Team Charter Team Name: Team Purpose: Team Values: Team Goals: Team Members Roles/Responsibilities Name Role Responsibilities Lead facilitator Schedule regular meetings, facilitate the meetings, and ensure all submissions are made in a timely manner. Design Lead Lead the development of the reference list and ensure that the presentation slides meet business design standards. Research Coordinator Lead the research process to identify the topics to be explored. Ensure that each team member is assigned specific topics and resources to explore. Delegate interview responsibilities. Interview Lead Direct effort to find an interviewee (a business professional with work experience in the foreign country) Agendas/Minutes Produce and distribute. Under no circumstance should this role be simply assigned to someone. It is recommended to split the duties amongst everyone on the team. Communication Strategy Lead Lead the audience analysis effort, guide the team in formulating responses to all segments of the worksheet and outline. Team Deadlines: List the dates that you will complete each step of this project, including due dates for all project deliverables. Team Meeting Schedule: Set up a schedule of regular meetings (at least once a week) Team Protocol: How will you stay in touch with each other? How will you handle absences from scheduled meetings? How will you handle missed deadlines? Team Decision-Making Protocol: How will you make decisions? Team Feedback: How will you give each other feedback? What tool will you use? Team GSU Email Addresses Provide each student’s GSU email address. Your Oath Each team member will e-sign the document to complete your team charter. I have read this charter and agree to do my best to build an effective team and create a business professional team project. Team Member Name E-signature Date Team Member Name E-signature Date Team Member Name E-signature Date Team Member Name E-signature Date Team Member Name E-signature Date Team Member Name E-signature Date Team Member Name E-signature Date