------------------------------------------ | ROADMAP TO FRONT-END DEVELOPMENT (BASIC) | ------------------------------------------ Session 1: FUNDAMENTAL OF HTML A. What is HTML? and Basic structure of an HTML document B. Common tags (headings, paragraphs, titles, links, images, lists) C. Form elements and attributes D. Input types and validation E. Semantic HTML tags (header, nav, section, article, footer) F. PROJECT: First landing page with HTML __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Session 2: FUNDAMENTAL OF CSS & GITHUB A. What is CSS? and Inline, internal, and external CSS B. Basic selectors and properties (color, background, font, text alignment) C. Box model (margin, border, padding, content) D. Positioning (static, relative, absolute, fixed) and Flexbox basics E. Introduction to git & Git-Hub and its setup F. PROJECT: Creating a simple layout with CSS __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Session 3: FUNDAMENTAL OF JAVASCRIPT (Session 3.1) ------------- A. What is JavaScript? and Variables, data types, and operators B. Basic syntax and control structures (if statements, loops) C. Introduction to functions D. Let, var and const (Session 3.2) ------------- E. Introduction to Higher-Order Functions (HOF) F. Document Object Model (DOM) Manipulation (getElementById, querySelector) G. Event handling (click, hover, etc.) H. Event bubbling and capturing (Session 3.3) ------------- I. Arrow functions J. Destructing arrays and objects K. Working with arrays (methods like push, pop, map, filter) (Session 3.4) ------------- L. Objects and their properties M. Working with asynchronous javascript (callbacks, promises, async/await) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Session 4: FUNDAMENTALS OF REACT JS A. What is ReactJS and JSX? B. React.createElement and render method C. Tailwind CSS D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K.