Enroll No K.E.Society’s Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, Rajaramnagar (An Autonomous Institute, affiliated to SUK) Unit Test-II, SEMESTER-I, Dec. 2024 First Year B.Tech. (All Div.) CourseCode:- SH136 Day &Date:- / 12/2024 Instructions: Q.P.Code Course Name:- Biology for Engineers Time:- Max Marks:- 25 i) All questions are compulsory and assume suitable data if required ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks and CO1, CO2,… are course outcomes iii) Use of Non-Programmable calculator are allowed. Q.1 a) Classify the types of protein and provide engineering justification for the shape 7 CO3 taken by this protein. Also discuss the functions of protein. b) Explain different types of forces acting on a protein molecule and highlight 7 CO3 the magnitude of range of these forces. With simple examples demonstrate that different scales (Nano, Micro, Macro) are required for performing engineering analysis. OR b) Define Newton’s first law, Hooke’s Law and Stokes law. With any real time 7 CO3 example, discuss that any physical problem can be represented as spring-massdashpot. Q2 a) List out the different techniques used for measuring the rate of blood flow and 6 CO4 explain any one technique in detail. b) Explain basic objectives of biomedical instrumentation 5 CO4 OR b) Write a note on classification of biomedical instrumentation and clearly state which biological parameter is measured with the help of these instruments 5 CO4 Page 1 of 1