GULF UNIVERSITY FOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Admissions, Registration & Student Affairs Student Short Major Sheet Academic Program: Engineering Management Academic Plan: Engineering Management Requirement Term: Fall Semester 2024-25 Student ID: STUDENT ID Student Name: Student Name Course Grade Prerequisites 1) General Education ( A & B ) ( 11 Courses - 33 Credits) A- CORE (6 Courses - 18 Credits) I. Writing Courses: 3 Courses - 9 Credits ENGL 100-Academic English I * GEPT / TOEFL Score / ENGL 098 ENGL 110-English Composition I GEPT / TOEFL Score / * ENGL 100 ENGL 112-English Composition GEPT / TOEFL Score / * II ENGL 110 II. Communication: 1 Course - 3 Credits MCM 102-Introduction to Public * ENGL 100 / 110 / 112 Speaking. III. Technical Writing: 1 Course - 3 Credits ENGL 202-Technical Writing * ENGL 112 & COE IV. Arab Heritage & Cultural Diversity: 1 Course - 3 Credits Arab Heritage offering B- EXPLORE (5 Courses - 15 Credits) I. Social Sciences : 3 Courses - 9 Credits ECON 101-Principles of * Microeconomics SBS offering SBS offering II. Humanities & Fine Arts: 2 Courses - 6 Credits Humanities & Fine Arts offering Humanities & Fine Arts offering MATH 111 or MATH 098 2) Mathematics & Natural Science (13 Courses - 31 Credits) Must Complete all CHEM 110-General Chemistry I ELG-2401 ENGL 098 & (CHEM 110L coreq) & (CS or COE) PHYS 110-Physics I (MATH 098 / GMPT Score) * & PHYS 110L & (CS | CHEM 110L-General Chemistry I CHEM 110 coreq * Laboratory PHYS 110L-Physics I Lab PHYS 110 coreq * PHYS 112-Physics II PHYS 112L-PHYS II Lab * * CHEM 115L-Introduction to Laboratory Safety and MATH 131-Analytic Geometry and Calculus I MATH 132-Analytic Geometry & Calculus II MATH 140-Elementary Linear Algebra MATH 221-Applied Statistics * MATH 231-Analytic Geometry & Calculus III MATH 232-Introduction to Differential Equations Course Grade ENGG 216-Mechanics and Dynamics ELEN 251-Circuits I * ENGG 105 & MATH 231 * ENGG 327-Thermodynamics * MATH 132 & ELEN 251L coreq MATH 132 & PHYS 110 4) Major Required Courses (10 Courses - 30 Credits) Must Complete all ENMG 231-Introduction to * MATH 131 & COE System Engineering ENMG 234-Managing Engineering * & Technology ENMG 247-Engineering Finance & ECON 101 & COE * Managerial Accounting ENGG 330-Engineering Economy MATH 131 & COE * ENMG 351-Marketing Management * ECON 101 & COE ENMG 353-Operations & Production Management ENMG 354-Project Management * MATH 131 & ENMG 234 * ENGM 353 ENMG 360-General management Design & Integration ENMG 366-Quality Philosophies & Methods ENMG 399-Senior Design * * ENMG 234 & 247 & (353,354,366 coreq) & ENGM 353 * ENMG 360 5) Major Elective Courses (5 Courses - 15 Credits) Must Complete all Any course ENMG 4## offering Any course ENMG 4## offering Any course ENMG 4## offering Any course ENMG 4## offering Any course ENMG 4## offering PHYS 112L coreq & 110&110L & MATH 131 or PHYS 112 coreq * CHEM 110L coreq & Passed ENGL Founda MATH 098 | GMPT score * MATH 131 * * MATH 098 or 130 or GMPT Score MATH 131 * MATH 132 * MATH 132 Prerequisites UNITS COURSES 128 47 Earned Credits 0 0 Transferred Credits 0 0 Satisfactory Credits 0 University Requirements Total Credits Needed 0 0 0 128 47 3) Engineering Breadth Courses ( 8 Courses - 19 Credits) Must Complete all ENGG 101-Study & Careers in ELG-2401 ENGL 098 / 100/ 110/ 112 Engineering ENGG 102-Engineering Design ENGG 101 * with Computer Applications ENGG 105-Engineering Mechanics PHYS 110 & MATH 231 * - Statics coreq ENGG 211-Mechanics of ENGG 105 * Materials ENGG 212-Materials Testing ENGG 211 coreq * GEPT: GUST English Placement Test GMPT: GUST Math Placement Test coreq: Pre-requisite or Co-Requisite ELG-[Term Code]: Student eligibility to enroll Date: 02/09/2024 Time: 13:07:59 Page 1 of 2 GULF UNIVERSITY FOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Admissions, Registration & Student Affairs Student Short Major Sheet Academic Program: Engineering Management Academic Plan: Engineering Management Requirement Term: Fall Semester 2024-25 Student ID: STUDENT ID Student Name: Student Name General Education Requirements Students 18 creditsare from required the CORE to complete & 15 credits 33 credits from EXPLORE of Generalarea. Education Requirements. 1. CORE Writing Offering Students any advance placed ENGL in advance or MCM level course. of English can substitute ENGL 100/110 with: 2. Arab Heritage & Cultural Diversity Offerings Any of the following courses: ARAB 101, 210, 211, FREN 380, GRMN 380, SPAN 380, WCCS 382, WCCS 383 3. Social Sciences Offering Any course with code ANTH, ECON, GEOG, HIST, MCM, POLI, PSYC, SOC. 4. Humanities & Fine Arts Offering Any course with code ARAB, ART, CHIN, ENGL, FREN, GRMN, HIST, MUSC, PHIL, SPAN, THTR, ISTD. GEPT: GUST English Placement Test GMPT: GUST Math Placement Test coreq: Pre-requisite or Co-Requisite ELG-[Term Code]: Student eligibility to enroll Date: 02/09/2024 Time: 13:07:59 Page 2 of 2