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Attention: Types, Limitations, and Study Methods

Negative outcomes eg. workplace, crashes
Applied contexts eg. advertising, user experience
Clinical contexts, ADHD, anxiety, schizophrenia, neglect
Attention is a limited capacity resource
Or processing “bottleneck”
Processing certain amount at a time
Different types of attention
Selective attention:
- Focusing attention on certain info, while ignoring other info
Sustained attention
- Maintaining focused attention or vigilance
- Eg. security guard monitoring surveillance camera
Divided attention
- Multi-tasking
- Another way of looking at capacity limits
Attention to different sensory modalities
- Eg. sight, touch, sound, smell
- Visual attention has received most examination
Studying attention
- Visual attention studied through eye movements
- Fixate on scoreboard
- Without moving eyes can you tell whether there are clouds in sky
- Can you tell whether there are more spectators on seats at the back or side
Covert versus overt attention
Reaction time experiments:
Spatial cuing:
- Responses typically slower following invalid versus valid cues
- Invalid, trying to show you wrong direction
- Valid, trying to show you right direction
Suggests spatial attention moved to cued location
Works with both endogenous cues and exogenous cues covert spatial attention can
be both voluntary and involuntary
Visual search
- Eg. find green O in sea of red Xs
- If target “pops out”, increasing non-targets doesn’t affect RT
- If target is a conjunction, RT increases with number of non-targets
- Suggests serial search is required
Distractor effects
- We assume attention has been distracted by a stimulus if it slows us down when it is
Stroop task (name ink colour of word)
- Suggests that we are unable to ignore the word meaning
Response competition flanker task:
- Responses typically slower when distractors are incongruent compared to congruent
or neutral
- Suggests even spatially separated distractors cannot be ignored
Singleton Attentional Capture Task
- We assume attention has been ‘captured’ by a stimulus if it slows us down when it is
- Or speeds up our responses when it is the target
- Find circle in no distractor condition and distractor condition
- Colour singleton non-target increases search RTs
- Taken as evidence of “attentional capture” by salient stimuli
- Colour singleton target reduces search RTs
Error rates: sustained attention to response task
- Series of digits one after another
- Apart from 3
Self report measures
- Often used to test effects of attention on awareness
- Eg. change blindness
- Also subjective phenomena such as mind wandering
- People who report more mind wandering also show more RT interference on
measures of distraction and more errors on sustained attention tasks
Effects of attention on neural processing
- Neural response is boosted for covertly attended stimuli
- Two regions known to response selectively to specific stimulus categories:
- Fusiform face area (FFA)
- Parahippocampal place area (PPA)
- Central fixation
- Covert attention to faces increased FFA response
Covert attention to houses increased PPA response