Module 1 Introduction of Electronic Devices 1. PN Junction Diode characteristics & diode current equation. Zener Diode as a voltage regulator. 1. Construction, working & characteristics of BJT, JFET, & E-MOSFET BJT Introduction of Transistors ❑ 19 billion Transistors (FinFET) in iphone 15 ❑ 37-38 Trillion operations per second BJT Introduction of Transistors What is a Vacuum Tube? ● An electronic device used to control the current flowing in a circuit using a vacuum in a sealed glass tube. ● Basically, function wise the vacuum tube is an older version of modern transistor. ● Was used in early TVs and computer monitors. ● Although, not completely obsolete, they are still being used in radio stations, UHF TV stations, sound amplifiers, etc. BJT Introduction of Transistors ❑ December 1947 at Bell Laboratories by John Bardeen and Walter Brattain under the direction of William Shockley. BJT ● Bipolar Junction Transistor ● 3-terminal semiconductor device ● Consisting of two P-N junctions ● Most widely used in Switching and Amplifiers. BJT Types of BJT Fig: NPN Transistor Fig: PNP Transistor BJT Symbols Note: Ignore Circles BJT Construction (NPN BJT) ● Made up of 2 layers of N-type materials, sandwiching a middle layer of P-type material. ● Base region is lightly doped, and it is the most important factor of the working of the transistor. It acts as a controlling terminal. ● Emitter is heavily doped, and collector is moderately doped. ● Compared to the other two regions, the collector carries more current and generates a larger amount of heat. ● In order to dissipate heat, collector is made of a larger area. BJT Remember Diode ? BJT 4 Ways of Biasing 1. JEB & JBC – Both reverse biased. Transistor does not conduct current & is in cut-off stage. 2. JEB & JBC – Both forward biased. Transistor conducts maximum current & is in saturation mode. 3. JEB forward biased & JBC reverse biased. Transistor is operating in active mode. This configuration is useful for the purpose of amplification. 1. JEB reverse biased & JBC forward biased. This is the inverse mode of operation of the transistor. Transistor conducts but the current carrying capability of the transistor is very poor. It can be used for attenuating the signals. Working of NPN BJT BJT Working of NPN BJT Must Watch video BJT BJT Construction & Working of PNP BJT BJT Why the name Transistor? Transfer + Resistance Note: Explain amplification process Configurations BJT • As the BJT is a 3 terminal device, there are basically 3 possible ways to connect it within an electronic circuit with one terminal being common to both the input and output side of circuit. • These ways are called as configurations • Each configuration results in different behavior of circuit. CB Configuration: Has Voltage Gain but no Current Gain. CE Configuration: Has both Current gain and Voltage Gain. CC Configuration: Has Current Gain but no Voltage Gain. BJT 1. Common Base (CB) Configuration Input Characteristics Input voltage: VBE Input current: IE Output Characteristics Output Voltage:VCB Output Current: IC BJT 1. Common Base (CB) Configuration BJT 1. Common Base (CB) Configuration ● The ratio of change in collector current (ΔIC) to the change in emitter current (ΔIE) when collector voltage VCB is kept constant, is called as Current amplification factor. It is denoted by α. For AC: For DC: 𝛂= 𝛂= ΔIC ΔIE IC IE Typical range: 0.980 to 0.995 at constant VCB at constant VCB BJT 2. Common Emitter (CE) Configuration: Input Characteristics Input voltage: VBE Input current: IB Output Characteristics Output Voltage:VCE Output Current: IC BJT 2. Common Emitter (CE) Configuration: BJT 2. Common Emitter (CE) Configuration: BJT 2. Common Emitter (CE) Configuration ● The ratio of change in collector current (ΔIC) to the change in base current (ΔIB) when collector voltage VCE is kept constant, is called as Current amplification factor. It is denoted by β. For AC: For DC: β= β= ΔIC ΔIB IC IB Typical range: 50 to 500 at constant VCE at constant VCE BJT 2. Common Emitter (CE) Configuration: O/P Characteristic of CE Configuration BJT 3. Common Collector (CC) Configuration: Input Characteristics Input voltage: VBC Input current: IB Output Characteristics Output Voltage:VEC Output Current: IE BJT 3. Common Collector (CC) Configuration: BJT 3. Common Collector (CC) Configuration: For all practical purpose, the characteristics of CC is taken same as CE with corresponding voltages and currents for CC. BJT 3. Common Collector (CC) Configuration ● The ratio of change in emitter current (ΔIE) to the change in base current (ΔIB) when voltage VEC is kept constant, is called as Current amplification factor. It is denoted by 𝜸. For AC: For DC: 𝜸= 𝜸= ΔIE ΔIB IE IB Typical range: 50 to 500 at constant VEC at constant VEC BJT Q. Derive the relation between 𝛂,β and 𝜸. BJT Early Effect BJT Early Effect Ideal o/p characteristic BJT Early Effect Practical o/p characteristic BJT Early Effect BJT Module 2 Biasing Circuits of BJTs Biasing Circuits of BJTs Consider a given amplifier ● The analysis of this amplifier can be divided into two parts namely: ○ DC Analysis ○ AC Analysis ● Fortunately, the Superposition theorem is applicable here and we can investigate DC and AC analysis separately. VO Biasing Circuits of BJTs DC Analysis ● Involves careful selection of supply voltage & Resistors to setup an Operating point of an amplifier at desired location. ● The circuits that helps us carry out above selection are called DC Biasing circuits. VO Biasing Circuits of BJTs Quiescent (Q) point ● A line joining saturation & cut off points, is called as DC Load line. ● This line, when drawn over the output characteristic curve, makes contact at a point called as Operating point. ● As this point remains fixed, it's also known as Quiescent ( motionless; quiet; still) point. ● For an Amplifier, the Q point should be at the center of DC Load Line to get noise free output. Biasing Circuits of BJTs Types of Biasing Circuits for BJT Amplifiers: 1. Fixed Bias Biasing 2. Modified Feedback Biasing 3. Collector to Base Biasing 4. Voltage Divider Biasing Not in syllabus Biasing Circuits of BJTs 1. Fixed Bias Configuration Bas bahut ho gaya PPT