Republic of the Philippines Department of Education DIVISION OF ORIENTAL MINDORO ABM TRAINING PLAN FOR WORK IMMERSION Name of Student School Grade & Section Immersion Venue Strand/ Specialization Duration of Work Immersion Work Immersion Teacher Work Immersion Supervisor COMPETENCIES TASKS/ ACTIVITIES TIME ALLOTMENT 1. Explain the nature and role of the functional areas of the management 2. Analyse motivation, leadership and communication work in an organization 3. Analyse the nature of the organization and types of organization structure Reports to the company based on agreed time Receives orientation from the company/ establishment on the description of the product/ services, target clientele, organizational structure and rules and regulations Participates in the activities of the different offices that re responsible for the areas mentioned above Illustrate the formula and format for the preparation of budgets and projected financial statement** Prepares report on the activities performed Reports to the company based on the agreed time Receives orientation on the different process establishment Participates in the activities of the different offices that are responsible for the areas mentioned above Prepares report on the activities performed Performs hands on activities that are related to the skill acquired in his/her chosen field of specialization Perform other acquired tasks based on the agreement NAUJAN MUNICIPAL HIGH SCHOOL Andres Ylagan, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro 5204 Mobile No: 738-4426/ E-mail Address: 8 hours 8 hours 8 hours ACTUAL SCHEDULE REMARKS 4. Describes the nature of transactions in a service business 5. Solve simple problems and exercises in analyses of business transaction Differentiate the forms of business organization in terms of their purpose and role in socio-economic development** Renders report to the teacher and the industry supervisor for immersion Records the daily tasked performed Greet guests with courtesy and professionalism Direct clients to appropriate person/department Practice telephone etiquette Explore Job opportunities for the chosen field of specialization** Accomplish basic administrative errands Determine the objectives and structures of various kinds of report** Adhere to supervisor’s instruction accurately Courteously and effectively communicate to organizational personnel ________________________________ Student’s Signature over Printed Name ___________________________________ Work Immersion Teacher’s over Printed Name 8 hours 8 hours ________________________________ Parent’s Signature over Printed Name _______________________________________ Industry Supervisor’s Signature over Printed Name