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Foods of Tomorrow Worksheet: Alternative Proteins & Farming

ABC Catalyst- Foods of Tomorrow Part 1
All questions occur chronologically in the video
Alternative Protein
How many grams of beef produced per 40 litres of water used?
Why do you think 2 billion people eat insects around the world but many
Australians are reluctant to eat it? Think culture, economy.
Write a list of where you think food comes from.
The sea
What type of insect products would you be willing to consume and why?
Barramundi Farm
Describe the purpose of the Humpty Doo Barramundi Farm.
Avocado Farm
The purpose of the Humpty Doo Barramundi Farm is to be able to have enough
wild fish to provide for the high amount of demand of seafood such as
barramundi in Australia.
Why is grafting essential for avocado growing?
Predict the outcomes if fish farms did not exist. Think cost, availability, wild stock.
If fish farms did not exist, it would be a lot harder to procure the large amounts
of fish needed to supply for Australians. Fish farms can easily procure the fish,
as they are bred in captivity and cannot run away, so it is extremely easy to
catch and kill them. If they did not exist, people would need to spend more
money and more time to catch the fish out in the wild and also reduce the wild
stock at an alarming rate.
Taste Buds
Name the 5 basic ‘tastes’ our mouth experiences
Why do you think understanding the taste ‘fat’ is important to research? Think
consumption, food availability, and health.
Modular Farms
List all the physical differences between the hydroponic container farms versus
the traditional outdoor farming practices.
Kakadu Plum
What natural reasons are behind why the plum contains such concentrated
amounts of anti-oxidants and vitamin C properties?
Final food for thought: Can we relate this (plum) theory to societal