Art. 246 - Parricide 1. That the person is killed 2. That the person is killed by the accused 3. That the deceased is the father, mother or child, whether legitimate or illegitimate or a legitimate other descendant or other ascendant or the legitimate spouse of the accused 1. Relationship of the offender with the victim is the essential element of this crime The relationship which should by three important aspects: a. (1) legitimacy; parents, children must be legitimate or illegitimate; ascendants, descendants must be legitimate; b. (2) direct line not by collateral; c. (3) by consanguinity not affinity those relatives in law are not covered under Article 246. 2. Relationship must be alleged 3. The law does not require knowledge of relationship between them 4. A stranger who cooperates and takes part in the commission of the crime of parricide, is not guilty of parricide Art. 247 - Death or physical injuries inflicted Requisites: under exceptional circumstances 1. That a legally married person or a parent surprise his spouse or his daughter, the latter under 18 years of age and living with him, in the act of committing sexual intercourse with another person 2. That he or she kills any or both of them or inflicts upon any or both of them any serious physical injuries in 1. This article does not define or penalize a felony it provide for a specific crime but grants a privilege or benefit to the accused 2. Penalty- Destierro 3. The prosecution must be established the evidence of the defense 4. For parents: It does not require that the child is legitimate or illegitimate 5. Surprise - Indispensable requirement the act or immediately thereafter 3. That he has not promoted or facilitated the prostitution of his wife or daughter, or that he or she has not consented to the infidelity of the other spouse Art. 248- Murder 1. That a person was killed 2. That the accused killed him 3. That the killing was attended by any of the qualifying circumstances mentioned in Art. 248 4. That the killing is not parricide or infanticide 1. Murder - the unlawful killing of any person 2. Qualifying Circumstances: a. Treachery - when the offender employed means, methods or forms in the execution of the act which tend directly and specially to insure its execution without risk to himself, Taking advantage of superior strength, with the aid of armed men (at least two) or employing means to weaken the defenses, or of means or persons to insure or afford impunity b. In consideration of a price, reward or promise c. By means of inundation, fire, poison, explosion, shipwreck. Stranding of a vessel, derailment or assault upon a railroad, fall of an airship by means of motor vehicles or with the use of any other means involving great waste and ruin d. On occasion of any of the calamities enumerated in the preceding paragraph, or of an earthquake, eruption of a volcano, destructive cyclone, epidemic or any other public calamity e. With evident premeditation the execution of the criminal act is preceded by cool thought and reflection upon the resolution to carry out the criminal intent during the space of time sufficient to arrive at a calm judgment. A. The time when the offender has determined to commit the crime B. An act manifestly indicating that the culprit has clung to his determination C. A sufficient interval of time between the determination and the execution of the crime f. With cruelty, by deliberately and inhumanly augmenting the suffering of the victim, or outraging or scoffing at his person or corpse 3. Killing of a child of tender years is murder- characterized by treachery Art. 249 - Homicide 1. That a person was killed 2. That the accused killed him without any justifying circumstances 1. Homicide is the unlawful killing of any person which is neither murder, parricide or infanticide 3. That the accused had the intent to kill, which is presumed 4. That the killing was not attended by any of the qualifying circumstances of murder, parricide or infanticide Art. 250 Penalty for frustrated parricide, murder, or homicide Art. 251 affray Death caused in a tumultuous 2. Penalty is reclusion perpetua when the victim of homicide is under 12 years of age 3. The killing must not be justified 4. Use of unlicensed firearm is an aggravating circumstance in homicide ( RA 10591) 5. The prosecution is burdened to prove: a. The death of the party alleged to be dead b. That the death was produced by the criminal act of some other than the deceased and was not the result of accident, natural cause or suicide c. That defendant committed the criminal act or was in some way criminally responsible for the act which produced the death 1. Penalty lower by one degree than that which should be imposed under Art. 50 2. The court may impose penalty 2 degrees lower ( permissive not mandatory) 1. That there be several persons 2. That they did not compose groups organized for the common purpose of assaulting and attacking each other reciprocally 3. That these several persons quarreled and assaulted one in a confused and 1. Several -means more than two but not very many 2. The person killed in the course of the affray need not be one of the participants in the affray tumultuous manner 4. That someone was killed in the course of the affray 5. That it cannot be ascertained who actually killed the deceased 6. That the person or persons who inflicted serious physical injuries or who use violence can be identified Art. 252 - Physical injuries inflicted in a tumultuous affray 1. That there is affray as referred to in the preceding article 2. That a participant or some participants thereof suffer serious physical injuries or physical injuries of a less serious nature only 3. That the person responsible therefor cannot be identified 4. That all those who appear to have used violence upon the person of the offended party are known 1. Physical injuries inflicted in a tumultuous affray must be one or some of the participants of the affray 2. Penalty is one degree lower that that for the physical injury inflicted 3. Slight physical injuries not included Art 253- Giving assistance to suicide 1. By assisting another to commit suicide, whether the suicide is consummated or not 2. By lending his assistance to another to commit suicide to the extent of doing the killing himself 1. Art. 253 does not distinguish and does not make any reference to the relationship of the offender with the person committing suicide Art. 254 - Discharge of firearms 1. That the offender discharges a firearm against or at another person 2. The the offender has no intention to kill that person 1. The purpose of the offender is only to intimidate or to frighten the offended party Art. 255 - Infanticide 1. That the child was killed 2. That the deceased child was less than 3 days old 3. That the accused killed the said child 1. Infanticide - may be defined as the killing of any child less than three days of age 2. Mitigating - To conceal dishonor ( must be of good reputation) a. Mother b. Maternal Grandparents Reason for mitigating : there is no yet emotional attachment between the mother and the child Art. 256 - Intentional Abortion Ways of committing intention abortion: 1. By using any violence upon the person of pregnant woman 2. By acting, but without using violence, without the consent of the women 3. By acting (by administering drugs or beverage) with the consent of the pregnant woman 1. Infanticide - if the fetus could sustain an independent life after it separation from the womb and it is killed Elements: a. That there is pregnant woman b. That violence is exerted, or drugs or beverages administered or that the accused otherwise acts upon such pregnant woman c. That as a result of the use of violence or drugs or beverages upon her, or any other at of the accused, the fetus dies, either in the womb or after having been expelled therefrom d. That the abortion is intended Art 257 - Unintentional Abortion 1. That there is pregnant woman 2. That violence is used upon such pregnant woman without intending abortion 3. That violence is intentionally exerted 4. That as a result of the violence the fetus dies either in the womb or after having been expelled therefrom 1. Liability of the woman is mitigated if the purpose is to conceal dishonor 2. If the purpose of the parents is to conceal dishonor - 258 3. If the purpose of the parents was not to conceal dishonor - 256 4. No mitigation for parents Art 258 - Abortion practiced by the woman herself or by her parents 1. That there is pregnat woman who has suffered an abortion 2. That the abortion is intended 3. That the abortion is caused by a. The pregnant woman herself b. Any other person with her consent c. Any of her parents, with her consent for the purpose of concealing her dishonor Art 259 - Abortion practice by a physician or midwife and dispensing of abortives 1. That there is pregnant woman has suffered an abortion 2. The the abortion is intended 3. That the offender, who must be a physician or midwife causes or assists in causing the abortion 4. That said physician or midwife takes advantage of his or her scientific knowledge or skill 1. Penalty for intentional abortion is maximum period 2. As for the pharmacist, it is not necessary that the abortive be actually used Art 262 - Mutilation Two Kinds of Mutilation 1. If under age of 12 , rp 2. The offender must have the intention to deprive the offended party of a part of his body 1. By intentionally mutilating another by depriving him, either totally or partially of some essential organ for reproduction 2. By intentionally making other mutilation that is by lopping or clipping off any part of the body of the offended party other than essential organ for reproduction, to deprive him of that part of his body Elements of First Kind: 1. That there be a castration, that is mutilation of organs necessary for generation, such as the penis or ovarium 2. That the mutilation is caused purposely and deliberately, that is to deprive the offended party of some essential organ for reproduction Art 263 - Serious Physical Injuries ( Par 1) Classes of Serious Physical Injuries 1. The consequence of the injuries inflicted 2. The nature and character of the wound inflicted 3. The proper penalty 1. Impotence - inability to copulate or loss of power to procreate 2. Penalty for par 1. Shall be rp if the victim is under 12 years old 3. Blindness - must be 2 eyes Committed : By wounding By beating By assaulting By administering injurious substance That the injured person becomes a. Insane b. Imbecile c. Impotent d. or blind Art 263 - Serious Physical Injuries ( Par 2) Committed : By wounding By beating By assaulting By administering injurious substance That the injured person: a. Loses the use of speech or the power to hear or smell or the loss of an eye, hand or a foot or an arm or a leg b. Loses the use of any such member 1. It must be loss of power to hear of both ears 2. Loss of use of hand or incapacity for usual work must be permanent c. Becomes incapacitated for the work in which he was theretofore habitually engaged Art 263 - Serious Physical Injuries ( Par 3) Committed : By wounding By beating By assaulting By administering injurious substance That the injured person becomes a. Deformed b. Loses any other member of his body c. Loses the use thereof d. Becomes ill or incapacitated for the performance of the work in which he was habitually engaged for more than 90 days Art 263 - Serious Physical Injuries ( Par 4) Committed : By wounding By beating By assaulting By administering injurious substance That the injured person becomes: a. Ill b. Incapacitated for labor for more than 30 days Art 264 - Administering injurious substances or beverages 1. That the offender inflicted upon another any serious physical injury 2. That it was done by knowingly administering to him any injurious substances or beverages or by taking advantage of his weakness of mind or credulity 3. That he had no intent to kill 1. Any part of his body - other than the eye, hand, food, arm or leg 2. Deformity requires that a. Physical ugliness b. Permanent and definite abnormality c. Conspicuous and visible 3. It cannot be covered by the dress or clothes 1. Hospitalization for more than 30 days may mean either illness or incapacity for labor for more than 30 days 2. Medical attendance is not important in serious physical injury 1. It is frustrated murder if there is intent to kill 2. If the accused did not know of the injurious nature of the substance he is not liable 3. Does not apply to less serious or slight Art 265 - Less serious physical injuries Committed : By wounding By beating By assaulting That the person becomes a. Incapacitated for labor for 1o days or more but not more than 30 days b. Shall require medical attendance for the same period 1. Qualified less serious : a. There is manifest intent to insult or offend the injured person b. There are circumstances adding ignominy to the offense c. When the victim is either - the offender’s parents, ascendants, guardian, curator or teacher, person of rank or persons in authority provided that the crime is not direct assault 2. The crime is less serious even if there was no incapacity but the medical treatment was for 13 days Art 266 - Slight physical injuries and Three kinds of Slight physical injuries: maltreatment 1. PI which incapacitated the offended party for labor from one to nine days, or required medical attendance during the same period 2. PI did not prevent the offended party from engaging in his habitual work oe which did not require medical attendance 3. Ill treatment of another by deed without causing any injury Art. 266- A committed - Rape, RA 8353 Anti Rape Law when and how Rape under par. 1 1. That the offender is a man 2. That the offender had carnal knowledge of a woman 3. That such act is accomplished under 1. RA 11648 - AN ACT PROMOTING FOR STRONGER PROTECTION AGAINST RAPE AND SEXUAL EXPLOITATION AND ABUSE, INCREASING THE AGE FOR DETERMINING THE COMMISSION OF STATUTORY RAPE any of the following circumstances: a. By using for or intimidation b. When the woman is deprived of reason or otherwise unconscious c. By means of fraudulent machination or grave abuse of authority d. When the woman is under 12 years of age or demented Rape under par 2 1. That the offender commits an act of sexual assault 2. That the act of sexual assault is committed by any of the following means: a. By inserting the penis into another’s person’s mouth or anal orifice b. By inserting any instrument or object into the genital or anal orifice of another person 3. That the act of sexual assault is accomplished under any of the following circumstances: 2. When the offended party is under sixteen (16) years of age or is demented, even though none of the circumstances mentioned above be present: Provided, That there shall be no criminal liability on the part of a person having carnal knowledge of another person under sixteen (16) years of age when the age difference between the parties is not more than three (3) years, and the sexual act in question is proven to be consensual, non-abusive, and non-exploitative: Provided, further, That if the victim is under thirteen (13) years of age, this exception shall not apply. 3. Par 1 - Rape by Sexual Intercourse a. The slightest penetration is enough b. A broken hymen is not an essential element of rape c. Exact date of the sexual assault not an essential element d. Only one of the 4 circumstances mentioned is sufficient a. By using force or intimidation 4. Par 2 - Rape through sexual assault b. When the woman is deprived of reason or otherwise unconscious 1. Compared to sexual assault, rape is c. By means of fraudulent machination severely penalized because it may or grave abuse of authority lead to unwanted pregnancy d. When the woman is under 12 years 2. Resistance when futile does not old or demented amount to consent 3. Moral ascendancy or influence, held to substitute for the element of physical force or intimidation 5. Where homicide is committed by reason or on the occasion of rape, there is rape with homicide even if the decease is not the victim of the rape 6. The sweetheart theory applies in acts of lasciviousness and rape, felonies committed against or without the consent of the victim. It operates on the theory that the sexual act was consensual. It requires proof that the accused and the victim were lovers and that she consented to the sexual relations. 7. Briefly, the Maria Clara doctrine, also known as the "women's honor" doctrine, is an old legal principle that teaches the presumption that women, especially Filipinos, would not admit having been abused unless that abuse had actually happened, owing to their natural instinct to protect their honor Art 266-C Effect of Pardon Art 267 -Kidnapping and Serious Illegal Detention Marriage extinguishes not only the penal action but likewise the penalty imposed 1. That the offender is a private individual 2. The he kidnaps or detains another or in any other manner deprives the latter of his liberty 3. That the act of detention or kidnapping must be illegal 4. That in the commission of the offense, any of the following circumstances is present : a. That the kidnapping or detention lasts for more than three days 1. If the offender is a public officer (must have duty under the law to detain a person) it will be arbitrary detention 2. Intention to deprive of the victim of his liberty for purpose of extorting ransom on the part of the accused is essential in the crime of kidnapping 3. Actual demand for ransom not necessary 4. It is essential in the crime of illegal detention that there be actual confinement or restriction of the b. That it is committed simulating public authority c. That any serious physical injuries are inflicted upon the person kidnapped or detained or threats to kill him are made d. That the person kidnapped or detained is minor, female or a public officer Art 268 - Slight Illegal Detention person of the offended party 5. Detention is illegal when not ordered by competent authority or not permitted by law 1. That the offender is a private individual 2. The he kidnaps or details another or in any manner deprives him of his liberty 3. That the act of kidnapping or detention is illegal 4. That the crime is committed without the attendance of any of the circumstances enumerated in Art. 247 Privilege Mitigating Art 269 - Unlawful Arrest 1. That the offender arrests or detains another person 2. That the purpose of the offender is to deliver him to the proper authorities 3. That the arrest or detention is not authorized by law or there is no reasonable ground thereof 1. For the purpose of filing information 2. The offender is any person Art 270 - Kidnapping and failure to return a minor 1. That the offender is entrusted with custody of a minor person 2. That he deliberately fails to restore the said minor to his parents or guardians 1. The essential element is that the offender is entrusted with the custody of the minor Art 271 - Inducing a minor to abandon his home 1.That the minor is living in the home of his parents or guardian or the person entrusted with his custody 1. If the offender a. Voluntarily releases the person kidnapped or detained within 3 days b. Without having attained the purpose intended c. Before the institution of criminal proceedings against him an 2. That the offender induces said minor to abandon such home Art 272 - Slavery 1. That the offender purchases, sells, kidnaps or detains a human being 2. That the purpose of the offender is to enslave such human being 1. Qualifying - the penalty is higher if the purpose of the offender is to assign the offended party to some immoral traffic Art 273 - Exploitation of Child Labor 1. That the offender retains a minor in his service 2. That it is against the will of the minor 3. That it is under the pretext of reimbursing himself of a debt incurred by an ascendant, guarding or person entrusted with the custody of such minor 1. The service of the minor must be against his will Art. 274 - Services rendered compulsion in payment of debt under Art 275- Abandonment of persons in danger and abandonment of one’s own victim 1. That the offender compels a debtor to work for him either as household servant or farm laborer 2. That it is against the debtor’s will 3. That the purpose is to require or enforce the payment of debt Acts punishable: 1. By failing to render assistance to any person whom the offender finds in an uninhabited place wounded or in danger of dying when he can render such assistance without detriment to himself, unless such omission shall constitute a more serious offense 2. By failing to help or render assistance to another whom the offender accidentally wounded or injured 3. By failing to deliver a child under seven years old whom the offender found abandoned, to the authorities or to his family or by failing to take him to a safe place Art 276 - Abandoning a minor 1. That the offender has the custody of the child 2. That the child is under seven years of age 3. That he abandons such child 4. That he has no intent to kill 1. His purpose for abandoning is to avoid obligation of taking care of the minor 2. A permanent, conscious and deliberate abandonment is required 3. Qualifying a. When the death of the minor resulted from such abandonment b. If the life of the minor was in danger because of the abandonment 4. If the offender is the parent, he shall be deprived of parental authority Art 277 - Abandonment of minor by person entrusted with his custody; indifference of parents Acts punishable: 1. The minor is under 21 years old 2. The custody of the offender is specific that is for rearing or education of minor 1. By delivering a minor to a public institution or other persons without the consent of the one entrusted such minor to the care of the offender or in the absence of that one, without the consent of the proper authorities 2. By neglecting his children by not giving them education which their station in life requires and financial condition permits Elements of abandonment of minor by one charged with rearing or education of said minor 1. That the offender has charge of the rearing or education of a minor 2. That he delivers said minor to a public institution or other persons 3. That the one entrusted such act has not consented to such act; or of the one who entrusted such such child to the offender is absent, the proper authorities have not consented it Art 278 - Exploitation of minors Acts punished 1. Causing any boy or girl under 16 years if age to perform any dangerous feat of balancing, physical strength or contortion the offender being any person 2. Employing children under 16 years of age who are not the children or descendant of the offender in exhibitions of acrobat, gymnast rope walker diver or wild animal tamer, the offender being an acrobat, circus manager or person engage in similar calling 3. Employing any ascendant under 12 years of age in exhibition of acrobat, gymnast rope walker diver animal wild tamer the offending being engaged in any of the said calling 4. Delivering a child under 16 years of age gratuitously to any acrobat, gymnast rope walker diver wild animal tamer or circus manager or person engaged in a similar calling or to any habitual vagrant beggar to the offender being an ascendant, guardian, teacher or person entrusted in any capacity with the care of such 1. Qualifying - If the delivery is made in consideration of any price, compensation or promise the penalty is higher 2. The exploitation of the minor must be of such nature as to endanger his life or safety child 5. Inducing any child under 16 years of age to abandon the home of its ascendants, guardians curators or teachers to follow any acrobat etc. or to accompany any habitual vagrant ot beggar Art 279 - Additional penalties 1. The imposition of penalties prescribed in preceding articles shall not prevent imposition upon the same person of the penalty provided for any other felonies defined and punished under this code Art 280 - Qualified trespass to dwelling 1. That the offender is a private person 2. That he enters the dwelling of another 3. That such entrance is against the latter’s will 1. Qualifying- If the offense is committed by means of violence or intimidation 2. Dwelling- Building for rest and comfort 3. Prohibition must be in existence prior to or at the time of entrance Art. 281 - Other forms of trespass 1. That the offender enters the closed premises or the fenced estate of another 2. That the entrance is made while either of them is uninhabited 3. That the prohibition to enter be manifest 4. That the trespasser has not secured the permission of the owner or the caretaker 1. Premises locality Art 282 - Grave threats Acts punish 1. Qualifying - if the threat is made in writing or through a middleman 2. The third form of threat must be serious and deliberate and that the offender persists in the idea involved 1. By threatening another with the infliction upon his person, honor or property or that of his family of any - distinct and definite wrong amounting to a crime and demanding money or imposing any other condition, even though not unlawful and the offender attained his purpose 2. By making such threat without the offender attaining his purpose 3. By threatening another with the infliction upon his person, honor or property or that of his family or any wrong amount to a crime the threat not being subject to a condition in his threats 3. Essence of the crime of threat is intimidation - there is promise of future harm Element 1 : 1. That the offender threatens another person with the infliction upon the latter’s person, honor, or property or upon that of the latter’s family of any wrong 2. That such wrong amounts to a crime 3. That there is a demand for money or that any other condition is imposed even though not unlawful 4. That the offender attains his purpose Element 3: 1. That the offender threatens another person with the infliction upon the latter’s person, honor or property or upon that of the latter’s family of any wrong 2. That such wrong amounts to a crime 3. That the threat is not subject to a condition Art. 283 - Light threats 1. That the offender makes a threat to 1. Light threats are committed in the commit a wrong 2. That the wrong does not constitute a crime 3. That there is a demand for money or that other condition is imposed, even though not unlawful 4. That the offender has attained his purpose or that he has not attained his purpose Art. 285 - Other light threats same manner as grave threats, except that the act threatened to be committed should not be a crime Acts punished 1. By threatening another with a weapon, or by drawing such weapon in a quarrel, unless it be in a lawful defense 2. By orally threatening another , in the heat of an anger with some harm not constituting a crime without persisting the idea of his threat 3. By orally threatening to do another any harm not constituting a felony Art 286 - Grave Coercions Two ways Coercions of committing Grave 1. By preventing another by means of violence, threats or intimidation from doing something not prohibited by law 2. By compelling another by means of violence, threats or intimidation to do something against his will whether it be right or wrong Elements 1. That a person is prevented by another from doing something not 1. In grave coercion, the act preventing by force must be made at the time the offended party was doing or about to do the act to be prevented 2. There is no grave coercion when the accused acts in good faith in the performance of his duty 3. Purpose of the law - the main purpose of the statute in penalizing coercion and unjust vexation is precisely to enforce the principle that no person may take the law into his hands 4. Coercion is consummated even if the offended party did not accede to the purpose of coercion prohibited by law or compelled to do something against his or her will be it right or wrong 2. That the prevention or compulsion is effected by violence, either by material force or such a display of it as would produce intimidation and consequently control over the will of the offended party 3. That the person who restrains the will and liberty of another has no right to do so Art. 287 Light Coercions 1. That the offender must be a creditor 2. That he seizes anything belonging to his debtor 3. That the seizure of the thing must be accomplished by means o violence or a display of material force producing intimidation 4. That the purpose of the offender is to apply the same to the payment of debt Any other coercion or unjust vexation shall be punished Elements Art. 293 - Who are guilty of Robbery 1. Actual physical violence need not be employed 2. It is sufficient that the attitude of the offender in seizing the property is notoriously menacing as to amount grave intimidation 3. Unjust vexation - Includes any human conduct which, although the productive of some physical or material harm would however unjust;y annoy or vex an innocent person Notes 1. That there be personal property belonging to another 1. The property taken must be personal property 2. That there is unlawful taking of the property 2. It is not necessary that the person whom the property is taken by means of threats and violence, shall be the owner thereof. It is sufficient that if the property is taken from him by 3. That the taking must be with intent to gain 4. That there is a) violence against or intimidation of any person b) force upon anything means of threats and violence for the purpose of gain on the part of the person appropriating it 3. Unlawful taking is complete from the moment the offender gains possession of the thing 4. Intent to gain is presumed form the unlawful taking of personal property 5. Intent to gain may be presumed from the furtive taking of useful property 6. Absence of intent to gain will make the taking of personal property grave coercion if there is violence used 7. Violence must be against the person of the offended party not upon the thing taken 8. Intimidation exists when it causes fear or fright of the victim 9. Violence or intimidation must be present before the taking of personal property is complete Art 294 - Robbery with violation against or intimidation of persons Robbery with Homicide When by reason or on the occasion of the robbery , the crime of homicide is committed Homicide - Generic sense as to include parricide and murder 1. There is no robbery with double homicide. Art. 294 imposes only one - What makes the crime of robbery with homicide is the killing of a person on the occasion or by the reason of taking the personal property belonging to another, with intent to gain. penalty for the special complex crime of robbery with homicide regardless of the number of persons killed 2. If robbery with homicide is committed by a band, the indictable offense would still be robbery with homicide 3. No crime of robbery with murdertreachery not qualifying but as a generic aggravating circumstance. 4. Robbery with homicide need not to be committed inside a building 5. Intent to take personal property must precede the killing 6. If the idea of the taking of personal property of another with intent to gain came to mind after he had killed the victim he is guilty of separate crimes. 7. Homicide may precede robbery or may occur after robbery a. Homicide to eliminate an obstacle b. Homicide, necessary to defend possession of stolen goods c. Homicide committed to remove opposition ot to suppress evidence d. Homicide after commission of robbery Robbery with Rape - When the robbery shall have been accompanied by rape Robbery with serious physical injuries - When by reason or on the occasion of such robbery, any of the physical injuries penalized in subdivision 1 of Art 263 shall have been inflicted Robbery with unnecessary violence and intimidation - If the violence or intimidation employed in the commission of the robbery is carried to a degree clearly unnecessary for the commission of the crime 1. It is not necessary that the rape be committed prior or simultaneously with the robbery, in the definition of the crine, the when the robbery is accompanied by rape 2. But if the rape is committed against a woman in a house other that that where the robbery is committed, the rape should be considered as a separate offense 1. Art 263 - When the injured person becomes insane, imbecile, impotent or blind 2. It is necessary to determine whether the physical injuries were inflicted in the course of the execution of the robbery 3. If they were inflicted after the taking of the personal property had been complete, the serious physical injuries mentioned should be considered a separate offense. Simple Robbery - If the violence employed by the offender does not cause any of the serious physical injuries defined in Art 263 or if the offender employs intimidation only 1. The violence employed does not result in homicide, rape, mutilation or any of the physical injuries Threats to Extort Money distinguished from Robbery through intimidation Threats Robbery Intimidation is conditional or future that is not immediate Intimidation is actual and immediate Intimidation may be through intermediary Intimidation is personal Intimidation may refer to the person, honor or property of the offended party or that of his family Intimidation is directed through the victim The gain of the culprit is not immediate Gain of the Culprit is immediate Art. 295 -Robbery with Physical Injuries, If any of the offenses defined in committed in an inhabited place and by a subdivisions 3, 4, and 5 of Article is band or with the use of firearm committed 1. In an uninhabited place or 2. By a band 3. By attacking a moving train, streetcar, motor vehicle or airship 4. By entering the passenger’s compartments in a train, or in any manner taking the passengers 1. Any of the five qualifying circumstances must be alleged in the information and proved during trial 2. Cannot be offset by a generic mitigating circumstances thereof by surprise in the respective conveyances 5. On a street, road, highway, or alley and the intimidation is made with the use of firearms, the offender shall be punished by the maximum periods of the proper penalties prescribed in Art. 294 Art 296 - Definition of a band and penalty incurred by the members thereof 1. When at least four armed malefactors take part in the commission of a robbery, it is deemed committed by a band 2. When any of the arms used in the commission of robbery is not licensed the penalty shall be maximum 3. Ant member of a band who was present at the commission of robbery by a band shall be punished as principal, unless it be shown that he attempted to prevent the same Art 297 - Attempted and Frustrated Robbery committed under certain circumstances Art. 298 - Execution of deeds by means of violence or intimidation 1. The term Homicide is used in a generic sense - included multiple homicides, murder, parricide or even infanticide 2. The penalty is the same whether robbery is attempted or frustrated as long as homicide is committed by reason or on occasion of an attempted or frustrated robbery 3. Unless the homicide committed shall deserve a higher penalty 4. Article 296 is applicable to attempted robbery with homicide by a band 1. That the offender defraud another has intent to 1. Document - may be public or private or commercial 2. That the offender compels him to sign, execute or deliver any public instrument or document 3. That the compulsion is by means of violence or intimidation Section 2 - Robbery by the use of force upon things Committed only when either 1. The offender entered a house or building by any of the means specified in Art. 299 or Art. 302 2. Even if there was no entrance by any of those means, he broke a wardrobe, chest, or any other kind of locked or closed or sealed furniture or receptacle in the house or building or he took it away to be broken or forced open outside Art. 299 - Robbery in an inhabited house or Robbery with force upon things (A) : public building or edifice devoted to worship 1. That the offender entered (a) an inhabited place, or (b) public building or (c) edifice devoted to religious worship 2. That the entrance was effected by any of the following means : a. Through an opening not intended for entrance or egress b. By breaking any wall, roof or floor or breaking any door or window c. By using false keys, picklocks or similar tools d. By using any fictitious name or pretending the exercise of public authority 3. That once inside the building the 2. Art. 298 is not applicable if the document is void 1. One essential requisite of robbery with force upon things under Art. 299 and 302 is that the malefactor should enter the building or dependency where the object to be taken is found 1. The offender must enter the house or building where the robbery was committed 2. There must be evidence or facts must show that the accused entered the dwelling or building by any means enumerated in 249 (A) 3. Inhabited House - Is any shelter, ship or vessel constituting the dwelling of one or more person even though the inhabitants thereof are temporarily absent 4. Public building - Is every building owned by the government or belonging to a private person but used or rented by the government 5. The wall must be an outside wall 6. Where the entrance is effected through a means intended for egress offender took personal property belonging to another with intent to gain or entrance, in order to qualify the crime as robbery there must be an actual breaking or smashing in opening the door 7. Fasle Keys - are genuine keys stolen from the owner or any keys other than those intended by the owner for use in the lock forcibly opened by the offender Robbery with force upon things (B) 1. Entrance into the building by any of the means under subdivision A is not required 2. Reason for heavier penalty - because of the possibility that the inhabitants in the former might suffer bodily harm 1. That the offender is inside the dwelling house, public building or edifice devoted for religious worship, regardless of the circumstance under which he entered it 2. That the offender takes personal property belonging to another, with intent to gain, under any of the following circumstances : a. By the breaking of doors, wardrobes, chests or any other kind of locked or sealed furniture or receptacle b. By taking such furniture or objects away to be broken or forced open outside the place or the robbery Art. 300 - Robbery in an uninhabited place Robbery in an inhabited house, public and by a band building or edifice devoted for religious worship is qualified when committed by a band and in an uninhabited place Art. 306 - Who are brigands 1. That there be at least four armed persons 1. Main object - to prevent formation of band of robbers 2. They formed a bond of robbers 2. It would not be necessary to show, in a prosecution that members actually committed highway robbery in order to convict them 3. The purpose is any of the following a. To commit robbery in the highway or b. To kidnap persons for the purpose of extortion or to obtain ransom c. To attain by means of force and violence any other purpose 3. Presumption - all are presumed highway or robbers, if any of them carries unlicensed firearm 4. Previous activities of the armed band were considered because they proved the purpose of the band Brigandage and Robbery Distinguished Brigandage Robbery in band The purpose of the offenders is any of the of the following: The purpose of the offender is only to commit robbery not necessarily in highway 1. To commit robbery in the highway 2. To kidnap persons for the purpose of extortion or or to obtain ransom 3. For any other purpose to be attained by means of force and violence Purpose is indiscriminate highway robbery The mere formation of a band for any of the purpose It is necessary to prove that the band actually committed robbery mentioned in the law is sufficient, as it would not necessary to show that the band actually committed robbery in the highway Art. 307 - Aiding and Abetting a band of brigandage 1. That there is a band of brigands 2. That the offender knows the band to be brigands 3. That the offender does any of the following acts: 1. It shall be presumed that the person the person performing any of the acts provided in this article has performed them knowingly, unless the contrary is proven a. He in any manner aids, abets, or protects such band of brigands; or b. He gives them information of the movements of the police or other peace officers of the Government c. He acquires or receives the property taken by such brigands Art. 308 - Who are liable for theft Elements of Theft: That there be taking of personal property That said property belongs to another That the taking be done with intent to gain 1. Theft is consummated when the culprits were able to take possession of the thing taken by them. 2. To appropriate - to deprive the lawful owner of the thing 3. No crime of frustrated theft That the taking be done without consent of the owner That the taking be accomplished without the use of violence against or intimidation of persons or force upon things Who are liable for theft: 1. Those who with intent to gain, but without violence against or intimidation of persons nor force upon things, take personal property of another without the latter’s consent 2. Those who having found lost property but fail to deliver the same to the local authorities or to its owner 3. Those who after having maliciously damaged the property of another, remove or make use of the fruits or object of the damage caused by them 4. Those who enter an inclosed estate or field where trespass is forbidden or which belongs to another and without the consent of its owner, hunt or fish upon the same or gather fruits, cereals or other forest or farm products 4. Intent to gain is preumsed from the unlawful taking of personal property belonging to another 5. Gain- means not only the acquisition of a thing useful to the purpose of life but also the benefit which in any other use may be derived or expected from the act which is performed 6. Taking without the consent of the owner refers to freely given and not to one which may only be inferred from mere lack of opposition on the part of the owner of the property taken 7. Even if the owner knew the taking, but he did not consent to it, the accused is still liable for theft 8. When a person has in possession, part of the recently stolen property, he is presumed to be the thief Robbery and Theft Compared Theft Robbery It sufficed that the consent on the part of the owner is lacking It is necessary that there should be a taking against the will of the owner Unless the force upon things is employed to enter a building the Robbery with force upon things - Even if the culprit did not enter taking of the personal property belonging to another with intent to the house or building with force upon things, is when a furniture, gain is theft chest, or other locked or sealed receptacle is broken in the house or building or taken therefrom and broken outside Art. 309 - Penalties Basis of Penalty: 1. The value of the thing stolen 2. And in some case the value and also the nature of the property taken 3. The circumstances or causes that impelled the culprit to commit the crime Prision Mayor in its minimum and medium period - More than 1,200,000 but no exceed 2,200,000 Art. 310 - Qualified Theft 1. That there is taking of personal property 2. The the said property belongs to another 3. That the said taking be done with intent to gain 4. That it be done without the owner’s consent 5. That it be done accomplished without the use of violence or intimidation against persons, nor force upon things and 6. That it be done with abuse of confidence Theft is Qualified 1. If the theft is domestic servant committed by a 1. Penalty is higher by two degrees that theft 2. The abuse of confidence must be grave 3. Theft of any material, spare part, product or article by employees and laborer is heavily punished 2. If the theft is committed with grave abuse of confidence 3. If the property stolen is a motor vehicle, mail matter, or large cattle 4. If the property stolen consist of coconuts taken from premises of plantation 5. If the property stolen is fish taken from a fishpond or fishery 6. If property is taken on the occasion of fire, earthquake, typhoon, volcanic eruption or any other calamity vehicular accident or civil disturbance Art. 311 - Theft of the property of the National library and National Museum Under this article, the penalty is fixed without regard to the value of the property of the National Library or National Museum But if the crime is committed with grave abuse of confidence, the penalty is for qualified theft because Art. 311 says unless a higher penalty should be provided under other provisions of this code Art. 312 - Occupation of real property or Acts punishable: usurpation of real property 1. By taking possession of any real property belonging to another by means of violence against or intimidation of persons 2. By usurping any real rights in property belonging to another by means of violence against or intimidation of persons Elements: 1. The real property or real rights must belong to another 2. There is only civil liability if there is no violence or intimidation in taking possession of real property 3. Art 312 is not applicable to a case of open defiance of writ of execution issued in forcible entry case a. That the offender takes possession of any real property or usurps any real rights in property b. That the real property or real rights belong to another c. That violence against or intimidation of persons is used by the offender in occupying real property or usurping real rights in property d. That there is intent to gain Art. 313 - Altering boundaries or landmarks 1. That there is boundary marks or monuments of towns, provinces, or estates, or any other marks intended to designate the boundaries of the same 2. That the offender boundary marks Art. 314 - Fraudulent Insolvency alters said 1. That the offender is a debtor; that is, he has obligations due and payable 2. That he absconds with his property 3. That there creditors Art. 315 - Swindling (Estafa) is prejudice to 1. Intent to gain not necessary 2. Mere alteration of the boundary marks or monument intended to designate boundaries of towns, provinces or estate is punishable 1. Abscond - withdraw and hide 2. The person prejudiced must be the creditor of the offender his Elements of Estafa in General: 1. That the accused defrauded another by : abuse of confidence or by means of deceit 1. Deceit is not an essential requisite of estafa with abuse of confidence (Estafa in General) 2. It is true that it is sometimes said that deception with intent to defraud is an 2. That the damage or prejudice capable of pecuniary estimation is caused to the offended party or third person Estafa is committed a. With unfaithfulness or abuse of confidence b. By means of false pretenses or fraudulent acts c. Through fraudulent means essential requisite of the crime of estafa. But while it is true as to estafas in general, it is not true of those estagas under consideration Art 315 subdivision 1 par b, except in so far as the abuse of confidence in misappropriating the funds or property after they have come to the hands of the offender may be said to be a fraud upon the person injured thereby 3. It is necessary that the damage or prejudice be cable of pecuniary estimation, because the amount of the damage or prejudice is the basis of the penalty for estafa Estafa with Unfaithfulness Elements : 1. That the offender has an onerous obligation to deliver something of value 1. When there is no agreement as to the quality of thing to be delivered, the delivery of thing not acceptable to the complainant is not estafa 2. That he alter its substance ,quality or quality 3. That damage or prejudice is caused to another Estafa with abuse of confidence Elements : 1. That money, goods or other personal property be received by the offender in trust, or on commission, or for administration or under any obligation involving duty to make delivery of or to return, the same 1. The fourth element is not necessary when there is evidence of misappropriation of the goods by the defendant 2. The money, goods or other personal property must be received by the offender. If the offender takes the 2. That there be misappropriation or conversion of such money or property by the offender or denial on his part of such receipt 3. That such misappropriation or conversion or denial is to the prejudice of another 4. That there is a demand made by the offended party to the offender thing without the consent of the owner crime may be theft