Material de Lectura INGLÉS III Unidad II LESSON-4 “You and your Company” Profesora Ramona Lucía Ibáñez de Mongelós San Lorenzo, Campus FPUNA, Mayo 2020 Universidad Nacional de Asunción - Facultad Politécnica - Departamento de Gestión IMK Inglés III – Unit 2 Lesson 4 LESSON-4 You and your Company Job description and company activities Resumen UNIDAD-II includes the use of the Simple Present tense to describe jobs and the activities in the company where we work. There are lots of situations where you have to introduce yourself, to your customers or you may meet someone new and you want to tell them about your job. Maybe they ask you about it. So how do you do that? Do you just say: "I am a salesman" and that's it? No, you need to say a bit more than that It is very important to introduce yourself and your job or profession in English. You need to learn chunks of language and expressions that you can use in work and business. You will see why and how they are used in different situations. LA UNIDAD-II incluye el uso del Presente Simple para describir los trabajos y las actividades en la empresa donde trabajamos. Hay muchas situaciones en las que tienes que presentarte, a tus clientes o puedes conocer a alguien nuevo y quieres contarles sobre tu trabajo. Quizás te pregunten al respecto. Asique como haces eso? ¿Simplemente dices: "Soy un vendedor" y eso es todo? No, necesitas decir un poco más que eso. Es muy importante presentarte a ti mismo y a tu trabajo o profesión en inglés. Necesitarás aprender fragmentos del lenguaje y expresiones que puedes usar en el trabajo y los negocios. Verás porqué y cómo se usan cada uno de ellos en diferentes situaciones. 1 Universidad Nacional de Asunción - Facultad Politécnica - Departamento de Gestión IMK Inglés III – Unit 2 Lesson 4 1. ¿Cómo respondemos estas preguntas en PRESENTE SIMPLE? What do you do? What do you do for a living? POSSIBLE ANSWERS I’m a salesman. What is your occupation? I´m a marketing manager. What type of work do you do? I´m an electronic engineer. I’m in sales. (job-general) (general) I´m in marketing. I´m in electronics. I’m in the toy business. (industry) I´m in computer business. I’m a contractor at PETROBRAS. (specific) I’m a consultant for ITAU Bank. I’m a businessman/woman. (job-general) I’m in business. (general) I’m in the toy business. (industry) I’m a consultant for ANDE. (specific) If you work for yourself you can say; (Si trabajas por tu cuenta puedes decir) “I am self-employed.” … “I own a small business.” … “I own a small restaurant.” …. “I own a graphic design company.” 2. How do you answer this question if you don´t have a job? (¿Cómo respondes a esta pregunta si no tienes trabajo?) You can say: “I am unemployed.”(estoy desempleado) “I am between jobs at the moment.” (estoy en uno que otro empleo) 2 Universidad Nacional de Asunción - Facultad Politécnica - Departamento de Gestión IMK Inglés III – Unit 2 Lesson 4 3. ¿Cómo respondemos estas preguntas en PRESENTE SIMPLE? Where do you work? “¿Dónde trabajas?” What company do you work for? “¿Para qué empresa trabajas?” It seems like a simple question, but there´re many ways to answer: I work at… I work in… I work for… I work with… Aprendamos cuándo usar cada PREPOSICIÓN: I WORK AT/FOR… (NAME OF COMPANY) For examples: “I work at ITAU BANK.” “I work for ANDE.” You can also use “for” if you work directly for a famous person: “I work for President Marito. I’m his public relations manager.” I WORK IN… a place: I work in an office. I work in a school. I work in a factory. a city/country: I work in Buenos Aires. I work in Brasil. a department: a general area/industry: I work in the marketing department. I work in human resources. I work in sales. I work in finance. I work in medical research. I work in consulting. 3 Universidad Nacional de Asunción - Facultad Politécnica - Departamento de Gestión IMK Inglés III – Unit 2 Lesson 4 4. ¿Cómo respondemos estas preguntas en PRESENTE SIMPLE? What do you do there? What do you do at Itau Bank? I WORK WITH… (THINGS / PEOPLE .. THAT ARE THE OBJECTS OF YOUR DAY-TO-DAY WORK) I work with computers. I’m a teacher. I work with special-needs children. If you want to add more details about your work, you can USE these phrases: “I’m responsible for…” “I’m in charge of…” “My job involves…” After these phrases, USE the -ING form of the verb: I’m responsible for updating the company website. (to update) “Soy responsable de actualizar el sitio web de la empresa.” I’m in charge of interviewing candidates for jobs. (to interview) “Estoy a cargo de entrevistar candidatos para puestos de trabajo.” My job involves giving tours of the museum. (to give) “Mi trabajo consiste en dar recorridos por el museo.” Try this VIDEO activity-1: click on 4 Universidad Nacional de Asunción - Facultad Politécnica - Departamento de Gestión IMK Inglés III – Unit 2 Lesson 4 5. Y esta pregunta, ¿Cómo respondemos en PRESENTE SIMPLE? Do you like your job? “¿Te gusta tu trabajo?” There´re different ways to talk about how you feel about your work. (Hay diferentes frases para decir cómo te sientes con tu empleo). My job is interesting / exciting. I like my job because…. I find my work very rewarding. (this means it satisfies you and makes you feel good) The work is quite challenging. (“challenging” can be a way to say it’s difficult, but with a positive connotation; you enjoy the difficulty) I do not like my job because…. My job is tough / tiring / demanding. The work is rather dull / boring / repetitive. (“dull” is another way to say “boring,” and “repetitive” means you do the same type of task multiple times; there’s not much variation) I like to… I don't like to … …+ VERB I like … I enjoy…. I don't like … …+ VERB-ing Examples: I enjoy working with people. I like to work with people. I don´t like dealing with difficult employees. The part I don't really like is to deal with children. I enjoy my work environment. 5 Universidad Nacional de Asunción - Facultad Politécnica - Departamento de Gestión IMK Inglés III – Unit 2 Lesson 4 6. KEYWORDS about company and job description Look for the meanings Multinational corporation Shareholding Founder Subsidiary División Branch Annual turnover Revenue Headquarters Stores Brands Profit Workforce Achieve Customers/clients Position Charge Deal with Competitors Produce / manufacture Provide / offer Products / services Market share a large company that does business in several different countries a part of a company that is owned by a person or by other company a person who establishes an organization a smaller company that is owned by another bigger company one of the sectors or groups in a business or organization Organizational the amount of business that a company does in one year Examples: Chief, CEO, manager, director, secretary, advisor,consultant, Study more useful expressions to describe a company …was founded in/by... headquartered in... ... has a workforce of ...... people ... employs ... people ... operates ... subsidiaries ...has shareholdings in ... ...runs ... stores worldwide the biggest ... in the world ...achieved an annual turnover of... ...made a profit of.. … credit control… / cash flow … chasing money… … challenge… … long hour.. … initiatives.. … recruiting new employees 6 Universidad Nacional de Asunción - Facultad Politécnica - Departamento de Gestión IMK Inglés III – Unit 2 Lesson 4 Study more useful expressions to describe a company Headquarters headquartered in... based in... ...was History ...was founded in/by... …was established in... Employees ... has a workforce of ... people …employs... people Size ... operates ... subsidiaries ...has shareholdings in ... ... has a ... percent stake in ... ...runs ... stores worldwide Market position currently the world's largest... the biggest ... in the world ... …is one of the largest companies in ... …has a ... percent market share… Financial results ...achieved an annual turnover of.. ...made a profit of… 7 Universidad Nacional de Asunción - Facultad Politécnica - Departamento de Gestión IMK Inglés III – Unit 2 Lesson 4 7. ESSENTIAL EMPLOYMENT VOCABULARY When you are officially accepted into a new job at a company, you are hired by the company. For example: “I was hired by an insurance company just two weeks after graduating from college.” When you’re hired, you become an employee of the company. The company becomes your employer. The other employees in the company are your colleagues or coworkers. The person above you who is responsible for your work is your boss or supervisor. Your Work schedule: (tu horario laboral / de trabajo) You can work full-time (usually about 40 hours per week) or part-time (usually 15-25 hours per week). A small number of companies offer flex-time, (the employee can set his/her own schedule). In some jobs, you work shifts (the hours aren’t the same every day; instead, you work a specific block of hours that the manager schedules). If you work overtime, (you work extra hours in addition to your normal schedule.) We typically use the expressions: go to work for arriving at work, and get off work for leaving work. For example: “I go to work at 8:30, and I get off work at 5.” Your commute is how long it takes you to arrive at work by car or public transportation. For example: “I have a 20-minute commute.” Some jobs allow you to work remotely (you can work from home or another place with an internet connection, and you communicate with your coworkers by phone, e-mail, and video conferencing)g. 8 Universidad Nacional de Asunción - Facultad Politécnica - Departamento de Gestión IMK Inglés III – Unit 2 Lesson 4 How much does your job pay? How much do you make monthly? How much do you earn? As an employee of a company, you earn a salary (the money you receive regularly for your work). Don’t make the mistake of saying: “win a salary” The correct verb is “earn a salary.” If you’re good at your job, you might get a pay raise (or a raise) (an increase in your salary) You could also get a promotion (an increase in importance and authority). At the end of the year, some companies give their employees a bonus (extra money for work well done). The opposite of “hire” is fire (when your company forces you to leave your job). Usually if someone is fired, it’s because they did something bad. For example: “Peter was fired because he never came to work on time.” If an employee loses his or her job because of a neutral reason, like the company reducing its size, then we say the employee was laid off. For example: “Donna was laid off when her company started having financial problems due to COVID-19.” 9 Universidad Nacional de Asunción - Facultad Politécnica - Departamento de Gestión IMK Inglés III – Unit 2 Lesson 4 If you decide to leave your job, there are three verbs you can use: “I am going to quit my job.” (abandonar) ”I’m going to leave my job.” (dejar) “I am going to resign.” (renunciar) “Quit” is informal, “resign” is formal, and “leave” can be formal or informal. When an old person decides to stop working, the verb for this is retire. In most countries, people retire around age 65. If you’re older than that and you’ve stopped working, you can describe your current situation by saying: “I’m retired.” Cuando una persona mayor decide dejar de trabajar, se usa el verbo “retirarse”. En la mayoría de los países, las personas se jubilan alrededor de los 65 años. Si eres mayor que eso y has dejado de trabajar, puedes describir tu situación actual diciendo:"Estoy retirado." Keywords: hired shifts overtime commute work pay remotely Try this VIDEO activity-2: click on raise fired laid off resign retire Job and Employment 10 Universidad Nacional de Asunción - Facultad Politécnica - Departamento de Gestión IMK Inglés III – Unit 2 Lesson 4 8. REVIEW this Lesson & PRACTICE your PRONUNCIATION Talking about your Work in English (practica con este video) Try this VIDEO activity-3: click on 9. Let´s review the USE of the Simple Present Try this VIDEO activity-4: click on 10. Review the TIME IN ENGLISH Try this VIDEO activity-5: click on 11 Universidad Nacional de Asunción - Facultad Politécnica - Departamento de Gestión IMK Inglés III – Unit 2 Lesson 4 11. Now…do the activities! Completar TAREAS en base a Guía de Actividad A4.1 Guía de Actividad A4.2 Guía de Actividad A4.3 Guía de Actividad A4.4 Guía de Actividad A4.5 ------- End of LESSON 4 Unit 2------- 12 Universidad Nacional de Asunción - Facultad Politécnica - Departamento de Gestión IMK Inglés III – Unit 2 Lesson 4 Referencias: ESL GOLD . (s. f.). Free resources for teachers and students to make English as a Second Language available to everyone. Recuperado 31 de mayo de 2020, de ABC Australia. (2011a, junio 9). The Business of English - Episode 1: Pleased to meet you. Recuperado 5 de junio de 2020, de Shawenglish. (2013, 19 noviembre). Business English. Recuperado 6 de junio de 2020, de Rachel’s English Academy. (2008). Home Page. Recuperado 7 de junio de 2020, de Oxford Online English. (2020, 14 abril). Presentations in English – Video. Recuperado 3 de junio de 2020, de University of Washington IELP. (2020). Business English Communication Skills. Recuperado de Entrepreneur Small Business Encyclopedia. (2020, 14 junio). Business Card Definition. Recuperado 14 de junio de 2020, de Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries | Find definitions, translations, and grammar explanations at Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries. (1992). Recuperado 15 de julio de 2020, de Robinson, N. (2010). Cambridge English for Marketing Student’s Book with Audio CD (1.a ed.). Oxford, UK: Cambridge University Press. 13