2021 International Conference on Informatics, Multimedia, Cyber and Information System (ICIMCIS) 2021 International Conference on Informatics, Multimedia, Cyber and Information System (ICIMCIS) | 978-1-6654-2733-3/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICIMCIS53775.2021.9699131 Data Integration Readiness Analysis in Merged Telecommunication Company 1st Nugroho wibisono Master of IT Departement Swiss German University Tanggerang, Indonesia nugroho.wibisono@student.sgu.ac.id 2nd Mohammad Amin Soetomo Master of IT Departement Swiss German University Tanggerang, Indonesia Mohammad.soetomo@.sgu.ac.id 4th Marastika Wicaksono Aji Bawono Master of IT Departement Swiss German University Tanggerang, Indonesia Maraskita.bawono@student.sgu.ac.id 5th Eka Budiarto Master of IT Departement Swiss German University Tanggerang, Indonesia Eka.budiarto@.sgu.ac.id Abstract— This study conducted analysis of the readiness of data integration in merged telecommunication company, using the Data Management Body of Knowledge (DAMA-DMBOK) framework and evaluating it with COBIT. Three readiness parameters are evaluated, namely Data Architecture, Data Governance, and Data Quality. The analysis process uses a case in the calculation of revenue and billing collection, which has an impact on the achievement of cash and net income in the company, which is the KPI for the Business Performance of the company. From the Data Architecture Analysis, it was found that some of the business processes were still run manually and had not been integrated. From the Analysis of Data Governance and Data Quality, it is found that there are differences in the interpretation of these two parameters in the company's internal, namely in the expert group of recording revenue compared to the non-expert one, as well as differences in company base employees from companies M and P. Also, it is reviewed from the Data Quality is readier for data integration than when viewed from Data Governance, therefore it requires a lot of improvement. This study aims to uncover that companies should take further systematic and strategic steps before the data integration process is carried out. The DAMADMBOK method obtained that Company M had the applicable percentage of 52,98% while Company P had the applicable percentage of 95.00%. Due to the large gap between the perception, further investigation needs to be conducted in possible future studies. Keywords— COBIT 5, DAMA-DMBOK, COBIT 2019, ISO/IEC 15504, Data Integration I. INTRODUCTION This research was conducted in a newly merged company. The company is a satellite telecommunication company that combines satellite service, ground service and network service. This company will carry out the data integration process so it requires an analysis of data integration readiness based on the applicable framework, namely the DAMA-DMBOK Framework [5]. There is a study that examines the "Challenges of Data Integration and Interoperability in Big Data" where the growth of large data volumes and conducts a study of the system to be integrated is considered. [11]. In this research, we do not look at the growth of data volume, but rather study the readiness of data integration in the three companies that have merged which was reviewed 3rd Heru Purmono Ipung Master of IT Departement Swiss German University Tanggerang, Indonesia Heru.ipung@.sgu.ac.id using the DAMA-DMBOK Framework. This research will obtain information on how this data integration is carried out in the company and will be related to the results of the analysis of the current data integration readiness study. II. RELATED WORK There is a study titled Designing A data governance structure based on the data management body of knowledge DAMA - DMBOK Framework: A case study on Indonesia deposit insurance corporation (IDIC), where data governance was designed using DAMABOK. This serves as basis for the research to review governance data using DAMABOK [1]. There is a study at BMKG to measure data quality using the DAMA-DMBOK framework [17]. In the DAMA-DMBOK framework book, it explains how to carry out data integration, how to process data governance and how to assess data quality [14]. This study uses binary pass fail and COBIT level measurement calculations in conducting assessments such as in the Manage Assurance for Continuous Improvement Strategy in Rural Internet Service Case Study [13]. III. METHODOLOGY This research is done by using qualitative and quantitative methods. For the qualitative methods, Gap Analysis and Binary pass-fail are used. The framework used, in Gap Analysis and Binary Pass-Fail, is DAMA-DMBOK, and analysis of agreement level with the one applied in the company is done by using COBIT and ISO 15504 as references for its measurement [16]. For the quantitative method, a Likert questionnaire is used with a certain scale to search the data from the related respondents. A. Methodology Diagram Fig. 1. Methodology Diagram The methodology of this research as can be seen in Figure 1, in the process, is started with a literature review. The result of the literature review will be followed by the process of interview with the expert taking care of the job. Like being illustrated in the Table 1. The result of the interview will be Authorized licensed use limited to: Universitas Indonesia. Downloaded on January 10,2025 at 08:54:33 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 978-1-6654-2733-3/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE 317 2021 International Conference on Informatics, Multimedia, Cyber and Information System (ICIMCIS) written in the Table 1. below. The main consideration of using the parameter of data governance and data architecture is that according to the framework reference of DAMA-DMBOK [14]. Data Governance is the foundation of the whole process in data management, to govern the transformation rules and message structure and data architecture are for the designing solutions in data integration processes [14]. Data Governance need to Analysis and review about activity [2]. Data Quality is needed in data integration because it is directly related to Data Governance in the DAMA-DMBOK framework. And one of the objectives of this research is to prepare the system to produce effective business performance monitoring [4]. data integration. The results of the interview with the expert users involved in data integration process are seen on Table 1. where there is the interview column with the expert, the activity column that explains the interview conducted, and the result column that includes result of the interview. From the interview result, it is gathered that the implementation of business process in the company has not fully employed system integration. The processes that are not fully integrated are revenue calculation, billing calculation, and calculation of company performance management. To proceed with improving data integration, the company conducts an interview and questionnaire found on Table 1. In this research, to carry out the gap process, the analysis of compliance with DAMA-DMBOK uses best practices recommended by COBIT 5, namely using ISO / IEC 15504. COBIT is an IT governance framework that is used as a reference by IT Management which is sourced from IT management. governance best practices [13]. IT governance and management itself is a discipline aimed at ensuring the implementation of IT or IT-based investment has optimal value for the organization in terms of benefits, risks, and utilization of resources. In COBIT 5, there is a standard level measurement that uses ISO / IEC 15504, which can be used for various purposes in terms of measuring conformity to other standards [8]. The COBIT 5 ISO / IEC 15504-based assessment approach continues to facilitate the following objectives that have been a key COBIT approach. In COBIT 5 using ISO IEC 15504 approach [16], using 4 levels as follows: Not achieved (N) level, where is little or no evidence of achievement (0 to 15 percent achievement, Partially achieved (P) level where there is some evidence of an approach to, and some achievement of, the defined attribute in the assessed process. Some aspects of the achievement of the attribute may be unpredictable. (15 to 50 percent achievement), Largely achieved (L) level, where there is evidence of a systematic approach to, and a significant achievement of, the defined attribute in the assessed process. Some weaknesses related to this attribute may exist in the assessed process. (50 to 85 percent achievement) and lastly, Fully achieved (F) level, where there is evidence of a complete and systematic approach to, and full achievement of, the defined attribute in the assessed process. No significant weaknesses related to this attribute exist in the assessed process. (85 to 100 percent achievement). References from the 2019 Cobit regarding the Quality Criteria of Information are also considered In making the questionnaire. After questionnaire has been carried out, validation process takes place through Focus Group Discussion (FGD). This process gathers experts in the company to validate questionnaire results. IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In this study, interviews interviews with experts who work on business processes related to revenue recording and billing collection are carried out to find out what activities lack TABLE II. TABLE I. Intervieweer INTERVIEW TABLE Activity Result VP BillCO Interview Bispro Revenue Assurance and Billing workflow Revenue Information AVP CP Interview Workflow Bispro, Workflow Business Perfomance Data Visualization Information Data Visualization Revenue,Ebitda,Net Income Mgr Coms Interview Workflow Bispro Revenue Information Order until Revenue Closing Mgr Col Interview Workflow Revenue and Collection Detailing Order until Closing Revenue AVP Finance Interview Finance Workflow Detailing SAP Process and Financial Report The first data is taken by using a questioner to produce binary pass-fail data. In the questioner, there are 24 questions consisting of 12 questions related to Data Quality and the others related to Data Governance. The questions are based on DAMA-DMBOK agreement criteria as in the enclosed table [14]. The questioner is divided into two parts: the first one is searching for data from the expert user to get absolute information on whether quality and governance data are really applied in the running system or application. After having the data, it is continued with the process of taking the next data, that is, searching qualitative and quantitative data related to the achievement of agreement illustrated in Likert scale ranging from 1 to 5. Number 1 indicates very ineffective/inconsistent with score 20%, number 2 = less effective/consistent 40%, number 3 = quite effective/consistent 60%, number 4 = effective/consistent 80%, number 5 = very effective/consistent 100%. Score translation is needed because in COBIT 5, and there are four scales for maturity level measurement: scale below 15% is “not achieved”, 15% until 50% is "partially," above 50% until 85% is "largely," and above 85% is" fully. The results of the questionnaire for the data quality category can be seen in the Table 2. DATA QUALITY CATEGORY QUESTIONNAIRE Authorized licensed use limited to: Universitas Indonesia. Downloaded on January 10,2025 at 08:54:33 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 318 2021 International Conference on Informatics, Multimedia, Cyber and Information System (ICIMCIS) No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Objectives Data Criticality about important data for consumers and the company Data Lifecycle Management about data management cycle Data Prevention about data error prevention process Data Root Cause Remeditation about data error causes Data Standard Driven about data quality commitment Data Source about quality of data resources Master Data about company's master data Data Standard Driven about having data quality commitment Data Objective Measurement and Transparency about data quality measurement Data Embedded in Bussiness Process about data quality in every workflow of business process Data Systematically Enforced about systematically producing good data quality requirements consistency Data Connected to service levels about quality data report that integrated with Service Level Agreement of Company and Consumers Applicable Scale Applicable Percentage Achievement COBIT 5 Classification for Applicable Achievement Consistency Scale Consistency Percentage Achievement COBIT 5 Classification for Consistency Achievement 8 66,67% Largely 1540 64,17% Largely 9 75,00% Largely 1360 56,67% Largely 9 75,00% Largely 1460 60,83% Largely 9 75,00% Largely 1500 62,50% Largely 12 100,00% Fully 1980 82,50% Largely 11 91,67% Fully 1860 77,50% Largely 9 75,00% Largely 1640 68,33% Largely 11 91,67% Fully 1620 67,50% Largely 7 58,33% Largely 1040 43,33% 11 91,67% Fully 1680 70,00% Largely 10 83,33% Largely 1620 67,50% Largely 7 58,33% Largely 1100 45,83% Partially Partially The results of the questionnaire for the data governance category can be seen in the Table 3. TABLE III. No 1 2 3 4 Objectives Data Strategy about company's communication of data governance strategy importanity Data Policy about policies for data management in company’s system information Data Oversight about review, correction and audit process Data Standard and Quality about data quality commitment DATA GOVERNANCE CATEGORY QUESTIONNAIRE Applicabl e Scale Applicable Percentage Achievement COBIT 5 Classification for Applicable Achievement Consistency Scale Consistency Percentage Achievement COBIT 5 Classification for Consistency Achievement 9 75,00% Largely 1480 61,67% Largely 10 83,33% Largely 1700 70,83% Largely 6 50,00% Partially 1409 58,71% Largely 9 75,00% Largely 1720 71,67% Largely Authorized licensed use limited to: Universitas Indonesia. Downloaded on January 10,2025 at 08:54:33 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 319 2021 International Conference on Informatics, Multimedia, Cyber and Information System (ICIMCIS) Objectives No 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Data Standard and Quality about company's data architecture Data Standard and Quality about data architecture commitment Data Oversight about company's data governance committee Data Policy about approval in information system Data Issue Management about company’s data glossary Data Strategy about information system to company's policies / business process Data Compliance about compliance fulfillment of information system's data Data Asset Valuation about company’s business value to information system's data TABLE IV. Applicabl e Scale Applicable Percentage Achievement COBIT 5 Classification for Applicable Achievement Consistency Scale Consistency Percentage Achievement COBIT 5 Classification for Consistency Achievement 7 58,33% Largely 1360 56,67% Largely 6 50,00% Partially 1140 47,50% Partially 6 50,00% Partially 1340 55,83% Largely 9 75,00% Largely 1760 73,33% Largely 5 41,67% Partially 960 40,00% Partially 9 75,00% Largely 1360 56,67% Largely 6 50,00% Partially 1040 43,33% Partially 8 66,67% Largely 1160 48,33% Partially QUESTIONNAIRE VALIDATION WITH COBIT 2019 Variable Information Reference Model COBIT 2019 Objectivity Completeness Availability Accuracy Restricted Access Interpretability R6 as IT Developer, R7 as Expert Asset Management, R8 as Expert Revenue System, R9 as Expert Billing 1, R10 as Expert Collection, R11 as Expert Accounting, and R12 as Expert Business Performance. Table 3 represents a summary of all the processes of GAP Analysis that have been done during the research by classifying the COBIT levels into 4, in which Level 3 is further broken down into two separate categories. The next part of this paper will explain the analysis results in depth. The first analysis process was observing results from our questionnaire, which revealed two different categories of respondents, which were experts involved in revenue calculation and experts involved in company base. Total 9 2 2 8 1 2 Table 4 analyzes the suitability of the variables in the questionnaire with the effects adjusted to the 2019 COBIT Information Reference Model standard. TABLE VI. A. Respondent GAP Analysis TABLE V. RESPONDENTS RESULT (CB= COMPANY BASE, RV = INVOLVED IN REVENUE PROCESS, BPF = BINARY PASS FAIL, LS = LIKERT SCALE) No Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 BPF Score 24 24 15 21 11 16 10 21 6 24 21 10 LS Score CB RV 1760 2240 740 1400 1100 1209 580 1680 280 1960 1160 880 P P M M M M M P M P P M Yes No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No RESUME RESULT GAP ANALYSIS AND CLASSIFICATION BASED ON COBIT 5 – ISO 15504 Categ ory Ran ge (%) COBIT 5 Classifica tion 1 0-15 2 1650 5185 86100 Not Achieve Partially 3 4 Largely Fully COBIT 5 Applicable Number COBIT 5 Consistency Number Data Qual ity Data Governa nce Data Qual ity Data Governa nce 0 0 0 0 0 5 2 4 8 7 10 8 4 0 0 0 In table 6 we can see that the results of COBIT 5 show a comparison of the gap analysis between Data Quality and Data Governance. From Table 5, it is gathered that respondents are presented as follows; R1 as Expert Order Management, R2 as Expert Fulfillment Delivery 1, R3 as Expert Fulfillment Delivery 2, R4 as Expert System Provisioning, R5 as IT Enterprise Expert, In the next step of our GAP analysis, parameters based on the DAMA-DMBOK framework will be analyzed. [13] The first one is data quality; the second is data governance; both Authorized licensed use limited to: Universitas Indonesia. Downloaded on January 10,2025 at 08:54:33 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 320 2021 International Conference on Informatics, Multimedia, Cyber and Information System (ICIMCIS) affect the data integration process that will take place. Then, the effectiveness of the data management system applied will be analyzed based on the questionnaire results. There are two questionnaires, and the second questionnaire applies to those who answered ‘yes’ during the first questionnaire. After the second questionnaire, an interview will be validated, which will be validated using Focus Group Discussion (FGD), along with related expertise. Person Applicable Number Applicable AVG Applicable Percentage (%) Consistency Number Consistency AVG Consistency Percentage (%) QUESTIONNAIRE RESULT AND OBSERVATION Cases TABLE VII. effectiveness of data lifecycle management, which is included in the Availability category of COBIT 2019 so that the integration process becomes more mature. 2) Data Governance Analysis: From the results of the governance data analysis, it appears that the readiness of data integration in terms of Data Governance data has not yet met the DAMA-DMBOK framework standard[1]. From the total classification results, there are four variables that still have to be adjusted to the standard DAMA-DMBOK framework. These four variables are categories of Objectivity, Interpretability, Availability, and Completeness [9]. This means that the company should make a lot of improvements in terms of Data Governance before the data integration process is carried out. Judging from the effectiveness of the implementation of Data Governance in the company, it still does not meet the DAMA-DMBOK framework standards, especially on the 4 variables, which are the categories of Objectivity, Interpretability, and Accuracy in COBIT 2019, and the lowest effectiveness is Interpretability [9]. M CB P CB RV NON RV 7 5 4 8 89 114 75 128 12,71 22,80 18,75 16,00 52,98 95,00 78,13 66,67 6189 8800 5680 9309 884,14 1760,00 1420,00 1163,63 36,84 73,33 59,17 48,48 V. VALIDATION RESULT From table 7 above, the two classifications from 4 categories based on the analysis are shown. The results of the questionnaire obtained the results of the analysis, namely the different interpretations of the respondents on the Governance Data and Data Quality Parameters. We find that respondents from experts working in departments directly related to revenue recording have a score gap analysis of 78.13% (Fully Level) compared to not working in revenue recording of 66.67%. The BPF Score for RV in almost all positions were high. However, the R9 is an anomaly because it is low. The revenue has been audited externally every year and needs to be reported to the Board and Holding. However, for the non RV, they observe from the system processes and information where it isn't running perfectly. Therefore, that is why they give a low score. The table shows that the GAP score of the application of governance data and quality data for the expert of company P is higher until 95,00% (Fully Level) than the one of company M that is only 52,98% (Largely Level). Employees in Company P scored higher because, from the respondents' discussion, they feel that the standard documents and the specific groups of the company have indeed represented the requirements of the DAMA-DMBOK framework. Whereas employees in Company M scored lower because they were looking for definitive answers, they did not find the parameters implemented in the company. From the results of the analysis of several parameters for the readiness of the integration data above, the next is the validation process. In this case, the validation process is carried out using a focus group discussion, or FGD and final interview, followed by stakeholders who need Data Integration , namely Commerce, Billing Collection, Revenue Assurance, and Delivery Assurance, and Last Interview for Corporate Performance. The results of the FGD are that all stakeholders agree on the results of the analysis in the study, namely related to Data Architecture, Data Governance, Data Quality, and the findings of case interpretations of Data Integration parameters and variables. Also, it provides several research recommendations that will be submitted in the discussion of recommendations and solutions. VI. CONCLUSION From the research, it is found that DAMA-DMBOK framework is proven to be a reference for analysis of data integration readiness in a Merged Telecommunication Company with the number of findings and the results of the analysis, namely findings related Data Quality, Data Governance. From the analysis, we know that Company M has a perception of the implementation of data governance and data quality. Company M has an applicable percentage of 52.98% and a Consistency percentage of 36.84%. On the other hand, Company P has an applicable percentage of 95% and consistency percentage of 73.33%, the Revenue department has an applicable percentage of 78.13%, while the Non-Revenue department has an applicable percentage of 66.67%. B. Data Quality and Data Governance Analysis 1) Data Quality Analysis: From the results of data quality analysis it appears that in the company, data integration readiness in terms of data quality has followed the DAMA-DMBOK framework. There are 8 Largely variables and 4 Fully variables from the number of classification results. Reviewed in the 2019 COBIT standard, the Accuracy data variable is ready for data integration. It still needs improvement in terms of Objectivity, seeing from the GAP Analysis, which is still far from conformity, namely the Objective Measurement and Transparency and Information variables connected to the Service Level Agreement. This also applies when viewed from the effectiveness of implementing data quality in the company; it's just that its level of effectiveness of Data Quality has not reached Fully, meaning that it needs improvement in terms of effectiveness. From the analysis results, it is also necessary to improve the From the data governance and data quality readiness analysis, it is evident that the data integration process is ready to be carried out from the data quality aspect compared to the data governance, because the Data Quality has been measured to be on the Largely Achieved level while the Data Governance is still at the Partially Achieved level. From the results of the analysis, it is found that the data governance parameters need to be improved in terms of compliance with the DAMA-DMBOK framework and the effectiveness of its implementation by the results of the analysis to all stakeholders, and data quality requires a little improvement in terms of effectiveness in its implementation Authorized licensed use limited to: Universitas Indonesia. Downloaded on January 10,2025 at 08:54:33 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 321 2021 International Conference on Informatics, Multimedia, Cyber and Information System (ICIMCIS) [4] Baars, H. and Kemper, H.G., 2008. Management support with structured and unstructured data—an integrated business intelligence framework. Information Systems Management, 25(2), pp.132-148. [5] Bazeley, P., 2012. Integrative analysis strategies for mixed data sources. American Behavioral Scientist, 56(6), pp.814-828. [6] Cupoli, P., Earley, S. and Henderson, D., 2014. DAMA-DMBOK Framework. 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