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Heat Transfer Coefficient Lab Report

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Kayla Smith
MMAE 315
Laboratory 10: The Heat Transfer Coefficient in a H350 Cross Flow Heat Exchanger
Within this experiment the forced convective heat transfer coefficients are
determined using velocity and the temperatures of the ambient air and the elemental air.
Within the investigation lab data was gathered using the H350 Cross Heat Flow
Exchanger and this data is then used to analyze these heat transfer coefficients. The
rate at which the heat transfer coefficients changed with respect to the velocity was
consistent but the experimental and empirical data was not the same. It was noted that
the experimental data had a higher heat transfer coefficient than the empirical data. The
range for the experimental Reynolds number is found to be 10,348 – 27,163, which is
within Hilpert’s range of 4,000-40,000. With this the 𝐢 and π‘š coefficients that are
affected by the Nusselt number are found to be similar with the 𝐢 coefficient varying
from Hilpert’s slightly more. Differences between Hilpert’s experiment and the one in the
lab may have led to the discrepancies seen within the data. Another prominent
discrepancy may have happened due to the cylindrical rod not coming to thermal
equilibrium for each trial.
This experiment utilizes a H350 cross flow heat exchanger model, to investigate
and quantify heat transfer from a cylinder subjected to a cross flow. This system uses
forced convection heat transfer through using a fan to induce airflow over the heated
element. It raises the cylinders temperature to 95 degrees Celsius. The focus of this
experiment is observing the change in the mean convective heat transfer coefficient.
Through predictions it is anticipated that the coefficient of heat transfer will
increase proportionally with the increase of velocity and Reynolds number.
To start the airflow velocity through the duct is calculated using the following
(1) π‘ˆ = √𝜌
Where “π‘ˆ” is the flow velocity,” βˆ†π‘ƒ" is the change in pressure,”πœŒπ‘Žπ‘–π‘Ÿ ” which is the
density of air.
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Through making substitutions using simplified versions of Bernoulli’s equation
and the ideal gas law, it gives the following:
(2) βˆ†π‘ƒ = πœŒπ‘€π‘Žπ‘‘π‘’π‘Ÿ 𝑔𝐻
(3) πœŒπ‘Žπ‘–π‘Ÿ =
Where πœŒπ‘€π‘Žπ‘‘π‘’π‘Ÿ is the density of 1000 π‘š3 water, 𝑔 is the gravitational constant 9.81 𝑠 , 𝐻 is
the height of the fluid in the manometer in π‘šπ‘šπ»20, π‘ƒπ‘Ž is the ambient pressure in
pascals, 𝑅 is the Ideal Gas constant which is 287 𝐾𝑔∗𝐾,π‘‡π‘Ž is the ambient temperature in
Kelvin. In order to obtain the final velocity equation, the values must be plugged in
above and converted to the correct units by dividing by 1000. This will lead the equation
(2 ∗ 9.81 ∗ 287 ∗ 1000 π‘‡π‘Ž 𝐻
Through substituting these values, the flow velocity equation gives:
(4) π‘ˆ = 75√
π‘‡π‘Ž 𝐻
Where π‘ˆ is the flow velocity, π‘‡π‘Ž is the ambient temperature, π‘ƒπ‘Ž is the ambient
pressure and H is the height of the fluid in π‘šπ‘šπ»20. With the calculated velocity it is
possible to then calculate the power from the convection using:
(5)π‘„π‘π‘œπ‘›π‘£π‘’π‘π‘‘π‘–π‘œπ‘› = 𝑃 =
Where 𝑉 is the voltage supplied by the instrument console, 𝑅 is the
resistance of the element in Ohms, and π‘„π‘π‘œπ‘›π‘£π‘’π‘π‘‘π‘–π‘œπ‘› is the heat coefficient of the
convicted air over the cylinder.
Once Q is found then we use:
(6)π‘ž = β„Žπ΄π‘  (𝑇𝑠 − π‘‡π‘Ž )
Where β„Ž is the experimental convective heat transfer coefficient, 𝐴𝑠 is the area of
the element 𝑇𝑠 is the surface temperature of the element, π‘‡π‘Ž is the ambient temperature.
For the empirical heat transfer coefficients, the following equations are needed:
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Where π‘‡πΉπ‘–π‘™π‘š is the temperature of the film, 𝐾𝑓 is the thermal conductivity of the
fluid, π‘‰π‘Ž is the viscous forces, 𝑃𝑇 is the Prandtl Number.
With these relations we can calculate the Reynolds number and the mean
Nusselt number:
(11)𝑁𝑒𝐷 = πΆπ‘…π‘’π·π‘š π‘ƒπ‘Ÿ 3 =
(12)𝑅𝑒𝐷 =
Where 𝑁𝑒𝐷 is the Nusselt number. C and m are empirical coefficients they are
found from Hilpert correlation, and they are dependent on the Reynolds number. They
are C= .193 and m=0.618 (Lienhard,2020). D is the Diameter of the element.
Experimental Setup
To conduct the experiment, the following materials are needed:
o Cross Flow Heat Exchanger H350
o P.A. Hilton LTD
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Figure 1: Schematic of Cross Flow Heat Exchanger
To start the experiment, collect the materials that are listed above. This
experiment uses the crossflow heat exchanger that is displayed in Figure (1). This
system creates forced convection over a cylindrical rod positioned within a duct. This
duct intersects the airflow at a right angle. The speed of the airflow within the heat
exchanger is regulated using an iris damper. Ensuring the main console switch and fan
are off, verify that the inlet duct pressure tap is connected to the low-pressure side of
the inclined manometer.
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Cylindrical Rod
Figure 2: Cross flow heat exchanger H350
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Figure 3: P.A. HILTON LTD
To start the experiment the cylindrical rod in the cross-flow heat exchanger H350
is heated to 95 degrees Celsius. Once the rod obtains the desired temperature the iris
damper is set to a specific value to start (9) this opens the valve the least and
introduces the slowest freestream velocity. As the air flows into the duct the rod’s
temperature decreases which means that there needs to be voltage to maintain the rod
at 95 degrees Celsius. To capture the flow at this iris damper, the system reaches a
steady-state temperature, and at this point, the manometer is employed to measure the
pressure within the duct. Using the voltmeter display and the digital thermometer it is
possible to get the voltage needed for the system to maintain 95 degrees Celsius and
the element and ambient temperature. Recording the pressure on the manometer, the
elemental and ambient temperature on the digital thermometer, and the voltage from the
voltmeter for iris damper levels 0-9. For level 0 the flow will be moving at its highest flow
rate over the rod. With all of this information the calculation for the heat transfer
coefficients will be able to be made for the cross flow heat exchanger.
Once the data has been collected, equation (4) is used to calculate the velocity
of the air. Once the velocity has been calculated π‘„π‘π‘œπ‘›π‘£π‘’π‘π‘‘π‘–π‘œπ‘› can be solved for using
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equation (5). With all of this information equation (6) can be used to solve the
experimental Heat Transfer Coefficient.
In order to calculate the empirical values for the Heat Transfer Coefficient
equation (7) must be used to first find the temperature of the film. Then using π‘‡πΉπ‘–π‘™π‘š to
calculate the Prantl number, thermal conductivity and viscous forces using equation (8),
(9), and (10). Then Reynolds number is able to be determined using equation (12) and
the Nusselt number can be found using equation (11). The relationship that is found in
Equation (11) can then be used to solve for the empirical Heat Transfer Coefficient.
Table 1: Initial Data Collected Throughout the Experiment
Table 2: Processed Data
With the results found from the calculations, a graph comparing the heat transfer
coefficients of the empirical data and empirical data against the flow velocity can be
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Heat Transfer Coefficient Vs.
Heat Transfer
Velocity (m/s)
Figure 4: Comparison of Experimental and Empirical Data for Velocity and Heat
Transfer Coefficients
NuD Vs. Re Graph Experimental
y = 0,2357x0,6114
Re (J/kg*K)
Figure 5: Power law graph displaying 𝐢 ∗ (π‘ƒπ‘Ÿ )^1/3 and π‘š coefficients for experimental
Discussion of Results
Through analyzing Figure (4) it can be seen that there is a distinct pattern
between the Heat Transfer Coefficient and the velocity. As the Velocity increases so
does the Heat Transfer Coefficient. This trend can be seen in the experimental data and
the empirical predictions. However, it can also be noted that they are not the same and
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the experimental Heat Transfer Coefficient is consistently higher than the empirical Heat
Transfer Coefficient.
Although there are various sources of error that have led to the discrepancy
between the empirical coefficient and experimental one monumental source of error
may have been due to the calculations. In order to find the empirical and experimental
heat coefficient values 𝐢 and π‘š are used. For Hilpert’s calculations the values of 𝐢 =
0.193 and π‘š = 0.618(Lienhard,2020). These values are based on the Reynolds number
which for Hilpert’s calculation varies from 4,000-40,000. However, for the experimental
data the Reynolds number varies from 10,348-27,163 which in turn caused the
experimental data to have similar but not exact 𝐢 and π‘š coefficients for its heat transfer
calculation. The experimental π‘š coefficient does not vary much from Hilpert’s as it is
π‘š = 0.6114. However the 𝐢 coefficient vary by a bit more and is found experimentally to
be 𝐢 = 0.265. The differences between the experimental 𝐢 and π‘š coefficients and
Hilpert’s has most likely partly contributed to the discrepancy between the experimental
and empirical data points(Connor,2019). These coefficients may be different due to
differences between Hilpert’s experiment and this one that were not accounted for.
Another likely source of error that contributed to the experimental Heat Transfer
Coefficient to be higher could have happened during the data collection process. The
elements high time constant for converting electric energy to thermal energy may have
introduced delays in the ability for the system to reach thermal equilibrium. Although
ample time was waited until measurements were taken it is possible that the system
never reached 95 degrees Celsius. Additionally, the experiment only took the surface
temperature on the point on the back of the cylinder. This means we assumed the
temperature of the total surface area of the cylinder was the same, which may not be
true and caused variation in the data.
Another source of error that could have happened during the data collection
process comes from reading the analog dials and temperature readings. Since the
voltage readings are only accurate to the nearest whole number this means that the
data is not being collected with complete precision. During the end of the experiment
the time allowed for the state to reach thermal equilibrium decreased and this may
attribute to the differences between the experimental Heat Transfer Coefficient and the
Empirical Transfer coefficient becoming greater than earlier in the experiment.
Another source of error in the experiment may have come from the lack of trials.
This experiment called for 10 trials, however the group I worked with began to run out of
time and was only able to complete 9 trials. This led to some data not being recorded
that could have been used to analyze the efficiency of this experiment.
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In this lab a relationship between forced convective heat transfer over a cylinder
and flow velocity was established. The relationship between the forced convection heat
transfer over a cylindrical element and the fluid velocity within the duct is directly
proportional. This relationship is explored using figure (4), where it is possible to see
that the relationship between the heat transfer coefficient and velocity is linear.
However, within this graph the empirical guesses for heat transfer coefficient against the
experimentally found heat transfer coefficient were not the same and the experimental
data was larger at each velocity point. It is noted that these discrepancies may have
arisen due to several potential areas for error. One main specific error noted is the
discrepancy in the 𝐢 and π‘š coefficients between the experimental data and Hilpert’s
calculations which is used for the empirical data. These differences which may be
attributed to differences between Hilpert’s experiment and the lab, that led to the values
for empirical and experimental data to be different. Other sources of error that are noted
are attributed to the data collection process stating that the temperature may not have
been held at constant through out the experiment and there may have been accuracy
error due to the lack of decimal places on the voltmeter. Overall eliminating these
sources of error would have most likely led to the experimental and empirical data being
more closely related for each velocity point.
Connor, Nick. What is Nusselt Number . 22 05 2019. <https://www.thermal
Lienhard, John H. Heat Transfer. Cambridge Massachusetts: Phlogiston Press, 2020.