PSYCHOLOGY FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE/REVIEW PACKET ACADEMIC Name _____________________________ PART 1: Section 1: Matching ______1. Rewards and punishments control behavior ______2. Physical changes are emphasized ______3. Humans are basically good ______4. The unconscious plays a great role in behavior ______5. The environment is all-important ______6. Ethics and religious background influence behavior ______7. Humans control their own destinies ______8. A person’s thoughts are emphasized ______9. Chemical changes are emphasized ______10. Sexual and aggressive impulses control behavior ______11. Internal sentences directly influence personality ______12. People use self-concept and make free and conscious choices based on their unique experiences in order to reach full potential ______13. Ethnicity, gender, culture, socioeconomic status all play a role in our behavior A. Behavioral approach B. Psychoanalytic approach C. Cognitive approach D. Neurobiological approach E. Humanistic approach F. Sociocultural approach Section 2: Fill-ins 1. Psychology is the study of ______________________ and ____________________________. 2. __________________________ is a combination of approaches. PART 2: Section 1: Define 1. case study – 2. naturalistic observation – 3. independent variable – 4. dependent variable – 5. survey – 6. random sample – 7. biased sample – 8. population – 9. validity – 10. reliability – PART 3: Section 1: Fill-ins 1. The cerebral cortex is divided into two halves called _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. 2. The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ connects the two halves of the brain. 3. Most of our movements are controlled by the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. 4. The touch of a feather on your skin is registered by the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. 5. The system that controls all of the glands is called the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ system. Section 2: Word Bank Thalamus Synapse Neurotransmitters Frontal association area RAS Axon Occipital lobe Cerebellum Neurons Broca’s Area Parietal lobe 1. Controls balance ____________________ 2. Controls hunger and thirst ___________________ 3. Nerve cell ____________________ 4. Carries electrical messages to the end of the nerve cell _______________________ 5. Chemical that send messages from neuron to neuron ____________________ 6. The space between nerve cells __________________ 7. Receives electrical messages from other nerve cells ________________ 8. Sends messages to various parts of the brain _________________ 9. Catches nerve impulses in order to register activity level ________________ 10. Makes sense of what is seen ___________________ 11. Makes sense of what is heard ___________________ 12. Allows us to speak _____________________ 13. Receives sensations of touch, and bodily position _______________________ 14. Makes sense of the environment ____________________ Section 3: Characterize 1. right brain 2. left brain Hypothalamus Dendrites Temporal lobe Section 4: Matching A. Thyroid Gland B. Adrenal Gland C. Pituitary Gland ______1. Regulates metabolism ______2. Activated during emergencies ______3. May cause sluggishness ______4. The master gland ______5. Helps regulate blood pressure ______6. Helps determine height PART 4: Section 1: REM or NREM ____________1. Associated with vivid dreams ____________2. Partially paralyzed body ____________3. Associated with narcolepsy ____________4. When incubus attacks occur ____________5. Partial visual images ____________6. Gets longer as the night progresses Section 2: Matching ______1. Beta waves ______2. Alpha waves ______3. Delta waves ______4. Sleep apnea ______5. Narcolepsy ______6. Insomnia ______7. Incubus attack ______8. REM rebound Section 3: Define 1. withdrawal 2. tolerance A. stop breathing while sleeping B. awake brain waves C. inability to get enough sleep D. falling suddenly into REM sleep E. deep sleep brain waves F. relaxed brain waves, early stages of sleep G. night terror in NREM sleep H. more dreams to make up for less the night before 3. dependence Section 4: Put each word or phrase in the correct column. alcohol amphetamines causes hallucinations cocaine marijuana nicotine most widely used in America (caffeine) Depressants Stimulants barbiturates heroin slows the nervous system speeds up the nervous system Hallucinogens Section 5: Answer 1. Which neurotransmitter makes cocaine addictive? ___________________________ PART 5: Section 1: Multiple Choice ______1. Which of the following will cause the frequency of an operant response to decrease? A. negative reinforcement and positive punishment B. negative reinforcement and negative punishment C. reinforcement (positive or negative) and extinction D. punishment (positive or negative) and extinction ______2. To overcome a child’s fear of the sliding board, the parent first puts the child on the slide from the bottom and allows her to slide down a few inches while being helped. Next, the parent goes down the slide with them. Once the child is comfortable with this, the child goes on the slide while the parent waits at the bottom for them. This is an example of A. modeling. B. shaping. C. negative reinforcement. D. positive reinforcement Section 2: Matching ______1. Ivan Pavlov ______2. Albert Bandura ______3. B.F. Skinner A. observational learning B. classical conditioning C. operant conditioning Section 3: Label Unconditioned stimulus (US) Conditioned stimulus (CS) and 1.__________ Conditioned response (CR) 2._____________ 4.__________________ Section 4: Define 1. unconditioned stimulus 2. unconditioned response 3. conditioned stimulus Neutral Stimulus (N) Conditioned response (CR) 3._________________ 5.______________________ 4. conditioned response 5. positive reinforcement 6. negative reinforcement 7. extinction 8. generalization Section 5: Matching ______1. fixed interval reinforcement ______2. variable interval reinforcement ______3. fixed ratio reinforcement ______4. variable ratio reinforcement PART 6: Section 1: Characterize What does the child accomplish at each stage: Sensory-motor stage Preoperational stage Concrete operational stage A. slot machine B. paycheck every 2 weeks C. fishing D. buy 10 get the 11th free Formal operational stage Section 2: Identify and define Identify and define the four parenting styles 1. 2. 3. 4. Section 3: Identify and define Identify and define James Marcia’s 4 stages of identity. 1. 2. 3. 4. Section 4: Matching ______1. Time when children leave home ______2. The “change of life” period for women ______3. When adults start to question their lives and try to recapture their youth ______4. The study of aging ______5. Senility ______6. The study of death and dying A. gerontology B. mid-life crisis C. empty nest period D. thanantology E. caused by normal aging F. menopause Section 5: Define the Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’s stages of dying 1. denial – 2. anger – 3. bargaining – 4. depression – 5. peaceful acceptance – PART 7: Section 1: Matching A. introvert ______1. Personality type of most people ______2. Very social ______3. Likes alone time ______4. Large group of friends ______5. Falls to peer pressure ______6. Small group of friends B. extrovert C. ambivert ______7. Concerned about what others think ______8. Values their own opinion Section 2: Characterize 1. passive – 2. aggressive – 3. passive-aggressive – 4. assertive – Section 3: Matching A. Only child B. First born C. Middle born ______1. Tend to be cooperative ______2. Leadership abilities ______3. Lack responsibility ______4. The peacemaker ______5. Most closely resemble their parents’ attitudes ______6. Spoiled and babied ______7. Most liberal Section 4: Matching A. Id B. Superego ______1. Holds the id in check ______2. Where our basic needs and drives are ______3. The “angel” ______4. The “devil” ______5. Where the libido is ______6. The “self” ______7. Regulates the angel and the devil C. Ego D. Last born ______8. Acts like the conscience ______9. Unconcerned with reality, wants what it wants Section 5: Fill-in repression denial rationalization displacement regression projection 1. Making excuses ___________________ 2. Refusing to admit there is a problem ______________________ 3. Pushing painful memories into the unconscious ___________________ 4. Acting like a child __________________ 5. Turning the situation around and blaming someone else _________________ 6. “I’m not an alcoholic.” _________________________ 7. “Pretty please with sugar on top. I’ll be a good little girl.” ____________________________ 8. I didn’t do it, it was Kim who stole the car.” _________________________ 9. “I’m late because the car broke down and we had to walk 7 miles home.” ______________________ Section 6: Matching ______1. can cause stinginess ______2. resolved by identifying with the same gender parent ______3. Oedipal complex ______4. focuses on oral gratification ______5. second stage, focuses on toilet training ______6. fourth stage, no problems in this stage ______7. fifth stage, all unresolved conflict reappear ______8. first stage, focuses on how we eat A. oral stage B. anal stage C. phallic stage D. latency stage E. genital stage Section 7: Identify 1. Trust vs. Mistrust 2. Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt 3. Initiative vs. Guilt 4. Industry vs. Inferiority 5. Identity vs. Identity confusion 6. Intimacy vs. Isolation 7. Generativity vs. Stagnation 8. Ego integrity vs. Ego despair Oedipus complex Karen Horney Carl Rogers Wilhelm Wundt Watson Freud Alfred Adler Abraham Maslow Pavlov Kohlberg Section 8: Word Bank Libido Persona B.F. Skinner Self-actualized Darwin Piaget Carl Jung Erik Erikson ideal self nature nurture ________________________1. Father of psychology ________________________2. Founder of behaviorism and conducted the “Little Albert” experiment ________________________3. The “mask” people wear to hide their true self. ________________________4. Your environment ________________________5. Bringing one’s life to the fullest potential ________________________6. Love for the opposite sex parent; jealousy for the same sex parent ________________________7. Internal energy forces ________________________8. What you are born with; heredity ________________________9. Developed psychoanalysis (person) ________________________10. Personality is formed by the need for love (person) ________________________11. Divided life into eight psychosocial stages (person) ________________________12. Believed personality develops because of past experiences (person) ________________________13. Hierarchy of needs (person) ________________________14. Humanistic psychologist, introduced the “ideal self” (person) ________________________15. Developed the idea of persona, introvert, extrovert (person) ________________________16. Personality develops out of the need to feel important (person) ________________________17. Reaching perfection ________________________18. Inspired scientists to study animals in attempts to understand humans ________________________19. Psychologist who created 3 stages of moral development ________________________20. Swiss psychologist who came up with the 4 stages of cognitive development ________________________21. Classical conditioning PART 8: Section 1: Matching ______1. An anxiety attack – but not directed at a specific object ______2. Extreme anxiety when a dog is seen ______3. Thoughts that won’t go away ______4. Unable to leave a familiar environment ______5. Repeated actions A. obsession B. agoraphobia C. compulsion D. specific phobia E. panic disorder Section 2: True/False _________1. Dissociative identity disorder and schizophrenia are the same thing. _________2. Phobias are fairly easy to cure. _________3. OCD is a psychotic disorder. _________4. Dissociative identity disorder is fairly common. _________5. Mild depression is the “common cold” of mental health. _________6. Bipolar disorder is caused by abnormal levels of serotonin. _________7. Schizophrenia is the most serious mental disorder. _________8. Personality disorders are fairly easy to cure. _________9. There is something “abnormal” in most normal people. _________10. Mental patients are more violent than the rest of the population. Section 3: Word Bank flight of ideas clang association chemotherapy anti-social personality hallucination psychotic episode psychosurgery delusions schizophrenia obsession word salad bipolar disorder compulsion 1. seeing or hearing something that is not there _______________________________________ 2. believing in something that is not true _______________________________________________ 3. an endless preoccupation with an urge or thought __________________________________ 4. sentences in which words are mixed together incoherently ________________________ 5. repeating an action over and over ____________________________________________________ 6. brain surgery to correct a psychological problem ___________________________________ 7. the use of drugs in treatment __________________________________________________________ 8. sociopath personality __________________________________________________________________ 9. the most serious of the mental disorders ____________________________________________ 10. psychotic speech in which words are rhymed _____________________________________ 11. period of psychotic behavior ________________________________________________________ 12. conversation in which ideas are mixed together incoherently ____________________ 13. major swings in personality and behavior _________________________________________ PART 9: Section 1: Matching A. psychoanalysis C. behavioral B. humanistic D. cognitive behavioral ______1. Treatment often lasts years and is very expensive ______2. Disorders are the result of learned responses ______3. Client’s thought processes are analyzed ______4. Treatment works relatively quickly ______5. Goal is to unite the rational with the emotional ______6. Therapy is based on Albert Ellis’ theory ______7. The origin of the problem is ignored ______8. Client essentially heals himself or herself ______9. Patient transfers emotional conflicts onto the therapist ______10. A token economy is a technique used in this type of therapy ______11. Client leads the direction of the therapy ______12. Therapy focuses on anxiety about unconscious impulses ______13. The therapist reflects what the client is saying ______14. The therapist remains completely nonjudgmental ______15. Therapy is based on Sigmund Freud’s theory Section 2: True/False ___________1. Albert Ellis developed the theory of behavioral therapy. ___________2. A counseling psychologist deals mainly with patients in a mental hospital. ___________3. Psychiatric social workers help administer medications to mental health patients. ___________4. Single people tend to do better in therapy. ___________5. Behavioral therapy is very successful in helping people with phobias. ___________6. Sigmund Freud introduced humane treatment for institutionalized mental patients. ___________7. Cognitive processes are the same as thinking. ___________8. People tend to be either positive or negative in their internalized sentences. ___________9. Chemotherapy is a common treatment for mental illnesses. ___________10. Doctors don’t know why electroconvulsive shock therapy works. ___________11. At times, school counselors can be considered mental health workers. ___________12. A clinical psychologist can prescribe medication. ___________13. Group therapy is cheaper than individual therapy. ___________14. Memory loss is not a side effect of long-term electroconvulsive shock treatment. ___________15. Psychosurgery is a controversial treatment for mental illnesses. Section 3: Word Bank psychosurgery aversive conditioning free association electroconvulsive shock therapy psychotherapy internalized sentences chemotherapy systematic desensitization encounter group awfulize 1. to see things in the worst possible light _______________________________________________________________ 2. therapy in which normal people are brought together to become more sensitive to others’ problems as well as to themselves _____________________________________________________________________ 3. therapist increases anxiety to an object and teaches relaxation techniques to cure a fear ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. generic term used for any method used to help people with emotional or behavioral problems ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. saying whatever comes to mind; a technique used to uncover the unconscious __________________ 6. a behavioral technique in which unpleasantness is associated with acts that are to avoided ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. the opinions we form of ourselves by listening to our inner voices ________________________________ 8. the use of drugs to treat mental patients _____________________________________________________________ 9. operation that destroys part of the brain to make a patient calmer ________________________________ 10. using electric impulses to help cure depression ____________________________________________________ PART 10: Section 1: Matching ______1. Always on the go ______2. Impatient ______3. Always comparing themselves to others ______4. Relaxed, laid back ______5. Have stress related illnesses ______6. Enjoy life, non-competitive ______7. Distrustful and angry ______8. Takes life as it comes ______9. Enjoy change and new challenges ______10. Accepting of others A. Type A personality B. Type B personality Section 2: Word Bank conflict eustress stress anxiety distress 1. the physical strain that results from change __________________________________________________________ 2. good stress ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. bad stress ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. problems that demand a choice _______________________________________________________________________ 5. the feeling that something is wrong and that danger is imminent __________________________________