USNA THERMAL -FLUID SCIENCES FIRST EDITION WARZOHA , SMITH AND BROWNELL  PAGE 1 Introduction ....................................................................................................9 Chapter 1: Introduction to Fluid Mechanics ...................................................10 Fluid properties .......................................................................................................11 Dimensions and Units ...........................................................................................11 Pressure ..............................................................................................................13 Ideal Gas Law .....................................................................................................13 Pressure vs. Depth ...............................................................................................15 Example 1.1 - Surviving the ocean (depth-pressure problem) ................................................16 Example 1.2 - How high is too high? (depth-pressure problem) .............................................16 Measuring Pressure .............................................................................................17 Common Errors when Calculating Pressure ............................................................18 Example 1.3 - Differential U-tube manometer ......................................................................19 Example 1.4 - Extending the range of a manometer with multiple uids (U-tube) ...................21 Fluid Statics ............................................................................................................23 Forces on Planar, Stationary Surfaces ...................................................................23 Example 1.5 - Hydrostatic forces on the Three Gorges dam spillway gate .............................27 Pressure Prisms ....................................................................................................31 Example 1.6 - Force on a vertical wall with water/oil separation ..........................................37 Example 1.7 - Force on a levee .........................................................................................39 Buoyancy ............................................................................................................41 Example 1.8 - Iced water ...................................................................................................43 Stability ..............................................................................................................44 Fluid Dynamics........................................................................................................49 Conservation of Mass ..........................................................................................49 Bernoulli Equation ...............................................................................................51 Applications of the Bernoulli Equation...................................................................53 Example 1.9 - Squirt gun (free jet - Bernoulli) ......................................................................57 Example 1.10 - Pitot-static tube (Bernoulli) ...........................................................................59 Conservation of Momentum .................................................................................60 Example 1.11 - Vane-water Jet ............................................................................................63                               fl  PAGE 2 Example 1.12 - Nozzle/elbow combination .........................................................................66 Dimensional Analysis ...........................................................................................68 Example 1.13 - Rise of capillary uid ..................................................................................80 Example 1.14 - Contraction in a pipe ..................................................................................83 Example 1.15 - Explosion from an atomic bomb ..................................................................86 Modeling ............................................................................................................89 Example 1.16 - Scaling a spillway .......................................................................................91 Fluid Kinematics and the Navier-Stokes Equation ...................................................93 Example 1.17 - Fluid ow between two stationary plates (Poiselle ow) ................................98 Example 1.18 - Fluid ow between a stationary plate and a moving plate ...........................101 Introduction to Laminar and Turbulent Flow .........................................................104 Internal ow .........................................................................................................104 Pipe Flow ..........................................................................................................104 Example 1.19 - Calculating major head loss in a pipe ........................................................108 Example 1.20 - Pumping pressurized water .......................................................................115 Example 1.21 - Sizing a pool pump ...................................................................................117 Multi-path Flow in Piping Systems ........................................................................119 Pump Curves and Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) ...........................................120 Example 1.22 - Using pump curves ...................................................................................126 External ow.........................................................................................................129 Boundary Layers ...............................................................................................129 Drag Forces ......................................................................................................136 Example 1.23 - External ow parallel to a at plate (drag force) .......................................139 Example 1.24 - Drag force acting on a parachute .............................................................145 Lift Forces..........................................................................................................147 Example 1.25 - Lift Force acting on a commercial aircraft ...................................................151 Chapter 2: Introduction to Heat Transfer ....................................................154 Fundamental Modes ..............................................................................................155 Conduction Heat Transfer ...................................................................................156 Example 2.1. - Heat transfer through a copper rod ............................................................159 Example 2.2. - Conduction heat transfer through a composite wall .....................................160                                fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl  PAGE 3 Convection Heat Transfer ...................................................................................162 Example 2.3. - Cartridge heater operating at steady-state .................................................165 Radiation Heat Transfer......................................................................................166 Thermal Resistor Analysis .......................................................................................169 Example 2.4 - Plane wall, series resistor ............................................................................171 Example 2.5 - Plane wall, parallel resistor.........................................................................173 Example 2.6 - Thermal transport in a pipe with moving uids, series resistor .......................175 Example 2.7 - Heat ow in a multi-layered cable ...............................................................177 Example 2.8 - Heat transfer in a pipe with moving uids, parallel resistor ...........................179 Example 2.9 - Boiler screen tube (energy balance and heat transfer rate per unit length) ....183 Extended Surfaces and Heat Sinks ......................................................................185 Example 2.10 - Rectangular n .........................................................................................191 Example 2.11 - Pin ns and parallel paths for heat ow .....................................................193 Example 2.12 - Circular annular ns ..................................................................................196 Contact Thermal Resistance ................................................................................199 Example 2.13 - Contact thermal resistance in an electronic component ...............................201 External Convection Heat Transfer..........................................................................204 Laminar Flow over a Flat Plate............................................................................206 Example 2.14 - Convection heat transfer over a at plate ...................................................212 Cylinders in Cross Flow ......................................................................................215 Example 2.15 - Cylindrical heater in an oil bath.................................................................217 Chapter 3: Introduction to Thermodynamics ...............................................219 Introduction and Systems .......................................................................................220 Introduction to Systems ......................................................................................220 Properties, Units, and Temperature .........................................................................223 Terminology ......................................................................................................223 Properties .........................................................................................................225 Temperature and the 0 Law of Thermodynamics ..................................................226 Example 3.1 - Finding gas pressure in a spring-piston system .............................................229 Energy and the First Law of Thermodynamics ..........................................................231 Heat and Work Energy..........................................................................................233                                fl fl fl fl fi fi fl fi  PAGE 4 Heat Energy, Q .................................................................................................233 Work Energy, W ...............................................................................................233 Power ...............................................................................................................234 Types of Work ...................................................................................................234 Energy Transfers Between states and boundary work ..............................................236 States, Paths, and Boundary Work .....................................................................236 Path Types ........................................................................................................242 First Law for Closed Systems ..............................................................................243 Example 3.2 - Calculating Boundary Work .......................................................................245 Example 3.3 - First Law Energy Balance and Boundary Work .............................................246 Finding Thermodynamic Properties .........................................................................247 Ideal Gases ......................................................................................................247 Finding Properties for Ideal Gases in Underspeci ed Cases..................................250 Calculating Boundary Work for Ideal Gases .......................................................252 Example 3.4 - Air Processes (Ideal Gases and Paths) .........................................................253 Pure Substances ................................................................................................255 Phases of Pure Substances and Corresponding Phase Diagrams ...........................255 The Vapor Dome ...............................................................................................258 Property Tables (Pure Substances): Determining Phase .........................................259 Property Tables (Pure Substances): Extracting Properties ......................................264 Example 3.5 - Cooled Refrigerant ....................................................................................270 Thermodynamic Properties for Incompressible Substances (Oil, Sea Water, etc.) ...273 Example 3.6 - Cooling of Copper (Incompressible Substance) ............................................274 Open Systems .......................................................................................................276 Conservation of Mass ........................................................................................276 Conservation of Energy .....................................................................................277 Open Systems Analysis .........................................................................................280 Nozzles and Diffusers........................................................................................280 Example 3.7 - Analyzing a Nozzle ...................................................................................282 Turbines ............................................................................................................283                               fi  PAGE 5 Example 3.8 - Analyzing a Steam Turbine .........................................................................284 Pumps and Compressors ....................................................................................287 Throttles ............................................................................................................288 Heat Exchangers ...............................................................................................288 Example 3.9 - Combination Heat Exchanger .....................................................................292 Heat Exchanger Analysis: Effectiveness-NTU ...........................................................296 Heat Exchanger Types .......................................................................................296 Overall Heat Transfer Coef cient ........................................................................300 Example 3.10 - Calculating an Overall Heat Transfer Coef cient ........................................302 Effectiveness-NTU Method .................................................................................305 Example 3.11 - Effectiveness-NTU: Determining Outlet Temperatures (CASE A) ....................309 Example 3.12 - Effectiveness-NTU: Sizing a Heat Exchanger (CASE B) .................................312 Introduction to Thermodynamic Cycles ....................................................................314 Second Law of Thermodynamics .............................................................................318 Carnot Cycle .....................................................................................................318 Entropy and the Clausius Inequality.....................................................................319 Finding Entropy .................................................................................................321 Isentropic Processes ...........................................................................................322 Isentropic Ef ciencies .........................................................................................324 Example 3.13 - Isentropic Ef ciency of a Steam Turbine .....................................................327 Example 3.14 - Isentropic Ef ciency of a Pump ..................................................................330 Chapter 4: Thermodynamic Systems ..........................................................332 Introduction to Combustion Processes .....................................................................333 Fuels .................................................................................................................333 Combustion Air .................................................................................................334 Combustion Reaction .........................................................................................334 Air-Fuel Ratio ....................................................................................................335 Heating Values ..................................................................................................336 Example 4.1 - Combustion in a Gas Turbine Engine ...........................................................338 Otto Cycle ............................................................................................................340                               fi fi fi fi fi  PAGE 6 Thermodynamic Analysis ....................................................................................343 Example 4.2 - Otto Cycle .................................................................................................345 Diesel Cycle ..........................................................................................................348 Thermodynamic Analysis ....................................................................................351 Example 4.3 - Diesel Cycle...............................................................................................353 Gas Turbine Engines (Brayton Cycle) ......................................................................356 Ideal Brayton Cycle ...........................................................................................358 Non-ideal Brayton Cycle ....................................................................................359 Example 4.4 - Non-ideal Brayton Cycle .............................................................................361 Regenerative Brayton Cycle ...............................................................................363 Example 4.5 - Regenerative Brayton Cycle........................................................................366 Split-Shaft Gas Turbines .........................................................................................368 Example 4.6 - Split-shaft Gas Turbine ................................................................................369 Jet Propulsion Cycles .............................................................................................372 Turbojet Engines ................................................................................................372 Example 4.7 - Turbojet Engine ..........................................................................................374 Vapor Power Cycles ..............................................................................................377 Ideal Rankine Cycle ...........................................................................................377 Example 4.8 - Ideal Rankine Cycle ...................................................................................381 Real Rankine Cycle ............................................................................................384 Example 4.9 - Real Rankine Cycle ....................................................................................385 Reheat Rankine Cycle ........................................................................................389 Example 4.10 - Reheat Rankine Cycle ...............................................................................391 Nuclear Power ......................................................................................................395 Principles of Nuclear Fission ...............................................................................395 Types of Nuclear Reactors .................................................................................397 Example 4.11 - Pressurized Water Reactor ........................................................................402 Vapor Compression Refrigeration/Heat Pumps ........................................................407 Thermodynamic Analysis ....................................................................................407 Example 4.12 - Vapor Compression Refrigeration ..............................................................409 Appendix ....................................................................................................412                                 PAGE 7 Unit conversions ....................................................................................................413 Values of Surface Roughness for pipe ow ..............................................................415 Additional Drag coef cients over 3-D Bodies ...........................................................416 Additional Drag coef cients over Real Bodies .........................................................417 Fluid Properties (SI Units) .......................................................................................418 Fluid Properties (BG Units) .....................................................................................422 Thermal Properties of Solids...................................................................................424 Thermal Properties of Fluids ...................................................................................429 Ideal Gas Speci c Heats (SI) .................................................................................435 Ideal Gas Speci c Heats (EEU) ..............................................................................436 Saturated Water - Temperature Table (SI) ...............................................................437 Saturated Water - Pressure Table (SI) .....................................................................440 Superheated Water Table (SI)................................................................................443 Saturated R-134a - Temperature Table (SI) ..............................................................449 Saturated R-134a - Pressure Table (SI) ....................................................................451 Superheated R-134a Tables (SI) .............................................................................453 Saturated Water - Temperature Table (EEU) ............................................................456 Saturated Water - Pressure Table (EEU) ..................................................................459 Superheated Water Table (EEU) .............................................................................461 Compressed Liquid Water Table (EEU) ...................................................................467 Saturated R-134a - Temperature Table (EEU)...........................................................468 Saturated R-134a - Pressure Table (EEU) .................................................................470 Superheated R-134a Tables (EEU) ..........................................................................472                        fl fi fi fi fi  PAGE 8 INTRODUCTION A practical understanding of uid mechanics, thermodynamics and heat transfer is critical for the design and implementation of propulsive and energy systems that are themselves vital to national infrastructure and the operation of defense systems. This textbook is designed to provide undergraduate-level engineering students with su cient knowledge to understand, analyze and design practical engineering systems that (1) produce power and (2) cool or heat an environment. This text begins with a rudimentary treatment of insight into topics that include uid mechanics. The student will gain uid properties and units, pressure measurements, uid statics, uid dynamics and dimensional similitude. We place a speci c emphasis on Naval applications throughout the text, given the unique background of the instructors. However, we note that this textbook can serve as a valuable reference for any engineering discipline. Likewise, we introduce students to basic concepts in thermodynamics and heat transfer. Because of the unique nature of the course, we introduce topics in heat transfer prior to those introduced for thermodynamics. To overcome issues associated with the sequence of instruction, we provide students with a basic formulation of the rst law of thermodynamics in our introduction of heat transfer. Topics covered in heat transfer include the basic modes of thermal transport (Conduction, Convection and Radiation), thermal resistor networks, heat sink design and analysis, coupled heat transfer and uid ow and heat exchanger design. It is important to understand that this material is not intended as a substitute for a standard undergraduate course in heat transfer. Finally, we cover both the foundational and practical elements of thermodynamics for undergraduate engineers. Topics include conventional thermodynamic properties, energy conservation, second law analyses (Carnot cycle and device e ciencies), closed and open system analyses and the fundamental aspects of thermodynamic cycles (Otto, Diesel, Brayton, split-shaft gas turbines, aircraft engines, Rankine and vapor-compression). This book is meant to provide students with an adequate resource for the treatment of uid mechanics, thermodynamics and heat transfer in courses that are not tethered to Mechanical Engineering curricula. fl fl ffi fi fl fi ffi fl fl fl fl fl  PAGE 9 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION TO FLUID MECHANICS OVING WATER COURSE PURSUANT OCCASIONS OBSTACLE THE IN COURSE ITS IT STRIVES IT PATH, HAS TO MAINTAIN TO THE POWER AND, IF IT COMPLETES COMMENCED BY WHICH FINDS THE A THE SPAN AN OF CIRCULAR A N D R E VO LV I N G M OV E M E N T . - Leonardo Da Vinci What Causes the Eddies of Water, Da Vinci’s Notebooks  PAGE 10 luid properties are fundamental to our understanding of uid movement and for the design of energy systems. You are likely to have seen many of these properties while studying Mechanics and Electricity and Magnetism in your primary physics courses. In fact, much of the work you’ll do as part of this course will draw on the concepts you learned in Physics and Chemistry. Before we get ahead of ourselves, it is important to get a sense for the dimensions, units and properties that you’ll use extensively in this textbook and in the homework problems you solve. Dimensions and Units In our study of the thermal- uid sciences (and, coincidentally, all areas of Mechanics), there is some basic terminology that is useful to become familiar with. In particular, properties are typically distinguished by whether they are intensive or extensive. It is useful to rst visualize the di erence between the two before we de ne them. Examine the image below, which represents your classroom. We will consider the air inside of the classroom, which has some volume, mass, temperature, pressure and density. Now consider what happens to each parameter when you draw an imaginary line down the middle of the room. Mass, m 1 V 2 1 m 2 1 V 2 1 m 2 Temperature, T T T Pressure, P P P Density, ρ ρ ρ Classroom Volume, V Figure 1.1. Two-dimensional schematic representation of a classroom that is lled with air. Consider what happens to the quantities of volume (V), mass (m), temperature (T), pressure (P) and density (ρ) when you look at two halves of the class independently. fi fi ff  fl fl fi  P A G E 11        FLUID PROPERTIES and the mass are both halved when the room itself is split into two equal portions, while the temperature, pressure and density remain the same on each side. In other words, some properties depend on the size or extent of the system. These properties are termed Extensive Properties. Conversely, properties that do not depend on the size or extent of the system are called Intensive Properties. In many of the problems we will solve in both EM316 and EM317, we will focus exclusively on speci c properties. These properties are extensive properties that are normalized (i.e. divided by) mass. A few examples of speci c properties are included in the table below. Table 1.1. The "total" and "speci c" forms of the extensive uid properties discussed above. Units are provided for both SI (Standard Imperial, or metric) and EEU (English Engineering Units), which are included in brackets and separated by a comma. Forms of Properties Property Name Total Value [Units] Speci c Value [Units] Volume V [m 3, f t 3] V m3 f t 3 , m * [ kg lbm ] Internal Energy U [k J, Bt u] Heat Capacity Cp U k J Bt u , m * [ kg lbm ] k J Bt u , [K R ] cp kJ Bt u , [ kg ⋅ K lbm ⋅ R ] *Note: m in the denominator is mass, and not meters as in the corresponding units in the brackets. Note that cp in the bottom right cell is lower case to indicate Cp /m * . Speci c properties are useful in that they allow us to compare systems independent of mass. Other important properties that we will utilize throughout the next few chapters are included in Table 1.2., below. Table 1.2. Important properties that will be relevant to those discussed in this chapter. Types of Properties Property Name Symbols Relationship Density ρ Viscosity μ Speci c Gravity SG ρH2O Speci c Weight γs ρ⋅g Pressure P F A Units Values (Water)** Values (Air)** SI* EEU* SI EEU SI EEU m V kg m3 lbm f t3 1000 62.3 1.20 0.0752 Experiment kg m⋅s lbm ft ⋅ s 1.00 ⋅ 10−3 6.73 ⋅ 10−4 1.83 ⋅ 10−5 1.23 ⋅ 10−5 - - 11.8 0.0752 ρf Unitless N m3 N m2 1.00 lbf f t3 lbf in 2 9810 62.3 Pressure varies with altitude/depth!! *Note: SI = System International, EEU = English engineering units; **These are properties taken at standard pressure and temperature.  fl fi fi  fi  fi fi  fi PA G E 12 fi                          Our question, now, is what happened to each of these properties? Notice that the volume One of the important concepts covered in this chapter is termed Hydrostatics. In uid mechanics, we are often concerned with forces that are acting on solid objects by a uid. Typically, we concern ourselves with either the force distribution along the surface of the object, or the resultant force acting on the object. Before we can calculate either, we must familiarize ourselves with the general concept of Pressure. Mathematically, we recognize pressure as an applied force from a uid that is normal to a solid surface per unit area, F P= A (1.1) We relate pressure to either an absolute zero reference or a local atmospheric pressure. Our observation and measurement of pressure deans on knowledge of both, and how they relate to one another. The diagram below is a useful reference for de ning each type. P Pabs,2 Pgauge = Pabs,2 − Patm Patm Pabs = 0 Pvac = Patm − Pabs,1 Pabs,1 Figure 1.2. Schematic of the relationships between atmospheric pressure (Patm), absolute pressure (Pabs), gage pressure (Pgage) and vacuum pressure (Pvac). Often, Patm is referenced to year-round average conditions at mid-latitude and sea-level conditions. These values can be assumed when no atmospheric pressure is de ned, where, 1 atm ≈ 14.7 psia 1 atm = 101.325 kPa 1 atm = 760 mm Hg 1 atm = 29.92 in Hg N lbf 5 , 1 Pa = 1 , 1 bar = 10 Pa, 1 mm Hg = 1 torr. Also note that 1 kPa = m2 in 2 1000 Pa and 1 MPa = 106 Pa. Note: 1 psia = Ideal Gas Law fl fl  fi fl  fi          PAG E 13         Pressure When the uid of interest is a gas that is far from condensing, the relationship between its pressure, volume and temperature can be described by the Ideal Gas Law as, p⋅V=m⋅R⋅T (1.2) where both the temperature and the pressure are written in absolute units. Thus, the pressure is an absolute pressure and the temperature is written in either K (SI units) or R (EEU). Additionally, m represents the mass of the gas (kg or lbm) and R is the speci c gas constant. The speci c gas constant for several common gases is provided in Table 1.3. Table 1.3. Speci c gas constants for some common gases. Speci c Gas Constants Ideal Gas R kJ ( kg ⋅ K ) R psi a ⋅ f t 3 ( lbm ⋅ R ) R psi a ⋅ f t 3 ( slug ⋅ R ) Air 0.2870 0.3704 11.92 Oxygen (O2) 0.2598 0.3353 10.79 Nitrogen (N2) 0.2968 0.3830 12.32 Argon (Ar) 0.2081 0.2686 8.64 Helium (He) 2.0769 2.6809 86.26 Methane (CH4) 0.5182 0.6688 21.52 Propane (C3H8) 0.1885 0.2433 7.83 Hydrogen (H2) 4.1240 5.3324 171.53 Xenon (Xe) 0.06332 0.08172 2.63 Neon (Ne) 0.4119 0.5316 17.10 It should also be noted that Eqn. 1.2 can be rewritten in terms of density (ρ) or speci c volume (ν, where ν = 1/ρ) as, p =ρ⋅R⋅T (1.3) p⋅ν =R⋅T (1.4) and, fi  fi     fl fi  fi        fi    PAG E 14 Pressure vs. Depth It is quite likely that, provided you have travelled by air or been submerged under water, you have experienced a variation in pressure with altitude (or depth) that accompanies a relatively static uid under the in uence of a gravitational eld. Let’s take a column of uid and perform a straightforward equilibrium analysis, p Cross-sectional area, Ac h y W p + Δp If you look at the forces acting in the - y direction, it is obvious that some additional pressure (Δp) is required to keep the uid at rest. Thus, constructing a force balance (recall, F = P⋅Ac) in y yields, ∑ Fy = 0 = (p + Δp) ⋅ Ac − p ⋅ Ac − W (1.5) W = m ⋅ g = ρ ⋅ V ⋅ g = ρ ⋅ Ac ⋅ h ⋅ g (1.6) where, After distributing Ac in the rst term (p+Δp) and cancelling pressure terms, we obtain, Δp = ρ ⋅ g ⋅ h (1.7) Provided with Eqn. 1.7, we can say the pressure in a static uid changes with height! fl fi   fl fl  fi  fl  fl       PAG E 15 Humans can withstand a maximum of 58 psia of pressure under water. If the pressure at the top of the ocean is approximately atmospheric pressure, what is the maximum depth you can dive to without sustaining bodily harm? Solution The pressure at the top of the ocean is 14.7 psia, while the pressure at our maximum depth is 58 psia. Thus, Δp = 58 lbf lbf lbf − 14.7 = 43 . 3 in 2 in 2 in2 Now, we manipulate Eqn. 1.4 to solve for h as, h= lbf 43.3 144in 2 1ft 2 ⋅ 2 Δp in = ft lbm ρ⋅g 62.3 ⋅ 32.2 ⋅ ft 3 s2 ≈ 100ft 1lbf 32.2 lbm2⋅ ft s Example 1.2 - How high is too high? (depth-pressure problem) The highest altitude having an urban settlement exists in La Rinconada Puno, Peru, which is 5100 m above sea level. How much does the air pressure change at this height? Assume the gas density does not change, despite the large elevation change. Solution To determine the change in pressure above sea level, Δ p, we can again utilize equation 1.4 in its native form, Δp = ρ ⋅ g ⋅ h = 1.20 kg m ⋅ 9.8 ⋅ 5100m ⋅ m3 s2 1N = 59,976 1kg ⋅ m N 1Pa 1kPa ⋅ ⋅ ≈ 59 . 9kPa N m2 1000Pa 1 2 m s2 This means that for a standard atmospheric pressure of Patm = 101.325 kPa, the air pressure in La Rinconda Puno is ≈ 40 kPa. Consider that climbers often refer to elevations that result in anything less than 40 kPa a "Death Zone" and it becomes clear that living in these conditions for long periods of time can have signi cant negative consequences on long-term health.   fi    PAG E 16   Example 1.1 - Surviving the ocean (depth-pressure problem) Pressure measurements can be made using a variety of devices. Several standard devices, shown below, can be used to measure particular pressures (or relative pressures). Each device takes advantage of the relationship between pressure and depth (or height) that was outlined in the previous section. A Patm h h Patm 1 A Pabs, A = Patm + ρ ⋅ g ⋅ h Patm = ρ ⋅ g ⋅ h Manometer Barometer !B Patm A B h3 A h2 !A h1 h2 !A h1 !m !m PA = Patm + ρm ⋅ g ⋅ h 2 − ρA ⋅ g ⋅ h1 PB − PA = ρA ⋅ g ⋅ h1 − ρm ⋅ g ⋅ h 2 − ρB ⋅ g ⋅ h 3 U-tube Manometer Di erential U-tube Manometer Figure 1.3. Devices used to measure atmospheric (Barometer), absolute (Manometer and U-tube Manometer), and di erential pressure (Di erential U-tube Manometer) A barometer is used to measure atmospheric pressure by reading the height from point 1 to point A. As the atmospheric pressure increases, so too does the height of the column. A manometer is used to measure absolute pressure when the atmospheric pressure is known (or can be measured). A U-tube manometer utilizes a set of uids to improve the accuracy and/or range of absolute pressures that can be measured. Finally, a di erential U-tube manometer provides its user with a relative pressure. Note that there could be more than 3 uids used in this type of manometer. Note that the equations for each type of manometer have been directly provided in the text, but are unlikely to be the expressions you’ll develop for more complex manometers. ff ff fl     ff PA G E 17 ff  fl     Measuring Pressure Although Eqn. 1.7 appears straightforward at rst, there are several common errors that novel uid dynamists should look out for. • The pressure at the deeper point is always greater than the pressure at the shallower point. This seems obvious at rst glance, but at times the de nition of ΔP within the equation ΔP = ρgh is not trivial. If h is de ned as a length and always positive, ΔP must be the pressure at the deeper point minus the pressure at the shallower point, ΔP = Pdeep − Pshallow. This structure enforces a sign convention that ensures consistency regardless of which pressure is unknown. In this manner, Eqn. 1.7 may be rewritten as, Pdeep = Pshallow + ρgh. • You cannot calculate a pressure somewhere within a uid without rst knowing the pressure somewhere else within the uid. Looking at the barometer in Fig. 1.3, it appears like this is exactly what happens: the barometric pressure is ρgh , with no other pressure appearing in the equation. Note, however, the barometer creates a vacuum as a reference and the absolute pressure of a vacuum is zero by de nition. Using the form of Eqn. 1.7 in the bullet above, the barometric pressure is actually calculated via, P1 = PA + ρgh where PA = 0 (abs). • You may use either absolute or gage pressures, but you need to be consistent. If you use a gage pressure as your reference, you will calculate a gage pressure. If you use an absolute pressure as reference, you will get an absolute pressure. • This tool was derived for a single uid, so the pressures examined must be contained within a single uid with a single density. At any horizontal uid- uid interface (either liquid-liquid or liquid-gas) we can assume that pressure is continuous, i.e. that the pressure in the lower uid at the interface is the same as the pressure in the upper uid at some very small distance from the interface.  fl  fi  fl fi fl  fl fi fi fi fl  fl fi fl fl   PAG E 18 fl    Common Errors when Calculating Pressure Find the pressure di erence between points A and B shown in the di erential U-tube manometer schematic, below. Air, water, benzene, glycerin and mercury are all used within the manometer. The speci c weight (γs = ρ ⋅ g ) of benzene is 8643 N/m3, the density of glycerin is 1.26 g/cm3 and the speci c gravity (SG) of mercury is 13.6, while the air is at standard conditions. Assume that the pressure does not vary with height for any of the uids in the manometer. Find the pressure di erence between points A and B in kPa. Solution The simplest way to solve this problem is to "start" at point A and trace your way through each uid until you reach point B. Recall that ΔP = ρ ⋅ g ⋅ Δh , where we use Δh here to represent a change in height. We choose the direction of gravity to be positive as we trace. Thus, we end up with, PA + ρM ⋅ g ⋅ (0.15m − (0.23m − 0.05m − 0.08m)) − ρG ⋅ g ⋅ (0.15m) − ρB ⋅ g ⋅ (0.05m) + ρW ⋅ g ⋅ (0m) − ρair ⋅ g ⋅ (0.08m) = PB where subscripts M, G, B and W represent the uids mercury, glycerin, benzene and water, respectively. Now we must obtain the density for each relevant uid. Note that before we proceed with the computation of densities, the water does not have a change in height, so the corresponding ρ ⋅ g ⋅ Δh term is 0. Beginning with mercury, ρM kg kg SG = → ρM = SG ⋅ ρW = 13.6 ⋅ 1000 3 = 13,600 3 ρW m m   ff fl  fl ff   fi fi ff   ff   PAG E 19 fl fl  Example 1.3 - Di erential U-tube manometer those used to solve for ρM. As such, g 1kg 106cm 3 kg ρG = 1.26 3 ⋅ ⋅ = 1,260 3 cm 1000g 1m 3 m Now, we compute ρB using the speci c weight (γs) provided in the problem statement, γS,B γS,B = ρB ⋅ g → ρB = = g 8643 N3 m m 9.81 2 s = 881.04 kg 1m⋅s 2 N⋅s ⋅ m4 1 N ⋅2s = 881.04 m kg m3 With air at standard conditions, we can simply extract its value from Table 1.2 as, ρair = 1.20 kg m3 With all values of density, we solve for PB - PA as, PB − PA = 13,600 kg kg kg kg ⋅ g ⋅ 0.05m − 1,260 ⋅ g ⋅ 0.15m − 881.04 ⋅ g ⋅ 0.05m − 1.20 ⋅ g ⋅ 0.08m m3 m3 m3 m3 Now we substitute the gravitational constant and perform some simple algebra to obtain, PB − PA = 4,384 kg 1N ⋅ kg ⋅ m m ⋅ s2 1 2 = 4,384 N 1Pa 1kPa ⋅ ⋅ = 4 . 384kPa N 2 m 1000Pa 1 2 m s Instructor’s Note: As you can see in this problem, there are a signi cant number of unit conversions. You will need to nd a way to keep track of the units in problems. Write them down next to the values they are associated with. This is not just important for receiving partial credit on assessments. There have been some infamous (and expensive!) mistakes made with unit conversions, including the $125M Mars Climate Orbiter spacecraft, which sent the craft roughly 60 miles o course after engineers failed to convert the required thrust from EEU to SI. You can read more about some famous errors with unit conversions by clicking here. fi     fi ff fi      PAGE 20   We were provided with the density of glycerin, but must convert it to the the same units as Example 1.4 - Extending the range of a manometer with multiple uids (U-tube) One of the advantages of a U-tube manometer is its ability to extend the range of a pressure measurement. Consider both the ordinary manometer (left) and the U-tube manometer (right) shown in the gure below. In both images, uid A is water, while the image to the right also contains a secondary uid (" uid m”), in this case, mercury. The ordinary manometer has a maximum height h = 20 cm, while the uid on the right has a height h1 = 5 cm and h2 = 20 cm. Water is considered at standard conditions while the mercury has a density of 13,600 kg/m3. Determine the maximum possible range in pressure di erence that the device can read. Solution The maximum change in pressure is represented as PA - Patm, which can be found for the ordinary manometer using, PA − Patm = ρW ⋅ g ⋅ h = 1,000 kg m 1N ⋅ 9.81 ⋅ 0.2m ⋅ kg ⋅ m m3 s2 1 2 ⋅ s 1Pa N m 1 2 ⋅ 1k Pa = 1 . 962kPa 103Pa where the minimum pressure di erence is 0 kPa when h = 0 m. On the other hand, the maximum pressure di erence established by the U-tube manometer is, PA − Patm = ρm ⋅ g ⋅ h2 − ρW ⋅ g ⋅ h1 = 13,600 = 26,912.7 kg 1N ⋅ kg ⋅ m m ⋅ s2 1 2 s ⋅ kg m kg m kg ⋅ 9.81 ⋅ 0.2m − 1,000 ⋅ 9.81 ⋅ 0.05m = 26,192.7 m3 s2 m3 s2 m ⋅ s2 1Pa N m 1 2 ⋅ 1k Pa ≈ 26 . 9kPa 103Pa fl  fl     ff ff ff fi fl fl     fl PAG E 21 PA − Patm = ρm ⋅ g ⋅ h2 − ρW ⋅ g ⋅ h1 = 13,600 kg m kg 1N ⋅ 9.81 ⋅ 0.15m = 20,012.4 ⋅ kg ⋅ m m3 s2 m ⋅ s2 1 2 s ⋅ 1Pa 1 N2 m ⋅ 1kPa ≈ 20kPa 103Pa Thus, we have changed the measurable range of the manometer by using a combination of uids and orientations. Below is a table that summarizes the range covered by each type of manometer. Bound ΔPordinary = PA − Patm ΔPU−tube = PA − Patm Lower 0 kPa 20 kPa Upper 1.962 kPa 26.9 kPa  ff PAGE 22    fl  and the minimum pressure di erence is found when h1 = 0 m as, FLUID STATICS As you might imagine, the impact of depth on pressure has important consequences for objects that are immersed in a uid, including aircraft, submarines and underwater structures. In this section, we examine the forces exerted on objects by pressure. Forces on Planar, Stationary Surfaces In this section, we are principally interested in how a uid at rest imparts forces on a solid object from one point to the next. To construct the expression that represent a variation in pressure with depth, we can visualize a small “element" of that uid and examine how the pressure changes in each direction (x, y and z, where +z is the direction opposite gravity). We then sum such forces in all directions to obtain the relationship between pressure and location in each direction. In the case of a static uid, the pressure on each side of the element balance in x and y. However, the weight of the uid imparts a negative force in z, resulting in the following pressure gradients, ∂p =0 ∂x ∂p =0 ∂y ∂p =−γ ∂z Because pressure is now only a function of z (or depth), it is no longer a partial di erential and becomes, dp =−γ dz This result is the same as that o ered in the previous section when the uid is incompressible (i.e. its density does not vary with depth), that is, P2 ∫P dp = − γ ⋅ 1 h2 ∫h dz → Δp = ρ ⋅ g ⋅ Δh 1 What we ultimately care about is the resultant force and the pressure distribution acting on a submerged surface and the. Let’s examine the expected distribution of forces acting on di erent surfaces in a water tank, including at the bottom of the tank and its side walls, in Fig. 1.4. fl ff fl fl  ff fl fl   fl  ff PAGE 23 Bottom of Tank Sides of Tank Free surface (p = 0) h FR Free surface (p = 0) p = !h p = !h Figure 1.4. Pressure distribution along the bottom of a tank (left) and the sides of a tank (right) for a stationary uid with a speci c weight γ. As we already know that pressure varies linearly with depth, it should come as no surprise that at the bottom of the tank, the pressure is uniform across its surface, and that at the sides of the tank, the magnitude of the pressure acting on the side walls increases linearly with h (where the free surface represents h = 0). The term FR in Fig. 1.4 is particularly important and represents the force acting on a surface due to the hydrostatic pressure distribution (i.e. the resultant force). The resultant force has both a magnitude and a location on a planar surface. To determine the resultant force acting on a submerged surface, we manipulate the relationship F = P⋅A by integrating over the area and substituting the depth-dependent relationship P = γ ⋅ h, FR = ∫A γh d A (1.8) More speci cally, if the surface is inclined relative to the free surface, as shown in Fig. 1.5, below, then we substitute and integrate across the exposed surface area (As) to yield, FR = ∫A γ ⋅ (y ⋅ sinθ) d A = γ ⋅ As ⋅ yc ⋅ sinθ = γ ⋅ hc ⋅ As (1.9) Figure 1.5. Submerged surface (green line) at an incline angle θ. Note that the x-axis is considered to be the depth into the page. Be careful to consider the axes we are looking at in this problem!  fi   fl     fi   PAGE 2 4 We also want to determine where the resultant force acts on a submerged plate. Although the resultant force is clearly located at the centroid when considering the pressure distribution along a submerged horizontal plane, this is not the case when the pressure acting on a surface changes with depth. In this case, the resultant force is weighted toward the higher magnitudes of pressure acting on the surface. To account for this mathematically, we sum the moments around the x-axis, where FR ⋅ yR = ∫A y dF = ∫A γ ⋅ sinθ ⋅ y 2 d A (1.10) We can substitute the expression for resultant force that we obtained in Eqn. 1.8 (FR = γ ⋅ yc ⋅ sinθ ⋅ As), where, yR = ∫A y 2 d A (1.11) yc ⋅ As In Eqn. 1.11, the numerator represents the moment of inertia about x, or Ix. When combined with the parallel axis theorem (Ix = Ixc + As ⋅ yc2), we obtain, yR = Ixc + yc yc ⋅ As (1.12) where Ixc is the second moment of inertia with respect to an axis passing through its centroid. A similar mathematical approach can be taken to obtain the x-coordinate of the resultant force, which yields, xR = Ixyc yc ⋅ As + xc (1.13) where Ixyc is the moment of inertia about an orthogonal coordinate system passing through the centroid when the x-y coordinate system is translated. The corresponding moments of inertia (Ixc and Ixyc) can be found for di erent geometries using the gures provided on the following page. ff         fi     PAGE 25 Rectangle centroid a x As = a ⋅ b Ixc = 1 ⋅ b ⋅ a3 12 Ixyc = 0 y b Circle As = π ⋅ r centroid x R πR 4 Ixc = 4 2 Ixyc = 0 y Semicircle centroid y R x 4"# 3"% π ⋅ R2 As = 2 Ixc = 0.1098 ⋅ R 4 Ixyc = 0 R Triangle a⋅b As = 2 b d a centroid y !+# 3 x % 3 b ⋅ a3 Ixc = 36 b ⋅ a2 Ixyc = ⋅ (b − 2 ⋅ d ) 72          PAGE 26 Example 1.5 - Hydrostatic forces on the Three Gorges dam spillway gate The Three Gorges Dam facility is one of the largest power-generating facilities in the world. The damn contains a number of sluice gates to prevent the water level from rising too rapidly. The sluice gates are located at the bottom of the dam, which has a water level that reaches 175 m below the surface. The sluice gates are 483 m long and rest against the riverbank oor at an angle of θ = 60∘C. The height of the sluice gates from the bottom-up are 10 m. On the other side of the gates, the river itself has a height of 35 m. Determine the resultant force on each side of the gate, the location of the resultant forces on each side of the gate structure, and the net mass of the gate required to keep it closed under these conditions. Solution It is useful to rst visualize the distribution of pressure acting on each side of the gate as,   fi fl  PAGE 27 We treat the gate as a rectangular plate that is angled at θ = 60∘ relative to the uid surfaces. If the centroid of the rectangular plate is directly in the center of its area, then the height to the centroid on each side of the gate is: hc,dam = hdam − 1 1 ⋅ hgate = 175m − ⋅ (20m ⋅ sin(60∘)) = 166.34m 2 2 and, 1 1 hc,river = hriver − ⋅ hgate = 35m − ⋅ (20m ⋅ sin(60∘)) = 26.34m 2 2 To nd the resultant force, then, FR = γ ⋅ As ⋅ hc Substituting on each side of the gate, we compute the resultant force as, FR,dam = 9810 N 10 ⋅ 20m ⋅ 483m ⋅ 166.34m = 1.58 ⋅ 10 N m3 and, FR,river = 9810 N ⋅ 20m ⋅ 483m ⋅ 26.34m = 2.50 ⋅ 109 N 3 m Now we need to nd the location of each resultant force on both sides of the plate. In this case, we are only concerned with the location in y. For the dam, yR,dam = Ixc yc,dam ⋅ As + yc,dam = 1 3 ⋅ b ⋅ a 12 + yc,dam yc,dam ⋅ As where a and b are the height (20 m) and length (483 m) of the gate, respectively. Likewise, we know that yc,dam = hc,dam / sin(θ) = 192.07 m. As a result, 1 ⋅ 483m ⋅ (20m)3 12 yR,dam = 192.07m ⋅ 483m ⋅ 20m + 192.07m = 192.24m And performing a similar computation for yR,river, we obtain: yR,river = 1 ⋅ 483m ⋅ (20m)3 12 26.34m ⋅ 483m ⋅ 20m + 30.41m = 31.67m fl            fi     fi PAGE 28 Now, we can solve for the weight of the gate required to keep it shut under these conditions. We know that for the gait to remain stationary when subjected to forces that have both an xand y-component, the sum of the moments about the point where it moves (i.e. a "hinge") must be equal to zero, ∑ MB = 0 = W ⋅ 10m + FR,river ⋅ 14.54m − FR,dam ⋅ 11.60m Therefore, the weight required is, W = 1.469 ⋅ 1010 N Before we calculate the mass, let’s think about how many people it would take to hold this gate shut. If a single person can reasonably exert a force of 100 N, it would take, 1.469 ⋅ 1010 N # of people = = = 146,900,000 people Fperson 100N W Or roughly 2% of the world’s population! Now, let’s calculate the mass of the gate required, W m= = g 1.469 ⋅ 1010 N ⋅ 9.81 m2 s 1 kg 2⋅ m s 1N = 1 . 497 ⋅ 109 kg      PAGE 29 As we mostly relate mass to pounds and tons in the US, m = 1.497 ⋅ 109 kg ⋅ 2.2046lbm 1ton = 3 . 30 ⋅ 109 lbm ⋅ = 1, 650, 143 tons kg 2000lbm And, if this door were constructed from stainless steel (ρ = 7700 kg/m3), the thickness of the door would need to be, m m 1.497 ⋅ 109 kg V= →t= = = 20 . 12 m kg ρ ρ ⋅ Ac 7700 ⋅ 483 m ⋅ 20m m3      PAGE 30 Pressure Prisms There exists a simpler, more intuitive method to compute the resultant force on rectangular and circular planar surfaces. This method relies on the development of a "pressure prism". Pressure prisms are quite simple to construct for equally simple geometries, but can not be used for the wide variety of geometries described in the previous section. Instead, we focus speci cally on rectangular and circular planes of interest due to the ease with which we can determine the location of their centroids. To construct a pressure prism, we consider the surface of interest. For simplicity, let’s consider the tank below and the three walls labeled A, B and C. Figure 1.5. Tank (thin black lines) lled to the rim with water. Sections of di erent types of walls relevant to this section are labeled A, B and C to represent vertical, horizontal and inclined walls, respectively. CASE A - VERTICAL WALL AT THE TOP OF THE FLUID Let’s take a look at how we expect the pressure to vary along wall A. Starting with the equation P = ρ ⋅ g ⋅ h , we recognize that pressure (P) is a linear function of height (h), provided that density varies negligibly with height. Then, Figure 1.6. (left) Vertical wall with the pressure distribution measured in gage pressure (Pg). H is the total height of the partial wall shown in Fig. 1.5. (right) Vertical wall with the pressured distribution measured in absolute pressure (Pabs).   ff fi fi   PAG E 31 The left-most schematic in Fig. 1.6 shows the expected pressure distribution (red lines) acting on the wall from the uid to the right of it. We use gage pressure to measure the pressure distribution as a function of depth. This is because the top of the uid is open to the atmosphere, and the atmospheric pressure that acts on the left hand side of the wall (from the air) is cancelled out by that acting on the right, as shown below: The schematic on the right-hand side of Fig. 1.6 is useful if we wish to nd the absolute pressure on either side of the wall, but most often we are looking for the net pressure acting on the wall, which we measure using gage pressure (as in the schematic on the left). Ultimately, we want to compute the resultant force (FR) acting on the wall, which we de ned in the previous section as, FR = ρ ⋅ g ⋅ hc ⋅ As where hc is the distance from the top of the wall to its centroid. Because the pressure is distributed linearly as a function of height, h, the average pressure results in an equivalent force that occurs at the centroid hc, as shown in the gure below. Figure 1.7. (left) Actual pressure distribution, which varies linearly with height (red) and is imposed across the area outlined in yellow in the gure on the right, and the average pressure distribution acting on the wall (green), (right) 3-dimensional schematic of the wall with yellow highlighting the area across which pressure acts on. Note that in this course we will restrict ourselves to rectangular vertical walls to accommodate the prism method and the simple identi cation of the centroid. Of course, the method described in the previous sub-section can be used for alternate geometries. In addition to the resultant force, we want to know where it acts on the wall and the distance from the center of pressure to the resultant force. Imagine for a moment that the schematic to the left in Fig. 1.6 is rotated to the left 90∘, and the shape of the pressure distribution is replaced by a solid object of equivalent size. fi fl fi   fi fi   fl   fi PAGE 32 Figure 1.8. (left) Vertical wall with the pressure distribution measured in gage pressure (Pg). H is the total height of the partial wall shown in Fig. 1.5. (right) Vertical wall with the pressured distribution measured in absolute pressure (Pabs). For a triangular solid (assuming a uniform density), we would expect there to be a center of gravity where the weight acts to apply a force downward. To counteract this, we would need an opposing force in the same location as the gravitational force. For a triangular solid speci cally, we calculate the center of gravity as being 1/3 of H from the tallest side (as shown in the left-most image of Fig. 1.8). An analogous statement can be made about the pressure distribution acting on a vertical surface, where the resultant force emanates from the center of pressure (rather than the center of gravity). Instead of a distributed weight acting to force a solid downward at some location, a distributed pressure is providing this force on a solid surface. To determine the distance between the center of pressure and the centroid, we use, Figure 1.9. Location of the centroid and the center of pressure for the rectangular, vertical wall shown in Fig. 1.5 (wall A). Mathematically, then, the distance between the centroid and the center of pressure can be expressed as, Δhc−cp = hc − hcp = 1 1 3 2 1 ⋅H− ⋅H= ⋅H− ⋅H= ⋅H 2 3 6 6 6     fi PAGE 33 CASE B - HORIZONTAL SURFACE The case of the horizontal surface is straightforward relative to its vertical counterpart. Recall that pressure varies linearly with depth, but at a single depth, the pressure is uniform. Within the context of the horizontal surface in Fig. 1.5, the pressure distribution can be visualized as, Figure 1.10. (left) Horizontal wall with the pressure distribution measured in gage pressure (Pg). The horizontal wall could be presented in rectangular or circular form, in which case the corresponding areas for each are highlighted in yellow in the schematics on the right. For the horizontal, submerged surface, the center of pressure is in the same location as the centroid. Therefore, the resultant force acts at both the center of pressure/centroid. Again, the resultant force can be computed as, FR = ρ ⋅ g ⋅ hc ⋅ As where hc is the distance to the centroid, or the depth of the wall. CASE C - INCLINED SURFACES AND VERTICAL SURFACES BELOW THE WATER LINE For the case where surfaces are below the water line, the concept of a pressure prism is uniquely suited to compute the resultant force and its location acting on the wall relative to the centroid. Let’s consider the following: Figure 1.11. Vertical (A) and inclined (C) walls that are submerged with upper values below the top of the uid that’s open to the atmosphere. fl     PAGE 3 4 uid that is open to the atmosphere, the the gage pressure at the top of each wall is not 0. The pressure distribution can then be visualized as: θ Figure 1.12. Vertical (A) and inclined (C) walls with corresponding pressure distributions for the case where both. uids are submerged and the top of each wall does not reach the surface of the uid open to the atmosphere. Note that for these cases, we will restrict ourselves to rectangular walls only, so that the centroid is directly in the center of the wall and the shape of the pressure distribution does not change across the area. To help compute the resultant force, it is easiest to view each wall in three dimensions as, Figure 1.13. Vertical (A) and inclined (C) walls with corresponding pressure prisms, which are broken up into rectangular and triangular prisms. The pressure distribution is broken up into rectangular and triangular prisms, where each prism has a representative "volume", though not with the traditional units of volume. Because this is a pressure prism, we are e ectively multiplying the magnitude of the pressure by the area that the pressure is acting over. fl fl ff fl PAGE 35   If the top of either type of wall does not reach the top of the We draw two distinct pressure prisms to nd the resultant force in each individual pressure prism, and sum them to obtain the total resultant force, FR, as, FR = F1 + F2 (1.14) where F1 and F2 are represented by, Figure 1.14. Individual resultant forces acting on each of the rectangular and triangular prisms, where the center of pressure for F1 exists at the centroid for the rectangular prism (or H/2) and the center of pressure for F2 exists H/6 below the centroid (or 1/3⋅H from the bottom of the prism upward). Using wall A as an example, F1 and F2 are mathematically computed according to, F1 = Ptop,wall ⋅ As = ρ ⋅ g ⋅ htop,A ⋅ HA ⋅ W and, Pbottom,wall − Ptop,wall F2 = ⋅ As = ρ ⋅ g ⋅ 2 ( hbottom,A − htop,A 2 ) ⋅ HA ⋅ W For the inclined wall, the basic form for both F1 and F2 remains the same (i.e. Pavg⋅As). F1 = Ptop,wall ⋅ As = ρ ⋅ g ⋅ htop,C ⋅ Hc ⋅ W and, F2 = Pbottom,wall − Ptop,wall ⋅ As = ρ ⋅ g ⋅ 2 ( hbottom,C − htop,C 2 ) ⋅ HC ⋅ W          fi           PAGE 36 Example 1.6 - Force on a vertical wall with water/oil separation A tank is lled with water (ρw = 1.940 slugs/ft3) to a height Hw = 70 ft. Oil (ρo = 1.643 slugs/ft3) is added to the water. Because the oil is immiscible in water, it creates a layer on top with a height Ho = 20 ft. What is the resultant force acting on the left wall, and where is it located? The tank is 10 ft wide. Solution This problem can easily be solved using the prism method. First, let’s examine the expected pressure distribution acting along the wall. Remember, we draw the pressure gradient in gage pressure.      fi   PAGE 37 resultant forces after each prism is drawn. We compute each force as, F1 = Pavg,o ⋅ As = ρo ⋅ g ⋅ F2 = Pavg,w,1 ⋅ As,w = F3 = Pavg,w,2 ⋅ As,w = Ho slugs ft ⋅ As = 1.643 3 ⋅ 32.174 2 ⋅ 2 ft s 1 lbf 1 slug ⋅ ft slugs ft ρo ⋅ g ⋅ Ho ⋅ As = 1.643 3 ⋅ 32.174 2 ⋅ ( ) ft s 20ft ⋅ 20ft ⋅ 10ft = 1.06 ⋅ 105 lbf 2 ⋅ s2 1 lbf ⋅ 20ft ⋅ 70ft ⋅ 10ft = 7.40 ⋅ 105 lbf 1 slug ⋅ ft s2 slugs ft ρw ⋅ g ⋅ Hw ⋅ As = 1.94 3 ⋅ 32.174 2 ⋅ 70ft ⋅ ( ) ( ) ft s 1 lbf 1 slug ⋅ ft ⋅ 70ft ⋅ 10ft = 3.06 ⋅ 106 lbf s2 We recognize that the force above is essentially calculated using the equivalent "volume" of the prism. More accurately, we compute the Pressure-Area prism value, which is the force. Now, the total force acting on the wall is, FR = F1 + F2 + F3 = 3.92 ⋅ 106 lbf To nd the location of the resultant force, we simply sum the moments acting on both surfaces due to each individual force. Fr ⋅ hcp = F1 ⋅ hcp,1 + F2 ⋅ hcp,2 + F3 ⋅ hcp,3 where, hcp,1 = 2 ⋅ Ho = 13.33 ft 3 hcp,2 = Ho + 1 ⋅ Hw = 55 ft 2 2 hcp,3 = Ho + ⋅ Hw = 66.67 ft 3 Therefore, hcp = 1.06 ⋅ 105lbf ⋅ 13.33ft + 7.40 ⋅ 105lbf ⋅ 55ft + 3.06 ⋅ 106lbf ⋅ 66.67ft) ( ) 3.92 ⋅ 106lbf = 62.79ft       fi PAGE 38     Note that the image above is not drawn to scale. In this problem, there are 3 individual Example 1.7 - Force on a levee Levees are used to prevent hazardous ood waters from damaging low-lying towns and cities that are close to water. In 2005, 50 levees failed during hurricane Katrina due to inadequate assumptions about the strength of the soil in which they were embedded. Extensive damage was done to the lowest lying areas of New Orleans, highlighted in the map, below (Attribution: Provided the levee below, what is the force the levee should be designed for under nonhurricane conditions? Image not drawn to scale. The levee is has a width of W = 20 ft. fl  PAGE 39 We are only concerned with the resultant force acting on the wall. Constructing individual pressure prisms, we obtain, We focus on two di erent surfaces for the levee: (a) the vertical surface and (b) the inclined surface. For the vertical surface, we compute the resultant force F1 as, F1 = Pavg ⋅ As,1 = ρw ⋅ g ⋅ H1 slugs ft 1lbf ⋅ H1 ⋅ W = 1.94 3 ⋅ 32.174 2 ⋅ slug ⋅ ft 2 ft s 1 2 8.45ft ⋅ 8.45ft ⋅ 20ft = 89,135.4lbf 2 ⋅ s Now we nd the individual resultant forces for each prism acting on the inclined surface as: F2 = Pavg,2 ⋅ As,2 = ρw ⋅ g ⋅ (H1) ⋅ H2 ⋅ W = 1.94 slugs ft 1lbf ⋅ 32.174 ⋅ slug ⋅ ft ft 3 s2 1 2 ⋅ 8.45ft ⋅ 8ft ⋅ 20ft = 84,388.0lbf s F3 = Pavg,3 ⋅ As,2 = ρw ⋅ g ⋅ 1 slugs ft 1lbf ⋅ H2 ⋅ sin(θ) ⋅ H2 ⋅ W = 1.94 3 ⋅ 32.174 2 ⋅ slug ⋅ ft (2 ) ft s 1 2 s ⋅ 1 ⋅ 8ft ⋅ sin(55∘) ⋅ 8ft ⋅ 20ft = 32,722.9lbf 2 Therefore, the total resultant force is, FR = F1 + F2 + F3 = 206,139.4 lbf   ff fi PAGE 40     Solution Buoyancy is a physical concept that is critical for the design of a number of Naval platforms, including ships and submarines, and features prominently in the assessment of ship stability, which is covered in the next section. Archimedes Principle We consider buoyancy from the perspective of an object that is submerged in a column of uid. Using what we just learned about the variation of pressure with depth, and the corresponding resultant force(s) acting on each side of the object, we construct a force balance to account for buoyant force acting on the object. Consider the schematic below, which shows a submerged object with equal side lengths. Figure 1.15. Pressure distributions surrounding a submerged cube and corresponding resultant forces on the top, bottom, left and right of the cube. Provided that the object is not misaligned and/or asymmetric, the resultant forces on the sides of the cube (i.e. where the applied pressure varies with depth) are equal and opposite one another. Fleft = Fright There is, however, a di erence between the resultant forces acting on the top and bottom of the cube due to their di erence in depth below the surface. This di erence is known as the buoyant force, and is expressed as, ff  ff ff PAG E 41  fl Buoyancy FB = Fbottom − Ftop Assuming the object is submerged in a single uid whose density does not vary signi cantly with depth, we can simplify the above expression and re-write it as, FB = ρ ⋅ g ⋅ (hbottom − htop) ⋅ As The surface area term represents the area of the top or bottom of the submerged cube (both being equal in area). When multiplied by the change in height (Δh = hbottom − htop), this term itself becomes a volume. We call this volume the displacement volume, and rewrite the buoyant force as, FB = ρ ⋅ g ⋅ Vdisp (1.15) To be clear, the displacement volume is actually the volume of uid that is displaced by the solid. Thus, for partially submerged objects, the displacement volume is only the volume of uid that is displaced by the solid (and not the entire volume of the solid object). The buoyant force is often considered alongside other forces acting on the object. For instance, the buoyant force often counteracts the weight of the object itself. Another important note is that buoyancy is not restricted to a solid object in a uid. In fact, two or more di erent uids that are mixed will often experience buoyant forces. Fluid buoyancy is also induced by changes in its density, which is impacted strongly by changes in temperature (which is why hot air will make its way to the very highest level of your home). We will consider this aspect of buoyancy in our discussion of Convection Heat Transfer in Chapter 3. For now, we will restrict our focus to the case of a solid object that is immersed (wholly or partially) in a uid. fl fi fl  fl fl    fl ff fl  PAGE 42 Example 1.8 - Iced water A small cube of ice is 12.5 cm on each side. The density of the ice in its solid state is 910 kg/m3 and is put into a cup with liquid water. What fraction of the cube is submerged in the water? Solution The weight of the ice cube must be balanced by the buoyant force applied by the surrounding liquid water. Thus, FB = FW where FB is the buoyant force applied by the liquid water and FW is the force due to gravity acting on the mass of the ice cube. Substituting the equation for each force, we obtain, ρwater ⋅ g ⋅ Vdisp = mice ⋅ g As we do not have the mass of the ice, we recast this problem in terms of its density and volume, ρwater ⋅ g ⋅ Vdisp = ρice ⋅ Vice ⋅ g Now, solving for Vdisp, we obtain: 910 ρice ⋅ Vice Vdisp = = ρwater kg m ⋅ 12.5cm 3 ⋅ 3 1,000 1 ⋅ 10−6 m 3 1cm 3 kg = 0.00178m 3 m3 Finally, we compare the volume of water displaced (i.e. the volume of the cube that’s submerged) to the volume of the cube itself in order to nd the fraction of the cube that’s submerged below the top of the water, S( % ) = Vdisp Vice 0.00178m 3 = (12.5cm)3 ⋅ 1 ⋅ 10−6 m 3 1cm 3 = 0.911 ⋅ 100 % = 91.1 %  fi          PAGE 43 Stability When considering submerged and oating bodies, it is important to also consider whether such a body is stable under a variety of conditions. Broadly speaking, an object is considered to be stable when, after some displacement, it returns to its initial condition. On the other hand, an object is unstable if it does not return back to its original position. The illustration below serves as a general example of these principles. Figure 1.16. (left) When the ball is moved to the right on the concave surface, it will eventually return to its equilibrium position, (right) when the ball is pushed to the right on the convex surface, it rolls down the surface and does not recover to its initial position. Though the above schematic seems trivial, its importance for the stability of a oating body can not be overstated. Consider that a ship at sea might be exposed to a rotational force due to the presence of extremely large waves. In this case, the relative positions for the center of gravity and the center of buoyancy will govern whether the ship is overturned by this force. For simplicity, let’s consider the case where an object is fully submerged within a uid, as shown in the schematic below. Figure 1.17. (left) Case where the center of gravity is below the centroid and, (right) case where the center of gravity is above the centroid. In the case where the the center of gravity is below the centroid, the buoyant force creates a restorative moment once the body is tilted by some external means (e.g. when a wave hits the side of ship), as shown in the left-most schematic of Fig. 1.17. Conversely, when the center of gravity is above the centroid, the weight acts to provide an overturning moment. fl fl fl  PAGE 4 4 Let’s consider the case when an object is partially submerged. For the sake of this text (and the curriculum speci c to USNA), we exclusively utilize ships to demonstrate stability in this context. The image below illustrates the case when an external (upsetting) force is applied to the side of a vessel, which shifts the centroid in the displaced uid volume. Figure 1.18. (left) Ship in equilibrium and not yet exposed to upsetting force, with center of buoyancy (the centroid in the displaced uid volume) immediately below the center of gravity) and (right) ship that is lilted due to exposure to the upsetting force, where the location of the buoyancy force (i.e. the centroid of the displaced volume) has shifted to the right. Although the centroid is below the center of gravity here, the object is partially submerged and the buoyancy force acts to counteract the upsetting force. The angle that forms with the free surface as the boat lilts is called the heel angle, ϕ , which is shown in the diagram below (along with other relevant geometries that can be used to compute the restoring moment, RM, that counteracts the upsetting force and which ultimately provides stability). Figure 1.19. Schematic of forces acting on a vessel in response to an upsetting force (caused by wind or waves) and the resulting geometric relationships between the heel angle (ϕ) and the forces (displacement, Δ , and buoyancy, FB) acting on the vessel. MT represents the transverse metacenter, which is an imaginary point of intersection between the centerline of the vessel and the line of action for FB. fl   fl     fi  PAGE 45 the buoyant force and the weight of the displaced uid (Δ, which is equivalent to the weight ¯ ) of the vessel and everything on it). This is critical to determining the righting arm (GZ and righting moment (RM) as a function of heel angle. For small heel angles (0∘ to ~ 10∘), ¯ = GM ¯ ⋅ sin(ϕ). More generally, we compute the righting arm based on a projected GZ upsetting force applied across an equivalent radial dimension (or characteristic dimension) of the ship. The righting arm can be found by summing the moments about the centroid of the entire vessel (in other words, not limited to the displaced volume only) as, ¯ 0 = FU ⋅ rU − FB ⋅ GZ where FU is the upsetting force, rU is the equivalent radius of the ship (from the point of impact to the centroid of the entire vessel), and FB is the buoyant force. Recall from our previous discussion of buoyancy that FB = W (where W is the weight of the object, or displacement, Δ, as it is referred to when dealing with stability). Therefore, ¯ = GZ FU ⋅ rU Δ ¯ to calculate the righting moment as, We can use GZ ¯ = Δ ⋅ GZ ¯ RM = FB ⋅ GZ (1.16) The righting moment is a true measure of the ship’s stability. In general, we consider the righting moment to be a description of a ship’s ability to return to an equilibrium position. Typically, we plot the righting moment and/or the righting arm as a function of heel angle in order to determine the maximum heel angle that can sustain upright stability. Notice that in Fig. 1.20, an overturning moment is formed when the center of gravity is above the transverse metacenter, or the point where the line of action for the buoyant force and the centerline for the object intersect. The vessel is close to capsizing at point D, and will overturn at point E. We note that the value of GZ as a function of heel angle is di erent for di erent vessel designs. Di erent types of vessels and their advantages and disadvantages are illustrated and described in Fig. 1.22.       fl       ff      fi ff PAGE 46 ff  The gure above (Fig. 1.19) reveals the way in which the heel angle (ϕ) is related to both angle to demonstrate its impact on the type of moment that is formed (righting vs. overturning). Positive values of ϕ represent the starboard side of the vessel while negative values of ϕ indicate heel angles for the port heel side. There does exist a maximum heel angle prior to our being in danger of capsizing. This heel ¯ max (in the above curve, this equates to ϕmax ≈ 44∘). angle can be determined by locating GZ ¯ approaches 0 ft is termed the angle of vanishing stability, and The angle at which GZ represents the angle at which the vessel will capsize. Practically, we can account for changes in the height of the center of gravity by comparing ¯ values for di erent weight distributions. Here, if the center of gravity rises, so too does GZ ¯ , as shown below. GZ Figure 1.21. (left) Ship with original weight distribution (denoted with subscript "o"), (right) ship with a vertical shift in weight distribution with ¯ due to a vertical rise in the center of gravity (GoGv). corresponding shift in GZ         ff  PAGE 47    ¯ ) as a function of heel angle (often termed an intact stability curve) with corresponding schematics of the heel Figure 1.20. Righting arm (GZ To compute the positional shift in the center of gravity (GoGv), or the new righting arm due to a change in the center of gravity (GvZv), we use, Gv Zv = Go Zo − Go P = Go Zo − GoGv ⋅ sin(θ) (1.17) If we know both GvZv and GoZo we can calculate the corresponding shift in the center of gravity, GoGv, as a function of heel angle (ϕ). Let’s evaluate the following scenario, where the center of gravity is shifted 2 ft in the vertical direction. Figure 1.22. Ship with a rise in the center of gravity of 10 ft., and where the original righting arm, GoZo has a de ned distribution of lengths as a 3 ⋅ϕ . (2 ) function of heel angle, where GoZo = 6 ft. ⋅ si n Here we plot GoZo and GvZv simultaneously to illustrate the impact of the rise in the center of gravity. Figure 1.23. GZ versus heel angle for a ship whose original (at GoZo) is increased by 2 ft (at GvZv). Maximum ϕ included for comparison. fi                            PAGE 48 Thus far, we have only concerned ourselves with stationary uids. However, we routinely encounter uids that are moving, both in nature and in the engineering systems we use on a daily basis. The movement of a uid results in signi cantly di erent physics that govern the forces exerted on objects, for instance. Consider the case where people in villages in rural areas must travel several miles to the nearest clean water source (which often begins at some higher elevation). In many such communities, women and children bear the brunt of this labor, often carrying several gallons of water back several miles over the span of an entire day in order to provide clean water to the rest of the community. Engineers Without Borders, a non-pro t engineering group, has resolved to build a variety of watery delivery systems (including both gravity-driven systems and pump-driven systems) to eliminate the need for this type of labor. In order to design these systems, one must have a fundamental understanding of fluid dynamics. In this section, we cover the basic fundamental aspects of uid dynamics, including the conservation of mass, the Bernoulli relationship, dimensional analysis, conservation of momentum, the NavierStokes equation and laminar and turbulent ow conditions. Conservation of Mass Mass conservation provides us with a mechanism to account for the rate at which mass ows into or out of an open system (recall that an open system implies that mass can cross the system’s boundaries). Our discussion of mass conservation begins with our understanding of mass ow rate, m· . A mass ow rate describes the rate at which a mass of uid (or gas) is moving, and as you might imagine is coupled to a uid’s velocity. We can write the mass ow rate for a moving uid as, m· = ρf ⋅ V̄ ⋅ Ac (1.18) where ρf is the dentist of the uid, V̄ is the uid’s velocity and Ac is the cross-sectional area of the uid through which the mass ows (in other words, it is the area perpendicular to the direction of uid ow). Combining V̄ and Ac, we can rewrite Eqn. 1.18 as, · m· = ρf ⋅ V (1.19) · where V is a volume ow rate.  fl fl fi  fl ff fl fi fl fl    fl   fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl   fl PAGE 49  fl fl F LU I D DY N A M I C S following scenario, where two rivers each having velocity V̄1 and V̄2 meet to form a third river having a di erent velocity V̄3 . If we want to predict V̄3 based on the conditions of the rst two rivers, we would do this using the Conservation of Mass. Figure 1.23. Two rivers converging to form a third river. Rivers have widths W1, W2 and W3, respectively, and each has a di erent velocity. In this problem, we’ll assume that all three rivers also have the same depth (i.e. the dimension "into the page".) To solve a problem of this nature, we use the principle of Conservation of Mass, which we write in its steady-state form as, ∑ m· i = ∑ m· e (1.20) Equation 1.20 mathematically tells us that all of the mass ow rates coming into a system must equal all of the mass ow rates going out of a system. When applied to the case outlined in Fig. 1.18, we account for the inlets (rivers 1 and 2) and exits (river 3) as, m· 1 + m· 2 = m· 3 When dealing with velocity, we can substitute Eqn. 1.16 into the above expression, which yields, ρf 1 ⋅ V̄1 ⋅ Ac,1 + ρf 2 ⋅ V̄2 ⋅ Ac,2 = ρf 3 ⋅ V̄3 ⋅ Ac,3 This problem is greatly simpli ed by virtue of the fact that all three rivers contain the same uid (water) and remain at the same depth (where Ac in this case is generally represented as Ac = W⋅depth). Simplifying, we obtain the following expression, ff    fl        fi  fl ff   PAGE 50  fi fl We are particularly interested in how mass is conserved in an open system. Consider the V̄1 ⋅ W1 + V̄2 ⋅ W2 = V̄3 ⋅ W3 Now, solving for V̄3, we are left with, V̄1 ⋅ W1 + V̄2 ⋅ W2 V̄3 = W3 Note that the above equations are not general forms for the conservation of mass. Only Eqn. 1.18 should be applied broadly to problems concerning mass in ows and out ows. Likewise, the conservation of mass can also be used to in tandem with the expression that relates mass ow rate to volume ow rate (i.e. one can substitute Eqn. 1.19 into Eqn. 1.20 rather than substituting Eqn. 1.18 into Eqn. 1.20). Conservation of Mass - Unsteady Problems A more general form of the conservation of mass accounts for changes in the mass within a system as a function of time. dMsys dt = ∑ m· i − ∑ m· e (1.21) In the vast majority of problems we encounter, systems will operate under steady-state conditions. Bernoulli Equation We begin our discussion of uid ow by applying Newton’s Second Law to describe the steady-state (i.e. time-independent) motion of a uid. Recall that Newton’s Second Law states, F = m ⋅ ā In order to simplify our consideration of the way in which a uid ows across a surface, we start by assuming that the uid itself is inviscid. In other words, we make the assumption that the uid viscosity is negligible. Of course, no uid has a viscosity which is zero, but viscous forces are considered to be secondary e ects in many cases where forces due to pressure or gravity are signi cant. Without considering viscous forces, we can rewrite Newton’s second law as, Pnet ⋅ A + mf ⋅ g = mf ⋅ ā fl fl fl fl fl fl ff  fl   fl   fi fl fl  fl fl  PA G E 51 uid particle and ā is the the mass of the uid particle’s acceleration. The inviscid assumption used to construct this equation is generally applicable for uids having low viscosity and for those uid particles traveling far from a wall (where frictional forces are not negligible close to a wall, regardless of uid viscosity). To further simplify the problem, we also consider the assumes that the uid to be incompressible. This uid density does not vary with pressure (or temperature), which is a reasonable approach for uids and gases that are not moving too fast. This treatment leads us to the development of the Bernoulli equation (for the full derivation, see additional reference1). For an inviscid, incompressible uid traveling along a streamline at steady-state, the Bernoulli equation reads, P V¯2 + +g⋅z =c ρ 2 (1.22) where z is the height of the uid (and g⋅z is representative of the potential energy of the uid), V̄ is the uid velocity (and V¯2 /2 is the kinetic energy of the uid), and c is a constant. A streamline is de ned as a set of curves that are tangent to the velocity vector for the ow. You can think of it as a way to track an individual uid particle as it moves in a two- dimensional plane (for the purposes of this course). Visually, we describe this in the schematics below. Figure 1.24. Schematics showing two “irrotational". So long as the uid uid particles separated by height and/or width in the same uid stream. We assume that the ows are ow is irrotational and meets the constraints mentioned above, Eqn. 1.24 can be used to relate pressure, density, velocity and height of a uid at points 1 and 2. 1 Cengel, Cimbala, and Ghajar. Fundamentals of Thermal-Fluid Sciences, 5th ed., p. 467-468.  fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl  fl    fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fi fl fl  PAGE 52   where Pnet is the net pressure applied to an individual uid particle across an area, A, mf is P1 V12 P2 V22 + + g ⋅ z1 = c = + + g ⋅ z2 ρ 2 ρ 2 There are a variety of forms that the Bernoulli equation can take. In the above expression, each term represents a speci c energy (or an energy per unit mass). Occasionally, it is useful to de ne each term as a length, or what we refer to as a “head". P V¯2 + +z =c ρ⋅g 2⋅g where the rst term (P/ρ ⋅ g) is called the pressure head, the second term (V¯2/2 ⋅ g) is termed the velocity head and the nal term (z) is called the elevation head. Applications of the Bernoulli Equation It is useful to discuss some conventional ways that the Bernoulli equation is applied in uid mechanics. The following types of problems are solved routinely by engineers to characterize the impact of owing uids on their surroundings (or vice versa). We speci cally focus on free jets, Venturi meters, and pitot-static tubes. Several examples are provided to give context for each type of problem discussed herein. Free Jets The "free jets" discussed in this section are speci cally characterized as free owing uids whose motion is governed by a change in potential energy. Consider the tank in the image below, whose uid is open to the atmosphere at height h and which has an opening at the bottom of the tank. Figure 1.25. Conditions for the free jets discussed in this section, including the tank lled with uid at some height h above the mid-point of an opening which allows a the uid to ow freely out. Here, we are often most interested in determining the uid velocity at the exit (2) of Fig. 1.25. Assuming a steady ow and an inviscid, incompressible uid, we use the following, fl fl   fl fi fl fl fl fi fi  fi fi   fl fl fl fl fl fl fi  fi PAGE 53 2 We can simplify the above expression using assumptions that are readily made by examination of Fig. 1.25. Here, both uids are exposed to the atmosphere. As a result, ΔP = P2 − P1 = 0. Likewise, we can assume that the velocity of the uid at position 1 is much less than that of position 2 (V̄1 < < V̄2, for proof of this, consider that m· 1 = m· 2 and therefore ρ ⋅ V̄1 ⋅ Ac,1 = ρ ⋅ V̄2 ⋅ Ac,2; if Ac,2 << Ac,1, then V̄1 < < V̄2). Consequently, we can rewrite the above expression as, V¯22 g ⋅ z1 = + g ⋅ z2 2 Solving for V2, we are left with: V̄2 = 2 ⋅ g ⋅ (z1 − z2) As you might expect, the velocity at the exit (2) is based entirely on a speci c potential energy. Venturi Meters Venturi meters are used to measure the volume ow rate of a moving uid. To do this, a converging section of the pipe is used to create a low pressure region and induce a pressure drop (and an increase in velocity) across the device. A schematic of a Venturi Meter is provided below. Figure 1.26. Schematic of a Venturi meter with cross sections located in regions (1) and (2). In the schematic shown in Fig. 1.26, region (1) represents an area of high pressure and low velocity, while region (2) represents an area of low pressure and high velocity. By measuring the pressure di erence between points (1) and (2), the volume ow rate can be found via the simpli ed Bernoulli equation. We start with the general Bernoulli expression, below, as, 2 2 P1 V̄1 P V̄ + + g ⋅ z1 = 2 + 2 + g ⋅ z2 ρ 2 ρ 2 fi  fl fl fl  fl   fl      ff   fi PAGE 5 4   2 P1 V̄1 P V̄ + + g ⋅ z1 = 2 + 2 + g ⋅ z2 ρ 2 ρ 2 Δz = z1 − z2 = 0. Because the purpose of a Venturi Meter is to measure the volume ow rate, we rewrite velocity as, · V · V̄ = → V = V̄ ⋅ Ac Ac Conservation of mass also tells us that, · · m· 1 = m· 2 → ρ1 ⋅ V1 = ρ2 ⋅ V2 Since the uid is air at both points (1) and (2), ρ1 = ρ2, so, · · · V1 = V2 = V · Now we substitute V in for both V̄1 and V̄2, which yields: P1 + ρ · 2 · V ( A1 ) 2 P2 = + ρ 2 · V ( A2 ) 2 Solving for V, · V = A2 ⋅ 2⋅ p1 − p2 1 ⋅ A2 ρ 1− 2 A12 Some images of a pair of Venturi tubes attached to a small aircraft are shown below. Figure 1.27. Venturi tubes attached to the side of an aircraft for air-driven, precision gyroscopic measurements of ow rate.2 2Attribution: fl fl           fl PAGE 55   In this case, we assume that the average height at (1) and (2) is equivalent, so Pitot-static Tube A Pitot-static tube is conventionally used as a speedometer on aircraft. In other words, it is principally used to as a method to measure an aircraft’s velocity. The image below provides both a schematic for an ordinary Pitot tube and an actual Pitot tube mounted on a Cessna aircraft. Figure 1.28.(left) Schematic of Pitot-static tube used to measure aircraft speed and (right) Pitot-static tube mounted to a Cessna aircraft. The schematic shown on the left of Fig. 1.28 describes the basic working principle for a manometer. The green regions of the pitot tube in this schematic represent air that enters the system through a series of small holes and represents the atmospheric pressure at the altitude of the aircraft (i.e. the static pressure, or pS. The total pressure (static pressure + dynamic pressure, pT) is represented in the left chamber (white space with label pT). The pressure di erence is measured by a pressure transducer that sits between the two chambers in the pitot tube. For a pitot tube, the end of the tube is a stagnation point, where the uid hits the tube and the velocity V̄2 = 0. This is where the total pressure pT is measured. Since Δz = 0 , the Bernoulli Equation simpli es to, 2 p1 V̄1 p + = 2 ρ 2 ρ Solving for V̄1, we have, V̄1 = 2⋅ p2 − p1 = ρ 2⋅ pT − pS ρ   fl     fi   ff   PAGE 56 Example 1.9 - Squirt gun (free jet - Bernoulli) A squirt gun uses a build up in pressure inside of its reservoir (these types of squirt guns are often referred to as "Air Pressurized Reservoir" guns). To do this, a pump is used to bring additional air into the reservoir, which is only partially lled with water. The opening where the water exits the squirt gun is open to the atmosphere, and can therefore be modeled as a "free jet". If a velocity of the water exiting the squirt gun must be 50 ft/s to achieve a range of 8 ft, what must the minimum pressure of the reservoir be? What if you replaced the water with ethanol (ρglycerin = 49.3 lbm and pumped to the same pressure inside of f t3 ) the reservoir, what would its exit velocity be? Use the dimensions provided in the diagram below, and assume the uid ow is inviscid and the uid is incompressible. Also assume that the device is being operated at steady-state. Solution Here, we are looking for a pressure in the reservoir of the squirt gun such that we achieve some velocity at its exit. Thus, we can use the Bernoulli equation to solve for Preservoir as, 2 2 pR V¯R pE V¯E + + g ⋅ zR = + + g ⋅ zE ρ 2 ρ 2 where the subscripts R and E represent the Reservoir and Exit, respectively. Given that the cross-sectional area of the opening at the exit is much smaller than the average crosssectional area of the reservoir, we can use the Conservation of Mass to say: ρR ⋅ V¯R ⋅ Ac,R = ρE ⋅ V¯E ⋅ Ac,E Since water is the uid at both points, ρR = ρE, and if Ac,R >> Ac,E, then, V¯R < < V¯E   fi  fl     fl  fl fl  PAGE 57 also assume that pE = 0 psig. Rearranging our obtain, rst expression to solve for pR, then, we 2 V¯E pR = ρ ⋅ + g ⋅ (zE − zR) ( 2 ) Substituting values, 1 lbm (50 s ) lbm ft 3 pR = 62.3 3 ⋅ + 32.174 2 ⋅ 0ft − ft ⋅ ft 2 ( 2 ( 12 ) )) ft s ( 25,037 2 ft 2 Btu s 5.40395psia ⋅ ft 3 ⋅ 1Btu And, pR = 16.7 psig + 14.7 psi = 31.4 psia Now, if we replace the water with glycerin, the exit velocity at a gage pressure of pR = 16.7 psig is: V¯E = 2⋅ pR + g ⋅ (zR − zE ) (ρ ) Substituting the values provided (and working in gage pressure), we obtain: V¯E = 16.7 ft 2 lbf 25,037 2 1Btu ft 3 s ⋅ ⋅ + 32.174 ⋅ ft − 0ft Btu 2 (( 12 ) ) ) 5.40395psia ⋅ ft 3 s 1 lbm in 2 2⋅ ( 49.3 lbm ft 3 Therefore, V¯E = 56.16 ft s   fi       PAGE 58    And we can therefore neglect V¯R . If we solve for the gage pressure in the reservoir, we can Example 1.10 - Pitot-static tube (Bernoulli) The density of air at a speci c altitude is 1.1 kg/m3. A Pitot-static tube is used to measure the velocity of an aircraft by measuring the di erence in pressure between the atmosphere and that being applied to the front of the Pitot-static tube. A manometer is used to measure the pressure di erence, as shown below. If the uid in the manometer is mercury (SGHg = 13.6), height h1 = 4 cm and height h2 = 1 cm, what is the indicated velocity of the aircraft? Solution Beginning with the Bernoulli equation, 2 2 pS V̄S pT V̄T + + g ⋅ zT = + + g ⋅ zS ρ 2 ρ 2 Although there is a change in height in the manometer, there is no signi cant change in height for the air at static pressure and that at the total pressure (i.e. green vs. white uids). Likewise, we can assume that the velocity of the static uid is V̄S = 0. Simplifying, pS − pT 2⋅ = ( ρair ) V̄T = 2⋅ ( ) ρHg ⋅ g ⋅ Δh ρair So, V̄T = 2⋅ ( 13,600 kg m m s ⋅ 9.81 2 ⋅ (4cm − 1cm) ⋅ 3 1m 100cm ) kg 1.1 3 m = 85.3 m s  fl fi  fl  fl ff  fi   ff    PAGE 59 Conservation of Momentum Just as we accounted for forces acting on submerged surfaces that are surrounded by quiescent uids, we must also account for forces impacting surfaces due to interactions with moving uids. In this section, we use the Conservation of Linear Momentum to account for such forces. As a disclaimer, this section includes content that can be di cult to absorb from a fundamental perspective, but (like most other subjects) can be mastered with practice working through problems. We begin our discussion of momentum conservation by examining an arbitrary open system. Figure 1.29. Arbitrary control volume with one inlet and one exit having mass ow rates m· i and m· e, respectively, and corresponding velocities of V̄i and V̄e, respectively. In order to determine the force(s) acting on a surface due to a moving uid, we must rst recall the method used to compute momentum, M = m ⋅ V̄ For an open system, the momentum is computed according to the product of a mass ow rate and the uid’s velocity. Accounting for each inlet and exit, we can use Newton’s 2nd law to obtain the time rate of change of linear momentum within a control volume as, d(m ⋅ V̄ )cv = F̄cv + m· i ⋅ V̄i − m· e ⋅ V̄e ∑ ∑ ∑ dt i e (1.23) In this course, we will restrict our study of momentum conservation to steady-state problems. Thus, 0= ∑ F̄cv + ∑ i m· i ⋅ V̄i − ∑ e m· e ⋅ V̄e (1.24)  fi fl  fl ffi   fl    fl fl  fl  PAGE 60 Also note that F̄cv , V̄i , and V̄e are all vector quantities, which means they have some directionality to them! rst turn our attention to the external forces acting on the control volume, F̄cv . Let’s These forces are either body forces that act on the control volume or surface forces that act on the surface of the control volume. Such forces include: Body forces 1. Gravity, g 2. Electric eld, Ē 3. Magnetic eld, B̄ Surface forces 1. Pressure (F = P⋅As) 2. Viscosity, (F = μ ⋅ V̄ ⋅ As / S, where S is a characteristic length for the ow) 3. Walls on the uid (Resultant force!) We note that when we eventually apply momentum conservation, we will be working in gage pressure given our assumption that the atmospheric pressure acts on all sides of our object or surface. Thus, Patm will not impact the solution when looking at the net forces in any one direction. Typically, we wish to nd forces acting on a surface (or, conversely, the force needed to support an object). When we apply linear conservation to the problem, we generally follow the procedure as outlined below: 1. Determine the relevant control volume. 2. Provide the coordinate system you will use (note that velocity and force are directional). 3. Sketch the free body diagram showing the relevant body and surface forces. 4. Divide the linear momentum equation into each of its constituent coordinate systems. 5. Use the resulting equations to solve for the unknown forces exerted by the cv.  fl   fi        fl fi fi  fi PA G E 61 Vanes: Vanes alter the direction of a uid that is bound only on one side. Nozzles: Nozzles constrict the ow of uid by reducing the area between inlet(s) and exit(s). Y-joint: A y-joint splits the uid into two separate (typically smaller diameter) paths. Pipe Bend: A pipe bend is meant to redirect uid ow while fully bounding the uid. fl fl fl fl fl fl fl  PAGE 62 Example 1.11 - Vane-water Jet A vane redirects water having a cross-section of 4 in x 2 in. The vane redirects the water at an angle of 35∘ and the velocity of the uid in the jet is 145 ft/s. If the weight of the uid is negligible, determine the force of the uid acting on the vane. Solution Note rst that the two ends of the vane (positions 1 and 2) are exposed to the atmosphere. Thus, p1 = p2 = patm Remember that when solving conservation of momentum problems, we use gage pressure. As a result, p1,g = p2,g = 0 By conservation of mass, we know that, ρ ⋅ V̄1 ⋅ A1 = ρ ⋅ V̄2 ⋅ A2 Because the uid is the same at the inlet and exit, and because the areas at each location are also equivalent, we can say that V̄1 = V̄2. Knowing this, we can apply the conservation of momentum as outlined in Eqn. 1.24 as, ∑ 0= F̄cv + ∑ i m· i ⋅ V̄i − ∑ e m· e ⋅ V̄e We break the above equation down into its respective x- and y-components according to the coordinate system outline in the image above. fl  fl  fl     fl  fi PAGE 63 Looking at the forces applied in only the x-direction, we have, 0 = FR,x + m· ⋅ V̄1 − m· ⋅ V̄2,x While V̄1 only has an x-component, V̄2 has both an x- and y-component. We can resolve the force due to the momentum in the x-direction using trigonometry. An illustration of each component is provided below. As a result, the conservation of momentum in the x-direction (with V̄1 = V̄2) becomes, 0 = FR,x + m· ⋅ V̄1 − m· ⋅ V̄1 ⋅ cos(35∘) We can solve for the resultant force in the x-direction as, FR,x = m· ⋅ V̄1 ⋅ (cos(35∘) − 1) = ρ ⋅ A1 ⋅ V1 ⋅ V1 ⋅ (cos(35∘) − 1) and, lbm FR,x = ρ ⋅ A1 ⋅ V12 ⋅ (cos(35∘) − 1) = 62.3 3 ⋅ (4 in ⋅ 1 in) ⋅ ft 1ft 2 ft 1lbf ∘ ⋅ 145 ⋅ cos(35 ) − 1 ⋅ ( ) lbm ⋅ ft 144in 2 ( s) 32.174 2 2 s Therefore, FR,x = − 204.4 lbf Because it is negative, this represents the force of the vane on the uid. Now, applying the conservation of momentum in the y-direction, 0 = FR,y − m· ⋅ V̄2,y  fl        PAGE 6 4   x-momentum Recall that there is no y-component of the velocity at point (1) to generate a force in the ydirection at the entrance. Using the same diagram that is laid out on the previous page, we can obtain the y-component of the velocity at point (2) as V̄2,y = V̄1 ⋅ sin(35∘). Therefore, FR,y = m· ⋅ V̄1 ⋅ (sin(35∘)) = ρ ⋅ A2 ⋅ V1 ⋅ (sin(35∘)) and, lbm 1ft 2 ft 1lbf ∘ FR,y = 62.3 3 ⋅ (4 in ⋅ 1 in) ⋅ ⋅ 145 ⋅ sin(35 ) ⋅ ( ) lbm ⋅ ft ft 144in 2 ( s) 32.174 2 2 s Therefore, FR,y = 648.5 lbf Again, this is the force of the vane on the uid. To compute the total force of the uid on the vane, we use, | FR | = (204.4 lbf )2 + (−648.5 lbf )2 = 679 lbf We can also calculate the angle that the force is acting on using trigonometry. A visual of the resultant force and its x- and y-components from the perspective of the uid acting on the vane is provided rst. Here, we’ve arranged the direction of F̄R to represent the resultant force of the vane on the water. The force of the water on the vane (F̄w) is equal and opposite that of F̄R. Now, we nd the angle as, θw = tan ( Fx,y ) Fw,y −1 = tan −1 −648.8 lbf = − 72∘ ( 204.4 lbf ) which is 72∘ below the horizontal line of action (Fw,x). fi fl fl    fl       fi    PAGE 65 Example 1.12 - Nozzle/elbow combination An elbow joint is reduced at its end (section 2) from D1 = 90 cm to D2 = 30 cm. Water enters the elbow at section 1 with a velocity V̄1 = 7 m and a gage pressure of 100 kPa at s standard atmospheric conditions. The water exits to the atmosphere at section 2. What is the force needed for the apparatus to remain stationary, and what is the direction of this force? Solution As before, we start with the conservation of momentum. Unlike the previous problem, however, we do not have the same gage pressure at both inlet and exit. Therefore, the expression for momentum conservation becomes, 0= ∑ F̄cv + ∑ i m· i ⋅ V̄i − ∑ e m· e ⋅ V̄e Considering the resultant force (F̄R), the pressure force at the inlet (F̄1 = p1,g ⋅ A1), and the pressure force at the exit (F̄2 = p2,g ⋅ A2) as the forces acting on the control volume (F̄cv), we write the x-momentum conservation equation as,          PAGE 66 0 = p1x,g ⋅ A1 + p2x,g ⋅ A2 + FR,x + m· 1 ⋅ V̄1x − m· 2 ⋅ V̄2x and, FR,x = − p2x,g ⋅ A2 − p1x,g ⋅ A1 + m· ⋅ (V̄2x − V̄1x) We know p2,g = 0 and p1,g = 100 kPa, but need V̄2 . To obtain this, we can use the Conservation of Mass as, m· 1 = m· 2 → ρ ⋅ V̄1 ⋅ A1 = ρ ⋅ V̄2 ⋅ A2 ∴ m· = 1000 kg m kg 2 ⋅ 7 ⋅ π ⋅ (0.45 m) = 4,453 m3 s s and, A1 m π ⋅ (0.45m)2 m V̄2 = V̄1 ⋅ =7 ⋅ = 63 A2 s π ⋅ (0.15m)2 s The above velocity is the magnitude of velocity. We know that V̄2x = − V̄2, thus, 1 N2 1000Pa kg m m 1N m ⋅ + 4,453 ⋅ − 63 − 7 1 kPa 1Pa s ( s s ) 1 kg ⋅ m FR,x = − 100 kPa ⋅ π ⋅ (0.45m)2 ⋅ s2 FR,x = − 375,327 N = − 375.33 kN Because there is no pressure force or velocity in the y-direction at either opening, FR,y = 0 N Therefore, F̄R = FR,x = − 375.33 kN This is the force of the vane on the water, so the resultant force needs to be applied in the positive x-direction.            PAGE 67   x-momentum Dimensional Analysis As engineers, it is often not possible to analyze full scale designs due to economic constraints. Instead, we turn to dimensional analysis and "scaling". We begin our discussion of dimensional analysis with a detailed look at Similtude, and proceed with the use of the so-called Buckingham Pi Theorem, which follows with a discussion on scaling analysis. Similitude Similitude refers to the similarity of two problems. This principle is extremely useful when designing an experiment, or when generalizing the results of a model or a set of experiments. If the similarity of two problems can be established, we may use the behavior of a model system to predict the behavior of a di erent, related system. important when conducting experiments. This is very Often we are unable to make the required measurements on the actual system of interest, but we can conduct an experiment on a similar, smaller system. For example, we may not be able to measure the lift on a full-size airplane wing. However, we can put a smaller model wing into a wind tunnel, measure the lift, and relate the measured force to the force that would be expected on the full-size wing. The process by which we determine the variables and parameters that govern the similarity of two systems is called Dimensional Analysis. Every system is characterized by some number of variables and parameters that are required in order to fully describe the system. Each variable or parameter can be be expressed in terms of primary dimensions, typically mass [M], length [L], time [t], and temperature [θ] (sometimes force [F] is used instead of mass.) Because a large number of variables are all constructed from a small set of primary dimensions, there are often only a few ways in which variables may be arranged in an equation to produce a dimensionally correct result. By eliminating the dimensional aspects of the system, we can reduce the number of required quantities needed to solve for a given variable. Again, the primary dimensions of a problem are typically mass [M], length [L], time [t] and/or temperature [θ]. However, we often deal with secondary dimensions in a problem that are a combination of these primary dimensions. Examples of these secondary dimensions include Area [L2], Force [ML/t2], Pressure [M/Lt2], and Energy [ML2/t2]. MLt dimension for some common units are provided in Appendix A. As an example, consider the classic equation for the position of an object subject to a constant linear acceleration. ff    PAGE 68 X = Xo + V̄o ⋅ t + 1 ⋅ ao ⋅ t 2 2 The problem is to nd X as a function of the other variables, or X = f(Xo, Vo, ao, t) where f is some function. In total, this system contains 5 quantities: Xo, Vo, ao, X, t. In this example, the rst three quantities (Xo, Vo, ao) are usually xed for a particular problem and are called dimensional constants. Variables X and t will vary and are called dimensional variables. In general, the objective is to non-dimensionalize the variables in terms of the dimensional constants. Constants such as (½) that do not have dimensions are not part of the process. Position X has dimensions of length [L] and t has dimensions of time [t]. Notice that the following dimensional constants (or combination of dimensional constants) have the same dimensions as the variables we wish non-dimensionalize. X* = t* = X Xo V̄o ⋅ t Xo Solving for X and t, substituting those expressions back into the original equation, and dividing by Xo results in the following equation: X* = 1 + t* + X 1 ⋅ a o ⋅ t *2 2 V̄ 2o Where before each term in the equation had dimension [L], now each term is dimensionless. The remaining dimensional constants, when grouped together, form a dimensionless quantity (a nondimensional acceleration) that we will call α. Substituting this yields, X* = 1 + t* + α= 1 ⋅ α ⋅ t *2 2 ao ⋅ Xo V̄ 2o The expression for position X* is now only a function of two quantities, t* and α, which we can write as X* = f(t*,α). The original equation [1] was in terms of 5 quantities; we reduced the number of quantities in the equation by 2, by going from 5 to 3. fi       fi  fi PAGE 69 Note that all of the quantities in the original expression use only two primary dimensions, [L] and [t]. This leads us to the Buckingham Pi Theorem. Buckingham Pi Theorem The Buckingham Pi Theorem is introduced by rst examining the relevant unit systems we use in Fluid Mechanics. Speci cally, we refer to these as the FLt and MLt unit systems. The MLt unit system is used to construct Π groupings (dimensionless terms) and represents units of mass, length, and time. The FLt unit system provides us with a mechanism to con rm Π groupings and represents units of force, length, and time. Formally, the Buckingham Pi Theorem is understood as, I F A N E Q U A T I O N I N V O LV I N G N VA R I A B L E S I S D I M E N S I O N A L LY H O M O G E N E O U S , I T C A N B E R E D U C E D T O A R E L AT I O N S H I P DIMENSIONLESS NUMBER OF A M O N G PRODUCTS BASIC ( N - R ) WHERE DIMENSIONS R I N D E P E N D E N T IS THE REQUIRED TO MINIMUM DESCRIBE T H E VA R I A B L E S . We will combine the above unit systems to form Π groupings, but before we do that we discuss the relevance of the Buckingham Pi Theorem and how we use Π groupings to implement it. A widely used introductory example is the force of drag acting on a stationary, smooth sphere that is immersed in a uid having a uniform velocity, as shown in the illustration below. Figure 1.30. Sphere suspended in a uid with uniform ow. Gray lines represent streamlines for uid, where the uid initially meets a stagnation point at the sphere’s leading point, and then ows around the sphere and produces some rotational ow at the trailing edge of the sphere. It is useful to be able to measure the drag around the sphere; however, in some cases (e.g. when the sphere is very large or the uid velocity is very high) it is di cult to make  fi ffi  fl fl fl  fi fl fl  fl fi fl fl  PAGE 70 between such cases, it is useful to non-dimensionalize the expression for drag force. To do this, we must specify the parameters that we think will impact the drag force. Those with su cient experience in engineering design can typically use intuition to determine the parameters that most impact a computation like this. In the relatively simple case of drag force on the sphere above, one such engineer would point to its likely dependence on the size of the sphere (or characteristic dimension, D), the uid viscosity (μ), the uid velocity (V̄) and the uid density (ρf). Thus, we can say that the drag force (FD) takes the following functional form, FD = f (D, μ, V̄, ρ) It is important to note that we are examining the drag force on a smooth sphere in this case, and that we have not factored in parameters like surface roughness as a result. We also note that the above parameters are all tunable in an experiment. For instance, the size of the sphere can be controlled in the fabrication process, while the density and velocity can be tuned via the choice of uid, and the uid velocity can be controlled by varying the electronic signal to a fan or blower. Let’s illustrate the use of Π groupings to set up a nondimensional relationship between drag force and the functional parameters on the right of the above equation. First, let’s count the number of dimensional parameters: FD D V̄ μ ρ → n = 5 dimensional parameters Now we select the primary dimensions in MLt units as, FD = M⋅L [ t2 ] D = [L] V̄ = L [t] ρ= M [ L3 ] μ= M [L ⋅ t ] → r = 3 primar y dimensions Next, we select the number of repeating parameters (m), which must be equal to the number of primary dimensions (r). If m = r = 3, we select 3 of the above parameters (any 3). In this illustrative example, we choose repeating parameters ρ, V̄, and D. The number of dimensionless groups is then calculated as, n − m = 2 dimensionless groups   fl     fl  fl  fl  ffi   PAGE 71 fl  experimental measurements in laboratory conditions. In order to make comparisons groups as ρ a ⋅ V̄ b ⋅ D c ⋅ P, where P is replaced by each non-repeating parameter. Thus, the two Π groups here are, Π1 = ρ a ⋅ V̄ b ⋅ D c ⋅ FD and, Π2 = ρ d ⋅ V̄ e ⋅ D f ⋅ μ We solve for the exponents (a, b, c, d, e, and f) by substituting the primary dimensions into the above equations for each parameter (ρ, V̄, D, FD, μ) and setting this equal to MLt, we obtain (for the rst Π group, Π1), M L M⋅L ρ a ⋅ V̄ b ⋅ D c ⋅ FD → 3 ⋅ ⋅ [L]c ⋅ = [M ]0 ⋅ [L]0 ⋅ [t]0 2 [L ] [ t ] [ t ] a b Where we equate the exponents of M, L, and t, as, M: L: a+1=0 ∴ a=−1 −3⋅a+b+c+1=0 t: −b−2=0 ∴ c=−2 ∴ b=−2 Note that we solved for the coe cients a, b and c by manipulating the system of simultaneous equations. Now, working with our second Π group, Π2, we obtain, M L M ρ d ⋅ V̄ e ⋅ D f ⋅ μ → 3 ⋅ ⋅ [L] f ⋅ = [M ]0 ⋅ [L]0 ⋅ [t]0 [L ] [ t ] [L ⋅ t ] d e Again equating exponents of M, L, and t, we obtain, M: L: d+1=0 ∴ d=−1 −3⋅d+e+f−1=0 t: −e−1=0 ∴ f=−1 ∴ e=−1 With the coe cients above, our Π groups become,  fi      ffi           fi ffi    PAGE 72   So we now know that we will need to develop 2 Π groups. To do this, we de ne each Π ρ ⋅ V̄ 2 ⋅ D 2 and, μ ρ ⋅ V̄ ⋅ D Π2 = We can double-check the resulting dimensionality by applying the FLt units (i.e. force-lengthtime) to our Π groups. If the result is equivalent to unity (1), then we have properly determined our Π groups. L3 t 1 L4 t 1 Π = → [F ] ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ = 1 → [F ] ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ =1 [ 1] [ [ M ] [( L ) ] [ L 2 ] [ F ⋅ t 2 ] [( L ) ] [ L 2 ] ρ ⋅ V̄ 2 ⋅ D 2 ] 2 FD 2 Note that in the above expression, we use Newton’s second law to relate mass, M, and force, F via F = m ⋅ ā , where ā is acceleration and has units of [L/t2]. Therefore, converting from MLt to FLt yields [M] = [F⋅t2/L]. For the second Π group, we obtain, M L3 t 1 F⋅t L4 t 1 Π = → ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ = 1 → ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ =1 [ 2] [ 2 2 2 2 ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] L ⋅ t M L L L F ⋅ t L L ρ ⋅ V̄ ⋅ D FD where we’ve used the same conversion between M and F as with Π1. The functional relationship between Π1 and Π2 is then Π1 = f (Π2), μ =f ( ρ ⋅ V̄ ⋅ D ) ρ ⋅ V̄ 2 ⋅ D 2 FD The actual functional relationship between the two sides of the above expression is found via experiment. Notice that this relationship allows us to vary any of the above parameters to create a range of values for Π1 and Π2, making it easier to conduct an experiment to predict the drag force based on parameters that are more di cult to measure.     ffi               PAGE 73    FD Π1 = Figure 1.31. The actual (experimentally obtained), non-dimensionalized functional form of the drag force acting over a smooth sphere submerged in a uid of uniform velocity. The real power of the Buckingham Pi Theorem is that you do not need to know the functional form in order to determine the non-dimensional parameters. There are many problems that exist for which we cannot easily determine the functional form of the governing equations.  fl PAG E 74 Provided the example above, we can formalize the procedure for determining Π groups as follows: 1. Establish a list of the parameters that are likely to impact the parameter of interest. • Let "n" be the number of parameters established above. • The establishment of such parameters takes practice, but unimportant parameters can be identi ed using this procedure; therefore, it is useful to include more parameters than less. 2. Select a set of primary dimensions (MLt or FLt). • In heat transfer problems, you will also need T for temperature, which can be implemented in either unit system. 3. Write the dimensions of each parameter provided in Step 1 in terms of the primary dimensions (MLt or FLt). • Let "r" be the number of primary dimensions used. - If just one of M, L or t are used, for instance, then r = 1 (if two of M, L or t are used, r = 2, and so on). 4. Select a set of "r" dimensional parameters (from Step 1) that contain all of the primary dimensions identi ed in Step 3. • These parameters will be referred to as "repeating parameters”. • None of the repeating parameters should have dimensions that could be a power of the dimensions of another repeating parameter. - e.g. Do not use both Area (L2) and the second moment of inertia (L4) • Do not include the parameter of interest as a repeating parameter. • When combined, the dimensions of the repeating parameters cannot cancel to unity. 5. Establish your dimensional equations by combining the parameters identi ed in Step 4 with the remaining parameters (one at a time) and form your Π groups. 6. Check to see that the primary dimensions (MLt or FLt; the opposite of what was used in Step 3) multiply to unity.  fi    fi fi  PAGE 75 Alternative Method of Forming Π Groups Step 5 in the above procedure, involving a system of equations derived from the exponents of M, L, and t, may alternatively be replaced by an inspection process that is less structured but nonetheless provides the correct form for the relevant Π terms. The starting ingredients for forming dimensionless groups by inspection are the same as using the exponent method. One dimensionless parameter will be formed for each nonrepeating variable, while the repeating variables will appear in any group where they are necessary. To begin, write two fraction bars - one for the variables that will be assembled, and one for the dimensions in each of the variables. Put the non-repeating variable you wish to non-dimensionalize in the numerator on the variables line, and put the dimensions of that variable on the dimension line. In the example above, FD was a non-repeating variable that forms a term with ρ, V̄, and D as repeating variables. The two fractions would then be: FD VARIABLES: 1 ML DIMENSIONS: t2 Because the objective is to cancel out all the dimensions in the term, the next step is to multiply or divide the working term in the variables line with a repeating variable such that it will remove at least one of the existing dimensions, as seen in the dimensions line. Because the dimension mass is present in the numerator, we can divide by the repeating variable ρ , which was chosen to represent mass. We divide by the variable in the variables line, and we divide by the dimensions of the variable in the dimensions line. This leaves, FD 1 1 ρ ML L 3 DIMENSIONS: t2 M VARIABLES: This achieved the goal of removing the dimension mass from the working term, although it did add additional dimensions of length at the same time. The process then continues with each of the other dimensions. Because the existing variable group has t2 in the denominator, the speed V̄ (which also has time in the denominator) can be divided through twice:            PAG E 76 Just as before, we were able to remove the dimension of interest represented by the repeating variable. At this point it can be seen that the only dimension remaining in the term is length, as both the mass (from ρ ) and the time (from V̄ ) have been removed. Because there is a net L 2 dimension in the working term, we can remove it by dividing by diameter D twice. FD 1 1 1 1 ρ V̄ 2 D 2 ML L 3 t 2 1 DIMENSIONS: t2 M L2 L2 VARIABLES: Once we can see as above that all of the dimensions have been canceled, then what remains in the variable line must be the dimensionless parameter we seek. FD 1 1 1 FD = Π1 = 1 ρ V̄ 2 D 2 ρ ⋅ V̄ 2 ⋅ D 2 Because this is a less formal process than the exponent method, there are times where additional steps may be required before all dimensions are removed. Even though the force FD in this example was a non-repeating variable, it is permissible to add additional force variables (or take the root of the one you start with) if that helps remove the dimensions from the working term. (The term “non-repeating” means that it cannot show up in other Π terms. It’s welcome to “repeat” within the term it anchors.) When working with thermouid variables, it also tends to be easiest to remove the dimensions in the order illustrated above. Mass M was removed rst, followed by time t , with the removal of length L last. Because a length variable, e.g. a height, diameter, etc., is often available as a repeating variable, it can be used last to remove the dimension L without inserting any additional dimensions in the process.       fi        PAGE 7 7    fl FD 1 1 1 ρ V̄ 2 ML L 3 t 2 DIMENSIONS: t2 M L2 VARIABLES: Notes: 1. Ev = bulk modulus of elasticity, 2. Either of Ca or Ma can be used to assess uid compressibility; c is the speed of sound in the uid, 3. ω is the frequency of vortex shedding, 4. h here is called the heat transfer coe cient and Cp is the uid’s heat capacity, 5. Lc is a characteristic length and kf is the thermal conductivity of the uid, 6. ks is the thermal conductivity of the solid object, not the uid!, 7. β is the thermal expansion coe cient of the uid (β = 1/Tabs for gasses, and can be found in the Appendix for liquids), α is the uid’s thermal di usivity, represented by α = kf / (ρ ⋅ Cp) Dimensionless Numbers Name Expression Meaning Reynolds Number, Re ρ ⋅ V̄ ⋅ L μ Ratio of inertial force to viscous force V̄ Froude Number, Fr Ratio of inertial force to gravitational force g⋅L Euler Number, Eu p ρ ⋅ V̄ 2 Ratio of pressure force to inertial force Cauchy Number, Ca1 ρ ⋅ V̄ 2 Ev Ratio of inertial force to compressibility force Mach Number, Ma2 V̄ c Ratio of inertial force to compressibility force Strouhal Number, St3 ω⋅L V̄ Ratio of inertial (local) force and inertial (convective) force Weber Number, We ρ ⋅ V̄ 2 ⋅ L σ Ratio of inertial force to surface tension force Stanton Number, St4 h Nu = Re ⋅ Pr ρ ⋅ V̄ ⋅ Cp Ratio of heat transfer into a uid to uid thermal capacity Nusselt Number, Nu5 h ⋅ Lc kf Ratio of convective heat transfer to conductive heat transfer Cp ⋅ μ Prandtl Number, Pr Ratio of momentum di usivity to thermal di usivity kf Biot Number, Bi6 h ⋅ Lc ks Ratio of convection heat transfer to conduction heat transfer Rayleigh Number, Ra7 ρ ⋅ β ⋅ ΔT ⋅ Lc3 ⋅ g μ⋅α Ratio of di usive heat transfer to convective heat transfer   fl   ff fl fl fl   fl ffi  ff fl fl fl  ff         fl   ff    ffi PAGE 78              Table 1.4. Common dimensionless numbers Name FLt System MLt System Acceleration, ā L t2 L t2 Angle, α F 0 ⋅ L0 ⋅ t0 = 1 M 0 ⋅ L0 ⋅ t0 = 1 Angular Velocity, ωV 1 t 1 t Area, A L2 L2 Density, ρ F ⋅ t2 L4 M L3 Energy, E F⋅L Force, F F Heat Energy, Q F⋅L Length, L L L Mass, m F ⋅ t2 L M Momentum, M F⋅t M⋅L t Power, P F⋅L t M ⋅ L2 t3 F L2 L2 t2 ⋅ θ F L3 F L M L ⋅ t2 L2 t2 ⋅ θ M 2 L ⋅ t2 M t2 Pressure, p Speci c Heat, Cp Speci c Weight, γ Surface Tension, σ M ⋅ L2 t2 M⋅L t2 M ⋅ L2 t2 Torque, T F⋅L M ⋅ L2 t2 Velocity, V̄ L t L t Viscosity (dynamic), μ F⋅t L2 M L ⋅t Viscosity (kinematic), ν L2 t L2 t Work, W F⋅L M ⋅ L2 t2  fl            fi fi   PAGE 79                   Primary Dimensions for Common Parameters                   Table 1.5. Primary dimensions for common uid dynamics and heat transfer parameters. Note θ is the primary dimension of temperature. The rise of a capillary uid’s surface tension (σ), uid (h) can be determined based on a tube diameter (d), interfacial angle of the uid and adjacent wall (α), and the speci c weight of the uid (γf). We want to determine the dimensionless, functional form of the expression that allows us to determine h based on the above parameters. Solution For this problem, we will follow the steps as outlined on page 59. Step 1: Identify the parameters likely to impact h. In this problem, we have been told which parameters are likely to impact the height, h. These include: h σ d α γ → n = 5 dimensional parameters Step 2: Select a set of primary dimensions (MLt or FLt). For this problem (as with the subsequent examples provided in this text), we will use the MLt primary dimensions. Step 3: Write the parameters chosen in Step 1 in terms of their primary dimensions. h = [L] σ= M [ t2 ] d = [L] α = [1] γf = M [ L2 ⋅ t2 ] → r = 3 primar y dimensions Step 4: Select a set of "r" dimensional parameters as repeating parameters Here, the number of r dimensional parameters is set to 3 (and thus we have m = 3 repeating parameters). We choose our repeating parameters to be σ, d and γ.  fi    fl fl fl fl    PAGE 80 fl  Example 1.13 - Rise of capillary uid However, we must check that these 3 variables can not be combined such that their units cancel out. Here we have: M [ t2 ] σ= d = [L] γf = M [ L2 ⋅ t2 ] Problematically, there is a way in which these parameters can be arranged such that the units cancel to unity: σ =1 2 d ⋅ γf Therefore, we must reduce the number of repeating parameters by 1, where now m = 2 repeating parameters. We choose parameters σ and d to satisfy the requirement for m. Step 5: Establish Π groups In this case, we have 2 repeating parameters, though we still will end up with 3 Π terms. Π1 = σ a ⋅ d b ⋅ h Π2 = σ c ⋅ d d ⋅ α Π3 = σ e ⋅ d f ⋅ γf First Π Group M σ ⋅ d ⋅ h → 2 ⋅ [L]b ⋅ [L] = [M ]0 ⋅ [L]0 ⋅ [t]0 [t ] a a b M: a=0 ∴ a=0 L: b+1=0 ∴ b=−1 t: −2⋅a =0 ∴ a=0 Π1 = h d                PA G E 81 Second Π Group M σ c ⋅ d d ⋅ α → 2 ⋅ [L]d ⋅ [1] = [M ]0 ⋅ [L]0 ⋅ [t]0 [t ] c M: c=0 ∴ c=0 L: d=0 ∴ d=0 As with the previous Π group, we don’t need to use t to compute c or d, and, Π2 = α This should make sense, as α is an angle and therefore already dimensionless. Third Π Group M M e f f σ ⋅ d ⋅ γf → 2 ⋅ [L] ⋅ 2 2 = [M ]0 ⋅ [L]0 ⋅ [t]0 [t ] [L ⋅ t ] e M: e+1=0 ∴ e=−1 L: f−2=0 ∴ f=2 t: −2⋅e−2=0 ∴ e=−1 Like the rst Π group, the primary dimension t serves to con rm the calculation of one of our unknown exponents. Now, Π3 = γf ⋅ d 2 σ With Π1 = f (Π2, Π3): γf ⋅ d h = f α, ( d σ ) 2 fi              fi     PAGE 82 A pipe with radius R1 converges to a radius R2, as in a Venturi meter. According to Bernoulli’s equation, a pressure drop (Δp) occurs from point (1) to point (2), as well as an increase in velocity (ΔV̄). The pressure drop is known to be some function of the uid density (ρ) and dynamic viscosity (μ), in addition to the velocity at the inlet (V̄1). Solution To solve this problem, we apply the Buckingham Pi theorem in the step-by-step manner outlined on the page 59. Step 1: Identify the parameters likely to impact Δp. In this problem, we are told which parameters are likely to impact Δp. These include, Δp R1 R2 V̄1 μ ρ → n = 6 dimensional parameters Step 2: Select a set of primary dimensions (MLt or FLt). In this example problem, we choose to use MLt primary dimensions. Step 3: Write the parameters chosen in Step 1 in terms of their primary dimensions. Δp = M [ L ⋅ t2 ] R1 = [L] R2 = [L] V̄ = L [t] μ= M [L ⋅ t ] ρ= M [ L3 ] → r = 3 primar y dimensions Step 4: Select a set of "r" dimensional parameters as repeating parameters The number of repeating parameters (m) is set equal to the number of dimensional parameters (r). fl           PAGE 83   Example 1.14 - Contraction in a pipe we choose R1, V̄, and μ as repeating parameters (m). Step 5: Establish Π groups In this case, we have n - m = 6 - 3 = 3 repeating parameters. Thus, we will end up with 3 Π groups. Π1 = R1a ⋅ V̄ b ⋅ μ c ⋅ Δp Π2 = R1d ⋅ V̄ e ⋅ μ f ⋅ R2 Π3 = R1g ⋅ V̄ h ⋅ μ i ⋅ ρ Now we must solve for each of the exponents in the above Π groups. First Π Group L M M 0 0 0 R1a ⋅ V̄ b ⋅ μ c ⋅ Δp → [L]a ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ = [M ] ⋅ [L] ⋅ [t] [ t ] [ L ⋅ t ] [ L ⋅ t2 ] b M: L: t: c c+1=0 ∴ c=−1 a+b−c−1=0 ∴ a=1 c+2 ∴ b= =−1 −1 −b−c−2=0 Π1 = Δp ⋅ R1 V̄ ⋅ μ Second Π Group L M R1d ⋅ V̄ e ⋅ μ f ⋅ R2 → [L]d ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ [L] = [M ]0 ⋅ [L]0 ⋅ [t]0 [ t ] [L ⋅ t ] e M: L: f f =0 ∴ f=0 d+e−f+1=0 ∴ d=−1  fi                  PAGE 8 4   Recall that this step requires that we use a set of well-de ned rules. To satisfy these rules, t: −e−f =0 Π2 = ∴ e=0 R2 R1 Third Π Group L M M R1g ⋅ V̄ h ⋅ μ i ⋅ ρ → [L]g ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 3 = [M ]0 ⋅ [L]0 ⋅ [t]0 [ t ] [L ⋅ t ] [L ] h M: L: i i+1=0 ∴ i=−1 g+h−i−3=0 t: −h−i =0 Π3 = ∴ g=1 ∴ h=1 ρ ⋅ V̄ ⋅ R1 μ Now, the functional form of Δp in terms of all other parameters becomes, Π1 = f (Π1, Π2) and, Δp ⋅ R1 V̄ ⋅ μ =f R2 ρ ⋅ V̄ ⋅ R1 , ( R1 ) μ             PAGE 85 Example 1.15 - Explosion from an atomic bomb Below is an image of the rst atomic bomb ever detonated, taken 0.016 s after detonation. From an image like this, the radius of the cloud can be related to the energy of the bomb itself. In fact, these types of images are routinely used to calculate the energy released. Using the Buckingham Pi theorem, determine the relationship between the radius of the cloud and the energy of the bomb, and determine the energy of the rst atomic bomb from the image and data found below. (Image attribution: leaving-trinity-ten-ground-zero-swerves-74d02d7bfbbf). The density of air was measured to be 1 kg/m3 and that the ratio of speci c heats for air is 1.038. Solution To solve this problem, we need to rst understand which parameters impact the size of the hemispherical shape shown above. Let’s proceed in alignment with the steps outlined on page 59. Step 1: Identify the parameters likely to impact the size of the blast (i.e. its radius, rblast ) rblast Eblast t ρ → n = 4 dimensional parameters  fi fi fi fi    PAGE 86 For this problem, we elect to use MLt to reinforce the concepts outlined above. Step 3: Write out the dimensions of each parameter chosen in Step 1 rblast = [L] M ⋅ L2 Eblast = [ t2 ] t = [t] M [ L3 ] ρ= → r = 3 primar y dimensions Step 4: Select a set of "r" dimensional parameters The only three parameters we can use are those other than the radius, which include Eblast, t and ρ. Step 5: Establish Π groups In this case, we only have a single Π group: Π1 = E a ⋅ t b ⋅ ρ c ⋅ rblast Now we substitute our primary dimensions for each dimensional parameter, M ⋅ L2 M a b c b 0 0 0 E ⋅ t ⋅ ρ ⋅ rblast → ⋅ [t] ⋅ ⋅ [L] = [M ] ⋅ [L] ⋅ [t] [ t2 ] [ L3 ] a M: c a+c =0 ∴ c=−a= L: 2⋅a−3⋅c+1=0 t: − 2a + b = 0 1 5 1 ∴ a=− 5 ∴ b=2⋅a=− 2 5 Therefore, 1 1 2 Π1 = rblast ⋅ ρ 5 E − 5 ⋅ t − 5 Because there is only one Π group, we set it equal to a constant (γ) as, 1 1 2 rblast ⋅ ρ 5 E − 5 ⋅ t − 5 = γ              PAGE 87   Step 2: Select a set of primary dimensions (MLt or FLt) As it turns out, γ was experimentally determined to be the ratio of speci c heats (Cp / Cv), which you will learn more about in your thermodynamics course. For air at the temperature and pressure associated with the blast, γ = 1.038. Now, with an approximate radius of 120 m, and a time of 0.016 s, the energy released by this explosion was, kg 5 5 2 120m ⋅ 1 ( ) ( m3 ) rblast ⋅ ρ 13 kg ⋅ m Eblast = 5 2 = = 8.07 ⋅ 10 γ ⋅t 1.0385 ⋅ (0.016s)2 s2 This is equivalent to 19 ktons (kilo-tons!) of energy, which is close to the measured energy in this time range (between 18 and 22 ktons!)   fi     PAGE 88 Modeling When conducting an experiment, it is obviously advantageous to vary as few parameters as possible. Let’s say that we wish to determine the drag of a new hydrofoil, and we know that the drag on a submerged object is a function of the velocity (V̄) and size (L) of the object along with the viscosity (µ) and density (ρ) of the uid. FD = f (V̄, L, μ, ρ) The logical set of experiments would include foils of di erent size tested at a range of speeds in both fresh and salt water. The problem is that we are talking about a lot of tests, and depending on the size of the foil it could be very di cult and expensive to conduct these experiments at the desired scale. However, by using the Buckingham Pi Theorem it is possible reduce the number of quantities to two non-dimensional variables. FD =f ρ ⋅ V̄ 2 ⋅ L 2 ρ ⋅ V̄ ⋅ L ( μ ) These two non-dimensional parameters are the non-dimensional drag force and the nondimensional viscosity since those are the two quantities that we used to form the Pi terms. The non-dimensional drag force is called the drag coe cient. FD CD = 1 ⋅ ρ ⋅ V̄ 2 ⋅ As 2 The non-dimensional viscosity is the Reynolds Number, a very important non-dimensional parameter in uid mechanics. ρ ⋅ V̄ ⋅ Lc μ Re = Now we only need to conduct experiments where we vary a single parameter, such as the velocity, using a water tunnel; and we can determine the coe cient of drag as a function of Reynolds number. Let’s say we want to understand the performance of the same hydrofoil, but the foil is too large to t in our water tunnel. The solution is to test a sub-scale model that will t in the tunnel. First, it is necessary to determine the range of Reynolds numbers over which we fi  ffi ff ffi ffi fl     fl fi  PAGE 89 expect the foil will operate. Then we can determine the range of velocities at which we need to test the model. These velocities must produce the same Reynolds numbers. Rem = Rep CD,m = CD,p where the subscripts m and p represent model and prototype, respectively. In the experiment, the uid properties are known along with the dimensions of the model. The drag force is then measured for the model and used to calculate the coe cient of drag for the prototype. Since the model was tested at the same Reynolds number, the coe cient of drag is the same for both the model and the foil. The coe cient of drag can then be used to calculate the expected drag force on the actual foil. Most problems are not dependent on a single non-dimensional parameter, and therefore complete similitude is not possible. For example, when using a wind tunnel it is sometimes necessary to match both the Reynolds number and the Mach number, which is the ratio of the velocity to the speed of sound. In ows that involve a free surface, the Reynolds number (along with the Froude number) must be matched, and again this is di cult if not impossible. The subject of incomplete similitude will be discussed in the Tow Tank Lab. If the length scale of the model is proportional to the problem, the problem is said to be geometrically similar. In order to be geometrically similar all linear distances must be reduced by the same ratio; therefore all angles will be preserved. If the model is related to the problem by some length scale ratio and also by some time scale ratio, it follows that there is a velocity scale ratio. If there is a velocity scale ratio, the problem is said to be kinematically similar. Finally, if the model and problem are related by a length scale ratio, time scale ratio and mass scale ratio; the problem is said to be dynamically similar. These distinctions are important when we are conducting an experiment where complete similitude is not possible. ffi ffi ffi ffi   fl fl  PAGE 90 Example 1.16 - Scaling a spillway A spillway model is constructed at 1:50 the size of its full-scale counterpart and discharges water at a rate of 1.25 m3/s. Using dimensionless groups, what is the corresponding prototype discharge rate? Use the following general function to establish Π groups and answer the questions above. In this problem, we assume that the viscosity is negligible relative to gravity. · V = f (h, g, V̄ ) Solution First we must establish our dimensionless Π groups. Here we know that n = 4 dimensional parameters. We now establish the primary dimensions for each parameter and choose to use MLt analysis, L3 L L · V→ , h → [L] , g → 2 , V̄ → [ t ] [t ] [t] ∴ r = 2 primar y dimensions If r = 2 primary dimensions, then there should be m = r = 2 repeating parameters and NΠ = n - m = 4 - 2 = 2 Π groups. We choose our repeating parameters to be h and g such that, L L3 a b · a h ⋅ g ⋅ V → [L] ⋅ 2 ⋅ = L0 ⋅ t0 [t ] [ t ] b and, L L · h c ⋅ g d ⋅ V → [L]c ⋅ 2 ⋅ = L0 ⋅ t0 [t ] [ t ] d           PAG E 91 L:a+b+3=0 ∴a=− 5 2 t :−2⋅b−1=0 ∴b=− 1 2 Therefore, Π1 = · V 5 1 h2 ⋅ g2 For the second grouping we have, L:c+d+1=0 1 ∴c=− 2 t :−2⋅d−1=0 ∴d=− 1 2 And, Π2 = V̄ 1 1 h2 ⋅ g2 Now we can answer the modeling questions posed in the original problem. If the model is 1:50 the scale of the full-sized spillway, then: 1 hm = ⋅ hp 50 · If we want the corresponding ow rate (V) then we should use the Π1 group with, Π1m = Π1p → · Vm 5 2 hm ⋅ g 1 2 = · Vp 5 1 hp2 ⋅ g 2 We know the gravitational constant should remain the same as both the model test and the prototype will operate on earth. Now we cans substitute the height relationship as, 5 1 2 ( 50 ⋅ hp) · · Vm = Vp ⋅ m3 · 3 1.25 V m · · s m = 5.66 ⋅ 10−5 ⋅ Vp → Vp = = = 22,084.8 −5 −5 5.66 ⋅ 10 5.66 ⋅ 10 s 5 hp2      fl      fi PAGE 92   Starting with the rst grouping, Fluid Kinematics and the Navier-Stokes Equation We will now transition to the study of uid ow that is bounded in one or more directions, with speci c considerations for the way in which uid velocity varies spatially. We will also cover energy considerations that account for as yet to be discussed forces (e.g. the frictional force between a moving uid and a stationary or moving surface). To aid in our understanding of the former (i.e. the spatially varying velocity pro le within a pipe, between two at plates, or across a single surface), we examine the expressions for continuity and momentum across an individual uid particle in cartesian coordinates (i.e. x, y, and z). This allows us to resolve the spatial distribution of velocity within the uid. In this course, we will restrict our understanding of this phenomenon to the x- and y-directions, though we start with the full 3-D solution to interpret these expressions. We’ll begin our discussion by examining volume of uid continuity. Let’s take a look at a really small uid. In fact, we assume volume is so small that we call it a di erential uid element. We’ll assume for the moment that the di erential uid element is a cube with dimensions dx, dy, dz. Figure 1.32. Di erential uid element with mass ow rates into and out of each face (xyz coordinates provided in the schematic above. We understand that we can write the mass ow rate in terms of a velocity. We have colloquially referred to velocity as V̄ , but will use the variables u, v, and w here to convey directionality (where u, v, and w represent velocities in the x-, y- and z-directions, respectively). This allows us to rewrite the mass ow rate in the x-direction (at location x), for instance, as: m· x = (ρ ⋅ u)x ⋅ dy ⋅ dz fl fi fl ff fl ff fl fl fl fl fl fl fl   fl fl fl fl fl fi ff  PAGE 93 and the mass ow rate at location x + dx becomes, m· x+dx = (ρ ⋅ u)x+dx ⋅ dy ⋅ dz Likewise, the equations above can be rewritten in the y- and z-directions. We recognize that the conservation of mass for the di erential control volume suggests, dMcv = m· in − m· out ∑ ∑ dt The sum of mass ow rates entering the control volume becomes, m· in = (ρ ⋅ u)x ⋅ dy ⋅ dz + (ρ ⋅ v)y ⋅ d x ⋅ dz + (ρ ⋅ w)z ⋅ d x ⋅ dy ∑ while the sum of mass ow rates leaving the control volume becomes, ∑ m· out = (ρ ⋅ u)x+dx ⋅ dy ⋅ dz + (ρ ⋅ v)y+dy ⋅ d x ⋅ dz + (ρ ⋅ w)z+dz ⋅ d x ⋅ dy Finally, the mass in the control volume (Mcv) can be rewritten as the product of density (ρ) and volume (V), Mcv = ρ ⋅ d x ⋅ dy ⋅ dz such that, dMcv dρ = ⋅ d x ⋅ dy ⋅ dz dt dt Now we substitute back into the expression for the conservation of mass and divide through by d x ⋅ dy ⋅ dz, ∂ρ (ρ ⋅ u)x+dx − (ρ ⋅ u)x (ρ ⋅ v)y+dy − (ρ ⋅ v)y (ρ ⋅ w)z+dz − (ρ ⋅ w)z 0= + + + ∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z This equation can be rewritten in di erential form as, 0= ∂ρ ∂(ρ ⋅ u) ∂(ρ ⋅ v) ∂(ρ ⋅ w) + + + ∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z And, if we assume that the uid is incompressible and that the ow is steady, we have, 0= ∂u ∂v ∂w + + ∂x ∂y ∂z (1.25)  fl  ff   ff    fl  fl fl  fl     PAGE 94 The previous equation is often called the Continuity Equation, and helps us to satisfy the conservation of mass across the di erential element’s control volume. To fully satisfy the kinematic aspects of particle motion in view of the di erential element, we must also conserve momentum across the control volume. We begin this analysis by analyzing the forces acting on the control volume at all inlets and exits. Generally, we can satisfy momentum conservation by considering Newton’s Second Law, ∑ F̄ = m ⋅ ā Thus, the forces acting on the surfaces of the control volume should be equivalent to the momentum of the uid entering and exiting the control volume. The forces acting on the control volume include both shear stress and normal stress. Shear stress is principally the result of frictional forces that exist between uid particles. Referring to a di erential uid element, we visualize shear stress as, Figure 1.33. Di erential uid element an applied shear stress in one dimension. Note that shear stress does not lead to deformation of the uid element when it is stationary (one of the core characteristics that distinguishes a uid from a solid). However, when the uid is moving, viscous forces result in some deformation. The normal stresses act on the faces of the uid element and are conventionally due to pressure forces. We label these forces using the variable σ . The nal force acting on the di erential element (assuming it isn’t negligible) is due to the weight of the uid. We can now break up the individual terms that act in each direction (x, y, and z) and insert them into separate momentum equations, which collectively make up the Navier-Stokes equations. We can separate the shear terms and the momentum terms into a tensor that acts on each face of the uid element. The subsequent gure shows the forces acting on each of the forward-facing planes on the di erential uid element (forces on the remaining 3 planes are not shown to limit the complexity of the visual aid). fl fl fl ff fl fi  fl fl fi fl  ff ff fl fl fl fl ff  ff ff PAGE 95 Now, we account for each of the forces acting in the x-direction as, ∑ F̄x = ρ ⋅ gx ⋅ d x ⋅ dy ⋅ dz + (σxx(x + d x) − σxx(x)) ⋅ dy ⋅ dz + (τyx(y + dy) − τyx(y)) ⋅ d x ⋅ dz + (τzx(z + dz) − τzx(z)) ⋅ d x ⋅ dy Note that for the above, τxx = 0 as it is not acting to shear the uid on its face. We can divide each term by the di erential volume of the element to simplify as, ∂σxx ∂τyx ∂τzx F̄ = ρ ⋅ gx + + + ∑ x ∂x ∂y ∂z These represent the forces acing in the x-direction. We can now account for the acceleration of the particles (i.e. the term on the right-hand side of Newton’s 2nd Law). Recall that the acceleration term can be written as, āx = Du ∂u ∂u d x ∂u dy ∂u d x = + ⋅ + ⋅ + ⋅ Dt ∂t ∂x dt ∂y dt ∂z dt where the resulting equivalency (the sum of the terms on the right-hand side of the above expression) is the result of u being a function of u(x,y,z,t). Notice that the original equivalency is a total derivative (d/dt) whereas the terms on the right hand side are partial derivatives (∂/∂x, ∂/∂y, ∂/∂z). Note also that the terms dx/dt, dy/dt, and dz/dt are velocities. We previously labeled these as, u= dx dy dz ,v = ,w = dt dt dt  fl    ff  fl  ff PAGE 96   Figure 1.34. Di erential uid element with each of the normal stresses (left) acting on the forward facing planes, and each of the shear stresses (right) acting on the forward facing planes. (Gravitational force not shown). Thus, the acceleration term becomes, āx = Du ∂u ∂u ∂u ∂u = +u⋅ +v⋅ +w⋅ Dt ∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z Now we can multiply by the mass to obtain the full term on the right-hand side of Newton’s 2nd Law (or m = ρ ⋅ d x ⋅ dy ⋅ dz), and the full expression describing the motion of the uid element in the x-direction becomes, ∂P ∂ 2u ∂ 2u ∂ 2u ∂u ∂u ∂u ∂u (1.26) ρ ⋅ gx − +μ⋅ + + = ρ ⋅ + u ⋅ + v ⋅ + w ⋅ 2 2 2 ( ) ( ) ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z where the stress term is replaced with a pressure (P) and the shear stress term is replaced du du du (or μ ⋅ , as appropriate). ,μ ⋅ dx dy dz by τ = μ ⋅ The y-momentum and z-momentum forms of the Navier-Stokes equations can be derived by analyzing the same forces in the y- and z-directions, which produces, ∂P ∂ 2v ∂ 2v ∂ 2v ∂v ∂v ∂v ∂v ρ ⋅ gy − +μ⋅ + + = ρ ⋅ + u ⋅ + v ⋅ + w ⋅ (1.27) 2 2 2 ( ) ( ) ∂y ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂P ∂ 2w ∂ 2w ∂ 2w ∂w ∂w ∂w ∂w ρ ⋅ gz − +μ⋅ + + = ρ ⋅ + u ⋅ + v ⋅ + w ⋅ (1.28) ( ∂x 2 ( ∂t ∂z ∂y 2 ∂z 2 ) ∂x ∂y ∂z ) Equations 1.26, 1.27, and 1.28 represent the Navier-Stokes equations. In tandem with the Continuity Equation (1.25), we can solve a variety of useful (albeit simple) problems in uid mechanics. Particularly useful are the set of solutions to the above equations that describe the velocity distribution in the uid (as demonstrated in the following examples). We note, however, that solving the Navier-Stokes equations is not a trivial endeavor. In fact, as the uid ow becomes more complex in nature, these equations become di cult (if not impossible) to solve analytically, and we turn to numerical analyses ( nite element or nite volume) to solve for the resulting velocity distribution. We also note that, even for basic solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations, a background in integral calculus is required (in particular, solutions to ordinary and partial di erential equations) to obtain solutions to practical problems. In this course, we will not be tasked with solving the Navier-Stokes equations (and we will avoid two-dimensional problems such that knowledge of PDEs is not at all required). Nevertheless, we provide the following (simple, widely used) examples to demonstrate the utility of the Navier-Stokes equations. fl fi ff ffi fi fl    fl  fl    fl   PAGE 97 Let’s consider a uid owing between two at plates. It is useful for us to know where the location of the maximum velocity is in this case, and to solve for the shear stress at di erent locations within the uid. Note that the uid is owing in the x-direction in the schematic below, and that the ow is fully developed (i.e. it is not varying at all in the x-direction; we will learn more about this in the coming sections), Solution If we want to solve for the location of the maximum velocity, we will need to know how the velocity varies in each direction. Since we know the uid is moving in the x-direction and the ow is fully developed, the velocity distribution will not change as a function of x ( ∴ u ≠ f (x)). We also don’t consider it to vary in the "z" direction for the at plates. Thus, the velocity must only be a function of y ( ∴ u = f (y)). Because the uid is owing in the x-direction, we start with the general form of the x-momentum equation as, ∂P ∂ 2u ∂ 2u ∂ 2u ∂u ∂u ∂u ∂u ρ ⋅ gx − +μ⋅ + + = ρ ⋅ + u ⋅ + v ⋅ + w ⋅ ( ∂x 2 ∂y 2 ∂z 2 ) ( ∂t ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂z ) As is often the case with the Navier-Stokes equation, there are a host of simpli cations that can be made. These include: 1. No gravitational constant in the x-direction ( ∴ gx = 0) 2. The uid ow is steady ( ∴ ∂u =0 ) ∂t ∂ 2u ∂ 2u ∂u ∂u 3. The velocity u is not a function of x or z ∴ = 0 , = 0 , = 0 , =0 2 ( ∂x 2 ) ∂z ∂x ∂z 4. The velocity in the y-direction (v) is zero ( ∴ v = 0) ff fi  fl fl fl fl fl  fl fl fl     fl fl fl fl fl  fl   PAGE 98 fl fl Example 1.17 - Fluid ow between two stationary plates (Poiselle ow) The x-momentum expression for the Navier-Stokes equation becomes, dP d 2u d 2u 1 dP − +μ⋅ 2 =0→ 2 = ⋅ dx dy dy μ dx Now we integrate twice to obtain u(y), du 1 dP = ⋅ ⋅ y + C1 dy μ dx and, u(y) = 1 dP 2 ⋅ ⋅ y + C1 ⋅ y + C2 2 ⋅ μ dx There are two ways to solve for C1 and C2. If we recognize that the problem is symmetric about the center line shown in the gure on the previous page (and locate the center line at y = 0), our boundary conditions become, du dy =0 y=0 and, u(y = W ) = 0 The second boundary condition is due to the fact that there is a no slip condition at the uid walls, meaning uid particles "stick" to the wall and do not move in that " rst layer". Therefore, 1 dP ⋅ ⋅ y + C1 2 ⋅ μ dx 0= → ∴ C1 = 0 and, 1 dP 0= ⋅ ⋅ (W 2) + C2 2 ⋅ μ dx 1 dP → ∴ C2 = − ⋅ ⋅ ( W 2) 2 ⋅ μ dx so that the expression describing the velocity distribution becomes, u(y) = 1 dP 2 1 dP ⋅ ⋅y − ⋅ ⋅ W2 2 ⋅ μ dx 2 ⋅ μ dx fl fi      fi     fl   PAGE 99 from the center line to the top plate for both octane and water when the pressure drop is Δp = 80 kPa and the length of the pipe L = 50 m. The width of the pipe W = 4 cm and the dynamic viscosities of the oil and water are μoct = 0.0005 Pa⋅s and μwater = 0.001 Pa⋅s. An example calculation for the velocity at the center line for each uid reveals that, 1 dP 1 uoct(y = 0) = − ⋅ ⋅ W2 = − ⋅ 2 ⋅ μ dx 2 ⋅ 0.0005Pa ⋅ s 1 dP 1 uwater(y = 0) = − ⋅ ⋅ W2 = − ⋅ 2 ⋅ μ dx 2 ⋅ 0.001Pa ⋅ s −80kPa 1000Pa 1kPa 50m −80kPa 1000Pa 1kPa 50m 1m m ⋅ 4cm = 2,560 ( 100cm ) s 2 1m m ⋅ 4cm = 1,280 ( 100cm ) s 2 Clearly there are going to be signi cant di erences between the velocities, which are a direct function of the uid viscosities in this case (μ). A plot of uid velocity versus height is provided below for context. The plot above highlights the distinction between the velocity pro les at a single point (really, any single point) in the x-direction. The velocity is plotted on the x-axis such that the variation in y matches the perspective of the gure provided for this problem.   fi fl fl   fi  ff fl fi fl PAGE 100     What exactly does this look like for ow in a pipe? Let’s plot the velocity as a function of y Example 1.18 - Fluid ow between a stationary plate and a moving plate Let’s now look at the case when the top plate is moving and there is no pressure gradient driving the uid ow (in this case, the top plate will be driving the uid ow). The top plate will be moving with velocity Uplate. Provided the no-slip condition at each plate, the velocity of the uid in contact with the top plate must also be Uplate. Solve for the velocity distribution u(y). Solution Again, we know the uid is owing in the x-direction because the plate itself is moving in the + x-direction. Starting with the x-momentum expression, ∂P ∂ 2u ∂ 2u ∂ 2u ∂u ∂u ∂u ∂u ρ ⋅ gx − +μ⋅ + + = ρ ⋅ + u ⋅ + v ⋅ + w ⋅ ( ∂x 2 ∂y 2 ∂z 2 ) ( ∂t ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂z ) We simplify the above expression using the following assumptions: 1. No gravitational constant in the x-direction ( ∴ gx = 0) 2. The uid ow is steady ( ∴ ∂u =0 ) ∂t ∂ 2u ∂ 2u ∂u ∂u 3. The velocity u is not a function of x or z ∴ = 0 , = 0 , = 0 , =0 ( ∂x 2 ) ∂z 2 ∂x ∂z 4. The velocity in the y-direction (v) is zero ( ∴ v = 0) dP 5. No pressure gradient driving the uid ow ∴ =0 ( ) dx fl fl      fl fl   fl  fl fl fl fl fl fl   fl PAG E 101 Thus, the simpli ed x-momentum equation becomes, d 2u d 2u μ⋅ 2 =0→ 2 =0 dy dy Integrating twice yields, du = C1 dy and, u(y) = C1 ⋅ y + C2 Using the boundary conditions for this problem, we solve for u(y), u(y = − W ) = 0 → 0 = C1 ⋅ (−W ) + C2 → ∴ C2 = C1 ⋅ W and, u(y = W ) = Uplate → Uplate = C1 ⋅ W + C1 ⋅ W → ∴ C1 = Uplate 2⋅W Finally, u(y) = (2 ⋅ W ) Uplate ⋅y+ Uplate 2 Given the same conditions as those provided in the previous problem, with Uplate = Umax , we see the following velocity distributions.       fi    PAGE 102 of the two types of ows. For the case of Poiselle ow, the maximum velocity occurs at the center-line, while for the case where the top plate is moving with velocity Uplate, the maximum velocity occurs at W. Neither of these results are surprising mathematically. To nd the location of the maximum point on each curve, we can simply take the derivative of the velocity distribution and set it equal to zero. For Poiselle ow, du =0 dy → 1 dP ⋅ ⋅ ymax = 0 μ dx ∴ ymax = 0 and for the case where the top plate is moving, the maximum velocity occurs where u(y) = Uplate. Uplate = Uplate 2⋅W ⋅ ymax + Uplate 2 ∴ ymax = W We can also solve for the shear stress, τ, at the walls for the case with the moving plate via, du τ =μ⋅ dy y=W =μ⋅ y=W Uplate 2⋅W This does not change for the case of τ(y = − W ) . To nd the shear stress at the wall in the case of Poiselle ow, τ y=W =μ⋅ du dy =μ⋅ y=W 1 dP dP ⋅ ⋅W = ⋅W (μ dx ) dx In the latter, we prove to ourselves that a pressure gradient (likely the result of pumping a uid) must be established in order to overcome frictional forces associated with shear stress acting on the wall. Though it results in larger pump powers, larger shear stresses are also associated with reduced fouling (i.e. the buildup of particles on a surface) in heat exchangers, which improves their lifespan.  ff fi fi fl    fl    fl fi fl PAGE 103   fl As shown in the gure above, the maximum velocity occurs at di erent values of y for each In the previous section, we discuss methods to solve the Navier-Stokes equations for di erent types of uid ow. However, we restricted ourselves to a series of assumptions in order to simplify our analyses. One assumption that was made, though not discussed, was that the uid ow was laminar. In the following sections, we will examine head losses (akin to energy losses) in bound uids. In particular, we intend to categorize losses as either major or minor. Major losses are a strong function of the uid ow type, which is generally characterized as being laminar or turbulent. Laminar ow is conventionally understood as a uid whose streamlines do not interrupt one another. Colloquially, we say that the turbulent ow pattern is "smooth". We contrast this with ow, which is chaotic by nature and whose streamlines can be entangled in rotational ows (called "eddies" at the local scale, and a "wake" on a semi-global scale). With any characteristic ow, we can determine whether the ow conditions are laminar or turbulent by examining the Reynolds number, which is generally de ned as, ρ ⋅ V̄ ⋅ Lc V̄ ⋅ Lc Re = = μ ν where Lc is a characteristic length based on the geometry of the surface that the uid is owing over. It is important to note that the Reynolds number can also be a function of the roughness of this surface. We can determine the e ect of surface roughness on Re through the use of an engineering chart called the Moody Diagram, developed in 1944 by Lewis Ferry Moody and which is still widely used today. INTERNAL FLOW Pipe Flow The physical mechanisms that impact uid ow in piping are critical to understand from an engineering design perspective. Piping systems are ubiquitous in industrial and energy technologies. From a uid mechanics perspective, we must understand the impact of shear stress on the uid at the boundaries of the pipes in order to determine the pressure di erence that must be achieved across some length, size and type of pipe. We will also learn how sudden changes in direction can result in additional pressure drops that must be overcome. That is to say, the size of the pump (or fan/blower in the case of gases) and the power required for its operation are governed by the frictional losses through a particular piping system. fl fl fi fl ff fl fl fl fl  fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl   ff PAGE 10 4 ff fl Introduction to Laminar and Turbulent Flow To compute a pressure drop through a system with frictional losses, we utilize the Conservation of Energy, which says that, ∑ · Ein = · Eout ∑ We account for the ow work, speci c kinetic energy, and speci c potential energy on each side of the equation. In an actual energy system, we also incorporate the energy consumed by a pump and the energy put out by a device like a turbine. Finally, we account for energy losses in our system, which we must overcome with a pump. Such an equation looks like, P V̄ 2 P V̄ 2 + +g⋅z + g ⋅ hpump = + +g⋅z + g ⋅ hturbine + g ⋅ hlosses (ρ ) (ρ ) 2 2 in out It is often convenient to express each term as a length (or head), such that, P V̄ 2 P V̄ 2 + +z + hpump = + +z + hturbine + hlosses (ρ ⋅ g 2 ⋅ g ) (ρ ⋅ g 2 ⋅ g ) in out (1.29) We often rewrite hlosses as hL, where the head loss is the sum of both major and minor losses in the system. We write this as, hL = hL,major + h ∑ L,minor Before we address the utility of Eqn. 1.29, it is useful to rst determine (a) what governs each component of head loss and (b) how to calculate each type of head loss. Major Losses We can determine the pressure drop across a circular pipe of length L and diameter D as, L ρV̄ 2 L V̄ 2 ΔpL,major = ρ ⋅ g ⋅ hL,major = f ⋅ ⋅ → hL,major = f ⋅ ⋅ D 2 D 2⋅g where f is known as the friction factor. In circular pipes, we can use, 64 Re laminar ow (Re ≤ 2,300) ϵ f = g Re, ( D) turbulent ow (Re > 4,000) f= (1.30) where g indicates that f is a "function of" Reynolds number and hydraulic roughness (ϵ).   fi fi fl fl  fi      fl       PAGE 105 Figure 1.34. Moody diagram. (Attribution to: S Beck and R Collins, University of She eld (Donebythesecondlaw at English Wikipedia) Conversion to SVG: Marc.derumaux - File:Moody_diagram.jpg, CC BY-SA 4.0, Note: additional values of ε are included in the Appendix for both SI and EEU unit systems (with additional materials). Note also that ϵ is the equivalent sandgrain roughness, or the height of sandgrain that results in the same friction drag as the given roughness. We can use the above diagram to determine the friction factor for a number of di erent conditions ( uid ows and hydraulic roughnesses). For non-laminar ows, a decent approximation for the friction factor, f, is provided in the Colebrook equation, 1 ϵ D 2.51 = − 2 ⋅ log + ( 3.7 Re ⋅ f ) f (1.31) For non-circular cross-sections, we can use the following table when the ow is laminar. To determine the Reyndolds number for ow in a circular tube, we use, Re = ρ ⋅ V̄ ⋅ D μ (1.32) where, for non-circular cross-sections, we replace D (diameter) with a hydraulic diameter, 4 ⋅ Ac Dh = (Ac = cross-sectional area, P = perimeter) P (1.33)  ff fl fl ffi   fl   fl   fl  PAGE 106 Friction Factors for Laminar Flow Friction Factor, f Geometry a 59.92 =1 → f = b Re a 62.20 =2 → f = b Re a 68.36 =3 → f = b Re a 72.92 =4 → f = b Re a 78.80 =6 → f = b Re a 82.32 =8 → f = b Re a 96.00 =∞ → f = b Re a 64.00 =1 → f = b Re a 67.28 =2 → f = b Re a 72.96 =4 → f = b Re a 76.60 =8 → f = b Re a 78.16 = 16 → f = b Re θ = 10∘ → f = 50.80 Re θ = 30∘ → f = 52.28 Re θ = 60∘ → f = 53.32 Re θ = 90∘ → f = 52.60 Re θ = 120∘ → f = 50.96 Re fl fl  PAGE 107                   Table 1.5. Friction factors for common geometries and channel ow under laminar ow conditions. · Water at 20∘C ows at a volume ow rate of V = 1.2 m3/s through a 200 m long, 0.35 m diameter cast iron pipe. Determine the friction factor, f, and the major head loss through the pipe. The kinematic viscosity of water at 20∘C is 1.004⋅10−6 m2/s. Solution In order to determine the friction factor, we rst need to know the Reynolds number for the uid ow in the pipe, which can be determined via, ReD = · V⋅D V̄ ⋅ D = = D 2 ν π( 2 ) ⋅ ν π⋅( m3 1.2 s ⋅ 0.35m 0.35m 2 ) ⋅ 1.004 ⋅ 10−6 s 2 At the above value of ReD, we have fully turbulent m 6 = 4.35 ⋅ 10 2 ow. Thus, we obtain f on the Moody diagram. From the Moody diagram, we nd that ϵ = 0.15 mm for a cast iron pipe such that, ϵ = D 0.15mm 0.35m ⋅ 1,000mm 1m = 0.00043 Using the Moody diagram, we obtain a friction factor of f ≈ 0.017. The major head loss is then calculated as, L V̄ 2 200m V̄ 2 hL,major = f ⋅ ⋅ = 0.017 ⋅ ⋅ D 2⋅g 0.35m 2 ⋅ 9.81 m2 s Where V̄ is calculated as, m3 · 1.2 V m s V̄ = = = 12.47 0.35m 2 Ac s π( s ) Therefore, the major head loss is, hL,major = 76.99 m        fl   fi  fi  fl     fl     PAGE 108 fl fl Example 1.19 - Calculating major head loss in a pipe Minor Losses Pressure drops also occur across devices where the uid direction is abruptly changed. This creates a separation in the uid that resembles those ow patterns most closely associated with "wake" regions. Figure 1.35. Schematic of the rotational ows that result in losses as a uid abruptly changes direction as it passes through a 90∘ bend (left) and as it expands into a larger cavity (right). Minor losses are most often determined via experiment, and we must therefore turn to empirical correlations for di erent types of devices. The general form of the empirical correlation we will use to calculate minor losses in piping systems is provided by, V̄ 2 hL,minor = KL ⋅ ∑ 2⋅g Components (1.34) The empirical part of Eqn. 1.34 is termed the "loss coe cient" and is represented by the variable KL. The loss coe cient is determined for a variety of di erent piping components via experiment, and their values are provided in the gures below. Figure 1.36. Loss coe cients (KL) for (left) 90∘ smooth pipe bend, (middle) 90∘ miter bend and (right) 90∘ miter bend with vanes.  ff  ffi fl fl fi  fl  ff  fl fl ffi  ffi   PAGE 109 Figure 1.37. Loss coe cients (KL) for (left) 45∘ threaded elbow and (right) 180∘ return bend for both anged and threaded piping. Figure 1.38. Loss coe cients (KL) for (left) tee with branch ow, (middle) tee with line ow, and (right) a threaded union between two pipes. Figure 1.39. Loss coe cients (KL) for (left) pipe inlet with reentrant, (middle) sharp-edged pipe inlet, and (right) a rounded pipe inlet with varying degrees of "roundness". fl fl  fl     ffi ffi ffi  P A G E 11 0 Figure 1.40. Loss coe cients (KL) for (left) pipe exit with reentrant, (middle) sharp-edged pipe exit, and (right) a rounded pipe exit. The value of KL is the same for all three exit conditions and only depends on whether the ow is laminar or turbulent (though it must be fully developed in both cases). Figure 1.41. Loss coe cients (KL) for (left) a pipe with a sudden expansion, (right) a pipe with a sudden contraction (KL on plot below).   fl   ffi ffi  P A G E 111 Valves: Table 1.6. Loss coe cients (KL) for di erent types of valves that are inserted within piping systems. Loss Coe cients (KL) for di erent Valves Valve Type (and Condition) KL Globe Valve (Fully Open) KL = 10 Angle Valve (Fully Open) KL = 5 Ball Valve (Fully Open) KL = 0.05 Swing Check Valve KL = 2 Gate Valve: Fully Open KL = 0.2 1 Closed 4 KL = 0.3 1 Closed 2 KL = 2.1 3 Closed 4 KL = 17   ff  ff   ffi ffi ffi  P A G E 11 2             Figure 1.42. Plot of loss coe cient (KL) versus d2/D2 for a pipe that experiences a sudden contraction. Note that the diameter d is the smaller of the two diameters. Figure 1.43. Loss coe cients (KL) for (left) angled expansions at di erent values of θ and (right) angled contractions at di erent values of d/D (when θ = 20∘). Given the above values of KL, we can obtain the total head loss in our system using, L V̄ 2 hL = f ⋅ + KL ⋅ ∑ ( D ) 2⋅g Components (1.35) The above equation can be used to determine the pumping power required to overcome the frictional forces due to uid ow through a piping system with components that abruptly change the characteristics of the uid ow. Several examples are provided hereafter in order to solidify your understanding of how we use Eqn. 1.35 in practice. · One question we might have is how this impacts pump power, Wpump or the rotational power · delivered to a turbine, Wturbine. To compute pump power, we use, · · Wpump = m· ⋅ g ⋅ hp = ρ ⋅ V ⋅ g ⋅ hp (1.36) and to compute turbine power, we use, · · Wturbine = m· ⋅ g ⋅ hT = ρ ⋅ V ⋅ g ⋅ hT (1.37) ff   ff fl fl fl     fl   ffi    P A G E 11 3 A discussion of e ciency is also prudent at this point. Your intuition might already tell you that devices like pumps and turbines do not operate with 100% e ciency (and your intuition would be correct!). Although we will not yet work through the physics that dictate the e ciency of such devices (we will touch on this in EM317), it is nevertheless important to understand that they typically do not operate under ideal conditions. For both a pump and a turbine, we de ne e ciency as: · Wp, ideal ηpump = · Wp, actual · ∴ Wp, actual = · Wp, ideal ηpump (1.38) We recognize that the pump e ciency as outlined above must yield a value between 0 and 1 (corresponding to 0% and 100%, respectively). As a result, in the ideal case, we would need to put less power in than the actual case, where a reduced e ciency (relative to 100%) acts to penalize the magnitude of energy consumption required by the pump. For a turbine, the e ciency is de ned as: · WT, actual ηturbine = · WT, ideal · · ∴ WT, actual = ηturbine ⋅ WT,ideal (1.39) Here, the turbine e ciency is also a value that must be between 0 and 1 (again, corresponding to 0% and 100%, respectively). For a turbine, we expect that the ideal power output (what we gain from an energy system) is greater than what we actually get out if the e ciency is less than 100%. ffi ffi fi ffi  ffi  ffi ffi ffi fi  ffi ffi P A G E 11 4 Example 1.20 - Pumping pressurized water A pump is used to deliver water from a pressurized storage tank to a tank that is open to the atmosphere. The piping system, depicted in the gure, is (in total) 50 m long and has a diameter of 10 cm with f = 0.02. There are (3) 90∘ threaded bends (smooth edged), (4) fully opened gate valves, (1) fully opened globe valve and reentrant inlets/exits on the tanks. With a ow rate of 35 L/s, the pump head is 40 m. What is the gage pressure in the pressurized tank? Solution We begin with the general form of the energy equation, where, P V̄ 2 P V̄ 2 + +z + hpump = + +z + hturbine + hL (ρ ⋅ g 2 ⋅ g ) (ρ ⋅ g 2 ⋅ g ) in out Now we make the following assumptions: 1. The velocities at points (1) and (2) are very slow relative to that of the uid in the pipe. 2. There is no turbine (or any other energy-generating device) in the system, so there is no energy coming out 3. The pressure at point (2) is P2 = Patm, so that P2,gage = 0. fl fi       fl  P A G E 11 5 P1 P + z1 + hpump = 2 + z2 + hL ρ⋅g ρ⋅g We have the height di erence, the uid type and the pump head, and also know that P2 = 0 (assuming that we are working in gage pressure). Thus, to solve for P1 we must compute the total head loss, hL, where, L V̄ 2 hL = f ⋅ + KL ⋅ ∑ ( D ) 2⋅g Components Substituting our given values of f, D, and L, and inserting values of KL from Figs. 1.36 - 1.43 (or Table 1.6), we can solve for hL. First, we solve for the velocity (V̄) as, V̄ = · V = 2 π ⋅ D2 ( ) 35 Ls ⋅ 1m 3 1,000L = 4.46 2 0.1m π⋅ ( 2 ) m s Thus, hL = 4.46 ms ( ) ( 2 50m + (3 ⋅ 0.9 + 4 ⋅ 0.2 + 1 ⋅ 10 + 0.8 + 2) ⋅ m = 26.66m ) 0.1m 2 ⋅ 9.81 2 0.02 ⋅ s We note that KL,exit = 2 because the Reynolds number is 4.44⋅106 (with νwater = 1.004 ⋅ 10−6 m2/s) and it’s a reentrant opening. Now, P1 = P2 + ρ ⋅ g ⋅ (hL − hpump) + ρ ⋅ g ⋅ (z2 − z1) P1 = ( 1,000 kg m kg m 1N ⋅ 9.81 ⋅ 40m − 26.66m + 1,000 ⋅ 9.81 ⋅ 20m) ⋅ ( ) ( kg ⋅ m ) m3 s2 m3 s2 1 2 s P1 = 327,065Pa ⋅ ⋅ 1Pa 1 N2 m 1 kPa ≈ 327.1 kPa 1,000Pa        fl  fi       ff     P A G E 11 6    The energy equation then simpli es to: The ltration system used in a swimming pool is shown in the diagram below and consists of 20 ft of 2 in diameter piping. The pipe has a friction factor of f = 0.02 and loss coe cients through the inlet and exit are both KL,inlet = KL,exit = 1.0. There are also (2) fully opened gate valves, (3) 90∘ threaded elbows (smooth-edged), a lter, and a pump. When the · ow rate (V) through the lter is clean, its loss coe cient is KL, filter = 15. The volume · system is V = 0.25 ft3/s. Determine the shaft horsepower (hp) required to run the pump. Solution In the above problem, several components result in frictional forces that need to be overcome in order to sustain uid motion. We can calculate the required pump power via the energy equation, P V̄ 2 P V̄ 2 + +z + hpump = + +z + hturbine + hL (ρ ⋅ g 2 ⋅ g ) (ρ ⋅ g 2 ⋅ g ) in out We choose points (1) and (2) (inlet/exit) for the control volume based on the fact that the uid has to make its way around the entire loop (in other words, it must start and end at the same place). In this way, we take into account all of the major and minor losses that are required to pump the uid.   fl fi    fl ffi  fl     fi P A G E 11 7 ffi fi fl Example 1.21 - Sizing a pool pump words, 1. The pressure, velocity and height do not change from inlet to exit (i.e. P1 = P2, V̄1 = V̄2, z1 = z2). 2. There is no power being generated by the system, therefore hturbine = 0. Using the above two assumptions, it becomes clear that: hpump = hL where, L V̄ 2 hL = f ⋅ + KL ⋅ ∑ ( D ) 2⋅g Components To calculate the velocity of the uid in the pipe, we have, ft 3 · V V̄ = π⋅ = 2 D (2) 0.25 s π⋅ 2in ⋅ (2 1ft 12in ) = 11.45 2 ft s Thus, the head loss is, hL = ( 20ft . 0.02 ⋅ 1ft 2in ⋅ + (2 ⋅ 0.2 + 3 ⋅ 0.9 + 1 ⋅ 15 + 1 + 1) ⋅ ) 12in ( ft 11.45 s ) ft 2 ⋅ 32.2 2 2 = 49.47 ft s The power required by the pump is expressed as the energy required by the pump · (ρ ⋅ g ⋅ hpump) multiplied by the volume ow rate (V), · · Wpump = ρ ⋅ g ⋅ hpump → Wpump = V ⋅ ρ ⋅ g ⋅ hpump Therefore, lbm ft 1lbf · Wpump = 0.25 ft 3 ⋅ 62.3 3 ⋅ 32.2 2 ⋅ lbm ⋅ ft ft s 32.2 2 ⋅ 49.47 ft = 637.33 ft ⋅ lbf ⋅ s 1hp = 1.40hp 550ft ⋅ lbf   fl  fl     P A G E 11 8     Our assumptions are based on the fact that we start and end at the same location. In other Multi-path Flow in Piping Systems Thus far, we have restricted ourselves to piping system in which there exists only one route that the uid can take. In many practical applications, of course, the uid can take more than one route. As a result, it is important to consider what happens when the uid takes multiple paths to reach some destination. The schematic below is a representation of a multipath piping system. Figure 1.44. Multiple path piping system, where the uid can take more than one path to get from the inlet to the exit. Diagram includes purple dashed lines to indicate the location of piping components (tees and elbows in the above schematic). Lengths indicate the sections where circular piping exists. In the above case, the entire piping system can be considered an open system. Assuming the system is operating at steady-state and that the uid is incompressible, we must satisfy the Conservation of Mass for a single-inlet/single-exit case as, m· in = m· out → · · Vin = Vout If we consider the entrance tee and the exit tee to be "nodes", we can examine the Conservation of Energy across each branch from the inlet node to the exit node, we obtain the following: Pin V̄ 2in Pout V̄ 2out + + zin = hL,1 + + + zout ρ⋅g 2⋅g ρ⋅g 2⋅g and, Pin V̄ 2in Pout V̄ 2out + + zin = hL,2 + + + zout ρ⋅g 2⋅g ρ⋅g 2⋅g Thus, hL,1 = hL,2 as is mathematically shown above. This is true between any parallel nodes. fl fl fl fl     fl   P A G E 11 9 Though we have talked brie y about pumps in engineering systems that require uid ow, we have not explored their operational characteristics. Here we provide a brief overview of pump design in order to better understand how we utilize power to create a pressure di erence such that we can move a uid with some volume · ow rate V . We provide a particular focus on centrifugal pumps, which are the most common pumps used in industry and are used extensively across the Naval eet. Pump Types We generally classify pumps in two categories: positive displacement pumps and nonpositive displacement pumps (the latter of which is occasionally referred to as a dynamic pressure or roto-dynamic pump). Positive Displacement Pumps There are a wide variety of positive displacement pump types (only one of which is covered here), but they all share some common features. In principle, positive displacement pumps take advantage of rotating machinery (or reciprocating components, like a piston) to move a uid. This machinery generally results in a large build-up of pressure, but does not typically result in large uid ow rates. This makes them good candidates for high-viscosity liquids (which are often more di cult to "push", or rotate in the case of a non-positive displacement centrifugal pump), or when a uid does not need to be transported quickly from one location to another. An example of a positive displacement pump (in this case, a gear pump) is provided in the schematic below. Figure 1.45. (left) Schematic of a gear pump, which provides for positive displacement of a uid and (right) a cutaway image of a gear pump used in an industrial application. fl fl  fl fl fl fl fl fl ffi fl fl  PA G E 12 0 ff fl Pump Curves and Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) ow rate remains constant and independent of system pressure. This is principally due to the fact that there remains a relatively xed volume of uid in the pump, and is re ected in the pump curve below. Figure 1.46. (top) Plot of pump power versus discharge pressure (red line represents a higher motor RPM than the blue line) and (bottom) plot of · volume ow rate (V) versus discharge pressure (red line represents a higher motor RPM than the blue line, each of which correspond to the same color lines on the top plot). Notice that in the plot above, the volume ow rate of the uid doesn’t change signi cantly as a function of discharge pressure. The volume ow rate often changes so little that many uid mechanics textbooks consider it to be constant and plot it as a vertical line on a traditional pump curve (see the curve in the following section), though we note that this is not strictly correct (as shown in Fig. 1.46). Now let’s turn our attention to centrifugal pumps (i.e. non-positive displacement pumps) as they are ubiquitous in standard engineering systems, particularly within the wider Naval eet. Non-Positive Displacement Pumps Centrifugal pumps are an important type of non-positive displacement pump, and as such will constitute the majority of our discussion for this particular pump classi cation. The centrifugal pump relies on its ability to create a suction pressure at the inlet (also referred to as the "eye" of the pump). fi fi fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fi   PA G E 121 fl fl One unique feature of positive displacement pumps is that the volume shown below. Figure 1.47. (left) Schematic of centrifugal-type, non-positive displacement pump with important features and (right)Schematic of the impeller and its operational characteristics (e.g. suction and discharge mechanisms). Figure on the right adapted from: McMahon, Glenda; Chatterton, Ken (2019): Centrifugal pump impeller arrangements. Loughborough University. Figure. The schematics shown in Fig. 1.47 represent cutaway images of a centrifugal pump (left) and the impeller used in a centrifugal pump (right) to create suction, an increase in uid pressure, and a subsequent discharge of the uid into a piping system. Generally speaking, a suction pressure (Ps) is created in the impeller eye, which is represented by, Ps = P + 1 ⋅ ρf ⋅ V̄ 2 2 (1.40) where P in the above expression represents the static pressure of the 1 ⋅ ρf ⋅ V̄ 2 is the dynamic pressure of the 2 "stagnation pressure”). To uid and the term uid (together, these are also termed the nd the discharge pressure (and ultimately the pressure di erence across the pump, Pp and/or the pump head, hp), we can use the energy equation as, P V̄ 2 P V̄ 2 + +z + hpump = + +z + hturbine + hL (ρ ⋅ g 2 ⋅ g ) (ρ ⋅ g 2 ⋅ g ) in out Critically, we must also make sure that the suction pressure (which is the lowest pressure in the system), does not get so low that it is below the saturation pressure of the uid (Psat). fl  fl fl  fl fl    fi   PA G E 12 2 ff  The basic working mechanism for this type of pump is best visualized using the schematic Though we’ll talk much more about saturation pressure in the second part of this course (Thermal- uid Sciences II), it is a simple endeavor to understand the saturation pressure as the pressure at which a uid begins to boil. We wish to avoid exceeding this threshold such that we can prevent cavitation on the pump blades. Cavitation is perhaps best understood as the rapid collapsing of bubbles that form in low pressure regions on a surface; the resulting force imposed on the surface due to the collapse of this bubble is so large that, over time, it can cause signi cant erosion. A wide variety of freely accessible videos exist across the internet that depict this phenomenon, and you are strongly encouraged to view a handful of them to familiarize yourself with an issue that is critical to naval propulsion systems. The primary reason we are concerned with the saturation pressure is because we know that as the pressure of a substance decreases, so too does the temperature at which it begins to boil! Given that there are losses in our piping systems, we expect the pressure to drop ahead of the pump. You might understand this relationship best by examining the saturation pressures and temperatures of water as one or the other is varied. A (brief) table describes this relationship below. Table 1.7. Saturation pressures and temperatures for water Saturation Pressure (Psat) vs. Saturation Temperature (Tsat) for Water Psat [kPa] Tsat [∘C] 100 99.6 10 45.8 1 6.79 It is relatively clear from the table above that as the pressure of a uid (like water) decreases, so does its saturation temperature! Thus, as we experience pressure drops in our system, we must ensure that we do not reach a pressure below the saturation pressure of the uid just prior to the pump’s entrance. In practice, we compare the suction head to the vapor head and make sure that our net positive suction head is itself a positive value. These values are de ned as follows. Ps ρf ⋅ g (1.41) Psat hv = ρf ⋅ g (1.42) hs = fl fi    fl  fi fl  fl    PA G E 12 3 Ps − Psat = hs − hv ρf ⋅ g (1.43) Equation 1.43 represents the net positive suction head required by the pump at its inlet. As engineers, we must ensure that we meet the constraints of Eqn. 1.43 by comparing this value to the net positive suction head required (NPSHR), which is speci ed by the pump manufacturer. As a nal way to think about this issue, let’s look at how the pressure changes within a system that uses a pump. Consider the following system: Figure 1.48. (top) A large tank lled with water up to height S results in a discharge of uid ow at the exit (point F), which is at atmospheric pressure. Points A, B, C, D, E, and F are provided to illustrate the pressure drops (or increases) at important points in the uid path, as shown in (bottom) a plot of system pressure head versus location along the length of a pipe which has a uid owing through it and a pump at some length down the pipe from its entrance. As shown in the gure above, the pressure head at point A is constant along the direction of ow (green dashed line) until it gets close to the pipe entrance (location B), at which point the uid accelerates and develops some losses. As it enters the pipe at point C (points B and C are, in reality, adjacent to each other at individual points across the openings boundary), a minor loss across the entry length occurs, after which point major head losses induce a pressure drop in the uid to the inlet of the pump. Provided the pump inlet (point D) has a pressure head that exceeds hv, there will (ideally) be no cavitation that occurs on the fl fi fl fl fl fl   fl fi fi  fi PA G E 12 4 fl fl NPSH = impeller blades. The pump then supplies some pressure head from the power put into rotating the impeller, which is represented by the length hp in the diagram above. Finally, the remaining major losses through the pipe result in a pressure drop until the uid discharges at atmospheric pressure (point F). To nd the pressure head, one can simply use the energy equation we started with as, V22 hp = hL + − z1 2⋅g Here, we’ve assumed that the pressure at points (1) and (2) (which correspond to points "S" and "F" on the schematic shown in Fig. 1.48) are both atmospheric pressures. As a result the gage pressures at both locations are p1,gage = p2,gage = 0 . Likewise, we assume that the velocity at point (1) is V̄1 = 0 due to the fact that the tank is very large. Finally, there is no turbine in our system and we assume that the height at point (2) is normalized to z2 = 0. If we substitute the expression for total head loss into the previous expression, we obtain, L V̄ 2 hp = f ⋅ + K ⋅ − z1 ( D ∑ L) 2 ⋅ g SystemCurve · Since we know that V̄ = V/A, we can plot the pressure head versus a volume ow rate. This is, in fact, how pump curves are plotted by manufacturers for speci c individual pumps. On the right-hand side of the above equation, we relate the pump head versus volume ow rate for a particular piping system. We can use this to help us select a pump that achieves a speci c volume ow rate for a particular system. When we plot both the pump curve and the system curve, the operational volume ow rate is considered to be the point at which they intersect. Let’s take a look at a brief example in order to better assess how we choose a pump to meet the needs of a full piping system. We note that in the above analysis, the pressure head will be both a function of the uid’s velocity and its friction factor (which itself is a function of velocity). This can get somewhat cumbersome to compute without a calculation. For a simple problem where the uid is laminar, we can assume that the friction factor, f , can be expressed as, 64 ⋅ μ L V̄ 2 → ∴ hL = ⋅ + K ⋅ ( ρ ⋅ V̄ ⋅ D D ∑ L) 2 ⋅ g 64 f= Re The following problem will utilize the Moody Chart and the equation used to develop f for a smooth pipe. fi fl  fl   fl fi    fl  fl fl    fl  fi PA G E 12 5 Let’s assume that we have a system that can be represented by the schematic below. The system has two tanks whose water levels are separated by a height of 15 ft. In both the lower tank and the upper tank, the inlets and exits are reentrant type openings. There is also a globe valve that sits between the pump and the upper tank that can be used to restrict the ow rate, and (2) 90∘ rounded elbows (threaded) in the pump path. The diameter of the pipe is 2 ft. and the total length of the pipe is 35 ft. Provided the pump curve next to the schematic, what will the volume ow rate of the uid be for the water when the globe valve is fully-opened? We’ll assume the pipe is smooth. Solution In the above schematic, we are provided with a system having several components and a change in height. We also have a pump curve on the right, and our goal is to nd the point where it intersects the system for 3 di erent conditions. First, let’s solve for the system curve using the information provided above. We start with the general form of the energy equation, which is, P V̄ 2 P V̄ 2 + +z + hp = + +z + hT + hL (ρ ⋅ g 2 ⋅ g ) (ρ ⋅ g 2 ⋅ g ) in out We can now make several assumptions to simplify the energy equation as shown above, including: fi fl ff fl   PA G E 12 6  fl Example 1.22 - Using pump curves Assumptions: 1. The reservoirs (A and B) are both open to the atmosphere, and therefore negate one another in the energy equation. 2. There is no turbine in the system, so hT = 0. 3. The velocity at both points (1) and (2) are V̄1 = V̄2 ≈ 0 due to the size of the tank relative to that of the piping. 4. We assume that the water level at point (1) is z1 = 0. Thus, our system curve can be represented by the following expression: hp = hL + z2 And, substituting the expression for hL, we obtain, L V̄ 2 hp = f ⋅ + K ⋅ + z2 ( D ∑ L) 2 ⋅ g where V̄ in the above expression is the velocity of the uid moving through the pipe. To nd f, we must know if we have laminar or turbulent ow. We use the ReD to determine the maximum Re we expect for the maximum volumetric ow rate used in the pump curve (V· = 2,000 62.3 lbm3 ⋅ gal 2,000 min ft ReD,max = ⋅ π ⋅ (1ft)2 2.037 ⋅ 10−5 lbf ⋅ s ft 2 3 1 fts ⋅ 2ft gal 448.83 min ⋅ gal ). min = 269,444.8 32.2 lbm2⋅ ft s 1lbf which is clearly turbulent. We also know that the ow is laminar when, 2300 ⋅ 2.037 ⋅ 10 · V≤ −5 lbf ⋅ s ft 2 62.3 32.2 lbm2⋅ ft ⋅ ⋅ π ⋅ (1ft)2 s 1lbf gal ⋅ lbm ⋅ 2ft ft 3 448.83 min ft 3 1s ≤ 17 gal min when the ow is turbulent, we can use a modi ed form of the Colebrook equation to solve for f (note that the Colebrook equation must be solved implicitly rather than explicitly, which is quite a bit more intensive than required for this course).  fi   fl fl  fi  fl fl      fl     PA G E 12 7 The modi ed form of the Colebrook equation can be written as, f= [ 2.51 + 1.1513 ⋅ δ ReD δ− ( 3.71 ) ε D ] 2 − 2.3026 ⋅ δ ⋅ log(δ) with, δ= 6.0173 0.109 ε Re ⋅ (0.07 ⋅ ( D + Re −0.885) ε D + 3.71 · If we then plot f as a function of volume ow rate, V, we obtain (when ε = 0), which is consistent with the Moody Diagram. Our system curve can now be plotted as,   fl    fi  PA G E 12 8 Our previous discussion of internal ow was principally focused on the analysis of pipe ow and pumps, as such devices are ubiquitous in engineering systems. Now we turn our attention to external ow, which is also an important engineering problem, but requires a wider range of analyses (particularly with respect to geometry). Boundary Layers Our foray into external ow begins with a discussion of a boundary layer. Despite the long history associated with the study of uid mechanics, the recognition that viscous e ects cause a drag force on an object is a relatively recent phenomenon. In 1904, Ludwig Prandtl3 developed a mathematical construct to describe a boundary layer, or a thin layer of uid where viscous forces were not negligible. This paved the way for analysis of shear stress within the uid (and at the surface) and, ultimately, our understanding of drag force. Though perhaps an oversimpli cation, the development of a boundary layer on the surface of an object is the result of a "no-slip" condition, whereby the uid particles closest to the surface are considered motionless, and act to slow down the layer of uid particles above them. As the uid moves parallel to the direction of motion, the impact of each individual uid layer’s shear stress increases in the direction perpendicular to the wall. A visualization of this phenomenon is provided in the gure below. Figure 1.49. Laminar ow over a at plate with a uniform velocity U∞ imposed at the leading edge. The distinction between laminar and turbulent ow is absent in the above gure and addressed later. 3 Prandtl, L., 1905. Uber Flüssigkeitsbewegung bei sehr kleiner Reibung, Verhandlungen des dritten internationalen Mathematiker-Kongresses (Heidelberg 1904), pag. 484-491, 1905. English translation available from http://digital. library. unt. edu/ark:/67531/metadc65275. fl fl ff fl fl  fi fl fl fi fl fl fl fi fl fl fl PA G E 12 9  fl fl EXTERNAL FLOW uid moves down the plate. We should note that in most applications, this layer is extremely thin relative to the length-scale of the bulk uid that surrounds it. At the same time, several practical applications exist where this thickness is on the order of the system’s characteristic length. In some computer hard drives, for instance, the boundary layer is on the order of the mean-free path of energy carriers, which has important consequences for heat dissipation. However, we don’t cover the relevant physics that govern uid ow in such cases here. Within a boundary layer, the change in the velocity in the direction perpendicular to the plate can be quite steep; in other words, du is large in close proximity to the surface. As a dy result, boundary layers develop for most uids owing over a surface that permits the uid to pass over it in such a way that streamlines can be sustained, even if the uid’s viscosity is relatively low. The size of the boundary layer depends on whether the ow is laminar or turbulent. For a smooth at plate, the transition from laminar to turbulent ow occurs at a critical Reynolds number of, Recr = ρ ⋅ V̄ ⋅ L = 5 ⋅ 105 μ where L is the length of the plate in the direction of internal ow, the transition fro laminar to turbulent uid ow. We note that, as with ow can occur at di erent Recr (for instance, if turbulence is "tripped" - or activated - in the presence of some obstruction close to the leading edge of the plate). However, use the above value as a general "rule of thumb". There is a transition region where the ow characteristics do not precisely resemble those of laminar or turbulent ow. This occurs in the following range of Re, 5 ⋅ 105 ≤ Re < 107 Beyond a value of Re = 107, the ow is considered to be completely turbulent. The following schematic illustrates the transition between laminar and turbulent ow as the uid moves down the length of the plate. fl  fl fl ff fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl  fl fl fl    fl fl fl PAG E 13 0  fl fl As shown above, the boundary layer "grows" (i.e. its thickness increases) the further the Figure 1.50. Flow transitions over a at plate, from laminar to transitional to turbulent ow. Note that the boundary layer will keep growing across the length of the at plate. The thickness of the boundary layer was an open question for several years after the explanation of its existence by Prandtl. In 1908, Heinrich Blasius (one of Prandtl’s rst students!) used a similarity solution to solve the momentum integral equation and developed a correlation for the thickness of a boundary layer over a smooth, at plate. In a broader context, we consider the boundary layer to "end" where the velocity in the direction away from the plate is 99% of the free-stream velocity, U∞. We call the resulting thickness (δ) the displacement thickness for the boundary layer. To determine the displacement thickness, we turn to a physical representation of both the mass de cit and momentum de cit formed at a point along the length of the boundary layer. Let’s examine the mass de cit rst, where, Figure 1.51. (left) The "mass de cit" that results from the shear force generated at the surface of a smooth at plate exposed to a uniform ow and (right) the equivalent displacement (δ*) the surface would need to be displaced from the uid in a frictionless ow to yield the same mass de cit. fi fi fl fi fl fl  fl fl fl fl  fi fi  fl fi  fi PAG E 131 from the surface as a result of the reduction in velocity from the boundary layer to the surface itself. We can equate this to the distance (δ*) that a surface must be displaced from the uid in the absence of frictional forces (i.e. where no boundary layer is formed) and the velocity pro le remains uniform in the direction perpendicular to the ow. Thus we can say that, ρ ⋅ U∞ ⋅ δ* = δ ∫0 ρ ⋅ (U∞ − u) dy and when the uid is incompressible (i.e density remains constant), we obtain, δ* = ∫0 ( δ 1− u dy ) U∞ Now let’s examine the momentum thickness (θ). Recall that momentum is the product of mass (mass ow rate on a rate basis) and velocity. Just as we experience a mass de cit due to the velocity gradient within the boundary layer, we also experience a momentum de cit. Figure 1.52. (left) The "momentum de cit" that results from the shear force generated at the surface of a smooth at plate exposed to a uniform ow and (right) the equivalent displacement (θ) the surface would need to be displaced from the uid in a frictionless ow to yield the same 2 momentum de cit. Note that the units above result in kg⋅m/s for both the integral and the expression in the gure on the right. These units are the same as those obtained when we compute m· ⋅ V̄. Equating the two, we obtain, δ ∫0 ρ ⋅ U∞ ⋅ θ = ρ ⋅ u ⋅ (U∞ − u) dy fl fi fi fl fl fi fl fl   fi    fi     fi fl fi fi fi  fl PAG E 13 2 fl fl In the above gure, the mass de cit is de ned as the mass of uid that is displaced vertically and, assuming that the uid is incompressible, θ= For laminar ow over a u u ⋅ 1− dy ) ∫0 U∞ ( U∞ δ at plate, let’s assume that the velocity distribution within the boundary layer is parabolic and takes the following form, u(y) = a + b ⋅ y + c ⋅ y 2 Reexamining the boundary layer and its corresponding boundary conditions, we have: Figure 1.53. Boundary conditions for laminar ow over a at plate at the physical boundaries of a boundary layer. Three boundary conditions are provided to solve for coe cients a, b, and c. Mathematically, we use the boundary conditions listed in the previous gure to solve for constants a, b, and c, which yields, u y y =2⋅ − (δ ) (δ ) U∞ 2 Now, let’s de ne y/δ = η, such that, u = 2 ⋅ η − η2 U∞ To determine how the boundary layer grows, we relate the momentum de cit to the wall shear stress (as the shear stress directly causes the momentum de cit and therefore controls the thickness of the boundary layer). This relationship is represented by, fi fi fi  fl    fl fl fl  ffi fl fi  PAG E 13 3 (1.44) We insert the velocity distribution obtained after solving for constants a, b, and c into Eqn. 1.44 such that, 2 τw = ρ ⋅ U∞ ⋅ d δ u u ⋅ 1− dy d x ∫0 U∞ ( U∞ ) To be consistent with our simpli cation of the velocity distribution, we use the de nition y/ δ = η, such that, dy = δ ⋅ dη and the shear stress at the wall can be de ned as, 1 dδ u u 2 τw = ρ ⋅ U∞ ⋅ ⋅ 1− dη d x ∫0 U∞ ( U∞ ) (1.45) At the same time, we also know that, ∂u τw = μ ⋅ ∂y U∞ =μ⋅ ⋅ δ y=0 ∂ U ( ∞) u ∂ δ ( ) y y δ =0 U∞ =μ⋅ ⋅ δ ∂ U ( ∞) u ∂η η=0 Knowing that u/U∞ = 2 ⋅ η − η 2, then d(u/U∞)/dη = 2 - 2 ⋅ η and, U∞ τw = μ ⋅ ⋅ 2 − 2 ⋅ η) ( δ ) ( η=0 U∞ =2⋅μ⋅ ( δ ) (1.46) Therefore, we can equate Eqns. 1.45 and 1.46 to yield, 1 U∞ u u 2 dδ 2⋅μ⋅ = ρ ⋅ U∞ ⋅ ⋅ 1− dη ( δ ) d x ∫0 U∞ ( U∞ ) Substituting the velocity distribution, we obtain, 1 U∞ 2 dδ 2⋅μ⋅ = ρ ⋅ U∞ ⋅ 2 ⋅ η − η 2) ⋅ 1 − 2 ⋅ η + η 2 dη ( ( δ ) ( ) d x ∫0 fi    fi   fi         PAG E 13 4   dδ dx 2 τw = ρ ⋅ U∞ ⋅ δ ⋅ dδ = 15 ⋅ μ dx ρ ⋅ U∞ Integrating each side from 0 to δ and 0 to x, we obtain, δ2 15 ⋅ μ = +C 2 ρ ⋅ U∞ To solve for the constant c above, we recognize that the boundary layer has no thickness at the leading edge (i.e. δ(x = 0) = 0). Therefore, δ= 30 ⋅ μ ⋅ x ρ ⋅ U∞ Finally, since we recognize that Rex (the local Reynolds number at any point x along the length of the plate) is Rex = ρ ⋅ U∞ ⋅ x / μ, we can say that, δ 5.48 = x Rex The above expression is an approximation for the boundary layer thickness along a smooth at plate (recall that we approximated the shape of the boundary layer). Blasius obtained the "exact" mathematical solution via similarity, where, δ 5.00 = x Rex (1.47) For turbulent ow, a similar mathematical derivation provides, δ 0.382 = 1 x Re 5 (1.48) x You will utilize equations 1.47 and 1.48 to solve for the thickness of the boundary layer at any point x along the length of a at plate. Of course, these expressions are only valid for the simple case of uid ow over a smooth at plate. We do not cover boundary layer development over other geometries in this textbook as it is beyond the scope of the course. fl         fl   fl   fl fl PAG E 13 5  fl Evaluating the integral and rearranging, we obtain, Drag Forces Given what we now know about the boundary layer - that it represents a region across which shear stress induces a resistive force across the surface of an object - it is desirable to understand the consequences of forces that act within the boundary layer and on the surface of an object. In this section, we formalize those consequences using the terms lift and drag. Let’s consider what each term represents physically, and why we require two terms for a complete understanding of the forces acting on bodies that are immersed in a uid where there is some relative motion between the two. Consider the case of a stationary sphere that is immersed in moving uid, Figure 1.54. Sphere that is suspended in a uid that is moving with a uniform incoming velocity U∞. Terms FL and FD represent the lift and drag forces acting on the surface of the solid sphere. In the above diagram we recognize that the lift and drag forces are perpendicular and parallel to the direction of relative motion between the object and the uid, respectively. We note here (and expand on this further later) that the lift force can be oriented in either the positive or negative vertical direction. We will rst consider the drag force acting over the surface of an object that is immersed in a uid. There are two classi cations of drag force that are considered, which make up the total drag force when summed. These include: 1. Friction Drag and, 2. Pressure Drag The friction drag acting on an object is principally due to the shear stress at the wall, and is analogous to the losses caused by wall shear stress in pipes. We also refer to this type of fl   fl  fi fl fl fi  fl PAG E 13 6 drag force as surface drag due to the fact that the drag is caused by viscous uid ow over the wall itself. On the other hand, pressure drag (also referred to as form drag) is the drag force due to the formation of an adverse pressure gradient at the back-end of an object due to the object’s shape (and how that shape impacts the acceleration of a uid as it ows around the object). These two types of drag can be visualized below. Figure 1.55. (left) Horizontal at plate that experiences shear stress (and thus friction drag) as a result of the boundary layer that develops along the length of the plate and (right) vertical at plate that does not shear in the direction of the ow, but results in an adverse pressure gradient that forms as a wake behind the vertical plate. In general, the total drag force acting on a surface is a combination of the shear drag and the pressure drag, where, FD = p ⋅ sin(θ) d A + τw ⋅ cos(θ) d A ∫ ∫ (1.49) The angle θ is described in the gure above. For the horizontal at plate, the angle θ = 0∘ while for the vertical plate the angle θ = 90∘. We know that sin(0∘) = 0 and cos(0∘) = 1, and the drag force on the horizontal plate is therefore completely dominated by friction drag. We also know that sin(90∘) = 1 and cos(90∘) = 0 such that the pressure drag completely governs the drag force acting on the vertical plate. Though Eqn. 1.49 is useful for conceptualizing the mechanisms that most impact the drag force acting over a surface, we generally turn to a dimensionless relationship and empirical correlations to solve for the total drag force that is acting over a surface. In this case, we relate a drag coe cient, CD, to the total drag force, FD, where CD is experimentally determined by a variation of parameters and modeling.   fl  fl  fl fl   fl fl    fi  fl  fl ffi    PAG E 137 CD = 1 2 FD (1.50) ⋅ ρ ⋅ V̄ 2 ⋅ Afrontal where Afrontal is the frontal area of the object, which is the area you would see if you were facing the object and could not render it in 3 dimensions. For example, the frontal area of a sphere is the area of a circle (viewed straight on, a sphere looks like it is a circle). We will practice using this in several example problems momentarily and within the context of individual geometries. Flow over a Flat Plate Parallel to the Direction of Flow The drag coe cient on a horizontal at plate (left-most gure in Fig. 1.55) that is immersed within a uid is described by the relationships shown in the table below for di erent ow conditions. Table 1.8. Drag coe cients (CD) for ow over a at plate that is parallel to the direction of the uid ow. Drag Coe cients over a Horizontal Flat Plate Condition Drag Coe cient, CD Laminar Flow, ReL ≤ 5⋅105 CD = Turbulent Flow, 5 ⋅ 10 5 < ReL < 107 (when most of the ow is turbulent) CD = Turbulent Flow, ReL < 109 (when most of the ow is turbulent) CD = Turbulent Flow, 5 ⋅ 10 5 < ReL < 107 (when neither laminar nor turbulent ow dominates and there exists a transition)* CD = 1.33 ReL 0.0742 1 ReL5 0.455 (log(ReL )) 0.0742 1 ReL5 − 2.58 1742 ReL *This is valid when the critical Reynolds number is Recr = 5⋅105. If Recr ≠ 5⋅105, e.g. when a wire is placed close to the leading edge to "trip" turbulence, then a correction factor (B) must be used, whereby the quantity B/ReL is subtracted from the drag coe cient (CD) for fully turbulent ow. The correction factor B = Recr ⋅ (CD,turbulent − CD,laminar ). The equations in Table 1.8 are valid when the the plate is completely parallel to the direction of uid ow. In such a case, the only relevant component of drag is the friction drag caused by the shear stress at the wall. If the plate itself is angled, the above expressions would not accurately predict the drag force acting on the plate, as form drag would surely result due to the presence of an adverse pressure gradient acting behind the plate. fl ff  ffi fl fl fi        fl  fl fl  fl         ffi ffi    fl fl fl  ffi fl  ffi fl    PAG E 13 8  fl We express the aforementioned relationship as, Example 1.23 - External ow parallel to a at plate (drag force) Air at 20∘C, ρ = 1.204 kg/m3, and μ = 1.825⋅10−5 kg m⋅s ows over a very thin at plate at a velocity of V̄ = 3.5 m/s in the directions shown in the diagrams below. For each of the ow con gurations, determine: 1. The Reynolds number (ReL) and the boundary layer thickness (δ) at the trailing edge of the plate. 2. The drag force (FD) acting on both sides of the plate. Solution First we compute the Reynolds number for the ow on the left as, ReL,left = ρ ⋅ V̄ ⋅ L = μ 1.204 kg m m ⋅ 3.5 s ⋅ 0.5m 3 kg 1.825 ⋅ 10−5 m ⋅ s = 1.15 ⋅ 105 We calculate the Reynolds number for the ow on the right schematic as, ReL,right = 1.204 ρ ⋅ V̄ ⋅ L = μ kg m m ⋅ 3.5 ⋅ 2m 3 s kg 1.825 ⋅ 10−5 m ⋅ s = 4.62 ⋅ 105 In both cases, the uid ow is laminar (i.e. ReL < 5⋅105). Now, we solve for the boundary layer thickness in each case as, δleft = 5.00 ⋅ x Rex = 5.00 ⋅ 0.5m = 0.0074 m = 7.4 mm 1.15 ⋅ 105 fl   fl     fl  fl fl    fl fl fi fl     fl     PAG E 13 9 and, δright = 5.00 ⋅ x Rex = 5.00 ⋅ 2m = 0.0147 m = 14.7 mm 4.62 ⋅ 105 To nd the drag force imposed in each scenario, we use, FD = CD ⋅ ρ ⋅ V̄ 2 ⋅ Afrontal 2 For laminar ow, we nd CD in Table 1.8 is, CD = 1.33 ReL For the drag force on the left-most schematic, we recognize that boundary layers will develop on each side of the plate, and their magnitude impact on FD will be equivalent. For one side of the left-most schematic, the drag force is solved as, 2 m ⋅ 1.204 3 ⋅ 3.5 s ⋅ 2m ⋅ 0.5m m ( ) 1.15 ⋅ 10 5 kg 1.33 FD, top, left = 2 ⋅ 1N 1 kg ⋅ m = 0.0289N s2 Therefore the total drag force acting on the plate in the left-most image of the schematic is, FD, left = 2 ⋅ FD, top, left = 0.058 N Similarly, the drag force acting across one side (we’ll say the top here, arbitrarily) of the image in the right-most image of the schematic is, 1.33 4.62 ⋅ 10 5 FD, top, right = ⋅ 1.204 kg m3 ⋅ 3.5 ms ⋅ 2m ⋅ 0.5m ( ) 2 2 ⋅ 1N 1 kg ⋅ m = 0.0145N s2 and, FD, right = 2 ⋅ FD, top, right = 0.029 N       fi  fl    fi PAG E 14 0 As with the case of ow over a at plate that is oriented parallel to the direction of ow, a at plate that is vertical relative to the uid ow direction experiences only one type of drag. In this case, however, it is pressure drag that governs the drag force on a vertical at plate (as visualized by the right-most schematic in Fig. 1.55) rather than friction drag. The table below is compiled to list the drag coe cient for di erent object shapes that are oriented perpendicular to the direction of uid ow. Table 1.9. Drag coe cients (CD) for ow over vertically oriented geometries (relative to the direction of uid ow). These drag coe cients are valid for Re ≥ 103. Other drag coe cients can be found in the Appendix of this textbook. Drag Coe cients over a Series of Objects Oriented Vertically to the Direction of Fluid Flow Object Geometry Schematic Drag Coe cient, CD Rectangular Prism L =0 t → CD = 1.9 L = 0.5 t → CD = 2.5 L =2 t → CD = 1.7 Circular Disk CD = 1.1 Hemisphere (open-end facing ow) CD = 1.17 Hemisphere (open-end facing downstream) CD = 0.38 The table above provides drag coe cients for a variety of shapes in cross- ow. This is an important type of ow and we will see it again when we discuss convection heat transfer. For now, we will use Table 1.9 as a reference when we encounter relevant problems. The remaining geometries that we will encounter for external ow-type problems explored in this course include both a sphere and a cylinder. Each is detailed below. fl fl ffi fl fl fl fl ff fl ffi fl fl ffi fl fl fl fl  fl ffi  ffi fl ffi   ffi PAG E 141  fl       Flow over Geometries that are Perpendicular to the Direction of Flow Flow over Spheres and Cylinders When a sphere or cylinder is immersed within a uid and relative uid motion exists, both friction drag and pressure drag are relevant to the drag force, as shown in the schematic below. Figure 1.56. Cross-section of a cylinder or sphere in cross- ow, with corresponding shear stress and adverse pressure gradient that produce drag on the surface . The drag coe cient acting over a sphere is provided in the plot below, which is the same as that shown in Fig. 1.31 and recreated here in Fig. 1.57 for ease of use. Figure 1.57. Drag coe cient FD CD = 1 ( ⋅ ρV̄ 2 ⋅ A 2 frontal ) versus Reynolds number Re = ( D ρ ⋅ V̄ ⋅ D for uniform ow over a smooth sphere. ) μ fl fl  fl fl  ffi ffi  PAG E 14 2 Similarly, we can obtain the coe cient of drag for a cylinder in cross- ow using a plot of CD vs. ReD, as shown below. Figure 1.58. Drag coe cient FD CD = 1 ( ⋅ ρV̄ 2 ⋅ A 2 frontal ) versus Reynolds number Re = ( D ρ ⋅ V̄ ⋅ D for uniform ow over a smooth cylinder. ) μ The gures above can be used to determine the drag force acting over the surface of a sphere or a cylinder in cross- ow, provided that the surface is smooth. Combined, we have, 1.59. Drag coe cient FD C = 1 ( D ⋅ ρV̄ 2 ⋅ A 2 frontal ) versus Reynolds number Re = ( D ρ ⋅ V̄ ⋅ D for uniform ow over a sphere/cylinder. ) μ Figure  fl fl fl   ffi fl  ffi  ffi   fi PAG E 14 3 Drag over Airfoils Airfoils are shapes that are speci cally designed to reduce drag and increase lift based upon their "teardrop" shape. Here, the uid is streamlined such that it doesn’t create the adverse pressure gradient that forms downstream of the uid ow, like we see with the vertical at plate, sphere and cylinder in cross- ow. The streamlining nature of uid ow around an airfoil is shown in the schematic below. Figure 1.60. Streamlined nature of uid ow around an airfoil, where the boundary layer does not diverge from the surface and result in a wake in the same way it does with a sphere or a cylinder. The decrease in the contribution from pressure drag is clearly shown in the gure below; as the the thickness of the airfoil is reduced relative to the chord length, we enhance the streamlining shape and thus the pressure drag acting on the airfoil. Figure 1.60. Drag coe cient acting on an ordinary airfoil with relative contributions from friction drag and pressure drag. fl fl fi fl fl fl fl fl fi fl fl ffi  PAG E 14 4 Example 1.24 - Drag force acting on a parachute In order to land safely, a paratrooper having a mass of 170 lbm can fall no faster than 15 mph. Determine the minimum diameter of the parachute that allows for a safe landing. Solution The mass of the person above is represented by the darkened circle attached to the parachute chords. We are told that the terminal velocity (i.e. the maximum velocity that is reached during a free-fall) is 15 mph. The rst thing we’ll do is examine the forces acting on the parachute (we will assume the drag coe cient on the human is negligible relative to that acting on the parachute itself). We use Newton’s 2nd Law to account for the forces acting on the parachute, which is in motion. ∑ Fy = m ⋅ ā Since the acceleration is ā = 0 (due to the fact that we are at terminal velocity), we write the force balance as, FB + FD − W = 0 where FB is the buoyant force acting on the parachute, FD is the drag force and W is the weight acting on the parachute (we will neglect the weight of the parachute itself). Because we are not displacing much air (and because the density of air is low relative to the mass density of a human), we can neglect the buoyant force altogether. We can now rewrite this expression as, CD ⋅ ρair ⋅ V̄ 2 ⋅ Afrontal 2 =m⋅g   ffi fi       PAG E 14 5 Here, we consider the frontal area to be Afrontal = π ⋅ D 2 /4 (i.e. the area of a circle) due to the assumption that the parachute itself is hemispherical. Solving for the required diameter, we obtain, D= 8⋅W CD ⋅ ρair ⋅ V̄ 2 ⋅ π According to Table 1.9, CD = 1.42 for a hemisphere that is open-ended and facing the direction of uid ow. As a result, ft D= 8 ⋅ 170 lbm ⋅ 32.2 2 1.42 ⋅ 0.07518 lbm ⋅ 15 mi ⋅ ( hr ft 3 s 5280ft 1mi ⋅ 1hr 3600s ) 2 = 16.42 ft ⋅π     fl fl   PAG E 14 6 Lift Forces A discussion of drag forces naturally leads us to a corresponding discussion of lift forces that act on objects. We note that for most objects, drag is the dominant force acting on its surface. However, some geometries (like airfoils) have been developed to achieve lift. We previously de ned drag as a force that is resistive and parallel to the direction of uid motion across the surface of the object. Lift, on the other hand, is broadly de ned as the force exerted by the uid perpendicular to the direction of uid motion. Like the drag force, we can likewise de ne lift force as, FL = CL ⋅ 1 ⋅ ρ ⋅ V̄ 2 ⋅ Ap (2 ) (1.51) We’ll focus our discussion of lift on airfoils, which are widely used in the aerospace industry for ight. In particular, we wish to understand the mechanisms that govern the design of an airfoil such that it can achieve some desired magnitude of lift force. Before we do that, it is worth indicating the geometric components of an airfoil via the schematic below. Figure 1.61. Individual geometric features of a standard airfoil, including the chord, span, angle of attack (α), and the directionality of the forces (lift, FL, and drag, FD) acting on the surface of the airfoil. In Eqn. 1.51, the term Ap represents a "planform area". The planform area is calculated by projecting the area where the uid is acting on the wing as if you were looking down at the wing (i.e. a "top-down" view of the wing’s area). We reconstruct several basic wing shapes from this perspective in the gure below. The area is e ectively calculated as the two-dimensional space that the surface occupies. fl fi fi  fl fi  fl  fl fi    fl ff PAG E 147 Figure 1.62. Planform geometries (left = rectangular, middle = trapezoidal, right = triangular) with corresponding chord and span values. For chord lengths, we indicate the root of the wing (closest to the body of the aircraft) with the subscript r, while we indicate the tip of the wing with the subscript t. Reconstructed from portions of Much of the robust airfoil data available within the wider literature comes directly from experiments conducted in a wind tunnel on airfoils with varying section thickness, camber location (the distance from the leading edge of the airfoil to the maximum height along the upper surface), and the lift coe cient that the airfoil is designed for. These tests were (remarkably) conducted in the 1930’s and 1940’s by the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (the precursor agency for NASA). We now refer to the airfoils as having NACA shapes, which are designated as follows, In the above expression, the numerical values in the NACA designation (i.e. 23015) are separated into segments that represent the lift coe cient, the location of maximum camber and the section thickness, respectively. In the case of the lift coe cient, the leading value is divided by 10 and multiplied by 1/2 to nd CL. The next two numbers in the sequence represent the location of maximum camber in % of the chord length when multiplied by 1/2. Finally, the last two digits represent the section thickness as a % of chord length. ffi ffi  fi ffi  PAG E 14 8 The airfoil characteristics mentioned on the previous page are shown in the schematic below such that the reader can visualize the meaning of the geometric parameters de ned by the NACA numerical designator. Figure 1.63. Schematic of an airfoil with a negative camber and the geometric implications of the camber within the context of the NACA airfoil designation. The lift and drag coe cients for di erent NACA airfoils are provided in the plots below. Figure 1.64. Plots of lift coe cients (top plots) and drag coe cients (bottom plots) for NACA 23015, 2412 and 0012 airfoils verses angle of attack. fi ffi ff ffi ffi  PAG E 14 9 angles of attack. For the NACA 23015 and 2412 airfoils4, we see that there is some lift at a 0∘ angle of attack (α). Though we have discussed how to calculate the lift force, we have not actually provided a description of how lift is achieved. In principle, aerodynamic lift is due to the fact that there exists a pressure decrease (and corresponding velocity increase) across the top of the wing, while there is a pressure increase (and a corresponding velocity decrease) across the bottom of the wing. This net di erent in pressure results in a lift force being generated in the positive vertical direction. We notice that as the angle of attach increases, so too does CL, which is representative of an increase in the pressure di erence (Δp) between the top and bottom surfaces. However, at some point the lift coe cient begins to decrease with increasing angle of attack. This phenomenon is known as a "stall" and results in a loss of lift force. At some point, the angle of attack becomes so large that the boundary layer can no longer "stick" to the upper surface (i.e. it is no longer streamlined). This is colloquially referred to as ow separation. Finally, the lift coe cient for a NACA 23015 airfoil is plotted against α and CD for a comparison of the lift and drag coe cients achieved with the aps that are often attached at the trailing edge of a wing, which can produce increased lift (but also result in increased drag). Figure 1.65. Lift coe cients for a NACA 23015 airfoil having di erent types of aps at the trail-end of the wing. 4 Note that for a 4-digit NACA code, the rst digit represents the maximum camber value as a % of chord length, the second digit represents the location of the maximum chord length in % of chord length when multiplied by 10 (i.e. the "4" in 2412 represents 40% of the chord length), and the nal two digits represent the maximum thickness of the airfoil as a % of the chord length.    fl  fl ff fl ff ffi ffi fi ff ffi  ffi ffi  PAG E 15 0  fi The lift coe cients in the previous plot can be used to calculate the lift force at various Example 1.25 - Lift Force acting on a commercial aircraft A commercial aircraft has a total mass of 175,000 lbm and uses wings with a planform area of 1,800 ft2. The plane has a cruising speed of 550 mph and a cruising altitude of 38,000 ft, where the air density is ρ = 0.0205 lbm/ft3. The plane has double-slotted aps for use during takeo and landing, but it cruises with all aps retracted. Assuming the lift and drag characteristics of the wings can be approximated by a NACA 23012 airfoil, determine: 1. The minimum speed for takeo , assuming a ground-level air density of ρ = 0.075 lbm/ft3. 2. The angle of attack to cruise steadily at cruising altitude. 3. The power needed to overcome drag at cruising altitude [in hp]. Solution To solve the rst part of this problem, we must understand that to take o , ∑ Fy > 0 In this case, the forces acting in the y-direction are lift and weight (due to the mass of the aircraft that must itself be lifted). There is no buoyancy force acting on the wing. A freebody diagram reveals that, Therefore, we have, FL − W > 0 → FL > W → FL > m ⋅ g fl  ff fl   ff   ff fi    PA G E 151 CL ⋅ 1 ⋅ ρ ⋅ V̄ 2 ⋅ Ap > m ⋅ g (2 ) We solve for the minimum speed necessary for take o as, 2⋅m⋅g = CL ⋅ ρ ⋅ Ap V̄ = ft 2 ⋅ 175,000lbm ⋅ 32.2 2 s ft 3 3.48 ⋅ 0.07518 lbm ⋅ 1800ft 2 = 154.7 ft 3600s 1mi ⋅ ⋅ = 105.5 mph s 1hr 5,280ft where we obtained the lift coe cient as CL = 3.48 by virtue of knowing that the minimum velocity required to take o corresponds to the maximum coe cient of lift. This value was then taken from the top distribution in the left-most plot in Fig. 1.65. To nd the angle of attack required to cruise steadily when traveling 550 mph, we must nd the lift coe cient produced when traveling at this velocity for this particular wing. In order to cruise, we know that the forces must balance (so that there is not relative motion in the ydirection), or, FL = W Therefore, CL = ft 2 ⋅ 175,000lbm ⋅ 32.2 2 2⋅m⋅g = ρ ⋅ V̄ 2 ⋅ Ap 0.0205 lbm3 ⋅ 550 mi ⋅ hr ft ( s 5280ft 1mi ⋅ 1hr 3600s ) 2 = 0.47 ⋅ 1800ft 2 With a lift coe cient of 0.47 and a fully retracted ap, we can use the bottom distribution in the left-most plot in Fig. 1.65 to nd that, α ≈ 3.5∘ Finally, we nd the power required to overcome drag at cruising altitude via, · W = Fd ⋅ V̄ fi ffi ff fl     fi  ffi ff ffi fi ffi   PAG E 15 2 fi  where we know that the lift force can be rewritten via Eqn. 1.51 such that, FD = CD ⋅ 1 ⋅ ρ ⋅ V̄ 2 ⋅ Afrontal (2 ) Thus, · W = CD ⋅ 1 ⋅ ρ ⋅ V̄3 ⋅ Afrontal (2 ) Because we have CL for this airfoil at cruising speed (CL = 0.47 from the previous part of the problem), we can nd CD using the right-most plot in Fig. 1.65, which plots CL vs. CD for this airfoil. At CL = 0.47, we nd that CD ≈ 0.01. Therefore, · W = 0.01 ⋅ 1 lbm mi 5,280ft 1hr 1hp 1lbf ⋅ 0.0205 3 ⋅ 550 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 1800 ft 2 ⋅ ⋅ lbm ⋅ ft (2 ) ( ft hr 1mi 3600s ) 550lbf ⋅ ft 32.2 2 3 = 5,468 hp s      fi   fi   PAG E 15 3   where, CHAPTER 2: INTRODUCTION TO HEAT TRANSFER I HEATED A THIC K PIECE OF IRON TILL IT WAS RED HOT, AND TAKING W I T H A H O T I M M E D I AT E LY WHERE THE IT P A I R PUT WIND OUT O F IT IN BLEW OF THE FIRE P I N C E R S , A COLD I PLACE, C O N S T A N T LY. . . THE A I R H E AT E D BY T H E I R O N M I G H T A LWAYS B E C A R R I E D AWAY BY T H E W I N D , A N D T H E C O O L AIR MIGHT SUCCEED IN ITS PL ACE WITH [A] UNIFORM MOTION. FOR THUS EQUAL PARTS OF THE AIR WOULD BE MADE HOT IN EQUAL TIMES, AND WOULD PROPORTIONAL -SIR ISAAC TO NEWTON, TRANSACTIONS, "A CONCEIVE THE THE SCALE HEAT A HEAT OF IRON. PHILOSOPHICAL OF THE DEGREES O F H E A T " , 17 01. eat transfer is a physical and relatable science that has important consequences for our daily lives. In this course, we concern ourselves with fundamental empirical phenomena that allow us to analyze and design devices and energy systems, including heat sinks and heat exchangers. We couple these to our knowledge of uid mechanics and thermodynamics. Heating and cooling are phenomena that we regularly encounter in our daily lives. Heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems have been ubiquitous in the United States since their introduction into homes in the late 1940's. More tangible, perhaps, is the experience of a hot cup of co ee slowly cooling throughout the day, or conversely, a cold bottle of water slowly heating up while at the beach. In both cases, recent advancements in vacuum insulation technology have led to the design of beverage containers that can keep drinks warmer (or cooler) for longer durations of time (in some cases, for 8+ hours!). In this course, we will immerse ourselves in the development of simple tools that allow us to design or analyze speci c heat transfer equipment, including: (1) heat sinks and (2) heat exchangers. As with all other applications, this will require a rudimentary understanding of the basic modes of heat transfer, which include Conduction, Convection and Radiation. fl fi ff  PAG E 15 4 In the remainder of this chapter, we discuss the fundamental modes that govern heat ow within stationary objects and moving uids, the use of thermal resistor networks for Vacuum Insulation simpli ed analysis and design of thermal transport in engineering applications, the design and analysis of heat sinks for active and passive cooling of devices, the fundamentals of Inner Container convection heat transfer and the use of an e ectiveness-NTU methodology to design and analyze industrial-scale heat exchangers. We note that this text is not meant to provide an exhaustive overview of heat transfer and is not suitable for a standalone course in heat transfer o ered in many Mechanical Engineering departments across the country. For such courses, other texts are likely to be more appropriate. This textbook is suitable for Figure 2.1. Cut-plane of a typical vacuum insulated beverage container. The design of this container is based on an understanding of the fundamental modes of heat transfer, including conduction, convection and radiation (described in the following section). In particular, the vacuum insulation eliminates thermal transport by conduction and convection, reducing the amount of heat that can enter (or escape) from (or to) the environment. Photo taken at USNA. a practical, systems-based approach to heat transfer and is taught to engineers that are not in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the United States Naval Academy. FUNDAMENTAL MODES In this text, we provide a fundamental understanding of the predominant modes of heat transfer, which includes: conduction, convection, and radiation. It is worth mentioning that more that one mode is often present in any application where heat is being transferred. That said, it is often the case that one mode governs thermal transport in a device or system and the others can be neglected. It will be important, then, to be able to calculate the magnitude contribution of each mode for a speci c problem. To do this, we can analyze the rate equation for each mode. Before discussing each individual mode of heat transfer, it is instructive to consider how and when heat moves into or out of a system. Heat transfer is explicitly related to an object’s relative temperature. Consider the case discussed brie y in the introduction of this section: if you put a hot cup of co ee in a space with a colder environment, the co ee itself will eventually come into thermal equilibrium with the surroundings. While the co ee is cooling, heat is being transferred from the co ee into the surroundings. Thus, we can say that heat ff ff fl fi fl fl ff ff ff  fi ff PAG E 15 5 The physical reason for this is best explained by the second law of thermodynamics and is therefore beyond the scope of what we cover in this section. We can account for heat transfer to or from a system by setting up an energy balance for a system. Figure 6.2 represents a simple schematic for a system that is exposed to some thermal reservoir at a di erent temperature. qout System dU dt qin Figure 2.2. Schematic of a system of interest and the corresponding changes to that system (dU/dt) that result due to heat transfer across the boundary (dashed line). In the schematic above, dU/dt is the rate of change of the internal energy in a system. From a thermodynamics perspective, the rate of change of internal energy is best thought of as either a change in temperature within a substance or a change in a substance’s phase (e.g. a liquid-vapor phase change). If the substance is incompressible (most solids and liquids can be approximated this way), and does not undergo a phase transition, the resulting energy balance yields, qnet = m ⋅ Cp ⋅ dT dt (2.1) Problematically, this equation can not be used to directly calculate q independent of context. This is because we rarely know how the temperature of an object or a uid changes with time without measuring it directly. Consequently, we turn our attention to a series of rate equations that can be used to predict a heat transfer rate based on the properties and conditions of a given solid, uid or gas. Conduction Heat Transfer Conduction heat transfer occurs when there exists a thermal gradient across a solid or stationary object or uid. The rate equation for conduction heat transfer is in some sense empirical. In other words, this equation was developed through a parametric experimental analysis. fl  fl ff fl PAG E 15 6     is transferred from a hot object (or environment) to a cold object (or environment). First, consider an object that is exposed to a xed (hot) temperature on one end a xed (cold) temperature on the opposing end, with all other sides insulated. Hot Reservoir Cold Reservoir Figure 2.3. Schematic of a material between hot and cold reservoirs at temperatures TH and TC , respectively. Gray shaded regions represent areas where the material is thermally insulated from the surrounding environment. When heat is restricted to owing in one dimension (in the above case, from left to right), we nd that the rate of heat ow, q, is directly proportional to the temperature gradient in that direction and the area that the heat passes through, expressed as, q ∝ A⋅ By changing the material type, we dT dx (2.2) nd that this proportionality can be written as a direct relationship in the form, q =κ⋅A⋅ dT dx (2.3) where κ is the thermal conductivity of the material. Thermal conductivity is therefore considered to be a material property that governs the rate of heat that can pass through an incompressible substance due to an imposed temperature di erence. Since the formulation of Eqn. 2.3, we have since discovered that a material’s thermal conductivity is governed by the fundamental characteristics of its microstructure and electrical conductivity (which is well beyond the scope of this text). We note that the heat transfer rate itself can alternatively be expressed as a rate per unit area or a rate per unit length, as shown below (where Lc is some speci ed distance): q Lc q q′′ = A q′ = A variety of material thermal conductivities are found in Figs. 2.4 and 2.5. Figure 2.4 shows the thermal conductivity of various solid materials as a function of temperature, while Fig. fi fi ff    ff fi   fi fl fl       PAG E 157 fi  2.5 shows the thermal conductivity of materials in di erent phases Figure 2.4. Thermal conductivity of various solids as a function of temperature in (K). Note that metals tend to have a higher thermal conductivity than non-metals due to the availability of electrons as heat energy carriers. Figure 2.5. Thermal conductivity of di erent materials in di erent phases of matter (gases, liquids, and solids). Note that gases typically have lower thermal conductivity than liquids, which typically have lower thermal conductivity than solids. ff ff  PAG E 15 8 A copper rod has a diameter of d = 1 cm and a length of L = 0.6 m and is exposed to a temperature of 600∘C on one of its circular faces and a temperature of 20∘C on the other. Assuming the outer surface of the rod is perfectly insulated and that the thermal ux [W/m 2] and heat conductivity of copper is κCu = 393W/m ⋅ K , determine the heat transfer rate [W] across and through the rod, respectively. TH = 600∘C TC = 20∘C Solution Note that the heat ux is the heat transfer rate divided by the cross-sectional area (or the area perpendicular to the direction of heat ow). To nd the heat ux, then, we can use the rate equation that describes conduction heat transfer. q dT ΔT =κ⋅ = κCu ⋅ A dx L q′′ = In the equation above, q'' is the heat ux across the length of the copper rod. Note that we integrate from TC to TH and from x = 0 to x = L in order to arrive at the expression on the right. Now we simply substitute the values from the original problem statement: W 600∘C − 20∘C W q′′ = 393 ⋅ = 379, 900 2 m⋅K 0.6m m You might notice that the units of temperature cancelled directly, despite the presence of ∘C in the numerator and K in the denominator. Because the numerator represents a temperature di erence, and we know that ΔT(∘C ) = ΔT(K ) (for example: 600∘C − 20∘C = 580∘C and 873.15K − 293.15K = 580K), the units cancel. To nd the total heat transfer rate, we simply multiply the heat ux by the cross-sectional area that is perpendicular to the direction of heat ow. πd 2 W 3.1415 ⋅ (0.01m)2 q = q′′ ⋅ Ac = q′′ ⋅ = 379,900 2 = 29 . 83W 4 m 4   fl fl fl  fi fl fl fl       fl  PAG E 15 9            fi  This is the rate of heat that is transferred from one end of the rod to the other. ff    Example 2.1. - Heat transfer through a copper rod A composite window is shown in the gure below and contains a 5.08 cm thick stainless steel strut that sits between two pieces of glass that are each 10 mm thick. The temperature on the outer part of the window is 33∘C and the temperature on the inner part of the window is 15∘C. Determine the temperature distribution and the heat ux through each part of the composite window. T(∘C ) 33∘C ΔTglass ΔTsteel ΔTglass 15∘C x Lglass Lsteel Lglass To determine the temperature distribution through each component of the composite window, we can use knowledge that: ΔTtotal = ΔTglass + ΔTsteel + ΔTglass = ΔTsteel + 2 ⋅ ΔTglass where the temperature di erence across the glass on the left is equivalent to that on the right because they are made of the same material and have the same thickness. In other words, the conservation of energy (i.e. the energy leaving one material = the energy entering the next) requires that, q′′ = κglass,left ⋅ ΔTglass,left Lwindow,left = κglass,right ⋅ ΔTglass,right Lwindow,right PAG E 16 0 fl  fi  ff         As a result, we can say that ΔTglass,left = ΔTglass,right = ΔTglass.        Example 2.2. - Conduction heat transfer through a composite wall q′′ = (κ ⋅ ΔT ΔT = κ ⋅ ) ( ) L glass L steel Thus, to determine the temperature drop across each material layer, we can say that, ΔTtotal = ΔTsteel + 2 ⋅ ΔTglass = ΔTsteel ⋅ (1 + 2 ⋅ κsteel /Lsteel ) κglass /Lsteel Note that in the above, we multiplied the 2 ⋅ ΔTglass term by ΔTsteel /ΔTsteel (which is a mathematical trick where we are e ectively multiplying a term by 1). This helps us to use the conser vation of energy expression at the top of the page to become 2⋅ ΔTglass ΔTsteel ⋅ ΔTsteel = 2 ⋅ κsteel /Lsteel ⋅ ΔTsteel. κglass /Lglasss Solving for ΔTsteel, we obtain, κsteel /Lsteel −1 16.3W/m ⋅ K /0.0508m −1 ∘ ∘ ∘ ) = (33 C − 15 C ) ⋅ (1 + 2 ⋅ ) ≈ 3 . 22 C κglass /Lglass 1.4W/m ⋅ K /0.01m ΔTsteel = ΔTtotal ⋅ (1 + 2 ⋅ The remaining temperature di erence is then split evenly across the two glass layers, or ΔTglass ≈ 7 . 39∘C. The heat ux can then be obtained with the use of any individual layer’s material characteristics and its individual temperature gradient, q′′ = κglass ⋅ ΔTglass Lglass W 7.39∘C = 1.4 ⋅ = 1034 . 6W/m2 m ⋅ K 0.01m Recall that the temperature di erence in the numerator in ∘C is equivalent to a temperature    ff ff  ff fl    PA G E 161      di erence in K (see previous problem). ff    In the same way, we can also use the conservation of energy to say that, The term "convection" is used to describe the ow of heat from a solid surface into an adjacent, moving uid. Like conduction heat transfer, convection is present in many of the applications that are familiar to us. Perhaps the most tangible example of convection is the movement of cold air over the human body. In fact, this formed the basis for our early understanding of convection when, in 1701, Sir Isaac Newton considered how long it takes for a body to cool down in an environment whose temperature is T∞, dTbody ∝ Tbody − T∞ dt (2.4) However, it became quickly apparent that the energy needed to maintain a body temperature was constantly being replenished, and that this speci c case represented a steady-state problem (i.e. your body temperature does not cool to the temperature of the outside air over time, else in many cases you would freeze!). Rather, the steady-state formulation becomes, q′′ ∝ Tbody − T∞ (2.5) As with conduction heat transfer, an empirical relationship is developed to provide a direct correlation between an applied heat transfer rate and the temperature di erence between a surface and its surroundings, Ts − T∞, as, q′′ = h̄ ⋅ (T̄s − T∞) (2.6) where h̄ is the average heat transfer coe cient that acts on the body and describes the magnitude with which heat can be carried away from the surface by a moving uid. Consider the relatively simple case where a owing uid moves along a at plate, Velocity pro le within the boundary layer U∞, T∞ T̄s Free-stream Velocity and Temperature q’’ x  fl  ff fl  fl fi fl fl fl fl ffi   fl   fl fl fl  fi  PAG E 16 2    Figure 2.6. Laminar ow over a at plate with a constant, applied heat ux at the surface of the at plate. The terms Ts and T∞ represent the surface temperature and the free-stream temperature of the uid, respectively.    Convection Heat Transfer there is also a thermal boundary layer that will be covered in a separate section on external ow). To determine the heat ux acting along the entire length of the plate, an average heat transfer coe cient is required. This is because the velocity distribution along the length (i.e. in the x-direction) of the plate changes. As a result, the heat ux, surface temperature and heat transfer coe cient also change in the x-direction when examined locally. The local heat ux (i.e. the heat ux acting at any point in the x-direction) can be determined as, q′′(x) = h(x) ⋅ (Ts(x) − T∞) (2.7) The above two equations are referenced as forms of the convection rate equation and represent what is now called Newton’s Law of Cooling (though it should be noted that Newton never actually wrote these equations in this form or made mention of a heat transfer coe cient). Classi cations A number of di erent thermal phenomena can technically be classi ed under what has become the umbrella term "convection". These include: 1. Free Convection - The term "free convection" is used to describe a uid that is being advected over a surface due to a di erence in its buoyancy near the surface relative to the surrounding quiescent uid. A tangible example of this occurs in homes with more than one oor, where often the hottest space in the house is the highest oor due to the lower density associated with hot air. 2. Forced Convection - This type of convection occurs when a uid is physically moved over a surface in order to cool it or heat it. Typically this is done with the use of a fan, blower or pump. When you sit in front of a fan and "feel cool", this is forced convection in action. 3. Boiling - When a uid boils, the energy that is otherwise used to sensibly heat it is instead used to form a vapor, keeping the temperature at the surface relatively stable. As vapor bubbles depart (either from natural uid movement or forced advection), the hot vapor bubble is replenished with a cooler liquid from the surrounding volume. 4. Condensation - Condensation occurs when a surface is cooler than its surroundings. Consequently, a uid forms on the surface due to the presence of that uid as a vapor in the surrounding environment. The energy used to do this again maintains a relatively stable temperature, and heat dissipation is aided by the uid moving along PAG E 16 3 ffi fl fl fi fl fl fl fl fl fl ff  fl fl fl fl ffi ff fl fl ffi    the surface. fi fl fl Figure 2.6 shows the velocity boundary layer along that develops along a at plate (note that The heat transfer coe cient itself represents the magnitude "strength" of convection heat transfer and depends on a variety of parameters, including: 1. Fluid properties like: • Viscosity and density • Thermal conductivity 2. Fluid velocity 3. The geometry of the surface Some examples of representative heat transfer coe cients for speci c applications are included in the table below. Table 2.1. Range of convection heat transfer coe cients based on classi cation. Type Typical range of h W ( m2 ⋅ K ) Natural Convection 4 - 4,000 Forced Convection 40 - 100,000 Boiling & Condensation 300 - 10,000,000 We note that generally, each of these types can occur either internally or externally, meaning the uid is either bound on all sides or is left free on one or more sides. An extensive discussion of both internal ow and external ow is provided in a later section titled "Convection Heat Transfer". fi ffi fl fi ffi fl ffi   fl PAG E 16 4 Example 2.3. - Cartridge heater operating at steady-state A cylindrical cartridge heater emits a heat ux of 5,000 W/m2 at its outer surface and its measured temperature is 80∘C when placed in water with a temperature of 20∘C. What is the convection coe cient acting on the outer part of the heater? If the heater power is suddenly increased to 8,000 W/m2, and assuming the convection coe cient acting on the heater does not change much, what is the approximate temperature increase at the heater surface? Solution When a hot object is immersed in a cold uid, natural convection occurs due to the presence of buoyancy forces that are generated within the uid. This is analogous to hot air rising in your home. The corresponding movement of the uid then acts to remove heat from the cartridge heater. To solve for the convection heat transfer coe cient we use Newton’s Law of Cooling, q′′ q′′ = h̄ ⋅ (Ts − T∞) → h̄ = (Ts − T∞) Substituting, we have, h̄ = 5,000 W2 m (80∘C − 20∘C) ≈ 83 . 3 W m2 ⋅ K Assuming h̄ does not change with temperature (which may not be a good assumption in reality), we obtain the following surface temperature when q′′ increases to 8,000 W/m2, q′′ h̄ + T∞ = m 83.3 2W m ⋅K + 20∘C ≈ 116∘C PAG E 16 5   ffi  ffi  fl fl fl fl       ffi          Ts = 8,000 W2 Radiation Heat Transfer Radiant thermal energy is perhaps the most tangible of the three fundamental modes of heat transfer. Most (if not all) of us have had the experience of stepping outside on a sunny day and feeling the "warmth" of the sun. This type of heating is achieved principally through the emission of electromagnetic radiation. Thus, radiant heat is emitted from any surface that has a non-zero absolute temperature. To understand this, one must examine the nature of the electromagnetic spectrum, as shown below. Figure 2.8. Electromagnetic spectrum showing the relative wavelength, size, frequency and maximum temperature of the seven most commonly utilized parts, including radio, microwave, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, x-ray, and gamma ray. Attribution to: Inductiveload, NASA / CC BY-SA (http:// Electromagnetic waves are emitted from a surface due to atomic excitation and the subsequent elevation of electrons to a higher energy level. When this happens, a photon of light is emitted at the surface of the material at a frequency that corresponds to the energy di erence between the electrons in their ground state and the electrons in their excited state. Practically, the way that this manifests at larger scales is through temperature. As the temperature of an object (or surface) is increased, there is a corresponding increase in "atomic excitation", or the rate at which atoms vibrate around their equilibrium positions.  ff PAG E 16 6 whose temperature Ts is greater than 0 K. With respect to the electromagnetic spectrum referenced in Fig. 2.8, thermal radiation occurs at wavelengths ranging from 100 nm to 1000 μm. Although radiation transport mechanisms are rooted in quantum mechanics, we account for thermal radiation e ects using a rate equation similar to those developed for conduction and convection (although this rate equation is derived from physics, where the convection rate equation is largely empirical while the conduction rate equation has an alternate set of physics not explained in this text that allow us to derive the rate equation). In this book we restrict our study of radiation heat transfer to that which occurs between a surface at temperature Ts and surroundings with an ambient temperature Tsurr. We can also impart a solar ux from the sun via an energy balance. It is critical to know that each of these temperatures must be in absolute units when we deal with thermal radiation. A schematic of the radiative transport mechanisms dealt with in this course is outlined below. Figure 2.9. Schematic representation of the radiative emissive terms that interact with the surface and balance to produce a nite, steady-state temperature. Terms in red highlight heat energy interacting with the surface. The term “G” is known as irradiance (i.e. a heat ux from a separate source that interacts with the surface), and the term E is known as the radiative emissive power (i.e. the heat ux leaving the surface). The relationship between the heat transfer rate from a surface and its temperature scales to the fourth power as, (2.8) PAG E 167 fi fl  fl    ff fl   Es = q′s′ = σ ⋅ ε ⋅ Ts4   As a result, there is always some amount of thermal radiation being emitted from a surface W ) and ε is a measure of m2 ⋅ K4 the surface emissivity. The surface emissivity itself is a property of the surface conditions (e.g. color, surface roughness, etc.). The heat ux that is emitted by the surroundings (Esurr) is absorbed on the surface as αsurr ⋅ Gsurr (where αsurr is the absorptivity of the surface) such that, 4 Esurr = σ ⋅ ε ⋅ Tsurr and, at the surface, this energy is absorbed at a rate represented by, 4 αsurr ⋅ Gsurr = αsurr ⋅ σ ⋅ εsurr ⋅ Tsurr Because the surroundings are typically much larger than the surface, we consider ε = 1 (i.e. a blackbody). Likewise, since the surface and surroundings are likely to be at around the same temperature, we consider the surface to be gray (i.e. its absorptivity to the energy being emitted by the surroundings is equivalent to its emissivity across all wavelengths, or αsurr,λ = εs,λ, where λ is the spectrum of light where thermal radiation occurs). Thus, if we want to compute the net heat ux leaving the surface, we obtain, 4 4 q′net ′ = Es − αsurr ⋅ Gsurr = εs ⋅ σ ⋅ Ts4 − εs ⋅ σ ⋅ Tsurr = εs ⋅ σ ⋅ (Ts4 − Tsurr ) (2.9) If the sun is also present (and its irradiance, G, is provided), and assuming the surface remains gray (i.e. αsun,λ = εs,λ), we obtain, 4 4 q′net ′ = Es − αsurr ⋅ Gsurr − αsun ⋅ Gsun = εs ⋅ σ ⋅ Ts4 − εs ⋅ σ ⋅ Tsurr − εs ⋅ Gsun = εs ⋅ σ ⋅ (Ts4 − Tsurr ) − εs ⋅ Gsun It is not always the case that a surface is gray, or that we have a single emissivity across all wavelengths where thermal radiation matters. However, this text only provides a brief introduction to radiation heat transfer. For additional insight into radiation heat transfer     fl       fl   PAG E 16 8    problems, it is best to consult standard heat transfer textbooks.     where σ represents the Stefan-Boltmann constant (σ = 5.67 ⋅ 10−8 T H E R M A L R E S I S T O R A N A LY S I S In complex systems, there is often more than one mode of heat transfer present and/or more than one path that the heat can take to escape or enter into a surface. As a result, it becomes a matter of convenience to work with thermal resistor networks. You are likely familiar with electrical resistor networks, where a change in voltage drives a current through a series of resistive elements. For example, consider the case where an electrical circuit passes current through a series resistor network where the voltage drops from V1 = 400 V to V3 = 300 V, as shown in the diagram below. You know that the rst resistor, R1 = 5 Ω and the second resistor R2 = 10 Ω. Now say we want to determine the current, I, and the voltage V2. To do this, we use knowledge of the relationship between voltage, current and resistance as, I= ΔV ∑R or, I= V1 − V3 400V − 300V = = 6.67 A R1 + R2 5Ω + 10Ω Likewise, we can nd the voltage V2 via, I = 6.67 A = V1 − V2 400V − V2 = R1 5Ω ∴ V2 = 400V − 6.67 A ⋅ 5Ω = 350V We take an analogous approach to solving heat transfer problems (where heat ow can be approximated as being "one-dimensional"). Rather than a voltage drop, the ow of heat is governed by the temperature drop across an object (and, as you may have guessed, the energy that Δ T regulates is heat rather than current). fi fl       fl   fi      PAG E 16 9 To nd the heat ow rate, q, we can therefore use, ΔT ∑R q= (2.10) Here, though, each resistance we encounter depends on the mode of heat transfer that occurs between two endpoints. For Conduction Heat Transfer, we use, Rcd = L κ ⋅ Ac (Cartesian, 2.11) for a cartesian coordinate system (where Ac is the area perpendicular to heat ow). For a cylindrical coordinate system, we use, Rcd = ln ( di ) do (Cylindrical, 2.12) 2 ⋅ π ⋅ kw ⋅ L For Convection Heat Transfer, we use, Rcv = 1 h ⋅ As (2.13) which is valid for both cartesian and cylindrical coordinates (though you should be careful to understand that As is the surface area for heat transfer by convection, in this case). We often encounter the cylindrical coordinate system in heat transfer for uids that move through pipes, or when wires generate heat, and an example problem is provided within this text to this end. We also note that when heat can move in more than one direction, we no longer have only a series resistor. In this case, we must recognize that a parallel resistor has to be used to model thermal transport. Finally, we note that this text does not cover the spherical coordinate system to any extent. For spherical coordinates, you should consult a standard heat transfer textbook. fl fl       fl  fi PA G E 17 0 Example 2.4 - Plane wall, series resistor A plane wall is held at a constant temperature of Ts,i = 400 K on the left side. Heat moves through the wall, which has a thermal conductivity of κ = 0.2 W/m⋅K, and is convected on the outer part of the wall to the ambient environment, which has a temperature of T∞ = 300 K. The convection coe cient acting on the outer wall is h = 10 W/m2 ⋅ K. Determine the rate of heat transfer through the wall and the temperature on the outer surface of the wall, Ts,o. The thickness of the wall L = 0.01 m and the cross-sectional area is Ac = 0.01 m2. Solution In this problem, heat ows through the wall by conduction from left to right, and then out into the ambient environment by convection. Therefore, we set up a series resistor network as follows: The heat ow rate can then be computed using, ΔT ∑ Rth q=         ffi fl fl   PA G E 17 1 ow rate using, q= Ts,i − Ts,o Rcd,wall + Rcv,o where, Rcd,wall = L 0.01m K = = 5 κ ⋅ Ac W 0.2 W ⋅ 0.01m 2 m⋅K and, 1 Rcv,o = = h ⋅ As 10 W 1 m2 ⋅ K K = 10 2 W ⋅ 0.01m Now, q= 400K − 300K K K 5 W + 10 W = 6.67 W To solve for the outer wall temperature, we also recognize that, Ts,i − T∞ Ts,i − Ts,o Ts,o − T∞ ΔT q= = = = ∑ Rth Rcd,wall + Rcv,o Rcd,wall Rcv,o We can use either of the above two quotients on the right to solve for Ts,o. Here we use the rst as, 400K − Ts,o q = 6.67 W = K 5W → Ts,o = 400K − 6.67W ⋅ 5 K = 350 K W Note that this problem is directly analogous to the electrical resistor network described at the beginning of this section. fl        PA G E 17 2  fi Using the two temperatures we have in this problem, we can calculate the heat Example 2.5 - Plane wall, parallel resistor A plane wall is heated on one side at a rate of 30 W over a 0.01 m2 area. The wall experiences convection on both sides with air at T∞ = 300 K. The convection heat transfer acting on both sides is h = 20 W/m2 ⋅ K. The wall has a thickness of 0.01 m and a thermal conductivity of κ = 0.2 W/m⋅K. Calculate the temperature on both sides of the wall. Solution In this case, the heat can move either through the wall by conduction and to the outside by convection or by convection to the inside space. In other words, the heat has an opportunity to move in two directions. As a result, we use a parallel resistor network to model heat ow. fl       PA G E 17 3 In a parallel circuit, the heat is split proportionally through the upper and lower branches (i.e. its values are proportional to the resistance in each branch). For this type of circuit, we can write, Ts,i − T∞ q = q1 + q2 = Rcd,wall + Rcv,o + Ts,i − T∞ Rcv,i To solve for the inner surface temperature, then, we need each of the thermal resistances, Rcd,wall = L 0.01m K = = 5 κ ⋅ Ac W 0.2 W ⋅ 0.01m 2 m⋅K and, 1 Rcv,o = = ho ⋅ As,o 20 1 W m2 ⋅ K K =5 2 W ⋅ 0.01m and, 1 Rcv,i = = hi ⋅ As,i 20 1 W m2 ⋅ K K =5 2 W ⋅ 0.01m Therefore, Ts,i = 30W ⋅ [5 K + 5 K 1 W W + K 5W ] 1 −1 + 300K = 400K Now we can use Ts,i to determine Ts,o provided we know q1, where, Ts,i − T∞ q1 = Rcd,wall + Rcv,o = 400K − 300K K 10 W = 10 W Thus, q1 = Ts,i − Ts,o Rcd,wall → Ts,o = 400K − 10W ⋅ 5 K = 350 K W            PA G E 174 Example 2.6 - Thermal transport in a pipe with moving uids, series resistor A cast iron pipe (κ = 52 W/m⋅K) moving hot oil with a temperature of T∞,oil = 60∘C is used to heat a room with air to a temperature of T∞,air = 25∘C. The convection heat transfer coe cient acting on the inner part of the pipe is hi = 15 W/m2⋅K, while the convection heat transfer coe cient acting on the outer part of the pipe is ho = 35 W/m2 ⋅ K. Determine the heat transfer rate, q, through the pipe and the inner and outer surface temperatures (Ts,i and Ts,o, respectively) of the pipe walls. The inner and outer radii of the pipe are ri = 25.4 mm and ro = 29 mm and the length of the pipe is 1 m. Solution In this problem, we know that heat has only one direction it can move in (the positive radial direction, from the center of the inner uid to the uid convecting over the outer part of the pipe). Thus, the problem requires the use of a series resistor. In general, the heat ow rate can be determined using, ΔT q= ∑ Rth          fl fl    fl  fl  ffi   ffi  PA G E 17 5 Rth = Rcv,i + Rcd,wall + Rcv,o Let’s now compute each individual thermal resistance. Rcv,i = 1 = hi ⋅ As,i 1 1m 15 2W ⋅ π ⋅ 25.4mm 1,000mm ⋅ 1m = 0.84 K W m ⋅K Rcd,wall = Rcv,o = ( di ) ln do 0.029m 2 ⋅ π ⋅ kw ⋅ L 1 = ho ⋅ As,o ln 0.0254m ( ) = 2 ⋅ π ⋅ 52 mW⋅ K ⋅ 1m = 0.00041 1 1m 35 2W ⋅ π ⋅ 29mm 1000mm ⋅ 1m K W = 0.31 K W m ⋅K Now, q= 60∘C − 25∘C K K K 0.84 W + 0.00041 W ⋅ 0.31 W = 30.33 W We can now use q to solve for the inner and outer temperatures of the pipe wall. T∞,i − Ts,i q= Rcv,o Ts,i = T∞,i − q ⋅ Rcv,o = 60∘C − 30.33W ⋅ 0.83 → K = 34.83∘C W and, q= Ts,i − Ts,o → Rcd,wall Ts,o = Ts,i − q ⋅ Rcd,wall = 34.83∘C − 30.33W ⋅ 0.00041 K = 34.82∘C W Note here that the thermal conductivity and wall thickness of the pipe result in a very low thermal resistance. This results in a very low temperature drop across the pipe wall (ΔTpipe = 0.01∘C). Our largest source of thermal resistance is due to the convection acting on the inner part of the pipe.         PA G E 176   For the series resistor on the previous page, Rth is, Example 2.7 - Heat ow in a multi-layered cable A 2 m long coaxial cable generates heat at a rate of q = 20 W. The heat generating cable has a radius of 12 mm and is surrounded by a 5 mm thick layer of epoxy (κepoxy = 1.2 W/m⋅K), a 10 mm thick layer of aluminum to provide rigidity (κAl = 205 W/m⋅K) and an outer rubber (κrubber = 0.25 W/m⋅K)insulating layer that is 8 mm thick. Natural convection on the outer radius provides a convection coe cient of h = 10 W/m2 ⋅ K at an ambient temperature of T∞ = 21∘C. Determine the temperature at each surface. Solution Here, heat ows from the core of the coaxial cable (red circle) outward toward the ambient environment. Because heat has only one direction to move in, we can model the system using a series resistor, as shown below. Again, we can compute the heat transfer rate, q, via, q= ΔT ∑ Rth      ffi    fl  fl   PA G E 17 7 where the resistances can be added in series as, ∑ Rth = Rcd,epoxy + Rcd,Al + Rcd,rubber + Rcv,o Solving for each individual thermal resistance, ln do ( i) d Rcd,epoxy = Rcd,Al = 2 ⋅ π ⋅ kw ⋅ L ( di ) = = 2 ⋅ π ⋅ kw ⋅ L ln do ( i) Rcv,o = K W ln 0.027m ( ) K W 0.035m 2 ⋅ π ⋅ kw ⋅ L 1 = h ⋅ As 10 = 0.023 = 0.00018 2 ⋅ π ⋅ 205 mW⋅ K ⋅ 2m d Rcd,rubber = W 2 ⋅ π ⋅ 1.2 m ⋅ K ⋅ 2m ln 0.027m ( 0.017m ) do ln 0.017m ln 0.012m ( ) = 2 ⋅ π ⋅ 0.25 mW⋅ K ⋅ 2m 1 W ⋅ π ⋅ 0.037m ⋅ 2m m2 ⋅ K = 0.103 = 0.43 K W K W Therefore, Ts,cable − T∞ q= ∑ Rth → Ts,epoxy − T∞ q= → Rcd,Al + Rcd,rubber + Rcv,o q= q= Ts,Al − T∞ Rcd,rubber + Rcv,o Ts,rubber − T∞ Rcd,rubber + Rcv,o K Ts,cable = 20W ⋅ 0.56 + 21∘C = 32.2∘C W Ts,epoxy = 20W ⋅ 0.533 K + 21∘C = 31.7∘C W → K Ts,Al = 20W ⋅ 0.533 + 21∘C = 31.66∘C W → Ts,rubber = 20W ⋅ 0.43 K + 21∘C = 29.6∘C W Here, the thermal conductivity of the Al is so high that, despite it being the thickest layer in the resistor network, it represents the lowest thermal resistance (by far!).           PA G E 17 8 Example 2.8 - Heat transfer in a pipe with moving uids, parallel resistor Heat is generated in the wall of a thin copper pipe at a rate of 1 kW. The pipe has a length of 3 m and is surrounded on each side by a 10 mm thick coating of bronze (κCuSn = 26 W/m⋅ ows through the inside part of the pipe at a temperature T∞,i = 15∘C and a K). Water convection coe cient of hi = 40 W/m2 ⋅ K. Air ows on the outside part of the pipe at a temperature of 22∘C and has a convection coe cient of 20 W/m2 ⋅ K. Determine the rate of heat ow into each uid. The outermost diameter of the pipe is 54 mm. Solution In this problem, heat can escape the copper pipe and move either into the through the pipe or into the uid moving uid convecting on the outer part of the pipe. The relevant thermal resistance network can be drawn as,   fl    fl fl ffi  fl  fl  ffi fl  fl PA G E 17 9 the total thermal resistance as, TCu − T∞,i TCu − T∞,o ΔT q= = + ∑ Rth Rcd,bronze,i + Rcv,i Rcd,bronze,o + Rcv,o Thus, we can solve for TCu as, q ⋅ (Rcd,bronze,o + Rcv,o) = Rcd,bronze,o + Rcv,o Rcd,bronze,i + Rcv,i ⋅ (TCu − T∞,i) + (TCu − T∞,o) and, q ⋅ (Rcd,bronze,o + Rcv,o) = TCu ⋅ 1 + − T∞,i ⋅ − T∞,o ( ( Rcd,bronze,i + Rcv,i ) Rcd,bronze,i + Rcv,i ) Rcd,bronze,o + Rcv,o Rcd,bronze,o + Rcv,o Finally, TCu = q ⋅ (Rcd,bronze,o + Rcv,o) + T∞,i ⋅ ( Rcd,bronze,i + Rcv,i ) Rcd,bronze,o + Rcv,o + T∞,o 1+ R ( cd,bronze,i + Rcv,i ) Rcd,bronze,o + Rcv,o In order to calculate TCu, we need each of the thermal resistances, which can be found via, ln do ( i) d Rcd,bronze,o = = 2 ⋅ π ⋅ kCuSn ⋅ L ln do ( i) d Rcd,bronze,i = 2 ⋅ π ⋅ kCuSn ⋅ L Rcv,i = 1 = hi ⋅ As,i 40 Rcv,o = 1 = ho ⋅ As,o 20 = ln 54mm ( 44mm ) 2 ⋅ π ⋅ 26 mW⋅ K ⋅ 3m ln 44mm ( 34mm ) 2 ⋅ π ⋅ 26 mW⋅ K ⋅ 3m 1 W ⋅ π ⋅ 0.034m ⋅ 3m m2 ⋅ K W m2 ⋅ K 1 ⋅ π ⋅ 0.054m ⋅ 3m = 0.00042 K W = 0.00053 K W = 0.078 K W = 0.098 K W fl fl          PAG E 18 0   We know that the total heat ow rate is q = 30 W, and that the heat ow rate is related to Now we can nd the temperature of the copper pipe, which is, K K 0.00042 W + 0.098 W K K ∘ 1,000W ⋅ (0.00042 W + 0.098 W ) + 15 C ⋅ + 22∘C K K ( 0.00053 + 0.078 ) TCu = ( 1+ K K ) 0.00053 W + 0.078 W W W K K 0.00042 W + 0.098 W = 61.78∘C Now we can solve for the rate of heat transfer in each direction as, qo = TCu − T∞,o Rcd,bronze,o + Rcv,o = 61.78∘C − 22∘C K K 0.00042 W + 0.098 W = 404.18W and, qi = TCu − T∞,i Rcd,bronze,o + Rcv,o = 61.78∘C − 15∘C K K 0.00053 W + 0.078 W = 595.82W As a check for the above two equations, we know that, q = qi + qo = 404.18 W + 595.82 W = 1,000 W which is equal to the power dissipated from the heater.    fi   PA G E 181 It is worth pointing out that when we wish to normalize the heat transfer rate (e.g. we want to compare the heat transfer rate per unit length or per unit area for pipes of di erent length or surface area), we must recast thermal resistance in these same terms. For instance, let’s consider the case of a plane wall whose area we do not know, with convection on each side of the wall. Figure 2.10. A plane wall with thickness L subjected to convection on each side of the wall, where Ti and To are the inner and outer wall temperatures, and T∞,i and T∞,o are the temperatures of the surroundings for the inside and outside spaces, respectively. If we want to normalize this problem to the area that each individual mode of heat transfer acts along or across, we begin with, q′′ = q ΔT = ∑ Rth ⋅ A A In the case of the the plane wall shown in Fig. 2.10, we can write q'' as, ΔT Rcv,i ⋅ As,i + Rcd,wall ⋅ Ac + Rcv,o ⋅ As,o q′′ = Note that for the plane wall discussed here, As,i = As,o = Ac. Therefore, we can rewrite the above expression as, q′′ = ΔT = 1 1 L 1 ⋅ A + ⋅ A + ⋅A ( hi ⋅ As,i s,i) ( κw ⋅ Ac c) ( ho ⋅ As,o s,o) ΔT L 1 w o +κ +h h i In the case above, the areas are nulli ed in the term that represents ∑ Rth. Let’s now look  ff       fi         PAG E 18 2     at an example where we normalize with respect to some characteristic distance, Lc. Example 2.9 - Boiler screen tube (energy balance and heat transfer rate per unit length) High pressure water enters an array of 30 mm diameter screen tubes at a pressure of 4 MPa (which corresponds to a saturation temperature of ~ 250∘C). The convection heat transfer coe cient for the forced convection boiling inside of the tubes is 100,000 W/m2 ⋅ K. Assume that the walls of the tube are very thin and the tube is at a uniform temperature. Determine: (1) the temperature of the copper tubes, (2) the heat transfer per unit length due to radiation, convection from the combustion gases, and boiling inside the tubes. Solution In a boiler screen tube, a ame produces heat by radiation and warms up the surrounding air (combustion gases) such that it moves over the cooler screen tubes via natural convection. An energy balance around the screen tube can be drawn as,   fl  ffi PAG E 18 3 · · Ein = Eout → qconv,o + qrad = qconv,i To determine the temperature of the copper tubes, we have, 4 hi ⋅ As,i = ε ⋅ σ ⋅ As,o ⋅ (Tsurr − Ts4) + ho ⋅ As,o Since As,o = As,i, we have, W W W −8 4 4 ⋅ T − 523.15 K ) = 0.8 ⋅ 5.67 ⋅ 10 ⋅ (1500 K ) − T + 100 ⋅ (1000 K − Ts) ( s ( s) m2 ⋅ K m2 ⋅ K4 m2 ⋅ K 100,000 We solve for Ts numerically as Ts = 525.7 K. Now, we solve for the heat transfer rate per unit length of pipe as, q′rad = As,o qrad W 4 4 =ε⋅σ⋅ ⋅ (Tsurr − Ts4) = ε ⋅ σ ⋅ π ⋅ D ⋅ (Tsurr − Ts4) = 0.8 ⋅ 5.67 ⋅ 10−8 2 4 ⋅ π ⋅ 0.03m ⋅ ((1500 K )4 − (525.7 K )4) L L m ⋅K ∴ qconv,o q′conv,o = L = ho ⋅ As,o L qconv,i q′conv,i = L As,i = hi ⋅ L q′rad = 21.3 kW m ⋅ (T∞,o − Ts) = ho ⋅ π ⋅ D ⋅ (T∞,o − Ts) = 100 ∴ q′conv,o = 4.5 W ⋅ π ⋅ 0.03m ⋅ (1,000 K − 525.7 K ) m2 ⋅ K kW m ⋅ (T∞,i − Ts) = hi ⋅ π ⋅ D ⋅ (T∞,i − Ts) = 100,000 ∴ q′conv,i = 25.8 W ⋅ π ⋅ 0.03m ⋅ (525.7 K − 523.15 K ) m2 ⋅ K kW m Note that the above values satisfy the energy balance (i.e. q′conv,o + q′rad = q′conv,i).                  PAG E 18 4        Mathematically, we construct an energy balance as, Extended Surfaces and Heat Sinks In many cases, the thermal resistance that most limits heat ow is convection. When this is true, there are several options one can choose from to reduce the resistance due to convection. From the previous section, we know that convection thermal resistance can be expressed as, 1 Rcv = h ⋅ As To lower the resistance above, the two logical options we have are to either increase h or increase As. In order to increase h, we can choose a uid with a lower viscosity or increased thermal conductivity, or we can increase the uid’s velocity. Often, it is much simpler to increase the surface area for heat dissipation by convection. A surface can be "extended" in a variety of ways. The most common types of extended surfaces include those shown in Table 2.1 on the following page. The extension of di erent surfaces can be produced by extrusion, electrical discharge machining, water jet cutting, and can even be welded/brazed/soldered. For the case of an extended surface, we approximate heat ow as being one-dimensional. Of course, this is not strictly the case, as heat is transferred across a n (or an array of ns) by conduction and convection, as shown in the schematic below. Figure 2.11. An individual n (part of a larger array of ns) where heat ows through the base by conduction, and out from the upper surface of the base by convection. Heat also ows by conduction through the n, and out to the environment in a direction perpendicular to the ow of heat from below. ff fi fl fi fl fl fl fl fl fi  fi fl fi   PAG E 18 5 surrounding environment by convection across the area of the exposed portion of the base, or can move into the n, and out into the surrounding environment on each face of the n. Clearly, the heat moves in more than one direction here. Despite the multi-directional nature of heat ow in this case, we still endeavor to model thermal transport through this system using a 1-D resistor network. To account for the multi-directional aspect of thermal transport, we de ne a n e ciency, which is described as the actual rate of heat transfer through a particular n relative to the maximum possible rate of heat transfer through an optimized n of the same type and geometry. Mathematically, we write this as, ηf = qf qmax = qf (2.14) h ⋅ Af ⋅ θb where Af is the surface area of a n (provided for di erent n types in Table 2.1) and, θb = Tb − T∞ (2.15) The heat transfer rate through the n depends on the boundary condition at the n tip (i.e. at the edge of the n, which is exposed to the surroundings). Table 2.2. Heat transfer rate through a n with uniform cross section (e.g. longitudinal and pin- ns) for di erent boundary conditions. Heat Flow Rate through Di erent Fin Tip Boundary Conditions Case Condition Fin Heat Transfer Rate, qf Convection sin h(m ⋅ L) + m ⋅hκ dθ h ⋅ θ (L) = − κ ⋅ dx 1 M⋅ x=L f in h cosh(m ⋅ L) + m ⋅ κ f in ⋅ cosh(m ⋅ L) ⋅ sin h(m ⋅ L) Adiabatic (Insulated) dθ dx 2 M ⋅ ta n h(m ⋅ L) =0 x=L θ Constant Temperature 3 M⋅ θ (L) = θs cosh(m ⋅ L) − θs sin h(m ⋅ L In nite Fin (L → ∞) 4 b M θ (L) = 0 fi  ffi fi fi ffi fi fi fi fi fi ff fi  fi fi ff   fi  fi fi fi ff ff fi fi fi fl  fl fi    PAG E 18 6 fi  In Fig. 2.11, heat ows through the base of a heat sink, and can either move directly into the   shown are the schematics that describe each n type (with relevant geometries) and equations that can be used to compute n e ciencies.     Table 2.1. Extended surfaces ( n) types with corresponding n surface areas (Af), corrected lengths (Lc), and corrected n pro le areas (Ap). Also t 2 ηf = ta n h(m ⋅ Lc ) m ⋅ Lc ηf = ta n h(m ⋅ Lc ) m ⋅ Lc Ap = t ⋅ L Rectangular Pin Fin Af = π ⋅ D ⋅ Lc Lc = L + D 4 Triangular Fin 2 1 2 t Af = 2 ⋅ W ⋅ L + [ (2 ) ] 2 Ap = ηf = t ⋅L 2 I ⋅ (2 ⋅ m ⋅ L) 1 ⋅ 1 m ⋅ L I0 ⋅ (2 ⋅ m ⋅ L) Lc = L Parabolic Fin Af = ⋅ W ⋅ 1 2 1 2 2 t L2 t t 1+ ⋅L + ⋅ ln + 1+ [( (L ) ) ( t (L [ ( L ) ] )) 2 t Ap = ⋅ L 3 ηf = 2 1 2 4 ⋅ (m ⋅ L)2 + 1 + 1 [ ] Lc = L  ffi     PAG E 187    Lc = L +   Fin E ciency Af = 2 ⋅ W ⋅ Lc   Schematic Longitudinal Rectangular Fin   Fin Geometry   Extended Surface (Fin) Types and Characteristics Heat Flow Rate through Di erent Fin Tip Boundary Conditions m= θs = Ts − T∞ θb = Tb − T∞ M= h⋅P κ ⋅ Ac h ⋅ P ⋅ κ ⋅ Ac ⋅ θb The e ciency of the n, then, governs the rate of heat transfer through the n as, qf = ηf ⋅ h ⋅ Af ⋅ θb For an individual n, as shown below, we can model thermal transport via a resistor network with heat ow acting in parallel through the base and out into the ambient environment, as well as through the n and out through the ambient environment. Figure 2.12. Schematic of a longitudinal n with a uniform heat ux applied at the bottom of the n base. Convection acts along the upper base surface and all surfaces of the n itself. We assume that the temperature at the upper surface of the base and at the n base is constant at T = Tb. The thermal resistor network can then be drawn as,  fi fi fi fl  fi ff ff fi fi fi fi fl  ffi     PAG E 18 8 For the above resistor network, we can nd the e ciency of a single n using either the expressions for n e ciency in Table 2.1, or we can use the charts on the following page. We note also that the heat ow rate splits across the parallel resistors on the right (i.e. via (1) convection across the exposed base area and (2) conduction through the ns to convection across the exposed n area. Figure 2.13. Plot of n e ciencies for longitudinal rectangular, parabolic, and triangular ns. Lc is the corrected n length and is listed in Table 2.1 for each n type listed in the legend. fi fi fi  fi ffi fi fl ffi fi fi ffi fi  fi PAG E 18 9 Figure 2.14 Plot of n e ciency for annular ns with rectangular pro le for di erent n aspect ratios. fi ff fi fi ffi fi  PAG E 19 0 A rectangular n has a thickness of t = 2 mm, a length of L = 50 mm, and a width of W = 100 mm. The n is made of aluminum (κAl = 175 W/m⋅K) and is used in an application where h = 10 W/m2⋅K and T∞ = 20∘C. The base temperature is Tb = 100∘C. Assume that there is convection at the n tip. Determine: (1) the rate of heat transfer through the n, qf, using Table 2.2, (2) the n e ciency using the corrected length (Lc) approximation, (3) the rate of heat transfer, qf, using the corrected length (Lc) approximation, and (4) the thermal resistance across the n (Rfin). Solution To nd the rate of heat transfer through the n (qf), one option we have is to use Table 2.2, where (for a rectangular n with convection acting at the n tip), sinh(m ⋅ L) + m ⋅hκ ⋅ cosh(m ⋅ L) fin qf = M ⋅ h cosh(m ⋅ L) + m ⋅ κ ⋅ sinh(m ⋅ L) fin where sinh and cosh are hyperbolic trigonometric functions. First, let’s calculate parameters M and m, which are provided at the bottom of Table 2.2. M = θb ⋅ ∴ M = (100∘C − 20∘C ) ⋅ h ⋅ P ⋅ κfin ⋅ Ac = (Tb − T∞) ⋅ 10 h ⋅ P ⋅ κfin ⋅ Ac W W ⋅ (2 ⋅ 0.002 m + 2 ⋅ 0.1 m) ⋅ 170 ⋅ 0.002 m ⋅ 0.1 m m2 ⋅ K m⋅K ∴ M = 21.1 W  fi     fi   fi     ffi fi  fi  fi fi   fi   fi fi  PAG E 191 fi  Example 2.10 - Rectangular n h⋅P = κfin ⋅ Ac m= 10 W ⋅ (2 ⋅ 0.002 m + 2 ⋅ 0.1 m) m2 ⋅ K 170 mW⋅ K ⋅ 0.002 m ⋅ 0.1 m = 7.75 1 m Therefore, 10 2 1 m ⋅K sinh 7.75 m ⋅ 0.05 m + ( ) 7.75 1 ⋅ 170 W W qf = 21.1 W ⋅ m ⋅ cosh 7.75 m1 ⋅ 0.05 m ( ) m⋅K 1 cosh 7.75 m1 ⋅ 0.05 m + ⋅ sinh 7.75 ⋅ 0.05 m m ( ) 7.75 m1 ⋅ 170 mW⋅ K ( ) 10 W m2 ⋅ K = 7.92 W Now, solving for the n e ciency using the corrected length, Lc, we have, tanh(m ⋅ Lc) ηf = m ⋅ Lc where Lc = L + t/2 = 0.05 m + (0.002 m)/2 = 0.051 m. Thus, ηf = tanh 7.75 m1 ⋅ 0.051 m ( ) 1 7.75 m ⋅ 0.051m = 95.1 % As a result, qf can also be calculated as, qf = ηf ⋅ h ⋅ Af ⋅ θb = 0.951 ⋅ 10 W ∘ ∘ ⋅ (2 ⋅ 0.051 m ⋅ 0.1 m + 0.1 m ⋅ 0.002 m) ⋅ (100 C − 20 C) 2 m ⋅K ∴ qf = 7.91 W which is the same as that obtained with the expression in Table 2.2. Now, the thermal resistance across the n can be computed as, Rfin = 1 = ηfin ⋅ h ⋅ Afin 0.951 ⋅ 10 1 W ⋅ (2 ⋅ 0.05 m ⋅ 0.1 m + 0.002 m ⋅ 0.1 m) m2 ⋅ K = 10.3 K W     ffi fi fi      PAG E 19 2   and, Example 2.11 - Pin ns and parallel paths for heat ow A set of 25 aluminum pin ns, each having diameter dfin = 5 mm, make up a heat sink with a base thickness tbase = 2 mm. The ns are Lfin = 15 mm tall, and are in contact with air that is forced over the heat sink with a convection coe cient hR = 400 W/m2 ⋅ K and an ambient temperature T∞ = 22∘C. A very thin heater is attached to the base of the heat sink and its temperature can not exceed Theater = 150∘C. A 1 cm thick copper heat spreader is attached to the back of the heater to help maintain a uniform temperature, and is also exposed to forced convection across its outer surface with a convection coe cient hL = 650 W/m2 ⋅ K. Determine the maximum allowable heater power, qheater. The dimensions of the base are Lbase = 50.8 mm and Wbase = 50.8 mm. Assume the n tip is exposed to convection. Solution To determine the maximum allowable heater power, we can use, ΔT qheater = ∑ Rth To model the heat ow in this system, we use the following thermal resistor network.   ffi fi   ffi   fl    fi   fi  fi fl     PAG E 19 3 The thermal resistor network above is representative of how heat ows through the system shown in the schematic on the previous page. In this network, the heat ow rate splits through the upper and lower branches such that, q = qupper + qlower = ΔTupper ∑ Rth,upper + ΔTlower ∑ Rth,lower Thus, q= Theater − T∞ Theater − T∞ + −1 Rcd,Cu + Rcv,base −1 −1 ) Rcd,b + ((Rcv,base + Rfins ) In order to obtain q, we need to solve for each individual thermal resistance. Rcd,b = Rcd,Cu = Rcv,Cu = 0.002 m 237 mW⋅ K ⋅ 0.0508 m ⋅ 0.0508 m 401 mW⋅ K = 0.0033 0.01 m K = 0.0097 W ⋅ 0.0508 m ⋅ 0.0508 m 1 650 K W = 0.596 W ⋅ 0.0508 m ⋅ 0.0508 m m2 ⋅ K K W fl fl       PAG E 19 4 For the thermal resistance through the ns, we need to nd the n e ciency. For a pin n, we can use, tanh(m ⋅ Lc) ηf = m ⋅ Lc where, h ⋅ Pfin m= W ⋅ π ⋅ 0.005 m m2 ⋅ K 237 mW⋅ K ⋅ π ⋅ (0.0025 m)2 400 = κfin ⋅ Ac, fin = 36.75 1 m and, D 0.005 m Lc = L + = 0.015 m + = 0.01625 m 4 4 Thus, the e ciency of the n is calculated as ηf = 89.5 % . The thermal resistance through the array of ns is therefore, Rfins = 1 K = 0.41 ηf ⋅ hR ⋅ Afin ⋅ Nfins W Finally, we calculate the Rcv,base as, Rcv,base = 1 400 W ⋅ (0.0508 m ⋅ 0.0508 m − 25 ⋅ π ⋅ (0.0025 m)2) 2 m ⋅K = 1.196 K W Now, we calculate qheater as, (150 − 20) K qheater = K K 0.0033 W + 1.196 W (( ) ∴ −1 K + 0.41 W ( ) −1 + −1 ) (150 − 20) K K K 0.0097 W + 0.596 W qheater = 635.8 W The above heater power is the maximum allowable heater power to keep the heater temperature at or below 150∘C. fi ffi fi fi  fi     fi     fi ffi    PAG E 19 5 Example 2.12 - Circular annular ns A 20 m long electrical wire with d = 12.5 mm generates 1 kW of heat. The wire is coated in a thin (t = 1 mm) dielectric material with κ = 0.1 W/m⋅K. Copper tubing (t = 3 mm) is pressed against the dielectric material and contains a series of annular ns with Lfin = 10 mm and a n thickness of tfin = 1 mm. In total, there are 200 copper ns along the length of the wire. Determine the temperature of the electrical wire. The ambient temperature is T∞ = 20∘C and the convection coe cient acting over the outside of the base and ns is h = 200 W/m2 ⋅ K. Solution In this problem, heat is generated within the wire and ows outward toward the surrounding environment. The heat ow can be modeled via the following thermal resistor network, To determine the temperature of the wire, we use, q= ΔT ∑ Rth   fi fi fi fl    fl fi ffi  fi    PAG E 19 6 Rth by rst determining each individual thermal resistance, 0.0145 m ( 0.0125 m ) ln Rcd,d = Rcd,b = W 2 ⋅ π ⋅ 0.1 m ⋅ K ⋅ 20 m m ln 0.0205 ( 0.0145 m ) = 0.012 K W −6 K = 6.9 ⋅ 10 2 ⋅ π ⋅ 401 mW⋅ K ⋅ 20 m W To nd Rfins, we must rst nd ηf. For the case of an annular n, we turn to Fig. 2.14, which requires the calculation of, h κ ⋅ Ap 3 Lc2 ⋅ where, Lc = L + t 0.001 m = 0.01 m + = 0.0105 m 2 2 and, Ap = Lc ⋅ t = 0.0105 m ⋅ 0.001 m = 1.05 ⋅ 10−5 m 2 Thus, 200 h 3 = (0.0105 m) 2 ⋅ κ ⋅ Ap 3 Lc2 ⋅ W m2 ⋅ K 401 mW⋅ K ⋅ 1.05 ⋅ 10−5m 2 = 0.2334 t = 20.25 mm and r1 = 10.25 mm. Thus, 2 r2,c ≈ 2. Using Fig. 2.14, we obtain a n e ciency of ηf ≈ 93 % . Thus, We also need the quantity r2c/r1. Here, r2c = r2 + Rfins = 1 0.93 ⋅ 200 (0.02025 m)2 (0.01025 m)2 W ⋅ π ⋅ 2 ⋅ − + 0.02025 m ⋅ 0.001 m ⋅ 200 4 4 m2 ⋅ K ( ( ) )  fi    ffi   fi    fi  fi  fi       fi PAG E 19 7   ∑ We calculate or, Rfins = 0.05 K W Finally, the thermal resistance by convection over the base is, Rcv,b = 1 200 W ⋅ π ⋅ 0.01025 m ⋅ 20m − 200 ⋅ π ⋅ 0.01025 m ⋅ 0.001 m) m2 ⋅ K ( Now we calculate ∑ = 0.0078 K W Rth as, ∑ Rth = Rcd,d + Rcd,b + ((Rcv,b)−1 + (Rfins)−1) −1 Thus, K K −6 K R = 0.0012 + 6.9 ⋅ 10 + 0.05 ∑ th W W (( W) −1 K + 0.0078 ( W) ) −1 −1 and, ∑ Rth = 0.0188 K W Now, Twire − T∞ ΔT q= = ∑ Rth 0.0188 K W → K Twire = 1,000W ⋅ 0.0188 + 20∘C = 38.8∘C W         PAG E 19 8 Thus far, we have discussed the development of thermal resistor networks to model heat ow along a variety of thermal pathways, including heat sinks. However, we have not yet touched on the issues that arise due to imperfect contact between adjacent surfaces. For instance, two machined surfaces that are held together by an applied force are likely to form an interface that looks like that shown in the gure below. Figure 2.13. Heat sink above a heated electronic component. The heat sink is clamped to a heat spreader. Inset shows a magni ed view of the interface between the heat sink and heat spreader. The inset above the heat sink apparatus shown in Fig. 2.13 demonstrates the imperfect contact made between adjacent surfaces due to surface asperities that are the byproduct of machining the components (i.e. there is some roughness to each surface). This results in a temperature drop across the interface, as shown in the plot below. Figure 2.14. Temperature distribution from the bottom of the copper heat spreader to the top of the heat sink base. fi fi PAG E 19 9  fl Contact Thermal Resistance show in the next example problem. Typically, a contact thermal resistance is provided in such a way that it is normalized across an area. This allows for an extension of the contact resistances measured in experiment to devices with the same materials (and same surface roughness) but di erent areas across which heat is conducted. Some common values of interfacial thermal resistance (or contact thermal resistance) between two surfaces with di erent uids occupying the gap between surfaces are provided in the table below. Table 2.3. Some common values of thermal contact resistance, in units of m2 ⋅ K/W, for di erent surfaces in contact with one another, and for a variety of gap llers or applied pressures. Common Values of Contact Thermal Resistance Material Types Thermal Contact Resistance, R′c′ Gap Filler Aluminum / Aluminum Aluminum / Aluminum m2 ⋅ K 0.000105 W Helium σ = 10 μm m2 ⋅ K W 0.000275 Air σ = 10 μm Aluminum / Aluminum 0.0000265 Silicone Oil σ = 10 μm Aluminum / Aluminum Vacuum Stainless Steel / Stainless Steel Vacuum Copper / Copper Vacuum m2 ⋅ K W m2 ⋅ K 0.002 W → F = 10 m2 ⋅ K 0.00003 W → F = 100 m2 ⋅ K 0.01 W → F = 10 m2 ⋅ K 0.00007 W → F = 100 m2 ⋅ K 0.005 W → F = 10 m2 ⋅ K W → F = 100 0.000025 kN m2 kN m2 kN m2 kN m2 kN m2 kN m2 The values in the table above help illustrate that displacing the air in the gap with a highly conformable, high thermal conductivity material (silicone oil) reduces the thermal contact resistance (and thus ΔTinterface ). In fact, most of your CPUs inside of your own computers have a "thermal paste" where the heat sink is attached in order to reduce the contact thermal resistance and maintain a lower operating temperature. ff ff fl ff    ff fi   PAGE 200              The temperature di erence across the interface generally results in a hotter device, as we will Example 2.13 - Contact thermal resistance in an electronic component An electronic component generates 100 W of heat and is put in contact with a copper heat spreader. The heat spreader has a thickness of 3 mm and an area (discounting the anged area for the spring-loaded screws) is 50.8 mm x 50.8 mm. A heat sink is attached to the copper heat spreader and a pressure is applied to maintain a low thermal contact resistance m2 ⋅ K at the interface (R′c′ = 0.001 ). The heat sink is made of copper with a base thickness of 5 W mm. The ns on the heat sink are also copper, and each has a thickness and n height of tfin = 2 mm and Lfin = 12 mm, respectively. The convection coe cient acting across the nned surfaces is h = 80 W/m2 ⋅ K, while the ambient air temperature is 21∘C. Assume that there is no contact thermal resistance between the heater and the heat spreader. Determine the temperature of the electronic component. What happens if you apply a thermal grease at the heat spreader/heat sink interface (such that R′c′ = 0.00004 m2 ⋅ K )? W Solution  fi fl fi  fl ffi     fi    PAG E 2 01   We begin by drawing the thermal resistor network that models heat ow in this problem, q= T − T∞ ΔT = heater ∑ Rth ∑ Rth where each of the individual thermal resistance values must be determined. Rcd,hs = Lhs 0.003 m K = = 0.0029 W κCu ⋅ Ac W 401 m ⋅ K ⋅ 0.0508 m ⋅ 0.0508 m Rinterface = m2 ⋅ K 0.001 W R′c′ K = = 0.388 Ac 0.0508 m ⋅ 0.0508 m W Lbase 0.005 m K Rcd,base = = = 0.0048 W κCu ⋅ Ac W 401 m ⋅ K ⋅ 0.0508 m ⋅ 0.0508 m To nd Rfins, we must rst nd the e ciency of each n, which can be expressed as, tanh(m ⋅ Lc) ηf = m ⋅ Lc where, h ⋅ Pfin m= κfin ⋅ Ac, fin 80 = W ⋅ (2 ⋅ 0.002 m + 2 ⋅ 0.0508 m) m2 ⋅ K W 401 m ⋅ K ⋅ 0.002 m ⋅ 0.508 m = 14.4 1 m and, t 0.002 m Lc = L + = 0.012 m + = 0.013 m 2 2 tanh 14.4 m ⋅ 0.013 m ( ) 1 ∴ ηf = 14.4 m1 ⋅ 0.013 m = 98.8 % Thus, 1 W ⋅ (2 ⋅ 0.013 m ⋅ 0.0508 m + 0.002 m ⋅ 0.0508 m) ⋅ 5 m2 ⋅ K fi ffi   fi fi    PAGE 202       fi  1 Rfins = = ηfin ⋅ h ⋅ Afin ⋅ Nfins 0.988 ⋅ 80 fi  To nd the temperature of the heater, we can use, Rfins = 1.78 K W Finally, the thermal resistance by convection across the exposed heat sink base area is, 1 = h ⋅ As,base 80 Rcv,base = W m2 ⋅ K 1 ⋅ (0.0508 m ⋅ 0.0508 m − 5 ⋅ 0.002 m ⋅ 0.0508 m = 6.03 K W Now, the total thermal resistance can be expressed as, ∑ −1 −1 Rth = Rcd,hs + Rinterface + Rcd,base + (Rcv,base + Rfins ) −1 Therefore, K K K K Rth = 0.0029 + 0.388 + 0.0048 + 6.03 ∑ W W W (( W) −1 K + 1.78 ( W) ) −1 −1 = 1.77 K W = 1.39 K W Now we can calculate the temperature of the electronic component as, Theater = q ⋅ ∑ Rth + T∞ = 100 W ⋅ 1.77 K + 21∘C = 198∘C W When a thermal paste is applied at the contacting region, we now have, Rinteface = m2 ⋅ K 0.00004 W 0.0508 m ⋅ 0.0508 m = 0.016 K W such that, K K K K Rth = 0.0029 + 0.016 + 0.0048 + 6.03 ∑ W W W (( W) −1 K + 1.78 ( W) ) −1 −1 and, K Theater = q ⋅ Rth + T∞ = 100 W ⋅ 1.39 + 21∘C = 160∘C ∑ W which represents a decrease in operating temperature of 38∘C!       PAGE 203     ∴ EXTERNAL CONVECTION HEAT TRANSFER We have previously discussed that the strength of natural convection is some function of di erent parameters (e.g. uid speed, uid type, and object geometry). However, convection coe cients have simply been provided to us in our assessment of heat transfer problems to this point. In this section, we will learn how to calculate the convection coe cient for two basic geometries: at plates and cylinders. We will also restrict our analysis to forced convection. Let’s rst examine how we have historically determined convection coe cients by experiment. Figure 2.15. A at plate with a sharp leading edge that is internally heated. The heat is uniformly applied across its area in such a way that either the surface temperature (Ts) is constant, or the surface heat ux (q′′) is constant. As shown in the gure above, a at plate having some length Lplate has heat applied internally via Joule heating. By measuring the power applied to the electrical circuit and equating it to the heat dissipated in the plate, in addition to monitoring either the average or the local temperature at the sample surface, an average (h̄) or local (hx) convection coe cient can be obtained via, q = h̄ ⋅ As ⋅ (T̄s − T∞) or, q = hx ⋅ As ⋅ (T(x) − T∞) ffi ffi     fl fl  fl  fl fl fi  fi fl  ffi ffi  ff  PAGE 20 4 In practice, we develop a set of Nusselt number expressions for di erent geometries and ow conditions such that the cooling and heating performance of di erent uids that advect over a surface can be compared to one another. The general form of each Nusselt number expression is given as, NuL = C ⋅ ReLm ⋅ Pr n (2.16) where NuL is the average Nusselt number, C, m, and n are constants, ReL is the total Reynolds number active over the plate, and Pr is the Prandtl number for the uid. Both the total Reynolds number and the Prandtl number can be expressed as, ReL = ρ ⋅ V̄ ⋅ Lplate μ and, Pr = ν α where Lplate is the total length of the plate (as shown in Fig. 2.15), ν is the kinematic viscosity of the uid, and α is the thermal di usivity of the uid. To establish a correlation for a particular geometry and/or ow condition, we generally conduct the experiment shown in Fig. 2.15 for di erent uids (i.e. di erent Pr) and di erent free-stream velocities (i.e. di erent Re) and plot Nu vs. Re and Nu/Pr vs. Re as, Figure 2.16. (left) log-log plot of NuL vs. ReL for uids with di erent Pr and (right) log-log plot of NuL /Pr n vs. ReL. Comparing left and right plots allow us to determine C, m and n that make all functions linear. fl ff  fl  fl ff  ff ff fl  fl ff fl  ff   ff fl ff       fl PAGE 205 Note that all uid parameters in ReL and Pr are evaluated at the uid’s lm temperature, Tf as, Tf = Ts + T∞ 2 (2.17) where Ts is the surface temperature of the plate and T∞ is the uid’s free-stream temperature. Nearly all of the Nusselt number correlations presented in this section are empirical in nature, meaning that they were obtained via experiment (similar to the way we just discussed here). Laminar Flow over a Flat Plate We have already discussed the establishment of a boundary layer and its in uence on drag across a at plate. Our development of the friction coe cient acting over the at plate can now be used to solve the energy equation that describes heat ow into a boundary layer that forms over a at plate. To begin, we’ll assume the following conditions can be met: 1. The uid ow is steady. 2. The uid is incompressible. 3. The uid ow is laminar. 4. Fluid properties are constant (e.g. not a function of temperature) 5. There is negligible viscous dissipation within the uid. We have already solved the continuity and momentum equations for uid ow over a at plate. The energy equation for two-dimensional ow is expressed as, ∂T ∂T ∂ 2T ∂ 2T u⋅ +v⋅ =α⋅ + 2 2 ( ∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y ) Convection of Energy Conduction of Energy If we consider the surface temperature along the length of the plate to be constant, we can also say that, ∂ 2T ∂ 2T << 2 ∂x 2 ∂y fl  fl fl fl fl fl fi fl  fl ffi fl fl     fl fl fl fl  fl  fl fl fl PAGE 206 We also know that the boundary conditions for this problem are: (BC 1) T(y = 0) = Ts (BC 2) T(y → ∞) = T∞ and, Before solving, let’s also non-dimensionalize the governing equation and boundary conditions using: θ= T(y) − Ts T∞ − Ts such that, ∂θ ∂θ ∂ 2θ u⋅ +v⋅ =α⋅ 2 ∂x ∂y ∂y and, (BC 1) θ(y = 0) = 0 (BC 2) θ(y → ∞) = 1 Also note the presence of a third boundary condition, whereby the slope of the temperature gradient does not change once you are outside of the boundary layer. As a result, we have, (BC 3) ∂θ ∂y =0 y→∞ In the case where α ≠ ν (i.e. the thermal di usivity does not equal the kinematic viscosity), the thermal boundary layer that forms over the surface is di erent than the hydrodynamic boundary layer (it will either be thicker or thinner depending on the relationship between α and ν ). To solve for the non-dimensional form of the temperature distribution within the boundary layer, we assume that θ takes the following functional form, θ = f (η) → η =y⋅ V ν⋅x  ff ff             PAGE 207 which is the same functional form of the velocity we used to solve the governing momentum expressions for the hydrodynamic case. Now, each of the terms in the governing equation for heat di usion becomes, ∂θ ∂θ ∂η = ⋅ ∂x ∂η ∂x ∂θ ∂θ ∂η = ⋅ ∂y ∂η ∂y ∂ 2θ ∂ 2θ ∂η = ⋅ ∂y 2 ∂η 2 ( ∂y ) 2 such that the governing equation now becomes, ∂θ ∂η ∂θ ∂η ∂ 2θ ∂η u⋅ ⋅ +v⋅ ⋅ =α⋅ 2 ⋅ ∂η ∂x ∂η ∂y ∂η ( ∂y ) 2 Finally, we can use a similarity solution (as with the Blasius solution earlier) and algebra to produce, ∂ 2θ 1 ∂θ + ⋅ F ⋅ Pr ⋅ =0 2 ∂η 2 ∂η Mathematically, this expression has a non-trivial solution. To nd an analytical solution, we assume that the product of F and Pr (in this case, Pr2/3) is a separate in nite series function, where the governing equation becomes, ∂ 2θ 1 ∂θ + ⋅ F(η*) ⋅ =0 ∂η *2 2 ∂η * where η * = η ⋅ Pr 2/3. One parameter that the solution to the above expression yields is the thickness of the thermal boundary layer, which is expressed as a function of the hydrodynamic boundary layer, δ = Pr 1/3 δth (2.18) Now the relevant question is: how do we use this information to determine the Nusselt number correlation for laminar ow over a at plate? Let’s take a look at what’s actually happening inside if the boundary layer. fi fi  fl       fl  ff   PAGE 208 Figure 2.17. Schematic of uid ow over a at plate having a constant surface temperature Ts. Inset shows an enlarged image of the surface, in which heat is transferred by conduction into a stationary layer of uid particles and out by convection into an adjacent layer of uid particles that move inside of the boundary layer. The schematic above describes the mechanisms of heat transfer from the surface of the plate into the moving uid above it. Because we have a no-slip condition at the boundary, the bottom layer of uid particles is stationary, and thus we conduct heat into them. Thermal energy is then convected into the adjacent uid layer. Thus, we can say that, q′cd′ y=0 = q′cv′ y=0 or, dT −κ dy = h ⋅ (T(y = 0) − T∞) y=0 Let’s recall that we’ve de ned the following: θ= and, 1/3 V ⋅ Pr 1/3 ν⋅x =y⋅ PAGE 209 fl  fl fl     fl fi fl fl fl fl      η * = η ⋅ Pr T(y) − Ts T∞ − Ts where, dθ = dT T∞ − Ts and, V ⋅ Pr 1/3 ν⋅x dη * = dy ⋅ Using dT q′′ =−κ⋅ dy y=0 and substituting for dy and dt using the expressions y=0 developed above, we obtain, q′′ y=0 =−κ dθ ⋅ (T∞ − Ts) ( dη * V̄ ν⋅x ) ⋅ Pr 1/3 = − κ ⋅ (T∞ − Ts) ⋅ V̄ dθ 1/3 ⋅ Pr ⋅ ν⋅x dη * η*=0 We can rearrange this algebraically and multiply through by x/x (i.e. a value of 1) to produce, q′′ =κ⋅ y=0 Ts − T∞ ⋅ x V̄ ⋅ x ⋅ Pr 1/3 ⋅ F′′(0) ν Rex1/2 Notice that by multiplying through by x/x, we have produced the Reynolds number in our expression for surface heat ux. Likewise, the same similarity solution used by Blasius tells us that F′′(0) = 0.332. Additionally, since q′cd ′ h ⋅ (Ts − T∞) = κ ⋅ y=0 = q′cv′ y=0 , we can say that, Ts − T∞ ⋅ Rex1/2 ⋅ Pr 1/3 ⋅ 0.332 x Rearranging, and knowing that Nux = h⋅x/κf (where κ from above represents the thermal conductivity of the uid, κf), we obtain,                fl    fl     (2.19) PAG E 210   h⋅x = 0.332 ⋅ Rex1/2 ⋅ Pr 1/3 κf      Nux = Recall that we speci ed a number of assumptions when we began to derive this expression, ow needs to be laminar (i.e. ReL ≤ 5 ⋅ 105 ). We also derived the local including that the correlation for the Nu with laminar ow over a at plate. For other conditions, the following table should be used to compute Nu and h. Table 2.4. Nusselt number correlations for uid owing over a at plate when subjected to either a constant surface temperature (Ts) or constant surface heat ux (q′′) when the uid ow is laminar, turbulent, or contains a mixture of the two. Mixed boundary layer Nu correlation is valid when the critical Reynolds number is Recr = 5 ⋅ 10 5. Nusselt Number Correlations for Fluid Flow over a Flat Plate Condition Nu Correlation Constraints Laminar Flow, Constant Ts, Local Nu (Nux) Nux = 0.332 ⋅ Rex1/2 ⋅ Pr 1/3 Rex ≤ 5 ⋅ 105, Pr ≥ 0.6 Laminar Flow, Constant Ts, Average Nu (NuL) NuL = 0.664 ⋅ ReL1/2 ⋅ Pr 1/3 ReL ≤ 5 ⋅ 105, Pr ≥ 0.6 Laminar Flow, Constant q′′, Local Nu (Nux) Nux = 0.453 ⋅ Rex1/2 ⋅ Pr 1/3 Rex ≤ 5 ⋅ 105, Pr ≥ 0.6 Laminar Flow, Constant q′′, Average Nu (NuL) NuL = 0.680 ⋅ ReL1/2 ⋅ Pr 1/3 ReL ≤ 5 ⋅ 105, Pr ≥ 0.6 Mixed Boundary Layer (Part Turbulent/Part Laminar) NuL = (0.037 ⋅ ReL4/5 − 871) ⋅ Pr 1/3 Constant Ts Average Nu (NuL) Turbulent Flow, Constant Ts, Local Nu (Nux) Nux = 0.0296 ⋅ Rex4/5 ⋅ Pr 1/3 Turbulent Flow, Constant Ts, Average Nu (NuL) NuL = 0.037 ⋅ ReL4/5 ⋅ Pr 1/3 Turbulent Flow, Constant q′′, Local Nu (Nux) Nux = 0.0308 ⋅ Rex4/5 ⋅ Pr 1/3 5 ⋅ 105 < ReL ≤ 108 0.6 ≤ Pr ≤ 60 ReL > 108, 0.6 ≤ Pr ≤ 60 0.6 ≤ Pr ≤ 60      fl fl fl   fl fl fl fl        fl  fl  fi fl fl        fl   fl             P A G E 2 11   The above also represents one of a series of Nu correlations for uid ow over a at plate.   ow in the system), and should not be thought of as solely an empirical relation.   describe heat   number, which indicates that Nu is a physical quantity (i.e. it represents the physics that   The expression developed on the previous page is an analytical solution for the Nusselt Example 2.14 - Convection heat transfer over a at plate Air ows over a at plate with a velocity of 5 m/s and a free-stream temperature of T∞ = 300 K. The plate is held at a constant temperature of 400 K, and the Reynolds number for the plate is ReL = 4 ⋅ 105. Assume Prair = 0.71 and κair = 0.028 W . Determine (1) the m⋅K length of the plate [m], (2) the average convection coe cient acting over the plate [W/m2 ⋅ K], (3) the rate of heat transfer from the plate per unit width [W/m], (4) the local Reynolds number (Rex) and heat ux (q′x′) [W/m2] at the midpoint of the plate, and (5) the hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layer thicknesses at the end of the plate [m]. What happens to the value in parts (2) and (3) when the velocity is increased by a factor of 3? Solution In the rst part of this problem we are asked to solve for the length of the plate, L. Because we are provided with a total Reynolds number (ReL) and the velocity of the air moving over it, we can determine the uid properties for the air and use ReL to calculate the length of the plate as, ReL = ρ⋅V⋅L μ → L= ReL ⋅ μ ρ⋅V In order to nd the uid properties for the air (ρ and μ), we rst need to determine the lm temperature, Tf, Ts + T∞ 400 K + 300 K = = 350 K 2 2 fi   ffi fi      fl   fl  fl   fl fl   fi   fi  PA G E 212 fl  Tf = At a lm temperature of 350 K, we nd that ρ ≈ 0.9996 N⋅s kg and μ ≈ 2.07 ⋅ 10−5 . Thus, 3 2 m m kg L= 4 ⋅ 105 ⋅ 2.07 ⋅ 10−5 m ⋅ s kg 0.9996 3 ⋅ 5 ms m = 1.66 m Because ReL < 5 ⋅ 105, we know the uid is laminar. To nd the convection coe cient (h), we use the following Nu correlation, NuL = 0.664 ⋅ ReL1/2 ⋅ Pr 1/3 = 0.664 ⋅ (4 ⋅ 105)1/2 ⋅ 0.711/3 = 374.7 and, h= NuL ⋅ κf L 374.7 ⋅ 0.028 mW⋅ K = 1.66 m W = 6.32 2 m ⋅K Now we can solve for the heat transfer rate per unit width across the plate as, q′ = q W = h ⋅ L ⋅ (Ts − T∞) = 6.32 2 ⋅ 1.66 m ⋅ (400 K − 300 K ) = 1049.1 W/m W m ⋅K At the midpoint of the plate, the local Reynold’s number is computed to be, Rex=L/2 = ρ ⋅ V ⋅ L2 = μ 0.9996 kg m m 1.66 m ⋅ 5 ⋅ 2 3 s kg 2.07 ⋅ 10−5 m ⋅ s = 2 ⋅ 105 and the local heat ux at the midpoint can be found via determination of Nux, Nux = 0.332 ⋅ Rex1/2 ⋅ Pr 1/3 = 0.332 ⋅ (2 ⋅ 105)1/2 ⋅ (0.71)1/3 = 132.5 and thus hx is, hx = Nux ⋅ kf L 2 132.5 ⋅ 0.028 mW⋅ K = 1.66 m 2 = 4.47 W m2 ⋅ K such that the heat ux is, PAG E 213 ffi   fi  fl fi    fl fl        fi     W W q′′ = hx=L/2 ⋅ (Ts − T∞) = 4.47 2 ⋅ (400 K − 300 K ) = 447 2 m ⋅K m x=L/2 Finally, we determine both the hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layer thicknesses as, δ= 5⋅L ReL = 5 ⋅ 1.66 m 4 ⋅ 105 = 0.013 m = 13 mm δth = Pr 1/3 ⋅ δ = (0.71)1/3 ⋅ 0.013 m = 0.0115 m = 11.5 mm Now we ask ourselves what happens when the velocity (V) is increased by a factor of 3, such that V = 15 m/s. In this case, the length of the plate is still L = 1.66 m, but the value of ReL changes. Here, ReL = ρ⋅V⋅L = μ 0.9996 kg m m ⋅ 15 ⋅ 1.66 m 3 s kg 2.07 ⋅ 10−5 m ⋅ s = 1.2 ⋅ 106 Since ReL > 5 ⋅ 105 but < 1 ⋅ 108, we have a mixed boundary layer. In this case, NuL = (0.037 ⋅ ReL4/5 − 871) ⋅ Pr 1/3 = (0.037 ⋅ (1.2 ⋅ 106)4/5 − 871) ⋅ (0.71)1/3 = 1632.7 and, h= NuL ⋅ κf L = 1632.7 ⋅ 0.028 mW⋅ K 1.66 m = 27.54 W m2 ⋅ K such that, q W W = h ⋅ L ⋅ (Ts − T∞) = 27.54 2 ⋅ 1.66 m ⋅ (400 K − 300 K ) = 4571.6 W m ⋅K m q′ =              PAG E 214 Cylinders in Cross Flow Cylindrical geometries appear in a wide variety of practical problems that are important in the wider eld of heat transfer. We’ve seen cylinders used in both pin- n heat sinks and in piping systems. We have also discussed the details of uid ow around cylinders, and will further restrict our analysis of convection heat transfer to that caused by external ow around the outer diameter of a cylinder. For a smooth cylinder in cross ow (as shown in the schematic below), the transition from laminar to turbulent ow generally occurs at a critical Reynolds number of ReD,cr = 2 ⋅ 105. Figure 2.18. Fluid ow over a cylinder (in cross- ow orientation) for laminar (left) and turbulent (right) ow conditions. Note that the separation point is signi cantly delayed for the case of turbulent ow due to the increase in uid momentum across the surface. Because the boundary layer sticks across more of the surface for the turbulent case than for the laminar case, heat is transferred more e ectively at ReD > 2 ⋅ 10 5. Remember also that for a cylinder in cross ow we de ne Re for ow across the cylinder as, ρ⋅V⋅D μ ReD = We note that the value of the Nu reveals convection heat transfer to be stronger in the case ow (i.e. ReD > 2 ⋅ 105), which is principally due to an increase in of turbulent uid momentum with an increase in ReD. Figure 2.19. Local Nu as a function of θ around the cylinder for di erent values of ReD. fl fl     fi ff fl fl fl fl fi  fl fl ff  fl   fl fl   fl fl fl fi fi  PAG E 215 The previous gure suggests that Nuθ is higher for larger ReD, as was suggested. In most cases, we care about the average Nu (NuD) for convection heat transfer across the cylinder. There are two sets of correlations that we can use to obtain the average Nu (and therefore the average convection coe cient, h). The rst uses the following general form of the Nusselt number, NuD = h⋅D = C ⋅ ReDm ⋅ Pr 1/3 κf (2.20) where C and m are again constants that have been obtained via experiment. For the case of a cylinder subjected to cross ow, values for C and m are a function of ReD and can be found in the table below. Table 2.5. Constants C and m as a function of ReD for use in the NuD correlation shown in Eqn. 2.20. Constants C and m for Eqn. 2.20 ReD C m 0.4 - 4 0.989 0.330 4 - 40 0.911 0.385 40 - 4000 0.683 0.466 4000 - 40,000 0.193 0.618 40,000 - 400,000 0.027 0.805 An all-encompassing equation has also been developed by Churchill and Bernstein for a wide range of ReD and Pr (and is valid when ReD⋅Pr ≥ 0.2). ReD NuD = 0.3 + ⋅ 1+ 1/4 [ ( 282,000 ) ] 2/3 [1 + (0.4/Pr) ] 5/8 4/5 0.620 ⋅ ReD1/2 ⋅ Pr 1/3 In the above expressions, the properties found in ReD and Pr must be determined at the lm temperature, Tf. fi   fi         ffi   fl   fi    PAG E 216 A heater element is being used to heat an oil bath. The heater is cylindrical with an outer diameter of 15 mm. The element generates 1 kW/m of power. Oil ows over the heating element in cross- ow at a rate of 2 m/s. The oil is at a temperature of 20∘C. Calculate the surface temperature of the heater. Solution To determine the surface temperature, we can use, q′ = q = h ⋅ π ⋅ D ⋅ (Ts − T∞) L Thus, we need to determine h to solve for Ts. For a cylinder in cross- ow, we can use the general form of the NuD correlation as, NuD = C ⋅ ReDm ⋅ Pr 1/3 where C and m depend on ReD. Problematically, in order to determine ReD and Pr, we must rst have Tf = (Ts - T∞)/2. Since we don’t have Ts, we make an initial guess and will check to ensure that our solution does not change as we iterate to converge on the correct surface temperature. Let’s guess that the surface temperature Ts = 120∘C such that Tf = 50∘C ≈ 323 K. At this lm temperature, we nd that, ReD = ρ⋅V⋅D = μ kg m 871.8 3 ⋅ 2 s ⋅ 0.015m m kg 0.141 m ⋅ s = 185.5 Using Table 2.5, we nd that C = 0.683 and m = 0.466. Thus,      fl fl       fi      fi fl   fi  PA G E 217  fi Example 2.15 - Cylindrical heater in an oil bath NuD = 0.683 ⋅ (185.5)0.466 ⋅ (1,965)1/3 = 97.56 Now we can solve for h as, NuD ⋅ κf h= = D 97.56 ⋅ 0.143 mW⋅ K 0.015 m = 930.07 W m2 ⋅ K With this value of h̄, we obtain a surface temperature Ts of, Ts = W q′ h⋅π⋅D + T∞ = 1000 m W ⋅ π ⋅ 0.015 m m ⋅K 930.07 2 + 20∘C = 42.81∘C This surface temperature is not near our original guess value, so we use this new surface temperature to iterate a second time. Our new lm temperature becomes, Ts + T∞ 42.81∘C + 20∘C Tf = = = 31.4∘C = 304.6K 2 2 At this temperature, our Reynolds number becomes, ReD = kg 881.4 m m ⋅ 2 ⋅ 0.015 m 3 s kg 0.486 m ⋅ s = 54.41 Using Table 2.5 again, we obtain C = 0.683 and m = 0.466 again. Thus, NuD = 0.683 ⋅ (54.1)0.466 ⋅ (6,400)1/3 = 81.44 And h is calculated to be, h= NuD ⋅ κf D = 81.44 ⋅ 0.145 mW⋅ K 0.015 m = 787.3 W m2 ⋅ K With this average heat transfer coe cient, our surface temperature is found to be, q′ Ts = h⋅π⋅D + T∞ = 1000 W m 787.3 2W ⋅ π ⋅ 0.015 m + 20∘C = 46.95∘C m ⋅K This is close to our previous computation of Ts, and more iterations would bring us closer to a nal value of Ts. Typically, we would iterate until we are within 1% of the previous value.  fi  ffi               fi  PAG E 218 CHAPTER 3: INTRODUCTION TO T H E R M O DY N A M I C S E LIVE SUBMERGED AT THE BOTTOM OF AN OCEAN OF THE UNQUESTIONED ELEMENT AIR, EXPERIMENTS WHICH IS BY KNOWN T O H AV E W E I G H T. - Evangelista Torricelli Letter to Michelangelo Ricci, June 11th, 1644  PAG E 219 INTRODUCTION AND SYSTEMS The subject of thermodynamics has played an enormous role in the development of energy systems, environmental practices, and improvements in human comfort and health. Modern technological advancements in biotechnology and nanotechnology, as well as improvements in the e ciency of electronics, internet technologies, and advanced hypersonic also rely on fundamental aspects of thermodynamics. In this Chapter, we will examine the rst and second law of thermodynamics in detail, and use them to analyze and design power and refrigeration systems for propulsion, heating, and cooling technologies. Introduction to Systems It is useful to begin our discussion of thermodynamics with the etymology of the word itself. The word thermodynamics can be broken down into its constituent parts, where therme means heat and dynamis means power. Not coincidentally, each of these terms is a form of energy. Thus, in thermodynamics we study the way in which we: 1. Transfer energy 2. Obtain energy and, 3. Apply energy to or between power or heating/cooling systems. Some examples that you may be familiar with include automotive engines, jet engines, and nuclear power plants. These examples are all forms of systems. For now, let’s consider a system to be a kind of “black box” across which energy can ow, as in the gure below. Figure 3.1. A schematic of a generalized system, which is enclosed by a boundary and exposed to its surroundings fi fi fl ffi  PAGE 220 Before we take a look at more speci c energy systems, we need to understand how energy interacts with a system more generally. Thus, we need to de ne the components in Fig. 3.1 in order to understand how energy can interact between a system and its environment. 1. System: A region of space (volume) or a quantity of matter (mass) 2. Surroundings: The mass or region outside of the system 3. Boundary: The real or imaginary surface that separates the system and surroundings Note: the boundary can be xed or moveable One obvious question from our de nition of a boundary is: what is meant by real and imaginary boundaries? To answer the above question, we need to de ne the di erence between a closed versus and open system: 1. Closed System (Control Mass System): • Has a xed mass • No mass can cross its boundaries! • Energy (Heat and Work) can cross the boundaries! Figure 3.2. Schematic of a piston-cylinder system, which we will see a lot. We consider the “system” to be everything inside of the dashed line because, generally, we care about how the substance inside of it expands and contracts to give us useful work (more on this later). This system is assumed to be closed, meaning none of the substance inside can get out, and vise versa. But, energy can clearly move into or out of the system. fi ff fi fi fi fi  fi PAG E 2 21 2. Isolated System • Special case of closed system • Energy can not cross boundaries! (e.g., thermally insulated) 3. Open System (Control Volume System) • Represents a region in space • Both energy and mass can cross the boundaries! Figure 3.3. Schematic of a nozzle. We consider the “system” to be everything inside the dashed line. On the left and right sides, ow is allowed in and out of the system. Energy can cross any part of the system boundary. The study of closed and open systems in this course is a foundational component for understanding energy transport and generation in larger thermodynamic systems. In fact, the core systems we will learn about in this book are categorized by whether they are open or closed. As you will see, these classi cations dictate how energy moves into and out of a system, and also drive the utility of power, propulsion, and heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) technologies. fl fi  PAGE 222 PROPERTIES, UNITS, AND TEMPERATURE In order to design and analyze thermodynamic systems, we must be familiar with the properties of substances. The property of a substance will often govern how it behaves in application. For instance, you may know that materials with a large electrical conductivity are able to transfer a lot more energy than those that are electrically insulating. In the rst chapter of this book, you also learned about how a uid’s viscosity can alter the frictional stresses imposed on its surface. As in these applications, the uids used in thermodynamic systems (namely air and refrigerants) will govern their performance. Here we will de ne a number of terms that are critical to understanding thermodynamic properties, and will subsequently learn how to determine them for various states and phases of matter. Terminology Here we de ne the terms used to classify properties of substances that are commonly used in thermodynamic systems. In this book, we focus strictly on air and refrigerants (R-134a), though there are many others that are important in applications that are beyond the scope of this course. First, let’s de ne what a property is: A PROPERT Y IS ANY C HARACTERISTIC OF A SYSTEM It is important to understand that a “characteristic” is something that can be used to distinguish between the system and its surroundings. For instance, temperature is referred to as a characteristic. If your home is being cooled, and the indoor space is your system, then its temperature is a characteristic that can be reference and contrasted to the temperature of the surroundings, or even the temperature at another time of day. We can also classify a property as being either intensive or extensive, which is important to understand if we want to compare systems. 1. Intensive Properties • Independent of system mass! • Examples: Temperature, Pressure, and Density fi fi fl fl fi fi  PAGE 223 2. Extensive Properties • Depend on the size or extent of the system • Examples: Total mass, total volume, and total momentum For visual learners, it may be best to start with a practical example to determine how to tell whether a property is intensive or extensive. Let’s say we have a classroom and assume that the classroom can be modeled as an isolated system. Figure 3.4. Fictitious classroom with air inside of the system boundary having a particular temperature, pressure, mass, volume, and density. The system is assumed to be isolated. The dashed line is the system (the inside of the room), and the substance in the system is air, which has a particular temperature, pressure, mass, volume, and density. Now divide the room in half with a ctitious plane (blue line in Fig. 3.5). If the property does not have the same value after splitting the system, we call it extensive (red properties). Otherwise, it is intensive (green properties). Figure 3.5. Fictitious classroom from Fig. 3.4 split into two halves, represented by the blue line. Extensive properties in red, intensive properties in green. fi  PAGE 22 4 Speci c Properties are extensive properties divided by mass. When we divide a property by mass, we can normalize the performance of systems to compare them to one another independent of the amount of a substance in that system. One example is speci c volume, which is the total volume of a substance divided by its mass. We will talk more about this property below and in the coming chapters. Properties Let’s take a look at some of the properties we’ll use in this class. These are properties that you will need to nd or calculate in order to analyze the performance of a system operating between two characteristic states (later, we’ll call these “state points”). A. Density (ρ) and Speci c Volume (ν) Density: ρ= m V “Mass per unit volume” Speci c Volume: ν= V m “Volume per unit mass” B. Speci c Gravity (SG) and Speci c Weight (γ) ρ Speci c Gravity: SG = Speci c Weight: γ =ρ⋅g ρH2O → density of water at 4∘C ρH2O g → acceleration due to gravity C. Pressure (General) Pressure de ned: A normal force that’s exerted by a substance per unit area (Eqn. 1.1). P= F A Units (SI): N = Pa 2 m Note: In practice, the unit of a Pa is too small! Instead, we turn to kPa or MPa. For a reminder on the types of pressure we can encounter in a system, please refer to page 10 in your textbook. For the thermodynamic property tables in this textbook, all pressures are listed in absolute units.  fi           fi fi fi fi fi fi fi   fi fi PAGE 225 Temperature and the 0th Law of Thermodynamics Generally, we think of temperature in relative terms - e.g., how much hotter is the weather in Florida versus Annapolis? To understand the answer to this question, one must have knowledge of a particular temperature scale, and a sense for what a measurement of relative temperatures entails. Let’s start by addressing di erent temperature scales. In this course, we will principally deal with the Fahrenheit (∘F), Celsius (∘C), Rankine, and Kelvin scales. Both the Fahrenheit (∘F) and Celsius (∘C) scales are “zeroed” using the freezing point of di erent substances (i.e., 0∘ was established as the freezing point of a particular liquid). The Fahrenheit scale was proposed in 1724 by Dutch scientist Daniel Fahrenheit and its 0∘ reference point was de ned by the freezing point of a water and ammonium chloride mixture. We now de ne the scale by two xed points, the melting and boiling points of water (32∘F and 212∘F, respectively). Likewise, the Celsius scale was developed by Swedish scientist Anders Celsius and established 0∘C and 100∘C reference points, again based on the melting and boiling points of water (though this scale was not proposed by Celsius himself in fact, it was reversed; it was not until 1743 that the modern scale was proposed, and eventually adopted, by French scientist Jean-Pierre Christen). Though useful, these scales do not de ne an absolute zero reference point (note that in colder parts of the U.S. and Canada, negative temperatures are common!). The Rankine and Kelvin scales, on the other hand, do provide for an absolute temperature and are necessary to de ne the characteristic temperature of a system. We can convert between the various systems as follows: Celsius to Kelvin: K T(K ) = 1 ∘ ⋅ T(∘C ) + 273.15K C (3.1) R T(R) = 1 ∘ ⋅ T(∘F ) + 459.67R F (3.2) Fahrenheit to Rankine: Celsius to Fahrenheit: ∘ F T( F ) = 1 ∘ ⋅ T(∘C ) + 32∘F C ∘ (3.3)     ff fi   fi      fi  fi    fi ff PAGE 226 continues to remain a somewhat abstract concept. A standard interpretation of temperature can instead be made with the 0th Law of Thermodynamics, which de nes temperature based on the concept of equilibrium. Consider two blocks held at di erent temperatures, as shown below. We know from experience (and, as will be discussed later in this chapter, the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics) that when blocks A and B are put in contact with each other, heat will ow from the hot block (A) to the cold block (B). If we now let this new system rest for enough time, the contacting blocks will eventually come to some intermediate temperature. Here, the system comes to an equilibrium where TA > T > TB , where T is the temperature of the combined system A and B. Now consider a 3-object system with TA > TB > TC.   fi   ff PAGE 227  fl While our perception of relative temperatures is grounded in everyday experiences, it Let us again put these three blocks into contact with one another and let them rest for some amount of time. If we nd there to be no heat transfer from block A to B, and also nd there to be no heat transfer from block B to block C, then we indeed have no heat transfer from block A to block C. In this way, we can use block B as a reference point, or a thermometer. As a brief example, consider two objects, one at Annapolis and one at West Point. If we take the thermometer (block B) to West Point and put it in contact with block (C) until it reaches equilibrium, then insulate it and bring it down to Annapolis and nd that there is no heat ow between the thermometer and block A, we can say that the temperature in Annapolis is the same as the temperature at West Point. Thus, the 0th Law of Thermodynamics de nes both the concept and the measurement of temperature! fi  fi fi fi fl  PAGE 228 Example 3.1 - Finding gas pressure in a spring-piston system Air is contained in a piston-cylinder assembly, as shown in the gure below. The piston has a mass of 5 kg. The spring has a spring constant (k) of 130 N/cm and pushes down on the piston over a distance of 350 mm. The piston diameter is 6 cm. If the atmospheric pressure is 100 kPa, determine the pressure of the gas inside of the cylinder to hold the piston in place. Solution Here, we consider the piston to be the system in order to determine the pressure of the air in the cylinder. We do this because we can produce a free body diagram with all relevant forces acting on both sides of it; we do not have enough information if we consider the air to be the system. Let’s start by establishing a free body diagram, as shown below. fi  PAGE 229 ∑ Fy = 0 = Fp,atm + Fspring + Wpiston − Fp,air Knowing that p = F/A, Fspring = k⋅y, and W = m⋅g, the above equation become, ∑ Fy = 0 = patm ⋅ Ap + k ⋅ y + mpiston ⋅ g − pair ⋅ Ap Now we solve for pair as, pair = patm ⋅ Ap + k ⋅ y + mpiston ⋅ g Ap Finally, we substitute and solve as, 3 10 Pa 1kPa 100kPa ⋅ pair = 1 N2 ⋅ m 1Pa ⋅π⋅ π ⋅ 0.06m ( 2 ) π⋅ 2 N + 130 cm ⋅ 35cm + 5kg ⋅ 9.81 m2 ⋅ π ⋅ 0.06m ( 2 ) s 1N 1 kg 2⋅ m s 2 where, pgas = 1,728,000 N 1Pa 1kPa ⋅ ⋅ = 1,728kPa N 3Pa m2 10 1 2 m         PAGE 230   Given the free body diagram above, a force balance yields, E N E R GY A N D T H E F I R S T L AW O F T H E R M O DY N A M I C S Provided with an understanding of thermodynamic properties and the concept of temperature, we can now examine the way in which energy is transferred across the boundaries of a system, or exchanged with an environment. In particular, we are interested in how this exchange of energy impacts our system and its thermodynamic characteristics (e.g., its temperature or pressure). To quantify these impacts, we must perform an accounting of energy in ows and out ows across the boundaries of a system, as illustrated by a standard production bookkeeping method. Let’s consider an arbitrary system which has (for now) unspeci ed in ows and out ows across its boundaries, as well as productions and destructions that occur within it. Figure 3.6. Schematic of a system with arbitrary in ows and out ows crossing the boundaries, and productions and destructions within the system. Common examples of each are provided below. We can use the terms in Fig. 3.6 to determine the accumulation of something within the system. Mathematically, we write this as, Accumulation = In ows - Out ows + Productions - Destructions There are some common applications of production bookkeeping that you may be familiar with. For instance, in nance we can track the balance change in our account via, Balance Change = Deposits - Withdrawals + Interest - Fees In the example above, deposits represent an in ow of cash into our system (in this case, our bank account), withdrawals are an out ow of cash from our system, the interest accrued in our bank account produces additional funds, and the fees we owe to maintain the account act to destroy funds we have in it. fl fl fi fl fl fl fl fl fl fi fl fl  PAG E 2 31 We can use the same process to account for changes in the energy internal to our system. However, the 1st Law of Thermodynamics restricts how we can apply this concept. Taken in its modern context, the 1st Law states that: E N E RGY C A N B E T R A N S F E R R E D F RO M O N E F O R M TO ANOTHER, BUT IT C AN NEITHER BE CREATED NOR D E S T ROY E D It took roughly half a century to validate this statement via empirical methods, and the statement itself has appeared in many di erent forms since. However, the form presented above is useful to our application of production bookkeeping to track changes in the energy internal to our system. In particular, the 1st Law tells us that the production and destruction terms must be negated in our energy accounting. Thus, a resulting energy balance across our system is represented by, ΔEsys = Ein − Eout (3.4) The change in energy within our system (ΔEsys) is a combination of three forms of energy that should be familiar from an undergraduate level course in Newtonian physics. These include kinetic energy, potential energy, and internal energy, each described below. mv 2 1. Kinetic Energy (KE) = , describes the relative motion of a system 2 2. Potential Energy (PE) = m ⋅ g ⋅ h, describes the gravitational potential of a system 3. Internal Energy (U), describes sensible and latent heat storage, and chemical and nuclear reactions. In this course, we will assume that most systems are static. In this case, both the kinetic energy and potential energy terms do not contribute to ΔEsys. Thus, much of our discussion of the rst law will focus on changes in the internal energy, U of a system. For the energy in ow (Ein) and energy out ow (Eout) terms, we will consider both energy transfer across the boundaries (heat and work) as well as mass transfer across the boundaries. As we will initially focus on closed systems, we will rst examine the heat and work energies that can cross system boundaries. fi   fl   ff      fl   fi PAGE 232 H E AT A N D WO R K E N E RGY In this section, di erent forms of heat and work energy are described in detail. Some of these forms will then be used to describe the heat transfer into and out of a system, as well as the work done to or by a system. These concepts are critical to power and HVAC systems. For example, we will soon be tasked with calculating the amount of power that can be produced by an internal combustion engine. In order to do that, we must understand how much heat we put into that system in order to produce the mechanical power that we require by the engine. Heat Energy, Q In 1843, James Prescott Joule (initially a brewery operator in England, but now recognized as one of the greatest physicists of the 19th century) proposed that heat can be converted to work and vise versa. Eventually, he presented evidence that this was indeed true in a paper titled On the Mechanical Equivalent of Heat, though it was met with great skepticism given his lack of a scienti c background and due to the fact that it was contrary to much of the work done in the early 19th century by famous physicist Emile Clapeyron. However, it is now widely accepted that heat can be converted to work, and vise versa. For the purposes of energy in ow and out ow accounting, we de ne a sign convention for Q, which is de ned as the amount of energy transferred across a system boundary by heat. This sign convention is denoted by, Q > 0 : Heat is transferred to the system Q < 0 : Heat is transferred from the system Work Energy, W In this course, we will spend a great deal of time discussing, analyzing, and designing energy systems. For instance, we will discuss the working principles of nuclear power plants in some detail later in this chapter. In order to analyze this type of system, we must understand portions of the system that generate some amount of energy (or what we will · call work, W; when we discuss energy output on a rate basis, we will call this power, W). For the purposes of this course, we will broadly de ne work as the force, F, acting on an object through some distance, s. This is generally de ned by the following expression,  fi fi fi fl  fl    ff fi fi  PAGE 233 W= s2 ∫s F ⋅ ds (3.5) 1 As with heat energy, we must also assign a convention for work energy to denote its entrance or exit into or out of a system, respectively. This convention is as follows, W > 0 : Work done by the system W < 0 : Work done on the system Power In some instances, we are more concerned with the time rate of change of energy transfer · across the boundary. For heat transfer, we simply describe this as a heat transfer rate, Q , which is the total heat transferred relative to the total amount of time that it’s been · transferred (i.e., Q = Q /t). However, it is useful to consider the concept of power in greater detail. We can de ne the power as the rate of energy transferred by work, which is mathematically represented by, · W = F ⋅ V̄ (3.6) · where W is power, F is an applied force, and V̄ is the velocity at the point of applied force. Note that the dot above both W and Q is used to denote a rate of energy transfer. Types of Work There are many di erent forms of work (or power) that we might consider in thermodynamic system. Let’s focus on four di erent types that we might encounter in this text. Electrical Work Electricity can produce either work or power (though we are likely more comfortable with the latter, given its ubiquity in our everyday life). You are likely familiar with the way in which we calculate power or work that is driven by an electrical current from an Electricity and Magnetism undergraduate physics course, which can be written as a function of voltage (V) and current (I), · We = V ⋅ I (3.7) We = V ⋅ I ⋅ Δt (3.8)  ff        ff fi    PAGE 23 4 Shaft Work Shaft work is one way that we can produce energy in thermodynamic systems with rotating machinery. We can calculate the power and work imposed by this rotating shaft as, · Wsh = 2 ⋅ π ⋅ n· ⋅ (3.9) Wsh = 2 ⋅ π ⋅ n ⋅ (3.10) In the above expressions, is the torque applied by the shaft, n· is the number of revolutions per unit time of the shaft (Eqn. 3.9), and n is the total number Fig. 3.7. Rotating shaft inside of a system with an arbitrary substance. of shaft revolutions (Eqn. 3.10). Spring Work Like electrical work, spring work should be familiar from your undergraduate physics course (in Newtonian Mechanics). Here, a spring can absorb or impart energy when it is compressed or allowed to expand through a distance, Δy. · Wspr = 1 ⋅ k ⋅ (y22 − y12) 2 ⋅ Δt (3.11) 1 ⋅ k ⋅ (y22 − y12) 2 (3.12) Wspr = Fig. 3.8. Displacement of a spring by an applied for F through a distance Δy = y2 − y1. In the above expressions, k represents the spring constant, y1 is the rest position of the spring, and y2 is the nal position of the spring after displacement. Boundary Work The nal type of work we will discuss is termed Boundary Work, which we de ne as the work done to or by a system due to a moving boundary. As this is the most important type of work for closed systems (and is the principal mechanism that drives work in a piston-cylinder device, itself the featured component of an internal combustion engine), we fi fi    𝒯 PAGE 235 𝒯         fi 𝒯 will discuss this in detail in the following section. E N E RGY T R A N S F E R S B E T W E E N S TAT E S A N D BO U N DA RY WORK In thermodynamic systems, energy transfers between so-called “states”, which we de ne here as the current physical condition of a substance. The physical condition of a system is de ned by a system’s characteristics (e.g., its temperature, pressure, volume, entropy, etc.). In this section, we will take a closer look at states and how they impact heat and work transfer from the system to the environment, or vise versa. In particular, we will focus much of our attention on changes in system volume (i.e., expansion and compression) as we will focus rst on closed systems. However, energy transfer can occur any time a system changes one or more of its characteristics. The rst concept we need to understand is how we “ x” a state, or how we know what all of a system’s properties are. To do this, we follow the procedure outline by the so-called State Postulate, which says that you must know at least 2 characteristics of a system to x its state (i.e., to nd all other characteristic properties of that system). From this point forward, we will refer to these characteristic properties as State Variables. Recall that the state variables of a system are properties like pressure (p), temperature (T), volume (V), mass (m), and as we will learn in subsequent sections, internal energy (U), enthalpy (H), and entropy (S). Note that in this book, we will focus on systems that contain substances which are homogeneous or heterogeneous (i.e., substances that exist in one or more phases), systems that are in equilibrium (or approximated as such at individual state points), and systems that contain only one component (i.e., a single substance like air, water, or refrigerant). States, Paths, and Boundary Work Let’s rst take a closer look at a system that has moving boundaries. In order to maintain consistency and relate this content to the internal combustion engines we will eventually study, we will utilize a piston cylinder apparatus to represent closed systems with moving boundaries for the remainder of this text. Consider the piston-cylinder apparatus shown in Fig. 3.9. Initially the gas in the cylinder is kept at a high pressure and temperature. Then, heat is released and the gas is allowed to expand. Fig. 3.9. Piston-cylinder apparatus at an initial state with a pressure p1 and temperature T1 (left) and a nal state with pressure p2 and temperature T2 (right).  fi fi fi    fi fi   fi fi fi fi PAGE 236 In order to know how much work, W, is involved in this process, we need to know how we get from the initial state point to the nal state point. Another way to express this is to say we need to know the path taken between states. Let’s consider a plot of pressure versus temperature for the scenario above. One way we can achieve the reduction in pressure and temperature shown in Fig. 3.9 is to rst cool the car, and then lower its pressure (how we achieve each of these processes will be the subject of further study in this text; for now, let’s assume we can do this in the order we just speci ed). Fig. 3.10. One possible path from the initial state point to the nal state point described in Fig. 3.9. Note that the blue and pink lines in Fig. 3.10 represent the combined path between state points 1 and 2 (also labeled in Fig. 3.10). In theory, there are an in nite number of paths that can be drawn between state points 1 and 2 in Fig. 3.10, though there are only a limited number of realistic paths for the thermodynamic processes we will study. The path types we will study are termed as follows. 1. Adiabatic - No heat transfer between the system and surroundings; both pressure and volume change simultaneously from one state point to the next. 2. Isobaric - Constant pressure path. 3. Isothermal - Constant temperature path. 4. Isometric - Constant volume path. fi fi fi fi fi  PAGE 237 In problems where the system has a moving boundary that changes due to changes in the system’s state variables, the path you take between state points has a signi cant impact on the work done to or by the system. Let’s take a closer look at how di erent paths can impact the work produced or consumed by a system. Here we will compress an arbitrary gas, where a compression process is the result of transitioning between the following state variables: State Point 1: p1, V1 State Point 2: p2, V2 where: V1 > V2 p1 < p2 and On a p − V diagram, we can draw this as: Figure 3.11. p − V diagram showing two obvious paths between state points 1 and 2. Arrows show the direction of each path (A and B). In Fig. 3.11, two obvious paths to take between points are drawn in dashed lines, and are labeled path A and path B. Our focus in this brief example will be to determine the in uence of taking one path versus the other on how much work we need to impart to the system in order to compress the gas in the cylinder. Before we illustrate the impact of path choice on the calculation of work into the system, let’s re-examine the nature of work and determine how to calculate it for a moving boundary. fl  fi  ff      PAGE 238 Recall that work can be calculated as the product of an applied force multiplied by a distance. W = F ⃗⋅ d (3.13) Within the context of compression or expansion work, we can rewrite our expression for the work done to or by the system as a function of the pressure being applied on either side of the piston, as shown in Fig. 3.12, below. Figure 3.12. Schematic of a piston undergoing a compression process due to a pressure applied uniformly over the top surface of a piston. The piston is compressed a distance d toward the bottom of the cylinder. The force applied on the piston due to pressure can be expressed as, F ⃗ = pext ⋅ Ap (3.14) and the work done on the system (to compress the gas) is now rewritten by substituting Eqn. 3.14 into 3.13, W = pext ⋅ Ap ⋅ d = pext ⋅ dV (3.15) Thus, boundary work can be expressed as the product or pressure and the change in system volume, d ∀ .      PAGE 239 It is critical to understand that the pressure of the gas inside of the system is itself a function of volume. Recall that there are theoretically an in nite number of paths between state points, as shown in Fig. 3.13. Figure 3.13. p − V diagram showing multiple paths between state points 1 and 2. Arrows show the direction of each path (A, B, C, and D). Because we can take multiple paths between state points, we can generalize our expression for the work done between any two state points (in this case, state points 1 and 2), as, W12 = 2 ∫1 ðW = 2 ∫1 pdV (3.16) Equation 3.16 reveals that work can be computed by nding the area under a p − V curve bounded by two state points, like those found between state points 1 and 2 in Fig. 3.13. Note that the di erential symbol ð is meant to imply that the integral in Eqn. 3.16 is path dependent. Now let’s refocus our attention on the original problem of a gas that is compressed by taking one of paths A or B. If we evaluate the work done to compress the gas using each path, we obtain,  fi fi   ff   PAGE 2 40 Path A 2 ∫1 W12,A = pdV Here we can integrate the path in two segments as, W12,A = V2 ∫V p1dV + 1 V2 ∫V pdV 2 Note that the second integral in the above expression reduces to 0. Knowing that p1 is constant, we can simplify and solve for work as, W12,A = p1 ⋅ (V2 − V1) Path B W12,B = 2 ∫1 pdV Here we can integrate the path in two segments as, W12,B = V1 ∫V 1 pdV + V2 ∫V p2dV 2 In this case, we note that the rst integral in the above expression reduces to 0. Knowing that p2 is constant, we can simplify and solve for work as, W12,B = p2 ⋅ (V2 − V1) If we compare W12,A to W12,B, we quickly realize that we need to put more work in to achieve compression via path B!        fi     PAG E 2 41 Path Types The types of paths that we will encounter in this course are illustrated in Fig. 3.14, below. Figure 3.14. p − V diagrams for isometric (left), isobaric (middle), and polytropic (right) thermodynamic processes (paths). Arrows indicate the direction of each path. In Fig. 3.14, three di erent types of paths are highlighted: isometric, isobaric, and polytropic. Below, we discuss each of these paths within the context of calculating work. Isometric - Constant Volume Process An isometric process is one in which the pressure inside of a system changes, but not its volume. When volume does not change, then no work can be done to or by the system (if the piston isn’t moving, then no work is being done!). Mathematically, we express this as, W12 = V2 ∫V pdV 1 Since there is no change in volume, then dV = 0, and, W12 = 0 Isobaric - Constant Pressure Process An isobaric process is one in which the pressure inside of a system remains constant, but its volume changes. A general form of the expression for work can be mathematically resolved as,    ff   PAGE 2 42 W12 = V2 ∫V pdV = p ⋅ 1 V2 ∫V dV 1 or, W12 = p ⋅ (V2 − V1) Polytropic - Pressure varies with volume as p ⋅ ∀n = Constant In a polytropic process, the pressure in a system is a function of its volume. Speci cally, pressure and volume are related via the following function, p ⋅ Vn = C (3.17) where C is an arbitrary constant and n is a constant exponent. Note that we can rearrange the above expression and substitute for p in Eqn. 3.16 such that, W12 = 2 C dV ∫1 V n Two solutions exist for this expression, one for n = 1 and the other for n ≠ 1, as shown below. n=1 W12 = p1 ⋅ V1 ⋅ ln V2 V = p2 ⋅ V2 ⋅ ln 2 ( V1 ) ( V1 ) Note that in the above expression, the product of pressure and volume should be equal to the same constant, C (when n = 1 in Eqn. 3.17). n≠1 p2 ⋅ V2 − p1 ⋅ V1 W12 = 1−n Note here that if volume is replaced with speci c volume, we solve for speci c work, which we de ne as, w12 = W12 m (3.18) First Law for Closed Systems fi fi  fi       fi     PAGE 2 43 We revisit the 1st Law of Thermodynamics for a closed system. Because our analyses will be restricted to rigid tanks and piston-cylinder systems, we will neglect changes in kinetic and potential energy. Recall that we generally de ned the 1st Law of Thermodynamics as, ΔEsys = Ein − Eout Substituting the energy terms detailed on pages 229 and 230, we expand the expression above as, ΔU12 = Q12 − W12 (3.19) In Eqn. 3.19, whether energy comes into the system or goes out of the system is identi ed by the sign convention we de ned previously, namely that heat into the system is positive and work into the system is negative. Thus, if work is going into the system, W12 itself is negative and its contribution in Eqn. 3.19 is re ected by a positive work into the system. For example, if I compress a gas using 100 kJ of energy, and add 100 kJ of heat into the system, the change in the internal energy of the gas in this system is, ΔU12 = 100 kJ − (−100 kJ ) = 200 kJ If instead I expand a gas and gain 100 kJ of energy from the system, and remove 100 kJ of heat, the change in the internal energy of the gas in this system is, ΔU12 = − 100 kJ − (100 kJ ) = − 200 kJ Note that Eqn. 3.19 represents the 1st Law of Thermodynamics for a closed system. We will discuss the 1st Law within the context of open systems later in this course. fi   fl fi    fi      PAGE 2 4 4 Air in a piston-cylinder apparatus undergoes an expansion process for which the relationship between pressure and volume is given by p ⋅ V n = C, where n = 1.4. The initial pressure of the gas in the cylinder is 50 psia, the initial volume is 6 ft3 and the nal volume is 12 ft3. What is the work done by the system during this process [Btu]? Solution In this problem, we identify the path as polytropic by virtue of the relationship p ⋅ V n = C . In order to calculate work with n = 1.4, we use the expression, W12 = p2 ⋅ V2 − p1 ⋅ V1 1−n However, the problem statement does not provide us with V2 . In order to nd V2 , we can use our knowledge of the fact that, p1 ⋅ V1n = C = p2 ⋅ V2n Rearranging to solve for p2 provides us with, V2 lbf 6ft 3 p2 = p1 ⋅ = 50 2 ⋅ ( V1 ) in ( 12ft 3 ) n 1.4 = 19 lbf in 2 Now we can solve for W12 using p2 from above, 19 W12 = lbf in 2 3 ⋅ 12ft ⋅ 144in 2 ft 2 − 50 lbf in 2 3 ⋅ 6ft ⋅ 144in 2 ft 2 1 − 1.4 = 25,920 ft ⋅ lbf ⋅ 1Btu = 33Btu 778 ft ⋅ lbf   fi fi           PAGE 2 45   Example 3.2 - Calculating Boundary Work Example 3.3 - First Law Energy Balance and Boundary Work Air in a piston-cylinder apparatus is compressed isobarically at a pressure of p = 300 kPa with a displacement volume (i.e., the di erence between the initial and nal volumes) of 1100 cm3. There is also an electric heater embedded within the cylinder that adds 1.4 kJ of heat into the system. What is the change in internal energy (ΔU) during this process? Note that there is no change in the kinetic or potential energy of a piston-cylinder system. Solution For a closed system that is not itself moving, the rst law of thermodynamics can be written as, ΔU12 = Q12 − W12 Here, we know Q12 from the problem statement, but we need to solve for W12. Since it is an isobaric process, we solve for W12 as, W12 = p ⋅ (V2 − V1) = 300 kPa ⋅ − 1100 cm ( 3 1m 3 1kJ ⋅ = − 0.33 kJ 6 3 3 ) 10 cm 1kPa ⋅ m Thus, the change in the internal energy within the system is calculated to be, ΔU12 = 1.4 kJ − (−0.33 kJ ) = 1.73 kJ fi   fi ff        PAGE 2 46 F I N D I N G T H E R M O DY N A M I C P RO P E R T I E S In examples 3.2 and 3.3, we had everything we needed to provide answers to speci c thermodynamics questions related to boundary work and the 1st Law of Thermodynamics. However, we often do not have su cient information to use the expressions we’ve already developed. Speci cally, we do not always have the properties we need to solve problems like those in the aforementioned example problems. In this section, perhaps the most important in this chapter, we will discuss methods to nd thermodynamic properties at an individual state point. This section is organized by the type of substance that we have in a given system. These include: 1. Ideal Gases (e.g., Air, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Methane, etc.) 2. Pure Substances (e.g., Water, R-134a) 3. Incompressible Substances (e.g., Seawater, Oil, Copper) In each section, you will learn how to nd all thermodynamic properties knowing any two other characteristics of a system. Ideal Gases Though the term ideal gases represents a theoretical construct, many real gases do behave as if they are ideal under particular conditions. An ideal gas is one in which the gas molecules behave as randomly moving, individual particles that do not interact with one another. In general, gases behave this way at high temperatures and low pressures, where intermolecular forces and particle size contributes negligibly to energy transport relative to the speed at which they move. Ideal Gas Law The characteristics of an ideal gas can be determined using the Ideal Gas Law, expressed below (and identical to Eqns. 1.2 and 1.4) as, p⋅V=m⋅R⋅T (3.20) or, we can divide through by mass and rewrite Eqn. 3.20 in speci c form as, p⋅ν =R⋅T (3.21) fi  fi fi  fi  ffi fi  PAGE 2 47 Here, ν is a speci c volume, and R is a speci c gas constant (i.e., speci c to the gas in our system). A table of speci c gas constants can be found below (note that the table below is identical to Table 1.3). Table 3.1. Speci c gas constants for some common gases. Speci c Gas Constants Ideal Gas R kJ ( kg ⋅ K ) R psi a ⋅ f t 3 ( lbm ⋅ R ) R psi a ⋅ f t 3 ( slug ⋅ R ) Air 0.2870 0.3704 11.92 Oxygen (O2) 0.2598 0.3353 10.79 Nitrogen (N2) 0.2968 0.3830 12.32 Argon (Ar) 0.2081 0.2686 8.64 Helium (He) 2.0769 2.6809 86.26 Methane (CH4) 0.5182 0.6688 21.52 Propane (C3H8) 0.1885 0.2433 7.83 Hydrogen (H2) 4.1240 5.3324 171.53 Xenon (Xe) 0.06332 0.08172 2.63 Neon (Ne) 0.4119 0.5316 17.10 In addition to p, V, and T, we also need to be able to calculate a change in internal energy (for closed systems) or a change in enthalpy (for open systems) to use an energy balance in thermodynamic problems. Internal Energy (ΔU) To nd the change in internal energy between states for an ideal gas, we use, ΔU = m ⋅ cv ⋅ ΔT (3.22) In Eqn. 3.22, the change in internal energy (ΔU) and the change in temperature (ΔT) represent changes in these properties between states. As with work, each side of Eqn. 3.22 can be divided through by mass, m, to produce a speci c internal energy, u. Enthalpy (ΔH) To nd the change in the enthalpy between states for an ideal gas, we use, ΔH = m ⋅ cp ⋅ ΔT (3.23)  fi fi  fi   fi  fi  fi         fi fi fi    PAGE 2 48 Equations 3.22 and 3.23 di er only in the type of heat capacity used in each expression. It is important to understand that these two heat capacities are di erent, in the same way that both enthalpy and internal energy are di erent. The heat capacity at constant volume, cv, is a measure of the energy it takes to increase the temperature of a substance with unit mass when the substance itself is held at constant volume. Because this measure of heat capacity is considered when the volume is held constant, there can be no boundary work considered between states during this measurement. Note that this does not mean that the thermodynamic process in our analysis of Eqn. 3.22 itself is isometric. A measurement of cv requires that heat be added to a gas at constant volume, which yields, Qv = m ⋅ cv ⋅ ΔT = ΔU + W = ΔU (3.24) Recall that at constant volume, W = 0. Thus, ΔU can be found according to m ⋅ cv ⋅ ΔT. Because we de ne cv as a measure of heat capacity based on a small increase in temperature (e.g., 1∘C), we can look at small changes in internal energy, i.e., dU , and small changes in temperature, i.e., dT. Thus, we can rewrite the above expression as, dU = Cv ⋅ dT dU dT Cv = and where Cv = m ⋅ cv . If instead heat is added at constant pressure, we obtain the following relation, Qp = m ⋅ cp ⋅ ΔT = ΔU + W = ΔU + P ⋅ ΔV (3.25) For very small changes in the characteristics of a system at an individual state point (with the exception of pressure, which is held constant), we obtain, m ⋅ cp ⋅ dT = dU + p ⋅ dV = m ⋅ cv ⋅ dT + p ⋅ dV (3.26) In the above expression, we de ne the term m ⋅ cp ⋅ ΔT as enthalpy, ΔH , which we will de ne in detail later in this chapter. For the moment, we will generally suggest that ΔU will be applicable to closed systems, and ΔH to open systems, and provide clearer explanations and restrictions later. For an ideal gas, we can utilize the IDG Law to construct a relationship between cv and cp . Recall that one de nition of the IDG Law reads,        ff     ff  fi   ff      fi fi    fi PAGE 2 49 or, through use of the chain rule, we can say that p ⋅ dV = m ⋅ R ⋅ dT. Substituting into Eqn. 3.26 yields, m ⋅ cp ⋅ dT = m ⋅ cv ⋅ dT + m ⋅ R ⋅ dT (3.27) cp = cv + R (3.28) Simplifying Eqn. 3.27 yields, Useful to some thermodynamic problems is the de nition of a speci c heat ratio, k, where, k= cp (3.29) cv For an ideal gas, k replaces the exponent n in Eqn. 3.17. This will be covered extensively when we introduce the compression and expansion processes in 4-stroke Otto and Diesel cycles. Finding Properties for Ideal Gases in Underspeci ed Cases The State Postulate tells us that we need two properties at any given state in order to nd all other properties. For an illustration of this, let’s look at the Ideal Gas Law in speci c form (Eqn. 3.21), which says that p ⋅ ν = R ⋅ T. Given that R is the speci c gas constant and depends only on the type of gas in your system, it becomes obvious that if we know two properties (e.g., p and T), we can nd the remaining property (in the example mentioned, ν). It should also be clear that if you know two properties at each of two states, you can nd ΔU or ΔH. However, in many practical cases, we only know 3 properties between 2 states. In these cases, we are missing information (i.e., 1 property at one of the states) and would not be able to nd the change in internal energy or enthalpy between state points. In these cases, we must instead look at the path we take between states to solve for the missing property. Let’s say, for example, that you have an isometric process for which you know p1 and T1 at state point 1, but only p2 at state point 2. If in this case we are looking for T2, we could not simply use the Ideal Gas Law at state point 2 to solve for it. Instead, we can take advantage of our knowledge of the path we take, which in this case is isometric (i.e., constant volume). fi  fi fi    fi fi fi fi        fi fi  PAGE 250   p⋅V=m⋅R⋅T For an Ideal Gas, we can relate the Ideal Gas Law at each state through the constant volume process. Given our knowledge of p1 and T1, we can solve for ν1 as, ν1 = R ⋅ T1 p1 And, knowing that ν2 = ν1 for an isometric process, we can say that, T2 = p2 ⋅ ν1 R Notice that in the above expression we directly substituted ν1 in for ν2 within the Ideal Gas Law, which provides us with a set of known values to solve directly for T2. It should likewise be clear that this process can be used in the same way when the path is isobaric or (albeit less direct) when the path is polytropic. In this case, we can use a modi ed relationship which suggests that, between states, we can rewrite the Ideal Gas Law as, p1 ⋅ ν1 p2 ⋅ ν2 =R= T1 T2 (3.30) Note that in the above expression, the speci c gas constant, R, is the same in a closed system where the gas does not change, and can be cancelled. Recall also that a polytropic process takes the following form, p1 ⋅ V1k = C = p2 ⋅ V2k (3.31) We can also rewrite this relationship more conveniently in three forms that provide us with an opportunity to solve for a given property as, T2 p2 = T1 ( p1 ) k−1 k (3.32) T2 V1 = T1 ( V2 ) (3.33) p2 V1 = p1 ( V2 ) (3.34) k−1 k Note that Eqn. 3.34 can be extracted directly from a rearrangement of Eqn. 3.31. The relationship in Eqn. 3.31 can also be inserted into Eqn. 3.30 to obtain Eqns. 3.32 and 3.33. fi     fi            PA G E 2 51 absolute units (i.e., K or R)! Calculating Boundary Work for Ideal Gases When calculating boundary work for an Ideal Gas, we can again take advantage of the Ideal Gas Law to simplify the problem. Recall that the full form of the Ideal Gas Law tells us that p ⋅ V = m ⋅ R ⋅ T. Thus, for polytropic processes, we can write, k=1 V2 V2 W12 = p1 ⋅ V1 ⋅ ln = m ⋅ R ⋅ T1 ⋅ ln ( V1 ) ( V1 ) (3.35) and, k≠1 W12 = p2 ⋅ V2 − p1 ⋅ V1 m ⋅ R ⋅ (T2 − T1) = 1−k 1−k (3.36) As we will see, these relationships will be extremely helpful for the compression and expansion processes that occur in 4-stroke Otto and Diesel cycles.    PAGE 252   Note that the temperatures used in Eqns. 3.20, 3.21, 3.30, and 3.31-3.34 must be in A piston-cylinder initially contains 1 kg of air at 27∘C and 100 kPa. Heat is added to the air with the piston stationary until the air temperature is 527∘C. The air is then expanded according to the relationship p ⋅ V 1.2 = C (where C is a constant), until the volume is 5 times the original. What is the heat transferred and work done during each of the two individual processes outlined here? Solution Process 1 → 2: In order to nd the heat transferred during each process, we must make use of our rst law energy balance. For the heat transferred between states 1 and 2 (Q12) for example, we have, ΔU12 = Q12 − W12 Thus, in order to solve for Q12 we need both ΔU12 and W12 . For an ideal gas, we can nd ΔU12 via, ΔU12 = m ⋅ cv ⋅ ΔT12 or, fi fi          fi  PAGE 253   Example 3.4 - Air Processes (Ideal Gases and Paths) kJ ⋅ 500 K = 359.0 kJ kg ⋅ K Now we turn our attention to the work, W12 . For an isometric process, the boundary work done to or by the system must be 0! Recall that if the piston does not move, the volume does not change, and thus there can be no boundary work. As a result, we solve for Q12 as, Q12 = ΔU12 + W12 = 359.0 kJ Process 2 → 3: We being with a rst law analysis, which yields ΔU23 = Q23 − W23 . Because air can be approximated as an ideal gas at these pressures and temperatures, we can solve for ΔU23 as, ΔU23 = m ⋅ cv ⋅ ΔT23 However, we do not know the temperature at state point 3. Because we know that process 2 → 3 is polytropic, we can use the following relationship to solve for the unknown temperature T3, k−1 T3 V2 = T2 ( V3 ) Recall that V2 = V1 and that V3 = 5 ⋅ V1 . Substituting each of these relationships into the above expression provides, k−1 1.2−1 T3 V1 1 = → T3 = 800 K ⋅ = 579.82 K = 306.82∘C (5 ) T2 ( 5 ⋅ V1 ) With T3 in hand, we can now solve for both W23 and ΔU23, W23 = 1 kg ⋅ 0.2870 kgkJ⋅ K ⋅ (579.82 K − 800 K 1 − 1.2 = 316.0 kJ and, ΔU23 = m ⋅ cv ⋅ (T3 − T2) = 1 kg ⋅ 0.7180 kJ ⋅ (579.82 K − 800 K ) = − 158.1 kJ kg ⋅ K ∴ Q23 = ΔU23 + W23 = − 158.1 kJ + 316.0 kJ = 157.9 kJ            fi         PAGE 25 4   ΔU12 = 1 kg ⋅ 0.718 Pure Substances In a variety of power and refrigeration systems, so-called “pure” substances are used to drive energy transfer. We restrict our study of these substances to include water and refrigerant R-134a, which is su cient to gain a deep understanding of the operating principles of thermodynamic power and HVAC systems. As with Ideal Gases, the state postulate governs our ability to nd thermodynamic properties; namely, one needs to know any two thermodynamic characteristics of a system in order to nd any other unknown property of it. However, we must also know the phase of the substance in our system, or at least be able to determine what it is based on a set of known thermodynamic properties. You are likely familiar with the three principal phases of matter from core courses in Chemistry. These include solid, liquid, and vapor. In particular, we will focus on how a substance transitions from a liquid to a vapor and vise versa. As the substance transitions between these phases, there is also an intermediate phase where both liquid and vapor exist. This is analogous to a pot of water that is boiling on your stove; in this case, vapor bubbles are generated as energy is put into the system. The system remains at the same temperature, but an increasing fraction of the substance is vapor as energy continues to be put into the system, until the substance is entirely vapor. There are a few key points to be made about the conditions of such a system within the context of thermodynamic state points. We will introduce this system with an example that you may be familiar with: water boiling at atmospheric pressure. Let us start with liquid water at 20∘C and 1 atm (standard atmospheric pressure) and add energy. We will “pause” to examine a set of important points along the way. The above condition is termed a Compressed Liquid. Phases of Pure Substances and Corresponding Phase Diagrams Compressed Liquids A substance that is entirely liquid is termed a Compressed Liquid. The expandable tank to the left is lled with water. At 1 atm, water exists in liquid form at T = 20∘C. fi  fi  ffi fi  PAGE 255 Saturated Liquid As energy continues to enter the system, the water heats up until it reaches its boiling point at a given pressure (in this case, the boiling point at 1 atm is T = 100∘C ). We label the substance a Saturated Liquid when in the instant just prior to boiling. The expandable tank to the left remains lled with water. At 1 atm, water exists in liquid form at the instant that T reaches 100∘C, and the volume of water expands. Saturated Mixture Once the water reaches its boiling point, the energy going into the system no longer causes the substance to heat up; instead, the energy going into the system causes the bonds between uid molecules to weaken until they no longer interact. We label the substance a Saturated Mixture when it exists in both liquid and vapor phases. The expandable tank to the left now contains both liquid and vapor. The amount of vapor inside of the system is quanti ed by a property called Quality, χ, which is a value between 0 and 1. Gray coloring inside of the circles indicates a that the substance is vapor. Note that the volume continues to increase. Saturated Vapor At the instant when all of the uid just becomes vapor, we have a substance that exists as a Saturated Vapor. The expandable tank to the left is now full of water vapor. The amount of vapor inside of the system is quanti ed by a property called Quality, χ, which is now a value of 1. Note that the volume of the substance continues to increase.   fi fi fi fl   fl  PAGE 256 Superheated Vapor Finally, energy continues to heat up the substance beyond the saturated vapor point. Once this happens, we have a substance that exists as a Superheated Vapor. The expandable tank to the left is now full of water vapor, whose temperature continues to increase as energy continues to ow into the system. Note that the volume of the substance continues to increase. We can plot all of this on a phase diagram to visualize this process, which can happen both in the sequence shown above as well as in the reverse order (when energy is removed from a system). Two common diagrams, temperature vs. speci c volume (T − ν) and pressure vs. speci c volume (p − ν) are illustrated in Fig. 3.15, below, for the case where volume is allowed to vary (such as in a piston-cylinder apparatus). Figure 3.15. T − ν and p − ν phase diagrams that illustrate phase transitions as a function of the system’s temperature (left) and pressure (right) with corresponding impacts on speci c volume. Phases are labeled on the diagrams. Note that the labels for saturation temperature and saturation pressure indicate the phase transition temperature and phase transition pressure, respectively. The p − ν diagram also indicates that a liquid can be brought to a boiling state when the its pressure is   fl fi fi     fi PAGE 257 reduced. Finally, the distribution shown in the T − ν diagram is a constant pressure line, while the distribution shown in the p − ν diagram is a constant temperature line. The Vapor Dome One helpful way to visualize the e ects of pressure and temperature on volume and phase is to examine multiple constant temperature or constant pressure lines on the above diagrams. Let’s take a look at the p − ν diagram for water, shown in Fig. 3.16, below. Figure 3.16. p − ν diagram for water. The Vapor Dome is shown as a dash-dot line, and three constant temperature lines are plotted on the gure. The vapor dome is plotted as a dash-dot line in Fig. 3.16. Its inclusion provides us with a way to distinguish between the di erent phases of water at di erent pressures, temperatures, and volumes. Our reference points in this diagram are: (1) the bounds set by the vapor dome, and (2) the critical point, which is the apex of the vapor dome. At high enough pressures and temperatures, the addition of energy into a liquid will eventually cause a phase transition from liquid directly to vapor, without transitioning through the saturated mixture region. If a state point lies within the vapor dome, then we have a saturated mixture. If it lies to the left of the vapor dome and the imaginary line drawn fi ff  ff ff     PAGE 258 upward from the critical point, then the phase of the substance is a compressed liquid. Likewise, if our state point lies to the right of the vapor dome and the imaginary point drawn upward from the critical point, we have a superheated vapor. Finally, if a state point lies on the vapor dome line and to the left of the critical point, we have a saturated liquid, whereas if it is on the vapor dome but to the right of the critical point, we have a superheated vapor. For pure substances, we need to use the thermodynamic properties that we already know at a given state in order to rst determine the phase of a substance. This is because the physical properties of a pure substance are listed in tables that are separated by phase. Thus, we must rst examine how to determine the phase of a substance given any two thermodynamic properties. Property Tables (Pure Substances): Determining Phase In order to nd thermodynamic properties of a pure substance at a given state and solve problems like the one in Example 3.4, we must rst determine its phase using known thermodynamic properties. In general, you will encounter two possible scenarios for which you will need to be able to x a state. These are detailed below. Scenario 1: Both the pressure, p and the temperature, T of a substance are given for an individual state. Scenario 2: Either the pressure, p, or the temperature, T will be given, along with one of speci c internal energy, u, speci c enthalpy, h, speci c volume, v, or speci c entropy, s (we will discuss entropy later). Recall that speci c properties are properties per unit mass! Let us rst have a discussion about Scenario 1, in which both pressure and temperature are known at an individual state. In this case, the following diagram will be helpful. Figure 3.17. p − ν and T − ν diagram for water at T = 100∘C (red line) and p = 101 kPa (blue line). Note that the lines for Tsat and Psat overlap.  fi  fi fi fi fi  fi fi  fi   fi fi fi PAGE 259 use the saturation temperature or pressure to determine whether the phase of the substance is a compressed liquid, saturated mixture, or superheated vapor. Below are the “rules” you should use to determine which of the above phases you have for a particular state with a given pressure and temperature. Note that pgiven and Tgiven are the known values of temperature and pressure at a state. To nd psat or Tsat , you must look at at the second column in the saturation pressure and temperature tables provided in the Appendix. 1. If Tgiven < Tsat at pgiven (OR if pgiven > psat at Tgiven): Compressed Liquid 2. If Tgiven > Tsat at pgiven (OR if pgiven < psat at Tgiven): Superheated Vapor 3. If Tgiven = Tsat at pgiven (OR if pgiven = psat at Tgiven): Saturated Mixture Figure 3.17 can be used to verify the rules written above. For example, the second rule suggests that you have a superheated vapor if Tgiven > Tsat at pgiven. Note that the red line is our constant pressure line (where the constant pressure is pgiven ). At this pressure, if Tgiven > Tsat, and the only part of the red line that is above Tsat is to the right of the vapor dome, then you must have a superheated vapor! This exercise can be done for all three rules and using either the constant pressure (solid red) or constant temperature (solid blue) lines. Let’s take a look at this in practice. Below are two examples where p and T are known, and we are attempting to determine the phase of the substance. Example 1: Determine the phase of water at T = 14∘C and p = 1.5989 kPa. In this example, we are able to choose whether we use the saturated temperature table or saturated pressure table for water. Since temperature is presented as a whole number, it is simpler to use this table. The relevant portion of this table is shown on the following page. The speci ed temperature of the water (T = 14∘C) is outlined with a blue box. Note that the corresponding saturation pressure is shown in the column to the right of the temperature. In the example, our given pressure is p = 1.5989 kPa , which matches the saturation pressure listed on the table. Therefore, according to the rules outlined above, we must have a saturated mixture!        fi               fi    PAGE 260   Scenario 1: In the case where you are given both temperature and pressure, it is easiest to Example 2: Determine the phase of water at p = 7,000 kPa and T = 200∘C. For this example, we choose to use the saturated water - pressure table. In theory, we can use either saturation table given the use of two whole numbers that are each located on their respective saturation tables. In order to illustrate the di erence between the two tables, though, we highlight the use of the saturated pressure table, below. ff    PA G E 2 61 where Tgiven = 200∘C and Tsat = 285.83∘C, the substance exists as a compressed liquid. Scenario 2: As a reminder, Scenario 2 describes the case in which either the pressure, p, or the temperature, T will be given, along with one of speci c internal energy, u, speci c enthalpy, h, speci c volume, v, or speci c entropy, s. In general, the approach you should take for this type of problem is to locate the appropriate saturation table (i.e., if T is given, use the saturated temperature table, and if p is given, use the saturated pressure table), and then use your other given property (i.e., u, h, v, or s) to determine the phase of the substance you have. For this second part, you will need to determine where your other given property falls with respect to the saturated liquid and saturated vapor values at your given pressure or temperature. We can visualize this using Fig. 3.16. Let’s say we are provided with a temperature, T, of Tgiven = 100∘C , and a speci c volume of νgiven = 0.5 m 3 /kg . On a p − ν diagram, constant temperature line is plotted for Tgiven = 100∘C. Our given speci c volume is then plotted on this line, and is represented by the yellow star in the gure below. Figure 3.18. p − ν diagram for water with Tgiven = 100∘C line (purple) and our given speci c volume plotted along that line. fi fi    fi fi fi fi  fi   fi fi    PAGE 262   Following the rules provided for Scenario 1, we nd that for pgiven = 7000 kPa, Tgiven < Tsat, νg at this temperature, which puts the state point squarely in the saturated mixture region. Moreover, this gure can help to visualize the “rules” for this scenario. Let’s consider an arbitrary property (u, v, h, or s) to be labeled as “Z”. In this case, the rules suggest, 1. If Zgiven > Zg at pgiven or Tgiven: Superheated Vapor 2. If Zgiven < Zf at pgiven or Tgiven: Compressed Liquid 3. If Zgiven = Zf at pgiven or Tgiven: Saturated Liquid 4. If Zgiven = Zg at pgiven or Tgiven: Saturated Vapor 5. If Zgiven > Zf AND Zgiven < Zg at pgiven or Tgiven: Saturated Mixture As before, let’s look at some examples to reinforce our understanding of the above rules. Example 1: Determine the phase of R-134a at T = 25∘F and ν = 1 ft 3 /lbm. Note that in this example, the temperature, T, and speci c volume, v are provided in English Engineering Units (EEU), and that the substance is R-134a, so be sure to use the appropriate tables. An illustration of the table in the appendix of this text is provided for context, below.  fi fi            fi   fi      PAGE 263   On this gure, it should be clear that our given value of speci c volume falls between νf and Using the table above, we saturated mixture. nd that at T = 25∘F , νf < νgiven < νg , so we must have a Example 2: Determine the phase of R-134a at p = 15 psia and s = 0.5 Btu /lbm /R. For this example, we must use the pressure table for R-134a and examine our value of entropy, s, relative to the saturated liquid (sf) and saturated vapor (sg) values at the pressure we’re given. An illustration of the table in the appendix of this text is provided for context, below. According to the rules outlined for this scenario, we nd that the substance must be a superheated vapor due to the fact that sgiven > sg at pgiven. Property Tables (Pure Substances): Extracting Properties Now that we have established how to determine the phase of a pure substance, we can determine all of its unknown properties. Extracting these properties is described in detail below.   fi       fi  PAGE 26 4 Superheated Vapor If you nd that you have a superheated vapor, you can simply nd other properties using the superheated vapor tables located in the appendix. These tables are organized in such a way that individual pressures have “blocks”, and the temperature, speci c volume (v), speci c internal energy (u), speci c enthalpy (h), and speci c entropy (s) are arranged in columns. A portion of the superheated water table is provided for illustration, below. The table above re ects the rst row of the pressure “blocks” in the superheated tables in your Appendix. If a pressure is given with any other property, it is a simple enough exercise to nd the appropriate pressure block, locate the value of the property you have, and nd all other properties (including the temperature). If instead the temperature is provided, one must locate the temperature and work through each pressure box to nd the property value closest to the one you are given. Two examples are provided below. Example: Determine the speci c internal energy of R-134a at T = 200∘F and ν = 1 ft 3 /lbm. At T = 200∘F , we nd that νf = 0.02010 ft 3 /lbm and νg = 0.06441 ft 3 /lbm . Since our given speci c volume is ν = 1 ft 3 /lbm, we must have a superheated vapor (i.e., νgiven > νg). Thus, fi fi  fi fi  fi   fi fi  fi fi fl  fi  fi fi  fi PAGE 265 the speci c internal energy, u), we must use the superheated vapor tables. Shown below is the portion of the superheated vapor table that is relevant to this problem. In this case, we are given a temperature and a speci c volume. Thus, we must nd the pressure block in which the speci c volume is equivalent to ν = 1 ft 3 /lbm at a temperature of T = 200∘F. From the table above, the speci c volume is equivalent to 1 ft 3 /lbm at a temperature of T = 200∘F when the pressure is between 60 psia and 70 psia. In order to nd an exact value of the speci c internal energy (which, as you may recall, is what the example problem asks for), you must interpolate between the two pressure blocks. The speci c internal energy, u, is calculated as: ft 3 ft 3 1 lbm − 0.9447 lbm u= ft 3 ft 3 1.1101 lbm − 0.9447 lbm Btu Btu Btu Btu ⋅ 131.64 − 131.40 + 131.40 = 131.48 ( lbm lbm ) lbm lbm fi fi fi   fi fi fi fi fi  fi PAGE 266    to nd the remaining thermodynamic properties of the substance in this state (in particular, If you nd that your substance is a saturated mixture at a particular state point, your rst objective will be to determine the amount of the substance that exists as a liquid versus how much exists as a vapor. The transition from liquid to vapor occurs along the horizontal line in Figure 3.18, or between the saturated liquid and saturated vapor points. We de ne the distance away from the saturated liquid phase as the Quality of a substance, χ . Mathematically, we de ne quality as: χ= mvapor (3.37) mvapor + mliquid Thus, the quality of a saturated liquid is 0, and the quality of a saturated vapor is 1. We can therefore rewrite Eqn. 3.37 as an interpolation between the saturated liquid and saturated vapor points using any given thermodynamic property, as shown below. χ= χ= χ= χ= νgiven − νf (3.38) νg − νf ugiven − uf (3.39) ug − uf hgiven − hf (3.40) hg − hf sgiven − sf (3.41) sg − sf Note that we can use the quality found in any one of the above equations to nd any unknown value in the remaining expressions (i.e., you can rearrange any of Eqns. 3.38-3.41 to solve for unknown properties). Consider the following example. Example: Determine the speci c enthalpy of water having a temperature of T = 16∘C and a speci c internal energy, u = 1,000 kJ/kg . In order to determine the phase of the substance, we examine the saturated temperature table for water (SI), which reads as: In the previous table, we nd that uf = 67.169 kJ/kg and ug = 2396.9 kJ/kg . Our value of u = 1,000 kJ/kg is between the saturated liquid and saturated vapor values of speci c internal energy at our given temperature. Thus, we have a saturated mixture. In order to  fi fi fi fi         fi fi  fi  fi PAGE 267 fi  Saturated Mixture this case, we use Eqn. 3.39 to calculate quality as: χ= kJ 1,000 kJ − 67.169 kg kg kJ 2396.9 kJ − 67.169 kg kg = 0.4 This indicates that 40% of the substance exists in vapor form! Now, in order to calculate the speci c enthalpy, we rearrange Eqn. 3.40 (where our “given” value is actually our unknown value in this case) as, h = hf + χ ⋅ (hg − hf ) = 67.170 kJ kJ kJ kJ + 0.4 ⋅ 2530.2 − 67.170 = 1052.38 ( kg kg kg ) kg Compressed Liquid Finally, if you nd that you have a compressed liquid at some state point, you can approximate most thermodynamic properties as their saturated liquid values. In principle, this is because properties in the compressed liquid region deviate little from the properties found in the saturated liquid phase (see Fig. 3.18). These properties should be found on the saturated temperature table. In other words, ν = νf (T ) (3.42) u = uf (T ) (3.43) s = sf (T ) (3.44) fi    fi  fi  PAGE 268  fi nd other thermodynamic properties, we must rst calculate the quality of the substance. In The single exception is for the case of speci c enthalpy when the given pressure is relatively large. In this case, the following expression must be used: h = hf (T ) + νf (T ) ⋅ (Pgiven − Psat(T )) (3.45) Note that the T in the parenthesis in Eqns. 3.42-3.45 is used to indicate that these properties should be found on the saturated temperature table. fi   PAGE 269 Example 3.5 - Cooled Refrigerant A rigid tank contains 5 kg of refrigerant 134a with an initial pressure of 0.5 MPa and an initial temperature of 90∘C. The refrigerant is then cooled until it becomes a saturated vapor. What is the heat that is transferred during the process? Solution Ultimately, this questions asks us to solve for the heat transferred during a process, which we typically solve for using the rst law of thermodynamics as written for a closed system. ΔU12 = Q12 − W12 Since the tank is rigid (i.e., it does not contain a moving boundary), there can be no boundary work. Likewise, we know that ΔU12 can be rewritten as ΔU12 = m ⋅ (u2 − u1). As a result, the closed system, rst law expression can be rewritten as, Q12 = m ⋅ (u2 − u1) Thus, we need to determine the speci c internal energy at each state. We know that State 2 is a saturated vapor and must have the same speci c volume as State 1 (since the tank is rigid and neither the mass nor the volume of the substance inside of it change). Consequently, we must rst identify the phase of the substance at State 1.  fi  fi   fi fi  fi  PAGE 270 Using a temperature of T1 = 90∘C and a pressure of p1 = 0.5 MPa = 500 kPa , we can determine the phase of the R-134a at State 1 with either the saturated temperature or saturated pressure table. Let’s use the pressure table for this example. Here we nd that, At p1 = 500 kPa , Tgiven = 90∘C > Tsat . Therefore, we must have a superheated vapor. Recall that to nd the properties of a superheated vapor, we use superheated vapor tables. Using the superheated vapor table, shown above, we nd that the speci c internal energy, u, at State 1 is u1 = 302.51 kJ/kg. Now we must nd u2. At State point 2, we know that the substance is a saturated vapor. Since there is no moving boundary, we also know that ν2 = ν1 = 0.056205 m 3 /kg . To nd u2 , we can go back to fi fi  fi  fi  fi    fi    PAGE 271 nd where νg = ν2 , and extract u2 (which in this case happens to be equal to ug because we know the substance is a saturated vapor at this state point). Here we use the saturated pressure table, but either saturation table can be used. We nd that ν2 is between the saturated vapor speci c volumes (νg) for pressures of 360 kPa and 400 kPa. Using interpolation, we nd that u2 is, m3 m3 0.056205 kg − 0.056738 kg kJ kJ kJ kJ u2 = ⋅ 235.07 − 233.38 + 233.38 = 233.54 ( 0.051201 m3 − 0.056738 m3 ) ( kg kg ) kg kg kg kg Thus, the heat transferred during this process can be calculated as, kJ kJ Q12 = 5 kg ⋅ 233.54 − 302.51 = − 344.85 kJ ( kg kg ) This should make sense, as heat must be removed from the system in order to transition from a superheated vapor to a saturated vapor during a constant volume process. Because there is no phase transition, we also see a corresponding drop in temperature (from T1 = 90∘C to T2 = 6.12∘C).   fi   fi fi      PAGE 272 fi   either of the saturation tables, Thermodynamic Properties for Incompressible Substances (Oil, Sea Water, etc.) Many practical thermodynamic systems (e.g., heat exchangers) contain one or more incompressible substances (e.g., engine oil, sea water, metals, etc.). In order to design and analyze these systems, we must be able to solve for changes in speci c internal energy or speci c enthalpy. One can calculate these properties via the following expressions, ΔU = m ⋅ c ⋅ ΔT (3.46) ΔH = m ⋅ c ⋅ ΔT + m ⋅ νf (Tavg) ⋅ ΔP (3.47) and, In the above expressions, c represents the speci c heat capacity of the substances, which is most often referenced at constant pressure (or cp ). In Eqn. 3.47, νf (Tavg) is the speci c volume (approximated to be a saturated liquid) taken at the average temperature between states. fi fi   fi    fi PAGE 273 4 lbm of copper (c = 0.095 Btu/lbm ⋅∘ F), initially at 350∘F , is cooled in a well-insulated, 1 ft 3 bath of oil (c = 0.43 Btu/lbm ⋅∘ F, ρ = 57 lbm / ft 3). What is the nal temperature of the copper if both the copper and the bath are allowed to come to equilibrium? What is the heat transferred from the copper to the bath during this process? Solution: If we consider everything inside of the oil tank to be our “system”, then we can write the rst law of thermodynamics for a thermally insulated, rigid system as, ΔU12 = 0 Recall that when there is no moving boundary, W12 = 0 . Here we have two systems whose internal energy changes. Thus, we can rewrite the rst law as, mo ⋅ (uo,2 − uo,1) + mCu ⋅ (uCu,2 − uCu,1) = 0 Now, using the relationship for Δu that we de ned for incompressible substances, we can rewrite the above expression as, mo ⋅ co ⋅ (To,2 − To,1) + mCu ⋅ cCu ⋅ (TCu,2 − TCu,1) = 0 Given that To,2 = TCu,2 = T2, we can solve for the nal temperature (T2) as, T2 = mCu ⋅ cCu ⋅ TCu,1 + mo ⋅ co ⋅ To,1 mCu ⋅ cCu + mo ⋅ co fi   fi fi  fi          PAG E 2 74   fi Example 3.6 - Cooling of Copper (Incompressible Substance) T2 = Btu lbm Btu 3 4 lbm ⋅ 0.095 lbm ⋅ 810 R + 57 ⋅ 1 ft ⋅ 0.43 ⋅ 530R ⋅R) lbm ⋅ R ft 3 ( Btu lbm 3 ⋅ 0.43 Btu 4 lbm ⋅ 0.095 lbm + 57 ⋅ 1 ft ⋅R lbm ⋅ R ft 3 = 534.3 R = 74.3∘F Now, we calculate the heat transferred from the block by considering the block as the system. In this case, heat is leaving the block and is therefore negative. Thus, the rst law of thermodynamics reads, ΔU12 = Q12 where W12 = 0 because the boundary of the system (the copper block) is not moving. Hence, we solve for Q12 as, Q12 = mCu ⋅ (uCu,2 − uCu,1) = mCu ⋅ cCu ⋅ (TCu,2 − TCu,1) and, Q12 = 4 lbm ⋅ 0.095 Btu ⋅ (534.3 R − 806.9 R) = − 103.59 Btu lbm ⋅ R Here, the value of Q12 is negative, indicating that heat is leaving the system. This must be the case given that the block cools from State 1 to State 2. fi       PAGE 275   Substituting the known values provided in the problem statement, we obtain, OPEN SYSTEMS We have thus far restricted our study of energy transfers to those that occur in closed systems, such as the basic piston-cylinder apparatus and rigid tanks. While these systems form the basis for internal combustion engines, most of the thermodynamic systems that we will analyze include so-called open systems. Conservation of Mass An open system is one that permits mass to cross its boundaries. Contrary to closed systems, open systems have inlets and exits that allow uids to ow through the system. As you might imagine, the amount of uid (or the rate of uid ow) can impact the transfer of energy between a system and its surroundings. One common example is a sink faucet; while both the hot and cold water lines are open, the rate at which one uid ows relative to the other governs the temperature of the uid at the outlet. Thus, we must understand how much uid ows into and out of a system. All open systems must satisfy the Conservation of Mass principle. The Conservation of Mass can be formally expressed as, Written mathematically, we obtain, dMcv = m· in − m· out ∑ ∑ dt inlets exits (3.48) In this course, we will only focus on thermodynamic systems that operate at steady-state, which implies that the time rate of change of a property is equivalent to zero. Thus, the Conservation of Mass at steady-state reads, ∑ inlets m· in = ∑ exits m· out (3.49) Note that we discussed the Conservation of Mass in grate detail in Chapter 1 (pages 48-49); in fact, Eqn. 3.49 is identical to Eqn. 1.20. As a result, the reader is encouraged to re-read fl fl fl fl fl fl fl  fl  fl  fl PAG E 2 76 this section. In particular, we develop a relationship between mass ow rate and velocity (as well as mass ow rate and volume ow rate) that will be important for the analysis of the thermodynamic systems we will analyze in subsequent sections. These are rewritten below for convenience. V̄ ⋅ Ac m· = ρ ⋅ V̄ ⋅ Ac = ν (3.50) where ν is the speci c volume of the uid, and Ac is the cross-sectional area of the inlet or exit (i.e., the area perpendicular to the direction of uid ow). · V = ν ⋅ m· (3.51) where ν is again the speci c volume of the uid. Conservation of Energy In addition to abiding by the Conservation of Mass, open systems must also obey the Conservation of Energy. This is particularly important in the analysis of power, refrigeration, and heat exchanger systems. The Conservation of Energy is formally de ned as, The energy that ows into or out of the system can be divided into three categories: · 1. Net rate of energy transferred in by heat, Qcv · 2. Net rate of energy transferred out by work, Wnet · 3. Net rate of energy transferred in by mass ow, Em Note that the subscript cv indicates that we are analyzing a control volume, or open system. The · rst type of energy transfer, Qcv , remains consistent with our de nition of the heat transfer rate in closed systems. That is, we examine heat exchange between the system (in fi fl fl fl   fi   fl  fl fl  fl  fi fi fl fl    fi PAGE 27 7 this case, our control volume) and its surroundings. When the heat leaves the system, it is negative, and when it enters the system, it is positive. The net rate of energy transferred in by work can be divided into two separate terms. These include: · 1. The work done by a rotating shaft, Wcv, and, 2. The “ ow work” done by the system to move the · uid mass through system inlets and exits, Wf low. Thus, · · · Wnet = Wcv + Wf low · In order to provide a conceptual framework to understand the rate of ow work, Wf low, let’s examine the following control volume, which uses a piston to “push” a uid into its inlet. Figure 3.19. Control volume with one inlet and one exit. The uid is being pushed by a piston with force F across a distance d. In this case, the force applied to the uid by the piston can be written as, F = p ⋅ Ac Recall also that work can be de ned as, W=F⋅d  fl fl fl   fl  fl  fi   fl PAGE 278 Wf low = p ⋅ Ac ⋅ d = p ⋅ V where V = Ac ⋅ d is the volume of the uid. Now, we can write the ow work in time rate form as, d · Wf low = p ⋅ Ac ⋅ = p ⋅ Ac ⋅ V̄ = p ⋅ m· ⋅ ν t where m· is the uid’s mass ow rate and ν is the speci c volume of the uid. Now, we can rewrite the net ow rate out of the system as, · · Wnet = Wcv + ∑ exits m· e ⋅ pe ⋅ νe − Finally, the net rate of energy transferred by mass ∑ inlets m· i ⋅ pi ⋅ νi ow into the system can be written in terms of a time rate form of the sum of the internal, kinetic, and potential energy of the uid within the control volume, or, V̄ 2i V̄ 2e · · m ⋅ u+ + g ⋅ zi − m ⋅ u + + g ⋅ ze ∑ i ( i ) ∑ e ( e ) 2 2 · Em = inlets exits We can now substitute each of these terms into our de nition for the Conservation of Energy, which yields, dEcv V̄ 2i V̄ 2e · · · · · · = Qcv − Wcv + m ⋅p ⋅ν − m ⋅p ⋅ν + m ⋅ u+ + g ⋅ zi − m ⋅ u + + g ⋅ ze ∑ i i i ∑ e e e ∑ i ( i ) ∑ e ( e ) dt 2 2 inlets exits inlets exits In thermodynamics, the sum of a substance’s internal energy with the product of pressure and volume is termed enthalpy. We can therefore write the speci c enthalpy, h as, h =u+p⋅ν (3.52) We can use the de nition of enthalpy to simplify the conservation of energy. In tandem with our assertion that only steady-state thermodynamic systems will be considered in this course, the expression for the Conservation of Energy becomes, · · 0 = Qcv − Wcv + 2 2 V̄ V̄ i m· i ⋅ hi + + g ⋅ zi − m· e ⋅ he + e + g ⋅ ze (3.53) ∑ ( ) ∑ ( ) 2 2 inlets exits fl fl fi fi fi fl   fl  fl fl   fi fl  fl    PAGE 279  fl  Thus, the ow work can be written as, thermodynamic system! · We will use Equation 3.53 to analyze the net rate of heat transferred (Qcv) into or out of (or · the power produced or consumed by, Wcv) a variety of open systems. O P E N S Y S T E M S A N A LY S I S In this section, we discuss common approaches used to analyze engineerings devices that are critical to the operation of thermodynamic systems, including power and refrigeration systems. These devices are considered in individual sub-sections. Nozzles and Di users Nozzles and di users are used to accelerate and decelerate uid ows, respectively, resulting in a change in velocity between their inlet and exit ports. A thermodynamic schematic of each device is provided in the gure below. Figure 3.20. (Left) Nozzle with inlet (1) and exit (2), where V̄1 < V̄2, p1 > p2, and h1 > h 2, and (Right) Di user with inlet (1) and exit (2), where V̄1 > V̄2, p1 < p2, and h1 < h 2. Mathematically, we make several assumptions to reduce the energy equation to a useful form, such that we can su ciently analyze its performance in application. These assumptions include: 1. A nozzle/di user has only one inlet and one exit. 2. Only ow work contributes to the net rate of work being done inside of the system. 3. The di erence in the average height of the inlet and exit is negligible.  ff fl fl     ffi fi ff ff  ff  ff  PAGE 280 fl  The above expression is the general form of the Conservation of Energy for a steady-state Recall that we will also assume that all devices operate at steady-state. These assumptions result in the following reduced form of the energy equation: V̄ − V̄ e · 0 = Qcv + m· ⋅ (hi − he) + i ( ) 2 2 2 (3.54) For a nozzle or a di user, there must always be a change in kinetic energy (this is the point of using such a device!). However, if the nozzle is insulated, then no heat exchange can occur between the system (the uid inside of the device) and the surrounding environment, · which results in Qcv = 0. fl  ff   PA G E 2 81 Example 3.7 - Analyzing a Nozzle Air enters an insulated nozzle with negligible velocity and a temperature of Ti = 400∘F. Air exits the nozzle with a velocity of 1,000 ft/s. What is the exit temperature? Assume constant speci c heats for the inlet and exit for a temperature of 100∘F. Solution: Note that the energy equation, which governs the temperatures at the inlet and exit of the device, can be simpli ed to, V̄ 2i − V̄ 2e 0 = (hi − he) + 2 · since Qcv = 0 due to the surrounding insulation. Also note that the entire solution can be divided through by m· in Eqn. 3.54. For an ideal gas, we know that, hi − he = cp ⋅ (Ti − Te) Substituting into the reduced form of the energy equation above, and taking advantage of the fact that V̄i = 0, we solve for Te as, V̄ 2i Te = Ti − 2 ⋅ cp Now we compute Te by substituting our known values into the above expression as, 1000 s ( ) ft Te = 860 R − 2 Btu 2 ⋅ 0.240 lbm ⋅R 1Btu 1lbf ⋅ s 2 ⋅ ⋅ = 776.8 R = 316.8∘F 778ft ⋅ lbf 32.2lbm ⋅ ft       fi      fi  PAGE 282 Turbines A turbine is a device that generates power as a result of a liquid or a gas passing through it and rotating a shaft. These devices have been used for fossil fuel-free power generation in wind turbines and conventional power plants, and to achieve thrust in modern aircraft. Thermodynamically, we consider a turbine to be a device that converts uid enthalpy to useful power. A thermodynamic schematic is provided in the gure below. Figure 3.20. Turbine with one inlet (1) and one exit (2). A rotating shaft is drawn to help visualize the way in which power is produced by the turbine. With respect to mathematical analysis, our only simplifying assumptions are that the turbine operates at steady-state and that the change in height between inlet and exit is negligible. Thus, the general form of the energy equation for a turbine reads as, · · 0 = Qcv − Wcv + 2 2 V̄ V̄ i m· i ⋅ hi + − m· e ⋅ he + e ∑ ∑ ( ( 2 ) exits 2 ) inlets (3.55) For the common case where there is only a single inlet and single exit, Eqn. 3.55 simpli es to, V̄ − V̄ e · · 0 = Qcv − Wcv + m· ⋅ (hi − he) + i ( ) 2 2 2 Finally, if the turbine is insulated and the change in kinetic energy is negligible, we nd, · Wcv = m· ⋅ (hi − he) Note that you should always start your analysis of a turbine with Eqn. 3.55! fi fi fl fi     PAGE 283 A well-insulated steam turbine operates at steady-state with a mass ow rate of · m· = 10,000 lbm /hr and develops a power output of Wcv = 4.5 ⋅ 106 Btu /hr . The inlet pressure is p1 = 500 psia and the inlet temperature is Ti = 1,000∘F . The turbine exhaust pressure is pe = 5 psia . What is the quality at the exhaust? Assume there is no change in the velocity from inlet to exit. Solution In order to nd the quality at the exhaust of the turbine, χe , we must know one other thermodynamic property at the exit. However, there simply is not enough information provided in the problem to do that. Instead, we turn to the energy equation for a turbine. Given our assumptions, the energy equation reduces to, · Wcv = m· ⋅ (hi − he) Using the above expression, we can solve for he and use it to nd χe . First, we must determine hi so that we can rearrange the above expression and, ultimately, solve for he. In order to nd hi , we must rst determine the phase of the water entering the turbine. To do this, we use our saturated pressure table and nd Tsat at pgiven , after which point we  fl  fi      fi   fi  fi   fi  PAGE 28 4   Example 3.8 - Analyzing a Steam Turbine compare it to Tgiven to determine phase. The saturated pressure table is shown in the image below. With Tgiven = 1,000∘F > Tsat , our phase at the inlet is clearly a superheated vapor. Thus, we must use the superheated vapor tables to determine hi . Below is a portion of the superheated vapor table that can be used to extract hi. At Tgiven = 1,000∘F and pgiven = 500 psia, hi = 1521 Btu . lbm Now we can use hi to solve for he via, 6 Btu · Wcv Btu 4.5 ⋅ 10 hr Btu he = hi − · = 1521 − = 1071 lbm m lbm lbm 10,000 hr            PAGE 285 At the exit, we now know that pe = 5 psia and he = 1071 Btu . Although we are asked what lbm the quality is at the exit, and can therefore safely assume that the phase of the steam at the exit is a saturated mixture, it remains good practice to determine phase the usual way. That is, we determine he relative to hf and hg at pe = 5 psia on the saturated pressure table for water. Btu , hf ≤ he ≤ hg . Thus, we do indeed have a saturated lbm At pe = 5 psia and he = 1071 mixture. We can therefore nd the quality at the exit via, χe = he − hf hg − hf Btu = Btu 1071 lbm − 130.18 lbm Btu Btu 1130.7 lbm − 130.18 lbm = 0.94 Here we nd that 6% of the substance is liquid at the exit. Typically, we attempt to design a steam turbine such that χe > 0.9 in order to avoid corrosion of the turbine blades over time.       fi     fi   PAGE 286 Pumps and Compressors Pumps and compressors are integral components in many power and refrigeration systems. These devices use (i.e., consume) power to increase the pressure of a uid. Pumps are designed to increase the pressure of liquids, while compressors are designed to increase the pressure of gases. · Figure 3.21. Pump (left) and compressor (right) with one inlet (1) and one exit (2). A rotating shaft is drawn to help visualize Wcompressor The general form of the energy equation reads as follows, · · 0 = Qcv − Wcv + 2 2 V̄ V̄ i m· i ⋅ hi + − m· e ⋅ he + e ∑ ∑ ( ( 2 ) exits 2 ) inlets (3.56) which is equivalent to Eqn. 3.55. And, if there is only a single inlet and single exit, V̄ − V̄ e · · 0 = Qcv − Wcv + m· ⋅ (hi − he) + i ( ) 2 2 2 Finally, if the device is insulated and the change in kinetic energy is negligible, we nd, · Wcv = m· ⋅ (hi − he) For incompressible liquids in a pump, the change in speci c enthalpy can be simpli ed as, hi − he = cp ⋅ (Ti − Te) + ν ⋅ (pi − pe) Normally, we assume that ΔT across the pump is negligible, such that, · Wpump = m· ⋅ νf (T ) ⋅ (pi − pe) Where νf (T ) is the saturated liquid speci c volume of the uid at T = Ti = Te. fi fi  fl  fl fi fi         PAGE 287 Throttles A throttle controls the ow rate of a uid by changing the open area through which the uid can pass. From a thermodynamics perspective, the analysis of a throttle is relatively straightforward. For the thermodynamic systems we will study, one can neglect the change in kinetic and potential energies between the inlet and the exit of the throttle. Likewise, there is no input power to the throttle during steady-state operation (when it is not moving), and it is unlikely that heat is lost to (or gained from) the surroundings. Thus, the simpli ed form of the energy equation becomes, hi = he (3.58) Note, however, that if the nozzle gains or loses heat, one must instead begin their energy analysis with Eqn. 3.57. Heat Exchangers Devices that produce power or cool or heat spaces often rely on heat exchangers to transfer heat into a separate uid for rejection into a particular space. In general, heat exchangers are devices that transfer heat between uid streams, and we can classify them into two distinct types: 1. Non-mixing 2. Mixing We will analyze each individual type of heat exchanger and examine how their physical aspects lead to mathematical assumptions that simplify the energy equation. Non-mixing Heat Exchangers A non-mixing heat exchanger exchanges heat between two uids that are completely separated from one another by a solid surface. These types of heat exchangers are commonly found in car radiators, baseboard home radiators, and condensers in common air conditioning units. An engineering schematic is provided in the gure below. fl fl fi  fl fl fl fl  fi PAGE 288 Figure 3.22. Schematic of a non-mixing heat exchanger with · · uids A (hot) and B (cold). Q is shown to indicate the direction of heat transfer between the uids. Note that Qcv is the heat exchange between the heat exchanger and the surrounding environment, demarcated by the dashed line. In this case, we have a device that has multiple inlets and exits that do not interact with one another. Therefore, the conservation of mass tells us that, m· Ai = m· Ae = m· A and, m· Bi = m· Be = m· B However, energy can transfer between uid streams. Assuming that there are no changes in potential and kinetic energy, and that no power is required to transfer heat from the hot stream to the cold stream, the energy equation is initially written as, · 0 = Qcv + ∑ inlets m· i ⋅ hi − ∑ exits m· e ⋅ he Simplifying with the inlets and exits of the heat exchanger, we have, · 0 = Qcv + m· Ai ⋅ hAi + m· Bi ⋅ hB,i − m· Ae ⋅ hA,e − m· B,e ⋅ hB,e We can further simplify the above expression using the relationship between the mass ow rates that we developed by applying the conservation of mass to each uid stream, · 0 = Qcv + m· A ⋅ (hA,i − hA,e) + m· B ⋅ (hB,i − hB,e) (3.57) fl fl  fl fl       fl  PAGE 289 · Note here that Qcv is NOT the heat exchange between the two uids, but the heat transfer rate between the heat exchanger and the surrounding environment (see Fig. 3.22). Thus, if the heat exchanger is insulated on the outside (i.e., between the environment and the uids inside of the heat exchanger), Eqn. 3.57 simpli es to, 0 = m· A ⋅ (hA,i − hA,e) + m· B ⋅ (hB,i − hB,e) Thus, the change in uid enthalpies controls the rate at which heat is exchanged between the two uids. Mixing Heat Exchangers A number of applications use mixing heat exchangers to achieve an outlet temperature intermediate to the temperatures of the inlet uids. For instance, the faucet in your sink or shower uses one hot and one cold stream of water to produce a uid that exits the faucet at some intermediate temperature. The temperature of the water at the exit is controlled by adjusting the mass ow rate of one or both uids with a valve. An engineering schematic is provided in the gure below. · Figure 3.23. Schematic of a mixing heat exchanger with uids A (hot), B (cold) and C (intermediate). Note that Qcv is the heat exchange between the heat exchanger and the surrounding environment, demarcated by the dashed line. In this case, the uids in the heat exchanger do interact. Thus, the conservation of mass reads, m· Ai + m· B,i = m· C,e Again, we assume that the potential and kinetic energy terms are negligible in the energy equation, and that no power is required to drive heat from the hot uid to the cold uid. Thus, the energy equation reads, fl fl  fl fl fl fi fl fl  fl  fl fl fi fl  fl  PAGE 290 · 0 = Qcv + ∑ inlets m· i ⋅ hi − Considering all inlets and exits in Fig. 3.22, we nd, ∑ exits m· e ⋅ he (3.58) · 0 = Qcv + m· Ai ⋅ hA,i + m· B,i ⋅ hB,i − m· C,e ⋅ hC,e Note that the number of inlets and exits may change between heat exchangers. Thus, you should always begin with Eqn. 3.58 when analyzing mixing heat exchangers. Note also that if the heat exchanger is insulated on the outside, no heat can cross the system boundaries · and Qcv = 0 in Eqn. 3.58. Now let’s look at an example problem that combines these two di erent types of heat exchangers. ff fi     PAG E 2 91 A well-insulated feedwater heater is also used to pre-heat oil. The oil and water are kept separate. Water exits the heat exchanger as a saturated liquid at 20 psia and with a mass ow rate of 40 lbm/s. Of the water entering the heat exchanger, 85% enters at 20 psia and 80 ∘F and the rest enters at 20 psia and 250 ∘F . The oil ( ρ = 57 lbm /ft 3 , c = 0.4 Btu /lbm ⋅∘ F) enters at 70∘F and exits at 150∘F. What is the volumetric ow rate of the oil [in gpm]? Solution Since we are not given any information about the ow rate (e.g., mass ow rate) of the oil, · there is no way to directly solve for Voil using the conservation of mass for the oil stream. Instead, we must turn to the energy equation. Recall that the system energy (and ultimately the temperature changes within the system) is controlled by the mass ow rate. Because the heat exchanger is well insulated, the energy equation is simpli ed to, 0= ∑ inlets m· i ⋅ hi − ∑ exits m· e ⋅ he Substituting for all inlets and exits, the above expression becomes, fl  fl fl fi   fl     PAGE 292  fl  Example 3.9 - Combination Heat Exchanger Likewise, the conservation of mass for each independent ow stream yields, m· w1,i + m· w2,i = m· w,e and, m· oil,i = m· oil,e = m· oil · Ultimately, we are looking for Voil, which is related to the mass ow rate via, · m· oil = Voil ⋅ ρoil Thus, we can ultimately rearrange the energy equation to solve for m· oil as, m· w,e ⋅ hw,e − m· w1,i ⋅ hw1,i − m· w2,i ⋅ hw2,i m· oil = ho,i − ho,e To solve for m· oil, we need to nd all mass ow rates and enthalpies on the right-hand side of the above expression. To nd the mass ow rates, we can use the conservation of mass as applied to the water stream. We know that m· e = 40 lbm /s, and that 85% of the water enters the rst inlet and the remaining 15% enters the second inlet. Thus, the conservation of mass for the water stream becomes, lbm lbm lbm · · · mw2,i = mw,e − 0.85 ⋅ mw,e = 40 − 0.85 ⋅ 40 =6 s s s lbm . s This must mean that m· w1,i = 34 Our nal task is to determine the enthalpy at each inlet and exit. For the oil, which is an incompressible substance, we can solve for ho,i − ho,e as, ho,i − ho,e = coil ⋅ (Toil,i − Toil,e) = 0.4 Btu Btu ∘ ∘ ⋅ (70 F − 150 F ) = − 32 lbm ⋅∘ F lbm Because our other uid is water, we must use the appropriate tables to nd each enthalpy. For the rst entrance, we determine the phase of our substance at pw1,i = 20 psia and Tw1,i = 80∘F using the saturated pressure table for water. fi   fl fl   fl fl     fi fi   fl    fi  fi PAGE 293 fi   0 = m· w1,i ⋅ hw1,i + m· w2,i ⋅ hw2,i + m· oil,i ⋅ ho,i − m· w,e ⋅ hw,e − m· oil,e ⋅ hoil,e liquid. In this case, hw1,i = hf (Tw1,i) + νf (Tw1,i) ⋅ (Pgiven − Psat(Tw1,i)) Btu ft 3 lbf lbf 144in 2 1Btu hw1,i = 48.07 + 0.01607 ⋅ 20 2 − 0.507 2 ⋅ ⋅ lbm lbm ( in in ) ft 2 778ft ⋅ lbf hw1,i = 48.13 Btu lbm where we use the saturated temperature table to nd hf, νf, and Psat. In the same vein, we use the saturated pressure table to determine the phase of the water entering the second inlet. Here, pw2,i = 20 psia and Tw2,i = 250∘F . Using the saturated water pressure table, we nd that Tw2,i = 250∘F > Tsat = 227.92∘F , and we must therefore have a superheated vapor. Using the table above, we interpolate to nd hw2,i, 250∘F − 240∘F Btu Btu Btu Btu hw2,i = ⋅ 1181.9 − 1162.3 + 1162.3 = 1167.2 ( 280∘F − 240∘F ) ( lbm lbm ) lbm lbm     fi  fi   fi    PAGE 294    At 20 psia, Tw1,i = 80∘F < Tsat = 227.92∘F . Thus, the water at entrance 1 is a compressed nd hw,e by determining hf at pw,e = 20 psia. This value is determined to be hw,e = 196.27 Btu /lbm. Now we solve for m· oil as, m· oil = Btu lbm Btu lbm Btu 40 lbm ⋅ 196.27 − 34 ⋅ 48.13 − 6 ⋅ 1167.2 s s s lbm lbm lbm lbm = 24.65 s Btu −32 lbm Now we solve for the volume ow rate of the oil as, lbm · 24.65 m 1gal 60s gal · s Voil = oil = ⋅ ⋅ = 194.1 ρoil 0.1337ft 3 1min min 57 lbm ft 3  fi  fl    PAGE 295    Finally, we know that the exit is a saturated liquid at 20 psia. Thus, we H E A T E X C H A N G E R A N A LY S I S : E F F E C T I V E N E S S - N T U In the previous section, our discussion of heat exchangers focused on the use of enthalpy to determine inlet and outlet temperatures or the heat transfer rate between uids. While this is generally appropriate for our analysis of the performance of power and refrigeration systems, it typically isn’t a su cient method to design or size heat exchangers for these systems. In fact, it is common not to know the outlet temperatures of the heat exchanger apriori. In such a case, it would not be possible to assess the performance of a power or refrigeration system as there would be not mechanism to nd the enthalpy at the appropriate outlet. In this section, we will use information about the inner workings of speci c types of heat exchangers in order to determine heat exchanger performance, design heat exchangers, or solve for unknown temperatures. The method used here, and described in other heat transfer textbooks, is widely referred to as ε -NTU, where ε represents the e ectiveness of the heat exchanger and NTU is referred to as the “Number of Transfer Units”. We will describe each term in detail as we learn to use this method for heat exchanger analysis. Heat Exchanger Types As we will see, the type of heat exchanger we have will in part dictate its performance. Details of di erent heat exchanger types are provided below. Double-pipe Heat Exchangers A double-pipe heat exchanger is one in which heat is transferred between two di erent temperatures that uids at ow through concentric pipes. Heat is transferred across the Figure 3.24. Parallel (left) and counter- ow (right) heat exchangers, in which uids ow through concentric tubes in speci c directions. fl ff fi fi fl  fl fl fi  ffi fl fl ff  ff PAGE 296 uids, as shown in the schematics in Fig. 3.24. Note that we specify two con gurations according to the direction that each uid ows: (1) parallel ow, in which both uids ow the same direction, and (2) counter- ow, in which the uids move in opposite directions. Figure 3.25. Parallel (left) and counter- ow (right) heat exchangers, with corresponding length of the heat exchanger. uid temperatures as a function of distance along the Note that as the length of the heat exchanger, L, approaches ∞, the relative e ectiveness of each heat exchanger will be di erent. In the case of parallel ow, there is some critical distance at which the uids reach an equilibrium temperature, and beyond which there is negligible heat transfer between the uids. On the other hand, as L is extended in the case of the counter- ow heat exchanger, the outlet temperatures begin to approach the inlet temperatures of the opposite uid (e.g., the outlet temperature of the cold uid approaches the inlet temperature of the hot uid). Thus, beyond some critical distance L and prior to L → ∞, the e ectiveness of the counter- ow heat exchanger is larger than that of the parallel ow heat exchanger. The selection of which should be used, then, depends on the required outlet temperature and the allowable size of the heat exchanger. fl fl ff fl fl fl fl fl  fl fl fl fl ff fl fl fl fl fl fl fi fl ff fl PAGE 297   thin wall that separates the One typical constraint when designing a heat exchanger is an upper-limit to its size. For some applications (e.g., car radiators), there is a limit to the amount of space that the heat exchanger can possibly occupy. In such cases, compact heat exchangers are required to achieve reasonable heat transfer rates while also maintaining small form factors. In general, compact heat exchangers are also used when heat must be transferred between a liquid and a gas. This is primarily due to the fact that gases generally produce low values of the convection coe cient, h, acting over a surface (for a full description of convection heat transfer, please refer to Chapter 2). In order to achieve higher heat transfer rates and smaller design footprints, compact heat exchangers are designed to provide ultra-high surface area-to-volume ratios, where, β= As V (3.59) In Eqn. 3.59, As is the surface area for heat transfer and V is the volume of the heat exchanger. For a heat exchanger to be considered compact, its surface area to volume ratio must be greater than 700 m 2 /m 3 (or 200 ft 2 /ft 3 ). Some examples of compact heat exchangers include car radiators (~1,000 m 2 /m 3 ), gas turbine heat exchangers (~6,000 m 2 /m 3), and the human lung (~ 20,000 m 2 /m 3). For applications in which heat must be transferred between a gas and a liquid, a uid is usually passed over a tube (or series of tubes) in a parallel or perpendicular orientation (usually guided by ns that increase the surface area between the uids). Likewise, orientations that promote uid mixing have very di erent heat transfer characteristics from those that do not, as we will see in the ε − NTU charts in the following sections. Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers Industrial systems that require heat exchange with the ambient environment most often utilize shell-and-tube heat exchangers. This is principally due to their capacity, or ability to discharge/absorb heat at very high rates. In these types of heat exchangers, one uid ows through the outer “shell” side, and one ows through an inner series of tubes. It is important to understand that the shell-and-tube con guration can be run in parallel ow or counter ow, and its e ectiveness mimics that of the counter ow and parallel ow descriptions provided above. For that reason, we generally fl fl ff ff fl  fl    fl  fl  fl fl fi ffi  fl  PAGE 298 fi  fl Compact Heat Exchangers use the ε − NTU correlations associated with those ow types. A schematic of a shell-andtube heat exchanger is provided below. Figure 3.26. Schematic of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger showing the system’s ba es, shell, and series of tubes. Inlets and outlets are marked with arrows and colored for the appropriate uid inlet temperature. Note that we have indicated ba es in Fig. 3.26, which are used to ensure that all of the uid on the shell side comes into contact with the surface containing the uid in the tubes. This maximizes the heat transfer rate between the two uids because it maximizes the surface area for heat transfer. We classify shell-and-tube heat exchangers by the number of passes the uid makes on each of the shell side and tube side. A “pass” is considered to be when the uid makes its way from one side of the heat exchanger to the other. As an example, a one shell pass, two tube pass shell-and-tube heat exchanger is shown in the image below. Figure 3.27. One shell pass, two tube pass shell-and-tube heat exchanger con guration. Tube passes from one end to the other twice. fl fl fl fl ffl fl fl fi ffl fl   PAGE 299 The performance (i.e., e ectiveness) of a heat exchanger is governed by the heat transfer rate between uids. Thus, we must understand how to determine the heat transfer rate between the uids in order to ultimately gauge the e ectiveness of any particular heat exchanger. To do this, we de ne an overall heat transfer coe cient, which combines the e ects of multiple modes of heat transfer. In the heat exchangers we’ll encounter, heat must transfer from one moving uid, through a solid wall, and to another moving uid. The solid wall may or may not include extended surfaces ( ns) to improve the heat transfer rate into one or both of the uids. We therefore have both conduction and convection heat transfer between the two uids in a heat exchanger. In order to calculate a heat transfer rate between them, we use combine these modes into an overall heat transfer coe cient, U (W/m 2 ⋅ K). We can relate the overall heat transfer coe cient to the heat transfer rate via, Q = U ⋅ As ⋅ ΔT (3.60) To calculate the overall heat transfer coe cient, we utilize the concepts we developed in our discussion of thermal resistor networks. Consider the case of a concentric tube, as shown below. Figure 3.28. Fluid ow in a concentric tube. Outer uid is hot and inner uid is cold. Right image shows the equivalent resistor network that describes heat transfer from the hot uid to the cold uid at a speci c point along the length of the heat exchanger. The resistor network in Fig. 3.28 describes the resistance to heat ow from the hot (outer) uid to the cold (inner) uid. In this case, heat ows by convection from the outer uid to ff fl fl fl fl fl ffi ff  fl fl ffi fi ffi  fl fl fl fi ffi ff fl fl ffi fl fl fl fi PAGE 300  fl Overall Heat Transfer Coe cient the wall, by conduction through the wall, and nally by convection to the inner uid. The total thermal resistance is therefore, Rtot = Rcv,o + Rcd,w + Rcv,i (3.61) where the convection resistance is described by, Rcv = 1 h ⋅ As and As is the surface area of the part of the tube that a uid comes in contact with, As = π ⋅ d ⋅ L In the above expression, L is the length of the tube. Likewise, the conduction resistance through a wall bounded by concentric cylinders is de ned as, ln do ( i) d Rcd = 2 ⋅ π ⋅ κw ⋅ L where κw is the thermal conductivity of the wall. Finally, we relate the overall heat transfer coe cient to the total thermal resistance as, U ⋅ As = 1 Rtot (3.62) In Eqn. 3.62, the product U ⋅ As requires that an area be speci ed if the inner and outer diameters of the solid wall are di erent. Thus, we can either nd the overall heat transfer coe cient based on the inner area of the wall (Ui ⋅ As,i) or the outer area of the wall (Uo ⋅ As,o). In other words, U ⋅ As = Ui ⋅ As,i = Uo ⋅ As,o (3.63) In order to determine the e ectiveness of a heat exchanger, you will need to be able to compute the overall heat transfer coe cient according to Eqn. 3.62. Note that Eqn. 3.61 is more complex for the case where separating the two ns are attached to either (or both) sides of the wall uids. When designing a heat exchanger, keep in mind that ns are typically used to transfer heat to or from a gas. fi fl  fi fi fl fi fi      ffi fi   ff ff  fl    ffi ffi PAG E 3 01 A double-pipe shell-and-tube heat exchanger is constructed with AISI 1010 Carbon Steel and contains 50 tubes each making a single pass through the heat exchanger. The tubes have an inner diameter of di = 15 mm and an outer diameter of do = 30 mm. Water ows inside of the tubes with a mass ow rate of m· w = 0.5 kg/s, while oil ows through the shell side. The oil on the shell side produces a convection coe cient of ho = 120 W/m 2 ⋅ K . Assume that the properties of water can be found at an average temperature of 50∘C. The length of the tube is L = 1 m and the kinematic viscosity of the water is measured to be 5.53 ⋅ 10−7 m 2 /s. Determine the overall heat transfer coe cient based on the inner area of the tube. For reference, the Nusselt number correlation for turbulent ow through a pipe is, Nu = 0.023 ⋅ Re 0.8 ⋅ Pr 1/3 and recall that, Nu = h⋅d κf where d is the diameter of the tube and κf is the thermal conductivity of the uid owing through it. fl fl fl   fl fl   ffi ffi ffi     fl   PAGE 302   Example 3.10 - Calculating an Overall Heat Transfer Coe cient Solution To calculate the overall heat transfer coe cient based on the inner area of the tube, we use, Ui ⋅ As,i = 1 Rtot or, Ui = 1 Rtot ⋅ As,i Thus, in order to nd Ui, we must rst compute Rtot as, Rtot = Rcv,o + Rcd,w + Rcv,i We determine Rcv,o using the information provided in the problem, 1 Rcv,o = = ho ⋅ As,o 120 1 K = 0.177 W ⋅ π ⋅ 0.015m ⋅ 1m W m2 ⋅ K Likewise, we nd Rcd,w via, Rcd,w = ln ( di ) 0.03m ln 0.015m ( ) do 2 ⋅ π ⋅ κw ⋅ L = 2 ⋅ π ⋅ 49.8 ⋅ mW⋅ K ⋅ 1m Finally, we must determine Rcv,i . To do this, we must requires knowledge of the = 0.0022 K W nd the Nusselt number, which ow regime (i.e., laminar, mixed, or turbulent ow). The ow regime itself can be determined using the Reynolds number, which is calculated as, kg 4 ⋅ 0.5 s V̄ ⋅ d 4 ⋅ m· ReD = = = = 77,620 N ⋅ s −4 ν π⋅d⋅μ π ⋅ 0.015m ⋅ 5.468 ⋅ 10 m2 Since ReD > 2300 , we clearly have turbulent ow. Thus, we can use the Nu correlation provided in the problem statement, where Prw = 3.77. Nu = 0.023 ⋅ (77,620)0.8 ⋅ (3.77)1/3 = 292.29 Now we can solve for hi as, fl fl fi  fl  ffi   fi   fl     fi    fi    PAGE 303 hi = Nu ⋅ κf di = 292.29 ⋅ 0.64 mW⋅ K 0.015m W = 12,471 2 m ⋅K Thus, Rcv,i = 1 = hi ⋅ As,i 12,471 1 W ⋅ π ⋅ 0.03m ⋅ 1m m2 ⋅ K = 0.00085 K W Now, Rtot = 0.177 K K K K + 0.0022 + 0.00085 = 0.18 W W W W Finally, Ui = 1 K 0.18 W ⋅ π ⋅ 0.015m ⋅ 1m = 117.9 W m2 ⋅ K Note that the dominant thermal resistor in this network was the convection resistance on the shell-side. In order to facilitate a lower thermal resistance, and therefore a higher overall heat transfer coe cient, one could add ns to the outer surface of the wall. fi ffi      PAGE 30 4 In practice, we wish to either: (1) size a heat exchanger (e.g., limit or solve for As ), or (2) determine a particular heat exchanger’s total capacity (Q). To do this, we turn to a procedural method that relates heat exchanger e ectiveness to its total capacity, expressed in terms of the heat exchanger’s “Number of Transfer Units”, or NTU. Let’s consider a very basic heat exchanger, where two uids are adjacent to each other and separated by a wall, as shown in the gure below. In this particular case, the hot uid is above the cold uid, but the orientation of the uids is irrelevant to our present discussion. Figure 3.29. Heat transfer rate, Q, from the hot uid to the cold uid. From the perspective of system A, heat is leaving the system, while from the · perspective of system B, heat is entering the system. Note that Qcv is the heat leaving or entering the system to or from the surroundings in this case, as we have chosen our system such that it crosses its boundaries. We examine Fig. 3.29 from the perspective of two individual systems. If we consider the hot uid to be the system, then heat is leaving the system. On the other hand, if we consider the cold uid to be the system, then heat is entering the system. We can write the heat transfer rate according to an energy balance. Let’s consider the water in the system to be incompressible. The energy balance reads, · 0 = Qcv + ∑ inlets m· i ⋅ hi − ∑ inlets m· e ⋅ he We assumed in this case that there are not changes in potential and kinetic energy. Given that we have only one inlet and one exit, and that we are assuming that water is incompressible (Δh = cp ⋅ ΔT), we obtain, · Qcv = m· ⋅ cp ⋅ (Te − Ti) (3.64) fl  fl ff fl fl  fi  fl   fl  fl PAGE 305 ff fl E ectiveness-NTU Method · Using the above expression for Qcv, we can write the heat transfer rate from the perspective of each uid system, Fluid System A - Hot Fluid (subscript h) · Qcv = m· ⋅ cp,h ⋅ (Th,in − Th,out ) (3.65) Fluid System B - Cold Fluid (subscript c) · Qcv = m· ⋅ cp,c ⋅ (Tc,out − Tc,in) (3.66) Note that in Eqn. 3.65, the temperature di erence does not re ect the order of the temperatures shown in Eqn. 3.64. This is because heat leaves system A, and is therefore negative. When designing a heat exchanger, it is common not to know all of the temperatures in Eqns. · 3.65 and 3.66, and we often can not nd the heat transfer rate Qcv (i.e., when designing a heat exchanger, we are often left with the two equations 3.65 and 3.66, but 3 unknown values between them). To solve such problems, we de ne the terms heat exchanger e ectiveness, ε, and the number of transfer units, NTU. · Qcv ε= · Qmax (3.67) · where Qmax is the maximum possible heat transfer rate for a particular heat exchanger, de ned as, · Qmax = Cmin ⋅ (Thi − Tc,i) (3.68) We de ne Cmin as the minimum capacity rate. Each uid has a capacity rate, C, de ned as, Ch = m· h ⋅ cp,h (3.69) Cc = m· c ⋅ cp,c (3.70) for the hot uid, and, where cp is the speci c heat capacity for each particular uid. Thus, the minimum capacity rate is de ned as the minimum vale produced by Eqns. 3.69 and 3.70. Now we de ne the Number of Transfer Units as, fi fl  fi fl fl ff    fi     fi  fl fi  fi fl    fi fi ff PAGE 306 U ⋅ As Cmin (3.71) where NTU is a function of the overall heat transfer coe cient. A useful relationship to remember when computing NTU is Eqn. 3.63, or U ⋅ As = Ui ⋅ As,i = Uo ⋅ As,o. · In practical design problems, we either don’t know the capacity of the heat exchanger (Qcv) or we want to size the heat exchanger (i.e., solve for As ). Let’s call the former Case A and the latter Case B. In both cases, we will not have enough information to directly solve for · Qcv or As directly. Instead, we use well-established relationships between ε and NTU for speci c types of heat exchangers. These relationships are provided in the gures and tables below. These relationships are shown as a function of the capacity ratio, cr, de ned as, Cmax Cmin cr = (3.72) Figure 3.29. E ectiveness-NTU plots for concentric pipe parallel ow and counter ow heat exchangers. Additional plots of ε − NTU are provided in the Appendix of this textbook. The charts in the Appendix have ner resolution and can better be used to solve practical engineering problems. Note that cr = 0 when one uid undergoes a phase change! Below are tables with relationships that are used to calculate heat exchanger e ectiveness. For the shell-and-tube con guration, we calculate the total e ectiveness of the heat exchanger by rst computing the e ectiveness for one shell pass, ε1 . For a one shell pass heat exchanger, then, ε = ε1 . Additionally, for a single shell pass we use the surface area for only one shell, and label NTU as NTU1.  ff fi  fi   ffi ff  fl    fl  fl ff fi  fi   ff   fi PAGE 307 fi  NTU = ε − N TU: Solving for ε when NTU can be calculated with known parameters Heat Exchanger Type E ectiveness Relation Concentric Pipe, Parallel Flow ε= 1 − ex p[−N T U ⋅ (1 + cr )] 1 + cr Concentric Pipe, Counter Flow ε= 1 − ex p[−N T U ⋅ (1 − cr )] 1 − cr ⋅ ex p[−N T U ⋅ (1 − cr )] Shell-and-tube, One shell pass (2,4,… tube passes) ε1 = 2 ⋅ 1 + cr + (1 + cr ) ( Shell-and-tube, n shell passes (2n, 4n,… tube passes) ε= Cross- ow (single pass): Both uids unmixed 1/2 1 + ex p[−N T U1 ⋅ (1 + cr2 )1/2] ⋅ 1 − ex p[−N T U1 ⋅ (1 + cr2 )1/2] ) −1 1 − ε1 ⋅ cr 1 − ε1 ⋅ cr −1 ⋅ − cr [( 1 − ε1 ) ] [( 1 − ε1 ) ] n ε = 1 − ex p n −1 1 ⋅ (N T U )0.22 ⋅ (ex p[−cr ⋅ (N T U )0.78] − 1) [( cr ) ] 1 ⋅ 1 − ex p[−cr ⋅ (1 − ex p(−N T U ))]) ( cr ) ( Cross- ow (single pass): Cma x (mixed), Cmin (unmixed) ε= Cross- ow (single pass): Cma x (unmixed), Cmin (mixed) ε = 1 − ex p(−cr−1 ⋅ (1 − ex p[−cr ⋅ (N T U )])) All Heat Exchangers when cr = 0 ε = 1 − ex p(−N T U ) Below is a table to determine the Number of Transfer units based on a computation of ε. Table 3.3. E ectiveness-NTU Equations. ε − N TU: Solving for NTU (or As) when ε can be calculated with known parameters Heat Exchanger Type Concentric Pipe, Parallel Flow E ectiveness Relation NTU = − ln[1 − ε ⋅ (1 + cr )] 1 + cr NTU = 1 ε −1 ⋅ ln ( ε ⋅ cr − 1 ) cr − 1 NTU = ε 1−ε Concentric Pipe, Counter Flow Shell-and-tube, One shell pass (2,4,… tube passes) E= (cr < 1) (cr = 1) (N T U )1 = − (1 + cr2 )−1/2 ⋅ ln E−1 where, (E+1) 2 − (1 + cr ) ε1 (1 + cr2 )1/2 N T U = n ⋅ (N T U )1 where, Shell-and-tube, n shell passes (2n, 4n,… tube passes) F−1 ε1 = F − cr ε ⋅ cr − 1 and F = ( ε −1 ) 1/n Cross- ow (single pass): Cma x (mixed), Cmin (unmixed) 1 N T U = − ln 1 + ⋅ ln(1 − ε ⋅ cr ) [ ( cr ) ] Cross- ow (single pass): Cma x (unmixed), Cmin (mixed) ε =− All Heat Exchangers when cr = 0 1 ⋅ ln[cr ⋅ ln(1 − ε) + 1] ( cr ) N T U = − ln(1 − ε)        fl          ff ff fl fl fl fl fl ff PAGE 308 ff                     Table 3.2. E ectiveness-NTU Equations. Hot engine oil requires cooling in a shell-and-tube heat exchanger that contains one shell and 2 tubes. The tubes have very thin walls with an internal diameter of di = 2 cm. The length of each tube pass in the heat exchanger is L = 26 m and the overall heat transfer coe cient based on the inner part of the tube wall is Ui = 310 W/m2⋅K. Cooling water ows through the tubes while oil ows through the shell. The cooling water ows through the tube with a mass ow rate of m· tube = 0.5 kg/s and oil ows through the shell with a mass ow rate of 0.4 kg/s. Determine the outlet temperatures for the water and the oil. The water and oil enter at temperatures of 23∘C and 157∘C, respectively. Solution In principle, the outlet temperatures can be determined using the energy equation for either of the water or oil systems, · Qcv,water = Cw ⋅ (Tw,e − Tw,i) and, · Qcv,oil = Coil ⋅ (Toil,i − Toil,e) fl    fl     fl   fl ff  fl PAGE 309 ffi fl Example 3.11 - E ectiveness-NTU: Determining Outlet Temperatures (CASE A) · determine the e ectiveness of this heat exchanger, · Qcv ε= · Qmax · which can be rearranged to solve for Qcv as, · Qcv = ε ⋅ Cmin ⋅ (Toil,i − Tw,i) Thus, we must determine the e ectiveness of the heat exchanger using an ε − NTU relation. For a one shell pass (2,4,… tube pass) heat exchanger, this relationship is de ned as, 1 + exp[−NTU1 ⋅ (1 + cr2)1/2] 1/2 ε1 = 2 ⋅ 1 + cr + (1 + cr ) ⋅ ( 1 − exp[−NTU1 ⋅ (1 + cr2)1/2] ) −1 where ε = ε1 because there is only one shell pass. To compute the e ectiveness, then, we must determine cr and NTU. Here, cr is determined by solving for the capacity rate of each uid, kg J W kW Cw = m· water ⋅ cp,water = 0.5 ⋅ 4182 = 2091 = 2.091 s kg ⋅ K K K and, kg J W kW Coil = m· oil ⋅ cp,oil = 0.4 ⋅ 2471 = 988.4 = 0.988 s kg ⋅ K K K Thus, Cmin = Coil = 988.4 W/K and Cmax = Cwater = 2091 W/K. Now, 988.4 W Cmin K cr = = = 0.47 W Cmax 2091 K Finally, we calculate NTU as, NTU = U ⋅ As Cmin fi   ff       ff    ff      PAG E 310  fl · However, we do not know either of the exit temperatures or Qcv . To solve for Qcv we must Here, we must calculate U ⋅ As . Since we are given an inner diameter, we will actually compute Ui ⋅ As,i. The problem provides us with Ui and thus, Ui ⋅ As,i = 310 W W ⋅ 2 ⋅ π ⋅ 0.02m ⋅ 26m = 1012.8 m2 ⋅ K K We included the factor 2 in the expression for the surface area because there are 2 tube passes in this system. Now, NTU = Ui ⋅ As,i Cmin = 1012.8 W K 988.4 W K = 1.02 We can substitute both cr and NTU into the expression for ε to yield, 2 1/2 2 1/2 1 + exp[−1.02 ⋅ (1 + 0.47 ) ε = 2 ⋅ 1 + 0.47 + (1 + 0.47 ) ⋅ [ 1 − exp[−1.02 ⋅ (1 + 0.472)1/2 ] −1 = 0.55 Using ε, we nd that, W · · Qcv = ε ⋅ Qcv,max = 0.55 ⋅ 988.4 ⋅ (157∘C − 23∘C) = 72,845 W K · Using Qcv, we solve for Toil,e as, · Qcv 72,845 W ∘ Toil,e = Toil,i − = 157∘C − = 83.3 C W Coil 988.4 K and for Twater,e as, · Qcv 72,845W ∘ ∘ Twater,e = Twater,i + = 23 C + = 57.84 C W Cwater 2,091 K           fi       P A G E 3 11 Example 3.12 - E ectiveness-NTU: Sizing a Heat Exchanger (CASE B) Let’s imagine that in problem 3.11, the oil temperature at the exit was required to be 70∘C, and we wanted to know what the size of the heat exchanger should be to achieve the proposed temperature drop for the oil. If all other parameters remain the same (and we no longer know the exit temperature of the water), solve for L. Solution In this problem, we no longer know the e ectiveness as NTU will change. Instead, we solve · · for e ectiveness using Qcv and Qcv,max, · Qcv Coil ⋅ (Toil,i − Toil,e) ∘ ∘ 988.4 W ⋅ (157 C − 70 C) K ε= · = = = 0.65 W ∘ ∘ Cmin ⋅ (Toil,i − Twater,i) Qcv,max 988.4 ⋅ (157 C − 23 C ) K Thus, the required e ectiveness in order to achieve an oil exit temperature of 70∘ C is 0.65. Now we can solve for the Number of Transfer Units using an ε − NTU relation. NTU = − (1 + cr2)−1/2 ⋅ ln E−1 (E + 1) where,    ff    ff ff   ff PA G E 312 2/ε − (1 + cr ) 2/0.65 − (1 + 0.47) = = 1.45 2 1/2 2 1/2 (1 + cr ) (1 + 0.47 ) E= Therefore, NTU = (−1 + 0.472)−1/2 ⋅ ln 1.45 − 1 = 1.53 ( 1.45 + 1 ) Now we can use NTU to solve for As, and ultimately L. As = π ⋅ di ⋅ L ⋅ n = NTU ⋅ Cmin Ui where n is the number of tube passes. Thus, W 1.53 ⋅ 988.4 K NTU ⋅ Cmin L= = = 38.82 m W Ui ⋅ π ⋅ di ⋅ n 310 ⋅ π ⋅ 0.02m ⋅ 2 m2 ⋅ K       PAG E 313 I N T RO D U C T I O N T O T H E R M O DY N A M I C C YC L E S Thus far, we have discussed two important topics: 1. Closed system processes with moving boundaries and, 2. Open system components (pumps, turbines, heat exchangers, etc.) We will now use these concepts to develop and analyze closed system cycles (piston-cylinderbased engines) and open system cycles (power and refrigeration systems). Using the 1st Law of Thermodynamics will allow us to analyze the performance of an actual cycle, while the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics will provide us with a means to compare the actual performance of each system with the maximum possible e ciency of that system. At this point, you might be wondering what we mean by the term “cycle”. While we may have learned that an expansion process produces power, the process alone does not produce power continuously. Let’s look at where the piston ends up after an expansion, Figure 3.30. Expansion process in a piston-cylinder apparatus. After expansion, the piston rests near the top of the cylinder. In order to repeat the expansion, the gas must eventually be compressed. However, we can not repeat the same expansion process without rst cooling the gas and returning to an ambient condition. And, we must heat the gas to expand it in the rst place. These steps can be put together to form the basis of a simple power cycle (using an ideal gas) as follows, 1. Isobaric compression (p = constant, V = ↓ ) 2. Isometric heat addition (V = constant, p = ↑ ) 3. Isobaric expansion (p = constant, V = ↓ ) 4. Isometric heat removal (V = constant, p = ↓ ) fi ffi fi            PAG E 314 This manifests in a series of process that appear in the following gure. Figure 3.31. A series of thermodynamic processes that make up a cycle, which begins and ends at the same state to achieve continuous net power. In the series of processes depicted in Fig. 3.31, we achieve a cycle, in which we begin and end the series of processes at the same state point (state point 1). We also note that the area bounded by this series of processes is the net work done by the cycle. While it takes some work to compress the gas (i.e., the area under process 1-2), we gain much more energy from the expansion process (i.e., the area bounded by all four processes). However, we do not get this net energy for free! We do have to heat the substance with a fuel, which has some cost associated with it. Likewise, we can not start the process over without discharging heat (i.e., to get from state point 4 to state point 1). Thermodynamically, this implies that we must be in contact with two thermal reservoirs: one hot thermal reservoir and one cold thermal reservoir, as shown in the gure below. Figure 3.32. Schematic of a power system in contact with two thermal reservoirs (hot: top, and cold: bottom) with energy transfer rates. fi fi  PAG E 315 course, one can achieve some net power using an expansion process, but without releasing the heat to a cold reservoir, you can not maintain a cycle. If we analyze the closed system in Fig. 3.32 using a 1st Law analysis, we nd that, · · · · ΔUcycle = Qh − Qc − Wcycle · Since the cycle begins and ends at the same state then ΔUcycle = 0 and, · · · Wcycle = Qh − Qc Thus, the net power produced by the cycle can found by computing the di erence between · · Qh and Qc. This is applicable to both closed and open system cycles. From our construction of the 1st Law for a cycle, we can also obtain a system’s e ciency, ηth. We generally de ne e ciency as, get ηth = pay or what you “get” from the cycle versus what you “pay” to get it. For a power cycle, this amounts to, · · · Wcycle Qh − Qc get ηth = = · = · pay Qh Qh (3.73) where we “pay” with the rate of heat we put into the system to achieve some useful power out. There are two other types of cycles that we will examine in detail in this course, including refrigeration and heat pump cycles. A schematic and the corresponding performance metric for each system is provided below. Refrigeration Cycle A refrigeration system is often referred to as a backward heat engine, because we must supply power to remove heat from the cold reservoir and transfer it into the hot reservoir. While it seems counterintuitive, our means to achieve this are actually quite practical and will be described in much greater detail toward the end of this course. For now, we restrict our attention to the operation of a refrigeration system as a cycle.  ffi ff fi        ffi fi  PAG E 316   Figure 3.32 depicts a simple schematic that shows what’s required to run a power cycle. Of Figure 3.33. Schematic of a refrigeration system in contact with two thermal reservoirs (hot: top, and cold: bottom); we are trying to remove heat from the cold reservoir to maintain it at some temperature, Tc. A 1st Law analysis likewise provides us with, · · · · ΔUcycle = Qc − Qh − (− Wcycle) · Again, ΔUcycle = 0 and, · · · Wcycle = Qh − Qc For a refrigeration system, performance is de ned by a metric called “Coe cient of Performance”, · · Qc Qc get COPR = = · = · · pay Wcycle Qh − Qc (3.74) Heat Pump Cycle A heat pump uses the same working principle as a refrigerator, Figure 3.34. Schematic of a heat pump system in contact with two thermal reservoirs (hot: top, and cold: bottom); we are trying to put heat into the hot reservoir to maintain it at some temperature, Th. ffi fi         PA G E 317 As shown in Fig. 3.34, the point of the heat pump system is to maintain the hot reservoir at some temperature, Th . Note that the basic operating principle remains the same as that shown in Fig. 3.33. Because the direction of each energy transport mechanism is identical to Fig. 3.33, the 1st Law analysis remains the identical as well. The only signi cant di erence is our calculation of the Coe cient of Performance, which reads as, · · Qh Qh get COPHP = = · = · · pay Wcycle Qh − Qc (3.75) S E C O N D L AW O F T H E R M O DY N A M I C S The second law of thermodynamics is of fundamental importance to our characterization of the performance of thermodynamic cycles. In particular, we will see that the 2nd Law provides us with an understanding of irreversibility, which limits the maximum possible performance we can achieve for a given cycle. Carnot Cycle Here we introduce the concept of a maximum theoretical e ciency and use the Carnot cycle to provide context for the limitations of performance governed by the 2nd Law. The Carnot cycle describes a power cycle that is completely reversible when in contact with thermal reservoirs at two di erent temperatures (Th and Tc ). When we refer to a completely reversible process, we are referring to an idealized process - e.g., a process in which everything will return to its initial state. One very simple example of a completely reversible process is a pendulum that swings and returns to its initial position, as shown in the gure below. Figure 3.35. Schematic of a pendulum swinging; release occurs in state 1, swings out to state 2, and returns to state 3, which has the same position as state 1.   fi  ff fi  ffi   ff  ffi  PAG E 318 In the case of the swinging pendulum, the absence of friction is required for the pendulum to reach State 1 upon its return from State 2. Important to note is that the pendulum can not swing beyond its initial position in State 1 or its nal position in State 2 without some additional external force. Thus, an irreversible process represents the best possible performance of a system. When a power cycle operates between two reservoirs at Th and Tc , its performance is also governed by these two bounding states. Thus, for a perfectly reversible cycle, we can say, · Qc Tc = ( Q· h ) Th rev (3.76) which requires that there be no heat loss between the reservoirs and the system. This relationship can be used to de ne a maximum possible e ciency, which we call the Carnot E ciency, ηmax, Tc ηmax = 1 − Th (3.77) Equation 3.76 can also be used to determine the maximum possible coe cient of performance for both a refrigeration and heat pump cycle as, COPR,max = T h Tc 1 (3.78) −1 and, 1 COPHP,max = (3.79) Tc 1− T h Entropy and the Clausius Inequality An irreversible process is one in which there is no change in entropy. Thus, it is useful to frame the above discussion with respect to entropy. This will likewise inform our discussion of the maximum e ciency of individual thermodynamic systems, like compressors, pumps, and turbines. Entropy is a quantitative measure of the state of disorder in a system. Practically, it represents the amount of a system’s thermal energy that can not be converted into ffi  ffi  fi   fi    ffi ffi  PAG E 319 mechanical work during an individual process. Consequently, the entropy of a system can never decrease between state points. It can either (1) remain the same in a completely reversible process, or (2) increase due to an irreversibility (e.g., heat loss, friction, etc.). Such a statement ( rst stated by German physicist Rudolf Clausius, and now termed the Clausius Inequality) allows us to determine whether a system is reversible, irreversible, or impossible. The Clausius Inequality states, δQ dS = ≤0 ∮ T (3.80) where the integral symbol represents a “cyclic integral”, which means that one must integrate across the entire cycle. If the evaluation of Eqn. 3.80 produces a value greater than 0, it is impossible to generate the power or cooling loads indicated. If instead the result is equal to 0, then the process is internally reversible. Finally, if the value is less than 0, then the process is irreversible. Below is an example to demonstrate the way in which we evaluate Eqn. 3.80 for the thermodynamic cycles we will consider in this course. Example A A power cycle is connected to two thermal reservoirs. The hot thermal reservoir has a temperature of Th = 500 K and the cold thermal reservoir has a temperature of Tc = 300 K. An inventor claims that she can operate a power cycle with corresponding heat transfer rates of Qh = 1,000 kJ and Qc = 590 kJ. Is this cycle reversible, irreversible, or impossible? Solution To evaluate the integral in Eqn. 3.80, and assuming the thermal reservoirs are at a constant temperature, we nd, 1,000 kJ −590 kJ + = 0.033 > 0 500 K 300 K Thus, this cycle is impossible. Example B For the problem in Example A, evaluate whether the cycle is possible if it is instead used as a refrigerator.     fi fi    PAGE 320 Solution Now that we have a refrigeration system, the direction of heat ow into and out of the system is opposite that of a power cycle. Considering this, our expression becomes, −1,000 kJ 590 kJ + = − 0.033 < 0 500 K 300 K Thus, this cycle is irreversible. Finding Entropy In order to fully analyze the performance of thermodynamic cycles, we will also need to use entropy. It is therefore useful to explain how we nd entropy for di erent types of substances. Ideal Gases In this course, we will evaluate all thermodynamic properties assuming constant speci c heats. The assumption that the speci c heat is not a function of temperature as an ideal gas changes states typically holds so long as the temperature di erence between the two states is not greater than a few hundred degrees. The expression used to nd the entropy change between states is then, T v s2 − s1 = cv,avg ⋅ ln 2 + R ⋅ ln 2 ( T1 ) ( v1 ) (3.81) or, given the relations between cp, cv, and R, we can rewrite Eqn. 3.81 as, T p s2 − s1 = cp,avg ⋅ ln 2 − R ⋅ ln 2 ( T1 ) ( p1 ) (3.82) where cv,avg and cp,avg are found at the average temperatures between state points. Although we will focus exclusively on cases for which the constant speci c heat method will produce reasonable results, practicing engineers should utilize a variable speci c heat approach to analyze and design thermodynamic systems. Pure Substances The entropy of a pure substance can be found according to the same concepts that govern speci c volume and internal energy. fi ff fi fi fl fi ff fi fi         fi PAG E 3 21 If the substance is determined to be a saturated liquid, the entropy can be found according to, s(T, p) = sf (T ) (3.83) If instead the substance is found to be a saturated mixture, then, s = sf + χ ⋅ (sg − sf ) (3.84) Finally, if the substance is determined to be a superheated vapor, then one must use the superheated vapor tables in the usual way. Isentropic Processes An isentropic process is one in which the entropy does not change from one state to the next; in other words, the process is reversible. As with the Carnot cycle, an isentropic process represents a best case scenario. This is particularly useful for de ning individual device e ciencies, which have isentropic e ciencies. As we will see, isentropic e ciencies relate an actual change in entropy to an isentropic change in entropy. For the moment, we will restrict our discussion of helpful relationships that are the consequence isentropic processes. Ideal Gases When the constant speci c heat assumption is valid, a variety of useful relationships can be used when a process is isentropic (i.e., Δs = 0). In this case, Eqn. 3.81 becomes, T v R ln 2 = − ⋅ ln 2 ( T1 ) ( v1 ) cv,avg which is equivalent to, T v ln 2 = ln 2 ( T1 ) ( v1 ) R cv,avg Knowing that R = cp − cv and k = cp/cv, R/cv = k − 1. Now, v1 = ( T1 ) ( v2 ) T2,s k−1 (3.85) ffi fi   ffi           fi  ffi  PAGE 322 where the subscript s in T2,s is used to indicate that the process from state point 1 to state point 2 is isentropic. One can also rearrange Eqn. 3.82 with Δs = 0 as, ( T1 ) T2,s = p2 ( p1 ) k−1 k (3.86) These two equations can also be set equal to one another to produce a relationship between pressure and volume, v1 = ( p1 ) ( v2 ) p2,s k (3.87) Pure Substances It is useful to examine an isentropic process for a pure substance on a T − s (temperatureentropy) diagram. Figure 3.36. Temperature-entropy diagram for water showing a constant entropy process between states 1 and 2, where we refer to state point 2 as state point “2s” to indicate that the process is isentropic. Dashed-dotted black line is the vapor dome.       PAGE 323 Figure 3.36 shows an isentropic process between two arbitrarily chosen state points. The second state point is labeled with the subscript “s” to indicate that the process is isentropic. With knowledge that a process is isentropic, one can determine unknown properties knowing that s2s = s1. Isentropic E ciencies We can also use isentropic processes to nd the true e ciency of engineering devices (e.g., pumps, compressors, turbines, etc.). To do this, recall that our de nition of a reversible process is one that represents the optimal performance, or when Δs = 0 . Let us look at a Mollier (h-s) diagram for water as an example, Figure 3.37. Enthalpy-entropy diagram for water showing a constant entropy process between states 1 and 2s and an irreversible process between states 1 and 2. Shown for a pressure drop. Shown in Fig. 3.37 are both a constant entropy process across a particular pressure drop (i.e., from state point 1 to state point 2s between pressures of 10 MPa and 1 MPa) and an irreversible process between state points 1 and 2 across the same pressure drop. The above process might describe the pressure drop through a turbine, which produces power. In its simplest form, the energy equation for a turbine can be expressed as, fi  ffi fi  ffi  PAGE 32 4 assuming that there kinetic energy changes are negligible and that the turbine is wellinsulated. If we examine the isentropic process for this pressure drop, we nd that its change in enthalpy is greater than the change in enthalpy for an irreversible process (i.e., Δhs > Δh). Therefore, the isentropic process yields the largest possible power we might expect under these conditions. Turbines The concept described above helps us to de ne an isentropic e ciency for a turbine, which we de ne as, · WT h − h2 η= · = 1 h1 − h2s WT,s · (3.88) · where WT is the actual power produces by the turbine, and WT,s is the power that the turbine would produce if its operating conditions were isentropic. Compressors and Pumps As compressors and pumps are designed to increase the pressure of a uid from inlet to exit, the state points in Fig. 3.37 must be revered, as shown in the gure below. In this gure, the change in entropy for the irreversible process is now greater than that for the isentropic process. This should make sense based on our de nition of power. Again, in the simplest case, we can express the power required by a pump or compressor as, · WT = m· ⋅ (Δh) In this case, though, we wish to minimize the power required to operate a pump or compressor. As a result, the isentropic process again represents our optimal case. Our isentropic e ciency can therefore be de ned as, · WT,s h − h2s η= · = 1 h1 − h2 WT (3.89) For a pump, we can express the isentropic process as, h1 − h2s = νf (T ) ⋅ (p1 − p2) (3.90) fi fl fi fi ffi  fi fi      ffi fi   PAGE 325 fi  · WT = m· ⋅ (Δh) Figure 3.38. Enthalpy-entropy diagram for water showing a constant entropy process between states 1 and 2s and an irreversible process between states 1 and 2. Shown for an increase in pressure. Nozzles Nozzles are generally very e cient, often surpassing a 95% isentropic e ciency. Nozzle e ciencies are based on the relationship between the actual and isentropic kinetic energies at the nozzle exit, and can be calculated using, η= V̄ 22 (3.91) V̄ 22s The nozzle e ciency can also be expressed in terms of enthalpies as, η= h1 − h2 h1 − h2s ffi   ffi ffi  ffi PAGE 326 Steam enters an adiabatic turbine at 1100∘F and 1000 psia and exits as a saturated vapor at 5 psia. What is the isentropic e ciency of the turbine? Solution The isentropic e ciency of a turbine can be expressed as, · WT h − h2 η= · = 1 h1 − h2s WT,s In this problem, we are told that steam is our substance. We consider steam to be a pure substance and must therefore use property tables to nd the values of enthalpy required for us to compute the turbine’s isentropic e ciency. We begin with the inlet, which has a temperature and pressure of 1100∘F and 1000 psia, respectively. First, we must determine the phase of the water at the inlet, which required we use the saturation tables for water. We use the saturated pressure table and locate a pressure of 1000 psia. Because Tgiven = 1100∘F > Tsat = 544.65∘F at pgiven = 1000 psia, we know that we have a superheated vapor. Thus, we must use our superheated vapor tables to obtain h1. Btu From the superheated vapor table, we obtain h1 = 1563.1 . lbm Now we must nd h2s and h2. In the problem statement, we are provided with information about the actual conditions at state point 2. We can simply use the saturated pressure table to determine h2 and locate the saturated vapor condition. However, we will focus on nding h2s rst. To determine h2s , we know that p2s = p2 = 5 psia and that s2s = s1 . From the superheated vapor table, we nd that s2s = s1 = 1.6911 Btu . lbm ⋅ R fi    fi    ffi   ffi  ffi   ffi fi fi     PAGE 327 fi  Example 3.13 - Isentropic E ciency of a Steam Turbine We now examine the saturated pressure table at p2s = p2 = 5 psia and determine the phase of state 2s, Btu is between sf and sg . Thus, we lbm ⋅ R have a saturated mixture. To determine h2s, then, we must nd χ2s, We nd that at p2s = p2 = 5 psia, s2s = s1 = 1.6911    fi      fi PAGE 328 sg − sf = Btu Btu 1.6911 lbm − 0.23488 ⋅R lbm ⋅ R Btu Btu 1.8438 lbm ⋅ R − 0.23488 lbm ⋅ R = 0.905 and h2s can be calculated as, Btu Btu Btu Btu h2s = hf + χ2s ⋅ (hg − hf ) = 130.18 + 0.905 ⋅ 1130.7 − 130.18 = 1035.7 ( lbm lbm lbm ) lbm Finally, h2 can be found directly from the saturated pressure table. We are told that we have Btu a saturated vapor, and h2 is therefore 1130.7 . lbm Now we calculate the turbine e ciency as, Btu Btu · 1563.1 lbm − 1130.7 lbm WT h1 − h2 η= · = = = 0.82 = 82 % Btu Btu h1 − h2s WT,s 1563.1 − 1035.7 lbm lbm  ffi      PAGE 329   χ2s = s2s − sf Saturated liquid water enters a 90% e cient pump at p1 = 200 kPa and discharges at kg p2 = 4000 kPa. If the mass ow rate of the water owing through the pump is m· = 1.2 , s what is the power required to operate the pump? Solution Ultimately, we must nd the power required to operate the pump, which can be expressed as, · Wp = m· ⋅ (h1 − h2) We do not have enough information at state 2 to determine h2 . However, we are given the pump’s isentropic e ciency, which does contain h2. The isentropic e ciency of a pump can be written as, · ν1, f (T ) ⋅ (p1 − p2) WT,s h1 − h2s η= · = = h − h h1 − h2 WT 1 2 In this problem, we must nd enthalpies h1 and h2 . We know that state 1 is a saturated liquid, so that h1 = hf. Since we are provided with p1, we use the saturated pressure table to nd h1. kJ Therefore, h1 = hf = 504.71 . To nd h2 we can rearrange the expression for isentropic kg e ciency and solve for it directly as, ν1, f (T ) ⋅ (p1 − p2) h2 = h1 − η = 504.71 kJ − kg 3 0.00106 mkg ⋅ (200 kPa − 4000 kPa) 0.9 ⋅ 1 kJ kJ = 509.18 1 kPa ⋅ m 3 kg     fl     ffi  fi fl fi ffi  fi ffi ffi     PAGE 330 ffi  fi  Example 3.14 - Isentropic E ciency of a Pump Note that the speci c volume was taken from the saturated temperature table (not shown here) at T1 = 120.21∘C (which is the saturation temperature; in this case, the uid enters as a saturated liquid, so it must be at the saturation temperature). Finally, the power to operate the pump is calculated to be, kg kJ kJ · Wp = 1.2 ⋅ 504.71 − 509.18 = − 5.36 kW s ( kg kg ) Note here that the power is negative because the pump requires power to be put in to the system. fl fi    PAG E 3 31 C H A P T E R 4 : T H E R M O DY N A M I C SYSTEMS T I S A R G UA B L E W H E T H E R T H E H U M A N R AC E H AV E B E E N GA I N E R S BY T H E M A RC H O F S C I E N C E B E YO N D T H E S T E A M E N G I N E . E L E C T R I C I T Y O P E N S A FIELD THEY OF M AY INFINITE WELL CONVENIENCES H AV E TO PAY TO D E A R LY EVER FOR GREATER THEM. BUT NUMBERS, ANYHOW BUT IN MY THOUGHT I STOP SHORT OF THE INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE WHICH HAS MADE THE WORLD SO MUCH SMALLER. STILL MORE MUST WE FEAR THE CONSEQUENCES FROM THEIR OF ENTRUSTING PREDECESSORS OF A THE HUMAN RACE SO-CALLED SO LITTLE BARBAROUS DIFFERENT AGES SUCH AWFUL AGENCIES AS THE ATOMIC BOMB. GIVE ME THE HORSE. - S I R W I N S T O N C H U R C H I L L , A D D R E S S T O T H E R OYA L C O L L E G E O F S U R G E O N S ( 19 5 2 ) Unknown authorUnknown author, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons, Downloaded from:  PAGE 332 INTRODUCTION TO COMBUSTION PROCESSES There is plenty of controversy surrounding the development of the internal combustion engine, particularly with respect to its impact on the environment. Nevertheless, it has “made the world so much smaller”, as Churchill mentions, and has therefore provided us with an opportunity to engage with other nations that might lack access to modern healthcare, clean drinking water, and the like. While we will not discuss the ethics or virtues of the modern internal combustion engine beyond what we’ve already identi ed here, students are encouraged to keep these issues in mind while reading through the remainder of this textbook. In particular, pay careful attention to the chemical reaction processes that are described in the subsequent section, as their impact on the environment is currently a major subject of climatology. Fuels Combustion is an oxidation reduction reaction where a fuel is broken down into combustible elements that react with the oxygen and release chemical energy, Fuel + Oxidizer → Products (4.1) The typical fuels that we use are hydrocarbons, which contain hydrogen and carbon as the combustible elements. In a hydrocarbon, the carbon atom forms four covalent bonds with either another carbon atom or a hydrogen atom. Hydrocarbons can be either saturated, meaning that it contains the maximum possible amount of hydrogen, or unsaturated. Ethane C H is an example of a saturated hydrocarbon, and acetylene C H is an example of 2 6 2 2 an unsaturated hydrocarbon due to the multiple bonds between the carbon atoms. Figure 4.1. Diagrams of ethane and acetylene, two hydrocarbons that are saturated (ethane) or unsaturated (acetylene) fi   PAGE 333 Most common fuels are actually a mixture of many di erent hydrocarbons. Natural gas is principally methane, CH , ~95%; but it also contains ethane (C H ), propane (C H ), butane 4 2 6 3 8 (C H ) and other gaseous hydrocarbons. The composition of natural gas varies depending on 4 10 the source, but, for example it might be represented as C H , meaning that on average 1.1 3.8 there are 1.1 carbon atoms and 3.8 hydrogen atoms in each molecule of fuel. Combustion Air While it is possible to burn a fuel with pure oxygen, this is only done in special applications that are trying to achieve very high temperatures such as cutting and welding. The classic example of combustion with pure oxygen is an oxyacetylene torch. The thermodynamic engines that we have discussed in this course use air as their oxygen source. Air is a mixture of gases that primarily contains diatomic oxygen, O , and diatomic nitrogen, 2 N . Since oxygen and nitrogen can be treated as ideal gases near room temperature, it 2 follows that a mixture of ideal gases can also be treated as an ideal gas. For simplicity, all of the gases other than oxygen are lumped in with the nitrogen, and we assume that air is 21% O and 79% N . These percentages are mole fractions, and can be thought of as the 2 2 percentage of the volume or pressure that is contributed by each gas. yO2 = yN2 = NO2 Ntot NN2 Ntot = 1 kmol = 0.21 4.76 kmol = 3.76 kmol = 0.79 4.76 kmol Based on the assumption that air is 21% oxygen and 79% nitrogen, it is evident that in order to get 1 kmol of O it is necessary to bring in 4.76 kmol of Air. 2 4.76 kmol Air = 1 kmol O2 + 3.76 kmol N2 (4.2) Combustion Reaction Fuel and air are the reactants of the combustion reaction, while the products depend on the relative proportions of the reactants along with the kinetics of the reaction. Complete combustion occurs when the combustible elements are completely oxidized; all of the C becomes CO and all of the H becomes H O. Complete combustion requires a certain 2 2 amount of oxygen, and can only occur when there is su cient oxygen present. If there is just enough oxygen present to completely combust all the carbon and all the hydrogen, that reaction is referred to as stoichiometric or theoretical combustion. The products of  ffi ff     PAGE 33 4 stoichiometric combustion will be carbon dioxide, CO ; water, H O; and nitrogen, N . The 2 2 2 combustion reaction is balanced on a molar basis, and while the N does not participate in 2 the reaction it is typically included in the reaction since the N is present and will absorb 2 energy and in uence the product temperature. Theoretical/Stoichiometric Combustion of Methane CH4 + 2 ⋅ (O2 + 3.76 ⋅ N2) → CO2 + 2 ⋅ H2O + 7.52 ⋅ N2 Complete combustion becomes more probable when there is excess air. The products for complete combustion with excess air include CO , H O, O and N 2 2 2 2. Complete Combustion of Methane with Excess Air (n > 2) CH4 + n ⋅ (O2 + 3.76 ⋅ N2) → CO2 + 2 ⋅ H2O + (n − 2) ⋅ O2 + (n ⋅ 3.76) ⋅ N2 If there is insu cient air, incomplete combustion occurs and the combustible elements are not completely oxidized. The products of incomplete combustion are likely to include carbon monoxide, CO, and unburnt hydrocarbons. Air-Fuel Ratio The air fuel ratio is one method for reporting the proportion of air and fuel in the combustion reaction. Chemical reactions are balanced on a molar basis, which lends to the calculation of a molar air fuel ratio: Nair AFmolar = Nfuel Fuel consumption and the (4.3) ow rate of air are usually measured as mass ow rates. To convert a molar air fuel ratio to a mass air fuel ratio requires the molar mass of the air and the fuel, AFmass = AFmolar ⋅ Mair Mfuel (4.4) The amount of air can also be reported as the percent theoretical air, where 100% theoretical would represent the air required for stoichiometric combustion. % TA = AF (4.5) AFstoichiometric fl    fl  ffi fl   PAGE 335 Heating Values The heating value is essentially the chemical energy that is released by the reaction. However, since at least some of the energy leaves the reaction as enthalpy in the products, the phase of the products, speci cally the water, can in uence the heating value. Assuming that the reactants enter at standard temperature and pressure (298 K and 101.3 kPa - or 1 atm), complete combustion occurs, and the products leave at standard temperature and pressure, the heating value is the amount of heat removed in the combustion chamber. If the heat is not removed, the thermal energy would leave as enthalpy in the products resulting in an elevated product temperature. Figure 4.2. Combustion event causes heating, which is subsequently removed from the system and used to drive a power cycle. The Lower Heating Value (LHV) assumes that the water leaves as a vapor, and the Higher Heating Value (HHV) assumes the water leaves as a liquid. The LHV is typically used for rating engine performance, while the HHV is typically used to determine furnace or boiler e ciencies. Rarely does the water in the combustion products leave an engine as a liquid. However, high e ciency furnaces in fact condense some of the water vapor. Draining the condensate that occurs in the exhaust is an important part of the design. Table I provides heating values for common fuels. When using the air standard assumptions, the combustion process is removed and notionally replaced by heat addition. The amount of heat addition can be determined based on the heating value, typically the lower heating value, and the mass ow rate of the fuel. Since the air standard assumption assumes that the air is heated, the mass ow rate of air is the same at the inlet and exit. The mass ow rate of the fuel is therefore not included in the exit mass ow rate. The higher the air fuel ratio the more reasonable this assumption becomes. fl fl fl fl fi ffi fl  ffi PAGE 336 We can model the combustion process as a heat exchanger in a thermodynamic system, and can use fuel-based heating values to determine the amount of heat that is inserted into the system due to combustion using the following expressions. Combustion in Air: Energy Balance for Open Systems and Diesel Cycle · Q = m· fuel ⋅ LHV = m· air ⋅ (h2 − h1) = m· air ⋅ cp ⋅ (T2 − T1) (4.6) Note that the values for cp, T1, and T2 are those for air. Combustion in Air: Energy Balance for Otto Cycle · Q = m· fuel ⋅ LHV = m· air ⋅ (u2 − u1) = m· air ⋅ cv ⋅ (T2 − T1) (4.7) Below are some common heating values for di erent types of fuels. Table 4.1. Heating values for some common types of fuels used in combustion processes. Heating Values of Common Fuels Fuel Type Chemical Formula Molar Mass HHV (Btu/lbm) LHV (Btu/lbm) HHV (kJ/kg) LHV (kJ/kg) Methane (g) CH4 16.043 23,880 21,520 55,530 50,050 Ethanol (l) C2 H6O 46.069 12,760 11,530 29,670 26,810 Propane (g) C3 H8 44.097 21,640 19,930 50,330 46,340 Butane (l) C4 H10 58.123 21,130 19,510 49,150 45,370 Octane (l) C8 H18 114.23 20,590 19,100 47,890 44,430 Gasoline C7.2 H13.5 100 20,300 18,900 47,300 44,000 Diesel C12.3 H22.1 170 19,800 18,600 46,100 43,200 Air O2 + 3.76N2 28.97 — — — — ff     PAGE 337          Figure 4.3. Schematic representing the way that we model combustion (i.e., as a heat exchanger) in a thermodynamic system. Example 4.1 - Combustion in a Gas Turbine Engine In a gas turbine engine, air enters an adiabatic combustion chamber at a rate of 10 lbm/s with a temperature of 1000 R. The air is mixed with propane gas and complete combustion occurs. The maximum allowable temperature in the engine is 2200 R. Calculate the minimum Air-Fuel Ratio and %TA. Solution Part (a): The Air-Fuel ratio can be found according to, AFmass = LHV cp,air ⋅ (T2 − T1) To calculate the value of AFmass, we need to nd the LHV and cp,air. The LHV can be pulled directly from Table 4.1, LHVpropane = 19,930 Btu lbmfuel while cp,air can be found in the Ideal Gas Speci c Heats table in your appendix,  fi fi      PAGE 338 Interpolating, we nd, Btu 1140∘F − 1000∘F Btu Btu Btu cp,avg = 0.263 + ⋅ 0.276 − 0.263 = 0.267 lbm ⋅ R 1500∘F − 1000∘F ( lbm ⋅ R lbm ⋅ R ) lbm ⋅ R and nally, Btu 19,930 lbm ⋅ R lbmair LHV AFmass = = = 62.2 Btu cp,air ⋅ (T2 − T1) lbmfuel 0.267 lbm ⋅ (2200 R − 1000 R) ⋅R Part (b): The %TA can be found according to % TA = AFmass, we nd AFstoich via, AFmass . Since we already found AFstoich C3H8 + a ⋅ (O2 + 3.76 ⋅ N2) → b ⋅ CO2 + c ⋅ H2O + d ⋅ N2 We solve for coe cients a, b, c, and d by identifying the atomic multiplier of each constituent element and balancing them on each side of the expression above, C: 3=b H: 8=2⋅c O: 2⋅a =2⋅b+c → ∴a=5 N: 3.76 ⋅ 2 ⋅ a = d → ∴ d = 37.6 → ∴c=4 Now, 5 ⋅ (1 + 3.76) lbmolair lbmolair AFmolar,stoich = = 23.8 1 lbmolfuel lbmolfuel lbm AFstoich = AFmolar,stoich ⋅ 28.97 lbmolair Mair lbmolair lbmair air = 23.8 ⋅ = 15.6 Mfuel lbmolfuel 44.097 lbmfuel lbmfuel lbmolfuel lbm ∴ % TA = 62.2 lbm air fuel lbmair 15.6 lbm = 3.99 = 399 % fuel    fi ffi   fi      fi    fi PAGE 339 fi   nd the speci c heat at the average temperature, which is Tavg = 1600 R ≈ 1140∘F . We O T T O C YC L E The rst four-stroke engine was built by the German inventor Nicolaus Otto in 1866 in collaboration with a technician named Eugen Langen, landing them the Gold Medal at the Paris World Exhibition in 1867. Nearly a decade later, he built a compressed charge, four cycle engine with fellow inventors Francis and William Crossley; this iteration of the fourstroke engine is what is now commonly referred to as the “Otto Cycle”. This remarkable achievement quickly accelerated technologies after the Industrial Revolution. The Otto Cycle uses four primary strokes to create energy continuously. These include, 1. Compression 2. Power 3. Exhaust 4. Intake Before we describe the process outlined in the list above, let’s take a closer look at the components that make up a piston-cylinder system, Figure 4.4. Schematic of a piston-cylinder with critical components used to achieve a four process Otto Cycle. Shown above is a schematic of a piston-cylinder apparatus with corresponding intake and exhaust valves, as well as a spark plug to ignite an air-fuel mixtur  fi PAGE 3 40  PAG E 3 41 The schematic on the previous page shows the series of processes used to complete a fourstroke cycle. First, the fuel/air mixture is compressed such that it reaches a higher pressure and temperature. Next, the fuel/air mixture is ignited using a spark plug; the pressure and temperature increase almost instantaneously. In fact, they increase so fast that the piston has very little time to move before the gas reaches its peak temperature. After ignition, the gas expands and produces useful work. In order to begin the cycle again, the spent fuel/air mixture must be exhausted to the atmosphere, after which point new cold air is taken into the cylinder. A pressure-volume diagram is provided below in order to highlight each thermodynamic process. Figure 4.5. A pressure-volume diagram which shows the processes used to complete the four-stroke Otto Cycle. Note that both the compression and expansion processes are modeled as polytropic processes, while the ignition and exhaust/intake processes are isometric. Recall that a polytropic process takes the following form, p ⋅ Vn = C where C is a constant.   PAGE 3 42 We base our thermodynamic analysis on the following p-V and T-s diagrams. Figure 4.6. Pressure-volume and temperature-entropy diagrams which show the processes used to complete the four-stroke Otto Cycle. Note that Qnet can be calculated using the area within the temperature-entropy diagram, where Qx y = y ∫x Td s. Let’s now look at the energy transferred in each process using the above two plots in tandem with the 1st Law of Thermodynamics (i.e., ΔUxy = Qxy − Wxy , where the subscript “xy” represents the state points that bound the process). Otto Cycle Energy Transport Processes Process Heat Transferred Work Done 1 → 2: Isentropic Compression Q12 = 0 W12 = U1 − U2 2 → 3: Isometric Heat Addition Q23 = U3 − U2 W23 = 0 3 → 4: Isentropic Expansion Q34 = 0 W34 = U3 − U4 4 → 1: Isometric Heat Removal Q41 = U1 − U4 W41 = 0 Because we have an ideal gas, we also know that ΔU = m ⋅ cv ⋅ ΔT . We can use this to determine the heat transferred and work done during each process. We can use these computations to determine the e ciency of an Otto Cycle-based engine, where, η= W + W34 Wnet = 12 qin q23 (4.8)    ffi   PAGE 3 43               Thermodynamic Analysis There are also several important terms we will use when dealing with the Otto Cycle (and eventually the Diesel Cycle). These are listed and de ned below. Top Dead Center (TDC): Piston position when it forms the smallest volume in the cylinder. Bottom Dead Center (BDC): Piston position when it forms the largest volume in the cylinder. Stroke: Distance that the piston travels from TDC to BDC. Bore: Diameter of the piston Clearance Volume: Smallest possible volume in the cylinder (i.e., the volume at TDC). Compression Ratio (r): The ratio between the maximum and minimum volumes, VBDC Vmax V1 V4 r= = = = Vmin VTDC V2 V3 (4.9) Mean E ective Pressure (MEP): A ctitious pressure applied by the gas on the cylinder which is equivalent to the work produced by the cycle, or, Wcycle = MEP ⋅ Vdisp (4.10) Cold Air Standard: The speci c heat for each state point is evaluated at the point in which we take in cold, fresh air (i.e., state point 1). fi  fi fi  ff  PAGE 3 4 4 Example 4.2 - Otto Cycle The compression ratio of a cold air standard ideal Otto Cycle is 9. Prior to the isentropic compression, air is 40∘F and 15 psia. The maximum temperature of the cycle is 2100∘F. Determine the speci c heat (qnet) and speci c work (wnet) transferred per unit mass for each process, as well as the cycle thermal e ciency. Assume constant speci c heats evaluated at 40∘F. Solution Shown in the schematic above are general p-V and T-S diagrams. We will focus on the isometric and isentropic processes, which provide useful relationships to calculate thermodynamic properties and energy transfer rates. These computations are provided for each process, below. Process 1 → 2 Since the process is isentropic, q12 = 0 . The speci c work done to the system during the compression process is therefore calculated as, w12 = u1 − u2 = cv ⋅ (T1 − T2) However, we do not know T2 from the information provided. But, we do know that the process is isentropic, and that we have an ideal gas. Thus, we can use the isentropic ideal gas relationships we developed in the section on Entropy. In this case, we are given a   fi  fi fi ffi      fi   PAGE 3 45 nd T2, v1 . Thus, we can use the following relationship to v2 T2 v1 = T1 ( v2 ) k−1 = (r)k−1 Now, we solve for T2 as, T2 = T1 ⋅ r k−1 = 500 R ⋅ (9)1.4−1 = 1206.8 R Based on T1, we nd that cv = 0.171 Btu and, lbm ⋅ R Btu Btu w12 = 0.171 ⋅ (500 R − 1206.8 R) = − 120.9 lbm ⋅ R lbm Note that the value for speci c work is negative because the gas is being compressed. Process 2 → 3 Here, the process is isometric. Thus, w23 = 0. We can therefore nd q23 according to, q23 = u3 − u2 = cv ⋅ (T3 − T2) In this case, we are provided with T3 (i.e., the maximum temperature in our system) and, Btu Btu ⋅ (2560 R − 1206.8 R) = 231.4 lbm ⋅ R lbm q23 = 0.171 Process 3 → 4 This process is also isentropic, which means that q34 = 0 . Thus, the speci c work can be found according to, w34 = u3 − u4 = cv ⋅ (T3 − T4) However, we are not provided with T4 . Fortunately, the isentropic process provides us with the following relationship, v3 k−1 T4 = T3 ( v4 ) fi  fi          fi fi      fi     PAGE 3 46  fi compression ratio, which is de ned as r = Note that the fraction v3/v4 is the reciprocal of v1 /v2. Consequently, 1 T4 = T3 ⋅ (9 ) k−1 1 = 2560 R ⋅ (9 ) 1.4−1 = 1060.7 R and, w34 = 0.171 Btu Btu ⋅ (2560 R − 1060.7 R) = 256.4 lbm ⋅ R lbm Process 4 → 1 Our nal process is isometric. Therefore, w41 = 0. Now, q41 can be calculated as, q41 = u1 − u4 = cv ⋅ (T1 − T4) = 0.171 Btu Btu ⋅ (500 R − 1060.7 R) = − 95.9 lbm ⋅ R lbm Cycle E ciency Finally, the cycle e ciency can be calculated as, η= Btu Btu −120.9 lbm + 256.4 lbm w + w23 w get = net = 12 = pay qin q12 Btu 231.4 lbm = 58.6 % To put this in context, we must calculate the Carnot e ciency, which is, Tc 500 R ηC = 1 − =1− = 79.3 % Th 2560 R Thus, we have achieved a 58.6% e ciency out of a possible 79.3% Carnot e ciency. ffi  ffi   ffi     ffi    ffi  fi  PAGE 3 47 D I E S E L C YC L E The rst successful Diesel engine was built and tested by Rudolf Diesel in 1897, several decades after the rst prototype four-stroke spark-ignition engine. On his suspicion that additional compression could improve the e ciency of the engine, Diesel demonstrated that his engine could operate at a nearly 17% higher e ciency than the steam engine. Further modi cations, including the use of a turbocharger, substantially improved the e ciency to the point that entire eets of tractor-trailers now use them for long commutes. They are also widely used in the Navy, including on some larger carriers like the LSD-41 (Whidbey Island) class and in auxiliary equipment for redundancy. However, they also tend to emit more harmful gases into the atmosphere and can therefore contribute signi cantly to climate change. While new regulations have limited their ability to produce harmful emissions, they are at times economically unfavorable due to fuel and maintenance issues. The Diesel Cycle uses four primary strokes to create energy continuously. These include, 1. Compression 2. Power 3. Exhaust 4. Intake Note that these four strokes are the same as those listed for the Otto Cycle. However, the process by which the power stroke happen is di erent between cycles. Figure 4.7. Schematic of a piston-cylinder with critical components used to achieve a four process Diesel Cycle. ffi fi ffi ff ffi fl fi  fi fi PAGE 3 48  PAGE 3 49 The schematic on the previous page describes the thermodynamic processes involved in each stroke of a Diesel cycle. The major processes are similar to those that an Otto cycle works through. The one major di erence is the way in which we achieve combustion. Here, we compress air only (i.e., we do not take in a fuel-air mixture during our intake process) to such high pressures and temperatures that we can achieve combustion when we put fuel into the system. While we inject fuel into the cylinder, there is some constant pressure expansion that occurs; therefore, we also produce useful work during the power stroke. When we are nished injecting fuel into the system, the air-fuel mixture undergoes a polytropic expansion. The remaining processes are the same as those described by the Otto cycle. A pressure-volume diagram is provided below in order to highlight each thermodynamic process. Figure 4.8. A pressure-volume diagram which shows the processes used to complete the four-stroke Diesel Cycle. Note that both the compression and expansion processes are modeled as polytropic processes, while the ignition and exhaust/intake processes are isometric. Recall that a polytropic process takes the following form, p ⋅ Vn = C  ff fi  PAGE 350 process indicates p2 = p3 in this cycle. Thermodynamic Analysis We base our thermodynamic analysis on the following p-V and T-s diagrams. Figure 4.9. Pressure-volume and temperature-entropy diagrams which show the processes used to complete the four-stroke Diesel Cycle. Note that Qnet can be calculated using the area within the temperature-entropy diagram, where Qx y = y ∫x Td s. We can use the above two plots in tandem with the 1st Law of Thermodynamics (i.e., ΔUxy = Qxy − Wxy). Diesel Cycle Energy Transport Processes Process Heat Transferred 1 → 2: Isentropic Compression Q12 = 0 2 → 3: Isobaric Heat Addition Q23 = U3 − U2 + p ⋅ (V3 − V2) 3 → 4: Isentropic Expansion Q34 = 0 4 → 1: Isometric Heat Removal Q41 = U1 − U4 Work Done W12 = U1 − U2 W23 = p ⋅ (V3 − V2) W34 = U3 − U4 W41 = 0 Because we have an ideal gas, we also know that ΔU = m ⋅ cv ⋅ ΔT . We can use this to determine the heat transferred and work done during each process. Note that for Q23, we have Q23 = ΔU23 + p ⋅ ΔV23. Considering that Δh = Δu + p ⋅ Δν, Q23 = m ⋅ (h3 − h2) = m ⋅ cp ⋅ (T3 − T2) (4.11)         PA G E 3 51                where C is a constant. Also note that the ignition process is isobaric. Recall that an isobaric since we have an ideal gas. Also note that we can utilize ideal gas relations to solve for the work done between states 2 and 3 as, W23 = p ⋅ (V3 − V2) = m ⋅ R ⋅ (T3 − T2) (4.12) where R is the speci c gas constant for air. We can use these computations to determine the e ciency of a Diesel Cycle-based engine, where, W + W23 + W34 Wnet = 12 Qin Q23 η= (4.13) The Diesel cycle uses much of the same terminology that’s used to describe the equipment used in the Otto cycle, with one addition: the cuto ratio. The cuto ratio is de ned as, V3 V2 (4.14) V2 r= V1 (4.15) rc = The compression ratio, r, is also limited to, fi ff ffi ff     fi  PAGE 352 A Diesel cycle has a compression ratio of r = 15 and a cuto ratio of rc = 2. At the beginning of the compression process, air is 100 kPa and 27∘C. Determine the thermal e ciency of the cycle. Assume constant speci c heats taken at 23∘C. Solution The thermal e ciency of a Diesel cycle can be expressed as, η= W12 + W23 + W34 Q23 Thus, we need to solve for each of the individual terms in the above expression. These computations are provided for each process, below. Process 1 → 2 Since the process is isentropic, q12 = 0 . The speci c work done to the system during the compression process is therefore calculated as, w12 = u1 − u2 = cv ⋅ (T1 − T2) However, we do not know T2 from the information provided. But, we do know that the process is isentropic, and that we have an ideal gas. Thus, we can use the isentropic ideal gas relationships we developed in the section on Entropy. In this case, we are given a compression ratio, which is de ned as r = nd T2, v1 . Thus, we can use the following relationship to v2 T2 v1 = T1 ( v2 ) k−1 = (r)k−1 Now, we solve for T2 as, T2 = T1 ⋅ r k−1 = 300 K ⋅ (15)1.4−1 = 886.3 K Now we can solve for the speci c work done (since we do not have the mass of the air) during compression as,  ff   fi fi     fi  fi    ffi    PAGE 353 ffi fi Example 4.3 - Diesel Cycle w12 = cv ⋅ (T1 − T2) = 0.718 kJ kJ ⋅ (300 K − 886.3 K ) = − 421.0 kg ⋅ K kg Note that we obtained cv at 23∘C, as speci c in the problem, using the Appendix. Process 2 → 3 During this process we have isobaric combustion. The speci c work and heat transfer are determined via, q23 = cp ⋅ (T3 − T2) and, w23 = R ⋅ (T3 − T2) To solve for both q23 and w23, we must determine T3. Since the process between states 2 and 3 is isobaric, we can solve for T3 using the Ideal Gas Law, p ⋅v p2 ⋅ v2 =R= 3 3 T2 T3 where we know that the gas constant, R, is equivalent between states 2 and 3 (and, really, all states in the cycle). Because p3 = p2, we can rearrange to solve for T3 as, T3 = T2 ⋅ V3 = T2 ⋅ (rc) = 886.3 K ⋅ 2 = 1772.6 K V2 Now, q23 = 1.005 kJ kJ ⋅ (1772.6 K − 886.3 K ) = 890.7 kg ⋅ K kg and, kJ kJ w23 = 0.287 ⋅ (1772.6 K − 886.3 K ) = 254.4 kg ⋅ K kg Process 3 → 4 We solve for the work done by the piston during the expansion process as, w34 = cv ⋅ (T3 − T4)  fi  fi                  PAGE 35 4 and we also know that q34 = 0 due to the isentropic nature of the process. We therefore require T4 in order to solve for w34 . Unlike with the Otto cycle, we cannot simply use the isentropic ideal gas equations with the reciprocal of the compression ratio, r. Here, we have, v3 k−1 T4 = T3 ( v4 ) but v3 1 ≠ . Instead, we can use the following mathematical equivalency, v4 r v3 v3 v2 v1 = ⋅ ⋅ v4 v2 v1 v4 where v3 v r v v 1 = rc, 2 = , and 1 = 1. As a result, we can say that 3 = c and, v2 v4 r v1 r v4 rc k−1 T4 = T3 ( r ) → 2 T4 = 1772.6 K ⋅ ( 15 ) 0.4 = 791.7 K We now solve for w34 as, kJ kJ w34 = 0.718 ⋅ (1772.6 K − 791.7 K ) = 704.3 kg ⋅ K kg Process 4 → 1 Although we don’t need q41 to solve for η (and we know that w41 = 0 because the exhaust/ intake process is isometric), we still show you how to solve for it here. kJ kJ q41 = cv ⋅ (T1 − T4) = 0.718 ⋅ (300 K − 791.7 K ) = − 353 kg ⋅ K kg Finally, we solve for the thermal e ciency of the cycle as, 537.7 kJ kg w12 + w23 + w34 = = 60.4 % kJ q23 890.7 η= kg and, ηcarnot = 1 − Tc 300 K =1− = 83.1 % Th 1772.6 K      ffi                 PAGE 355 G A S T U R B I N E E N G I N E S ( B R AY T O N C YC L E ) Gas turbine engines are principally used for aircraft propulsion and electric power generation. In fact, the majority of the world’s Naval eets currently use gas turbine engines for both of these purposes. The GE LM2500 gas turbine engine (shown on the right), for instance, is used to power many of the large warships in operation today. Likewise, The LM2500+, which delivers nearly 30,000 kW of power (when connected to an electrical generator), now serves as the propulsion system for many Figure 4.10. GE LM2500 gas turbine engine. By Camera Operator: PH2 JEFFREY ELLIOTT - ID:DN-SN-88-03869 / Service Depicted: Navy, Public Domain, curid=2979155 modern cruise ships. One important complication of a typical gas turbine system is that it consumes a great deal of fuel. In order to provide for e cient cruising speeds, propulsion systems are often out tted with Diesel cycles, while the gas turbine engines mentioned above are reserved for high speeds. The basic operating principle of a gas turbine system is outlined in the schematic featured in Fig. 4.11. Figure 4.11. Schematic of a gas turbine system; major components include a compressor, combustion chamber, and turbine. ffi fl  fi PAGE 356 As shown in Fig. 4.11, ambient air is rst drawn into the compressor, after which point the (now) high pressure air is sent through the combustion chamber. With the addition of fuel and an ignition element, the air-fuel mixture burns to a higher temperature ahead of entering the turbine. As the hot air passes through the turbine, it expands back to ambient pressure. Note that some of the power produced by the turbine is used to power the compressor. The amount of power required to operate the compressor is called the back work ratio, and is de ned as, · WC BWR = · WT (4.16) or the compressor power divided by the turbine power. Thermodynamically, we can model this as a closed cycle (even though we intake cold, fresh air and exhaust our spend air/fuel mixture) with the following assumptions: 1. The combustion chamber is modeled as a heat exchanger. 2. The exhaust/intake process is modeled as a heat exchanger. 3. The uid is modeled as air only (typically, the air-fuel ratio is very high, which means we can neglect the thermodynamic impacts of the fuel). A schematic, which includes these assumptions, is provided below. Figure 4.12. Thermodynamic schematic of a gas turbine system; major components include a compressor, combustion chamber, and turbine.  fi fi  fl PAGE 357 Ideal Brayton Cycle In the ideal case, both the compressor and the turbine have isentropic e ciencies of 100%. We will learn how to account for these in the non-ideal case. For now, let’s focus on the thermodynamic operating principles of a Brayton cycle. Using the state points outlined in Fig. 4.12., we outline the thermodynamic processes as follows, Process 1 → 2: Isentropic Compression Process 2 → 3: Constant Pressure Heat Addition Process 3 → 4: Isentropic Expansion Process 4 → 1: Constant Pressure Heat Removal Recall that these are open systems. When an open system has an isentropic e ciency of 100%, we call the process itself isentropic. Likewise, remember that we neglect the pressure drop through a heat exchanger. As a result, we consider the process to be isobaric. Given these processes, we can draw the p-v and T-s diagrams as shown in Fig. 4.13. Figure 4.13. p-v (left) and T-s (right) diagrams for an ideal Brayton cycle. Note that heat enters and leaves the system between states 2 and 3 and states 4 and 1, respectively. For this cycle, we will follow the cold air standard analysis that we used in both the Otto and Diesel cycles, meaning that our thermodynamic properties are taken at the temperature of the cold air at the intake of the system. For each individual open system (i.e., heat exchangers, compressor, and turbine) we will also assume that there are negligible changes in kinetic and potential energy between inlet and exit. The heat transferred and work done to/by each device is described in the following table. ffi ffi      PAGE 358 Process Device 1 → 2: Isentropic Compression 2 → 3: Isobaric Heat Addition Heat Transferred 4 → 1: Isobaric Heat Removal Power Produced/ Consumed Compressor · Q12 = 0 · W12 = m· ⋅ (h1 − h2) Heat Exchanger · Q23 = m· ⋅ (h3 − h2) · W23 = 0 · Q34 = 0 · W34 = m· ⋅ (h3 − h4) · Q41 = m· ⋅ (h1 − h4) · W41 = 0 3 → 4: Isentropic Expansion Turbine Heat Exchanger Recall that for an ideal gas, Δh = cp ⋅ ΔT. To solve for the thermal e ciency of the cycle, we use, · · Wnet Qout T − T4 η = · =1− · =1− 1 T3 − T2 Qin Qin (4.17) For the ideal Brayton cycle, also remember that the following relationships hold for the isentropic processes: k−1 k−1 p3 k T3 T2 p2 k = = = ( p4 ) T1 ( p1 ) T4 (4.18) We de ne the ratio p2 /p1 as the pressure ratio. In application, typical pressure ratios are between 5 and 20, and the optimal pressure ratio depends on the minimum and maximum temperatures of the cycle. Non-ideal Brayton Cycle In the non-ideal case, the compressor and turbine are not isentropic. Instead, we rely on the isentropic e ciency of each device, represented by, · Ws h − h2s T − T2s ηC = · = 1 = 1 h1 − h2 T1 − T2 Wa (4.19) for the compressor, and,     ffi  ffi  PAGE 359 fi             Brayton Cycle Energy Transport Processes · h − h4 T − T4 Wa ηT = · = 3 = 3 h3 − h4s T3 − T4s Ws (4.20) · for the turbine. As a reminder, Ws is the power produced or consumed if the process were · isentropic, while Wa is the actual power produced or consumed by the device. As shown in Eqns. 4.19 and 4.20, we can use temperatures to determine each individual device e ciency. In Eqn. 4.19, T2s is the isentropic temperature at the exit of the compressor, and in Eqn. 4.20, T4s is the isentropic temperature at the exit of the turbine. These temperatures can be determined using the isentropic ideal gas relationship provided in Eqn. 4.18, k−1 k−1 p3 k T T2s p2 k = = = 3 ( p1 ) ( p4 ) T1 T4s (4.21) ffi        PAGE 360 Example 4.4 - Non-ideal Brayton Cycle A gas turbine power plant operates with a Brayton cycle and has a pressure ratio of rp = 12. The ambient air temperature is 300 K and the maximum temperature of the cycle is 1400 K. The isentropic e ciency of the compressor is 80% and the isentropic e ciency of the turbine is 90%. Assume the ambient air pressure is 100 kPa and that there is negligible pressure drop during the heat exchange processes. Determine: 1. The temperature at the exits of the compressor and the turbine [K] 2. The back work ratio (BWR) of the cycle. 3. The cycle thermal e ciency, η [%] Solution To nd the temperature at the exit of the turbine (T2), we can use the isentropic e ciency of the compressor, T1 − T2s ηC = T1 − T2 In order to rearrange the above expression and nd T2, we must rst nd T2s. We can do this with the isentropic ideal gas relationship described by Eqn. 4.21, T2s p2 = ( p1 ) T1 k−1 k and, 0.4 T2s = 300K ⋅ (12) 1.4 = 610.18 K Now we can determine T2 via, T2 = T1 − T1 − T2s 300K − 610.18K = 300K − = 687.72 K ηC 0.8 We can use the same process to nd the temperature at the exit of the turbine, T4, T3 − T4 ηT = T3 − T4s  ffi  ffi  fi fi   fi    fi    ffi ffi   fi PA G E 3 61 Again, we must rst nd T4s prior to computing T4. T4s p1 = ( p2 ) T3 k−1 k and, T4s = 1400K ⋅ 1 ( 12 ) 0.4 1.4 = 688.32 K Now we solve for T4 as, T4 = T3 − ηT ⋅ (T3 − T4s) = 1400K − 0.9 ⋅ (1400K − 688.32K ) = 759.48 K To calculate the back work ratio, we use, · | WC | T − T2 | (300K − 687.72K ) | BWR = · = 1 = = 61 % T3 − T4 1400K − 759.48K WT Finally, we calculate the thermal e ciency of the cycle as, · Wnet (300K − 687.72K ) + (1400K − 759.48K ) η= · = = 35.4 % 1400K − 687.72K Qin   ffi   fi   fi    PAGE 362 Regenerative Brayton Cycle As mentioned previously, the e ciency of a standard Brayton cycle is low enough to require the use of a Diesel engine during periods when warships operate at cruising (i.e., lower) speeds. To make the Brayton cycle more e cient, we can implement a regenerating system. This system takes the hot exhaust gases and feeds them back through the system to preheat the air before it enters the combustion chamber. In this way, less heat energy is required by the system to achieve some nominal power or thrust from the turbine. To achieve this preheating scheme, a heat exchanger is used between the compressor and the combustion chamber to transfer heat from the hot exhaust gas to the air entering the combustion chamber, as pictured in Fig. 4.14, below. Figure 4.14. Schematic of a regenerative Brayton cycle; major components include a compressor, combustion chamber, turbine, and non-mixing heat exchanger for pre-heating the air ahead of the combustion chamber. Note that state point 5 is in-between state points 2 and 3. This is done in order to keep the former state points consistent with their previous locations in the standard Brayton cycle. Because the temperature at state point 4 remains relatively high, we can use it to put heat into the system prior to the entrance of the combustion chamber, as shown above. This shifts the temperature at the entrance of the combustion chamber, as shown in the T-s diagram provided in Fig. 4.15. ffi ffi  PAGE 363 Figure 4.15. Temperature-entropy diagram for regenerative Brayton cycle. Note that point 5’ represents the maximum theoretical temperature that can be reached if there were no losses in the system and if the heat exchanger e ectiveness were equivalent to 1. In Fig. 4.15, the amount of heat that is regenerated is represented by the area under the curve between points 2 and 5. Note that point 5’ represents the maximum theoretical temperature that can be achieved for the air ahead of the combustion chamber; this assumes that there are no losses between the exit of the turbine and the entrance of the non-mixing heat exchanger, and that the e ectiveness of the heat exchanger is 1 with an in nite length. The important feature of this system is that it reduces the amount of heat that has to be put into the system to achieve the temperature at state point 3. This is re ected in the · · calculation of e ciency, which now uses Qin = Q53. The heat supplied during the regeneration process can be calculated as, · Qregen = m· ⋅ (h5 − h2) = m· ⋅ cp ⋅ (T5 − T2) (4.22) We also know that the maximum possible regeneration we can achieve can be expressed as, · Qregen,max = m· ⋅ (h5′ − h2) = m· ⋅ cp ⋅ (T5′ − T2) − h2) = m· ⋅ cp ⋅ (T4 − T2) (4.23) The ratio of these two values is actually equal to the heat exchanger e ectiveness! Assuming fl fi ff ff  PAGE 36 4  ff  ffi    a cold air standard analysis is satisfactory, this can be written as, · Qregen T − T2 ε= · = 5 T4 − T2 Qregen,max (4.24) Now, our cycle thermal e ciency can be expressed as, · (T1 − T2) + (T3 − T4) Wnet η= · = T3 − T5 Qin (4.25)   ffi  PAGE 365 A gas-turbine power plant operates on an ideal Brayton cycle and has a pressure ratio of rp = 8. The gas temperature is 300 K at the compressor inlet and 1300 K at the turbine inlet. Assume that the ambient air pressure is 100 kPa. The compressor has an isentropic e ciency of 80% and the turbine has an isentropic e ciency of 85%. For this problem, assume that the pressure drop during any heat transfer process is negligible. Determine: 1. The gas temperature at the exits of the compressor and turbine [K] 2. The back work ratio [%] 3. The cycle thermal e ciency [%] 4. Now assume that a regenerator has been attached to the exit of the turbine and is used to preheat the uid entering the combustion chamber. If the regenerator has an e ectiveness of 80%, determine the thermal e ciency of the cycle [%] Solution In order to nd the temperatures at the exit of each component, we must use the isentropic e ciencies (note that if the devices were 100% e cient, we could use the isentropic ideal gas relationships we developed to solve for exit temperatures). Let’s start with the compressor: ηc = T1 − T2s = 0.8 T1 − T2 To solve for T2, we must rst determine T2s via, T2s p2 = ( p1 ) T1 k−1 k 0.4 → T2s = 300K ⋅ (8) 1.4 = 543.4 K Now we solve for T2 as, T2 = T1 − T1 − T2s 300K − 543.4K = 300K − = 604.3 K η 0.8 We can follow this same procedure to solve for T4 . We begin with the e ciency of the turbine as, ffi ffi  ffi ffi   fi fl ffi     fi  ffi ff PAGE 366 ffi  Example 4.5 - Regenerative Brayton Cycle T3 − T4 = 0.85 T3 − T4s Now we solve for T4s using, k−1 T4s p4 k = ( p3 ) T3 Here, we know that p3 = p5 = p2 = 800 kPa (no heat loss during heat exchange processes). We also nd that p4 = p6 = 100 kPa for the same reason. Therefore, p4 /p3 = 1/rp and, 0.4 1 1.4 T4s = 1300K ⋅ = 717.7 K (8 ) and, T4 = T3 − ηT ⋅ (T3 − T4s) = 1300K − 0.85 ⋅ (1300K − 717.7K ) = 805 K Now we can calculate the back work ratio as, · | Wc | | T1 − T2 | | 300K − 604.3K | BWR = · = = = 61.4 % T − T 1300K − 805K WT 3 4 And the thermal e ciency of the cycle is, (T1 − T2) + (T3 − T4) (300K − 604.3K ) + (1300K − 805K ) = = 27 % T3 − T2 1300K − 604.3K η= Let’s now consider the regenerator, which has a heat exchanger with ε = 0.8. Here, we need the temperature at state point 5. To solve for T5 , we can use the expression for heat exchanger e ectiveness, or, T5 − T2 T4 − T2 ε= → T5 = T2 + ε ⋅ (T4 − T2) = 604.3K + 0.8 ⋅ (805K − 604.3K ) = 764.8 K And the new cycle e ciency becomes, η= (T1 − T2) + (T3 − T4) (300K − 604.3K ) + (1300K − 764.8) = = 35.6 % T3 − T5 1300K − 604.3K which is an improvement of over 8%!        ffi  ffi   ff  fi   PAGE 367   ηT = SPLIT-SHAFT GAS TURBINES A split-shaft gas turbine operates using the Brayton cycle, but has two turbines operating on two separate shaft (hence the name split-shaft). The two turbines are referred to as the “gas generator turbine” (or high pressure turbine) and the “power turbine” (or low pressure turbine). One common split-shaft gas turbine is the GE T700 gas turbine, which is used to drive the propulsion system in the Army’s Blackhawk helicopter. A basic schematic of a split-shaft engine is shown in the gure below. Figure 4.16. Schematic of a split-shaft gas turbine engine. Note that there are two separate shafts - a low pressure shaft to drive supply power to the compressor, and a high pressure shaft to provide rotational power out of the system. The purpose of the gas generator turbine is to supply power to the compressor. Therefore, we know that, · · WGGT = | WC | (4.26) Neglecting kinetic and potential energy changes, power produced or consumed by each · device can generally be expressed as W = m· ⋅ Δh = m· ⋅ cp ⋅ ΔT (where Δh = cp ⋅ ΔT for an ideal gas). Thus, we can also say that, T3 − T4 = T2 − T1 (4.27) In this case, note that the pressure drop across the gas generator turbine will not be the same as the pressure increase across the compressor (i.e., p4 /p3 ≠ 1/rp as in the standard Brayton cycle). The remaining analysis is the same as that used by the Brayton cycle.      fi  PAGE 368 A GE T700 gas turbine operates with a compressor having an isentropic e ciency of 88% and a turbine having an isentropic e ciency of 86%. Determine: 1. The actual temperature at the exit of the compressor, T2 [K] 2. The power consumed by the compressor [kW] 3. The heat transfer rate into the combustion chamber [kW] 4. The actual temperature and pressure at the exit of the high pressure turbine, T4 and p4 [K, kPa] 5. The actual temperature at the exit of the low pressure turbine [K] 6. The thermal e ciency of the cycle [%] Solution Here we recognize that the compressor is not isentropic. However, we can use its isentropic e ciency to solve for the temperature at its exit, T2, where, T1 − T2s = 0.88 T1 − T2 ηc = We use the isentropic ideal gas equation to solve for T2s as, k−1 0.4 T2s = T1 ⋅ (rp) k = 289K ⋅ (15) 1.4 = 626.5 K And now, T1 − T2s 289K − 626.5K T2 = T1 − = 289K − = 672.5 K ηc 0.88 We can now use this to nd the power consumed by the compressor, kg kJ · WC = m· ⋅ (h1 − h2) = m· ⋅ cp ⋅ (T1 − T2) = 4.6 ⋅ 1.004 ⋅ (289K − 672.5K ) = − 1771.2 kW s kg ⋅ K In the above expression, we nd cp at 289K (i.e., we use the cold air standard analysis). Now we nd the heat transferred into the system via the combustion chamber using,  ffi     ffi  fi  fi  ffi  fi PAGE 369 ffi   Example 4.6 - Split-shaft Gas Turbine Next, we are tasked with solving for T4 and p4 . We note here that p4 /p3 ≠ 1/rp . Since we don’t have p4 , we also can not use the device’s isentropic e ciency to solve for T4s to then · · solve for T4. However, we do know that WGGT = | WC | and therefore, · · | WC | = 1771.2kW = WGGT = m· ⋅ cp ⋅ (T3 − T4) Rearranging, we solve for T4 as, · | WC | 1771.2kW T4 = T3 − · = 1273K − kg m ⋅ cp 4.6 ⋅ 1.004 kJ s = 889.5 K kg ⋅ K Now we can use T4 to solve for p4 via the isentropic ideal gas relationship, but rst we must solve for T4s using the isentropic e ciency of the high pressure turbine, T3 − T4 T3 − T4s ηGGT = → 1273K − 889.5K = 827.06 K 0.86 T4s = 1273K − Now we use the isentropic ideal gas relationship between temperature and pressure to nd p4, k−1 T4s p4 k = ( p3 ) T3 k 1.4 T4s k − 1 827.06K 0.4 p4 = p3 ⋅ = 1500kPa ⋅ = 332 kPa ( T3 ) ( 1273K ) → Next, we are asked to solve for the temperature at the exit of the power turbine. Here, we know both p4 and p5 (recall that we are discharging into the atmosphere, so p5 = p1 = 100 kPa). We can do this with the e ciency of the power turbine, T4 − T5 ηPWT = = 0.86 T4 − T5s To solve for T5, we need to compute T5s via the isentropic ideal gas expression as, T5s p5 = ( p4 ) T4 k−1 k → T5s = 889.5K ⋅ 100kPa ( 332kPa ) 0.4 1.4 = 633.11 K Now, fi  fi  ffi ffi     ffi                 PAGE 370    kg kJ · Q23 = m· ⋅ cp ⋅ (T1 − T2) = 4.6 ⋅ 1.004 ⋅ (1273K − 672.5K ) = 2773.3 kW s kg ⋅ K T5 = T4 − η ⋅ (T4 − T5s) = 889.5K − 0.86 ⋅ (889.5K − 633.1K ) = 669 K The power produced by the power turbine can now be calculated according to, kg kJ · WPWT = m· ⋅ cp ⋅ (T4 − T5) = 4.6 ⋅ 1.004 ⋅ (889.5K − 669K ) = 1018.35 kW s kg ⋅ K Finally, the thermal e ciency of the cycle can be computed according to, · WPWT 1018.35kW η= · = = 36.7 % 2773.3kW Q23  ffi    PAGE 371 J E T P RO P U L S I O N C YC L E S Jet engines utilize gas turbines to power aircraft given their high power to weight ratios. In order to achieve thrust, a Brayton cycle is used with several additional components. Speci cally, the use of a di user and nozzle allow for the deceleration of air ow into the system, and the acceleration of air at the exit of the system, respectively. We will focus our e orts on turbojet engines. Turbojet Engines A turbojet engine uses both a di user and a nozzle at the entrance/exit of a standard Brayton cycle, respectively. The di user is used to slow air ow headed into the compressor. Without the di user, high air speeds may damage the compressor blades. Likewise, the nozzle is used to accelerate air ow and provide a thrust force to propel the aircraft. In this case, we can determine the thrust supplied by the engine according to, F̄ = m· ⋅ (V̄exit − V̄inlet ) (4.28) Note that if the aircraft is cruising in still air, V̄inlet = V̄aircraft , where V̄aircraft is the cruising speed of the aircraft. A schematic of a turbojet engine is shown in the gure below. Figure 4.17. Schematic of a turbojet engine. A nozzle at the exit of the system provides thrust to propel an aircraft forward. Note that all power generated by the turbine is used to spin the compressor. In the absence of any auxiliary equipment to run, the turbine only supplies power to the compressor, such that, · · WT = | WC | (4.29) fl fi  fl    ff ff fl ff ff  fi ff PAGE 372 Also note that at the exit of the di user, we can typically assume that V̄2 < < V̄1 and at the entrance of the nozzle, V̄5 < < V̄6 . As we will see in the following example problem, this greatly simpli es the conservation of energy for each of these devices. The basic thermodynamic cycle is represented by the following T-s diagram for an ideal turbojet engine (i.e., all components have isentropic e ciencies of 100%), Figure 4.17. T-s diagram for an ideal turbojet engine, where the isentropic e ciency of all devices is 100%. Note that for this cycle, we de ne an overall pressure ratio as, rp,o = p3 p1 (4.30) We can also de ne a propulsive e ciency as the propulsive power generated relative to the heat energy we put into the system, or, · m· ⋅ (V̄exit − V̄inlet ) ⋅ V̄aircraft Wp Propulsive Power η= = · = · Heat In Qin Q34 (4.31)  ffi ffi  ff ffi fi   fi fi  PAGE 373 Example 4.7 - Turbojet Engine An F-4 Phantom is cruising at 900 ft/s where the local atmospheric pressure is approximately 10.8 psi and the air temperature is 60∘F. The engine operates with an 8:1 compressor pressure ratio. Air owing at 210 lbm/s enters the turbine at 1900∘F. The nozzle exhaust pressure is 11 psia. Assume that all applicable components in the jet engine operate isentropically and that there is no pressure drop across the combustion chamber. Also assume that a cold air standard analysis is appropriate for this problem. Determine: 1. The overall pressure ratio, rp,o 2. The temperature and pressure of the air entering the nozzle [∘F, psia]. 3. The exit velocity from the nozzle [ft/s] 4. The thrust produced by the engine [lbf] 5. The propulsive e ciency [%] Solution The overall pressure ratio can be determined via, p3 rp,o = p1 Thus, we must determine p3 in order to calculate rp,o . From the problem statement, we know that p3 = 8 ⋅ p2 . We must therefore nd p2 . Since the di user is isentropic, we know that, T2 p2 = T1 ( p1 ) k−1 k → p2 = p1 ⋅ T2 ( T1 ) k k−1 We can also use the conservation of energy for the di user to solve for T2. The conservation of energy expression applied across the di user yields, 2 2 V̄ − V̄ 1 2 0 = m· ⋅ h1 − h2 + ( ) 2 V̄ 21 0 = cp ⋅ (T1 − T2) + 2 → where Δh = cp ⋅ ΔT for an ideal gas. Now we rearrange to solve for T2, 900 s ( ) V̄ 21 T2 = T1 + = 520R + 2 ⋅ cp 2 ⋅ 0.240 Btu ft 2 ⋅ lbm ⋅ R Btu 1 lbm ft 2 25,037 2 = 587.4 R s    ff    ff  fi ff  fl    ffi      PAG E 374 Now, p2 = 10.8 lbf 587.4R ⋅ in 2 ( 520R ) 1.4 0.4 = 16.55 lbf in 2 Now we can use the compressor pressure ratio to determine p3, or p3 = 8 ⋅ p2 = 8 ⋅ 16.55 lbf lbf = 132.4 in 2 in 2 Thus, the overall pressure ratio is, rp,o = 132.4 lbf p3 in 2 = = 12.26 lbf p1 10.8 in 2 Now we must solve for the pressure and temperature at the entrance of the nozzle (or the exit of the turbine), p5 and T5. We know that the power generated by the turbine is equal to that consumed by the compressor, or, | m· ⋅ cp ⋅ (T2 − T3) | = m· ⋅ cp ⋅ (T4 − T5) Ultimately, we can use this to solve for T5 , but we just compressor is also isentropic, we can say that, T3 p3 = T2 ( p2 ) k−1 k → T3 = 587.4R ⋅ ( rst determine T3 . Since the 132.4 16.55 lbf in 2 lbf ) 0.4 1.4 = 1064 R in 2 and, T5 = T4 − T3 + T2 = 2360R − 1064R + 587.4R = 1883 R To solve for p5, we also know that the turbine is isentropic such that, k−1 T5 p5 k = T4 ( p4 ) k → T5 k − 1 p5 = p4 ⋅ ( T4 ) Since there is negligible pressure drop through the combustion chamber (relative to the pressure drop in all major system components), we can assume that p4 = p3 = 132.4 psia. Thus, p5 = 132.4 lbf 1883R ⋅ in 2 ( 2360R ) 0.4 1.4 = 60.07 lbf in 2 In order to determine the velocity at the exit of the nozzle, we apply the conservation of energy, which yields (in simpli ed form),   fi   fi             PAGE 375 where we have assumed that V̄5 < < V̄6 and that Δh = cp ⋅ ΔT for an ideal gas. To solve for the velocity at the exit, then, we rst need to compute T6. To do this, we use, T6 p6 = T5 ( p5 ) k−1 k → T6 = 1883R ⋅ ( 11 lbf in 2 lbf ) 60.07 0.4 1.4 = 1159 R in 2 Now, ft 2 V̄6 = 25,037 2 Btu ft s 2 ⋅ 0.240 ⋅ (1883R − 1159R) ⋅ = 2950 Btu lbm ⋅ R s 1 lbm The thrust force is then calculated as, lbm ft ft 1lbf F̄T = m· ⋅ (V̄6 − V̄1) = 210 ⋅ 2950 − 900 s ( s s ) 32.17 lbm ⋅ ft = 13,370 lbf s2 and the propulsive power becomes, ft 1hp · Wp = F̄T ⋅ V̄aircraft = 13,370 lbf ⋅ 900 ⋅ lbf ⋅ ft s 550 s = 21,900 hp Finally, the cycle e ciency is determined via, · Wp 21,900hp η= · = · = m ⋅ c ⋅ (T − T ) Q34 p 4 3 21,900hp lbm Btu 210 s ⋅ 0.240 lbm ⋅ R ⋅ (2360R − 1064R) ⋅ = 23.7 % 1hp 0.7068 Btu s    fi  ffi     PAG E 376   V̄ 26 0 = cp ⋅ (T5 − T6) − 2 VA P O R P O W E R C YC L E S Vapor power systems convert water to steam in order to produce power through changes in enthalpy. The vapor power systems we will discuss, all derivatives of the Rankine cycle, utilize one or more turbines to generate useful power. In contrast to the systems that we’ve discussed thus far, vapor power systems utilize water as the working uid (whereas each of the previous cycles have used air). Thus, all of our thermodynamic state point variables are found in the steam tables in the Appendix. Ideal Rankine Cycle The simplest form of the rankine cycle utilizes a pump to pressurize our working uid and a boiler to increase its temperature (and change its phase) to achieve a large value of enthalpy at the turbine inlet. The uid is allowed to expand and is condensed to a liquid prior to entering the pump, at which point the cycle is reinitiated. A schematic of this process is provided in the gure below. Figure 4.18. Ideal rankine cycle diagram with corresponding state points and likely phases of water. In an ideal Rankine cycle, both the pump and the turbine are isentropic. Note also that in an ideal process, water enters the pump as a saturated liquid. Thus, we have the following processes that occur between individual devices. fl fl fl fi  PAGE 37 7 Process 1 → 2: Isentropic Compression 2 → 3: Isobaric Heat Addition Device 4 → 1: Isobaric Heat Removal We Heat Transferred Power Produced/ Consumed Pump · Q12 = 0 · W12 = m· ⋅ (h1 − h2) Heat Exchanger · Q23 = m· ⋅ (h3 − h2) · W23 = 0 · Q34 = 0 · W34 = m· ⋅ (h3 − h4) · Q41 = m· ⋅ (h1 − h4) · W41 = 0 3 → 4: Isentropic Expansion Turbine Heat Exchanger nd the value of enthalpy at each state point (shown in the expressions in the table above) using the procedure we developed earlier in this course, namely: (1) identify the phase of the substance, and (2) use the appropriate table to determine enthalpy. A T-s diagram for this cycle is provided in the gure, below. Figure 4.19. T-s diagram (SI units) for an ideal Rankine cycle operating between two arbitrary pressures. fi  PAGE 378 fi             Rankine Cycle Energy Transport Processes There are some subtleties that the reader should be aware of when analyzing some of the components that are associated with the Rankine cycle. In particular, we highlight the nuances associated with the pump and condenser below. Pump Recall that pump power can be calculated according to, · WP = m· ⋅ (hi − he) = m· ⋅ νf (Ti) ⋅ (pi − pe) In many cases, we can use the equivalency on the right hand side of the above expression to solve for he as, he = hi − νf (Ti) ⋅ (pi − pe) (4.32) Condenser The condenser is often modeled as a non-mixing heat exchanger, where a separate stream of cooling water is used to condense the steam at the exit of the turbine. In fact, sea water is often used as a cooling source on Naval platforms due to its abundance in the surroundings. Figure 4.20. Schematic of condenser modeled as a non-mixing heat exchanger. Shown are the cooling water inlet and exit from the second uid stream. Mathematically, we can model this with the use of the conservation of energy principle, or, 0 = m· s ⋅ (h1 − h4) + m· cw ⋅ (hcw,i − hcw,e) (4.33) fl      PAGE 379 where the subscript “s” refers to the steam owing through the condenser and the subscript “cw” refers to the cooling water. We consider the secondary uid (the cooling water) to be an incompressible substance, which yields, 0 = m· s ⋅ (h1 − h4) + m· cw ⋅ ccw ⋅ (Tcw,i − Tcw,e) (4.34) Cycle Thermal E ciency We solve for the cycle thermal e ciency in the usual way, · · Wnet Qout h − h1 η = · =1− · =1− 4 h3 − h 2 Qin Qin (4.35) Back Work Ratio We can also compute the back work ratio for a Rankine cycle according to, · WP h − h1 BWR = · = 2 h3 − h4 WT (4.36) Heat Ratio Finally, we can de ne a heat ratio as, · Qin HR = · WT (4.37) Note that the heat ratio has unfamiliar units. For example, in SI the units are kJ/kW/hr. fl fl   ffi   ffi fi  PAGE 380 A steam power plant operates on a simple ideal Rankine cycle between pressure limits of 1000 lbf/in2 and 5 lbf/in2. The turbine inlet temperature is 800∘F. The mass ow rate of steam is 5⋅105 lbm/hr. Determine: 1. The power produced by the turbine [hp] 2. The heat transfer rate out of the steam in the condenser [Btu/hr] 3. The power required by the pump [hp] 4. The heat transfer rate supplied by the boiler [Btu/hr] 5. The cycle’s thermal e ciency [%] Solution First, we must determine the phase of the working uid (water) at the inlet and the exit of the turbine. At the inlet, the temperature and pressure are T3 = 800∘F and p3 = 1000 lbf /in 2, respectively. The saturated water pressure table is shown below. Since T3 > Tsat at p3 , we have a superheated vapor. We must therefore use the superheated vapor table to determine h3. At T3 = 800∘F and p3 = 1000 lbf /in 2, we nd that h3 = 1389 Btu . lbm Now we must nd the phase at state point 4. Because the turbine is isentropic, we know that lbf to determine what the in 2 phase of the substance is by examining s4 within the context of sf and sg at p4. s4 = s3. We can use the saturated water pressure table at p4 = 5 fl       fl  fi    ffi   fi      PA G E 3 81    Example 4.8 - Ideal Rankine Cycle The relevant portion of the saturated water pressure table is provided below. Btu lbf , which is between sf and sg at 5 . Therefore, the phase at lbm ⋅ R in 2 state point 4 is a saturated mixture. We nd the quality, χ4, via, Here, s4 = s3 = 1.5670 Btu χ4 = Btu 1.5670 lbm ⋅ R − 0.23488 lbm ⋅ R Btu Btu 1.8438 lbm − 0.23488 ⋅R lbm ⋅ R = 0.83     fi    PAGE 382 Btu Btu Btu Btu + 0.83 ⋅ 1130.7 − 130.18 = 960.6 ( lbm lbm lbm ) lbm Thus, the power produced by the turbine is calculated to be, lbm 1hr Btu Btu 1hp · WT = m· ⋅ (h3 − h4) = 5 ⋅ 105 ⋅ ⋅ 1389 − 960.6 ⋅ hr 3600s ( lbm lbm ) 0.7058 Btu s = 8.43 ⋅ 104 hp In order to nd the heat transfer rate out of the condenser, we use, · Q41 = m· ⋅ (h1 − h4) Because state point 1 is a saturated liquid, h1 = hf,5psia = 130.18 Btu . Therefore, lbm lbm Btu Btu Btu · Q41 = m· ⋅ (h1 − h4) = 5 ⋅ 105 ⋅ 130.18 − 960.6 = − 4.11 ⋅ 108 hr ( lbm lbm ) hr The power required by the pump can be calculated according to, lbm 1hr ft 3 lbf lbf 144in 2 1hp · WP = m· ⋅ (h1 − h2) = m· ⋅ νf (Ti) ⋅ (p1 − p2) = 5 ⋅ 105 ⋅ ⋅ 0.01641 ⋅ 5 2 − 1000 2 ⋅ ⋅ lbf ⋅ ft hr 3600s lbm ( in in ) ft 2 550 s · WP = − 593 hp To nd the heat transfer rate supplied by the boiler, we nd, · Q23 = m· ⋅ (h3 − h2) · To calculate Q23, then, we require h2, which can be found via, Btu ft 3 lbf lbf 144in 2 1Btu Btu h2 = h1 − νf (T1) ⋅ (p1 − p2) = 130.18 − 0.01641 ⋅ 5 2 − 1000 2 ⋅ ⋅ = 133.20 2 lbm lbm ( in in ) 1ft 778.169ft ⋅ lbf lbm Now, lbm Btu Btu Btu · Q23 = 5 ⋅ 105 ⋅ 1389 − 133.20 = 6.28 ⋅ 108 hr ( lbm lbm ) hr Finally, Btu Btu 960.6 lbm − 130.18 lbm h4 − h1 η =1− =1− = 33.8 % Btu Btu h3 − h 2 1389 − 133.20 lbm lbm fi         fi   fi PAGE 383     h4 = hf + χ4 ⋅ (hg − hf ) = 130.18 Real Rankine Cycle A real Rankine cycle is identical in layout to the ideal Rankine cycle shown in Fig. 4.18. The primary di erence between the two is that either or both of the pump and turbine are not isentropic. That is, the pump and/or turbine will have some isentropic e ciency. The isentropic e ciency for each device is rewritten for convenience below. Pump Isentropic E ciency The isentropic e ciency for a pump can be written as, · νf (T1) ⋅ (p1 − p2) Ws h1 − h2s ηP = · = = h1 − h2 h1 − h2 Wa (4.38) where the subscripts “s” and “a” refer to “isentropic” and “actual”, respectively. Turbine Isentropic E ciency The isentropic e ciency of a turbine can be written as, · h3 − h4 Wa ηT = · = h3 − h4s Ws (4.39) where the subscripts “s” and “a” refer to “isentropic” and “actual”, respectively. ffi   ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ff  PAGE 38 4 The adiabatic turbine in a Rankine cycle is 95% e cient. Steam leaves the boiler and enters the turbine at 700 psia and 1100∘F with a mass ow rate of 5 lbm/s. The steam leaves the turbine at a pressure of 2 psia, and the pump is 100% e cient. Determine: 1. The net power produced by the cycle [hp] 2. The heat transfer rate produced by the boiler [Btu/s] 3. The cycle thermal e ciency [%] 4. The quality of the steam at the turbine’s exit, χ4 Solution The net power produced by the cycle can be calculated as, · · · Wnet = WP + WT = m· ⋅ (h1 − h2) + m· ⋅ (h3 − h4) Clearly, we need to nd the enthalpy at each state point. State Point 1 Because we are not told otherwise, we consider the water to be a saturated liquid at the inlet of the pump. Therefore, h1 = hf at p1 = 2 psia. We use the saturated water pressure table to nd h1. Thus, h1 = 94.02 Btu . lbm ffi ffi fl      ffi fi   PAGE 385  fi Example 4.9 - Real Rankine Cycle Because the pump is isentropic, we nd h2 to be, Btu ft 3 lbf lbf 144in 2 1Btu Btu h2 = h1 − νf (T1) ⋅ (p1 − p2) = 94.02 − 0.01623 ⋅ 2 2 − 700 2 ⋅ ⋅ = 96.12 lbm lbm ( in in ) ft 2 778ft ⋅ lbf lbm State Point 3 We are provided with the temperature (T3 = 1100∘F) and pressure (p3 = 700 psia) at state point 3. In this case, we must rst determine what the phase of the substance is ahead of the turbine. To do this, we use the saturated water pressure table, as shown below. C l e a r l y, t h e w a t e r ex i s t s a s a s u p e r h e a t e d v a p o r a h e a d o f t h e t u r b i n e (Tgiven = 1100∘F > Tsat = 503.13∘F). Therefore, we must nd h3 using the superheated vapor table.   fi   fi fi  PAGE 386   State Point 2 Btu . lbm State Point 4 To determine h4 , we must rst determine the substance’s phase at state point 4. We know that the pressure p4 = 2 Btu lbf and s4s = s3 = 1.7341 . We use the saturated water 2 lbm ⋅ R in pressure table (the rst table provided in this example) to x our state, and nd that sf = 0.17499 Btu Btu Btu < s4s = 1.7341 < sg = 1.9194 lbm ⋅ R lbm ⋅ R lbm ⋅ R Thus, state point 4s exists as a saturated liquid. We emphasize that this is state point 4 in the case where the turbine is isentropic. We can now use this to nd h4 via the isentropic e ciency of the turbine, ηT = h3 − h4 h3 − h4s Thus, we need to calculate h4s. First, we must calculate χ4s, s4s − sf χ4s = sg − sf Btu = Btu 1.7341 lbm ⋅ R − 0.1749 lbm ⋅ R Btu Btu 1.9194 lbm − 0.17499 ⋅R lbm ⋅ R = 0.89 Now, Btu Btu Btu Btu h4s = hf + χ4s ⋅ (hg − hf ) = 94.02 + 0.89 ⋅ 1115.8 − 94.02 = 1007 ( lbm lbm lbm ) lbm Finally, we compute h4 via, h4 = h3 − ηT ⋅ (h3 − h4s) = 1570.4 Btu Btu Btu Btu − 0.95 ⋅ 1570.4 − 1007 = 1035 ( lbm lbm lbm ) lbm Net Power Produced by Cycle The net power produced by the cycle is calculated as, lbm Btu Btu 3600s 1hp · Wnet = 5 ⋅ (94.02 − 96.12) + (1570.4 − 1035) ⋅ ⋅ s ( lbm lbm ) 1hr 2545 Btu hr = 3678 hp fi  fi fi    fi     fi    fi    PAGE 387 ffi  Here, we nd that h3 = 1570.4 Heat Transfer Rate Produced by Boiler The heat transferred into the system by the boiler is calculated as, lbm Btu Btu Btu · Q23 = m· ⋅ (h3 − h2) = 5 ⋅ 1570.4 − 96.12 = 7370.4 s ( lbm lbm ) s Cycle Thermal E ciency The cycle’s thermal e ciency is computed via, 1hr 3600s 3678.3hp ⋅ · Wnet η= · = Btu Qin 7370 2545 Btu hr 1hp = 35.3 % s Actual Quality at the Exit of the Turbine We determine the actual quality at the exit of the turbine, χ4, using the enthalpies provided in the saturated water pressure table at p4 = 2 χ4 = h4 − hf hg − hf = lbf , 2 in Btu Btu 1035 lbm − 94.02 lbm Btu Btu 1115.8 lbm − 94.02 lbm = 0.91 = 91 %   ffi   ffi   PAGE 388 Reheat Rankine Cycle There exists several methods to improve the thermal e ciency of a Rankine cycle. In this section, we discuss the so-called “reheat” method, in which the working uid is passed back through the boiler after exiting the rst (high pressure) turbine, and subsequently passed through a second (low pressure) turbine, as shown in the schematic below. Figure 4.21. Schematic of reheat Rankine cycle. Shown are the high pressure (HPT) and low pressure (LPT) turbines used to produce power in this cycle. In order to achieve a higher system e ciency with a reheat cycle, a higher pressure is required through the boiler. However, this risks excess liquid at the exit of the low pressure turbine, which can corrode its blades. To avoid this, we also increase the temperature by adding additional heat to the system (i.e., reheat through the boiler) such that the quality at the exit of the low pressure turbine remains relatively high (i.e., χe,LPT > 90 % ). Thus, the major changes that occur within this system are to the net heat into the system and the net power produced by the two-stage turbine system, · · · Qin = Qprimary + Qreheat = m· ⋅ (h3 − h2 + h5 − h4) (4.40) · · · Wnet = WHPT + WLPT = m· ⋅ (h3 − h4 + h5 − h6) (4.41) and, fl  ffi ffi fi    PAGE 389 The corresponding T-s diagram is provided for visualization of these processes below. Note that the diagram itself re ects the case when all devices operate isentropically. Figure 4.22. T-s diagram for water (SI Units) showing a typical Rankine cycle. Note: all devices are assumed to be isentropic for ease of viewing on the T-s diagram. In Fig. 4.22, all devices are assumed to be isentropic for ease of viewing. Note, however, that the pump and turbines are unlikely to operate with e ciencies approaching 100%. ffi fl  PAGE 390 Water is the working uid in a Rankine cycle with reheat. Superheated vapor enters the high pressure turbine at 10 MPa and 500∘C, and expands to a pressure of 0.7 MPa before it is reheated back to 500∘C ahead of the low pressure turbine. It then expands to 5 kPa before entering the condenser. Assume that the water is a saturated liquid at the inlet of the pump. If the high pressure turbine and pump are isentropic, and the low pressure turbine has an isentropic e ciency of 90%, determine: 1. The speci c heat transfer rate into the working uid [kJ/kg] 2. The thermal e ciency of the cycle [%] Solution Ultimately, we require knowledge of the enthalpy at each of the 6 state points in our reheat Rankine cycle. As a result, we rst solve for h at each state point, below. State Point 1 We are told in the problem to assume that the working uid enters the pump as a saturated liquid, and we also know that the working uid exists at its lowest pressure ahead of the pump (i.e., p1 = 5 kPa ). Thus, we can use the saturated water pressure table to determine h1, Here, we nd that h1 = hf, 5 kPa = 137.75 kJ . kg State Point 2 Since the pump operates isentropically, we can determine h2 via, kJ m3 kJ h2 = h1 − νf (T1) ⋅ (p1 − p2) = 137.75 − 0.001005 ⋅ (5kPa − 10,000kPa) = 147.8 kg kg kg  fl fl fl  fi fl   ffi  ffi fi fi  PAG E 3 91   Example 4.10 - Reheat Rankine Cycle State Point 3 We are explicitly told that the working uid (water) is superheated at state point 3. Thus, we can utilize the superheated vapor tables to determine h3. kJ The superheated vapor table indicates that h3 = 3375.1 . kg State Point 4 At state point 4, we know that p4 = 0.7 MPa = 700 kPa and that s4 = s3 = 6.5995 kJ , kg ⋅ K since the high pressure turbine is isentropic. We therefore determine the phase at state point 4 using the saturated water pressure table.    fl   PAGE 392 According to the table above, sf < s4 < sg, and we have a saturated mixture. We now have to determine the quality at this state point in order to nd h4. χ4 = 6.5996 kgkJ⋅ K − 1.9918 kgkJ⋅ K 6.7071 kgkJ⋅ K − 1.9918 kgkJ⋅ K = 0.977 Now we nd, h4 = hf + χ4 ⋅ (hg − hf ) = 697 kJ kJ kJ kJ + 0.977 ⋅ 2762.8 − 697 = 2715.3 ( kg kg kg ) kg State Point 5 At state point 5, we know that p5 = p4 = 0.7 MPa = 700 kPa and T5 = 500∘C , since the working uid is reheated back to the temperature ahead of the high pressure turbine. We use the saturated water pressure table to rst determine the phase of the water ahead of the low pressure turbine. Clearly, Tgiven = 500∘C > Tsat = 164.95∘C and we have a superheated vapor. Thus, we must use the superheated vapor table to determine h5.   fi  fi    fl fi    PAGE 393 MPa. Because we are directly between these pressures at p5 = 0.7 MPa , we can simply average the enthalpies to produce h5 = 3482.4 kJ . kg State Point 6 State point 6 represents the exit of the low pressure turbine. Therefore, we are at a pressure of p6 = 5 kPa . We also know that the low pressure turbine has an isentropic e ciency of ηLPT = 0.9 and, ηLPT = h5 − h6 h5 − h6s which we will use to calculate h6 . To do that, we must s6s = s5 = 7.94 rst determine h6s , where kJ . At a pressure of 5 kPa (see the rst table in this example problem), kg ⋅ K sf < s6s < sg. Therefore, the isentropic state point 6s is a saturated mixture. χ6s = 7.94 kgkJ⋅ K − 0.4762 kgkJ⋅ K 8.3938 kgkJ⋅ K − 0.4762 kgkJ⋅ K = 0.943 Therefore, kJ kJ kJ kJ h6s = hf + χ6s ⋅ (hg − hf ) = 137.75 + 0.943 ⋅ 2560.7 − 137.75 = 2424.48 ( kg kg kg ) kg Now we use ηLPT to nd h6, h6 = h5 − ηLPT ⋅ (h5 − h6s) = 3482.4 kJ kJ kJ kJ − 0.9 ⋅ 3482.4 − 2424.48 = 2530.3 ( kg kg kg ) kg Solving for q23 q23 = h3 − h2 = 3375.1 kJ kJ kJ − 147.8 = 3227.3 kg kg kg Solving for η 137.75 kJ − 147.8 kJ + 3375.1 kJ − 2715.3 kJ + 3482.4 kJ − 2530.3 kJ w12 + w34 + w56 h1 − h2 + h3 − h4 + h5 − h6 kg kg kg kg kg kg η= = = = 49.6 % kJ q23 h3 − h 2 3227.3 kg ffi  fi  fi      fi        PAGE 394      The enthalpy at state point 5 is found by interpolating between pressures of 0.6 MPa and 0.8 NUCLEAR POWER On January 17, 1955, the USS Nautilus (SSN-571) signaled “Underway on nuclear power.” This started the U.S. Navy’s operations with nuclear-powered vessels. The Nautilus initiated many changes in the Navy, speci cally in the ways submarines operate, namely higher speed, ability to maintain that speed almost inde nitely, and the ability to remain submerged for long periods of time. Nuclear power was later adapted to aircraft carriers and cruisers. The USS Enterprise (CVN-65) was commissioned on November 25, 1961. This nuclear-powered platform had eight nuclear reactors providing 280,000 HP divided equally between four shafts, plus all of the electrical and steam-operated catapult needs of the ship. By the time the USS Nimitz (CVN-68) was built, improvements in reactor design allowed the ships of this class to have the same shaft power output provided by two nuclear reactors. The Navy also built a number of surface combatants with nuclear propulsion. All of the U.S. Navy’s nuclearpowered vessels employ pressurized water reactors. The overall propulsion e ciency of current naval nuclear power plants is about 15%. Nuclear power is the preferred power system for aircraft carriers as it allows more fuel to be carried for aircraft and surface escorts, and dramatically reduces the number of tankers required to support a Battle Group. Current aircraft carrier reactor designs can operate for approximately 20 years before the nuclear fuel (or “core”) must be replaced. The primary disadvantages of nuclear power compared to conventionally powered surface vessels are: much higher initial cost, much higher maintenance costs, signi cantly more personnel required for operation and maintenance, and it is politically unpopular with some groups and countries, and thus some countries impose restrictive port visitation requirements. Principles of Nuclear Fission Recall that a chemical element is de ned by the number of protons in its nucleus and that neutrons are also present in the nucleus of most elements. An element can also have various isotopes due to di ering numbers of neutrons accompanying the same number of protons. The term, ssionable, refers to the ability of an element to undergo a reaction. There are very few elements that are ssion ssionable and only certain isotopes are readily ssionable. This is the case with the principle nuclear fuel used in ssion reactors uranium. fi ffi fi fi fi fi fi fi ff fi fi  PAGE 395 rare uranium isotope U-235 () which has 92 protons and molecular weight of 235. Only approximately 0.7% of natural uranium, as it is mined from the earth, is U-235; the balance is predominately U-238 which is more stable, and much more di cult to U-235. ssion than Commercial reactors use uranium that has been enriched to approximately 3% U-235; Navy reactors, since a higher power density is desired, use uranium with much higher U-235 enrichment, thus reducing the weight of the undesired U-238 present in the fuel. Depleted uranium, used in projectiles, is the waste product U-238 from the enrichment process. There are two enrichment processes in current use in the world: gaseous di usion and gaseous centrifuging. Gaseous di usion micro- lters uranium that has been gasi ed into uranium hexa uoride (UF6). Centrifuge enrichment spins UF6 at high speeds and the UF6 with the heavier isotope (U-238) tends to migrate to the outer region of the centrifuge while the lighter isotope tends to stay closer to the centrifuge axis. Many multiple centrifuges in series are required to achieve signi cant enrichment by this technique. Once the UF6 gas reaches the required degree of enrichment, it is reformulated to solid uranium dioxide, UO2. The UO2 is shaped and then covered with a metal cladding to protect the UO2 from corrosion. The cladding metal is selected based upon having high thermal conductivity, low susceptibility to corrosion, and hardness to minimize erosion e ects from water that is pumped through the reactor. The fuel is assembled into fuel elements that are inserted into the reactor in geometric shapes referred to as fuel element assemblies that make up the reactor core. The U-235 ssion reaction is: 235 1 1 92 U +0 n → FP1 + FP2 + 2.430 n + E (4.42) where E is energy, n is a neutron and FP1 and FP2 are elemental ssion products (e.g. Iodine, Barium, Cesium, etc) that are typically much more radioactive than the parent material. Note that, on average, 2.43 neutrons are released from each ssion of U-235. These neutrons are available to cause subsequent ssions in what is referred to as a chain reaction. In a nuclear power reactor this chain reaction is controlled to maintain the desired power level. In an atomic bomb, with approximately 80% U-235 enrichment, the chain reaction runs unchecked which results in a massive release of energy in a fraction of a second. The ssion products tend to decay to more stable elements over varying periods of time, releasing energy referred to as decay heat. Decay heat can produce a signi cant amount of heat for days and even weeks after a reactor is shutdown. ff fi ff fi fi fi ffi fi fi fi fi ff fi  fl fi PAGE 396  fi U.S Navy nuclear propulsion plants, and most commercial reactor designs, use ssion of the 1010 BTU/lbm of U-235, which is many orders of magnitude greater than that released in a typical chemical combustion reaction (e.g. heating value of aircraft fuel JP-5 is approximately 18,300 BTU/lbm). The student may be familiar with the terms light water reactor, heavy water reactor, or graphitemoderated reactor. These terms relate to the way in which the neutrons that are produced by ssion are slowed down (moderated) to the appropriate energy level to cause another ssion. As noted in the equation above, there is an average of 2.43 neutrons produced per ssion event. Neutrons are produced at an energy level that is too high to cause a ssion and must be slowed down to the proper energy level without losing too many of them in the process. Neutron moderation slows the neutrons and re-directs them to the core in order to sustain the ssion chain reaction. Navy nuclear power uses light water reactors. Control rods are devices made from materials that absorb neutrons. Control rods are inserted into spaces inside the core to shut it down. This may be done either by inserting the rods slowly with their drive motors or dropping them quickly in what is called a scram. A scram may be manually initiated by plant operators or automatically initiated by the reactor safety control systems. Either way, the inserted control rods absorb neutrons and prevent these neutrons from causing ssion in the fuel. To start up a reactor, the rods are withdrawn to allow some of the otherwise absorbed neutrons to cause additional ssions. This power level is raised until the chain reaction is self-sustaining and the reactor is referred to as critical. One additional factor in operating nuclear systems is that, once the fuel has been operated to make steam, the reactor continues to emit heat even if it is shutdown. This decay heat must be removed to prevent heating the water in the reactor to boiling conditions. The approximate amount of decay heat is about 10% of what the power was immediately prior to shutdown and it decays away exponentially. Types of Nuclear Reactors Current naval applications of nuclear power all use the pressurized water reactor (PWR) con guration. In a PWR, high-pressure, subcooled water is pumped through the reactor to carry the heat from the reactor core to a steam generator. The water ows around the fuel elements and is referred to as primary water or coolant. The steam generator is a heat exchanger that separates the high-pressure primary water from secondary water, which is at a lower pressure and allowed to boil. The steam generator is analogous to the boiler in a conventional (hydrocarbon red) steam plant. The steam produced by a PWR’s steam fi fi fl fi fi fi fi  PAGE 397 fi fi fi fi The amount of energy released in ssion, or U-235 heating value, is approximately 3.51 x otherwise similar to a conventional steam plant. Pressurized Water Reactor • •• ••• •••• • • •• • • •• • • • •• •• • • • • •• •• • • • • ••• • • • • •• • • • •• • •• • • • ••• • •• • •• • • • • • • • • •• •• • • •• • ••• • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • •• •• • • • •• • • • • •• • • • Figure 4.23. Schematic of a simpli ed pressurized water reactor. Figure 4.23 shows a simpli ed pressurized water reactor, illustrating the two “loops” and their components. The two loops are (1) the high-pressure, subcooled primary loop and (2) the steam cycle secondary loop. The principal components of the primary loop are the reactor, the main coolant pump, and the high pressure side of the steam generator. The principle components on the secondary loop include the low pressure side of the steam generator, the main feed pump, steam turbine and the condenser. described below. Each component will be The numbering of the state points as shown in Figure 1 neglects any pressure drops due to major or minor losses in the piping connecting the components. Otherwise states would be required at the inlet and exit of each component. The primary loop’s working uid is water that is pressurized to such high levels (typically in the range of 1500 to 2500 psi, depending upon the speci c design) that it will not boil in the primary loop, even at the fairly high temperatures in the reactor. The state of the primary coolant is thus a compressed or subcooled liquid in the owing portion of the system. The reactor is basically a heat exchanger in which thermal energy generated by the nuclear ssion process is removed by the primary coolant. The primary coolant then rejects the heat fl fi fi fl fi PAGE 398  fi generator is saturated steam (not superheated). The steam portion of the overall system is in the steam generator (S/G) to the steam in the secondary loop. Heat transfer in the steam generator takes place across numerous small-diameter tubes. The primary coolant ows through the inside of the tubes, while the secondary system’s water boils on the outside of the tubes. After transferring heat, the primary coolant is returned to the reactor. The Main Coolant Pumps (MCPs) providing the pressure rise necessary to overcome the frictional head losses of the pipes, valves, reactor, and S/G. The pressurizer is a special component that is discussed in greater detail later. The pressurizer is a special primary system component. The pressurizer is connected to the hot leg which runs from the reactor to the steam generator. The pressure in the hot leg is essentially the pressurizer pressure. The pressurizer is tted with electric heaters which serve to boil the water in the pressurizer and create a steam bubble at the top of the pressurizer. If the primary pressure is lower than desired, the electric heaters in the pressurizer will energize to raise the saturation temperature (and hence saturation pressure). The pressurizer is also equipped with a spray nozzle connected to the cold leg after the main coolant pumps. If pressure is too high, the spray valve is remotely opened to allow water to spray in via the spray nozzle which lowers the saturation temperature and hence the saturation pressure. p7 = psat(Tpressurizer ) (4.43) There will typically be a signi cant pressure drop in the primary loop across both the reactor and the steam generator. In both cases the coolant must travel through small channels or tubes to promote e ective heat transfer. There are also likely to be major and minor losses in the piping that connect the components of the primary loop. The pressure head of the pump for a loop can be determined by summing all of the major and minor losses. p6 − p5 Δhpump = Δh + Δh = ∑ minor ∑ major ρ⋅g Water is not incompressible at these pressures and temperature. (4.44) Therefore, the use of compressed liquid tables is more appropriate, but generally requires a more complete set of tables than what is provided in your textbook. However, across the steam generator and the reactor the change in enthalpy with respect to temperature is much greater than the change in enthalpy with respect to pressure; therefore it is reasonable to approximate the change in enthalpy as Δh ≈ cp ⋅ ΔT. A more accurate result can be obtained by interpolation with the compressed liquid tables. · QSG = m· ⋅ (h5 − h7) ≈ m· ⋅ cp ⋅ (T5 − T7) (4.45) fl fi   fi  ff   PAGE 399 The work of a reversible process can be determined by integrating the speci c volume over the change in pressure. Speci c volume is not a strong function of pressure and remains relative constant across the pump, therefore our standard equation for calculating the work of an isentropic pump is still reasonable. wrev = ν ⋅ dP ≈ ν5 ⋅ (p6 − p5) ∫ · WMCP = · WMCP,isentropic ηP (4.46) − m· ⋅ ν ⋅ (p6 − p5 = ηP (4.47) where ηP is the isentropic e ciency of the pump. Figure 4.24. Two-loop primary system with pressurizer shown. Figure 4.24 illustrates the redundancy provided by having two primary loops connected to the same reactor and also shows redundancy with multiple coolant pumps that can be isolated in the event of system damage. This is generally characteristic of submarine systems. The steam generator is a heat exchanger that has high temperature hot water on the primary loop side which is used to boil water at a lower pressure on the steam generation side. Liquid water is supplied to the steam generator using the main feed pump, the water boils and leaves as a saturated vapor, χ3 = 1 . Since the steam cannot be heated above the inlet temperature of the coolant, T7, there is not much opportunity to superheat in a pressurized fi   fi  ffi   PAGE 400 water reactor. The rate of heat transfer in the steam generator can be determined from an energy balance on the steam generator. · QSG = m· S ⋅ (h3 − h2) = m· P ⋅ (h7 − h5) (4.48) The rest of the secondary loop is the same as a conventional steam power plant. The steam is expanded in a turbine that produces shaft power. The water leaving the turbine is directed to a condenser. As with the conventional steam plant, the condenser is operated at a vacuum (typically below 5 psia). The condenser is often a shell and tube heat exchanger with numerous small-diameter tubes. The condenser’s function is to reject the heat necessary to turn the secondary water from saturated mixture conditions to saturated liquid (SL) conditions. If the system is modeled as ideal, the water leaving the condenser is a saturated liquid. In an actual system the water leaving the condenser will be a subcooled liquid. The amount of subcooling of the liquid leaving the condenser is referred to as condensate depression and is reported in degrees of subcooling below saturation temperature at the condenser pressure. Figure 4.25 shows the states of the primary and secondary loops on a T-s diagram. When the Rankine cycle is sketched on a Ts diagram, state 2 is often shown as being above state 1 in order to illustrate the isentropic process. However, when drawn to scale, state 1 and state 2 are actually right on top of one another as shown in the Figure 3. Since the e ectiveness of the steam generator will be less than 1, T3 must be less than T7 and in reality T3 will likely be less than T5. Figure 4.24. Representative T-s diagram from a pressurized water reactor. ff   PAG E 4 01 Example 4.11 - Pressurized Water Reactor Coolant enters the steam generator at 320∘C and leaves at 280∘C. The mass ow rate of the coolant is 400 kg/s. A steam bubble is used to keep the pressure at 15 MPa inside the pressurizer. Saturated vapor leaves the steam generator at 6 MPa and enters the turbine. The pressure drop is 500 kPa in the reactor and 500 kPa in the steam generator on the primary loop side. The isentropic e ciency of the turbine is 90% and both pumps are ideal. Condensate enters the main feed pump at 10 kPa and 30∘C. Determine: 1. The temperature inside the pressurizer [∘C] 2. The rate of heat transfer in the steam generator [MW] 3. The power input to the main coolant pump [kW] 4. The rate of heat transfer in the reactor [MW] 5. The mass ow rate of the steam leaving the steam generator [kg/s] 6. The power output of the turbine [MW] 7. The power input to the main feed pump [kW] 8. The overall thermal e ciency of the system [%] Solution We determine the enthalpies at each state point (1-7) in order to answer 1-8 above. State Point 1 We know that the temperature and pressure at state point 1 are 30∘ C and 10 kPa, respectively. First, we use the saturated water pressure table to determine the phase of our working uid. fl      ffi ffi fl fl  PAGE 402 h1 = hf (T1). We now use the saturated water temperature table to nd the enthalpy at state point 1. kJ Thus, h1 = 125.74 . kg State Point 2 At state point 2, we only know that p2 = 6,000 kPa. Because the pump is isentropic, however, we can use, kJ m3 kJ h2 = h1 − νf (T1) ⋅ (p1 − p2) = 125.74 − 0.001004 ⋅ (10kPa − 6,000kPa) = 131.74 kg kg kg State Point 3 At state point 3 we have a saturated vapor at p3 = 6,000 kPa. Thus, we use the saturated water pressure table to determine h3. We nd that h3 = hg = 2784.6 kJ . kg State Point 4 At state point 4, p4 = 10 kPa. We also know that, fi         fi PAGE 403 fi   nd that Tgiven = 30∘C < Tsat = 45.81∘C . Therefore, we have a compressed liquid and We Therefore, to calculate h4 we must h3 − h4 h3 − h4s rst determine h4s . In this case, we know that kJ . At p4 = 10 kPa, we kg ⋅ K s4s = s3 = 5.8902 nd that sf < s4s = 5.8902 Therefore, the phase at state point 4 is a saturated mixture, where, χ4s = 5.8902 kgkJ⋅ K − 0.6492 kgkJ⋅ K 8.1488 kgkJ⋅ K − 0.6492 kgkJ⋅ K kJ < sg . kg ⋅ K = 0.699 and, kJ kJ kJ kJ h4s = hf + χ4s ⋅ (hg − hf ) = 191.81 + 0.699 ⋅ 2583.9 − 191.81 = 1863.9 ( kg kg kg ) kg Now, kJ kJ kJ kJ h4 = h3 − ηT ⋅ (h3 − h4s) = 2784.6 − 0.9 ⋅ 2784.6 − 1863.9 = 1955.7 ( kg kg kg ) kg State Point 5 The pressure at state point 5 is p5 = p7 − 0.5 MPa = 14.5 MPa (where p7 = ppressurizer = 15 MPa) and the temperature is T5 = 280∘ C. Here, we use the Compressed Liquid Water Table to determine h5.    fi fi          PAGE 40 4   ηT = 0.9 = h5 = 1235.0 kJ 14.5MPa − 10MPa kJ kJ kJ + ⋅ 1233.0 − 1235.0 = 1233.2 kg ( 15MPa − 10MPa ) ( kg kg ) kg State Point 6 To determine the enthalpy at state point 6, we use, m3 kJ h6 = h5 − νf (T5) ⋅ (p5 − p6) = 0.001311 ⋅ (14,500kPa − 15,500kPa) = 1234.5 kg kg because the pump is operating isentropically. State Point 7 At state point 7, the pressure is p7 = ppressurizer = 15 MPa and the temperature is T7 = 320∘ C. Again, the substance is a compressed liquid, and we use the Compressed Liquid Water Table to determine h7. Using the same table as the one shown for state point 5, we nd that h7 = 1454 kJ . kg Temperature Inside of Pressurizer We know that Tpressurizer = Tsat,@ppressurizer = 342.16∘C (see the saturation temperature on the compressed liquid water table). Rate of Heat Transfer in the Steam Generator kg kJ kJ · QSG = m· p ⋅ (h5 − h7) = 400 ⋅ 1233.2 − 1454 = − 88,320 kW ( ) s kg kg Power Input to the Main Coolant Pump kg kJ kJ · WMCP = m· p ⋅ (h5 − h6) = 400 ⋅ 1233.2 − 1234.5 = − 520 kW ( ) s kg kg Rate of Heat Transfer in the Reactor kg kJ kJ · QR = m· p ⋅ (h7 − h6) = 400 ⋅ 1454 − 1234.5 = 87,800 kW ( ) s kg kg fi           PAGE 405   Here we interpolate between 10 MPa and 15 MPa to determine h5, where, Mass Flow Rate of the Steam · Q 88,320kW kg SG m· S = = = 33.29 kJ h3 − h 2 s 2652.9 kg Power Output of the Turbine kg kJ kJ · WT = m· S ⋅ (h3 − h4) = 33.29 ⋅ 2784.6 − 1955.0 = 27,617 kW ( ) s kg kg Power Required by the Main Feed Pump kg kJ kJ · WMFP = m· S ⋅ (h1 − h2) = 33.29 ⋅ 125.74 − 131.74 = − 199.7 kW ( ) s kg kg Overall Thermal E ciency of the Cycle · · · WT + WMCP + WMFP 26,897kW η= = = 30.6 % · 87,800kW QR   ffi    PAGE 406 VA P O R C O M P R E S S I O N R E F R I G E R AT I O N / H E AT P U M P S Vapor compression refrigeration and heat pump systems are widely credited as one of the most important technological developments of the 21st century, allowing for reasonable living conditions and prosperity in climates that would otherwise be too harsh to live in year-round. These systems also enabled the distribution of goods across the globe, and advanced dilution refrigeration systems are expected to be critical components in future quantum computers. Here, we will discuss the thermodynamic concepts associated with conventional vapor compression refrigeration and heat pump systems. Thermodynamic Analysis Vapor compression systems can be used to achieve both cooling and heating of spaces, where the working uid’s ow direction is often changed to achieve one or the other. A simple schematic of a vapor compression system is shown below. Figure 4.25. Schematic of a Vapor Compression system; in refrigeration-mode, we keep remove heat from a cold space to maintain Tc   fl fl  PAGE 407 temperature of our refrigerant (Note: we will consider R-134a to be the working uid in vapor compression problems for this course, despite its adverse impacts on the environment). The condenser is a heat exchanger used to keep a space warm at Th , while the evaporator is a heat exchanger that is used to cool a space and maintain its temperature at Tc. The expansion valve between state points 3 and 4 is a throttle that is used to lower the pressure and temperature of the refrigerant. Recall that for a throttle, hi = he; therefore, h3 = h4 according to the schematic in Fig. 4.25. Refrigeration/Heat Pump Cycle Energy Transport Processes Process Device 1 → 2: Isentropic Compression 2 → 3: Isobaric Heat Addition 3 → 4: Isenthalpic Expansion 4 → 1: Isobaric Heat Removal Heat Transferred Power Produced/ Consumed Compressor · Q12 = 0 · W12 = m· ⋅ (h1 − h2) Heat Exchanger · Q23 = m· ⋅ (h3 − h2) · W23 = 0 Expansion Valve · Q34 = 0 · W34 = 0 Heat Exchanger · Q41 = m· ⋅ (h1 − h4) · W41 = 0 The process is shown below on a T-s diagram. Figure 4.25. T-s diagram for an ideal vapor compression refrigeration/heat pump system. Note state point 1 must be a saturated or superheated vapor in order to pass through the compressor. For a non-ideal system, the pump is no longer isentropic and state point 2 is shifted to the right on its constant pressure line. fl     PAGE 408              In the above schematic, the compressor is designed to increase the pressure and Example 4.12 - Vapor Compression Refrigeration R-134a is used in a vapor compression refrigeration system to cool a household refrigerator with a cooling capacity of 1,000 Btu/hr. Refrigerant enters the evaporator at a temperature of -10∘F and exits as a saturated vapor. The refrigerant exits the condenser as a saturated liquid at a pressure of 120 psia. If the compressor has an isentropic e ciency of 80%, determine: 1. The evaporator pressure [psia] 2. The mass ow rate of the refrigerant [lbm/min] 3. The compressor power input [hp] 4. The coe cient of performance for the refrigeration system (COP) Solution First, let’s nd the enthalpy at each state point so that we can answer the questions posed to us above. State Point 1 We are told that we have a saturated vapor at the exit of the evaporator, which maintains a temperature of T1 = T4 = − 10∘F in this problem. Thus, we use the saturated R-134a temperature table to obtain h1. Using the table above, we nd that h1 = 101.61 Btu . lbm State Point 2 At state point 2, we only know that the pressure p2 = 120 psia. However, we also know, ηC = 0.8 = h1 − h2s h1 − h2 ffi     fi  fi fl ffi   PAGE 409 Btu and that p2s = p2 = 120 psia. We must rst determine the phase lbm ⋅ R of the R-134a at state point 2s prior to determining h2s . To do this, we use the saturated s2s = s1 = 0.2266 R-134a pressure table. We nd that s2s > sg at p2s = p2 = 120 psia. Thus, we have a superheated vapor at state point 2s. We therefore use the superheated vapor table to determine h2s. Btu Interpolating, we nd that h2s = 120 . Thus, lbm Btu Btu h1 − h2s Btu 101 lbm − 120 lbm Btu h2 = h1 − = 101 − = 124.6 ηC lbm 0.8 lbm  fi       fi    PAG E 410 fi  Thus, we must determine h2s to then compute h2 . For state point 2s, we know that At state point 3, we have a saturated liquid at p3 = p2 = 120 psia. We can use the saturated R-134a pressure table to determine h3 , which is the heading, above. Thus, h3 = 41.787 rst table under the State Point 2 Btu . lbm State Point 4 Because the process between state points 3 and 4 is isenthalpic, we know that h4 = h3 = 41.787 Btu . lbm Evaporator Pressure The evaporator pressure is psat at state point 1, which we nd to be 16.64 psia. Refrigerant Mass Flow Rate Here we can use the cooling capacity to solve for the mass ow rate of the refrigerant: Btu · 1,000 QC 1hr lbm hr m· = = ⋅ = 0.28 h1 − h4 60min min 101 Btu − 41.789 Btu lbm lbm Compressor Power Input lbm Btu Btu 60min 1hp · WC = m· ⋅ (h1 − h2) = 0.28 ⋅ 101 − 124.6 ⋅ ⋅ min ( lbm lbm ) 1hr 2545 Btu hr = − 0.16 hp Cycle Coe cient of Performance (COP) · Qevap COPR = · = | WC | 1,000 Btu hr 0.16hp ⋅ 2545 Btu hr = 2.9 1hp fl fi fi       ffi P A G E 4 11    State Point 3 APPENDIX  PA G E 412 Dimension SI Units SI/English Units Acceleration 1 m/s2= 100 cm/s2 1 m/s2 = 3.2808 ft/s2 1 m2 = 104 cm2 1 m2 = 1550 in2 = 10.764 ft2 Area Density 1 ft/s2 = 0.3048 m/s2 … = 106 mm2 = 10−6 km2 1 ft2 = 144 in2 = 0.0929034 m2 1 g/cm3 = 1000 kg/m3 = 1 kg/L 1 g/cm3 = 62.428 lbm/ft3 1 kJ = 1000 J = 1000 N⋅m 1 kJ = 0.94782 Btu 1 Btu = 1.055056 kJ Energy, heat, work, and speci c energy … = 1 kPa⋅m3 1 kJ/kg = 1000 m2/s2 1 kWh = 3600 … = 0.036127 lbm/in3 … = 5.40395 psia⋅ft3 = 778.169 lbf⋅ft 1 Btu/lbm = 25,037 ft2/s2 = 2.326 kJ/kg 1 kWh = 3412.14 Btu Force 1 N = 1 kg⋅m/s2 Length 1 m = 100 cm = 1000 mm = 106 μm 1 km = 1000 m 1 ft = 12 in 1 mile = 5280 ft 1 in = 2.54 cm 1 kg = 2.2046226 lbm Mass 1 kg = 1000 g 1 metric ton = 1000 kg 1 ounce = 28.3495 g 1 slug = 32.174 lbm 1 short ton = 2000 lbm Power 1 W = 1 J/s 1 kW = 1 kJ/s = 1000 W 1 hp = 745.7 W 1 hp = 550 lbf⋅ft/s = 0.7058 Btu/s … = 42.41 Btu/min = 2544.5 Btu/h 1 Pa = 1 N/m2 1 psi = 144 lbf/ft2 = 6.894757 kPa 1 atm = 14.696 psi Pressure and Pressure head 1 kPa = 103 Pa = 10−3 MPa 1 atm = 101.325 kPa … = 760 mm Hg (at 0∘C) 1 lbf = 1 slug⋅ft/s2 1 lbf = 32.174 lbm⋅ft/s2 = 4.44822 N … = 29.92 in Hg (at 30∘C) Speci c heat 1 kJ/kg⋅∘C = 1 kJ/kg⋅K = 1 J/g⋅∘C 1 Btu/lbm⋅∘F = 4.1868 kJ/kg⋅∘C Speci c volume 1 m3/kg = 1000 L/kg = 1000 cm3/g 1 m3/kg =16.02 ft3/lbm Temperature T(K) = T(∘C) + 273.15 T(R) = T(∘F) + 459.67 = 1.8⋅T(K) ΔT(K) = ΔT(∘C) Velocity 1 m/s = 3.60 km/hr T(∘F) = 1.8⋅T(∘C) + 32 ΔT(∘F) = ΔT(R) = 1.8⋅ΔT(K) 1 m/s = 3.2808 ft/s 1 mi/hr = 1.46667 ft/s                                                         fi         fi fi        PAG E 413    UNIT CONVERSIONS Dimension SI Units SI/English Units Viscosity (dynamic) 1 kg/m⋅s = 1 N⋅s/m2 = 1 Pa⋅s 1 kg/m⋅s = 2419.1 lbm/ft⋅hr … = 0.020886 lbf⋅s/ft2 … = 0.67197 lbm/ft⋅s Viscosity (kinematic) 1 m2/s = 104 cm2/s 1 m2/s = 10.764 ft2/s 1 m3 = 1000 L = 106 cm3 1 in3 = 0.000579 ft3 = 0.00433 gal 1 stoke = 1 cm2/s Volume 1 gal = 231 in3 = 3.7854 L 1 1 m3/s = 60,000 L/min = 106 cm3/s Volume ow rate ounce = 29.5735 cm3 1 gal = 128 ounces 1 ft3/s = 448.83 gal/min Important Note: Values highlighted in red are used extremely often, while values highlighted in blue and green are used very often.                   fl  fl         fl PAG E 414 Material Type (New Pipe) ε (mm) ε (ft) Riveted steel 0.9 - 9.0 0.003 - 0.03 Concrete 0.3 - 3.0 0.001 - 0.01 Wood stave 0.18 - 0.9 0.0006 - 0.003 Cast iron 0.15 0.0005 Galvanized iron 0.15 0.0005 Asphalted cast iron 0.12 0.0004 Commercial steel or wrought iron 0.045 0.00015 Drawn tubing 0.0015 0.000005 Carbon steel 0.035 0.00011 Ordinary concrete 0.3 - 1.0 0.001 - 0.0032 Smoothed cement 0.3 0.001 Flexible rubber tubing 0.006 - 0.07 0.00002 - 0.00023 PVC and plastic pipes 0.0015 - 0.007 0.000006 - 0.000023 Copper, lead, brass, and aluminum 0.001 - 0.002 0.0000033 - 0.0000066 PAG E 415    VA L U E S O F S U R FAC E R O U G H N E S S F O R P I P E F L O W Object Geometry Schematic Drag Coe cient, CD Cube CD = 1.05 Afrontal = D 2 Cone (θ = 30∘) Afrontal = π ⋅D 4 2 CD = 0.5 Ellipsoid π ⋅ D2 Afrontal = 4 Finite Cylinder (vertical) Afrontal = L ⋅ D Finite Cylinder (horizontal) π ⋅ D2 Afrontal = 4  ffi  ffi  PAG E 416      Drag Coe cients over a Series of 3-D Objects Oriented Vertically to the Direction of Fluid Flow     ADDITIONAL DRAG COEFFICIENTS OVER 3-D BODIES Schematic Drag Coe cient, CD Standing Person (standing and sitting) CD ⋅ A = 9 f t 2 = 0.84 m 2 Sitting CD ⋅ A = 6 f t 2 = 0.56 m 2 Upright Bike Afrontal = 5.5 f t 2 = 0.51 m 2 CD = 1.1 Racing Afrontal = 3.9 f t 2 = 0.36 m 2 CD = 0.9 Passenger Car Frontal Area Varies CD = 0.3 − 0.4 Tree Afrontal = L ⋅ D  ffi  ffi   PA G E 417   Object Geometry   Drag Coe cients over a Series of Real Objects Oriented Vertically to the Direction of Fluid Flow   ADDITIONAL DRAG COEFFICIENTS OVER REAL BODIES FLUID PROPERTIES (SI UNITS) Water (Liquid at STP) ( C) Surface Tension, σ (N/m) Vapor Pressure, pv (N/m2, absolute) Sound Speed, c (m/s) 0 0.0756 610.5 1403 5 0.0749 872.2 1427 10 0.0742 1,228 1447 20 0.0728 2,338 1481 30 0.0712 4,243 1507 40 0.0696 7,376 1526 50 0.0679 12,330 1541 60 0.0662 19,920 1552 70 0.0644 31,160 1555 80 0.0626 47,340 1555 90 0.0608 70,100 1550 99.99 0.0589 101,300 1543 Temperature ∘ Water (Liquid at STP) Density, ρ Speci c Weight, γ Dynamic Viscosity, μ Kinematic Viscosity, ν 0 999.9 9.806 1.787⋅10−3 1.787⋅10−6 5 1,000 9.807 1.519⋅10−3 1.519⋅10−6 10 999.7 9.804 1.307⋅10−3 1.307⋅10−6 20 998.2 9.789 1.002⋅10−3 1.004⋅10−6 30 995.7 9.765 7.975⋅10−4 8.009⋅10−7 40 992.2 9.731 6.529⋅10−4 6.580⋅10−7 50 988.1 9.690 5.468⋅10−4 5.534⋅10−7 60 983.2 9.642 4.665⋅10−4 4.745⋅10−7 70 977.8 9.589 4.042⋅10−4 4.134⋅10−7 80 971.8 9.530 3.547⋅10−4 3.650⋅10−7 90 965.3 9.467 3.147⋅10−4 3.260⋅10−7 99.99 958.4 9.399 2.818⋅10−4 2.940⋅10−7 Temperature (∘C) (kg/m3) (kN/m3) [(N⋅s)/m2] (m2/s)                                            fi                     PAG E 418 Air (Gas at Standard Atmospheric Pressure) Temperature Density, ρ Speci c Weight, γ Dynamic Viscosity, μ Kinematic Viscosity, ν -40 1.514 14.85 1.57⋅10−5 1.04⋅10−5 -20 1.395 13.68 1.63⋅10−5 1.17⋅10−5 0 1.292 12.67 1.71⋅10−5 1.32⋅10−5 5 1.269 12.45 1.73⋅10−5 1.36⋅10−5 10 1.247 12.23 1.76⋅10−5 1.41⋅10−5 15 1.225 12.01 1.80⋅10−5 1.47⋅10−5 20 1.204 11.81 1.82⋅10−5 1.51⋅10−5 25 1.184 11.61 1.85⋅10−5 1.56⋅10−5 30 1.165 11.43 1.86⋅10−5 1.60⋅10−5 40 1.127 11.05 1.87⋅10−5 1.66⋅10−5 50 1.109 10.88 1.95⋅10−5 1.76⋅10−5 60 1.060 10.40 1.97⋅10−5 1.86⋅10−5 70 1.029 10.09 2.03⋅10−5 1.97⋅10−5 80 0.9996 9.803 2.07⋅10−5 2.07⋅10−5 90 0.9721 9.533 2.14⋅10−5 2.20⋅10−5 100 0.9461 9.278 2.17⋅10−5 2.29⋅10−5 200 0.7461 7.317 2.53⋅10−5 3.39⋅10−5 300 0.6159 6.040 2.98⋅10−5 4.84⋅10−5 400 0.5243 5.142 3.32⋅10−5 6.34⋅10−5 500 0.4565 4.477 3.64⋅10−5 7.97⋅10−5 1,000 0.2772 2.719 5.04⋅10−5 1.82⋅10−4 (∘C) (kg/m3) (N/m3) [(N⋅s)/m2] (m2/s)                                                   fi                                              PAG E 419 Other Common Fluids (Liquid at STP) Density, ρ Dynamic Viscosity, μ Surface Tension, σ Ammonia 608 2.20⋅10−4 2.13⋅10−2 Benzene 881 6.51⋅10−4 2.88⋅10−2 Carbon tetrachloride 1,590 9.67⋅10−4 2.70⋅10−2 Ethanol 789 1.20⋅10−3 2.28⋅10−2 Ethylene Glycol 1,117 2.14⋅10−2 4.84⋅10−2 Freon 12 1,327 2.62⋅10−4 - Gasoline 680 2.92⋅10−4 2.16⋅10−2 Glycerin 1,260 1.49 6.33⋅10−2 Kerosene 804 1.92⋅10−3 2.80⋅10−2 Mercury 13,550 1.56⋅10−3 4.84⋅10−1 Methanol 791 5.98⋅10−4 2.25⋅10−2 SAE 10W oil 870 1.04⋅10−1 3.60⋅10−2 SAE 30W oil 891 2.90⋅10−1 3.50⋅10−2 Water 998 1.00⋅10−3 7.28⋅10−2 Seawater (30%) 1,025 1.07⋅10−3 7.28⋅10−2 Fluid (kg/m3) (kg/m⋅s) (m2/s)                                                                PAGE 420 Gas Molecular Weight Dynamic Viscosity, μ γ =ρ⋅g Hydrogen, H2 2.016 9.05⋅10−6 0.822 Helium, He 4.003 1.97⋅10−5 1.63 Water Vapor, H2O 18.02 1.02⋅10−5 7.35 Argon, Ar 39.944 2.24⋅10−5 16.3 Clean, Dry Air 28.96 1.80⋅10−5 11.8 Carbon Dioxide, CO2 44.01 1.48⋅10−5 17.9 Carbon Monoxide, CO 28.01 1.82⋅10−5 11.4 Nitrogen, N2 28.02 1.76⋅10−5 11.4 Oxygen, O2 32.00 2.00⋅10−5 13.1 Nitric Oxide, NO 30.01 1.90⋅10−5 12.1 Dinitrogen Monoxide, N2O 44.02 1.45⋅10−5 17.9 Chlorine Gas, Cl2 70.91 1.03⋅10−5 28.9 Methane, CH4 16.04 1.34⋅10−5 6.54 [(N⋅s)/m2] (N/m3)                                        PAG E 4 21   Other Common Gases (Vapor at STP) FLUID PROPERTIES (BG UNITS) Water (Liquid) Temperature Density, ρ Speci c Weight, γ Dynamic Viscosity, μ Kinematic Viscosity, ν 32 1.940 62.42 3.732⋅10−5 1.924⋅10−5 40 1.940 62.43 3.228⋅10−5 1.664⋅10−5 50 1.940 62.41 2.730⋅10−5 1.407⋅10−5 60 1.938 62.37 2.344⋅10−5 1.210⋅10−5 70 1.936 62.30 2.037⋅10−5 1.052⋅10−5 80 1.934 62.22 1.791⋅10−5 9.262⋅10−6 90 1.931 62.11 1.500⋅10−5 8.233⋅10−6 100 1.927 62.00 1.423⋅10−5 7.383⋅10−6 120 1.918 61.71 1.164⋅10−5 6.067⋅10−6 140 1.908 61.38 9.743⋅10−6 5.106⋅10−6 160 1.896 61.00 8.315⋅10−6 4.385⋅10−6 180 1.883 60.58 7.207⋅10−6 3.827⋅10−6 200 1.869 60.12 6.432⋅10−6 3.393⋅10−6 212 1.860 59.83 5.886⋅10−6 3.165⋅10−6 (∘F) (slug/ft3) (lbf/ft3) [(lbf⋅s)/ft2] (ft2/s)                                                   fi                  PAGE 422 Air (Gas at Standard Atmospheric Pressure) Temperature Density, ρ Speci c Weight, γ Dynamic Viscosity, μ Kinematic Viscosity, ν -40 0.002939 0.09456 3.29⋅10−7 1.12⋅10−4 -20 0.002805 0.09026 3.34⋅10−7 1.19⋅10−4 0 0.002683 0.08633 3.38⋅10−7 1.26⋅10−4 10 0.002626 0.08449 3.44⋅10−7 1.31⋅10−4 20 0.002571 0.08273 3.50⋅10−7 1.36⋅10−4 30 0.002519 0.08104 3.58⋅10−7 1.42⋅10−4 40 0.002469 0.07942 3.60⋅10−7 1.46⋅10−4 50 0.002420 0.07786 3.68⋅10−7 1.52⋅10−4 60 0.002373 0.07636 3.75⋅10−7 1.58⋅10−4 70 0.002329 0.07492 3.82⋅10−7 1.64⋅10−4 80 0.002286 0.07353 3.86⋅10−7 1.69⋅10−4 90 0.002244 0.07219 3.90⋅10−7 1.74⋅10−4 100 0.002204 0.07090 3.94⋅10−7 1.79⋅10−4 120 0.002128 0.06846 4.02⋅10−7 1.89⋅10−4 140 0.002057 0.06617 4.13⋅10−7 2.01⋅10−4 160 0.001990 0.06404 4.22⋅10−7 2.12⋅10−4 180 0.001928 0.06204 4.34⋅10−7 2.25⋅10−4 200 0.001870 0.06016 4.49⋅10−7 2.40⋅10−4 300 0.001624 0.05224 4.97⋅10−7 3.06⋅10−4 400 0.001435 0.04616 5.24⋅10−7 3.65⋅10−4 500 0.001285 0.04135 5.80⋅10−7 4.51⋅10−4 750 0.001020 0.03280 6.81⋅10−7 6.68⋅10−4 1,000 0.0008445 0.02717 7.85⋅10−7 9.30⋅10−4 1,500 0.0006291 0.02024 9.50⋅10−7 1.51⋅10−3 (∘F) (slug/ft3) (lbf/ft3) [(lbf⋅s)/ft2] (ft2/s)                                                         fi                                                    PAGE 423 Thermal Properties of Non-metals at 300 K Density Thermal Conductivity Speci c Heat Capacity Aluminum Oxide, Al2O3 (Sapphire) 3970 46.0 765 Aluminum Oxide, Al2O3 (Polycrystalline) 3970 36.0 765 Boron 2500 27.6 1105 Diamond 3500 2,300 509 Pyroceram (Corning 9606) 2600 3.98 808 Polypropylene 920 0.246 1800 Silicon Carbide, SiC 3160 490 675 Silicon Dioxide, SiO2 (Crystalline Quartz) 2650 Silicon Dioxide, SiO2 (Amorphous, Glass) 2220 1.38 745 Silicon Nitride, SiN 2400 16.0 691 Sulfur 2070 0.21 708 Thorium Dioxide 9110 13.0 235 Titanium Dioxide, TiO2 (Polycrystalline) 4157 8.4 710 Material (kg/m3) (W/m⋅K) || to c-axis: 10.4 ⊥ to c-axis: 6.21 (J/kg⋅K) 745            PAGE 42 4 fi  THERMAL PROPERTIES OF SOLIDS Thermal Properties of Metals at 300 K Density Thermal Conductivity Speci c Heat Capacity Aluminum (Pure) 2702 237 903 Aluminum (Alloy 2024-T6) 2770 177 875 Bismuth 9780 7.86 122 Boron 2500 27.0 1107 Chromium 7160 93.7 449 Cobalt 8862 99.2 421 Copper (Pure) 8933 401 385 Copper - Commercial Bronze (90% Cu, 10% Al) 8800 52 420 Copper - Brass (70% Cu, 30% Zn) 8530 110 380 Germanium, Ge 5360 59.9 322 Gold, Au 19,320 317 129 Iridium 22,500 147 130 Iron (Pure) 7870 80.2 447 Material (kg/m3) (W/m⋅K) (J/kg⋅K)     fi PAGE 425 Thermal Properties of Metals at 300 K (Continued) Density Thermal Conductivity Speci c Heat Capacity Stainless Steel (AISI 302) 8055 15.1 480 Stainless Steel (AISI 316) 8238 13.4 468 Lead, Pb 11,340 35.3 129 Magnesium 1740 156 1024 Molybdenum 10,240 138 251 Nickel (Pure) 8900 90.7 444 Nickel (Nichrome, 80% Ni 20% Cr) 8400 12.0 420 Nickel (Inconel X-750) 8510 11.7 439 Palladium 12,020 71.8 244 Platinum, Pt 21,450 71.6 133 Silicon, Si 2330 148 712 Silver, Ag 10,500 429 235 Tantalum 16,600 57.5 140 Material (kg/m3) (W/m⋅K) (J/kg⋅K)     fi PAGE 426 Thermal Properties of Metals at 300 K (Continued) Material Density (kg/m3) Thermal Conductivity Speci c Heat Capacity Thorium 11,700 54.0 118 Tin 7310 66.6 227 Titanium 4500 21.9 522 Tungsten 19,300 174 132 Uranium 19,070 27.6 116 Vanadium 6100 30.7 489 Zinc 7140 116 389 Zirconium 6750 22.7 278 (W/m⋅K) (J/kg⋅K)     fi PAGE 427 Thermal Properties of Common Building Materials at 300 K Material Density (kg/m3) Thermal Conductivity Speci c Heat Capacity Brick 1750 0.77 1,000 Concrete (Heavy) 2300 2.00 1,000 Concrete (Light) 600 0.2 1,000 Mineral Wool 12 0.042 1,030 Plaster (Dense) 1300 0.57 1,000 Plaster (Light) 600 0.18 1,000 Polystyrene Foam 46 0.026 1,130 Rubber 930 0.138 2,092 Single-glass Window 2500 0.65 837 Thermalite Board 753 0.190 1,050 Wood - Oak 770 0.160 2,000 Wood - Pine 510 0.113 2,031 Wood - Pine Fiber Board 256 0.052 2,000 (W/m⋅K) (J/kg⋅K)     fi PAGE 428 THERMAL PROPERTIES OF FLUIDS Thermal Properties of Saturated Liquid Water Speci c Heat Temperature (K) Capacity, Cp (kJ/kg) Thermal Conductivity, κ (W/m⋅K) Prandtl Number, Pr 273.15 4.217 0.569 12.99 275 4.211 0.574 12.22 280 4.198 0.582 10.26 285 4.189 0.590 8.81 290 4.184 0.598 7.56 295 4.181 0.606 6.62 300 4.179 0.613 5.83 305 4.178 0.620 5.20 310 4.178 0.628 4.62 315 4.179 0.634 4.16 320 4.180 0.640 3.77 325 4.182 0.645 3.42 330 4.184 0.650 3.15 335 4.186 0.656 2.88 340 4.188 0.660 2.66 345 4.191 0.664 2.45 350 4.195 0.668 2.29 355 4.199 0.671 2.14 360 4.203 0.674 2.02 365 4.209 0.677 1.91     fi PAGE 429 Thermal Properties of Saturated Liquid Water Speci c Heat Temperature (K) Capacity, Cp (kJ/kg) Thermal Conductivity, κ (W/m⋅K) Prandtl Number, Pr 370 4.214 0.679 1.80 373.15 4.217 0.680 1.76 375 4.220 0.681 1.70 380 4.226 0.683 1.61 385 4.232 0.685 1.53 390 4.239 0.686 1.47 400 4.256 0.688 1.34 410 4.278 0.688 1.24 420 4.302 0.688 1.16 430 4.331 0.685 1.09 440 4.360 0.682 1.04 450 4.400 0.678 0.99 460 4.440 0.673 0.95 470 4.480 0.667 0.92 480 4.530 0.660 0.89 490 4.590 0.651 0.87 500 4.660 0.642 0.86 510 4.740 0.631 0.85 520 4.840 0.621 0.84 530 4.950 0.608 0.85 540 5.080 0.594 0.86     fi PAGE 430 Thermal Properties of Saturated Liquid Water Speci c Heat Temperature (K) Capacity, Cp (kJ/kg) Thermal Conductivity, κ (W/m⋅K) Prandtl Number, Pr 550 5.240 0.580 0.87 560 5.430 0.563 0.90 570 5.680 0.548 0.94 580 6.000 0.528 0.99 590 6.410 0.513 1.05 600 7.000 0.497 1.14 610 7.850 0.467 1.30 620 9.350 0.444 1.52 625 10.600 0.430 1.65 630 12.600 0.412 2.00 635 16.400 0.392 2.70 640 26.000 0.367 4.20 645 90.000 0.331 12.00     fi PAG E 4 31 Thermal Properties of Air Speci c Heat Thermal Conductivity, κ Temperature (K) Capacity, Cp 100 1.032 0.00934 0.786 150 1.012 0.0138 0.758 200 1.007 0.0181 0.737 250 1.003 0.0223 0.720 300 1.005 0.0263 0.707 350 1.008 0.0300 0.700 400 1.013 0.0338 0.690 450 1.020 0.0373 0.686 500 1.029 0.0407 0.684 550 1.040 0.0439 0.683 600 1.051 0.0469 0.685 650 1.063 0.0497 0.690 700 1.075 0.0524 0.695 750 1.087 0.0549 0.702 800 1.099 0.0573 0.709 850 1.110 0.0596 0.716 900 1.121 0.0620 0.720 950 1.131 0.0643 0.723 1000 1.141 0.0667 0.726 1100 1.159 0.0715 0.728 1200 1.175 0.0763 0.728 (kJ/kg⋅K) (W/m⋅K) Prandtl Number, Pr      fi PAGE 432 Thermal Properties of Air Speci c Heat Temperature (K) Capacity, Cp (kJ/kg⋅K) Thermal Conductivity, κ (W/m⋅K) Prandtl Number, Pr 1300 1.189 0.0820 0.719 1400 1.207 0.0910 0.703 1500 1.230 0.1000 0.685 1600 1.248 0.1060 0.688 1700 1.267 0.1130 0.685 1800 1.286 0.1200 0.683 1900 1.307 0.1280 0.677 2000 1.337 0.1370 0.672 2100 1.372 0.1470 0.667 2200 1.417 0.1600 0.655 2300 1.478 0.1750 0.647 2400 1.558 0.1960 0.630 2500 1.665 0.2220 0.613 3000 2.726 0.4860 0.536      fi PAGE 433 Temperature Density, ρ (K) (kg/m3) Speci c Heat Capacity, Cp (kJ/kg⋅K) Thermal Conductivity, κ (W/m⋅K) Dynamic Viscosity, μ Prandtl Number, Pr (kg/m⋅s) 273.15 899.1 1.796 0.147 3.85 47,000 280 895.3 1.827 0.144 2.17 27,500 290 890.0 1.868 0.145 0.999 12,900 300 884.1 1.909 0.145 0.486 6,400 310 877.9 1.951 0.145 0.253 3,400 320 871.8 1.993 0.143 0.141 1,965 330 865.8 2.035 0.141 0.0836 1,205 340 859.9 2.076 0.139 0.0531 793 350 853.9 2.118 0.138 0.0356 546 360 847.8 2.161 0.138 0.0252 395 370 841.8 2.206 0.137 0.0186 300 380 836.0 2.250 0.136 0.0141 233 390 830.6 2.294 0.135 0.0110 187 400 825.1 2.337 0.134 0.00874 152 410 818.9 2.381 0.133 0.00698 125 420 812.1 2.427 0.133 0.00564 103 430 806.5 2.471 0.132 0.00470 88         PAGE 43 4 fi  Thermal Properties of (Engine) Oil (Unused) Speci c Heats of Ideal Gases (SI) cp T (K) (kJ/kg/K) cv (kJ/kg/K) k cp (kJ/kg/K) cv (kJ/kg/K) k Carbon Dioxide, CO2 Air cp (kJ/kg/K) cv (kJ/kg/K) k Carbon Monoxide, CO 250 1.003 0.716 1.401 0.791 0.602 1.314 1.039 0.743 1.400 300 1.005 0.718 1.400 0.846 0.657 1.288 1.040 0.744 1.399 350 1.008 0.721 1.398 0.895 0.706 1.268 1.043 0.746 1.398 400 1.013 0.726 1.395 0.939 0.750 1.252 1.047 0.751 1.395 450 1.020 0.733 1.391 0.978 0.790 1.239 1.054 0.757 1.392 500 1.029 0.742 1.387 1.014 0.825 1.229 1.063 0.767 1.387 550 1.040 0.753 1.381 1.046 0.857 1.220 1.075 0.778 1.382 600 1.051 0.764 1.376 1.075 0.886 1.213 1.087 0.790 1.376 650 1.063 0.776 1.370 1.102 0.913 1.207 1.100 0.803 1.370 700 1.075 0.788 1.364 1.126 0.937 1.202 1.113 0.816 1.364 750 1.087 0.800 1.359 1.148 0.959 1.197 1.126 0.829 1.358 800 1.099 0.812 1.354 1.169 0.980 1.193 1.139 0.842 1.353 900 1.121 0.834 1.344 1.204 1.015 1.186 1.163 0.866 1.343 1000 1.142 0.855 1.336 1.234 1.045 1.181 1.185 0.888 1.335 Hydrogen, H2 Nitrogen, N2 Oxygen, O2 250 14.051 9.927 1.416 1.039 0.742 1.400 0.913 0.653 1.398 300 14.307 10.183 1.405 1.039 0.743 1.400 0.918 0.658 1.395 350 14.427 10.302 1.400 1.041 0.744 1.399 0.928 0.668 1.389 400 14.476 10.352 1.398 1.044 0.747 1.397 0.941 0.681 1.382 450 14.501 10.377 1.398 1.049 0.752 1.395 0.956 0.696 1.373 500 14.513 10.389 1.397 1.056 0.759 1.391 0.972 0.712 1.365 550 14.530 10.405 1.396 1.065 0.768 1.387 0.988 0.728 1.358 600 14.546 10.422 1.396 1.075 0.778 1.382 1.003 0.743 1.350 650 14.571 10.447 1.395 1.086 0.789 1.376 1.017 0.758 1.343 700 14.604 10.480 1.394 1.098 0.801 1.371 1.031 0.771 1.337 750 14.645 10.521 1.392 1.110 0.813 1.365 1.043 0.783 1.332 800 14.695 10.570 1.390 1.121 0.825 1.360 1.054 0.794 1.327 900 14.822 10.698 1.385 1.145 0.849 1.349 1.074 0.814 1.319 1000 14.983 10.859 1.380 1.167 0.870 1.341 1.090 0.830 1.313       PAGE 435 fi          IDEAL GAS SPECIFIC HEATS (SI) Speci c Heats of Ideal Gases (EEU) cp T ∘ ( F) (Btu/lbm/R) cv (Btu/lbm/R) k cp (Btu/lbm/R) cv (Btu/lbm/R) k Carbon Dioxide, CO2 Air cp (Btu/lbm/R) cv (Btu/lbm/R) k Carbon Monoxide, CO 40 0.240 0.171 1.401 0.195 0.150 1.300 0.248 0.177 1.400 100 0.240 0.172 1.400 0.205 0.160 1.283 0.249 0.178 1.399 200 0.241 0.173 1.397 0.217 0.172 1.262 0.249 0.179 1.397 300 0.243 0.174 1.394 0.229 0.184 1.246 0.251 0.180 1.394 400 0.245 0.176 1.389 0.239 0.193 1.233 0.253 0.182 1.389 500 0.248 0.179 1.383 0.247 0.202 1.223 0.256 0.185 1.384 600 0.250 0.182 1.377 0.255 0.210 1.215 0.259 0.188 1.377 700 0.254 0.185 1.371 0.262 0.217 1.208 0.262 0.191 1.371 800 0.257 0.188 1.365 0.269 0.224 1.202 0.266 0.195 1.364 900 0.259 0.191 1.358 0.275 0.230 1.197 0.269 0.198 1.357 1000 0.263 0.195 1.353 0.280 0.235 1.192 0.273 0.202 1.351 1500 0.276 0.208 1.330 0.298 0.253 1.178 0.287 0.216 1.328 2000 0.286 0.217 1.312 0.312 0.267 1.169 0.297 0.226 1.314 Hydrogen, H2 Nitrogen, N2 Oxygen, O2 40 3.397 2.412 1.409 0.248 0.177 1.400 0.219 0.156 1.397 100 3.426 2.441 1.404 0.248 0.178 1.399 0.220 0.158 1.394 200 3.451 2.466 1.399 0.249 0.178 1.398 0.223 0.161 1.387 300 3.461 2.476 1.398 0.250 0.179 1.396 0.226 0.164 1.378 400 3.466 2.480 1.397 0.251 0.180 1.393 0.230 0.168 1.368 500 3.469 2.484 1.397 0.254 0.183 1.388 0.235 0.173 1.360 600 3.473 2.488 1.396 0.256 0.185 1.383 0.239 0.177 1.352 700 3.477 2.492 1.395 0.260 0.189 1.377 0.242 0.181 1.344 800 3.494 2.509 1.393 0.262 0.191 1.371 0.246 0.184 1.337 900 3.502 2.519 1.392 0.265 0.194 1.364 0.249 0.187 1.331 1000 3.513 2.528 1.390 0.269 0.198 1.359 0.252 0.190 1.326 1500 3.618 2.633 1.374 0.283 0.212 1.334 0.263 0.201 1.309 2000 3.758 2.773 1.355 0.293 0.222 1.319 0.270 0.208 1.298       fi PAGE 436           IDEAL GAS SPECIFIC HEATS (EEU) Saturated Water Table - Temperature (SI) νf (m 3 /kg) νg (m 3 /kg) uf (k J/kg) ug hf (k J/kg) (k J/kg) hg (k J/kg) sf sg (k J/kg/K ) (k J/kg/K ) 0.01 0.6117 0.001000 206.00 0.000 2374.9 0.000 2500.9 0.0000 9.1556 5 0.8725 0.001000 147.03 21.019 2381.8 21.020 2510.1 0.0763 9.0249 10 1.2281 0.001000 106.32 42.020 2388.7 42.022 2519.2 0.1511 8.8999 12 1.4028 0.001001 93.732 50.408 2391.4 50.410 2522.9 0.1806 8.8514 14 1.5989 0.001001 82.804 58.791 2394.1 58.793 2526.5 0.2099 8.8038 15 1.7057 0.001001 77.885 62.980 2395.5 62.982 2528.3 0.2245 8.7803 16 1.8187 0.001001 73.295 67.169 2396.9 67.170 2530.2 0.2389 8.7571 20 2.3392 0.001002 57.762 83.913 2402.3 83.915 2537.4 0.2965 8.6661 25 3.1698 0.001003 43.340 104.83 2409.1 104.83 2546.5 0.3672 8.5567 30 4.2469 0.001004 32.879 125.73 2415.9 125.74 2555.6 0.4368 8.4520 35 5.6291 0.001006 25.205 146.63 2422.7 146.64 2564.6 0.5051 8.3517 40 7.3851 0.001008 19.515 167.53 2429.4 167.53 2573.5 0.5724 8.2556 45 9.5953 0.001010 15.251 188.43 2436.1 188.44 2582.4 0.6386 8.1633 50 12.352 0.001012 12.026 209.33 2442.7 209.34 2591.3 0.7038 8.0748 55 15.763 0.001015 9.5639 230.24 2449.3 230.26 2600.1 0.7680 7.9898 60 19.947 0.001017 7.6670 251.16 2455.9 251.18 2608.8 0.8313 7.9082 65 25.043 0.001020 6.1935 272.09 2462.4 272.12 2617.5 0.8937 7.8296 70 31.202 0.001023 5.0396 293.04 2468.9 293.07 2626.1 0.9551 7.7540 75 38.597 0.001026 4.1291 313.99 2475.3 314.03 2634.6 1.0158 7.6812 80 47.416 0.001029 3.4053 334.97 2481.6 335.02 2643.0 1.0756 7.6111 85 57.868 0.001032 2.8261 355.96 2487.8 356.02 2651.4 1.1346 7.5435 90 70.183 0.001036 2.3593 376.97 2494.0 377.04 2659.6 1.1929 7.4782 95 84.609 0.001040 1.9808 398.00 2500.1 398.09 2667.6 1.2504 7.4151 100 101.42 0.001043 1.6720 419.06 2506.0 419.17 2675.6 1.3072 7.3542 105 120.90 0.001047 1.4186 440.15 2511.9 440.28 2683.4 1.3634 7.2952 110 143.38 0.001052 1.2094 461.27 2517.7 461.42 2691.1 1.4188 7.2382 115 169.18 0.001056 1.0360 482.42 2523.3 482.59 2698.6 1.4737 7.1829 120 198.67 0.001060 0.89133 503.60 2528.9 503.81 2706.0 1.5279 7.1292 T (∘C) p (kPa)  PAGE 437                  SATURATED WATER - TEMPERATURE TABLE (SI) ∘ ( C) p (kPa) νf (m 3 /kg) νg (m 3 /kg) uf (k J/kg) ug hf (k J/kg) (k J/kg) hg (k J/kg) sf sg (k J/kg/K ) (k J/kg/K ) 125 232.23 0.001065 0.77012 524.83 2534.3 525.07 2713.1 1.5816 7.0771 130 270.28 0.001070 0.66808 546.10 2539.5 546.38 2720.1 1.6346 7.0265 135 313.22 0.001075 0.58179 567.41 2544.7 567.75 2726.8 1.6872 6.9773 140 361.53 0.001080 0.50850 588.77 2549.6 589.16 2733.5 1.7392 6.9294 145 415.68 0.001085 0.44600 610.19 2554.4 610.64 2739.8 1.7908 6.8827 150 476.16 0.001091 0.39248 631.66 2559.1 632.18 2745.9 1.8418 6.8371 155 543.49 0.001096 0.34648 653.19 2563.5 653.79 2751.8 1.8924 6.7927 160 618.23 0.001102 0.30680 674.79 2567.8 675.47 2757.5 1.9426 6.7492 165 700.93 0.001108 0.27244 696.46 2571.9 697.24 2762.8 1.9923 6.7067 170 792.18 0.001114 0.24260 718.20 2575.7 719.08 2767.9 2.0417 6.6650 175 892.60 0.001121 0.21659 740.02 2579.4 741.02 2772.7 2.0906 6.6242 180 1002.8 0.001127 0.19384 761.92 2582.8 763.05 2777.2 2.1392 6.5841 185 1123.5 0.001134 0.17390 783.91 2586.0 785.19 2781.4 2.1875 6.5447 190 1255.2 0.001141 0.15636 806.00 2589.0 807.43 2785.3 2.2355 6.5059 195 1398.8 0.001149 0.14089 828.18 2591.7 829.78 2788.8 2.2831 6.4678 200 1554.9 0.001157 0.12721 850.46 2594.2 852.26 2792.0 2.3305 6.4302 205 1724.3 0.001164 0.11508 872.86 2596.4 874.87 2794.8 2.3776 6.3930 210 1907.7 0.001173 0.10429 895.38 2598.3 897.61 2797.3 2.4245 6.3563 215 2105.9 0.001181 0.094681 918.02 2599.9 920.50 2799.3 2.4712 6.3200 220 2319.6 0.001190 0.086094 940.79 2601.3 943.55 2801.0 2.5176 6.2840 225 2549.7 0.001199 0.078405 963.70 2602.3 966.76 2802.2 2.5639 6.2483 230 2797.1 0.001209 0.071505 986.76 2602.9 990.14 2802.9 2.6100 6.2128 235 3062.6 0.001219 0.065300 1010.0 2603.2 1013.7 2803.2 2.6560 6.1775 240 3347.0 0.001229 0.059707 1033.4 2603.1 1037.5 2803.0 2.7018 6.1424 245 3651.2 0.001240 0.054656 1056.9 2602.7 1061.5 2802.2 2.7476 6.1072 250 3976.2 0.001252 0.050085 1080.7 2601.8 1085.7 2801.0 2.7933 6.0721 255 4322.9 0.001263 0.045941 1104.7 2600.5 1110.1 2799.1 2.8390 6.0369 260 4692.3 0.001276 0.042175 1128.8 2598.7 1134.8 2796.6 2.8847 6.0017 265 5085.3 0.001289 0.038748 1153.3 2596.5 1159.8 2793.5 2.9304 5.9662 T  PAGE 438                  Saturated Water Table - Temperature (SI) ∘ ( C) p (kPa) νf (m 3 /kg) νg (m 3 /kg) uf (k J/kg) ug hf (k J/kg) (k J/kg) hg (k J/kg) sf sg (k J/kg/K ) (k J/kg/K ) 270 5503.0 0.001303 0.035622 1177.9 2593.7 1185.1 2789.7 2.9762 5.9305 275 5946.4 0.001317 0.032767 1202.9 2590.3 1210.7 2785.2 3.0221 5.8944 280 6416.6 0.001333 0.030153 1228.2 2586.4 1236.7 2779.9 3.0681 5.8579 285 6914.6 0.001349 0.027756 1253.7 2581.8 1263.1 2773.7 3.1144 5.8210 290 7441.8 0.001366 0.025554 1279.7 2576.5 1289.8 2766.7 3.1608 5.7834 295 7999.0 0.001384 0.023528 1306.0 2570.5 1317.1 2758.7 3.2076 5.7450 300 8587.9 0.001404 0.021659 1332.7 2563.6 1344.8 2749.6 3.2548 5.7059 305 9209.4 0.001425 0.019932 1360.0 2555.8 1373.1 2739.4 3.3024 5.6657 310 9865.0 0.001447 0.018333 1387.7 2547.1 1402.0 2727.9 3.3506 5.6243 315 10,556 0.001472 0.016849 1416.1 2537.2 1431.6 2715.0 3.3994 5.5816 320 11,284 0.001499 0.015470 1445.1 2526.0 1462.0 2700.6 3.4491 5.5372 325 12,051 0.001528 0.014183 1475.0 2513.4 1493.4 2684.3 3.4998 5.4908 330 12,858 0.001560 0.012979 1505.7 2499.2 1525.8 2666.0 3.5516 5.4422 335 13,707 0.001597 0.011848 1570.7 2464.5 1594.6 2622.0 3.6050 5.3907 340 14,061 0.001638 0.010783 1537.5 2483.0 1559.4 2645.4 3.6602 5.3358 345 15,541 0.001685 0.009772 1605.5 2443.2 1631.7 2595.1 3.7179 5.2765 350 16,529 0.001741 0.008806 1642.4 2418.3 1671.2 2563.9 3.7788 5.2114 355 17,570 0.001808 0.007872 1682.2 2388.6 1714.0 2526.9 3.8442 5.1384 360 18,666 0.001895 0.006950 1726.2 2351.9 1761.5 2481.6 3.9165 5.0537 365 19,822 0.002015 0.006009 1772.2 2303.6 1817.2 2422.7 4.0004 4.9493 370 21,044 0.002217 0.004953 1844.5 2230.1 1891.2 2334.3 4.1119 4.8009 373.95 22,064 0.003106 0.003106 2015.7 2015.7 2084.3 2084.3 4.4070 4.4070 T  PAGE 439                  Saturated Water Table - Temperature (SI) Saturated Water Table - Pressure (SI) (∘C) νf (m 3 /kg) νg (m 3 /kg) uf (k J/kg) ug hf (k J/kg) (k J/kg) hg (k J/kg) sf sg (k J/kg/K ) (k J/kg/K ) 1.0 6.97 0.001000 129.19 29.302 2384.5 29.303 2513.7 0.1059 8.9749 1.5 13.02 0.001001 87.964 54.686 2392.8 54.688 2524.7 0.1956 8.8270 2.0 17.50 0.001001 66.990 73.431 2398.9 73.433 2532.9 0.2606 8.7227 2.5 21.08 0.001002 54.242 88.422 2403.8 88.424 2539.4 0.3118 8.6421 3.0 24.08 0.001003 45.654 100.98 2407.9 100.98 2544.8 0.3543 8.5765 4.0 28.96 0.001004 34.791 121.39 2414.5 121.39 2553.7 0.4224 8.4734 5.0 32.87 0.001005 28.185 137.75 2419.8 137.75 2560.7 0.4762 8.3938 7.5 40.29 0.001008 19.233 168.74 2429.8 168.75 2574.0 0.5763 8.2501 10 45.81 0.001010 14.670 191.79 2437.2 191.81 2583.9 0.6492 8.1488 15 53.97 0.001014 10.020 225.93 2448.0 225.94 2598.3 0.7549 8.0071 20 60.06 0.001017 7.6481 251.40 2456.0 251.42 2608.9 0.8320 7.9073 25 64.96 0.001020 6.2034 271.93 2462.4 271.96 2617.5 0.8932 7.8302 30 69.09 0.001022 5.2287 289.24 2467.7 289.27 2624.6 0.9441 7.7675 40 75.86 0.001026 3.9933 317.58 2476.3 317.62 2636.1 1.0261 7.6691 50 81.32 0.001030 3.2403 340.49 2483.2 340.54 2645.2 1.0912 7.5931 75 91.76 0.001037 2.2172 384.36 2496.1 384.44 2662.4 1.2132 7.4558 100 99.61 0.001043 1.6941 417.40 2505.6 417.51 2675.0 1.3028 7.3589 101.3 99.97 0.001043 1.6734 418.95 2506.0 419.06 2675.6 1.3069 7.3545 125 105.97 0.001048 1.3750 444.23 2513.0 444.36 2684.9 1.3741 7.2841 150 111.35 0.001053 1.1594 466.97 2519.2 467.13 2693.1 1.4337 7.2231 175 116.04 0.001057 1.0037 486.82 2524.5 487.01 2700.2 1.4850 7.1716 200 120.21 0.001061 0.88578 504.50 2529.1 504.71 2706.3 1.5302 7.1270 225 123.97 0.001064 0.79329 520.47 2533.2 520.71 2711.7 1.5706 7.0877 250 127.41 0.001067 0.71873 535.08 2536.8 535.35 2716.5 1.6072 7.0525 275 130.58 0.001070 0.65372 548.57 2540.1 548.86 2720.9 1.6408 7.0207 300 133.52 0.001073 0.60582 561.11 2543.2 561.43 2724.9 1.6717 6.9917 325 136.27 0.001076 0.56199 572.84 2545.9 573.19 2728.6 1.7005 6.9650 p (kPa) T  PAGE 4 40                  SATURATED WATER - PRESSURE TABLE (SI) p (kPa) ( C) νf (m 3 /kg) νg (m 3 /kg) uf (k J/kg) ug hf (k J/kg) (k J/kg) hg (k J/kg) sf sg (k J/kg/K ) (k J/kg/K ) 350 138.86 0.001079 0.52422 583.89 2548.5 584.26 2732.0 1.7274 6.9402 375 141.30 0.001081 0.49133 594.32 2550.9 594.73 2735.1 1.7526 6.9171 400 143.61 0.001084 0.46242 604.22 2553.1 604.66 2738.1 1.7765 6.8955 450 147.90 0.001088 0.41392 622.65 2557.1 623.13 2743.4 1.8205 6.8561 500 151.73 0.001093 0.37483 639.54 2560.7 640.09 2748.1 1.8604 6.8207 550 155.46 0.001097 0.34261 655.16 2563.9 655.77 2756.2 1.8970 6.7886 600 158.83 0.001101 0.31560 669.72 2566.8 670.38 2756.2 1.9308 6.7593 650 161.98 0.001104 0.29260 683.37 2569.4 684.08 2759.6 1.9623 6.7322 700 164.95 0.001108 0.27278 696.23 2571.8 697.00 2762.8 1.9918 6.7071 750 167.75 0.001111 0.25552 708.40 2574.0 709.24 2765.7 2.0195 6.6837 800 170.41 0.001115 0.24035 719.97 2576.0 720.87 2768.3 2.0457 6.6616 850 172.94 0.001118 0.22690 731.00 2577.9 731.95 2770.8 2.0705 6.6409 900 175.35 0.001121 0.21489 741.55 2579.6 742.56 2773.0 2.0941 6.6213 950 177.66 0.001124 0.20411 751.67 2581.3 752.74 2775.2 2.1166 6.6027 1,000 179.88 0.001127 0.19436 761.39 2582.8 762.51 2777.1 2.1381 6.5850 1,100 184.06 0.001133 0.17745 779.78 2585.5 781.03 2780.7 2.1785 6.5520 1,200 187.96 0.001138 0.16326 796.96 2587.8 798.33 2783.8 2.2159 6.5217 1,300 191.60 0.001144 0.15119 813.10 2589.9 814.59 2786.5 2.2508 6.4936 1,400 195.04 0.001149 0.14078 828.35 2591.8 829.96 2788.9 2.2835 6.4675 1,500 198.29 0.001154 0.13171 842.82 2593.4 844.55 2791.0 2.3143 6.4430 1,750 205.72 0.001166 0.11344 876.12 2596.7 878.16 2795.2 2.3844 6.3877 2,000 212.38 0.001177 0.099587 906.12 2599.1 908.47 2798.3 2.4467 6.3390 2,250 218.41 0.001187 0.088717 933.54 2600.9 936.21 2800.5 2.5029 6.2954 2,500 223.95 0.001197 0.079952 958.87 2602.1 961.87 2801.9 2.5542 6.2558 3,000 233.85 0.001217 0.066667 1004.6 2603.2 1008.3 2803.2 2.6454 6.1856 3,500 242.56 0.001235 0.057061 1045.4 2603.0 1049.7 2802.7 2.7253 6.1244 4,000 250.35 0.001252 0.049779 1082.4 2601.7 1087.4 2800.8 2.7966 6.0696 5,000 263.94 0.001286 0.039448 1148.1 2597.0 1154.5 2794.2 2.9207 5.9737 6,000 275.59 0.001319 0.032499 1205.8 2589.9 1213.8 2784.6 3.0275 5.8902 T ∘  PAG E 4 41                  Saturated Water Table - Pressure (SI) νf (m 3 /kg) νg (m 3 /kg) uf (k J/kg) ug hf (k J/kg) (k J/kg) hg (k J/kg) sf sg (k J/kg/K ) (k J/kg/K ) 7,000 285.83 0.001352 0.027378 1258.0 2581.0 1267.4 2772.6 3.1220 5.8148 8,000 295.01 0.001384 0.023525 1306.0 2570.5 1317.1 2578.7 3.2077 5.7450 9,000 303.35 0.001418 0.020489 1350.9 2558.5 1363.7 2742.9 3.2866 5.6791 10,000 311.00 0.001452 0.018028 1393.3 2545.2 1407.8 2725.5 3.3603 5.6159 11,000 318.08 0.001488 0.015988 1433.9 2530.4 1450.2 2706.3 3.4299 5.5544 12,000 324.68 0.001526 0.014264 1473.0 2514.3 1491.3 2685.4 3.4964 5.4939 13,000 330.85 0.001566 0.012781 1511.0 2496.6 1531.4 2662.7 3.5606 5.4336 14,000 336.67 0.001610 0.011487 1548.4 2477.1 1571.0 2637.9 3.6232 5.3728 15,000 342.16 0.001657 0.010341 1585.5 2455.7 1610.3 2610.8 3.6848 5.3108 16,000 347.36 0.001710 0.009312 1622.6 2432.0 1649.9 2581.0 3.7461 5.2466 17,000 352.29 0.001770 0.008374 1660.2 2405.4 1690.3 2547.7 3.8082 5.1791 18,000 356.99 0.001840 0.007504 1699.1 2375.0 1732.2 2510.0 3.8720 5.1064 19,000 361.74 0.001926 0.006677 1740.3 2339.2 1776.8 2466.0 3.9396 5.0256 20,000 365.75 0.002038 0.005862 1785.8 2294.8 1826.6 2412.1 4.0146 4.9310 21,000 369.83 0.002207 0.004994 1841.6 2233.5 1888.0 2338.4 4.1071 4.8076 22,000 373.71 0.002703 0.003664 1951.7 2092.4 2011.1 2172.6 4.242 4.5439 22,064 373.95 0.003106 0.003106 2015.7 2015.7 2084.3 2084.3 4.0470 4.4070 p (kPa) T ∘ ( C)  PAGE 4 42                  Saturated Water Table - Pressure (SI) Superheated Water (SI) ν u h ( C) (m /kg) (k J/kg) (k J/kg) T ∘ 3 s (k J/kg /K ) p = 0.01 MPa (Tsat = 45.81∘C) ν (m /kg) 3 u (k J/kg) h s ν 3 (k J/kg) (k J/kg /K ) (m /kg) p = 0.05 MPa (Tsat = 81.32∘C) u (k J/kg) h s (k J/kg) (k J/kg /K ) p = 0.1 MPa (Tsat = 99.61∘C) Sat. 14.670 2437.2 2583.9 8.1488 3.2403 2483.2 2645.2 7.5931 1.6941 2505.6 2675.0 7.3589 50 14.867 2433.3 2592.0 8,1741 0.35212 2639.4 2850.6 6.9683 0.26088 2631.1 2839.8 6.8177 100 17.196 2515.5 2687.5 8.4489 3.4187 2511.5 2682.4 7.6953 1.6959 2506.2 2675.8 7.3611 150 19.513 2587.9 2783.0 8.6893 3.8897 2585.7 2780.2 7.9413 1.9367 2582.9 2776.6 7.6148 200 21.826 2661.4 2879.6 8.9049 4.3562 2660.0 2877.8 8.1592 2.1724 2658.2 2875.5 7.8356 250 24.136 2736.1 2977.5 9.1015 4.8206 2735.1 2976.2 8.3568 2.4062 2733.9 2974.5 8.0346 300 26.446 2812.3 3076.7 9.2827 5.2841 2811.6 3075.8 8.5387 2.6389 2810.7 3074.5 8.2172 400 31.063 2969.3 3280.0 9.6094 6.2094 2968.9 3279.3 8.8659 3.1027 2968.3 3278.6 8.5452 500 35.680 3132.9 3489.7 9.8998 7.1338 3132.6 3489.3 9.1566 3.5655 3132.2 3488.7 8.8362 600 40.296 3303.3 3706.3 10.1631 8.0577 3303.1 3706.0 9.4201 4.0279 3302.8 3705.6 9.0999 700 44.911 3480.8 3929.9 10.4056 8.9813 3480.6 3929.7 9.6626 4.4900 3480.4 3929.4 9.3424 800 49.527 3665.4 4160.6 10.6312 9.9047 3665.2 4160.4 9.8883 4.9519 3665.0 4160.2 9.5682 900 54.143 3856.9 4398.3 10.8429 10.8280 3856.8 4398.2 10.1000 5.4137 3856.7 4398.0 9.7800 1000 58.758 4055.3 4642.8 11.0429 11.7513 4055.2 4642.7 10.3000 5.8755 4055.0 4642.6 9.9800 1100 63.373 4260.0 4893.8 11.2326 12.6745 4259.9 4893.7 10.4897 6.3372 4259.8 4893.6 10.1698 1200 67.989 4470.9 5150.8 11.4132 13.5977 4470.8 5150.7 10.6704 6.7988 4470.7 5150.6 10.3504 1300 72.604 4687.3 5413.4 11.5857 14.5209 4687.3 5413.3 10.8429 7.2605 4687.2 5413.3 10.5229 p = 0.2 MPa (Tsat = 120.21∘C) p = 0.3 MPa (Tsat = 133.52∘C) p = 0.4 MPa (Tsat = 143.61∘C) Sat. 0.886 2529.1 2706.2 7.127 0.606 2543.2 2724.9 6.992 0.462 2553.1 2738.1 6.896 150 0.960 2577.1 2769.1 7.281 0.634 2571.0 2761.2 7.079 0.471 2564.4 2752.8 6.931 200 1.081 2654.6 2870.7 7.508 0.716 2651.0 2865.9 7.313 0.534 2647.2 2860.9 7.172 250 1.199 2731.4 2971.2 7.710 0.796 2728.9 2967.9 7.518 0.595 2726.4 2964.5 7.380 300 1.316 2808.8 3072.1 7.894 0.875 2807.0 3069.6 7.704 0.655 2805.1 3067.1 7.568 350 1.433 2887.3 3173.9 8.064 0.954 2885.9 3172.0 7.875 0.714 2884.4 3170.0 7.740 400 1.549 2967.1 3277.0 8.224 1.032 2966.0 3275.5 8.035 0.773 2964.9 3273.9 7.900 450 1.666 3048.5 3381.6 8.373 1.109 3047.5 3380.3 8.185 0.831 3046.6 3379.0 8.051 500 1.781 3131.4 3487.7 8.515 1.187 3130.6 3486.6 8.327 0.889 3129.8 3485.5 8.193 600 2.013 3302.2 3704.8 8.779 1.341 3301.6 3704.0 8.591 1.006 3301.0 3703.2 8.458 700 2.244 3479.9 3928.8 9.022 1.496 3479.5 3928.2 8.834 1.122 3479.0 3927.6 8.701 800 2.476 3664.7 4159.8 9.248 1.650 3664.3 4159.3 9.060 1.237 3663.9 4158.8 8.927 900 2.707 3856.3 4397.6 9.460 1.804 3856.0 4397.3 9.272 1.353 3855.7 4396.9 9.139 1000 2.938 4054.8 4642.3 9.660 1.958 4054.5 4642.0 9.473 1.469 4054.3 4641.7 9.340 1300 3.630 4687.1 5413.1 10.203 2.420 4686.9 5413.0 10.016 1.815 4686.7 5412.8 9.882        PAGE 4 43                          SUPERHEATED WATER TABLE (SI) T ∘ ν u h s ν ( C) (m 3 /kg) (k J/kg) (k J/kg) (k J/kg /K ) (m 3 /kg) p = 0.5 MPa (Tsat = 151.83∘C) u (k J/kg) h s ν 3 (k J/kg /K ) (k J/kg) (m /kg) p = 0.6 MPa (Tsat = 158.83∘C) u (k J/kg) h s (k J/kg /K ) (k J/kg) p = 0.8 MPa (Tsat = 170.4∘C) Sat. 0.37483 2560.7 2748.1 6.8207 0.31560 2566.8 2756.2 6.7593 0.24035 2576.0 2768.3 6.6616 200 0.42503 2643.3 2855.8 7.0610 0.35212 2639.4 2850.6 6.9683 0.26088 2631.1 2839.8 6.8177 250 0.47443 2723.8 2961.0 7.2725 0.39390 2721.2 2957.6 7.1833 0.29321 2715.9 2950.4 7.0402 300 0.52261 2803.3 3064.6 7.4614 0.43442 2801.4 3062.0 7.3740 0.32416 2797.5 3056.9 7.2345 350 0.57015 2883.0 3168.1 7.6346 0.47428 2881.6 3166.1 7.5481 0.35442 2878.6 3162.2 7.4107 400 0.61731 2963.7 3272.4 7.7956 0.51374 2962.5 3270.8 7.7097 0.38429 2960.2 3267.7 7.5735 500 0.71095 3120.0 3484.5 8.0893 0.59200 3128.2 3483.4 8.0041 0.44332 3126.6 3481.3 7.8692 600 0.80409 3300.4 3702.5 8.3544 0.66976 3299.8 3701.7 8.2695 0.50186 3298.7 3700.1 8.1354 700 0.89696 3478.6 3927.0 8.5978 0.74725 3478.1 3926.4 8.5132 0.56011 3477.2 3925.3 8.3794 800 0.98966 3663.6 4158.4 8.8240 0.82457 3663.2 4157.9 8.7395 0.61820 3662.5 4157.0 8.6061 900 1.08227 3855.4 4396.6 9.0362 0.90179 3855.1 4396.2 8.9518 0.67619 3854.5 4395.5 8.8185 1000 1.17480 4054.0 4641.4 9.2364 0.97893 4053.8 4641.1 9.1521 0.73411 4053.3 4640.5 9.0189 1100 1.26728 4259.0 4892.6 9.4263 1.05603 4258.8 4892.4 9.3420 0.79197 4258.3 4891.9 9.2090 1200 1.35972 4470.0 5149.8 9.6071 1.1330 4469.8 5149.6 9.5229 0.84980 4469.4 5149.3 9.3898 1300 1.45214 4686.6 5412.6 9.7797 1.21012 4686.4 5412.5 9.6955 0.90761 4686.1 5412.2 9.5625 p = 1.0 MPa (Tsat = 179.9∘C) p = 1.2 MPa (Tsat = 188.0∘C) p = 1.4 MPa (Tsat = 195.0∘C) Sat. 0.1944 2582.7 2777.1 6.585 0.1633 2587.8 2783.7 6.522 0.1408 2591.8 2788.8 6.468 200 0.2060 2622.2 2828.3 6.696 0.1693 2612.9 2816.1 6.591 0.1430 2602.7 2803.0 6.498 250 0.2328 2710.4 2943.1 6.927 0.1924 2704.7 2935.6 6.831 0.1636 2698.9 2927.9 6.749 300 0.2580 2793.6 3051.6 7.125 0.2139 2789.7 3046.3 7.034 0.1823 2785.7 3040.9 6.955 350 0.2825 2875.7 3158.2 7.303 0.2346 2872.7 3154.2 7.214 0.2003 2869.7 3150.1 7.138 400 0.3066 2957.9 3264.5 7.467 0.2548 2955.5 3261.3 7.379 0.2178 2953.1 3258.1 7.305 450 0.3305 3040.9 3371.3 7.620 0.2748 3038.9 3368.7 7.533 0.2351 3037.0 3366.1 7.459 500 0.3541 3125.0 3479.1 7.764 0.2946 3123.4 3476.9 7.678 0.2522 3121.8 3474.8 7.605 600 0.4011 3297.5 3698.6 8.031 0.3339 3296.3 3697.0 7.946 0.2860 3295.1 3695.4 7.873 700 0.4478 3476.2 3924.1 8.276 0.3730 3475.3 3922.9 8.190 0.3195 3474.4 3921.7 8.118 800 0.4944 3661.7 4156.1 8.502 0.4118 3661.0 4155.2 8.418 0.3529 3660.2 4154.3 8.346 900 0.5408 3853.9 4394.8 8.715 0.4506 3853.3 4394.0 8.630 0.3861 3852.7 4393.3 8.559 1000 0.5872 4052.7 4639.9 8.916 0.4893 4052.2 4639.4 8.831 0.4193 4051.7 4638.8 8.759 1100 0.6335 4257.9 4891.4 9.106 0.5279 4257.5 4891.0 9.021 0.4525 4257.0 4890.5 8.950 1200 0.6798 4469.0 5148.9 9.287 0.5665 4468.7 5148.5 9.202 0.4856 4468.3 5148.1 9.131 1300 0.7261 4685.8 5411.9 9.459 0.6051 4685.5 5411.6 9.375 0.5187 4685.1 5411.3 9.304        PAGE 4 4 4                          Superheated Water (SI) T ∘ ν u h s ν ( C) (m 3 /kg) (k J/kg) (k J/kg) (k J/kg /K ) (m 3 /kg) p = 1.6 MPa (Tsat = 201.37∘C) u (k J/kg) h s ν 3 (k J/kg /K ) (k J/kg) (m /kg) p = 1.8 MPa (Tsat = 207.11∘C) u (k J/kg) h s (k J/kg /K ) (k J/kg) p = 2.0 MPa (Tsat = 212.38∘C) Sat. 0.1237 2594.8 2792.8 6.420 0.1104 2597.2 2795.9 6.378 0.0996 2599.1 2798.3 6.339 225 0.1329 2645.1 2857.8 6.554 0.1168 2637.0 2847.2 6.482 0.1038 2628.5 2836.1 6.416 250 0.1419 2692.9 2919.9 6.675 0.1250 2686.7 2911.7 6.609 0.1115 2680.2 2903.2 6.548 300 0.1587 2781.6 3035.4 6.886 0.1403 2777.4 3029.9 6.825 0.1255 2773.2 3024.2 6.768 350 0.1746 2866.6 3146.0 7.071 0.1546 2863.6 3141.8 7.012 0.1386 2860.5 3137.7 6.958 400 0.1901 2950.7 3254.9 7.239 0.1685 2948.3 3251.6 7.181 0.1512 2945.9 3248.3 7.129 450 0.2053 3035.0 3363.5 7.395 0.1821 3033.1 3360.9 7.338 0.1635 3031.1 3358.2 7.287 500 0.2203 3120.1 3472.6 7.541 0.1955 3118.5 3470.4 7.485 0.1757 3116.9 3468.2 7.434 600 0.2500 3293.9 3693.9 7.810 0.2220 3292.7 3692.3 7.754 0.1996 3291.5 3690.7 7.704 700 0.2794 3473.5 3920.5 8.056 0.2482 3472.6 3919.4 8.000 0.2233 3471.6 3918.2 7.951 800 0.3087 3659.5 4153.3 8.283 0.2743 3658.8 4152.4 8.228 0.2467 3658.0 4151.5 8.179 900 0.3378 3852.1 4392.6 8.497 0.3002 3851.5 4391.9 8.442 0.2701 3850.9 4391.1 8.393 1000 0.3669 4051.2 4638.2 8.697 0.3261 4050.7 4637.6 8.643 0.2934 4050.2 4637.0 8.594 1100 0.3959 4256.6 4890.0 8.888 0.3519 4256.2 5147.3 8.833 0.3167 4255.7 4889.1 8.784 1200 0.4249 4467.9 5147.7 9.069 0.3777 4467.6 5410.6 9.014 0.3399 4467.2 5147.0 8.965 p = 2.5 MPa (Tsat = 223.95∘C) p = 3.0 MPa (Tsat = 233.85∘C) p = 3.5 MPa (Tsat = 242.56∘C) Sat. 0.0799 2602.1 2801.9 6.256 0.0667 2603.2 2803.2 6.186 0.0571 2602.9 2802.6 6.124 250 0.0871 2663.3 2880.9 6.411 0.0706 2644.7 2856.5 6.289 0.0588 2624.0 2829.7 6.176 300 0.0989 2762.2 3009.6 6.646 0.0812 2750.8 2994.3 6.541 0.0685 2738.8 2978.4 6.448 350 0.1098 2852.5 3127.0 6.842 0.0906 2844.4 3116.1 6.745 0.0768 2836.0 3104.8 6.660 400 0.1201 2939.8 3240.1 7.017 0.0994 2933.5 3231.7 6.923 0.0846 2927.2 3223.2 6.843 450 0.1302 3026.2 3351.6 7.177 0.1079 3021.2 3344.8 7.086 0.0920 3016.1 3338.0 7.007 500 0.1400 3112.8 3462.7 7.325 0.1162 3108.6 3457.2 7.236 0.0992 3104.5 3451.6 7.159 600 0.1593 3288.5 3686.8 7.598 0.1325 3285.5 3682.8 7.510 0.1133 3282.5 3678.9 7.436 700 0.1784 3469.3 3915.2 7.846 0.1484 3467.0 3912.2 7.759 0.1270 3464.7 3909.3 7.685 800 0.1972 3656.2 4149.2 8.074 0.1642 3654.3 4146.9 7.989 0.1406 3652.5 4144.6 7.916 900 0.2160 3849.4 4389.3 8.288 0.1799 3847.9 4387.5 8.203 0.1541 3846.4 4385.7 8.130 1000 0.2347 4048.9 4635.6 8.490 0.1955 4047.7 4634.1 8.405 0.1675 4046.4 4632.7 8.332 1100 0.2533 4254.8 4887.9 8.680 0.2111 4253.6 4886.7 8.596 0.1809 4252.5 4885.6 8.524 1200 0.2719 4466.3 5146.0 8.862 0.2266 4465.3 5145.1 8.777 0.1942 4464.4 5144.1 8.705        PAGE 4 45                          Superheated Water (SI) T ∘ ν u h s ν ( C) (m 3 /kg) (k J/kg) (k J/kg) (k J/kg /K ) (m 3 /kg) p = 4.0 MPa (Tsat = 250.35∘C) u (k J/kg) h s ν 3 (k J/kg /K ) (k J/kg) (m /kg) p = 4.5 MPa (Tsat = 257.44∘C) u (k J/kg) h s (k J/kg /K ) (k J/kg) p = 5.0 MPa (Tsat = 263.94∘C) Sat. 0.0498 2601.7 2800.8 6.070 0.0441 2599.7 2797.9 6.020 0.0394 2597.0 2794.2 5.974 275 0.0546 2668.9 2887.3 6.231 0.0473 2651.3 2864.3 6.143 0.0414 2632.3 2839.5 6.057 300 0.0589 2726.2 2961.7 6.364 0.0514 2713.0 2944.2 6.285 0.0453 2699.0 2925.7 6.211 350 0.0665 2827.4 3093.3 6.584 0.0584 2818.6 3081.5 6.515 0.0520 2809.5 3069.3 6.452 400 0.0734 2920.7 3214.5 6.771 0.0648 2914.2 3205.6 6.707 0.0578 2907.5 3196.7 6.648 450 0.0800 3011.0 3331.2 6.939 0.0708 3005.8 3324.2 6.877 0.0633 3000.6 3317.2 6.821 500 0.0864 3100.3 3446.0 7.092 0.0765 3096.0 3440.4 7.032 0.0686 3091.7 3434.7 6.978 600 0.0989 3279.4 3674.9 7.371 0.0877 3276.4 3670.9 7.313 0.0787 3273.3 3666.8 7.261 700 0.1110 3462.4 3906.3 7.621 0.0985 3460.0 3903.3 7.565 0.0885 3457.7 3900.3 7.514 800 0.1229 3650.6 4142.3 7.852 0.1092 3648.8 4140.0 7.796 0.0982 3646.9 4137.7 7.746 900 0.1348 3844.8 4383.9 8.067 0.1197 3843.3 4382.1 8.012 0.1077 3841.8 4380.2 7.962 1000 0.1465 4045.1 4631.2 8.270 0.1302 4043.9 4629.8 8.214 0.1172 4042.6 4628.3 8.165 1100 0.1582 4251.4 4884.4 8.461 0.1406 4250.4 4883.2 8.406 0.1266 4249.3 4882.1 8.357 1200 0.1699 4463.5 5143.2 8.643 0.1510 4462.6 5142.2 8.588 0.1359 4461.6 5141.3 8.539 1300 0.1816 4680.9 5407.2 8.816 0.1614 4680.1 5406.5 8.761 0.1453 4679.3 5405.7 8.712 p = 6.0 MPa (Tsat = 275.59∘C) p = 7.0 MPa (Tsat = 285.83∘C) p = 8.0 MPa (Tsat = 295.01∘C) Sat. 0.0324 2589.9 2784.6 5.890 0.0274 2581.0 2772.6 5.815 0.0235 2570.5 2758.7 5.745 300 0.0362 2668.4 2885.5 6.070 0.0295 2633.5 2839.9 5.934 0.0243 2592.3 2786.5 5.794 350 0.0423 2790.4 3043.9 6.336 0.0353 2770.1 3016.9 6.230 0.0300 2748.3 2988.1 6.132 400 0.0474 2893.7 3178.2 6.543 0.0400 2879.5 3159.2 6.450 0.0343 2864.6 3139.4 6.366 450 0.0522 2989.9 3302.9 6.722 0.0442 2979.0 3288.3 6.635 0.0382 2967.8 3273.3 6.558 500 0.0567 3083.1 3423.1 6.883 0.0482 3074.3 3411.4 6.800 0.0418 3065.4 3399.5 6.727 600 0.0653 3267.2 3658.7 7.169 0.0557 3260.9 3650.6 7.091 0.0485 3254.7 3642.4 7.022 700 0.0735 3453.0 3894.3 7.425 0.0629 3448.3 3888.2 7.349 0.0548 3443.6 3882.2 7.282 800 0.0816 3643.2 4133.1 7.658 0.0699 3639.5 4128.4 7.584 0.0610 3635.7 4123.8 7.518 900 0.0896 3838.8 4376.6 7.875 0.0768 3835.7 4373.0 7.801 0.0671 3832.6 4369.3 7.737 1000 0.0976 4040.1 4625.4 8.079 0.0836 4037.5 4622.5 8.006 0.0731 4035.0 4619.6 7.942 1100 0.1054 4247.1 4879.7 8.271 0.1955 4047.7 4634.1 8.405 0.0790 4242.8 4875.0 8.135 1200 0.1133 4459.8 5139.4 8.453 0.2111 4253.6 4886.7 8.596 0.0849 4456.1 5135.5 8.318 1300 0.1211 4677.7 5404.1 8.627 0.2266 4465.3 5145.1 8.777 0.0908 4674.5 5401.0 8.493        PAGE 4 46                          Superheated Water (SI) T ∘ ν u h s ν ( C) (m 3 /kg) (k J/kg) (k J/kg) (k J/kg /K ) (m 3 /kg) p = 9.0 MPa (Tsat = 303.35∘C) u (k J/kg) h s ν 3 (k J/kg /K ) (k J/kg) (m /kg) p = 10.0 MPa (Tsat = 311.00∘C) u (k J/kg) h s (k J/kg /K ) (k J/kg) p = 12.5 MPa (Tsat = 327.81∘C) sat. 0.020489 2558.5 2742.9 5.6791 0.018028 2545.2 2725.5 5.6159 0.013496 2505.6 2674.3 5.4638 325 0.023284 2647.6 2857.1 5.8738 0.019877 2611.6 2810.3 5.7596 38.849 1074.5 1146.4 1.7926 350 0.025816 2725.0 2957.3 6.0380 0.022440 2699.6 2924.0 5.9460 0.016138 2624.9 2826.6 5.7130 400 0.029960 2849.2 3118.8 6.2876 0.026436 2833.1 3097.5 6.2141 0.020030 2789.6 3040.0 6.0433 450 0.033524 2956.3 3258.0 6.4872 0.029782 2944.5 3242.4 6.4219 0.023019 2913.7 3201.5 6.2749 500 0.036793 3056.3 3387.4 6.6603 0.032811 3047.0 3375.1 6.5995 0.025630 3023.2 3343.6 6.4651 550 0.039885 3153.0 3512.0 6.8164 0.035655 3145.4 3502.0 6.7585 0.028033 3126.1 3476.5 6.6317 600 0.042861 3248.4 3634.1 6.9605 0.038378 3242.0 3625.8 6.9045 0.030306 3225.8 3604.6 6.7828 650 0.045755 3343.4 3755.2 7.0954 0.041018 3338.0 3748.1 7.0408 0.032491 3324.1 3730.2 6.9227 700 0.048589 3438.8 3876.1 7.2229 0.043597 3434.0 3870.0 7.1693 0.034612 3422.0 3854.6 7.0540 800 0.054132 3632.0 4119.2 7.4606 0.048629 3628.2 4114.5 7.4085 0.038724 3618.8 4102.8 7.2967 900 0.059562 3829.6 4365.7 7.6802 0.053547 3826.5 4362.0 7.6290 0.042720 3818.9 4352.9 7.5195 1000 0.064919 4032.4 4616.7 7.8855 0.058391 4029.9 4613.8 7.8349 0.046641 4023.5 4606.5 7.7269 1100 0.070224 4240.7 4872.7 8.0791 0.063183 4238.5 4870.3 8.0289 0.050510 4233.1 4864.5 7.9220 1200 0.075492 4454.2 5133.6 8.6252 0.067938 4452.4 5131.7 8.2126 0.054342 4447.7 5127.0 8.1065 1300 0.080733 4672.9 5399.5 8.4371 0.072667 4671.3 5398.0 8.3874 0.058147 4667.3 5394.1 8.2819 p = 15.0 MPa (Tsat = 342.16∘C) p = 17.5 MPa (Tsat = 354.67∘C) p = 20 MPa (Tsat = 365.75∘C) Sat. 0.01034 2455.6 2610.7 5.311 0.00793 2390.5 2529.3 5.143 0.00587 2295.0 2412.3 4.931 375 0.01390 2650.4 2858.9 5.705 0.01056 2567.5 2752.3 5.494 0.00768 2449.1 2602.6 5.228 400 0.01567 2740.6 2975.7 5.882 0.01246 2684.3 2902.4 5.721 0.00995 2617.9 2816.9 5.553 450 0.01848 2880.7 3157.9 6.143 0.01520 2845.4 3111.4 6.021 0.01272 2807.2 3061.7 5.904 500 0.02083 2998.4 3310.8 6.348 0.01739 2972.4 3276.7 6.242 0.01479 2945.3 3241.2 6.145 600 0.02492 3209.3 3583.1 6.680 0.02107 3192.5 3561.3 6.589 0.01819 3175.3 3539.0 6.508 700 0.02862 3409.8 3839.1 6.957 0.02434 3397.5 3823.5 6.873 0.02113 3385.1 3807.8 6.799 800 0.03212 3609.2 4091.1 7.204 0.02741 3599.7 4079.3 7.124 0.02387 3590.1 4067.5 7.053 900 0.03550 3811.2 4343.7 7.429 0.03035 3803.4 4334.5 7.351 0.02648 3795.7 4325.4 7.283 1000 0.03881 4017.1 4599.2 7.638 0.03322 4010.7 4592.0 7.562 0.02902 4004.3 4584.7 7.495 1100 0.04206 4227.7 4858.6 7.834 0.03603 4222.3 4852.8 7.759 0.03150 4216.9 4847.0 7.693 1200 0.04528 4443.1 5122.3 8.019 0.03881 4438.5 5117.6 7.945 0.03395 4433.8 5112.9 7.880 1300 0.04847 4663.3 5390.3 8.195 0.04156 4659.2 5386.5 8.122 0.03637 4655.2 5382.7 8.057        PAGE 4 47                          Superheated Water (SI) ν u h ( C) (m /kg) (k J/kg) (k J/kg) T ∘ 3 s (k J/kg /K ) p = 5.0 MPa (Tsat = 263.94∘C) ν (m /kg) 3 u (k J/kg) h s ν 3 (k J/kg) (k J/kg /K ) (m /kg) p = 10.0 MPa (Tsat = 311.00∘C) u (k J/kg) h s (k J/kg) (k J/kg /K ) p = 15 MPa (Tsat = 342.16∘C) 20 0.00100 83.609 88.607 0.29543 0.00100 83.308 93.281 0.29435 0.00100 83.007 97.934 0.29323 40 0.00101 166.92 171.95 0.57046 0.00100 166.33 176.36 0.56851 0.00100 165.75 180.77 0.56656 60 0.00101 250.29 255.36 0.82865 0.00101 249.42 259.55 0.82602 0.00101 248.58 263.74 0.8234 80 0.00103 333.82 338.95 1.0723 0.00102 332.69 342.94 1.0691 0.00102 331.59 346.92 1.0659 100 0.00104 417.64 422.85 1.3034 0.00104 416.23 426.62 1.2996 0.00104 414.85 430.39 1.2958 120 0.00106 501.90 507.19 1.5236 0.00105 500.18 510.73 1.5191 0.00105 498.49 514.28 1.5148 140 0.00108 586.79 592.18 1.7344 0.00107 584.71 595.45 1.7293 0.00107 582.69 598.75 1.7243 160 0.00110 672.55 678.04 1.9374 0.00110 670.06 681.01 1.9315 0.00109 667.63 684.01 1.9259 180 0.00112 759.46 765.08 2.1338 0.00112 756.48 767.68 2.1271 0.00112 753.58 770.32 2.1206 200 0.00115 847.91 853.68 2.3251 0.00115 844.31 855.8 2.3174 0.00114 840.84 857.99 2.3100 220 0.00119 938.39 944.32 2.5127 0.00118 934.00 945.81 2.5037 0.00118 929.80 947.43 2.4951 240 0.00123 1031.6 1037.7 2.6983 0.00122 1026.1 1038.3 2.6876 0.00121 1021.0 1039.2 2.6774 260 0.00128 1128.5 1134.9 2.8841 0.00127 1121.6 1134.3 2.8710 0.00126 1115.1 1134 2.8586 0.00132 1221.8 1235.0 3.0565 0.00131 1213.4 1233.0 3.0410 0.00147 1431.9 1454.0 3.4263 280 320 p = 20.0 MPa (Tsat = 365.75∘C) p = 30 MPa p = 50 MPa 20 0.00099 82.708 102.57 0.29207 0.00099 82.112 111.77 0.28968 0.0009805 80.93 129.95 0.2845 40 0.00100 165.17 185.16 0.56461 0.001 164.05 193.9 0.56069 0.0009872 161.90 211.25 0.5528 60 0.00101 247.75 267.92 0.8208 0.001 246.14 276.26 0.81564 0.0009962 243.08 292.88 0.8055 80 0.00102 330.50 350.9 1.0627 0.00102 328.40 358.86 1.0564 0.0010072 324.42 374.78 1.0442 100 0.00103 413.50 434.17 1.292 0.00103 410.87 441.74 1.2847 0.0010201 405.94 456.94 1.2705 120 0.00105 496.85 517.84 1.5105 0.00104 493.66 525 1.5020 0.0010349 487.69 539.43 1.4859 140 0.00107 580.71 602.07 1.7194 0.00106 576.89 608.76 1.7098 0.0010517 569.77 622.36 1.6916 160 0.00109 665.27 687.05 1.9203 0.00108 660.74 693.21 1.9094 0.0010704 652.33 705.85 1.8889 180 0.00111 750.77 773.02 2.1143 0.0011 745.40 778.54 2.1020 0.0010914 735.49 790.06 2.0790 200 0.00114 837.49 860.27 2.3027 0.00113 831.10 865.02 2.2888 0.0011149 819.45 875.19 2.2628 220 0.00117 925.77 949.16 2.4867 0.00116 918.14 952.93 2.4707 0.0011412 904.39 961.45 2.4414 240 0.00121 1016.1 1040.2 2.6676 0.00119 1006.9 1042.7 2.6491 0.0011708 990.55 1049.1 2.6156 260 0.00125 1109.0 1134 2.8469 0.00123 1097.8 1134.7 2.8250 0.0012044 1078.2 1138.4 2.7864 280 0.00130 1205.5 1231.5 3.0265 0.00128 1191.5 1229.8 3.0001 0.0012430 1167.7 1229.9 2.9547 300 0.00136 1307.1 1334.4 3.2091 0.00133 1288.9 1328.9 3.1760 0.0012879 1259.6 1324.0 3.1218 320 0.00144 1416.6 1445.5 3.3996 0.0014 1391.6 1433.7 3.3557 0.0013409 1354.3 1421.4 3.2888 340 0.00157 1540.2 1571.6 3.6086 0.00149 1502.3 1547.1 3.5438 0.0014049 1452.9 1523.1 3.4575 360 0.00182 1703.6 1740.1 3.8787 0.00163 1626.7 1675.6 3.7498 0.0014848 1556.5 1630.7 3.6301      PAGE 4 48                          C OMPRESSED LIQUID WATER (FOR VERY HIGH PRESS) Saturated Refrigerant R-134a - Temperature (SI) T (∘C) P (kPa) νf (m 3 /kg) νg (m 3 /kg) uf (k J/kg) ug (k J/kg) hf (k J/kg) hg sf sg (k J/kg) (k J/kg/K ) (k J/kg/K ) -40 51.2 0.0007054 0.3611 -0.04 207.37 0.00 225.86 0.0000 0.9687 -36 62.9 0.0007112 0.2977 4.99 209.66 5.04 228.39 0.0214 0.9632 -32 76.7 0.0007172 0.2473 10.05 211.96 10.10 230.92 0.0425 0.9582 -28 92.7 0.0007234 0.2068 15.13 214.26 15.20 233.43 0.0634 0.9536 -26 101.7 0.0007265 0.1896 17.69 215.41 17.76 234.68 0.0738 0.9515 -24 111.3 0.0007297 0.1741 20.25 216.55 20.33 235.93 0.0841 0.9495 -22 121.7 0.0007329 0.1601 22.82 217.70 22.91 237.17 0.0944 0.9476 -20 132.7 0.0007362 0.1474 25.39 218.85 25.49 238.41 0.1046 0.9457 -18 144.6 0.0007396 0.1359 27.98 219.99 28.09 239.64 0.1148 0.9440 -16 157.3 0.0007430 0.1255 30.57 221.13 30.69 240.87 0.1249 0.9423 -14 170.8 0.0007464 0.1161 33.17 222.27 33.30 242.09 0.1350 0.9407 -12 185.2 0.0007499 0.1074 35.78 223.41 35.92 243.31 0.1451 0.9392 -10 200.6 0.0007535 0.0996 38.40 224.54 38.55 244.52 0.1550 0.9377 -8 216.9 0.0007571 0.0924 41.03 225.67 41.19 245.72 0.1650 0.9364 -6 234.3 0.0007608 0.0859 43.67 226.80 43.84 246.92 0.1749 0.9351 -4 252.7 0.0007646 0.0799 46.31 227.93 46.50 248.11 0.1848 0.9338 -2 272.2 0.0007684 0.0744 48.97 229.05 49.17 249.29 0.1946 0.9326 0 292.8 0.0007723 0.0693 51.63 230.17 51.86 250.46 0.2044 0.9315 2 314.6 0.0007763 0.0647 54.30 231.28 54.55 251.62 0.2142 0.9304 4 337.7 0.0007804 0.0604 56.99 232.39 57.25 252.78 0.2239 0.9294 6 362.0 0.0007845 0.0564 59.68 233.49 59.97 253.92 0.2336 0.9284 8 387.6 0.0007887 0.0528 62.39 234.58 62.69 255.05 0.2432 0.9274 12 443.0 0.0007975 0.0463 67.83 236.76 68.19 257.29 0.2625 0.9256 16 504.3 0.0008066 0.0408 73.32 238.91 73.73 259.47 0.2816 0.9240 20 571.7 0.0008161 0.0360 78.86 241.02 79.32 261.60 0.3006 0.9224 24 645.8 0.0008261 0.0319 84.45 243.11 84.98 263.68 0.3196 0.9210 26 685.4 0.0008313 0.0300 87.26 244.13 87.83 264.70 0.3290 0.9203 28 726.9 0.0008367 0.0283 90.09 245.15 90.70 265.69 0.3385 0.9196  PAGE 4 49                  S AT U R AT E D R - 13 4 A - T E M P E R AT U R E TA B L E ( S I ) ∘ ( C) P (kPa) νg (m 3 /kg) uf (k J/kg) ug (k J/kg) hf (k J/kg) hg sf sg (k J/kg) (k J/kg/K ) (k J/kg/K ) 30 770.2 0.0008421 0.0266 92.93 246.16 93.58 266.67 0.3479 0.9189 32 815.4 0.0008478 0.0251 95.79 247.15 96.48 267.64 0.3573 0.9182 34 862.6 0.0008536 0.0237 98.66 248.13 99.40 268.58 0.3667 0.9175 36 911.9 0.0008595 0.0224 101.55 249.10 102.33 269.50 0.3761 0.9168 38 963.2 0.0008657 0.0211 104.46 250.05 105.29 270.41 0.3855 0.9162 40 1016.6 0.0008720 0.0200 107.38 250.99 108.27 271.28 0.3949 0.9155 42 1072.2 0.0008786 0.0189 110.32 251.91 111.26 272.14 0.4043 0.9147 44 1130.1 0.0008854 0.0178 113.28 252.81 114.28 272.97 0.4136 0.9140 48 1252.9 0.0008997 0.0160 119.26 254.56 120.39 274.55 0.4324 0.9125 52 1385.4 0.0009150 0.0143 125.33 256.23 126.60 276.01 0.4513 0.9108 56 1528.2 0.0009317 0.0128 131.49 257.79 132.92 277.32 0.4702 0.9089 60 1681.8 0.0009498 0.0114 137.76 259.24 139.36 278.49 0.4892 0.9068 70 2116.8 0.0010038 0.0087 154.01 262.19 156.14 280.51 0.5376 0.9000 80 2633.2 0.0010773 0.0064 171.41 263.69 174.25 280.67 0.5880 0.8894 90 3244.2 0.0011936 0.0046 190.91 262.30 194.78 277.27 0.6434 0.8706 100 3972.4 0.0015357 0.0027 219.05 248.89 225.15 259.54 0.7232 0.8153 101.06 4059.1 0.0019535 0.0020 233.57 233.57 241.49 241.49 0.7665 0.7665 T νf (m 3 /kg)  PAGE 450                  Saturated Refrigerant R-134a - Temperature (SI) Saturated Refrigerant R-134a - Pressure (SI) p (kPa) T (∘C) νf (m 3 /kg) νg (m 3 /kg) uf (k J/kg) ug (k J/kg) hf (k J/kg) hg sf sg (k J/kg) (k J/kg/K ) (k J/kg/K ) 60 -36.9 0.0007098 0.3112 3.8 209.1 3.9 227.8 0.0164 0.9645 80 -31.1 0.0007185 0.2376 11.2 212.5 11.2 231.5 0.0472 0.9572 100 -26.4 0.0007259 0.1926 17.2 215.2 17.3 234.5 0.0720 0.9519 120 -22.3 0.0007324 0.1621 22.4 217.5 22.5 237.0 0.0928 0.9478 140 -18.8 0.0007383 0.1402 27.0 219.6 27.1 239.2 0.1110 0.9446 160 -15.6 0.0007437 0.1235 31.1 221.4 31.2 241.1 0.1270 0.9420 180 -12.7 0.0007487 0.1104 34.9 223.0 35.0 242.9 0.1415 0.9397 200 -10.1 0.0007534 0.0999 38.3 224.5 38.5 244.5 0.1547 0.9378 220 -7.6 0.0007578 0.0912 41.5 225.9 41.7 245.9 0.1668 0.9361 240 -5.4 0.0007620 0.0839 44.5 227.2 44.7 247.3 0.1780 0.9347 260 -3.2 0.0007661 0.0777 47.3 228.4 47.5 248.6 0.1885 0.9333 280 -1.2 0.0007699 0.0724 50.0 229.5 50.2 249.7 0.1984 0.9322 300 0.7 0.0007737 0.0677 52.5 230.5 52.8 250.9 0.2077 0.9311 320 2.5 0.0007773 0.0636 54.9 231.5 55.2 251.9 0.2165 0.9301 340 4.2 0.0007808 0.0600 57.3 232.5 57.5 252.9 0.2248 0.9293 360 5.8 0.0007842 0.0567 59.5 233.4 59.8 253.8 0.2328 0.9284 400 8.9 0.0007907 0.0512 63.7 235.1 64.0 255.6 0.2477 0.9270 500 15.7 0.0008060 0.0411 73.0 238.8 73.4 259.3 0.2803 0.9241 600 21.6 0.0008200 0.0343 81.0 241.9 81.5 262.4 0.3081 0.9219 700 26.7 0.0008332 0.0294 88.3 244.5 88.8 265.1 0.3324 0.9200 800 31.3 0.0008459 0.0256 94.8 246.8 95.5 267.3 0.3541 0.9184 900 35.5 0.0008581 0.0227 100.9 248.9 101.6 269.3 0.3739 0.9170 1000 39.4 0.0008701 0.0203 106.5 250.7 107.4 271.0 0.3920 0.9157 1200 46.3 0.0008935 0.0167 116.7 253.8 117.8 273.9 0.4245 0.9131 1400 52.4 0.0009167 0.0141 126.0 256.4 127.3 276.2 0.4533 0.9106 1600 57.9 0.0009401 0.0121 134.5 258.5 136.0 277.9 0.4792 0.9080 1800 62.9 0.0009640 0.0106 142.4 260.2 144.1 279.2 0.5031 0.9051 2000 67.5 0.0009888 0.0093 149.8 261.6 151.8 280.1 0.5252 0.9020  PA G E 4 51                  S AT U R AT E D R - 13 4 A - P R E S S U R E TA B L E ( S I ) p (kPa) ( C) νg (m 3 /kg) uf (k J/kg) ug (k J/kg) hf (k J/kg) hg sf sg (k J/kg) (k J/kg/K ) (k J/kg/K ) 2500 77.6 0.0010569 0.0069 167.1 263.5 169.7 280.9 0.5755 0.8925 3000 86.2 0.0011413 0.0053 183.1 263.4 186.6 279.2 0.6215 0.8792 T ∘ νf (m 3 /kg)  PAGE 452                  Saturated Refrigerant R-134a - Pressure (SI) Superheated R-134a (SI) ν u h ( C) (m /kg) (k J/kg) (k J/kg) T ∘ 3 s (k J/kg /K ) p = 0.06 MPa (Tsat = − 36.95∘C) ν (m /kg) 3 u (k J/kg) h s ν 3 (k J/kg) (k J/kg /K ) (m /kg) p = 0.1 MPa (Tsat = − 26.37∘C) u (k J/kg) h s (k J/kg) (k J/kg /K ) p = 0.14 MPa (Tsat = − 18.77∘C) Sat. 0.3112 209.1 227.8 0.964 0.1926 215.2 234.5 0.952 1.6941 2505.6 2675.0 7.3589 -20 0.3361 220.6 240.8 1.018 0.1984 219.7 239.5 0.972 0.1402 219.6 239.2 0.945 -10 0.3505 227.6 248.6 1.048 0.2074 226.8 247.5 1.003 0.1461 225.9 246.4 0.972 0 0.3648 234.7 256.5 1.077 0.2163 234.0 255.6 1.033 0.1526 233.2 254.6 1.003 10 0.3789 241.9 264.7 1.107 0.2251 241.3 263.8 1.063 0.1591 240.7 262.9 1.033 20 0.3930 249.4 272.9 1.135 0.2337 248.8 272.2 1.092 0.1654 248.2 271.4 1.062 30 0.4071 257.0 281.4 1.164 0.2423 256.5 280.7 1.120 0.1717 255.9 280.0 1.091 40 0.4210 264.7 290.0 1.192 0.2509 264.3 289.3 1.149 0.1780 263.8 288.7 1.120 50 0.4350 272.6 298.7 1.219 0.2594 272.2 298.2 1.176 0.1841 271.8 297.6 1.147 60 0.4488 280.7 307.7 1.246 0.2678 280.4 307.1 1.204 0.1903 280.0 306.6 1.175 70 0.4627 289.0 316.8 1.273 0.2763 288.6 316.3 1.231 0.1964 288.3 315.8 1.202 80 0.4765 297.4 326.0 1.300 0.2847 297.1 325.6 1.257 0.2024 296.8 325.1 1.229 90 0.4903 306.0 335.4 1.326 0.2930 305.7 335.0 1.284 0.2085 305.4 334.6 1.255 100 0.5041 314.8 345.0 1.352 0.3014 314.5 344.6 1.310 0.2145 314.2 344.2 1.282 p = 0.18 MPa (Tsat = − 12.73∘C) Sat. 0.1104 223.0 242.9 0.940 -10 0.1119 225.0 245.2 0.948 0 0.1172 232.5 253.6 10 0.1224 240.0 20 0.1275 30 p = 0.2 MPa (Tsat = − 10.09∘C) p = 0.24 MPa (Tsat = − 5.4∘C) 0.0999 224.5 244.5 0.938 0.0839 227.2 247.3 0.935 0.980 0.1048 232.1 253.1 0.970 0.0862 231.3 252.0 0.952 262.0 1.010 0.1096 239.7 261.6 1.001 0.0903 239.0 260.7 0.983 247.6 270.6 1.040 0.1142 247.4 270.2 1.030 0.0942 246.8 269.4 1.013 0.1325 255.4 279.3 1.069 0.1187 255.2 278.9 1.060 0.0981 254.6 278.2 1.043 40 0.1374 263.3 288.1 1.098 0.1232 263.1 287.7 1.088 0.1019 262.6 287.1 1.072 50 0.1423 271.4 297.0 1.126 0.1277 271.2 296.7 1.116 0.1057 270.7 296.1 1.100 60 0.1472 279.6 306.1 1.153 0.1321 279.4 305.8 1.144 0.1094 279.0 305.2 1.128 70 0.1520 287.9 315.3 1.181 0.1364 287.7 315.0 1.171 0.1131 287.4 314.5 1.156 80 0.1567 296.4 324.6 1.207 0.1407 296.3 324.4 1.198 0.1168 295.9 323.9 1.183 90 0.1615 305.1 334.1 1.234 0.1451 304.9 333.9 1.225 0.1204 304.6 333.5 1.209 100 0.1662 313.9 343.8 1.260 0.1493 313.7 343.6 1.251 0.1240 313.5 343.2 1.236        PAGE 453                          S U P E R H E AT E D R - 13 4 A TA B L E S ( S I ) T ∘ ν u h s ν ( C) (m 3 /kg) (k J/kg) (k J/kg) (k J/kg /K ) (m 3 /kg) p = 0.28 MPa (Tsat = − 1.25∘C) u (k J/kg) h s ν 3 (k J/kg /K ) (k J/kg) (m /kg) p = 0.32 MPa (Tsat = 2.46∘C) u (k J/kg) h s (k J/kg /K ) (k J/kg) p = 0.40 MPa (Tsat = 8.91∘C) Sat. 0.0724 229.5 249.7 0.932 0.0636 231.5 251.9 0.930 0.0512 235.1 255.6 0.927 10 0.0765 238.3 259.7 0.968 0.0661 237.5 258.7 0.954 0.0515 236.0 256.6 0.931 20 0.0800 246.1 268.5 0.999 0.0693 245.5 267.7 0.986 0.0542 244.2 265.9 0.963 30 0.0834 254.1 277.4 1.029 0.0723 253.5 276.7 1.016 0.0568 252.4 275.1 0.994 40 0.0867 262.1 286.4 1.058 0.0753 261.6 285.7 1.045 0.0593 260.6 284.3 1.024 50 0.0900 270.3 295.5 1.086 0.0782 269.8 294.9 1.074 0.0617 268.9 293.6 1.053 60 0.0932 278.6 304.7 1.114 0.0811 278.2 304.1 1.102 0.0641 277.3 303.0 1.081 70 0.0964 287.0 314.0 1.142 0.0839 286.6 313.5 1.130 0.0664 285.9 312.4 1.109 80 0.0996 295.6 323.5 1.169 0.0868 295.2 323.0 1.157 0.0687 294.5 322.0 1.137 90 0.1028 304.3 333.1 1.196 0.0895 304.0 332.6 1.184 0.0710 303.3 331.7 1.164 100 0.1059 313.2 342.8 1.222 0.0923 312.9 342.4 1.211 0.0733 312.3 341.6 1.191 110 0.1090 322.2 352.7 1.248 0.0950 321.9 352.3 1.237 0.0755 321.3 351.5 1.217 120 0.1121 331.3 362.7 1.274 0.0977 331.1 362.4 1.263 0.0777 330.6 361.6 1.243 p = 0.50 MPa (Tsat = 15.71∘C) Sat. 0.0411 238.8 259.3 0.924 20 0.0421 242.4 263.5 0.938 30 0.0443 250.8 273.0 40 0.0465 259.3 50 0.0485 60 p = 0.60 MPa (Tsat = 21.55∘C) p = 0.70 MPa (Tsat = 26.69∘C) 0.0343 241.9 262.4 0.922 0.0294 244.5 265.1 0.920 0.970 0.0360 249.2 270.8 0.950 0.0300 247.5 268.5 0.931 282.5 1.001 0.0379 257.9 280.6 0.982 0.0317 256.4 278.6 0.964 267.7 292.0 1.031 0.0397 266.5 290.3 1.012 0.0333 265.2 288.5 0.995 0.0505 276.3 301.5 1.060 0.0414 275.2 300.0 1.042 0.0349 274.0 298.4 1.026 70 0.0524 284.9 311.1 1.088 0.0431 283.9 309.7 1.071 0.0364 282.9 308.3 1.055 80 0.0543 293.6 320.8 1.116 0.0447 292.7 319.6 1.099 0.0378 291.8 318.3 1.084 90 0.0562 302.5 330.6 1.144 0.0463 301.7 329.5 1.126 0.0393 300.8 328.3 1.111 100 0.0581 311.5 340.5 1.171 0.0479 310.7 339.5 1.154 0.0406 310.0 338.4 1.139 110 0.0599 320.6 350.6 1.197 0.0495 319.9 349.6 1.180 0.0420 319.2 348.6 1.166 120 0.0617 329.9 360.7 1.223 0.0510 329.2 359.8 1.207 0.0434 328.6 358.9 1.192 130 0.0635 339.3 371.0 1.249 0.0525 338.7 370.2 1.233 0.0447 338.0 369.3 1.219 140 0.0653 348.8 381.5 1.275 0.0540 348.3 380.7 1.258 0.0460 347.7 379.9 1.244        PAGE 45 4                          Superheated R-134a (SI) T ∘ ν u h s ν ( C) (m 3 /kg) (k J/kg) (k J/kg) (k J/kg /K ) (m 3 /kg) p = 0.80 MPa (Tsat = 31.31∘C) u (k J/kg) h s ν 3 (k J/kg /K ) (k J/kg) (m /kg) p = 0.90 MPa (Tsat = 35.51∘C) u (k J/kg) h s (k J/kg /K ) (k J/kg) p = 1.00 MPa (Tsat = 39.37∘C) Sat. 0.0256 246.8 267.3 0.918 0.0227 248.9 269.3 0.917 0.0203 250.7 271.0 0.916 40 0.0270 254.8 276.5 0.948 0.0234 253.1 274.2 0.933 0.0204 251.3 271.7 0.918 50 0.0285 263.9 286.7 0.980 0.0248 262.4 284.8 0.966 0.0218 260.9 282.7 0.953 60 0.0300 272.8 296.8 1.011 0.0261 271.6 295.1 0.998 0.0231 270.3 293.4 0.985 70 0.0313 281.8 306.9 1.041 0.0274 280.7 305.4 1.028 0.0243 279.6 303.9 1.016 80 0.0327 290.8 317.0 1.070 0.0286 289.9 315.6 1.057 0.0254 288.9 314.3 1.046 90 0.0339 300.0 327.1 1.098 0.0298 299.1 325.9 1.086 0.0265 298.2 324.7 1.075 100 0.0352 309.2 337.3 1.126 0.0310 308.3 336.2 1.114 0.0276 307.5 335.1 1.103 110 0.0364 318.5 347.6 1.153 0.0321 317.7 346.6 1.141 0.0286 316.9 345.5 1.131 120 0.0376 327.9 358.0 1.180 0.0332 327.2 357.0 1.168 0.0296 326.5 356.1 1.158 130 0.0388 337.4 368.5 1.206 0.0342 336.8 367.6 1.195 0.0306 336.1 366.7 1.185 140 0.0400 347.1 379.1 1.232 0.0353 346.5 378.2 1.221 0.0316 345.9 377.4 1.211 150 0.0411 356.9 389.8 1.258 0.0363 356.3 389.0 1.247 0.0325 355.7 388.2 1.237 160 0.0423 366.8 400.6 1.283 0.0374 366.2 399.9 1.272 0.0335 365.7 399.2 1.262 p = 1.20 MPa (Tsat = 46.29∘C) Sat. 0.0167 253.8 273.9 0.913 50 0.0172 257.6 278.3 0.927 60 0.0184 267.6 289.6 70 0.0195 277.2 80 0.0205 90 p = 1.40 MPa (Tsat = 52.40∘C) p = 1.60 MPa (Tsat = 57.88∘C) 0.0141 256.4 276.2 0.911 0.0121 258.5 277.9 0.908 0.961 0.0150 264.5 285.5 0.939 0.0124 260.9 280.7 0.916 300.6 0.994 0.0161 274.6 297.1 0.973 0.0134 271.8 293.3 0.954 286.8 311.4 1.025 0.0170 284.5 308.3 1.006 0.0144 282.1 305.1 0.987 0.0215 296.3 322.1 1.055 0.0179 294.3 319.4 1.036 0.0152 292.2 316.5 1.019 100 0.0224 305.8 332.7 1.084 0.0188 304.0 330.3 1.066 0.0160 302.1 327.8 1.050 110 0.0233 315.4 343.4 1.112 0.0196 313.8 341.2 1.095 0.0168 312.1 338.9 1.080 120 0.0242 325.0 354.1 1.139 0.0204 323.6 352.1 1.123 0.0175 322.0 350.0 1.108 130 0.0251 334.8 364.9 1.166 0.0212 333.4 363.0 1.150 0.0182 332.0 361.1 1.136 140 0.0259 344.6 375.7 1.193 0.0219 343.4 374.0 1.177 0.0189 342.1 372.3 1.163 150 0.0268 354.6 386.7 1.219 0.0226 353.4 385.1 1.204 0.0195 352.2 383.5 1.190 160 0.0276 364.6 397.7 1.245 0.0234 363.5 396.2 1.230 0.0202 362.4 394.7 1.216 170 0.0284 374.8 408.8 1.270 0.0241 373.8 407.4 1.255 0.0208 372.7 406.0 1.242 180 0.0292 385.1 420.1 1.295 0.0248 384.1 418.8 1.281 0.0215 383.1 417.4 1.268        PAGE 455                          Superheated R-134a (SI) Saturated Water - Temperature (EEU) T (∘F) p νf νg uf ug hf hg sf sg (Psia) ( f t 3 /lbm) ( f t 3 /lbm) (Btu /lbm) (Btu /lbm) (Btu /lbm) (Btu /lbm) (Btu /lbm /R) (Btu /lbm /R) 32.018 0.08871 0.01602 3299.9 0 1021 0 1075.2 0 2.1867 35 0.09998 0.01602 2945.7 3.004 1022 3.004 1076.5 0.00609 2.1762 40 0.12173 0.01602 2443.6 8.032 1023.7 8.032 1078.7 0.0162 2.1589 45 0.14756 0.01602 2035.8 13.05 1025.3 13.05 1080.9 0.0262 2.1421 50 0.17812 0.01602 1703.1 18.07 1026.9 18.07 1083.1 0.03609 2.1256 55 0.21413 0.01603 1430.4 23.07 1028.6 23.07 1085.3 0.04586 2.1096 60 0.25638 0.01604 1206.1 28.08 1030.2 28.08 1087.4 0.05554 2.094 65 0.30578 0.01604 1020.8 33.08 1031.8 33.08 1089.6 0.06511 2.0788 70 0.36334 0.01605 867.18 38.08 1033.5 38.08 1091.8 0.07459 2.0639 75 0.43016 0.01606 739.27 43.07 1035.1 43.07 1093.9 0.08398 2.0494 80 0.50745 0.01607 632.41 48.06 1036.7 48.07 1096.1 0.09328 2.0352 85 0.59659 0.01609 542.8 53.06 1038.3 53.06 1098.3 0.10248 2.0214 90 0.69904 0.0161 467.4 58.05 1040 58.05 1100.4 0.11161 2.0079 95 0.81643 0.01612 403.74 63.04 1041.6 63.04 1102.6 0.12065 1.9947 100 0.95052 0.01613 349.83 68.03 1043.2 68.03 1104.7 0.12961 1.9819 110 1.2767 0.01617 264.96 78.01 1046.4 78.02 1109 0.14728 1.957 120 1.6951 0.0162 202.94 88 1049.6 88 1113.2 0.16466 1.9332 130 2.226 0.01625 157.09 97.99 1052.7 97.99 1117.4 0.18174 1.9105 140 2.8931 0.01629 122.81 107.98 1055.9 107.99 1121.6 0.19855 1.8888 150 3.7234 0.01634 96.929 117.98 1059 117.99 1125.7 0.21508 1.868 160 4.7474 0.01639 77.185 127.98 1062 128 1129.8 0.23136 1.8481 170 5.9999 0.01645 61.982 138 1065.1 138.02 1133.9 0.24739 1.8289 180 7.5197 0.01651 50.172 148.02 1068.1 148.04 1137.9 0.26318 1.8106 190 9.3497 0.01657 40.92 158.05 1071 158.08 1141.8 0.27874 1.793 200 11.538 0.01663 33.613 168.1 1074 168.13 1145.7 0.29409 1.776 210 14.136 0.0167 27.798 178.15 1076.8 178.2 1149.5 0.30922 1.7597 212 14.709 0.01671 26.782 180.16 1077.4 180.21 1150.3 0.31222 1.7565 220 17.201 0.01677 23.136 188.22 1079.6 188.28 1153.3 0.32414 1.7439  PAGE 456                  SATURATED WATER - TEMPERATURE TABLE (EEU) ∘ ( F) p νf νg uf ug hf hg sf sg (Psia) ( f t 3 /lbm) ( f t 3 /lbm) (Btu /lbm) (Btu /lbm) (Btu /lbm) (Btu /lbm) (Btu /lbm /R) (Btu /lbm /R) 230 20.795 0.01684 19.374 198.31 1082.4 198.37 1157 0.33887 1.7288 240 24.985 0.01692 16.316 208.41 1085.1 208.49 1160.5 0.35342 1.7141 250 29.844 0.017 13.816 218.54 1087.7 218.63 1164 0.36779 1.6999 260 35.447 0.01708 11.76 228.68 1090.3 228.79 1167.4 0.38198 1.6862 270 41.877 0.01717 10.059 238.85 1092.8 238.98 1170.7 0.39601 1.673 280 49.222 0.01726 8.6439 249.04 1095.2 249.2 1173.9 0.40989 1.6601 290 57.573 0.01735 7.4607 259.26 1097.5 259.45 1177 0.42361 1.6475 300 67.028 0.01745 6.4663 269.51 1099.8 269.73 1180 0.4372 1.6354 310 77.691 0.01755 5.6266 279.79 1101.9 280.05 1182.8 0.45065 1.6235 320 89.667 0.01765 4.9144 290.11 1104 290.4 1185.5 0.46396 1.612 330 103.07 0.01776 4.3076 300.46 1105.9 300.8 1188.1 0.47716 1.6007 340 118.02 0.01787 3.7885 310.85 1107.7 311.24 1190.5 0.49024 1.5897 350 134.63 0.01799 3.3425 321.29 1109.4 321.73 1192.7 0.50321 1.5789 360 153.03 0.01811 2.958 331.76 1111 332.28 1194.8 0.51607 1.5683 370 173.36 0.01823 2.6252 342.29 1112.5 342.88 1196.7 0.52884 1.558 380 195.74 0.01836 2.3361 352.87 1113.9 353.53 1198.5 0.54152 1.5478 390 220.33 0.0185 2.0842 363.50 1115.1 364.25 1200.1 0.55411 1.5378 400 247.26 0.01864 1.86390 374.19 1116.2 375.04 1201.4 0.56663 1.5279 410 276.69 0.01878 1.67060 384.94 1117.1 385.90 1202.6 0.57907 1.5182 420 308.76 0.01894 1.50060 395.76 1117.8 396.84 1203.6 0.59145 1.5085 430 343.64 0.01910 1.35050 406.65 1118.4 407.86 1204.3 0.60377 1.4990 440 381.49 0.01926 1.21780 417.61 1118.9 418.97 1204.8 0.61603 1.4895 450 422.47 0.01944 1.09990 428.66 1119.1 430.18 1205.1 0.62826 1.4801 460 466.75 0.01962 0.99510 439.79 1119.2 441.48 1205.1 0.64044 1.4708 470 514.52 0.01981 0.90158 451.01 1119.0 452.90 1204.9 0.65260 1.4615 480 565.96 0.02001 0.81794 462.34 1118.7 464.43 1204.3 0.66474 1.4521 490 621.24 0.02022 0.74296 473.77 1118.1 476.09 1203.5 0.67686 1.4428 500 680.56 0.02044 0.67558 485.32 1117.3 487.89 1202.3 0.68899 1.4334 510 744.11 0.02067 0.61489 496.99 1116.2 499.84 1200.8 0.70112 1.4240 T  PAGE 457                  Saturated Water - Temperature (EEU) ∘ ( F) p νf νg uf ug hf hg sf sg (Psia) ( f t 3 /lbm) ( f t 3 /lbm) (Btu /lbm) (Btu /lbm) (Btu /lbm) (Btu /lbm) (Btu /lbm /R) (Btu /lbm /R) 520 812.11 0.02092 0.56009 508.80 1114.8 511.94 1199.0 0.71327 1.4145 530 884.74 0.02118 0.51051 520.76 1113.1 524.23 1196.7 0.72546 1.4049 540 962.24 0.02146 0.46553 532.88 1111.1 536.70 1194.0 0.73770 1.3952 550 1044.8 0.02176 0.42465 545.18 1108.8 549.39 1190.9 0.75000 1.3853 560 1132.7 0.02207 0.38740 557.68 1106.0 562.31 1187.2 0.76238 1.3752 570 1226.2 0.02242 0.35339 570.40 1102.8 575.49 1183.0 0.77486 1.3649 580 1325.5 0.02279 0.32225 583.37 1099.2 588.95 1178.2 0.78748 1.3543 590 1430.8 0.02319 0.29367 596.61 1095.0 602.75 1172.8 0.80026 1.3433 600 1542.5 0.02362 0.26737 610.18 1090.3 616.92 1166.6 0.81323 1.3319 610 1660.9 0.02411 0.24309 624.11 1084.8 631.52 1159.5 0.82645 1.3201 620 1786.2 0.02464 0.22061 638.47 1078.6 646.62 1151.5 0.83998 1.3076 630 1918.9 0.02524 0.19972 653.35 1071.5 662.32 1142.4 0.85389 1.2944 640 2059.3 0.02593 0.18019 668.86 1063.2 678.74 1131.9 0.86828 1.2803 650 2207.8 0.02673 0.16184 685.16 1053.6 696.08 1119.7 0.88332 1.2651 660 2364.9 0.02767 0.14444 702.48 1042.2 714.59 1105.4 0.89922 1.2483 670 2531.2 0.02884 0.12774 721.23 1028.5 734.74 1088.3 0.91636 1.2293 680 2707.3 0.03035 0.11134 742.11 1011.1 757.32 1066.9 0.93541 1.2070 690 2894.1 0.03255 0.09451 766.81 987.6 784.24 1038.2 0.95797 1.1789 700 3093 0.03670 0.07482 801.75 948.3 822.76 991.1 0.99023 1.1354 705.10 3200.1 0.04975 0.04975 866.61 866.6 896.07 896.1 1.05257 1.0526 T  PAGE 458                  Saturated Water - Temperature (EEU) Saturated Water - Pressure (EEU) p (Psia) νf νg uf ug hf hg sf sg (∘F) ( f t 3 /lbm) ( f t 3 /lbm) (Btu /lbm) (Btu /lbm) (Btu /lbm) (Btu /lbm) (Btu /lbm /R) (Btu /lbm /R) T 1 101.69 0.01614 333.49 69.72 1043.7 69.72 1105.4 0.13262 1.9776 2 126.02 0.01623 173.71 94.02 1051.5 94.02 1115.8 0.17499 1.9194 3 141.41 0.01630 118.70 109.39 1056.3 109.4 1122.2 0.20090 1.8858 4 152.91 0.01636 90.629 120.89 1059.9 120.9 1126.9 0.21985 1.8621 5 162.18 0.01641 73.525 130.17 1062.7 130.18 1130.7 0.23488 1.8438 6 170.00 0.01645 61.982 138.00 1065.1 138.02 1133.9 0.24739 1.8289 8 182.81 0.01652 47.347 150.83 1068.9 150.86 1139.0 0.26757 1.8056 10 193.16 0.01659 38.425 161.22 1072.0 161.25 1143.1 0.28362 1.7875 14.696 211.95 0.01671 26.805 180.12 1077.4 180.16 1150.3 0.31215 1.7566 15 212.99 0.01672 26.297 181.16 1077.7 181.21 1150.7 0.31370 1.7549 20 227.92 0.01683 20.093 196.21 1081.8 196.27 1156.2 0.33582 1.7319 25 240.03 0.01692 16.307 208.45 1085.1 208.52 1160.6 0.35347 1.7141 30 250.30 0.01700 13.749 218.84 1087.8 218.93 1164.1 0.36821 1.6995 35 259.25 0.01708 11.901 227.92 1090.1 228.03 1167.2 0.38093 1.6872 40 267.22 0.01715 10.501 236.02 1092.1 236.14 1169.8 0.39213 1.6766 45 274.41 0.01721 9.4028 243.34 1093.9 243.49 1172.2 0.40216 1.6672 50 280.99 0.01727 8.5175 250.05 1095.4 250.21 1174.2 0.41125 1.6588 55 287.05 0.01732 7.7882 256.25 1096.9 256.42 1176.1 0.41958 1.6512 60 292.69 0.01738 7.1766 262.01 1098.1 262.2 1177.8 0.42728 1.6442 65 297.95 0.01743 6.6560 267.41 1099.3 267.62 1179.4 0.43443 1.6378 70 302.91 0.01748 6.2075 272.50 1100.4 272.72 1180.8 0.44112 1.6319 75 307.59 0.01752 5.8167 277.31 1101.4 277.55 1182.1 0.44741 1.6264 80 312.02 0.01757 5.4733 281.87 1102.3 282.13 1183.4 0.45335 1.6212 85 316.24 0.01761 5.1689 286.22 1103.2 286.5 1184.5 0.45897 1.6163 90 320.26 0.01765 4.8972 290.38 1104.0 290.67 1185.6 0.46431 1.6117 95 324.11 0.01770 4.6532 294.36 1104.8 294.67 1186.6 0.46941 1.6073 100 327.81 0.01774 4.4327 298.19 1105.5 298.51 1187.5 0.47427 1.6032 110 334.77 0.01781 4.0410 305.41 1106.8 305.78 1189.2 0.48341 1.5954  PAGE 459                  SATURATED WATER - PRESSURE TABLE (EEU) p (Psia) νf νg uf ug hf hg sf sg ( F) ( f t 3 /lbm) ( f t 3 /lbm) (Btu /lbm) (Btu /lbm) (Btu /lbm) (Btu /lbm) (Btu /lbm /R) (Btu /lbm /R) 120 341.25 0.01789 3.7289 312.16 1107.9 312.55 1190.8 0.49187 1.5883 130 347.32 0.01796 3.4557 318.48 1109.0 318.92 1192.1 0.49974 1.5818 140 353.03 0.01802 3.2202 324.45 1109.9 324.92 1193.4 0.50711 1.5757 150 358.42 0.01809 3.0150 330.11 1110.8 330.61 1194.5 0.51405 1.5700 160 363.54 0.01815 2.8347 335.49 1111.6 336.02 1195.5 0.52061 1.5647 170 368.41 0.01821 2.6749 340.62 1112.3 341.19 1196.4 0.52682 1.5596 180 373.07 0.01827 2.5322 345.53 1113.0 346.14 1197.3 0.53274 1.5548 190 377.52 0.01833 2.4040 350.24 1113.6 350.89 1198.1 0.53839 1.5503 200 381.80 0.01839 2.2882 354.78 1114.1 355.46 1198.8 0.54379 1.5460 250 400.97 0.01865 1.8440 375.23 1116.3 376.09 1201.6 0.56784 1.5270 300 417.35 0.01890 1.5435 392.89 1117.7 393.94 1203.3 0.58818 1.5111 350 431.74 0.01912 1.3263 408.55 1118.5 409.79 1204.4 0.60590 1.4973 400 444.62 0.01934 1.1617 422.70 1119.0 424.13 1205.0 0.62168 1.4852 450 456.31 0.01955 1.0324 435.67 1119.2 437.3 1205.2 0.63595 1.4742 500 467.04 0.01975 0.92819 447.68 1119.1 449.51 1205.0 0.64900 1.4642 550 476.97 0.01995 0.84228 458.90 1118.8 460.93 1204.5 0.66107 1.4550 600 486.24 0.02014 0.77020 469.46 1118.3 471.7 1203.9 0.67231 1.4463 700 503.13 0.02051 0.65589 488.96 1116.9 491.62 1201.9 0.69279 1.4305 800 518.27 0.02087 0.56920 506.74 1115.0 509.83 1199.3 0.71117 1.4162 900 532.02 0.02124 0.50107 523.19 1112.7 526.73 1196.2 0.72793 1.4030 1000 544.65 0.02159 0.44604 538.58 1110.1 542.57 1192.6 0.74341 1.3906 1200 567.26 0.02232 0.36241 566.89 1103.8 571.85 1184.2 0.77143 1.3677 1400 587.14 0.02307 0.30161 592.79 1096.3 598.76 1174.4 0.79658 1.3465 1600 604.93 0.02386 0.25516 616.99 1087.7 624.06 1163.2 0.81972 1.3262 1800 621.07 0.02470 0.21831 640.03 1077.9 648.26 1150.6 0.84144 1.3063 2000 635.85 0.02563 0.18815 662.33 1066.8 671.82 1136.4 0.86224 1.2863 2500 668.17 0.02860 0.13076 717.67 1031.2 730.90 1091.7 0.91311 1.2330 3000 695.41 0.03433 0.08460 783.39 969.8 802.45 1016.8 0.97321 1.1587 3200.1 705.10 0.04975 0.04975 866.61 866.6 896.07 896.1 1.05257 1.0526 T ∘  PAGE 460                  Saturated Water - Pressure (EEU) Superheated Water (EEU) T ∘ ν u h ( F) ( f t /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) 3 s (Bt u /lbm /R) p = 1.0 psia (Tsat = 101.69∘ F) 3 ν u h ( f t /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) s (Bt u /lbm /R) p = 5.0 psia (Tsat = 162.18∘ F) 3 ν u h ( f t /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) s (Bt u /lbm /R) p = 10 psia (Tsat = 193.16∘ F) sat. 333.49 1043.7 1105.4 1.9776 73.525 1062.7 1130.7 1.8438 38.425 1072.0 1143.1 1.7875 200 329.53 1077.5 1150.1 2.0509 78.153 1076.2 1148.4 1.8716 38.849 1074.5 1146.4 1.7926 240 416.44 1091.2 1168.3 2.0777 83.009 1090.3 1167.1 1.8989 41.326 1089.1 1165.5 1.8207 280 440.33 1105.0 1186.5 2.1030 87.838 1104.3 1185.6 1.9246 43.774 1103.4 1184.4 1.8469 320 464.20 1118.9 1204.8 2.1271 92.650 1118.4 1204.1 1.9490 46.205 1117.6 1203.1 1.8716 360 488.07 1132.9 1223.3 2.1502 97.452 1132.5 1222.6 1.9722 48.624 1131.9 1221.8 1.8950 400 511.92 1147.1 1241.8 2.1722 102.25 1146.7 1241.3 1.9944 51.035 1146.2 1240.6 1.9174 440 535.77 1161.3 1260.4 2.1934 107.03 1160.9 1260.0 2.0156 53.441 1160.5 1259.4 1.9388 500 571.54 1182.8 1288.6 2.2237 114.21 1182.6 1288.2 2.0461 57.041 1182.2 1287.8 1.9693 600 631.14 1219.4 1336.2 2.2709 126.15 1219.2 1335.9 2.0933 63.029 1219.0 1335.6 2.0167 700 690.73 1256.8 1384.6 2.3146 138.09 1256.7 1384.4 2.1371 69.007 1256.5 1384.2 2.0605 800 750.31 1295.1 1433.9 2.3553 150.02 1294.9 1433.7 2.1778 74.980 1294.8 1433.5 2.1013 1000 869.47 1374.2 1535.1 2.4299 173.86 1374.2 1535.0 2.2524 86.913 1374.1 1534.9 2.1760 1200 988.62 1457.1 1640.0 2.4972 197.70 1457.0 1640.0 2.3198 98.840 1457.0 1639.9 2.2433 1400 1107.8 1543.7 1748.7 2.5590 221.54 1543.7 1748.7 2.3816 110.762 1543.6 1748.6 2.3052 p = 15.0 psia (Tsat = 212.99∘ F) p = 20.0 psia (Tsat = 227.92∘ F) p = 40 psia (Tsat = 267.22∘ F) sat. 26.297 1077.7 1150.7 1.7549 20.093 1081.8 1156.2 1.7319 10.501 1092.1 1169.8 1.6766 240 27.429 1087.8 1163.9 1.7742 20.478 1086.5 1162.3 1.7406 38.849 1074.5 1146.4 1.7926 280 29.085 1102.4 1183.2 1.8010 21.739 1101.4 1181.9 1.7679 10.713 1097.3 1176.6 1.6858 320 30.722 1116.9 1202.2 1.8260 22.980 1116.1 1201.2 1.7933 11.363 1112.9 1197.1 1.7128 360 32.348 1131.3 1221.2 1.8496 24.209 1130.7 1220.2 1.8171 11.999 1128.1 1216.9 1.7376 400 33.965 1145.7 1239.9 1.8721 25.429 1145.1 1239.3 1.8398 12.625 1143.1 1236.5 1.7610 440 35.576 1160.1 1258.8 1.8936 26.644 1159.7 1258.3 1.8614 13.244 1157.9 1256.0 1.7831 500 37.986 1181.9 1287.8 1.9243 28.458 1181.6 1286.9 1.8922 14.165 1180.2 1285.0 1.8143 600 41.988 1218.7 1335.3 1.9718 31.467 1218.5 1334.9 1.9398 15.686 1217.5 1333.6 1.8625 700 45.981 1256.3 1383.9 2.0156 34.467 1256.1 1383.7 1.9837 17.197 1255.3 1382.6 1.9067 800 49.967 1294.6 1433.3 2.0565 37.461 1294.5 1433.1 2.0247 18.702 1293.9 1432.3 1.9478 1000 57.930 1374.0 1534.8 2.1312 43.438 1373.8 1534.6 2.0994 21.700 1373.4 1534.1 2.0227 1200 65.885 1456.9 1639.8 2.1986 49.407 1456.8 1639.7 2.1668 24.691 1456.5 1639.3 2.0902 1400 73.836 1543.6 1748.5 2.2604 55.373 1543.5 1748.4 2.2287 27.678 1543.3 1748.1 2.1522 1600 81.784 1634.0 1861.0 2.3178 61.335 1633.9 1860.9 2.2861 30.662 1633.7 1860.7 2.2096        PA G E 4 61                          SUPERHEATED WATER TABLE (EEU) ν T ∘ u h ( F) ( f t 3 /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) s (Bt u /lbm /R) p = 60 psia (Tsat = 292.69∘ F) ν u h ( f t 3 /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) s (Bt u /lbm /R) p = 80 psia (Tsat = 312.02∘ F) sat. 7.1766 1098.1 1177.8 1.6442 5.4733 1102.3 1183.4 1.6212 320 7.4863 1109.6 1192.7 1.6636 5.544 1105.9 1187.9 1.6271 360 7.9259 1125.5 1213.5 1.6897 5.8876 1122.7 1209.9 400 8.3548 1140.9 1233.7 1.7138 6.2187 1138.7 440 8.7766 1156.1 1253.6 1.7364 6.542 500 9.4005 1178.8 1283.1 1.7682 600 10.4256 1216.5 1332.2 700 11.4401 1254.5 800 12.4484 3 ν u h ( f t /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) s (Bt u /lbm /R) p = 100 psia (Tsat = 327.81∘ F) 4.4327 1105.5 1187.5 1.6032 1.6545 4.6628 1119.8 1206.1 1.6263 1230.8 1.6794 4.9359 1136.4 1227.8 1.6521 1154.3 1251.2 1.7026 5.2006 1152.4 1248.7 1.6759 7.0177 1177.3 1281.2 1.735 5.5876 1175.9 1279.3 1.7088 1.8168 7.7951 1215.4 1330.8 1.7841 6.2167 1214.4 1329.4 1.7586 1381.6 1.8613 8.5616. 1253.8 1380.5 1.8289 6.8344 1253 1379.5 1.8037 1293.3 1431.5 1.9026 9.3218. 1292.6 1430.6 1.8704 7.4457 1292 1429.8 1.8453 1000 14.4543 1373 1533.5 1.9777 10.8313 . 1372.6 1532.9 1.9457 8.6575 1372.2 1532.4 1.9208 1200 16.4525 1456.2 1638.9 2.0454 12.3331 . 1455.9 1638.5 2.0135 9.8615 1455.6 1638.1 1.9887 1400 18.4464 1543 1747.8 2.1073 13.8306 . 1542.8 1747.5 2.0755 11.0612 1542.6 1747.2 2.0508 1600 20.438 1633.5 1860.5 2.1648 15.3257 1633.3 1860.2 2.133 12.2584 1633.2 1860 2.1083 1800 22.428 1727.6 1976.6 2.2187 16.8192 1727.5 1976.5 2.1869 13.4541 1727.3 1976.3 2.1622 2000 24.417 1825.2 2096.3 2.2694 18.3117 1825 2096.1 2.2376 14.6487 1824.9 2096 2.213 p = 120 psia (Tsat = 341.25∘ F) p = 140.0 psia (Tsat = 353.03∘ F) sat. 3.7289 1107.9 1190.8 1.5883 3.2202 1109.9 1193.4 1.5757 360 3.8446 1116.7 1202.1 1.6023 3.2584 1113.4 1197.8 1.5811 400 4.0799 1134.0 1224.6 1.6292 3.4676 1131.5 1221.4 450 4.3613 1154.5 1251.4 1.6594 3.7147 1152.6 500 4.6340 1174.4 1277.3 1.6872 3.9525 550 4.9010 1193.9 1302.8 1.7131 600 5.1642 1213.4 1328.0 700 5.6829 1252.2 800 6.1950 1000 p = 160 psia (Tsat = 363.54∘ F) 2.8347 1111.6 1195.5 1.5647 1.6092 3.0076 1129.0 1218.0 1.5914 1248.9 1.6403 3.2293 1150.7 1246.3 1.6234 1172.9 1275.3 1.6686 3.4412 1171.4 1273.2 1.6522 4.1845 1192.7 1301.1 1.6948 3.6469 1191.4 1299.4 1.6788 1.7375 4.4124 1212.3 1326.6 1.7195 3.8484 1211.3 1325.2 1.7037 1378.4 1.7829 4.8604 1251.4 1377.3 1.7652 4.2434 1250.6 1376.3 1.7498 1291.4 1429.0 1.8247 5.3017 1290.8 1428.1 1.8072 4.6316 1290.2 1427.3 1.7920 7.2083 1371.7 1531.8 1.9005 6.1732 1371.3 1531.3 1.8832 5.3968 1370.9 1530.7 1.8682 1200 8.2137 1455.3 1637.7 1.9684 7.0367 1455.0 1637.3 1.9512 6.1540 1454.7 1636.9 1.9363 1400 9.2149 1542.3 1746.9 2.0305 7.8961 1542.1 1746.6 2.0134 6.9070 1541.8 1746.3 1.9986 1600 10.2135 1633.0 1859.8 2.0881 8.7529 1632.8 1859.5 2.0711 7.6574 1632.6 1859.3 2.0563 1800 11.2106 1727.2 1976.1 2.1420 9.6082 1727.0 1975.9 2.1250 8.4063 1726.9 1975.7 2.1102 2000 12.2067 1824.8 2095.8 2.1928 10.4624 1824.6 2095.7 2.1758 9.1542 1824.5 2095.5 2.1610        PAGE 462                          Superheated Water (EEU) T ∘ ν u h ( F) ( f t 3 /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) s (Bt u /lbm /R) p = 180 psia (Tsat = 373.07∘ F) ν u h ( f t 3 /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) s (Bt u /lbm /R) p = 200 psia (Tsat = 381.80∘ F) 3 ν u h ( f t /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) s (Bt u /lbm /R) p = 225 psia (Tsat = 391.80∘ F) sat. 2.5322 1113.0 1197.3 1.5548 2.2882 1114.1 1198.8 1.5460 2.0423 1115.3 1200.3 1.5360 400 2.6490 1126.3 1214.5 1.5752 2.3615 1123.5 1210.9 1.5602 2.0728 1119.7 1206.0 1.5427 450 2.8514 1148.7 1243.7 1.6082 2.5488 1146.7 1241.0 1.5943 2.2457 1144.1 1237.6 1.5783 500 3.0433 1169.8 1271.2 1.6376 2.7247 1168.2 1269.0 1.6243 2.4059 1166.2 1266.3 1.6091 550 3.2286 1190.2 1297.7 1.6646 2.8939 1188.9 1296.0 1.6516 2.5590 1187.2 1293.8 1.6370 600 3.4097 1210.2 1323.8 1.6897 3.0586 1209.1 1322.3 1.6771 2.7075 1207.7 1320.5 1.6628 700 3.7635 1249.8 1375.2 1.7361 3.3796 1249.0 1374.1 1.7238 2.9956 1248.0 1372.7 1.7099 800 4.1104 1289.5 1426.5 1.7785 3.6934 1288.9 1425.6 1.7664 3.2765 1288.1 1424.5 1.7528 900 4.4531 1329.7 1478.0 1.8179 4.0031 1329.2 1477.3 1.8059 3.5530 1328.5 1476.5 1.7925 1000 4.7929 1370.5 1530.1 1.8549 4.3099 1370.1 1529.6 1.8430 3.8268 1369.5 1528.9 1.8296 1200 5.4674 1454.3 1636.5 1.9231 4.9182 1454.0 1636.1 1.9113 4.3689 1453.6 1635.6 1.8981 1400 6.1377 1541.6 1746.0 1.9855 5.5222 1541.4 1745.7 1.9737 4.9068 1541.1 1745.4 1.9606 1600 6.8054 1632.4 1859.1 2.0432 6.1238 1632.2 1858.8 2.0315 5.4422 1632.0 1858.6 2.0184 1800 7.4716 1726.7 1975.6 2.0971 6.7238 1726.5 1975.4 2.0855 5.9760 1726.4 1975.2 2.0724 2000 8.1367 1824.4 2095.4 2.1479 7.3227 1824.3 2095.3 2.1363 6.5087 1824.1 2095.1 2.1232 p = 250 psia (Tsat = 400.97∘ F) p = 275 psia (Tsat = 409.45∘ F) p = 300 psia (Tsat = 417.35∘ F) sat. 1.8440 1116.3 1201.6 1.5270 1.6806 1117.0 1202.6 1.5187 1.5435 1117.7 1203.3 1.5111 450 2.0027 1141.3 1234.0 1.5636 1.8034 1138.5 1230.3 1.5499 1.6369 1135.6 1226.4 1.5369 500 2.1506 1164.1 1263.6 1.5953 1.9415 1162.0 1260.8 1.5825 1.7670 1159.8 1257.9 1.5706 550 2.2910 1185.6 1291.5 1.6237 2.0715 1183.9 1289.3 1.6115 1.8885 1182.1 1287.0 1.6001 600 2.4264 1206.3 1318.6 1.6499 2.1964 1204.9 1316.7 1.6380 2.0046 1203.5 1314.8 1.6270 650 2.5586 1226.8 1345.1 1.6743 2.3179 1225.6 1343.5 1.6627 2.1172 1224.4 1341.9 1.6520 700 2.6883 1247.0 1371.4 1.6974 2.4369 1246.0 1370.0 1.6860 2.2273 1244.9 1368.6 1.6755 800 2.9429 1287.3 1423.5 1.7406 2.6699 1286.5 1422.4 1.7294 2.4424 1285.7 1421.3 1.7192 900 3.1930 1327.9 1475.6 1.7804 2.8984 1327.3 1474.8 1.7694 2.6529 1326.6 1473.9 1.7593 1000 3.4403 1369.0 1528.2 1.8177 3.1241 1368.5 1527.4 1.8068 2.8605 1367.9 1526.7 1.7968 1200 3.9295 1453.3 1635.0 1.8863 3.5700 1452.9 1634.5 1.8755 3.2704 1452.5 1634.0 1.8657 1400 4.4144 1540.8 1745.0 1.9488 4.0116 1540.5 1744.6 1.9381 3.6759 1540.2 1744.2 1.9284 1600 4.8969 1631.7 1858.3 2.0066 4.4507 1631.5 1858.0 1.9960 4.0789 1631.3 1857.7 1.9863 1800 5.3777 1726.2 1974.9 2.0607 4.8882 1726.0 1974.7 2.0501 4.4803 1725.8 1974.5 2.0404 2000 5.8575 1823.9 2094.9 2.1116 5.3247 1823.8 2094.7 2.1010 4.8807 1823.6 2094.6 2.0913        PAGE 463                          Superheated Water (EEU) T ∘ ν u h ( F) ( f t 3 /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) s (Bt u /lbm /R) p = 350 psia (Tsat = 431.74∘ F) ν u h ( f t 3 /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) s (Bt u /lbm /R) p = 400 psia (Tsat = 442.62∘ F) sat. 1.3263 1118.5 1204.4 1.4973 1.1617 1119 1205 1.4852 450 1.3739 1129.3 1218.3 1.5128 1.1747 1122.5 1209.4 1.4901 500 1.4921 1155.2 1251.9 1.5487 1.2851 1150.4 1245.6 550 1.6004 1178.6 1282.2 1.5795 1.384 1174.9 600 1.7030 1200.6 1310.9 1.6073 1.4765 650 1.8018 1221.9 1338.6 1.6328 700 1.8979 1242.8 1365.8 800 2.0848 1284.1 900 2.2671 1000 3 ν u h ( f t /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) s (Bt u /lbm /R) p = 450 psia (Tsat = 456.31∘ F) 1.0324 1119.2 1205.2 1.4742 1.5288 1.1233 1145.4 1238.9 1.5103 1277.3 1.561 1.2152 1171.1 1272.3 1.5441 1197.6 1306.9 1.5897 1.3001 1194.6 1302.8 1.5737 1.565 1219.4 1335.3 1.6158 1.3807 1216.9 1331.9 1.6005 1.6567 1.6507 1240.7 1362.9 1.6401 1.4584 1238.5 1360.0 1.6253 1419.1 1.7009 1.8166 1282.5 1417 1.6849 1.6080 1280.8 1414.7 1.6706 1325.3 1472.2 1.7414 1.9777 1324 1470.4 1.7257 1.7526 1322.7 1468.6 1.7117 2.4464 1366.9 1525.3 1.7791 2.1358 1365.8 1523.9 1.7636 1.8942 1364.7 1522.4 1.7499 1200 2.7996 1451.7 1633.0 1.8483 2.4465 1450.9 1632 1.8331 2.1718 1450.1 1631.0 1.8196 1400 3.1484 1539.6 1743.5 1.9111 2.7527 1539 1742.7 1.896 2.4450 1538.4 1742.0 1.8827 1600 3.4947 1630.8 1857.1 1.9691 3.0565 1630.3 1856.5 1.9541 2.7157 1629.8 1856.0 1.9409 1800 3.8394 1725.4 1974.0 2.0233 3.3586 1725 1973.6 2.0084 2.9847 1724.6 1973.2 1.9952 2000 4.1830 1823.3 2094.2 2.0742 3.6597 1823 2093.9 2.0594 3.2527 1822.6 2093.5 2.0462 p = 500 psia (Tsat = 467.04∘ F) p = 600 psia (Tsat = 486.24∘ F) sat. 0.92815 1119.1 1205.0 1.4642 0.7702 1118.3 1203.9 1.4463 500 0.99304 1140.1 1231.9 1.4928 0.79526 1128.2 1216.5 1.4596 550 1.07974 1167.1 1267.0 1.5284 0.87542 1158.7 1255.9 600 1.15876 1191.4 1298.6 1.5590 0.94605 1184.9 650 1.23312 1214.3 1328.4 1.5865 1.01133 700 1.30440 1236.4 1357.0 1.6117 800 1.44097 1279.2 1412.5 900 1.57252 1321.4 1000 1.70094 p = 700 psia (Tsat = 503.13∘ F) 0.65589 1116.9 1201.9 1.4305 1.4996 0.72799 1149.5 1243.8 1.4730 1289.9 1.5325 0.79332 1177.9 1280.7 1.5087 1209 1321.3 1.5614 0.85242 1203.4 1313.8 1.5393 1.07316 1231.9 1351 1.5877 0.90769 1227.2 1344.8 1.5666 1.6576 1.19038 1275.8 1408 1.6348 1.01125 1272.4 1403.4 1.6150 1466.9 1.6992 1.3023 1318.7 1463.3 1.6771 1.10921 1316.0 1459.7 1.6581 1363.6 1521.0 1.7376 1.41097 1361.4 1518.1 1.716 1.20381 1359.2 1515.2 1.6974 1100 1.82726 1406.2 1575.3 1.7735 1.51749 1404.4 1572.9 1.7522 1.29621 1402.5 1570.4 1.7341 1200 1.95211 1449.4 1630.0 1.8075 1.62252 1447.8 1627.9 1.7865 1.38709 1446.2 1625.9 1.7685 1400 2.1988 1537.8 1741.2 1.8708 1.82957 1536.6 1739.7 1.8501 1.56580 1535.4 1738.2 1.8324 1600 2.4430 1629.4 1855.4 1.9291 2.034 1628.4 1854.2 1.9085 1.74192 1627.5 1853.1 1.8911 1800 2.6856 1724.2 1972.7 1.9834 2.2369 1723.4 1971.8 1.963 1.91643 1722.7 1970.9 1.9457 2000 2.9271 1822.3 2093.1 2.0345 2.4387 1821.7 2092.4 2.0141 2.08987 1821.0 2091.7 1.9969        PAGE 46 4                          Superheated Water (EEU) ν T ∘ u h ( F) ( f t 3 /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) s (Bt u /lbm /R) p = 800 psia (Tsat = 518.27∘ F) ν u h ( f t 3 /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) s (Bt u /lbm /R) p = 1000 psia (Tsat = 544.65∘ F) sat. 0.56920 1115.0 1199.3 1.4162 0.44604 1110.1 1192.6 1.3906 550 0.61586 1139.4 1230.5 1.4476 0.45375 1115.2 1199.2 1.3972 600 0.67799 1170.5 1270.9 1.4866 0.51431 1154.1 1249.3 650 0.73279 1197.6 1306.0 1.5191 0.56411 1185.1 700 0.78330 1222.4 1338.4 1.5476 0.60844 750 0.83102 1246.0 1369.1 1.5735 800 0.87678 1268.9 1398.7 900 0.96434 1313.3 1000 1.04841 3 ν u h ( f t /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) s (Bt u /lbm /R) p = 1250 psia (Tsat = 572.45∘ F) 0.34549 1102.0 1181.9 1.3623 1.4457 0.37894 1129.5 1217.2 1.3961 1289.5 1.4827 0.42703 1167.5 1266.3 1.4414 1212.4 1325 1.514 0.46735 1198.7 1306.8 1.4771 0.64944 1237.6 1357.8 1.5418 0.50344 1226.4 1342.9 1.5076 1.5975 0.68821 1261.7 1389 1.567 0.53687 1252.2 1376.4 1.5347 1456.0 1.6413 0.76136 1307.7 1448.6 1.6126 0.59876 1300.5 1439.0 1.5826 1357.0 1512.2 1.6812 0.83078 1352.5 1506.2 1.6535 0.65656 1346.7 1498.6 1.6249 1100 1.13024 1400.7 1568.0 1.7181 0.89783 1396.9 1563.1 1.6911 0.71184 1392.2 1556.8 1.6635 1200 1.21051 1444.6 1623.8 1.7528 0.96327 1441.4 1619.7 1.7263 0.76545 1437.4 1614.5 1.6993 1400 1.36797 1534.2 1736.7 1.8170 1.09101 1531.8 1733.7 1.7911 0.86944 1528.7 1729.8 1.7649 1600 1.52283 1626.5 1851.9 1.8759 1.2161 1624.6 1849.6 1.8504 0.97072 1622.2 1846.7 1.8246 1800 1.67606 1721.9 1970.0 1.9306 1.33956 1720.3 1968.2 1.9053 1.07036 1718.4 1966.0 1.8799 2000 1.82823 1820.4 2091.0 1.9819 1.46194 1819.1 2089.6 1.9568 1.16892 1817.5 2087.9 1.9315 p = 1500 psia (Tsat = 596.26∘ F) sat. 0.27695 1092.1 1169.0 1.3362 600 0.28189 1097.2 1175.4 1.3423 650 0.33310 1147.2 1239.7 700 0.37198 1183.6 750 0.40535 800 p = 1750 psia (Tsat = 617.17∘ F) p = 2000 psia (Tsat = 635.85∘ F) 0.22681 1080.5 1153.9 1.3112 0.18815 1066.8 1136.4 1.2863 1.4016 0.26292 1122.8 1207.9 1.3607 0.20586 1091.4 1167.6 1.3146 1286.9 1.4433 0.30252 1166.8 1264.7 1.4108 0.24894 1147.6 1239.8 1.3783 1214.4 1326.9 1.4771 0.33455 1201.5 1309.8 1.4489 0.28074 1187.4 1291.3 1.4218 0.43550 1242.2 1363.1 1.5064 0.36266 1231.7 1349.1 1.4807 0.30763 1220.5 1334.3 1.4567 850 0.46356 1268.2 1396.9 1.5328 0.38835 1259.3 1385.1 1.5088 0.33169 1250 1372.8 1.4867 900 0.49015 1293.1 1429.2 1.5569 0.41238 1285.4 1419 1.5341 0.3539 1277.5 1408.5 1.5134 1000 0.54031 1340.9 1490.8 1.6007 0.45719 1334.9 1482.9 1.5796 0.39479 1328.7 1474.9 1.5606 1100 0.58781 1387.3 1550.5 1.6402 0.49917 1382.4 1544.1 1.6201 0.43266 1377.5 1537.6 1.6021 1200 0.63355 1433.3 1609.2 1.6767 0.53932 1429.2 1603.9 1.6572 0.46864 1425.1 1598.5 1.64 1400 0.72172 1525.7 1726.0 1.7432 0.61621 1522.6 1722.1 1.7245 0.53708 1519.5 1718.3 1.7081 1600 0.80714 1619.8 1843.8 1.8033 0.69031 1617.4 1840.9 1.7852 0.60269 1615 1838 1.7693 1800 0.89090 1716.4 1963.7 1.8589 0.76273 1714.5 1961.5 1.841 0.6666 1712.5 1959.2 1.8255 2000 0.97358 1815.9 2086.1 1.9108 0.83406 1814.2 2084.3 1.8931 0.72942 1812.6 2082.6 1.8778        PAGE 465                          Superheated Water (EEU) ν T ∘ u h ( F) ( f t 3 /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) s (Bt u /lbm /R) p = 2500 psia (Tsat = 668.17∘ F) sat. 0.13076 1031.2 1091.7 1.2330 ν u h ( f t 3 /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) s (Bt u /lbm /R) 3 ν 0.0846 969.8 1016.8 1.1587 u h ( f t /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) p = 3000 psia (Tsat = 695.41∘ F) 650 s (Bt u /lbm /R) p = 3500 psia 0.34549 1102.0 1181.9 1.3623 0.02492 663.7 679.9 0.8632 700 0.16849 1098.4 1176.3 1.3072 0.09838 1005.3 1059.9 1.196 0.03065 760 779.9 0.9511 750 0.20327 1154.9 1249.0 1.3686 0.1484 1114.1 1196.5 1.3118 0.1046 1057.6 1125.4 1.2434 800 0.22949 1195.9 1302.0 1.4116 0.17601 1167.5 1265.3 1.3676 0.13639 1134.3 1222.6 1.3224 850 0.25174 1230.1 1346.6 1.4463 0.19771 1208.2 1317.9 1.4086 0.15847 1183.8 1286.5 1.3721 900 0.27165 1260.7 1386.4 1.4761 0.2164 1242.8 1362.9 1.4423 0.17659 1223.4 1337.8 1.4106 950 0.29001 1289.1 1423.3 1.5028 0.23321 1273.9 1403.3 1.4716 0.19245 1257.8 1382.4 1.4428 1000 0.30726 1316.1 1458.2 1.5271 0.24876 1302.8 1440.9 1.4978 0.20687 1289 1423 1.4711 1100 0.33949 1367.3 1524.4 1.5710 0.27732 1356.8 1510.8 1.5441 0.23289 1346.1 1496.9 1.5201 1200 0.36966 1416.6 1587.6 1.6103 0.30367 1408 1576.6 1.585 0.25654 1399.3 1565.4 1.5627 1400 0.42631 1513.3 1710.5 1.6802 0.35249 1507 1702.7 1.6567 0.29978 1500.7 1694.8 1.6364 1600 0.48004 1610.1 1832.2 1.7424 0.3983 1605.3 1826.4 1.7199 0.33994 1600.4 1820.5 1.7006 1800 0.53205 1708.6 1954.8 1.7991 0.44237 1704.7 1950.3 1.7773 0.37833 1700.8 1945.8 1.7586 2000 0.58295 1809.4 2079.1 1.8518 0.48532 1806.1 2075.6 1.8304 0.41561 1802.9 2072.1 1.8121 p = 4000 psia p = 5000 psia p = 6000 psia 650 0.02448 657.9 676.1 0.8577 0.02379 648.3 670.3 0.8485 0.02325 640.3 666.1 0.8408 700 0.02871 742.3 763.6 0.9347 0.02678 721.8 746.6 0.9156 0.02564 708.1 736.5 0.9028 750 0.06370 962.1 1009.2 1.1410 0.03373 821.8 853 1.0054 0.02981 788.7 821.8 0.9747 800 0.10520 1094.2 1172.1 1.2734 0.05937 986.9 1041.8 1.1581 0.03949 897.1 941 1.0711 850 0.12848 1156.7 1251.8 1.3355 0.08551 1092.4 1171.5 1.2593 0.05815 1018.6 1083.1 1.1819 900 0.14647 1202.5 1310.9 1.3799 0.1039 1155.9 1252.1 1.3198 0.07584 1103.5 1187.7 1.2603 950 0.16176 1240.7 1360.5 1.4157 0.11863 1203.9 1313.6 1.3643 0.0901 1163.7 1263.7 1.3153 1000 0.17538 1274.6 1404.4 1.4463 0.13128 1244 1365.5 1.4004 0.10208 1211.4 1324.7 1.3578 1100 0.19957 1335.1 1482.8 1.4983 0.15298 1312.2 1453.8 1.459 0.12211 1288.4 1424 1.4237 1200 0.22121 1390.3 1554.1 1.5426 0.17185 1372.1 1531.1 1.507 0.13911 1353.4 1507.8 1.4758 1300 0.24128 1443.0 1621.6 1.5821 0.18902 1427.8 1602.7 1.549 0.15434 1412.5 1583.8 1.5203 1400 0.26028 1494.3 1687.0 1.6182 0.20508 1481.4 1671.1 1.5868 0.16841 1468.4 1655.4 1.5598 1600 0.29620 1595.5 1814.7 1.6835 0.23505 1585.6 1803.1 1.6542 0.19438 1575.7 1791.5 1.6294 1800 0.33033 1696.8 1941.4 1.7422 0.2632 1689 1932.5 1.7142 0.21853 1681.1 1923.7 1.6907 2000 0.36335 1799.7 2068.6 1.7961 0.29023 1793.2 2061.7 1.7689 0.24155 1786.7 2054.9 1.7463    PAGE 466                          Superheated Water (EEU) Superheated Water (EEU) - Note: Use this table only for Nuclear Power System problems! T ∘ ν u h ( F) ( f t /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) 3 s (Bt u /lbm /R) p = 500 psia (Tsat = 467.04∘ F) 3 ν u h ( f t /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) s (Bt u /lbm /R) p = 1000 psia (Tsat = 544.65∘ F) 3 ν u h ( f t /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) s (Bt u /lbm /R) p = 1500 psia (Tsat = 592.26∘ F) sat. 0.019750 447.68 449.51 0.64900 0.021595 538.58 542.57 0.74341 0.023456 605.07 611.58 0.80836 32 0.015994 0.01 1.49 0.00001 0.015966 0.03 2.99 0.00005 0.015939 0.05 4.48 0.00008 50 0.015998 18.03 19.51 0.03601 0.015972 17.99 20.95 0.03593 0.015946 17.95 22.38 0.03584 100 0.016107 67.86 69.35 0.12930 0.016083 67.69 70.67 0.12899 0.016059 67.53 71.98 0.12869 150 0.016317 117.70 119.21 0.21462 0.016292 117.42 120.43 0.21416 0.016267 117.14 121.66 0.21369 200 0.016607 167.70 169.24 0.29349 0.016580 167.31 170.38 0.29289 0.016553 166.92 171.52 0.29229 250 0.016972 218.04 219.61 0.36708 0.016941 217.51 220.65 0.36634 0.016911 217.00 221.69 0.36560 300 0.017417 268.92 270.53 0.43641 0.017380 268.24 271.46 0.43551 0.017345 267.57 272.39 0.43463 350 0.017954 320.64 322.30 0.50240 0.017910 319.77 323.08 0.50132 0.017866 318.91 323.87 0.50025 400 0.018609 373.61 375.33 0.56595 0.018552 372.48 375.91 0.56463 0.018496 371.37 376.51 0.56333 450 0.019425 428.44 430.24 0.62802 0.019347 426.93 430.51 0.62635 0.019271 425.47 430.82 0.62472 500 0.42631 1513.3 1710.5 1.6802 0.020368 484.03 487.80 0.68764 0.020258 482.01 487.63 0.68550 550 0.58295 1809.4 2079.1 1.8518 0.48532 1806.1 2075.6 1.8304 0.021595 542.50 548.50 0.74731 p = 2000 psia (Tsat = 635.85∘ F) p = 3000 psia (Tsat = 695.41∘ F) p = 5000 psia Sat. 0.025634 662.33 671.82 0.86224 0.034335 783.39 802.45 0.97321 0.02325 640.3 666.1 0.8408 32 0.015912 0.07 5.96 0.00010 0.015859 0.10 8.90 0.00011 0.015756 0.13 14.71 0.00002 50 0.015921 17.91 23.80 0.03574 0.015870 17.83 26.64 0.03554 0.015773 17.65 32.25 0.03505 100 0.016035 67.36 73.30 0.12838 0.015988 67.04 75.91 0.12776 0.015897 66.41 81.12 0.12652 200 0.016527 166.54 172.66 0.29170 0.016475 165.79 174.94 0.29053 0.016375 164.36 179.51 0.28824 300 0.017310 266.92 273.33 0.43376 0.017242 265.65 275.22 0.43204 0.017112 263.24 279.07 0.42874 400 0.018442 370.30 377.12 0.56205 0.018338 368.22 378.41 0.55959 0.018145 364.35 381.14 0.55492 450 0.019199 424.06 431.16 0.62314 0.019062 421.36 431.94 0.62010 0.018812 416.40 433.80 0.61445 500 0.020154 480.08 487.54 0.68346 0.019960 476.45 487.53 0.67958 0.019620 469.94 488.10 0.67254 560 0.021739 552.21 560.26 0.75692 0.021405 546.59 558.47 0.75126 0.020862 537.08 556.38 0.74154 600 0.023317 605.77 614.40 0.80898 0.022759 597.42 610.06 0.80086 0.021943 584.42 604.72 0.78803 640 0.26028 1494.3 1687.0 1.6182 0.024765 654.52 668.27 0.85476 0.023358 634.95 656.56 0.83603 680 0.29620 1595.5 1814.7 1.6835 0.028821 728.63 744.64 0.92288 0.025366 690.67 714.14 0.88745 700 0.36335 1799.7 2068.6 1.7961 0.29023 1793.2 2061.7 1.7689 0.026777 721.78 746.56 0.91564       PAGE 467                          C OMPRESSED LIQUID WATER TABLE (EEU) Saturated Refrigerant R-134a - Temperature (EEU) T (∘F) p νf νg uf ug hf hg sf sg (Psia) ( f t 3 /lbm) ( f t 3 /lbm) (Btu /lbm) (Btu /lbm) (Btu /lbm) (Btu /lbm) (Btu /lbm /R) (Btu /lbm /R) -40 7.432 0.01130 5.7796 -0.016 89.15 0 97.10 0.00000 0.23135 -35 8.581 0.01136 5.0509 1.484 89.84 1.502 97.86 0.00355 0.23043 -30 9.869 0.01143 4.4300 2.990 90.52 3.011 98.61 0.00708 0.22956 -25 11.306 0.01150 3.8988 4.502 91.21 4.526 99.36 0.01058 0.22875 -20 12.906 0.01156 3.4426 6.019 91.89 6.047 100.12 0.01405 0.22798 -15 14.680 0.01163 3.0494 7.543 92.58 7.574 100.86 0.01749 0.22727 -10 16.642 0.01171 2.7091 9.073 93.26 9.109 101.61 0.02092 0.2266 -5 18.806 0.01178 2.4137 10.609 93.95 10.65 102.35 0.02431 0.22598 0 21.185 0.01185 2.1564 12.152 94.63 12.199 103.08 0.02769 0.22539 5 23.793 0.01193 1.9316 13.702 95.31 13.755 103.82 0.03104 0.22485 10 26.646 0.01201 1.7345 15.259 95.99 15.318 104.54 0.03438 0.22434 15 29.759 0.01209 1.5612 16.823 96.67 16.889 105.27 0.03769 0.22386 20 33.147 0.01217 1.4084 18.394 97.34 18.469 105.98 0.04098 0.22341 25 36.826 0.01225 1.2732 19.973 98.02 20.056 106.69 0.04426 0.223 30 40.813 0.01234 1.1534 21.560 98.68 21.653 107.40 0.04752 0.2226 35 45.124 0.01242 1.0470 23.154 99.35 23.258 108.09 0.05076 0.22224 40 49.776 0.01251 0.95205 24.757 100.01 24.873 108.78 0.05398 0.22189 45 54.787 0.01261 0.86727 26.369 100.67 26.497 109.46 0.05720 0.22157 50 60.175 0.01270 0.79136 27.990 101.32 28.131 110.13 0.06039 0.22127 55 65.957 0.01280 0.72323 29.619 101.97 29.775 110.79 0.06358 0.22098 60 72.152 0.01290 0.66195 31.258 102.61 31.431 111.44 0.06675 0.2207 65 78.780 0.01301 0.60671 32.908 103.24 33.097 112.09 0.06991 0.22044 70 85.858 0.01312 0.55681 34.567 103.87 34.776 112.71 0.07306 0.22019 75 93.408 0.01323 0.51165 36.237 104.49 36.466 113.33 0.07620 0.21995 80 101.45 0.01334 0.47069 37.919 105.1 38.169 113.94 0.07934 0.21972 85 110.00 0.01347 0.43348 39.612 105.7 39.886 114.53 0.08246 0.21949 90 119.08 0.01359 0.39959 41.317 106.3 41.617 115.10 0.08559 0.21926 95 128.72 0.01372 0.36869 43.036 106.88 43.363 115.66 0.08870 0.21904  PAGE 468                  S AT U R AT E D R - 13 4 A - T E M P E R AT U R E TA B L E ( E E U ) ∘ ( F) p νf νg uf ug hf hg sf sg (Psia) ( f t 3 /lbm) ( f t 3 /lbm) (Btu /lbm) (Btu /lbm) (Btu /lbm) (Btu /lbm) (Btu /lbm /R) (Btu /lbm /R) 100 138.93 0.01386 0.34045 44.768 107.45 45.124 116.20 0.09182 0.21881 105 149.73 0.01400 0.31460 46.514 108.01 46.902 116.73 0.09493 0.21858 110 161.16 0.01415 0.29090 48.276 108.56 48.698 117.23 0.09804 0.21834 115 173.23 0.01430 0.26913 50.054 109.08 50.512 117.71 0.10116 0.21809 120 185.96 0.01446 0.24909 51.849 109.6 52.346 118.17 0.10428 0.21782 130 213.53 0.01482 0.21356 55.495 110.57 56.08 119.00 0.11054 0.21724 140 244.06 0.01521 0.18315 59.226 111.44 59.913 119.71 0.11684 0.21655 150 277.79 0.01567 0.15692 63.059 112.2 63.864 120.27 0.12321 0.21572 160 314.94 0.01619 0.13410 67.014 112.81 67.958 120.63 0.12970 0.21469 170 355.80 0.01681 0.11405 71.126 113.22 72.233 120.73 0.13634 0.21335 180 400.66 0.01759 0.09618 75.448 113.35 76.752 120.48 0.14323 0.21158 190 449.90 0.01860 0.07990 80.082 113.03 81.631 119.68 0.15055 0.20911 200 504.00 0.02009 0.06441 85.267 111.92 87.14 117.93 0.15867 0.20533 210 563.76 0.02309 0.04722 91.986 108.48 94.395 113.41 0.16922 0.19761 T  PAGE 469                  Saturated Refrigerant R-134a - Temperature (EEU) Saturated Refrigerant R-134a - Pressure (EEU) p (Psia) νf νg uf ug hf hg sf sg (∘F) ( f t 3 /lbm) ( f t 3 /lbm) (Btu /lbm) (Btu /lbm) (Btu /lbm) (Btu /lbm) (Btu /lbm /R) (Btu /lbm /R) T 5 -53.09 0.01113 8.3785 -3.918 87.36 -3.907 95.11 -0.00945 0.23408 10 -29.52 0.01144 4.3753 3.135 90.59 3.156 98.68 0.00742 0.22948 15 -14.15 0.01165 2.9880 7.803 92.70 7.835 100.99 0.01808 0.22715 20 -2.43 0.01182 2.2772 11.401 94.30 11.445 102.73 0.02605 0.22567 25 7.17 0.01196 1.8429 14.377 95.61 14.432 104.13 0.03249 0.22462 30 15.37 0.01209 1.5492 16.939 96.72 17.006 105.32 0.03793 0.22383 35 22.57 0.01221 1.3369 19.205 97.69 19.284 106.35 0.04267 0.22319 40 29.01 0.01232 1.1760 21.246 98.55 21.337 107.26 0.04688 0.22268 45 34.86 0.01242 1.0497 23.110 99.33 23.214 108.07 0.05067 0.22225 50 40.23 0.01252 0.94791 24.832 100.04 24.948 108.81 0.05413 0.22188 55 45.20 0.01261 0.86400 26.435 100.69 26.564 109.49 0.05733 0.22156 60 49.84 0.01270 0.79361 27.939 101.30 28.08 110.11 0.06029 0.22127 65 54.20 0.01279 0.73370 29.357 101.86 29.51 110.69 0.06307 0.22102 70 58.30 0.01287 0.68205 30.700 102.39 30.867 111.22 0.06567 0.2208 75 62.19 0.01295 0.63706 31.979 102.88 32.159 111.73 0.06813 0.22059 80 65.89 0.01303 0.59750 33.201 103.35 33.394 112.20 0.07047 0.2204 85 69.41 0.01310 0.56244 34.371 103.79 34.577 112.64 0.07269 0.22022 90 72.78 0.01318 0.53113 35.495 104.21 35.715 113.06 0.07481 0.22006 95 76.02 0.01325 0.50301 36.578 104.61 36.811 113.46 0.07684 0.21991 100 79.12 0.01332 0.47760 37.623 104.99 37.869 113.83 0.07879 0.21976 110 85.00 0.01347 0.43347 39.612 105.70 39.886 114.53 0.08246 0.21949 120 90.49 0.01360 0.39644 41.485 106.35 41.787 115.16 0.08589 0.21924 130 95.64 0.01374 0.36491 43.258 106.95 43.589 115.73 0.08911 0.21901 140 100.51 0.01387 0.33771 44.945 107.51 45.304 116.26 0.09214 0.21879 150 105.12 0.01400 0.31401 46.556 108.02 46.945 116.74 0.09501 0.21857 160 109.50 0.01413 0.29316 48.101 108.50 48.519 117.18 0.09774 0.21836 170 113.69 0.01426 0.27466 49.586 108.95 50.035 117.59 0.10034 0.21815 180 117.69 0.01439 0.25813 51.018 109.36 51.497 117.96 0.10284 0.21795  PAGE 470                  S AT U R AT E D R - 13 4 A - P R E S S U R E TA B L E ( E E U ) p (Psia) νf νg uf ug hf hg sf sg ( F) ( f t 3 /lbm) ( f t 3 /lbm) (Btu /lbm) (Btu /lbm) (Btu /lbm) (Btu /lbm) (Btu /lbm /R) (Btu /lbm /R) 190 121.53 0.01452 0.24327 52.402 109.75 52.912 118.30 0.10524 0.21774 200 125.22 0.01464 0.22983 53.743 110.11 54.285 118.62 0.10754 0.21753 220 132.21 0.01490 0.20645 56.310 110.77 56.917 119.17 0.11192 0.2171 240 138.73 0.01516 0.18677 58.746 111.34 59.419 119.63 0.11603 0.21665 260 144.85 0.01543 0.16996 61.071 111.83 61.813 120.00 0.11992 0.21617 280 150.62 0.01570 0.15541 63.301 112.25 64.115 120.30 0.12362 0.21567 300 156.09 0.01598 0.14266 65.452 112.60 66.339 120.52 0.12715 0.21512 350 168.64 0.01672 0.11664 70.554 113.18 71.638 120.74 0.13542 0.21356 400 179.86 0.01757 0.09642 75.385 113.35 76.686 120.48 0.14314 0.21161 450 190.02 0.01860 0.07987 80.092 113.03 81.641 119.68 0.15056 0.20911 500 199.29 0.01995 0.06551 84.871 112.04 86.718 118.10 0.15805 0.20566 T ∘  PAGE 471                  Saturated Refrigerant R-134a - Pressure (EEU) Superheated R-134a (EEU) T ∘ ν u h ( F) ( f t /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) 3 s (Btu/lbm/R) p = 10.0 psia (Tsat = − 29.52∘ F) sat. 4.3753 90.59 98.68 0.22948 -20 4.4856 92.13 100.43 0.2335 0 4.7135 95.41 104.14 20 4.938 98.77 40 5.16 60 3 ν u h ( f t /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) s (Btu/lbm/R) p = 15.0 psia (Tsat = − 14.15∘ F) 3 ν u h ( f t /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) s (Btu/lbm/R) p = 20.0 psia (Tsat = − 2.43∘ F) 2.988 92.7 100.99 0.22715 2.2772 94.3 102.73 0.22567 0.24174 3.1001 95.08 103.68 0.2331 2.2922 94.72 103.2 0.22671 107.91 0.24976 3.2551 98.48 107.52 0.24127 2.413 98.19 107.12 0.23504 1u02.2 111.75 0.25761 3.4074 101.95 111.41 0.24922 2.5306 101.7 111.07 0.24311 5.3802 105.72 115.67 0.26531 3.5577 105.5 115.38 0.257 2.6461 105.28 115.07 0.25097 80 5.5989 109.32 119.68 0.27288 3.7064 109.13 119.42 0.26463 2.76 108.93 119.15 0.25866 100 5.8165 113.01 123.78 0.28033 3.854 112.84 123.54 0.27212 2.8726 112.66 123.29 0.26621 120 6.0331 116.79 127.96 0.28767 4.0006 116.63 127.74 0.2795 2.9842 116.47 127.52 0.27363 140 6.249 120.66 132.22 0.2949 4.1464 120.51 132.02 0.28677 3.095 120.37 131.82 0.28093 160 6.4642 124.61 136.57 0.30203 4.2915 124.48 136.39 0.29393 3.2051 124.35 136.21 0.28812 180 6.6789 128.65 141.01 0.30908 4.4361 128.53 140.84 0.301 3.3146 128.41 140.67 0.29521 200 6.893 132.77 145.53 0.31604 4.5802 132.66 145.37 0.30798 3.4237 132.55 145.22 0.30221 220 7.1068 136.98 150.13 0.32292 4.7239 136.88 149.99 0.31487 3.5324 136.78 149.85 0.30912 p = 30.0 psia (Tsat = 15.37∘ F) sat. 1.5492 96.72 105.32 0.22383 20 1.5691 97.56 106.27 0.22581 40 1.6528 101.17 110.35 60 1.7338 104.82 80 1.813 100 p = 40.0 psia (Tsat = 29.01∘ F) 1.176 98.55 107.26 0.22268 0.23414 1.2126 100.61 109.58 0.22738 114.45 0.24219 1.2768 104.34 113.79 108.53 118.59 0.25002 1.3389 108.11 1.8908 112.3 122.8 0.25767 1.3995 120 1.9675 116.15 127.07 0.26517 140 2.0434 120.08 131.42 160 2.1185 124.08 180 2.1931 200 p = 50.0 psia (Tsat = 40.23∘ F) 0.9479 100.04 108.81 0.22188 0.23565 1.0019 103.84 113.11 0.23031 118.02 0.24363 1.054 107.68 117.43 0.23847 111.93 122.29 0.2514 1.1043 111.55 121.77 0.24637 1.4588 115.82 126.62 0.259 1.1534 115.48 126.16 0.25406 0.27254 1.5173 119.78 131.01 0.26644 1.2015 119.47 130.59 0.26159 135.84 0.27979 1.575 123.81 135.47 0.27375 1.2488 123.53 135.09 0.26896 128.16 140.34 0.28693 1.6321 127.91 140 0.28095 1.2955 127.66 139.65 0.27621 2.2671 132.32 144.91 0.29398 1.6887 132.1 144.6 0.28803 1.3416 131.87 144.28 0.28333 220 2.3408 136.57 149.56 0.30092 1.7449 136.36 149.27 0.29501 1.3873 136.15 148.98 0.29036 240 2.4141 140.89 154.29 0.30778 1.8007 140.7 154.03 0.3019 1.4326 140.5 153.76 0.29728 260 2.4871 145.3 159.1 0.31456 1.8562 145.12 158.86 0.30871 1.4776 144.93 158.6 0.30411 280 2.5598 149.78 163.99 0.32126 1.9114 149.61 163.76 0.31543 1.5223 149.44 163.53 0.31086        PAGE 472                       S U P E R H E AT E D R - 13 4 A TA B L E S ( E E U ) T ∘ ν u h ( F) ( f t 3 /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) s (Bt u /lbm /R) p = 60.0 psia (Tsat = 49.84∘ F) ν u h ( f t 3 /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) s (Bt u /lbm /R) p = 70.0 psia (Tsat = 58.30∘ F) sat. 0.7946 101.31 110.13 0.22132 0.6829 102.40 111.25 0.22084 60 0.8179 103.31 112.39 0.22572 0.6857 102.74 111.62 0.22157 80 0.8636 107.24 116.82 0.23408 0.7271 106.77 116.18 100 0.9072 111.17 121.24 0.24212 0.7662 110.77 120 0.9495 115.14 125.69 0.24992 0.8037 140 0.9908 119.17 130.17 0.25753 160 1.0312 123.26 134.71 180 1.0709 127.42 200 1.1101 220 3 ν u h ( f t /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) s (Bt u /lbm /R) p = 80.0 psia (Tsat = 65.89∘ F) 0.5982 103.36 112.22 0.22045 0.23018 0.6243 106.27 115.51 0.22663 120.69 0.23838 0.6601 110.35 120.12 0.23501 114.79 125.20 0.24630 0.6941 114.43 124.70 0.24305 0.8401 118.86 129.74 0.25399 0.7270 118.53 129.29 0.25084 0.26497 0.8756 122.98 134.32 0.26151 0.7589 122.69 133.92 0.25843 139.31 0.27227 0.9105 127.16 138.95 0.26886 0.7900 126.89 138.59 0.26585 131.64 143.97 0.27945 0.9447 131.40 143.64 0.27608 0.8206 131.17 143.31 0.27312 1.1489 135.94 148.69 0.28651 0.9785 135.72 148.40 0.28318 0.8507 135.50 148.09 0.28026 240 1.1872 140.31 153.49 0.29346 1.0118 140.11 153.22 0.29017 0.8803 139.91 152.94 0.28728 260 1.2252 144.76 158.36 0.30032 1.0449 144.57 158.10 0.29706 0.9096 144.38 157.85 0.29420 280 1.2629 149.28 163.30 0.30709 1.0776 149.10 163.06 0.30386 0.9386 148.93 162.82 0.30102 300 1.3004 153.49 168.31 0.31378 1.1101 153.71 168.09 0.31057 0.9674 153.55 167.87 0.30775 320 1.3377 158.36 173.40 0.32039 1.1424 158.40 173.20 0.31720 0.9959 158.25 172.99 0.31440 p = 90.0 psia (Tsat = 72.78∘ F) p = 100 psia (Tsat = 79.12∘ F) sat. 0.53113 104.21 113.06 0.22006 0.4776 104.99 113.83 0.21976 80 0.54388 105.74 114.8 0.2233 0.47906 105.18 114.05 0.22016 100 0.57729 109.91 119.52 0.23189 0.51076 109.45 118.9 120 0.60874 114.04 124.18 0.24008 0.54022 113.66 140 0.63885 118.19 128.83 0.24797 0.56821 160 0.66796 122.38 133.51 0.25563 180 0.69629 126.62 138.22 200 0.72399 130.92 220 0.75119 240 p = 120 psia (Tsat = 90.49∘ F) 0.39644 106.35 115.16 0.21924 0.229 0.41013 108.48 117.59 0.22362 123.65 0.23733 0.43692 112.84 122.54 0.23232 117.86 128.37 0.24534 0.4619 117.15 127.41 0.24058 0.59513 122.08 133.09 0.25309 0.48563 121.46 132.25 0.24851 0.26311 0.62122 126.35 137.85 0.26063 0.50844 125.79 137.09 0.25619 142.97 0.27043 0.64667 130.67 142.64 0.26801 0.53054 130.17 141.95 0.26368 135.27 147.78 0.27762 0.67158 135.05 147.47 0.27523 0.55206 134.59 146.85 0.271 0.77796 139.69 152.65 0.28468 0.69605 139.49 152.37 0.28233 0.57312 139.07 151.8 0.27817 260 0.80437 144.19 157.58 0.29162 0.72016 143.99 157.32 0.28931 0.59379 143.61 156.79 0.28521 280 0.83048 148.75 162.58 0.29847 0.74396 148.57 162.34 0.29618 0.61413 148.21 161.85 0.29214 300 0.85633 153.38 167.64 0.30522 0.76749 153.21 167.42 0.30296 0.6342 152.88 166.96 0.29896 320 0.88195 158.08 172.77 0.31189 0.79079 157.93 172.56 0.30964 0.65402 157.62 172.14 0.30569        PAGE 473                          Superheated R-134a (EEU) T ∘ ν u h ( F) ( f t 3 /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) s (Bt u /lbm /R) p = 140 psia (Tsat = 100.50∘ F) ν u h ( f t 3 /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) s (Bt u /lbm /R) p = 160 psia (Tsat = 58.30∘ F) 3 ν u h ( f t /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) (Bt u /lbm) s (Bt u /lbm /R) p = 180 psia (Tsat = 117.69∘ F) sat. 0.33771 107.51 116.26 0.21879 0.29316 108.5 117.18 0.21836 0.25813 109.36 117.96 0.21795 120 0.36243 111.96 121.35 0.22773 0.30578 111.01 120.06 0.22337 0.26083 109.94 118.63 0.2191 140 0.38551 116.41 126.4 0.23628 0.32774 115.62 125.32 0.2323 0.28231 114.77 124.17 0.2285 160 0.40711 120.81 131.36 0.24443 0.3479 120.13 130.43 0.24069 0.30154 119.42 129.46 0.23718 180 0.42766 125.22 136.3 0.25227 0.36686 124.62 135.49 0.24871 0.31936 124 134.64 0.2454 200 0.44743 129.65 141.24 0.25988 0.38494 129.12 140.52 0.25645 0.33619 128.57 139.77 0.2533 220 0.46657 134.12 146.21 0.2673 0.40234 133.64 145.55 0.26397 0.35228 133.15 144.88 0.26094 240 0.48522 138.64 151.21 0.27455 0.41921 138.2 150.62 0.27131 0.36779 137.76 150.01 0.26837 260 0.50345 143.21 156.26 0.28166 0.43564 142.81 155.71 0.27849 0.38284 142.4 155.16 0.27562 280 0.52134 147.85 161.35 0.28864 0.45171 147.48 160.85 0.28554 0.39751 147.1 160.34 0.28273 300 0.53895 152.54 166.5 0.29551 0.46748 152.2 166.04 0.29246 0.41186 151.85 165.57 0.2897 320 0.5563 157.3 171.71 0.30228 0.48299 156.98 171.28 0.29927 0.42594 156.66 170.85 0.29656 340 0.57345 162.13 176.98 0.30896 0.49828 161.83 176.58 0.30598 0.4398 161.53 176.18 0.30331 360 0.59041 167.02 182.32 0.31555 0.51338 166.74 181.94 0.3126 0.45347 166.46 181.56 0.30996 p = 200 psia (Tsat = 125.22∘ F) sat. 0.22983 110.11 118.62 0.21753 140 0.24541 113.85 122.93 0.22481 160 0.26412 118.66 128.44 180 0.28115 123.35 200 0.29704 220 p = 300 psia (Tsat = 156.09∘ F) 0.14266 112.6 120.52 0.21512 0.23384 0.14656 113.82 121.95 0.21745 133.76 0.24229 0.16355 119.52 128.6 128 138.99 0.25035 0.17776 124.78 0.31212 132.64 144.19 0.25812 0.19044 240 0.32658 137.3 149.38 0.26565 260 0.34054 141.99 154.59 280 0.3541 146.72 300 0.36733 320 p = 400 psia (Tsat = 179.86∘ F) 0.09642 113.35 120.48 0.21161 0.22802 0.09658 113.41 120.56 0.21173 134.65 0.23733 0.1144 120.52 128.99 0.22471 129.85 140.42 0.24594 0.12746 126.44 135.88 0.235 0.20211 134.83 146.05 0.2541 0.13853 131.95 142.2 0.24418 0.27298 0.21306 139.77 151.59 0.26192 0.14844 137.26 148.25 0.2527 159.82 0.28015 0.22347 144.7 157.11 0.26947 0.15756 142.48 154.14 0.26077 151.5 165.09 0.28718 0.23346 149.65 162.61 0.27681 0.16611 147.65 159.94 0.26851 0.38029 156.33 170.4 0.29408 0.2431 154.63 168.12 0.28398 0.17423 152.8 165.7 0.27599 340 0.393 161.22 175.77 0.30087 0.25246 159.64 173.66 0.29098 0.18201 157.97 171.44 0.28326 360 0.40552 166.17 181.18 0.30756 0.26159 164.7 179.22 0.29786 0.18951 163.15 177.18 0.29035        PAG E 4 74                          Superheated R-134a (EEU)