DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES JAGANNATH UNIVERSITY Module 10th Batch Master of Social Science (MSS) (Professional) Subject: Economics Session: January 2024 1 MODULE: MSS (Professional) in Economics Semester- I & Semester-II Course ID Name Of Course Credit Points ECOE601 Microeconomics 4 ECOE602 International Economics 4 ECOE603 Macroeconomics 4 ECOE604 Development Economics 4 ECOE605 Selected Issues in Bangladesh Economy 4 ECOE606 Project Management and Appraisal 4 ECOE607 Urban and Regional Economics 4 ECOE608 Monitoring and Evaluation 4 ECOE609 Resource and Environmental Economics 4 ECOE610 Research Methodology 4 ECOE611 Public Policy and Governance 4 ECOE612 Money and Banking 4 ECOE613 Social Entrepreneurship 4 ECOE614 Population Economics 4 ECOE615 Econometric Theory and Application 4 ECOE616 Thesis 3 ECOE617 Viva-Voce 2 2 Remarks ourse Code ECOE605 Course Title Selected Issues in Bangladesh Economy Distribution of Grading system marks Class 1st Mid- 2nd MidCourse Attendance/ Term Term final Performance 10 10 10 70 Total Marks Total Credit 100 4 Course Content 1. Overview of Bangladesh Economic Sectors: Economic and non-economic sectors in Bangladesh, characteristics of Bangladesh Economy: natural resource: major economic natural resources and region wise availability, power and energy resources of Bangladesh, 2. Growth and Structural Change: Population growth, labor force and its distribution, GDP growth and per capital income, structure and composition of GDP, macroeconomic changes since independence. 3. Agricultural Sector: Definition, structure and growth of agriculture and its importance in the national economy, the resource base and the production organization, factors behind growth, agricultural asset distribution, agricultural credit performance, co-operative strategies for development, changes in agricultural policies, green revolution and its impact. 4. Industrial Sector: Definition, structure and growth of industries, categories of industries: large, small and cottage industries, comparison of different industries, the public and private sector, experiences with nationalization, de-nationalization and privatization, growth performance of RMG sector since independence, factors behind faster growth and factors of competitiveness of RMG products in the global market. 5. External Sector: Exports: growth and composition, imports: growth and composition, balance of payments and foreign exchange reserves, trends of FDI inflow, role of FDI and influencing factors of FDI inflow in Bangladesh, foreign aid and its classification, trends and nature of foreign aid in Bangladesh, effectiveness of foreign aid in economic development of Bangladesh, remittance: trends of inflow, source and its utilization in Bangladesh. 6. Economic Planning: Seven five year plan, PRSP (Features, problems and effectiveness), social safetynet program, Annual Development Program (ADP). Classification, characteristics, year wise comparison and analysis. MDGs SDG and Bangladesh REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A. R Khan: The strategy of development in Bangladesh, Memllan 1989. Hossain, M: Green Revolution in Bangladesh. University press Limited, Dhaka. 1989. M. Hossain and A. R Khan: Strategies for Economic Development of Bangladesh. N. Islam: Development Planning in Bangladesh Faaland & Parkinson: Bangladesh A test case of Development. 3