35 8118 : BRITISH STANDARD ?art 1 : 1991 nccwpmting Lmendment No. 1 Structural use of aluminium --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Part 1: Code of practice fordesign ICs 91.080.10 NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LA1 Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT Committees responsible for this British Standard The preparationof this British Standard was entrusted the by Civil Engineering and Building Structures StandardsPolicy Comnuttee(CSW-) to Technical Comnuttee CSE936,upon whichthe following bodies were represented Aluminium Federation Association of Consulting Engineers Institution of Civil Engineers Institution of Structural Engineers London Regional "ansport Mirustry of Defence Royal Institute of British Architects Royal Institutionof Chartered Surveyors Welding Institute This British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of the Civil Engineering and Building Structures Standards Policy Committee, was published under the authority of the Standards Committee and comes into effect on 31 March 1992 O BSI 07-1999 Amendments issued sincepublication Amd. No. Date comment 10485 July 1999 Indicated by a side line The followingBSI references relate to the work on this standard: Committee reference CSEX36 Draft for comment W12254 DC ISBN O 580 19209 1 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT Contents Foreword Code of practice Section 1. General 1.1 Scope 1.2 Definitions 1.3 m o r symbols Section 2. Properties and selection of materials Designation of materials 2.1 Permitted materials 2.2 2.2.1 Extrusions, sheet,plate, drawn tube, forgings and castings Bolts and rivets 2.2.2 2.2.3 Filler metals Strength, mechanical and physical properties 2.3 2.3.1 Strength and mechanical properties 25.2 Physical properties Durability and corrosion protection 2.4 2.4.1 General 2.4.2 Durability of alloys 2.4.3 Corrosion protection Fabridonand construction 2.5 2.5.1 General 2.5.2 Bending and forming 2.5.3 Welding Selection of materials 2.6 Availability 2.7 2.7.1 General structural sections 2.7.2 2.7.3 Tube Sheet, strip and plate 2.7.4 2.7.5 Forgings effects Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS O BSI 07-1999 CaStings 2.7.6 Section 3. Design principles 3.1 Limit state design 3.2 Loading 3.2.1 General 3.2.2 Nominal l o a m 3.2.3 Factored loading 3.2.4 Dynamic Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT page h i d e front cover 9 10 10 11 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Committees responsible 15 15 15 16 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 31 1 ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ STD-BSI BS 8LL8: PART L-ENGL L992 m l b 2 V b b 9 079V532 Vb3 D BS 8118 : Part 1 : 1991 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.4 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.4.3 3.5 3.6 3.6.1 3.6.2 3.6.3 3.7 3.8 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Static strength General Actioneffect under factored loading Factored resistance Deformation Recoverable elastic deformation Pernxment inelastic deformation Distortion due to frequent assembly Durability Fatigue General Total collapse Stable crack growth Vibration Testing Section 4. Static designof members 4.1 Introduction 4.1.1 General 4.1.2 Linut state of static strength 4.1.3 Heat-affected zones W s ) 4.1.4 Advanced design 4.2 Linuting stresses 4.3 Section classification and local buckling 4.3.1 General 4.3.2 Slenderness parameterß 4.3.3 Section classification 4.3.4 Local bucklung 4.4 HAZ softenmg macent to welds 4.4.1 General 4.4.2 Severity of softening 4.4.3 Extent of HAZ 4.5 B€!amS 4.5.1 Introduction 4.5.2 Uniaxial monlent resistance of the section 4.5.3 Shear force resistance 4.5.4 Combined moment and shear force 4.5.5 Web bearing 4.5.6 Lateral torsional buckling 4.6 Tension members 4.6.1 General 4.6.2 Tension resistance 4.6.3 Eccentrically connectedties Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT page 31 31 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 33 33 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 37 40 40 41 41 41 41 46 46 46 47 48 49 49 51 51 53 53 page 54 54 54 54 54 58 58 64 65 65 66 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Compression members General Section classification for axial compression Resistance to overall buckling Colunm bucklig Torsional buckling Strut curve selection Local squashing Hybrid sections Certain casesof eccentrically connectedstruts Battened struts Bending with axial force and biaxial bending General Section classification and localb u c m under combined actions Section check Overall buckling check Deformation (serviceabilitylimit state) General Recoverable elastic deflection Section 5. Plates and plate girders 5.1 General 5.2 Unstiffened plates 5.2.1 General 5.2.2 Unstiffened plates under directstress Unstiffened plates under in-plane moment 5.2.3 Longitudinal stress w e n t on unstiffened plates 5.2.4 UnstifTened plates in shear 5.2.5 5.2.6 Combined actions Multi-stiffened plating 5.3 5.3.1 General 5.3.2 Multi-stiffened plating under uniform compression 5.3.3 Multi-stiffened plating under in-plane moment 5.3.4 Longitudinal stress gradlent on multi-stiffened plates Multi-stiffened plating inshear 5.3.5 5.4 Plate girders 5.4.1 General 5.4.2 Moment resistance of transversely stiffened plate girders Shear resistance of transversely stiffened plate girders 5.4.3 5.4.4 Longitudinally and transversely stiffened girders Web stiffeners and tongueplates 5.4.5 5.4.6 Use of corrugated or closely stiffened webs 5.4.7 Girders under combined moment andshear 4.7 4.7.1 4.7.2 4.7.3 4.7.4 4.7.5 4.7.6 4.7.7 4.7.8 4.7.9 4.7.10 4.8 4.8.1 4.8.2 4.8.3 4.8.4 4.9 4.9.1 4.9.2 66 66 67 67 67 68 68 68 ~~ Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS O BSI 07-1999 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 69 69 69 70 70 71 71 71 72 72 72 72 73 73 73 73 74 74 78 78 80 80 3 ~ ~~~ STDaBSI BS ALLB: PART L-ENGL L99L BS8118 : Part 1 : 1991 L b 2 4 b b 9 0794534 23b Section 6. Static design of joints General Riveted and bolted joints: design considerations General Groups of fasteners Effect of cross-sectional areas of plies Long joints Riveted and bolted joints: geometrical and other general considerations Minimum spacing Maximunl spacing Edge distance Hole clearance Packing Countersinking Long grip rivets Washers and loclung devices Intersections Factored resistance of individual rivets and b o l t s other than HSFG bolts conlplying with British Standards 6.4.1 Linuting stresses 6.4.2 Shear 6.4.3 Axial tension 6.4.4 Bearing 6.4.5 Combined shear and tension 6.5 High strength friction grip(HSFG) bolts 6.5.1 General 6.5.2 Ultimate l i t state (static strength) 6.5.3 Friction capacity 6.5.4 Serviceability linutstate (defornaon) 6.5.5 Prestress 6.5.6 Slip factor 6.6 Pinned joints 6.6.1 General 6.6.2 Solid pins 6.6.3 Members connected by pins 6.7 Welded joints 6.7.1 General 6.7.2 Effect of welding on static strength 6.7.3 Effect of welding on fatigue strength 6.7.4 Corrosion 6.7.5 Edge preparations 6.7.6 Dístortion 6.7.7 Infonnation given to fabricator 6.7.8 Butt welds 6.7.9 F'illet welds 6.1 6.2 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4 6.3 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.3.3 6.3.4 6.3.5 6.3.6 6.3.7 6.3.8 6.3.9 6.4 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 84 84 84 84 83 84 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 87 87 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 93 resistance Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Design strengthof welded joints 6.8 6.8.1 General Groups of welds 6.8.2 Linuting stress of weld metal 6.8.3 6.8.4 Limiting stress in the HAZ Factored resistance of welds 6.9 6.9.1 Butt weld metal 6.9.2 Fillet weld metal 6.9.3 Heat-affected zones (HAZs) Bonded joints 6.10 6.10.1 General 6.10.2 Factored 6.10.3 Tests Section 7. Fatigue Introduction 7.1 7.1.1 General 7.1.2 Influence of fatigue on design 7.1.3 Mechanism of failure 7.1.4 Potential sites for fatigue cracking 7.1.5 Conditions for fatigue susceptibility Fatigue design criteria 7.2 7.2.1 Design philosophy 7.2.2 Fatigue failure criterion Fatigue assessment procedure 7.3 Fatigue loading 7.4 Stresses 7.5 7.5.1 Derivation of stresses 7.5.2 Stress parameters Derivation of stress spectra 7.6 7.6.1 Cycle counting 7.6.2 Derivation of stress spectrum Classification of details 7.7 Fatigue strength data 7.8 7.8.1 Classified details Unclassified details 7.8.2 7.8.3 Low endurance range 7.8.4 Improvenlent techniques 7.8.5 Workmanship Page 87 87 88 88 88 88 88 89 92 93 93 93 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 9G 96 96 98 98 98 98 98 106 106 108 108 108 108 108 108 5 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 114 fatigue Section 8. Testing 113 8.1 General 113 8.2 Preparation for test 113 8.3 Static tests 113 8.3.1 General 8.3.2 Application of loads 113 114 8.3.3 Acceptance criteria 114 8.3.4 Retests measurement resistance 8.3.5 Ultimate for 8.4 testingAcceptance 114 8.4.1 Objectives of test 114 8.4.2 Derivation data of loading 114 8.4.3 Derivation of stress data 115 8.4.4of Derivation endurance data 1l G 8.4.5 Acceptance 116 8.5 Reporting 117 Appendices A Nomenclature of aluminiun~products 118 B F o m d statenlent of safety factor fommt adoptedin the code for static 123 design resistance calculations 124 m i c a l values of design life C 124 Derivation of material limiting stresses for use in design D 125 Elasto-plastic moment calculation E 128 F HAZs aqjacent to welds General formulae forthe torsional propertiesof thin-walled open G 133 sections 145 H Lateral torsional bucklingof beams Torsional buckling of struts: determinationof slenderness paranleter,1 147 J 151 K Equations to design curves strength L Fatigue data 154 Thbles 2.1 Heat-treatable alloys 2.2 Non-heat-treatable alloys Bolt and rivet material 2.3 Welding filler metals 2.4 Physical properties 2.6 General corrosion protectionof alminium structures 2.6 2.7 Additional protectionat metal-to-metal contacts to combat crevice and 2.8 2.9 2.10 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 galvanic effects Selection of filler wires and rods for inert-gas welding Product form availability F h g e of sizes for extruded section complying withBS 1161 Load factors (based on building structures) Load factors for combinedloads Material factors Limiting deflections 17 19 21 22 22 23 25 27 28 29 30 31 31 32 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- G Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 ~ ~~ STD*BSI BS 8118: PART 1-ENGL 1991 m Lb24bb9 0794517 T q 5 m BS 8118 : Part 1 : 1991 Limiting stresses, heat-treatable alloys Linuthg stresses, non-heat-treatable alloys Limiting values ofP Curve selection for figure 4.5 (local buckling) HAZ softening factor Extent of HAZ, factor a Lateral torsional bucklingof beams, coefficients X and Y Effective length factor K for struts Torsional buckling parameters forstruts Choice of strut curve diagram Limiting stress pf for alunkium fasteners Limiting stresses of weld metal p , Limiting stress P, and p , in the HAZ Type 1 classifications: non-welded details Type 2 classifications: welded details on surface of member Type 3 classifications: welded details at end connectionsof member Values of Kz and m in figure 7.9 Fatigue test factorF Nearest foreign equivalentsto designated wrought and cast alloys complying with British Standards Qpical values of design life c.1 D.l Limiting stress P, for weld metal F. 1 Modified HAZ softening factor4 F.2 General deternkation of IC, and 4 Specimen calculation: monosynunetric shape 6.1 6.2 Specimen calculation: skew-symmetric shape 6.3 Specimen calculation: asymmetricshape Effective length1 for beanls of length L H. 1 Effective length I for cantileverof length L H.2 K. 1 Eauations to desim curves Figures Qpes of flat element 4.1 Flat elements understress gradient, valueof g 4.2 B u c m modes for flat reinforced elements 4.3 Reinforced elements, value of h 4.4 4.5 Local buckling factor kL 4.6 Extent of HAZ, definition of z 4.7 Typical heat-path measurement Lateral torsional buckling, equivalent uniform moment M 4.8 4.9 Lateral torsional buckling of beams, bucklingstress p , 4.10 Column buckling stress P, for struts 4.11 Torsional buckling of struts, interaction factor k 4.12 Torsional buckling stress P , for struts 5.1 Unstiffened plate 5.2 Multi-stiffened plate 5.3 Plate girder 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 6.1 6.2 6.3 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 8.1 A. 1 v --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution O BSI - Uncontrolled Copy Provided by IHS under license with No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS RSI 07-1999 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT Page 35 36 40 41 44 45 52 54 59 62 83 89 89 99 101 103 108 117 121 124 125 130 138 142 143 146 146 152 37 38 38 39 42 45 46 50 51 55 63 G4 69 69 69 7 ~ ~~ ~~ STD-BSI BS 8118: PART L-ENGL 3991 m Lb24bb9 07911518 981 m BS 8118 :Part i : 1991 page ction method --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- es 8 Elastic criticalshear buckling factor v1 Basic tension fieldshear buckling factorv2 Flange assisted tension fieldshear buckling factor v3 Shear buckling factorml Effective Schematic interaction diagrams girders plate for Effective butt weld throats Effective fillet weld throats Failure planes for static welded joint checks Butt weld design Fillet weld design Effective length of longitudmal fillet welds Thick adhered shear test Thin sheet test specimens Fatigue assessment procedure Stress paranleter for parent nlaterial Stresses in throats Stress in lapped joints Stresses in root of fillet Reservoir Simplified stress spectrum m i c a l &-N relationship Designf,-N curves (for variable amplitudestress histories) Method of identifkation of fatigue class of drawings Ultinmte linut state criterion E.l Assunled elasteplastic stress patterns (non-hybrid) F.1 Extent of HAZ, factor 9 F.2 Qpical hardness plot along a heat path from a weld 6.1 Torsion constant coefficients certain forfillets and bulbs 6.2 Shear centre position(S) and warping factor(H) for certain thin-walled sections 6.3 Monosynunetric section notation 6.4 Skew-synmetric section notation notation 6.5 Aspmetric section J.1 Sections which exhibit no interaction between the pure torsional and flexural 5.2 Monosymmetric section 5.3 Asymmetric section 5.4 Nonlogranl for solving cubic equationa? + Ax - B = O K.1 Buckling strength at high slenderness L.l Zone of greatest variation in effectivef,-N curves 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 stiffener 5.9 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 7.1 7.2 weld 7.3 7.4 7.5 counting cycle 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 B.l buckling Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 75 76 77 77 78 81 87 88 90 91 91 92 93 94 97 105 105 106 106 107 108 110 111 112 123 127 132 132 134 135 137 139 141 147 148 149 150 151 155 0 BSI 07-1999 STD.BS1 BS B11B: PART It-ENGL 1971 l b 2 4 b b 9 0774539 B38 m BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 Foreword This Part of BS 8118 has been prepared underthe direction of the Civil Engineering and Building Structures S t a n h d s Policy Committee.BS 8118 is a document l nMunstructures combining a code of practice to cover the design and testing ofau (Part 1) and a specification for materials, fabrication and protection (Part 2). This Part of BS 8118 gives recomnlendations forthe design of the elenlents of framed, alunmunl alloy. lattice and stiffened plate structures, using wrought Although BS 8118 is a revision of CP 118 it is written witha different design so that a period philosophy. Because ofthis CP 118 will not be withdrawn immediately of overlap in designprocedures can be allowed. It has been assumed inthe draftmg of this British Standardthat the execution of its provisions is entrusted to appropriately qualified and experienced people and that construction and supervisionis carried out by capable and experienced organizations. The full list of organizationsthat have taken partin the work of the Technical Committee is given on the inside front cover. The Chairman of the Technical a particular Committee is Dr P S Bulson CBE and the following people have made contribution in the drafting of the code. Mr R J Bartlett Mr M J Bayley Mr P G Buxton Dr M S G Culliiore MrJBDwight Prof. H R Evans Mr K Ewing Mr W Ferguson Mr R A Foulkes Mr J H Howlett M r D Knight Mr W I Liddell Prof. D A Nethercot Dr M H Ogle Mr J A Thornton Mr P BTindall Compliance with a British Standarddoes notof itself confer immunity from legal obligations. Summary of pages This docunlent conlprisesa front cover, an inside front cover, pages to 1 156, an inside back cover anda back cover. this document indicates whenthe The BSI copyright notice displayed throughout document was last issued. Sideliningin this document indicatesthe most recent changes by amendment. --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted O without license from IHS BSI 07-1999 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 9 BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 Section 1 Section 1. General 1.2.7 factored load A nominal load multiplied by the relevant partial load This Part of BS 8118 gives reconmendations for the design of the elements of franled, lattice and stiffened factor. plate structures, using wrought aluminiumalloy. Where 1.2.8 factored life castings or forgings are used they should be The design life multiplied bythe relevant partial life manufactured and designedin accordance with the factor. appropriate British Standard and in close consultation with the specific manufacturer. 1.2.9 factored resistance The design reconmendations are for a variety of The resistance of a member divided by the relevant aluminium alloys suitable for structural use, and apply partial material factor. to a range of structures subjected to normal 1.2.10 fail safe atmospheric conditions such as bridges, buildings, towers, road and rail vehicles, nlarine craft, cranes and The ability of a structure to continue to be serviceable after the discovery and monitoring of fatigue cracks. offshore topside structures. The reconmendations do not cover aerospace alloys, 1.2.11 fatigue the detail design of castings, curved shellstructures or The damage, by gradual cracking, to a structural structures subjected to severe thermalor chenucal member caused by repeated applications of a stress conditions. They are not intended to be used for the that is insufficient to cause failure by a single design of containment vessels, pipework, airborne application. structures or naval vessels, or for any application for 1.2.12 fusion boundary which specific alternative codes exist, e.g.BS 5500 for pressure vesselsand BS 5649 for lighting columns. The material in a heat-affected zone inmediately NOTE. The titles of the publications referred to in this standard a a c e n t to the leg of a weld. 1.1 scope --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- are listed on the inside of the back cover. 1.2 Definitions For the purpose of this Part of BS 8118 the following defintions apply. 1.2.1 compact cross-section A cross-section that can develop the full plastic capacity, either in compression or bending, with no reduction due to localbucklii of thin-walled elements. 1.2.2 design life The period in which thestructure or component is required to perform safely, withan acceptable probability that it will not require repairor withdrawal from service. 1.2.3 designspectrum 1.2.13 heat affected zone A zone in which there is a reduction in strength of material in the vicinity of welds in certain classes of aluminium alloy. 1.2.14 imposed load All loadmg on a structure other than dead or wind loading. 1.2.15 instability A loss of stiffness of a structure (usually sudden)that limits its load-canying capability andin certain instances can cause catastrophic failure. 1.2.16 lateral torsional buckling The bucklmg of a beam accompanied by a combination of lateral displacement and twisting. stress ranges caused by loading events. 1.2.17 lateral restraint Restraint that limits lateral movement of the compression flangeof a beam. 1.2.4 detailclass A rating given to a detail which indicates its levelof fatigue resistance. 1.2.18 limit state Condition beyond whicha structure is unfit for its intended use. 1.2.5 edge distance Distance from the centre of a fastener hole to the nearest edgeof an element. 1.2.19 loading event A defined loading cycle which, for design purposes,is assumed to repeat a given number of times. 1.2.6 effectivelength Length between pointsof effective restmint of a member, multiplied by a factor to take account of end conditions and loadmg. 1.2.20load spectrum A tabulation showingthe relative frequenciesof loading events of different intensities ona structure. A tabulation of the numbers of occurrences of all the Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 10 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 ~~ STD-BSI BS ALLB: PART L-ENGL 1991 m l b 2 4 b b 9 07911521 117b m BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 Section 1 1.2.21 local buckling Buckling of the thin walls of a component in compression, characterizedby the fomwtion of waves or ripples alongthe member. 1.2.22Miner’ssummation A cumulative fatigue danlagesumnution based on a rule devised by Palmagren and Miner. 1.2.23nominalload The load to which a structure may be expected to be subjected during nomml service. 1.2.24 outstand element The element of a section, composedof flat or curved elements, which is supported along one longitudinal edge, free along the other. 1.2.34 stress range (1) The greatest algebraic difference betweenthe principal stresses occurring on principal planes not more than 45 O apart in any stress cycle on a plate or element. (2) The algebraicor vector difference between the greatest and least vector sum of stresses in any one stress cycle on a weld. 1.2.35 stress spectrum A tabulation of the numbers of occurrences of all the stress ranges of different magnitudes duringa loading event. 1.2.36 torsional buckling Buckling of a strut accompanied by tw-. 1.2.37 torsional/flexural buckling 1.2.25 reinforcedelement Buckl~ngof a strut accompanied by overall flexureas The element of a section which is stiffened by the well as twisting. introduction of longitudinal reinforcement, either along 1.2.38 ultimate limit states the edge of the element, or within its width. Those limit states which when exceeded can cause 1.2.26 resistance collapse of part or whole of a structure The strength of a member based on calculations,using NOTE. Specific terms relating to limit state principles are defined acceptable maximum values for material strength. in appendix B. 1.2.27 safe life A design against fatiguein which the calculated life is many times longer thanthe life required in service. 1.2.28 semi-compact cross-section A cross-section of a beam in whichthe stress in the extreme fibresis limited to the 0.2 % proof stress, because local bucklingof the compression elements would prevent developmentof the full plastic moment capacity. 1.2.29 serviceability limit states Those limit states which when exceeded can leadto the structure being unfit for its intended use, even though the structure has not collapsed. 1.2.30 slenderness The effective length of a strut divided by the radius of gyration. 1.2.31 stiffenedelements The element of a section, composed of flat or curved elements, which is supported along both longitudinal edges. 1.2.32 stress cycle A pattern of variation of stress at a point, whichis normally in the form of two opposing half-waves. 1.2.33 stress history A record showing howthe stress at a point varies during loading. --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS O BSI 07-1999 1.3 Major symbols A Area or Durability rating A, Effective section area A, Effective shear area a Spacing of transverse stiffeners or Width of unstiffened plates B Overall width of multi-stiffened plate orDurability rating BRF Factoredresistance inbearing of a fastener b Width of flat element be Effectivewidthof webplate (plate girder) C Durability rating or Lip size D Diameterofround tube to mid-metal or Overall depth of web to outside flanges d Depth of web between flanges or Depth of unstiffened plates &c Nominal diameter of fastener or pin E Modulus elasticity of F Fatigue test factor F Fusionboundary of heataffected zone (HAZ) F, Frictioncapacity ofhigh strengthfrictiongrip bolt (HSFG bolt) Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 11 I BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 Section 1 M R S ~ Factoreduniaxialmonlentresistanceabout major axis (with allowance for shear) foc M R S ~ Factoreduniaxialmomentresistance about fov nlinor axis (with allowance for shear) fr Design stress range Factored moment of resistance to lateral torsional buckling fu Ultimatetensile stress (designated R, in BS EN 10002-1) M, Semi-compact value of MRS f0,2 Minimum 0.2 % tensileproof stress (designated M, Uniaxialmoment about nqjor axis Rp0.2 in BS EN 10002-1) M, Equivalentuniformmomentaboutmajor axis G Shear modulus My Uniaxialmoment about n k o r axis g Stress gradient coefficient My Equivalent uniform monlent about n k o r axis gt Throatweld of M1 Maximum factored monlent g, Leg length of weld M2 Minin~unlfactored nlonlent H Warping factor m Inverse slope off, - N curve(fatigue) h Reinforced elements coefficient ml, m2 Shear buckling factors (plate girders) or Distance to a free edge N Number of webs IS Secondmomentof area of fullsection of or Predicted cycles to failure (endurance) effective stiffener (plategirder) n Equivalentnumberofcyclesof stress range ISU Secondmomentof area of one subunit of (fatigue) plating (multi-stiffened plates) or Time in days between welding and loading Iy Secondmomentof area aboutcentroid axis P Axialtensileorcompressiveforcedue to J Torsion constant factored loading K Effectivelengthfactorfor struts or Protection KI Coefficientincalculationofresistanceofbolts PC. Elasticcriticalloadfortorsionalbuckling Kz Constant in fatigue failure criterion P, Proofloadfor a bolt kL Local buckling coefficient PP Prestress load k, Reductionfactoronlongitudinalresistance to PR Factored axial resistancebasedonoverall take account of high shear colunm or torsional buckling k, Strengthfactorfor HAZ material PRB Factoredresistance of butt weld Modified strength factor forHAZ material k; PRF Factoredresistance of filletweld Length between supports PRFB Factored resistance of HAZ adjacent to butt Effective length between lateral supports weld fusion boundary (direct normal tensile force) Effective length ofbutt weld PRFF Factored resistance of HAZ adJacent to fillet Effective length of fillet weld weld fusion boundary (direct nomlal tensile Moment under factored loading force) Equivalent uniform moment PRG Factoredresistance of bondedjoint Elastic critical uniform moment for lateral PRS Factored axial resistance(tensile or torsional buckling compressive) Fully compact valueof MRS Mf PRTB Factored resistance of HAZ adjacent to butt weld toe (direct nomml tensileforce) MRF Reduced value of MRS for flanges only Factored moment resistanceof a section in the PRTF Factored resistance of HAZ adjacent to fillet MRS absence of shear weld toe (direct nomml tensile force) Reduced factored moment resistanceof a Ph Factored axial resistance to overallcolunm section to allow for shear buckling aboutn d o r axis f Reduction factor applied Constant amplitude cut-off Variable amplitude cut-off to kZ stress stress --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 12 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 STD.BSI BS 8118: PAKT 1-ENGL 17’91 D Lb211bbS 07911523 2119 D BS 8118 : Part 1 : 1991 Section 1 Factored axial resistance to overall column tC buckling about minoraxis Factored resistance of HAZ under direct PRZ te loam tf Linuting stress for local capacity (tension and Pa t2 compression) V Linuting direct stress in HAZ P, VRFB Linuting stress for solid rivets and bolts Pf Linuting stress for bending and overall yielding Po VRFF Limiting stress for flange material Pof Limiting stress for web material Pow vRS Limiting stress for overall buckling stability PS VRTB OT Lateral torsional buckling stress VRTF or Buckling stress for web treated as a thin column between flanges PRY Weld penetration p, Linuting stress in shear p, Linuting shear stress in HAZ p, Limiting stress ofweldmetal pwl Stressarising at extremeedge of webdue to localized force pw2 Stress arising at nud-point of webdueto .localized force pl Stress axis value of p s in strut curve diagran~ or Value of po for unwelded fully compact section Radius of curvature of curved internal element, to nud-metal Minor axis radius of gyration Plastic section nlodulusof gross section,with no reduction for HAZ, local buckling, or holes Extemal loading actions under factored loading Plastic modulus of effective flange section (plate girder) Plastic modulus of net section Plastic modulus of net effective section Factor on pl to allow for strut not meeting tolerances of straightness or twist Toe of HAZ Thickness Lesser of 0 . 5 ( t ~+ k)and 1.5t~ Thickness of thinnest element connectedby welding Pt VRW VRZ Vtf V1 v2 v3 W W Y yc yo Thickness of thickest elenlent connectedby welding Effective throat thickness Flange thickness Flange thickness Shear force under factored loading Factored shear resistance of HAZ adjacent to butt weld fusion boundary Factored shear resistance of HAZ adjacent to fillet weld fusion boundary Factored shear force resistance Factored shear resistance of HAZ adjacent to butt weld toe Factored shear resistance of HAZ adjacent to fillet weld toe Reduced value of VRS Factored resistance of HAZ in shear Tension field factor (plate girders) Elastic critical shear buckling factor Basic tension field shear buckling factor Flange assisted tension fieldshear buckling factor Weld metal Pitch of stiffeners in multi-stiffened plate Distance from centre of multi-stiffened plate to centre of outermost stiffener Distancefromneutral axis tomoreheavily conlpressed edge Distancefromneutral axis to less heavily compressed edge, or edge in tension Distancefromneutral axis to mostseverely stressed fibres y2 Distancefromneutral axis to the compression flange element in a bean1 2, Elastic modulus of effective section Zn Elasticnlodulus of netsection Zn, Elasticnlodulus of neteffectivesection z Distance the HAZ extends fromaweld z, Basic value of 2 (Y Ratio of nlinimunl to nlaxinlunl shear stress in web (elastic stress distribution) ur Modlfylng factor for extent of HAZ to allow for elevated tenlperature ‘YS Coefficient in calculation of boltorrivet in single shear Y1 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking O permitted without license from IHS BSI 07-1999 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 13 ß Slenderness parameter ßo Senu-conlpact h i t i n g value of ß fi1 Fully conlpact linuting value ofß Yc Consequences of failure factor Yf Overall load factor y f l , ya Partial load factors y~ Fatigue life factor YS Material factor Fatigue material factor Coefficient in calculation of frictioncapacity & constant (%) Ym ymf 250 A ‘T1 T1 72 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- PS Slenderness parameter for colunm buckling, torsional buckling, andlateral torsional buckling Slenderness ratioof strut about ninor axis M0-g factor for extentof HAZ to allow for increased heat build-up Elastic critical stress of element with reinforcement Elastic critical stress of element without reinforcenlent Normal stress on weld under factored loading Shear stress perpendicular to weld axis Shear stress parallel to weld axis Slip factor Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 14 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 Section 2 BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 Section 2. Properties and selection of materials 2.1 Designation of materials The designation of wrought alunMum and aluminium alloys for general engineering purposes used t inhis standard is in accordance with the international 4-digit classification system. Detailsof this system are given in appendix A. Table A l in appendix A shows by cross reference the current and old British Standard designations together withthe nearest equivalentIS0 and other foreign designations. The designation for castings is in accordance with the system used in BS 1490 for aluminium alloy castings. The alloy temper designation used inthis standard is generally in accordance withthe IS0 2107 ‘alternative’ temper designation system. Detailsof t h system together with the former systemstill used for some alloys and forms of nlaterials are given in appendix A. NOTE.To simplify the text and to avoid confusion, in sections four, five and six the temper designations M,TB, TF and TH are not used. The equivalent temper designations F, T4,T6 and T8 respectively are used. 2.2 Permitted materials 2.2.1 Extrusions, sheet, plate, drawn tube, forgings and castings --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Standard materials G e n a l This Part of BS 8118 covers the design of structures fabricated from a rangeof aluniniun1alloys used in conditions and tempers listed in tables2.1 and 2.2 and commonly supplied to the specifications given in BS 8118 : Part 2. The alloysare in two categories, the first of heat-treatable alloysgiven in table 2.1 and described in and the second of non-heat-treatable alloys in table 2.2 and described in2. Castings should only be usedin load bearing structures after both adequate testing and the setting of upquality control procedures for productionof the castings has been performed to the approval of the engineer. The to design rules of this standard should not be applied castings without close consultation withthe nmufacturers thereof. Heat-treatable alloys The following alloys derive strength from heat treatment. (a) Alloy 6082. The commonestof these alloys is the medium strength alloy, 6082,(Al SilMgMn) of durability ratingB (see 2.4.2) used usually in the fully heat-treated condition, i.e.6082-T6, and used in welded and non-welded structures. Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS O BSI 07-1999 The choice of this alloy is based on a conlbination of good physical properties anda good degree of resistance to corrosion. It is available in most fornq solid and hollow extrusions, plates,sheets, tubes and forgings. Care should be taken in designto account for loss of strength in welded joints in the heat-affected zone (HAZ). @) AUoy 6061. An alternative alloy to 6082 is 6061, (Al MglSiCu) of durability ratingB which has very similar properties with slight inlprovenlent in forndility and surface finish.It is available in extruded tabular form and mainly used for structures. (c) AUoy 6063. In applications where strength is not of paramount importance andhas to be compromised with appearance,the alloy 6063 (Al MgO,7Si) of durability ratingB is preferred, because it combines moderate strength with good durability and surface finish. Itis particularly responsive to anodizing and sinlilar patented finishing processes.Alloy 6063 has a lower strength than 6082, and like the latter there is a loss of strength in welded joints inthe HAZ. It is available in extrusions, tubes and forgings andis particularly suitable for thin-walled and intricate extruded sections. Itis used nlainly for architectural applications such as curtain walling and window frames. (d) AUoy 7020.A further alloy whichis readily weldable (although not restrictedto welded series structures) is the medium strength 7 alloy 7020 (Al Zn4,5Mgl) of durability rating C. It has better post-weld strength than the 6 series due to its natural agem property. This material and others in the 7 series of alloys are however sensitive to environmental conditionsand its satisfactory performanceis as dependent on correct methods of manufacture and fabrication as on control of composition and tensile properties.If material in the T6 condition is subjected to any operations which induce cold work,such as bending, shearing, punching, etc.the alloy may be made susceptible to stress corrosion cracking; it is essential therefore that there be drect collaboration between the engineer and the nmufacturer on the intended use and the likely service conditions.This alloy is available normally onlyin rolled forms and simple extruded solid and hollow sections, though forgings can sometimes be madeto special order. (e) AUoy LM25 Alloy LM25 (Al Si7Mg) of durability rating B is a casting alloy with good foundry characteristics, corrosion resistance and nlechanical properties. It is available in four conditions of heat treatment in both sand and chill castings, and is mainly used for architectural and food nmnufacturing installations. *** * * *** Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 15 - STD.BSI BS 8LLE: PART L-ENGL J751 D 1 b 2 4 b b 7 077452b T58 m BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 Section 2 *** Non-heat-treatablealloys. The strongest 5 series alloy which offers inmunity to stress corrosion when exposed to The following alloys derive enhanced strength only by elevated temperature is 5454. The 5 series strain hardening. Theyare normally produced in sheet alloys with greater than3 % Mg may be rendered and plate forms and occasionally in some sinlple susceptible to stress corrosion when exposed to extruded foms. elevated tenlperatures. (a) AUoy 1200.The alloy 1200 (Al99,O)of durability (jjAlloy 5251 : in seam welded tube. Sean1 welded rating A is ‘conunercially pure’aluminium with high tubes are produced from 5251 strip (Al M@) giving a ductility and a very good corrosion resistance. It is durability rating B to the tube, which has been used for architectural work where components are further strengthened by work hardening through not highly stressed and is available insheet only. forming and finishing rolls.Its n& uses are in (3)AUoy 3103.The alloy3103 (Al Ml) of durability general engineering such as garden furniture, rating A is stronger and harder than‘commercially handrails and ladders. pure’ a u ln M u m but with the same high ductility and (g) AUoy W 5 .Alloy LM5 (AlMg5Sil) of durability very good corrosion resistance, andis used raking A is a medium strength casting alloy extensively for building sheet and vehicle panelling. possessing excellent finishing properties where it It is available in sheet form. maintains a surface of high polish, but is only (c) AUoy 3105.The alloy 3105(Al Mn0,5Mg0.5) of suitable for simple shapes. Itis mainly used for sand durability ratingA is becoming more prevalent in the castings for architectural and decorativepurposes profied buildmg sheet market dueto its superior and where anodizingis required. properties over3103 in hardness and strength.It also (h) AUoy LM6. Alloy L M G (Al Sil2) of durability has an economic advantage. Availableform are rating B is a further mediuni strength casting alloy linuted to sheet. which has excellent foundrychmcteristics, high (d) A h y 5083.The alloy 5083 (Al Mg4,5Mn0.7) of ductility and impact strength, together with good durability ratingA is used for weldedstructures, corrosion resistance. It is suitable for both sand and plating and tank work, because it welds readily chill castings and for a wide range of uses in without sigruficant loss of strength andhas high general, marine and electrical applications and in ductility. The tensile strengthof 5083 in the O and F castings of above avemge complexity and size. conditions is lower than 6082-T6 but sigrufcantly higher if the latter is welded. However, subjectionto Materials in other thicknesses and allogs long exposure at temperatures above65 “C, it can with other standard and non-standard properties result in grain-boundary precipitationof The alloys listed in tables 2.1 and 2.2 are sonletimes nmgnesiunl/alunlinium intermetallic compounds used in other thicknesses andin other standard and .which corrode preferentiallyin sonle adverse non-standard tempers and conditions. Guaranteed environments. This effect is aggravated if the alloy is nlininlunl properties for such materials may be used if subjected to subsequent cold working operations. It agreed between designer and client. is available in plate, sheet, simple extruded sections, drawn tube and forging. Apart from its easy welding Other allous and good formability properties, italso exhibits very Other alloys are available which offer higher strengths, good durability, especially in nlarine environments. e.g. 2014A andor better post-weld strengths, e.g.7019, but these strengths nlay be achievedto the detriment (e) AUoys 5251, 5154A a.& 5454. Alloys 5251 of other properties. The engineeris therefore, advised (Al M@), 5154A (Al Mg3,5(A)) and 5454 (Al Mg3Mn) all of durability ratingA are available in sheet, plate against using anyof these alloys without careful a reputable consideration, and in full consultation with and simple extrusions.5154A and 5251 are also nmufacturer. Properties to be considered include available as forgings. Magnesium is the main durability, weldability, resistanceto crack propagation, addition and as a result the alloys are ductile in the soft condition, but work harden rapidly. They have and behaviour in service. Other alloysin the 7 series having higher proof strengths suchas 7019 will good weldability and very good resistanceto corrosive attack, especially in a marine atmosphere. require particular control onnmufach~ringprocesses, for example control of micro structure, residual stress For this reason theyare used in panelling and and cold working, see (d). structures exposed to marine atmospheres. 5154A and 5454 are stronger than 5251.. 2.2.2 Bolts and rivets Bolt and rivet materials togetherwith their durability ratings are given in table 2.3. Guidance on the selection of bolt and rivet materialsis given in *** *** --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 16 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-19‘99 Section 2 C Y s W 3 l b Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 17 Bs 8118 : Part 1 : 1991 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O 1 Section 2 O B S I 07-1mcJ I Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- I 4 S! B 1 t a lm 19 Ia BS 8118 : Part 1 : 1991 Previous page is blank I la Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT I 1 L Section 2 ~ n m n m 4 ~~ n Z Z z z z VI dl VI N ck VI VI --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- m m VI c\Ic\I page m c\I m d n VI VI m m m m Previous Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT is blank 21 BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 STD-BSI BS BLLB: PART L-ENGL L99L m L b 2 9 b b 9 07q9529 7b7 m E O BSI 07-1999 Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS These materials mayalso be used for special proprietary rivet and bolt products, including thread inserts. Special head shapes may be necessary for the larger diameter rivets, see BS 1974l). 2.2.3 Filler metals Filler metals for tungsten inert-gas (TIG) welding and metal inert-gas(MIG) welding, are given in table 2.4 on the together with their durability ratings. Guidance selection of filler metalsis given in 2 3 Strength, mechanical and physical properties 2.3.1 Strength and mechanical properties The range of the standard alloys togetherwith their available fornw, temper conditions and mechanical properties are shown in tables 2.1 and 2.2. The mechanical properties for wrought materials for the tempers and conditionsof the alloys given in tables 2.1 and2.2 have been used to determine the limiting stresses given in table 4.1. Where alloys are welded the approximate percentage reductionin strength of the alloy is given for each temper. These strengths in the HAZ may not be achieved until after a period of natural or artficial ageing, see notes to table 2.1for details. The strength of bolt and rivetmaterial is given in table 2.3. I lbble 2.4 Weldingfiller metals Filler metal group BS alloy IS0 alloy designation?) Qpe 1 1080A 1050A 3103 Al99,8 Al99,5 Al Mn1 Al Si5 (A) Al Si12 (A) Al Mg5 Al Mg5Cr(A) Al Mg5,BMnCr Al Mg4,5Mn Qpe 3 1 me 1 Qpe 5 4047A3) 4043A 505GA 5356 5556A 5183 I DurabilitJ rating designation') A A IB A l) See BS 2901 : Part 4 for chemical composition. ?) Or nearest equivalent. 3, 4047A is specifically used to prevent weld metal cracking in joining involving high dilution and high restraint. In most cases 4043A is refera able. The mechanical propertiesof the alloys vary with temperatwe and those given in tables 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 should be applied to the design of structures over a temperature range -50 "C to 70 "C except for 5083 (see (d)). The 0.2 % proof stress and tensile strength improveat lower temperatures,but at higher tenlperatures are reduced. For properties outside the temperature range given, the manufacturer shouldbe consulted. The alloywill melt withinthe range 550 "C to 660 "C, with the precise range dependenton the alloy. 2.3.2 Physical properties The physical propertiesfor the standard alloys although varying slightlymay be taken as constant and are listed in table2.5. In critical structures the engineer nlay wish to use the exact value which should be obtained froma reputable nlanufacturer. 'Igble 2.5 Physical properties Property I Value Density Modulus of elasticity Modulus of rigidity Coefficient of thermal expansion 2.4 Durability and corrosion protection 2.4.1 General In many instances the standard nmterials listedin tables 2.1 to 2.4 can be used in the ndl-finish, as extruded or as welded condition withoutthe need for surface protection. The good corrosion resistanceof aluminium and its alloys is attributable to the protective oxide film which forms on the surface of the metal inunediatelyon exposure to air. This film is normally invisible, relatively inert andas it forms naturally on exposure to air or oxygen, and in many complex environments containing oxygen;the protective film is thw self-sealing. In mdd environnlents an alunWum surface will retain its original appearance for years, and no protection is needed for most alloys. In moderate industrial environments there will be a darkening and roughening of the surface. As the atmosphere becomes more aggressive such as in certain strongly acidicor strongly alkaline environments,the surface discoloration and roughening will worsen with visible white powdery surface oxides andthe oxide film may itself be soluble. The metal ceasesto be fully protected and added protection is necessary. These conditions mayalso occur in crevices due to high local acid or alkaline conditions, but agentshaving this extreme effectare relatively fewin number. ')Obsolescent standard --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 2 710 kg/m3 70 O00 N/nun2 2G GOO N/nun2 23 X per "C Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 Section 2 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- In coastal and marine environments the surface will 2.4.3 Corrosion protection roughen and acquire agrey, stonelike, appearance, and Overall corrosion protection protection of some alloysis necessary. Where The need to provide overall corrosion protectionto aluninhm is immersed in water special precautions structures constructed from the alloys or conlbination may be necessary. Where surface attack does occur corrosionhime curves of alloys listed in tables2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 when for aluninium and aluminium alloys usually follow an exposed to different environments (seePD 6484)is given in table 2.6. The methods of providing corrosion exponential form, with a fairly rapid initial loss of protection in these environments are detailed in this there is reflectivity after slight weathering. After BS 8112 : Part 2. very little further change over very extensive periods. In selecting the appropriate colunm of table 2.6 for an On atmospheric exposure,the initial stage may be a atmospheric environment there maybe localities few months or 2 to 3 years, followed by little,if any) further change over periodsof 10,30 or even 80 years. within a region that have ‘nucroclinlates’ vastly different fromthe environmental characteristicsof the Such behaviouris consistent forall external freely region as a whole. A region designated ‘rural‘may have exposed conditions and for all intemal or shielded local environments more closely resenlblingan conditions, except where extremesof acidity or industrial atmosphere at sites close to and down wind alkalinity can develop. Tropical environmentsare in general no more harmfulto aluminium than temperate of factories. Siilarly, a site near the sea but close to environments, although certain alloys (seeBS 5500) are shore installations may, with the appropriate prevailing winds, have the characteristics of an industrial, rather affected by long exposure to high ambient than marine, atmosphere. The environmentis not ~ e temperatures, particularly whenin a n necessarily the sanle fora structure inside a building environment. as for one outside. 2.4.2 Durability of alloys Because of these factors, localized conditionsof The alloys listed in tables 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 are increased severitymay result. It is advisable to study categorized intothree durability ratings A, B and C in the precise conditions prevailingat the actual site descending order of durability. These ratings are used before deciding on the appropriate environment to determine the need and degree of protection column of table 2.6. required. In constructions employing morethan one alloy, including filler metalsin welded construction, the Where hollow sections are employed consideration should be given to the need to protect the internal void protection should bein accordance with the lowest of to prevent corrosion arising from the ingress of their durability ratings. corrosive agents. Becauseof the difficulty of painting such sections, chemical conversion coatings may be beneficial. Where the internal void is sealed effectively, internal protectionis not necessary. ~~_____ I rable 2.6 General corrosion protection of aluminium structures I ~1 ~_____ Material durability thickness ratmg mm h o y I I Protection needed according- to environment ~~ Rural IndustriaUurban Moderate Severe Marine NonModerate industrial I None I None P P P P None None P P IA I All I None I None B <3 23 None C All None P P P None None P’) P IP P I 1 Immersed Atmospheric Fresh water Sea water I None I None P P PZ) P P Severe IP I NR Ke?l P Protection needed (see BS 81 18: Part 2). P’)Requires only local corrosion protection to weld and HAZ in urban non-industrial environments. P?) Protection not recommended if of welded construction. NR Immersion in sea water is not recommended. Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy O No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS BSI 07-1999 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 23 S T S O B S 1 BS 8118: PART L-ENGL 1591 m 1 b 2 4 b b 7 0 7 7 4 5 3 2 2 5 1 m BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 Section 2 Contact with timber Consideration shouldalso be given to contacting In an industrial, dampor nlarine environment the surfaces in crevices and contact with certain metalsor timber should be primed and painted inaccordance washings from certain metals which nlay cause with good practice. electrochemical attack.of alunlinium (see PD 6484). Some wood preservatives nlay be harnuûlto Such condtions can occur within a structure at joints. aluminiun~As a general guidethe following Contact surfaces andjoints of alunlinium to a l u n ~ i u m preservatives have been agreed betweenthe or to other metals and contact surfacesin bolted, AlunIMun~Federation, the British Wood Preserving riveted, welded and high strength friction grip(HSFG) Association and Danlp-proofing Associationto be safe bolted joints should be given additional protection to aluminiun~without special precautions: for use with that required by table 2.6 as defined in table 2.7. Details a) coal tar creosote; of the corrosion protection procedure required are given in BS 8118 : Part 2. b) coal tar oil; c) chlorinated napthalenes; Contact with othernon-metallic materials d) zinc naphnates; Contact with concrete, masonry W plaster e) pentachlorophenol; Aluminium in contact with dense compact concrete, f) organo-tin oxides; masonry or plaster in a dry unpolluted or nuld environment should be coated on the contacting g) orthophenylphenol. surface with a coat of bituminous paint, Where timber, treated withthe following preservatives, see BS 8118 : Part 2. In an industrial or marine is used in damp situationsthe aluni ni un^ surface in environment the contacting surfaceof the alununiunl contact with the treated timber should havea should be coated withat least two coats of heavy duty substantial applicationof sealant: bituminous paint;the surface of the contacting material 1) copper napthanate; should preferablybe similarly painted. Submerged 2) copperchrome-menate; contact between aluminiun~and such nlaterials is not reconunended, but if unavoidable separation ofthe 3) bom-boric acid. materials is reconunended by the use of a suitable Other preservatives should not be used in association mastic or a heavy duty damp course layer. with alminiunl. Lightweight concrete and similar products require Reference may be made to CP 143 : Part 15. additional consideration when wateror rising danlp Oak, chestnut and western red cedar, unless well can extract a steady supplyof aggressive alkali from seasoned, are likely to be h a r n ~to l alunIMun~. the cement. The alkali water can thenattack aluminium surfaces other than the direct contact Contact with soils surfaces. The surface of the metal in contact with soil shouldbe protected with a least two coats of bituminous paint, Embedment in concrete The dunMun~ surfaces before embedmentin concrete hot bitumen, or plasticized coal-tar pitch,see BS 8118 : Part 2. Additional wrapping-tapes nlay be usedto should be protected with at leasttwo coats of prevent mechanical danmge to the coating. bituminous paint or hot bitumen, see BS 8118 : Part 2, and the coats should extend at least 75 nun above the Immersion in water concrete surface after embedment. Where au l nMun parts are inunersed in freshwater or Where the concrete contains chloridese.g. as additives sea water including contanûnated water,the aluni ni un^ or due to the use of sea-dredged aggregate, at least should preferably be of durability rating A, with two coats of plasticized coal-tar pitch should be fastenings of alunIMun~or corrosion-resisting steelor applied in accordance with BS 8118 : Part 2 and the fastened by welding. Tables 2.6 and 2.7 give the finished assembly should be overpainted locally with protection neededfor fresh water andsea water the Same material, after the concrete has fully set, to inunelsion. seal the surface. Care shouldbe taken where metallic In addition the engineer should obtain competent contact occurs betweenthe embedded alun Mun^ parts advice on the oxygen content, pH number, chenucal or and any steel reinforcement. metallic, particularly copper, content andthe amount of nlovenlent of the water as these factors nlay affect the degree of protection required. Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 24 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Metal-to-metal contactsincluding joints O Y O BSI 07-1B9 Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 115 m m m M m dr M 4 4 4 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 25 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Contact with chemicals used in the building industry Fungicides and mould repellents may contain metal compounds based on copper, mercury, tin and lead which, under wet or danlp conditions could cause corrosion of the alunMun1. The harmful effects may be countered by protecting the contacting surfaces whch may be subject to washmg or seepage from the chemicals. Some cleaning materials can affectthe surface of the alunMum. Where such chemicals are used to clean aluminium or other materials in the structure, care should be taken to ensure that the effects will not be detrimental to the aluminium. Often quick and adequate water rinsing will suffice, while inother situations temporary measuresmay be necessary to protect the aluni ni un^ from contact with the cleaners. Particular attention is drawn to the susceptibility of 6082,6063,6061 and5251 alloys to cracking during solidification when weldsare made under constraint. This may be avoided bythe use of the filler nmterials and welding techniques recommended (seeBS 8118 : Part 2 : 1990). This will ensure a suitable combination of filler material in the actual weld. Filler metals. The filler wirefor use in welded construction should be chosen in accordance with table2.8. 2.6 Selection of materials The choice of an alloy or alloys for any structure is determined by a combination of a number of factors: strength, see 2.3; durability, see 2.4; physical properties, see 2.3; weldability, see 2.5; formability, see 2.5 and availability, see 2.7 in both the particular fornl and Contact with insulating materials used in alloy required. The standard nlaterials given in thÆ building industry tables 2.1 and 2.2 are described in terns of the above Products such as glass fibre, polyurethane and various factors in and insulation products may contain corrosive agents which can be extracted under moist conditionsto the . nlaterials should 2.7 Availability detriment of the a l u m i n i u n ~ Insulating be tested for compatibility with alunlinium under damp 2.7.1 General and saline conditions. Where thereis doubt, a sealant The range of alloys given in tables 2.1 and 2.2 are not as described in BS 8118 : Part 2 should be appliedto available in all product forms. Table 2.9 indicates the the associated aluni ni un^ surfaces. alloys available in particular product f o m and where nlaterials may be stocked in liuted quantities. Product 2.5 Fabrication and construction and alloy combinations notnorndly manufactured but which may be manufactured by special arrangement 2.5.1 General are indicated, design in thesenlaterials should only be The fabrication and construction requirementsto be attempted after confurnationof their availabilitywith detailed are included in the relevant design clauses. the materials supplier. BS 8118 : Part 2 specifiesthe methods of fabrication to 2.7.2 Structural sections be followed. In addition 2.5.2 and 2.5.3 should be considered by the engineer. A number of structural extruded sections cornplying with BS 1161 and some other structural sections are 2.5.2 Bending and forming available in 6082-T6 or 6063-T6 from stock, but in most Alunwunl alloys are available in a wide range of instances they will need to be produced to order, tempers which affect their formability. Where bending see table 2.9. Table 2.10 gives the range of sizes of or forming is required the engineer should consultthe sections given in BS 1161. Other sizes may be obtained manufacturer for guidance on the choice of alloy, from existingor new dies by arrangement with the temper and any subsequent heat treatmentthat may be manufacturer. Where sectionsare produced to order, required. minimm1 order quantities may be applied. Special new extruded sections are normally nude to order and the 2.5.3 Welding low cost of simple dies gives great flexibilityin this General design. The engineer should consultthe manufacturer at an early stageto verify the shape, thickness, size The loss of strength that can occur in the vicinity of and feasibility of the design of a new section and the weld with some alloys and tempers should be delivery of both the new die and the extruded section. considered by the engineer in the choice of the alloy Some sections or products are nmle by drawing, or alloys to be used in welded construction. The engineer shouldsatisfy himself that the combination of forming or roll forming, these operations nlay require special tooling. parent and fillermaterials is suitable in regard to strength and durabilityfor the service conditions of the shucture. Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 26 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 ~ ~~ ~~ STD-BSI BS BLLB: PART L-ENGL L771 m L b 2 4 b b 9 0794535 Tb0 W Section 2 BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 hble 2.8 Selection of filler wires and rods for inert-gas welding 'arent metal combination') T ~ L200 7020 6061 6063 6082 5556A Type 5 me 5 Type 5 5 Type 5 Type 5 Type 4 5 Type 4 Type 4 i083 m 5 5556A il54A i251 -5 1454 6082 } 7020 me m 5 Type 5 m 5 5 m 5 5556A me m m i083 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- ~~ .st part 5 5 1200 1 3103 3 105 LM6 LM25 Castings LM5 Castings *** l ) Filler metals for parent combination to be welded are shown in one box, which is located at the intersection of the relevant parent. and 7020 metal row and column. In each box, the filler metal for maximum strength is shown in the top line; in the cm? of G alloys, this will be below the fully heat-treated parent metal strength. The filler metal for maximum resistance to corrosion is shown in the middle line. The filler metal for freedom from persistent weld cracking is shown in the bottom line. 1' NR = Not recommended. The welding of alloys containing approximately 2 % or more ofMg with AI-Si (5% to 12 % Si) filler metal (and vice versa) is not recommended because sufficient MgxSi precipitate is formed at the fusion boundary to embrittle the joint. 3, The corrosion behaviour of weld metal is likely to be bett,er if its alloy content is close to that of the parent metal and not markedly higher. Thus for service in potentially corrosive environments it is preferable to weld 5154A with 5154A filler metal or 5454 with 5554 filler metal. However, in some cases this may only be possible at the expense of weld soundness, so that a compromise will be necessary. '1 If higher strength and/or better crack resistance is essential, type 4 filler metal can be used. NOTE 1. Table derived from BS 3019 : Part 1 and BS 3571 : Part 1. NOTE 2. For paflicular filler metal alloys in each alloy type see table 2.4. Copyright British Standards Institution 07-1990 Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS O BSI Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 27 28 u Y --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- E -1 'T Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 ~~ STDOBSI B S 8238: PART I-ENGL 2991, lb211bb9 07911537 833 M Section 2 BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 Table 2.10 Range of sizes for extruded sections comDlsing- with BS 1161 " Section type Range of size nun Equal angles Unequal angles Channels Tee-sections I-sections Equal bulb angles Unequal bulb angles Lipped channels Bulb teesections 30x30 to 120x120 50x38 to 140x105 60x30 to 240X 100 50x38 to 120x90 60x30 to 160x80 50x50 to 120X 120 50X37.5 to 140x105 80x40 to 140x70 90x75 to 180x150 2.7.3 lbbe Tube may be produced by extrusion, by drawing or seam welding. Tubeis available from stock in someof these forms in a linuting range of sizes but generally it will be made to order, see table 2.9. 2.7.5 Forgings Forgings are supplied to order as hand forgings or die forgings, the former nornwlly requiring all over machining to acheve the finished dinlensions whilst the latter are produced to the frnished dinlensions. Dies for forgingsare relatively expensive and costs should include at least one forging nmde andcut up to check grain flow to prove the die for forgings usedin structural applications. 2.7.6 Castings Castings are supplied to order as sand casting or chill castings. Sand castingsare produced from patterns made at moderate cost and are used nornlally for s n ~ l quantity production. Chill castingsare generally used for larger quantity production and where greater production rates are required, where greater dimensional accuracy and good surface finish is required. The cost of tooling may be high, especially for pressure die castings. 2.7.4 Sheet, strip and plate A wide nnge of sheet, strip and plateis normally 2.9). Some stocked in the standard alloys (see table alloys are available as patterned sheet and as treadplatè. There is a wide range of standard rolled roofing and cladding products, someof which are available in moderate quantities from stockin both mill finish and painted, but mostare generally produced to order. --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS O BSI 07-1999 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 29 Section 3. Design principles Structures should be designedby considering the linut states at which they become unft for their intended use. Considemtion should always be given to the following linut states: (a) static strength (ultimate linutstate) (see 3.3); @) defornmtion (serviceability linut state) (see 3.4); (c) durability (see3.5). In certain structures it will be necessary to consider one or both of the following: (1) fatigue (see 3.6); (2) vibration (see 3.7). Design will nomlally be carried out by calculation using the guidance given in sections 4 to 7 and appendices B to L. It is permissible, however,to ver@ a proposed design by testing (see section8). 3.2 Loading Where possible they shouldbe detemined from the relevant British Standard. For dead and imposed loading refer to BS 6399 : Part 1. For wind loadiig on buildings refer to CP 3 : Chapter V: Part 2. British Standards also exist for nominal loads on cranes and lifts (including dynamic effects). Whereno relevant British Standard exists nonlinal loads should be decided by the designer and the client. A method of assessing loads using a statistical and probability basis is given in appendix B. When the imposed load consistsof soil or other filling, considemtion should be givento the material becoming saturated. In assessing temperature effects it nmy be assumed that in the UK, in the absence of local i n f o d o n , the average internal temperatureof the structure varies between -5 "C and +35 "C. The effect of the colour of extemal sheeting on intemal tenlperature shouldalso be considered. 3.2.3 Factored loading Factored loads are used for checkingthe linut state of static strength.They are the nominal loads multiplied by the overall load factor, yf, which provides an allowance for variability in loadmg, accidental overload, etc. yf is defined as follows: 3.2.1 General A structure or structural component should be designed to resist all loads and actionsto which, within reason, it can be subjected. These are classihl Yf = YflYa as follows. where (a) Dead load. Self-weight of the structure and of yf1 and are the partialloadfactors. any permanently attached item it supports. yfl is governed by the type of load, and y f allows ~ @) Imposed bad. Any statically or dynamically some relaxation whena conlbination of imposed applied load other than dead or wind loading. andor wind loads is applied to the structure. As a (c) Wind loud. Dynamic loading due to wind g u s t s . guide, tables 3.1 and 3.2 give valus of yfl and y f ~based (d) Tempemture eflect. Temperature fluctuations on building structures, but different valuesnmy be leading to forces in a structural component. used by agreement betweenthe designer and the client. If different valuesare chosen by referenceto All relevant loads shouldbe considered separately or in such realistic combinationsas to conlprise the most other British Standards,c m should be taken to ensure that y f l does not includea factor to allow for critical effects onthe elements and the shvcture as a variability of material strength. For initial designof whole. The magnitude and frequency of fluctuating simple structuresy f ~may be conservatively taken loads should also be considered. Particular attention should be givento loading conditions during assembly, as 1.0 for all imposed or wind loads. and the settlementof supporting structures may need Table 3.1 Load factors (based onbuilding to be taken into account. The possibility of loads due structures) to seismic forces, fire, explosion and vehicular impact should be considered. Type of load Yfl 3.2.2 Nominal loading Nominal loads are defined as those to which the structure may be reasonably expected to be carrying during normal service. Theyare used for checking the limit m e s of deformation, fatigue and vibration. Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 30 Dead load Direct effect Countering overturningor uplift Imposed load (not including wind loads) Wind load Forces due to temperature effects Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 1.2 0.8 1.33 1.2 1.0 O BSI 07-1999 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 3.1 Limit state design ~~ ~~ ~ STDmBSI BS 8118: PART 1-ENGL L991 D '1b211bb7 0794539 bob D Section 3 BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 Table 3.2 Load factors for combined loads Load combination Yk-2 1.0 Dead load Imposed or wind load giving most severe 1.0 loading action onthe conlponent Imposed or wind load giving second nlost 0.8 severe loading actionon the component Inlposed or wind load giving third most severe 0.6 loading action of the component Imposed or wind load giving fourth nlost 0.4 severe loading action onthe component NOTE. In sonle structures the wind load could be the most severe applied load, in others the wind load could produce load effects less severe than those due to the mJor imposed loads. I 3.2.4 Dynamic effects In order to determine the nominal loading ona structure under dynamic conditions, reference should be nlade if possible to an appropriate British Standard. Forces from dynanuc effectsare treated as imposed loads in table 3.1. In other cases, should a 'dynamic magnification factor' be used, the designer should be aware that this might be a dangerous procedureif the response of the structure is not taken into account.This applies particularly to aluminium structures of high flexibility that have a natural periodof vibration similar in magnitude to that of the imposed load. If initial calculations showthat a problem exists, a more detailed computation based onthe equations of motion should be carried out. The need to provide artificial damping shouldbe examined, and tests on prototype componentsmay also be necessary. 3.3.3 Factored resistance This is the calculated resistance dividedby the nlaterial factor ym. The calculated resistance is the actual capacity of the component in relationto the actioneffect being considered (axial load, bending moment or shear force), basedon recognized structural analysis and assuming satisfactory manufacture. The material factor, ym, takes account of differences between the strengths of material test specimens and the strength of the actual material in the structure as nmufactured, and reflects possible doubtas to the soundnes of the component as built. ym should normally be taken from table 3.3, but different values may be used by agreement betweenthe designer and the client. Tbble 3.3 Material factors 5 p e of construction Riveted and bolted I Welded Bonded I ym Members Joints 1.2 1.2 I 1.3l) 3.0 I 1.2 I 1.2 1 For welding procedures which do not comply with BS 4870 : Part 2. Y, should be increased to 1.6. Rules for establishingthe calculated resistance are given in sections four andfive (members) and section six (joints). A method of assessing the calculated resistance or the basis of statistics and probability is given in appendix B. NOTE. In certain structures it is necessary to check that failure will not occur by overturning or sway failure. 3.4 Deformation 3.3 Static strength 3.3.1 General A component is acceptable in terms of static strength if the following is satisfied 3.4.1 Recoverable elastic deformation A structure is acceptable in terms of deformation if the following is satisfied elastic deflection under nominal loading Actioneffect under factored resistance factored loa(see appendixB) 3.3.2 Action-effect under factored loading This is the axial force, bending momentor shear force arising in a component due to the application of factored loading, foundby using accepted structural analysis. The factored loadingis found by taking the nominal loads and multiplying each by the appropriate load factor. limiting deflection It is permissible, when different combinationsof imposed loading are possible, to assume a reduced loading equal to ya X nominal loads, whereyn is given in table 3.2. The calculation of elastic deflection should generally be based on the properties of the gross cross-section. However, for slender sections itmay be necessary to take reduced section propertiesto allow for local buckling (see section4). --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS O BSI 07-1999 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT -~ ~~ 31 STD-BSI BS ALLB: P A R T L-ENGL 1771 W 1b2qhb7 07745'iO 328 m BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 Section 3 'hble 3.4 Limiting deflections Element 1 Recommended deflection limit (see note) LI180 Cantilevers carrymgfloors Beams carrying plasteror other LB60 brittle finish Purlins and sheetingrails: LBO0 (a) under dead load only (b) under worst combination LI100 of dead, imposed, wind and snow loads Curtain wall mullions and transoms: LI175 (a) single glazed LI250 (b) double glazed LI300 Tops of columns: horizontal deflection NOTE. L is the length between SUDDOT~S. 3.4.2 Permanent inelastic deformation It may be generally assumed that components, whose static strengthhas been calculated in accordance with section four,will not suffer sigruficant permanent deformation under actionof nominal loading. This applies to all alloy groups. 3.4.3 Distortion due to frequent assembly In certain structures which have to be assembled and disassembled frequently, itis necessary to consider the possibility of changes in major dimensionsof the coupling system, leadingto the gradual build-up of unacceptable errors in the assembled shape. 3.5 Durability The durability rating of alloy groups is given in tables 2.1 to 2.4. If a structure is designed in a durable alloy and protected in accordance with BS 8118 : Part 2, it w l i be deemed &factory. The degree of exposure and the design l i e should be taken into consideration. Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 3.6 Fatigue 3.6.1 General Any structure or structural conlponent which is subject to signifcant variations in load should be checked for fatigue. In general two possible linlit states should be considered: a) total collapse; b) stable crack growth (danlage tolerant). In both cases the design load spectrum (unfactored)is assunled to act. 3.6.2 Total collapse The procedure for considering this limit state is to determine the predicted life in accordance with section seven, and checkthat this is not less than the design life. In certain circunlstancesthe designer may wish to increase the nonunal design lifeby nwltiplying by a factor (the fatigue life factor) y~ (>1). The choice of n, could be influenced by the following: (a) the possibility of increasing crack growth during the later stages of the life of the detail; (b) the accuracy of the assunled loading spectrum; (c) whether records of loading will be kept during the life of the detail; (d) the possibdity of a change of use of the structure in mid-life. The designer mayalso wish to apply a fatigue material factor, ymf, to the design stress range given in figure 7.9. The stress range would be divided by ynlf (> l ) ,and the choice of ymf could be influenced by the following ( 1 ) the need for the detail to exist in a very hostile environment; (2) whether failure of the detail will result in failure of the entire structure, or whether alternative load paths exist. 3.6.3 Stable crack growth Damage to a structure under fatigue conditionsis assessed by monitoring the rate of growth of fatigue cracks by inspection at regular intervals. Methods of inspection, allowable limiting crack lengths, allowable rates of crack growth, andthe tinle between inspections should be agreed betweenthe client and the designer. Crack growth is stable when the allowable rate of crack growth does not suddenly increase between inspections. NOTE. Methods for calculating crack growth and limiting crack length are outside the scope of this code, but the ease with which a detail can be inspected for cracks can influence the choice of ymf (see 3.6.2). Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- The linuting deflection should be based on the relevant British Standard, or agreed between the designer and the client. In the absence of such information table3.4 gives suggested values for certain typesof structure. In setting linuting deflections it is important to realise that dunmum is three times as flexible as steel, so unduly s n d limiting deflections should be avoided. 3.7 Vibration 3.8 Testing For certain structures the possibility of undesirable vibration under nornd service conditions should be considered. In checking for the inconlpatibility of vibration amplitudes nominal loads should beused. If vibration is thought to be a potential problem, the possibility of fatigue failure shouldalso be checked (see 3.6). Structural conlponents designedin accordance with sections 4 to 7 and the appropriate appendicesare acceptable without testing. Conlponents designed using other calculation nlethods, and conlponents not amenable to calculation, are acceptable only if their resistance has been verified by testing. Such testing should be carried out in accordance with section 8. --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under licenseO with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS BSI 07-1999 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 33 Section 4. Static design of members 4.1 Introduction 4.1.4 Advanced design 4.1.1 General All members should satisfy the linut states of static strength and of deformation. Deformationis covered in 4.9. Where reference is made to design curves, itis Members can be safely designed usingthe recommendations of this section andthe appropriate appendices. Other appendices providea fuller treatment of certain specificaspects of member behaviour, and their use may leadto lighter designs. in 4.3. 4.1.3 Heat-affected zones ( W s ) Structural aluminium materialg e n e d y becomes weakened in the heat-affected zone (HAZ) adjacent to welds, and this should be allowedfor in the design. This does not apply when the parent material is in the O or T4 condition; or when it is in the F condition and design is based on O-condition properties. Rules for estinlatingthe severity and extentof HAZ softening are given in 4.4. Subsequent clauses then show how to allow for the effect of this softening on member resistance. It is important to realize that a small weld, as used for example in connectmg a small attachment,may considerably reducethe resistance of a member, due to softening of part of the crosssection. In beams it is often beneficial to locate welds in low-stressareas, i.e. near the neutral axis or away from the region of peak monlent. Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 4.2 Limiting stresses Resistance calculationsfor members are made using assumed linuting stresses as follows: P, pa pv P, is the linutmg stress for bending and overall yielding; is the linuting stress for local capacity of the section in tension or compression; is thelinuting stress in shear; is the linuting stress for overall buckling staJ3ility. Values of po,pa and pv depend on the material properties and should be takenas in table 4.1 or 4.2. For materials not covered in these tables referto appendix D. Values of P, should be determined in accordance with or 4.7.6. 4.3 Section classification and local buckling 4.3.1 General Section classmeation Resistance of members under momentor axial compression may become reduced by local buckling, if the slenderness of their component elementsis high. The first step in checking such members is to establish the section classification, i.e.the susceptibility to local buckling. In order to do this, and also to allow for the effect of local buckling (when necessary),the designer should considerthe slenderness of the individual elements comprising the section. mpes of element The following basic typesof thin-walled elementare identified in these rules: (a) flat outstand element; @) flat internal element; (c) curved internal element. These are often unreinforced, i.e. not longitudinally stiffened (see figure4.1 (a)). The stabilityof flat elements can be greatly improved by the provision of longitudinal stiffening ribsor lips, see figure 4.1 (b), in which case the elements are referred to as reinforced. Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- pernwible instead for the designer to use formulae from which the curves are derived (see appendixK). Members are usually formed of extrusions, plate,sheet, tube or a combination of these. The rules belowdo not apply to castings, and designers wishingto employ castings should do so in close consultation withthe manufacturers thereof. 4.1.2 Limit state of static strength The factored resistanceof a member to a specific actioneffect should not be lessthan the magnitude of that actioneffect arising under factored loading. Rules for obtaining resistanceto different actions are given as follows: (a) for bema (resistance to moment and shear force) (see4.5); (b) for ties (resistance to axial tension) (see 4.6); (c) for struts (resistance to axial compression) (see 4.7). The procedure for calculatingthe interaction between moment and axial load in members subject to combined actions is given in 4.8. The formulae given contain limiting stresses (po, pa, h)related to material properties, which should be taken in accordance with4.2. They also contain the material factory,,, which should be read from table3.3. The resistance of a member may be reduced as a result of local buckling, dependingon the slenderness of its cross section. A proposed design is checked (except for a member under axial tension)by c l a s s i i g the section in terms of its susceptibility to this type of failure. A method for checking the local buckling, including sectionclassikation, is given ~~ ~ STDmBSI BS 8118: PART 1-ENGL 1991 m l b 2 q b b 9 079q5q3 03'7 Section 4 BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 1 ' 1 rable 4.1 Limiting stresses, heat-treatable alloys dloy Condition 'roduct I lLimiting stress TThickness Up to and DO 0, Dl, mm NhUn2 N/nun2 150 6 10 150 10 150 25 150 10 150 150 3 25 10 150 20 150 3 25 G 10 120 25 25 25 25 140 240 225 65 35 50 110 160 180 160 115 115 105 105 115 255 270 255 240 255 240 255 185 160 280 270 260 N/nun2 145 145 135 40 60 including --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- i082 7020 T6 TG Extrusion Drawn tube T4 T4 T4 T5 T6 T6 T6 T4 T4 T4 T4 T4 T6 Extrusion Drawn tube T6 T6 Sheet Plate TG Drawn tube T6 T4 T4 T6 T6 Forgings Extrusion Sheet, plate Extrusion Sheet, plate Copyright British Standards Institution O BSI - Uncontrolled Copy Provided by IHS under license with No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS BSI 07-1999 Forgings Extrusion Extrusion Drawn tube Forgings Extrusion Sheet Plate Drawn tube Forgings Extrusion Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 265 260 35 120 100 130 175 190 170 145 145 140 140 145 275 290 275 265 280 275 275 230 205 310 295 50 G5 95 110 95 70 70 65 65 70 155 160 155 145 155 145 155 110 95 170 160 35 ~ Alloy Condition Product IS 7Thickness " T Over Pa including 1200 3103 3105 5083 H14 H14 H18 H14 H16 H18 o, F O O F H22 H22 5154A 5251 5454 o, F O O H22 H24 H24 F H22 H24 o, F O H22 H24 Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 36 Sheet Sheet Sheet Sheet Sheet Sheet Extrusion Sheet, plate Drawn tube Sheet, plate Sheet, plate Drawn tube Extrusion Sheet, plate D r a m tube Sheet, plate Sheet, plate Drawn tube Welded tube Sheet, plate Sheet, plate Extrusion Sheet, plate Sheet Sheet nun 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 3 0.2 - 0.2 0.2 0.2 - 312*5 3 3 3 150 80 10 25 6 10 150 G 10 G 6 10 0.8 0.2 0.2 1.0 3 - 150 3 0.2 3.2 3.2 5 3 3 i7 r. " I :i N/mnl2 95 120 150 N/n& 55 G5 90 145 170 190 105 105 105 130 235 235 G5 65 G5 160 225 200 150 175 200 150 150 150 170 270 270 100 100 100 200 250 220 220 125 175 65 60 180 200 230 155 200 85 100 115 G5 G5 G5 75 140 140 40 40 40 85 135 180 130 75 105 100 10 j5 !15 !35 35 110 120 I Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- ~~~ Table 4.2 Limiting stresses, non-heat-treatable all Section 4 BS 8118 : Part 1 : 1991 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- I I Key o : outstand 1 : internal (a) Unreinforced @) Reinforced Figure 4.1 mpes of flat element Shear webs The buckling of shear webs is treated separately (see and also section 5). from the elastic neutral axis, although in checking whether a section is fully compact it is pernlissible to use the plastic neutral axis. 4.3.2 Slenderness parameter ß Reirtforcedjlat elements General The susceptibilityto local buckling of an element in a bean1 (nlonlent resistance)or in a strut (axial force resistance) depends onthe paranleter ß as defined in to Unreidorcedjlat elements The paranleter ß depends onb/t or U t for the element concerned, where t is the elenlent thickness, b the width of an element generally, andd the depth of a web element in a beam. b and d should be taken as the flat elenlent width, measured where relevantto the springing of a fillet or to the toe of a weld. ß is defined as follows: (a) elenlentunder uniforn~conlpression: /3 = b/t; @) elenlent understress gmdient: I (I) internalelementwith a stress ß = 0.wt gradient that results in a neutral axis at or the centre: 0.4b/t (2) forany other stress gradients /3 = gb/t or gdt BSI 07-1999 ß = hb/t where b and t where g is the stress gradient coefficient and is read from figure 4.2. In figure 4.2 yc and yo are the distances from the neutral axis of the gross sectionto the more heavily conlpressed edge and the other edge respectively of the element, taken positive towardsthe conlpression side.They should generally be measured Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy O No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS W o possible buckling modes should be considered as follows (see figure4.3, and separate ß values found for each (a) mode 1 : the reinforced element buckles as a unit talang the reinforcement with it; (b) mode 2 : the sub-elenlents comprisingthe reinforced elenlent thenlselves buckle as individual elenlents the junctions between themstaymg straight. For mode 2 buckhg ß is found separately foreach sub-elenlent in accordance with For mode 1 it is generally determinedas follows (but see the note to, concerning outstand elenlents in beanls). (a) Mode 1, umform conlpression. (1) Standard reinforcement, defined as reinforcenlent consisting of single-sided rib or lip of thickness equalto the element thckness t, located as in figure 4.4 : h are defined as in is read from figure 4.4 (a), (b) or (c) as appropriate. For figure 4.4, c should be takenas the clear depth of the rib or lip measured to the surface of the plate Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 37 ~ STD-BSI BS 8118: PART L-ENGL 1991 D Bb24bb9 079454b 8llb BS 8118 : Part 1 : 1991 Section 4 (2) Non-standard reinforcenlent.With any other shape of reinforcenlent ß should be foundby replacing it withan equivalent rib or lip of the standard form and proceeding as in (1). The value of c for the equivalent rib or lip is chosen so that its second moment of area about the nud-planeof the plate is the sanle as that for the true reinforcement. (3) General method. For cases not covered by (1) or (2) ß nlay be taken as follows: P = WO(~cdacr>o’4 where are the elastic critical stresses, acr and assunling simple edge support, with acro and without the reinforcement. (b) Mode 1, stress-gradient. ß should be foundusing the expression in (a) (3) where acrand acronow relate to the stress at the more heavily conlpressed edge of the elenlent. Curved internal elements For a shadow curved element underuniform compression, ß should be determinedas follows: b/t = [ 1 + (0.006b4/RZi2] where R is the radius of curvature to nud-nlew b is the developed width of element at nud-metal t is the thickness For shallow curved elements undera stress gradient, a more favourable valueof ß may be taken, obtained by factoring the above value byg as found from figure 4.2. The above treatmentis valid, providedR/b is not less tha O.lb/t. Sections containing more deeply curved elements require special study. 1 .o 9 0.5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 O 0.5 1 .o Yo /Y, NOTE.For internal elements or outstands (peak compression at root) use curve A. For outstands beak compression at toe)use line B. Figure 4.2 Flat elements under stress gradient, value of g @I Figure 4.3 Buckling modes for flat reinforced elements --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 38 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 STDmBSI BS 8118: PART 1-ENGL 1 9 9 1 m Lb24bb90794547 782 9 Section 4 BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 O c O c --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- u) EII' O c: Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS O ßSI 07-1999 V Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 39 STD*BSI BS BLLB: PART L-ENGL L931 BS 8118 : Part 1 : 1991 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Round tubes ß should be found as follows, with no distinction between axial compression and bending: ß=3 (m)% where D is the dianleter to nud-metal; t is the thickness. 4.3.3 Section classification General The procedure is to classe the individual elements comprising the section, exceptfor any element stressed wholly in tension. The classification ofthe section is then taken as that for the least favourable element. Individual elementsare classified in accordance with4.3.3.4 or Sections: beams and struts For the section of a beam (moment resistance)or of a strut (axialforce resistance) the following classications apply. (a) Moment resistance: (1) fully compact local buckling can be ignored; (2) senu-conlpact: the section can develop a moment equal to po times the elastic section modulus; (3) slender: the moment resistance is reduced by premature local bucklingat an extreme fibre stress below P,. (b) Axial compression resistance: (1) compact: local bucklingcan be ignored (2) slender: local buckhg lowers the resistance. L b 2 4 b b 9 079q548 b19 Section 4 Table 4.3 Limiting values ofß Elements ßo Unwelded Welded P1 Welded Outstand 7E GE GE 5E elements Internal 22E I& 1 8 ~ 15 E elements NOTE 1. The quantity E should generally be taken as follows (except for certain flange elements in beams, see E = (250/p0)" where po is the liniiting stress (in N/mm2) (see tables 4.1 and 4.2). NOTE 2. An element is considered as welded if it contains welding at an edge or at any point in its width. When the stability of a particular cross-section of a meniber is evaluated, however, it is permissible to consider an elenlent as unweldcd if it contains no welding at that section, even though it is welded elsewhere along its length. NOTE 3. In a welded element the classification is independent of the extent of the HAZ. Understressedjlange elements A more favourable classification mayif desired be taken for flange elements in members under bending, or bending with axial force,that are both: a) parallel to the axis of bending; and b) less highly stressed than the most severely stressed fibresin the section. For these itis permissible, in using table 4.3, to take a modified value of E as follows: E = (2501Jdp& Ih where y1 and y2 are the distances from the neutral axis of the gross section to the most severely stressed fibres and to the element respectively. They should generally be measured from the elastic neutral axis, Sections subject to combined actions although in checking whethera section is fully compact it is pernksible to use the plastic one. For the classification of sections requiredto carry biaxial bending, or simultaneous bendmg with axial 4.3.4 Local buckling force, see General Element classtfication The possibility of local buckling in members classified The classificationof an individual element depends on as slender is generally allowed for by replacingthe true section by an effective one. The effective section the value ofß (see 4.3.2) as follows: is obtained by employing a local buckling coefficient (a) elements in beams (moment resistance): k~ to factor down the thickness, this being applied to any uniform thickness slender elementthat is wholly fully compact ß 5 P1 or partly in compression. Elementsthat are not uniform in thickness require special study. ßI < ß 5 ßo senu-conlpact slender Determination of kL ß>ßo The coefficient kL, which is found separatelyfor @) elements in struts (axial resistance): different elementsof the section, is read from the appropriate curvein figure4.5 selected in accordance ß 5 ßo compact with table 4 . 4 .In order to select the correct curve the ß > bo slender value of ß/E should be determinedas follows: where ßo and ßI are as given in table 4.3. ß is found as in 4.3.2; E = ( 2 5 0 / ~generally ~)~ (but see note 3 of for bean1 con7pression &anges); Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 40 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 Unwelded ~ STD-BSI BS BLLB: PART L-ENGL L771 D fb2qbb7 O794549 555 m Section 4 BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- where po is the linuting stress for material ( i N/nun2), regardless of HAZ effects. I a b l e 4.4 Curve selection for figure 4.5 (local This applies when the resistanceof a member is governed by pa or P , rather than P,. To find k, for nuterials not covered in table 4.5 see appendix F'. 7020 material The alternative IC, values given in table 4.5 for 7020 material should normally be applied as follows, Elements Unwelded I Welded according to the nature of the stress acting on the HAZ curve B Flat outstand curve A nuterial: elenlents (a) value (A): tensile stress acting transversely to the curve D curve C axis of a butt or fillet weld; Internal elements (flat or curved) (b) value (B): any other stress condition, i.e. longitudinal stress, transverse conlpression, shear. Lower of Round tubes Lower of curves C and curves D and It is sometinles pernkible to increase value (A) to a E E figure above that in the table, depending on the degree I NOTE. &e note 3 to table 4.3 I of themlal control exercised during fabrication (see appendix F'). In order to decide whether an element should countas Recovery time for heat-treated alloys unwelded or welded in table 4.4,refer to note 2 to table 4.3. The k, values given in table 4.5are valid from the following times after welding, provided the material In the case of reinforced flat elements it is important has been held at a tenlperature not less than15 "C: to consider both possible modes of buckling (see figure 4.3) and take the more critical. In the case of (a) 6 *series alloys 3 days; mode 1 buckling the factor k~ should be applied to the area of the reinforcement as well as to the basic plate (b) 7 *series alloys 30 days. thickness. In d e t e r n m g the resistance of components that are Sections subject to combined actions to be loaded sooner than this, but not less than 24 h For the determinationof k~ in sections required to after welding, the value of k, should be reduced by a carry biaxial bending, or simultaneous bending with factorf found as follows: axial force,see (1) G f = 0.9 + 0.1 ((71 - 1)/2]"' series alloys 4.4 HAZ softening adjacent to welds (2) 7 f = 0.8 + 0.2 ( ( n- 1)/29]" series alloys ~ ~ ~design nto allow~for the ~softening~ that i n usually occurs in the vicinity of welds. The region worst affected extends inmediately around the weld, where n is the t h e (in days) between welding and loading. beyond which the material properties rapidly improve to their M1 parent values. The softening affects the If the material is held at a temperature below15 "C 0.2 % proof stress more severely than the tensile after welding, the recovery time will be prolonged and strength. advice should be sought. For design purposes itis acceptable to approximateto 4.4.3 Extent of HAZ the true con&tion by a s s u n ~ gthat around each weld there is a zone, the HAZ, in which strength properties Definition of z are reduced by a constant factor&. Outside this zone The HAZ is assunled to extend a distance z in any it is assunled that the full parent propertiesapply. The direction from a weld, measured as follows: severity of the softening in theHAZ, as defined by h, (1) transversely from the centre-line of an in-line is covered in 4.4.2. The extent of the HAZ, defined by butt weld (see figure 4.G(a)); a distance z from the weld, is considered in4.4.3. (2) at fillet welds, transversely from the point of It is sonletinles possibleto nutigate the effectsof HAZ intersection of the welded surfaces (see softening by means of artificial ageing applied after figures 4.G(e),O,(g) and0)); welding (see appendixF'). (3) at butt welds used in corner,tee or cruciforn~ 4.4.2 Severity of softening joints, transversely from the point of intersection HAZ soflening factor of the welded surfaces (see figures4.6(b), (c) and (dl); The factor kLshould nornlally be taken from table 4.5. For certain calculations it is pemussible instead to use (4) in any radial direction from the end of a weld a more favourable valueas explained in appendixF. (see figures4.G(i) and o)). buckling) ** ** I *** *** Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS O ßSI 07-1999 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 41 1.0 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- kL 0.5 Curve A outstands, unwdded. Curve B outstands, welded. (a) For flat outstand elements Figure 4.6 Local buckling factor k~ The HAZ boundaries should generallybe taken as straight lines normalto the metal surface,as shown in figure 4.6 However, it is permissible instead to asume a curved boundaryof radius z as shown at B (in place of A) in figure4.G(i). This w litend to be advantageous when surface welding is applied to thick material. Basic formulafor z The following expression should generallybe used for estimating z: z = (Yrlz, (Y and v *** (i 20 ) = 3tA @) All other types of butt weld and all types of fillet weld where 20 (a) in-line butt welds: (1) 7 series alloys: (i) zo = 30 + tA/2 (ii)zo = 4.5t* (2) other alloys: (i) zo = 20 + tA/3 is the basic value (see; are rn-g factors, which may be found from4.4.3.4 and, or alternatively using appendixE *** (1) 7 series alloys: (i) z, = 30 + t,& (i) zo = 4.5tB2/tA (2) other alloys: (i) zo = 20 + t A B The use of appendix F wil tend to be favourable when (i)20 = 3tB2/tA the interpass temperature during fabrication is held where below the normal value requiredin BS 8118 : Part 2. Determination of zo tA is the lesser of 0.5(t~+ LC) and 1.5t~; The basic valuezo, which would relate to an isolated $, tC are the thickness of the thinnest and weld laid on unheated material with conlplete thickest elements connected by welding interpass cooling, should be taken as the lower of the respectively. two values given by (i) and (ii) (in mm) (depending on the parent material) as follows: Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 42 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 Section 4 1.0 kL 0.5 Curve C: internal elements, unwelded Curve D: internal elements, welded Curve E: round tubes NOTE. See note 3 to table 4.3 @) For internal elements and round tubes Figure 4.5 Local buckling factor k, (cmZuded) Determination of a Thefactor CY in providesfor the possibilityofwhere the material at the start of deposition of a weld pass being at an elevated temperature, due either to preheat, or to the layingof apreviouspass or weld in the sanle joint. Its value may be taken from table4.6, which is valid provided fabrication complies with BS 8118 : Part 2 (alternatively see appendix F). Determination of 8 The factor 8 in covers the possibility of increased heat build-up dueto the following: (a) proximity of a free edge or edges; or (b) other welding in the sanle vicinity. The value of 8 may be found as in (1) or (2) as follows, provided fabrication satisfiesBS 8118 : Part 2. Alternatively refer to appendix F. (1) For a joint away from which there are at least two valid heat-paths: q=l a valid heat-path being which for one h hl h 2 hl. is the distance to a free edge, or half the distance to a nearbyweld(seenote); 4 . 5 for ~ 7~ series alloys, or = 3 w o for other alloys. *** When a weld is located too close to the free edge of an outstand, suchthat h < hl, it should be assumed that the entire width of the outstand is subject to the factor kZ. NOTE. The distance h, should be measured from the point of reference in the weld considered (see figure 4.6) and along the relevant heat-path through the metal at mid-thickness. The heat-path follows the profile of the section and need not necessarily be straight (sec figure 4.7). (2) For a joint from whichthere is only one valid heat-path: tc 5 25 = 1.50 tc > 25 8 = 1.33 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS O BSI 07-1999 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 43 lhble 4.5 HAZ softening factor IC, ì Condition Alloy kz Non-heat treatable H14 H14 H18 H14 H16 H18 1200 3103 3105 O. 13 O. 18 O. 13 O. 17 O. 15 O. 13 " o, F 5083 1.00 0.45 -_ 1.00 0.40 0.29 0.20 1.00 0.35 0.24 1.00 0.35 0.30 H22 o, F 5154A H22 H24 F F H22 H24 5251 " o, F 5454 H22 H24 Heat-treatable 0.50 1.00 O.65 0.80 O.75 0.50 0.45 1.00 0.50 0.80(A) l.OO(B) O.GO(A) 0.80@) (see note 2) T6 T4 T4 T4 T5 T6 T6 T4 T6 T4 T6 6061 6063 6082 7020 I ____~ I NOTE 1. In the product column, E, S, P, DT,WT and F refer respectively to extrusion, she< plate, dr&n tube, welded tube and forgings. NOTE 2. For 7020 material refer to, for the applicability of the A and B values. --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 44 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 (h) --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Figure 4.6 Extent of H A Z , definition of z 1 Table 4.6 Extent of H A Z , factor a Case Value of a Joint configuration i, S 25 mm P Q Substantially straight continuous weld figure (see figures 4,6(a), (c), (e) 1.0 total deposit area d 50 nun2 1.5 total deDosit area > 50 nun2 1.5 Substantially straight continuous joint containing two or more adjacent welds (see figures4.6 @), (d), (0 and (h)) 1.5 2.0 1.5 2.0 ~ R S ~~ Localized irregular joint (a) member-twnenlber jointsin trusses; (b) welds connecting transverse stiffenersin beanls and plate-girdvrs; (c) welds used to connect lugs and other attachments. Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license O with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS BSI 07-1999 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 2.0 45 Biaxid bending --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- I Beanw subjectedto simultaneous bending about both principal axes shouldalso be checked using 4.8. 4.5.2 Uniaxial moment resistance of the section Figure 4.7 Qpical heat-path measurement Overlapping HAZs When two joints are located so that their respective HAZs (deternined as in 4.4.3) overlap, it may be assunled that the extent of the HAZ on the outer side of each jointis unaltered by the proximity. In calculating whetherW s overlap, the possibility of elevated tenlperatures shouldbe taken into accountby using the formula for x from Experimental determination of z As an alternative to estimating the extent of the HAZ by calculation, it is pernutted instead to determine it experimentally. This may be done by conducting a hardness survey ona representative specimen (see appendix F). 4.5 Beams 4.5.1 Introduction General I Section class@cation for moment resistance It is f M necessary to classa the section as fully compact, senucompact, or slender, the classifcation being based on that of the least favourable of its component elements.This should be carried out in accordance with 4.3.3. In the case of a reinforced outstand elenlent,fornpart or all of the compression flange,the presence of reinforcenlent inthe form of an outwardly facing lip should be ignored inclassifying the section. Basic calculation The factored moment resistanceM m at a given section, in the absence of shear should generally be found as follows: (a) unwelded, fully compact @) unwelded, semi-conpact (c) welded, fully compact (d) welded, senu-compact (e) unwelded, slender MB = poS,/ym; M m = pOz,/ym; MRS = PoSndYm; MB = P J n d Y m ; MRS = Po&hn or p,,Zn/ym whichever is the snnller; MB = P J & m or PJndYm whichever is the smaller; (0 welded, slender The following checks should generally be carried out on all bean= (including plate girders). (a) Moment check. At any cross-section the moment M under factored loading should not exceed where the factored moment resistanceMB of that section, Snand Zn are the plastic moduli respectively of as found from 4.5.2 (or alternatively appendixE). the net section; MRS should be suitably reduced to allow for coincident shear when necessasy (see4.5.4). Sne and Zn, are the plastic and elastic moduli respectively for the net effective section; @) Shear check. At any cross-section the shear the force V under factored loading should not exceed ze is the elastic nlodulus of effective factored shear force resistanceV= (see 4.5.3). section; For some cases it is also necessary to make one or Po is the linuting stress (see tables 4.1 both of the following checks: and 4.2); (1) web bearing check (see4.5.5); Ym is the nlaterial factor (see table 3.3). (2) lateral torsional buckling check (see4.5.6). Plate ginlers Plate girders having slender stiffened webs should preferably be designed using5.4. It is permissible to design then1as beams, but with probable lossof economy. NOTE. For semi-compact and slender sections it is permissible, if found favourable, to take a moment resistance based on an elasto-plastic stress pattern as set out in appendix E, instead of using the expressions in When this is done, note 5 to is invalid. Bending with axial load For the design of beam required to carry load, in addition to moment, reference should bemade to 4.8. Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 46 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Assumed section (a) Each elenlentis classified according to its particular valueof pw The terminology used in4.5.2.2 is as follows: (a) net section includesthe deduction for holes only; (b) For a fully compact sectionMRS is found using conventional plastic bending theory, allowing for the (b) net effective section includesthe reduced value of po in each element, and again using the net thickness taken in the vicinity of welds, to allow for effective sectionin the case of welded members. HAZ softening, together with deduction for holes; (c) For other sectionsMRS is found from (c) effective section includesthe reduced expression (b), (d) or (e) in as appropriate, thicknesses takento allow for HAZ softening and basing p o and 2 on the point in the section giving local buckling,but with no deduction for holes. the lowest valuesof MRS. In itenls (b) and (c) the reduced thicknesses should Semi-compact sections generally be taken as follows for different elementsin a section (but see notes 1 to 5). For these it is permitted, if desired, to take an improved value ofM m which may be obtained by (1) Slender elenlentfree of HAZ effects. A interpolation as follows: thickness k ~ ist taken for the whole element, where kL is found as in 4.3.4. = h& + ßo-ß (Mf - M,) (2) Non-slender elements subject to HAZ effects. A ßo -P1 thickness of kt is taken in the softened parts of where: the element, where & and the extent of the Mf and M, are the fully compact softening are as given in 4.4.2 and 4.4.3. and senu-compact valuesof (3) Slender element withHAZ effects. The reduced MRS found from4.5.2.2; thickness is taken as the lesser of kt and k ~ int the softenedpart, and as kLt in the rest of the ß is the valueof ß for the mostcritical element in the section; element. NOTE 1. When a hole is located in a reduced thickness region, the 81 and ßo are the fully and senu-compact deduction for that hole may be based on the reduced thickness. linuting values of ß for that Sanle NOTE 2. In the case of reinforced elements kL should be applied table element (see table 4.3). to the area of the reinforcement as well as to the basic plate thickness. NOTE 3. In considering a slender flange element that lies nearer to the neutral axis than does the extreme fibre tensile material, it is permissible to take a more favourable value for k,,. This is done by using a modified value of E in figure 4.5 (instead of the normal value, see as follows: & = (25O~l/p&)”’ where y1 and are the distances from the elastic neutral axis of the gross section to the extreme fibres and to the element considered, respectively. This relaxation only applies if the element is substantially parallel to the axis of bending. NOTE 4. For a reinforced element forming part or all of the compression flange of a slender section, in which the reinforcement takes the form of an outwardly facing lip, the presence of the lip should be ignored in determining the moment resistance. NOTE 6 . For a welded element in a semicompact or slender section a more favourable assumed thickness may be taken as follows: (a) HAZ softening is ignored in any material less than k$l from the elastic neutral axis of the gross section, where y1 is the distance therefrom to the furthest extreme fibres of the section. @) For HAZ material, at a distance y ( > k g y ,from ) the neutral axis, kZ may be replaced by a value kzy determined as follows: kzy = k, + 1 - u/ul Hubrid sections The moment capacityof a hybrid section, containing parent materials of different strengths,may be safely based on the lowest value of po within the section. Alternatively, the following more advantageous procedure may be used. Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS O BSI 07-1999 4.5.3 Shear force resistance Section classGfication It is first necessary to classm the section as conlpact or slender in terms of its resistance to shear force as follows: (a) a compact section is unaffected by buckhng; (b) a slender section shouldbe checked for buckling. The sections are classified as follows: (1) sections containing shear webs orientated in the plane of loadiig, without tongue-plates: Ut I4 9 ~compact Ut > 4 9 ~ slender where is the clear depth of web between flanges (measured on the slope in the case of inclined webs); t is the web thickness; E = (250/p0)“ m (150/”,)”; po and pv are the linuting stress (in N/nun2) (see tables4.1 and 4.2); d (2) sections as in (l), but with tongue-plates: see; (3) solid bar compact; (4) round tube: same classlfication as for axial compression (see and Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 47 ~ STD-BSI BS 8118: PART 1-ENGL 1991 D lb211bb9 0791155b 795 D BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 Section 4 I The factored shear force resistance VRS at a section, in the absence of moment, may be found using the following equation: v, = P d v ~ Y n l where p , is the limiting stress (see tables4.1 and 4.2); A, is the effective shear area; Ym is the material factor (see table3.3). The effective shear area is as follows. (a) For sections containingshear webs without tongue- plates, that are free from HAZ softening,A, is determined fromthe following equation: Av = 0.8 NDt where: D is the overall depth of web measured to outer surface of flanges; t is the web thickness; N is the number of webs. The presence of small holes may be ignored, provided in total they do not occupy more than 20 % of the clear web depth, between flanges. (b) For sectionsas in (a), but with webs affectedby HAZ softening A, is deternined from the following equation: A, = N(0.8Dt - ‘(1- &)&t) where d, is the total depth of HAZ material occurring Ir, within the clear depth of the web between flanges (see 4.4.3); is the softening factor (see 4.4.2). For a web welded over its full depth, or continuously welded longitudinallyat any point in its depth, V, should be taken as Ir, tinles the unwelded value. (c) For a solid bar,A, = 0.8A or O.Me. (d) For a compact round tube,A, = 0.64 or 0.64, where A 4 is the section area ( i the absence of HAZ softening); is the effective section area (when HAZ softening is present), foundby taking an effective thicknessof Ir, times the true thickness forHAZ nlaterial. In the case of sections containing shear webs, the methods providedfor the calculation of V, for plate @ers may be used (see and Slender sections The factored shear force resistance V, in the absence of moment for sections containing slendershear webs without tongue-plates, orientatedin the plane of loading, should be taken as the lesser of the two values obtained from(a) and (b) as follows: Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 48 (a) Yielding check. The resistance is calculated as for a conlpact section,using (a) or @) as appropriate. (b) Buckling check. VRS, in kN, is obtained from the following expression: v, = 340Nt3/dym where d is the clear depth of web between flanges (nun); t is the web thickness (nun); N is the number of webs; ym is the material factor (see table 3.3). Inclined shear webs The expressions covering compact sections in (a) and (b) renlain valid for inclined webs, provided D is still measured normalto the neutral axis. But in checking slender inclined webs (see4.5.3.3) the expression in (b) should be factored by cos 8, where 8 is the angle between the web and the plane of the applied l o w . Use of tongue-plates The shear force resistanceof sections containing shear webs with tongue-plates may safely be found generally using the treatment given in to, but with the v-factors takenas follows: v1 qf is the elasticcritical shear buckling factor and is determined as given in; is the tensionfieldfactorand is equal to zero. This treatment is valid only if the tongue-plates comply with 5.4.5. 4.5.4 Combined moment and shear force Moment with low shear At any section it may be assunled that the factored moment resistanceMRS is unaffected by a coincident shear force V (under factored loading) lessthan half the factored shear force resistance V, found in Moment with high shear If V exceeds 0.5 V,, a reduced value forthe factored monlent resistance MRSO should be found as follows: (a) For sections with shear webs, connected to flanges at both longitudinal edges: MRN = (I+(1 - U)(O.6 - 1.2 VNRS)] (b) For other sections: MRN = MRS(1.6 - 1.2vfl,) where k ? , M, ci is the factoredmomentresistance of the section in the absence of shear (see 4.5.2); is the ratio ofminimunl to nmximunl shear stress in the web, assuning an e W c stress distribution. For sections classifiedas slender for bending,or affected by HAZ softening, (Y should be based on the assumed section used in the determination of MRS (see Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT Q BSI 07-1999 I I --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Compact sections 4.5.5 Web bearing 4.5.6 Lateral torsional buckling General General A beam, other than those allowed exemption in, should be checked against possible failure by lateral torsional bucklingin accordance with4.5.6.3 to Unstwened web When the web itself is required to carry the localized force, without the provisionof a bearing stiffener,as for example undera rolling load, both the following should be met: (a) Pwl SPalY, or k&a/Yrn; 0P W ~ ~ P J Y ~ ; where Pwl and Pw2 are stresses arising at its extreme edge and mid-point respectively, assuming a 45 O dispersion angle either sideof a localized force; is the linuting stres (see tables 4.1 Pa and 4.2); is the buckliig stress for the web PS treated as a thin colunm between the flanges; is the softening factor forHAZ material (see Appendix F, table F1 and 4.4.2); is the material factor (see table3.3). Ym In (a) the second expression should be used whenthe web is welded to the flange andHAZ softening occurs. Otherwise the first expression is valid. p, should be determined as given in selecting the curve in figure 4.10(a) that intercepts the stress-& at a value po (see tables4.1 and 4.2). The slenderness parameter A to be used to select the curve should allow for possible relative lateral movement of the flanges as the web buckles. Assuminga web fixity intemediate between full fUrty and sinlple support,the value of A is given by 2 . W t . Web with tongue-plate When a tongueplate is provided, should be satisfied both at the top edge of the tongueplate, and at the upper edgeof the thin web. Stwened web A bearing stiffener,if fitted, should beof compact section. It may be conservatively designed on the assumption that it resists the entire bearing force, unaided by the web, the stiffener being checkedas a strut (see 4.7) for out-of-plane column bucklig and if local squashing, with bending effects allowed for necessary (see 4.8). Alternatively, a more econonucal stiffener may be designed by referringto the plate grder stiffener clause (see5.4.5). Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Exemptions The possibility of premature failureby lateral torsional buckling may be ignored in any of the following cases: (a) bending aboutthe minor axis; (b) beam supported against lateral movement throughout its length; (c) lateral supportsto compression flange provided at spacing not greaterthan 4Ocry, where Y r E Po I is the minor axis radius of gyration of the section: = (250/p0)N; is the linuting stress ( i N/nuu2) of compression flange material(see tables 4.1 and 4.2). Basic condition The beam should be checked for possible lateral torsional bucklig in every unsupported bay between points of lateral support.In each of these the following condition shouldbe satisfied M 5 MRx where --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- This c l a w concerns the design of webs subjected to localized forces causedby concentrated loadsor reactions appliedto a beam. M is the moment arising under factored MRX is the factored momentof resistance to lateral torsionalbucklig, and is equal to PsS/y,; S is the plastic section modulus of gross section, without reduction forHAZ softening, local bucklingor holes; is the material factor (see table3.3); is the buckling stress (see loa- in Ym PS the length considered; Allowance for moment variation The value ofM in may be safely takenas the maximum value arising inthe bay considered. Alternatively, it ispernutted totake M as the equivalent unifom.1 moment M. For the case of simple moment_ gradient in the length considered (linear variation)M may be taken as follows: (a) for 1.0 > MdMl 2 -0.5 2 = O.Wl + 0.m~; @) for M2/M1 < -0.5 2 = 0.Ml; where M1 and M2 are respectively the n~aximun.1 and minimum moments arising (see figure4.8). For other cases of moment variation refer to appendix H. Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ STD-BSI BS 8118: PART L-ENGL 1991 W Lb2Vbb9 079V558 5b8 D BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 Section 4 Figure 4.8 Lateral torsional buckling, equivalent uniform momentEi Buckling stress --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- The lateral torsional bucklingstressp, should be read from figure4.9 using the curve which interceptsthe stress axis at a stress pl found as follows: (a) For unwelded fully compact section P l =Po; @) For other sections, including hybrid PI = Y n f l R d S where po MRS S ym is the limiting stress (seetables 4.1 and 4.2); is the factoredmonlent resismce of the section; is the plasticsectionmodulus of gross section; is the materialfactor (seetable 3.3). For the following cases, however, appendixH should be used to find the effective length of the bean1 (1): (1) cantilever b e a m s ; (2) bean- subject to destabilizing loads, i.e. loading between points of lateral support, that effectively acts at a point in the section on the compression side ofthe neutral axis; (3) beams subjectto normal loads whenthe compression flangeis laterally unrestrained, both flanges are free to rotate in plan, and torsional restraint is provided only by the bearing of the bottom flange on the supports. For all other types of support 1 may be safely taken as the distance between pointsof lateral support. Alternatively a more favourable value for certain restraint conditions may be found using H.l. @) General expression:L = 1r(Es/2M,~)” where E is the modulus of elasticity; S is the plastic section modulus of gross section; Mc, is the elastic critical uniforn~moment (see H.2). (c) Channel and I-section members coveredby table 4.7 : parameter A may be taken as follows, but should not exceedthe value given by (a): XI,, where: M m should be found generally in accordance with 4.5.2, allowing for local buckling and HAZ softening, but with no deductionfor holes. D is the overall section deptly tZ NOTE. For beams of high slenderness ( A > 130) it will be necessary to refer to the appropriate nondimensional curve in appendix K to find P,. is the flange thickness; X and Y are the coeffkients to be found using table 4.7 or they may be conservatively takenas X = 1.0, Y = 0.05. Slenderness parameter The lateral torsional buckling slenderness parameter I, needed for figure 4.9, may be obtained using any of the following expressions(a) to (c). (a) Conservative value:A = I , = Ur, where is the effective length for lateral torsional buckling; r, is the minor axis I‘ddius of w o n for gross section. 1 Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 50 NOTE. When the flange reinforcement to an I-beam or channel member is not of the precise form shown in table 4.7 (simple lips), it is still permissible to obtain I using the expression in (c) above. In so doing, X and Y should be taken as for an equivalent simple lip having the same internal depth C, while A, is calculated for the section with its actual reinforcement. Wective lateral restraints Bracing systems providing lateral restmint shouldbe designed on the assumption that the total lateralforce exerted by a compression flange, under factored loading, shared between the points of restraint in any one span,is 3 % of the compression inthat flange. Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O B S I 07-1999 ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ STD.BSI BS 8118: PART L-ENGL L99L D 1b24bb9 0794559 4 T 4 D BS 8118 : Part 1 : 1991 Section 4 300 200 N E E z P" 100 O 50 100 A NOTE. To find ps at A > 130 refer to figure K1. Figure 4.9 Lateral torsional buckling of beams, buckling stress P, Where a series of two or more parallel bean- require lateral restraint, itis not adequate merely to tie the compression flanges togetherso that they become mutually dependent. Adequate restraintwill be provided only by anchoringthe ties to an independent robust support, or by providing a triangulated bracing system. If the number of parallel beams exceed three, it is sufficient for the restmint system to be designed to resist the sum of the lateral forces derived fromthe three largest compressive forces only. However, when HAZ softening occurs at the ends of the bay only,its presence may be ignored in considering lateral torsionalbucklig, provided that such softening does not extenda distance along the member, at each end of the bay, greater than the width of the section. Beams containing localized welds The value of MRS in for a beam, subjectto HAZ softening, should generally referto the most unfavourable section in the bay considered, even when such softening occurs only locally alongthe length. "he tension P arising under factoredloadiig of axially loaded tension membem (ties) should not exceed the factored tension resistancePR^ of the section 4.6 Tension members 4.6.1 General (see 4.6.2). For tension members having eccentric end connections it is generally necessary to refer to 4.8 to allow for interaction between axial load andthe moments introduced. However, in certain cases (see 4.6.3) it is permissible to use a simplified procedure. --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy O No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS BSI 07-1999 ~ Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 51 I a b l e 4.7 Lateral torsional buckling of beams, coefficients X and Y I 1Coefficients I Beam section t2 X = 0.90 - 0.03 D - + 0.04 - B Y = 0.05 - 0.010 tl {% --- 1 )}% "1 0.03 - 0.07B 1, = t2 - C 0.3 B C Y = 0.05 - 0.06 - o D rD t2 X = 0.95 - 0.03-B + 0.06 11 Y = 0.07 - 0.014 { %$ 1)} - - 0.06- B ? C B - 0.3 - C Y = 0.07 - 0.10 D I NOTE 1. The expmions for X and Yare valid.for 1.5 5 D l 3 5 4.5, 5 0.5 NOTE 2. For the specific shape of lipped channel standardized in BS 1161 : X = 0.95, Y = 0.071. --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--~~ Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 52 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 4.6.2 Tension resistance Staggered holes Where staggered holes occur, alternative values forA, or An, should be calculatedas in (a) and (b) as The factored tension resistancePS should be takenas follows, and the lower value then usedin the lesser of two values Corresponding respectively to: (a) An or A,, is taken at the least favourable (a) general yielding alongthe member (see; cross-section. (b) local failure at a critical section (see4.6.2.3). @) A dlagonal or zig-% section is considered, with General yielding An or A,, found as follows. The value PB is based on the generalcrosssection of A, = A - H or A,, =A, - H the member along its length, ignoringthe effect of end where connections, occasional holesor localized HAZ regions H = XAh as follows. (a) For a member free fromHAZ softening, or only x and y are the longitudinalandtransverse thus affected at localized positions along its length: pitch of holes respectively; PRS = P&Ym t is the plate thickness or effective (b) For a member in whichthe section contains plate thickness; HAZ material generally along the length, as with is the sun1 of hole areas on the longitudinal welds. diagonal or zig-zag section &S = P 4 J Y r n considered. where P , is the linuting stress (see tables4.1 and 4.2); Hubrid sections A is the goss section area; The tension capacity of a hybrid section, containing material of different strengths should be foundby A, is the effective section area; adding togetherthe resistances of the various parts, ym is the nmterial factor (see table3.3). obtained in A, is found by taking a reduced area equal to k, 4.6.3 Eccentrically connected ties tinles the true area for a softened zone,k, being taken as in 4.4.2, and the extent of the zone as Eccentrically connected ties include the following: in 4.4.3. (a) angles connected through one leg; Local failure (b) web-connected channels; The value of PRS is based on the most critical section (c) flange connected tees. as follows: Singlebay tension membersof these three types may (a) For a section free fromHAZ softening: be designed as axially loaded and the variation in stress in the outstanding leg or legs ignored, provided PRS= P & n h that, in deternmng the area An or A,, needed for the (b) For a section containing HAZ material: local check (see4.6.2.3), part of the outstanding leg PRS= PdndYn, area is deducted from the gross area, as well as any deduction for holesor HAZ effects. The amount of where outstanding leg to be deducted is as follows: pa is the linuting stress (see tables 4.1 and 4.2); (1) single componentconnectedoneside 0.U" An is the net section area, with deduction for of a gusset holes; (2) double conlponent synuuetrically 0.2.4, An, is the net effective section area; connected either sideof gusset ym is the nlaterial factor (see table 3.3). where A, is the effective area of the outstanding leg or legs lying clear of the connected element,but ignoring The value of An, is found in the sanleway as A, any fillet. (see, but with suitable deduction for holesif necessary. The deductionfor holes in HAZ regions may When such members are continuous over several bays, it is only necessary to apply the above treatment at the be based on the reduced thickness&t. outer ends of the end bays. Elsewhere the local tension resistance may be found as in, without any outstanding leg deduction. The general yielding check shouldbe performed as given in --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- General X$%&/ CA Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license O with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS BSI 07-1999 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 53 ~~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ STD-BSI BS 8118: PART 1-ENGL L991 D l b 2 4 b b 9 07945b2 T99 m BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 Section 4 4.7 Compression members 4.7.4 Column buckling 4.7.1 General Buckling stress The value of ps for colunm buckling shouldbe read Three checks are generally needed for axially --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- loaded conlpression members(struts) as follows: (a) column, i.e. f l e d , buckling check (see 4.7.3 and 4.7.4) (refers to overall buckling of the member as a whole); (b) torsional buckling check (see4.7.3 and 4.7.5) (refers to overall buckling of the member as a whole); (c) local squashmg check(see 4.7.7) (relates to the weakest cross-section downits length). Check (a) should always be made. Check(b) is generally required, but nlay be waived in some cases. Check (c) is only needed for struts having low slenderness ratiosthat are sigruficantly weakened locally by holes or welding. To take account of interaction between axial load and bending itis generally necessary to refer to 4.8. However, for struts having eccentric endconnections it is in certain cases permissibleto use a simplified procedure (see4.7.9) to allow for the moments introduced. 4.7.2 Section classification for axial compression Before nuking any of the three checks given in 4.7.1 it is first necessary to class@ the cross-section as compact or slender. The classication is based on that of the least favourableof its component elements,in accordance with4.3.3. 4.7.3 Resistance to overall buckling With both checks (a) and @) the axial thrust P under factored loading should not exceedthe factored axial resistance PR based on overall buckling, given by the following: h =PSAlYm where A PS ym is the gross area,withoutreduction for HAZ softening, local bucklingor holes; is the buckling stress inflexural or torsional buckling; is the material factor (see table 3.3). In finding p, for column buckling, failure about both principal axes should be considered and the lower value taken. NOTE. For a strut of high slenderness (1 z 130) it will be necessary to refer to appendix K to find P,. Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 54 from the appropriate curvein figure 4.10, selected in accordance with4.7.6. Slenderness parameter The colunm buckling slenderness parameterA needed for figure 4.10 is defined as follows: A = Ur where I is the effective length; r is the d u s of gyration; both appropriateto the direction of buckling considered. The effective length1 should be taken as KL, where L is the length between pointsof lateral support; or for a cantilever strut, its length. The valueof K,the effective length factorfor struts should be assessed froma knowledge of the end conditions; table4.8 gives guidance. The value ofr should be based on the gross section for all members. NOTE. When the cross-section is wholly or substantially affected by HAZ softening at a directionally restrained end ofa member, such restraint should be ignored in arriving at a suitable value for K. Thus for case 1 in table 4.8 K should be taken as 1.0 if the section is fully softened at each end. mble 4.8 Effective length factorK for struts End conditions K 1 Effectively held in position and 0.7 restrained in direction at both ends 2 Effectively held in position at both 0.85 ends and restrained in direction at one end 3 Effectively held in positionat both 1.0 ends, but not restrained in direction 4 Effectively held in positionat one 1.25 end, and restrained in directionat both ends 5 Effectively held in position and 1.5 restrained in direction at one end, and partially restrained in direction but not held in position at the other end 6 Effectively held in position and 2.0 restrained in directionat one end, but not held in positionor restrained at the other end Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O E S 1 07-1999 i STDaBSI BS 8118: PART L-ENGL 1991 W LbZqbb9 079q5b3 9 2 5 m Section 4 BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 300 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- I 200 N E E z am 100 O 50 100 A (a> NOTE. To find p , at d > 130 refer to figure K.l. Figure 4.10 Column buckling stress P, for struts Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS O BSI 07-1999 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 55 300 A @> NOTE. To find p , at 1 > 130 refer to figure K.l. Figure 4.10 Column buckling stress P, for struts (continued) --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 56 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 300 200 N E E \ æ Q.* 100 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Figure 4.10 Column buckling stress P, for struts (conclwled) Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS O RSI 07-1999 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 4.7.5 Torsional buckling Exemptions The possibility of torsional bucklingmay be ignored for the following: (a) closed hollow sections; (b) doubly symmetrical I-sections; (c) sections composed entirelyof radiamg outstands, e.g. angles,tees, cruciform, that are classified as compact in accordance with4.3.3. Slenderness parameter The torsional buckling slenderness parameter1 may be obtained using either (a) or (b) below, or else by referring to appendix J. It should alwaysbe based on the gross area of the section as follows. (a) General formula I = n(EAPCr)” where Determination of p l The value ofpl should g e n e d y be found as follows (but refer to for sections composed of radiating outstands): (a) compactsection,with no HAZ effects (b) other sections, generally where A A, p, pl = P , Pl = (AeWPo is the gross area of section; is the area of effective section (see; is the limiting stress for the material (see tables 4.1 and 4.2). is the gross section area, withoutreduction for local buckling, HAZ softening or holes; E is the modulus of elasticity; PCr is the elastic critical load for torsional buckling, allowing for interaction with column buckling when necessary. Curve selection on this basis is valid, providedthe member meetsthe tolerances of straightness and twist laid down for extruded material (seeBS 8118 : Part 2). When there is a possibility that a fabricated strut will fail to meet these tolerances,p l should be takenas S times the value given by4.7.6.2 (a) or (b) above, where S = 0.6 + O.Eiexp(- 0.021) (but not exceeding 1.0). (b) Sections as given in table 4.9 w e c t i v e section A Effective section appliesto strut sections that are as follows: where (a) classified as slender; k is readfromfigure 4.11. (b) affected by HAZ softenkg At is found as fOllOWS: (c) both (a) and (b). (1) for angles, tees, cruciforms It = 1, The effective sectionmay be obtained by talung reduced thicknesses, withno deduction for holes as (2) for channels, t o p ” follows, andmay be based on the least favourable cross section (but see for welded members). 1 10 - [ 1 + (YA,W,”)) (1) Slender section,free from HAZ softening. The thickness of any element is taken as kL tinles its W l e 4.9 contains expressions for1, and y and t, where kL is found as in 4.3.4. In true thickness also for S and X (needed for figure 4.11). the case of reinforced elementskL should be In (2) the quantity Ax should be taken as the applied to the area of the reinforcement as well as effective slendernessfor column buckling about to the basic thicknessof the plate. axis xx (asdefined in table 4.9). (2) Compact section, withHAZ softening. The Buckling stress thickness of any softened zone shouldbe reduced so as to give it an assumedarea equal to k, times The value of p , for torsional buckling should be read its true area. The extent of such a zone should be from the appropriate curvein figure 4.12, selected in found from4.4.3, and the value of & from 4.4.2. accordance with4.7.6. (3) Slender section, withHAZ softening. For 4.7.6 Strut curve selection slender elementsfree from HAZ effects the Basic procedure reduced thicknessis found as in (1); and for HAZ regions not located in slender elementsit is taken The overall bucklingStressp, should be read from the as in (2). If an element is both slender and appropriate strut curve diagram in figure 4.10 (for affected byHAZ softening, the reduced thickness column buckling)or fgwe 4.12 (for torsional is taken as the lesser of kLt and &t in the softened buckling). Choice of diagm should be in accordance part and as k ~ elsewhere t in it. with table 4.10. In any given diagram the appropriate c w e is that meeting the stress axis at a stress p l , to Sections composedof radiating outstands are treated be determined as in specially (see4.7.6.4). Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 58 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 1 = k1t Table 4.9 Torsional buckling parameters for struts 1 i = I&, Y = 0.6 lo = 11 - ( ~ - 1 ) ( 2 ( ~ - 1-)1.5~) ~ 2 5 = I&, Y = 0.6 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- l o = 66 (:see note1 3 S = Iu/Io Equal X = 0.61 U 4 p 5 5 A, = (D/t)(4.2 + 0.8 0.5 IBAI I1.0 S = ~4 = (1 - O . G P ~ .(Oh)" ~ + 6(1 - BAI)2)(Iu/10) X = X , = 0.6 - 0.4(1 - 5 p55 I , = A4 + 1.5p(url) - 2 ( ~ - 1 ) ~ 0.5 IBA9 I1.0 S = S4 1 IW I2.5 x = x4 I , = 57 [see note 1) 6 S = 1.4(Iu110) x = 0.60 p I3.5 7 I, = 5.Wt - (Bk)% x =1 2 Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy O No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS BSI 07-1999 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 59 BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 Section 4 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- a b l e 4.9 Torsional buckling parameters for struts (continued) 8 Y 9 P55 ,Y 0.5 5 D B 5 2.0 1 5 W 5 2.5 10 (see note 1) Ao = 70 ,Y S = Ay/Ao x = 0.83 ‘Y 11 [see note 1) 1, = GO ,Y 5 = AylAo Y = 0.76 Y 12 [see note 1) I , = 63 IY i = “/Ao Y = 0.89 13 1.5 S D B 5 2.0 1, = (D/t( 1.4 + 1.5(BD) + + l.l(D/!) - 3 I3.5 (D/t)” : = )Ly/Ao = 1.3- 0.8DB + 0.2(DB)2 Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 60 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT ~ O BSI 07-1999 ~~ S T D - B S IB S Section 4 ' B 1 L B : PART L-ENGL 1991, m Lb24bbS D7795b7 3 4 3 BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 I Table 4.9 Torsional buckling parameters for struts (continued) Lo = 65 see note 1) T ~ = Iy/Io I:= 0.78 lO=(B/t2)(7+ 1.5(D/B)(t2/tl)) ; = &/It Y = 0.38 DI3 - 0.04 Y = 0.14 - O. W / B - 0.02tzItl 1 5 D/B 5 3 I , = (B/t)(7 + 1.5D/B + 5C/B) C/B 5 0.4 5 = &/It Unifoml thickness Y = 0.38D/B - 0.04(D/B)2 - 0.25C/B Y = 0.12 - O.O2D/B + (O.G(C/B)'/(D/B - 0.5)) 1 zs D/B 5 3 Lo = (B/t)(7 + 1.5D/B + 5CB) C/B 5 0.4 S = Ax/& Unifoml thiclaess X = 0.38D/B - 0.04(D/B)" Y = 0.12 - 0.20B - (O.O5(C//BY(DB- 0.5)} [see note 1) I , = 126 S = &/At X = 0.59 Y = 0.104 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Q RSI 07-1999 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 61 lhble 4.9 Torsional buckling parameters for struts (concluded) NOTE 1. Shapes of reinforced section complying with BS llGl NOTE 2. The sections are generally of uniform thickness t , except cases 14 and 15. NOTE 3. i,,,,L,, L, is the slenderness parameter (//Y) for flexural buckling about the u, x or y axis. NOTE 4. p is a factor depending on the amount of fillet material at the root of the section as follows: Radiused fillets p = R4 45’ fillets p = 1.6F/’t r NOTE 5. The values given for L,, X and Yare only valid within the linlits shown. In the case of back-to-back angles (cases 8 to 12) the expressions cease to apply if the gap between the angles exceeds 2t. ’hble 4.10 Choice of strut curve diagram Unwelded strut Q p e of buckling Welded strut Column buckling: synmetric or nddly asymmetric section Figure 4.10@) Figure 4.10(a) section asymmetric severely Figure 4.10(b) Figure 4.10(c) Torsional buckling: Figure 4.12(a) generally section composed of radiating outstands (see Figure 4.12@) I I NOTE 1. A strut should generally be regarded as welded, for the purpose of this table, if it contains welds on a length greater than the ‘argest dimension of the section. This is regardless of whether or not there are HAZ effects. VOTE 2. A mildly asymmetric section is one for which y1/y2 I1.5 where .y1 and g2 are the distances from the buckling axis to the Further and nearer extreme fibres, respectively. Otherwise, the section should be treated as severely asymmetric. Sections composed of radiating outstands For sections suchas angles, tees and cruciforms, composed entirely of radiating outstands, local and torsional bucklingare closely related. For suchstruts the procedure should beas follows: (a) Section containing only unreinforced outstands. (1) In considering torsional buckling figure 4.12 (b) may be used for findingps, instead of figure 4.12 (a). (The relevant diagram for column buckling is unaltered). (2) In determining p l , needed for selecting the appropriate curve in figures 4.10 and 4.12 (see, the area A, should be based onan effective sectionin which the nomml reduction is made for zones affected byHAZ softening, but with no reduction for local buckhng, i.e. take ICL = 1. Thus for such a section free of HAZ effects: p l = po. 62 Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS @) Section containing outstands with tip reinforcement. If the reinforced outstands are such that mode 1 would be critical in terms of local buckling (see4.3.2.3), the same procedureis followed as in (a). But if mode 2 is critical, figure 4.12 (a) should be employedand the effective section foundas in Struts containing localized welds Strut curve selectionfor a member affected byHAZ softening should generally be based on a value of p l obtained for the most unfavourable section, even when such softening occurs only locally along the length. This includes HAZ effects due to the welding on of tempomy attachments. However, when such HAZ softening has a certain specified location along the length,its presence may be ignored in considering overall buckling, providedthe softening does not extend longitudinallya distance greater than the least overall widthof the member, The location of the HAZ softening, forthis relaxation to be allowed, is the position of zero or near-zero curvature in the buckled form of the strut. Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O B S I 07-1999 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- “c --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS O BSI 07-1999 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 300 200 N E E z P" 100 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- (al NOTE. To find p , at L > 130 refer to figure K.l Figure 4.12 Torsional buckling stress P, for struts Thus for a strut held in position at its ends (see table 4.8, case 3) it may be assumed that the overall buckling resistanceis unaffected by the presence of localized softened zones,if these are located at the ends. (In such a case it will be importantto nmke the local squashing check). 4.7.7 Local squashing The axial thrustP under factored loading should not exceed the factored resistance Pm of the most unfavourable section alongthe length of a strut, detemked as follows: (a) compact section, free from HAZ . pRs =pdn/ym; effects @) other sections, generally PRS= PaPnJYnl; Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 64 where pa is the liiting stress (see tables 4.1 and 4.2); An is the net section area, with deduction for unfilled holes; An, is the net effective section area; ym is the nuterial factor (see table 3.3). The area A,, should be taken as A, less deductionfor unfilled holes, whereA, is the effective area used in the considemtion of overall buckling (colunm or torsional), see and For holes locatedin reduced thickness regions the deduction nlay be based on the reduced thickness, insteadof the full thickness. Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1!999 ~ STD-BSI BS 6118: PART 1-ENGL 3773 W 1 b 2 4 b b 7 0774573 674 W Section 4 BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 300 200 N -E E z P” 100 @> Figure 4.12 Torsional bucklingstress P, for struts (concluded) I of the connected element, andif no deliberate bending 4.7.8 Hybrid sections is applied In struts containing parent materialsof different strengths each element should be classified according (a) single angle connected through one legonly; to its particular value of P,. @) back-teback angles connected oneside of a The resistance PR to overall colunm or torsional gusset; buckling nlay be found assunkg a uniform value of P,, (c) single channel connected by its web only; equal to the weighted averageof the P, values for the single tee connected by its table only. various parts (weighted accordingto the gross areas For these itis pernussible, in makingthe check for thereof). colunm buckling out of the plane of the attached The resistance PRSto local squashingmay be found by element or elements, to ignore the eccentricity of sunming the resistance of the various parts. loading, and instead take a reduced axial conlpression 4.7.9 Certain cases of eccentrically connected resistance equalto 40 % of the value that would be struts obtained for centroidal loading usingthe radius of gyration about the axis parallel to the gusset. The Single-bay struts torsional buckling resistance is assunled unaffected by The following typesof eccentrically connectedstrut the eccentricity. may be treated using a simple method, insteadof the interaction procedure given in 4.8, provided the attachment is sufficient to prevent rotation in the plane --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS O BSI 07-1999 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT G5 Struts of two components back-to-back a Such struts of double angle, channelor tee construction, connected either sideof end-gussets, may be designed as nlonolithic centroidally loaded members providedthat the following occur (a) the two components are securely connected together at their ends; and (b) they are connected alsoat the third points, using spacers equal to the gusset thickness. 4.7.10 Battened struts which should bethe subject of special study. However, if a battened strut complies with4.7.10.2, it is pernksible to regard it as monolithic and obtain its resistance in the nornml way. To be treated as a monolithic member a battened strut should satisfy the following. (a) It should be axially loaded. (b) It should comprise two main components joined by equally spaced battens, the cross-section being symmetrical about an axis n o m d to the battens. (c) Battens should generallybe in pairs. However, if the main components are toe-to-toe tees or angles, single battens are allowed. (d) A2 5 0.8A1 where are the Slendernessparametersfor column buckling of the complete member about axes parallel to and normal to the battens, respectively. (e) A3 I0.7 A2 where In designing the battens it is important to consider the possible weakening effects of local buckling and HAZ softening (if welded). 4.8 Bending with axial force and biaxial bending The general rules for struts given in 4.7.3 to 4.7.7 do not generally applyto battened members, AI and A2 N is thespacing of main components measured to the centroids of the connections to each batten; is the number of battens at each position (1 or 2). 4.8.1 General This clause gives interaction formulae for checking members subjectedto the following cases of combined action effect: (a) caseA, major axis bending with axial force o; (My +o; (Mx + (b) case B, minor axis bending with axial force (c) caseC , biaxial bending (Mx+ My); (d) caseD, biaxial bending withaxial force (Mx +My + P ) where P Mxand My is the axial force a x i s i i under factored loadmg; are the miaxial moments about nwjor and minor axes respectively arising under factored loading. %o checks are in general needed, as follows: (a) section check (see4.8.3); o>)overall buckling check (see 4.8.4). The section checkis always needed. The overall buckling check may be waived for the following buckling of one main component circumstances: between battens, based on column (1) in case A, when P is tensile and also the or torsional buckling whicheveris member is exempt from lateral torsional buckling the more critical. (see; (2) in case B, when P is tensile. (f) The batten system should be designedto resist a total shear force V in the plane of the battens, taken In malong the section checkthe values taken for Pm, as 2.5 % of the axial force inthe whole member Mmx and Mmy should take due accountof the under factored l o a m . presence of holes and of HAZ softening (g) The connection of each batten to each main where component should be designed to transmit the following sinlultaneous actions under factored pR!3 is the factored axial resistance of loading: the cross-section, see 4.6.2 (tension) or 4.7.7 (compression); (1) longitudinal shear of VdNa. M s x and Mmy me the factored uniaxial moment (2) moment of VdLW acting in the plane of the resistances of the cross-section batten; (see 4.5.2), @usted to allow for where: coincident shear if necessary (see 4.5.4), about major and minor d is the longitudinalspacingbetweencentres axes respectively. of battens; A3 is the slenderness parameter for --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 66 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 ~ STD=BSI BS 8 f i L B : PART 1-ENGL 199L m l b Z V b b 9 079V575 b V 7 m Section 4 BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 MR, is the factored moment resistance to lateral torsional buckling (see4.5.6.3). 4.8.2 Section classification and local buckling under combined actions Section classification P M, -+-+-"51.0 M PRS MRSx MRSy When the axial force,P, is tensile, the factored axial resistance, PRS,should be found from clause4.6.2.3 (local Other cases For casesA, B or C (see the fornwla given in should be used,with the appropriate numerator quantity put equalto zero. 4.8.4 Overall buckling check General For members subjectto axial tension combinedwith bending the presence of the axial force shouldbe ignored in checking against overall buckling. For members subject to axial compression with bending,or to biaxial bending, the appropriate interaction fornwlae (see to should be satisfied on any unsupported length liableto buckle. All quantities in the interaction fornwlae shouldbe taken as positive. Case A (mqjor axis bending with axial compression) For caseA both conditions (a) and (b) as follows should be satisfied (a) prevention of nlajor axis buckling: The section should be givena single classification (fully compact, senu-compactor slender) generally in accordance with4.3.3.2 and (a). h so doing, the value of j? for any given element should be based on a value of g (see figure4.2) Corresponding to the stress pattern produced in that element when all the actions M,, My)are applied sinlultaneously. The quantitiesyo and yc, needed for figure 4.2, should generally be found using the elastic neutral axis of the gross section underthe combined actions, although in checking whether a section is fully compact it is permitted to use the plastic one. Note that it is possible for the elastic neutral axis to lie @) prevention of nunor axis buckling: outside the section, in which case go and yc will be of P the same sign. The method given in4.3.3.5 for + -51.0 MRx determining a more favourable classlfication for underwhere stressed flange elements, is still valid provided yo and gc again relate to the stress pattern under the MX is the equivalent unifoml moment, combined actions. about the major axis obtained as Any section found to be fully compact or in senucompact under the above procedureis counted as P h and PR^ are the factored axial resistances to compact when obtainingthe axial resistance,no overall column buckling, about reduction being made for local buckling. major and nxinor axes respectively, Eflectiue section see 4.7.3 and 4.7.4. For a member classed as slender (see4.8.2.1) each individual resistance should be found using an effective If the axial forceP causes torsional buckling(see section that relates specificallyto the action concerned 4.7.5), the factored axial resistances to torsional buckling should be used in (a) and @). (c M, or My), this being generally different for the different actions. Thus when obtainingaxial resistance, Case B (minor axis bending with axial the factor k~ (see figure4.5) for each elementis based compression) on a P value for that element correspondingto uniform For case B following single condition should be stress (g = 1). While for fmdmg moment resistance, a P satisfied (preventionof minor axis buckling): value is taken that relates to the stress pattern in the element when the section is under pure bending. (e 6 a, 4.8.3 Section check General formula (case D) The cross-section is adequate if the followingis where satisfied at every position alongthe length, all six quantities being takenas positive: Xiy Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under licenseO with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS BSI 07-1999 is the equivalent ~ n i f o r nmoment ~ about the minor axis obtained as in Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT I --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- In making the overall buckling check the values of MRS, and M R should ~ ~ generally refer to the most unfavourable section inthe bay considered, taldng account of local buckling and HAZ softening, but ignoring holes. HAZ softening failure). may be ignored when it occurs at the extreme ends of a spanning, i.e. non-cantilever, bay. For sections exempt from lateral torsional buckling (see, shouldbetakenequal to M a x where G7 ~~~~~ ~ ~~ STD-BSI BS ALLA: PART L-ENGL 1 9 9 1 E Lb24bb9079457b 583 E BS8118 :Part 1 : 1991 Section 4 Case C (biaxial bending) For case C the following single condition should be satisfied (preventionof minor axis buckling): Case D (biaxial bending with axial force) For caseD the condition shouldbe satisfied where M R ~is the valueof that wouldbeacceptablein conlbination with4 but in the absence of minor axis bending, as given in (lesser value); MRQ is the similar value for By,in the absence of major axis bending, as given in 4.9 Deformation (serviceability limit State) 4.9.1 General 4.9.2 Recoverable elastic deflection Compact sections The elastic deflection of these nlay be calculated using gross section properties, ignoring holesor HAZ effects. For beams this applies both to fully and to compact sections and senu-compact sections. Slender sections Deflection calculations should generally be perfomled using section properties calculated foran effective section that allows for localbucklig, but ignores any effects of HAZ softening or holes. The assumed effective section maybe conservatively basedon reduced thicknessesas given in for bending, or for axial conlpression, or the following more favourable procedure may be adopted. (a) Reclasse and slender elenlent usinga nlodified value for E in, obtained by taking P, equal to two-thirds of the nornlal value given in tables4.1 and 4.2. (b) If the section is then found to be no longer slender, the gross section propertiesare taken. (c) If as reclassified, it is still slender,a new effective sectionis assunled, basedon k~ values found by using the nlodified value of E from (a) for figure 4.5. The recoverable elastic deflection (see 4.9.2) under nominal loading (unfactored) should not exceedthe limiting value (see3.4). If the ultimate l i t state (static strength)has been satisfied, using4.2 to 4.8, it may be assumed that pemment inelastic deformationin service will be negligible. No separate check for this is generally needed. --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 68 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 STD*BSI BS B1L8: PART L-ENGL 1991 9 l b 2 9 b b 9 079VS77 lr1T m Section 5 BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 Section 5. Plates and plate girders 5.1 General --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- This section coversthe static strength (ultimatelimit state) of the following structural components: (a) unstiffened plates (see5.2 and figure 5.1); @) multi-stiffened plating (see5.3 and figure5.2); (c) plate-girders (see 5.4 and figure5.3). For (a) and (c) the resistance obtained will tend to be more favourable thanthat based on the simpler rules of section 4,especially when considering slender plates or webs of low aspect ratio ( d d ) . Multi-stiffened plating is not covered in section4. B m P”--+ Figure 5.2 Multi-stiffened plate L d c œ Figure 5.1 Unstiffened plate 5 2 Unstiffened plates 5.2.1 General Unstif‘fened plates subjectto direct stress may be designed in accordance with 5.2.2 to 5.2.4, and those loaded in shear in accordance with5.2.5. Lnteraction effects are covered in 5.2.6. The plate tluckness is denoted by t throughout. 1 I c i [ End -n U c W t panel Figure 5.3 Plate girder Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license Owith BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS BSI 07-1999 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 69 5.2.2 Unstiffened plates under direct stress General (2) Column treatment. k~ is taken equal to the ratiopdp,, where p , is the column bucklingstress read from figure4.10 (a). The appropriate curve to use is that intersecting the stress axis at a value po. The slenderness parameterA should normally be taken as follows: A = 3.5 d t corresponding to simple support, although a lower value may be taken if this can be justified. The resistance of a plate to uniform in-plane conlpression,.F: acting in the direction shown in figure 5.1 is described in to Classtfication The plate should be classifiedas follows: ( 4 ß 5 P1 fully-conlpact; senucompact; slender @Iß1<ß‘ßo (c) ß ß o 5.2.3 Unstiffened plates under in-plane moment General The resistance of a plate to pure in-plane moment acting on the sides of width d (see figure 5.1) is described in to If the moment varies in the direction parallelto dinlension a, see also 5.2.4. where ß = ut; ßo and ßI are as given in table 4.3. Classification Fullg and semi-compactplates The factored axial resistancePRSto uniform compression should be based onthe least favourable cross-section as follows: (a) full~conl~act PRS= PrtAndYm @) semi-compact PRS= Ym is the neteffective area for allowingfor holes, and takinga reduced thicknesskt in any region affected byHAZ softening (see 4.4.4 and 4.4.3); is the nlaterialfactor(seetable 3.3). Slender plates A yielding check and a buckling check should be perfomled, taking valuesas follows for the factored axial resistancepRs. (a) Yielding check. Pm is obtained as in for a senucompact plate, ignoring buckling. (b) Buckling check. Pm = P&&,, where po A, (a>ß 5 P1 fully compact; (b)ßl<ßSßO semi-compact; slender; (c) ß > ß o where pa and P, are linuting stresses (see tables 4.1 and 4.2); Arie The plate should be classifiedas follows: is the limiting stress (seetables 4.1 and 4.2); is the effectivearea,obtainedby taking reduced thicknessto allow for bucklingas well as HAZ softening, but with holes ignored. In @) the effective area should generally be based on the least favourable cross-section,taking a thickness equal to the lesser of kt and kLt in HAZ regions, and kLt elsewhere. However, HAZ softening due to welds at the loaded edges may be ignored in this check. The factor kL may be determined by the more favourable of the treatments (1) and (2) as follows. (1) Plate treatment. k~ is read from curve C or D in figure 4.5, taliing P = d/t and E = (250/p0)”. where ß = 0.3WG ß o and P1 are as given in table 4.3. FullIl and semi-compactplates The factored moment resistanceMB should be based on the least favourable cross-section, using the relevant expression in (a) to (d), and taking anassumed section as defined in4.5.2.3 (a) or @). Slender plates The factored moment resistance shouldbe taken as the lesser of two values foundas in (a) and (b) as follows. (a) Yielding check. MB is obtained as in for a semicompact plate ignoring buckling. (b) Buckling check.Mm if found as follows: MRS= P$&m where 2, is the elastic modulus of the effective section. The calculation in @) should generally be based on the effective sectionat the least favourable position, with no deduction for holes, takinga thickness equal to the lesser of kt and kLt in HAZ regions, and kLt elsewhere. However, HAZ softening due to welds at the loaded edges may be ignored in this check. The factor kL should be read from curveC or D in fim4.5, takingß = 0 . W t and E = (250/’0)’. --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 70 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 STD=BSI BS ALLB: PART L-ENGL 1791 D l b 2 V b b 7 07911577 292 m Section 5 BS 8118 : Part 1 : 1991 5.2.4 Longitudinal stress gradient on unstiffened plates General Cases wherethe applied actionP or M on an W f e n e d plate varies longitudinally inthe direction shown in figure 5.1,are given in and Fullg and semi-compact plates The factored resistanceat any cross-section should not be less than the action arisiig at that section under factored loading. Slender plates The yielding check shouldagain be satisfied at every cross-section. But for the buckling check it is sufficient to compare the factored resistancewith the action arising at a distance x from the more heavily loaded end of the panel, wherex is 0.4 times the elastic plate buckling half-wavelength. (b) Buckling check. The resistancemay be safely found as in (b). Alternatively the following expression may be used, which is more favourable when a is less than 2.M: v, = vlPvd%ll I where v1 is the elastic critical shear buckling factor read from figure 5.4taking E = (150/pv) The expression in @) still fails to take advantage of tension field action. If it is believed that the edge conditionsare such that a tension field is sustainable, the designer nmy refer to the even more favourable treatment available for type1 panels in plate girder webs (see5.4.3.4). 5.2.6 Combined actions --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Classification A plate, subjected to combined axial force P and a moment M under factored loading should be given single classification (fully compact, semi-conlpactor 5.2.5 Unstiffened plates in shear slender) generally in accordancewith In so doing, the value taken for fi should be based on the General stress pattern produced in the plate whenP and M act Unstiffened plates undershear should be classified as together, based on an appropriate valueof g (see compact or slender, as in figure 4.2). The presence of small holesnmy be ignored when Where the plate is classed as slender, each individual finding the shear resistance, provided they do not resistance (PRSand MRS) should be based on the occupy morethan 20 % of the crosssection area on the specific type of action considered,as in width d. Axial force with moment Compact shear web The following condition should be satisfiedfor a plate The factored shear force resistance VRS should be subjected to axial force withmoment found as follows: VRS = P d d h P M -5 1.0 PRS 'MRS where p , is the linuting stress (see tables 4.1 and 4.2); ym is the material factor (see table3.3). Av is the effective shear area, taken as follows; where: (a) for unwelded platesA, = dt; @) for plates fully welded along one or more edges Av = k d t ; (c) for partially welded plates,A, is the effective area on the width d, found by taking a reduced thickness kt in softened zones (see4.4.2 and 4.4.3). Slender shear web The factored shear force resistance V= should be taken as the lesser of the two values obtained from(a) and @) as follows. (a) Yielding check. The resistance is found as for a compact plate, using5.2.5.2. P and M are the axialforceandin-plane moment respectivelyW i g under factored loading. PRSand MRS are the factored resistancesto axial force and in-plane moment respectively, each reducedto allow for coincident high shear if necessary (see Direct stress with low shear It may be assumed that a coincident shear force V (under factored loading) has no effect onthe longitudinal resistanceof a plate, provided V does not exceed half its factored shear force resistance VRS. Direct stress with high shear If V exceeds 0.5VRS, the longitudinal resistance (axial force, moment) should be reduced by a factor k, where: k, = 1.6 - 1.2 VWRS ~ Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under licenseO with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS BSI 07-1999 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 71 ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ STD.BS1 BS B L L B : PART L-ENGL 3991, m L b 2 4 b b 9 0774580 T04 m BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 Section 5 The stressp, should be read from the appropriate curve in figure 4.10 relevant to colunm bucklingof the 5.3.1 General subunit as a simple strut out of the plane of the The following rules concern plating, supported on all plating. four edges (see figure5.2), that is reinforced with three The slenderness parameterA needed for figure4.10 or more equally spaced longitudinal stiffeners or may be based on an effective lengthI equal to the corrugations. Thesemay be unsupported on their lesser of (a) and (b) as follows: whole length or else be continuous over intemlediate (a) the distance between positionsof effective lateral tranmerse stiffeners. The dinlensionL should be taken support, such as end supports or effective transverse as the spacing of the supports when fitted. An essential stiffeners; feature of the design is that the longitudmal (b) the elastic orthotropic buckling half-wavelength. reinforcement, but not transverse stiffening,is 'subcritical', i.e. it can deform withthe plating in an The part of figure 4.10 (a), @) or (c) used depends on the section shape of the subunit and whether it overall buckling mode. contains longitudinal welding (see table 4.10),the The resistance of such plating to longitudinal direct actual curve beingthat which intercepts the stress axis stress in the direction of the reinforcement is given at a value pl as defined in following in 5.3.2 to 5.3.4, and to shear in 5.3.5. Interaction should be noted when deternining the effective between different effects maybe allowed for in the area A, (needed for findingpl). same way as for unstiffened plates (see5.2.6). (1) The value of I ~ Lfor elements such as E in The treatments given become invalidif the figure 5.2 should be basedon their full cross-section contains any outstand elementsthat are dimensions, even though theyare cut in two for classified as slender. the formation of sub-units. When the construction consistsof flat plating with (2) HAZ softening due to welds at the loaded applied stiffeners,the resistance to transverse direct edges or at transverse stiffenersmay be ignored in stress may be taken the Same as for an unstiffened finding A,. plate. With corrugated construction itis negligible. 5.3.3 Multi-stiffened plating under in-plane 5.3.2 Multi-stiffened plating under uniform moment compression General General Two checks should be performed, a yielding check ' h o checks should be performed,a yielding check (see and a colunm check (see5.3.3.4). (see and a colunm check (see5.3.2.3). The crosssection should be classied as compact or Section classification and local buckling slender in accordance with4.3.3, considering all the The cross-section should be classified as compact or component elements before carryingout either check. slender (see4.3.3) when carrying out either check. Slender outstand elementsare not permitted. For the purpose of classifymg individual elements, and Yielding check also when determiningI ~ Lfor slender elements, itmay The entire section shouldbe checked for local generally be assumed that each element is under squashing in the sanle way as for a strut (see 4.7.7). uniform compression takingg = 1 in However, in the case of the yielding check only, it is permissible The resistance qls should be based on the least favourable cross-section, taking accountof local to base g on the actual stress pattern in elements conlprising the outermost region of the plating, and to buckling andHAZ softening if necessary, andalso any unfilled holes. repeat ths value for the corresponding elements further in. This may be favourable whenthe number of Column check stiffeners or corrugations is small. Slender outstand The plating is regarded as an assemblage of identical elements should not be allowed. column subunits, each containing one centrally located stiffeneror corrugation and witha width equal yielding check to the pitch W.The factored axial resistancePm is then The entire cross-sectionof the plating should be taken as: treated as a beam under in-plane bending (see The factored moment resistanceMm should be based PRS = P&Y, on the least favourable cross-section, taking accountof where local buckling and HAZ softening if necessaty, and also any holes. P, is the buckhg stress for a colunm s u b unit; A is the gross area of the entire cross section of the plating; ym nlateriaJ factor (see table 3.3). Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 72 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1909 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 5.3 Multi-stiffened plating STDOBSI BS BLLB: PART L-ENGL 1991 m L b 2 q b b S 079qSBL 940 m Section 5 BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 Column check The platmg is regarded as an assemblage of colunu subunits in the sanle general way as for axial compression (see, the factored moment resistance MRS being taken as follows: MRS= PszB/2yYm where. P, 2 B y Ym is the buckling stress for columnsub-unit; is the elastic section modulus of the full cross section of the plating for in-plane bending; is the overallwidthofplating; is the distance from centre ofplating to centre of outermost stiffener, is the material factor (see table 3.3). Yielding check The factored shear force resistance VRS is taken as the same as that for a flat unstiffened plateof the sanle overall aspect (LB) and the same general thickness t, found in accordance with5.2.5.2. Buckling check The factored shear force resistance is found from the following: VFS vlPvBt/y, where pv is the limiting stress (see tables 4.1 and 4.2); B t is the widthofplating (seefigure5.2); is the generalplatethickness; is the material factor (see table 3.3); is theelasticcritical shear bucklingfactor (see figure 5.4). ym v1 The stress P, should be read from figure4.10 in the same way as for uniform compression (see5.3.2.3). In order to calculate v1 the following values should be used 5.3.4 Longitudinal stress gradient on multi-stiffened plates General Cases wherethe applied action P or M on a multi-stiffened plate varies in the direction of the stiffeners or corrugations are described in and Yielding check The factored resistance at anycrosssection should be not less than the action a r i s i i at that section under factored loading. Column check a =B , d 1 = o.(jl(wt3/Is~)0~~7~; is the effective length of plating; W is the pitch of stiffeners or corrugations; Is11 is the second moment of area of one sub-unit of the plating (asdefined in about a centroidal axis parallelto the plane of the plating; = (150/p,) y2. E The effective length1 may be safely taken as the unsupported lengthL (see figure 5.2). WhenL greatly exceedsB, a more favourable result may be obtained by putting 1 equal to the elastic orthotropic shear buckling half-wavelength. No allowance for HAZ softening need be made in performing the buckling check. For the column check itis sufficient to compare the factored resistance withthe action arising ata distance x from the more heavily loaded endof a panel, wherex is 0.4t h e s the effective buckling length l. 5.3.5 Multi-stiffened plating in shear General A yielding check (see and a buckling check (see should be performed. The methods given in to are valid provided the following 5.4 Plate girders 5.4.1 General A plate girder is a fabricated bean1 comprising tension occur. h g e , compression flange and web plate. The webis typically of slender proportions and reinforced (a) The pitch W of the stiffeners or corrugations transversely with bearing and intermediate stiffeners does not exceed 0.3L (see figure 5.2). @) Any outstand elementof the section is classified (see figure5.3). It may have longitudinal stiffeners too. as compact in terms of axial resistance (see4.3.3.4). A basic feature is that the web stiffenersare designed to provide supported edges forthe panels of the web, (c) Any internal elementis classified as compact in staying essentially straightas buckling proceeds. terms of shear resistance' (see4.5.3.1). The moment and shear resistances of plate girders (d) Stiffeners or corrugations, as well as the actual having transversely stiffened webs are covered in 5.4.2 plating, are as follows: and 5.4.3, while 5.4.4 gives the modifications needed (1) effectively connectedto the transverse framing when longitudinal stiffenersare added. In considering at either end; moment resistance it is pemussible to follow appendix E instead of 5.4.2, if desired, and economies (2) continuous at any transverse stiffener position. nlay result. --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS O BSI 07-1999 ~~ Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 73 ~~ STD-BSI BS 8118: P A R T 1-ENGL 1991 m bb2qbb7 077q582 8 8 7 D BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 Section 5 The methods given in 5.4.2, 5.4.3 and 5.4.4 are valid provided the following occur. (a) The stiffeners comply with5.4.5. (b) The spacing a of transverse stiffeners is not less than half the clear depth of the web between flange plates @ut see 5.4.6 for corrugated or closely stiffened webs). It may be beneficial to provide a tongueplate, to one or both flanges. To be effective this should conlply with --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Interaction between moment andshear is dealt with in 5.4.7. If web bearing or lateral torsional bucklingis thought to be a factor, the designer should referto 4.5.5 or 4.5.6. For girders subject to axial load, as well as bending, 4.8 is relevant. The treatment of plate girders given in5.4.2 to 5.4.7 is also generally applicableto box section girders provided the webs are sindar in foml. 5.4.2 Moment resistance of transversely stiffened plate girders General In order to determine the factored moment resistance a yielding check (see and a buckling check (see should be performed. For hybrid girders, with differing flange and web material, the designer should referalso to Yielding check The moment arisingat any cross-section under factored load should not exceedthe factored moment resistance MRS that would apply if the section were treated as senu-compact. Thevalue of Mm is obtained from @) or (d) as appropriate, taking account of any holes or HAZ effects, but ignoring local buckling. It may be assumed that any tongue-plate, if fitted, provides effective edge support to the slender web plate to which it is joined, provided it complies with Thus to find k~ for the web plate from figure 4.5 (b), P may be based on a value of d measured to the tip of the tongue or tongues. Alternative treatment of web buckling If the neutral axis is located so that it is nearer to the edge of the web in compression than itis to the one in tension, it is permissible to treat the web as composed of two zones with differing values of k~ obtained as follows. (a) Zone 1, extending a distance y1 either side of neutral axis. k~ is read from figure 4.5 @) talnng /3=0.7gl/t where y1 is the distance from the gross neutral axis to the compressed edge. @) Zone 2, occupying the rest of the web: k~ = 1.0. 5.4.3 Shear resistance of transversely stiffened plate girders General A yielding check (see5.4.3.2) and a buckling check ( s e e should be carried out. For webs with continuous longitudinal welds itis also necessary to carry out a HAZ check (see The presence of small holes in the web platemay be ignored for either check, provided they donot occupy more than 20 % of its section area Yielding check At any cross-section the shear force Varking under factored load should not exceeda value VRS found as follows: (a) no tongueplate (b) with tongueplate or plates v, = h AweIYm; V, = (pvwAwe + Buckling check + hAte)Ym; where The following treatment appliesto plate girders with transverse stiffeners,but no longitudinal stiffeners. P,, and p f i are limiting stresses for the weband tongueplate materials respectively For each bay of the girder between transverse (equivalent to pv in tables 4.1 stiffeners the moment arising under factored load,at a and 4.2); distance O.& from its more heavily stressed end, should not exceed the factored moment resistanceMRS Awe is the effective section area of web for that bay based onultimate failure by buckling. The plate between flanges,or to value of MRs is obtained in accordance with4.5.2.2 (e), tongueplate tips; allowing for local buckling andHAZ softening, but Ate is the effective section area of ignoring holes. However,it is permissible for the tongueplate, or total area for two purpose of this check to ignore HAZ effects caused by Such; the welding on of transverse stiffeners. Ym is the material factor (seetable 3.3). In considering web bucklig, the effective thickness factor k~ should generallybe found in accordance The effective areas are obtained takmg reduced with 4.3.4, talung P as in However, if the thicknesses equal to times the true thickness in any compressed edge of the web is nearer to the neutral HAZ region (see 4.4.2 and 4.4.3). axis than is the edge in tension, it is permissible instead to proceed as in, which wil tend to be more favourable. Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT ~~ ~ ~ ~~ 1971 m 1b211bb7 07711583 713 S T D = B S I BS 811B: PART1-ENGL Section 5 BS 8118 : Part 1 : 1991 Buckling check Tensionfield action In any bay between transverse stiffeners theshear ' h o types of web panel are identified as follows (a) ?sTpe 1: Panels able to sustain a tension field, force Vaxising under factored loading should not exceed the limiting value V= for that bay, based on ultinmte failure by buckling. The value of VRS should be found using the appropriate expression(a) or (b) as follows, which take due advantage of post-buckled behaviour I tongueplate (a) no I tongueplate @>with or plates --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- where d is the depth of webmeasuredbetweenflanges, or to tongue-plate tips; t is the unreducedthickness ofweb plate; v1 is the initial shear bucklig factor read from figure 5.4 taking E = (1501'p~)~; vtf is the tension field factor (see namely: (1) an internal panel; (2) a panel in an end-bay provided with an adequate end-post conlplying with5.4.5.6. (b) 'Qpe 2 a panel in an end-bay lacking an adequate end-post. There is negligible tension field action intype 2 panels, and for these vtf in should be taken as zero. m e 1 panels are generally ableto develop further shear resistance after the initial onset of buckling, due to tension field action. For these vtf should be taken as follows: Vtf = v2 + mv3; (i) unwelded panel (i)panelwithedgewelds vtf = k; + where m is the lesser of ml and q The other quantities are as defined in 1.0 o. 9 0.8 O .7 0.6 "I O. 5 0.4 O.3 o. 2 o. I O O 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 d/t& NOTE. For longitudinally stiffened panels d should be taken as the depth of the largest sub-panel. Figure 5.4 Elastic critical shear buckling factor v1 1 I Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy, No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS O BSI 07-1999 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 75 should be suitably sharedin obtaining Sf for each web. where HAZ check Pi? is the shear buckling factor, v3 is the shear buckling factor, determined from figure5.6; is the HAZ softering factor (see4.4.2); determined from figure5.5; ml and are shear buckling factors where ml is the determined from figure5.7; where m2 = (4PofSf~P0wd2~> % where I is the second moment of area of the gross cross section; p0f and P,, are linuting stresses po for flange and web material (see figure 4.1); Sf is the plastic modulus of effective flange section about its own equal area axis, in the plane of the web (the lower value is taken if the flanges are different). is the first moment of gross excluded area outside the weld where is the section area is the distance of the centroid of the neutral axis to this area and /c;, pm and y,, are as defined in and In deteminhg Sf the section considered should if include the flange plate together with tongue plate present, with suitable thickness reductionto allow for local buckling and HAZ softening (see, but with no deduction for holes. If the girder has two or more webs, the plastic modulus of the whole flange a/d "2 0.50 O. 4 0.75 1.0 0.3 1.5 0.2 2.0 22.5 0.1 O 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 d/ts NOTE. The figure should not be used for panels with longitudinal stiffeners. Figure 5.5 Basic tension field shear buckling factor 76 Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- k; For webs with longitudinal weldsthe shear force T/: arising under factored load, should not exceedthe factored shear force resistance VRS at any such weld, where VRS is given as follows: STD.BSI BS 8118: PART L-ENGL 1991 m L b 2 4 b b 9 0799585 59b W Section 5 BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 “J 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 O 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 d / t & NOTE. This figure should not be used for panels with longitudinal stiffeners Figure 5.6 Flange assisted tension field shear buckling factor v3 m, a/d 0.7 22.5 2.0 1.5 0.6 0.5 1.0 0.4 0.75 0.3 0.50 0.2 0.1 O 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 d / t & NOTE. This figure should not be used for panels with longitudinal st,iffeners. Figure 5.7 Shear buckling factor ml --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license Owith BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS BSI 07-1999 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 77 NOTE. Figures 5.5 to 5.7 should not be used for web panels with longitudinal stiffeners. (3) m2 is calculated as in, taking d as defined in 5.4.5 Web stiffeners and tongue-plates General The following types of web stiffener are considered (see figure 5.3). They may be single- or double-sided (a) type A, intermediate stiffener transverse stiffener other than that covered by type B; @) type B, bearing stiffener: transverse stiffenerat point of concentrated load or reaction; (c) type C, longitudinal stiffener spanning longitudinally between transverse stiffeners. In order that predicted resistancesmay be achieved, it is genemlly necessary that web stiffeners comply with the following: (1) types A,B,C: compactness (see5.4.5.2); (2) types A,B,C: s m e s s (see; (3) types A,B only: stability (see A transverse stiffener should extend without break from flange to flange, even when tongue, platesare fitted. Where a bearing stiffener, proper provision should be madeat the flange for transferringthe applied force intothe stiffener. It is not essential for the stiffener to be connected to the flanges. Where possible longitudinal stiffeners should be made continuous from one web bayto the next. Where this is not possible, the separate lengths shouldabut on to the transverse stiffener dividing them. Compactness All stiffeners should beof compact section in temw of resistance to axial compression (see Eflective stwener section The effective stiffener section is used in checking the stiffness and stability requirements. It consists of the actual stiffener,or pair of stiffeners if double-sided, together with an effective widthbe of web plate (see figure 5.8). The latter extends a distance bl either side of the stiffener attachmentor attachments as shown, and is given generally by the following: (a) for a transverse stiffener, bl = lesser of 0.1% and 15ct NOTE. For a transverse stiffener located at an end of the girder the value of b, on the outboard side (only) should be taken as follows, instead of the value given in(a): b , = lesser of a, and 7 ~ t where a, is the distance from the stiffener to the fret? edge of the web plate. @) For a longitudinal stiffener, bl = lesser of 0.13davand 15~t Figure 5.8 Effective stiffener section Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 78 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 5.4.4 Longitudinally and transversely stiffened girders Moment resistance The procedure for determiningthe moment resistance is basically as for girders having transverse stiffeners only, and involvesa yielding check anda buckling check. The yielding check is as given in In making the buckling check (see5.4.2.3) it is assumed that each longitudinal stiffener providesa line of support to the web, thus dividing it into separate sub-panels fromthe point of view of local buckling. In determining the effective section of the girder, improved values of kL may be used for the sub-panels. These are obtained by taking the correct width and stress pattern for each sub-panel in d e t e r n m g its value. Shear resistance The yielding check (see and the HAZ check (see are unaffected by the presence of longitudinal stiffeners. The buckling check shouldbe carried out genemlly in accordance with, but with v1 and VE found as follows: (a) the value of vl is deternmed from figure 5.4, taking d equal to the depth of the largest sub-panel (instead of the full web depth); @) the value of vtf is calculated using equation(i) or (ii) in as appropriate, with factors %, v3 and m obtained as follows: (1) the value of m is taken as the lesser of ml and mz; (2) the values 3, v3 and ml are calculated using the formulae in appendix K that relate to figures 5.5 to 5.7 respectively, takingd as the full depth as defined in, and v1 as the value found in (a) above. where E pv dav = (150/Pv)”; is the linuting stress for webmaterial(see tables 4.1 and 4.2); is the averagedepth of the twosub-panels lying either side of the longitudinal stiffener. It is inlportant to allow for the bending effects that will be introduced, if there is eccentricity between the l i e of action of P and the centroidal axis of the effective section. This nmy be undertaken usingthe interaction formulae given in 4.8.3 and where My is the moment due to the action and Mx = O. Such eccentricity occurs especially when single-sided stiffeners are used. End posts required to resist tension field When detemthe shear force resistanceof an end For the panel proportionsgiven, the second moment of o f a plate @er, it is only pernutted to take bay area I , of the full section of the effective stiffener advantage of tension field actionif an adequate (see about a centroidal axis pasallel to the web is provided at the outer end of the web panel. end-post should satisfy the following: This should be designed to perfornl two functions as follows, although interaction between the two effects (a) for a transverse I, 2 d t 3 ( ~ d / ,- 0.7); may be ignored: stiffener ( d d I2.5), (a) to act as a bearing stiffener, resistingthe reaction (b) for a longitudinal 1, 2 Ug(2ddav - 0.7). at the girder support; stiffener (da& 5 2.!5), @) to act as a short beam spanning betweenthe girder flanges, resistingthe tension field inthe plane The stiffness conditionnlay be waived when the panel of the web. proportions lie outside the range indicated. An end-post may be either of the following forms, in Stability (Dansverse stmeners onlu) either case securely connected to both of the girder The effective stiffener section (see5.4.5.3) is flanges. considered as a strut carrying a thrust P under (1) It may conlprise two double-sided transverse factored loading given by the following: stiffeners, formingthe flanges of the short beam, together with a strip of web plate between them. (a) for a intermediate P = VB, One of the transverse stiffeners shouldbe suitably stiffener, located so as to fulfil the bearing role. @) for a bearing P=P1 + V A (2) It may be in the foml of inserted material, stiffener, connected to the end of the web plate. In performing function @), the end-post has to resist a where shear force Vep together with a moment M, acting in the plane of the web plate (under factoredLading), V is the averagevalue of the shear force given by the following: arising in the web panels either sideof the stiffener considered P1 is the concentratedload or reactionacting at stiffener. Mep = 0.1 dVq axial The value of P should not exceed the factored where resistance of the strut, as determined from 4.7 taking account of column buckling (out of the plane of the 9 is the mean shear stress arismg in endweb) and local squashing, but ignoring torsional panel of web under factored loading, buckling. In considering column bucklingan effective based on unreduced thickness; strut length 1 should be taken as follows: Pv is the limiting stress for webmaterial(see (1) for d d 2 1.5, tables 4.1 and 4.2); I = d; 1 = d(1.6 - 0.4 dd)% (2) for d d < 1.5, v1 and 212 are factors relating to end-panels found from figures 5.4 and 5.5, or from When the panel dimension a is different on opposite ( i longitudinally stiffened). sides of the stiffener, an average value should be taken In calculating q it is pemkssible to assume that part of for it in the expressions in (1) and (2). For any end stiffener 1 = d. the shear force on the girder is carried by the tongueplates, if fitted. Stmness --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license Q with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS RSI 07-1999 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 79 5.4.6 Use of corrugated or closely stiffened End-posts required to resist torsion If an end-post is the sole means of providing resistance webs against twist at the end of a girder, the following should be met: where lep d tr R W is the secondnloment of area of the end-post section aboutthe centre-line of the web; is the depth ofweb measuredbetween flanges, or to tongue-plate tips; is the flangethickness(taken as the nwximunl value whenthe thickness varies along the girder); is the reaction at the end of the girder considered, under factored loading; is the total factoredloadingon the adjacent span. lbngue-plates A tongueplate comprises nlaterial extending in froma flange to form a thickened outer part to the web. To be effective its dinlensions should be suchthat it is conlpact when consideredas a plain outstand in axial conlpression (see4.3.3). When a tongue is of t w or~ three-ply construction, comprising the web-plate connected to an element or elements integral with the flange, the thickness t reqyired for checlungits compactness nmy be taken as the total thickness. However, in rivetedor bolted construction, itis also necessary to check that any outstand beyond the last line of rivets or bolts is in itself compact. General Girders having transverse web reinforcement in the form of cormgations or closely-spaced stiffeners,at a pitch less than 0.3 times the depth between flanges, i.e. failing to satisfy 5.4.l(b), are described in and This transverse reinforcement is treated as subcritical, in that it may deform with the web in an overall buckling mode and hence not necessarily satisfy and Moment resistance When the web consists of a flat plate with applied stiffeners, the moment resistance should be foundas in 5.4.2. But with a corrugated web it shouldbe assunled that the web contributionis zero, the moment resistance being provided solelyby the flanges. Shear force resistance The factored shear force resistance VRS should be determined as in 5.3.5 for multi-stiffened plating in shear. 5.4.7 Girders under combined moment and shear Rgures 5.9(a) and (b) show schenlatically the form of the nlonlent-shear interaction diagramfor plate girders, covering: (a) bays unable to sustain a tension field; (b) bays with tension field action. Such a diagram may be constructed, for any given bay between transverse stiffeners,in order to determine the factored nloment resistanceMRSO in the presence of a coincident shear force V (arising under factored loading). The notation is as follows: MRS is the factored nlonlent resistance inthe absence of shear (see 5.4.2 and; MRFis the reduced value of MRS for the flanges on their own, with web onutted V m is the factored shear force resistance (see5.4.3 and; VRWis the reduced value forVm obtained by putting m = O (see, and --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 STD.BSI BS 8118: PART L-ENGL 1991 Section 5 Lb2qbb7 077ri589 131 m BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 O (a)field No tension @) With fieldtension Figure 5.9 Schematic interaction diagrams for plate girders --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS O ES1 07-1999 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 81 ~~ STD-BSI BS ALLA: PART L-ENGL 1791 D L b 2 4 b b 9 079q590 9 5 3 D BS 8118 : Part 1 : 1991 Section 6 Section 6.Static design of joints 6.1 General --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- This section deals with the design of joints made by u s q fasteners, adhesives, or by welding. The following typesof fastener are discussed: rivets, black bolts, close tolerance bolts, high strength friction grip bolts (HSFG bolts), special fasteners and pins. For joints made by welding,the design resistance of butt and fillet welds is defined. The design of joints between cast or forged elements should be carried out in conjunction with the manufacturers. The following types of connectionare called joints: (a) connections between structural members,e.g. bean1 to column; (b) connections betweenthe elements of a ‘built-up’ member, e.g. webs to flanges, splices; (c) connections between localized details and structural members, e.g. bracketto beam, lug and clevis in a tension member. All types of connection should be designedto meet the h u t states of static strength and fatigue.No checks for serviceability h u t states are required, except for pin joints in structures that are frequently assembled and disassenlbled, forjoints where deflections are critical is to be or, for friction grip bolted joints, where slip prevented. The factored loadmg ona joint should be calculated using the load factors given in section 3. Fasteners subjectto reversal of load should be either close toleranceor turned barrel bolts, solid rivets, HSFG bolts, or special fastenersthat prevent nlovement. Hollow rivets and other special fasteners which do not comply with British Standardsmay be used provided their performance has been demonstmted to the satisfaction of the designer by testingor other means. They should be spaced and designedby liaison between the designer and the manufacturer. In demountable joints with steel fasteners threadinserts should be used in any threaded aluminium elementof the joint. Their performance should be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the designer by testing or other means. 6.2 Riveted and boltedjoints design considerations 6.2.1 General Joints using rivets or bolts should be designedso that under the factored load the loading actionat any fastener positiondoes not exceed the factored resistance of the fastener there. Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS S2 6.2.2 Groups of fasteners Groups of rivets, boltsor special fasteners, known collectively as ‘fasteners’,f o r n ~ ag connection, should be designed on the basis of a realistic assumption of the distribution of internal forces, having regard to relative stiffness. Itis essential that equilibrium with the external factored loadsbe maintained. 6.2.3 Effect of cross-sectional areasof plies The design of the plies at sections containing holesfor fasteners should be based on ninhunl net areas, except for rivets in compression. In certain friction grip boltedjoints the linut state is met by the friction capacity of the joint, and in these circumstancesthe design should be based on minimum gross areas. 6.2.4 Long joints When the length of a joint, measured between centres of end fasteners in the direction of transmission of the load, is more than 15&(where G$ is the nonlinal dianleter of the fastener), or when the number of fasteners in this dn-ection exceeds five, the designer should take account of the reduction in the average strength of individual fasteners due to uneven distribution of the load between them. 6.3 Riveted and boltedjoints: geometrical and other general considerations 6.3.1 Minimum spacing The spacing betweencentres of bolts and rivets should be not less than 2.5 times the bolt or rivet dianleter. Closer spacingis permitted for HSFG bolts, limited by the size of the washer, bolt headsor spanners, and the need to meet the linut states. 6.3.2 Maximum spacing In tension membersthe spacing of a x e n t bolts or rivets on a line in the direction of stress should not exceed 16t or 200 nun, where t is the thickness of the thinnest outside ply. In conlpression or shear nlenlbers it should not exceedSt, or 200 nun. In addition, the spacing of Nacent bolts or rivets on a line macent and parallelto an edge of an outsideply should not exceed St or 100 mm. Where rivets and bolts are staggered on adjacentlines, and the lines are not more than 75 mm apart, the above limits may be increased by 50 O h In any event, the spacing of d a c e n t rivets and bolts, whether staggeredor not, should not exceed32t or 300 mm in tension membels, and20t or 300 nun in compression andshear memberrs. Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 These reconmendations apply only to lap and cover 6.3.7 Long grip rivets plate joints between flat plates. The spacing of bolts The grip length of rivets should not exceed five times and rivets in spigot joints, joints between tubular the hole dianleter. nlenlbers and between parts of very disshular 6.3.8 Washers and locking devices thicknesses should bedeternined from consideration of the local geometry and the loading on the joint. Washers should beused in accordance with 2.3 of 6.3.3 Edge distance BS 8118 : Part 2 : 1991. Locking devices approved by the engineer should be usedon nuts liable to work The edge distance, measured from the centreof the rivet or bolt, for extruded, rolled or nmchined edges, loose because of vibration or stress fluctuation. should be not less than 1.5 t h e s the rivet or bolt 6.3.9 Intersections dianleter. If, on the bearing side, the edge distance is Members meeting at a joint should norndly be less than twicethe diameter, the bearing capacity arranged with their centroidalaxes meeting at a point. should be reduced (see 6.4.4). If the edges are In the case of bolted framing of angles and tees, the sheared, the above linuts should be increased by setting out linesof the bolts may be used instead of 3 nun. the centroidal axis. 6.3.4 Hole clearance The hole clearance can be slightly greater than allowed in table 3.1 of BS 8118 : Part 2 : 1991. A clearance of 6.4 Factored resistanceof individual 1.6 null is allowable. Bolts that transnut fluctuating rivets and bolts other than HSFG bolts loads, other than wind loads, should be close-fitting,or complying with British Standards HSFG. 6.3.5 Packing 6.4.1 Limiting stresses Where fasteners are carrying shear through a packhg, The linutingstress pf for solid rivets and boltsis a reduction of the factored design resistance should be defined as follows. taken into accountif the thickness of packing exceeds (a) Steel fasteners:pf is the guaranteed minimum 25 % of the fastener diameter,or 50 % of the ply yield stress for the bolt or rivet stock. thickness. (b) Stainless steel bolts and stainless steel rivets: 6.3.6 Countersinking pf is the lesser of O. 5v0.2 + fJ and 1. 2f0.2. Onehalf of the depth of any countersinking of a rivet (c) AlunWun~bolts and rivets: valuesof pf for the or bolt should be neglected when calculating its length aluminiunl alloys in table 2.3 are given in table 6. 1. in bearing. No reduction is necefor rivets or bolts Where the shear strength value is available, derived in shear. The factored design resistancein axial tension from tests on the bolt or on the rivet in the as-dnven of a countersunk rivet or bolt should be takenas condition (see BS 1974l) for large dmleter rivets), twc+third.s of that of a plain rivet or bolt of the sanle this nmy be used. In this case, as,in the expression dianleter. The depth of countersinking should not exceed the thickness of the countersunk part for VRS in 6.4.2 should be reduced from 0.6 to 0.33. less 4 nun, otherwise performance should be demonstrated by testing. I Table 6.1 Limiting stress pf for aluminium fasteners Fastener type Bolts Rivets Alloy Condition supplied Method of driving 6082 T6 6061 5056A 5154A 5154A 6082 6082 5056A 5056A T8 H24 Diameter null 56 6 to 12 5 12 5 12 Cold or hot Cold Cold Cold Cold or hot Cold P, N/rnl2 165 175 175 175 120 140 110 165 145 155 ')Obsolescent standard. --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS O BSI 07-1999 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 83 6.4.2 Shear The factored resistance(V,) in single shear is taken as: VRS = asPde&Ym where The bearing capacity of the connected ply is given by either of the following, whicheveris the lesser: of a single rivet or bolt where is as defined in 6.4.1; = 0.6 for aluminium bolts or rivets; = 0.7 for steel bolts or rivets; is the material factor, and is equal to 1.2 for all bolts and rivets, i.e. aluminiun~,steel and stainles steel (see table3.3). pf a, ym For bolts: A,, = Ath, the stress area of the threaded part of the bolt, when the shear plane passes throughthat area; or A,, = ASH,the area of the shank, when the shear plane pases through the shank. = Ah, the area of the hole; KI = 1.0 forrivets; = 0.96 for close tolerance bolts; --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- The factored resistance, PRT, for a single fastener in axial tension is taken as &r = aPf A t d h where a .- t pf ym is the n o n W dianleter of fastener; is the thickness of connected ply; is defined for steel and alunIMun~fasteners in 6.4.1; is the materid factor (see table 3.3). Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 84 When bolts or rivets (exceptau l nmun~rivets see 6.4.3) are subjected to both shear and tension the . are as definedin.6.4.1 and 6.4.2; = 1.0 for steel and stainlesssteel bolts and rivets; = O. G for aluminium bolts. The use of aluminium rivets in tension is not recommended. 6.4.4 h a r i n g The effective factored resisbnce in bearing for a rivet or bolt is the lesser of the factored resistance in bearing of the single fastenerBRFand the bearing capacity of the connected ply BRF The fsctored mistance in bearing, BRRfor a single fastener is taken as BRF= dr &PUYnl where df 6.4.5 Combined shear and tension V 6.4.3 Axial tension a P, P = 0.85 for n a m d clearance bolts. pr, Atb and ym c is the distance from centre of hole to the aaacent edge in the direction the fastener bears; = 2 when df/t 10; = 2Wdf when 10 df/t < 13; = 1.5 when &/t < 13; for the material of the connected ply is the lesser of 0.5(f0.2 +fJand 1.2fo.z (see tables 4.1 and 4.2). following condition should be satisfied ( iaddition to 6.4.2 and 6.4.3): (PPE# + (V/vRS)25 1 where For rivets: A,, e V, is the axial tensile load arising under factored loading; is the shear load arising under factored loading; is the factored resistance in axial tension; is the factored resistance in shear. 6.5 High strength friction grip (HSFG) 6.5.1 General Only pre-loaded general grade HSFG bolts in accordance with BS 4395 : Part 1 should be used for alunwun~structures. Design nmy be based on calculations forjoints where the proof strength of the nwerial of the connected parts exceeds 230 N/nm2. For connected parts manufactured from nlaterial with a proof strength lessthan 230 N/nmi2, the strength of joints using general grade HSFG bolts should be proved to the satisfaction of the engineer by testing. In alunIMm structures the relaxation of bolt preload due to tension in the joined nlaterial cannot be ignored. The themul expansion of dunmum exceeds that of steel andthe variation in bolt tension due to change of tenlperature cannot be ignored. Reducedtenlpemre reduces friction capacity and increased temperature increases the tensile stress in the bolt and the bearing stress under the washers. These effectsare only significant for extremesof temperature change and long grip lengths. Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 6.5.2 Ultimate limit state (static strength) 6.6 Pinned joints For HSFG bolts in n o d clearance holes, as specified in table 3.1 of BS 8118 : Part 2 : 1991, the ultimate capacity is the lesser of the shear capacity as determined in 6.4.2 or the bearing capacityas determined in 6.4.4. 6.5.3 Friction capacity The factored resistance in shear depends on the friction capacity of an HSFG bolt, where the friction capacity (Fc,) is given by the following: Fc = Pp PS NFh m where ps is the slipfactor (see 6.5.6); Ym = 1.33 if the value of ps is taken as 0.33, Ym = 1. 1 if the value of ps is foundfromtests; NF is the number of frictioninterfaces. 6.5.4 Serviceability limit state (deformation) The serviceability limitstate for a connection nmde with HSFG bolts is reached when the shear load applied to any bolt equals its friction capacity, determined from 6.5.3. For the serviceability limitstate check = 1.2. 6.5.5 Prestress The prestress load for a HSFG bolt should be taken as follows: PP = P,- 0.9s,, where s,b BS 4395 : Part 1 : 1969); is the appliedexternaltensileload in the axial direction of the bolt (if any). of O. GpfIy”,; where pa yn, is defined for steel and alununiwu pins in 6.4.1; is the material factor (see table 3.3). 6.6.3 Members connected by pins Where all the connected parts are of aluninium alloy and the friction interfaceshave been treated to ensure consistent friction propertiesby blastmg with alunwium oxide G38 grit complying with BS 2451, a value of ps = 0.33 nmy be assumed provided thetotal thickness of the connected parts exceeds the bolt diameter, and the gross area stress in the parts does not exceed O.Gf0.2, (wherefo.2 is the 0.2 % tensile proof strength of the plate material). If one or more of the above conditionsare not complied with pusshould be deternwed from tests in accordance with BS 4GO4 :“Part1. The number of bolts needed to obtain the friction capacity to satisfy 6.5.4, when talung ps = 0.33,may be greater than the number needed to satisfy the ultimate limit state (see 6.5.2). In such cases it may be advantageous to develop a surface treatment forthe interfaces which will increasethe slip factor. O BSI 07-19N (a) mean shear stress inpin: (b) bending stresspin: 1.2PdYm; in If the pin is in a pernment installation, a fully plastic distribution of bending stress may be assumed at the factored design load. 6.5.6 Slip factor Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Consideration should be givento bending stresses in pins, and forthis purpose the effective span is taken as the distance between centres of bearings. However,if the bearing plates havea thickness greater thanhalf the pin dianleter, consideration may be givento the variation of bearing pressureacross the plate thickness when determining the effective span. If the pin is to be removed to dismantle the structure, and reinserted to reassemble the structure, the cross-section of the pin should be checked for a serviceability limit associated withthe linut of elastic behaviour. The followingstresses should not be exceeded under the factored load: --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- (see 6.5.5); is the prestressload is the proofload of the bolt(seetable4 In a pinned joint the parts are connected by a single pin, which allows rotation. There is no axial load in the pin, and therefore no clamping action onthe parts to be connected. pins may not be loadedin single shear, so one of the nlenlbem to be joined should have a fork end, or clevis. The pin retaining system, e.g. a spring clip, shouldbe designed to withstand a lateral load equal to 10 % of the total shear load on the pin. 6.6.2 Solid pins PP P,, 6.6.1 General The following rules should not be used whenthe line of action of the load is in a direction other than the dlrection of the grain flow in the connected parts. The net areaacross the pin hole, nornd to the axis of a pin-connected tension member should be at least 1.33pYm/”al and the thickness of the connected member should be at least pY,,,Il.Gp,df for permanent installations or pYmIl.4p& for demountable ones, where P pa df ym is the axial factoredload; is defined in 4.2 for the material of the connected member; is the pindianleter; is the nmterial factor (see table 3.3). Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT E5 ~~~ STDmBSI BS 8114: PART I-ENGL 1771 m lb21ibb9 0791i571i 5T9 D BS 811s : Part 1 : 1991 Section G The n e t nl-t3a o f m y stwion 0 1 1 t9tht.r side of the axis o f the nltmbcr, nwnsnrt~dn t :u1 mglr of 43" or less to the asis o f the men1ber. sllould br at lrast 0.9Pym/pi,. Thr net n-idth of tlw bearing plate a t tlw pin hole, measul-rd no11nal to the axis of the member, should not escerd eight times the tldchess of the bearing plate. The diameter of the pin hole should not exceed the pin diameter by more t l m 5 "O. P111 plates. and any connections between them and the menlber. should be designed to cany a share of the total axial load in proportion to the plate's shxe of the total beaing xea of the pin. I 6.7 Welded joints 6.7.1 General Tlus reconuuendation includes welded attachments, whether or llot they are required to transnut load from the menlber. 6.7.3 Effect of welding on fatigue strength The fatigue strength of a joint. depends onthe severity of the stress concentration, which can arise fromthe overall geometry of the joint as well as the local geometry of the weld. Fatigue classifkations of conmlonly used joint detailsare referred to in 7.3. The fatigue classificationmay be used to select the detail appropriate to the application that gives the best fatigue resistance. 6.7.4 Corrosion --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Joints should be detailedso that inaccessible pockets or crevices capableof retaining moistureor dirt are avoided. Where cavitiesare unavoidable, they should be sealed by weldingor protective compounds, or made accessible for inspection and maintenance. The design guidance given here applies onlyto welds made in accordance with 3.9 of BS 8118 : Part 2 : 1991 6.7.5 Edge preparations using the reconmended combinations of parent and fdler matelial given in table 2.8 of this Part. Edge preparations forwelded joints, includingbutt and fillet welds, includingthe use of permanent or The \-elsath& of welding enables joints between menlbels to be made in different ways. In selecting the tempomy backing bars, are given in BS 3019 : Part 1 type of joint to be used. the designer should consider and BS 3571 : Part 1. The actual preparation shouldbe approved as part of the welding procedure. Welding the follo\ving: positions are defined in BS 499 : Part 1. (a) the effect of the joint on the static strength of the member (see 4.4); 6.7.6 Distortion (b) the effect of the joint on the fatigue strength of Every weld causes shrinkage and distortion, andthe the member (see section 7); effects are more marked in aluminium construction (c) the reduction of stress concentration by suitable than in steel. Shrinkage and distortion should be compensated or balanced so as to nlaintain the desired choice of detail; shape and dinlension of the finished structure.The (d) the choice of detail that enables good welds to designer should consultthe fabricator in the early be made and properly inspected; stages of design about weldmg method, distortion and (e) the choice of detail that avoids general corrosion, related aspects such as welding sequences andthe use and local corrosion due to crevices (see 4.3 of of jigs. BS 8118 : Part 2 : 1991); 6.7.7 Information given to fabricator (0 the effects of welding distortion. Drawings and specifications shouldbe provided, giving 6.7.2 Effect of welding on static strength the followmg infommtion about everyweld Welding can affect the strengthof the parent metal in (a) parent and filler material; the vicinity of the weld, as described in detail in (b) dimensions of weld (see BS 499 : Part 2 for section 4.For non-heat-treatable alloysin the O or F correct use of symbols); condition the softening effectis insigrufcant and HAZ (c) edge preparation andweldmg position; effects can be ignored. The jointis therefore as strong as the unwelded parent metal.In heat-treatable alloys (d) welding process; in most heat-treated conditions (6 * :i*: and 7 * * (e) special requirements, suchas smoothness of series), and in non-heat-treatable alloysin any weld profde, and the preheat and interpass work-hardened condition (5 :k 'k series), welding temperature; reduces strength. For exceptionsto this general rule (f) quality control requkments (seeBS 8118 : Part 2) see table 4.5, & = 1 for In members made from materialthat suffers strength (1) weld procedure approv& reduction, the weld should prefembly be parallel to the (2) welder approv& direction of the applied load; welds transverseto the applied load should be avoided if possible, or (3) weld quality class (see notes 1 to 3); positioned in regions of low stress. Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 86 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 (4) levels of inspection of welded joints; (5) acceptance levels for weld quality; (G) weld repair procedure. NOTE 1 Where a weld quality class is not specified on the drawing ‘normal’ weld qualityis assumed. NOTE 2. Where the actions under factored loading do not exceed one-third of the factored resistance of the member or joint, e.g. stiffness may dictate, a lower quality and degree of inspection is acceptable. This should apply to both static and fatigue resistance. In this case ‘minimum’ quality level may be specified. NOTE 3. Where joints are designed on fatigue strength requirements, refer to 7.8.5. 6.7.8 Butt welds --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Single-sided partial penetration and intermittent butt welds should notbe used to transmit tensile forces, nor to transmit a bending monlent aboutthe longitudinal axis of the weld. The effectivethroat thickness of a partial penetration butt weld (see figures GA@) and (c)) should be taken as: (a) the depth of weld preparation wherethis is of the J or U type; (b) the depth of weld preparation minus 3 mm or 25 Yó, whichever is the less, where this is of the V or bevel type. It is also possible to detemke throat thickness by procedure trials. If this is done the throat thickness should not be takenas more than the penetration consistently achieved, ignoring weld reinforcement. N1 penetration may be assumed in a singlesided butt weld if a backing plate is used. In a teejoint a superimposed fillet weldmay be taken into account. In a line of intemuttent welds there shouldbe a weld at each end of the part connected. The design resistanceof a fillet welded jointis given in 6.9.2. A fillet weld should be continued aroundthe corner at the end or side of a part, for a length beyond the corner of not less than twice the leg length of the weld. See for the effect of overlapping H A Z S . If two longitudinal fillet welds aloneare used in a lapjointed end connection, the length of each should be not lessthan the distance between them. The throat of a fillet weld a t ) , see figure 6.2 (a), is the height of a triangle that can be inscribed within the weld and measured perpendicularto its outer side. Exceptionally a fillet weld throat can be takento include any specified penetration,Pt, provided procedure trials show to the satisfaction of the engineer that this penetration can be consistently achieved. A large throat nmy be assunled if procedure trials show that the necessary penetration beyondthe nominal root can be consistently achieved, by automatic welding, for example (seefigure 6.2@)). The effective area of a fillet weld is its throat dimension @t> multiplied by its effective length, except that, for fillet welds in holes or slots, the effective area should not be greaterthan the area of the hole or slot. Effective length is defined in 6.9.2. 6.8 Design strength of welded joints 6.8.1 General In the design of welded joints consideration shouldbe given both to the strength of the weld metal andto the 6.7.9 Fillet welds strength of the material in the HAZ adjacent to the Single-sided fillet welds should not be usedto transmit weld fusion boundary (see 4.4 and figure 6.3). Limiting moments about their own axes. Intermittent fillet stresses for the material in the HAZ are referred to in welds may only be used if the distance between the 6.9. The deformation capacityof the joint is improved ends of aaacent welds, whether in line or staggered on when the factored resistanceof the weld is greater alternative sides of the part, does not exceed the lesser than that of the agjacent materialin the HAZ. of the following: (a) 10 times the thickness of the thinner parent nmterial or 300 nun, if it is in compression or shew, (b) 24 times that thickness or 300 mm, if it is in tension. \ Root bead (4 (b) Figure 6.1 Effective butt weld throats Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS O BSI 07-1999 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 87 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~ ~ ~ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ~ STD.BS1 BS 8118: PART L-ENGL 1991 m 1b2rlbbS 079rl59b 3 7 1 BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 Section 6 @> (a) gris the throat length of weld g, is the leg length of weld p , is the penetration 6.8.2 Groups of welds A welded joint consisting of a group of welds should be designed on the basis of a realistic distribution of forces amongstthe welds having regardto their reMve stiffnesses. It is essential that equilibrium with the external factored loads is maintained. 6.8.3 Limiting stress of weld metal The filler wirefor use in welded construction should be chosen in accordance with and table 2.8. Values of the linuting stress of the weld metalpw( i N / m z ) for the pernutted conlbinationsof filler and parent nmterials, shown in table2.8, are shown in table 6.2. Higher values of limitingstress may be needed for particular filler materials by reference to appendix D. 6.8.4 Limiting stress in the HAZ Linuting stresses p , and P, for the material in the HAZ are given in table 6.3, where P, and pw, are the linuting direct and shear stress respectively. 6.9 Factored resistance of welds 6.9.1 Butt weld metal A butt weld subjected to shear and axial loading should be proportional such that the following applies: ( a l 2 + 3 Q 2 ) l n 5 pw/ynl where is the nornd stress perpendicular to the throat section under factoredl o w ; 52 is the shear stress acting on the throat section parallel to the axis of the weld under factored loading; pw is the linuting stress for the weld metal (see 6.8.3); ynl is the nmterial factor for the weld metal (see table 3.3). For a butt weld with an oblique tensile load (see figure 6.4) the factored resistance PRBis given by the following: pwzete(l+ 2 cos%) -'h PRB = Ym where le is the effectivelength of the weld. NOTE 1. The effective length of the weld is the total weld length when end imperfections are avoided by the use of run-on and run-off plates. Otherwise it is the total length minus twice the weld width (see figure 6.4); te 8 is the effectivethroatthickness of the weld (see 6.7.8); is the anglebetween the line of the buttweld and the line of action of the external load (see figure 6.4). NOTE 2. The design stress for the weld metal in conlpression nlay be taken equal to that in tension, except where buckling can occur. NOTE 3. Where the parent metal is different in thickness on each side of the weld, the possibility of a stress concentration effect should be investigated. NOTE 4. Where the weld is subjected to in-plane bending the factored resistance per unit length can be found by omitting I , in the expression for PRB. For a joint with no external shear forces and the line of the butt weld perpendicular to the line of action of the external load, 6 = go", 52 = O and the factored resistance is as follows: o Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 88 For an externalshear load, parallelto the line of the butt weld, the factored resistanceis as follows: Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-19W --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Figure 6.2 Effective fillet weld throats STD-BSI BS 8118: PART 1-ENGL 1991 Section 6 1b29bb9 079q597 208 BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 I Table 6.2 Limiting stresses of weld metal P, Parent metal alloys I Non-heat-treatable 6464A 1200 3106 N/m2 55 alloys I Heat-treatable 6261 3103 6464 6061 I 60637 0 2 06083 ~~ 6082 N/m2 N/nun2 N/nun2 N / m 2N/nun2N/nuu2 N/nm2 N/nu$ 190 150 245 255 210 190 200 NOTE.When using dissimilar parent metals the lower of the two limiting stresses for the weld metal should be taken. When welds are made on parent metals not included in table 6.2 or appendix D the value of the limiting stress for the weld metal should be obtained experimentally. a b l e 6.3 Limiting stresses P, and pvzin the HAZ I Heat-treatable alloys Parent alloy Parent alloy Condition supplied 6061 GO63 T6 T4 T5 TG T4 TG T4 T4 TG TG 1200 3103 3015 5083 5154A 5251 5454 PaZ Pvz N h 2 N/nun2 15 20 25 90 60 40 55 25 35 40 150 100 70 95 6082 7020 P, Pvz N/nun2 145 85 95 95 140 150 170(A) N/nd 85 50 55 55 85 90 210(B) 180(A) 125 110 145 240(B) (see note 2) NOTE 1. All conditions are supplied (see table 4.5). NOTE 2. For 7020 material refer to the annlicabilitv of the A and B values. 6.9.2 Fillet weld metal A fillet weld should be proportioned suchthat the following expressionis satisfied (al2+ 3 ( q 2 + q 2 ) ” S 0.85pw/ym where P , 01, 72 and ym are as defined in 6.9.1; r1 is the shear stress acting on the throat section perpendicular to the axis of the weld. The relationship between 01, r1 and r2 is governed by the direction of the external loading action,S, at the weld (see figure 6.5). For a simple transversefiiet weld (load applied perpendicular to the length of the weld) 01 = rl, r2 = O and the factored resistance is as follows: where le is the effective length of the weld (asfor butt welds). Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS O BSI 07-1999 100 I For a simple longitudinal fillet weld (load applied parallel to the length of the weld) 01 = r1 = O and the factored resistance depends only on r2 as follows: 0.85-PdffJt pRF = --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Non-heat-treatable alloys (see note 1) 3%ym where If is the effective length of the fillet weld. The value of l f is influenced by the total length of the weld, as indicated in figure 6.6, which provides a guide to the variation of If with L, where L is the total weld length. Figure 6.6 is based on the results of a small number of tests. When the stress distribution along the weld corresponds to that in the adjacent parent materialas, for example, in the case of a weld connecting the flange and web of a plate girder, the effective lengthis as for butt welds.If the weld is subjected to in-plane bending the factored resistance per unit length can be found by onuttingle, or If in the expression forPKF. Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 89 T a) In-line butt @) Fillet welded lap T T T 2 ) Tee butt T (d) Tee fillet P "L Ii I l pa I I I T T T I T :) Tee butt and tee fillet Key (see figures 6.1 and 6.2) W: weld metal (see 6.9.1 and 6.9.2) F heat-affected zone (fusion boundary) T: heat-affected zone ( t o e ) for fillets the width of the zone is t is the failure plane butts: plane is equal to the plate thickness fillets: plane width is the width of the leg length of the weld The shaded area is the heat affected zone " " J I- ) Potential failure lines shown on a plan view at the joint end 'igure6.3 Failure planes for static welded joint checks --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 90 Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1990 S E x terna1 loading action in plane o f plates Figure 6.4 Butt weld design action loading External I --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- TZ Weld throat Effet t i v cross-sectional ar ea Figure 6.5 Fillet weld design Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS O BSI 07-1999 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 91 (b) Shear forcein failure plane: 1. o (1) butts: VRFB= pvzLt -(at the fusion boundary) Ym ' vRTB = P f - S( atthe toe, see figure 6.3) where L 0.5 Ym VRFB are the factored shear andresistances of a HAZ adjacent VRTB to a butt weld. o 10 L - 50 9, (2) fillets: VRFF= Ym NOTE. This figure only applies if Wgt < 50. Figure 6.6 Effective length of longitudinal fillet welds (atthe fusion boundary) PVZLt VRTF = Ym ( a tthe toe, see figure 6.3 and 6.9.3(d)) where --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 6.9.3 Heat-affected zones ( W S ) The factored resistanceof a HAZ adjacent to a weld (see figures6.1, 6.2 and 6.3) is given by the following. (a) Direct tensile force normalto the failure plane (see figure 6.3): (1) butts: PRFB= PRTB = Ym (at the fusion boundary) ym (atthe toe, see figure 6.3) where are the factoreddirect andresistances of a HAZ a a c e n t ~ R T B to a butt weld P, is the limiting direct stress in the HAZ; L is the total weld length. ~RFB (2) fillets h F F*= P I'RTF (atthe fusion boundary) ( a tthe toe, see figure 6.3 and 6.9.3(d)) where pRm are the factoreddirect and resistances of a HAZ ascent PRTF to a filletweld. ~ Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 92 VRFF are the factored shear of a HAZ adjacent andresistances VRTF to a filletweld. (c) When there is a combined shear and direct force on the H A Z , these forces should be linutedin accordance with the following equation: (~!&/pRz)~i(SflRZ)' 5 1 where S, and S b are the extemal loading actions under factored loading onthe HAZ in the direct loading and shear; PRZand VRZ are the factored resistances of the HAZ in direct loading and shear. (d) When checking the factored resistanceof a fillet weld at its toe, note that for thicker sectionsthe HAZ does not extendthe full thickness and a snlituer valueof t should be taken (see figure4.6(i) and (e) Where the failure planeis subjected to in-plane bending, the factored resistance canbe expressed in ternu of resistance per unit length by onuttingL from the above equations. (0 Where the failure planeis subjected to in-plane bending and shear, the factored resistanceper unit length should be reduced to allow for the combined effects of shear and direct stress (see 6.9.3(c)). Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 6.10 Bonded joints 6.10.1 General establish the mean and standard deviationof the failing loads. The factored resistance of a bonded joint, PRG, is then given by PRG= (R, - 2SdYnv where --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Structuraljoints in aluminium may be made by bonding with adhesive. Bonding needs an expert technique and should be used with great care (see BS 8118 : Part 2). R, is the mean of the failingloads; Bonded joints are suitable for carryingshear loads, but sd is the standarddeviation of the failingloads; should not be used in tension or where the loadiig ym is the nlaterialfactorforbonded joints (see causes peehg or other forces tending to open the table 3.3) and is equal to 3.0. joint. Loads should be carried over as large an area as The ym factor should be increased in relationto the possible. Increasing the width of joints usually increases the strength pro rata Increasing the length is loss of performance of adhesive at extremes of operating temperature and environment. beneficial only for veryshort overlaps. 6.10.3 Tests The performance of large bondedjoints can be improved by reducing peel and cleavage stresses, and Manufacturer's test data may be used as the most reducing stress concentrations at the end of laps. It is optimistic values for initial design. Thesedata are helpful to taper off the ends of laps and introduce generally given for thick adherendshear test samples conlpensation pieces. as shown in figure 6.7. When only mean strengths are Bonded joints need to be supported after assembly for quoted, s d should be taken as O.LR,, (see appendix B). the period necessary to allow the optimum bond strength of the adhesive to be developed. Entrained air pockets shouldbe avoided. Many different adhesivesare available each, generally, being suitable fora specified range of applications and service conditions only. The suitabilityof the adhesive in all resIjects for useon, and for the life of, a particular structure, should be demonstmtedto the satisfaction of the designer, who should obtain specialist advice at all stages of the design and construction. A specified jointing system, comprising preparation of the adherend surfaces,the adhesive, bondmg and as curing processes, should be strictly followed variation of any step can severely affectthe performance of the joint. 6.10.2 Factored resistance The factored resistanceof a bonded joint is influenced by the following factors: (a) the surface preparation procedures before bonding; (b) the direction of stresses in the joint; All dimensions are in millimetres. (c) the size and shapeof the components to be joined; Figure 6.7 Thick adhered shear test (d) the thickness of the glue line; (e) the assenlbly and curing procedures; (0 the service tenpxahre and environment; Thin sheet lap tests (see BS 5350 : Part C5) may be (g) design life. used for conlparative purposes, durability studies, surface treatment assessment, curing conditions, etc. Unless validated test data äre available the strength of Strength valueswill be low due to the tendency of this the joint should be establishedby testing. Generally, joint to peel and will be conservative if used for sanlple joints should be made at full scale, using the structural design calculations (see figure 6.8). sanle manufacturing procedureas for production joints. These should be tested with sinular joint construction and loadingto that occurring in the actual of five tests should be made to structure. A minin~un~ ~ O BSI 07-1999 Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 93 STD-BSI BS 8118: PART 1-ENGL 1991 D Lb2qbb9 079qb02 4T5 I Section 6 BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 I I O --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- O @) double overlap joint (a) single overlap joint 82.53 (c) position of pin hole in joint specimens All dimensions are in millinletres Figure 6.8 Thin sheet test specimens 94 Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 STD-BSI BS 8118: PART 1-ENGL 1991 m LbZ'ibb9 079qb03 331 D Section 7 BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 Section 7.Fatigue 7.1.4 Potential sites for fatigue cracking Most common initiation sites for fatigue cracks are as follows: (a) toes and roots of fusion welds; (b) machined comers and drilled holes; (c) surfaces under high contact pressure (fretting); (d) roots of fastener threads. 7.1 Introduction 7.1.1 General This section contains ternw specificto fatigue assessment which are defined in 1.2. The data given in this section applies to elements formed from extrusions, plates,sheet and strip. The data should not be used for castingsor forgings. Designers wishingto employ castingsor forgings under fatigue conditions 7.1.5 Conditions for fatigue susceptibility should consultthe nmufacturers. The n& conditions affecting fatigueperfornmce are This section gives recommendations for assessment by as follows: calculation alone. Thedata provided may not be adequate for all applications. In this case additional (a) High ratio of dyzumic to static load. Moving or data may be obtained from test. Guidance onthis is structures, suchas land or sea transport given in section 8. Test data obtained in accordance vehicles, cranes, etc.are more likely to be prone to with section8 may be used as a substitute forthe fatigue problenlsthan fured structures, unless the design data given in section 7. latter are predonlinantly carrying movingloads, as in the case of bridges. 7.1.2 Influence of fatigue on design (b) FFI.equent applications of load. This results in a Structures subjectedto fluctuating service loadsmay high nunlber of cycles inthe design life. Slender be liable to fail by fatigue. The degree of compliance structures or members with lownatural frequencies with the static limit state criteria given in sections 3 are particularly prone to resonance and hence and 4 nmy not selve as any useful guideto the risk of magrufication of dynanuc stress, even though the fatigue failure. static design stresses are low. Structures subjected It is necessary to establish as early as possible the predonmtly to fluid loading, such as wind and extent to which fatigue is likely to control the design. structures supporthg nlachinery, should be carefully In doing this the following factors are important. checked for resonant effects. (a) An accurate prediction of the full complete (c) Use of welding. Some commonly used welded service loading sequence throughout the design life details have low fatigue strength.This applies not should be available. only to joints between members, butalso to any @) The elastic response of the structure under these attachment to a loaded member, whetheror not the loads should be accurately assessed. resulting connectionis considered to be 'structural'. (c) Detail design, methods of manufacture and (d) Complexit3 ofjoint d e t a i l . Complex joints degree of quality control can havea major influence frequently result in high stress concentrations due to on fatigue strength, and should be defined more local variationsin stiffness of the load path. Whilst precisely than for statically controlled members.This these may have little effecton the ultimate static can have a sigrufcant influenceon design and capacity of the joint they can havea severe effect on construction cost. the member fatigue resistance. If fatigue is don-t cross-sectional shape should be selected to ensure 7.1.3 Mechanism of failure smoothness and simplicityof joint design, so that Fatigue failure usually initiatesat a point of high stress stresses can be calculated and adequate standards of concentration, particularlyif sharp crack-like fabrication and inspection can be assured. discontinuities exist there. Fatigue cracks will extend (e) Enwimment. In certain thermal and chemical incrementally underthe action of cyclic stress change. environments fatigue strength may be reduced. They normally remain stable under constant load. Ultimate failure occurs whenthe remaining cross-section is insufficient to carry the peak tensile load applied throughout. Fatigue cracks propagate approximatelyat right angles to the direction of rnaximum principal stress range. The rate of propagation is proportional to at least the third power of the product of the stress range and the square root of the total crack length. Forthis reason crack growth is slow in the early stages, and fatigue cracks tend to be inconspicuous for the major partof their life. This may give rise to problems of detection in senice. 7.2 Fatigue design criteria 7.2.1 Design philosophy It is reconunended that, wherever possible, aluminium structures are designed on the basis of providing a safe life. The assessment methodin this section is designed to ensure that the probability of failure by fatigue during the structure's life is comparable with that for other ultimate h u t state modes of failure. --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution O Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS BSI 07-1999 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 95 There may be circumstances wherethe severity of loading, degree of reduhdancy andthe ease of inspection and repairare such that a fail safe or damage tolerant approachmay be justified in economic terms. In this case the safety margins nmy be reduced from those required fora safe life design. Guidance on this is given in section 3. 7.2.2 Fatigue failure criterion The basis of fatigue design used hereis that the required life will be achieved provided that frmN 5 K2 where N K2 fr m is the predictednumber ofcycles to failure of a stress range fr; is a constantdependmgon the class of detail, and ensuresa high probability of survival (see 7.8.1); is the principal stress rangeat the detailand is constant for all cycles; is the inverseslope of the& - N curvesand is a constant for most detail classes. For most practical purposes structural details do not experience constant amplitude stress histories. The treatment for general loadingis given in 7.3. The method of deriving the appropriate stress range@) fr is given in 7.4 and 7.6. Classifications for more conmonly used detail types are given in 7.7. Values of K2 and m are given in 7.8. Provided that the fatigue strengthdata in 7.8, and the loading, complies with 7.4, then the overall load factor yf should be takento be unity. 7.3 Fatigue assessment procedure A structural member may containa number of potential fatigue crack initiafion sites. Regions of the structure containingthe highest stress fluctuations and/or the severest stress concentrations would nomdly be checked first. The basic procedure is as follows (see figure 7.1). (a) Obtain an upper bound estimateof the service loadmg sequence forthe structure’s design life (see 7.4 and appendix C). @) Estinlate the resulting stress history at the detail being checked (see 7.5). (c) Reduce the stress hist~ryto an equivalent number of cycles (TZ)of different stress rangesf, using a cycle counting technique(see 7.6.1). (d) Rank the cycles in descending order of an@ittlde,frl,fa ... to form a spectrum (see 7.6.2). (e) Classify the detail in accordance with tables 7.1 to 7.3, and 7.7. For the appropriate classifcationand design stress range (&I, etc.), find the pem-ible stre= endurance (NI,etc.) from 7.8.1. Where it has been decided to use a value of yn,f other than unity, this should be taken into accountin setting the values of the design stress ranges (see 3.6.2). (f) Sum the total danwe for all cycles using Miner’s summation: factored design life The estimated life = vn If :x -&N exceeds unity either the stress ranges should be reduced at that point or the detal should be changed to a higher class (see 7.7). 7.4 Fatigue loading All sources of fluctuating stress in the structure should be identified. Thesenmy arise as a result of the following: (a) superimposed moving loads, including vibrations from machinery in stationary structures; @) environmental loadssuch as wind, waves, etc.; (c) acceleration forces in moving structures; (d) temperature changes. Loading for fatigue is normally described in tem- of a design load spectrum, which definesa range of intensities of a specific live load event and the number of times that each intensity levelis applied during the structure’s design life.If two or more independent live load events are likely to occur then it will be necessary to specify the phasing between them. Guidance on loading specificallyfor fatigue assessment may be obtained fromBS 2573 (cranes), BS 5400 : Part 10 Wghway and railway bridges) and BS 8100 (lattice towers). Reahtic assessment of the fatigue loading is crucial to the calculation of the life of the structure. Where no published data for live loading exist,resort may have to be n ~ to eobtaining data from existing structures subjectedto sinular effects. By recording continuous strain or deflection measurenlents overa suitable sanlplig period, loading data nmy be inferred by subsequent analysis of the ,response. Particular care should be takento assess dynanuc nmgnifkation effects where loading frequenciesare close to one of the natural frequenciesof the structure. Further guidance is given in 8.4.2. The design load spectrum should be selectedon the basis that it is an upper bound estimate of the accumulated service conditions overthe full design life of the structure. Account should be takenof all likely operational and environmental effects arising from the foreseeable usage of the structure during that period. The confidence linut on the design load spectrum should be based on mean plus 2 standard deviation linuts on both amplitude and frequency. --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 96 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 I : -!J"y Typical load cycle [repeated n times Loadindesignlife I 5 PA pe Detail X-X Time t Time (a) Loading sequence @) Stress history at X-X \ \ \ '" '"" (reservoir method I (c) Cycle counting .. --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- I I c 2 I 1I f r 3 1 fr, Total cycles i n factored Life (d) Stress spectrum fr (f) Damage summation (Palmagren-Miner rule) fr 1 fr2 fr 3 fr I N, Cycles N2 N, N, (e) C,ycles to failure Figure 7.1 Fatigue assessment procedure ES1 07-1999 Copyright British Standards Institution O Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 97 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 7.5 Stresses 7.5.1 Derivation of stresses Where the stress response is to be calculated from specified load events, elastic theory should be usedto model the structure. Section properties should not be reduced for HAZ or local buckling effects, butsee 7.5.2(a)(4). Modelling of the elastic stiftñessesof nlenlbers and joints should be accurate and should include the effects of any permanent non-structural material which may mod@ the stiffness. No plastic redtstribution of stresses should be allowed. Where stress response data are to be obtained from strain measurements ona sinular structure, care should be taken in siting strain transducers to ensure that the correct stress paranleter is being measured (see 7.5.2). Further guidance on the measurement of strain data is given in 8.4. (5) shear lag, distortion and warping in wide plated or hollow menlbem; (6) non-linear out-of-plane bending effects in slender componentssuch as flat plates wherethe static stress is close to the elastic critical stress, e.g. tension field in webs. The presence of residual stresses may be ignored for welded joints as these are already included in the fr - N data. In mechanical joints, provided any tensile residual stresses are allowed for,that part of the stress range which is in overall compressionnny be reduced by 40 %. FiUet and partid p m t m t i o n butt welds. Cracks initiating from weldroots and propagating through the weld throat should be assessed usingthe vector sum of the shear stresses in the weld metal basedon an effective throat dimension (see figure7.3). In lapped joints in one planethe stress per unit length of weld may be calculated onthe basis of the average area for axial forcesand an elastic polar modulus of the weld group for in-plane moments (see figure 7.4). In tee-joints any effect of different axial stiffness along the joint should be taken into account. Where single filletsor incompletely penetmted butt welds are subjected to out-of-plane bending moments the stresses at the root should be calculated using a linear stress distribution through the throat (see figure 7.5). No allowance should berime for bearing contact on the root face in partially penetrated welded joints. (c) Threaded fasteners under axid load. Cracks initiating at thread roots should be assessed using the mean axial stress on the core area of the thread. Where bending is also present the peak stress should be used, calculated onthe elastic modulus of the core. m) 7.5.2 Stress parameters The stresses to be used in the fatigue assessment procedures in 7.3 depend on the crack initiation site and propagation path, as follows. (a) Parent materid a n d f u u penetration butt welds. Cracks initiating from weldtoes, fastener holes, faying surfaces, etc. and propagating through parent material or fully penetrated weld metal should be assessed using the nominal principalstress range in the member at that point. The local stress concentration effectsof weld profde, bolt and rivet holes, etc. shouldbe ignored as these are taken into accountin the& - N strength data for the appropriate detail class.They do not therefore need to be calculated (see tables 7.1to 7.3). If detailed finte element modelsof joints are calculated the mesh should notbe so fine that local stresses are used (see also Other larger geometrical effects which may give rise to the non-linear stress distributions in certain circumstances should be taken into account (see figure 7.2). Examples of these are as follows: 7.6 Derivation of stress spectra (1) gross changes in crosssection shape, e.g. at cut-outs; 7.6.1 Cycle counting (2) gross changes in crosssection stifmess, e.g. at Cycle countingis a procedure for breaking down a angled junctions betweenthin wall members; complex stress history into a convenient spectrum of cycles in terms of amplitudef, and frequencyn (see (3) changes in direction or alignment beyond figure 7.1). There are various methods inuse. For short those pernutted in tables 7.1 to 7.3; stress histories where simpleloadmg events are (4) secondary bendingstresses arising from joint a number of times, the reservoir method is repeated fMty in lattice structures; reconunended. It is easy to visualize and simpleto use (see figure 7.6). Where long stress histories haveto be used, such as those obtained from measuredstrains in actual structures (see 8.4) the &-flow method is reconunended. Both methodsare suitable for computer analysis. --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 98 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 Bs 8118 : part 1 : 1991 Section 7 " heMioImlmq" fmm Away all structural conne&om or parts On a member At of any external or internal edge constant or smoothly varying cross-section No holes or Any apertUre or reemant comer - ."- rornem -Tpenhmnt "" " At a lapped or spliced connection fastened At a small hole (may Friction grip bolts Rivets contain bolt for minor with: Bearing bolts m-) Hole diameter r3t z6 I I I All surfaces rolled, extruded or machined to Surfaces machined or Holes drilled or removed a smooth finish in direction of fr @undindirection lbrqued to proof load Cold driven off, of bolt Nuts secured mechanically or by Net cross-sectional area Use stress concentmtion factor for apertures or reentrant comem " M " " bnn=Lmr 1.1 1.2 -panriMdelu 80 Bo 11.3 160 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 3s 29 29 17 Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- I Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT i Previous page is blank --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT STD-BSI BS BLLB: P A R T L-ENGL 1991 l b 2 9 b b 9 0794b08 913 D I Previous page is blank --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- fr = P + M -Design stress range A P - M c ] M T -P Linear stress distribution assumed. Weld toe stress concentration factor not calculated Crack initiation site (a) Local stress concentrator Meannet stress, C I-LZI attachment Non-linear stress distribution Design stress atinitiation site,)( Large aperture or re -entrant corner -- @) Large stress concentrator (large opening) Figure 7.2 Stress parameter for parent material A P, and H, a r e forces per unit length Vector stress 4 4 H,l29, Figure 7.3 Stresses in weld throats O BSI 07-1999 Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 105 9 Stressdistribution due to direct load P --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Lapped a r e a Stress distribution due to moment M NOTE. Maximum shear flux along welds = M a I o where Io d is polar second moment of area about centroid of weld group; is the maximum distance of a point in the weld group from the centroid Figure 7.4 Stress in lapped joints 7.7 Classification of details M n The fatigue strengthof a detail is always dependent on the following factors: (a) the direction of the fluctuating stress relative to the detail; @) the location of the initiating crack in the detal; (c) the geonletrical arrangement and relative proportion of the detail. It may also depend on the following: (1) the product fornl; (2) the nlaterial (unless welded); Figure 7.5 Stresses in root of (3) the method of fabrication; fillet (4) the degree of inspection after fabrication. Tables 7.1 to 7.3 show the classifications for more 7.6.2 Derivation of stress spectrum commonly used details. For convenience they have The listing of cycles in descending order of amplitude been divided into three basic groups, namely: fr results in a stress spectrum. For ease of calculation (i) type 1, non-welded details, see table 7.1; it may be required to simplify the spectrum into fewer (ii)type 2, welded details on surface of loaded bands. A conservative methodis to group bands member, see table 7.2; together into larger groups containingthe same total number of cycles, but whose amplitudeis equal to that (iii) type 3, welded details at end connections,see table 7.3. of the highest band in the group. More accurately, the weighted average of all the bands in one group can be The tables are used by identlfylngthe detail in the calculated usingthe power m, where m is the inverse figure closest to the one in the structure being slope of the& - N curve most likelyto be used (see assessed. The classes forthe particular crack initiation figure 7.7). The use of an arithmetic mean value w l i sites associated with thatare then checked in the always be unconservative. relevant table. In sonle cases particular nwufacturing or inspection operations nlaybe needed which are outside those required in BS 8118 : Part 2. Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 106 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT - O BSI 07-1999 B I Step 1. Determine stress history for loading event. Identify peak (B) A V -L7 - Time Step 2. Move stress history on left of peak to right step 3. Fill resulting ‘reservoir’ with ‘water’. Greatest. dept,h is major cycle Step 4. Drain at greatest depth. Find new maximum depth. This is second largest cycle Step 5 onwards. Repeat until all ‘water’ drained. Sum of all cycles is stress spectrum for above history ~ I I I Cycles Figure 7.6 Reservoir cycle counting method --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS O BSI 07-1999 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 107 ~~ STD*BSI BS 81LB: PART L-ENGL 1991 D lb2'4bb9 0794bL2 3'44 M BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 Section 7 r r1 "_- lo-Peak(conservative) .""_ m = Inverse slope o f thelog f , l l o g N Recorded spectrum curve spectrumSimplified (see 7.2.2 and figure 7.8 or 7.9 1 Original-, bands Simplified ba n-d I L I I I i-q H ' I l i "1 "2 . II I 1 I "3% Cumulativefrequency n Figure 7.7 Simplified stress spectrum L 7.8 Fatigue strength data 7.8.1 Classified details The generalized formof the& - N relationship is shown in figure 7.8, plotted on logarithmic scales. The design curve represents meanminus 2 standard deviation level belowthe mean line through experimental data. The constant amplitude cut-off stress,&, occurs at lo7 cycles, below which constant amplitudestress cycles are assumed to be nondartuging. However, even if occasional cycles occur abovethis level, they will cause propagation which,as the crack extends, will cause lower amplitude cyclesto beconle damgmg. For this reason the slope of the& - N m e s ( s e e figure 7.8) is changed to l/(m + 2) between 5 x 106 and 108 cycles for general spectrum loading conditions. r'Igble 7.4 Values of K2 and m in figure 7.9 Detail class 60 50 42 35 29 24 20 17 14 m, 4.5 4 3.5 3.25 3 3 3 3 3 foc fov N/mm2 42.0 33.4 26.5 21.3 17.0 14.0 11.7 Nhm2 30.9 24.1 18.7 9.9 6.9 8.2 5.7 2.01 X 1014 1.25 X 1013 9.60 x 10" 2.09 x 10" 4.88 x 1010 2.76 X 1O'O 1.60 x 10'0 9.83 x 109 5.49 x 109 14.9 11.7 9.7 8.1 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- NOTE. fr applies to all types of stress range, including fluctuating compressive stresses. Any stress cycles below the variable amplitude cut-off stressfov, which occurs at 10s cycles, are assumed to be nondamaghg. It should be noted that the use of the V(m + 2) slope may be conservativefor some spectra. Where a design is critically dependent onthis region and where nlitximum economy is sought it may be appropriate to consider using component testing (see8.4.4.1) or applying fracture mechanics analysis. The values of K2 and m are given in table 7.4 for each detail class. Designf, - N curves are given in figure 7.9. Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 108 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 .~~ ~ STD-BSI BS 8118: PART 1-ENGL 1991 1b24bb7 0 7 7 4 b L 3 200 Section 7 BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 7.8.2 Unclassified details Details not fully covered by tables 7.1to 7.3 should be assessed by reference to published data where available. Alternatively fatigue acceptancetests may be carried out in accordance with Guidance on the derivation off, - N data, and on conditions where higher strengths might be expected, is given in appendix L. 7.8.5 Workmanship The maximum pernutted class for classified details in tables 7.1 to 7.3 represents the maximum fatigue strength pernuttedby this code forthe detail in question without further substantiationby test (see section 8). Where the fatigue stressingat a classified detail is significantly belowthat pernutied the required libe less than the maximum pernutted class. class w This will always occur when high class details itre located close to low class details where bothare experiencing similar stress fluctuations. The higher class details often require additional inspection and denmd higher worknxinshipstandards (see and appendixB of BS 8118 : Part 2 : 1991). It is important to the economy of manufacture that inspection and workmsurshipstandards are not 7.8.4 Improvement techniques dictated by the nlaxinlum pernutted classof every The fatigue strengthof certain detailtypes shown in detail, but by the required class. The required class at a tables 7.1 to 7.3 may be improved by the application of detail is obtained by determining the lowestf, - N special manufacturing techniques. Theseare generally curve fromfigure 7.9 where Miner’s sumnmtion is less expensive to apply and present quality control than unity (see 7.3(f)). Where stress fluctuations occur difficulties. They should not be relied upon for general in more than one directionat a detail different class is particularly criticalto requirements may be found for each directionh order design purposes, unless fatigue the overall economy of the structure, in which case that inspection can be particularly concentrated on specialist advice shouldbe sought. They are more those parts of the structure which are critical for commonly used to overconle existing design fatigue the following actions should be taken. deficiencies. (a) Determine by calculationthose regions of the The following techniques have been used on structure where the class requirement exceeds au lnmum alloys and are most effective for high cycle class 20. applications. @) Indicate on the detailed drawings at all detailsin (a) Introduction of compressive residualstresses at these regions the required class and the direction of the location of crack initiation. This may be carried stress fluctuation as shown in figure 7.10. out at transverse weld toes by peening. At bolt holes (c) Any drawing which contains a detail with a the cold expansion methodmay be used. required fatigue class greaterthan 20 should have (b) Reduction of stress concentration effect at the the following general note added location of crack initiation. This may be carried out ‘Details requiring quality above normalare indicated by grinding transverse weldtoes to a smooth profile. with a Fat number and an arrow(see appendix B of BS 8118 : Part 2 : 1991).’ 7.8.3 Low endurance range In the e n d m c e range between 10-3and 1@a check should be made that the design stress range from figure 7.9 does not resultin a maximum tensile stress that exceeds the static design stress for the detail. This possibility is indicated by a note on figure7.9. --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS O BSI 07-1999 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 109 ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ STD-BSI BS BLLB: PART II-ENGL 3 7 9 1 W IIb2qbb7 07711bL4 L17 m BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 Section 7 +ratter in test data -o \ O U VI m O * -IReference strength I r' al cn r C O CI C -----. L VI VI al L ov c VI lo4 zX10 6 sX1o6 10' Endurance N (cycles 1 10 1 log scale 1 NOTE. foc fov is the constant amplitude cut-off stress; is the variable amplitude cut-off stress. Figure 7.8 '1[srpicalf, - N relationship --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 110 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 STD-BSI BS 8118: PART L-ENGL 1771 W L b 2 4 b b 9 077qbL5 053 II Section 7 BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 H W d U h U -a 0, X N c Q N E E z c ._ c c m c E c m al W c W c al 'c W c II m H Q --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- - U 111 O BSI 07-1999 Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 1- Fat 29 I Fat 24 Fat 24 View X - X X Figure 7.10 Method of identification of required fatigue class on drawings --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 Section 8 Section 8. Testing 8.1 General Where the tests are to be applied to a sinlulation of the actual structure or to a component the sample should --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- A structure or structural conlponent designedin be mounted in such a way that it will experience the accordance with sections 2 to 7 of this code need not normal restmints to the effects of the conlbination of be verified by testing but nlay beso verified at the applied loads. nmufacturer’s discretion. Such testing nlay be under In the circunutances where the combination of applied static loading (see 8.3), fatigue loading (see 8.4), or loads, their directions,and orientation of the sample both. can produce permutationsof the resistance of the Verification by testing is appropriate wherethe that combination whichis expected to give the sample, following occur lowest resistance should be used. (a) the structure or component is not amenable to verifcation by analysis or such a procedure is 8.3 Static tests deemed to be impracticable; @) materials or design procedures otherthan those 8.3.1 General referred to in sections 2 to 7 were used; Static tests are intended to show whether the structure (c) there is doubt or dmgreement about the validity or conlponent can carrythe unfactored loads (known of the design method,the quality of nmterial or the as the nominal loads, see 3.2.2) without exceeding the quality of the workmanship. serviceability limitstate, and also whether it can cany the factored loads(see 3.2.3) without exceeding the The nlethod and extentof testing shouldbe agreed ultimate limit state. It is sonletinles appropriateto between the designer (supplier), andthe engineer cany out an ultinmte mistance test (see 8.3.5). responsible for acceptance (purchaser).The methodof testing should be consistent with the service conditions 8.3.2 Application of loads for the structure or component and may comprise a statically or dynanucally loaded resistance test and/or a Loading should be by means of dead weights, force generating devices,or Wlacement generating devices. fatigue resistancetest. Tests should be conducted at a The method should include force nleasuring devices of competent facility acceptableto both supplier and known accuracy, purchaser. Prior to the application of each combination of The number of samples to be tested should be agreed nominal loads the sample nmy be loaded and unloaded between purchaser and supplier having regard to the once. The loadingto be applied for this optional numbers of components to be nmnufactured. Where ‘settling down’ cycle should not exceedthe nonlinal the number of samples to be tested is to be large a loads or such other lower level of loading relatingto a sufficient numberof samples should be testedto limiting deformation criterionfor acceptance. The pernut statistical analysisof the mean resistance and loading should be nxtintainedfor at least 15 min. It is standard deviation for each conditionof loading. recommended that displacements be measured during Where acceptance of the design depends upon the settling down cycle. Reloading should not occur verifcation by testing the purchaser or his agent within 15 min of removal of the settlung load. should be afforded the facility of witnessing every test. Anchorages should be checkedfor tightness before Where verification of the design depends upon testing proceeding with the main test. a report should be issued describing in detail (or by Loading up to the nominal loads should proceed infive reference to the appropriate British Standard)the approximately equal increments. Each increnlent method of testing andgiving all the measured should be maintained whilst deflection and/orstrain resistances in the form of a type test certificate readings are obtained and the sample is examined for containing at least the information listed in 8.5. signs of distress. At the fiRh increment (serviceability h u t ) the deflection(s) andor strajns should be recorded imnlediakly after application of the load(s) 8.2 Preparation for test and again afterthis load level has been maintained for The sample to be tested, if not the actual structure or 15 min. component to be destined for service, should represent The nominal loads should be removed and the as accurately as possible the design in t e r m of structure inspected before the application of factored material properties, dimensions, methods of jointing, loads. Loading should thenbe applied incrementally up and finishes wherethe latter may be sensitive to the to the factored load (sometiriles referred to as the effects of strain. ’proof load), recordhg deflections and behaviour as The test sample should beset up in a normal attitude before. The increase from nominalto factored load so that the dead loads due to self-weight are operating should be made in at least five increments. The normally. Where this is not possible the effectsof dead factored load should be maintainedfor 15 nin during load may be represented by equivalent imposed loads. which tinle the deflection(s) should be monitored and the sanlple examined for signsof distress. Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT In this condition the consequence for personnelof a sudden failure shouldbe taken into account and suitable precautions taken. The factored loading should be removed after 15 nun and the residual deflection recorded after a further 15 nin. Deflection shouldbe measured by instruments or recorded autonmtically by systenw of known accuracy. Load deflection curves should be plotted. 8.4 Acceptance testing for fatigue 8.4.1 Objectives of test Where there are insufficient data for verification of a design by calculation alone in accordance with section 7, supplenlentary evidencenmy be provided by a specific testing progranune. Testdata nmy be required for one or more of the following additional reasons. (a) The applied loading history or spectrum, for 8.3.3 Acceptance criteria either single or multiple loads,is not available and is beyond practical methodsof theoretical calculations The structure nlay be deemed to meet the (see 7.4). This may apply particularlyto moving or serviceability and ultimate l i t state reconmendations fluid loaded structures where dynanucor resonance if all the following conditionsare met: effects can occur. Guidance on methodsof test is (a) the deflections recorded under the influence of given in 8.4.2. the noninal loads should not exceed those (b) The geometry of the structure is sufficiently pernutted at the limit of serviceability; conlplex that estinutes of member forces or local (b) there should be no visible evidenceof nonelastic stress fields are beyond practical methods of defornlation, instability,or other distress underthe calculations (see 7.5). Guidance on methods of test influence of the noninal loads; is given in 8.4.3. (c) under the factored loadsthe sample should not (c) The materials, dimensional details, or methods of show excessive defornmtion, instabilityor signs of manufacture of members or joints are different from inuninent collapse; those given in tables ‘7.1 to ‘7.3. Guidance on (d) the residual deflection(s) measured 15 nin after methods of test is given in 8.4.4. renlod of all loads should not exceed5 % of the Testing nlay be canled out on conlplete prototype or deflection(s) under load. production structures or on component parts of those 8.3.4 Retest structures. The degree to which the test stmcture should nlatch the nlatellals. dimensional details and Where the tested sample fails to meet the criterion of 8.3.3(d) the test nlay be repeated. If, after a nuximum methods of nmufacture of the fulal production of 10 applications of the factored load the criterion has structure will depend on the infomation being derived from the test (see 8.4.2 to 8.4.4). not been met, the sample should be rejected and the rejection recorded inthe report with any observations 8.4.2 Derivation of loading data on the cause of rejection. The method of obtaining loading data will dependon 8.3.6 Ultimate resistance measurement the type of structure. Three basic typesare as follows. The ultimate resistance test is appropriate for type (a) Fixed structures subject to mechanical loading, testing when large numbers of sinular structures are e.g. bridges, crane girclers and machinely supports. built. It is not part of an acceptance test procedure. Existing sinular structures subject to the Sanle loading sources nlay be used to obtain the Where the test sample is expendable the ultimate amplitude, phasing and frequency ofthe applied resistance nmy be obtained by reapplying the factored loads. Strain, deflectionor accelemtion timsducers loads in a single increment and then gmdually fured to selected conlponents which have been increasing all the imposed loads proportionally until calibrated under known applied loads can record the the sanlple is incapable of supporting further load. force pattern overa typical working peliodof the The ultimate load(s) and mode of failure should be structure, using analog or digital data acquisition recorded, equipment. The conlponents should be selected in The dtinlate resistance value measured inthe test such a way that the nuin loading components can should be aausted t.0 take into account the difference be independently deduced usingthe influence between the nlechanical properties and geometryof coefficients obtained from the calibration loadings. the test specimen and the ninimunl specified Alternatively load cells can be mounted at the properties and nonunal geonletry. The results should interfaces between the applied load and the be aausted using the appropriate linutstate fornula in structure and a continuous record obtained using sections 4, 5 and G for the particular failure modein the sanle equipnlent. question. The ultimate resistance should not be less than y*, times the factored load. The value of y,, should be the value relating to that element of the structure where failure first. occurs. --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT ~ ~~~ STD.BS1 BS B 1 1 b : PART 1-ENGL L991 Section 8 7T9 M BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 1b24bb9 0794b19 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- The n w , stiffness and logarithmic decrementof the 8.4.3 Derivation of stress data test structure should be within30 % of that in the Component test data fmal design and the natural frequencyof the modes Where simple menlbers occursuch that the main force giving rise to the greatest strain fluctuations should conlponents in the nlenlber can be calculated or be within 10 %. If ths is not the case the loading nleasured easily it will be suitableto test conlponents response should be subsequently verified ona containing the joint or detail to be analysed. structure made to the final design. A suitable specimen of identical dinlensions to that The frequency component of the load spectrum used in the final design should be gauged usinga obtained from the working period should be convenient method suchas electric resistancestrain nlultiplied by the ratio of the design life to the gauges, moiré fringe pattern or thermal elastic working period to obtain the fínal design spectrum. techniques. The ends of the conjponent shouldbe Allowance for growth in anlplitude or frequency sufficiently f a r from the local asea of interest that the during the design life should also be made as local effectsat the point of application of the applied required. loads do not affect the distribution of stress at the o>) Fixed structures subject to environmental point. The force components andthe stress gradients loading, e.g. nlasts, chinmeys and offshore topside in the region of interest should be identicalto that in structures. the whole structure. The methods of derivation of loading spectrum are Influence coefficients can be obtained from statically basically the sanle as in 8.4.2(a) except that the working period will generally needto be longer due applied loads which will enablethe stress pattern to be detemmed for any desired combination of load to the need to obtain a representative spectrum of component. If required the Coefficients can be obtained environmental loads suchas wind and wave loads. from scaled down specinlens providedthe whole The fatigue damage tendsto be confined to a specific band inthe overall loading spectrum dueto conlponent is scaled equally. effects of fluid flow induced resonance.This tends Structure test data to be very specific to direction, frequency and damping. Forthis reason greater precisionis needed In certain types of structure such as shell stmctures the continuity of the structural materialmay make it in simulating both the structural properties( n w , stiffness and damping) and aerodynamic properties impracticable to isolate conlponents with simple applied forces. In this case stress data should be (cross-sectional geometry). obtained from prototypesor production structures. It is reconmended that the loading is subsequently Similar methods for nleasurement maybe used as for verified on a structure to the final design if the component testing. Formost general use it is original loading data is obtained from structures with a natural frequencyor danlping differing by reconmended that static loadsare applied as more than 10 %, or if the cross-sectional shapeis not independent conlponents so that the stresses can be identical. combined using the individual influence coefficients for the point of interest. The loading should go througha A final design spectrumcan be obtained in tern^ of shakedown cycle before obtainingthe influence direction, amplitude and frequencyof loading, coefficient data. suitably modified by conlparing the loading data during the data collection period with the Verification of stress historu meteorological records obtained over a typical The sanle method as described in may be used design life of the structure. to venfy the stress history at a point during prototype (c) Moving structures, e.g. road and rail vehicles, and testing under a specified loading.In this case data boats. acquisition equipmentas used in 8.4.2(a) should be In these types of structure the geometry of the riding used to record either the full stress history or to surface should be adequately defined in term of perform a cycle counting operation. Thelatter can be shape and amplitude of undulations and frequency, used to prehct life once the appropriate& - N curve as this will have a sigruficant effect on the dynandc has been chosen. loading on the structure. Other loading effects such A further option, which nlay be usedin the case of as cargo on and off loading can be measured using uncertain load histories, is to keep the cycle counting the principles outlined in 8.4.2(a). device permanently attachedto the structure in Riding surfaces such as purpose-built test tracksmay service. be used to obtain load histories for prototype designs. Load data from previous structures should be used with caution, as snlall differences, particularly in bogie design for example, can substantially alter the dynanlic response. Itis reconmended that loading is verified on the final design if full scale fatigue testingis not to be adopted (see 8.4.4). Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 8.4.4 Derivation of endurance data Component testing Whenever force spectra or stress history data are known conlponent testing can be done to ver@the design of critical parts of the structure. The conlponent to be tested shouldbe nmufactured to exactly the sanle dimensions and proceduresas are intended to be used in the final design.All these aspects should be fully documented before nunufacture of the test conlponent is carried out. In addition any method of non-destructive testing andthe acceptance criteria should be documented, together withthe inspector’s report on the quality of the joints to be tested. The test specinlens should be loadedin a sinular manner to that described in 8.4.2(a). Strain gauges should be used to verify that the stress fluctuations are as required. The sitingof strain gauges should be such that they are recording the correct stress parameter (see 7.5). If the nonlinal stress is being recordedthe gauge should beat least 10 null from any weld toe. Where the stress gradient is steep three gauges should be used to enable interpolation to be carried out. In order to obtain anfr - N curire for design purposes a minin~un~ of eight identical specimens should be tested to give endurances in the range 103 to l@ cycles. Testing should be carried out with reference to the appropriate proceduresin BS 3518. A mean curve should be calculated and a design curve obtained which is parallel to the mean curve but not less than two standard deviations awaynor greater than 80 % of the strength value, whicheveris the lower. This allows for wider variationsin production than is normally expected in a single set of fatigue specimens. For danmge tolerance designsa record of fatigue crack growth with cycles should be obtained. Alternatively, if the design stress history is known and a variable amplitude facilityis available the specimen nlay be tested underthe unfactored stress history. Full scale testing Full scale testing may be carried out under actual opemting conditions,or in a testing facility with the test load conlponents appliedby hydraulic or other methods of control. The conditions for nmwfacturing the structure should be as for component testingin The loads applied should not exceed the nominal loads. Where the service loads vary in a random n w e r between limits they should be represented by an equivalent seriesof loads agreed betweenthe supplier and the purchaser. Alternatively, the test load(s) should equalthe unfactored load(s) The application of loads to the sample should reproduce exactly the application conditions expected for the structure or conlponent in service. Testing should continue until fracture occurs or until the sample is incapable of reacting to the full test load because of damage sustajned. The number of applications of test load(s) to failure should be accurately counted and recorded with observations of the progressive developnlent of defects. 8.4.5 Acceptance The criterion for acceptance depends upon whether the structure is required to give a safe life performance as (see (a)), or damage tolerant perfomlance (see follows. (a) In a safe life design the d e t e m w g linut state is that defined in 3.6.2. For acceptancethe life to failure determinedby test, @usted to take account of the number of test results available, should notbe less than the factored design lifeas defined in 3.6.2, as follows: Na L factored design life F where m)) N, F is the logmeanlife to failure; is a factordependentupon the effective number of test results available, as defined in table 8.1. (b) In a damage tolerant designthe deternlining limit state is that defined in 3.6.3. Acceptance is dependent upon the lifeof a crack reaching a size which could be detected bya method of inspection which can be applied in service. It also depends on the rate of growth of the crack, critical crack length considerations, andthe implications forthe residual safety of the structure and the costs of repair. Criteria for factoring the measured life and for acceptance will vary from one applicationto another and should be agreed with the engineer responsible for acceptance. --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 116 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 ~ Lb24bb9 079Vb21 357 D STD-BSI BS B11B: PART 1-ENGL 1991 BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 Section 8 Table 8.1 Fatigue test factor F Number of samples tested L 2 Identical samples all tested to failure. All 3.80 sanlples failed, factors on log meanassunkg population standard deviationas log 0.176 Identical samples all tested sinwltaneously. 3.80 First sample to fail with population standard deviation assunledas log 0.176 3.12 2.67 9 10 2.55 2.73 2.48 2.44 2.40 1.75 1.54 1.54 8 1.60 'Fi (h) m m w of loads and defornmtions andE;tress at At the conclusion of any testing performedin accordance withthis section a type test certificate should be compiled containingthe following information: (a) name and addressof the test house; (b) accreditation referenceof the test facility (where appropriate); (c) date of test; (d) name@)of witnesses; (e) description of sanlples tested by: (1) reference to serial number where appropriate; or (2) reference to drawing nunIber(s) where appropriate; or (3) description with sketches or diagranw; or (4) photographs; (f) description of load systenls applied including references to other British Standards where appropriate; (g) record of load applications and measured reactions to loading, i.e. deflection, strain, life; O BSI 07-1990 2.01 6 - 8.5 Reporting Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 4 citica~acceptance points, correspondingto the acceptance criteriaas defined in 8.3.3 (i) record of ultinmte load and nlode of failure; record of locations of observations by reference t.4) (e)(2),(ex31 or (eI(4); (k) notes of any observed behaviour relevantto the safety or serviceability of the object under test, e.g. nature and locationof cracking in fatigue test; (l) record of environmental conditionsat time of testing where relevant; (m) statenlent of validation authority for all measuring equipment used; (n) definition of purpose or objectives of test; (o) statenlent of compliance or non-conlpliance with relevant acceptance criteriaas appropriate; (P) record of names and status of persons responsible for testmg and issuing of report; (Cr> report serial number and dateof issue. a) Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Results of test 117 ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ STD=BSI BS BLLB: PART L-ENGL L991 m Lb2rlbbS 0794b22 293 BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 Appendix A Appendices A.2.4 National variations National variations of wrought alunmun~and wrought aluminium alloys registered byanother country are A.l Introduction identified by a serial letter afterthe numerical designation. The serial letters are assigned in Complete information on the nomenclature of alphabetical sequence startingwith A for the first structural wrought aluminium productsis to be found I, O and Q. in the British Standards for wrought aluminium alloys national variation registered, but omitting for general engineering purposes. The nomenclature A.3 Temper or condition for casting alloysdoes not follow the same A.3.1 General nomenclature systemas wrought alloys and reference should be made to BS 1490. The following notes, The designation for the temper or condition of the however, serveas a general guidefor wrought alloys. aluminium or aluminium alloy is indicated by a letter which may be followed bya number or numbers. This A.2 Alloys groups part of the designation followsthe alloy group A.2-1 General designation andis separated by a hyphen. The first part of an alloy designation indicatingthe A.3.2 Non-heat-treatable allogs alloy group consists of four digits as follows: The non-heat-treatable alloys (e.g.5083) are those for strain which strength can be increased only by (a) A l u n ~ u m99.00 % (dm) l*** hardening. This s t &hardening may be deliberate, as n m u m and greater in the stretch straightening of an extrusion, or due to @) Aluminium alloys groups by mqor forming or other cold working of a finished product. alloying elements The tempers of non-heat-treatableproducts are identified by the following suffiï letters and symbols: 2 * * * (1) Copper (2) Manganese 3*** F As fabricated. Thistemperdesignation (3) Silicon 4*** applies to material which acquires some (4)Magnesium 5*** temper from shaping processes in which (5) Magnesium ‘and silicon 6*** there is no special control over thernd (6) Zinc 7*** treatment or amount of strain hardening. For ( 7 ) Other element B*** wrought products there are no mechanical (S) Unused series properly huts. 9*** Appendix A. Nomenclature of aluminium products O Annealed. T ~ temper N designationapplies to A.2.2 11 S 1 group material which is fully annealed to obtain the In the l* group for minimum purities of lowest strength condition. a u ln M u n lof 99.00 % ( d m )and greater,the last two of the four digits inthe designation indicatethe H Strain-hardened. This temperdesignation minimum aluminium percentage. These digitsare the applies to nlaterial subjected to the sanle as the two digits to the nght of the decimal point application of cold work and partial in the minimum aluminium percentage when itis annealing (or hot forming),or to a expressed to the nearest 0.01% ( d m ) . combination of cold work and partial annealing or stabilizing, in order to achieve The second digit in the designation indicates the specified mechanical properties. TheH is modifications in impurity limits or alloying elements. If always followed by two or more digits the second digit in the designation is zero, it indicates indicating the fmal degree of strain-hardening. unalloyed aluminium having natural impurity linlits: integers 1 to 9, which are assigned consecutively as needed, indicate special control of one or more The first digit following the H indicates the specific individual impurities or alloying elements. combination of basic operationsas follows: A.2.3 2 b 1 1to 8 groups H l Strain-hardened only. This temper Inthe2*fc*toS8**~upsthelasttwoofthe designation appliesto material subjectedto four digits in the designation haveno special the application of cold work after annealing sigruficance but serve onlyto identify the different or hot forming. aluminium alloys inthe group. The second digitin the If the alloy designation indicates alloy modifications. H2 Stmin-harde)2ed and partially annealed. This second digit inthe design is zero, it indicatesthe temper designation appliesto achieve the origml alloy. Integers 1 to 9, whch are assigned specified mechanical properties. consecutively, indicate alloy modifications. H3 Strain-hardenedandstabilized. ** *** --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 118 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 The second digit (2,4,6 or 8) following the Hl or H2 designation indicates the degreeof strain-hardening in ascending order of temper. The effect of heating these nmterialsis to reduce their strength. Strength can only be recovered by further strain-hardening. A.5 Temper nomenclature for alloys in standards which have not adopted the IS0 2107 alternative temper designation system A.5.1 General Those alloys covered by British Standards which have not adopted the IS0 2107 alternative temper designation system use the following existing British Standard temper designation system. --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- A.3.3 Heat-treatable alloys The heat-treatable alloys(e.g. 6082) derive enhanced strength from either oneor two stages of heat A.5.2 Non-heat-treatable alloys treatment. The first stage, solution heat treatment, The temper of non-heat-treatable products are consists of heatmg the material thoroughly to a identified by the following suffm letters and symbols: prescribed high tenlperature and then quenching in it cold water, the quench increasesthe strength O annealed Softest, i.e. considerably fromthat of the hot, annealed condition. The second stage, precipitation heat treatment,or M As manufactured, i.e. partly hardened ageing, when the material is kept for a prescribed time in the 0rduw-y course of manufacture at a prescribed moderate tenlperature, producesa further increase in strength. With some alloys ageing H2 to H8 Progressivedegrees of hardness occurs naturally after somedays or weeks at room temperature, so that the second fornml heat treatment A.5.3 Heat-treatable alloys may be discarded. The conditionof a heat-treatable product is identified by the following suffii letters and The condition of heat-treatable productis identified by symbols. For full details andother subdivisions see one or two suffiw letters as follows: BS 1470 and BS 1474. O Annealed F As fabricated,with no fornd heat treatment T4Solutionheat-treatedandnaturallyaged Cooled from an elevated tenlperature shaping process and then artificially aged TG Solutionheat-treatedandthenartificially aged T8 Solution heat-treated, cold worked and then artificially aged. Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS O BSI 07-1999 M As manufactured,withnofornlalheat treatment heat-treated to (TB7 solution heat-treated and stabilized, applies Castings) TF N l y , i.e. two stage, heat-treated TE Artificially aged without prior solution heat treatment A.4 Examples of alloy and temper nomenclature Examples of alloy and temper nonlenclature are as follows: @) GO82-TG Annealed TBSolution T5 (a) 5154A-H24 O Indicates the non-heat-treatable nugnesiunl bearing rough alloy 5154 with a national variation, which has been strain-hardened and partially annealedto achieve the specified mechanical properties fora temper half way between the annealed and fully hardened tenlper condition. Indicates the heat treatable magnesium-silicon wrought alloy 6082, in the fully heat-treated foml. TH Solution heat-treated, cold worked and then artificially aged A.5.4 Examples of alloy and temper nomenclature Examples of alloy and temper nomenclature are as follows: (a) LM25-lX Indicatestheheat-treatable magnesium-silicon casting alloy LM25 with precipitation heat treatment only. @) 7020-TF Indicates the heat-treatable zinc bearing wrought alloy7020 in the fully heat-treated fornl. Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 119 ~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ STD.BSI BS 8118: PART 1-ENGL L771 m 1b2rlbb9 077qb24 Obb m BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 Appendix A --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- A.6 Foreign equivalents to British Standard alloys Table A.l lists the nearest foreign equivalentsof the British Standard wrought andcast alloys referred to in tables 2.1 and 2.2. They are not necessarily exact equivalents, and for detailedinformation on their conlpositions and properties reference should be nlade to the relevant national standards. The formerBritish Standard designations forthe alloys listedin tables 2.1 and 2.2 are also given. Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 120 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O RSI 07-1999 Appendix A h --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 3103 AlMnl 3106 AlMn0,5M@,5 5083 AlMg4,5MnO,7 5154A AlMg3,XA) 5251 AlMg2 6454 Al Mg3Mn 6061 AlMglSiCu Bs 8118 : Ihrt 1 : 1-1 N3 N31 NB N5 N4 N51 6063 AlMg0,751 H20 H9 WS2 AlSilMgbfn AlZn4.5Mgl AlMg6Sil H30 H17 LM6 7020 LM6 3103 AlMn 3106 5083 ALMg4,5Mn 5154A 5251 54546061 - - - 6063- 6082- - AlMIll P-AlMn1.2 iuMno,5M@,5 AMg4,5Mn P-AlMg4,5 - 5083 5154 5251 5083 5454 8081 5454 6061 3106 6083 5154 U51 5454 6061 - BOB2 7020 Albl@il GS40 AG6 GAI&@ P-AlblgZbín P-AlM@,"n P-AlMglsKxl P-Al Si0.5Mg P-AISilMgMn P-AIZn4,5Mg GAlMlg SUN A413 GALS112 GAlSi13 6063 8082 7020 514.1 AIZn4,SMgl 7020 GAM@ S G W A4132 GAlSi SG AlSi12 - - - 356.2 - 357.1 SG AlSi7Mg A3105 AMY13 A5154 Ab@Mn0,3 AIMg2,7Mn ALMglSiCu - DG ALSll2Fe A356.2 - Sc 70N A-S7G GAISI7Mg S 7 0 A-S7009 A-S7GO6 GAlSI'IMgW, A5464 A6061 A6063 - Am01 ADcGClAV FIAS AG7A D N DIS A D c l c3Av c3As Ac3A C4CVC4CS AoIcAC4CH oIcIK3 L-38111Al-IMn L383l/Al-O,5"g L332UAI4,5Mg LrnAI-3,5Mg L33611Al-ZMg L3391/Al-3Mgbln L342WAl-lMgSicu L-3441/AI-O,7M@i L3453IAl-Isi"n L37411AI-4ZnlMg L2331 GAISil3 A4132 I GAlSi7m A367.2 I21 Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT Appendix B. Formal statement of safety factor format adopted in the code for static design resistance calculations where R, is the mean resistance based on calculations using the arithmetic meanof material strength test results; B.l Nominal load v is the relativemeanquadraticdeviation of The nonWal load, or characteristic action(Fk) is that the distribution of material strength found by value of the applied load whichhas an expected return tests, or the coefficient of variation of the period of not less thanthe specified design life of the distribution function; structure, (often obtained from loading specifications). k is a coefficientdepending on the probability B.2 Factored load distribution function. The factored load,or design action P d ) is deternwed B.5 Factored resistance from the nominal load bythe following relationship: The factored resistanceor design resistance@d ) is F d = Yf F K determined fromthe relationship: where y is the load factorfor the load in question. Rk Rd = ym B.3 Action-effect under factored loading where The acticn-effect under factoredloading, or design Ym is the nlaterial strength factor. actim-effect(sd) is the effect of the factored load,or B.6 Verification of structural adequacy combination of factored loads onthe structural For a satisfactory design,the following relationship member (forces, moments, etc.) should be satisfied: B.4 Nominal resistance Rd > (see figure B.l) The n o n w resistance, or characteristic resistance where (Rd is defined by the relationship: yc is the factor for consequences of failure (taken as unity for nornlal applications). Rk = &n (1 - h), Action - effect under factored load I I Nominalresistance Resistance R Figure B.l Ultimate limit state criterion Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS O BSI 07-1999 Previous page is blank Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Factoredresistance 123 Appendix C. m i c a l values of design life D.2 Limiting stress for weld metal The fatigue assessment procedure (see7.3) requires a design l i e for the structure. When this Me is not specified by the client, the designer may use the typical values @ven in table C.l D.2.1 Enhanced values of p , The values forthe weld metal limitingstress P, in table 6.2 are based on test results for butt-welded specimens. With certain of the permitted filler alloys it is found that higher weld strengthsthan those given in table 6.2 apply. In order to take advantage of this in design it is permissible to take P, from table D.l, instead of table 6.2. It is emphasized that these higher valuesare only valid if every precautionis taken to avoid cracking. rlhble C.l Qpical values of design life Structure --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Highway bridges Flood protection works Buildings, prinwy structure Breakwaters Lattice towers and nlasts Tall towers Railway vehicles Building cladding Boats Cranes Containers Vehicle bodies Scaffolding 1 Design life Years 120 100 100 GO 50 50 35 30 30 20 15 10 10 Appendix D. Derivation of material limiting stresses for use in design D.l Limiting stresses for parent metal D.2.2 Determination of p , for other material When welds are made on parent alloys not covered in table D.l, the limiting weld metalstress P, should be obtained experinlentally. D.3 Limiting stress for H A Z material D.3.1 Basic expressions The limiting stresses P, and pw for HAZ material used in the design of welded joints, as listed in table 6.3, are based on the relevant expression fromthe following. These expressions may be employedfor materials not covered in that table. (a) Heat-treatable material: P, = kz'Pa P, = 0.GPa.Z where P, given by table 4.1or by D.l; NOTE. See sections 4 and 5. The linutingstresses P,, pa and pv used in the design of menlbers, as listed in tables 4.1 and 4.2, are based on the following expressions. These expressions nlay be employed to obtain po, Pa and p, for nlaterials not covered in tables4.1 and 4.2. is the linuting stress for parent metal, as is the modified softening factor found k' from F.2. @) Non-heat-treatable material: P, = L2fm P, = 0 . G h where f02 wherefo.2 andf, itre nomdly taken as the guaranteed mininlunl tensile 0.2 % proof stress and tensile strength of the material respectively. When no guaranteed value is quoted for one or both, assumed valuesmay be used for& and fu as follows: (1) values equalto 80 % of the typical values given by the nmufacturers; or (2) the values for the sune nlaterial in the O condition. Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 124 is the guaranteed minimum 0.2 % proof stress for the parent metal concerned,if it is in the annealed O condition. When only a typical value of f0.2 is available, a figure equalto 80 % of this should be used in the expression forP,. D.3.2 7% *seriesmaterial The alternative valuesA and B for P, and P, are obtained by using the relevant value of k; in D.3.l(a). The value of k; is normally as given in F.2. When finding valueA, however, it is sometimes possible to take a more favourable valueof Ici This applies when either of the following occur (a) a single pass weld is laid in isolation; or @) stricter thermal controlis exercised than that normally called for in BS 8118 : Part 2. Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 1 a b l e D.1 Limiting stress pwfor weld metal Filler Parent metal I Heat-treatable Non-heat treatable 31031200 5251 6454 5164A 3106 1080A 5083 I 6063 6061 6082 1 MOA 215 190 190 205 215 220 5056A 5556A 55541) 210 l) These alloys should be used in conditions where corrosion is likely to be a problem. NOTE. When using dissimilar parent metals the lower value of the two limiting stresses for the weld metal should be given. I E.2 Elasto-plastic stress pattern Appendix E. Elasto-plastic moment calculation An idealized elasaplastic stress pattern is constructed, based on an assumed nlaterial with sudden yield atpo E.2.1 Rules for constructing stress pattern. --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Refer to F.2.3, cases 1 and 2. (instead of the true st-strain curve). w i c a l E.l General examples appear in figure E.l. The rules for This appendix gives an alternative method for constructing such a pattern are as follows. obtaining the factored moment resistanceMm of (a) Calculations shouldbe made using a net section, slender and senu-compact beam sections, which nmy with deductions for holes, but with no reductionin be used instead of 4.6.2 or 5.4.2. thickness to allow for HAZ or local bucklig effects. The elasto-pla&c method presented will prove (b) Elements are classified in accordance advantageous for sectionsin which a critical element with (but see note). for local buckling, havinga pvalue roughly in the (c) The limiting compressivestress P , in a slender (see table4.3),contains compressed region of element is found thus: material that lies nearerthe neutral axis than do the outermost tension fibresof the section. m i c a l Pm = ~ L P O examples are sections in which where (a) the extreme compression material, incorporating P, is the limiting s t r e s for material (see tables 4.1 a critical flange element, lies nearerto the neutral and 4.2); axis than does the extreme tension nlaterial (see kL is the local buckling factor foundas in figure E.l(a)): or (but see note). (b) a critical web element terminates some distance For a longitudwy stiffened web different valuesof in from the extreme compression face, dueto the P m will in general be thus obtained forthe various presence of a tongue-plate (see figureE.l@)). sub-panels, based on their differingk~ values NOTE. The use of this appendix may prove disadvantageous when (see applied to sections in which the critical element is very slender (d) The stress pattern should be such that the total Co * ßo). force in compression balances that in tension. 3 /, BSI 07-1999 Copyright British Standards Institution O Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 125 ~~~ ~ STD-BSI BS 8118: PART J-ENGL 1991 BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 (e) On the tension side the extreme fibrestress should not exceedP,. It is pernissible for plasticity to spread in from this face. (f) On the conlpression sidethe stress in any element should not exceeda limiting valuep as follows: (1) fully compact or semi-compact element,p = po; (2) slender element, p = Pm. (g) It is permissible for plasticity to spread in from the compression faceof the section, only if the compression flangeis fully compact. (h) For a section witha fully compact compression flange, and witha tongue-plate ascent to the compression edgeof a semi-compact or slender web (see figure E.l(b)), the distance that plasticity may spread in from the compression face is limited as follows: (1) senucompact web: plasticity to to extend beyond the compression edge of the web. (2) slender web: rule f(2) to be satisfied for the web. In any HAZ region the stress should be reduced to Mo,if this is less than the general stress level therein. It is not pernutted to use u) u. NOTE. In applying rules @) and (c) the value E should always be determined using the expression in note 1 of table 4.3. The modified E value given in or note 3 of is not valid for use with this appendix. E.2.2 Hgbrid sections In applying E.2.1 to a hybrid section, fabricated from components of differing strength, itis helpful to Emember that the strain distribution will be linear right across the section. This has the following implications forthe assumed stress pattern. (a) In the elastic zone the stress varies linearly either side of the neutral axis, without steps. (b) In any plastic zonethere will be a stepchange in stress between nlaterials of different P,. (c) At the junction betweenthe elastic and plastic zones there will also be a step, if this junction coincides with a change in nuterial. ~~ ~ ItbZ'ibb9 0794bZ9 b'i8 W Appendix E E.3 Calculation of moment resistance E.3.1 General The factored moment resistanceMB is found as follows: MRS= M u h m where Mu is the ultinlate moment found from E.3.2 or E.3.3; y,,, is the material factor (see table 3.3). E.3.2 Slender sections Mu is taken as the moment correspondingto the adopted stress-pattern (see E.2). E.3.3 Semi-compact sections Mu is found by interpolation as follows: MU=M,+"- ßo - ß o - P1 (Md - IVus) where Mus Muf ß ß1 and ßo is the moment corresponding to the adopted stress pattern (see E.2.1); is the moment value obtained if the section is treated as fully compact; is the value o f ß for the critical element; are the fully compact and semi-compact limiting values of ß for that element (see table4.3). NOTE. The limitations on the spreading in of plasticity from the compression face of the section, contained in E.2.1 (rules (8) and (h)), relate to the determination of M , . When the ultimate moment Mu acts, there will generally be an increased spread of plasticity. --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 12G Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 I ~~ STD-BSI BS 8118: PART 1-ENGL 1991 Appendix E l b 2 4 b b 7 0774b30 3bT BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 Critical element e-f neutral --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Elastic Compression P Criticalelement @I Line 1: critical element is semicompact. Line 2: critical element is slender. Figure E.l. Assumed elasto-plastic stress patterns (non-hybrid) Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under licenseO with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS BSI 07-1999 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 127 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- F.2.2 k,for other materials The softening factor(IC,or k$) may be found using F.1 Introduction El. table F2 for materials not covered in tables 4.5 and F.l.l General F.2.3 7* *series material The methods provided in 4.4 for estinming the severity At welds in such alloys with tensile stress acting and extent of HAZ softening adjacentto welds will sonletimes tend to be pessimistic. This appendix gives transverse to the weld axis, the softening factor alternative treatments for such cases, which produce (k,=k$)should be taken as value A. For other stress more favourable valuesof k, (severity, see F.2) and z conditions valueB may be used. (extent, see F.3). Value A should nornmlly be takenas in the relevant The possible benefits of post-weld artificial ageing are table (table4.5 or table El). However, a more considered in F.4. favourable valueis allowed in the following cases: As an altemativeto calculation it is pemuible to find (a) Case 1. Isolated straight singlepass weld without the extent of the HAZ experimentally by means of a preheat: valueA nlay be takenthe sanle as value B, hardness survey. Guidance for so doing is given in F.5. nanlely 1.0 for the T4 condition and 0.8 for the TG condition. F.1.2 Thermal control (b) Case 2. Other welds, withstricter thermal control The extent of HAZ softening, and sonletinlesits exercised than that nornmlly called for in BS 8118 : severity, depend on the inter-pass temperatureT,, i.e. Part 2: value A may be taken as follows: the temperature of the adjacent parent metal atthe (1) for 40 "C < T, I 80 "C start of laying any weld pass. The following factors tend to elevate T,: for T4 condition 1.2 - 0.005T0 for TG condition 1.0 - 0.005To (a) deposition of previous passes in a multi-pass (2) for T, 5 40"C joint; for T4 condition 1.0 (b) previous weldingof a nearby joint; for T G condition 0.8 (c) use of preheat. Appendix F. HAZs adjacent to welds * where Excessive build-up of.tenlperaturecan be prevented by To is the interpass temperature,to be stated in the exercising thermal control during fabrication,that is by contract specification. letting the metal cool down adequately between F.3 Extent of H A Z passes. The methods in4.4.2 and 4.4.3 for estimating HAZ effects are valid if the thermal control satisfies F.3.1 General BS 8118 : Part 2, nanlely: The methods given in 4.4.3, for obtaining the z, may lead to an overestimate of the extent dinlension T, 5 80 "C; (a) 7 series alloys of the H A Z . The following sections give alternative T, 5, 100 "C. (b) other alloys treatments, which can be used to obtain more It is often possibleto reduce the extent of the HAZ favourable estimates in some cases. softening, and sometimes its severity, by exercising F.3.2 Modtifiedformula for z stricter themml controlthan this, i.e. by specifymg a It is pemlissible to use the following expression forx , lower value for To.In order to take advantage of such instead of that given i n improvement, the designer should state in the z = 6aqzo specification that tighter control is to apply, and give where the reduced value to which T, should now be linuted. a and q are modifyq factors (see More favourable HAZ rules are provided in F.2.3, F.3.3 and; and F.3.4, which may be used when such a practice is adopted. X0 is the basic value of z. The extra factor6 would normally be taken as 1.0, but F.2 Softening factor k, in the following cases (a) and (b) a lower value is F.2.1 Modified values of k, allowed. When the resistance is governed by pa or P , rather (a) For a joint away from whichthere are three or than P,, it is pernkible to take a modified valuek; more valid heat-paths for the softening factoras given in table El, instead of 6 = 0.75 the nomml value k, from table4.5. T ~ I applies S for the A valid heat-path beingas defined in following: @) For a straight jointof length L less the 5z0: (a) shear in beanls (see4.5.3); 6 = (1.5 + 1.%/~,)/(3+ Uzo) (b) local failurein tension members (see4.6.2.3); (c) local squashingin struts (see 4.7.7). When a joint comes into both these categories, 6 The use of the nlodified value k$ for these is should be takenas the lower of the values given by (a) favowable for most(but not all) n~aterials. and (b) respectively. *** Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 128 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 I STDOBSI BS BLLB: PART 1-ENGL 1991 m LbZ'ibb9 079qb32 132 Appendix F BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 ~ ~~ lbble F.1 Modified H A Z softening factor 4noy Condition G. TG, TF T4 T4 T4 T5 TG T6 T4 T6 T4 TG 0.55 H14 H14 H18 H14 H1G 0.25 Heat-treatable GOG1 6063 6082 7020 1.00 0.70 0.80 0.75 0.55 0.50 1.00 0.55 O.SO(A), 1.00(B) O.GO(A), 0.80@) (see note 2) Non-heat treatable 3103 3105 0.30 0.24 0.28 0.24 0.21 H18 5083 5 154A 5251 5454 o, F 1.o0 H22 O,F H22 H24 F F H22 H24 o, F H22 H24 0.55 1.00 0.50 0.40 0.30 1.o0 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 1200 0.45 0.35 1.00 0.45 0.40 NOTE 1. In the product column E, , P, DT,WT and F refer respectively to extrusion, sheet, plate, drawn tube, welded tubeand forgings. NOTE 2. For 7020 material refer to, for the applicability of the A and B values. Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS O BSI 07-1999 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 129 'Pdble F.2 General determination of k, and k; Alloy series Condition k, (see notes 1 and 2) o, F T4 T5 TG Other (see note 3) 1.00 1.00 O.75 0.50 Heat-treatable 7*** O,F T4 0.50 P o d P o 1.00 0.80(A) TG 1.00(B) O.GO(A) 0.80(B) Other (see note3) 0*6POdPO(A) 0.8POdPO@) o, F 1.00 Other (see note 3) PodPo --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- G*** Non-heat-treatable 1***,3***or5*** NOTE 1. k, is the normal value. 12;is a modified value for use in certain cases (see F.2.1). NOTE 2. Notation is as follows: p o and pa are the limiting stress for parent material in the condition used (se tables 4.1 and 4.2); poGand paGare the limiting stresses for the parent materials in the TG - condition. poo and pao are the limiting stresses for the parent materials in the O - condition. NOTE 3. The value taken should never exceed 1.0. E3.3 Alternative determinationof (Y It is pernwible to take a lower value of (Y for cases Q and R in table 4.G for a joint to which either (a) or @) applies as follows. (a) Nornd thernd control is exercised (ascalled for in BS 8118 : Part Z), tc does not exceed 25 nun and the total area A (in nun2) of all weld deposits in the joint is known: (Y 50 A I150 O! = 0.75 + 0.005A A > 150 01 = 1.5 Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 130 = 1.0 A 5 50 @) Stricter thermal controlis exercised than that called for in BS 8118 : Part 2 IC S 25 mm tC > 25 mm 0.5Tl 5 To < T1 = 0.5 + +TV1 (Y = 1.0 (Y 01 = 2TJTl To 5 (Y = 1.0 where To is the reduced interpass temperature (to be stated in specification); T1 is the normal interpass t e m p e m e in accordance withBS 8118 : Part 2, = 80 "C for 7 series alloys; = 100 "C for other alloys; tc is the thickness of thickest part joined. *** Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O E S 1 07-1999 STD-BSI BS 8118: PART 2-ENGL 199L W L b 2 4 b b 9 0794b34 T 0 5 W Appendix F BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 F.3.4 Alternative determinationof q F.5.2 Experimental method When stricter thernlal control is specified than that The preferred method employsthe Vickers Diamond required by BS 8118 : Patt 2, it is pernutted to read q technique. This may be applied to an actual prototype, from figure El instead of finding it from The or to a trial fabrication representing partof an overall quantities needed forthe figure should be taken as structure. The procedure is to take a series of hardness follows: readings at varying distances fromthe weld, and hence deternine atwhat point the full parent properties are (a) To, Tl and tc are as defined in F.3.3; regained. Preferably,the specimen should be sectioned (b) h and hl are as defined in; perpendicular to the weld, and readings taken at (c) denotes sunmation for all heat-paths from the nud-thickness on the cut face (after suitable surface joint. Preparation). However it nlaybe possible to take the r e a h g s directly on to the surface of the conlponent. NOTE. When t C > 25 mm and preheat is used, no improvenlent in 1 q is permitted. In such cases the full value q = 1.33 should be E5.3 Interpretation method 1 There are two pernutted methodsfor interpreting the F.4 Post-weld artificial ageing results, of which the following (method1) is With the G and 7 series heat-treatable preferable. alloys it is sonletinles beneficialto apply heat treatment in the form of artificial ageing after welding. A typical hardness plotis of the form shown in figure F.2, on which it is usually possibleto distinguish This involves heating the welded conlponent toa tenlperature in the range 100 "C to 180 "C for a t h e of two points A and B as shown. The dimensionz, used in design to define the distance that the assunled HAZ up to 24 h. The exact procedure dependson the alloy. extends from the weld, should be takenas follows: The following benefits nlay be obtained by such z = 0.5 (X, + X B ) treatment. where (a) The thne to reach stable nmhanical properties is reduced to a value belowthat indicated in X, and X B are the distances of points A and B (b) The strength of parts of the HAZ, but not from the centre-line of a butt weld or necessarily the whole, is raised. In design this nxty the root of a fillet weld. be assunled to effectively reduce the extent of the HAZ. F.5.4 Interpretation method 2 (c) Sonle improvement will occur in the strength of This nlay have to be used if only point B can be the weld metal. distinguished on the plot, i.e. the point at which parent In order to quantify these benefits itis necessary to hardness is effectively regained, pointA being difficult carry out tests, using representative specimens to locate. In this case z should be taken as follows: (see F.5). These should accuratelysindate the true (a) for 5 series alloys z = 0.65X~; situation in terns of: metal thickness, geometry, filler (b) for 6 series alloys z = 0.75X~; metal and welding paranleters,as well as the exact post-weld treatment enlployed. (c) for 7 series alloys z = o.go&. F.5 Hardness surveys used. ** *** --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- *** *** *** F.5.1 General It is pernutted to detemine the extent of the HAZ experinlentally (see4.4.3.7), the most usual procedure is to conduct a hardness survey. Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS O BSl 07-1999 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 131 1.5 1 1.o / 4 1.5 l i .2 rl 1 i .4 / 1.0 1.2 t p 2 5 mm 1.4 I I 1.6 ~ 1.8 1.0 -L 1 .o O 0.5 1.0 TOIT I O I 1.0 TOI6 0.5 @> (a> Figure F.l Extent of HAZ, factor B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O E O O S O O L I O 4 x o A O o o o o u n 5 c Y) 'P L t QI v1 O I Figure F.2 Qpical hardness plot along a heat path from a weld --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 132 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1099 Appendix G. General formulae for the torsional properties of thin-walled open sections 6.1 General This appendix shows howto detemme certain section properties, neededin buckling calculations that involve torsion (see appendicesH and J). The section properties are as follows: (a) torsion constantJ (see 6.2); (b) polar second momentof area about shear centre, Zp (see6.3); 6.2 Torsion constant The torsional stiffnessof a member having a thin-walled cross-sectionis given by the product of GJ, where G is the shear modulus of the nuterial and J is the torsion constant of the cross-section. For thin-walled open sections without pronounced dations of thickness, suchas fillets or bulbs, J is given by the following: J!!?!3 O where t is the thickness; is measuredalong the nuddlelineof S profile; is the totallength of thenuddleline. the For a section composed solelyof flat plate elements, each of uniform thickness, this equation reduces to the following: J = -1C b $ , 3 where b is the width of an element, measuredat the mid-thickness of the profile.When such a section is reinforced with fillets and/or bulbs,the following expression may be used J = C ( 0 3 + qN)tI4 + $bt3 where t N Pandq The position of S may be found as follows: (a) for bisymnletric or skewsynunetric sections, S coincides with G (b) for sections composed entirely of radiating outstands (such as angles, tees or cruciforms), S lies at the point of intersection of the component elements; (c) for certain specific typesof section, see figure G.2; (d) for monosynmetric sections composedof flat elements, generally,see 6.5; (e) for asynmetric sections composed of flat elements, generally,see 6.7. 6.4 Warping factor The warping factorH may be found as follows: (a) for sections composed entirelyof radiating outstands (such as angles, tees or crucifomB), H may be conservatively assunledto be zero; @) for certain specific typesof section, see figure G.2; (c) for monosymmetric sections composedof flat elements, see 6.5; (d) for skewsymnletric sections composed of flat elements, see 6.6; (e) for asymmetric sections composedof flat elements, see 6.7. is the thickness of adjacent flat material; is the fillet or bulb dimension, as defrned in figure G.1; are coefficients to be readfrom figure G.1. Copyright British Standards Institution O with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy Provided by IHS under license No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS BSI 07-1999 A 9 are secondmoments of area about centroidal axes; is the section are% is the distance between centroid G and shear centre S. Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 133 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Z, and Zy For sections not coveredby the procedures given in this appendix, refer to the l i t e m e . S 6.3 Polar second moment of area about shear centre The polar second momentof area about the shear centre, Zp,is given by the following: Zp = Zx + Zy + Ag2 where (c) warping factorH (see 6.4). J = The first sunmation is extended to every filletor bulb region within the section (see figureG.l). In nmking the sheared sununation forthe flat elements, the width of any element abuttingon a fillet or bulb should now be measuredto the edge of the shaded area shown in figure G.l. ~~ STD-BSI BS 8118: PART L-ENGL 1991 U Lb2qbb9 079qb37 7Lq W BS 8118 : Part 1 : 1991 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Appendix G 26 S1 ?+P Figure G.l Torsion constant coefficients forcertain fillets and bulbs Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 134 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 3b e=- 1 c e = a'b't -+" I , (4 2b F+6 3a2b b2t H = - (46 + + 3a2c 6 + a") - $1, --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- E U + a2b) 4I-t IV e = 3111 - 3212 Y' X H = a2l1I, Y' where I, and I' are the ~ IY - a"l, - 4 + C"',(a2 + ")3 respective second moments of area of the flanges about the W axis H= b% 12(2b +a + 2c) X (a2(b' + 26a. + 4bc + 6ac) + + 4c2(3ba + 3a' + 4bc + 2ac + C')} Figure 6.2 Shear centre position (S) and warping factor (H) for certain thin-walled sections Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS O BSI 07-1999 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 135 G.5 Monosymmetric sections composed of flat elements 6.5.1 Notation and signConvention The section is broken down into2V flat elements, numbered 1 to Von each sideof the axis of symmetry AA, counting outwards fromthe point B where the cross-section intersectsAA (see figure G.3). The following notation relatesto the Rth element in the upper half of the section: b is the elementwidth; t is the elementthickness; a is the perpendiculardistancefromnudpoint of the element to AA; is the projected width of the elenlent on an axis perpendicular to A A , is the perpendicular distance from B to the centre-line of the element; c d 6.5.3 Specimen calculation Table G.l gives a specimen calculation fora nlonosymmetric section. The elements taken into consideration in this calculation are the numbers within trianglesin the diagram in table G.l. 6.6 Skew-symmetric section composed of flat elements G.6.1 Notation and signconvention The section is broken down into2V flat elements, numbered from 1 to Von each side of the point of synmetry G, counting towards G (see figure G.4). The following notation relates to the Rth element inthe upper half of the section: b t d is the elenlent width; is the element thickness; is the perpendiculardistancefrom the centre-line of the elenlent; is the total section area; R P=Ybd Y A G to 2 6.5.2 Formulae The distance e by which the shear centre liesto the left of B is given by: R P = cbd 2 The sununation forP extends only to the upper half of the section. It begins with the second element, since there is no contribution fromthe first element (for which d = O). The sign conventionis as follows: (a) b, t are always positive; (b) d is taken as positive if the elenlent produced in the sense towardsG has G on its left, and negative if G is on its right. 6.6.2 Formula The warping factorH is given by the following 1 where I u is the second moment of area of the whole section aboutAA. The warping factorH is then given by: b2d211 (P+K)(P+K-M)+3 where NOTE. This t,reatment only C O V ~ ~aS section that can be developed from a single piece of sheet (possibly varying in thickness). For sections that bifurcate, refer to the literature. NOTE. This treatment only covers sections that can be developed from a single piece. of sheet (possible varying h thickness). For sections that bifurcate it is necessary to refer to the literature. Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 136 6.6.3 Specimen calculation Table G.2 gives a specimen calculationfor a skew-synmetric section.The elements taken into consideration in this calculation are the numbers within trianglesin the diagram in table G.2. Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- The sunmation for P extends only to the half of the section aboveAA. It begins with the second element, since there is no contribution from the first elenlent (for which d = O). The sign convention.is as follows: (a) u,b, t are always positive; (b) c is taken as positive if the element considered in the sense towards B is convergent withAA, and negative if divergent; (c) d is taken as positive if the element produced in the sem towards B has B on its left; and negative if B is on its right. ~ 1 - STD=BSI BS 8118: PART 1-ENGL 1991 m 1b24bb9 0794b40 207 m Appendix G BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 Rth element t O I s t element S - A A Figure 6.3 Monosymmetric section notation. --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 137 a b l e G.l Specimen calculation: monosymmetric shape A- ! U1 dimensions are in millimetres. 2 R= 4 3 128 30 5 5 100 60 U 80 O c 60 28 d 3.58 X 103 1.80 X 1@ bd 1.80 X 1@ 5.40 X 103 P 1.08 X lo6 2.16 X loi 2aP 1.08 X lo5 3.10 X lo5 5d(a - c/G) 1.08 X 105 7.70 X l@ BaP - bd(a - c/G) 4.93 x los 1.62 X 107 bt(2aP- bd (a - &)J Sunmution of last line = 1.05 X 109 mm" (obtained by calculation not shown) = 2.35 X lo7 m m 4 X 109 = 45 nun Shear-centre positione = 1.05 .35 X 107 PZ 3.24 X 106 3.24 X 106 3dP !9d"l.3 1.08 X lo6 1.08 x 106 Pz - bdP + @&/3 1.62 X 10s it (P2- bclP + b2d2/3) hmmation of last line = 2.80 X 10'0 mm6 Narping factor H = (2 x 2.80 X lolo) - (452 X 2.35 x lo7) b t 32 8 127 -25 189 6.05 X 103 1.14 X 104 2.90 x 106 7.94 x 105 2.11 x 106 5.40 X 10s --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 1.30 X los 6.90 X lo7 1.22 X 107 7.32 X 107 1.87 X 1O'O = 8.41 X lo9m m G Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 138 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O ßSI 07-1999 V t h element 1 1 s t element Centroid andshear-centre both lie at the point o f symmetry G r= Mid - thickness L ¡ne Figure 6.4 Skew-symmetric section notation 6 . 7 Asymmetric section composed of flat elements 1’ P=Cbd 1 6.7.1 Notation and signconvention The section is broken down into n flat elements, numbered from 1to n starting from an edgeE of the section (see figureG.5). The following notation relates to the r&element: b is the element width; t is the element thickness; a, and a, are the co-ordinates of the nudpoint R of the element with respect to u,v (the principal axes of the section); c, and c, are the projected widths of element on G, and G, respectively; d is the perpendicular distance fromG (the centroid of the section); d’ is the perpendicular distancefrom S (the shear centre) to be located. U and Vare the co-ordinates of s. 1‘ P =zbd’ 1 The sign convention is as follows: (a) b and t are always positive; (b) a, and a, are the actual co-ordinates of R, which nmy be positive or negative dependingon the quadrant within whichR lies; (c) c, and C, are positive if u (or v ) increases within the element in the sense away from the previous (r-1)th element; and negative if u (or u) decreases; (d) d and d’ are positive if the element producedin the sense away fromthe (r-1)th element has an anticlockwise monlent aboutG (or S); and negative if clockwise. --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution O Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS ßSI 07-1999 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 139 6.7.2 Formulae warping factor The H is then given by the following: The cclordinates of the shear centre S are given by the following: (P' - K')(P' - R - bd') + 1 y]] where 1 bd' Kt=z~bt(P"--) 2 1 A is the section area. area Of the 6.7.3 Specimen calculation Table G.3 gives a specimen calculation foran asynmetric section. The elements taken into consideration in this calculation are the menibers within trianglesin the diagram in table G.3. --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- where W ' arethe ='OOfnd section about Guand G,. NOTE. This treatment only covers sections that can be developtd from a single piece of she& (possibly varying in thickness). F& sections that bifurcate it is necessary to refer to the literature. Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 140 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 Appendix G nth element 7 r th element Figure 6.5 Asymmetric section notation O BSI 07-19!39 Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- STD=BSI BS ALLA: PART 1-ENGL 1991 m Lb24bb9 0 7 7 4 b 4 4 954 W Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 141 Table 6.2 Specimen calculation: skew-symmetric shapes t Centroid and shear-centre both lie at point of symmetry G R= 1 2 3 50 40 20 2 3 3 O 40 -70 bd 1600 -1400 P 1600 200 bt(P - bdn) 96 O00 % o 0 0 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Dinlensions are in millinietres unless otherwise indicated. Sunmmtion of last line = 150 O00 nun4 (P + k)(P + k - bd) 287 X 103 -570 X 103 - 357 X 103 b2d2/3 O 853 X 103 653 X 103 &[((P + @(P + K - b d ) ] + + (b2&ß)] 28.7 X 106 34.0 x 106 17.8 X 106 Sununation of last line = 80.5+ 106 mm6 Warping factor H = 2 x 80.5 x 106 = 161 x 106m m 6 142 Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS O BSI 07-19% Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT . . 4.0 36.I I p --(G++ rw + -op V)fi I.. d' I 64.5 mm 17.67 X 16m - M 7 P W€" - "n) x:[b#p- w'n)l- -4647 -0.384 x 106 - - M') - 66.0 -31.0 28.4 13.8 32.8 3717 -12.8 - 1056 106 i::: 178.8 -9aa - lsss -1.893 x 1 6 -0.463 x I06 20.6 1649 -317 -0.913 x 106 - ]S1 -a - 2.594 x 106 4.605 x 106 1366 x 106 -5.186 x 106 7.198 x 1 6 bt[[(P- ITXP - IT - M'))+ 342 x 106 w2/9 -0.088 x 106 0.368 x 106 83 x 106 t (b%%3)] X~~.a"dw~=1211x10Dmms 143 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 10.0 62.5 4 - 184.3 M' (P- ITXP - K -67.3 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT - 0.913 x 1 0 6 0.806 x 106 595 x 106 .- . * "".--" ". l " Appendix H BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 Appendix H. Lateral torsional buckling of beams For a unifornl section synunetrical aboutthe n k o r axis only, M,, is given by the following: H.l Effective lengths of beams H.l.l Beams supported at both ends The effective length1 of a beanl for use in4.5.6.6. should be obtained from tableH.l for beanw with effective lateral restraintsat their ends only. For beanw with effective lateral restraintsat intervals within their length,the value of 1 should be taken as the length between restraints. + Xßx 21 y)"} GJ where H.1.2 Destabilizing loads Destabilizing load conditions exist whena load is applied to the top flange of a beam and boththe load and the flange are free to deflect laterally relative to the centroid of the beanl. In such cases the increased effective lengtksof table H.l should be used. For beanw carrying destabilizing loads with effective lateral restraints at intervals within their lengths,the value of 1 should be taken as 1.2 tinles the length between restraints. IX is the second moment of area around the major centroid axis YO is the distance between centroid and shear centre; A is the cross-sectional area of the H. 1.3 Cantilevers cantilever For cantilevers with no internlediate restraints and no x and y are the CO - ordinates of the element moment applied at the tip, the effective length 1 should respect to the of area dA with be obtained from tableR2. CO - ordinate axes through the If internlediate restraintsare provided, the values of 1 centroid. I for the lengths between restraints should be obtained from H.l.l or H.1.2. In both cases referencemay be made to published For cantilevers subjectedto a moment at the tip, 1 literature for solutions forMc, relating to loading should be obtained from H.l.l or H.1.2. arrangements other than unifornl monleAt. When such H.2 Determination of I allowances are made in d e t e m w g L,M in should be taken as the maxinlunl value in the beam. The lateral torsional buckling slenderness paranleterL is obtained from the following (see4.5.6.6@)): H.3 Beams of varying section throughout their A = R(ES/Mcr) length where When the section of a doubly symmetrical bean1 varies along its length between restraint points,the buckling stress P, should be deternined using the properties of Mcr is the elastic critical uniform monlent E and S are as defined in the section at the point of maxinlunl moment. This value of p , then applies throughoutthe length between For a doubly symmetricaluniform section, M,, is given restraint points andno further allowances forthe pattern of moments should be made. by the following: Provided that Rfis not less than 0.2, the value of L Mc, = (EIyGJ) (1 + n2 EHl12GJ) based on the cross-section at the point of nmximum moment should be multiplied by where (1.5 - 0.5Rf) 2 1.0 where Rf is the ratio of flange area at the point of IY issecond themoment of area about the centroid axis, minimum moment to that ai the point of maxin~unl G, J and H are as defined in 1.3. moment between adjacent restraint points. Rfrefers eitherto the ratio of total area of both flanges or to the area of the conlpression flange only, whichever givesthe smaller valueof Rf.Values of Rf less than 0.2 represent an extreme degree of flange taper which is not covered by this clause. ' 3 Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS ' Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- I ~~ BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 Appendix H 'bble H.1 Effective length 1 for beams of length L ILoading conditions Conditions of restraint at supports t Normal Compression flange laterally Both flanges fully restrainedagainst rotation on plan restrained Bean1 fully restrained against torsion Both flanges partially restrained against 0.85L rotation on plan Both flanges freeto rotate on plan 1.OL Compression flange laterally Restraint against torsion provided only 1.OL + W unrestrained. by positive connection of bottom flange Both flanges free to rotate on plan to supports Restraint against torsion provided only 1.2L + W by dead bearing of bottonl flange on supports Destabilizing 0.85L 1.OL 1.25 1.z+ 20 1.4+W I kble H.2 Effective length 1 for cantilever of length L T Loading conditions Restraint conditions i t support At tip 2ontinuous with lateral restraint only Free Laterally restrainedon top flange only Torsionally restrained only Laterally and torsionally restrained 2ontinuous with lateral and torsional Free Pstraint Lateral restraint on top flange only Torsionally restrained only Laterally and torsionally restrained Free Built-in laterally&d torsionally Lateral restraint on top flange only Torsionally restrained only LateraUy and torsionally restrained Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 1 Normal Destabilizing 3.0L 2.7L 2.4L 2. lL 1.OL 0.9L 0.W 0.7L O.% O. 7L 0.GL 0.5L 7.5L 7.5L 4.5L 3.m 2.5L 2.5L Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 1.5L 1.2L 1.U 1.4 0.GL 0.5L --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- ~~~ NOTE. D is the depth of beam. L is the bean enpth. ~~ ~ ~ STD-BSI BS 8118: PART 1-ENGL 1991 Appendix J --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Appendix J. 'Ilmional buckling of struts: determination of slenderness parameter A 5.1 General In strut design, the rigorous determination ofthe slenderness parameter1for torsional buckling tendsto be laborious. A sinlplified procedure is provided in using empirical fomwlae(see table 4.9), but this only covers a limited range of section shapes. The purpose of this appendix is to present a general procedure, that enables J. to be found for any section. This more rigorous procedure may of course be applied to the sections in table 4.9 if desired and economies may result. The treatment involvesthe use of the following properties of the section which nlay be found using appendix G (a) J is the torsion constane (b) Ip is the polar second monlentof area about shear centre; (c) H is the warping factor. 5.2 Buckling modes There are three fundamental modes forthe overall bucklmg of a strut, as follows, where uu and W are the principal axes of the section Pure torsional bucklingis defined as a bodily rotation of the section aboutits shear centre, over the central part of the length of the member. In practice this pure torsional buckling is only observed for certain shapes of section. For the majority of shapes it is found that interaction takes place between pure torsion and flexure, with the centre of rotation moving away from the shear centre. The resulting decreasein resistance to torsional bucklmg should be taken into account in design. (a) Bisymmetric m BS 8118 : Part 1 : 1991 The required quantityfor the slenderness paranleterJ. allowing for flexural interactionis obtained from the following: J. = kJ.t where k At is the interactionfactor(see 5.4); is the slenderness p m l e t e r that corresponds to torsional buckling (see5.3). 5.3 Determination of At The general expressionfor the slenderness At, correspondmg to pure torsional buckling,is as follows: 10 " = (1 + 26H/J12) % where Io 1 = 5.14 (Ida%; is the effectivebucklinglength; It should be noted that sections conlposed of radiating outstands do not warp when theytwist (H = O), giving At = 1,. Examples of such shapes are angles, tees and crucifornls. 5.4.1 Section free from flexural interaction It is found that the three fundanlental modes of overall buckling (see 5.2) do not interact with one another, when the sectionis of either of the following types (see figure J.1): (a) bisynnetric; @) skew-synmetric. For such sections k = 1, or in other words A = L,. In calculating At, 1 should be taken the sanle as for colunm buckliig about the nlqjor principal axis (see @) Skew-symmetric Figure J.l Sections which exhibit no interaction between thepure torsional and flexural buckling modes Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS O BSI 07-1999 Lb2libbS 075libli9 li3b 5.4 Determination of k (a) pure colunm, i.e. flexural, bucklig about W; (b) pure colunm buckling about uu; (c) pure torsional buckling. I ~ Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 147 5.4.3 Asgmmetric sections For sections having a singleaxis of synmetry ss (see figure J.2), the pure torsional mode interactswith colunm bucklingabout ss giving the following: When the section has no axis of synmletry, as in figure 5.3 the three fundanlental modesall interact, leading to an equation for I as follows: A = (&/.")It where I = kAt where k is read from figure 4.11 taking S and X as follows: S = Is/&; = IglIp; where x I, It Ig Ip is the slenderness paranleter for pure column buckling about SS; is the slendernessparanleterforpure torsional buckling; is the polar second nlonlent of area.about centroid G; is the second monlent of area about shear centre S. The effective length 1 to be used in finding I , and It should be found in accordance with, based on colunm buckling aboutSS. Q = Sv(3x/(C+ sv2))"; X = IglIp; SV = A&; 1, is the slenderness paranleter for pure C rP Uand V X NOTE. For such sections column buckling about the axis perpendicular to SS occurs independently, without interaction. colunm buckling aboutW; is the slenderness paranleter for pure torsional buckling; = (1 - u%pz) + y( 1 - v2/Yp2); is the polar radius of gyration of section about shear centre S are the coordinates of shear centre (see figure5.3); is the lowest root of the following cubic equation: $-@++-B=O where NOTE. The pure torsional buckling mode interacts with flexure about SS. 27@Y+ B = (C + $33 where y = Iu/Iv I" and I, are the second monlentsof area about use and W, the principal axes of section The cubic nlay be solved withthe aid of the nomogram illustrated in figure5.4 Figure 5.2 Monosymmetric section Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 148 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 5.4.2 Monosgmmetric sections ~ ~ STD-BSI BS BLLB: PART L-ENGL 1993 Appendix J L b 2 q b b l 077qb51 094 BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 U --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- NOTE.The three fundamental buckling modes (pure torsion, flexure about uu, flexure about W) all interact Figure 5.3 A symmetric section ~~~ Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS O BSI 07-1999 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 149 BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 Amendix .J 3.0 - 2.6 - - 0.1 o 2.5 - - 0.1 2 - --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- - 0.1 4 - - 0.1 6 - - 0.1 8 - - 0.20 - 0.22 - 0.24 - - 0.26 - 0.28 r2.4 - 0.30 - 0.32 - - 0.34 - 0.36 - 0.38 3.6 1.1 - 1.0 - 0.40 - 0.42 0.9 0.44 0.46 O.# 0.50 NOTE. The figure is taken from R. Kappus. ""sting failure of centrally loaded open section columns in the elastic range". NACA Technical Memorandum No.851,193. Figure 5.4 Nomogram for solving cubic equation x3 - Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 150 + Ax - B = O Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 ~ STD-BSI BS ALLB: PART It-ENGL 1991 H l b 2 4 b b 9 0794b53 9b7 m Appendix K BS 8118 : Part 1 : 1991 0.3 0.2 PS 4 0.1 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- O 100 120 140 160 180 200 P, is the buckling stress; P, is as defined in or Figure K.l. Buckling strength at high slenderness O BSI 07-1999 Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 151 L b 2 9 b b S 0794b59 B T 3 M Appendix K STD.BSI BS BLbLB: PART 1-ENGL 1993 BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 a b l e K . l Equations to design curves Figure Curve Formula 4.2 B A 4.5 A g=l g = 0.70 + 0.30 g = 0.801(1 - Y&), h = ( 1 + 0.1 (Cl¿ - 1)2]-E h = [ 1 + 2.5 ( C l t -1)2/(blt)]h = [ 1 + 4.5 (ch - 1)2)l(b/t)}kL = l l h - 28h2 kL = 1 0 5 1 ~ ~ kL = 1OIX - 24x2 kL = 10.51~~ kL = 3Ux - 2 2 0 1 ~ ~ kL = 2 9 1 ~ 198/x2 B C D E Range 7 < x I12.1 x 5 12.1 6 < x 5 12.9 x 2 12.9 x > 22 x > 18 kL = 1OWX2 where x = ßh 2x9 4.11 =[ 1+sz {(1+ - s2)2 - 4Xs2)" I" Buckling curves: --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- PS = NP1 where 4.9 4.10 (a) (b) (c) L12 (a) (b> A1 c 0.G 0.2 0.2 0.10 0.20 0.45 0.80 0.2 0.35 0.4 0.6 Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 152 0.20 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 Appendix K 1 I 'Igble K.l Equation to design curves (concluded) Figure :tuve 5.4 Formula v1 = (5.35 + 4 lange 6) 2 4 3 0 !.5 2 a > 1.0 d 5.5 5.6 5.7 e = 2-3 tan1 (au) v1 is as found from figure 5.4 E1 tr I25 9 = 1.0 = 1.0 TO "> 1 Tl --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS O BSI 07-1999 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 153 BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 Appendix L L.2 Conditions when higher fatigue strengths may occur L.l Derivation of fr - N data In some designs where fatigue doninates and where The designf, - N curves in figure 7.9 are obtained from the achievement of nlinimum mass or mininun initial constant amplitude test data with endurances generally cost is of particular economic importance,the option in the regionof to 2 X 106 cycles.Themajority of of obtaining specific fatigue strength data may be data have been obtained from narrow plate specimens resorted to (see 8.4.4). In order to make a decision in the region of 6 mm to 12 mm thick. More recently a whether or not to obtain further databy testing, the database of some 120fr - N curves for both extruded following factors may be taken into account. and fabricated I-beams in thicknesses inthe range (a) Benefits may result where residual stresses are 8 mm to 15 mm has also been included. Materials cover kept low or conlpressive in the direction of stress the more commonlyused 5 and 6 series fluctuation eitherby a carefuuy controlled alloys and 7020. fabrication sequence (particularly welding)or by The design curves representa survival probability of at subsequent mechanical improvement techniques, e.g. least 97.5 % for the classified details tested, whenall hole expansion or weld toe peening. The nlain the relevant tests data for each detail typeare analysed benefits are likely to occur wherethe damage arises together. 'lJqically the mean fatiguestrength& - N mainly from high endurance stress ranges in the curve forthe data within any one detail typeis 30 % to spectrum (see figureL.l) 50 % m e r than the design curve. @) Higher fatigue strengthsmay occur where the The curves are considered to be safe for any condition scale of the component is small. This may apply of mean stress up to the tensile proof stress. No when thicknesses and weld sizesare lower than relaxation is recommended for applied lower mean e mm. stresses as the actual mean stress local to positions of (c) If there is a stress gradient with a rapid potential fatigue crack initiation may be high even reduction of stress away from the initiation site, though the nominal stress is not. This applies hgher fatigue strengthsmay occur, for exampleat a particularly to welded structures and complex transverse welded attachmentor a plate in bending. structures where weld shrinkage and lackof fit (d) If the spectrunl shape is fairly flat with a large stresses can occur respectively, number of cycles at or below the constant amplitude The new curve prodùcedby the change in slopeof the non-propagating stress level, the effective slope design curve beyond 5 X 106 cycles has been chosento beyond 5 X 106 cycles may be significantly flatter be a lower bound to take account of danmge due to a (see figure L. 1). high stress range in the spectrum. A high stress range If testing is resorted to and a higher strength obtained, can allow stress ranges below the initial it is important that the conditions for fabrication are non-propagating stress level to add to crack growth in any way during production.This applies not varied damage. In the absence of variable amplitudetest data to detail geometry, sequence (including jigging and the lower slope of m + 2 has been found by fracture welding), weld quality, surface preparation (including mechanics to be safe for most commonly used maclurung, hole drilling and cleaning). spectrum shapes. Appendix L. Fatigue strength data *** , *** ~ --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 154 Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 STDOBSI BS 8118: PART 1-ENGL L991 m 1b2'IbbS 0 7 9 q b 5 7 502 W Appendix L BS 8118 :Part 1 : 1991 I I io5 5 x106 Endurance N (cycles) Figure L . l Zone of greatest variation in effective& - N curves --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- BSI 07-1999 Copyright British StandardsO Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT 155 STD=BSI BS 8118: PART 1-ENGL 1991 BS 8118 : Part 1 : 1991 1b24bb9 0794b58 gq9 " Publications referred to BS 499 BS 729 BS llGl BS 1470 BS 1471 BS 1472 BS 1473 BS 1474 BS 1490 --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- BS 1974 BS 2451 BS 2573 BS 2901 BS 3019 BS 3518 BS 3571 BS 4300 BS 4395 BS 4604 BS 4870 BS 5350 BS 5400 BS 5500 BS 5G49 156 Welding terms and symbols Part 1 Glossary f o r welding, brazing and thermal cutting Part 2 Specification f o r s p b o l s for welding Specification for hot dip galvanized coatings on ironand steel articles Specification for aluminiumaUoy sections for structural purposes Specvication for wroughtaluminium and aluminium alloys f o r general engineering purposes: plate, sheet and strip Specification f o r wrought aluminiumand aluminium alloys f o r general engineering purposes - drawn tube Specification f o r wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys f o r g& engineering purposes -forging stock and forgings Specvication f o r wrought aluminium and aluminium aUoys f o r general engineering purposes - rivet, bolt and screw stock Specification f o r wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys f o r general engineering purposes - bars, extruded round tubes and sections Specification f o r aluminium and aluminium aUoy ingots and castingsf o r general engineering purposes SpecZfication for large aluminium aUoy rivets (Yi in. to 1 in. nominal diameters) Specification f o r chided iron shot and grit Rules f w the design of manes F i k rods and wires for gas-shielded arc welding Part 4 Specificationf o r aluminium and aluminium alloys and magnesium alloys TIG welding Part 1 Specification f o r TIG welding of aluminium, magnesium and theira h y s Methods of fatigue testing MIG welding Part 1 Specification f o r MIG welding of aluminium and aluminium alloys Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys f o r general engineering purposes (supplementayy series) Part 1 Aluminium ahoy longitudinally welded tube Part 12 5454 Bars, extruded round tube and sections Part 14 7020 Plate, sheet and strip Part 15 7020 Bar, extruded round tube and sections Specification for high strength f i c t i o n grip bolts and associated nuts and washersfor structural engineering Part 1 G e n e m l grade Spec$ficationfor the use of high strengthfmction grip bolts in structural steelwork. Metric series Part 1 General grade Speafication f o r approval testing of welding procedures Part 2 TIG or MIG of aluminium and its alloys Methods of test for adhesives Part C5 Determination of bond strength in longitudinal shear Steel, concrete and composite bridges Part 10 Code of practice for fatigue Specification for unfired fusion welded pressure vessels Lighting columns Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT O BSI 07-1999 S T D = B S I BS 8118: PART 3-ENGL 1991 BS 6105 BS 6399 BS 8100 BS 8118 CP 3 CP 143 PD 6484 Is0 209 IS0 2107 1b2qbb9 079qb59 385 m BS 8118 : Part 1 : 1991 Specification f o r corrosion-resistant stainlesssteel fasteners Loading for buildings Part 1 Code of practice for dead and imposed loads Lattice towers and masts Structurai useof aluminium Part 2 Specification for materials, workmanship and protection Code of basic data f o r the design of buildings Chapter V Loading Part 2 Wind loads Code of practice for sheet roof and W& coverings Part 15 Aluminium. Metric units Commentary on corrosion at bimetaUic contacts and its aUeviation Wrought aluminium and aluminium aUoys - Chernical composition and forms of products Part 1 Chemical composition Aluminium, magnesium and their &YS - Temper designations R. Kappus, Twisting failureof centra& loaded open section columns in elastic range'. NACA Technical Memorandum No. 851, 1938. BS EN 10002 Tensile testing of metuUic materials Part 1 Method of test at ambient temperature --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT BS 8118 : Part 1 : 1991 BSI - British StandardsInstitution BSI is the independent national body responsible for preparing British Standards.It presents the UK view on standards in Europe andat the international level, Itis incorporated by Royal Charter. Revisions British Standardsare updated by amendmentor revision. Users of BritishStandards should makesure that they possess the latest amendments or editions. It is the constant aim of BSI to improve the quality of our products and services. 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This does not preclude thefree use, in the course of implementingthe standard,of necessary details suchas symbols, and size, type or grade designations.If these details are to be used for anyother purposethan implementation thenthe prior written permissionof BSI must be obtained. --`,,,,,,`,,,``,```,,`,````,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- If pennission is granted, the terms may include royalty paymentsor a licensing agreement. Details and advicecan be obtained fromthe Copyright Manager. Tel: 020 8996 7070. BSI 389 Chiswick High Road London W4 4AL Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=GHKSAR - Architectural Svc Dept/5905334001 Not for Resale, 06/17/2008 21:19:52 MDT