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Physics Poster Activity: Wave Nature of Light

Mr. Zhao
Unit 4 Poster Activity
Physics in Action
If you have a pair of sunglasses, then you have experienced light at a different level. Sunglasses
have filters that block the some directions of vibrations of light so less light goes into your eyes.
This is all because light travels as a wave and vibrates in all directions. A vertical filter will block
all directions of vibrations of light except for the vertical direction. This does not mean you see
less, it just means you see the same with less intensity.
Analyse technologies that use the wave nature of light, and assess the technologies’
social and environmental impact.
Analyse, with reference to the principles related to the wave nature of light, a
technology that uses these principles (e.g., Xeon lights, spectroscopes, polarized
Assess the impact on society and the environment of technologies that use the
wave nature of light (e.g., DVDs, polarized lenses, night vision goggles, wireless
Your poster should contain the following components:
• Technology
Select a technology of your choice that relates to the wave nature of light. First,
provide a solid background information on this operation of technology (who, what,
why, when, how, etc...). Then, analyse its theoretical principles with respect to
knowledge learned in class.
Your background component should also contain calculations to support the
function of the technology or procedure. You must use equations learned in class
and then some.
There should be graphics that support important sections of the background.
• Social and Environmental Impacts
Research issues, controversies, and challenges the technology poses on the society
and the environment. These impacts can be but not limited to: social, economical,
environmental, …
Devise logical and potential solutions to the aforementioned issues, controversies,
and challenges.
There should be graphics that support important sections of the impacts.
Q: How many people are in a group?
A: You can do this alone or a maximum of 5 people in a group.
Q: What if I someone has the same technological device as my group or can two groups do the same
A: I would highly encourage you to find something unique because you don’t want to be the
group that produces a lower quality work of the same product.
Q: Do we need to present it in class?
A: No, you just need to submit it to complete the assignment.
Q: Do I need to do it by hand?
A: No, you can determine what works best for you. If you like drawing and you think you can
create an amazing piece of Physics art work by hand, please do that! However, you can use any
software you want.
Q: Can we just copy pictures from the internet and put them on the poster?
A: Taking graphics and other resources from the internet without proper citation will be treated
as plagiarism and you will receive a grade of zero. Remember, this is your own poster, it is
designed to help you learn and connect the dots. If you just grab anything from the internet and
putting them together, you are missing the point of the assignment. However, if you really like
a certain graphic, you should always use the correct citation format, please refer to the standard
APA citation. All citations go on the back of the poster.
Q: For the impacts, what if my technological device has no environmental impacts at all or no social
impacts at all?
A: It is very normal that some technological devices may not have obvious impacts, like
environmental impacts. But you should always try to think about how the technological
device’s potential impact, positive and/or negative way, in that area. As long as your thoughts
contain logic and are reasonable, it will be fine.
Speak to me in person regarding all other issues and questions.
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
The poster contains all
underlying conceptual
The knowledge
components are explained
clearly and thoroughly
The poster contains most
of the underlying
conceptual knowledge
except for one or two
parts missing. The
knowledge components
are explained well
The poster contains some
of the underlying
conceptual knowledge
with some parts missing.
The knowledge
components are not
explained well
The poster contains a
limited amount of
underlying conceptual
The knowledge
components are not
The poster utilizes the
conceptual knowledge
extremely well and
incorporates plentiful
calculations to enhance
the delivery
The poster utilizes the
conceptual knowledge
well and incorporates
some calculations to
enhance the delivery
The poster utilizes some
conceptual knowledge and
incorporates a few
calculations to support the
The poster utilizes
limited conceptual
knowledge and
incorporates little to no
calculations to support
the delivery
The production is
artistically created with
colour and it conveys
information clearly with
easy to understand
passages. There are no
spelling errors and
grammar mistakes.
The production contains
good art with some colour
and it conveys
information with a lot of
clear passages. There are
a few spelling errors and
grammar mistakes.
The production has basic
pencil art with shading and
it conveys information
with some degree of
clarity. There are frequent
spelling errors and
grammar mistakes.
The production contains
minimal and/or rough
looking pencil art and it
does not convey
information effectively.
The poster blends all
components flawlessly
and contains a seamless
transition from one to the
The poster blends some
parts well and contains a
good transition from one
to the other.
The poster blends different
parts to limited degree and
contains insufficient
transition from one to the
Components are
randomly pieced
together. There is no
transition from one to
the other.