Course Flags Legend FLAG Course C 16-18, 18-20, 20-22 & 2022-24 Undergraduate Catalog General Curriculum QR Fall Course Name PRE-REQ CO-REQ M 408C Differential and Integral Calculus 70+ on UT Math Assessment C CH 301 Principles of Chemistry I ALEKS 85+ C – Core Curriculum S – Supporting Course T – Technical Area CD*/GC* QR C In the process of fulfilling the core curriculum and other degree requirements, undergrads complete courses with content in the following areas: • Wr – Writing (2 courses) • QR – Quantitative Reasoning (1 course) • GC – Global Cultures (1 course) • CD – Cultural Diversity in the US (1 course) • E – Ethics (1 course) • II – Independent Inquiry (1 course) *not all courses will carry this flag; check the course schedule Pre-requisite – credit for Co-requisite – credit OR registration for M E 302 UGS 302/3 C RHE 306 Intro to Engr. Design & Graphics First-Year ISignature Course Rhetoric and Writing QR E, Wr CD*/GC* C M 408C/D 1 QR Spring M 408D Sequences, Series & Multivariable Calculus M 408C PHY 303K C Engineering Physics I M 408C/K CD*/GC* C VAPA C PHY 105M E S 333T Soc. Sci. Lab for PHY 303K Engineering Communication Social & Behavioral Sci. from Approved List Visual & Performing Arts from Approved List M 408D/L PHY 103M PHY 303K RHE 306 QR Fall C PHY 105N E M 306 M E 316T GOV 310L C Diff. Eqns. With Linear Algebra Engineering Physics II Lab for PHY 303L Statics Thermodynamics Amer. Government M 408D/L M 408C/L PHY 303K PHY 103M PHY 103M M 408D/L PHY 303K PHY 103M M 408D/M PHY 303K M 427J 2 PHY 303L M 408D/M PHY 103N PHY 303L CH 301 CD* E M 319 M E 318M M E 314D US History C Mechanics of Solids Intro to Comp & Engr. Comp. Methods Dynamics Approved US History Course E M 306 M 408D/M PHY 303K M 427J E M 306 M 408D/M M E 334 M E 134L M E 330 M E 130L Materials Engineering Materials Engineering Lab Fluid Mechanics Expt. Fluid Mechanics M 427L Spring Advanced Calculus for Applications II M 408D/L Fall CH 301 3 Spring M E 334 PHY 303L PHY 103N E M 319 M E 134L E M 306 M 427J M E 316T CD* US History C Engineering Statistics Approved US History Course M 408D/M M E 140L M E 338 M E 339 M E 139L CGE Mechatronics Mechatronics Lab Machine Elements Heat Transfer Expt. Heat Transfer Career Gateway Elective E M 319 M E 334 M E 134L M E 318M M E 330 M E 130L M E 340 M E 140L M E 139L M E 339 QR Wr M E 144L M E 366J M E 353 CGE Dynamic Systems and Controls Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab ME Design Methodology Engineering Finance Career Gateway Elective ALL ARE PRE-REQS: M E 302 M E 338 M E 333T M E 339 M E 330 M E 139L M E 130L M E 340 M E 335 M E 140L M E 335 Varies with each track T CGE M E 144L M E 344 M E 318M M E 314D M E 340 M E 140L Varies with each track GOV 312L/P C Topics in Government CD*/GC* II, Wr Spring T CD* T M E 344 M 427J 4 M E 330 M E 130L QR M E 335 M E 340 M 427J M E 318M PHY 303L PHY 103N Fall M T M E 266K M E 266P CGE Design Project Design Project Lab Career Gateway Elective Career Gateway Elective M E 344 M E 144L M E 353 M E 366J M E 344 M E 144L M E 353 M E 366J Varies with each track Varies with each track M E 266P M E 266K S Math or Natural Sci. Elective Choose from the ABET approved list found in the advising office or online E 316 *Must take E 316L, 316M, 316N, or 316P Humanities RHE 306 C