Uploaded by Audra Foster

Reflection on Ted Talk: Three Cs of Writing

Audra Foster
Professor Ann Fetterman
Engl 202A
15 January 2025
Reflection on Ted Talk
Something that really stuck with me from the Ted Talk was the idea of the three Cs for
writing. The three Cs are to be clear, concise, and correct in your writing. I’m used to writing
papers that are extremely specific and descriptive, which means they are usually very wordy.
I tend to struggle with being clear with what I’m writing. When I’m writing, the words tend to
come out jumbled and often don’t make much sense to those reading my papers. I don’t usually
struggle with being correct in my writing as I try to research my information to the best of my
ability to ensure it’s right so that I’m not misinforming those who are reading what I write. I feel
like this concept could help me because I’m used to using a lot of words so learning how to get
my point across without overusing words and confusing readers so being able to write more
concisely will help get my point across easier.
I’m hoping that learning how to use the three Cs in my writing will help me in the future
when I write longer papers for higher level classes. I want to be able to write using the three Cs,
because I believe it will help give my papers a more professional feel when reading them.