TON DUC THANG UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING 401065 ELECTRIC MACHINES CHAPTER 1: MAGNETIC CIRCUIT, PRINCIPLES OF ELECTROMECHANICAL ENERGY CONVERSION 10/10/2024 401065 - Chapter 1: Magnetic Circuit, Principles Of Electromechanical Energy Conversion 1 CHAPTER 1: MAGNETIC CIRCUIT, PRINCIPLES OF ELECTROMECHANICAL ENERGY CONVERSION. 1.1. Magnetic field and magnetic circuits 1.2. Properties of magnetic materials 1.3. Basic electromagnetic laws of electric machines 10/10/2024 401065 - Chapter 1: Magnetic Circuit, Principles Of Electromechanical Energy Conversion 2 OBJECTIVES ➢ Understand the magnetic field and magnetic circuit ➢ Understand the properties of magnetic materials ➢ Understand some basic electromagnetic laws ➢ Calculate a simple magnetic circuit 10/10/2024 401065 - Chapter 1: Magnetic Circuit, Principles Of Electromechanical Energy Conversion 3 1.1. MAGNETIC FIELD AND MAGNETIC CIRCUITS 1.1.1. Magnetic field Magnetic fields are the fundamental mechanism by which energy is converted from one form to another in motors, generators and transformers. ➢ The Ampere’s Law : A current-carrying wire produces a magnetic field in the area around it. H.dl = I C 10/10/2024 401065 - Chapter 1: Magnetic Circuit, Principles Of Electromechanical Energy Conversion 4 1.1. MAGNETIC FIELD AND MAGNETIC CIRCUITS 1.1.1. Magnetic field ➢ Consider a current carrying conductor is wrapped around a ferromagnetic core: The Ampere’s Law becomes: 10/10/2024 H. lc = N. i 401065 - Chapter 1: Magnetic Circuit, Principles Of Electromechanical Energy Conversion 5 1.1. MAGNETIC FIELD AND MAGNETIC CIRCUITS 1.1.1. Magnetic field H. lc = N. i H : magnetic field intensity (ampere-turns per meter) is known as the effort required to induce a magnetic field. B = . H • B : magnetic flux density [Wb/m2 or T – Tesla] • µ= r.0 : magnetic permeability of material [Henrys per meter – H/m] • r = / 0 : relative permeability of material • 0= 4.10-7: magnetic permeability of free space 10/10/2024 401065 - Chapter 1: Magnetic Circuit, Principles Of Electromechanical Energy Conversion 6 1.1. MAGNETIC FIELD AND MAGNETIC CIRCUITS 1.1.1. Magnetic field B = .H = . N .i ➢ In a core such as figure: lc ➢ The total flux flowing in the ferromagnetic core, consideration has to be made in terms of its cross sectional area (CSA). Therefore: = B.dAc = B. Ac Ac Where : Ac - cross sectional area throughout the core (m2) or : 10/10/2024 = . N .i. Ac lc [Weber – Wb] 401065 - Chapter 1: Magnetic Circuit, Principles Of Electromechanical Energy Conversion 7 1.1. MAGNETIC FIELD AND MAGNETIC CIRCUITS 1.1.2. Magnetic circuits N .i = H .lc N .i = B .lc N .i = 1 lc A c 1 lc F = N .i = = .R Ac 10/10/2024 F : magnetomotive force (mmf) R : reluctance 401065 - Chapter 1: Magnetic Circuit, Principles Of Electromechanical Energy Conversion 8 1.1. MAGNETIC FIELD AND MAGNETIC CIRCUITS 1.1.2. Magnetic circuits ➢ The flow of magnetic flux induced in the ferromagnetic core can be made analogous to an electrical circuit hence the name magnetic circuit. I + E (emf) R Electric Circuit Analogy F=Ni (mmf) + - Reluctance, R Magnetic Circuit Analogy F = N. I = . R (similar E = I. R) 10/10/2024 401065 - Chapter 1: Magnetic Circuit, Principles Of Electromechanical Energy Conversion 9 1.1. MAGNETIC FIELD AND MAGNETIC CIRCUITS 1.1.2. Magnetic circuits ➢ The polarity of the mmf will determine the direction of flux by apply the ‘right hand curl’ rule: ▪ The direction of the curled fingers determines the current flow. ▪ The resulting thumb direction will show the magnetic flux flow. 10/10/2024 401065 - Chapter 1: Magnetic Circuit, Principles Of Electromechanical Energy Conversion 10 1.1. MAGNETIC FIELD AND MAGNETIC CIRCUITS 1.1.2. Magnetic circuits ➢ Consider a magnetic circuits with a air gap as figure: Rc F=N.i Rg Bc = Ac 10/10/2024 Bg = Ag F = H c .lc + H g . g = Bc 401065 - Chapter 1: Magnetic Circuit, Principles Of Electromechanical Energy Conversion .lc + Bg 0 .g 11 1.1. MAGNETIC FIELD AND MAGNETIC CIRCUITS 1.1.2. Magnetic circuits ➢ Consider a magnetic circuits with a air gap as figure: Rc F=N.i Rg lc Rc = . Ac 10/10/2024 g Rg = 0 . Ag F = (Rc + Rg ) 401065 - Chapter 1: Magnetic Circuit, Principles Of Electromechanical Energy Conversion 12 1.1. MAGNETIC FIELD AND MAGNETIC CIRCUITS 1.1.2. Magnetic circuits I R1 V Rc F=N.i Rg R2 Electric Circuit Analogy V I= R1 + R2 10/10/2024 Magnetic Circuit Analogy F F = = (Rc + Rg ) lc g + .A . A c 0 g 401065 - Chapter 1: Magnetic Circuit, Principles Of Electromechanical Energy Conversion 13 1.1. MAGNETIC FIELD AND MAGNETIC CIRCUITS 1.1.2. Magnetic circuits ➢ In general, magnetic circuits can consist of multiple elements in series and parallel: Example 1.1 H = (R ) = (N i ) = F = F m m j j =1 j n j j =1 n j k k =1 k k =1 H1l1 - H2l2 = (R1 + R2) = N1i1 – N2i2 = F1– F2 10/10/2024 401065 - Chapter 1: Magnetic Circuit, Principles Of Electromechanical Energy Conversion 14 1.1. MAGNETIC FIELD AND MAGNETIC CIRCUITS 1.1.2. Magnetic circuits Example 1.2: A magnetic circuit with a single air gap is shown in Fig. the relative permeability of the core is 4000 H/m. Given this information, find: a/ The total reluctance of the flux (iron plus air gap) path b/ The current required to produce a flux density of 0.5T in the air gap 10/10/2024 401065 - Chapter 1: Magnetic Circuit, Principles Of Electromechanical Energy Conversion 15 1.2. PROPERTIES OF MAGNETIC MATERIALS 1.2.1. The magnetization curve B-H ➢ In the non-magnetic materials, they have constant permeability. (Ex: the permeability of free space is 0= 4.10-7 (H/m)) ➢ The permeability of magnetic materials is much higher than µ0. ➢ However, the permeability is not linear anymore but does depend on the current over a wide range. 10/10/2024 401065 - Chapter 1: Magnetic Circuit, Principles Of Electromechanical Energy Conversion 16 1.2. PROPERTIES OF MAGNETIC MATERIALS 1.2.1. The magnetization curve B-H ➢ The concept of magnetic permeability r corresponds to the ability of the material to permit the flow of magnetic flux through it. ➢ In electrical machines, linear relationship between B and I is desired, which is normally approached by limiting the current. 10/10/2024 401065 - Chapter 1: Magnetic Circuit, Principles Of Electromechanical Energy Conversion 17 1.2. PROPERTIES OF MAGNETIC MATERIALS 1.2.1. The magnetization curve B-H ➢ Look at the magnetization curve and B-H curve. (Wb) B (T) F (A.turns) H (A.turns/m) The curve corresponds to an increase of DC current flow through a coil 10/10/2024 401065 - Chapter 1: Magnetic Circuit, Principles Of Electromechanical Energy Conversion 18 1.2. PROPERTIES OF MAGNETIC MATERIALS 1.2.2. Energy losses in a ferromagnetic core ➢Hysteresis Loss Typical Hysteresis loop when AC current is applied. 10/10/2024 401065 - Chapter 1: Magnetic Circuit, Principles Of Electromechanical Energy Conversion 19 1.2. PROPERTIES OF MAGNETIC MATERIALS 1.2.2. Energy losses in a ferromagnetic core ➢Eddy Current Loss 10/10/2024 401065 - Chapter 1: Magnetic Circuit, Principles Of Electromechanical Energy Conversion 20 1.2. PROPERTIES OF MAGNETIC MATERIALS 1.2.2. Energy losses in a ferromagnetic core ➢Conclusion: Core loss is extremely important in practice, since it greatly affects operating temperatures, efficiencies, and ratings of magnetic devices. 10/10/2024 401065 - Chapter 1: Magnetic Circuit, Principles Of Electromechanical Energy Conversion 21 1.3. BASIC ELECTROMAGNETIC LAWS OF ELECTRIC MACHINES 1.3.1. Faraday’s law - Induced voltage from a time-changing magnetic field “If a flux passes through a turn of a coil of wire, voltage will be induced in the turn of the wire that is directly proportional to the rate of change in the flux with respect of time” d ei = − dt 10/10/2024 401065 - Chapter 1: Magnetic Circuit, Principles Of Electromechanical Energy Conversion 22 1.3. BASIC ELECTROMAGNETIC LAWS OF ELECTRIC MACHINES 1.3.1. Faraday’s law - Induced voltage from a time-changing magnetic field ➢ If there is N number of turns in the coil with the same amount of flux flowing through it, hence: d d eind = − N =− = − N .ei dt dt where (flux linkage) is defined as: = N (Wb-turn) i =1 i Faraday’s law is the fundamental property of magnetic fields involved in transformer operation. 10/10/2024 401065 - Chapter 1: Magnetic Circuit, Principles Of Electromechanical Energy Conversion 23 1.3. BASIC ELECTROMAGNETIC LAWS OF ELECTRIC MACHINES 1.3.2. Faraday’s law - Induced voltage on a conductor moving in a magnetic field “If a conductor moves or ‘cuts’ through a magnetic field, voltage will be induced between the terminals of the conductor” eind = (v B) l sin v (m/s) – velocity of the wire B (T) – magnetic field density l (m)– length of the wire in the magnetic field - angle between v and B 10/10/2024 401065 - Chapter 1: Magnetic Circuit, Principles Of Electromechanical Energy Conversion 24 1.3. BASIC ELECTROMAGNETIC LAWS OF ELECTRIC MACHINES 1.3.2. Faraday’s law - Induced voltage on a conductor moving in a magnetic field The induction of voltages in a wire moving in a magnetic field is fundamental to the operation of all types of generators. 10/10/2024 401065 - Chapter 1: Magnetic Circuit, Principles Of Electromechanical Energy Conversion 25 1.3. BASIC ELECTROMAGNETIC LAWS OF ELECTRIC MACHINES 1.3.3. Electromagnetic force action to a current carrying conductor in a magnetic field “When a current-carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic field, it is subjected to a force which we call electromagnetic force. The magnitude of the force depends upon the orientation of the conductor with respect to the direction of the field” F = i B l sin F(N); B(T); l (m); i(A) - angle between i and B 10/10/2024 401065 - Chapter 1: Magnetic Circuit, Principles Of Electromechanical Energy Conversion 26 1.3. BASIC ELECTROMAGNETIC LAWS OF ELECTRIC MACHINES 1.3.3. Electromagnetic force action to a current carrying conductor in a magnetic field This phenomenon is the basis of an electric motor where torque or rotational force of the motor is the effect of the stator magnetic field and the current of the rotor 10/10/2024 401065 - Chapter 1: Magnetic Circuit, Principles Of Electromechanical Energy Conversion 27 SUMMARY AND ASSIGNMENT ➢ In this chapter, we have learnt: ▪ Basic concept of magnetic field and magnetic circuit. ▪ Properties of magnetic materials ▪ Basic electromagnetic laws of electric machines ➢ ASSIGNMENTS: ▪ Refer: [1]: 2-42; [5]: 111-121 ▪ Do the exercises in the next slides 10/10/2024 401065 - Chapter 1: Magnetic Circuit, Principles Of Electromechanical Energy Conversion 28 EXERCISES EXERCISE 1 Figure shows a simplified rotor and stator for a DC motor. The mean path length of the stator is 50cm, and its csa is 12cm2. The mean path length of the rotor is 5 cm, and its csa also may be assumed to be 12cm2. Each air gap between the rotor and the stator is 0.05cm wide, and the csa of each air gap (including fringing) is 14cm2. The iron of the core has a relative permeability of 2000, and there are 200 turns of wire on the core. If the current in the wire is adjusted to be 1A, What will the resulting flux density in the air gaps be? 10/10/2024 401065 - Chapter 1: Magnetic Circuit, Principles Of Electromechanical Energy Conversion 29 EXERCISES EXERCISE 2 The figure shows a conductor moving with a velocity of 5m/s to the right in the presence of a magnetic field. The flux density is 0.5T into the page, and the wire is 1m length, oriented as shown. What are the magnitude and polarity of the resulting induced voltage? 10/10/2024 401065 - Chapter 1: Magnetic Circuit, Principles Of Electromechanical Energy Conversion 30 EXERCISES EXERCISE 3 The figure shows a wire carrying a current in the presence of a magnetic field. The magnetic flux density is 0.25T, directed into the page. If the wire is 1m long and carries 0.5A of current in the direction from the top of the page to the bottom. What are the magnitude and direction of the force induced on the wire? 10/10/2024 401065 - Chapter 1: Magnetic Circuit, Principles Of Electromechanical Energy Conversion 31