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MGMT102 Strategy Course Syllabus, SMU

SMU Classification: Restricted
The Lee Kong Chian School of Business
Academic Year 2024/25
Term 2
Instructor Name
: Jiyeon Kang
: Assistant Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship
: +65 6828 0751
: jiyeonkang@smu.edu.sg
: LKCSB #5022
This course introduces students to the theoretical concepts and analytical tools required for formulating and
implementing appropriate strategies that affect the enduring success of the entire organization. Topics covered
include external and internal environmental analyses, business-level strategies, corporate-level strategies,
competitive dynamics, and special topics such as global strategy. This course emphasizes the application of theory
to the real world strategic issues. Students are encouraged to synthesize knowledge from other business courses
into a comprehensive understanding of competitive advantage.
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
• Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of firms’ competitive advantage
• Apply analytical techniques for diagnosing strategy formulation, including industry structure,
resources, and business/corporate strategies
• Apply analytical techniques for diagnosing strategy implementation, including corporate governance,
structure, and strategic leadership
• Identify strategic issues and design appropriate courses of action with relevant knowledge on ethics,
social responsibility and sustainability
Please refer to the Course Catalogue on OASIS for the most updated list of pre-requisites / co-requisites for
this particular course.
Do note that if this course has a co-requisite, it means that the course has to be taken together with another
course. Dropping one course during BOSS bidding would result in both courses being dropped at the same time.
Class Participation (individual):
Assignment (individual):
Weekly Quiz (individual):
Term Project (group):
Final Exam (individual)
Individual vs. Team Activities: Both individual and team activities will determine your grade in this course.
Whereas Class Participation, Discussion Notes, and Final Exam are individually graded, the Term Project is a
team activity. All members in a team are accountable for the team assignment. At the end of the term, each
member may evaluate the overall contributions of other members in his/her team (relative to your own
contribution). All members in a team will receive the same grade for team activities. However, your individual
grade for all team activities may be adjusted downward if a majority of your team members evaluate your
contribution unfavorably.
Discussion Questions for the Cases: To be posted on eLearn throughout the term.
SMU Classification: Restricted
Class Participation (20%)
This is primarily a case course, which means that most class sessions will involve the discussion of specific case
situations. These cases will describe real organizations. Through analysis and discussion in class, you will learn to
better understand the nature of strategy and the processes of formulating and implementing it. Lectures and
assigned readings will provide the theoretical framework with which to read and evaluate the cases. You may be
called (at random) at any time during class to contribute to or critique the on-going discussion. Therefore, you
will be expected to come to class well prepared to discuss and ask questions about all assigned chapters and all
cases. We will not spend any significant amount of class time repeating what was contained in the cases. You
should be prepared to discuss all assigned readings.
Come to class well prepared. Read the case several times and think about how the concepts from the
chapter or discussed in class can be applied. Make notes that you can refer to during class.
Contribute ideas and analysis to the class discussion. Given the complexities of the real world, there is no
single right answer. What is more important is how you use strategic concepts and tools to analyze a
Listen carefully to your classmates and suggest supporting or alternative views.
Your class participation grade is determined based on the quality of your contributions and the quantity of your
contributions. Not participating in class discussions will affect your final grade significantly, even if you attend all
class sessions. Therefore, not speaking up during class will be a deliberate choice that you make, being fully aware
of its effect on your final grade. Without participating you will not be able to get a pass grade on the participation
Understandably there are circumstances that may cause you to miss a class; unfortunately, nothing can replace
in-class participation. Submitting your ideas to the critique of your classmates and the challenge of defending
them in an open forum cannot be duplicated. Therefore, it is extremely important that you attend all class
sessions. Each absence, for whatever reason, will reduce your class participation grade. Similarly, inappropriate
and disturbing behavior in the class room such as arriving late or distracting other students will negatively affect
your participation grade. Regarding these logistics, make sure to read the section “attending class” below.
Individual Assignment (15%)
Each student is required to submit an individual assignment. Details regarding the content and deadline of the
individual assignment will be announced during class.
Weekly Individual Quiz (5%)
A short quiz will be administered promptly at the start of every class. If you are late to the class you will not be
allowed to take the quiz.
Term Project (25%)
The instructor will form groups during the term capturing the diversity of the class. All groups in all
sections of this course - regardless of who the instructor is - will be formed by the instructor and not by
students themselves. This is the policy of the entire Strategy course and not the instructor’s individual
I will communicate the actual size of the groups during the term as it depends on the number of students.
As a team, you will choose a firm, analyze the firm’s current opportunities and threats as well as strengths and
weaknesses, and provide strategic recommendations to improve its performance. In other words, you will work
as mock-management consultants. Specifically, you will be required to select a firm as a team by the end of the
recess week with brief justifications for your choice, submit the final report in Week 12, and present your work
during Weeks 12 and 13.
Written report: Each team should submit one term report. The term project report should be type written, 1.5
line-spaced, using 12-point size font, and should not exceed 20 pages (excluding appendices, references, and
endnotes). The cover page should provide the complete name of the team members, student ID number, and
course code. The report should contain the list of references and exhibits (tables and charts). The deadline for
the written report is due in Week 12. Additional information on the term project will be provided in class.
Presentation: Each team is required to present their analysis to the class. Each presentation should not exceed 15
minutes. Immediately after finishing its presentation, each team will host a Q&A session of 5-10 minutes. Teams
should prepare for their presentations as though they will be addressing their respective company’s Board of
SMU Classification: Restricted
Directors. Also, note that interesting presentations offer a judicious mix of anecdotes and analysis. Therefore,
do not try to cram every single detail from your written report into your presentation.
- Dress code: casual
- Submit your presentation slides on eLearn 24 hours before class starts.
Final Exam (35%)
The 2-hour final exam will cover the entire contents of this course. It may take a case analysis and/or a
combination of short-answer, multiple choice, and essay questions. No make-up exams will be administered. If
you miss the final exam, no grade will be given.
Attending Class
There are a number of important rules related to attending your classes. Make sure you are aware of these
(1) You always have to attend the section you have signed up for. Nowadays classes are pretty much
at full capacity and different teaching assistants will take care of different sections. In order to avoid
administrative confusion and getting classes that exceed capacity it is important we stick to the
outcome of the boss bidding process. So regardless of the reason you cannot attend any other
sections than the one you have signed up for. However, if you miss a class make sure you read the
material carefully. And if you have any clarification questions or if you want me to take you through
the case you missed by not attending class I am more than happy to do so during my office hours.
(2) Missing a class for whatever reason (sickness, job interviews, etc.) will automatically mean you
cannot make any contributions that week towards your participation grade which will have an
impact on your final participation grade. This also implies you do not need to apologize, justify your
absence, or send me a medical certificate as this will not change the outcome of being absent.
However, you can compensate for the loss resulting from your absence in class by participating
more actively and by making better contributions in the other classes you are attending.
(3) Class will start exactly at the specified time. Being late disturbs class and your fellow students,
therefore, I will heavily penalize students who show up late in class as a part of their participation
grade (even if you are only a few minutes late). As a result, not being punctual can considerably
impact your participation and overall grade.
(4) Any behaviour that is disrespectful of the rest of the class or disturbing (e.g., talking, using your
laptops in inappropriate ways, etc.) will be taken into account in your participation grade even if I
do not confront you with your disrespectful or disturbing behaviour during class.
SMU Classification: Restricted
If you have any queries on the subject, you can contact your respective TA through email. The TAs for this
course are:
Alternatively you can visit me during my office hours after class:
Required material and Course Packet:
• Strategic Management, International Edition, 6th Edition. Written by Frank T. Rothaermel.
• Course packet containing cases should also be purchased individually online from Harvard Business
School Press.
Note that it is compulsory to purchase the course packet if you enroll in the course because reading the case
for each session before class is essential for participating in class discussion. Not purchasing the course packet
will significantly influence your class participation component grade.
Additional readings for those with a further interest in Strategy after the course (not mandatory):
• Suggestions for academic research papers on various topics can also be obtained on request at the end
of the courser.
Academic Integrity
All acts of academic dishonesty (including, but not limited to, plagiarism, cheating, fabrication, facilitation of acts
of academic dishonesty by others, unauthorized possession of exam questions, or tampering with the academic
work of other students) are serious offences.
All work (whether oral or written) submitted for purposes of assessment must be the student’s own work.
Penalties for violation of the policy range from zero marks for the component assessment to expulsion,
depending on the nature of the offense.
When in doubt, students should consult the instructors of the course. Details on the SMU Code of Academic
Integrity may be accessed at https://smu.sharepoint.com/sites/oasis/SitePages/DOS-WKLSWC/UCSC.aspx.
Copyright Notice
Please note that all course materials are meant for personal use only, namely, for the purposes of teaching,
studying and research. You are strictly not permitted to make copies of or print additional copies or distribute
such copies of the course materials or any parts thereof, for commercial gain or exchange.
For the full copyright notice, please visit https://researchguides.smu.edu.sg/copyright.
SMU strives to make learning experiences accessible for all. If you anticipate or experience physical or
academic barriers due to disability, please let me know immediately. You are also welcome to contact the
university's student accessibility support team if you have questions or concerns about academic provisions:
accessibility@smu.edu.sg. Please be aware that the accessible tables in our seminar room should remain
available for students who require them.
Digital Readiness for Teaching and Learning (DRTL)
As part of emergency preparedness, instructors may conduct lessons online via the Zoom platform during the
term, to prepare students for online learning. During an actual emergency, students will be notified to access
the Zoom platform for their online lessons. The class schedule will mirror the current face-to-face class
timetable unless otherwise stated.
SMU Classification: Restricted
Note that classes do not necessarily correspond to the weeks of the term. For various reasons such as public
holidays a class might not correspond with the numbering of the weeks in the term. Please check the course
page on eLearn for the latest information. The roster below gives you a general overview of the course structure
but the final roster has to be confirmed:
Introduction: What is strategy
Ch 1
Case (tentative)
External Analysis: Industry structure,
Competitive Forces, and Strategic Groups
Internal Analysis: Resources, Capabilities, and
Core Competencies
Competitive Advantage, Firm Performance,
and Business Models
Business Strategy: Differentiation, Cost
Leadership, and Integration
Corporate strategy: Vertical Integration and
Corporate strategy: Mergers and
Acquisitions, Strategic Alliances
Recess week
Ch 3.2, 3.5
Case 1: Coke and
Case 2: Nike
Ch 4
Ch 5
Ch 6
Case 3: Dollar
Shave Club
Case 4: Ryanair
Ch 8
Case 5: Amazon
Ch 9
Case 6: Disney
Ch 10
Case 7. Haier
Global strategy
Ch 12
Case 8. NCIS
Corporate Governance & Business Ethics
Ch 2
Group presentations
Group presentations / Course conclusion
Reading week
Final exam
*Please note that the information above describes the content and the structure of the course in detail. However, I
remain the right to make changes at any time to improve students’ learning experience. I will
communicate any such changes either verbally in class, through eLearn and/or through the students’
official SMU email account.