1. On the Insert ribbon, click “Symbol” (the right-most button). 2. In the Symbol window, select “Unicode (hex)” in the from field. 3. Type the number of your desired Greek letter into the “Character code” field (here 0394 for delta Δ). You should now see the Greek character selected above. 4. Click on Insert to insert the symbol into the cell or chart. This table has all the values you type into the “Character code” field. Small Greek Character code for letter small letter Alpha α 03B1 Beta β 03B2 Gamma γ 03B3 Delta δ 03B4 Epsilon ε 03B5 Zeta ζ 03B6 Eta η 03B7 Theta θ 03B8 Iota ι 03B9 Kappa κ 03BA La(m)bdaλ 03BB Mu μ 03BC Nu ν 03BE Xi ξ 03BF Omicron ο 03C0 Pi π 03C1 Rho ρ 03C2 Sigma σ 03C3 Tau τ 03C4 Upsilon υ 03C5 Phi φ 03C6 Chi χ 03C7 Psi ψ 03C8 Omega ω 03C9 Letter Capital Greek Character code value for letter capital letter Α 0391 Β 0392 Γ 0393 Δ 0394 Ε 0395 Ζ 0396 Η 0397 Θ 0398 Ι 0399 Κ 039A Λ 039B Μ 039C Ν 039D Ξ 039E Ο 039F Π 03A0 Ρ 03A1 Σ 03A3 Τ 03A4 Υ 03A5 Φ 03A6 Χ 03A7 Ψ 03A8 Ω 03A9