Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education TRINITY AN ANNUAL JOURNAL FOR THEOLOGY & CHRISTIAN EDUCATION . Volume 1. Issue 1. December 2023. Volume 1. Issue 1. December,2023. Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education Published by: Dewey Educational Consultants Limited Publications P.O.BOX 14097 Kampala (Uganda); East Africa. Email: +256(0)782096897 Editor: Marx R. Mbabaali Associate Editors: Mary N. Sebowa Norah Chebet Design and Production: Legendary Graphics Subscription &Marketing Manager: John S. Ssali Trinity Journal of Theology & Christian Education DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.34357.65760 Copyright ©2023 by Dewey Educational Consultants Ltd. The Trinity Journal of Theology &Christian Education is a property of Trinity Biblical Institute. No portion or part of this journal may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher and or Trinity Biblical Institute. For more information contact PO Box 126, Kapchorwa, 0393-208719 or +256-782-690529/+256-773-710597 or Volume 1. Issue 1. December,2023. Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education Table of Contents Editor’s Message by Pr. Marx R. Mbabaali ....................................................................................4 Elder John S. Ssali ........................................................................................................................5 Shepherding The Flock By Elder James Kabugo..............................................................................6 The Unfinished Task by Pr. Pete W. Anderson .................................................................................7 The Necessity of Church Leadership Development In Africa by Elder Fred Kabenge ...................... 16 The Library & The Internet: The Invisible Force &Partner In The Great Commission. .......... 21 “No Other Gospel” by Pr. Doug McNutt ....................................................................................... 24 A Discipleship Model for Developing Leaders for The Church Ministry by Pr. Pr. Milton Lipa ........... 27 Continuation.............................................................................................................................. 33 Predestined for Adoption Pr. Rich Young ...................................................................................... 33 Christian Response to The Divergent Views on Homosexuality by Pr. Milton Lipa........................... 35 The Centrality of Theological Education In Africa and The World Over by Elder Charlie King ........... 45 The Key to True Prayer by Pr. Andy Webb ...................................................................................... 50 Volume 1. Issue 1. December,2023. Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education Pr. Marx Mbabaali: MLIS-ucu, DBS-TBI, BLIS-ucu, FOCA-ALA, U. NY, RDM-Nigeria, PGC-UP, South Africa) Trinity Biblical Institute, Librarian Chief Editor – Trinity – Journal of Theology & Christian Education Mob: +256-773-710597 / WhatsApp: +256703874124 / Office: 0393-208719 Editor’s Message by Pr. Marx R. Mbabaali The Trinity Journal of Theology & Christian Education will strive to improve & maintain its standard as an informative & academic journal dedicated to theology & Christian education, as well as its goal to publish and advance knowledge in the dedicated fields. The Journal was started by the school of theology, missions, and education, which is a constituent of Trinity Biblical Institute (TBI) which is a constituent of Trinity Centre for World Mission, USA. The initiative will strengthen the Institute’s scholarly mission, for it joins other theological and educational institutions to publish works that critically explore research, theoretical issues & insights, as well as innovations. The Trinity Journal of Theology & Christian Education will continue its contributions that will have a bearing in all spheres of theology & Christian education practice and policy. In its inaugural publication (Vol.1 No.1), it is crucial to understand that Trinity Journal of Theology & Christian Education will aim and is also destined for international accreditations and standards, envisioning a combination of on-line and print formats, as a means of rendering its publication more interactive and beneficial to a much wider range of critical readers and competitive contributors. It is thus heartwarming to note that the present issue is published by Dewey Educational Consultants, Ug Ltd, but will also intend to be published by the ever-growing African largest collection of scholarly journals, African Journal Online (AJOL) which hosts hundreds of Journals, so that it is available to readers not only in print, but also online format. The support the journal has so far received from Trinity Biblical Institute, Trinity Center for World Mission, the editorial team, and the article contributors has strengthened the determination to maintain the high standards of publication. The editorial team thus expresses its gratitude to all well-wishers and contributors, and will continue to welcome, not only original and decent quality manuscripts, but also constructive comments, suggestions, and criticisms from readers, which will stimulate further debates and research on Theological & Christian Education issues and proposed reforms. The TTCE Journal particularly encourages submissions of unpublished manuscripts on pertinent theological, moral or ethical & educational issues that will stimulate and/or augment discussion forums on improving quality in all aspects of theology & Christian education including teaching and learning, policy, planning, governance, management and others. It welcomes contributions of all interested scholars and practitioners in theology & Christian education, to submit their manuscripts to the Chief Editor’s offices as indicated by the Journal Guidelines at the end of the present issue. Volume 1. Issue 1. December,2023. Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education Elder John S. Ssali T.B.I Deputy Principal (Academics & Administration) Pioneer member for Trinity Theology & Christian Education Journal Mob No. +256782690529. Trinity Center for World Mission (TCWM) is the mother body for Trinity Biblical Institute that operates in East and Central African Countries; Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi, and the ministry operations are still growing and spreading to other Countries. Our vision is “To Disciple Nations for Christ in East & Central Africa”- Premised on Matthew 28:19-20. Our Mission is “to train & equip servant leaders of the Triune God for Ministry in Global Christian Movement” & our Motto is “Expect Great things from God; Attempt Great things for God.” By God’s Grace, Trinity Biblical Institute has faithfully trained pastors and church leaders in form of theological Conferences and formal training under accredited Theological & Biblical Studies Programmes. TBI attained its official mandate to teach accredited Theological & Biblical Studies Programmes on February 25th, 2020, the Uganda National Council for Higher Education accredited the institution to operate as a private tertiary institution, a status that gave us the mandate to teach and award internationally recognized certificates and Diplomas in Theological, Biblical & Christian Education study fields. By God’s grace the TBI pioneer cohort was commissioned to go and fulfill the Great Commission during the first graduation ceremony that was held on Friday 9th December 2022 at Kapchorwa. The unfished work of Missions is championed by TBI chancellor & Founder Trinity Center for World Mission - PR. DR. Missionary Pete W. Anderson and this is one of the major missions that he wishes our current trainees, graduates, staff, churches, & entire human race to carry out. As we commission these graduates to go and make disciples of all Nations, in the same spirit, we also appreciate God for the many accomplishments that he has enabled us to achieve including T.B.I’ attainment of the Other Degree Awarding Institution (ODAI) status following Uganda National Council’ approval at her 72nd sitting of Monday 21st August 2023. The ODAI status gives T.B.I the mandate to train students, pastors, and other church leaders from Certificate level to postgraduate levels TBI promoters, Governors and administrators may approve. Today we are launching the first publication of the Trinity Theological and Christian education journal as one of the activities &achievements to celebrate our progress since 2015 and to inform, educate & inspire readers, TBI Trinity Network members, Consortium of TBI graduates in East & Central Africa, partners, and the entire Christian Movement. We are so grateful for your prayers, support, active involvement and donations towards the expansion, growth & development of TBI/ TCWM ministries as we train nations and church leaders who will create churches that will create disciples. Volume 1. Issue 1. December,2023. Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education Shepherding The Flock By Elder Kabugo James: Chairperson TBI Board of Trustees TCWM (U) LTD Board secretary. John 10:11 -18 11 “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. 12 The hired hand is not the shepherd who owns the sheep. So, when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. 13 The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep. 14 “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me— 15 just as the father knows me and I know the father—and I lay down my life for the sheep. 16 I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd. 17 The reason my father loves me is that I lay down my life—only to take it up again. 18 No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have the authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my father. When I was growing up, I used to see my Pastor caring for his people. Caring to find out if they had got what to eat or not. Unfortunately, today with many churches that have come it’s the sheep to take care of the shepherd. It's the sheep that know where shepherds sleep, but the shepherd has no time to find out. I charge everyone reading this journal to adhere to biblical doctrine, teaching, and way. of life! Congratulations. I am extremely honored and profoundly honored to endorse this first issue and edition of the Trinity Journal of Theology & Christian Education and recommend to you the readers graduates, alumnae, ministry partners to read it. The series of Theological and Christian Education articles included in this journal will surely edify your personal life and improve your ministry. Thank you! . Volume.1. Number 1. December 2023 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education The Unfinished Task By Pr. Dr. Missionary Pete W Anderson (Trinity Biblical Institute Chancellor & founder Trinity Center for World Missions). All over Africa, there are unfinished buildings. These buildings are testimonies of lost dreams, plans that never materialized. This is sad. But there is a much greater problem. Christ has given us one major task, to disciple the nations, but that task after more than two thousand years is unfinished. We should weep and repent of our failure to obey the great commission. Most of you have some tasks that are incomplete; you started something, but it is unfinished. I like to build things, and it frustrates me when I start something and do not finish it. What about you? Do you have unfinished business; a bunch of unfinished tasks, projects, books that you have started, repairs that are half complete, letters you plan to write? These are all minor/small in contrast to the task given to us by the Lord Jesus. Jesus has given his church, including you and me, a task. It is the most important task on earth. That task is commanded in the great commission. We are to go to the nations and make disciples. . Volume.1. Number 1. December 2023 Today we will examine how we are doing regarding obedience to the great commission. We will first consider the task. Then we will look at five encouraging advances in missions today. Then we will consider areas where we need great improvement. And finally, I will challenge you to obey Christ and help complete the task given by our Lord Jesus. You are part of this great, global task. This is largely what you were made for. You were made by God for God and His glory. I want you to have the joy of obeying this command to reach the nations of the world so that they might bring great glory to God. So let us be reminded of the task: This task is so important that it is mentioned in the first five books of the New Testament. First, after the resurrection Jesus had his disciples go to a mountain…outside of Jerusalem. After clearly establishing His authority over heaven and earth, the next words out of Jesus’ mouth were, “Go, therefore”. Here is the full command: Matthew 28:19-20 “19 Go therefore and make Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Now this is not a comfortable call inviting most Christians to send out a few missionaries. No, this is a command for every Christian disciple to be involved in missions. Our God is a missionary God and He sent his missionary Son into the world and that Son is now sending you. For many of these early disciples, this meant sweat, hardship, travel, separation, sacrifice, persecution, and martyrdom. This is a command to go into the world and make disciples. This is a command to expand the kingdom by going, making disciples, baptizing, and teaching. This one command is the major reason that Trinity Biblical Institute and Trinity Center for World Mission exist. The major task commanded here by Jesus is discipleship. Notice that Jesus did not say go and make converts…have a one-time crusade and then move on. He is saying, “I have discipled you, taught you. I have been with you and modeled for you how to live and what to believe. You now understand the Gospel. You were witnesses to my life, my miracles, my death, and my resurrection. I taught you through words and my example for three years. Now, you are my disciples. Now go out, follow in my footsteps, make more disciples. And what is a disciple? A disciple is a student, a learner. A disciple is not simply a convert to Christianity. A disciple is a Christ follower. A disciple lives a life of faith and obedience to Christ. Discipleship requires training, mentoring, coaching, and instruction. Without training, Christians generally do not grow; they remain as infants, weak, and immature. The first task in discipleship is evangelism—you must learn to share your faith. But evangelism is only a small part of the process. You would not neglect a newborn baby. You would spend vast amounts of time with the child. We should constantly look for opportunities to share the Gospel and make disciples. We are to begin in our own family and networks of friends, but we also have a part in discipling the nations. And what do new disciples need to know? Specifically, you are to teach them to obey all that Christ has commanded. You become involved in their spiritual growth. You focus on the person and work of Jesus Christ. You help them to become like Christ, to put off sin and put on righteousness. You love them, you are kind to them, you help them grow and mature, you want them to exhibit the fruit of the Spirit then you want your disciple to become a disciple maker. You see, you are meant to be part of the mission, you are part of the story, you are the light of the world, you are messengers, ambassadors of the King. Every disciple must be a disciple maker. To be a disciple is to make disciples. The New Testament knows nothing of disciples not making disciples. This task begins in your home as you disciple your children. It continues in the church through worship, Sunday School, Bibles studies, and much more. And it will be ended when people from every nation, tongue, and tribe hear the Gospel and are discipled. And to whom are we to go according to Christ’s command? We are to go to the nations or people groups of the world. You begin in your home, your community, your church, and your workplace and when you can, you go to the world, or 8|Pa g e Vo l u m e 1 . I s s u e 1 . D e c e m b e r, 2 0 2 3 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education you help someone else go. Today there are more than 17,000 people groups spread throughout the world. When Jesus speaks of going and discipling the nations, He has these groups in mind. This is an extremely specific command. It is a command that keeps you from just focusing on those around you. This is a specific command to make disciples among every people group in the world. At this point, it is the year 2023. But there are still more than 7000 people groups who have still not been reached with the gospel. Therefore, obedience to the Great Commission necessarily involves intentionally going to them, living with them, evangelizing them, and making disciples. Yes, there are hungry people, sick people, and people with many needs, but we must never forget that spiritually dead people are in greater need than any other group. Without Christ, they are eternally lost; they are without hope. Do you have a burden for those who have never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ? While we are alive, we are charged with reaching the world with the gospel. Have you understood the Lord’s commission? Are you convinced about the priority of discipleship? Now I want us to go beyond the great commission passage in Matthew and show you this is Christ’s teaching in all the Gospels and this priority for the church is seen in the Book of Acts and all the writings of the Apostle Paul. 2. Now consider the restatement of the Great Commission in Mark 13:10 There Jesus declares: 9 “But be on your guard. For they will deliver you over to councils, and you will be beaten in synagogues, and you will stand before governors and kings for my sake, to bear witness before them. 10 And the gospel must first be proclaimed to all nations. What is this? This is not just a prediction that the gospel will be proclaimed in the entire world, Jesus says that this must be done. “Must” is a word that requires necessity and action. The Gospel must be proclaimed in the entire world. 3. Then let’s consider a third restatement of the Great Commission. In Luke 24, we come to the last chapter of the Gospel of Luke. Jesus has recently risen from the dead and appears to the disciples. Luke 24:44-49 “44 Then he said to them, “These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.” 45 Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, 46 and said to them, beginning from Jerusalem. 48 You are witnesses to these things. 49 And behold, I am sending the promise of my Father upon you. But stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high.” What is happening here? Jesus opens their minds. Jesus is exercising his authority, and He is sending the disciples out as witnesses to the nations, empowered by the Holy Spirit. 4. Then there is the fourth restatement of the great commission in the Gospel of John: Jesus says in John 20: 21 21 …., “Peace be with you. As the father has sent me, even so I am sending you.” Jesus came to earth on a mission from the Father. Now the Son is continuing to do what 9|Pa g e Vo l u m e 1 . I s s u e 1 . D e c e m b e r, 2 0 2 3 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education He did on earth through us! What a privilege! We must not drop the ball. We must not delay. We must never give up sharing the Gospel. We must go and train our disciples so that they continue to grow. This is what God wants. This is the main mission. The mission of King Jesus must be carried out by and through His followers. You do not stop a soccer game at halftime. You do not stop a race halfway around the track. And you do not receive a command from Jesus, the sovereign King of the Universe, and not complete the task. television. God is moving and doing great things. He is especially working in Africa!! Now I want to call your attention to five great advances in the kingdom and then focus on five areas that need great attention. I want you to be encouraged and see the progress. God is on the move. First, Scriptures are now available in more languages than ever before. “Faith comes by hearing the word of God,” so translating the Scriptures continues to be a top priority. So how are we doing? How are we responding to our mission clearly given by Christ? Christ has been extremely specific, and He has repeated the command often. He gave the command, and we have the record of the disciples’ obedience. Just like the disciples, we have the Holy Spirit to enable us to be disciple makers. This great command is a global, supernatural task empowered by the Holy Spirit. We praise God for groups like the Wycliffe Bible Translators, many Bible societies, and individuals who have spent in some cases a lifetime translating the Scriptures. Where would we be without them? Making disciples is impossible without a biblical foundation. During the past several years, leaders of the biggest translation and Scripture distribution organizations have met together regularly. They developed a comprehensive plan and a common framework for translation. Working together, they believe they can begin Scripture translation in every language that needs it in less than 10 years. Between 2010 and 2020, about 250 new translations of the entire Bible were completed. All over the world, the Bible is being translated. It is so encouraging to realize that the people who will begin the translation of the last language are probably alive right now. So, what is happening in missions today? The second area of progress: There has been great progress. In some cases, complete communities and tribes are being reached with the Gospel. There are great revivals in China, India, Africa, and even in Muslim nations. The gospel is going to unfamiliar places through radio and In the last ten years, there has been a major effort to reach those who historically have not been reached with the gospel. Thirty-three percent (33%) of the world population claim to be some type of Christian. In recent years, thousands of workers have been sent to Unengaged, Unreached People Groups. In 5. Then there is a fifth restatement of the great commission in the Book of Acts, right before His ascension. Jesus taught: Acts 1:8 “8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” 10 | P a g e V o l u m e 1 . I s s u e 1 . D e c e m b e r , 2 0 2 3 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education the past 10 years, 3,057 unreached people groups have been reached. 29,500 missionaries have responded to the call and 87,171 bi-vocational missionaries have gone to work with them and live with them. The result in the past ten years is 139,671 new churches have been planted and over 3 million people in unreached groups have professed their faith in Christ. But this is an area where we need to focus increasingly. Most missionaries go to places and people groups that have already been reached. If you study the life of the Apostle Paul, he was particularly interested in frontier or pioneer missions. He did not want to build on the foundation of others. TCWM IS CONCERNED ABOUT THIS. We choose our areas of ministry very carefully, and when our task is finished there, we sometimes must move on. We want to help reach the unreached people groups of Africa. Already we are reaching tribes and people groups in five countries in East and Central Africa, including, Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, and Tanzania. In our teaching centers, we have students that speak some 19 different languages. Our students have relatives from many of the tribes of Africa. This is why we have two majors in TBI that focus on training pastors and missionaries. This brings us to the third area of great progress: 3. There has been a tremendous increase in the Evangelism of Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists. The proclamation of the gospel continues to increase as new methodologies are put into practice. Here are a few examples of organizations that have seen dramatic numeric increases in people hearing the gospel during the last decade: The JESUS Film Project now has 1,808 different language translations available, and the film touches more than 150 million people each year, Global Media Outreach focuses on using the internet to reach Muslims and others. They report that 1.8 billion people have read the gospel on one of its 102 websites. In just one month in 2019, 4.3 million people from Muslim countries read God’s Word and 732,000 indicated a decision to follow Christ. The You Version Bible app helps with follow-up. This app has now been downloaded by 400 million people, Every Home for Christ has reached over 100 million homes each year since 2015, Radio and TV and Technology. Solar-powered Radios are being distributed with only one frequency that broadcasts Christian programming; TCWM this past year helped set up two FM radio stations in Muslim countries. Third Millenium Ministries has all its seminary materials online and offers many nations an entire seminary curriculum on two flash drives. 4. Planting Churches Everywhere The Global Alliance for Church Planting reports that 2.5 million churches were planted in just the last eight years. Churches start every day with people who simply want to pray together. In India, a man planted 22,000 churches among Muslim background believers. He explained how he started so many. He said, “We just look for a man who will inform all his family that he is a believer in Jesus, and who also has a good reputation in the community. Then we go and hold church in his house.” When asked what they did in their church service, he said, “We read the Bible, we ask the Holy Spirit to tell us what it means, and then we do what it says.” One of our students at TBI, John, a chief in 11 | P a g e V o l u m e 1 . I s s u e 1 . D e c e m b e r , 2 0 2 3 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education the Pokot tribe has helped start more than 20 churches. Charles, our team leader in Kenya, has planted a dozen churches. Our church plants in Northern Uganda are helping to plant two new churches this year. In Eastern Uganda, TCWM has helped start 14 churches on Mount Elgon. 5. An army of pastors and missionaries is being trained to go to all the nations, and people groups of the world. For the kingdom to expand, pastors and missionaries and evangelists must be trained. Seminaries and Bible Colleges are being planted across the globe. No one group can do it all. I am encouraged by the ministries of Third Mil, Equipping Leaders International, and new seminaries like ARTS and TBI. This year TBI expanded to Burundi and Tanzania, and we are building new campuses in Rwanda and Tanzania. So those are the encouraging parts of kingdom growth. But there are great concerns. There are areas where the Christian church has failed. In many cases, Christians have underestimated the immensity of the job and others have gotten distracted from the main mission of the church. At this point, most churches need a reset, and renewed commitment. We need to admit where we have failed. The first area that needs our concern: We in the evangelical church are losing our children at an alarming rate. Evangelicals are having fewer children. In America, the board of the National Association of Evangelicals, an umbrella group representing 60 denominations and dozens of ministries, passed a resolution deploring “the epidemic of young people leaving the evangelical church.” Christian children in high school are often lonely and are tempted to fit into a culture that values risqué music, the internet, drugs, alcohol, videos, and internet porn. Europe and the United States must be reevangelized. America is now considered a post-Christian country. Historic values are being rejected. In Europe, in several countries, more than half the population claim to be atheists. We need to pray regularly for revival—for another great awakening that is Holy Spirit empowered. The theological famine across Africa. Africa has such potential. Forty percent (40%) of the world’s Christians will live in Africa by 2060. This is where we work. But a disaster is brewing. The number of Christians in Africa at the beginning of the twentieth century was about 9 million; by the end of the twentieth century, it was about 380 million. Hundreds of thousands of pastors are needed!!! Most pastors in Sub-Saharan Africa know truly little about the Bible. Many have never taken one course in a seminary. What will happen to all those who have professed Christ, but do not really understand who He is? Who will disciple them? The Persecution of the Church This is an area where the temptation is to look away. In Gulu, Northern Uganda, where we have started a presbytery, some 25,000 children were kidnapped. Recently rebels came to a school in Rwanda and killed many children. North of this work, in Sudan and South Sudan thousands of Christians have been killed and many have had their churches burned, and some have had their lips cut off so that they cannot speak the Gospel. Today millions of Christians are suffering for their 12 | P a g e V o l u m e 1 . I s s u e 1 . D e c e m b e r , 2 0 2 3 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education faith. Millions of believers live in places where they are oppressed, imprisoned, discriminated against, and even violently attacked—all because they believe in Jesus. Every week, 182 churches or Christian buildings are attacked. Where is the greatest persecution today? North Korea, Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya, Pakistan, Eritrea, Sudan, Yemen, Iran, and India. In these places, the penalty for sharing the gospel or even being a believer ranges from intimidation to imprisonment to death. While Christians in America are not enduring that severity of mistreatment, the tide seems to be rising. It may not be long before Biblebelieving Christians will be widely considered to be dangerous and radical. It will not stop with throwing Christians off social media. I heard one politician recently speaking of the need for Christians and their children to be reprogrammed. This is serious. Many in America consider the Gospel to be hate speech. People are offended at the mention of the cross, sin, the blood of Christ, and the final judgment…. but they boldly promote homosexuality, transgenderism, abortion, and a host of other sins. On some college campuses, if you are a professor and you proclaim your commitment to Jesus Christ and his values -- you can be canceled or fired. More than 70 million Christians have been martyred in the course of history. More than half were martyred in the 20th century under communist and fascist governments. The apostle Paul knew exactly what persecution felt like. He had suffered the type of persecution that leaves scars. In the final two verses of his letter to the Galatians, he writes, “17 Finally, let no one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus. 18 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brothers. Amen.” Paul’s “marks of Jesus” are not the mysterious appearance of wounds on his hands and feet as some have speculated. They are the scars of having been stoned or beaten on numerous occasions as a Christian missionary. In 2 Corinthians 11:24-27, he describes his experiences, “24 Five times I received at the hands of the Jews the forty lashes less one. 25 Three times I was beaten with rods. Once I was stoned. Three times I was shipwrecked; a night and a day I was adrift at sea; 26 on frequent journeys, in danger from rivers, danger from robbers, danger from my own people, danger from Gentiles, danger in the city, danger in the wilderness, danger at sea, danger from false brothers; 27 in toil and hardship, through many a sleepless night, in hunger and thirst, often without food, in cold and exposure.” We have been unwilling to change our strategies. We must see that we have entered an urban century. This has changed missions drastically. Millions of people around the world have moved to the big cities of the world. To reach the cities, strategies must change. Stereotypes must be thrown away. Missionaries for the most part will not live in a village in a grass hut. The great cities of the world are large harvest fields. If you are considering missions, you may end up in London, Tokyo, Rio, Mexico City, Moscow, or Kampala. We must make a determined effort to go to where the people are. Tokyo, one city in Japan, has 38 million residents. Kampala has 3.8 million and continues to grow. 13 | P a g e V o l u m e 1 . I s s u e 1 . D e c e m b e r , 2 0 2 3 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education I am glad we are planning to plant a branch of TBI in Mombasa, Kenya. The current metro area population of Mombasa in 2023 is 1,440,000, a 3.67% increase from 2022. The cities of the world are crucial places for Christian mission. We can see this from the very beginnings of the church: In Acts, Paul goes to Athens, the intellectual center of the Greco-Roman world; Corinth, one of the commercial centers of the empire; Ephesus, perhaps the Roman world’s religious center as the hub of many pagan cults and particularly of the imperial cult; and to Rome, the empire’s power capital, the military and political center of that world. John Stott concludes: “It seems to have been Paul’s deliberate policy to move purposefully from one strategic city center to the next." By reaching the city, Paul reached the whole society. Because of the diversity and intensity of the cities, urbanites are much more open to new ideas—such as the gospel! Because they are surrounded by so many people like and unlike themselves, and are so much more mobile, urbanites are far more open to change/conversion than any other kind of resident (Piper, 2010). Here are ten cities in the world with 20 million or more residents. Tokyo (Population: 37,435,191), Delhi (Population: 29,399,141), Shanghai (Population: 26,317,104) China, Sao Paulo (Population: 21,846,507) Brazil, Mexico City (Population: 21,671,908) Mexico, Cairo (Population: 20,484,965) Dhaka (Population: 20,283,552) Bangladesh, Mumbai (Population: 20,185,064) India, Beijing (Population: 20,035,455), Osaka (Population: 19,222,665). So how are we doing? We can do better. Let me sum it up: Christianity (all kinds) is growing at 1.18% per year, but Islam is growing at 1.92% and thus faster than general Christianity. Evangelical / Charismatic Christianity is growing at about the same rate as Islam. (Status of Global Christianity-2021) Only 10% of cross-cultural missionaries work among unreached people groups, 81% of all non-Christians do not know a Christfollower. (World Christian Encyclopedia), Out of every dollar of Christian giving to all causes less than one penny goes toward pioneer church planting among unreached peoples, an estimated 95% of pastors worldwide have had no formal training. We have work to do. What can you do? This week think about your part in finishing the task. Take stock of what you have been given. What can you accomplish by the grace of God? We are blessed to be a blessing. We are called to be global Christians. It is time to put the work of world evangelism and discipleship first. Perhaps it has been a long time since you thought seriously about the cost of discipleship. We are commanded to suffer hardship for the sake of Jesus. Discipleship requires carrying your cross, dying to yourself, and recognizing the Lord’s ownership of everything you think you have. It requires sacrificial, wartime living and giving. I ask you to remember the wounds of Christ. Remember that He is the Lord. He is the King, and to become a Christian is to surrender to His Lordship. Paul finished his task and could write to young Timothy in his last letter; 2 Timothy 4:7-8 “7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 8 Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me 14 | P a g e V o l u m e 1 . I s s u e 1 . D e c e m b e r , 2 0 2 3 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education on that day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing.” Why is it that 2000 years after Jesus with all our technology and resources and wealth so many are unreached and without hope? It is because of one major problem—partial surrender. Christianity never was meant to be a comfortable religion. You are God’s plan to reach the nations, and there is no Plan B. The Father has sent the son and now the son is sending you. You are the light of the world. You are meant to be world changers. You must not be on the sidelines. You are not observers. 1 Peter 2:9-10 “9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. 10 Once you were not a people, but now you are God's people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.” The task before us is great. Here is a summary of what is happening in Africa. Population of Africa 1,335,420,000, Number of Countries in Africa 58, Number of People Groups 3,703, People Groups Unreached 988 (26.7%), Population in Unreached People Groups 378,941,000, population in Unreached People Groups; 28. Will you commit to helping finish the work? References. 1. 2. 3. 4. Joshua Operation Piper, J. (2010). Let the Nations be Glad : the supremacy of God in missions (3rd ed.). Baker Academic. 5. 6. Let me suggest four responses: 1. Prayer for the nations. Pray that you can have joy in being a part of finishing the task. Perhaps begin by praying for one country. 2. Support the mission program of TBI. Send your best students to be trained there. 3. Support John Ssali as he gathers students to train and go to unreached people groups in Africa. Ask your church to send qualified men and women to the unreached. 4. Set aside your resources to reach the unreached. Challenge your church leaders to sacrifice and set aside church funds for the unreached. 15 | P a g e V o l u m e 1 . I s s u e 1 . D e c e m b e r , 2 0 2 3 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education The Necessity of Church Leadership Development In Africa By Elder Fred Kabenge: Principal of Trinity Biblical Institute, Kapchorwa, Uganda Email:, Website: Tel: +256 (0) 782 869 342 / +256 (0) 709 924 808 / +256(0) 704 866 572 / +256 (0) 782 690 529 Introduction The church in our era exists under such times scriptures refer to as the last days. This is a period between Christ’s first and second coming that richly reveals God’s present grace and the anticipated glory which is to come. It’s an age when the powers of Satan have been significantly curtailed and the gospel message is making headways through the divine power of the Holy Spirit among many nations, most especially in the Global South, which certainly include the African continent. Considerable echoes of conversions and numerical church growth declarations across the continent have been heard from time to time. Predictions are being put forward by researchers regarding the future quantitative growth of the church on the continent. It is estimated, for example, by the Pew Research Center that by the year 2060, more than four (4) out of ten Christians will call the sub-Saharan Africa their home, McClendon (April 2017). What, however, seems not to be underscored in some of these projections is the context within which such forecast is being anticipated. It is indisputably a definite fact that the African church is swelling. Nonetheless, this enlargement seems not to be so much in terms of quality but quantity. This reality could be well attested to by the conditions that seem to prevail in many church assemblies characterized by strange tones of lifestyles and ethical values not in conformity with biblical principles. Much of this would certainly be attributed to lack of authentic discipleship, premised upon scanty or no good church leadership development that can only be cultivated by way of exposure to good and sound theological education. ____________________________________ Christ’s Approach to Church Leadership Development Before commissioning his twelve (12) apostles to go and reach the nations with the gospel of grace, the master teacher Jesus Christ spent slightly over three (3) years preparing them for this vital task. Paul, the 16 | P a g e V o l u m e 1 . I s s u e 1 . D e c e m b e r , 2 0 2 3 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education apostle, shortly after his conversion on the road to Damascus, spent three (3) years in the Arabian desert undergoing the Lord's direct preparation for the work of ministry for which he had destined him (Gal1:15-24). Everywhere across the Roman world where Paul preached the gospel of grace, he was keen on making disciples for Christ and building up teams of Church leaders to further the work of ministry (Acts14:21-23). In Corinth, for example, he spent one and half years working with the church, and teaching and guiding in the word of God, (Acts18:711). Luke tells us that he was in Ephesus for about two to three years training in the lecture hall of Tyrannus where he taught and impressed God’s word upon a body of Christian believers, (Acts19:8-10, 20:17-31). Timothy too was encouraged by the Apostle to entrust the things he had heard from him among many witnesses to faithful men who would be qualified to teach others also, (2Tim 2:1-2). Deuel (2015, Para.29), citing Plummer A. (1943, p.467), considers the passage in 1Timothy 2: 1-2 to be the earliest trace for the formation of theological schools intended for the preparation of Church ministers. It would, therefore, be very regrettable and a great damage to the Lord’s kingdom if in our day and era the importance and centrality of preparation for the work of ministry through formal theological education should be downplayed. For this reason, it doesn’t seem be asking too much if those aspiring to serve as church leaders are required to spend a minimum of two to three years pursing theological preparation before assuming the role of shepherds over God’s flock. ____________________________________ The Vision of Trinity Biblical Institute Trinity Biblical Institute (TBI) was established by Trinity Center for World Mission (TCWM) as a response to the perceived urgent need of effective Church leadership development for East and Central Africa, and by extension to the rest of Africa. This initiative is just a small part of the answer to the regional and continental needs of Africa in as far as well-prepared and structured Church leadership development framework for effective Christian discipleship on the continent is concerned. There is certainly more that still needs to be done by the larger body of Christ. The opportunity to engage in Church leadership development through solid theological education is abundantly being offered by Trinity Biblical Institute not only to Church leaders currently involved in the work of ministry, with little or no prior preparation at all, but also to lay Christian believers who deeply feel called by God to get involvement in Church leadership ministries. When we look back to the ideal model for church leadership development as set forth by the Lord Jesus Christ, his faithful servants who followed him thereafter, and the entire historical record of the church since the days of the Reformation era, we can undeniably conclude that theological preparation for Church leaders must be passionately embraced and pursued by all would-be leaders of Christ’s church. It is as aspiring defenders of the gospel give heart to such commitment that there would be real optimism of having a strong church movement in Africa with well-equipped ministers capable of rightly dividing God's word of truth, and leading healthy churches with transformational believers who can impact Africa and the entire world for the glory of God. Without well trained and godly church leaders capable of effectively carrying Christian discipleship, much of the problems and threats the African church faces today will persist and continue to wreck the continent. With incompetent and unqualified shepherds being in charge, the flock of God will always remain defenseless and 17 | P a g e V o l u m e 1 . I s s u e 1 . D e c e m b e r , 2 0 2 3 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education vulnerable to all forms of compromise, false teachings, syncretism, secularism, liberal ideologies, etc., and shall have no significant impact on the world scene in promoting sound doctrine, and good ethical values which are fundamental key ingredients in resisting heresies and all other forms of falsehood. Oasis International (n.d), affirms that discipleship is critical to developing a deeper relationship with Christ, and equipping believers to stand firm in the face of issues like false teachings, suffering, political upheavals, civil wars, western secularism, syncretism, and persecution which are all major concerns for the Church in Africa, (p.3). This assessment fits well with the biblical imperative put forward by the apostle Paul in 2Timothy 2:15 of seeking to be approved workers who cannot be ashamed, but rightly divide the word of truth. Without quality training in the word of God, discipling Christian believers for a deeper relationship with Christ will certainly remain a daunting task for leaders in the body of Christ. It is also, unequivocally vital to mention at this point that there is real danger for someone to presume to be a minister of the gospel while not measuring up to the required biblical qualifications as laid down in scripture for such an office, most especially one's ability to teach, (1Tim3:1-7, Titus1:5-9, 1Tim3:2, and Titus1:9). The biblical admonition in this respect is so clear, humbling, and sobering. According to James 3:1, scripture cautions that not many of us should become teachers as those who teach will be judged with greater strictness. Trying to preach and teach without good and proper ministry preparation is extremely dangerous, and those who venture into this path must do so with great care as each person will have to give an account for individual accomplishments, (Heb13:17). ____________________________________ Brain Drainage African Continent from the The move taken by Trinity Biblical Institute to engage in training Church leaders and other members of the Christian community in East and Central Africa, and Africa at large within their contexts is something that is highly commended and appreciated. This is so because in the past and even today a considerable number of potential Church leaders who get opportunities to engage in good theological training and move out of the continent to secure this wonderful education in the western world never consider returning home to serve their local church assemblies. Consequently, the church in Africa has suffered very significant brain drainage that continues to affect the human resource development effort, which is very crucial in nurturing Christ's body, not only in theological dimensions, but also in many other professional fields of study that are essential for church growth. On the flip side, there has been instances where church leaders have had all the good theological training one could possibly think of yet without any significant benefit to them, and the entire body of Christ because of their failure to translate what they have academically gathered into practical day to day life for believers to see and emulate. Richard Baxter (2001), a Puritan of the seventeenth century (1615-1691) says, "Such leaders unsay with their lives what they say with their tongues, and so become hinderers of the success of their own labors," (p.63). These men are experts at the expounding God’s word and try to theoretically impress it on the minds of their hearers when they themselves are strangers to the very truth they try to impart to others. In this way, they do 18 | P a g e V o l u m e 1 . I s s u e 1 . D e c e m b e r , 2 0 2 3 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education not only disappointed those who listen to them, but also cause the Lord's work to remain naggingly stunted. African Church, especially in East and Central Africa. Scripture, therefore, calls upon all ministers of the gospel to always be exemplary servant leaders in their efforts of guiding God’s precious flock which has been entrusted to their care, (Phil4:8-9; 1Pet5:1-4; Act20:28). By God’s grace, church leaders must always strive to embody and faithfully live out the gospel truth in their respective individual lives. It is fundamentally through this approach that the African Church will become more dynamic and influential in reaching and impacting the unreached people groups, not only here in Africa, but also around the world, including the former strongholds of Christianity, which are now shockingly fresh mission fields in dire need of fresh evangelism and authentic gospel outreach initiatives. With such an opportunity that God has providentially extended to his Church in Africa, an appeal is hereby being extended to all those currently involved in Church leadership roles with little or no preparation as well as all aspirants to future church leadership roles to consider pursuing theological education with Trinity Biblical Institute. As you choose to positively respond to this call, we wish to reiterate to you that this course of action is in full conformity with the Lord’s philosophy of ministry which has been equally adopted by many of his faithful servants throughout the past generations, right from the first century apostolic age to the reformation era. __________________________________ Conclusion The growth and continued expansion of the church in Africa can hardly be underestimated. Nevertheless, it is extremely important as we are moved to celebrate this apparent rich harvest to also equally understand the context in which such progress is being understood. Much as there seems to be impressive statistical numbers of numerical Church growth, a closer look at the quality of the supposed growth of the church in Africa portrays significant gaps, chief among which is lack of proper and welltrained Church leadership structures, a very crucial factor for the healthy development of Christ’s Church. It was against this background, therefore, that Trinity Biblical Institute was established by Trinity Center for World Mission to serve as part of the solution to the prevailing predicament of the A rediscovery of the importance of embracing a good, solid, and quality church leadership development model provides great optimism for the massive impact the African Church would begin to make on the society, not only here in Africa, but also across the entire world where God is commissioning African Christian believers to take carry this wonderful gospel of salvation. It is salvation which comes exclusively by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, as revealed in scripture alone, all to the glory and honor of God alone. For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be glory forever. Amen, Romans11:36. References 1) Baxter Richard (2001). The Reformed Pastor. Reprint. Edited by Brown William. Carlisle: Banner of Truth Trust. 2) Deuel Dave. (2015). Ministry Training: A delicate and Difficult Service. Accessed on Nov/ 11th, 2020 from 19 | P a g e V o l u m e 1 . I s s u e 1 . D e c e m b e r , 2 0 2 3 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education c/9/ministry-training-a-delicate-anddifficult-service. 3) McClendon David. (2017). Sub-Saharan Africa will be home to growing shares of 4) the world’s Christians and Muslims. Accessed on Nov/ 08th/2023 from 5) Oasis International. (n.d). Five Reasons Why Discipleship in Africa is Critical to the Global Church. Accessed on Aug/05th/2020 from loads/2019/10/5-ReasonsWhy_TitleUpdate.pdf 20 | P a g e V o l u m e 1 . I s s u e 1 . D e c e m b e r , 2 0 2 3 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education The Library & The Internet: the invisible force &partner in the great commission. by Pr. Marx Mbabaali: Librarian, Trinity Biblical Institute, Kapchorwa Uganda & Chief Editor, Trinity Journal of Theology and Christian Education Introduction. Libraries are not aliens both to the great commission and the work of ministry both as tools, means and or mediums through which the gospel was, can and will be propagated. As early as the mosaic era, the fundamental materials or resources of the library were commendable instruments of communication from God to man. The library is a replica of the bible, a library has lots of different books, written by different people at different times and in different place. As the third law of library science states; every book its reader, every bible reader has got favorite scriptures or a bible book, chapter or verse that impacts his or her life in a peculiar way. The fundamental role of the library is to safely keep information and knowledge created in its original or digitized format created for future use or purposes. Through this cardinal role, we witness that books were opened (both books of chronicles and books of remembrance) to have records referred to, ascertained, or verified. As Exodus 17:14 recollects “And the LORD said unto Moses, write this for a memorial in a book, and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua: for I will utterly put out the remembrance.”, KJV, Malachi 3:16 “Then those who feared the LORD spoke with one another. The LORD paid attention and heard them, and a book of remembrance was written before him of those who feared the LORD and esteemed his name. ESV” Esther 6:1-14. “On that night could not the king sleep, and he commanded to bring the book of records of the chronicles; and they were read before the king. KJV” and Revelation 20:12 greatly emphasizes the cardinal role of Books (records) and the place where they are kept and insinuates that even the heavens have libraries (spaces where different books are kept). 21 | P a g e V o l u m e 1 . I s s u e 1 . D e c e m b e r , 2 0 2 3 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education ____________________________________ Libraries and the Gospel today The fifth law of library science – “A library is a growing organism” can best describe the state and functions of libraries today and their role in the great commission is not exceptional. The library has metamorphosed both in purpose and function today, it is no longer a bookstore but it’s now a space and medium of communication though which the great commission message and materials that carry that message can be accessed from anywhere and everywhere(Gorman, 1998). This has been made possible by the Internet infrastructure with the aid of information technology infrastructure. Today the gospel can be written, recorded, shared, and propagated through different media and shared at real time or later provided one is endowed with the required information communication technologies and facilitated with internet connection. During the COVID19 pandemic prevalence, many churches switched to online services, online bible study, online counselling, and online operations in general and all these activities can be accessed via virtual, digital, and online libraries for recollection, emphasis, and teaching. The future of the messengers of the gospel, if I may say is intricately woven in the invisible force, infrastructure and capacity of libraries and the internet. As I write this article, many projects like the mobile library have been developed where literature (both educational and Christian) is distributed to areas that are hardly accessible, without library services and without the internet backbone or infrastructure. This is a wake-up call for all who carry the burden of the great commission to pick up their pens, notepads, phones, iPads, laptops, cameras, etc. and record down their messages in whichever medium they can use to propagate the gospel and safely keep it for the future generations. As it is written in John 4:21 “Woman,” Jesus replied, “believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem.” But only those who are & will be prepared for and with John 4:23 “But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers.” Will stand the test of time since the church will as it did transform at calvary from physical structures to the believer’s spirit. The internet evangelism director (do you have this position at your church, ministry, or organization?) of the BGEA (Billy Graham Evangelism Association) once confessed that “We should never, ever, ever underestimate what God is doing,” he said. “God’s amazing. … He’s reaching people where they’re at.” BGEA launched its Internet Evangelism ministry in April 2011. Since then, the Gospel has been presented more than 20 million times across the globe. Of the 4 million people indicating decisions for Christ, nearly half a million showed interest in receiving follow-up and discipleship materials. Search for Jesus is also working to connect new brothers and sisters in Christ to the local church, taking them from the online world to the offline world. ____________________________________ Conclusion The time to set up, support and advocate for public Christian libraries is now!! This will help to provide places where anyone (believers, seekers, and observers) can come, 22 | P a g e V o l u m e 1 . I s s u e 1 . D e c e m b e r , 2 0 2 3 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education and access information related to Christianity and the Bible and are designed to acquaint users with a Christian worldview.(Barnes et al., 2003) This is a collective responsibility for governments, churches, charities, schools, individual donors and other Christian organizations, if such synergies could join hands for the common goal, the sky would only be the limit ! References. 1. Barnes, J., Barnes, L., & Barnes, L. (2003). A PUBLIC CHRISTIAN LIBRARY : A UNIQUE MODEL FOR EVANGELISM. 46(3). 2. Gorman, M. (1998). Our Singular Strength. 23 | P a g e V o l u m e 1 . I s s u e 1 . D e c e m b e r , 2 0 2 3 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education “No Other Gospel” By Doug McNutt Trinity Center for World Mission President & Trinity Biblical Institute Member, Board of Trustees. The Apostle Paul says in Galatians 1:6-8 “I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospelnot that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one, we preached to you, let him be accursed.” I want to warn you of three false gospels that are out there in our world today and then finally I want to remind you of the only glorious true gospel today. The first false gospel is called the “Grace Plus Works Gospel”. It was the day before the wedding. But that morning the bride and groom got into a big fight; they were so angry with one another that they called off the wedding. But that night the groom said to his best man / best friend: I want you to go to where the bride is staying and tell her that I want to be reconciled and be together with her again. So, the best man goes to the bride and says to the bride: “The groom wants to be reconciled. But there are conditions. Every night when he comes home, you must give him a foot massage, you must cook an amazing dinner every night, and you can never complain when he goes out with his friends.” Was the best man being a good friend to the groom or not? Of course not! Why? Because he changed the offer of unconditional reconciliation into an offer that included conditions! This is called the “Grace + Works Gospel”. This is not the real gospel. I could name several groups right now who are preaching this gospel. They say Christ is good, salvation by grace is good, but salvation is not assured, and it is not enough until you perform some other works as well! This is a false gospel brothers and sisters. Paul says in Galatians 2:16 “yet we know that a person is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ, so we also have believed in Christ Jesus, in order to be justified by faith in Christ and not by works of the law, because by works of the law no one will be justified.” 24 | P a g e V o l u m e 1 . I s s u e 1 . D e c e m b e r , 2 0 2 3 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education ____________________________________ ____________________________________ The second false gospel is called the “prosperity gospel.” Social Gospel The third false gospel is called the “Social Gospel” or nowadays “Social Justice Gospel” This gospel is like a virus that infects the minds of progressive, liberal, forward thinking university graduates. “Woke” thinking, post-colonial, and critical theories are related to this gospel in their mindset. The Social Gospel seemed to start with good intentions. The Rev. Mark Matthews in the early 20th century in Seattle Washington’s First Presbyterian Church (which had 10,000 members) denounced corrupt politicians from the pulpit, he opened night schools for the poor to be educated, had an unemployment office, and an antituberculosis clinic at the church. This sounds compassionate right? So, what’s the problem? Walter Rauschenbusch was the highest theologian of the social gospel movement. “Rauschenbusch didn’t believe in the inerrancy of Scripture, and he didn’t believe Jesus’s sacrifice paid for our personal sins. Instead, he believed Jesus died to set an example, elevating love instead of selfishness as the basis for society. Rauschenbusch and others believed the message of the Kingdom was “social salvation” for the world—a change in society itself, more so than the salvation of individuals.” ( -terms/what-social-gospel-movement.html) In a devotional on Joseph Prince’s official website blog, he says: “On the cross, Jesus bore not just our sins, but also our sicknesses, diseases, and infirmities, and “by His stripes we are healed” …That’s not all, my friend. On the cross, Jesus bore the curse of poverty!” (Joseph Prince, “100 Days of Favor”). The prosperity gospel states that we have healing of the body and material riches through the Salvation of Christ. And you know what? They are 100% correct that Jesus did indeed promise healing and even physical riches. The problem in the health and wealth message is two-fold. The first problem is a problem of timing. These prosperity teachers say that these riches and health can come now in this life if you have enough faith. We know that although God blessed his children in many ways, it is a heresy to say that if you are not rich and healthy then you are living in sin and do not have enough faith. By this logic all the 12 apostles were not good examples to us because they were poor, afflicted and always in bad health, and dying martyrs’ deaths. Of course, that is nonsense. The truth of the matter is that the timing is up to God and by default this eternal health and riches will come to us in the new creation, not in this life. When the Christian martyrs of the early church were being burned at the stake and eaten by lions in the arena, did they cry out and say: “Jesus, Paul, why did you lie to us?” Non-sense. They were told by both Jesus and Paul to expect suffering in the Christian life and to look for the life of the world to come, while doing as much good in this life as they could as a light for God’s truth! The second error is that they practically turned from pursuing God to pursuing money. But Jesus said you cannot serve God and Money. Volume 1. Issue 1. December 2023 So, it turns out that the social gospel doesn’t believe in the gospel of spiritual salvation in Christ at all, or in some cases mixes and confuses this message of salvation with social concerns as equally important. Now, by now, are you ready for the real good news? The gospel is the glorious message that Jesus Christ is king and savior of all the earth! And because of his life, death on a cross, and resurrection, all who repent of their 25 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education sins and trust in him will receive the free gifts of a new heart, a new righteousness, and a new life of holiness in the Holy Spirit! (Ezekiel 36:25-27). Preach it in the pulpit and preach it in the fields. Preach it to your next-door neighbors and to all nations. Man’s main problem is not poverty, or oppression by capitalists, or sickness. And there is nothing that you can do to earn or deserve this salvation, because then you could have taken some of the credit for it. But as it is, all the glory must go to God! Do not be deceived by the half-truths of false gospels which take the true gospel of Jesus Christ and twist it. At Trinity Biblical Institute, what is schooled is the true gospel. Finally, brethren teach, school, and preach the true gospel!!! Preach it to the rich and to the poor. Preach it in halls of parliament and in the slums. Never stop preaching the only true gospel: Jesus Saves! Volume 1. Issue 1. December 2023 References. 1. ( hristian-terms/what-social-gospelmovement.html) 2. 100 days of favor, by Joseph Prince. 26 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education A Discipleship Model for Developing Leaders for The Church Ministry By Rev. Lipa Milton, Chairperson, Trinity Biblical Institute Governing Council 3. That discipleship is a narrow ministry of the local Church for those who do scripture memory and who are heading for fulltime ministry. But you will realize that James 4:17 says that: “So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.” so. How could this problem be solved in your life and ministry? Bill Hull in his book the Disciple making pastor, says that “The challenge for pastors is to be a disciple first, seeking God daily and practicing spiritual disciplines he advocates. The key to our souls is contemplation, the acquired habit of being alone with God to hear His voice. He further advises pastors to simply rearrange their lives to the practices of Jesus. He challenges them to look at His (Jesus’) life filled with the pressure of the world, the hatred of religious leaders, and the dullness of His disciples. How did he handle it, he asks? He answers that Jesus prayed, prayed alone, and prayed at special times of pressure and decision. He lived a life focused on others, a life that was focused on humility and sacrifice powered by love. When we live with a simple commitment to know God’s will and do it, then many of those unused and malfunctioning plans begin to work. “When pastors are active disciples, they make disciples” (Hull, 2007, 14-15). That is why Ephesians 4:11-12 … says that your main responsibility as a Christian minister is to equip the saints for the work of ministry. This scripture challenges us pastors and church leaders, who know that we are commanded by our Lord Jesus Christ to disciple our members, but we are not doing The conviction for this article, arose out of knowing that Jesus’ command to make disciples is God’s powerful story of using the Church for world transformation with the Introduction The contemporary Church is facing a crisis that it often pays lip service to make disciples, but seldom puts much effort into doing it. The hearts of the pastors and other leaders are not into disciple-making. Churches that do not participate in disciplemaking give the following excuses among others: 1. That Discipleship is one of the programs that fit into a department of the Church and should be made available to those who are interested, but not what drives the main engine of the Church. 2. That discipleship is an important contributor to the overall Church health, but someone else and not the pastor should be hired to do this ministry. Volume 1. Issue 1. December 2023 27 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education gospel of grace. As a leader, I am convinced that this story is true, and it matters to God. Just as Mohler said in his book “the conviction to lead” that: “Leadership that matters grows out of the leader’s own belief that the story is true, that it matters, and that it must both expand and continue. The story must be believed with conviction, told with conviction, and stewarded with conviction” (Mohler, 2012, 39). Therefore, by God’s grace, I challenge you to implement the Great commission with conviction. This, in the end, will enable the spiritually mature local Church members to use their God-given talents and gifts meeting the Church, community, national, and world needs. Thus, a Biblical model of discipleship that will equip local Church pastors, elders, and Bible teachers, and small group leaders is needed to train pastors as trainers of disciples who are themselves disciple-makers. For effective and fruitful discipleship to take place in your Church, and other Churches, you must develop a conviction for discipleship. This is because, “At the center of the true leaders’ heart and mind you will find convictions that drive and determine everything else” (Mohler, 24). lifestyle. A disciple-making process is sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others, training new believers in the basics of Christian faith, and equipping the new believers to reproduce themselves in the lives of others and become competent leaders in their Church… Discipleship thus includes the entire disciple-making process, from conversion to being a trained disciple-maker who reproduces other disciples (Babcock, 10, 15). True discipleship creates health Christians who reproduce and multiply to evangelize the world. “When we obey Christ’s Commission, two good things happen: we create health Christians; health Christians reproduce and the body grows, then multiplies and the world becomes evangelized” (Hull, 2007, 21). The ultimate goal of discipleship is that as we have grown in maturity through the Spirit’s work in our lives, and our growth in the community of believers, we intentionally begin to engage in a ministry of equipping of other for the ministry, of sharing our experience and investing in the lives of other systematically and strategically, intending to help others to maturity in the faith, and training others in turn, thus ensuring that the baton of faith is passed on faithfully. Jesus ‘sent them out on their own, allowing them to have a ministry without him’ (Baxen, 2011, 85, as quoted from Watson: 1999, 83). As a disciple-making pastor you have four commitments: 1. Placing disciple-making at the heart of the Church. 2. Identifying and communicating the roles of the pastor, the people, and the training process. 3. Commitment to the priesthood of all believers, and. 4. Commitment to multiplication. Since many true pastors want to disciple their members, the solution is to develop a Biblical model of discipleship, where pastors are equipped to disciple their elders and leaders to disciple their members who in turn become disciple-makers. The key question is who then is a disciple and why disciple? A disciple is a person-in-process who is eager to learn and apply the truths that Jesus Christ teaches, which will result in an ever-deepening commitment to a Christ-like Volume 1. Issue 1. December 2023 Discipleship leads to developing future Church leaders. “Paul knew that the Holy Spirit gave spiritual gifts to believers for the welfare and ministry of the Church (1Cor. 12-14). Therefore, Paul prepared the local people to teach, preach, and minister to the poor, deal with problems, and govern the affairs of the Church according to the spiritual gifts that the Holy Spirit distributed among the believers. The method of equipping the local leaders and trusting the Holy Spirit to instruct, empower, and guide them, continues to be a vital key to the 28 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education successful mission” … Discipleship, which begins with evangelism, leads to Church planting “Church planters must give special training to those who show that they have spiritual gifts to become leaders. … pray with them often, collaborate alongside with them, patiently explain the goals of ministry, and show them how to serve. They must delegate more responsibility without delay to the people whom they have trained. … Biblical leaders develop other leaders who still in turn produce even more leaders, with the result that Churches grow and multiply (Greenway, 1999, 64; 110-111). grace that is in Christ Jesus, and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also (2Tim. 1-2 ESV). “… Paul … a principal leader multiplies himself, developing proven leaders from potential leaders, who then attract possible leaders” (Reeder, 142). ____________________________________ Your pastoral task is the same as that of coaching. As a pastor you tell the people what and why then you must assist the people to put the teaching into practice. Elton Trueblood gives a wise counsel here when he says that: “The glory of the coach is that of being the discoverer, the developer, and the trainer of the powers of the other men. But this is exactly what we mean when we use the Biblical terminology about the equipping ministry. As a pastor/teacher you are well advised to imitate Christ as a teacher (Hull, 243) This is why the late Harry Reeder in his book leadership dynamic entitles chapter 12 of his book and calls the church a leadership factory and distribution center. One of the illustrations in this chapter concerns the training and multiplication effect in the life of Barnabas “… Barnabas-defended Paul and trained him. After a few years, when God had blessed Barnabas with a ministry beyond his (Barnabas’s) capacity in Antioch, he sent for Saul, whom he helped develop as a leader, preacher, and teacher. Directed by the Holy Spirit, the Church at Antioch dispatched Barnabas and Saul on a missionary trip, which became known as “the first missionary journey.” Reeder further says that “The apostles who had been trained by Christ as leaders, had multiplied themselves, and Barnabas, one of the new leaders had multiplied himself by developing Paul as a leader. He was so effective and successful that eventually, Paul became his leader. … he developed leaders so successfully that they even went beyond him in ministry effectiveness.” (Reeder & Cragg, 2008, 140141). Jesus the greatest disciple-maker, developed a discipleship model that involves the principal leader, who disciples the potential leaders to become proven leaders who then disciple leaders. This is well illustrated in the life of Paul when he says: “You then, my child, be strengthened by the Volume 1. Issue 1. December 2023 … ___________________________________ There are several ways to express Jesus’ teaching method. The one chosen for this article is summarized in five steps, under the acronym TEAMS, the letter T stands for Truth (or directing), telling the disciples what and why of ministry. The E stands for Equipping (Coaching), showing the disciples how to do ministry and doing it with them. The A stands for Accountability (Supporting), where you as the disciplemaker gets the disciples started on ministry and keeps them going. The M stands for Mission (Delegating), where you as the disciple-maker let the fully trained disciples do the ministry by themselves. The S stands for Supplication (Kingdom focused prayer), where you as the pastor or disciple-maker prays for the apprentice (disciples), and the new ministry started by his disciple, praying for him and with him. This prayer does not begin with the new ministry, but it begins as you seek God to help you identify willing disciples, and it continues through the process. This same model of discipleship was used by Jesus Christ and his apostles. 29 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education command is to evangelize the world and make disciples because the disciples will be obedient followers of Jesus Christ. The Church was commanded to produce the kind of person who would obey Christ, evangelizing His world, and set off a chain reaction called multiplication. … When the converts become practicing disciples, winning, and teaching others, then the multiplication effect is set in motion. … Obedience to the Commission is the determined dedication to disciplemaking. When Jesus told them what, He taught them the importance of multiplication. “Telling them why.” Why disciplemaking? Why multiplication? Because people need forgiveness, a new life, to be rescued from the penalty of sin and eternal separation from their Creator. Telling them what: is the multiplication of disciples for world evangelization. Telling them why: the salvation of humanity and the establishment of Christ’s kingdom (Hull, 244-249). ______________________________ ______________________________ 1. Teaching Teaching the Truth of God requires you as the disciple-maker to invite a small group of potential disciples to learn God’s truth through a Bible study. This involves telling them what they need to know and do, as disciples of Christ. They also need to be told why they are taught what they are taught. “Telling them what.” Telling the new disciples what, of ministry, involves inviting them. This is called a see (John 1:35-51). It is necessary to mention the task before them, the harvest being plentiful and the laborers being few (John 4:35, Mat. 9:36-38). After this, the disciples need to know that they are being inaugurated for discipleship when they are called to come and follow the disciple-maker so that they can begin the discipleship process (Mark 1:1617). 2. Equipping. ______________________________ ______________________________ Equipping them for the work of ministry. This phase is called “Showing them how and doing it with them.” The disciple-making pastor (Discipler) as a coach now steps out from behind the pulpit and shows the people how to apply this teaching. Taking an example of evangelism, after the pastor has taught them the principles of evangelism, demonstrated several times how it must be done, he must show them how it is done and do it This is a gradual and progressive process as they are taught what to do and what must be done. Teaching them what is summarized in the Great Commission in Mat. 28:18-20. The Volume 1. Issue 1. December 2023 30 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education with them in the field. They may start by giving their testimonies and build toward a full gospel presentation. The pastor demonstrates his commitment to multiplication teaching others how to witness. The most effective teaching tool is a model. The pastor must demonstrate his commitment by giving ministry practice opportunities to trained men. They must know how to teach God’s word because their trainer demonstrated how to do it. ______________________________ away from where they are (2Tim. 2:2). This is the model flourishes well in small group discipleship for our local Churches. ______________________________ 4. Mission. Deploying them, letting them do it. The disciple-making pastor or disciple-maker makes sure that those chosen for deployment have mastered the necessary skills. This select group composes about 10% of the congregation. This is because about 50% of the Church members do not want to leave the comfort zone. Those chosen for multiplied leadership responsibility must have the proper gifts and must possess leadership ability. _______________________________ 3. Accountability. This phase involves getting them started and keeping them going. This is the bridge that makes the trip from knowing what they believe and why they are doing it and getting it done through others. When the training is not done, multiplication will not take place. Jesus showed them how by calling them to follow Him and to be with Him. Gradually, over time, He turned increased responsibility to them. Usually, multiplication falls apart here because people are given too much too soon. There must be final testing, fine-tuning, and solid instruction to ensure the integrity of what is multiplied. Great care is required, and Jesus showed us how. Those to be left on their own should first be sent out on their own with specific instructions, they should report their ministry activities for a debriefing, for evaluation and affirmation. The notable difference between a disciple and a disciplemaker is the ministry of multiplication. The disciple-maker not only reproduces, but he also leads those who are disciple-makers themselves, people who make disciples two and three generations Volume 1. Issue 1. December 2023 5. Supplication. The former trainee is now “on his own.” … training is now complete. Trainee practices self-evaluation using the standard of God’s word taught by the mentor. He now needs prayer support from the mentor. The mentor will pray with and for the new disciple-maker. ____________________________________ Conclusion: Since the main problem why discipleship is not practiced in Churches is that many pastors do not know how to disciple, even when they want to do it. Most end at the level of evangelism. Some terminate discipleship by not training others even when they have been trained. Still, others give in to the pressures of the community by accommodating to the cultures and minimizing God’s word. “The Church is a place where the lost are found by God 31 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education Master’s Thesis (Magister Artium). The University of Pretoria. through the clear proclamation and demonstration of the gospel. The Church does not just make converts; it makes disciples by teaching them to do all that Jesus has commanded (Patrick, 2010, 185). This article has been written as a wakeup call to pastors who are struggling with discipleship, to adopt this model for a discipleship program in your ministry. It will however require further research to develop an effective discipleship program. Please seek to acquire the resources in bibliography and other good ones to equip you for discipleship. 3. Green, Rogers, S. 1999. Make disciples: An introduction to Christian missions. P&R. 4. Hull, Bill, 2006. The complete book of Discipleship: On being and making followers of Christ. The NavPress. 5. Hull, Bill, 2007. The disciple-making pastor: leading others on the journey of faith. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Books. 6. Hull, Bill 2010. The Disciple-Making Church: Leading a body of believers on the journey of Faith. Baker Books. 7. Mohler, Albert, 2012. The conviction to lead: 25 Principles for Leadership that Matters, Bethany House. 8. Reeder, Harry, L. H, and Rod Cragg, 2008. The leadership Dynamic: A Biblical Model for Raising Leaders. Crossway. References 1. Babcock, Eldon, 2002. The Implementation of a Disciple-Making Process in the Local Church. A Dissertation Submitted to The Faculty of George Fox Evangelical Seminary in Candidacy for The Degree of Doctor of Ministry. 2. Baxen, Ellsworth, Mark, 2011. Effective Discipleship through Spiritual Leadership Mentoring. Volume 1. Issue 1. December 2023 32 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education Predestined for Adoption By Pr. Rich Young, Secretary & Chaplain to the Board of Trustees, Trinity Center for World Mission, USA & Adjunct Lecturer, Trinity Biblical Institute, Kapchorwa, Uganda. heavenly places, 4even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love 5he predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will . . .” (emphasis mine) A telephone call at 1:00 a.m. rarely brings good news for a U.S. Army Chaplain. Usually, it meant there had been a death, an accident, or another type of tragedy and my presence was requested. This call, however, was different. It was from my friend Jim. He and his wife Terri had been anticipating the news for months. They had been on a waiting list to adopt a baby and the time finally came; they could come and meet the little girl who would soon be theirs. When I think of Jim and Terri’s joy, I think of the joy Christians should experience as those who have been adopted into the family of God. Our adoption by God was not an arbitrary, spur-of-themoment thought in His mind, but a reality He planned before the foundation of the world and to which we have been predestined. Adopting us into His family is one of God’s purposes in redeeming us – that we might become His children and He might care for us as our heavenly Father. The Westminster Shorter Catechism (Q 34) defines this adoption as “Adoption is the act of God’s free grace by which we become His sons with all the rights and privileges of being His.” What a glorious truth – those who God elected and called to Himself were predestined for adoption. In other words, our adoption into the family of God was a certainty, an undeniable fact, accomplished in the mind of God even before He said the words “Let there be light.” What a comforting and encouraging truth! ____________________________________ With our adoption comes the gracious privilege to call God our “Abba Father.” But what does this really mean? Consider Paul’s words in Ephesians 1:3-5: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the Volume 1. Issue 1. December 2023 ____________________________________ 33 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education A website, cited below, that I frequently use for my study describes it like this: "In Scripture there are many different names used to describe God. While all the names of God are important in many ways, the name ‘Abba Father’ is one of the most significant names of God in understanding how He relates to people. The word Abba is an Aramaic word that means ‘Father.’ It was a common term that expressed affection, confidence, and trust. Abba signifies the close, intimate relationship of a father and his child, as well as the childlike trust that a young child puts in his ‘daddy.’ Together, the terms Abba and Father doubly emphasize the fatherhood of God. In two different languages, we are assured of God’s care for His children.” The phrase “Abba Father” is used three times in Scripture. The first record of it is in Mark 14:36 when Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane “Abba, Father, all things are possible for you. Remove this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.” The second time is when Paul writes to the Christians in Rome that they “did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, ‘Abba! Volume 1. Issue 1. December 2023 Father!’” Ro 8:15. To the Galatians Paul penned these words, “And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, ‘Abba! Father!’” (Gal 4:6). When God adopted us, He obligated Himself to care for us. This care for His children, even if I could grasp it all, far surpasses what I can address in this short article. Suffice it to say we can have a close, personal, intimate relationship with Him. We have access to Him. As our Father, we know He loves us and wants what is best for us. Because He is wise, He knows what is best for us. And because He is all-powerful, He can bring about what is best for us. We are adopted into the Family of God! Hallelujah! References. 1. php?zoom_sort=0&zoom_query=wh at+does+it+mean+that+God+is+o ur+father. 2. English Standard Version of the Bible 34 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education Christian Response to The Divergent Views on Homosexuality By Rev. Lipa Milton: Chairperson, Trinity Biblical Institute, Governing Council that homosexuality is not sin. The article interprets the above and other related scripture from a biblical perspective and seeks to refute the arguments against the traditional marriage. It explains homosexuality and the integrated nature of marriage, in relation to the current four contemporary broader views held on homosexuality. It further discusses the African traditional and current attitudes to homosexuality and Christian response to homosexuals. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Introduction Is homosexuality a universal right, as some claim? if yes when did it become a universal right? Who decided that it is a universal right? Or is homosexuality a sin as the Bible claims? Can the twenty first century generation believe all what the Bible says? Is the Bible an authority for what Christians believe and practice? If yes, why are a growing number in the current generation against the biblical teaching on the topic of homosexuality? If the bible is not the rule and authority of what Christians believe, what should we believe as our authority for our faith and practice? We are living in a generation that denies the authority of the bible as the only Christian rule of faith and practice. This brief article seeks to prepare Christians to respond and minister to those caught or attracted to the sin of homosexuality. It will provide a brief history that explains the progression of homosexuality over the centuries. It will then use Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 and other related biblical texts to argue that homosexuality is sin, as opposed to the liberal and secular interpretations which say Volume 1. Issue 1. December 2023 Brief history of the progression of homosexuality ____________________________________ ____________________________________ The history of homosexuality is complex and has evolved over time. Here is a brief chronology of the key milestones: 1. Before homosexuality was documented in the world, it is clearly mentioned in Genesis chapters 18 and 19, and throughout the Bible. Homosexuality was documented in ancient civilizations like Greece and 35 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Rome, where it was accepted or even celebrated. In the Middle Ages with the rise of Christianity in Europe, homosexuality became increasingly stigmatized and condemned. In the 19th century, the term “homosexuality” was coined and, and attitudes towards same sex varied widely. Some Countries began to criminalize homosexual acts. In the 20th century, many Western nations continued to criminalize homosexuality. The mid-20th century saw the beginning of LGBTQ+ activism and fight for rights movements. In 1969, the Stone wall riot in New York city marked a pivotal movement in LGBTQ+ activism and the fight for rights. The late 20th century saw increase in decriminalization and progress in LGBTQ+ rights in many Countries, including the removal of homosexuality from the Diagnostic and Statistics Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) in 1973. Now in the 21st century, many Countries have legalized same sex marriage, and there has been significant advancement in LGBTQ+ rights and social acceptance. generations to prevent evil from being taken as the norm. Any serious Christian, will seek to study God’s word, do what it tells him or her to do, and teach it to both believers and unbelievers. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Study of Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Let us now see what the Bible, God’s word says about homosexuality: Leviticus 18:22 says “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination” and Leviticus 20:13 says “If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.” These laws constitute a significant portion of the Biblical witness against homosexuality, for they both explicitly address homosexual relations in clear manner and prescribe death penalty for homosexual offenders (which God had previously enacted at Sodom and Gomorrah). These two verses would need to be radically reinterpreted for one to make a claim that the Bible does not prohibit the practice of homosexuality. Gagnon shares the same view when he says that “Both Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 occur in the context of a larger block of laws (Leviticus 17-26) that many scholars refer to as the Holiness Code, a law code which urged all Israelites (not just priests) to keep the land (not just the sanctuary) unpolluted through the holy obedience of the commands. He goes further to explain that six features of the above commandments are important for establishing their hermeneutical or Biblical interpretation relevance: 1. Leviticus 18:22 occurs in a larger context of forbidden sexual relations that primarily outlaw incest (18:6-18) It is important to note that this is a simplified overview, and the history of homosexuality is deeply nuanced and varies by region and culture (CHATGPT, under the prompt what is the brief chronology of homosexuality?). This brief background on homosexuality reveals that when Christianity prevails, homosexuality is shunned, and when Christianity weakens, homosexuality prevails. This is the reason or context under which the church should zealously teach and defend the true Biblical teaching in their Volume 1. Issue 1. December 2023 36 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education and prohibit adultery (18:20), child sacrifice (18:21), and bestiality (18:23). Every Bible believing Christian must agree with him when says that: These prohibitions continue to have universal validity in the contemporary society. 2. The degree of disgust associated with the homosexual act is suggested by the specific attachment of the Hebrew word to ebah, translated in English as “abomination,” “an abhorrent thing,” or something detestable, loathsome, utterly repugnant, disgusting … 3. The penalty for homosexuality from God is extreme, that is, death (20:13). 4. The laws neither penalize only oppressive forms of homosexuality nor excuse either party to the act. 5. … the entire context of the Holiness Code stresses the distinctive holiness of the people of God. 6. The position adopted by Paul in the New Testament is not a deviation but is consistent with the heritage present in his scriptures. These two covenants, that is, the New and Old testaments agree on homosexuality (Gagnon, 2001, 111-117). Homosexuality is a deviation from God’s created order. In God’s original design, human sexual conduct was to occur within the context of marriage between one man and one woman (Gen. 2:18, 25). Then God applied the above scripture to all human race when He said, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, they shall become one flesh” (Gen. 2:24). “…the logic of sexual intercourse requires a sexual complement, and thus same sex bond is a self-devaluing of one’s own gender in as much as one sees the need to complement structurally one’s own sex with someone of the same sex” (ESV Study Bible 2017, 2548). Volume 1. Issue 1. December 2023 The Bible is noticeably clear about homosexuality, every single reference to homosexual behavior in the Bible is a negative reference. The only sexual behavior ever endorsed by scripture is the kind that happens between one man and one woman in the context of marriage. There is no exception to this Biblical ethic. Ethics should be done hand in hand with ministry, where true mature believers stand with struggling Christians to help them rely on God’s word under the power of the Holy Spirit to overcome any sinful tendencies in their lives (Burk and Lambert 2015, 67). True Christians should note that: “If God dealt with the gentile nations to whom He had never given this law, how much more will he hold accountable those who claim to know Him and possess His word? There are dire consequences to sexual sins, and the judgment is greatest where the light has been brightest. Alas, the nation of Israel disobeyed God, defiled their land, and were vomited out into captivity as the Lord had promised (Lev. 18:24-30). Today there are both secular and religious organizations that openly espouse the immoral lifestyle contrary to God’s word; in God’s eyes they are making the society sick (The Transformation Study Bible 2007, 200). These people in God’s own time will be vomited out of their nations. The church needs to make this clear to the nations. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Biblical perspectives Homosexuality on ____________________________________ ____________________________________ The first human inhabitants of the world that God created were a man and a woman (Gen. 1:27). This first couple set the paradigm for marriage and sexuality, … “For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one 37 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education flesh” (Gen. 2:24). Jesus in Mat endorse this position. 19:4-5. The relationship between Adam and Eve was purely sexual, for the very next verse states that, “the man and his wife were both naked and they felt no shame” (Gen. 2:25). This sexual relationship between a man and a woman is again endorsed in Gen. 4:1, which states that “Adam lay with his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth,” where the word lay clearly refers to sexual intercourse. One can confidently say that scripture teach that heterosexuality is the norm. Homosexuality must thus be a deviation from this norm. ▪ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Is homosexuality inborn or situational? ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ▪ In its presentation of homosexuality, scripture does not discuss whether this condition is inborn or situational. What it does do is focus on legislation regarding homosexual acts and incidences of homosexual behavior. The following are some of the key Biblical passages. ▪ Genesis 19:1-11. The men of Sodom who wanted to rape Lot’s visitors were homosexuals. Lot told them that such behavior was wicked, but they refused to listen to him. Their behavior and their lack of repentance brought divine judgment on their city. ▪ Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13. These two verses which are our theme or key verses, form what is known as the Holiness code in Leviticus. They strongly condemn lying with “a man as one lies with a woman.” They describe such behavior as “detestable” and prescribe the Volume 1. Issue 1. December 2023 ▪ 38 death penalty for male homosexuals. Judges 19 tells us the story of a Levite who ended up in an indistinguishable situation to Lot’s visitors. He was on a journey and had to spend the night in the town of Gibeah. He was offered hospitality by an old man, but that night some of the wicked men of the city surrounded the house. Pounding on the door, they shouted to the old man who owned the house, ‘bring out the man who came to your house so we may have sex with him.” They were clearly homosexuals bent on raping the male guest, even though the old man described their acts as “vile” and “disrespectful.” In Romans 1:26-27. Paul describes male and female homosexuals as idolatrous and wicked, and as acting in a way that is contrary to nature: “even their women exchanged the natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way, the men also abandoned natural relationship with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men and received in themselves the due penalty for their pervasion.” He has no doubt that homosexuality is unnatural and a pervasion of heterosexuality that God established at creation. 1Corinthians 6:9-11; 1Tim. 1:910. Paul groups homosexuality with other sins such as murder, adultery, and idolatry. He states that all those who practices these vices, including homosexuals, “will not inherit the kingdom of God.” Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education subset of it). … it is highly likely that the sin that brought God’s judgment on these people was that of homosexuality for the following reasons: Clearly scripture has an extremely negative view of homosexual intercourse. It makes it clear that those who engage in such behavior do not enjoy divine favor and will attract both present and future condemnation and judgment. Any attempt to justify homosexuality and homosexual acts is foreign to the scripture. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 1. First, the reference to the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah in Jude 6-7 (cf. 2Pet. 2:4-10) speaks of people who indulged in sexual immorality … 2. Second, the sin in view in the Sodom and Gomorrah incident is clearly sexual (Gen. 19:5, 8). 3. Third, the sin of homosexuality accounts for God’s terrible judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Argument against traditional marriage ____________________________________ ____________________________________ To revise the traditional understanding of the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah, two major new interpretations have been proposed: Homosexuality and the integrated nature of marriage and the family First, some scholars have suggested that the sin that led to the ruin of those two cities was not homosexuality but rather gang rape. … In response, the element of truth in this view should be plainly acknowledged in that the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah did indeed involve the intent to rape. These interpreters err, however, in attempting to limit the transgression of these two cities exclusively to gang rape and in trying to redefine the intended sin as a form of heterosexualoriented rape. This runs contrary to the interpretations of Peter and Jude who clearly state that the two cities indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desires (Jude 6-8; 2Pet. 2:4-10). Second, even more influential, attempt at revising the traditional understanding of the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah, these proponents, holds that it was not homosexuality, but rather inhospitality (Köstenberger and Jones, 2010, 202-203). … Despite the attempts of many then, it seems clear that the sin that led to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was not heterosexual gang rape, inhospitality, or some other sin unrelated to homosexuality (or an errant Volume 1. Issue 1. December 2023 ____________________________________ ____________________________________ When compared with the biblical pattern of marriage, set forth in the opening chapters of Genesis, homosexuality falls short on numerous fronts: 1. It is at odd with God’s design for marriage and the family at its most fundamental level. …Gen. 2:24 conceives marriage as heterosexual rather than homosexual. 2. Homosexuality violates the complementary nature where the wife is placed alongside the man as a suitable companion. This is because different gender roles are an essential part of the creation design for marriage (Gen. 2:18). 3. God’s design for marriage is the duty of procreation, which homosexuality does not fulfill (Köstenberger and Jones, 2000). 39 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education ____________________________________ ____________________________________ nothing explicitly sinful about homosexual orientation. However, a clear look at scripture, shows that homosexual desires (orientation) which leads to sin can be mortified (Rom. 8:12-13). Christians should not give in to any compromise regarding homosexuality. 4. Traditional, is the historic Christian view, which sees both homosexual behavior and desires as sinful. It also believes that both homosexual behavior and desires can be changed by the power of God’s grace in Jesus Christ (Burk and Lambert, 2015, 2126). _________________________________ _________________________________ Four broader approaches to same sex attraction ____________________________________ ____________________________________ There are four approaches to same-sex attraction and behavior which have emerged in the broader Christian dialogue: 1. The Liberals, who profess to be working within the Christian tradition but disavows the Biblical teaching on this matter. They claim scripture is not the norma normans of the Church’s life because scriptures can be normed by our own experiences and opinions. … However, no Christian embracing the authority and sufficiency of God’s word could ever embrace a view so recklessly dismissive of the sacred scripture. 2. Revisionist, who comprise of Christian faithfulness even though it so a bit differently. … they attempt to accommodate the scripture to the practice of homosexuality. They reinterpret the classic texts of scripture that teach against homosexuality and make it seem as though they do not speak to the experience of homosexuals in contemporary culture. One of the arguments claims that the Bible does not address homosexuality as we know it today, the Bible’s prohibitions are irrelevant. This view is unbiblical. 3. Neo-traditional, embraces the Bible as authoritative and affirms the historical understanding of scriptural teaching about homosexual behavior; but differs from the traditional view about same-sex attraction (orientation). They argue that there is Volume 1. Issue 1. December 2023 Traditional African attitudes to homosexuality _________________________________ _________________________________ In traditional Africa, homosexuality and lesbianism, same sex intercourse and same sex marriage were not mentioned in public … Homosexual intercourse was considered even more disgusting. President Museveni in response to a CNN interviewer captured this idea clearly: “They are disgusting. What sort of people are they?” he said. “I never knew what they were doing. I have been told recently that what they do is terrible, and disgusting. But I was ready to ignore that if there was proof that that is how they are born, that is, abnormal. But now the proof is not there.” Museveni also told CNN that the West should not force its beliefs onto Ugandans. “Respect African societies and their values,” he said. “If you do not agree, just keep quiet. Let us manage our society, then we will see. If we are wrong, we shall find out by ourselves, just the way we do not interfere with yours.” (CNN 5 February 2014). 40 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education Three more African leaders have articulated this strong feeling against same-gender relationships very clearly. The late Daniel Arap Moi, the former president of Kenya, is reported to have said: “Kenya has no room or time for homosexuals and lesbians. Homosexuality is against African norms and traditions and even in religions it is considered a great sin. Homosexuality is a scourge which runs counter to Christian teachings and African traditions.” Similarly, the former president of Zimbabwe, late Robert Mugabe said, “I find it extremely outrageous and repugnant to my human conscience that such immoral and repulsive organizations, like those of homosexuals who offend both against the laws of nature and the morals of religious belief espoused by our society, should have any advocates in our midst or even elsewhere in the world” (Kunhiyop, 2008, 304). ___________________________ Current attitudes to Homosexuality in Africa and the world Over the past decade, homosexuality has moved from being a taboo topic to center stage. One precipitating factor was the election in 2003 of an openly gay bishops, Gene Robinson, by the Episcopal Church in the United States of America. This action created a crisis, with many African Anglican leaders threatening to break away from the Anglican communion. At the meeting of the Anglican leaders in Zanzibar in 2007, the Rev. Peter Akinola and six other conservative archbishops refused to take communion with Kathrine Jefferts Schori, the leader of the American Episcopalians … Some other factors accounting for the sudden changes in attitudes towards homosexuality include: 1. Demands for freedom and human rights. 2. Desire for morality to be based on empirical and scientific data. 3. Erosion and abandonment of traditional values and beliefs. 4. Rejection of Biblical revelation and ecclesiastical faith and practice. 5. Advance in reproductive technology (Kunhiyop, 305-306) In the same tone while responding to the former United States of America President Obama in promoting gay equality, the former president of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta, said that “while Kenya and the US share some values - democracy, value for families, entrepreneurship - there were "some things that we must admit we don't share. I repeatedly say that for Kenyans today the issue of gay rights is really a non-issue. We want to focus on other areas…maybe once, like you, we have overcome some of these challenges, we can begin to look at these ones, but as of now the fact remains that this issue is not really an issue that is at the foremost minds of Kenyans and that is a fact." (Kiran Moodley 31 July 2015). Indeed, the above leaders rightly nailed the traditional African view on same-gender relationships. Volume 1. Issue 1. December 2023 With all these challenges to the authority scripture, “We are living at a time in history, where we have been challenged with the need to define the meaning of the terms’ marriage and family. “What until now has been considered a “normal” family, made up of a father, a mother, and several children, has in the recent years increasingly began to be viewed as one among, several options, which can no longer claim to be the only or superior 41 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education form of ordering of human relationships” (Köstenberger and Jones, 2010, 15). The proponents behind this crisis have replaced scriptural views with human views. “This new revolution presents a particular challenge to Christianity for a commitment to the authority of scripture and to revealed truths … we are facing nothing less than a comprehensive redefinition of life, love, liberty and the very meaning of right and wrong … Christians who are to remain true to the faithfulness of the Bible as the Word of God and to the gospel as the only message of salvation must face this unavoidable challenge (Mohler Jr., 2015, 1-2). The disturbing examples of the results for abandonment of the Biblical foundations of marriage and family include but not limited to: Increasing divorce rates, polygamy, sex outside marriage (adultery or fornication), teenage pregnancy, abortion, and homosexuality. While these things are pleasurable in the short run, they take a heavy toll both psychologically and spiritually to contribute to the overall insecurity and stress causing destabilization of our cultural foundation. Homosexuality deprives children in the household run by same sex partners of primary role models of both sexes and is unable to fulfill the procreation purposes God intended for marriage union. Gender role confusion too, is an increasingly significant issue; many adults have lost the concept of what it means to be masculine and feminine. Proponents of this revolution have lost the complete identity of what it means to be created male and female. They forget that our sex is an integral part of being. The solution to this moral confusion, is an integrative, Biblical treatment of marriage and family as God intended them from the beginning (Köstenberger, 16-17). Volume 1. Issue 1. December 2023 One of the most serious distortions of God’s plan for marriage and family … is homosexuality. … homosexuality is an increasing phenomenon in contemporary culture. The move toward the official acceptance in modern American society started in 1973, when the American Psychological Association removed homosexuality from its list of psychological diseases in the diagnostic and statistical manual of disorder. In the wake of this decision, homosexuality has gradually gained ground in the secular culture … Not only is secular culture increasingly embracing homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle, but even many in the Church and in published academic works on the subject written by Biblical scholars are softening their stance. Some pastors have revealed their homosexual orientation, many of the mainline denominations are vigorously discussing the moral legitimacy of homosexuality, and at least one denomination has elected a practicing homosexual as its leader (Köstenberger and Jones 2010, 199-200). _________________________________ The Christian response to homosexuals Given what scripture has to say about homosexuality, how should the Church and individual Christians respond to homosexuals and to the homosexual agenda? The first point is that Christians must not abandon the Biblical position; scripture are the final authority in matters of faith and practice and provide guidelines and qualifications for membership in Christ’s Church… But while we should refuse to condone same-gender relationships and same sex marriage, we must be compassionate in our dealings with homosexuals. Secondly, we must remember that homosexuality is not the only heinous sin 42 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education in our world. In 1Cor. 6:9-10 the list of sins includes sexual immorality, adultery, greed, drunkenness, slander, and fraud. These sins are equally wicked and evil. Yet those who have committed these sins have been accepted into our Churches if they turn to Christ and turn away from their evil practices... The Church must be willing to extend warm acceptance to those who have changed their ways (Kunhiyop, 306-309). to the uniform teaching of Scripture, and that people engaged in homosexual activity should be treated with love and compassion by those in the church, but not in a way that would signal approval for their homosexual conduct (Grudem, 2018) Conclusion: The prohibitions of Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 clearly and unqualifiedly forbid homosexual intercourse between males. This is how the Jews understood it. The Mosaic Law was unparalleled in the ancient world in that it uniquely dealt with the active/penetrative partner in same sex intercourse and held both individuals in a consensual homosexual act equally accountable, exacting the death penalty against them. Homosexual conduct of all kinds is consistently viewed as sin in the Bible, and recent reinterpretation of the Bible that have been raised as objections to that view do not give a satisfactory explanation of the word or context of the relevant verses. Sexual intimacy is to be confined to marriage, and marriage is to only be between one man and one woman, following the pattern established by God in creation. The Church should always act with love and compassion toward homosexuals, yet never affirm homosexual conduct as morally right. The gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ offers the “good news” of forgiveness of sins and real hope for a transformed life to the homosexuals as well as to all sinners (ESV Study Bible, 2008, 2550). Wayne Grudem, in his book, Christian Ethics asks and answers the following questions on homosexuality: Do the biblical passages about homosexuality still apply today? How should we analyze recent arguments claiming that the Bible can be interpreted to allow for faithful same-gender relationships? Is homosexual desire wrong? Can people be “born gay”? How should we evaluate the claims of certain people that they are “transgender”? Can surgery transition, change a man into a woman, or a woman into a man? What does the Bible teach about homosexuality? Does it even speak to the modern concepts of committed same-sex relationships and same-sex marriage? It is appropriate to discuss these questions … which treats various aspects of human sexuality. To my knowledge, no evangelical Christian pastors or Bible scholars in previous generations ever claimed that the Bible gives moral approval to any kind of homosexual conduct. The unanimous consensus of centuries of Christian teaching on such a major moral issue cannot be dismissed lightly. Even today, most of the widely used textbooks on Christian ethics written by evangelicals continue to hold the same position that the church has held throughout its history, namely, that homosexual conduct is morally wrong in God’s sight, according Volume 1. Issue 1. December 2023 43 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education References. 7. Grudem, Wayne. 2018. Christian Ethics: An introduction to Biblical moral reasoning. Crossway. 1. Andreas J. Köstenberger with David W. Jones, 2010. God, Marriage and Family, Crossway, Wheaton Illinois. 8. Kunhiyop, Samuel, Waje, 2008. African Christian Ethics. Hippo Books. 2. Burk, Denny; Heath Lambert, 2015. Transforming homosexuality: what the Bible says about sexual orientation and change. P&R. 3. CNN interview on homosexuality with President Museveni: CNN 5 February 2014 9. Mohler Albert, R. Jr. 2015. We cannot be silent: Speaking truth to a culture redefining sex, marriage, and the very meaning of right and wrong. Nelson Books. 4. Duncan III, Ligon, J. Kindle edition on the Book of Romans. 10. The Transformation Study Bible, 2007. David Cook. 5. ESV Study Bible, 2008. Crossway. 6. Gagnon, Robert, A. J. 2001. The Bible and homosexual practice: Texts and hermeneutics. Abingdon Press. Volume 1. Issue 1. December 2023 44 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education The Centrality of Theological Education in Africa and The World Over By Elder Charlie King (Chairperson, TCWM Board, USA) and Elder Fred Kabenge The fragile spiritual landscape of the church leadership in Africa therefore calls for an urgent intervention if the African Church is to be spared from the above-mentioned threats and dangers. This is where TCWM/TBI exactly fits into the overall picture of Africa’s critical problem. With its goal of training men and women in sound biblical teaching, TCWM/TBI comes in as part of the much-needed solution in addressing this predicament of the African Church. As more support is given to TCWM/TBI in its vision of establishing networks of Biblical, grace-filled, Christcentered, gospel-preaching, self-supporting, and reproducing churches, through the use of theological education, evangelistic training, cross-cultural study, radio-based proclamation of the Gospel of Grace, and mercy ministries, the current trend of church growth in Africa will be turned into a truly meaningful one, become consolidated, and as a result further the trend of Africa becoming a hub and launching pad for reaching far The Church in Africa is on the rise as the gospel is actively going out to many unreached people groups around the continent. The desire and passion to reach the population with the Christian message are very much seen in many parts of the continent. However, one of the biggest concerns about this endeavor lies in the quality of the message being carried across the nations and the kind of end products that are being realized. Many of the church leaders involved in the proclamation of the gospel message lack a good and solid Biblical and theological foundation, and so either intentionally or unintentionally are contributing significantly to the production of a growing, but ill-prepared church characterized by syncretism and nominal Christianity, which can hardly withstand the increasing threats of Islamic Fundamentalism, and the numerous liberal trends that are beginning to hit the continent like wildfires. Volume 1. Issue 1. December 2023 45 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education may be, but we are not the center of the world, and certainly not the center of Christianity. Besides, how can we say that life is tough for Christians in America? On the bus to Kampala, the driver, after he came aboard and before we started, stood up and led everyone on the bus in a prayer for safe travels. No one thought anything of it, other than that it was a clever idea. It was entirely normal. I have no idea what the prayer said, as it was said in Kinyarwanda, but I saw in that simple act recognition that life is not limited to what we know and what we control. There is more, much more, than just the sufferings of this life. As Kabugo James says, “Whether I live or die, Christ reigns.” away regions which were once strongholds of the Christian faith, but have since waned from the gospel of grace. ____________________________________ Assessment of the situation on the ground in East Africa and Challenges: “So shall my word be that goes from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it. For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands” (Isaiah 55:11-12). The church in Africa is strong. Certainly, there are profoundly serious threats, most of which, quite frankly, come from within rather than without the church. Paul warned of “fierce wolves arising from among you” (Acts 20:29). And yes, the gospel is insulted by the charlatans of the health and wealth crowd, syncretism handicaps it, Muslim extremists try to kill it, and Western secularism certainly does not help it. And yes, the church here needs discipleship, mercy missions, and fellowship with like-minded believers. But Christ will not be denied, and the center of His church is settling in Africa. Christianity is not a Western religion, and it certainly is not a white man’s religion. That is not what the Bible says. Today, the center of Christianity is settling on Africa. Within your children’s lifetime, they will see the day when the average Christian on this earth is Black and from Africa. What sort of Christianity will they inherit from you? What sort of Christianity will they lead? The day is coming, brothers and sisters, when it will be from Africa that the missionaries will come. It will be your children that will conduct the Great Commandment, going forth from Africa to “make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” Will they be ready? Your training at TBI will equip you to serve God in your community, and to raise up your children in the fear of the Lord. It will train you to answer the question: “What kind of Christian is the African?” And in answering that question, you will build treasure for the Kingdom to come. The Bible ends with the great vision of John of the New Jerusalem. Read what he sees: “Then I saw a We may be diminishing spiritually in the West, but the light is not going out – it is just changing hands. I read a few days ago a lament by an American writer about the state of Christianity in the US. He complained: “The end of majority approval in society for exclusive Christianity, absolute morality, traditional moral standards, and in particular sexual morality, may soon make life very difficult for traditional Christians.” Well, that Volume 1. Issue 1. December 2023 46 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband . . . And I saw no temple in the city, for its temple is the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb. And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb. By its light will the nations walk, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory into it, and its gates will never be shut by day—and there will be no night there. They will bring into it the glory and the honor of the nations.” (Revelation 21:1-2 and 2226). With God’s grace and with the love of Christ and the presence of the Holy Spirit, you will use this training at TBI so that your nation will be ready to bring its glory into the New Jerusalem. unity as adopted children of the Kingdom and we will be in the same World. We read of this unity in difference in Acts 2: 11, when Peter preached the gospel in his own language, but the many different tribes and nations present all heard the Word in their own language. They reported hearing Peter “telling in our own tongues the mighty works of God” (Acts 2:11). We will not lose the identities, cultures, and languages we bore while on this earth, even while we become united as Saints before His throne. We know this because we are told in Revelations 21:24 that in the end, the nations will enter the New Jerusalem, and “the kings of the earth will bring their glory into it.” God speaks to us in the different languages of man – how he will speak to us in Heaven we do not know, but just as we only have the faces he gave us, we only have the languages he gave us as well. Peter spoke in his own language but was understood by all who heard him. Why should we not expect this to be a sign of things to come? Will There be Africans in Heaven? Let us not by like the Muslims, who believe because their prophet spoke Arabic that God must do so as well. Such idolatry is foolish. I look forward to being glorified as a Western Christian, with the face, culture, and language given to me by God, worshiping with you as an African Christian, in the face, culture, and language you have been given. Can we fully understand this, or explain it? Perhaps not, but we can accept that as believers we share an eternal identity in Christ yet differ in this world. We live in difference but die in unity. But living or dying, we do so in Christ and for Christ. Paul teaches us that our brotherhood of faith is stronger than our blood and family ties, Yes, there will be. Not only will there be people from Africa in Heaven, but they will also be there. As Africans. Brothers and sisters, when we meet on the other side of death, in the great assembly of the Saints, we will know each other by our tribes and nations. We know this because Christ has called his people from every tribe and nation—at the end of his time of walking on this earth in a physical body he told his disciples “Go therefor and make disciples of all nations . . . “Matthew 28:19). We will be assembled in a great multitude of colors, tribes, and languages, but we will all be in Volume 1. Issue 1. December 2023 47 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education but those ties do not disappear at death. We shall see God face to face in the New Jerusalem, but what faces shall we have? We can only have the faces which He has given us from the beginning of time. Job cries out in his agony “For I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last he will stand upon the earth. And after my skin has been thus destroyed, yet in my flesh I shall see God” (Job 19:25-26). We should not wonder at this – it is enough that Scripture has told us we will see Him face to face. On the mountain top with Jesus, Peter, James, and John witnessed not only Christ transfigured, but Moses and Elijah as well, and the disciples recognized them: “His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light. And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, talking with Him” (Matthew 17: 2-3). Regardless of our ethnicity, tribes, or nations, as believers we shall all be the children of Abraham, for we “know that it is those of faith who are the sons of Abraham” (Galatians 3:7). The sons of Abraham are not limited to those of the blood of Abraham, but to those of the covenant. It was Abraham whom the Lord blessed, when he told Abraham that “my covenant is with you, and you shall be the father of a multitude of nations” (Genesis 17:4). Note that Abraham is called to be a father of many nations – not just a single nation. We are children of Abraham through faith, and thus adopted children and heirs with Christ. We are also just as truly children of our own nations and tribes. Even though Christ “gives to all mankind life and breath and everything” Christ has also given us tribes and nations. From the very beginning it was so: “And he made from one man [Adam] Volume 1. Issue 1. December 2023 every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth . . . “(Acts 17:26) and God called Adam’s wife Eve, because she was the mother of all living” (Genesis 3:22). So, let us be brothers and sisters in spirit, working in unison for the redemption of our tribes and nations. At Trinity Biblical Institute you will learn that Christianity is an African religion, and a Western religion, and a Korean religion — it is a religion for all peoples, tribes, and tongues. Today Christ is building the center of his Kingdom here on earth in Africa. You children will live to see the day when the average Christian on earth is Black and from Africa. The day is coming, brothers and sisters, when it will be from Africa that the missionaries will go to the rest of the world. It will be your children that will conduct the Great Commission, going forth from Africa to “make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” What sort of Christianity will they inherit from you? What sort of Christianity will they lead? Will they be ready? Your training at TBI will equip you to serve God in your community, and to raise up your children in the fear of the Lord. It will train you to answer the question “What kind of Christian is the African?” And in answering that question, you will build treasure for the Kingdom to come. The Bible ends with John’s vision of the New Jerusalem in Revelation. Read what he sees: “1 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. 2 And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven. 48 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education From God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband . . . 22 And I saw no temple in the city, for its temple is the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb. 23 And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb. 24 By its light will the nations walk, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory into it, twenty-five and its gates will never be shut by day—and there will be no night there. 26 They will bring into it the glory and the honor of the nations. (Revelation 21:1-2 and 22-26). With God’s grace and with the love of Christ and the presence of the Holy Spirit, you will use this training at TBI so that your nation will be ready to bring its glory into the New Jerusalem. Volume 1. Issue 1. December 2023 References. 1. exclusive Christianity 2. absolute morality 3. sexual morality 4. traditional moral standards 5. a lament 49 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education The Key to True Prayer By Pr. Andy Webb: Senior Pastor at Providence Presbyterian Church (PCA) Cumberland, North Carolina, United States & Adjunct lecturer at Trinity Biblical Institute, Kapchorwa, Uganda In Chapter 6 of Matthew, Jesus teaches His Do you regularly pray? I hope you do. Jesus assumes that his followers will pray, you’ll notice that He started out talking about prayer in the verses above by saying, “when you pray” not, “if you pray” and then He goes on to discuss the key to true prayer, which isn’t to be found in the place that you pray, or the way that you pray, or the length of your prayers, but in the disposition of the heart of the one praying. Throughout this section of Sermon of the Mount, Jesus is speaking to His disciples about the difference that grace in the heart makes, how it is the key to a deeper righteousness than the Pharisees ever had, indeed than they could even understand. You see they saw the doing of good works, things like prayer and alms giving as the key to righteousness, while Christ explains that true religion is exactly the opposite way round – righteousness is the key to good works and that it is only through being united to Christ by faith that we could have the true righteousness that makes a man truly blessed. disciples much about prayer, for instance in Matthew 6:5-8 He says: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 5” And when you pray, you shall not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. 6”But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly. 7 “And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words. 8 “Therefore do not be like them. For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Volume 1. Issue 1. December 2023 50 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education Now what is prayer? There are lots of answers to that question. Many people think of prayer merely as a required duty, others think of it as something that makes them feel better, still others see it as a kind of magical incantation designed to get us what we need, but the way that Jesus explains true prayer to us, it is none of these things. Prayer is a familiar way of speaking to God, by someone who is intimately acquainted with Him. One could almost describe it as a conversation with God, but that would be to make it too informal. I like the way Westminster Shorter Catechism answers the question: So, in Christ’s time, if the hour of prayer came and you were on the street, you would stop what you were doing and pray. Now the hypocrites somehow managed to always be found someplace VERY public when it came time to pray, and they made a great show of their prayers because their desire was to impress others with their holiness and piety. A corollary of that, that still goes on today can be seen in Muslim countries where five times a day the Muezzin calls the faithful to pray, and wherever they are, they are supposed to prepare themselves and go through a ritual of kneeling and bowing to Mecca and reciting the same set prayers. A zealous Muslim really bows and touches his head to the ground and after a while they develop what is called a Zabiba or “Prayer Bump”. I once read a book called “Captive in Iran” about two Christian women held in Evin Prison in Iran for their faith. They went before a particularly fanatical Muslim judge at one point, and they made this observation: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Q. 98. What is prayer? A. Prayer is an offering up of our desires unto God, for things agreeable to his will, in the name of Christ, with confession of our sins, and thankful acknowledgment of his mercies. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Jesus is eager that we would pray but He doesn’t want his followers to pray in the empty and fruitless way that so many do. The first thing He emphasizes therefore is for us to remember who true prayer is to be directed towards. Why would He need to do that? Because most people get it wrong. The heathens pray in vain to the wrong God, but even people who believe in the true God, often aren’t speaking to Him when they pray. The Pharisees, for instance, frequently prayed to be seen and heard by people, not God. You see observant Jews prayed three times a day at set hours, Psalm 55:17 “Evening and morning and at noon I will pray, and cry aloud, And He shall hear my voice”. That was how, for instance, Daniel’s enemies knew they could entrap him, they knew He would always pray to Jehovah three times a day no matter what. Volume 1. Issue 1. December 2023 He had a red mark on his forehead that devout Muslims get when they pray for long periods with a prayer stone pressed against their brow. However, I could tell that, like others we knew, He had heated the stone before using it. That made a red mark right away, displaying his devout status without all that time-consuming prayer. _____________________________ _____________________________ But we’re ok, right? I mean we Christians don’t pray on the street corners or bow to Mecca, do we? Ah, but our prayers can also be offered for ears other than God’s. Have you ever been “prayed at?” I know I have. I remember one instance where one Christian who disliked another Christian in the room intensely essentially spent ten minutes correcting his theological and personal faults 51 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education in a prayer supposedly offered to God. Or we can pray to impress and please other people and there are no people who are as subject to that problem as pastors. Even the great Welsh pastor Martin Lloyd Jones confessed that for some reason it was easier to pray in the pulpit than in private. The danger is that you offer up your pulpit prayer to please your listeners. Charles Haddon Spurgeon remarked that He had read the following in an American paper: pours out her heart, all her concerns and praises and desires and is totally oblivious in that moment of other people. It’s just her talking to her daddy, and the idea that He wouldn’t answer never even occurs to her. Having reminded His followers of WHO they are to pray to, Jesus reminds them of HOW they are to pray, and He says, don’t think that you will be heard for your many words, your vain repetitions. The Heathen prophets of Baal who attempted to get Baal to answer with fire on Mt. Carmel cried out from morning till noon shouting, “OH BAAL HEAR US!” To this day there are many who think that the repetition of written prayers repeatedly will be what forces God to hear and answer. In the Roman Catholic School, I went to as a child, we were taught to pray the Hail Mary and the Lord’s Prayer over and over. We even had a priest who would give a quarter to the boy who could say them fastest. I won several times, but what was that? It was not prayer; it was just vain repetition. “The Rev. Dr. So-and-so prayed the finest prayer that was ever addressed to a Boston audience.” And then Spurgeon remarked, “I am afraid that there are some prayers of that sort, that are prayed to the congregation. That is not the kind of prayer that God loves.” Many men pray for the benefit of those watching and listening, and truly as Jesus says, they have their reward, and have no right to expect those prayers to be answered by God, after all, they weren’t addressed to Him in the first place, and He knew that. So instead, Jesus says we are to go into our secret place where we can be alone with the Father. Does that mean we should stop praying in public? Well, no, the prayer meeting and congregational prayer are both very necessary. The apostolic church was constantly praying together and in worship. What Christ means is summed up by this remark of Spurgeon, “Forget that there is anybody present, forget that a human ear is listening to your accents; and let it be said of your prayer, "Nevertheless we made our prayer unto our God.” ____________________________________ What kind of intimate relationship between two individuals could be based merely on one person constantly saying the same stream of words over and repeatedly? That is not the way you addressed your earthly father, so why would you think it is the proper way to address your heavenly Father? Therefore, Jesus again tells us that we are to come to him in a spirit of trust, knowing that He knows what we have need of. After all, loving parents know the needs of their children, but they still want them to come to them and ask for what they need and tell them what they have in their heart. As Christians we need to remember that although our Heavenly Father knows what we are going to ask for, that prayer is how He has sovereignly ordained to change things and that prayer is a means that changes us, strengthens us, and grows us. As we speak to others we know them better, and It is not the secrecy that is all important, but the sincerity. Wherever we are, we should be like the little child who climbs into her father’s lap and Volume 1. Issue 1. December 2023 52 Trinity: Journal of Theology and Christian Education as we speak to God we come to know and trust Him more completely. There is no way to come to the Father except by faith in His Son: 1 John 2:23 “Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either; He who acknowledges the Son has the Father also.” In fact, the idea of a Christian who doesn’t want to talk to His heavenly father is an oxymoron. As JC Ryle simply put it, “this is the rule, prayerless equals graceless.” But here is the thing, prayer is also the beginning of the Christian life. Prayer is the first cry of the newborn Christian! We call upon God to have mercy upon us by prayer, and we close and covenant with Him by prayer. If you have not done that yet, then it is time for you to truly begin to pray! And that brings me to the greatest and most important of the “keys to prayer. “Prayer depends upon relationship. Let me try to explain what I mean using an allegory. On Father’s Day I try to remember to call my father. When I do so, I expect the conversation will be a happy and normal one, after all, he’s, my father. But if I called YOUR father (assuming he’s still alive) to wish him a happy Father’s Day, the call would be incredibly awkward, wouldn’t it? Why is that? Aren’t they both fathers? Well Yes, but your father isn’t my father! I’m not his son and how can I address him as “my father” if he’s not actually my father? -END_ It has been my experience that most people who are in the church but don’t pray, and say they have great difficulty doing so are usually struggling with the same problem. They cannot address God as their Father because that relationship doesn’t yet exist, and that is because they have not yet been adopted. As Robert Hawker put it, “Strictly and properly speaking, there can be no prayer, where there is no acquaintance. And until the Child of GOD is brought into an acquaintance with GOD in CHRIST, however He may offer a multitude of words, the heart is not interested, and consequently there is no prayer. But when we have received the spirit of adoption, and the newborn child of GOD is brought forth into the spiritual life, instantly the cry of the soul is, Abba, Father!” Volume 1. Issue 1. December 2023 53