COUNCIL OF LEGAL EDUCATION HUGH WOODING LAW SCHOOL Academic Year 2022/2023 YEAR II ASSIGNMENT #3 COURSE NAME: CONVEYANCING AND REGISTRATION OF TITLE COURSE DIRECTOR: MRS NISHA MATHURA-ALLAHAR HWLS STUDENT I.D. NO: JURISDICTION: 20507 20507 BARBADOS 1 DAENERYS TARGARAYEN Q.C Attorney-at-Law Stormborn House Andals Street Bridgetown, Barbados Tel. No: 246) 436-0092 | Fax No: (246) 549-0614 13th February 2023 “BY REGISTERED MAIL” Jon Snow Attorney-at-law The Wall Chambers Bridgetown, St Michael Barbados Dear Sir, Re: In the matter of Claim No. CV 01234-2021 between Amy Murphy and Jeff Murphy property settlement of Matrimonial property situated at Lot 5 Nueva York, in the parish of St James Deed No. 1234 of 2001. I refer to the matter at caption in which I act on behalf of the Applicant, Mrs Amy Murphy of Lot 5 Nueva York, St. James, hereinafter referred to as “my client”. My client instituted legal proceedings against your client Mr Jeff Murphy (hereinafter referred to as “the Respondent”), for an Application for Financial Relief. As a result, on the 24th day of November 2022, my client obtained a Decree Nisi and applied to the court for a property settlement of the matrimonial home. On the 14th day of December 2022, it was ordered by the Honourable Madam Justice Ingrid Young that the Respondent do convey all his share and interest in the matrimonial property situated at Lot 5 Nueva York, in the parish of St James described in the Deed of Conveyance registered/recorded as No. 1234 of 2001 subject to the mortgage registered/recorded as No.1235 of 2001 in favour of M&A Bank to the Petitioner (hereinafter referred to as “the Matrimonial property”) comprising of 20507 2 750 square metres. The Respondent shall be responsible for paying all instalments due under the mortgage until the said mortgage is fully liquidated and discharged. In compliance with the court order, we have prepared the Deed of Conveyance for your review and the Respondent’s approval. It was also ordered that the Respondent execute the Deed of Conveyance to my client within fourteen (14) days of presentation of the said Deed, in default of which the Registrar of the Supreme Court shall execute for and on behalf of the Respondent. Lastly, the Respondent shall cover all expenses for preparing and registering the said Deed of Conveyance. I have attached to the Deed an office copy of the Order of the Honourable Madam Justice Ingrid Young dated 14th day of December 2022 (hereinafter referred to as “the said Order”) for your ease of reference, to be vetted and executed. Thank you in advance for your careful attention concerning this matter. Yours faithfully, DaenerysTargarayen ………………………………. Daenerys Targarayen Q.C Attorney-at-Law Stormborn House Andals Street Bridgetown, Barbados cc: Mr. Jeff Murphy Encs. (3) 1. Office copy of Order 2. Deed of Conveyance 3. Survey Plan 20507 3 Drawn and Prepared by: DaenerysTargarayen ………………………………. Daenerys Targarayen Q.C Attorney-at-Law Stormborn House Andals Street Bridgetown, Barbados BARBADOS THIS CONVEYANCE is made the 1st day of February in the Two Thousand and TwentyThree Between JEFF MURPHY of Kingslanding Road in the parish of Christ Church in this Island (hereinafter called “the Transferor”) of the One Part and AMY MURPHY of Lot 5 Nueva York, in the parish of St James in this Island (hereinafter called “the Transferee”) of the Other Part. WHEREAS 1. The Transferor and the Transferee by virtue of a Conveyance dated the 16th day of January 2001 made between NED STARK of the One Part and JEFF MURPHY and AMY MURPHY of the Other Part recorded in the Registration Office in this Island as Deed No. 1234 of 2001 (hereinafter refered to as “the said Conveyance”) are the Beneficial owners of the residential property situate at Lot 5 Nueva York, in the parish of St James containing by admeasurement 750 square metres as shown and described in the Schedule of the said Conveyance (hereinafter called “the Property”). 2. By an Order of the High Court of Justice dated the 24th day of November 2022 made by the Honourable Madam Justice Ingrid Young in Matrimonial Proceedings commended by the Petition for the dissolution of the marriage (hereinafter called “the Order”) between the Transferor and Transferee filed on the 6th day of September 2022 whereon the Transferee was the Petitioner and the Transferor was the Respondent entitled CV No. 01234-2021 between AMY MURPHY v JEFF MURPHY it was odered that the Transferor do convey to the Transferee his entire share and interest in the Matrimonial property subject to the mortgage registered as No. 1235 of 2001 in favour of M&A Bank. 20507 4 NOW THIS DEED WITNESSETH as follows:1. The Transferor as beneficial owner hereby CONVEYS unto the Tranferee ALL THAT that half share estate and interest in the Property together with the buildings erected thereon and the appurtenances thereto belonging TO HOLD the same unto the Transferee in fee simple to the intent that the Transferee shall henceforth stand seised of the entirety of the said property free from any estate or right of the Transferor therein subject to the easements restrictive covenants and conditions mentioned and/or referred to in the 2. The Transferee for himself his heirs executors administrators hereby covenant with the Transferor that he will during the term of twenty-five (25) years created by the Mortgage that he will continue to pay the sum of Two Million dollars ($2,000,000.00) for the mortgage registered as 1235 of 2001 created between the Transferee and Transferor with M&A Bank and he will duly observe and perform the covenants and conditions contained in the Mortgage and on the part of the Transferor to be observed and performed and will indemnify and keep indemnified the Transferor and her estate and effects from and against all actions, claims and demands whatsoever brought or made by reason of any breach of non-observance thereof or in anywise relating hereto. 3. In pursuance of the said Order and in consideration of the premises the Transferor herby agrees and confirms with the Transferee that the above conveyance is in full and final settlement of all claims of the Transferor with respect to the said marriage. 4. The Transferor hereby attests and declares (as is testified by his being party to and executing these presents) that he is resident in Barbados for the purpose of the Exchange Control Act, Chapter 71 of Barbados. 5. The Transferee hereby attests and declares (as is testified by her being party to and executing these presents) that she is resident in Barbados for the purpose of the Exchange Control Act, Chapter 71 of Barbados. 6. The Vendor hereby attests and declares (as is testified by his being a party and executing these presents) that for the purposes of Section 13(2) of the Property Transfer Tax Act, 20507 5 Chapter 84A of the Laws of Barbados no input tax has been previously allowed under Section 46(2) of the Value Added Tax Act, Chapter 87 of the Laws of Barbados. IN WITNESS whereof this Conveyance is executed under seal the day and year first hereinbefore written THE SCHEDULE ABOVE REFERRED TO: ALL THAT certain lot piece or parcel of land situate at Nueva York, in the parish of St James in this Island and being the lot number 5 on the Key Plan of Nueva York containing by admeasurement seven hundred and fifty (750) square metres abutting and bounding towards the North on a road reserve 10.12 metres wide towards the East on lands of Sansa Stark towards the South on lands of Ramsey Bolton and towards the West on other portions of a road 18.29 metres wide or however else the same may abut and abound. SIGNED SEALED AND DELIVERED by ) the said JEFF MURPHY in the ) presence of:) Jeff Murphy …………………………………… Witness: Tyrion Lannister Name: Tyrion Lannister Abode: Description: Secretary SIGNED SEALED AND DELIVERED by ) the said AMY MURPHY in the ) presence of:) Amy Murphy …………………………………… Witness: Aemon Greyjoy Name: Aemon Greyjoy Abode: Description: Legal Clerk 20507 6