Economic Change and Restructuring Analysing the determinants of financial performance for UK insurance companies using financial strength ratings information Abhijit Sharma1 · Diara Md. Jadi1 · Damian Ward1 Received: 26 July 2019 / Accepted: 21 December 2019 © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2020 Abstract We investigate the determinants of financial performance of UK insurance companies based on their financial strength ratings. We use data from the A.M. Best Insurance for 49 UK insurers for 2006–2009. Our findings show that profitability, liquidity, size and organisational form are the significant determinants that affect financial performance of insurance companies in the UK. We recommend an effective, alternative variable to more effectively measure the size of an insurance company, which is based on the gross premium written. We find that gross premium written is more appropriate for measuring company size in the insurance industry. Keywords Insurance · Financial performance · Financial strength analysis JEL Classification G22 · G24 1 Introduction The insurance industry is one of the key players in the financial service sector in almost all developed and developing nations (Kirkbeşoğlu et al. 2015; Torbati and Sayadi 2018). The performance of insurance companies contributes towards the market value of individual firms, industrial growth and the overall macro-economy of a country. As an important player in the financial system, constant development and financial resilience of this industry are imperative to foster rapidly growing economic activities of any countries (Barua et al. 2018). The financial performance of insurance companies is of utmost importance to various stakeholders such as policy makers, insurance intermediaries and policyholders. Mehari and Aemiro (2013) summarise that evaluating the determinants * Abhijit Sharma; 1 University of Bradford School of Management, Emm Lane, Bradford BD9 4JL, UK 13 Vol.:(0123456789) Economic Change and Restructuring of insurers’ performance has become an important research theme in the corporate finance literature which has attracted substantial and growing interest from regulators, financial experts, researchers, managers and the general public (Omondi and Muturi 2013; Öner Kaya 2015). Theoretically, the financial performance of insurance companies can be estimated by determining their profitability, which is a relative measure of success for a business and acts as a proxy of financial performance (Mazviona et al. 2017; Alali et al. 2018). Previous studies related to financial performance concentrate on analysing insolvency risk or predicting insurers’ failure (Doumpos et al. 2012). However, these are mainly US-based studies, and it is regarded as rigid and very country specific. For other insurance industries, there is greater concern for assessing the strength and stability of the insurers operating in the industry (Ceccarelli 2003; Sharpe and Stadnik 2007). Several studies have focused on debt rating determinants by measuring profitability, liquidity, capitalisation, interest coverage, debt status and industry indicators (Altman and Rijken 2004; Amato and Furfine 2004; Grunert et al. 2005). Yet, these studies mainly assess large financial corporations and banking institutions, and none about insurance companies. Recently, there are many studies that focus on alternative approaches to insurers’ solvency. For instance, Eling et al. (2009) propose a model based on company-specific minimum standards for financial performance and test it on the German non-life insurance companies. The proposed model incorporates individual factors such as equity capital and the probability distribution of insurance claims. Financial performance of insurance companies can also be evaluated by assessing their financial strength ratings (FSRs). FSR is defined as comprehensive measures of risk which incorporates all relevant risk factors associated with FSR determination (Florez-Lopez 2007). FSR represents an overall assessment of an insurer’s creditworthiness. It also provides insights into the insurer’s financial strength and capacity to fulfil their ongoing obligations to the policyholder (Eckles and Pottier 2011). Chen et al. (2018) simplify that insurer’s FSR assesses the ability of an insurer to pay future claims. Unlike bond ratings which gauge default risk for a specific debt security, FSR summarises the insolvency risk of the insurance firm as a whole (Pottier and Sommer 1999). The importance of FSR for an insurer varies according to the type of the insurance buyer. Epermanis and Harrington (2006) demonstrate that insurance ratings are imperative and directly influence buyer’s purchasing decision. FSR is also the main source of buyers’ information about the financial quality of insurers; thus, buyers are willing to pay higher prices to obtain insurance covers from an insurer with higher ratings (Kartasheva and Park 2013). This paper investigates the determinants of financial performance of insurance companies operating in the UK by evaluating their financial strength ratings’ performance. To the best of our knowledge, the most significant study that evaluates UK insurers’ FSR performance is the one conducted by Adams et al. (2003). Their study compares insurer rating performance between two rating agencies and the likelihood of being rated by a particular rating agency. Our paper attempts to extend 13 Economic Change and Restructuring the previous research (Adams et al. 2003; Gaver and Pottier 2005) by identifying the key financial determinants that have greater influence and effect on financial strength ratings as reflected in the analysis. We extend the time horizon and employ an enhanced set of variables, which best captures the process of determining the financial performance-related outcomes. In addition, we adopt an alternative way of measuring the size of an insurance company, by using its gross premium written as suggested by Van Gestel et al. (2007). The structure of this paper is as follows. Section 2 discusses the data used in the study. Section 3 introduces and explains the model, and Sect. 4 presents the empirical results. Section 5 discusses the findings, while the final section provides some concluding remarks. 2 Data We employ secondary data obtained from the A.M. Best Insurance Report Online Non-US Database. Due to data availability limitation, our final sample consists of 49 insurers, which covers the period of 2006–2009. Following earlier studies (Adams et al. 2003; Gaver and Pottier 2005; Eckles and Pottier 2011; Kartasheva and Park 2013), our study relies on one commonly used measure of FSR performance, which is the rating grades (RATING) assigned by AM Best to insurers over the four-year period. Like bond ratings, insurer FSR is inherently an ordered variable. A linear transformation of the FSR ratings to numerical scales in implemented which resulted in an ordinal variable. Similar rating conversions (linear transformation) have been used extensively in previous work (Gaillard 2012; Gu et al. 2014; Boumparis et al. 2017). In our study, rating grades are combined following the verbal descriptions provided by Best. Table 1 illustrates the linear transformation of FSR ratings and provides details of the rating frequencies for each category. However, the linear transformation of rating grades to numerical scales which implies that the distance between subsequent ratings is equally spaced has been subjected to criticism (Afonso et al. 2007; Boumparis et al. 2017). This assumption could lead to significant bias which could affect the overall result. Thus, Afonso et al. (2007) suggest an alternative to the common linear transformations which is Table 1 Linear transformation of FSR, 2006–2009 (190 observations). Source: Author’s compilation based on AM Best Classifications Rating Description Numerical value No. of observations A++ Superior 6 18 A+ Superior 5 46 A Excellent 4 63 A− Excellent 3 46 B++ Very good 2 6 B and below Fair 1 11 13 Economic Change and Restructuring known as the logistic transformation of credit ratings. Boumparis et al. (2017) adopt logistic transformation in their study in order to examine the robustness of their data set. The underlying theory of logistic transformation is that in the middle of the scale, ratings could rise quickly due to financial improvements. Nevertheless, movements at the bottom and top of the scale are slower, due to a more stringent requirement. The logistic transformation approach is further discussed in the methodology section. We choose explanatory variables based on their theoretical relationship with the dependent variables, as well as our examination of the prior empirical literature. Our dependent variable, explanatory (independent) variables, their measurement and their expected relationship to FSR are summarised in Table 2. Altogether, there are eight explanatory variables to be tested, of which six are financial variables and two are dummy variables. The financial variables are leverage, profitability, liquidity, size, reinsurance and growth. Subsequently, the dummy variables are the business type and the organisational form. Table 2 Variables used in empirical estimations Variable(s) Measured by Dependent variable (DV) Rating Ordinal DV Ordinal variable categorised into the following: (FSR) 1 = If the firm is assigned a Best rating of B or lower 2 = If the rating is B++ or B+ 3 = If the rating is A− 4 = If the rating is A 5 = If the rating is A+ 6 = If the rating is A++ Explanatory variables (IVs) (expected sign) and its definition LEV Leverage (−) Accumulated reserve divided by total assets PROFIT Profitability (+) Net underwriting expenses and losses divided by net premium earned LIQUID Liquidity (+) Current assets divided by current liabilities LNSIZE Size (+) Natural log of gross premium written REINS Reinsurance (+) Annual reinsurance ceded divided by net premiums written GROWTH Growth (+) Change in surplus TYPE Business type (±) Dummy variable 0 = General insurer, 1 = life insurer FORM Organisational form (±) Dummy variable 0 = Stock insurer; 1 = mutual insurer 13 Economic Change and Restructuring 3 Methodology 3.1 Logistic transformation of the rating grades into numerical scales The logistic transformation assumes that the functional form that explains the relationship between rating, Ri, is normalised to grade each of the insurers on a scale of zero to one; zero represents the least creditworthy rating and one represents the most creditworthy rating, together with the set of explanatory variables, X, as the standard conventional logistic form: � R= e𝛽 X 1 + e𝛽 � X (1) where the vector β includes all parameters of the exogenous variables. Subsequently, following Boumparis et al. (2017), the logistic transformation is given as follows: ( ) Li = ln[Ri ∕ 1 − Ri ] (2) where Ri=(2i − 1)/(2nc), nc is the number of categories, which equals 6, and the rating grades are i =1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Table 3 illustrates the alternative values that we used in the logistic transformation, and Fig. 1 compares the linear and the logistic transformation. As illustrated in Fig. 1, the overall fit of the data seems very good even though slightly lower than the one obtained through linear transformation. In the logistic Table 3 Logistic transformation of the rating grades Rating A++ A+ A A− B++ B Linear 6 5 4 3 2 1 Logistic 2.40 1.10 0.34 − 0.34 − 1.10 − 2.40 Fig. 1 Linear and logistic transformation 13 Economic Change and Restructuring transformation, the differences between categories are not constant, but are still imposed a priori, which is a deductive reasoning derived from self-evident propositions. 3.2 Ordered probit regression model The ordered probit regression model (OPM) is appropriate in cases where there are more than two outcomes of an ordinal dependent variable and is widely used in similar analyses (Jackson and Perraudin 2000; Greene 2004). For example, Afonso et al. (2007) employ the ordered probit model to estimate the determinants of sovereign debt rating. Rating grades are discrete variables and reflect an order in terms of probability of default. The underlying foundation of ordinal outcomes is that there is a latent continuous metric (defined as R*) underlying the observed responses by the rating agency. Subsequently, R* is an unobserved variable and can only be known once it crosses certain thresholds (Salisu 2016). The latent variable has a linear form and relies on the same set of variables as before. In this instance, to model the determinants of insurers’ performance, we consider a latent variable model given as: R∗it = 𝛼0 + 𝛼1 x1 + 𝛼2 x2 + ⋯ + 𝛼k xk + e � R∗it = xi 𝛼 + ei R∗it = jifuj−1 < R∗it ≤ uj (3) where i = 1, … , N We assume that Rit = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) ≈ (B, B++, A−, A, A+, A++) Thus, the choice rule is: Rit = 1 if R∗it ≤ u1 Rit = 2 if u1 < R∗it ≤ u2 Rit = 3 if u2 < R∗it ≤ u3 Rit = 4 if u3 < R∗it ≤ u4 Rit = 5 if u4 < R∗it ≤ u5 Rit = 6 if R∗it > u5 (4) Since the DV used in this study conforms to the ordinal variable definition, OPM is used for estimations. Alternatively, ordered logit regression model (OLM) could also be used in the estimation. However, Torres-Reyna (2012) establishes that there is no significant difference between OPM and OLM, and both models provide similar results. On the other hand, ordinal DV cannot be estimated consistently using the ordinary least square regressions (OLS) (Greene and Hensher 2010). Our empirical approach attempts to improve the methods used in previous research such as those by Gaver and Pottier (2005), by using panel data analysis and extending the time horizon by studying a 4-year data, instead of a 13 Economic Change and Restructuring single-year basis. OPM is used to identify the relationship between the financial strength rating performance of insurance companies and leverage, profitability, liquidity, company size, reinsurance, growth, business type and organisational form. In particular, we model FSR ratings (­ Ratingit) as follows: Ratingit = 𝛽0 + 𝛽1 LEVit + 𝛽2 PROFITit + 𝛽3 LIQUIDit + 𝛽4 LnSIZEit + 𝛽5 REINSit + 𝛽6 GROWTHit + 𝛽7 TYPEit + 𝛽8 FORMit + 𝜀it (5) where Ratingit is the ordinal, dependent variable (DV) and it is coded on a six-point scale from 1 to 6. The independent variables are LEV, PROFIT, LIQUID, LNSIZE, REINS, GROWTH, LNSIZE and FORM (defined in Table 2). The estimated model also includes εit that represents the error term. Our regression analysis will be conducted based on an ordered probit model that explains the performance on the basis of robust standard error estimation. This is to test for the robustness of the analysis following the approach used in the literature (Grunert et al. 2005; Eckles and Pottier 2011). We will also regress our model by incorporating the marginal effects and time fixed effects into the analysis in order to capture the unobserved changes over time. 4 Empirical results 4.1 Summary statistics of the dataset See Table 4. Table 4 Summary statistics of dataset Variable Min Mean Max SD Rating 1 3.953 6 1.23 Leverage − 0.09 0.528 0.94 0.228 Profitability − 0.53 0.611 29.50 2.195 89.845 Liquidity 0.08 29.360 751.42 Size 6.29 12.400 15.34 1.734 Reinsurance − 75.80 1.76 58.90 8.640 22.702 Growth − 100.00 10.200 142.41 Business type 0 0.137 1 0.345 Organisational form 0 0.042 1 0.201 13 Economic Change and Restructuring 4.2 Ordered probit regression models (OPM) Afonso et al. (2007) emphasise that OPM is able to provide additional insights into the determinants of sovereign ratings. Additionally, this model allows to ease the rigid assumption on the shape of the rating schedule by generating threshold values estimation and allowing for the evaluation of the shape of the rating curve. We estimate OPM for all insurers using (1) robust standard errors (Table 5). In this instance, there will be two sets of estimations; the first one refers to the linear transformation of rating grades, and the second one refers to the logistics transformation of rating grades. In addition, the marginal effects by each level of the ordered dependent variables will also be computed (Table 6). We also re-estimate the model using (2) fixed effects in order to test for time fixed effects (Table 7). As for the chosen fixed-effects model, we had initially estimated both fixedeffects and random-effects models which is then tested using the Hausman specification test. Under the Hausman test assumption, the null hypothesis (H0) is that the preferred model is random effects (Greene 2008). The test yields a Prob > χ2 = 0.000, which is compared as p < 0.05; thus, ­H0 is rejected, and the fixed-effects model is preferred over the random effects. Table 5 shows that using robust standard errors for estimation produces differences in standard errors and statistical values. Allison (1995) highlights that robust standard errors can be used to treat heteroscedasticity and will also generate more Table 5 Ordered probit regression model (robust standard error) Linear scales Coef. Logistic scales p value Sig. Coef. p value Sig. Leverage 0.424 0.369 0.424 0.369 Profitability 0.078 0.000 *** 0.078 0.000 *** Liquidity 0.002 0.073 * 0.002 0.073 * Size 0.240 0.000 *** 0.240 0.000 *** Reinsurance − 0.001 0.833 − 0.001 0.833 Growth − 0.002 0.529 − 0.002 0.529 Business type − 0.148 0.493 Organisational form − 0.803 0.000 /cut1 1.436 1.436 /cut2 1.700 1.700 /cut3 2.753 2.753 /cut4 3.756 3.756 /cut5 4.694 4.694 LogPseudoLik − 273.987 − 273.987 0.000000 0.000000 0.0697 0.0697 Prob > χ2 Pseudo-R2 Observations 190 Equal differences 123.88 − 0.148 0.493 − 0.803 0.000 190 (0.000) Significant levels ***p < 0.01; **p < 0.05; *p < 0.1 13 *** 123.88 (0.000) *** Economic Change and Restructuring Table 6 Marginal effects Rating grades B (1) B++ (2) A− (3) A (4) A+ (5) A++ (6) Leverage − 0.04 (0.390) − 0.017 (0.341) − 0.077 (0.375) 0.000 (0.997) 0.070 (0.350) 0.066 (0.397) Profitability − 0.008*** (0.003) − 0.003** (0.019) − 0.014*** (0.000) 6.88e − 06 (0.997) 0.013*** (0.000) 0.012*** (0.000) Liquidity − 0.0002* (0.090) − 0.0001 (0.156) − 0.0004* (0.073 2.01e − 07 (0.997) 0.0003* (0.074) 0.0004* (0.078) Size − 0.024*** (0.004) − 0.010** (0.026) − 0.044*** (0.000) 0.0002 (0.997) 0.040*** (0.000) 0.037*** (0.000) Reinsurance 0.0001 (0.833) 0.0001 (0.834) 0.0002 (0.834) − 1.15e − 07 (0.997) − 0.0002 (0.833) − 0.0002 (0.834) Growth 0.0002 (0.529) 0.0001 (0.536) 0.0003 (0.533) − 1.42e − 07 (0.997) − − 0.0003 (0.529) 0.0002 (0.532) Business type 0.015 (0.497) 0.006 (0.459) 0.027 (0.499) − 0.0001 (0.997) − 0.025 (0.476) − 0.023 (0.518) 0.032*** (0.006) 0.146*** (0.000) − 0.0001 (0.997) − 0.133*** (0.000) − 0.124*** (0.000) Coef. p value Sig. Organisational form 0.079*** (0.000) Significant levels *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.1 The p value is in parentheses Table 7 Fixed-effects model (with time fixed effect) Leverage 1.214 0.074 * Profitability − 0.039 0.087 * Liquidity − 0.001 0.850 Size − 0.393 0.001 Reinsurance − 0.003 0.924 Growth − 0.003 0.852 Year 2007 0.031 0.738 Year 2008 0.100 0.294 Year 2009 0.035 0.739 _cons 8.171 0.000 *** Business type Organisational form R2: within R2: between R2: overall 0.115 0.133 0.092 F (9. 132) 1.910 Prob > F 0.056 Significant levels ***p < 0.01; **p < 0.05; *p < 0.1 13 Economic Change and Restructuring consistent results. The validity of the models estimated in Table 5 is confirmed by the computed Prob > χ2 value of 0.000. As shown in Fig. 1, the overall fit between linear and logistic transformations is very good with slight differences in the numerical values. The logistic transformation is conducted as robustness checks for our regression model. It is further confirmed through the estimations in Table 5, which produce the exact results for both linear and logistic transformation of the ordinal dependent variables. As in both, the same core variables are selected as the relevant determinants that influence the financial strength ratings: profitability, liquidity, size and organisational form. Table 5 shows that profitability, size and organisational form are positively related to rating and are statistically significant (p value of 0.0000). Liquidity also has a positive influence on the ratings, but at the 10% level of significance. Assuming that the ceteris paribus assumption holds, we conclude that: 1. Larger insurers (size) with greater profitability and liquidity will have a higher probability of obtaining a higher rating grade. 2. Mutual insurers are more likely to be assigned higher rating grades than stock insurers. We find that leverage, reinsurance, growth rates and business type have a statistically insignificant relationship with rating. Thus, these variables do not affect rating performance. Table 6 addresses the marginal effects issue. In this study, we compute the average marginal effect (AME) by calculating the marginal effect of each variable x for each observation (taking into consideration any covariates). Then, we calculate the average. In this study, the marginal effects are computed using Stata [Stata command: margins, dydx(*)]. Marginal effects show the change in the explained or dependent variable when the predictor or independent variable increases by one unit (Torres-Reyna 2012). The dependent variable has six categories; thus, there are six sets of marginal effects, one for each category (Katchova 2013). The marginal effects can be interpreted as: one unit increase in “size” is associated with being 2.4% less likely to obtain a B rating grade and 3.7% more likely to obtain an A++ rating grade [refer to the results for explanatory variable “size”, column (1) and column (6)]. Alternatively, it could be said that larger companies have better chances to obtain good grades. The F test in the fixed-effects model defines ­H0 as the differences between categories are equal for all categories, and all the coefficients are equal to zero. As shown in Table 7, the Prob > F is greater than 0.05 (95% confidence level); thus, the ­H0 cannot be rejected. Thus, it could be inferred that the fixed-effects model might not be appropriate to estimate models using ordered dependent variable, as in this study. In addition, the fixed-effects model is also regressed for time fixed effect. In Stata, the test is done by using the “testparm” command. Based on the test, the Prob > F = 0.7568. In this instance, the Prob > F is greater than 0.05; thus, we failed to reject H0 that the coefficients for all years are jointly equal to “0”. Consequently, no time fixed effects are required in this case. 13 Economic Change and Restructuring As a further robustness check, we consider alternative financial measures of size, growth and form. In particular, the variables selected are defined using different sets as defined in Table 8. The alternative measures for these variables are incorporated in the estimations as in Table 9. Table 9 is estimated to provide comparative results and to establish whether there is a significant difference in estimation results by using different variable measurements/proxies. This model is re-estimated using alternative measures for the following variables: size, growth and organisational form. Model A shows estimations using a different approach to measure company size. Results indicate that variables such as leverage, profit and form are the key financial determinants that influence rating performance of an insurer. However, comparing the predictive ability for “size” with the estimated output in OPM (Table 5) (coefficient 0.240, sig. at 1%), we find the results for “size” in this regression is insignificant. Table 8 Alternative definitions for selected variables Variable(s) Original measure (as in this study) Alternative measure Size ln (gross premium written) ln (total assets) Growth Changes in surplus Changes in total assets Organisational form Dummy variable Dummy variable 0 = stock insurer 0 = publicly traded insurer 1 = mutual insurer 1 = privately traded insurer Table 9 Ordered probit regression model (alternative) Model A Model B Model C Alternative SIZE Alternative GROWTH Alternative FORM Coeff. Sig. Coeff. Sig. Coeff. Sig. Leverage .9090 [.052]* .4225 [.372] .4195 [.364] Profitability .0326 [.040]** .0780 [.000]*** .0780 [.000]*** Liquidity .0016 [.145] .0023 [.071]* .0024 [.064]* Size .0201 [.621] .2385 [.000]*** .2430 [.000]*** Reinsurance .0010 [.903] − .0012 [.846] − .0015 [.803] Growth .0022 [.420] − .0005 [.536] − .0012 [.632] Business type .1939 [.392] − .1375 [.525] − .1164 [.576] Organisational form .9436 [.000]*** − .7938 [.000]*** − .0381 [.873] No. of Obs. 190 190 190 LogPseudoLik − 284.959 − 274.043 − 276.110 109.58 127.64 29.61 0.0000 0.0000 0.0002 0.0325 0.0696 0.0625 Wald χ2 (8) Prob > χ2 2 Pseudo-R Significant levels ***p < 0.01; **p < 0.05; *p < 0.1 The p value is in parentheses 13 Economic Change and Restructuring Model B shows estimations using a different approach to evaluate growth. Instead of using changes in surplus, growth is measured by the changes in total assets (Weiss 1998). Our results show that even though the measurement has been changed, growth remains as an insignificant determinant of rating performance. A similar result is obtained from the regression in Table 5. We therefore conclude that growth is not a key factor influencing rating changes. Model C provides an alternative measure of organisational form. Form is a dummy variable to indicate the structure of insurance companies. In this model, organisational form reflects whether an insurance company is a publicly traded company or a privately traded company. After these adjustments, our results indicate that organisational form loses its predictive ability to influence rating performance. 5 Discussion of results and policy implications Interestingly, in all OPM estimations except in Model C (Table 9), organisational form (FORM) remains as the most significant determinant influencing rating performance (at 1% significance level). Theoretically, managerial decision-making in the insurance industry is influenced by the organisational forms (stock or mutual insurer). In addition, risk-taking, investment and product-mix strategies differ according to their ownership structure, contracting interest and internal governance. Mutual insurers exercise more caution in their operations as compared to stock insurers. Both insurers tend to obtain ratings in order to promote their good reputation to the public and to protect their market shares (Pottier 1997). This might be a possible justification to explain the importance of organisational form in explaining rating performance. Our study uses a different approach to measure company size. Instead of using the total assets, we measure company size based on its gross premium written. It is justified that due to operational and accounting differences within insurance companies, using total assets to measure size might not be appropriate. This notion further supports our decision to measure size of an insurer based on its gross written premium. Our results also confirm the findings by Van Gestel et al. (2007) who claim that size is an important rating determinant and its measure should appropriately reflect company operations. It seems highly likely that the insurance companies’ operations are markedly different as compared to banks and other financial institution. Thus, the appropriate measure of size should be gross premium written. It is noteworthy that one of our findings contradicts the empirical theory that serves as the basis of our hypotheses development. We hypothesise that stock insurers are more likely to obtain a higher rating grade than mutual insurers. However, our empirical results suggest that the opposite takes place. There is a negative, but significant relationship between organisational form and rating performance. As such, mutual insurers are more likely to obtain a higher rating grade than stock insurers (p value 0.000). Nonetheless, the relationship between organisational form and rating has not been conclusively established in previous studies. One notable finding relates to the impact of growth on potential ratings. Cole et al. (2011) contends that the impact is ambiguous. A strong growth position might reduce 13 Economic Change and Restructuring uncertainty and help to convey information relating to a favourable financial position. Our study investigates the impact of growth on rating performance and finds that the growth factor is not significant in explaining rating changes. Rating agencies suffered a major setback during the global financial crisis in terms of the credibility, assessment and transparency of their rating assignments. As a result, the aftermath of the financial crisis perceives less reliance on insurer’s rating grades and insurance companies move towards internal, risk-based assessment (Ciumas et al. 2015). Premium income, growth, capital, profitability, liquidity and solvency of insurance companies are the most affected variables during the early years of the global financial crisis, in 2008 and 2009 (Alexander 2010). However, since the subprime crisis is more prominent in the banking industry, insurance companies are quick to rebound from the effect. By 2010, most insurers have managed to recover their capital and net premium income (Simpson 2013). National Association of Insurance Companies (NAIC) and state regulators continued to address and monitor the performance of insurance companies prior to the global financial crisis. In terms of its risks and capital adequacy, NAIC developed and implemented the Own Risk and Solvency Assessment in 2015 and reformed the Insurance Holding Company System Regulatory Act to address the transparency issue and oversight of holding companies’ activities (Simpson 2013). Our study is restricted to a limited data availability issue. We retrieved ratings and financial data from the AM Best database, and we had difficulties to obtain larger sample size. There are many insurers opted out from the rating activity, thus leaving us with unbalanced panel data. This might be the aftermath of the global financial crisis, where insurers and stakeholders no longer trust the credibility of rating agencies and its rating assessment (Ciumas et al. 2015). In addition, all the financial variables affected during the financial crisis (as in Alexander 2010) are also relevant to the variables used in our measurements. Thus, the impact of the crisis is reflected in the financial data obtained, where almost all insurers in our sample selection suffered from sharp decline particularly in their total investment, gross premium written and total assets. 6 Conclusions This paper examines the determinants of financial performance of UK insurance companies by using the financial strength ratings (FSR) information from 2009 to 2009. Our empirical analysis confirms that the FSR performance, as reflected by rating grades, is positively and significantly explained by profitability (Adams et al. 2003), liquidity (Almajali et al. 2012; Omondi and Muturi 2013), company size (Charumathi 2012) and negatively influenced by organisational form (Kartasheva and Park 2013). However, leverage, reinsurance, growth and type of business do not reflect a statistically significant relationship with rating grades. Our study contributes to the area of insurance and financial performance of insurance companies in the following ways. First, we empirically investigate and determine the key financial determinants that explain rating grades assigned to insurers. Rating grades are significantly influenced by profitability, liquidity, company size and organisational form. Second, we find evidence confirming the suitability of a 13 Economic Change and Restructuring theoretical measure of company size which is highly appropriate for the insurance sector. Within the insurance industry, company size is better captured by using gross premiums written instead of total assets. Third, we fill a gap in the literature by extending previous research to incorporate longer period of investigation and robust empirical measurement of key variables. The models used are applicable to all insurers and can be used to provide an internal assessment of a firm’s own financial strength performance. 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