1 Microfabrication Technology Section 3 Etching Greg Tikhomirov EE143 Fall 2024 EE143 F2023 Etching Etching • Etching Terminology • Etching Considerations for ICs • Wet Etching • Reactive Ion Etching (plasma etching) Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley 2 EE143 F2023 Etching Etch Process - Figures of Merit • Etch rate • Etch rate uniformity • Selectivity • Anisotropy Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley 3 EE143 F2023 Etching dm Bias and anisotropy hf etching mask film substrate df dm Bias b = (df – dm)/2 Complete Isotropic Etching Vertical Etching = Lateral Etching Rate b = hf Complete Anisotropic Etching Lateral Etching rate = 0 b=0 substrate df Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley 4 EE143 F2023 Etching (2) Degree of Anisotropy b B Af ≡ 1 − 2h f 0 ≤ Af ≤ 1 isotropic ∴ b = hf Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley anisotropic b =0 5 EE143 F2023 Etching (3) Etching Selectivity S v A ( vertical etching velocity of materal A ) S AB = v B ( vertical etching velocity of materal B ) Wet Etching S is controlled by: chemicals, concentration, temperature RIE S is controlled by: plasma parameters, plasma chemistry, gas pressure, flow rate & temperature. Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley 6 EE143 F2023 Etching Selectivity Example SiO2 Si SiO2/Si etched by HF solution SSiO2, Si Selectivity is very large ( ~ infinity) SiO2/Si etched by RIE (e.g. CF4 plasma) SSiO2, Si Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley Selectivity is finite ( ≥ 10 ) 7 EE143 F2023 Etching of Steps with a Slope Etching * Etching velocity has vertical component vv and lateral component vl Let etching time = t vv = vertical etch rate vl = lateral etch rate vv ⋅ t θ vv ⋅ t θ film x1 x2 x1 = vv ⋅ t cot θ x2 = vl ⋅ t x = x1 + x 2 start = ( vv cot θ + vl ) ⋅ t final substrate cot θ = 1/ tan θ = b / a Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley 8 EE143 F2023 Etching Worst-Case Design Considerations for Etching Film thicker here due to surface topography Mask material can be eroded during film etching Variation of film thickness across wafer due to deposition method Etching Mask step Film Substrate Etching rate of film can vary from run-to-run Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley 9 EE143 F2023 Etching (a) Film thickness variation across wafer h f (max ) = h f ⋅ ( 1 + δ ) Nominal thickness Thickness variation factor •The variation factor δ is dictated by the deposition method, deposition equipment, and manufacturing practice. •Run-to-run variation of thickness data are recorded. Once the deposition process is under control, the maximum/minimum values will be used to define δ. Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley 10 EE143 F2023 Etching (b) Film etching rate variation v f (min ) = v f (1 − φ f ) variation factor Worst − case etching time required to etch the film h f (1 + δ ) = = ⋅ v f (min ) v f (1 − φ f ) h f (max ) Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley 11 EE143 F2023 Etching (c) Over-etch around step film hf step h1 hf Fractional over-etch time to completely remove film = h1 / hf substrate Total worst-case etching time ∴ tT = h f (1 + δ ) v f (1 − φ f ) Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley ⋅ (1 + ∆ ) h1 ∆ = h f 12 EE143 F2023 Etching Example 1: Worst-case Consideration for substrate erosion hf (1-φf) Worst-case substrate erosion film substrate hf (1+φf) Film thickness has variation factor = δ Film etching rate has variation factor = φf h f (1 − δ ) Thinnest part of film with be completely removed in t 1 = v f (1 + φ f ) Thickest part of film with be completely removed in t 2 = h f (1 + δ ) v f (1 − φ f ) Worst-case substrate erosion = vsubstrate • (t2 - t1) Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley 13 EE143 F2023 Etching Example 2: Worst-case Design With Mask Erosion State-of-problem: Mask material can be eroded during film etching. Top of film will be smaller than original mask size by an amount W/2. Before θ Let v m⊥ , v m / / be the vertical and lateral etching rates of the mask. hf W/2 After film Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley film Let v f be the vertical etching rate of the film. (lateral film etch rate is ignored In this example for simplicity) 14 EE143 F2023 Etching W = ( v m⊥ cot θ + v m / / ) ⋅ t T 2 v m⊥ vm/ / (1 + δ )(1 + ∆ ) = cot θ + ⋅ hf ⋅ v v − φ 1 f ( f) m⊥ To minimize W θ → 90 o v f >> ν m⊥ hf small Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley 15 EE143 F2023 Etching Wet Etching 1 3 2 1 Reactant transport to surface 2 Selective and controlled reaction of etchant with the film to be etched 3 Transport of by-products away from surface Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley 16 EE143 F2023 Wet Etching (cont.) Etching • Wet etch processes are generally isotropic • Wet etch processes can be highly selective • Acids are commonly used for etching: HNO3 <=> H+ + NO3HF <=> H+ + FH+ is a strong oxidizing agent => high reactivity of acids Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley 17 EE143 F2023 Etching Wet Etch Processes (1) Silicon Dioxide To etch SiO2 film on Si, use HF + H2O Etch rate (A/min) 6:1 BOE 650 18 1200 26 T (oC) SiO2 + 6HF → H2 + H2SiF6 + 2H2O Note: HF is usually buffered with NH4F to maintain [H+] at a constant level (for constant etch rate) NH4F → NH3 + HF Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley 18 EE143 F2023 Etching Wet Etch Processes (cont.) (2) Silicon Nitride To etch Si3N4 film on SiO2, use H3PO4 (phosphoric acid) (180oC: ~100 A/min etch rate) Typical selectivities: – 10:1 for nitride over oxide – 30:1 for nitride over Si Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley 19 EE143 F2023 Etching Wet Etch Processes (cont.) (3) Aluminum To etch Al film on Si or SiO2, use H3PO4 + CH3COOH + HNO3 + H2O (phosphoric acid) (acetic acid) [dissolve Al2O3] [wetting/buffering] (nitric acid) [oxides Al] (~30oC) 6H+ + 2Al → 3H2 + 2Al3+ (Al3+ is water-soluble) Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley 20 EE143 F2023 Etching Wet Etch Processes (cont.) (4) Silicon (i) Isotropic etching Use HF + HNO3 + H2O 3Si + 4HNO3 → 3SiO2 + 4NO + 2H2O 3SiO2 + 18HF → 3H2SiF6 + 6H2O (ii) Anisotropic etching (e.g. KOH, EDP) (EDP: ethylene diamine pyro-catechol) Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley 21 EE143 F2023 Etching Effect of Slow {111} Etching with KOH or EDP Mask opening aligned in <110> direction => {111} sidewalls Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley 22 EE143 F2023 Etching [110]-Oriented Silicon {111} planes oriented perpendicular to the (110) surface => possible to etch pits with vertical sidewalls! Bottom of pits are • flat ({110} plane) if KOH is used {100} etches slower than {110} • V-shaped ({100} planes) if EDP is used {110} etches slower than {100} Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley 23 EE143 F2023 Etching Drawbacks of Wet Etching • Lack of anisotropy • Poor process control • Excessive particulate contamination => Wet etching used for noncritical feature sizes Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley 24 EE143 F2023 Etching Reactive Ion Etching (RIE) RF 13.56 MHz ~ plasma Parallel-Plate Reactor wafers Sputtering Plasma generates (1) Ions (2) Activated neutrals Enhance chemical reaction Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley 25 EE143 F2023 Etching Remote Plasma Reactors Plasma Sources (1) Transformer Coupled Plasma (TCP) (2) Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley e.g. quartz plasma coils wafers -bias Pressure pump 1mTorr 10mTorr bias~ 1kV ≤ 26 EE143 F2023 Etching Processes Occurring in Plasma Etching Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley EE143 F2023 Etching REMOVAL of surface film and DEPOSITION of plasma reaction products can occur simultaneously Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley 29 EE143 F2023 Etching RIE Etching Sequence gas flow 5 1 2 diffusion of reactant absorption diffusion of by product desorption 4 3 X chemical reaction gaseous by products Substrate Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley 30 EE143 F2023 Etching Volatility of Etching Product ⇒ * Higher vapor pressure higher volatility * e.g . Si + 4 F → SiF4 ↑ (high vapor pressure) e.g . Cu + Cl → CuCl (low vapor pressure) Example Difficult to RIE Al-Cu alloy with high Cu content mask Al-Cu Metal Do not want CuCl residues Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley 31 EE143 F2023 Etching Vapor pressure of by-product has to be high P = P0 e − ∆H v kT Example P Difficult to RIE Al-Cu alloy with high Cu content 1500oC AlCl3 CuCl 1~2% typical 200oC 1/T [Al-Cu alloy] Cl2 as etching gas. Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley 32 EE143 F2023 Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley Etching 33 EE143 F2023 Etching Examples Use CF4 gas For etching Si * CF4 → F + CF3 + * CF4 + e ⇔ CF3 + F + 2e * Si + 4 F → SiF4 ↑ F* are Fluorine atoms with electrons Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley 34 EE143 F2023 Etching Aluminum + * CCl 4 + e ⇔ CCl3 + +Cl + 2e * Al + 3Cl → AlCl3 ↑ Photoresist C x H y Oz + O2 Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley COx HOx 35 EE143 F2023 Etching How to Control Anisotropy ? 1) ionic bombardment to damage expose surface. 2) sidewall coating by inhibitor prevents sidewall etching. Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley 36 EE143 F2023 Etching How to Control Selectivity ? E.g. SiO2 etching in CF4+H2 plasma Rate SiO2 S= Rate Si S Rates P.R. SiO2 Si SiO2 H 2% Si %H2 in (CF4+H2) Reason: F * + H → HF ∴ F * content↓ ∴ SiF4 ↓ Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley 37 EE143 F2023 Etching Example: Si etching in CF4+O2 mixture Rates 1 Reason: Si (1)O + CFx → COFx + F * 2 F * increases Si etching rate (2)Si + O2 → SiO2 ∴ rate↓ SiO2 %O2 in CF4 Poly-Si Oxide Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley 38 EE143 F2023 Etching Temperature Dependence of Selectivity R1 = A1e − Q1 R2 = A2 e kT − Q2 R= etching rates A = proportional constants Q = activation energies kT R1 A1 − ( Q1 − Q2 ) kT ∴S = = e R2 A2 S if Q1<Q2 77oK 1/T Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley 39 EE143 F2023 Etching Hard Mask for Etching RIE 1 RIE 2 Photoresist oxide poly To minimize CD distortion, sometimes a two-step RIE process is used. Example: Process 1 to transfer pattern from resist; followed by Process 2 to transfer pattern from oxide to poly. EE243S2010 Lec22 Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley 41 EE143 F2023 Etching Local Loading Effect Less etchant consumption Wsmall Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley More etchant consumption Wlarge 42 EE143 F2023 Etching Example: Etching of Deep Trenches ~1µm mask erosion mask mask ballooning Si trenching by-product residue “ideal” Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley “problems” 43 EE143 F2023 Etching RIE Lag * smaller trenches etch at a slower rate than larger trenches. Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley 44 EE143 F2023 Etching (c) Over-etch around step film hf step h1 hf Fractional over-etch time to completely remove film = h1 / hf substrate Total worst-case etching time ∴ tT = h f (1 + δ ) v f (1 − φ f ) Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley ⋅ (1 + ∆ ) h1 ∆ = h f 45 EE143 F2023 Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley Etching 46 EE143 F2023 Stringers and Sidewall Spacers step h1 h Etching Without over-etch: “Stringer” results on the sidewall substrate Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley 47 EE143 F2023 Etching Lightly Doped Source/Drain MOSFET (LDD) CVD oxide spacer n+ n n n+ SiO2 p-sub The n-pockets (LDD) doped to medium conc (~1E18) are used to smear out the strong E-field between the channel and heavily doped n+ S/D, in order to reduce hot-carrier generation. Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley 48 EE143 F2023 “Spacer lithography” Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley Etching 49 EE143 F2023 Etching “Self-Aligned double patterning (SADP)” Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley 50 EE143 F2023 Etching SUMMARY OF ETCH MODULE • • • • • • • • Etch Bias, Degree of Anisotropy, Etch Selectivity Worst-case considerations for etching Wet etch – qualitative KOH/EDP etch of Si (anisotropic) Reactive Ion Etch equipment- qualitative Synergism of ion bombardment and chemical etching Selectivity Control - Gas mixture, Temperature Anisotropy Control – Inhibitor deposition, Substrate bombardment • RIE examples: Aluminum, deep trench etching, SADP • Pattern and Aspect ratio Dependence Professor J. Bokor, U.C. Berkeley