Text File open/close, read and readline methods mystring = ‘I love python’ newSstring = mystring[0: 20:2] print function = (, , , ) formatting - $, %, .2f sep and end input function = type conve math operator = /, //, %, ** logical ( and, or, not) vs relational operators functions = void vs value returning range function = num(5) 0---4 num(0, 5) num(0, 5, 2) random function = flowchart – if /elif, nested if loop = for , while , nested loop – inner and outerloop strip methods – lstrip /rstrip adadcdruercd234678cd= [‘adad’ ‘ruer ‘, ‘234678’, ‘ ‘] string methods set methods num = [2, 5, 6, 8, 9] num [6:4:1]