short bond paper. Reminders Bring the materials Scrapbook making. needed Materials Needed: • Pictures of travel experiences • Bond papers • Scissors • Glue/Paste • Storyboard template in Formative Assessment Project making on scrapbook making. Please refer to Learning Activity Sheet #1