BIO-DATA Name : Lalruatliana Hmar Age : 22 Sex : Male Marital status : Unmarried Address : Lunglawn, Lunglei Contact no : 6009924595 Email ID : Areas of interest : Family Details of Educational Qualification Sl.No Class Subject 1. HSLC - 2. HSSLC Arts 3. 4. 5. 6. BSW 1st semester BSW 2nd semester BSW 3rd semester BSW 4th semester Social Work Social Work Social Work Social Work Board/University Mizoram Board of School Education Mizoram Board of School Education HATIM HATIM HATIM HATIM Division Second Second Second - Fieldwork Experiences Sl.No Semester 1. First Experiences Field work done in District Child Protection Unit Venglai ,Lunglei 2. Second 3. 4. 5. Third Fourth Fifth Community settings (Profiling community and planning possible social work intervention) in Lunglawn, Lunglei Rurual Camp in Cherhhlun, Hnahthial NHIDCL (National Highway Development Co-operation Limited) Completed research titled ‘Tobacco.’ Seminar/Webinar/Workshop attended Sl.No Seminar/webinar/workshops etc 1. PRA Workshop 2. SPSS Workshop Organizers Department of Social Work, HATIM Department of Social Work, HATIM Year 23rd August,2022 24th August,2022