DELIVERABLE 3: 5-YEAR ACTION PLAN AND INDICATOR MATRIX The Kyrgyz Republic, as a signatory to various international agreements and frameworks, is committed to achieving ambitious environmental goals, including those outlined in the Sustainable Development Goals. Among these goals are waste reduction, enhanced recycling rates, and the promotion of environmentally sound waste management practices. To realize these aspirations, a robust and well-coordinated strategy is essential, encompassing a spectrum of activities that address waste generation, collection, recycling, disposal, and beyond. The Consultant, in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy and Commerce, is committed to advancing sustainable development in the Kyrgyz Republic through the development of an updated Green Economy Program (GEP) for the years 2024-2028. This initiative aims to build upon the existing foundation of environmental policies and strategies, with a specific focus on waste management, natural ecosystems, and biodiversity. The relationship between the Sustainable Transformation and Environmental Management (STEM) and the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is crucial in achieving the objectives of the GEP. The STEM will provide the overarching framework for guiding sustainable development efforts, while the EMP will outline specific strategies, actions, and indicators related to waste management and ecosystem preservation. 1.1.1. 5-YEAR ACTION PLAN The action plan will be developed related to earlier elaborated objectives, activities and expected results. The Consultant will implement an initial assessment of resources needed for implementing the identified activities. This includes the necessary financial requirements, staff time, expertise, technology and toolset. The Consultant will analyze the budgetary, donor, investment and other opportunities for financing different activities and estimate the required human capacity, knowledge and experience requirements, technology and tools that support the appropriate implementation of the designed activities. The Consultant has in the team experienced key experts working on the activity costing and budgeting and who will be responsible for the analysis processes. N ACTIVITY ACTIONS IMPLEMEN TATION PERIOD EXPECTED RESULTS RESOURCE ALLOCATION RESOURCE SOURCE ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Expected date of implementati on of the actions Description of expected results per each action and during the implementation period Resources required for the successful implementation of the programme (financial resources, personnel etc.) Main sources for the funding of appropriate action Roles and responsibilities of the appropriate state bodies involved in the implementation … … … … … WASTE MANAGEMENT n Alignment with the overarchin g strategy Tasks and actions that need to be completed to achieve the defined objectives STABLE NATURAL ECOSYSTEMS … … … To each activity corresponding coloring will be been assigned that allows them to be separated according to their priority, relevance, availability, and date, as described in the table below: The activity is applicable in the short term for which the necessary resources are available The activity is applicable in the medium term for which adequate resources will be needed The activity is applicable in the long term, which will require the appropriate resources The Consultant will work closely with the Client and Ministry of Economy and Commerce of the Kyrgyz Republic for the finalization of the action plan model. Above-mentioned action plan draft is generally accepted and applied model, but the Consultant is ready to collaborate with main beneficiaries of the Project to have unified approach.