READING AND WRITING SKILLS Reading and Thinking Strategies Across Text Types Table of Contents Reading as a Skill Levels of Comprehension Text as Connected Discourse Summarizing and Paraphrasing Reading Process Distinguishing Facts From Opinion Techniques in Reading Outlining Contextual Clues Graphic Organizers READING AS A SKILL Why is reading a skill? BER M E M RE ! According to Fisher and Frey (2008) Students of the 21st century must be able to locate, understand, evaluate and use written information in their personal and academic lives. REMEMBER! TEXT AS A CONNECTED DISCOURSE Why is reading a text considered as a form of discourse? Text as se Discour It is considered a connected discourse between the reader and the text. There has to be a connectedness among the three: Author, reader and text Text as Discourse THE READING PROCESS PRE-REDING DURING READING POST READING PRE-READING DURING READING POST READING Reading Process • The purpose of reading is set • Schema of the reader is activated • Meaning of unfamiliar word is deciphered Pre-Reading Reading Process • The reader grasp the meaning of the new material • Connects the new meaning the his/her schema During Reading Reading Process • The reader predicts, evaluates, guesses and analyzes information whether to accept or reject it. Post Reading TECHNIQUES IN READING Different Reading Strategies Skimming Scanning Comprehensive Critical Reading es Strategi This is a strategy used to get only the main ides of a written text in order to know what the material is all about. There are three styles for this: 1. Previewing – it involves giving the material a general look in order to know what the material contains. 2. Overviewing – This makes use of taking a look at the title, chapter or heading. 3. Surveying – This involves giving the text a rundown from first section to the last section. Skimming Reading es Strategi This is used to search only for specific information needed Scanning Reading es Strategi This technique requires processing of the text for full understanding of the material. Comprehensive Reading es Strategi It is a technique which involves an analysis of the claims presented in the text. Critical CONTEXTUA L CLUES Usage of contextual clues in unlocking difficulties Contextual Clues ua t x e t n o C Clues l These are words, phrases and sentences that would help you to decipher the meaning of difficult words in the selection Contextual Clues Different ways of using context clues ua t x e t n o C Clues l 1. 2. 3. 4. Use synonyms as context clues Use antonyms as context clues Use examples as context clues Structural analysis as context clues Contextual Clues Synonyms appear in a sentence in the following way: By dashes She finds solace –comfort- in the country side ua t x e t n o C Clues l By Commas to separate appositive The advocates, supporters of anti-mining fomed a picket outside the building By parenthesis The local residents among the hordes (a large group of people) who line up to take their chance in the contest Synonyms as Context Clues ua t x e t n o C Clues l Examples: 1. His siblings are generous and giving but she is so stingy 2. As an optimist, Lara looks for a brighter future. However, there are times due to the problems she cannot help but to become a pessimist Antonyms as Context Clues ua t x e t n o C Clues l Examples: 1. His siblings are generous and giving but she is so stingy 2. As an optimist, Lara looks for a brighter future. However, there are times due to the problems she cannot help but to become a pessimist Antonyms as Context Clues ua t x e t n o C Clues l Lyn is on a diet. However, she still ate a portion of everything served like a small piece of meat, a small piece of bread and a small piece of cake. Nutritious food such as fruits and vegetables help our bodies grow. Examples as Context Clues ua t x e t n o C Clues l This technique looks into the root word and affixes of the unfamiliar word. The root word is the base form of the word. An affix is a letter, sound or syllable added to the initial (Prefix) or last (suffix) part of the word to form another word. Structural analysis as context clues ua t x e t n o C Clues l 1. 2. 3. 4. Disagree International Precision Windy Structural analysis as context clues LEVELS OF COMPREHENSIO N THE THREE LEVELS OF COMPREHENSION Literal Comprehension Inferential Comprehension Applied Comprehension f Levels o n hensio e r p m o C It involves understanding of the message directly stated in the text. Literal Comprehension f Levels o n hensio e r p m o C It means that you as a reader can make inferences, draw conclusions and predict outcomes from information implicitly stated in the text. Inferential Comprehension f Levels o n hensio e r p m o C It is how you are able to use your experience and prior knowledge into the written text in making an evaluation. Applied Comprehension SUMMARIZING AND PARAPHRASING Synthesizing text through summarizing and paraphrasing rizing a m m u S The process of condensing the text into a shorter form. It involves getting only the most important parts of the material. Summarizing rizing a m m u S The ancient masters might not have known it, but studying their teachings can increase one’s intelligence quotient. Pondering over what they said, which had been passed on to us through their writings, as well as from other sources compiled by scribes and chronicles, could greatly benefit us who are living in today’s technically driven society Summarized: Reflecting on these teachings of the ancient masters written and compiled by writers help us in this modern world. Summarizing rasing h p a r a P Entails the use of rewording and rephrasing of the original text to achieve clarity. Paraphrasing The ancient masters might not have known it, but studying their teachings can increase one’s intelligence quotient. Pondering over what they said, which had been passed on to us through their writings, as well as from other sources compiled by scribes and chronicles, could greatly benefit us who are living in today’s technically driven society rasing h p a r a P Paraphrased: An analysis and study on these teachings of the most ancient masters can improve our intellectual aspect. Reflecting on these teachings which were compiled by writers could benefit us in this modern world Paraphrasing ORGANIZING INFORMATION THORUGH OUTLINING AND GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS OUTLINING AND GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS Outline Outline It is the skeletal structure of a text. It uses a numbering system in order for one to arrange ideas, details and examples chronologically. Outline Outline 2 kinds of numbering system in an outline: 1. Traditional 2. Modern Outline Outline 2 kinds of numbering system in an outline: 1. Traditional 2. Modern Outline Outline 2 kinds of outline according to structure: 1. Topic outline 2. Sentence Outline Outline Outline Topic Outline Outline Sentence Outline Graphic Organizers Graphic er s Organiz Techniques in organizing information that involves the use of symbols. These symbols represents knowledge, concepts, thoughts, ideas or even relationships between them. Graphic Organizer Graphic er s Organiz Valuable tool in coming up with a structured representation of the specific topic needer for your purpose. By merely looking at the visual representation, you are able to establish a clear train of thought which makes it easy to grasp the entire topic. Graphic Organizer