Laboratory 1 Determine the Mass of Jupiter Equipment Name: _____________________________________ Pen/Pencil Calculator (You do not need a graphing calculator) Ruler (Provided in Class, or you may bring your own; ruler must measure millimeter increments.) The lab will be completed in class. It is your responsibility to print this lab out and bring it with you on lab day. To Do 1. Type a 1 page statement (single spaced, excluding figures) describing the principles of Kepler’s Laws of how plants move, and you should describe our solar system. a. This must be done before the day of the lab. b. You must get the instructor or the TA to initial it on lab day. 2. Complete the attached data sheets. Handwritten is fine; please write neatly. a. You must have your data sheets initialed by the instructor or the TA before you leave the classroom on lab day.