TRAINING MANUAL CFM56-ALL BORESCOPE INSPECTION SEP 2003 CTC-229 Level 3 TOC CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL Published by CFMI CFMI Customer Training Center Snecma Services Site de Melun-Montereau, Aérodrome de Villaroche Chemin de Viercy, B.P. 1936, 77019 - Melun Cedex FRANCE EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION CFMI Customer Training Services GE Aircraft Engines Customer Technical Education Center 123 Merchant Street Mail Drop Y2 Cincinnati, Ohio 45246 USA GENERAL Page 1 Issue 01 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION GENERAL Page 2 Issue 01 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL This CFMI publication is for Training Purposes Only. The information is accurate at the time of compilation; however, no update service will be furnished to maintain accuracy. For authorized maintenance practices and specifications, consult pertinent maintenance publications. The information (including technical data) contained in this document is the property of CFM International (GE and SNECMA). It is disclosed in confidence, and the technical data therein is exported under a U.S. Government license. Therefore, None of the information may be disclosed to other than the recipient. In addition, the technical data therein and the direct product of those data, may not be diverted, transferred, re-exported or disclosed in any manner not provided for by the license without prior written approval of both the U.S. Government and CFM International. COPYRIGHT 1998 CFM INTERNATIONAL EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION GENERAL Page 3 Issue 01 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION GENERAL Page 4 Issue 01 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL LEXIS EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION LEXIS Page 5 Issue 02 CFM56-ALL A A/C AIRCRAFT AC ALTERNATING CURRENT ACARS AIRCRAFT COMMUNICATION ADRESSING and REPORTING SYSTEM ACAU AIR CONDITIONING ACCESSORY UNIT ACMS AIRCRAFT CONDITION MONITORING SYSTEM ACS AIRCRAFT CONTROL SYSTEM ADC AIR DATA COMPUTER ADEPT AIRLINE DATA ENGINE PERFORMANCE TREND ADIRS AIR DATA AND INERTIAL REFERENCE SYSTEM ADIRU AIR DATA AND INERTIAL REFERENCE UNIT AGB ACCESSORY GEARBOX AIDS AIRCRAFT INTEGRATED DATA SYSTEM ALF AFT LOOKING FORWARD ALT ALTITUDE ALTN ALTERNATE AMB AMBIENT AMM AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AOG AIRCRAFT ON GROUND A/P AIRPLANE APU AUXILIARY POWER UNIT ARINC AERONAUTICAL RADIO, INC. (SPECIFICATION) ASM AUTOTHROTTLE SERVO MECHANISM A/T AUTOTHROTTLE EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TRAINING MANUAL ATA AIR TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION ATC AUTOTHROTTLE COMPUTER ATHR AUTO THRUST ATO ABORTED TAKE OFF AVM AIRCRAFT VIBRATION MONITORING B BITE BUILT IN TEST EQUIPMENT BMC BLEED MANAGEMENT COMPUTER BPRV BLEED PRESSURE REGULATING VALVE BSI BORESCOPE INSPECTION BSV BURNER STAGING VALVE (SAC) BSV BURNER SELECTION VALVE (DAC) BVCS BLEED VALVE CONTROL SOLENOID C C CELSIUS or CENTIGRADE CAS CALIBRATED AIR SPEED CBP (HP) COMPRESSOR BLEED PRESSURE CCDL CROSS CHANNEL DATA LINK CCFG COMPACT CONSTANT FREQUENCY GENERATOR CCU COMPUTER CONTROL UNIT CCW COUNTER CLOCKWISE CDP (HP) COMPRESSOR DISCHARGE PRESSURE CDS COMMON DISPLAY SYSTEM CDU CONTROL DISPLAY UNIT CFDIU CENTRALIZED FAULT DISPLAY INTERFACE UNIT CFDS CENTRALIZED FAULT DISPLAY SYSTEM LEXIS Page 6 Issue 02 CFM56-ALL CFMI JOINT GE/SNECMA COMPANY (CFM INTERNATIONAL) CG CENTER OF GRAVITY Ch A channel A Ch B channel B CHATV CHANNEL ACTIVE CIP(HP) COMPRESSOR INLET PRESSURE CIT(HP) COMPRESSOR INLET TEMPERATURE cm.g CENTIMETER X GRAMS CMC CENTRALIZED MAINTENANCE COMPUTER CMM COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL CMS CENTRALIZED MAINTENANCE SYSTEM CMS CENTRAL MAINTENANCE SYSTEM CODEP HIGH TEMPERATURE COATING CONT CONTINUOUS CPU CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT CRT CATHODE RAY TUBE CSD CONSTANT SPEED DRIVE CSI CYCLES SINCE INSTALLATION CSN CYCLES SINCE NEW CTAI COWL THERMAL ANTI-ICING CTEC CUSTOMER TECHNICAL EDUCATION CENTER CTL CONTROL Cu.Ni.In COPPER.NICKEL.INDIUM CW CLOCKWISE D DAC DOUBLE ANNULAR COMBUSTOR DAMV DOUBLE ANNULAR MODULATED VALVE EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TRAINING MANUAL DAR DIGITAL ACMS RECORDER DC DIRECT CURRENT DCU DATA CONVERSION UNIT DCV DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVE BOEING DEU DISPLAY ELECTRONIC UNIT DFCS DIGITAL FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM DFDAU DIGITAL FLIGHT DATA ACQUISITION UNIT DFDRS DIGITAL FLIGHT DATA RECORDING SYSTEM DISC DISCRETE DIU DIGITAL INTERFACE UNIT DMC DISPLAY MANAGEMENT COMPUTER DMD DEMAND DMS DEBRIS MONITORING SYSTEM DMU DATA MANAGEMENT UNIT DOD DOMESTIC OBJECT DAMAGE DPU DIGITAL PROCESSING MODULE DRT DE-RATED TAKE-OFF E EAU ENGINE ACCESSORY UNIT EBU ENGINE BUILDUP UNIT ECA ELECTRICAL CHASSIS ASSEMBLY ECAM ELECTRONIC CENTRALIZED AIRCRAFT MONITORING ECS ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SYSTEM ECU ELECTRONIC CONTROL UNIT EE ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT EEC ELECTRONIC ENGINE CONTROL LEXIS Page 7 Issue 02 CFM56-ALL EFH ENGINE FLIGHT HOURS EFIS ELECTRONIC FLIGHT INSTRUMENT SYSTEM EGT EXHAUST GAS TEMPERATURE EHSV ELECTRO-HYDRAULIC SERVO VALVE EICAS ENGINE INDICATING AND CREW ALERTING SYSTEM EIS ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT SYSTEM EIU ENGINE INTERFACE UNIT EIVMU ENGINE INTERFACE AND VIBRATION MONITORING UNIT EMF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE EMI ELECTRO MAGNETIC INTERFERENCE EMU ENGINE MAINTENANCE UNIT EPROM ERASABLE PROGRAMMABLE READ ONLY MEMORY (E)EPROM (ELECTRICALLY) ERASABLE PROGRAMMABLE READ ONLY MEMORY ESN ENGINE SERIAL NUMBER ETOPS EXTENDED TWIN OPERATION SYSTEMS EWD/SD ENGINE WARNING DISPLAY / SYSTEM DISPLAY F F FARENHEIT FAA FEDERAL AVIATION AGENCY FADEC FULL AUTHORITY DIGITAL ENGINE CONTROL FAR FUEL/AIR RATIO FCC FLIGHT CONTROL COMPUTER FCU FLIGHT CONTROL UNIT EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TRAINING MANUAL FDAMS FLIGHT DATA ACQUISITION & MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FDIU FLIGHT DATA INTERFACE UNIT FDRS FLIGHT DATA RECORDING SYSTEM FDU FIRE DETECTION UNIT FEIM FIELD ENGINEERING INVESTIGATION MEMO FF FUEL FLOW (see Wf) -7B FFCCV FAN FRAME/COMPRESSOR CASE VERTICAL (VIBRATION SENSOR) FI FLIGHT IDLE (F/I) FIM FAULT ISOLATION MANUAL FIN FUNCTIONAL ITEM NUMBER FIT FAN INLET TEMPERATURE FLA FORWARD LOOKING AFT FLX TO FLEXIBLE TAKE-OFF FMC FLIGHT MANAGEMENT COMPUTER FMCS FLIGHT MANAGEMENT COMPUTER SYSTEM FMGC FLIGHT MANAGEMENT AND GUIDANCE COMPUTER FMGEC FLIGHT MANAGEMENT AND GUIDANCE ENVELOPE COMPUTER FMS FLIGHT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FMV FUEL METERING VALVE FOD FOREIGN OBJECT DAMAGE FPA FRONT PANEL ASSEMBLY FPI FLUORESCENT PENETRANT INSPECTION FQIS FUEL QUANTITY INDICATING SYSTEM FRV FUEL RETURN VALVE FWC FAULT WARNING COMPUTER LEXIS Page 8 Issue 02 CFM56-ALL FWD FORWARD G GRAM X INCHES GE GENERAL ELECTRIC GEAE GENERAL ELECTRIC AIRCRAFT ENGINES GEM GROUND-BASED ENGINE MONITORING GI GROUND IDLE (G/I) GMM GROUND MAINTENANCE MODE GMT GREENWICH MEAN TIME GND GROUND GPH GALLON PER HOUR GPU GROUND POWER UNIT GSE GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT H HCF HIGH CYCLE FATIGUE HCU HYDRAULIC CONTROL UNIT HDS HORIZONTAL DRIVE SHAFT HMU HYDROMECHANICAL UNIT HP HIGH PRESSURE HPC HIGH PRESSURE COMPRESSOR HPCR HIGH PRESSURE COMPRESSOR ROTOR HPRV HIGH PRESSURE REGULATING VALVE HPSOV HIGH PRESSURE SHUT-OFF VALVE HPT HIGH PRESSURE TURBINE HPT(A)CC HIGH PRESSURE TURBINE (ACTIVE) CLEARANCE CONTROL EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TRAINING MANUAL HPTC HIGH PRESSURE TURBINE CLEARANCE HPTCCV HIGH PRESSURE TURBINE CLEARANCE CONTROL VALVE HPTN HIGH PRESSURE TURBINE NOZZLE HPTR HIGH PRESSURE TURBINE ROTOR Hz HERTZ (CYCLES PER SECOND) I I/O INPUT/OUTPUT IAS INDICATED AIR SPEED ID INSIDE DIAMETER ID PLUG IDENTIFICATION PLUG IDG INTEGRATED DRIVE GENERATOR IFSD IN FLIGHT SHUT DOWN IGB INLET GEARBOX IGN IGNITION IGV INLET GUIDE VANE in. INCH IOM INPUT OUTPUT MODULE IPB ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN IPC ILLUSTRATED PARTS CATALOG IPCV INTERMEDIATE PRESSURE CHECK VALVE IPS INCHES PER SECOND IR INFRA RED K °K k KIAS kV KELVIN X 1000 INDICATED AIR SPEED IN KNOTS KILOVOLTS LEXIS Page 9 Issue 02 CFM56-ALL Kph KILOGRAMS PER HOUR L L LEFT L/H LEFT HAND lbs. POUNDS, WEIGHT LCD LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY LCF LOW CYCLE FATIGUE LE (L/E) LEADING EDGE LGCIU LANDING GEAR CONTROL INTERFACE UNIT LP LOW PRESSURE LPC LOW PRESSURE COMPRESSOR LPT LOW PRESSURE TURBINE LPT(A)CC LOW PRESSURE TURBINE (ACTIVE) CLEARANCE CONTROL LPTC LOW PRESSURE TURBINE CLEARANCE LPTN LOW PRESSURE TURBINE NOZZLE LPTR LOW PRESSURE TURBINE ROTOR LRU LINE REPLACEABLE UNIT LVDT LINEAR VARIABLE DIFFERENTIAL TRANSFORMER M mA MILLIAMPERES (CURRENT) MCD MAGNETIC CHIP DETECTOR MCDU MULTIPURPOSE CONTROL AND DISPLAY UNIT MCL MAXIMUM CLIMB MCR MAXIMUM CRUISE EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TRAINING MANUAL MCT MAXIMUM CONTINUOUS MDDU MULTIPURPOSE DISK DRIVE UNIT MEC MAIN ENGINE CONTROL milsD.A. Mils DOUBLE AMPLITUDE mm. MILLIMETERS MMEL MAIN MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST MO AIRCRAFT SPEED MACH NUMBER MPA MAXIMUM POWER ASSURANCE MPH MILES PER HOUR MTBF MEAN TIME BETWEEN FAILURES MTBR MEAN TIME BETWEEN REMOVALS mV MILLIVOLTS Mvdc MILLIVOLTS DIRECT CURRENT N N1 (NL) LOW PRESSURE ROTOR ROTATIONAL SPEED N1* DESIRED N1 N1ACT ACTUAL N1 N1CMD COMMANDED N1 N1DMD DEMANDED N1 N1K CORRECTED FAN SPEED N1TARGET TARGETED FAN SPEED N2 (NH) HIGH PRESSURE ROTOR ROTATIONAL SPEED N2* DESIRED N2 ACTUAL N2 N2ACT N2K CORRECTED CORE SPEED N/C NORMALLY CLOSED N/O NORMALLY OPEN LEXIS Page 10 Issue 02 CFM56-ALL NAC NACELLE NVM NON VOLATILE MEMORY O OAT OUTSIDE AIR TEMPERATURE OD OUTLET DIAMETER OGV OUTLET GUIDE VANE OSG OVERSPEED GOVERNOR OVBD OVERBOARD OVHT OVERHEAT P Pb BYPASS PRESSURE Pc REGULATED SERVO PRESSURE Pcr CASE REGULATED PRESSURE Pf HEATED SERVO PRESSURE P/T25 HP COMPRESSOR INLET TOTAL AIR PRESSURE/TEMPERATURE P/N PART NUMBER P0 AMBIENT STATIC PRESSURE P25 HP COMPRESSOR INLET TOTAL AIR TEMPERATURE PCU PRESSURE CONVERTER UNIT PLA POWER LEVER ANGLE PMC POWER MANAGEMENT CONTROL PMUX PROPULSION MULTIPLEXER PPH POUNDS PER HOUR PRSOV PRESSURE REGULATING SERVO VALVE Ps PUMP SUPPLY PRESSURE PS12 FAN INLET STATIC AIR PRESSURE EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TRAINING MANUAL PS13 FAN OUTLET STATIC AIR PRESSURE PS3HP COMPRESSOR DISCHARGE STATIC AIR PRESSURE (CDP) PSI POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH PSIA POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH ABSOLUTE PSID POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH DIFFERENTIAL psig POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH GAGE PSM POWER SUPPLY MODULE PSS (ECU) PRESSURE SUB-SYSTEM PSU POWER SUPPLY UNIT PT TOTAL PRESSURE PT2 FAN INLET TOTAL AIR PRESSURE (PRIMARY FLOW) PT25 HPC TOTAL INLET PRESSURE Q QAD QUICK ATTACH DETACH QEC QUICK ENGINE CHANGE QTY QUANTITY QWR QUICK WINDMILL RELIGHT R R/H RIGHT HAND RAC/SB ROTOR ACTIVE CLEARANCE/START BLEED RACC ROTOR ACTIVE CLEARANCE CONTROL RAM RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY RCC REMOTE CHARGE CONVERTER RDS RADIAL DRIVE SHAFT RPM REVOLUTIONS PER MINUTE LEXIS Page 11 Issue 02 CFM56-ALL RTD RESISTIVE THERMAL DEVICE RTO REFUSED TAKE OFF RTV ROOM TEMPERATURE VULCANIZING (MATERIAL) RVDT ROTARY VARIABLE DIFFERENTIAL TRANSFORMER S S/N SERIAL NUMBER S/R SERVICE REQUEST S/V SHOP VISIT SAC SINGLE ANNULAR COMBUSTOR SAR SMART ACMS RECORDER SAV STARTER AIR VALVE SB SERVICE BULLETIN SCU SIGNAL CONDITIONING UNIT SDAC SYSTEM DATA ACQUISITION CONCENTRATOR SDI SOURCE/DESTINATION IDENTIFIER (BITS) (CF ARINC SPEC) SDU SOLENOID DRIVER UNIT SER SERVICE EVALUATION REQUEST SFC SPECIFIC FUEL CONSUMPTION SFCC SLAT FLAP CONTROL COMPUTER SG SPECIFIC GRAVITY SLS SEA LEVEL STANDARD (CONDITIONS : 29.92 in.Hg / 59°F) SLSD SEA LEVEL STANDARD DAY (CONDITIONS : 29.92 in.Hg / 59°F) SMM STATUS MATRIX EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TRAINING MANUAL SMP SOFTWARE MANAGEMENT PLAN SN SERIAL NUMBER SNECMA SOCIETE NATIONALE D’ETUDE ET DE CONSTRUCTION DE MOTEURS D’AVIATION SOL SOLENOID SOV SHUT-OFF VALVE STP STANDARD TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE SVR SHOP VISIT RATE SW SWITCH BOEING SYS SYSTEM T T oil OIL TEMPERATURE T/C THERMOCOUPLE T/E TRAILING EDGE T/O TAKE OFF T/R THRUST REVERSER T12 FAN INLET TOTAL AIR TEMPERATURE T25 HP COMPRESSOR INLET AIR TEMPERATURE T3 HP COMPRESSOR DISCHARGE AIR TEMPERATURE T49.5 EXHAUST GAS TEMPERATURE T5 LOW PRESSURE TURBINE DISCHARGE TOTAL AIR TEMPERATURE TAI THERMAL ANTI ICE TAT TOTAL AIR TEMPERATURE TBC THERMAL BARRIER COATING TBD TO BE DETERMINED TBO TIME BETWEEN OVERHAUL TBV TRANSIENT BLEED VALVE LEXIS Page 12 Issue 02 CFM56-ALL TC(TCase) HP TURBINE CASE TEMPERATURE TCC TURBINE CLEARANCE CONTROL TCCV TURBINE CLEARANCE CONTROL VALVE TCJ TEMPERATURE COLD JUNCTION T/E TRAILING EDGE TECU ELECTRONIC CONTROL UNIT INTERNAL TEMPERATURE TEO ENGINE OIL TEMPERATURE TGB TRANSFER GEARBOX Ti TITANIUM TLA THROTTLE LEVER ANGLE AIRBUS TLA THRUST LEVER ANGLE BOEING TM TORQUE MOTOR TMC TORQUE MOTOR CURRENT T/O TAKE OFF TO/GA TAKE OFF/GO AROUND T/P TEMPERATURE/PRESSURE SENSOR TPU TRANSIENT PROTECTION UNIT TR TRANSFORMER RECTIFIER TRA THROTTLE RESOLVER ANGLE AIRBUS TRA THRUST RESOLVER ANGLE BOEING TRDV THRUST REVERSER DIRECTIONAL VALVE TRF TURBINE REAR FRAME TRPV THRUST REVERSER PRESSURIZING VALVE TSI TIME SINCE INSTALLATION (HOURS) TSN TIME SINCE NEW (HOURS) TTL TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR LOGIC TRAINING MANUAL UTC UNIVERSAL TIME CONSTANT V VAC VBV VDC VDT VIB VLV VRT VSV VOLTAGE, ALTERNATING CURRENT VARIABLE BLEED VALVE VOLTAGE, DIRECT CURRENT VARIABLE DIFFERENTIAL TRANSFORMER VIBRATION VALVE VARIABLE RESISTANCE TRANSDUCER VARIABLE STATOR VANE W WDM WATCHDOG MONITOR Wf WEIGHT OF FUEL OR FUEL FLOW WFM WEIGHT OF FUEL METERED WOW WEIGHT ON WHEELS WTAI WING THERMAL ANTI-ICING U UER UNSCHEDULED ENGINE REMOVAL EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION LEXIS Page 13 Issue 02 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL IMPERIAL / METRIC CONVERSIONS METRIC / IMPERIAL CONVERSIONS 1 mile = 1 ft = 1 in. = 1 mil. = 1,609 km 30,48 cm 25,4 mm 25,4 µ 1 km = 0.621 mile 1 m = 3.281 ft. or 39.37 in. 1 cm = 0.3937 in. 1 mm = 39.37 mils. 1 = 6,4516 cm² 1 m² = 10.76 sq. ft. 1 cm² = 0.155 1 USG 1 = = 3,785 l (dm³) 16.39 cm³ 1 m³ = 35.31 cu. ft. 1 dm³ = 0.264 USA gallon 1 cm³ = 0.061 1 lb. = 0.454 kg 1 kg = 2.205 lbs 1 psi. = 6.890 kPa 1 Pa = 1.45 10-4 psi. 1 kPa = 0.145 psi 1 bar = 14.5 psi °F °C = 1.8 x °C + 32 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION = ( °F - 32 ) /1.8 LEXIS Page 14 Issue 02 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION CONTENTS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 15 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL SECTION PAGE TRAINING MANUAL SECTION PAGE LEXIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 BASIC ENGINE PARTICULARS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 INSPECTION OF FAN AND BOOSTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 INSPECTION OF HIGH PRESSURE COMPRESSOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 INSPECTION OF COMBUSTOR SECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 INSPECTION OF HIGH PRESSURE TURBINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 INSPECTION OF LOW PRESSURE TURBINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 APPENDIX : NUMBER OF BLADES PER ROTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 SERVICE BULLETINS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION CONTENTS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 16 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL INTRODUCTION EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION INTRODUCTION BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 17 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ON CONDITION MAINTENANCE CFM56 engines use a maintenance concept called ‘On Condition Maintenance’. This means that engines have no periodic overhaul schedules and can remain installed under the wing until something important occurs, or when lifetime limits of parts are reached. For this reason, to monitor and maintain the health of an engine, different tools are available. Engine performance trend monitoring. To evaluate engine deterioration over a period of time, certain engine parameters, such as gas temperature, are recorded and compared to those initially observed at engine installation on the aircraft. Any abnormalities can be immediately identified and further investigation initiated. For troubleshooting, record and report the following engine and aircraft data as soon as engine and records are available for initial inspection. - Hours since engine last used. - Flight data prior to, during, and after the event. - Hours since last shop visit. - Service Bulletin compliance. - Pilots report of the event. - Condition of engine inlet. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC - Any obvious incidents that may have contributed to, or immediately preceded, an event. Lubrication particles analysis. Lubrication oil circulating in the engine is filtered, and large, visible-to-the-eye particles (larger than 10 microns) are collected in filters and magnetic chip detectors, for visual inspection. Analysis of these particles, that usually indicate worn or broken engine parts, may show that the internal parts of the engine have to be inspected in detail. Engine vibration monitoring system. Sensors located in various positions in the engine, send vibration values to the on-board monitoring system. When vibration values are excessive, the data recorded can be used to take remedial balancing action. Borescope inspection. To visually check the condition of engine internal parts that are not easily accessible, borescope probes can be inserted through various ports that are located on the engine outer casing. INTRODUCTION BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 18 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL ������������������ ��������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� ������������������������������������� �������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������ ���� ������������������� ���������������� ������������������������������������� ������������������������������������ ��������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� ��������������������������� ��������������������������� ���������������������������������������� �������� � � ����������� ��������� ����������������� ���������������� ��������� ���������� ���������������������� �������������������� CTC-229-001-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC TRAINING MANUAL CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION INTRODUCTION BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 19 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL SCHEDULED / UNSCHEDULED INSPECTION These are the 2 basic types of borescope inspections. - Scheduled inspection - Unscheduled inspection Scheduled The purpose of the scheduled inspection is to inspect for defects inside the engine at regular time intervals, depending on : - the Maintenance Review Board (MRB) - the Maintenance Planning Document (MPD). A scheduled inspection is performed on specific areas of the engine to assess its condition. If no defects are found, the engine is serviceable. If defects are found, refer to the AMM to find out if the engine is serviceable, with or without cycle limitations. Unscheduled The purpose of the unscheduled inspection is to find defects inside the engine at abnormal time intervals, or after an engine event, such as FOD, hot start, overspeed, vibration, etc... If an engine experiences such a problem, it may have to be inspected to ascertain internal defects. During an unscheduled inspection, all areas of the engine may be inspected. As a supplement refer to the NDTM. The AMM, engine section, special inspection, will list the engine events and which inspection ports must be used by the inspector. As a supplement, refer to the Non Destructive Test Manual (NDTM). In the On Condition paragraph of each engine section, there is a list of possible defects. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC INTRODUCTION BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 20 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ������ ��� ���������� ������������ ������� ��������� � ����������� �������������� ���������� ������������� ���� ���������� ����������� ������� ���������� ������ �������� �� �������������� ��� ������������� CTC-229-003-00 ���������� ���� ������������ ����������� EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC ��������������� CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION INTRODUCTION BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 21 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC INTRODUCTION BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 22 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL BASIC ENGINE PARTICULARS EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION BASIC ENGINE PARTICULARS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 23 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL CFM56 MAIN CHARACTERISTICS CFM56 engines consist of two independent rotating systems: - The low pressure system, with a rotational speed designated N1. - The high pressure system, with a rotational speed designated N2. Type of engine Turbo fan Arrangement Two spool axial flow Rotation Clockwise (ALF) (-2, -3, -5A, -7B) : Booster (-5B, -5C) : Booster (-2, -3, -5A, -5C) : Annular SAC (-5B, -7B) : Annular SAC (option DAC) (ALL) : High Pressure Turbine (HPT) Module Stage 1 Low Pressure Turbine (LPT) Module Stage 1 (-2, -3, -5A, -5B, -7B) : Stages 1 to 4 (-5C) : Stages 1 to 5 Stages 2 to 4 (ALL) : Accessory Drive Module Fan & Booster Module Fan Combustor Section Stages 2 to 5 (ALL) : High Pressure Compressor (HPC) Module Inlet Gearbox (IGB) Transfer Gearbox (TGB) Accessory Gearbox (AGB) Stages 1 to 9 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC BASIC ENGINE PARTICULARS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 24 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL �������� TRAINING MANUAL ������� ������� �������� �������� �������� ��������������� CTC-229-004-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION BASIC ENGINE PARTICULARS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 25 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL FAN AND BOOSTER (ALL) : After entering the air inlet cowl, the total engine airflow passes through fan rotor blades, which form stage 1 of the low pressure compressor (LPC). Most of the airflow (secondary), is ducted overboard through Outlet Guide Vanes (OGV’s). The remaining airflow (primary), is directed through a booster, where it is pressurized. (-5B, -5C) : The booster has 4 stages: stage 2 to stage 5. (-2, -3, -5A, -7B) : The booster has 3 stages: stage 2 to stage 4. (ALL) : The OGV assembly consists of vanes and an inner shroud. A splitter fairing separates the primary and secondary airflows. Booster stator. The stator assembly consists of vanes and inner & outer shrouds. All vane stages are bolted together. The shrouds have abradable material, which faces rotating parts. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC Booster spool rotating air seals rub against the inner shroud, and rotor blades rub against the outer shrouds. Booster rotor. The booster rotor consists of a booster spool mounted on the rear of the fan disk. The blades are installed in circumferential dovetail slots. (-5A, -5B, -5C, -7B) : Each stage has 2 blade locks to ensure the blades are retained and prevented from rotating in the slot. The position of the locks is shifted between stages. Borescope ports. (-2, -3, -5A, -7B) : At approx. the 3:30 clock position, there is an unplugged hole S0, through the OGV inner shroud, at the stage 3 vane assembly. (-5B, -5C) : At approx. the 3:30 clock position, there are 2 unplugged holes, S03 and S05, through the OGV inner shroud. S03 is located at the stage 3 vane assembly, and S05 at the stage 5 vane assembly. BASIC ENGINE PARTICULARS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 26 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ��������������� ������������������� ���� �� �� ��� ��� ��������������� ��������������������������� ���� ��� FAN AND BOOSTER CTC-229-005-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC ��� CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION BASIC ENGINE PARTICULARS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 27 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL THE HIGH PRESSURE COMPRESSOR (HPC) (ALL) : The HPC is a 9-stage compressor mounted between the fan frame and the combustor case. It consists of a rotor and front and rear stators. Front stator. The front stator is constructed with upper and lower cases bolted together at their split-line flanges. It consists of : - the inlet guide vanes (IGV’s). - the variable stator vanes (VSV’s), stages 1, 2 and 3. - the fixed stator vanes stages 4 and 5. The case has internal machined circumferential slots that hold the fixed vanes of stages 6, 7 and 8. The vanes are assembled into segments. Fixed vane stage 9 is part of the combustion case. Rotor. The stage 1-2 spool is mounted on the rotor shaft. It has individual axial blade slots and inter-stage labyrinth seals. The stage 3 disk supports the stage 4-9 spool and also has individual axial blade slots. The IGV’s and VSV’s stages 1, 2 and 3 are installed individually through the case. The stage 4-9 spool is bolted onto the stage 3 disk. It has circumferential dovetail blade grooves and inter-stage labyrinth seals. There are 2 circumferential slots machined inside the front stator case to hold fixed vane stages 4 and 5. The vanes are assembled into segments. Each stage on the 4-9 spool has 2 blade locks to immobilize the blades. Their position is shifted between stages for balancing purposes. Rear stator. The rear stator case is made up of two halves bolted together at their split-line flanges. It is installed inside the front stator casing. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC BASIC ENGINE PARTICULARS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 28 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL ����� ����� ����� ���������� TRAINING MANUAL ��������� ������������ ���� � ���� � ������ ������������ ���� � ���� � ���� � ���� � CTC-229-006-00 EFFECTIVITY TOC ���� � ���� � ���� � ���� � ���� � ���� � ���� � ���� � ���� � ���� � ����� ���� � ����� ����� ����������� ���������������� ����� ������������������������������ BASIC ENGINE PARTICULARS ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 29 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL THE HIGH PRESSURE COMPRESSOR (HPC) (ALL) : Borescope ports. There are 9 plugged borescope ports on the lower stator case, at approximately the 5 o’clock position, and they are numbered S1 thru S9, where S1 is the most forward. Special tools. Deep-well socket. In case the shaft of borescope plugs S7, S8 or S9 breaks, remove the inner plug with a deep-well socket, using the six flats at the end of the shaft. Ports S1, S3, S5, and S6 have a 10mm diameter. Ports S2, S4, S7, S8 and S9 have an 8mm diameter. S7, S8 and S9 plugs have a particular design. They are double plugs. IMPORTANT : WHEN RE-INSTALLING PLUGS S7, S8 OR S9, BE SURE TO APPLY THE RECOMMENDED LUBRICANT TO THE THREADS AND CAREFULLY FOLLOW THE TORQUING PROCEDURES IN THE AMM . CAUTION: MAKE SURE TO FOLLOW THE PROCEDURE IN THE AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE MANUAL (AMM) WHEN YOU REMOVE PLUGS S7, S8 AND S9. The inner thread engages the HPC rear stator case, while the outer thread is tightened on the HPC case. A spring-loaded system enables the outer plug to drive the inner plug. Both inner and outer plugs have specific torque values. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC BASIC ENGINE PARTICULARS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 30 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL �� ��� �� TRAINING MANUAL �� �� �� �� ������������������� �� �� �������� �� ��� ��� ��� � � � ����������������� ������������ �������������������������� ������������ CTC-229-007-00 EFFECTIVITY TOC ��������� ������ ���������������������������������������� BASIC ENGINE PARTICULARS ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 31 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL COMBUSTOR SECTION (ALL) : The combustor section, consisting of the combustion case and chamber, is located between the HPC and the LPT. It produces the necessary energy to drive the turbine rotors. Fuel, supplied by 20 fuel nozzles around the combustion case, is mixed with air from the HPC and ignited by 2 igniter plugs, which are at the 4 and 8 o’clock positions. The front face of the combustor is attached to the rear of the HPC and its rear face is bolted onto the LPT module front flange. The rear part of the combustor houses the HPT module and the stage 1 LPT nozzle. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC Single Annular Combustor (SAC). The combustion chamber is housed in the combustion case and is installed between the HPC stator stage 9 and the HPT nozzle. The combustion chamber consists of : - The dome, which supports the fuel nozzles, sleeves and deflectors. - The outer and inner cowls, which are bolted to the outer and inner liners and the dome. - The outer and inner liners, which are designed with panel overhangs containing closely spaced holes for film cooling. BASIC ENGINE PARTICULARS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 32 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL ���������� ���� ����������� TRAINING MANUAL ����������� ����� ����������� ����� ����� ���������� ��������������� ������������ ���������� ����������� ������� ���������� ������������������������ CTC-229-008-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION BASIC ENGINE PARTICULARS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 33 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL COMBUSTOR SECTION (-5B, -7B) : Double Annular Combustor (DAC). The combustion case has 20 double-tip fuel nozzles mounting pads and accommodates 3 fuel supply manifolds. The combustion chamber is a short, conical structure with a double burner and is contained in the combustion case. The Double Annular Combustor has an outer dome, known as pilot, and an inner dome, known as main. The DAC consists of : - outer and inner liners. - cowl. - centerbody. - 20 pilot swirl cups. - 20 main swirl cups. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC The outer and inner liners are designed with panel overhangs which have closely spaced holes providing air film cooling. Both inner and outer liners are thermal barrier coated. The cowl forms the front end of the combustor and is scalloped to allow passage for HPC delivery air and for fuel nozzles installation. The centerbody separates the pilot area from the main area. There are 40 centerbodies that are a cast part, which is cooled through film air cooling holes and internal heat transfer is increased by fins. Each swirl cup consists of a primary and a secondary swirl nozzle. They force the air to rotate in opposite directions for efficient mixing of air with fuel. BASIC ENGINE PARTICULARS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 34 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ��������������� ����������� ����������� ���������� ������������� ���� ����������� ���� ������������� CTC-229-009-00 EFFECTIVITY TOC ���������������������������������������������������� BASIC ENGINE PARTICULARS ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 35 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL COMBUSTOR SECTION (ALL) : Borescope ports. There are 4 borescope ports located around the combustor case to enable inspection of the combustion chamber. The ports are numbered S12 to S15 and accommodate a simple plug with a hexagonal head. Ports S12, S13, S14 and S15 have a 10mm diameter. Two other ports are available using the spark igniter ports S10 and S11, which also have a 10mm diameter. Refer to the AMM for removal procedures. (-5B, -7B) : The DAC combustion chamber has an extra port, S14.5, at approximately the 9 o’clock position. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC BASIC ENGINE PARTICULARS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 36 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL �������������� ��������������� ��� ��� ����� ���������� ��� ������� ��������������� ��� ������� �������������� ����������������������������������� CTC-229-010-00 EFFECTIVITY TOC ��� ������� ��� ��� ������������������ ���������������������������������� BASIC ENGINE PARTICULARS ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 37 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL THE HIGH PRESSURE TURBINE (HPT) & STAGE 1 LPT NOZZLE (ALL) : The HPT converts the kinetic energy of gasses from the combustion chamber into torque to drive the HPC and it is housed in the combustion case. It is a single-stage assembly that consists of : - the HPT nozzle. - the HPT rotor. - the HPT shroud and stage 1 LPT nozzle. The HPT shroud and stage 1 LPT nozzle assembly forms the connection between the core section and the LPT module. Stage 1 LPT nozzle is housed within the combustion case, and consists of an assembly of vane sectors. It features trailing edge slots for cooling purposes. The HPT nozzle is made up of segments which consist of vanes brazed onto inner and outer platforms. The forward inner and outer platforms are pushed by springs against the combustion case inner and outer liners. The vanes rear outer platforms are pushed against the shroud support by spring-loaded clips. The HPT rotor is a single stage assembly housed in the combustion case and consists of individual replaceable blades with dovetail roots that slide into slots on the outer rim of a disk. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC BASIC ENGINE PARTICULARS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 38 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ����������� ������������������ ���������� THE HPT & STAGE 1 LPT NOZZLE CTC-229-011-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC ��������� CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION BASIC ENGINE PARTICULARS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 39 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL THE HIGH PRESSURE TURBINE (HPT) & STAGE 1 LPT NOZZLE (ALL) : Borescope ports. The HPT section / stage 1 LPT nozzle borescope ports are located around the combustor case. (-2, -3, -5A) : They are numbered S17 and S18. (-5B, 5C, -7B) : They are numbered S16 and S17. (ALL) : Having an 8 mm diameter, they accommodate long spring-loaded plugs with hexagonal heads, and can be used to inspect the blades trailing edges. Blades leading edges can be viewed through combustion chamber ports S12 thru S15. (-2, -3, -5A) : CAUTION : DO NOT MIX PLUGS S17 & S18 WITH PLUGS S12 TO S15. INSTALLING THEM IN THE WRONG PLACE MAY CAUSE ENGINE DAMAGE. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC (-5B, 5C, -7B) : CAUTION : DO NOT MIX PLUGS S16 & S17 WITH PLUGS S12 TO S15. INSTALLING THEM IN THE WRONG PLACE MAY CAUSE ENGINE DAMAGE. (ALL) : Ports S10 and S11 correspond to the igniter plugs and can be used to look at the HPT front sections. They have a 10mm diameter. Refer to the AMM for igniter plugs removal procedure. Because of their location, HPT blades cannot be inspected with a rigid probe. Use a flexible probe with a guide tube, and pass through the combustion chamber and HPT nozzles, to access the HPT blades. BASIC ENGINE PARTICULARS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 40 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL �������������� ��������������� ��� ��� ��� ��� ����������� ��� ��� ������� ��� ��� ������� �������� �������������� ��� ��� ������� ��� ��� ������� �������� ��� ��� ���� CTC-229-012-00 EFFECTIVITY TOC ���� ���������������������������������������� BASIC ENGINE PARTICULARS ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 41 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL THE LOW PRESSURE TURBINE (LPT) The LPT drives the fan and booster through the LPT shaft. The LPT rotor/stator has: (-2, -3, -5A, -5B, -7B) : 4 stages (-5C) : 5 stages. (ALL) : It is located between the HPT and the turbine frame. Its front flange is mounted on the rear flange of the combustion module. There is an aluminization coating on: (-2, -3, -5A) : rotor stg 1 (-5B, -5C, -7B) : rotor stg 1 & 2. (ALL) : On all stages, each blade tip shroud has 2 seal teeth for air sealing, and 3 of the blades have hard-coated tips to rub against honeycomb material on the stator seal segments. Borescope ports. The LPT borescope ports are located on the combustion case and around the LPT case at approximately: (-5A, -5B, -5C, -7B) 5 and 8 o’clock (-2, -3) 3, 5 and 8 o’clock. (-2, -3, -5A) : 5 ports are available to inspect the LPT. They are designated S17, S18 ( stage 1), S20 (stage 2), S21 (stage 3) and S22 (stage 4). EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC (-5B, -7B) : 5 ports are available to inspect the LPT. They are designated S16, S17 ( stage 1), S18 (stage 2), S19 (stage 3) and S20 (stage 4). (-5C) : 6 ports are available to inspect the LPT. They are designated S16, S17 ( stage 1), S18 (stage 2), S19 (stage 3), S20 (stage 4) and S21 (stage 5). (ALL) : Stg 1 ports have an 8 mm diameter, and long plugs with hexagonal heads. (-2, -3, -5A, -5B, -7B) : Stages 2 to 4 ports have a 10mm diameter, and are fitted with (-2, -3, -5A) short plugs with hexagonal heads locked with wire (-5B, -7B) short self-locking plugs with socket cylindrical socket heads. (-5C) : Stages 2 to 5 ports have a 10mm diameter, and are fitted with short plugs with hexagonal heads locked with wire. (ALL) : CAUTION: DO NOT MIX SHORT AND LONG PLUGS BETWEEN PORTS. ENGINE DAMAGE MAY OCCUR. BASIC ENGINE PARTICULARS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 42 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ����������� ������������������ ���� �� ��� �� ��� ��� ����������� ������������������ ���� ��� CTC-229-013-00 EFFECTIVITY TOC ��������������������������� BASIC ENGINE PARTICULARS ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 43 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ACCESSORY DRIVE SYSTEM (ALL) : At engine start, the accessory drive system transmits external power from the engine air starter to drive the core engine. When the engine is running, the accessory drive system extracts part of the core engine power and transmits it through a series of gearboxes and shafts in order to drive the engine and aircraft accessories. (-2) : For maintenance tasks, the core can be turned manually through a handcranking pad on left side of the TGB. (-3, -5A, -5B, -5C, -7B) : For maintenance tasks, the core can be turned manually through a handcranking pad on the front face of the AGB. (-2, -5A, -5B, -5C) : The accessory drive system is located at 6 o’clock and consists of the following components: (-3, -7B) : The accessory drive system is located at 9 o’clock and consists of the following components: (ALL) : - The Inlet Gearbox (IGB), that takes power from the HPC front shaft. - The Radial Drive Shaft (RDS), that transmits the power to the Transfer Gearbox. - The Transfer Gearbox (TGB), which redirects the torque. - The Horizontal Drive Shaft (HDS), that transmits power from the TGB to the Accessory Gearbox. - The Accessory Gearbox (AGB), that supports and drives both engine and aircraft accessories. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC BASIC ENGINE PARTICULARS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 44 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ������������� ����� ������������ ����������� ��������������� ��������������� ������� ����������������� ���������� ����������� ����� ��������� ������������� �������� ������������� �������������������� ����������� �������������������� ����������� ���������������������� ����������������������� CTC-229-014-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC �� CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION BASIC ENGINE PARTICULARS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 45 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC BASIC ENGINE PARTICULARS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 46 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL REQUIREMENTS EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 47 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL BORESCOPE ACCESS LIMITATIONS (ALL) : There are two limitation factors that have to be considered when preparing for borescope inspection on CFM56 engines. These considerations are : - the size of the borescope probe to be inserted into the engine. - the temperatures of the engine parts at each inspection port. The purpose of having probe size and temperature limitations is to prevent damage to the borescope equipment. Without size limitations a probe could be lodged, or seized in a borescope port during installation, or removal. The use of temperature limitations prevents melting, or heat distortion, of a borescope probe, if it is inserted into a hot engine. Without these limitations there can be subsequent deformation of borescope probes, excessive replacement/repair costs of equipment, and even Foreign Object Damage (FOD) to the engine itself. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC REQUIREMENTS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 48 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL ENGINE LOCATION BOOSTER HPC CASE PORT No. -2/-3/-5A -5B/-5C -7B S0 S03 S0 TRAINING MANUAL PORT SIZE (MM) WRENCH SIZE AREAS VIEWED N/A N/A 100°F(38°C) 200°F(93°C) STAGE 3 T/E -- -- STAGE 4 L/E -- -- -- S05 -- N/A N/A STAGE 5 T/E -- -- S1 S1 S1 10 MM 1/2 HEX STAGE 1 L/E 30 mn -- S2 S2 S2 8 MM 1/2 HEX STAGE 1 T/E 30 mn -- 30 mn 20 mn 1 hr 30 mn 1 hr 30 mn 1.5 hrs 1 hr 2.0 hrs 1.5 hrs 2.5 hrs 1.5 hr 2.5 hrs 1.5 hrs STAGE 2 L/E S3 S3 S3 10 MM 1/2 HEX STAGE 2 T/E STAGE 3 L/E S4 S4 S4 8 MM 1/2 HEX STAGE 3 T/E STAGE 4 L/E S5 S5 S5 10 MM 1/2 HEX STAGE 4 T/E STAGE 5 L/E S6 S6 S6 10 MM 1/2 HEX STAGE 5 T/E S7 S7 S7 8 MM 11/16 HEX STAGE 6 T/E STAGE 6 L/E STAGE 7 L/E S8 S8 S8 8 MM 11/16 HEX STAGE 7 T/E STAGE 8 L/E S9 S9 S9 8M 11/16 HEX STAGE 8 T/E STAGE 9 L/E EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC WITHOUT MOTORING TIME TO REACH CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 49 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL BORESCOPE ACCESS LIMITATIONS (ALL) : Probe 1 diameter limitation. Consult the table for port diameters where probe 1 can be used. Borescope equipment temperature limitations. It is not recommended that borescope inspection be accomplished at temperatures above 130°F (54°C). WARNING: HIGH TEMPERATURES MAY CAUSE SERIOUS BURNS TO PERSONNEL AND DAMAGE TO THE FIBER OPTIC EQUIPMENT. To speed up the engine cool down time after shutdown, the engine starter may be used to dry motor the engine, (Refer to the AMM). This sufficiently reduces the hot section area temperature to allow inspection. But as the temperature will rise again due to engine temperature soak-back, it is further recommended that engine hot section inspection be accomplished within 20 minutes, or before the internal engine temperature reaches 130°F (54°C). CAUTION: REFER TO AIRPLANE OPERATION MANUAL FOR STARTER DUTY CYCLE PRIOR TO MOTORING THE ENGINE. Consult the table for information about time limitations, prior to inspecting a hot engine. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC REQUIREMENTS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 50 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL ENGINE LOCATION COMBUSTION CASE PORT No. -2/-3/-5A -5B/-5C -7B S10 S10 S10 S11 LPT CASE S11 S11 TRAINING MANUAL PORT SIZE (MM) WRENCH SIZE AREAS VIEWED 10 MM 1 1/4 HEX 10 MM 1 1/4 HEX WITHOUT MOTORING TIME TO REACH 100°F(38°C) 200°F(93°C) COMBUSTOR 3.5 hrs 2.0 hrs HPT NOZZLE L/E & T/E 4.5 hrs 3.0 hrs HPT BLADE L/E 4.5 hrs 3.0 hrs HPT SHROUD 4.5 hrs 3.0 hrs S12 S12 S12 10 MM 7/8 HEX COMBUSTOR 3.5 hrs 2.0 hrs S13 S13 S13 10 MM 7/8 HEX COMBUSTOR 3.5 hrs 2.0 hrs S14 S14 S14 10 MM 7/8 HEX AND S15 S15 S15 10 MM 7/8 HEX HPT NOZZLE L/E 4.5 hrs 3.0 hrs S17 S16 S16 8 MM 7/8 HEX HPT BLADES T/E 4.5 hrs 3.0 hrs S18 S17 S17 8 MM 7/8 HEX LPT STAGE 1 L/E 4.5 hrs 3.0 hrs S20 S18 S18 10 MM 9/16 HEX STAGE 1 T/E 4.5 hrs 3.0 hrs STAGE 2 L/E 4.5 hrs 3.0 hrs 4.5 hrs 2.0 hrs STAGE 4 L/E 4.5 hrs 2.0 hrs STAGE 4 T/E 4.5 hrs 2.0 hrs STAGE 5 L/E 4.5 hrs 2.0 hrs S21 S19 S19 10 MM 9/16 HEX STAGE 2 T/E STAGE 3 L/E S22 S20 S20 10 MM 9/16 HEX STAGE 3 T/E -5C ONLY -- S21 -- EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 10 MM 9/16 HEX REQUIREMENTS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 51 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL DOCUMENTATION (ALL) : AMM. The Aircraft Maintenace Manual (AMM) provides comprehensive instructions on how to perform a borescope inspection and provides the limits for the various engine parts. There are no definitive measurement devices for the borescope. Evaluating inconsistencies is not an easy task because all measurements by borescope are comparative. The inspector can make a comparison with some known area within the field of view which can then be referenced to a specific paragraph in the maximum serviceable limits specified in the AMM. Note : The language used in the serviceability limits may take some study for proper interpretation. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC REQUIREMENTS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 52 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------INSPECT/CHECK MAXIMUM REMARKS SERVICEABLE LIMITS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stages 1-4 compressor blade airfoil leading and trailing edge, upper 75 percent: A.Tears Not serviceable B.Nicks, missing material and erosion Any number 0.04 in. (1.0 mm) max depth C.Dents Any number 0.04 in. (1.0 mm) max depth or 0.060 in. (1.52 mm) max deflection from original contour CTC-229-015-00 AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE MANUAL INSPECTION CRITERIA EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC Replace the engine Ref. TASK 71-00-00-000042) or repair (Ref. TASK 72-31-00-300-004). See limit extensions Ref. TASK 72-00-00-200025) or repair (Ref. TASK 72-31-00-300-004). See limit extensions (Ref. TASK 72-00-00-200025) or repair (Ref. TASK 72-31-00-300-004). CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 53 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL DOCUMENTATION (ALL) : NDTM. Words such as nicks, dents and scratches, for example, are often used in the AMM. The records and maps will remain in the engine folder until the damaged parts are repaired, or replaced. The NDTM (Non Destructive Test Manual) provides a comprehensive list and an explanation of these words in its Introduction section. Note : When defect/damage maps are used, accomplish the mapping at the inspection site. Do not rely on memory of the defect in order to carry out the mapping in an office after the inspection. It also provides sample forms on which to record the defects encountered, which include record forms and maps for each rotor stage. Recording of defects. It is highly recommended that a record be maintained for each borescope inspection conducted. The maps are provided so that any damage within serviceable limits can be recorded pictorially by blade number and position on the blade. Photo recording. Whenever photos are made of a defect, a record of the photo should be made immediately. If the photo is not recorded relative to the engine serial number, stage, port, direction of view and date, correlation of the hardware damage and the photo will be extremely difficult. Refer to the NDTM for more information. Propagation of the damage can then be pictorially illustrated during subsequent inspections. The rotor blade maps are oriented about the zero reference for inspection continuity. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC REQUIREMENTS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 54 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ��������������������������� ����� ������� �������� ��������������� ���������� �������� ������ ���������� ���� ����������� ������������������ ����������� ������������������������ � ��� ��� ��� � � � �������������������������������� ���������������������������� ���������������� ��������� ��������������� ������������ ������� ����� ������������� �������� ����������������������� ���������� �������� ������������������� ����� ���������������������������������� ����������������������������� ����������������������������� ������������������ �� �� �� �� ������������������� ��������������������� ��������������� ������������������ �������������������� ��������������� �������������� �������������� ��������������������� ��������������������������� ����� ������� �������� ��������������� ���������� �������� ������ ���������� ���� ����������� ������������������ ����������� ������������������������ ���� ���� ������������������������������������������ ���� �� �� �� �� ���� ���� �� �� �� �� �� �������������� �� �� �� �� �� ���� ��� �� �� �� ���� ��������������������������� ��� �� �� ��� �� ����� �� � �� ���� ��� � �� � �� ���� � �� � �� ���� �� ������������������������ � ���������������������� ������������������������� ��������������������� ���� �� ���� ��� ���� � �� ���� �� ���������� �� �� �� �� �� ���� �� ���� �� �� �� ���� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� ���� ���� ���� �� �� �� �� �� ��� � ������������������� �� ������������������������ ��� � �� ���� ������ ���������� ���� ����������� ������������������ ����������� � �� ���� ����� ������� �������� ��������������� ���������� �������� �� �� �� ���� ���� �������� ����� ���� ������� ���� ���� ���� ���� �������� ����� ������� ���� �������������������������� CTC-229-016-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 55 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT (ALL) : Rigid borescope probe set. CFMI have designed their own light source 856A1322 and rigid borescope set 856A1320, including various probes, adapters and extensions. Optional equipment is available for cameras, computers, VCR’S, and special tools that attach to the equipment. Other borescope systems may be acceptable if they meet CFMI specifications. Refer to the NDTM specifications for more information on the required characteristics. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC REQUIREMENTS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 56 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ������ ������� ���������� ������� ���������� ������� ���������� ������� ������������� ������� �������� ������� ���� ���������� ������� �������� ����������� ����� ������ ��������� ��������� ������� ���������� ����� ��������� ������������ ������������������������� CTC-229-017-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 57 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT (ALL) : Rigid borescope probe set. There are 4 rigid borescope probes for inspection of the internal areas of the engine and each probe is used for a specific purpose : - Probe 1 (black) : Magnification, close inspection, detailed evaluation and confirmation of defects (cannot be used in every hole due to its diameter). - Probe 2 (yellow) : General inspection. - Probe 3 (green) : Fore-oblique angle probe, platform inspection. - Probe 4 (blue) : Retro angle probe, blade tip inspection. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC REQUIREMENTS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 58 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ������ ����������������������������� ����������������������� ����� � � � � ��������������� ����������� ����������� ������ ������������� ���������� ��������� ���������� ��������� ���������������� �������� ������ �������� ����� �������� ����� �������� ����� ����������������� ���� ���� ���� ���� ����������������� ���� ���� ���������� ������������ ��������������� ������������� ������������ ������������ ������������ �������������� �������� ����� ������� ����� �������� ����� �������� ����� ���������������� ������ ����� ������� ����� ������ ����� ������ ����� ������������ �������� ���� ������� ������ ������� ������ ������� ������ ������������ ����� ������ ����� ���� ����������� ���������������� ����������� ���������� ��� ���������� ���������� ��� ���������� ���������� ��� ���������� ���������� ��� ���������� CTC-229-018-00 � � � � � � � ������������������������������������ EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC � CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 59 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT (ALL) : Flexible probe set. Flexible borescope set 856A1321 and guide tube 856A1310 (blue) or 856A1351 (red), are designed to be used on CFM56 engines and meet CFMI specifications. (-5B, -7B) : Guide tube 856A1702 (red) is used for DAC engines. (ALL) : Optional equipment is available for cameras, computers, VCR’S, and special tools that attach to the borescope equipment. Other borescope systems may be acceptable if they meet CFMI specifications. Refer to the NDTM specifications for more information on the required characteristics. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC REQUIREMENTS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 60 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ������� ���������� ������� ������ ������� ������������������ ��������������������� �������������� ������������ ������������ ���������������� ��������� ����������������� ���������� ���������������������������� CTC-229-019-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 61 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL EQUIPMENT CHECKS (ALL) : The borescope resolution monitor. Before starting any inspection inside the engine, the inspector should ensure that the viewing definition of the rigid and flexible borescope probes is as precise as possible. Borescope resolution monitor 856A1323 allows both rigid and flexible probes to be checked against a calibrated display. The male end of the light bundle is inserted into a light source and the female end is connected to the male connector on the resolution monitor. The rigid or flexible probe is inserted and hand-tightened into a clamping device located on the arm on the resolution monitor. The probe’s lens faces a resolution target. The light intensity is adjusted to obtain the best view and the borescope probe is aligned to ensure that the resolution target is centered in the field of view. If only part of the target is illuminated, then the borescope probe is not serviceable for engine inspection. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC REQUIREMENTS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 62 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL LIGHT BUNDLE RESOLUTION TARGET CLAMPING DEVICE BORESCOPE LENS BORESCOPE RESOLUTION MONITOR CTC-229-020-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 63 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL EQUIPMENT CHECKS (ALL) : The resolution target. Rigid probes. The resolution target is divided into group and element numbers, which gradually diminish in size towards the center of the display. For rigid probes with a 1:1 magnification at 2in., the 6 individual lines (3 vertical and 3 horizontal) of group 3, element 4, should be distinguishable. Group 0 is the largest display and group 7 is the smallest. For rigid probes with a magnification of 1:1 at 7in., the 6 individual lines of group 5, element 2, should be distinguishable. All 7 groups have 6 elements in each. Group 0, element 1, is located at the lower right of the target and its 6 lines (horizontal and vertical) should be clearly visible to the eye. Group 1 is located in the top right side of the target and is smaller than group 0. Flexible probes. For flexible probes with 90° direction of view, the 6 individual lines of group 1, element 4, should be distinguishable. In the center of the display, group 2 is located on the left side of the target and group 3 is located on the right side. Each group continues to diminish in size down to group 7. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC REQUIREMENTS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 64 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL � � ������ ������ ������� ��������� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ������ �������� ������������������������������� CTC-229-021-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC � � � CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 65 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL CORE ENGINE ROTATION (-5A, -5B, -5C) : Two pads on the accessory gearbox (AGB) are used to rotate the core engine: - The handcranking pad - The starter pad for motor-driven rotation (ALL) : Manual method: - Insert a 3⁄4 inch square drive socket attached to a 2ft. long breaker bar into the handcranking drive pad. The handcranking pad is located on the front face of the AGB . The starter pad is located on the rear face of the AGB. Refer to the AMM (72-63-00) or (80-11-10) for procedures to remove the handcranking pad cover or the starter. (-3, -7B) : A pad is available on the front face of the AGB, to perform either manual or motor-driven core engine rotation. (-2) : A pad is available on the left side of the transfer gearbox (TGB), to perform either manual or motor-driven core engine rotation. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC REQUIREMENTS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 66 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL �� ����������� ��� ����������� ������ ������� ��������� ����������� ������������ ����������� ������������� ������������ ��� �� ��� ������������� CTC-229-022-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC ��� CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 67 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL CORE ENGINE ROTATION (ALL) : The N2 rotor can also be turned with a pneumatic motor. (-2) : Pneumatic motor 856A1142 is installed on the handcranking pad on the left side of the TGB. (-3) : Pneumatic motor 856A2002 is installed on the handcranking pad on the front side of the AGB. (-5A, -5B, -5C) : Pneumatic motor 856A1488 is installed on the starter pad on the rear side of the AGB. (-7B) : Pneumatic motor 856A1815 is installed on the handcranking pad on the front side of the AGB. Air drive method: Install the pneumatic motor assembly on the pad. The direction of rotation and speed of the core engine rotor can be selected through a hand, or foot control device. Refer to the AMM for instructions on installation and use. Note : When using the pneumatic motor, the air supply must be free of unwanted water, or other particles. It is highly recommended to install a filter upstream and also a device to add lubricant to the air supply. (-ALL) : Supplied by a shop, or line air supply, this device provides a smooth, even speed for turning the core rotor. Reversible control, as well as speed control are provided and the need for an additional mechanic to turn the rotor is eliminated. A 360° protractor is integral with the device. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC REQUIREMENTS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 68 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL ������� TRAINING MANUAL �� �� �������� �������� ������� ������������� �������� �������� ��� ������������������������ CTC-229-023-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 69 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL CORE ENGINE ROTATION (ALL) : Another way of turning the core is through Electronic Turning Tool (ETT) Sweeney, P/N 18946, which adapts on the same pad as the pneumatic motor. ETT method: Install the plate adapter, drive shaft and ETT motor assembly on the adequate pad, with a QAD clamp. The direction of rotation and speed of the core engine rotor can be selected on the control box. The ETT can control rotation and help avoid overshoot during inspection of the rotor blades. It also has an automatic feature to count blades and damage can be flagged for a quick future reference. The information can also be stored for the next inspection. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC REQUIREMENTS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 70 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ��������� ����� ��������� ���� ���� ���������� ������������� �������� ���� ����������������������� CTC-229-024-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 71 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC REQUIREMENTS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 72 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL INSPECTION OF FAN AND BOOSTER EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION FAN AND BOOSTER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 73 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL FAN AND BOOSTER (ALL) : N1 rotor indexing. Setting a reference angular position for the rotor provides an easy method to return quickly and accurately to a defect found earlier. The following procedure enables the reference point for the N1 rotor to be obtained. Refer to the AMM, 72-00-00, for more information. Align the leading edge of fan blade No 1 with the T12 temperature sensor, installed on the fan inlet cowl. The No 1 fan blade is easily identified : it faces a spherical indent mark on the spinner rear cone. Numbering fan blades is performed by turning the rotor in the clockwise direction (FLA). EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC FAN AND BOOSTER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 74 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL �������������� ���������� ����������������� CTC-229-025-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION FAN AND BOOSTER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 75 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL FAN AND BOOSTER (ALL) : Visual inspection of the fan blades is performed on a regular basis depending on the MRB, or MPD. If defects are found, then an unscheduled inspection is required. Possible defects: - missing material, tip curl. - nicks, dents, pits or scratches, usually due to ingestion of small foreign objects such as sand, stones, dust, tarmac, etc. - distortion, cracks and deformation, usually due to heavier foreign object damage (FOD), such as birds, ice, hail, tires, etc. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC FAN AND BOOSTER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 76 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ������� ������ ���� ���� ����� ���������� �������� ���� ������� ���� ����������� ������� �������� �������������� CTC-229-026-00 �������������������������������������� EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION FAN AND BOOSTER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 77 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL FAN AND BOOSTER (ALL) : Visual inspection of the outlet guide vanes (OGV) is performed on a regular basis depending on the MRB, or MPD. If defects are found, then an unscheduled inspection is required. Possible defects: - missing material. - nicks, dents, pits or scratches, usually due to ingestion of small foreign objects such as sand, stones, dust, tarmac, etc. - distortion, cracks and deformation, usually due to heavier foreign object damage (FOD), such as birds, ice, hail, tires, etc. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC FAN AND BOOSTER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 78 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ����� ���������� ���� ������������ �������� ���� ���� ����������������� CTC-229-064-00 ���������������������������������� EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC ��������� CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION FAN AND BOOSTER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 79 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL FAN AND BOOSTER (ALL) : Rigid probe No 2 (yellow), installed on a long right angle adapter, can be used to reach the front of the splitter fairing area in order to inspect the booster. From this position the following are visible: - Stator vane stage 1 - Rotor stage 2 leading edge through stator stage 1. Borescope equipment is not needed to inspect stator stage 1 and stage 2 rotor blades if the fan blades are removed (when fan blades have to be relubricated, for example). EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC FAN AND BOOSTER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 80 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ���� ����������� ��������� ������������������������������������������ ������������ ����������� ����� CTC-229-027-00 � � ����������������������������������� EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC � CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION FAN AND BOOSTER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 81 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL FAN AND BOOSTER (-2, -3, -5A, -7B) : To inspect the booster, unplugged borescope port S0 can be accessed with a probe installed on a long right angle adapter. (-5B, -5C) : To inspect the booster, unplugged borescope port S03 can be accessed with a probe installed on a long right angle adapter. (ALL) : The port is located between 2 OGV’s, at approximately the 3 o’clock position. Insert the No 2 (yellow) borescope probe into the port and go through the 2 cases to reach the inspection area. Depending on the configuration of the long right angle extension, it is possible to turn the probe to change the direction of view and adjust the focus directly from the extension. The following components are visible: - Rotor stage 3 trailing edge. - Rotor stage 4 leading edge. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC FAN AND BOOSTER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 82 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ���� ����������� ��������� ������������������������������������������ ������������ ������������� � CTC-229-028-00 � ������������������������������������������ EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC � CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION FAN AND BOOSTER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 83 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL FAN AND BOOSTER (-5B, -5C) : After inspection through port S03, continue inspection of the booster through port S05, using probe No 2 (yellow), installed on a long right angle adapter. Port S05 is located at approximately 4 o’clock. Insert the borescope probe into the port and go through the 2 cases to reach the inspection area. The rotor stage 5 trailing edge is visible through port S05. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC FAN AND BOOSTER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 84 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ������������ �������� ���� ����������� ��������� ������������������������������������������ � CTC-229-029-00 � � ������������������������������������������������������ EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC � CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION FAN AND BOOSTER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 85 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL FAN AND BOOSTER (ALL) : Booster rotor damage may occur after the engine experienced an abnormal problem. The following list provides examples of conditions where a complete borescope inspection should be performed: - Fan, or Low Pressure Compressor stall (this may occur during engine deceleration). - Foreign Object Damage (FOD) and suspected bird ingestion. - High level of N1 rotor vibration. - N1 rotor overspeed. - Heavy landing (acceleration above threshold limit). Booster blade inspection areas. There are 3 areas on the booster blades, which are dimensionally defined using letters. Area E : - This area of the blade starts from the top of the platform and extends toward the blade tip for approximately 10 mm. Refer to the AMM for precise area. Area G : - This area of the blade starts from the tip of the blade and extends toward the blade platform for approximately 20 mm. Refer to the AMM for precise area. Other airfoil areas : - This is the remaining area of the blade that does not include areas E and G. Note : Defects should be classified in terms of criticality. Defects seen in one area can be more critical than the same defects seen in another. (-5A, -5B, -5C, -7B) : Blade locks : Each booster rotor stage has blade locks. Experience has shown that they sometimes work loose and, therefore, should also be inspected. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC FAN AND BOOSTER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 86 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ����� ��� ������ ������������������ ����������������� ������������� �������� ���� ������� ���� ������ ���������� ����� �������� ������������������������������ CTC-229-030-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION FAN AND BOOSTER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 87 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL FAN AND BOOSTER (ALL) : During an inspection of the booster, any defects should be assessed against the serviceability limits in the Aircraft Maintenance Manual. Possible defects: - Cracks or tears. - Nicks and scratches. - Dents. - Erosion. - Tip curl. - Pits. - Distortion of leading and/or trailing edges. - Missing material. Map the defects on the special reporting form. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC FAN AND BOOSTER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 88 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ���� ������� �������� ������� ��� ���� ���������� ����� ����� ������� ���� ���� CTC-229-031-00 ������������������������������ EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION FAN AND BOOSTER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 89 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC FAN AND BOOSTER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 90 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL INSPECTION OF HIGH PRESSURE COMPRESSOR EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION HIGH PRESSURE COMPRESSOR BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 91 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL HIGH PRESSURE COMPRESSOR (HPC) (ALL) : HPC rotor blade damage may occur after the engine experienced an abnormal operating problem. The following list provides examples of conditions where a complete HPC borescope inspection should be performed: - HPC stall (this may occur during engine acceleration). - Foreign Object Damage (FOD). - High level of N2 rotor vibration. - N2 rotor overspeed. - Heavy landing. - Oil fumes detected in cabin air. General inspection method. To inspect the blades, it is necessary to open the VSV’s. Refer to the appropriate procedure in the AMM. Inspection starts with stage 1 rotor, through port S1. Probe No 2 (yellow) is used for a general inspection of the blades. Probes No 3 (green) and No 4 (blue) may be necessary for defect assessment. Probe No 3 is used to inspect the L/E platform area and probe No 4 to inspect the L/E blade tip area. Alignment rod. Repeat the same method for ports S2 to S9. The HPC stator vanes may move slightly, causing misalignment of the borescope port and the corresponding hole in the stator. If it is impossible to introduce the probe into the port, use an alignment rod to realign the stator vane segment. Map the defects on the special reporting form. Refer to the AMM for more information. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC HIGH PRESSURE COMPRESSOR BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 92 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL �� �� �� �� �� TRAINING MANUAL �� �� �� �� ��� � ������������������ ������������������������������ ������������������������������ ������������������������� ������������� �������� �������������� CTC-229-032-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION HIGH PRESSURE COMPRESSOR BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 93 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL N2 ROTOR INDEXING (ALL) : Stage 4 of the High Pressure Compressor is the first stage where the blades are retained in position with blade locks. These locks can be used to determine a reference point. 5. The next blade is blade No 1. Position the leading edge of blade No 1 in line with the leading edge of the stage 4 stator vane. The following procedure enables the reference point for the N2 rotor to be obtained. Refer to the AMM for more information. 6. If using a rotation tool, position the pointer on the protractor to the 0 alignment mark. If turning the core manually through the handcranking pad, position the wrench to the top vertical position. 1. Open the VSV system. (AMM section 75-31-00). The N2 rotor is now in the zero reference position. 2. Insert probe No 3 (green) into borescope port S4, and look rearward at the compressor stage 4 rotor blades. 3. Rotate the core (manually, or with a tool) in the CW direction so that blades convex side comes into view. Continue turning until the first blade lock appears in the field of view. 4. Continue rotating the core until the second blade lock appears. This lock is located 2 blades past the first blade lock. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC HIGH PRESSURE COMPRESSOR BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 94 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL ������������� ���������������� ������� �������������� TRAINING MANUAL ����������������� ������� ���������� ������������ �������� ���������������� ����������������� ���������� ����������������� ������� ��������������� ����������������� ����������������� ������������������ ������������������� ����������������� CTC-229-033-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION HIGH PRESSURE COMPRESSOR BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 95 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL HIGH PRESSURE COMPRESSOR (HPC) Inspection areas: - The outer third of the rotor blade tip area and the anti-erosion hard coating on the concave side. - The squealer tips. - The stage 1 blade stiffener near the tip of the blade. - The blade locks on stages 4 to 9, which maintain the blades in the circumferential slots. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC HIGH PRESSURE COMPRESSOR BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 96 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ��� ����� ��������� �������������� ����������������� ������������ ������������� �������������� ����������� ������� �������������������� CTC-229-034-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC ����������������� ������������� CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION HIGH PRESSURE COMPRESSOR BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 97 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL HIGH PRESSURE COMPRESSOR (HPC) (ALL) : Rotor blades specific inspection areas. Refer to the AMM for the precise dimensions of the following critical areas: HPC rotor blade stages are all different. The lower area of the airfoil. This is the airfoil root radius area, plus the area which extends toward the blade tip over approximately 25% of the height of the airfoil, and wraps around the leading and trailing edges. From stage 1 to stage 9, they become smaller and are under greater load as the air pressure increases. They are divided into 2 groups: - stages 1 to 4 - stages 5 to 9 Critical inspection areas are not dimensionally identical for each stage, and the level of criticality is also different. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC The top area of the airfoil. - For stages 1 to 4, this is the blade tip. - For stages 5 to 9, this is the blade tip, plus Area A. Remaining areas. They include: - For stages 1 to 4, the area which wraps round the leading and trailing edges over the remaining 75% of the airfoil height. - For stages 5 to 9, the area which wraps round the leading and trailing edges, over a height limited to Area B. HIGH PRESSURE COMPRESSOR BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 98 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ������������ ��������������� ������������� ��������������� ������ ��������� ������ ������ ������ ������ ������ ��������� ������������ ���������� ���������� ���������� ���������� ����� �������� ������� ������������������� �������� �������������������������� CTC-229-035-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION HIGH PRESSURE COMPRESSOR BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 99 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL HIGH PRESSURE COMPRESSOR (HPC) (ALL) : Possible defects: When the HPC blades are inspected, the following defects should be evaluated with the AMM serviceability limits : - Cracks, or tears. - Nicks and scratches. - Dents. - Erosion. - Tip curl. - Pits. - Distortion of leading and/or trailing edges. - Missing material. - Dirt buildup. - Cracks in blade locking lugs. - Missing, or loose locking lugs. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC HIGH PRESSURE COMPRESSOR BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 100 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ���� ������� �������� ������� ��� ���� ������� ���� �������� ���� ���������� ���� �������� ���� ������� ���� ������� ���� ���� ����� �������������������������� CTC-229-036-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION HIGH PRESSURE COMPRESSOR BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 101 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC HIGH PRESSURE COMPRESSOR BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 102 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL INSPECTION OF COMBUSTOR SECTION EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMBUSTION CHAMBER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 103 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL COMBUSTION SECTION (ALL) : Single Annular Combustor (SAC). The combustor is inspected through ports S12, S13, S14, S15 and igniter ports S10 and S11, using probes 1, 2, 3 or 4. Inspect for defects in the following 3 areas : - outer liner. - inner liner. - dome assembly. Probe 1 (black, hi-mag) is recommended for viewing the aft end of the inner and outer liners. It is also used for evaluating defects that were found when using probes 2, 3, or 4. Note: If any defects are found during this inspection, do a complete inspection of the combustion chamber. Map the defects on the special reporting form. Probe 2 (yellow) is recommended for general viewing of the combustion chamber, especially the dome area. Probe 3 (green) is recommended for viewing circumferentially around the combustion chamber and the inner liner near the borescope ports. Probe 4 (blue) is recommended for viewing the outer liner around the borescope port. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC COMBUSTION CHAMBER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 104 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ������������ ���������������������������� ���������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������ ���������������������������� ��������������������������� CTC-229-038-00 ����������������������������������� EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMBUSTION CHAMBER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 105 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL COMBUSTION SECTION (ALL) : Borescope inspection of the combustion section may be required for a visual assessment as part of the oncondition maintenance plan. Inspection of SAC inner liner. The inner liner has a dome band and 4 panels. Panel 1 features medium and large dilution holes. It may also result from engine problems, FOD, emission of pollution, trend symptoms such as overtemperature, or troubleshooting / fault isolation. The following are the inspection areas for the combustion chamber liners. Inspection of SAC outer liner. Panel 3 features medium dilution holes. There are many film cooling holes under the overhang between each panel of the inner and outer liners. Both inner and outer liners have a thermal barrier coating (TBC) on their inner surface. The outer liner has a dome band and 5 panels. Panel 1 features 2 igniter holes (with ferrules), and medium and large dilution holes. Four of the large holes are used as borescope ports. Panel 3 features medium dilution holes. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC COMBUSTION CHAMBER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 106 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ����������� � � � � � ������ � � � ����������� � ����������� ����� ����� ������������������� ���� ���� ������� ������� ������� ������� ������� CTC-229-039-00 ������� ������� ������� ������� ��������������������������������������������������������������� EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC ���� ���� CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMBUSTION CHAMBER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 107 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL COMBUSTION SECTION (ALL) : Possible defects on SAC liners. Carbon deposits are often misinterpreted as defects (holes, burn-through, cracks, etc.). Use the high magnification probe, and higher light intensity to confirm the type of defect. The aft panel of the inner liner is prone to distortion and cracking. The first evidence of this is a discoloration in a round spot approximately the size of a large dilution hole, which is followed by distortion and cracking. This usually occurs uniformly around the liner. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC COMBUSTION CHAMBER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 108 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL ������������ ������������ TRAINING MANUAL ����� �������� ���� ������� ������ �� ������ ������� �������� ����� ������� ���� �������� ������ ��� ����� ������ ����� ���������� ��� � ��������������� ����� ���� ���� ����� � ����� ����� � � ����� ����� � � ������ ������ �� ������ �������� ����� ������� ������ ����� ����� � ������ ���� ����� ����� ���� � � ����� ����� � � CTC-229-040-00 �������������������������������������� EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMBUSTION CHAMBER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 109 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL COMBUSTION SECTION (ALL) : Inspection of the SAC dome area. The following areas of the combustion chamber also need to be inspected: - Fuel nozzle tips. - Fuel nozzle stems outside the combustor dome. - Sleeves with 2 concentric swirlers. - Deflectors. - Inner cowl. - Outer cowl. - Damper wire. - Spectacle, or dome plate. - Dome area, which includes all of the above components. A thermal barrier coating is applied to the deflectors and the spectacle plate. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC COMBUSTION CHAMBER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 110 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL ��������� ������������ TRAINING MANUAL ��������������� ������������ ���������� ����� ���� � ��������� ������ ������ ���� ������ ������������� ������ ������������ ���������� ��������� ����������� ��� ����� ���� ��������� ������������ ��� CTC-229-041-00 �������������������������������������������������� EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC ������ CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMBUSTION CHAMBER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 111 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL COMBUSTION SECTION (ALL) : Possible defects in the SAC dome area. The following defects should be assessed with the AMM serviceability limits : - Cracks, or tears. - Erosion. - Distortion of internal parts. - Missing material. - Dirt buildup. - Burn-through holes. - Flaking of Thermal Barrier Coating (TBC). EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC COMBUSTION CHAMBER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 112 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ������ ������ ��������� ������ ��������������� ������ ������ ������ ����� �������� ������ ������ ��������������� ������ �������� �������� �������� ������ ������� �������� ������������ ���� CTC-229-042-00 ����������������������������������������� EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMBUSTION CHAMBER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 113 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL COMBUSTION SECTION Inspection of SAC chamber after birdstrike/FOD. Insert a rigid probe into the left igniter position and examine the position of the fuel nozzle tips in relation to the bore of the inner and outer ferrules to make sure they are in the bore of the ferrules. Inspect the tip of the fuel nozzle that is counterclockwise from the igniter. Turn the borescope probe until the tips of the second fuel nozzle, clockwise from the igniter are visible. Inspect the other fuel nozzles visible from the igniter. Insert the probe in the right igniter and then the other borescope ports and repeat the same steps . All the fuel nozzles must be examined in turn and assessed against the AMM serviceability limits. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC COMBUSTION CHAMBER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 114 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ������ ������������������� ������������������ ���������������� ��������������������� CTC-229-065-00 ��������������������������������� EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC ������������ ��������������������� CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMBUSTION CHAMBER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 115 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL COMBUSTION SECTION (-5B, -7B) : Double Annular Combustor (DAC). The combustor is inspected through ports S12, S13, S14, S14.5, S15 and igniter ports S10 and S11. Inspect for defects in the following 3 areas : - outer liner. - inner liner. - dome assembly. Probe 2 (yellow) is recommended for general viewing of the combustion chamber. Probe 1 (black) is recommended for viewing the aft ends of the inner and outer liners. It is also used for evaluating defects that were found when using probes 2, 3, or 4. If any defects are found during this inspection, a complete inspection of the combustion chamber is performed. Map the defects on the special reporting form. Note: Take care when introducing the probe into the chamber, so as not to damage the thermal barrier coating on the centerbody. Probe 3 (green) is recommended for viewing circumferentially around the combustion chamber and the inner liner that is adjacent to the borescope port. Probe 4 (blue) is recommended for viewing the outer liner that is adjacent to the borescope port. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC COMBUSTION CHAMBER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 116 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ����������� ������������������������� ������������� �������� ����� ���������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������ ���������������������������� ��������������������������� CTC-229-043-00 ����������������������������������� EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMBUSTION CHAMBER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 117 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL COMBUSTION SECTION (-5B, -7B) : Inspection of DAC outer liner. The outer liner has a dome band and 4 panels. Panel 1 features 2 igniter holes (with ferrules), and small dilution holes. Panel 2 features 5 borescope holes and 2 small dilution holes near the igniters. Inspection of DAC inner liner. The inner liner has a dome band and 4 panels. Panel 2 features small dilution holes. There are many film cooling holes under the overhang between each panel of the inner and outer liners. Both inner and outer liners have a thermal barrier coating (TBC) on their inner surface. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC COMBUSTION CHAMBER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 118 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ����������� ���� ���� � � � � ������ ���������� � � � � ������������ ����������� ����������� ����� ����� ���� ���� ������������������� �������������� ����� ������� ������� ���� ������� ������� ���� CTC-229-044-00 ��������������������������������������������������������������� EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC ������� ������� ���� ������� ������� ���� CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMBUSTION CHAMBER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 119 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL COMBUSTION SECTION (-5B, -7B) : Inspection of DAC dome area. The following areas of the combustion chamber also need to be inspected: - Fuel nozzle tips. - Fuel nozzle stems outside the combustor dome. - Spectacle plate and inner and outer deflectors. - Inner and outer liners. - Centerbodies. - Dome area, which includes all of the above components. A thermal barrier coating is applied to the deflectors and spectacle plate. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC COMBUSTION CHAMBER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 120 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ����������� ������� ������� ��������������� ������������� � ���������� ��������������� ������ ����� ������� ����������� ��������������� ������������� ����� ������� ��������������� CTC-229-045-00 �������������������������������������������������� EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMBUSTION CHAMBER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 121 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL COMBUSTION SECTION (-5B, -7B) : Possible defects in the DAC dome area. Whenever the combustion chamber is inspected, the following defects should be assessed with the AMM serviceability limits : - Cracks, or tears. - Erosion. - Distortion of internal parts. - Missing material. - Dirt buildup. - Burn-through holes. - Flaking of Thermal Barrier Coating (TBC). EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC Possible defects on the DAC outer and inner liners. Carbon deposits are often misinterpreted as defects (holes, burn-through, cracks, etc.). Use the high magnification probe, and higher light intensity to confirm the type of defect. The aft panel of the inner liner is susceptible to distortion and cracking. The first evidence of this is a discoloration in a round spot approximately the size of a large dilution hole, which is followed by distortion and cracking. This usually occurs uniformly around the liner. COMBUSTION CHAMBER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 122 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ���������������� ����������� ������ ��������� ������ ������� ���� ����� ����� ���� ������� ���� ��������������� ����� ���� ���� � � � ������ ���������� ����������� ����� ������ � ����� �������� ����� ������������ ���� ��������� ������ ��������������� ����� ���� � � � ���� ������ CTC-229-046-00 ����������������������������������������������� EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC � CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMBUSTION CHAMBER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 123 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL COMBUSTION SECTION (-5B, -7B) : Inspection of DAC chamber after birdstrike/FOD. Insert a rigid probe into the left igniter position and examine the position of the fuel nozzle tips in relation to the bore of the inner and outer ferrules to make sure they are in the bore of the ferrules. Inspect the tip of the fuel nozzle that is counterclockwise from the igniter. Turn the borescope probe until the tips of the second fuel nozzle, clockwise from the igniter are visible. Inspect the other fuel nozzles visible from the igniter. Insert the probe in the right igniter and then the other borescope ports and repeat the same steps . All the fuel nozzles must be examined in turn and assessed against the AMM serviceability limits. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC COMBUSTION CHAMBER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 124 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ������ ������������������� ������������������ ������� ����������� ������������ ��������������������� ���������������� ��������������������� CTC-229-047-00 ��������������������������������� EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMBUSTION CHAMBER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 125 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC COMBUSTION CHAMBER BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 126 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL INSPECTION OF HIGH PRESSURE TURBINE EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION HIGH PRESSURE TURBINE BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 127 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL HIGH PRESSURE TURBINE (HPT) (ALL) : Inspection with rigid probe. Inspect the HPT nozzles through ports S13 and S15. Use probe No 1 (black, high magnification) to inspect the nozzle segments. The high intensity light source is used to accurately inspect the nozzles. Insert the probe into the ports and inspect the concave sides and leading edges of the nozzle segments. Note: If defects are found, a complete inspection of the combustion chamber and the nozzles has to be performed. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC HIGH PRESSURE TURBINE BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 128 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ������������ �������������� ������������ ����������������� ����� ��������������� �������������������� ����� ���������� CTC-229-048-00 �������������������������������������� EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC ����� �������� CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION HIGH PRESSURE TURBINE BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 129 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL HIGH PRESSURE TURBINE (HPT) (ALL) : Inspection with flexible probe. Use the flexible probe with a guide tube to inspect the HPT nozzle segments on the convex sides, the trailing edges and the platforms. CAUTION : DO NOT INSERT THE BORESCOPE BETWEEN BLADES WHILE ROTATING THE ROTOR. THIS WILL BREAK THE PROBE AND MAY REQUIRE ENGINE DISASSEMBLY TO REMOVE THE BROKEN PIECE. Carefully push the flexible probe into the guide tube to inspect the next HPT nozzle segment. Remove the flexible probe and guide tube, re-insert them in another borescope port and repeat the previous steps. It is more convenient to use port S12 to inspect the bottom left hand side of the engine, and port S14, to inspect the right hand side. Insert guide tube 856A1310 (blue), or 856A1351 (red), and position it between two nozzle vanes. Carefully insert the flexible probe into the guide tube and monitor the probe insertion in between the nozzle vanes. Inspect the convex side and trailing edge. Inspect the inner and outer platforms by turning the flexible probe inside the guide tube. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC HIGH PRESSURE TURBINE BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 130 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ��������� ������������ ���� ���������� ������������ ����� ���������� ������������������������������������������ ��������� ���� ���������� CTC-229-049-00 ������ �������� ���������� ����������������������������������������� EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC ������ �������� ���������� CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION HIGH PRESSURE TURBINE BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 131 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL HIGH PRESSURE TURBINE (HPT) (ALL) : Inspection of the HPT nozzle is usually carried out in conjunction with the combustion chamber inspection. HPT nozzle inspection areas. The HPT nozzle vanes are cast shells and internally divided into forward and aft cooling compartments. CDP cooling air enters the vane compartments through the inner and outer ends of the vanes and exits through holes in the vanes’s leading edge and slots in the trailing edge. The vanes have a thermal barrier coating. The following are the inspection areas for the vanes : - Leading edge. - Trailing edge. - Thermal barrier coating. - Nose holes. - Gill holes. - Trailing edge slots. - Concave surfaces. - Convex surfaces, or the aft side of the vane. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC HIGH PRESSURE TURBINE BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 132 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL ����������������������� TRAINING MANUAL ���� ����� ������� ����� �������������� ���� ����� �������������� ������������ ���� ������������� ������������������� �������������� ����������� CTC-229-050-00 �������������������������������������� EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION HIGH PRESSURE TURBINE BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 133 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL HIGH PRESSURE TURBINE (HPT) (ALL) : Possible defects. Whenever the HPT nozzle is inspected, the following defects should be assessed with the AMM serviceability limits: - Discoloration (anywhere). - Missing thermal barrier coating, - Erosion, - Spalled areas, - Craze cracks, and metal splatter, - Missing material, - Dirty airfoils. Leading edge damage : - cracks. - burns and/or bulges. - blocked cooling air passages. Concave and convex surfaces : - cracks. Trailing edge damage : - bulking and/or bowing. - cracks. Other airfoil areas : - cracks. - nicks, scores, scratches, or dents. Inner and outer platforms : - burns. - cracks. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC HIGH PRESSURE TURBINE BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 134 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ������������� ������������ ������� ����� �������� ������� �������� ���� ������������ ������������� �������� ������������������� ������������������ �������� ������������� ����������� ����� �������� ��������������������������� CTC-229-051-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC ������� ������� ���� CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION HIGH PRESSURE TURBINE BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 135 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL HIGH PRESSURE TURBINE (HPT) (ALL) : Inspection with a rigid probe. (-2, -3, -5A) : Inspect the HPT rotor blade T/E and the rear portion of the HPT shroud, through ports S17 and S18. (-5B, -5C, -7B) : Inspect the HPT rotor blade T/E and the rear portion of the HPT shroud, through ports S16 and S17. (ALL) : First, go through HPC port S4 and use probe No 3 (green) to perform the N2 rotor zero index position procedure. Once the core rotor is indexed, inspect the HPT blade T/E, tips, concave and convex sides. Use probes 2, 3 and 4. Probe No 2 (yellow) is used for general inspection. Probes No 3 (green) and No 4 (blue) are used to carry out a detailed inspection of the platform and tip areas. If defects are found, an inspection of the L/E has to be performed. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC HIGH PRESSURE TURBINE BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 136 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ������������ ���������� ����������� �������������� ���������������������������������� ������������������������������������ ������������������������������������ ������������������������������ CTC-229-052-00 �������� ������������� ����������� ����������������������������������������������������������� EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC �������� CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION HIGH PRESSURE TURBINE BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 137 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL HIGH PRESSURE TURBINE (HPT) (ALL) : Inspection with a flexible probe. Use the flexible probe with the guide tube to inspect the HPT blade L/E and the forward part of the HPT shroud. Insert the guide tube 856A1310, or 856A1351, through the S10, or S11 ports and position it between two nozzle vanes. Carefully insert the flexible probe into the guide tube and monitor the probe insertion in between the nozzle vanes. Guide the tip of the flexible probe between the nozzle vanes by using the tip deflection control and position it to see the L/E of the HPT blades. Rotate the core engine to inspect all the blades, then inspect the HPT shroud segments. Map the defects on the special reporting form. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC HIGH PRESSURE TURBINE BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 138 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ������������ ������������ ���� ���������� ������������ ����� ���������������������������� ����������������������������� ������������������������ ��������������������������� ����������������������� ������������������ ����������� ���������� CTC-229-053-00 ���������� ����������������������� ������������������ ������� ���� ����������������������� �������������� �������� ������� ������������������ �������������������������������������������������������������� EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC �������������������� CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION HIGH PRESSURE TURBINE BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 139 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL HIGH PRESSURE TURBINE (HPT) (ALL) : HPT rotor damage may occur after engine abnormal operation. The following list provides examples of the conditions where a complete inspection should be performed : (ALL) : Individual replaceable shroud segments face the blade tips and are cooled with CDP air. They can be checked during inspection of the HPT rotor leading edge and nozzle guide vane trailing edge. The inspection areas of the HPT are as follows: - Core stall (N2). - Overtemperature. - Metal in the tailpipe. - N2 overspeed, abnormal core vibrations, hard landing. Rotor inspection areas. Rotor blades are internally cooled by CDP air which enters through the blade root and exits through several rows of holes and a series of trailing edge slots. To help you estimate the HPT blade wear, 2 of the blades (-2, -3, -5A, -7B) or 4 of the blades (-5C) have 3 tip wear notches 0.010, 0.020 and 0.030 inch. They are located 180° apart (-2, -3, -5A, -7B) or 90° apart (-5C) around the rotor. 1- Blades: - Leading edge. - Trailing edge. - Thermal barrier coating. - Nose holes. - Gill holes. - Trailing edge slots. - Concave surfaces. - Convex surface. - Wear notches. - Platforms. 2- HPT shrouds. A missing notch does not necessarily mean the part is not serviceable. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC HIGH PRESSURE TURBINE BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 140 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL � ������������� ���� ���� ���� ��������������� ����� � ��������� ���� ������ ���� � ����� ������ �������� � � � � � ������� ��������� � � ������������ ���������� �������� ��������� �������������������������� CTC-229-054-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC ������ ���������������������������������� ������������������������������� CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION HIGH PRESSURE TURBINE BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 141 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL HIGH PRESSURE TURBINE (HPT) (ALL) : Specific rotor blades inspection areas. Specific inspection areas for the HPT blades are defined as follows: Area C : - All around the blade, extending from the first T/E slot just above the root fillet, toward the tip of the blade, up to the sixth T/E slot. Area B : - All around the blade, extending from the seventh T/E slot, toward the tip of the blade, up to the twelfth T/E slot. Area A : - All around the blade, extending from the thirteenth T/E slot, up to the tip film holes. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC HIGH PRESSURE TURBINE BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 142 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ���� ���� ���������������������������� ������� ���� ������� ����� ������ CTC-229-055-00 ������� ���� ������� ����������� ���������� ������� ���� ������� ��������� ����� ���������������������������������� EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC ��� ��� ����� CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION HIGH PRESSURE TURBINE BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 143 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL HIGH PRESSURE TURBINE (HPT) (ALL) : Possible defects. The following defects may be observed and should be assessed with the serviceability limits in the AMM. Trailing edge : - cracks. Tip area : - cracks. - bent, curled, or missing pieces. - tip trailing edge wear. Blade platform : - nicks and dents. - cracks. Concave and convex airfoil surfaces : - cracks. - distortion. - burning. Cooling holes : - cracks. - plugging. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC HIGH PRESSURE TURBINE BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 144 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ������������� ������� �������� �������� ���� ������� ���� ������������ ��������� ���� ����� ������������� ����������� ��������� ������� �������� ��������� ����� ��� ���� ����� ������� ����� CTC-229-056-00 HPT ROTOR BLADE POSSIBLE DEFECTS EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION HIGH PRESSURE TURBINE BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 145 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC HIGH PRESSURE TURBINE BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 146 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL INSPECTION OF LOW PRESSURE TURBINE EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION LOW PRESSURE TURBINE BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 147 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL LOW PRESSURE TURBINE (LPT) (ALL) : The LPT features long span blades. Moving the probe in and out enables a full-length inspection, which always starts at the blade platform. (-2, -3, -5A, -5B, -7B) : Stage 2 thru 4 blades. (-5C) : Stage 2 thru 5 blades. Index the N1 rotor, and turn it CW (ALF) to see the L/E and concave side. Turn it CCW (ALF) to see the T/E and convex side. (-2, -3, -5A) : These three stages are viewed respectively through ports S20, S21 and S22. (-5B, -7B) : These three stages are viewed respectively through ports S18, S19 and S20. (-5C) : These four stages are viewed respectively through ports S18, S19, S20 and S21. Stage 1 blades. Inspection of the leading edges and the concave sides of the stage 1 LPT blades can be done during inspection of the HPT blade trailing edges. (-2, -3, -5A) : Borescope plugs S17, S18, are removed and an initial overall inspection, using the yellow probe, may be performed to evaluate the blade condition. (-5B, -5C, -7B) : Borescope plugs S16, S17, are removed and an initial overall inspection, using the yellow probe, may be performed to evaluate the blade condition. (ALL) : Use probes 2, 3 and 4 (yellow, green and blue) to inspect the blade roots and tips. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC (ALL) : Through a given nozzle stage port, it is possible to view the T/E of the previous stage blade, and the L/E of the current stage blade. Use probes 2, 3 and 4. To obtain a better evaluation of the defects, use probe 1 (black) where possible. The trailing edge of the last stage blades can be inspected through an instrumentation boss on the turbine frame. LOW PRESSURE TURBINE BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 148 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ������������������������ ���������������� � � � ���������������������������������� ������������������������������������ ������������������������������������ ������������������������������ �������������� ��������������� ������������������� CTC-229-057-00 ������������������������������� EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION LOW PRESSURE TURBINE BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 149 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL LOW PRESSURE TURBINE (LPT) (ALL) : LPT rotor blade damage may occur after the engine experienced an abnormal operating condition. The following list provides examples of the conditions where a complete LPT borescope inspection should be performed: - Engine stall (This may occur during engine acceleration HPC, or deceleration LPC). - Foreign Object Damage (FOD) and suspected bird ingestion. - High level of vibration on the N1 rotor. - N1 rotor overspeed. - Engine overtemperature. - When flames are seen out of the nozzle during start procedure. Inspection areas. On the LPT blades, there are 2 specific areas which are dimensionally defined through section letters: Area E (tip of the blade): The portion of the blade airfoil starting from the bottom of the tip shroud extending toward the blade platform. Area E (bottom of the blade): Portion of the blade airfoil starting from the top of the blade platform and extending toward the blade tip. Other areas: This is the remaining area of the blade which is all leading and trailing edges, not including area E. The following are inspection areas of the LPT rotor blades and nozzles : - Rotor blade leading and trailing edge. - Rotor blade concave and convex surfaces. - Hard face surface of the rotor blade tip shroud. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC LOW PRESSURE TURBINE BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 150 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ���� ����� ��������� ������ ������ ������� ���� �������� ���� ������ �������������������������� CTC-229-058-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION LOW PRESSURE TURBINE BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 151 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL LOW PRESSURE TURBINE (LPT) (ALL) : Possible defects. Whenever the LPT blades are inspected, the following defects should be assessed against the AMM serviceability limits : - Cracks in the airfoil surface, platform, or tip shroud. - Convex and/or concave surfaces nicks and dents. - Leading edge distortion and melting, due to overtemperature. - Large dent, or missing pieces of metal. - Metallization of the leading edges and/or concave surface (Gold coloration). - Gaps in the tip shroud interlocks. - Bent or bowed airfoil. - Shingled, or unlatched tip shroud. - Circumferential wear. - Seal teeth wear. - Flaking on the hardened seal teeth. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC LOW PRESSURE TURBINE BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 152 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL ���� TRAINING MANUAL �������� ������ �������� ���� ������� ���� ���� ���� ������� �������� ���������� ������������� ��������������� ������ ���� ����� �������� �������� ��������������������������� CTC-229-059-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION LOW PRESSURE TURBINE BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 153 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL LOW PRESSURE TURBINE (LPT) (ALL) : Possible defects on last stage blades. In addition to the regular defects previously described, the following can also be found on the last stage blades: - No more axial preload on the tip shroud assembly. - Tip shroud interlock wear. - Wear on the lateral faces of the tip shroud. - Tip shroud not flush. - Peeling airfoil surfaces on leading and trailing edges. - Tip shrouds unlatched. - Tip shrouds shingled. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC LOW PRESSURE TURBINE BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 154 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL �������������� ��������� ��������������������� ������������ ��������� �������� ������������ �������������� ������������ ����������� �������������� � � � � ��������� ����� � ����� ����� � ��������� CTC-229-060-00 ������ ������������������������������������������������ EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC ������������ CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION LOW PRESSURE TURBINE BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 155 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC LOW PRESSURE TURBINE BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 156 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL APPENDIX : NUMBER OF BLADES PER ROTOR APPENDIX EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 157 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL BLADE QUANTITIES Here is a table giving the quantity of blades on the following rotors, for each engine model: - The fan and booster rotor, where Stage 1 is the fan rotor itself - The high pressure compressor rotor - The high pressure turbine rotor - The low pressure turbine rotor. APPENDIX EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 158 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL ENGINE MODEL FAN & BOOSTER ST1 ST2 ST3 ST4 CFM56-2 44 83 83 CFM56-3 38 68 CFM56-5A 36 CFM56-5B HP TURBINE HP COMPRESSOR ST5 LP TURBINE ST1 ST2 ST3 ST4 ST5 ST6 ST7 ST8 ST9 ST1 ST1 ST2 83 38 53 60 68 75 82 82 80 76 72 174 162 157 160 68 68 38 53 60 68 75 82 82 80 76 72 174 162 157 160 76 76 76 38 53 60 68 75 82 82 80 76 80 162 150 150 134 36 64 70 70 68 38 53 60 68 75 82 82 80 76 80 162 150 150 134 CFM56-5C 36 70 74 70 66 38 53 60 68 75 82 82 80 76 80 160 144 138 146 CFM56-7B 24 74 78 74 38 53 60 68 75 82 82 80 76 80 162 150 150 134 APPENDIX EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC TRAINING MANUAL CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION BORESCOPE INSPECTION ST3 ST4 ST5 126 Page 159 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK APPENDIX EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 160 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL SERVICE BULLETINS EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION SERVICE BULLETINS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 161 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL SERVICE BULLETINS In addition to standard borescope inspection of the various engine sections, some areas necessitate particular attention. The following page provides a list of recommended Service Bulletins, classified by ATA chapter number, subject and engine applicability. EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC SERVICE BULLETINS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 162 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL ATA CHAPTER 72-32-00 SB NUMBER AND APPLICABILITY PER ENGINE MODEL SERVICE BULLETIN TITLE -2C -2A -2B -3 -5A -5B -5C -7B Inspection of HPC Stage 1 Disk Bore -- -- -- -- -- 72-064 -- -- Compressor Front Stator - On-Wing Borescope Inspection for HPC Stator to Rotor Contact -- -- -- -- -- 72-553 72-427 72-515 On-Wing Borescope Inspection of the Combustion Chamber Outer Cowl 72-850 72-445 72-591 72-897 72-536 72-246 72-366 72-304 Borescope Inspection of Inner Liner Supports on DAC Chambers -- -- -- -- -- 72-124 -- -- Borescope Inspection of Combustion Chamber Inner Cowl Bolts -- -- -- -- -- 72-237 -- -- 72-52-00 On-Wing Borescope Inspection of HPT Blades -- -- -- -- -- 72-098 72-431 72-326 72-240 72-462 72-54-00 Low Pressure Turbine - Borescope Inspection for Stage 1 LPT Blade Position -- -- -- -- -- 72-441 -- 72-383 72-55-00 On-Wing Borescope Inspection of the LPT Shaft Suspected for Hydrogen Embrittlement 72-841 -- -- 72-886 -- -- -- -- 72-42-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC TRAINING MANUAL CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION SERVICE BULLETINS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 163 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TOC SERVICE BULLETINS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 164 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 165 Sep 03 ��� ��� ��������������� TRAINING MANUAL ��������� CFM56-ALL ��� ���������������������� ������� CTC-229-004-1-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 166 Sep 03 ��� ��� ��������������� TRAINING MANUAL ��������� CFM56-ALL ��� ���������������������� ������� CTC-229-004-2-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 167 Sep 03 ��� ��� ��������������� TRAINING MANUAL ��������� CFM56-ALL ��� ���������������������� �������� CTC-229-004-3-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 168 Sep 03 ��� ��� ��������������� TRAINING MANUAL ��������� CFM56-ALL ��� ������������������ ���������������������� �������� CTC-229-004-4-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 169 Sep 03 ��� ��� ��������������� TRAINING MANUAL ��������� CFM56-ALL ��� ���������������������� �������� CTC-229-004-5-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 170 Sep 03 ��� ��� ��������������� TRAINING MANUAL ��������� CFM56-ALL ��� ���������������������� �������� CTC-229-004-6-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 171 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL ��������� ������ �������� TRAINING MANUAL ������ ����� ���� ��������� ��������� ������� ��� ����� ������ �������� ������� � � � ������� CTC-229-005-1-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 172 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL �� ��� ������� CTC-229-005-1-1-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 173 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL ��������� ������ �������� TRAINING MANUAL ��������� ��������� ������� ������ ����� ���� ��� ����� ������ �������� ������� � � � ������� CTC-229-005-2-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 174 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL �� ��� ������� CTC-229-005-2-1-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 175 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL ��������� ������ �������� TRAINING MANUAL ��������� ��������� ������� ������ ����� ���� ��� ����� ������ �������� ������� � � � �������� CTC-229-005-3-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 176 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL �� ��� �������� CTC-229-005-3-1-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 177 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL ��������� ������ �������� TRAINING MANUAL ������ ����� ���� ��������� ��������� �������� ��� ����� ������ ��������� ��������� �������� �������� ������� � � � � �������� CTC-229-005-4-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 178 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ��� ��� ��� �������� CTC-229-005-4-1-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 179 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL ��������� ������ �������� TRAINING MANUAL ������ ����� ���� ��������� ��������� �������� ��� ����� ������ ��������� ��������� �������� �������� ������� � � � � �������� CTC-229-005-5-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 180 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ��� ��� ��� �������� CTC-229-005-5-1-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 181 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL ��������� ������ �������� TRAINING MANUAL ��������� ��������� ������� ������ ����� ���� ��� ����� ������ �������� ������� � � � �������� CTC-229-005-6-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 182 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL �� ��� �������� CTC-229-005-6-1-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 183 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL �� �� �� �� TRAINING MANUAL �� �� �� �� �� ���������������������� CTC-229-007-1-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 184 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL CTC-229-010-1-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 185 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL CFM56-5B AS AN EXAMPLE CTC-229-010-3-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 186 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ��� ��� ������� CTC-229-010-4-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 187 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL CFM56-ALL CTC-229-012-1-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 188 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ���������������������������� ����� ��� ������������� � ��� � � � ���������������������������� ����� ������� ��� ��� ��� ��� ������� ��� �������� ��� CTC-229-013-1-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 189 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ��� ��� ��� ��� ������� CTC-229-013-1-1-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 190 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ��� ��� ������� ��� ��� CTC-229-013-1-2-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 191 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ���������������������������� ����� ��� ������������� ��� � � � � ���������������������������� ����� ������� ��� ��� ��� ������� ��� ��� �������� ��� CTC-229-013-2-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 192 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ��� ��� ��� ��� ������� CTC-229-013-2-1-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 193 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ��� ��� ������� ��� ��� CTC-229-013-2-2-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 194 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ����� � � � � ��� ������������� ������� ��� ��� ��� ��� �������� CTC-229-013-3-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 195 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ��� ��� ��� ��� �������� CTC-229-013-3-1-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 196 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ����� � � � � ��� ������������� �������� ��� ��� ��� �������� ��� CTC-229-013-4-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 197 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ��� ��� ��� ��� �������� CTC-229-013-4-1-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 198 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ����� ��� ������������������ ��� � � � � � �������� ��� ��� ��� �������� ��� CTC-229-013-5-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 199 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� �������� CTC-229-013-5-1-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 200 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ����� � � � � ��� ������������� ��� �������� ��� ��� �������� ��� CTC-229-013-6-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 201 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL ��� TRAINING MANUAL ��� ��� ��� �������� CTC-229-013-6-1-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 202 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL 856A1320 CTC-229-017-1-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 203 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL �������� �������� �������� ���������� CTC-229-019-1-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 204 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL CFM56-2 CTC-229-022-1-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 205 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL CFM56-3 CTC-229-022-2-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 206 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ��� ��������� CTC-229-022-3-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 207 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ��� ��������� CTC-229-022-4-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 208 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL CFM56-7B CTC-229-022-5-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 209 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL �� ��� ��������������������� ������������������������ ������������������������ �� ��� ��� ��� CTC-229-025-1-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 210 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL CFM56-5B AS AN EXAMPLE CTC-229-032-1-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 211 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL CFM56-ALL CTC-229-041-1-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 212 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL CFM56-5B, -7B CTC-229-045-1-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 213 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL ����������� TRAINING MANUAL ������������� CTC-229-055-1-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 214 Sep 03 CFM56-ALL TRAINING MANUAL ������������ ��������� CTC-229-060-1-00 EFFECTIVITY ALL CFM56 ENGINES TOC CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION REFERENCE ILLUSTRATIONS BORESCOPE INSPECTION Page 215 Sep 03