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Sleep for Fat Loss After 40: Ebook

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Hey there!
Are you tired of being tired? And by tired, I mean really tired. Like, "I could sleep
through a zombie apocalypse" tired? If you’re a woman over 40, chances are
you’re nodding your head like a bobblehead doll right now. That’s because your
hormones are doing a wild rollercoaster ride, and your sleep is probably taking a
But here’s the kicker: sleep isn’t just for dreamin’ and feelin’ refreshed. It's
actually your secret weapon in the battle of the bulge. Yep, you heard me right.
Sleep and weight loss are more intertwined than a couple on their honeymoon.
Welcome to the journey towards better sleep and overall well-being! With over
two decades of experience in the health and wellness industry, I've dedicated my
career to helping women break free from chronic pain and stress by addressing
the root causes of their issues and empowering them to take charge of their
health. My mission is simple yet profound: to guide you towards a path of health
and vitality by prioritizing sleep and stress management. While nutrition and
exercise are often emphasized in health journeys, I firmly believe that sleep and
stress management are the cornerstones of long-term health and wellness.
I am deeply passionate about helping you achieve your health goals in a
realistic, safe, and manageable way. My goal is not just to provide temporary
fixes but to empower you to make lasting lifestyle changes that support your
well-being for years to come.
I understand that embarking on a journey towards better sleep and reduced
stress can feel daunting, but rest assured, you're in good hands. My authenticity,
expertise, and genuine commitment to your success make me a trustworthy
guide on your path to better health.
Let's embark on this journey together and unlock the transformative power of
sleep and stress management for a happier, healthier life.
Susie Bower
A s a n a t i o n a l l y b o a r d c e r t i f i e d ma s s a g e t h e r a p i s t , p e r s o n a l
t r a i n e r , y o g a i n s t r u c t o r , 9 D b r e a t h wo r k f a c i l i t a t o r , a n d N e u r o f i t
N e r v o u s S y s t e m & S o ma t i c c o a c h , I b r i n g a d i v e r s e s e t o f s k i l l s
a n d k n o wl e d g e t o t h e t a b l e . Wi t h a h o l i s t i c a p p r o a c h , I
c o mb i n e mi n d , mo v e me n t , a n d b r e a t h t o p r o v i d e e f f e c t i v e
s o l u t i o n s f o r s t r e s s a n d p a i n r e l i e f , a s we l l a s o p t i mi z i n g s l e e p
a n d o v e r a l l we l l n e s s .
Table of contents
Assess Your Current Sleep Routine
Understanding the Sleep-Health Connection
Unveiling Signs of Poor Sleep
What Does Your Sleep REALLY Look Like
Building Your Blueprint for Better Sleep and Well-Being
Let’s start by understanding where you are currently at
so we can come up with a personalized plan (pg 4-6)
Discover how sleep impacts your weight, mood, and
stress levels (pg 7-10)
Recognize the hidden symptoms of sleep deprivation
(pg 11-13)
Let’s take a deeper look at your current sleep habits and
patterns (pg 14-17)
Understanding your unique sleep needs, setting goals,
creating habits and routine (pg 18-)
Assess Your Current Sleep Routine
Ready to uncover your sleep secrets? Take this fun and informative
sleep quiz to peek behind the curtains of your slumber. Discover how
your sleep habits might be impacting your energy levels, mood, and
even your waistline. Let's shed some light on your sleep life!
Decode Your Sleep Score
Ready to crack the sleep code? Here’s how to decipher your
A = 1 point
B = 2 points
C = 3 points
D = 4 points
E = 5 points
Once you have completed all the questions, add up your total
score. The maximum possible score is 50 points
10-20 points: Sleep Zombie... Uh-oh, it looks like your sleep
needs a major rescue. Don’t worry, I’ve got your back!
21-30 points: Sleepyhead... You’re on the right track, but
there’s room for improvement. Let’s boost your sleep game!
31-40 points: Sleep Superstar... You’re doing great! Keep up
the good work and watch your energy soar.
41-50 points: Sleep Champion... You’re a sleep rockstar!
Your dedication to quality sleep is paying off.
Remember: Your sleep score is just a starting point. It’s all
about making small changes to improve your overall wellbeing. Let’s work together to optimize your sleep and unlock
your full potential!
Before we dive into actionable tips, let's get a clear picture of your current
sleep situation.
In order to provide the most effective guidance, please answer these
questions honestly. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers – this
quiz is simply a tool to help you identify areas for improvement.
1. Hit the Snooze Button or Spring Out of Bed?
A. Less than 5 hours of shut-eye? You're a night owl champion!
B. 5-6 hours? You're balancing on the sleep tightrope.
C. 6-7 hours? Getting there, but you could use a little extra zzz’s.
D. 7-8 hours? Sleep sweet dreams, you're in the golden zone.
E. More than 8 hours? You're a sleep connoisseur!
2. Dream Weaver or Night Terror?
A. Your sleep quality is a nightmare.
B. Hit-or-miss dreamland.
C. Pretty dreamy nights.
D. Sweet dreams all night long.
E. Sleep like a baby, pure bliss.
3. Morning Glory or Grumpy Gus?
A. You're a morning zombie.
B. Sometimes you hit the ground running, sometimes not.
C. Most days you feel refreshed.
D. You wake up feeling like a million bucks.
E. Always ready to conquer the day!
4. Counting Sheep or Hitting the Hay?
A. You're a sheep-counting champion.
B. Sometimes the sandman takes a while.
C. You drift off effortlessly.
D. Sleep comes knocking instantly.
E. You're a night owl who's trying to become an early bird.
5. Caffeine Crash or Energy Boost?
A. Coffee is your lifeline.
B. You need a caffeine fix a few times a week.
C. Occasional coffee drinker.
D. Rare coffee encounters.
E. Caffeine-free zone.
6. Focus, Focus!
A. Your mind races like a hamster on a wheel.
B. Concentration is hit or miss.
C. You can usually stay focused.
D. Your mind is sharp as a tack.
E. You're a multitasking master.
7 Mood Swings or Sunshine and Rainbows?
A. You're an emotional rollercoaster.
B. Mood swings are a common occurrence.
C. You experience occasional moodiness.
D. You're generally even-keeled.
E. You're always sunshine and rainbows.
8. Appetite Adjustment or Steady as She Goes?
A. Your appetite is all over the place.
B. You've noticed some changes in your eating habits.
C. Your appetite is pretty consistent.
D. You have a healthy appetite.
E. No changes in sight.
9. Wind-Down Warrior or Screen Addict?
A. You're clueless about relaxation techniques.
B. You try to relax but it's hit or miss.
C. You have a basic wind-down routine.
D. You're a relaxation pro.
E. Your wind-down ritual is pure bliss.
10. Move or Lounge?
A. Couch potato extraordinaire.
B. You try to exercise occasionally.
C. You exercise a few times a week.
D. You hit the gym regularly.
E. Fitness is your lifestyle and you move your body everyday.
Add up your total and see your score. You can share it in the
group or just send me a screenshot.
Understanding the SleepHealth Connection
Discover how sleep impacts your
weight, mood, and stress levels
Poor sleep can have a big impact on your body and mind.
When you don't get enough sleep, it can affect three
important things: your weight, your mood, and your stress
Weight - When you're sleep-deprived, your body can't
regulate hormones that control hunger and fullness as well.
This means you might feel hungrier than usual, even if
you've already eaten enough. Plus, when you're tired, you
might be more likely to reach for unhealthy snacks or
sugary foods for a quick energy boost. Over time, this can
lead to weight gain.
Client example: Steph, a busy mom in her early 40s,
often finds herself reaching for quick, unhealthy
snacks during the day. Despite her efforts to eat well,
she's noticed that her clothes are feeling tighter, and
she's been struggling to lose weight. After working
with Susie, she realizes that her lack of sleep might
be contributing to her cravings and overeating. Even
though she's eating what she thinks is a healthy diet,
the extra calories from mindless snacking are
making it harder for her to shed those extra pounds.
Understanding the SleepHealth Connection
Discover how sleep impacts your
weight, mood, and stress levels
Mood - Have you ever noticed that you feel grumpy or
irritable when you haven't slept well? That's because poor
sleep can affect your mood. When you're tired, it's harder to
stay patient and positive. You might find yourself feeling
more easily frustrated, irritable, or stressed out about things
that wouldn't normally bother you.
Client example: Tirana, a working professional in her
40s, has been feeling increasingly irritable and shorttempered lately. She snaps at her family over little
things, and even the smallest inconveniences seem
to set her off. During her time working with Susie, she
became aware that her mood swings are affecting
her relationships and making her feel guilty, which
caused her a great deal of nasty inner dialogue,
shaming, and lead to unhealthy numbing and
coping tendencies. She suspected that her lack of
sleep might be to blame, as she often struggled to
fall asleep at night and wakes up feeling groggy and
unrested. After focusing more on prioritizing sleep,
she noticed she was less reactive and woke up
feeling refreshed and well rested - and to her
surprise, even lost weight.
Understanding the SleepHealth Connection
Discover how sleep impacts your
weight, mood, and stress levels
Stress Levels - Lack of sleep can also make you feel more
stressed. When you're tired, your body produces more stress
hormones, like cortisol. This can make you feel on edge and
overwhelmed, even in situations that aren't actually that
stressful. Over time, high levels of stress can take a toll on
your physical and mental health.
Client example: Maria, a single mom juggling work
and family responsibilities, feels like she's constantly
under pressure. She worries about meeting deadlines
at work, managing her kids' schedules, and keeping
up with household chores. She's noticed that she's
been feeling more stressed out than usual. Even
small tasks feel overwhelming, and she struggles to
relax and unwind at the end of the day. She
discovered that her poor sleep habits are making it
harder for her to cope with stress and manage her
responsibilities effectively.
As you can see from these client case studies, getting
enough sleep is really important for keeping your body and
mind healthy. By prioritizing sleep and making sure you're
getting the rest you need, you can help prevent weight gain,
improve your mood, and reduce stress.
Reflective prompts
Think about one area of your life that you feel is most affected by poor sleep.
Reflect on how poor sleep may be impacting this area and why improving your
sleep is important to you. Below are some ideas to get you started.
Physical Health
How does poor sleep affect your energy levels, appetite, and overall physical
well-being? Are there any specific health concerns or symptoms you've
noticed that might be related to your sleep habits?
Emotional Well-Being
How does poor sleep influence your mood, emotions, and ability to cope with
stress? Do you find yourself feeling more irritable, anxious, or overwhelmed when
you haven't slept well?
Daily Functioning
How does poor sleep impact your performance at work or school, your
relationships with family and friends, and your ability to engage in hobbies or
activities you enjoy? Are there any specific tasks or responsibilities that feel more
challenging when you're tired?
Quality of Life
How does poor sleep affect your overall quality of life and sense of well-being? Do
you feel like you're missing out on opportunities or experiences because you're
too tired to fully participate?
Unveiling Signs of
Poor Sleep
Recognize the Hidden
Symptoms of Sleep Deprivation
Increased Appetite - Sleep deprivation disrupts the balance of
hunger hormones in your body, leading to increased appetite and
cravings for high-calorie, sugary foods. You may find yourself
reaching for snacks more often, even when you're not physically
hungry because your body is looking for a quick sugar supply for
Client example: Darisha, a busy mom, notices that she's
been craving sweets and snacks more often than usual.
Despite trying to stick to a healthy eating plan, she finds
herself reaching for cookies and chips late at night to satisfy
her cravings. This leads to overeating and unwanted weight
gain. She also notices she wakes up ravenous and hungry
on the mornings following a late night craving attack.
Mood Swings - Lack of sleep can have a significant impact on your
mood and emotions. You may experience heightened irritability,
mood swings, or feelings of sadness or anxiety. These mood
changes can affect your interactions with others and your overall
quality of life.
Client example: Jessica, a working professional, experiences
frequent mood swings throughout the day. She can go from
feeling happy and optimistic one moment to irritable and
short-tempered the next. These mood swings strain her
relationships with colleagues and loved ones.
Unveiling Signs of
Poor Sleep
Recognize the Hidden
Symptoms of Sleep Deprivation
Sleep deprivation can manifest in various subtle ways beyond
simply feeling tired. It's important to recognize these hidden
symptoms to understand the full impact of poor sleep on your
overall well-being. Here are some signs to watch out for:
Difficulty Concentrating - Do you find it hard to focus on tasks or
retain information? Difficulty concentrating is a common symptom
of sleep deprivation. You may feel mentally foggy or struggle to
stay engaged in conversations or activities.
Client example: Samantha, a marketing manager, struggles
to stay focused during team meetings. Despite her best
efforts, she finds her mind wandering, and she often misses
important details. This lack of concentration affects her
productivity and leaves her feeling frustrated with herself.
Memory Problems - Do you find it hard to focus on tasks or retain
information? Difficulty concentrating is a common symptom of
sleep deprivation. You may feel mentally foggy or struggle to stay
engaged in conversations or activities.
Client example: Emily, a college student, has difficulty
remembering the material she studied for her exams.
Despite spending hours reviewing her notes, she struggles to
recall key concepts during tests. This leads to lower grades
and increased stress about her academic performance.
Unveiling Signs of
Poor Sleep
Recognize the Hidden
Symptoms of Sleep Deprivation
Impaired Immune Function - Adequate sleep is essential for a healthy
immune system. Chronic sleep deprivation weakens your body's ability
to fight off infections and illnesses, making you more susceptible to
colds, flu, and other illnesses.
Client example: Alexandra, a freelance graphic designer, seems
to catch every cold and flu bug that's going around. Despite
taking vitamins and practicing good hygiene, she finds herself
getting sick more often than usual, as well as feeling run-down
and exhausted.
Increased Stress Levels - Sleep deprivation activates your body's stress
response, leading to elevated levels of the stress hormone cortisol. This
can contribute to feelings of anxiety and overwhelm, leading to chronic
Client example: Rachel, a small business owner, feels constantly
stressed out and overwhelmed by her workload. Despite working
long hours and sacrificing personal time, she struggles to keep
up with deadlines and client demands. This chronic stress affects
her mental and physical health.
Poor Physical Coordination - Lack of sleep affects your motor skills and
coordination, increasing your risk of accidents and injuries. You may
notice clumsiness, slower reaction times, or difficulty performing tasks
that require precise movements.
Client example: Ellen, a construction worker, notices that she's
been more accident-prone than usual on the job site. She trips
over equipment, drops tools, and struggles to maintain her
balance while working on scaffolding. These lapses in
coordination put her (and her co-workers) at risk of injury.
Track Your Sleep Quality
and Quantity Activity
Pay attention to patterns and trends in your
sleep habits. You can use the provided sleep
tracking template or find an app to record
information about your sleep each night.
Tracking your sleep can provide valuable insights into your
sleep patterns and help identify areas for improvement.
Here's different ways of how you can track your sleep
quality and quantity:
Sleep Diary - Keep a sleep diary to record information
about your sleep each night. Include the following details:
Bedtime: Note the time you go to bed each night.
Wake Time: Record the time you wake up in the
Total Sleep Time: Calculate the number of hours you
sleep each night.
Sleep Quality: Rate the quality of your sleep on a
scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being poor and 5 being
Additional Notes: Write down any factors that may
have affected your sleep, such as stress levels,
caffeine intake, blue light exposure after sunset, or
bedtime routines.
Sleep Tracking Apps - Use a sleep tracking app on your
smartphone or use a wearable device to monitor your sleep
patterns automatically. These apps can provide detailed
information about your sleep stages, movement during the
night, and sleep efficiency.
Track Your Sleep Quality
and Quantity Activity
Pay attention to patterns and trends in your
sleep habits. You can use the provided sleep
tracking template or find an app to record
information about your sleep each night.
Consistency is Key - Aim to track your sleep consistently
for at least one week to capture a representative sample of
your CURRENT sleep habits. Don’t try to change anything in
this phase, it’s important to be honest to see the quality and
quantity of your current sleep so we can find the common
thread causing your potential sleep issues that are having
an impact on your waistline. Make it a habit to record your
sleep data each morning upon waking.
Reflect and Analyze - After tracking your sleep for a week,
take some time to review your sleep diary or app data. Look
for patterns or trends in your sleep habits and consider how
factors like bedtime routines, stress levels, and
environmental factors may be influencing your sleep
quality and quantity.
By tracking your sleep quality and quantity, you can gain
key insights into your sleep habits and will be better able to
identify areas for improvement. This awareness is the first
step toward making positive changes to enhance your
sleep and overall well-being. If you need help, please reach
Reflective Prompts
After you have tracked your current sleep for a week, now it’s time to think about
one specific change you can make to improve your sleep tonight. Write down your
chosen change and commit to implementing it as part of your bedtime routine.
Improving your sleep starts with small, manageable changes that you can
implement right away. For today's challenge, think about one specific change you
can make to improve your sleep tonight. Use the step-by-step guide below.
Reflect on Your Current Sleep Habits
Take a moment to review your sleep routine and environment. Are there any
habits or practices that may be contributing to poor sleep quality or quantity?
Identify Potential Areas for Improvement
Think about areas of your sleep routine that you could adjust or optimize for
better sleep. This could include factors like bedtime rituals, sleep environment, or
relaxation techniques. Make a list below.
Choose One Change to Implement
Select one specific change that you believe will have the biggest impact on
improving your sleep tonight. This could be something simple, like setting a
consistent bedtime or creating a calming bedtime routine.
Reflective Prompts
Continue with the step-by-step plan below.
Create and Decide on a Plan
Outline the steps you'll take to implement your chosen change tonight. Be
specific about what you'll do and when you'll do it. Consider any potential
obstacles or challenges you may encounter and how you'll overcome them.
Commit to Your Change
Make a commitment to yourself to follow through with your chosen change
tonight. Write the commitment out below. Remember that small, consistent
adjustments over time can lead to significant improvements in your sleep quality
and overall well-being.
Building Your Blueprint
for Better Sleep and
Better sleep hygiene and habits
starts here
Now that you've gained insights into the impact of poor
sleep and recognized hidden symptoms of sleep
deprivation, it's time to take proactive steps to improve your
sleep and overall well-being.
Time to focus on creating a personalized blueprint for better
sleep. Here's what you can expect:
Understanding Your Sleep Needs - Start by assessing your
individual sleep needs based on factors such as age,
lifestyle, and health conditions. Consider how much sleep
you need each night to feel rested and refreshed.
Setting Sleep Goals - Identify specific sleep goals that align
with your overall health and well-being objectives. Whether
it's improving sleep quality, increasing sleep duration, or
establishing a consistent sleep schedule, setting clear goals
will help you stay focused and motivated.
Establishing Healthy Sleep Habits - Explore evidencebased strategies for promoting better sleep hygiene and
creating a sleep-friendly environment. From practicing
relaxing breathwork techniques before bed to optimizing
your sleep environment, implementing healthy sleep habits
is key to improving sleep quality.
Building Your Blueprint
for Better Sleep and
Better sleep hygiene and habits
starts here
Addressing Sleep Disruptors - Identify and address
common sleep disruptors that may be interfering with your
ability to get a good night's sleep. This could include factors
such as stress, anxiety, caffeine intake, screen time, and
irregular sleep schedules.
Creating a Bedtime Routine - Develop a calming bedtime
routine that signals to your body that it's time to wind down
and prepare for sleep. Incorporate activities such as
reading, listening to soothing music, or practicing relaxation
exercises like breathwork to promote relaxation and sleep
Monitoring Progress - Track your sleep patterns and
progress over time to evaluate the effectiveness of your
sleep strategies. Adjust your approach as needed based on
your experiences and observations.
Want a Spa Day Everyday?
Sleep IS your body's personal spa day
Treat your body like the VIP it is. Sleep is its ultimate relaxation
retreat. When you snuggle up for the night, your body gets:
A deep tissue massage for your hormones since sleep helps
balance those pesky hormones that can wreak havoc on your
weight. It's like a professional masseuse for your endocrine
A detoxifying facial for your metabolism because while you
snooze, your body is hard at work burning calories. It's like a
turbocharged facial for your metabolism, leaving it refreshed
and glowing.
A gourmet meal plan without the calories as sleep helps
regulate hunger hormones, so you're less likely to crave that
midnight snack. It's like having a personal chef who knows
exactly what your body needs.
A high-intensity workout without breaking a sweat because
sleep gives you the energy boost you need to crush your fitness
goals. It's like having a personal trainer who works while you
A confidence-boosting facial: A clear mind makes healthier
choices. It's like a confidence-boosting facial for your brain,
helping you make decisions that support your weight loss goals.
Doesn’t that make you want to indulge your body with some quality
sleep so you can wake up feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready
to conquer the world (or at least that growing to-do list)?
Ready to hit the snooze button on weight loss
Let's work together to create a personalized sleep
and wellness plan just for you. I’m here to answer
your questions, offer support, and guide you
towards your goals. As a bonus, you'll receive a free
pre-bedtime breathwork exercise to help you relax
and unwind.
Click below to schedule your free consultation and
start your journey to a better night's sleep and a
healthier you.