METHOD STATEMENT FOR FIELD ERECTION STORAGE TANKS Owner : CAZ (THAILAND) COMPANY LIMITED Project Name : COLD WATER GENERATION PLANT PROJECT Location : MAPTAPHUT,THAILAND CERTIFIED 1 4150001554-L-PC&KO-A-007 REV. DOCUMENT NO. PROJ. DATE MGR DATE 6-May-14 OWNER BY CHK. APPR. DATE PAGE 1 OF 21 DATE CONTENTS Page 1. Scope……………………………………………… 3 2. Related Documents……………………………….. 3 3. Tank Erection Procedure…………………………. 3 4. Inspection Test Procedure ……………………….. 8 5. Nondestructive Examination (NDE)……………... 18 6. Repairs of Weld…………………………………… 19 7. Hydrostatic Testing and Settlement Check……….. 19 8. Painting Inspection ………………………………. 19 9. Tank Calibration…………………………………. 19 10. Submittal of Inspection and Test records………… 20 11. Safety Precaution…………………………………. 20 12. Erection work –flow chart 22 13. Appendix…………………………………………. 23 1. Scope 1.1 This method statement shall be applied for field erection of miscellaneous carbon steel and stainless steel vertical storage tanks . 1.2 Items to be supplied .ON METI NTITPMREMNO EPRT .IRTT PTIAPEI 2. Related Documents 2.1 Applicable Codes and Standards 1) API 650 11th Edition,2007 Add : Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage. 2) ASME II-2004 Part A : Ferrous Materials Specifications 3) ASME II-2004 Part C : Specifications for Welding Rods, Electrodes andFiller Metals 4) ASME Section V-2004 Ed : Nondestructive Examination 5) ASME VIII – Div. 1-2004 Ed. : Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels 6) ASME Section IX-2004 Ed. : Welding and Brazing Qualifications 3. Tank Erection Procedure 3.1 General Sequence of Work The planned sequence of construction and completion involves the erection of the vertical storage tanks in accordance with the approved construction schedule. Deliveries of pre-fabricated materials are scheduled to satisfy the erection sequence and mobilization of manpower, equipment and facilities. 3.2 Foundation Prior to tank erection activities, through its civil sub-contractor shall turn-over the foundation to PC&KO. The following items of foundation shall be checked prior to tank erection work. a) Dimension, levelness and surface condition of the foundation. b) Dimension, location and orientation of the anchor bolts. c) Tolerance shall be in accordance with field and test procedure. 3.3 Erection Sequence Lifting plan which also stated the number of workers involved shall be submitted to prior to erection activities. Job Safety Analysis (JSA) must be submitted and approved. Designated area for the storage of pre-fabricated materials shall be approved. 3.3.1 Bottom and Annular Plates Sequence of annular and bottom plate erection shall be as follows: Lay-out of location installation of annular plates inspection prior to welding welding of annular platesvisual inspection RT on butt joint (shell location) installation of bottom plates inspection prior to welding welding of bottom plates visual inspection and vacuum box test on all welded joints Note: The distribution of the final welding line shall be determined prior to bottom plate arrangement. 1) Three plate laps shall be welded as shown in figure 1 KNOCK DOWN Fig. 1 2) General welding sequence is as follows : (See Figure2) 1 1 Annular butt joint with backing strip. * 2 2 1st course shell butt joint 3 3 4 4 Bottom to bottom short side line 5 5 Bottom to bottom long side line Annular to shell 6 6 Annular to Bottom Closing seam Annular Plate FitupJig (Typ) Shell Plate 3 2 2 1 1 6 6 Backing Strip Bottom Plate 4 4 5 5 Fig 2 Make sure the backing strip has tight and good contact with annular plate before welding the annular joint. In case of the tanks have internal painting coating , weld bead and plate edges shall be ground smoothly. 3.3.2 Columns Column location shall be inspected. Columns can be installed before or after welding of bottom plates. Guy lines shall be installed on the column upon installation. 3.3.3 Shell Plates Sequence of shell plates erection shall be as follows: Inspection of shell location installation of first shell ring fit-up of no.1 vertical seam fit-up inspection and welding of no.1 vertical seam visual, and peaking check of shell first ringRT on first vertical seamfitup of corner weld seam fit-up inspection and welding inside oil test welding outsideroundness, levelness and plumbness inspection installation of second ring fit-up of no.2 vertical seam fit-up inspection and welding of no.2 vertical seam visual and peaking checkfit-up ring no.1 and ring no.2 horizontal seam fit-up inspection and welding visual and banding checkRT of weld seam ( the same procedure shall be followed up to the last shell course ) installation and welding of top angle visual and plumbness check installation and welding of wind girders (if any) rafters, shell platform, nozzles, stairway and other attachment Note: Shell plates shall be erected completely during the day at each level and guyed from the third ring due to the strong wind. Prior to erection of the 1st course shell plate, following marking shall be performed on the annular plate as shown in Figure 3. 1 The radius marking for shell plate erection shall be larger than specified diameter in drawing considering the gap of vertical joints. 2 2 The radius marking for checking roundness of shell plate. 3 The marking of vertical joints of the 1st course shell plate. 1 2 2 2 3 3 100 mm Annular joint Annular Plate Fig 3 The 1st course shell plate shall be erected on the annular plate, adjusting the required gap and plate alignment of vertical joints. Level, roundness and verticality shall be checked before and after complete welding the 1st course shell plate to annular plate. (See Figure 4) Measure 1st Ring Shell Plate 3 2 Reference Marking 1 1 24 3 Plumb Bob Annular Plate Bottom Plate Fig 4 Level Instrument 3.3.4 Manholes & Nozzles Sequence of manhole and nozzles shall be as follows: Lay-out and inspection of manhole or nozzles cutting of hole fit-up of pre-fabricated reinforcing pad plates, manhole or nozzles fit-up inspection and welding visual and air leak test 3.3.5 Roof Plates Sequence of roof erection shall be as follows: Inspection of roof location installation of roof plates fit-up and welding of roof weld seam vacuum box test installation of roof nozzle, platform and attachments Note: For Dome Roof Tank, roof shall be ground assemble. After inspection, roof shall be air raised on its final location. 3.3.6 Scaffolding (BS Standard) During erection, the scaffolding shall be provided properly and inspected by qualified personnel. 4. Inspection Test Procedure 4.1 Welding Welding Procedure and Specification (WPS) and Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) shall be prepared for approval. Welding operators and welders shall be qualified prior to welding works. The parts to be welded shall be clean, free of oil, grease, paint, rust and foreign materials. Before the start of welding, the surface must be free from slag, welding spatter or defects. Undercut and cracks shall be completely removed before the succeeding weld. All joints shall be checked and inspected before start welding 4.2 Welding Qualification Test 4.2.1 Welding Procedure Qualification The welding procedure specification shall be supported by the records of procedure qualification test (PQR), that have been performed in accordance with ASME Section IX. It shall be approved customer prior to commencement of production welding. 4.2.2 Welder Performance Qualification The welders who weld pressure parts and join non pressure parts, such as all permanent and temporary clips and lugs, to pressure parts shall be qualified in accordance with ASME Section IX. The qualified welder list and welder’s previous qualification records shall be submitted to the purchaser’s inspector for review prior to commencement of any production welding work. If a new qualification test for welders are to be taken, the welder performance qualification test shall be performed in accordance with Section IX of ASME Code. 4.3 Foundation Inspection Prior to commencement of erection work, tank foundation shall be checked as follows: 4.3.1 Cleanliness of foundation surface. There shall be no steel scrap, concrete block or any other rubbish left on the surface of the foundation. 4.3.2 Levelness of foundation Measurements shall be taken at every 3.0 m of total circumference. 1) Where a sloping foundation is specified, the elevation differences about the circumference shall be calculated from the specified high point. Actual elevation differences about the circumference shall be determined from the actual elevation of the specified high point, the actual elevation difference shall not deviate from the calculated differences by more than the following tolerances. (a) Where a concrete ring wall is provided, ±3.0 mm in any 9 meter of circumference and ±6.0 mm in the total circumference. (b) Where a concrete ring wall is not provided, ±3.0 mm in any 3 meter of circumference and ±13 mm in the total circumference. Measurements shall be taken at every 3 meter, minimum 8 points on the circumferential length and at every 5 meter or minimum 2 points on the radius axes of the tank as shown in Fig. 5 below. 0° 90° 270° 180° Fig. 5 4.3.3 Orientation and Center Marks on the foundation surface 1) The datum points of 0°,90°, 180° ,270° which are divided equally into four parts shall be marked on the periphery of concrete ring wall as shown in Fig. 6 below, and shall be confirmed against the reference bench mark established for civil work. 0 ° l 4 2 7 0 ° r 1 r 4 Check point l 1 r 2 r 3 l 3 9 0 ° l 2 1 8 0 ° Fig. 6 r1, r2, r3, r4, l 1, l 2, l 3, and l 4 to be measured. 2) Location of anchor bolts on the foundation (concrete ring wall) where anchor bolts for tank are installed in foundation, the location of anchor bolts shall be checked. The radius measured horizontally from the center of tank towards anchor bolt shall be within ± 5 mm and also the spacing between the top of anchor bolt and the top of anchor bolt shall be within ±5 mm. See Fig. 7 for reference. The elevation of anchor bolt shall be within –0, + 10 mm and the verticality of anchor bolt shall be within ± 3. 0 ° d r 2 7 0 ° 9 0 ° 1 8 Fig. 7 0 ° 4.4 Material Identification The mill-marking or coded number of the plates stamped on the pressure retaining parts such as shell plates, bottom plate, annular plates and compression ring plate shall be checked before erection and recorded on as-built sketch just after erection. 4.5 Dimension Inspection 4.5.1 Radius of bottom annular The radius of the bottom annular shall be measured at the middle of each annular plate before welding, and it shall be within + 20 mm, -0 mm than the specified radius. 4.5.2 Dimensional inspection of 1st course (before welding) Before commencement of welding for vertical joints of 1st course, the following dimensional inspection shall be carried out and the tolerances for 1st course shell plate are as follows in table 1 below. Table 1 Tank diamete r (m) <12 (1) Plumbne ss (mm) H/200 (2) Level (mm) A* ±3 B ** ± 6/13 (mm) ± 13 12 to < 45 H/200 ±3 ± 6/13 ± 19 Note * ** (3) Roundness *** Differences in any 9 m for concrete ringwall and in any 3 m if concrete ringwall is not provided. Max. difference in total circumference. (6 mm for concrete ringwall and 13 mm if concrete ringwall is not provided. *** Difference from the reference marking in radius. 1) Levelness After erection of the lowest shell course, the levelness of the shell shall be measured at the center of each shell plate, the top of the lowest shell course shall be within tolerance in paragraph 6.2. See Fig. 8 for reference. S c Shell Plate Marking For measurement A Bottom plate Fig. 8 2) Plumbness After welding of the lowest and the last number shell courses, the plumbness of the tank shell shall be measured at eight points which are equally divided at 0°, 45°, 90° to 315° in the circumference of tank, and the maximum out-of-plumb of the top of the shell relative to the bottom of the shell shall not exceed 1/200 of the total height before commencement of welding and after completion of welding. See Fig. 9 for reference A (TOP) Shell Plate B (Bottom) Plumb bob 30 0 Bottom Plate Fig. 9 3) Roundness After welding of the lowest shell course, radii of the tank shall be measured at the same positions as levelness and 300 mm above the bottom corner, it shall not exceed the following tolerances after corner welding. See table 2 and Fig. 10 for reference. Table 2 Tank Diameter (m) Radius tolerance (mm) <12 ±13 From 12 to < 45 ± 19 Reference mark For measurement Shell Plate Measuring value 30 0 Bottom Plate Fig. 10 4.5.3 Local deviations after completion of vertical & horizontal welding. Local deviations from the design shape of the shell shall be measured by using sweep board 900 mm long. Peaking at vertical weld joints and banding at horizontal weld joints shall not exceed ±13 mm. See Fig. 11 for reference Banding Peaking Check point (inside view) Fig. 11 4.5.4 Nozzle, manhole, draw off sump and other attachments Before cutting the opening of nozzle and manhole, orientation & elevation of them shall be checked with the latest revision drawing. The nozzle, manhole, draw off sump and other attachments of the tank shall be within the following allowable tolerance after completion of welding. See Table 3 for reference. 1) Nozzle, manhole and draw off sump ; Table 3 Tolerance, mm Draw off sump, Items Nozzle manhole Elevation from bottom : A Orientation from reference centerline : B ± 9.5 ± 9.5 ±5.0 ±25.4 Projection : C -0, +5 -0, +10 ± ½° or 2.0, (*1) ±1° Max. 1.5 - Inclination of flange face : D Rotational orientation of bolt hole Distance from roof or bottom center to nozzle, manhole and draw off sump : F Note (*1) : Whichever is greater. ± 9.5 ± 9.5 2) Clips or similar structural attachment for platform, ladder or pipe support. See table 4 and Fig. 12A and 12B for reference Table 4 Items Tolerance, mm Location from support Orientation from reference centerline ± 9.5 ± 14.3 F C B C F D A B Fig. 12A Fig. 12B 3) Verticality of gauge well (gauge pole) If the roof will be provided with gauge well that complies with the design, the verticality of each gauge well shall be checked and shall not exceed the tolerance of instrument manufacturer specified in the purchaser order. 4.6 Fit-up Inspection The surface of joints to be welded shall be free from rust, scale and any foreign material which may be harmful to weld properties within at least 13 mm from the joint. Tolerance for misalignment of plates of butt welded joint plates to be joined by butt welding shall be fitted property and shall be maintained in position during the welding operation. 4.6.1 Misalignment of the center line of the plates shall not exceed the following. 1) Misalignment in completed vertical joints for plate thickness greater than 16.0 mm thick shall not exceed 10% of the plate thickness or 3.2 mm, whichever is less ; misalignment for plates less than or equal to 16 mm thick shall not exceed 1.5 mm. 2) In completed horizontal butt joints, the upper plate shall not project beyond the face of the lower plate at any point by more than 20% of the thickness of the upper plate, with a maximum projection of 3.0 mm. ; however, for upper plates less than 8.0 mm thick, the maximum projection shall be limited to 1.5 mm. 3) See Fig. 13 for reference. UPPER PLATE LOWER PLATE Fig. 13 4.6.2 Unless the configuration and dimension of the joints are specified in the drawing or welding procedure specification (WPS), they shall be prepared as shown in Fig. 14. Fig. 14 Note: 1. Back gouged second side and welded except horizontal joints welded by SAW process. 2. Applicable only for annular to annular plate joints (Not applicable for shell joints. 3. Back chipped surfaces shall be inspected by visually, and shall be free from any visible defects. In case of any doubt of the inspector during visual inspection, further grinding or PT will be carried out to identify defect. 4.7 Welding Control Welding control shall be performed in accordance with “Welding Procedure Specification”. 4.8 Visual Inspection 4.8.1 All welds shall be visually inspected and meet the following requirements. 4.8.2 All welds shall be free from crack, overlap, spatter, slag and other deleterious defects. 4.8.3 Undercutting The edges of all welds shall merge smoothly with the surface of the plate without a sharp angle. For vertical butt joints, the maximum acceptable undercutting is 0.4 mm of the base metal. For horizontal butt joints, undercutting not exceeding 0.4 mm in depth is acceptable. For welds that attach nozzles, manholes, cleanout openings, and permanent attachments, undercutting shall not exceed 0.4 mm. 4.8.4 The frequency of surface porosity in the weld shall not exceed one cluster (one or more pores) in any 100 mm of length and the diameter of each cluster shall not exceed 2.5 mm. Surface defects shall be removed. 4.8.5 The height of weld reinforcement in all butt joints on each side of the plate shall not exceed the following as shown in table 5. Table 5 Max. height of reinforcement, mm Vertical Horizont joint al joint Plate thickness, mm Up to13, incl. 2.5 3.0 4.8.6 The size of each shell-to-bottom fillet weld shall not be more than 12.7 mm and shall not be less than the nominal thickness of the thinner of the two plates joined (that is, the shell plate or the annular plate immediately under the shell) or less than the following values as shown in table 6. Table 6 Nominal thickness (T) of shell plate, mm 5 > 5 - 20 Minimum size of fillet weld, mm 5.0 6.0 4.8.7 The roof shall not have dimples that will permit accumulation of water. 5. Nondestructive Examination (NDE) The extent of NDE as shown in table 7 below shall be carried out in accordance with the NDE procedure Table 7 1. Shell to Shell (CS/ES) Weld Type Butt Applied Exam. Type Degree RT Per API 650 3. Shell to Bottom (CS/ES) Fillet PT Per API 650 4. Annular Butt joints (CS/ES) Butt PT Per API 650 5. Bottom to Bottom /Annular (CS/ES) Lap VBT Per API 650 Lap VBT Fillet LT / PT Butt PT No. 6. Welds of Roof to Roof /Compression Ring/Top Angle Nozzle neck to Shell including pad 7. plate (CS/ES) 8. Flange to manhole / nozzle neck Manhole /Nozzle neck to shell / roof 9. /reinf. pad 10. Tee/Fille t Other (Shell, Bottom, Roof) Attachment Fillet PT /LT PT Per API 650 Per API 650 Per API 650 Per API 650 Per API 650 Abbreviation RT VBT PT LT : : : : Radiographic examination Vacuum box test Liquid Penetrant Examination Air leakage test 6. Repairs of Weld When defect appears to be removed, repair welds shall be made in accordance with approved welding procedure specification, and repaired area shall be re-examined by the same method originally taken. 7. Hydrostatic Testing and Settlement Check The hydrostatic testing and settlement checking of the tank shall be taken in accordance with the approved hydrostatic test procedure. 8. Painting Inspection Painting Inspection requirement is as follows 1) The brand name and Munsel no. of Paint to be applied shall be checked. 2) No painting operation shall be done in the following weather condition of the working area. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Rain, fog, mist Relative Humidity is greater than 85% Dust effects adversely due to high wind Ambient temperature below 5°C above dew point Metal Surface temperature is less than 3°C above dew point. 3) At each step of painting work, number and dry film thickness of coats shall be confirmed whether it meets the required thickness in the painting procedure. At least one spot of dry film thickness (DFT) shall be checked in every 9.0 square meter area approximately. 4) Drying time and dryness of previous paint shall be checked by touching with fingertip and by the manufacturer’s instruction before subsequent coating. 5) The film shall be visually inspected for defects such as in adequate curing, runs and lack of adhesion. 6) After completion of painting work, the final color shall be visually checked with the standard of color, whether it meets the specification one. 9. Tank Calibration Calibration by third party. 10. Submittal of Inspection and Test Records The results of inspection and test shall be properly recorded and shall be submitted to the purchaser inspector for review and signature immediately after the inspection and or test. The following inspection and test records shall be submitted to the purchaser after completion of final inspection. (1) Letter of acceptance (2) Material identification record (3) Foundation inspection record (4) Dimensional inspection record (5) Nondestructive examination report (6) Hydrostatic test record (7) Settlement check record (8) Painting inspection record (9) Photograph or rubbing of name plate 11. Safety Precaution All the personnel and work activities involved in the construction, painting and testing of the tanks shall be governed by project safety requirements. 11.1 Requirements of confined space The following requirements shall be followed when entering confined space. 1) 2) 3) 4) Apply for the confined space entry permit. Conduct risk and hazard assessment and personnel training. Test the air before entering confined space. Designate watch men inside and outside prior to the entrance to confined space. 5) Conduct pass-in and pass-out signing system. The construction person shall sign his name before and after entering confined space. 6) Possess operable emergency plans and schedules. 7) Erection method install course by piece. Fig. 15 12. Erection Work-Flow Chart FOUNDATION CHECK ANNULAR PLATE LAY DOWN / WELD FORM ITP BOTTOM PLATE LAY DOWN / WELD FORM ITP FORM ITP PEAKING CHECK PEAKING CHECK 1-st COURSE INSTALL ROUNDNESS CHECK FORM ITP 1-st COURSE 1-st COURSE VERT-WELD PLUMNESS CHECK FORM ITP 2ndPLUMNESS COURSE INSTALL PLUMNESS CHECK FORM ITP 2nd COURSE VERT-WELD 3nd COURSE INSTALL FORM ITP PEAKING CHECK PEAKING CHECK PEAKING CHECK PLUMNESS CHECK FORM ITP PLUMNESS CHECK FORM ITP PLUMNESS CHECK FORM ITP 4th COURSE VERT-WELD 5th COURSE INSTALL FORM ITP FORM ITP 3nd COURS VERT-WELD 4th COURSE INSTALL FORM ITP PLUMNESS CHECK 5th COURSE VERT-WELD 6th COURSE INSTALL PLUMNESS CHECK FORM ITP PEAKING CHECK 6th COURSE VERT-WELD 7th COURSE INSTALL FORM ITP PEAKING CHECK PLUMNESS CHECK FORM ITP 7th COURSE VERT-WELD 1-st TO 2-nd COURSE PLUMNESS CHECK FORM ITP 1-st TO 2-nd COURSE HORIZ-WELD BENDING CHECK FORM ITP 3nd COURSE INSTALL PLUMNESS CHECK FORM ITP 2-st TO 2-nd COURSE HORIZ-WELD BENDING CHECK FORM ITP 4th COURSE INSTALL PLUMNESS CHECK FORM ITP 3nd TO 4th COURSE HORIZ-WELD BENDING CHECK FORM ITP PLUMNESS CHECK FORM ITP 5th COURSE INSTALL 4th TO 5th COURSE HORIZ-WELD BENDING CHECK FORM ITP 6th COURSE INSTALL PLUMNESS CHECK FORM ITP 5th TO 6th COURSE HORIZ-WELD BENDING CHECK FORM ITP BENDING CHECK 7th COURSE INSTALL PLUMNESS CHECK 6th TO 7th COURSE HORIZ-WELD BENDING CHECK FORM ITP PEAKING CHECK TOP COURSE INSTALL& WELD FORM ITP PEAKING CHECK TEMP.CENTER COLUMN FORM ITP AIR LEAK TEST FORM ITP FORM ITP TOP COURSE VERT-WELD ROOF PLATE SECMENTS INSTALL AND WELD FORM ITP BOTTOM VACCUMN TEST FORM ITP PT SHELL TO BOTTOM FORM ITP FINAL INPECTION PAINTING HYDRO TEST FORM ITP CHECK FOUND SETTELMENT FORM ITP Appendix 1 Table A : Permissible variations from flatness for carbon steel plates Permissible variations from a flat surface for specified widths (W), mm Specified Thickness (T), mm 1524 < W < 1829 1829 < W < 2134 2134 < W < 2438 2438 < W < 2743 6.4 < T < 9.5 23.8 28.6 31.8 34.9 9.5 < T < 12.7 12.7 < T <19.1 19.1 < T < 25.4 25.4 < T < 50.8 15.9 19.1 22.2 25.4 15.9 15.9 19.1 25.4 15.9 15.9 15.9 19.1 14.3 14.3 15.9 15.9 Note : 1) Flatness variations for length - the longer dimension specified is considered the length, and permissible variations in flatness along the length should not exceed the tabular amount for the specified width in plates up to 3658 mm (12 ft) in length, or in any 3658 mm (12 ft) of longer plates. 2) Flatness variations for width - the flatness variations across the width should not exceed the tabular amount for the specified width. Table B : Permissible variations in waviness for plates Flatness tolerance mm 14.3 15.9 19.1 22.2 23.8 25.4 28.6 31.8 34.9 Waviness tolerances, when number of waves in 3658 (12 ft) is, mm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 14.3 15.9 19.1 22. 2 23. 8 25.4 28.6 31.8 34.9 11.1 12.7 14.3 17.5 7.9 9.5 11.1 12.7 6.4 6.4 7.9 9.5 4.8 4.8 6.4 6.4 3.2 3.2 4.8 4.8 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 17.5 12.7 9.5 7.9 6.4 4.8 19.1 22.2 23.8 27.0 14.3 15.9 17.5 19.1 11.1 12.7 12.7 14.3 7.9 9.5 9.5 11.1 6.4 6.4 7.9 7.9 4.8 4.8 6.4 6.4 Note : The waviness tolerance is a function of the flatness tolerance as obtained from table A as appropriate. 5. ASSEMBLY OF THE BOTTOM The bottom plates have been arranged and laid down in the longitudinal direction these shall be left free to prevent distortion, They shall be temporary fitted with dog plate. Before start welding the distortion-restraint jigs and reinforce channel shall be installed in order to minimize field work shop assembly of bottom plates might be trial fitted and welded some pieces together accept the annular plate. The vacuum test shall be done when complete weld at site. 6.ASSEMBLY AND WELDING OF THE TANK SHELL PLATE 6.1) Assembly of the first shell course. 6.1.1 The horizontality of the drawn circle line will be measured by using the Y-.Level and be adjusted properly, if necessary to get a correct level. 6.1.2 Tank shell plates will be fitted on circle line with each other using Strong back, key plate, spacer and key wedge. 6.1.3 Adjust the aberration of rolling curve of the tank inside and outside Based on the drawn line by the piece wedge. The drawn circle line Shall be concentric having the radius of the tank age designed radius Added with shrinkage allowance due to welding on the well vertical Joints. Do not tack weld the tank shell to the tank bottom. R=RC + 3N/2 ¶ R: Inside wall radius for erection (Actual marking line on the bottom plates ) RC: Designed inside radius (After completion) N: Number of vertical joints. 3. shrinkage rate (mm.) of each joint 6.1.4 Plate to be jointed by butt welding shall be matched accurately and Retained in position during the welding operation. Misalignment in completed vertical joints shall not exceed 10 percent Of the plate thickness, or 1.6 mm which is larger ( refer AP1 650 SEC.PAR. 6.1.5 Incomplete horizontal butt joints. The difference between the center Line of the upper and lower plates shall not exceed 20% the Thickness of the upper plate. With a maximum allowance of 1/8 inch Except that projection of 1.6 mm is except for upper plate than 8 mm Thick. (PREFER API 650 SCE. 5 PAR. 6.1.6 After completed installation of the tank shell first course. The horizontal and the vertical will be measured at topedge of the Course. The second course will be arranged and installed only after The adjustment of the horizontality and the verticality of the First course is completed. 6.2) Assembly and installation of the remaining shell courses. 6.2.1 Welding and installation of the second course shall follow the same Sequence as for the first shell course, After the vertical welding joints Are completely welded the second shell course to the first shell course 6.2.3 The assembly, setting and installation of the third course of the tank Shell will be carried out after the horizontal welding of the second Course is completed. 6.2.4 The assembly, setting and installation of the remaining course will Follow in row only after the horizontal welding of the immediate lower Course is totally finished. 6.3) Dimensional tolerances 6.3.1 The maximum out of plumpness of the the shell relative to the Bottom Of the shell shall not exceed 1/200 of the tank height.refer: API 650 SEC.5 PARA 5.5.1) 6.3.2 The out of plumpness in any single shell not exceed 6.4mm 6.3.3 Radius measured at 1 foot above the bottom corner Weld shall not exceed the following tolerances. Diameter range 0 TO 12m Exclusive 12 TO 45m Exclusive Radius tolerance ±1/2 Inch (13m) ±1/2 Inch (13m) (REFER:API 650 SEC. 5 PARA 5.5.2) 7. WELDING Welding shall be performed manually by certify welder in accordance with the Welding procedure specification. Welding shall be performed in such a manner As to ensure complete fusion with base metal. 7.1) Commentary of welding 7.1.1 The back chipping will be carried out on the inside after welding from the Outside the back chipping will be carried out by grinding method. 7.1.2 The thickness of the the reinforcement of the welds on all butt on each Side of the plate shall not exceed the following thickness. Plate thickness: maximum thickness of reinforcement (Inch) Vertical Joints Horizontal Joints Up to ½ Inclusive ….3/32 (2.5mm) 1/8 (mm) 3.2 mm 4.8 mm Over ½ (Refer: API 650 SEC.5 PARA. 7.2) Repair Welding. When any defects in welder parts will be found by radiographic Inspection, visual and other tests. Defects shall be repaired by Chipping or required and rewarding with welding procedure 7.3) Radiographic examination 7.3.1 Radiographic examination method shall be in accordance with The same boiler and pressure vessel code. Section V. “NON Destructive Examination” Article2. 7.3.2 The radiography examination will be carried out on API 650 The same time after welding of shell joints. 8.WELDING SEQUENCE OF 1st COURSE AND BOTTOM . Fig-5 9. WELDING SEQUENCE OF BOTTOM PLATES Fig-6 NOTE: START WELD FROM CENTER PLATE. 10 ASSEMBLY AND WELDING OF DOME ROOF, SELF SUPPORT CONE ROOF. Roof plates shall be assembled at shop on the jig with or without nozzle manhole Attached. All plates shall be fitted to a completed unit. Then by a partial welding, Roof Plates shall be separated to suitable segments for transportation and site Erection.