SYLLABUS: MKTG 469 Global Marketing Online (41283), Spring 2025 Course Begins: Tuesday, January 14, 2025; Course Ends: Thursday, May 1, 2025 Instructor: Dr. Lez Trujillo Torres (You can address me as Prof. Trujillo or Prof. Lez) Location and Time: Burnham Hall 209; 9:30 AM-10:45 AM Email: Office Hours: Thursdays: 10:50 AM – 11:25 AM (UH 2519; email for attendance confirmation) or by appointment Prerequisites MKTG 360 (Introduction to Marketing) and BA 200 (Management Communication) Description/Objectives This course is designed to provide you with knowledge beyond that of domestic marketing that would enable you to understand and make practical decisions relevant to entering and competing in foreign markets. The course introduces the main characteristics of international markets and addresses the impact of global environmental factors (economic, social, legal, and cultural) on marketing decisions such as market entry, product development, pricing, promotion, and distribution. The course also covers important contemporary global topics such as the intersection of global marketing and inequalities, poverty, sustainability, artificial intelligence, social media, etc., to learn about the influence, application, and consequences of global marketing. The following learning outcomes are expected for students by the end of course. Students will be able to: • identify and explain fundamental issues facing companies expanding into foreign markets • identify and evaluate approaches for entering international markets • analyze global marketing situations and develop effective marketing plans • describe how culture impacts marketing plans a strategies Understand trends, opportunities, and challenges facing today’s global consumers Required Textbook Title: Global Marketing Author(s): Mark C. Green and Warren J. Keegan Publisher: Pearson Edition/Year: 10th edition ISBN13: 9780134899756 NOTE: Older/newer or international editions of this textbook cannot be used. Course assignments are built for the 10th edition only Course Information In this course you will have four elements - both individual and as a team. 1. LECTURES (Individual): These sessions cover key content and may include guest speakers and/ team presentations. You will need to review assigned reading/viewing materials from the required textbook and other materials assigned (located in the Weekly Content folder) by the instructor that before the lectures. o Lecture summary (5 pts each). At the end of each lecture, students will upload a lecture summary to a Blackboard discussion. o Late arrivals or early departures will involve a deduction proportional to amount of time students spent in class. o Late submissions will receive a deduction of 1 point for every day that summary is late. o Note if you did not attend class, you cannot submit lecture notes. o Accommodations for major emergencies or circumstances will be at the discretion of the instructor and requires documentation and proactive communication by students. 2. HOT TOPIC PRESENTATION (Team): In small teams, students will choose a case study in Week 1 from a list prepared by the professor of issues related to global marketing. These will post it on the Discussion Board. Presenting students: You will develop an infographic or a multimedia element and present it to the rest of the class for 6-7 minutes. You will also identify and share one reading and one video related to your topic and, depending on enrollment, create some questions and/or activities for your classmates to do during class (5 min). More specific instructions are available in Syllabus and Guidelines. Non-presenting students will provide feedback to presenters in class and on Blackboard.). If you did not attend class, you cannot submit feedback. Points for major documentable emergencies or circumstances will be at the discretion of the instructor. Students will complete a peer evaluation form to ensure proper credit and grade is assigned to participating students. Hot Topic Extra credit: Individual students can earn 5pts (one time only) by presenting a (4-5 min) Hot Topic to the class to make up for one lecture absence. More details to follow. 3. GLOBAL MARKETING PLAN (Team): Students in teams will identify a “client” and create a global marketing plan for a company or brand throughout the course. Here are the key deliverables: Week 1 - Students will form teams Week 7 -Teams will briefly introduce their client, country, and data collected for the project Week 15-16: Marketing presentations and plans are due Students will complete a peer evaluation form to ensure proper credit and grade is assigned to participating students. 4. EXAMS (Individual): Two exams (Weeks 6 and Week 13). Each Exam will be worth 50 points. A few extra credit questions will be provided. Your instructor will post additional announcements pertaining to exams prior to the exam time. You will find the weekly course materials in the Weekly Content folder . Grades The course has a total of 305 points: Lecture summaries (18 x 5 pts) = 90 pts Hot Topic presentation (team): 30 pts o Presentation and infographic: 20 pts o Individual feedback to presenting teams (2 sessions; 14 teams):10 pts 2 Exams (50 pts each): 100 pts Team Project (Team Points): 105 pts o Midterm presentation and slides: 15 pts o Individual Midterm feedback to presenters (2 sessions; 14 teams): 10 pts o Final presentation and slides: 50 pts o Individual feedback to other presenting teams (4 sessions; 14 teams): 30 pts Course Evaluations As a final assignment, students will be expected to complete a confidential online course evaluation known as a SIT evaluation. These evaluations provide very important feedback to me and the college and will be used for course improvement. You will receive an email from the Office of Faculty Affairs inviting you to complete your course evaluations and will receive an email confirmation when you have completed each one. Please save and upload your confirmation email for this course to Blackboard. Your answers will remain completely confidential and will not be shared with me. Students can earn 3 points as extra credit. Learning Activities Week Week1 Content Topic Introduction to Global Marketing Introduction to Global Marketingcontinued Week 2 Week 3 Week 5 1, 16 continued Case 1-2 and Case 1-3 Assignment/Submissions Tu 1/14: -Lecture summary due (S) -Team formation activities Thr 1/16: -Lecture summary due (S) -Class activity The Global Economic Environment 2 Case 2-1 Tu 1/21: -Lecture summary due (S) -Team deadline for “hot topic” identification The Global Trade Environment Social and Cultural Environment 3 Case 3-2 4 Thr 1/23 -Lecture summary due (S) Tu 1/28: - Lecture summary due (S) - Global product tasting activity Hot topic presentations Week 4 Text Readings *(Chapters) 1, 16 The Political, Legal, and Regulatory Environments Off-site Team activity Global Market Research and Market Selection Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning See links provided by classmates on Blackboard 5 Case 5-2 6 Case 6-1 7 Case 7-2, Renova case Thr 1/30 -(6 teams) presentations feedback due (H) Tu 2/4: - Lecture summary due (S) Thr 2/6: Activity summary due (S) Tu 2/11: -Lecture summary due (S) Exam 1 light Review (ch. 1-7) Guest lecture - STP 7 Week 6 Exam 1 week (ch. 1-7) See BB Week 7 Marketing Plan Overview (Zoom) Importing, Exporting, and Sourcing Week 8 Week 10 Thr 2/20 -Team summary due (S) Tu 2/25: -Lecture summary due (S) Case 8-1 Friday 2/28-Deadline for marketing plan “client” and country Global Market-Entry Strategies 9 Case 9-2 Thr 2/27 -Lecture summary due (S) Product and Branding Strategies 10, 15 Tu 3/4: -Lecture summary due (S) Pricing Decisions Week 9 8 Thr 2/13 -Lecture summary due (S) Tu 2/18: Exam 1 (Blackboard) Marketing Planmidterm presentations Case 10-1 Case 15-2 11 See reading on Dynamic Pricing. Case 11-1 5 min presentations with 3 slides max Thr 3/6 -Lecture summary due (S) Tu 3/11 - global marketing plan team presentations -presentations feedback due Marketing Planmidterm presentationscontinued 5 min presentations with 3 slides max Thr 3/13 - global marketing plan team presentations -presentations feedback due Channels and Physical Distribution 12 Case 12-1 See reading on BB Tu 3/26: -Lecture summary due (S) Global Marketing Communications: 13 Case 13-2 See BB reading Thr 3/28: -Lecture summary due (S) Week 11 Week 12 Advertising and Public Relations Spring Break (March 24-28) Sales, Promotion, Personal Selling 14 See BB reading Tu 4/1: Lecture summary due (S) Strategic Elements of Competitive Advantage 16, 17 Thr 4/3: Lecture summary due (S) Case 16-2 -Brief Exam 2 overview (ch. 8-17) Week 13 Leadership, Organization, and CSR Exam 2 Ch 8-17 Hot Topic presentations Week 14 Week 15 Tu 4/8: Exam 2 (Blackboard) Thr 4/10 -(8 teams) presentations feedback due (H) Team activities and check in N/A Team activities and check in N/A Marketing Plan presentations N/A Tu 4/15 -Teamwork day and team meetings with professor Thr 4/17 -Teamwork day and team meetings with professor Tu 4/22 and Final Marketing Plans presentations -presentations feedback due Thr 4/24: Final Marketing Plans presentations -presentations feedback due Week 16 Marketing Plan presentations Tu 4/29: Final Marketing Plan presentations -presentations feedback due Th 5/1: Final Marketing Plan presentations -presentations feedback due -end of class celebration (M) Monday; (Tu) Tuesday; (W) Wednesday; (Th) Thursday; (F) Friday; (Sa) Saturday; (Su) Sunday; Lecture summary (S); Hot Topic presentation (H) * other suggested readings, videos, and podcasts may be assigned throughout the semester Required Policies N/A Attendance Students are required to attend ALL course activities such as course lectures, discussions, class presentations, etc. as specified. Students will not earn a grade for activities missed during absences. Students must provide documentation to and seek advance approval (if possible) from instructor in case of major emergencies or circumstances. Points for major emergencies or circumstances may be earned at the discretion of the instructor. Note your grade depends on class attendance, given we have several in-class activities, so attendance is crucial to your success in this class. Non-major emergencies will be addressed on a case-by-case basis please contact the instructor. Children are welcome to join the class in the case of emergencies. Communication: Students usually correspond with me through email. You can expect a reply within 24-48 hours from Monday through Friday. If you prefer, we can schedule a time to meet. All students are encouraged to attend office hours. Office hours are an excellent way to interact with the instructor and central to future requests for letters of recommendation. Web applications: This course will utilize the Blackboard (Bb) website as the main vehicle of communication. If you are unfamiliar with using BB please direct your questions to Academic Computing. If you do not use your UIC e-mail address as your primary e-mail account, you must forward your UIC mail to the primary account. Please make a habit of checking the website for announcements that I may post between classes. I will use Bb for posting information about such things as assignments, case preparations, and the posting of grades. I may also require the use of other applications for class assignments too such as Canva ( Policies on assignment submissions. Late work will result in deductions (usually 20% of the total number of points for each late day). No points will be awarded for submissions beyond five days after deadline. It is your responsibility to communicate with the instructor before deadlines unless there is a major documentable emergency. After reading the schedule, if you see a conflict, please let the instructor know ASAP. Participation: To benefit from the course materials and discussions, it is essential that you review the assigned readings in advance. You are expected to share your knowledge and views by participating in class. Syllabus Disclaimer: This syllabus includes the general plan for the course and at times, changes may be necessary. It is your responsibility to stay abreast of these changes. Changes will be announced on the Blackboard course site or by emails to the entire class. Academic Integrity This course and its associated coursework are being administered under the policies of the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) College of Business Administration Honor Code. All students are expected to respect and uphold the CBA Student Code of Ethics found on pages 9-10 of the UIC Business Student Handbook: 2015_2016.pdf. In keeping with CBA policy, evidence of academic dishonesty may result in a failing grade for the course and disciplinary review by the University. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating (giving or receiving aid), fabrication/falsification, plagiarism (including not accurately referencing source material), bribes, favors or threats, examination by proxy (taking an exam for someone else), grade tampering and submitting non-original works authored by someone other than the student. Instances of academic misconduct by students will be handled pursuant to the UIC Student Disciplinary Policy: Accommodation for Students with Disabilities Concerning disabled students, the University of Illinois at Chicago is committed to maintaining a barrier-free environment so that individuals with disabilities can fully access programs, courses, services, and activities at UIC. Students with disabilities who require accommodations for full access and participation in UIC Programs must be registered with the Disability Resource Center (DRC). Please contact DRC at (312) 413-2183 (voice) or (312) 413- 0123 (TDD). More information may also be found at the DRC Website located at . Students requesting accommodation must provide each instructor with a letter outlining the specific accommodations requested for a specific course. These letters are developed by the DRC in coordination with the student and presented to the instructor by the student prior to the start of each semester. College of Business Administration (CBA) and UIC Resources and Support If you encounter difficulty with the course material or any other challenges in your student life, please feel free to seek out help! A wide variety of information can be found in the “Resources and Support” section of your Blackboard Learn course site. The UIC Student Support web page provide direct links to these resources and other services. If you can’t find what you need there or have other issues beyond the class – contact your instructor or advisor so that they can help refer you to the appropriate support. Department Student Pool You have the ability to earn 2% extra credit via participation in the Department Study Pool (for the Department of Managerial Studies and the Department of Marketing) or via the alternative methods on the Menu of Extra Credit Alternatives. Note that a student may not exceed 2% extra credit through participation in study pool research and/or research alternatives. Complete information is on Blackboard.