PEAC MATH INSET 2023 HO 5.4 SLRP FOR ACQUISITION TEMPLATE 2023 PEAC JHS SUMMER INSET STANDARDS-BASED LEARNING RECOVERY PLAN (SLRP) TEMPLATE* Directions: Make a plan for undertaking learning recovery in your school by completing the table below. Check your plan for alignment across columns and review other indicators given for the rubric of this plan. SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS TOPIC: STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY GRADE: 10 TEACHER(S): QUARTER: 4 1 Missed Standard and LCs 2 Current Standard and LCs 3 Existing Curricular Materials 4 Stand Alone or Layered In 5 Mastery Expectations & Skill Breakdown *Standards/ LCs that are stand alone (as stated in column 1) 6 Mastery Expectations & Skill Breakdown *Standards/ LCs that are merged (as stated in column 4) 7 Rubric Focus 8 Interventio n or Remediatio n Strategies and Action 9 Plan For Curricular Materials 10 Timeline for Teaching Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understandin g of key concepts, uses, and importance of Statistics, data collection/gat hering and the different forms of data representatio n, measures of central tendency, measures of Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of measures of position. (G10Q4) In order for students to calculate a specified measure of position, they need to be able to calculate first the different measures of central tendency and variability of an ungrouped data. Hence, it is important that the missed LC is done well by The previous grade level’s missed LC may be merged in the teaching of the current grade level’s LC. N/A The learner is expected to be able to: Distinguished : I can evaluate the appropriatenes s of the statistical method used in analyzing and interpreting ungrouped data; and I can evaluate and compare the interpretation of the calculated values and accuracy of the specified Tier 1 Universal Instruction involving the use of the Chunking Complexity type of scaffolding and procedural and metacognitive forms of scaffolding. Existing materials will be updated with the inclusion of the missed learning competency involving the chunking complexity type of scaffolding and procedural form of scaffolding. Differentiation will be done by environment and content. The partially covered learning competency will be covered in Week 2 of the 4th Quarter in 8 class meetings. Performance Standard: The learner is able to conduct systematically a mini research applying the 1. Possible merged LC: The learner calculates the measures of central tendency, 2. calculate the measure of central tendenc y, variabilit y, and position of ungroup ed data. Use the appropri ate Differentiation in the environment and content will also be involved. Students will be checked on their mastery by Meeting 1: Modeling of the process of calculating the measures of central tendency of an ungrouped data. Meeting 2: variability, and probability. (G7Q4) Performanc e Standard: The learner is able to collect and organize data systematically and compute accurately measures of central tendency and variability and apply these appropriately in data analysis and interpretation in different fields. (G7Q4) Learning Competenc y: The learner: 1. calculates the measures of central tendency of ungrouped and grouped data. (M7SPIVf-g-1) 2. calculates the measures of variability (range, average deviation, variance, standard deviation) of different statistical methods (a) measures of central tendency, b) measures of variability, and c) measures of position) (G10Q4) Learning Competency: The learner calculates a specified measure of position (e.g., 90th percentile) of a set. (M10SP-IVb1) the students. variability, and position of ungrouped data; and use appropriat e measures of central tendency and variability in analyzing and interpretin g ungrouped data, and compare the calculated values of the specified measures of position. 3. measure of central tendenc y and variabilit y in analyzin g and interpret ing ungroup ed data. Compar e the calculate d values of the specified measure s of position. Learning Targets: 1. 2. I can calculate the measure of central tendenc y, variabilit y, and position of ungroup ed data. I can use the appropri ate measure of central measure of central tendency, variability, and position used. Proficient: I can use appropriate measures of central tendency and variability in analyzing and interpreting ungrouped data; and compare the calculated values of the specified measures of position. Developing: I can determine the appropriate measure of central tendency, variability to be used in analyzing a given data; and interpret the meaning of the calculated value of a specified measure of position. Emerging: I can calculate the specified measure of central tendency, variability and position of looking at the rubric scores on exercises involving groups and individual work. See procedures below. (Guided Practice) Worksheet 1 on calculating the measures of tendency of an ungrouped data to be answered in groups of four employing “Three Stay, One Stay”. Meeting 3: Modeling of the process of calculating the measures of variability of an ungrouped data. Meeting 4: (Guided Practice) Worksheet 2 on calculating the measures of variability of an ungrouped data to be answered in groups of four employing “Three Stay, One Stay”. Meeting 5: (Independent Practice) Worksheet 3 on using the appropriate measure of central tendency and variability in analyzing and interpreting grouped an ungrouped data. (M7SPIVh-i-1) 3. tendenc y and variabilit y in analyzin g and interpret ing ungroup ed data. I can compare the calculate d values of the specified measure s of position. ungrouped data. ungrouped data to be answered by two groups. Meeting 6: Modeling of the process of calculating the measures of position of an ungrouped data. Meeting 7: (Guided Practice) Worksheet 4 on calculating the measures of position of an ungrouped data to be answered in groups of four employing “Three Stay, One Stay”. Meeting 8: (Independent Practice) Worksheet 5 on comparing the calculated values of the specified measures of position to be answered individually. *adapted from National Institute for Excellence in Teaching (NIET) Rubric for Scoring Criteria: Performance Indicators calculates measures of central tendency and position of a given set of data. 1 Emerging I can calculate the specified measure of central tendency, variability and position of ungrouped data. 2 Developing 3 Proficient I can determine the appropriate measure of central tendency, variability to be used in analyzing a given data; and interpret the meaning of the calculated value of a specified measure of position. I can use appropriate measures of central tendency and variability in analyzing and interpreting ungrouped data; and compare the calculated values of the specified measures of position. 4 Distinguished I can evaluate the appropriateness of the statistical method used in analyzing and interpreting ungrouped data; and I can evaluate and compare the interpretation of the calculated values and accuracy of the specified measure of central tendency, variability, and position used. SYSTEMATIC AND EXPLICIT INTERVENTION PROCEDURES WITH SCAFFOLDING AND DIFFERENTIATION: Write systematic and explicit intervention procedures showing the following: a. learning targets b. type and form of scaffolding c. use of Acquisition strategies d. use of Differentiation Below are sample procedures: MEETING 1: (CALCULATE THE MEASURE OF CENTRAL TENDENCY OF AN UNGROUPED DATA) MODELING 1. Tell the students that they will learn to calculate the mean, median, and mode of an ungrouped data. 2. Distribute a copy of data that can be calculated using mean, median, and mode of an ungrouped data. 3. Let me demonstrate the first problem that can be calculated using the three measures of central tendency: “Listed below are the scores of randomly selected 10 Grade 7 students in their 20 – item Mathematics quiz: 10, 17, 12, 14, 15, 9, 13, 10, 11, and 18. Calculate the mean, median, and mode of the given set of data.” Explain to the students that each measure of central tendency has its corresponding formula. 4. So, let’s find out the answer to the given problem. Σ𝑥 In finding the mean of an ungrouped data, we will make use of the formula 𝑥̅ = 𝑁 . We have to add all the scores and divide it with the number of respondents. By doing so, we will now have the mean of 12.9. Next, we will try to calculate for the median. In calculating the median of an ungrouped data, we have to arrange first the given set of data in either increasing or decreasing order, 9, 10, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, and 18. Then, we have to find the median score. If the number of data points is odd, it means that our median is the middle value. If the number of data points is even, we have to get the average of the two middle values of the arranged data. Since our number of data points is even, we have to look for the two (2) middle values, which are 12 and 13, and divide it by 2. Therefore, we can now say that the median is 12.5. Lastly, we will now try to look for the mode. In looking for the mode of a given ungrouped data, we are just going to look for the most frequently occurring number or score. In this case, the number that occurred most is 10. 5. Now, let us consider another example in calculating the mean, median, and mode of an ungrouped data. “In a survey of 12 households, the number of children was found to be 4, 5, 5, 4, 3, 6, 2, 6, 3, 1, 4, and 2. Calculate the mean, median, and mode of the given ungrouped data.” We will repeat the process that we did earlier. In calculating the mean of an ungrouped data, we add all the scores and divide it with the number of respondents. By doing so, we will come up with the mean of 3.75. On the other hand, to calculate for the median, we have to arrange first the set of data in either increasing or decreasing order, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, and 6. In this case, our number of respondents is 12. So, to find the middle most number, we have to add the 6th and 7th data and divide it by 2. So, we have (4 + 4)/2 = 8/2 = 4. Therefore, our median is 4. Lastly, to calculate or look for the mode, we have to find the frequently occurring number or data. In this case, the frequently occurring number is 4. Therefore, our mode is 4. 6. So, to calculate the mean, median, and mode of an ungrouped data, we have to follow the steps below: a. MEAN: Add all the scores and divide it with the number of respondents. b. MEDIAN: Arrange the set of data in either increasing or decreasing order. Then, look for the middlemost score. c. MODE: Look for the most frequently occurring number or score in the given set of data. 7. Are you ready to try to do what I demonstrated? Don’t worry, I will be guiding you and you will be working in groups. 8. Now, let us try these steps again with another set of problems. MEETING 2: (CALCULATE THE MEASURES OF CENTRAL TENDENCY OF AN UNGROUPED DATA) GUIDED PRACTICE 1: Chunking Complexity and Procedural/Differentiation by Content and Environment 1. The class will be asked to state the steps in calculating the mean, median, and mode of an ungrouped data. 2. Worksheet 1 will be distributed to students. This worksheet is consisting of two parts with five (5) questions each: (1) a true or false and (2) multiple choice questions. 3. The students will answer the worksheet in group of four employing “Three Stay, One Stay”. Students will discuss a question. They will be numbered 1 – 4. After the students are discussing a number, I, the teacher, will call a number and that student will leave the group and tell the new group what they discussed. Then proceed to the next question. The process will be repeated until all the items are done. 4. Constantly monitor the students’ work and progress by roaming around the classroom and giving immediate feedback on how the students are doing the activity. 5. Once done, we have to check the students’ answer in the worksheets and have the students determine whether the answer is correct or not, and explain why. 6. Address difficulties encountered by the students in answering the worksheet. MEETING 3: (CALCULATE THE MEASURES OF VARIABILITY OF AN UNGROUPED DATA) MODELING 1. Tell the students that they will learn to calculate the measures of variability of an ungrouped data. 2. Distribute a copy of data that can be calculated using the measures of variability of an ungrouped data. 3. Let me demonstrate the first problem that can be calculated using measures of variability: Data Set A: 10, 9, 7, 7, 8, 9, 6, 7, 8 From the given data set, calculate for the range, average deviation, variance, and standard deviation. Explain to the students that each measure of variability has its corresponding formula. 4. So, let’s find out the answer to the given problem. In finding the range, we have to arrange the data in ascending order. Then find the highest and lowest score. Subtract the smallest score from the highest score. Data Set A = 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10 Range = highest score – lowest score = 10 – 6 = 4 Therefore, our range is 4. Σ𝑥 In finding the average deviation, we have to find the mean of the given data set using the formula, 𝑥̅ = 𝑛 . Σ𝑥 𝑥̅ = 𝑛 Σ𝑥 71 𝑥̅ = = = 𝟕. 𝟖𝟗 𝑛 9 Therefore, our mean is 7.89. After finding the mean, we have to find the deviation. 𝑑 = |6 − 7.89| = 1.89 𝑑 = |7 − 7.89| = 0.89 𝑑 = |7 − 7.89| = 0.89 𝑑 = |7 − 7.89| = 0.89 𝑑 = |8 − 7.89| = 0.11 𝑑 = |8 − 7.89| = 0.11 𝑑 = |9 − 7.89| = 1.11 𝑑 = |9 − 7.89| = 1.11 𝑑 = |10 − 7.89| = 2.11 Then find the sum of all the deviations and divide it by the number of data points to get the average deviation. Therefore, our average deviation is 1.01. Σ𝑑𝑖 AD = 𝑛 9.11 AD = = 𝟏. 𝟎𝟏 9 ̅)𝟐 𝚺(𝒙−𝒙 Lastly, we are going to calculate for the variance using the formula, 𝑠 2 = 𝑛+1 . To look for the variance, we have to find the mean of the given data set. Since, it was already calculated on the average deviation, we will just copy it, 7.89. Now, we proceed to calculating for Σ(𝑥 − 𝑥̅ )2 . To get the sum of squares, subtract the mean from each value, square it, and add them all. (𝑥 − 𝑥̅ )2 = (6 − 7.89)2 = 3.57 (𝑥 − 𝑥̅ )2 = (7 − 7.89)2 = 0.79 (𝑥 − 𝑥̅ )2 = (7 − 7.89)2 = 0.79 (𝑥 − 𝑥̅ )2 = (7 − 7.89)2 = 0.79 (𝑥 − 𝑥̅ )2 = (8 − 7.89)2 = 0.01 (𝑥 − 𝑥̅ )2 = (8 − 7.89)2 = 0.01 (𝑥 − 𝑥̅ )2 = (9 − 7.89)2 = 1.23 (𝑥 − 𝑥̅ )2 = (9 − 7.89)2 = 1.23 (𝑥 − 𝑥̅ )2 = (10 − 7.89)2 = 4.45 ̅)𝟐 = 𝟏𝟐. 𝟖𝟕 𝚺(𝒙 − 𝒙 Then, calculate for the variance using the formula. ̅) 𝟐 𝚺(𝒙 − 𝒙 𝑠2 = 𝑛+1 𝑠2 = 12.87 12.87 = = 1.287 9+1 10 Therefore, our variance is 1.287. Finally, we are now going to calculate the standard deviation. To look for the standard deviation, we are going to get the square root of the variance. 𝑠 = √1.287 = 1.13 Therefore, our calculated standard deviation is 1.13. 5. So, to calculate the measures of variability, we have to follow the steps below. RANGE: Arrange the data in ascending order. Then, subtract the smallest score from the highest score. AVERAGE DEVIATION: Find the mean. Find the deviation. Then find the sum of all the deviations and divide it by the number of data points to get the average deviation. VARIANCE: Find the mean. Find the deviation from the mean, square it all, add all, and divide it with (n + 1). STANDARD DEVIATION: Find the square root of the variance. Are you ready to try to do what I demonstrated? Don’t worry, I will be guiding you and you will be working in groups. Now, let us try these steps again with another set of problems. MEETING 4: (CALCULATE THE MEASURES OF POSITION OF AN UNGROUPED DATA) GUIDED PRACTICE 3: Chunking Complexity and Procedural/Differentiation by Content and Environment 1. The class will be asked to state the steps in calculating the measures of position of an ungrouped data. 2. Worksheet 2 will be distributed to students. This worksheet is consisting of two parts with five (5) questions each: (1) a true or false and (2) multiple choice questions. 3. The students will answer the worksheet in group of four employing “Three Stay, One Stay”. Students will discuss the questions. They will be numbered 1 – 4. After the students are done discussing one question at a time, the teacher, will call a number and that student will leave the group and tell the new group what they discussed. Then they will proceed to the next question. The process will be repeated until all the items are done. 4. Constantly monitor the students’ work and progress by roaming around the classroom and giving immediate feedback on how the students are doing the activity. 5. Once done, we have to check the students’ answer in the worksheets and have the students determine whether the answer is correct or not, and explain why. 6. Address difficulties encountered by the students in answering the worksheet. MEETING 5: (USE THE APPROPRIATE MEASURE OF CENTRAL TENDENCY AND VARIABILITY IN ANALYZING AND INTERPRETING UNGROUPED DATA) INDEPENDENT PRACTICE – Metacognitive and Procedural Scaffolding/Differentiation by Content and Environment 1. Distribute Worksheet 3 with a problem on using the appropriate measure of central tendency and variability in analyzing and interpreting ungrouped data. 2. The class will be divided into two groups in answering the worksheet. The 1st group will answer the problem using the measures of central tendency. The other group will answer the problem by calculating the measures of variability. 3. After answering the problem, the two groups will discuss their answer to come up with a sound conclusion. 4. Students will be reminded whether they were able to complete each step in calculating the measures of central tendency and position of an ungrouped data in their given problem. 5. The students will be asked about the significant learnings they gained while answering the different worksheets given. MEETING 6: (CALCULATE THE MEASURES OF POSITION OF AN UNGROUPED DATA) MODELING 1. Tell the students that they will learn to calculate the quartiles, deciles, or percentiles of an ungrouped data. 2. The students will define the three measures of position using the Vocabulary Map and identify its corresponding formula. 3. Distribute a copy of data that can be calculated using measures of position of an ungrouped data. 4. Let me demonstrate the first problem that can be calculated using the three measures of position: “Consider the data set B = {48, 39, 57, 32, 28, 63, 51, 54, 36}. Find the lower quartile, median and 75 th percentile.” Explain to the students that each measure of position has its corresponding formula. 5. So, let’s find out the answer to the given problem. In finding the measures of an ungrouped data, it all follows the same exact steps. The only difference is the formula that we’ll be using in each measure of position. 6. First thing to do is to arrange the data in an increasing order. Next, is to find the position of the k th quartile, decile, or percentile. Last step is to locate the position of the kth quartile, decile, or percentile in the given set of data. 7. To arrange the set of data in an ascending order, we have 28, 32, 36, 39, 48, 51, 54, 57, and 63. 8. Next is to find the position of the kth quartile, decile, or percentile using its corresponding formula. 𝑘(𝑛+1) QUARTILE: 𝑄𝑘 = 4 DECILE: 𝐷𝑘 = 𝑘(𝑛+1) 10 PERCENTILE: 𝑃𝑘 = 𝑘(𝑛+1) 100 To continue, we will use the formula 𝑄𝑘 = 𝑘(𝑛+1) 4 . Since we are looking for the lower quartile or 1st quartile, our k will be 1 and the n or the number of observations is 9. 𝑘(𝑛 + 1) 4 1(9 + 1) 1(10) 10 𝑄1 = = = = 2.5 4 4 4 This only means that our 1st quartile or lower quartile is located on the 2.5th score. And, the 2.5th score lies between 2nd and 3rd score. So, what we will do to get the 2.5th score is to find the value of the 2nd and 3rd score and divide it 32+36 by 2. We have, 2 = 𝟏𝟖. 𝟏𝟔 𝒐𝒓 𝟏𝟖. Therefore, our lower quartile which is located on the 2.5th score is 18.16 or 18. 9. Next, we will try to look for the median. To look for the median of a measures of position of an ungrouped data, we 𝑄𝑘 = will use the formula for finding the position of the 2nd quartile and we can also use the formula 𝑛+1 2 . Let’s try to use the two formulas if we will come up with the same correct answer. 10. First, let us use the formula for 2nd quartile. 𝑘(𝑛 + 1) 𝑄𝑘 = 4 2(9 + 1) 2(10) 𝑄2 = = =𝟓 4 4 This indicates that the median of the given set of data is located on the 5th score. Let us try to use the other formula. median = 𝑛+1 2 = 9+1 2 10 = 2 =𝟓 Since we both came up with the same answer, this only means that the median of the given set of data is located on the 5th score which is 48. 11. Lastly, let’s try to calculate for the 75th percentile of the given set of data. Since the data are already arranged in an increasing order, we will proceed to finding the kth position where the 75th percentile belongs. To do this, we will use 𝑘(𝑛+1) the formula 𝑃𝑘 = 100 . 𝑘(𝑛 + 1) 𝑃𝑘 = 100 75(9 + 1) 75(10) 750 𝑃75 = = = = 𝟕. 𝟓 100 100 100 This only means that the 75th percentile is located on the 7.5th score. And, if you will notice, 7.5th score lies between 54+57 7th and 8th score. So, what we will do is to find the value of the 7th and 8th score and divide it by 2. We have, 2 = 111 2 = 𝟓𝟓. 𝟓. Therefore, our 75th percentile which is located on the 7.5th score is 55.5. 12. Now, let us consider another example in calculating the quartiles, deciles, or percentiles of an ungrouped data. “Calculate the 6th decile of the following test scores of random samples of ten students: 35, 42, 40, 28, 15, 23, 33, 20, 18, and 28.” We will repeat the process that we did earlier. In calculating the decile of an ungrouped data, first thing that we have to do is to arrange the set of data in an increasing order, 15, 18, 20, 23, 28, 28, 33, 35, 40, and 42. After this, 𝑘(𝑛+1) we will proceed to finding the kth position of the 6th decile using the formula 𝐷𝑘 = 10 . 𝑘(𝑛 + 1) 𝐷𝑘 = 10 6(10 + 1) 6(11) 66 𝐷6 = = = = 6.6 ≅ 𝟕 10 10 10 Therefore, the 6th decile is located on the 7th position which is 33. Our 6th decile is 33. 13. So, to calculate the quartiles, deciles, or percentiles of an ungrouped data, we have to follow the steps below: a. Arrange the set of data in an increasing order. b. Find the kth position where the quartile, decile, or percentile belong. c. Locate the position of the kth quartile, decile, or percentile. 14. Are you ready to try to do what I demonstrated? Don’t worry, I will be guiding you and you will be working in groups. 15. Now, let us try these steps again with another set of problems. MEETING 7: (CALCULATE THE MEASURES OF POSITION OF AN UNGROUPED DATA) GUIDED PRACTICE 3: Chunking Complexity and Procedural /Differentiation by Content and Environment 1. The class will be asked to state the steps in calculating the measures of position. 2. Worksheet 4 will be distributed to students. This worksheet is consisting of two parts with five (5) questions each: (1) a true or false and (2) multiple choice questions. 7. The students will answer the worksheet in group of four employing “Three Stay, One Stay”. Students will discuss the questions. They will be numbered 1 – 4. After the students are done discussing one question at a time, the teacher, will call a number and that student will leave the group and tell the new group what they discussed. Then they will proceed to the next question. The process will be repeated until all the items are done. 3. Constantly monitor the students’ work and progress by roaming around the classroom and giving immediate feedback on how the students are doing the activity. 4. Once done, we have to check the students’ answer in the worksheets and have the students determine whether the answer is correct or not, and explain why. 5. Address difficulties encountered by the students in answering the worksheet. MEETING 8: (COMPARE THE CALCULATED VALUES OF THE SPECIFIED MEASURES OF POSITION) INDEPENDENT PRACTICE – Metacognitive and Procedural Scaffolding/Differentiation by Content and Environment 1. Distribute Worksheet 5 with varied problems on comparing the calculated values of the specified measures of position. 2. The students will answer the worksheet individually. 3. Students will be reminded whether they were able to complete each step in calculating the specified measures of position of an ungrouped data and compare them. 4. The students will be asked about the significant learnings they gained while answering the different worksheets given.