VIETNAM GENERAL CONFEDERATION OF LABOR TON DUC THANG UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING E-LEARNING (30%) COURSE ON ELECTRICAL SAFETY ASSIGNMENT: DESIGN GROUNDING AND LIGHTING PROTECTION SYSTEMS SUPERVISOR: DR. NGUYEN CONG TRANG GROUP: 8 STUDENTS: 1. PHAN PHUOC SON, STUDENT ID:42300361 2. LE KHANH BINH, STUDENT ID:42300264 3. NGUYEN HUU THUAN, STUDENT ID:42300373 HO CHI MINH CITY, YEAR 2024 1 Table Report No. Full Name Student ID 1 Phan Phuoc Son 42300361 2 Le Khanh Binh 42300264 3 Nguyen Huu Thuan 42300373 2 Task Design lighting protection system using ESE air terminal, Design lighting protection system using multiple Franklin air terminals, draw AutoCad, type Word Grounding system design,type Word, translate Design lighting protection system using Franklin air terminal Completion percentage 100% 100% 100% TABLE OF CONTENTS Table Report ................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Part A:DESIGN OF GROUNDING SYSTEM ....................................................................................................................4 I: SELECTION AND DRAWING OF GROUNDING SYSTE CONFIGURATION ...............................................................4 II: MANUAL CALCULATION WITHOUT GEM CHEMICALS ........................................................................................5 III. SIMULATION USING SOFTWARE ........................................................................................................................6 IV. COMMENTS AND EVALUATION .........................................................................................................................7 PART B: DESIGN OF LIGHTNING PROTECTION SYSTEM ..............................................................................................8 Project 1 ..................................................................................................................................................................8 Question 1 ..........................................................................................................................................................8 Question 2 ..........................................................................................................................................................9 Question 3 ........................................................................................................................................................15 Project 2 ................................................................................................................................................................17 Question 1 ........................................................................................................................................................17 Question 2: .......................................................................................................................................................19 Question 3 ........................................................................................................................................................21 Project 3 ................................................................................................................................................................23 Question 1 ........................................................................................................................................................24 Question 2 ........................................................................................................................................................25 Question 3 ........................................................................................................................................................26 3 Part A:DESIGN OF GROUNDING SYSTEM I: SELECTION AND DRAWING OF GROUNDING SYSTE CONFIGURATION + Draw the configuration: 4 II: MANUAL CALCULATION WITHOUT GEM CHEMICALS We have condition resistance: Ryc 4() Ptt K m * pd 1.5*1440 2160(m) + We choose the grounding method in a loop circuit: because the transformer is over 1000kVA, the ground current is high, so it is suitable for distribution transformers with capacity. We design it to include 100 grounding rods. + Resistance of 1 rod: rc Ptt 4* Lc 2* h Lc 2160 4*2.4 2*0.5 2.4 *[ln( )]* [ln( )* ] 674() 3 2 * Lc 1.36* d 4* h Lc 2 * 2.4 1.36*16*10 4*0.5 2.4 With n=100, we have: a 6 2.5 3 L 2.4 Check to the table => c 0.62,th 0.33 + Resistance of each row: rc ' rc 674 10.87() n *c 100*0.62 + Total length of the wire: Lt : Lt 9*6*10*2 1080(m) d 4* S 4*70*106 9.4*106 ( m) Ptt 4* Lt 2160 4*1080 *[ln( ) 1] *[ln( ) 1] 6.4() * Lt *1080 h*d 0.5*9.4*10 3 r 6.4 Rth th 19.4() th 0.33 rth Rc rc 674 ( ) nc *c 100 *0.62 RndHT Rth * Rc 10.9*19.4 7 4() Rth Rc 10.9 19.4 Does not meet the grounding requirements for large capacity transformers, so it is necessary to use GEM chemicals. 5 III. SIMULATION USING SOFTWARE 1. USING RODS Rc =10.636( ) 2. USING WIRE Rth =5.297( ) RndHT Rth * Rc 5.297 *10.636 3.5 4() Rth Rc 5.297 10.636 Meets the grounding requirements for large capacity transformers. 6 IV. COMMENTS AND EVALUATION Comments: • It is necessary to review the data, calculations, and select a reasonable grounding system according to the assignment requirements. • Calculate to find the most optimal method (number of rods, GEM chemicals) to save costs while still ensuring safety conditions as per regulations. • It is advisable to use software due to its quick calculations, high accuracy, optimization of the grounding system, and high complexity, especially regarding strict technical requirements. However, manual calculations are required with simple systems that can be flexibly adjusted to specific project requirements to save costs, when there is no software support. Evaluation: 1. After manual calculation and using gem software to simulate the results have many deviations: o Manual calculation does not meet the requirements for grounding large capacity transformers. o Calculation using GEM software meets the requirements for grounding large capacity transformers. 2. For transformer neutral grounding systems, if high accuracy and optimization are required, using GEM software will bring better efficiency. However, if the project conditions are not complicated and the cost is low, manual calculation can still be a suitable option. 7 PART B: DESIGN OF LIGHTNING PROTECTION SYSTEM Project 1 -Block 1(Yellow): D1 R1 C1=80m 50m 10m -Block 2(Green): D2 R2 C2=70m 50m 5m -Block 3(Blue): D3 R3 C3=50m 30m 7m Question 1: Design and calculate for arranging Franklin air terminal to protect the entire building? Comment? Location of air terminal 8 hx 10m amax (80 70) 2 (50 50)2 90.14m 2 r 1.6 h 1.6 h h hx p amax h hx h 10 1 90.14 h 10 h 73.95m Select h=74m hkim h hx =74-10=64m In conclusion: The air terminal is too heigh, It’s not feasible in reality Question 2: Design and calculation of lightning protection with central point and lightning protection with classical air terminal: Block 1 a=7 (h-hx) p=7 2 1=14 Consider 80m>14m no have imaginary air terminal, need to install more air terminal L a N= 1 = 80 1 =6.71 14 Select N=7 9 a= 80 =13.33m<14m 6 have imaginary air terminal, no need to install more air terminal h01 = h1 - 13.33 a = 12 =10.1m>10m 7 p 7 Consider 50m>14m no have imaginary air terminal, need to install more air terminal L a N= 1 = 50 1 =4.57 kim 14 Select N=5 kim a= 50 =12.5m<14m 4 have imaginary air terminal, need to install more air terminal h02 = h1 - 12.5 a = 12 =10.21m>10m 7 p 7 Block 3 h h 12 9 a11' = 1.6 h1 1 3 p = 1.6 12 =2.74 h1 h3 12 9 a1'3 =50- a11' =50-2.74=47.23m>14m no have imaginary air terminal, need to install more air terminal L a N= 1 = 47.23 1 =4.37 14 10 Select N=5 a= 47.23 =11.8m<14m 4 h03 = h3 - 11.8 a =9 =7.31m>7m 7 p 7 Consider 30m>14m no have imaginary air terminal, need to install more air terminal L a N= 1 = 30 1 =3.14 14 Select N=4 a= 30 =10m<14m 3 have imaginary air terminal, no need to install more air terminal h04 = h3 - 10 a = 9 =7.57m>7m 7 p 7 Block 2 h h 12 7 a11' = 1.6 h1 1 2 p = 1.6 12 =5.05m h1 h2 12 7 a1'2 =50- a11' =50-5.05=44.95m>14m no have imaginary air terminal, need to install more air terminal L a N= 1 = 44.95 1 =4.21 14 11 Select N=5 a= 44.95 =11.24m<14m 4 have imaginary air terminal, no need to install more air terminal h05 = h2 - 11.8 a =7 =5.31m>5m 7 p 7 h h 97 a33' = 1.6 h3 3 2 p = 1.6 9 =1,8m h3 h2 97 a23' =50- a33' =20-1.8=18.2m>14m no have imaginary air terminal, need to install more air terminal L a N= 1 = 18.2 1 =2.3 14 Select N=3 a= 18.2 =9.1m<14m 2 have imaginary air terminal, no need to install more air terminal h06 = h2 - 9.1 a = 7 =5.61m>5m 7 p 7 Consider 50m>14m 12 no have imaginary air terminal, need to install more air terminal L a N= 1 = 50 1 =4.5 14 Select N=5 a= 50 =12.5m<14m 4 have imaginary air terminal, no need to install more air terminal h07 = h2 - 12.5 a =7 =5.21m>5m 7 p 7 Consider 70>14m no have imaginary air terminal, need to install more air terminal L a N= 1 = 70 1 =6 14 Select N=6 a= 70 =14m=14m 5 have imaginary air terminal, no need to install more air terminal h08 = h2 - 14 a = 7 =5m 7 p 7 Consider the overall protection of block 1 D1 = 502 13.332 =51.74m> 8 (h1 hx1 ) p =16 Not satisfied, need to install more air terminal D1 ’= 12.52 13.332 =18.25 can accept Consider the overall protection of block 2 D2 = 502 9.12 =51.82m> 8 (h2 hx 2 ) p =16 Not satisfied, need to install more air terminal 13 D1 ’= 12.52 9.12 =15.45<16 satisfied Consider the overall protection of block 3 D2 = 302 11.82 =32.24m> 8 (h2 hx 2 ) p =16 Not satisfied, need to install more air terminal D1 ’= 102 11.82 =15.47<16 satisfied 12 10 h h r1 = 1.6 h1 1 x1 p = 1.6 12 =1.74m 12 10 h1 hx1 97 h h r3 = 1.6 h2 2 x 2 p = 1.6 9 =1.8m 97 h2 hx 2 75 h h r2 = 1.6 h3 3 x 3 p = 1.6 7 =1.87m 75 h3 hx 3 10.1 10 h h r01 = 1.6 h01 01 x1 p = 1.6 10.1 =0.08m 10.1 10 h01 hx1 10.21 10 h h r02 = 1.6 h02 02 x1 p = 1.6 10.21 =0.17m 10.21 10 h02 hx1 7.31 7 h h r03 = 1.6 h03 03 x 3 p = 1.6 7.31 =0.25m 7.31 7 h03 hx 3 7.57 7 h h r04 = 1.6 h04 04 x 3 p = 1.6 7.57 =0.47m 7.57 7 h04 hx 3 5.31 5 h h r05 = 1.6 h05 05 x 2 p = 1.6 5.31 =0.26m 5.31 5 h05 hx 2 5.61 5 h h r06 = 1.6 h06 06 x 2 p = 1.6 5.61 =0.52m 5.61 5 h06 hx 2 5.21 5 h h r07 = 1.6 h07 07 x 2 p = 1.6 5.21 =0.17m 5.21 5 h07 hx 2 55 h h r08 = 1.6 h08 08 x 2 p = 1.6 5 =0m 55 h08 hx 2 14 Total 91 air terminals Draw protection radius Question 3: Design and calculation of lightning protection using modern ESE air terminal: D 60m, I 15kA amax 1502 1002 90.14( m) 2 Select hkim 4m, T 60 S L 60m R p (5) 5*(2* D 5) L(L 2 D) 148,54m 4 R p1 (4) * R p (5) 118,54m 90,14m 5 R p2 (7) 7*(2* D 7) L(L 2 D) 149, 64m 90,14m 15 R p3 (9) 9*(2* D 9) L(L 2 D) 150,33m amax 62, 65m R pGround (14) 14*(2* D 14) L(L 2 D) 151,93 90,14m Drawing Faraday cage 16 Project 2 Question 1: Design and calculate for arranging Franklin air terminal to protect the entire building? Comment? Location of air terminal 17 602 7 2 amax 30.2m 2 h hx r 1.6 h p amax h hx 1.6 h h 45 5, 5 30.2 h 45 h h 94.22m Select h=95m hkim h hx 95 45 50m In conclusion: The air terminal is too heigh, It’s not feasible in reality 18 Question 2: Design and calculation of lightning protection with central point and lightning protection with classical air terminal: a1 7 *(h1 hx )* p 7 *(47 45)* 5.5 11.23(m) 47 Consider 7m < 11.23m have imaginary air terminal h01 h a 7 47 45.75m 45m 5.5 7* p 7* 47 Consider 40m>11.23m need to install more air terminal N 40 1 4.56 select N=5 kim 11.23 N 40 10 11.23 4 4 a 10 h02 h 47 45.2m 45m 5.5 7* p 7* 47 a 19 h h 5.5 a11' 1.6* h1 * 1 2 * 17.36( m) h1 h2 h1 a1'2 20 a11' 2.64 a2 7 * ( hx hx1 ) * p 7 *(26 24) *1 14m have imaginary air terminal h03 h1' a 2.64 26 25.62(m) and p=1 7* p 7*1 Consider 7m in block 2 : 7m<14m have imaginary air terminal 20 h04 h2 a 7 26 26(m) 7* p 7*1 Consider the protection of the entire building 1 D1 72 102 12.2 8*(hx hx1 )* p 8*(47 45)* 5.5 12.84(1) 47 Consider the protection of the entire building 2 D2 72 2.642 7.48 8*(h1 hx1 )* p 8*(26 24)*1 16(2) From (1),(2) satisfy 47 45 5.5 h h 1.31m r1 = 1.6 h1 1 x1 p = 1.6 47 47 45 h1 hx1 47 26 24 h h 1.66m r2 = 1.6 h2 2 x 2 p = 1.6 26 26 24 h2 hx 2 45.75 45 5.5 h h 0.01m r01 = 1.6 h01 01 x1 p = 1.6 45.75 45.75 45 h01 hx1 45.75 46.78 45 5.5 h h 1.17m r02 = 1.6 h02 02 x1 p = 1.6 46.78 46.78 45 h02 hx1 46.78 24.38 24 h h 0.31m r03 = 1.6 h03 03 x 2 p = 1.6 24.38 24.38 24 h03 hx 2 25 24 h h 0.82m r04 = 1.6 h04 04 x 2 p = 1.6 25 25 24 h04 hx 2 Total 14 air terminals Draw protection radius 21 Question 3: Design and calculation of lightning protection using modern ESE needles: Standard protection level ( I 15kA, D 60m ) amax 602 7 2 30.2m 2 hkim 2m, T 40 S L 40m R p (5) 5*(2* D 5) L(L 2 D) 81.46m 2 R p1 (2) * R p (5) 32.58m 30.2m 5 R p2 (23) 23*(23* D 23) L(L 2D) 92.9m 30.2m R p3round (47) 47 *(2* D 47) L(L 2 D) 99.15m 30.2m Drawing Faraday cage 22 Project 3 23 Question 1: Design and calculate for arranging Franklin air terminal to protect the entire building? Comment? Location of air terminal 482 602 6 41 38.42m => amax 2 r 1.6 h 1.6 h h hx p amax h hx h 12 1 38.42 h 12 h 42.7 m Select h=43 hkim h hx 43 12 31m In conclusion: The air terminal is too heigh, It’s not feasible in reality 24 Question 2: Design and calculation of lightning protection with central point and lightning protection with classical air terminal: tan 1 7 = 25 15 need to install lightning arrester belt amax 7 (h hx ) p 7 2 1 14m Consider 48m>14m no have imaginary air terminal, need to install more air terminal L a N= 1 = 48 1 =4.43 14 Select N=5 a= 48 = 12m<14m 4 have imaginary air terminal, no need to install more air terminal h01 = h a 12 14 12.3m 12m 7 p 7 r = 1.6 h 14 12 h hx =1.72m p = 1.6 14 14 12 h hx 25 12.23 12 h h 0.2m r01 = 1.6 h01 01 x p = 1.6 12.23 12.23 12 h01 hx Total 10 air terminals Draw protection radius Question 3: Design and calculation of lightning protection using modern ESE air terminal: Standard protection level ( I 15kA, D 60m ) 482 302 amax 28.3( m) 2 hkim 2m, T 40 S L 40m 26 R p (5) 5*(2* D 5) L(L 2 D) 83.52m 2 R p1 (2) * R p (5) 33.41m 28.3m 5 R p2 (9) 9*(23* D 9) L(L 2 D) 86,02m 28.3m R p3round (14) 14*(2* D 14) L(L 2 D) 88.79m 28.3m Drawing Faraday cage 27