Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL Grade 8 Daily Lesson Log Junior HS Science Week No. 1 I. OBJECTIVES School Teacher Grade Level Learning Area 8 Living Things and Their Environment (Biology) Teaching Dates Quarter Fourth MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Content Standard 1. The concept of a species. 2. The species as being further classified into a hierarchical taxonomic system. Performance Standard Able to report (e.g., through a travelogue) on the activities that communities engage in to protect and conserve endangered and economically important species. Learning Competency Explain the concept of a species; Explain the advantage of high biodiversity in maintaining the stability of an ecosystem. DAILY TASK Code: S8LT-IVg-19 Differentiate the three levels of biodiversity. Describe the species as a reproductively distinct group of organisms. Differentiate natural from man-made biodiversity in Inland and aquatic ecosystem. Explain the advantage of high biodiversity over low biodiversity. Summative Test Biodiversity 1.Species diversity II. CONTENT 2. Hierarchical taxonomic system of classification. 3.Protection and conservation of endangered and economically important species. III. LEARNING RESOURCES Teacher’s Guide Pages 169 - 170 Pages 169 - 170 Learner’s Materials Pages 223 - 224 Pages 223 - 224 Additional Materials Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar First Version: November 2016 Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 1 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL IV. LEARNING TASKS What comes into your mind when you hear the word Biodiversity. What makes up biodiversity? ELICIT Give examples for each component. Post a colored picture showing biodiversity. ENGAGE (Solicit ideas from the class) What are the two components of an ecosystem? List down on the board the organisms present in the picture. Ask your students to give a word 1. Do you think these or words to describe what they organisms can interbreed with see in the picture. one another? Why? 2. Can a duck reproduce when Teacher write students’ paired with a chicken? Support responses on the board and use your answer. them as springboard. arch/biodiversity Show a video ?v=GK_vRtHJZu4 Show to the class pictures. What type of ecosystem is shown in the 1st picture? In the 2nd picture? Drill about Natural & Manmade Ecosystem 1. Which ecosystem requires higher energy input? 2. Which needs lower maintenance? 3. Which has lower biodiversity? Show picture of sugarcane plantation and marine ecosystem. Which picture shows more organisms of different kinds? How about this one? And this one? Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar First Version: November 2016 Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 2 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL Essential Questions: What are the levels of biodiversity? How do they differ from one another? Video Clip Presentation Show to the class a video clip showing the different levels of biodiversity ?v=7xZz132NEpA EXPLORE Essential Question: Can we consider species as a reproductively distinct group of organisms? Why do you think so? Group Activity Complete the table: Pair of organisms Can reproduce? YES or NO Carabao & Cow Azkal & German Shepherd Reporting of Outputs. Reasons Essential Question: How natural biodiversity differs from man-made biodiversity in Inland and aquatic ecosystem? Board work 1. Using the same pictures on the board, identify which is NATURAL & MAN-MADE ECOSYTEM and support your answer. 2.Make a table and ask the students to supply the answer. Essential Question: What is the advantage of high biodiversity over low biodiversity? Brain storming List down the different species present in the pictures. What do you think is considered to have high biodiversity? Put √ if is present and x if absent. Natural Ecosystem Manmade Ecosystem 1. Which one requires higher energy input? 2. Which one needs lower maintenance? 3. Which has greater biodiversity? Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar First Version: November 2016 Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 3 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL Ask these questions: 1. What is biodiversity? 2. Where does this word come from? 3. What are the levels of biodiversity? 4. How can you distinguish one from the other? Based from what you have learned in the activity, describe species as a reproductively distinct group of organisms. Ask these questions: Why do you think that these pictures/words belong to NATURAL biodiversity? to MAN-MADE biodiversity? Ask these questions: When can you say that a certain ecosystem has a high biodiversity and has a low biodiversity? (Give a lecturette) What do you think are the effects of high biodiversity and low biodiversity in the ecosystem in the following areas: When can you consider such ecosystem as man-made? as natural? EXPLAIN 1. recycling of nutrients 2. food chain 3. food sources 4. stability of population Let’s watch this… Give examples for each level of biodiversity. ELABORATE How can the concept of species as a reproductively distinct group of organism be used in the preservation of threatened and endangered species in Negros Island? Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar How man-made biodiversity differs from a natural biodiversity? Why high biodiversity is considered advantageous? First Version: November 2016 Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 4 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL (Paper – pencil Test) Differentiate the levels of biodiversity by providing the distinguishing feature of the three levels of biodiversity. (Paper – pencil Test) Describe species as a reproductively distinct group of organisms. Rubrics: Levels of Biodiversity Species Biodiversity Genetic Biodiversity Ecosystem Biodiversity Distinguishing Feature Score 5 EVALUATE 3 1 Possible answer Only organism coming from the same species can reproduce of their own kind. Offspring cannot successfully develop from parents of different species. If the answer is correct but lacks some points or incomplete If the answer is incorrect (Students’ Action Evaluation) Instruct the class to STAND UP if the statement given tells the difference between natural biodiversity and man-made biodiversity, and REMAIN SITTED if it does not. 1. Man-made biodiversity was made/designed by humans, natural biodiversity is naturally made. 2. Natural biodiversity in Aquatic ecosystem is composed of different organism living in land, while man-made biodiversity in Aquatic ecosystem is composed of the same species of organisms living in water. (Teacher can add more statements to test her students’ understanding on the topic) (Paper – pencil Test) Explain the advantage of high biodiversity over low biodiversity. Rubrics: Score 5 In high biodiversity the risk of damage from pest infestation is minimized leading to better income due to the presence of natural predators. Low input of pesticides because different pests feed on different plants. Various soil will be available to different plants bec. Of the presence of other organisms. Organisms can feed on different organisms, thus it has a continuous supply of food.Nutrient are recycled and it can support more organisms. The higher is the biodiversity the more stable is the ecosystem. 3 1 Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar Possible answer If the answer is correct but there are lacking points in the explanation. If the answer is incorrect. First Version: November 2016 Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 5 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL EXTEND Provide pictures of the three levels of biodiversity that you can observe in your community. What human activities endanger endemic species in Negros Island? (Paper – pencil) Give your opinion : If you are a farmer, how can you increase biodiversity in your garden? (Paper – pencil) What is the importance of planting varied species in reforestation rather than planting one species? V. REMARKS VI. REFLECTION From the evaluation, No. of Learners who earned: 80% and Above: Below 80%: Did the remedial lessons work? No. of Learners who: have caught up with the lesson continue to require remediation Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? What difficulties did I encounter which my Principal/ Supervisor can help me solve? Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar First Version: November 2016 Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 6 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL What innovation or localized materials did I use/ discover which I wish to share with other teachers? Grade 8, Quarter 4 Daily Lesson Log Week No. 1 Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 7 Prepared by: Teacher: Signature: Date Submitted: Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar Checked by: School Head: Signature: Date: First Version: November 2016 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL Grade 8 Daily Lesson Log Junior HS Science Week No. 2 I. OBJECTIVES School Teacher Grade Level Learning Area 8 Living Things and Their Environment (Biology) Teaching Dates Quarter Fourth MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Content Standard 1. The concept of a species. 2. The species as being further classified into a hierarchical taxonomic system. Performance Standard To report (e.g., through a travelogue) on the activities that communities engage in to protect and conserve endangered and economically important species. Learning Competency Classify organisms using the hierarchical taxonomic system. Code: S8LT-IVh-20 Give the names of organisms Classify organisms using the Describe the characteristics as they are known in your hierarchical taxonomic of organisms under kingdom community and recognize the system (domain, kingdom, Archaebacteria and cite DAILY TASK need to have a system of phylum, class, order, family, examples of these classifying and genus, species) based on organisms. naming organisms. structure and function. Biodiversity Hierarchical taxonomic system of classification. II. CONTENT Protection and conservation of Endangered and Economically important species. III. LEARNING RESOURCES Teacher’s Guide Pages 170 - 172 Learner’s Materials Pages 225 -226 Additional Materials Pages Pages 226 - 228 Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar Pages 172 Pages 228 - 266 Describe the characteristics of organisms under kingdom Eubacteria and cite examples of these organisms. Summative Test Pages 186 - 190 Pages 266 - 272 First Version: November 2016 Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 8 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL IV. ELICIT LEARNING TASKS When can you say that an ecosystem has a high biodiversity? What makes an ecosystem with high biodiversity advantageous? (Post on the board the pictures of ants, dragon fly, bird, cockroach, & Gumamela. ENGAGE How do you call these organisms in your area and in other places in the Philippines? What is the importance of classifying organisms? List down 20 common organisms in the community including the Domesticated Cat, Dog, & Bangus (varied organisms from plant & animal group). Introduce the concept of Common Name & Local Name) Essential Question: Essential Question: Why it is needed to have a How do you classify organism system of classifying using the hierarchical system? organisms? EXPLORE (Let the students perform Activity 1 – What’s in the name? LM pages 225 ) “Dog I.D.” 1. Using the sample classification of organism in Table 1 of the LM page 227, give the Scientific Name of the DOG. 2. To which domain the Dog belongs? Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar What is the highest level in the hierarchical system of classification? How do you call bacteria that can survive in acidic condition? Give example. What is the lowest level in the hierarchical system of classification? Watch video clip kEUGRIqrl How about bacteria that can survive in a very cold condition? Give example. What comes into your mind when you hear the word BACTERIA? Don’t you know that there are good bacterias? Essential Question: What are the distinguishing characteristics of the organisms in Kingdom Archaebacteria? (Text Reading) Let the student read LM pages 228 – 229. Essential Question: What are the distinguishing characteristics of organisms in Kingdom Eubacteria? Guide Questions: 1. What are the three groups of organisms under Kingdom Archaebacteria? (Yogurt can also be used instead of Yakult) Let the student perform Activity 2, LM pages 232 – 233. First Version: November 2016 Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 9 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL 3. List all the other organisms (from the list) belonging to Domain Eukarya. 4. To which Kingdom the dog belongs? 5. List all the organisms (from Domain Eukarya) that belong to Kingdom Animalia. 6. To which Phylum the Dog belongs? 7. List all organisms (from Kingdom Animalia) that can be classified under Phylum Chordata. 2. What are the distinguishing characteristics of organisms in each group? 3. What are the common examples for each? Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 10 (Follow the same procedure until you reach the lowest level of classification - species ) Are there organisms that others gave the same name as your group did? (Let the students give examples) EXPLAIN Give the Scientific Name of the dog. Use the Guide questions in the LM pages 227-228. Are there organisms that others gave a different name as your group did? What are those organisms? Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar Use the guide questions for analysis. Tabulate students’ response on the board: Group of organisms Distinguishing characteristics Example Use the guide questions for analysis. 1. What are the three groups of organisms in Kingdom Eubacteria based on shape? 2. How do they look like? 3. What are the common examples for each group? First Version: November 2016 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL Why is this so? ELABORATE EVALUATE (Give lecture to further explain the need of having a system of classifying organisms) Why is there a need to have a system of classifying organisms? First objective can be evaluated through students’ output during the activity. Second Objective can be evaluated through paper-pencil Test. As a whole, what are the distinguishing characteristics of organisms under Kingdom Archaebacteria? More Practice. Classify Domesticated Cat using the same list. Why do salt ponds are either yellow or orange? How can you identify organisms under Kingdom Eubacteria? Arrange the given levels of classification from highest to lowest level. Concept Mapping Complete the concept map: Matching Type A. Match the words in column A with those in column B. SPECIES PHYLUM In only three (3) sentences, why GENUS do you think it is needed to DOMAIN have a system in classifying FAMILY organisms? KINGDOM ORDER Rubrics: CLASS Score 5 3 1 Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 11 Possible answer To avoid misunderstanding and to have one unifying idea/name of the organism that everybody can understand inspite of having different languages because of using one scientific name which is in “Latin”. If the answer is correct but lacks some points or incomplete If the answer is incorrect Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar Kingdom Archaebacteria COLUMN A COLUMN B groups 1. Cyanobacteria characteristics 2. Lactobacillus 3. Bacillus anthracis A. involve in making sour milk or yogurt B. plant-like bacteria C. causes of Tuberculosis D. cause of Anthracis First Version: November 2016 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL Suppose you are in a Grocery store and the items there are not classified, would it be easy for you to look for what you wanted to buy? What would you suggest for the sake of ease? EXTEND Study in advance LM pages 226- 228. V. REMARKS VI. REFLECTION Advance Research Read about the Dead Sea and the Great Lake of Utah, USA. What do these have in common? (They both have a very high salinity level). What are the living organisms present in them? Research on- line or read books and know some Archaebacteria that survive in a) acidic and b) cold environments. Study your notes for a summative test tomorrow. From the evaluation, No. of Learners who earned: 80% and Above: Below 80%: Did the remedial lessons work? No. of Learners who: have caught up with the lesson continue to require remediation Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? What difficulties did I encounter which my Principal/ Supervisor can help me solve? Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar First Version: November 2016 Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 12 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL What innovation or localized materials did I use/ discover which I wish to share with other teachers? Grade 8, Quarter 4 Daily Lesson Log Week No. 2 Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 13 Prepared by: Teacher: Signature: Date Submitted: Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar Checked by: School Head: Signature: Date: First Version: November 2016 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL Grade 8 Daily Lesson Log Junior HS Science Week No. 3 I. OBJECTIVES Content Standard Performance Standard School Teacher Grade Level Learning Area 8 Living Things and Their Environment (Biology) Teaching Dates Quarter Fourth MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY 1. The concept of a species 2. The species as being further classified into a hierarchical taxonomic system To report (e.g., through a travelogue) on the activities that communities engage in to protect and conserve endangered and economically important species. Classify organisms using the hierarchical taxonomic system. Learning Competency Code: S8LT-IVh-20 Describe the characteristics of organisms under kingdom DAILY TASK Protista and cite examples of these organisms. Discuss the characteristics of organisms under kingdom Plantae and classify them as vascular and non-vascular. Differentiate gymnosperms and angiosperms and cite examples of these plants. Biodiversity Hierarchical taxonomic system of classification Protection and conservation of Endangered and Economically important species. III. LEARNING RESOURCES Teacher’s Guide Pages 176 Pages 177 - 178 Pages 178 - 179 Learner’s Materials Pages 234 - 240 Pages 241 - 242 Pages 242 - 248 Functional Biology – Modular Approach by Lilia M. Rabago, Additional Materials; pages 129 – 130 II. THURSDAY Describe the distinguishing characteristics of sponges. Summative Test CONTENT Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar Page --Pages 249 First Version: November 2016 Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 14 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL IV. ELICIT ENGAGE Life Science - The Challenge of Discovery by D.C Health & Company; pages 147 - 149 LEARNING TASKS Memory Check Can you still remember your Grade 7 lesson about Algae? Give example of an algae. Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 15 Bring live samples of plants. What are the common distinguishing characteristics Let them identify the parts and of plants? the function of each. How do vascular plants differ from non-vascular? Have you tried eating gulaman or sea weeds? Are they plants or animals? Why do you say so? Let us discover through our activity. Do all plants have the three vegetative parts? Let us see as we do the activity. Essential Questions: What are the organisms in Kingdom Protista? Essential Questions: What are the distinguishing characteristics of plants? What are their distinguishing characteristics? How do the vascular plant differs from non-vascular plant? Have you seen Pine trees around? Where can we usually find them? (Show picture of a Pine tree cone and a mango fruit) What’s the difference between the two? Essential Question: How gymnosperms differ from angiosperms? Why are plants important? Are there harmful plants? Can you name some? Have a short recap of the activities yesterday. Any question about our lesson yesterday? Do you know Sponge Bob? Present the reasons in Let’s sing with the video having summative test =ImJtoDcb1zo Essential Question: What are the distinguishing characteristics of sponges? EXPLORE Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar First Version: November 2016 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL Text Reading 1. Let the students read LM pages 234 – 240. 2. List down on the board the plant-like and the animal-like protists? Phototrophs Heterotrophs (Plant-like) (Animal-like) _______ _______ _______ Text Reading Let the students read LM pages 242 – 247. Show to the class the actual dried sample of a sponge (if available). 1. Let the students read LM pages 249. 2. List down the distinguishing characteristics of sponge. Conduct the test. 1. What is present in shrubs that is absent in mosses? 2. What is the function of the vascular system in plant? 3. Why mosses don’t need vascular system? Use the guide questions from the LM for analysis. What are the different characteristics of Sponges? (Introduce the scientific term Porifera) Checking & recording test results Sporozoans _______ ________ _______ ________ _______ ________ What makes them plant-like or animal-like? Are they multicellular or unicellular? EXPLAIN Ocular observations 1. Observe the collected samples (moss & shrub). 2. Compare and list the difference in terms of vegetative parts. Follow up with lecturette. How do gymnosperms differ from angiosperms? How do sponges obtain food? What are some of the common examples of this group? In what stage of their life they are motile? Attached? Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar First Version: November 2016 Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 16 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL What are the contributions of the plant-like protist in the ecosystem? ELABORATE EVALUATE You are hiking in the Mt. Kanlaon Forest Park, and there are many plants in that forest. As a young scientist, how can you classify vascular from non-vascular? Give more examples of nonvascular and vascular plants. Paper-pencil Test Choose the correct answer. 1. Which of the following does not belong to the group? A. Green Algae B. Golden Algae C. Diatoms D. Dinoflagellates 2. Which of the following are NON MOTILE and spore forming? A. Euglena B. Red Algae C. Paramecium D. Plasmodium 3. What is the main cause of RED TIDE? A. Dinoflagellates B. E. Muricatum Paper –pencil Test 1. Enumerate and discuss the characteristics of plants. 2. Classify the following plants as vascular or non-vascular: Moss Fern Santan Hornwort Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar Make your own Plant Profile. Gymnosperm VS Angiosperm Gymnosperm Angiosperm Type of Seed: ________ ________ Location: ________ ________ Leaves’ shape: ________ ________ Type of reproduction: ________ ________ Quality of wood: ________ ________ Economic Value: ________ ________ Paper-pencil Test What are the differences between gymnosperms & angiosperms? Complete the table below. Group Gymnos perms Characte ristics Examples (only 2 examples) How can you distinguish sponges from other animals? Correct misconceptions of the students Why is this group of organisms important in the marine ecosystem? Identify the following: 1. Where do sponges live? 2. What is the scientific name of sponges? 3. What are sponges made of? 4. In which part of the sponge thewater moves out? 5. What makes them filter feeders? Summative Test Angiospe rms First Version: November 2016 Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 17 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL C. Didinium D. Amoeba 4. What type of protist that feed on different organism? A. Phototrophs B.Sporozoans C. Heterotrophs D. Bacteria 5. What protest is NON Motile? A. Paramecium B. E.histolytica C. Plasmodium D. G. lambia 1. Give the characteristics of Fungi. 2. Examples of Fungi. 3. Role of fungi in the ecosystem. 4. Economic value of fungi. EXTEND V. REMARKS VI. REFLECTION Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 18 Read pages 244-248 of the LM. Differentiate Monocot from Dicot based on the following: a. leaf venation b. number of cotyledon Study for a Summative Test tomorrow. Read pages 249-250 of the LM. From the evaluation, No. of Learners who earned: 80% and Above: Below 80%: Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar First Version: November 2016 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL Did the remedial lessons work? No. of Learners who: have caught up with the lesson continue to require remediation Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? What difficulties did I encounter which my Principal/ Supervisor can help me solve? What innovation or localized materials did I use/ discover which I wish to share with other teachers? Grade 8, Quarter 4 Daily Lesson Log Week No. 3 Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 19 Prepared by: Teacher: Signature: Date Submitted: Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar Checked by: School Head: Signature: Date: First Version: November 2016 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL Grade 8 Daily Lesson Log Junior HS Science Week No. 4 I. OBJECTIVES School Teacher Grade Level Learning Area 8 Living Things and Their Environment (Biology) Teaching Dates Quarter Fourth MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Content Standard 1. The concept of a species. 2. The species as being further classified into a hierarchical taxonomic system. Performance Standard To report (e.g., through a travelogue) on the activities that communities engage in to protect and conserve endangered and economically important species. Learning Competency DAILY TASK Classify organisms using the hierarchical taxonomic system. Code: S8LT-IVh-20 Describe the distinguishing characteristics of Cnidarians and cite examples of these organisms. Describe the distinguishing characteristics of Flatworms, Roundworms and Segmented worms and cite examples of these organisms. Describe the distinguishing characteristics of mollusks, echinoderms and arthropods and cite examples of these organisms. Biodiversity II. CONTENT Hierarchical taxonomic system of classification Protection and conservation of Endangered and Economically important species. III. LEARNING RESOURCES Teacher’s Guide Page 180 Page 180 Pages 181- 183 Learner’s Materials Pages 249 - 250 Pages 250 - 252 Pages 252 - 254 Additional Materials Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar Explain the role Aedes egypti in spreading the dengue and suggest ways of preventing the dengue. Summative Test Pages 181 - 183 Pages 254 - 258 Pages 180 - 183 Pages 249 - 258 First Version: November 2016 Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 20 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL IV. LEARNING TASKS What are the importance of ELICIT sponges in the marine ecosystem? Imagine you are swimming in the beach, Suddenly a jellylike mass floating nearby brushes against your skin. ENGAGE What would you feel? Essential Question: What are the distinguishing characteristics of Cnidarians? How important are Cnidarians economically and environmentally? Can you name a worm that you dislike most? You can only name a few but in fact, there are more than 20,000 different kinds of worms, and Earthworm is only one of them. Essential Questions: What are the distinguishing characteristics of roundworms? Flatworms? Segmented worms? How do they differ from one another? EXPLORE 1. Let the students read LM pages 249 – 250. 2. List down the distinguishing characteristics of cnidarians. Scientific Name How do echinoderms differ from mollusks? Brainstorming Are you fond of eating shell foods? What particular shell food you like most? Real-life question Do you know someone who suffers dengue? Essential Questions: What are the distinguishing characteristics of Mollusks, Echinoderms and Arthropods? Essential Questions: What is the role of Aedes egypti in the spread of dengue? What are their differences? Complete the table. Name Differentiate the three types of worms. Complete the table. Charact eristics Exampl es Name Roundworm Flatworm Mollusk Segmented worm Echinoderm Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar Arthropod worm Scientific Name Chara cterist ics Exa mpl es How can we prevent dengue? Let the students use their LM pages 256 – 258. Instruction: For 10 minutes, understand and answer the questions in your LM pages 256-258. First Version: November 2016 Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 21 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL What are the different characteristics of Cnidarians? What are some of the common examples of this group? EXPLAIN ELABORATE What are the stinging cells in cnidarians? In what stage of their life they are motile? Attached? How can you distinguish Cnidarians from other animals? What is the economic importance of Corals? Paper-pencil Test Choose the correct answer. EVALUATE Use these guide questions from the LM pages 250 – 252. 1. What are roundworms? How does it look like? 2. What are some examples of this worm? 3. Where can they be found? 4. What are flatworms? How do they look like? 5. What are the common examples from this group? 6. Where can we find them? 7. How about segmented worms, how do they look like? 8. What are the worms belonging to this group? 9. Where do they live? Use these guide questions from the LM pages 252 – 256. What are the benefits and harmful effects of roundworm, flatworm, and segmented worm? What are the benefits and harmful effects of roundworm, flatworm, and segmented worm? As a student, how can you prevent the spread of dengue in our school? In your community? Informal Evaluation The results of the activity serve for evaluation at the same time. Informal Evaluation The results of the activity serve for evaluation at the same time. Paper-pencil Test Which among the male or female A. egypti is responsible in spreading dengue. How? 1. What does the picture tell us? Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar Use the guide questions in the LM to facilitate learning. Follow up questions: 1. How many stages does A. aegypti go through in its life cycle? 2. Which stage can easily be exterminated? First Version: November 2016 Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 22 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL Rubrics: Score 5 a. The body parts of Cnidarians b. The different sizes of Cnidarians c. The environment where Cnidarian grow d. The life cycle of Cnidarians 2. Which is NOT true about Cnidarians? a. They have 3 body parts namely: head, body & tentacles b. They have stinging cells c. Corals belong to Cnidarians d. Example of fresh water Cnidarians is Hydra. 3 1 Possible answer Aedes egypti is the carrier of virus that caused dengue. The female mosquito bites animals and people for it needs blood for food. It multiplies by laying eggs which grow into an adult mosquito again, and repeat the cycle. If the answer is correct but lacks some points or incomplete If the answer is incorrect 3. All are examples of Cnidaria EXCEPT: a. sea anemone b. Tubularia c. octopus d. sea fan Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar First Version: November 2016 Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 23 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL Read pages 250-252 of the LM. Read in advance LM pages 252 – 254. EXTEND V. REMARKS VI. REFLECTION Read pages 256 – 258 for our lesson tomorrow. Study our lessons for a summative test tomorrow. 1. List down the four characteristics present in any stages in the life cycle of chordates. 2. Can vertebrates be considered as chordates? Why? From the evaluation, No. of Learners who earned: 80% and Above: Below 80%: Did the remedial lessons work? No. of Learners who: have caught up with the lesson continue to require remediation Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar First Version: November 2016 Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 24 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL What difficulties did I encounter which my Principal/ Supervisor can help me solve? What innovation or localized materials did I use/ discover which I wish to share with other teachers? Grade 8, Quarter 4 Daily Lesson Log Week No. 4 Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 25 Prepared by: Teacher: Signature: Date Submitted: Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar Checked by: School Head: Signature: Date: First Version: November 2016 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL Grade 8 Daily Lesson Log Junior HS Science Week No. 5 I. OBJECTIVES Content Standard Performance Standard School Teacher Grade Level Learning Area 8 Living Things and Their Environment (Biology) Teaching Dates Quarter Fourth MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY 1. The concept of a species. 2. The species as being further classified into a hierarchical taxonomic system. To report (e.g., through a travelogue) on the activities that communities engage in to protect and conserve endangered and economically important species. Classify organisms using the hierarchical taxonomic system. Learning Competency Code: S8LT-IVh-20 Describe the distinguishing characteristics of chordates and vertebrates and cite DAILY TASK examples of these organisms. Identify, describe and differentiate the characteristics of Fishes, Amphibians and Reptiles and cite examples of these organisms. Describe the distinguishing characteristics of Birds and Mammals and cite examples of these organisms. Biodiversity Hierarchical taxonomic system of classification. Protection and conservation of Endangered and Economically important species. III. LEARNING RESOURCES Teacher’s Guide Pages 183 - 184 Page 184 Page 185 Learner’s Materials Page 258 Pages 259 - 262 Pages 262 - 265 Additional Materials IV. LEARNING TASKS How many stages are there in How can you classify organisms What are the distinguishing ELICIT the life cycle of A. aegypti? as Chordates? characteristics of fishes, reptiles, and amphibians? II. THURSDAY Make a personal and group vision for the future in relation to biodiversity. Summative Test CONTENT Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar Pages 185 - 187 Pages 266 - 267 Differentiate high biodiversity from low biodiversity. First Version: November 2016 Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 26 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL How can we eliminate these organisms? Can you name organisms with backbone? Give advantages of high over low biodiversity. Post on the board the pictures (pictures taken from Microsoft Encarta Kids 2009 & Microsoft Student Encarta 2009). Ask them the local names/how they call these in their own communities. What is the National bird? How about the National animal? Let them sing a song with action “ May Tatlong Bebe” Predict what will happen to an ecosystem with lowbiodiversity. Part I: My Future World. Who wants to live in a beautiful world? What do you want the future world to be? What things or conditions do you want to see 50 years from now? ENGAGE (lizard, burrowing frog, puffer, Tuna, and mud turtle) Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar First Version: November 2016 Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 27 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL EXPLORE Essential Question: What are the distinguishing characteristics of chordates and vertebrates? Instruct the students to use their LM page 258 – 260 Essential Question: What are the distinguishing characteristics of fishes, reptiles and amphibians? Instruct the students to use their LM page 259 – 264 Essential Question: What are the distinguishing characteristics of birds and mammals? Give them 20 minutes to do the activity. Board Work: Give them 10 minutes to read & understand the texts. Then, ask volunteers to complete the table. Board Work: Give them 10 minutes to read & understand the texts. Then, ask volunteers to complete the table. Let the students read & answer LM pages 262 – 266. Group of organism Chordate Characteristics Examples Vertebrate Name of organism Characteristics (How they look?) Fish, Reptile or Amphibian ? Mud turtle Tuna Lizard Essential Question: What do you want the future world to be? The students will do Activity 5 : I Create the Future (LM pages 269272) Complete the table: Organism Charcateris tics Exampl es Bird Mammal Monotreme Marsupial Placental Burrowing What are the distinguishing characteristics of chordates and vertebrates? EXPLAIN frog Puffer Based on the table, What are the distinct characteristics of fishes, reptiles, and amphibians? How do they differ from one another in terms of: a. habitat b. body temperature c. skin d. fertilization e. type of egg Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar Use the Guide questions in LM pages 262-266 for analysis. What are the distinguishing characteristics of birds and mammals in terms of: a. skin covering b. egg c. body temperature d. embryonic development Instruct the students to post their outputs on the four corners of the classroom. Give them 5 mins. to roam around and learn from the works of others. First Version: November 2016 Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 28 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL ELABORATE EVALUATE What happen to the four characteristics present in the early stage of life cycle of chordates in the case of humans when it reaches maturity? Give the developmental fate of the following: 1. notochord _____ 2. Dorsal hollow nerve cord ___ 3. gill slit _____ 4. Post-anal tail ________ 5. Give an example of chordates without backbone in the adult stage. Read in advance you LM Pages 259-264 What can you say with your work? With the works of your classmates? After all, what is in us that will make this world a better place in the future? What are the economic and environmental importance of fishes, reptiles, and amphibians? What are the economic and environmental importance of birds and mammals? Informal Evaluation Use output in ELABORATE & EXPLAIN stage. Informal Evaluation Use the students’ response in the ELABORATE stage to make instructional decision. The output of the students will serve as their evaluation. Submit an article about fishes, reptiles, and amphibians with special/ uncommon characteristics. Do Activity 4, bring your output tomorrow. Study for a summative test tomorrow. EXTEND Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 29 Make a report (e.g., through a travelogue) on the activities that communities engage in to protect and conserve endangered and First Version: November 2016 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL economically Grade 8 important Quarter 4 species. Page 30 (This is a” bring home” output. Give students enough number of days to comply the output) V. REMARKS VI. REFLECTION From the evaluation, No. of Learners who earned: 80% and Above: Below 80%: Did the remedial lessons work? No. of Learners who: have caught up with the lesson continue to require remediation Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar First Version: November 2016 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL What difficulties did I encounter which my Principal/ Supervisor can help me solve? What innovation or localized materials did I use/ discover which I wish to share with other teachers? Grade 8, Quarter 4 Daily Lesson Log Week No. 5 Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 31 Prepared by: Teacher: Signature: Date Submitted: Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar Checked by: School Head: Signature: Date: First Version: November 2016 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL Grade 8 Daily Lesson Log Junior HS Science Week No. 6 I. OBJECTIVES Content Standard Performance Standard School Teacher Grade Level Learning Area 8 Living Things and Their Environment (Biology) Teaching Dates Quarter Fourth MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY The one-way flow of energy and the cycling of materials in an ecosystem Make a poster comparing food choices based on the trophic levels. Describe the transfer of energy through the trophic levels; Learning Competency Analyze the roles organisms in the cycling of materials; Explain how materials cycle in an ecosystem. Code: S8LT-IVi-22 S8LT-IVi-23 DAILY TASK II. CONTENT Describe the transfer of energy Construct a food web in a through the trophic levels and given ecosystem and discuss construct a food chain in a the food pyramid. given ecosystem. ECOSYSTEMS 1. Transfer of Energy in the Trophic Levels 2. Cycling of materials in the ecosystem 3. Water Cycle 4. Oxygen-carbon cycle 5. Nitrogen cycle 6. Impact of human activities in an ecosystem III. LEARNING RESOURCES Teacher’s Guide Pages 199-202 Learner’s Materials Pages 273-279 Functional Biology Modular Additional Materials Approach by Lilia M. Rabago, al. pages 32-33 Pages 202-204 Pages 279-284 Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar THURSDAY FRIDAY S8LT-IVi-24 Analyze the role of organisms in the major biogeochemical cycles and processes. Explain how materials cycle in an ecosystem. Pages 285-289 Pages 285-289 SUMMATIVE TEST First Version: November 2016 Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 32 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL IV. ELICIT LEARNING TASKS What is your idea about food chain? How does energy transfer from one organism to another? How much of the energy is transferred? How does energy transfer from What was your dinner last one organism to another? night? ENGAGE EXPLORE Essential Question: How does energy become transferred from one organism to another? Student will do Activity 1 LM pages 274-279. (They will answer all the guide questions in the activity) Essential Question: How does energy become transferred from one organism to another? Student will perform Activity 2 LM page 280. (They will answer the guide questions: Q10 &Q11) After they have finished doing the activity, let them publish their outputs. Let them share their work with their seatmates/classmates. Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar What informal can be taken from the food pyramid? What is the role of animals in the cycling of nutrients? You already learned our connectedness with other organisms. Do you think we are also connected with the physical component of the environment? How? What do you think will happen if there were no cycling of materials in the ecosystem? Essential Question: What are the major roles of organism in the cycling of materials in the ecosystem? Study the pictures in pages 285 – 287 of the LM. Essential Question: How do materials cycle in the ecosystem? Identify the role of organisms in recycling of materials: 1. Cow & plant in O2 and CO2 cycle. 2. The tree & the cow in the H 2O Cycle. 3. The plants, horse, fish & the Nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the Nitrogen Cycle. Present the video =_1oCoKj7b2o Study the picture and identify the processes involved in: 1. Oxygen-Carbon Cycle 2. Water Cycle 3. Nitrogen Cycle First Version: November 2016 Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 33 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL Process learning by using the guide questions of the activity. Use the output of the students as spring board in the analysis. EXPLAIN ELABORATE EVALUATE Process discussion by asking the students using the guide questions in the LM. Provide lecturette if needed. Using the picture provide lecturette on as to how each process in every cycle contribute in the cycling of materials. In the cycle of water, what is the role of plants? What is role of animals? Give lecturette if needed. Board work Write on the board the following: Sea weeds fish shark human bacteria (ask volunteer students to construct a food chain, and volunteers to explain how the energy is transferred in that food chain) Paper-pencil Test 1. Construct a food chain in a mangrove ecosystem; In the Oxygen- Carbon Dioxide Cycle, what is the major role of animals? Major role of plants? Is this cycle possible without plants/animals? Why? Use Activity 3 LM page 283284 for application of knowledge. Use the guide questions. Informal Formative Evaluation The activity serves as evaluation at the same time. Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar In the Nitrogen cycle, how do bacteria involve itself in the process? Explain the role of the Earth’s subsystems (hydrosphere, biosphere, atmosphere, & Lithosphere) in the cycle of materials. Informal Evaluation Instructional decision was based on students’ response during discussion. Now that you have learned that materials cycle in the ecosystem. As a student, what can you contribute to maintain balance in the ecosystem? Enumerate the processes involve in: 1. Water Cycle 2. Oxygen-Carbon Cycle 3. Nitrogen Cycle First Version: November 2016 Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 34 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL 2. Explain how energy is transferred through that food chain. List down the food your family have eaten during dinner tonight. Make your own food pyramid. EXTEND Reflect on this statement: “Humans are the steward of the Mother Earth”. Review your notes for a quiz tomorrow. What do you thinks is your role as steward of God’s creation? Write your reflection on your science notebook. V. REMARKS VI. REFLECTION From the evaluation, No. of Learners who earned: 80% and Above: Below 80%: Did the remedial lessons work? No. of Learners who: have caught up with the lesson continue to require remediation Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar First Version: November 2016 Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 35 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL What difficulties did I encounter which my Principal/ Supervisor can help me solve? What innovation or localized materials did I use/ discover which I wish to share with other teachers? Grade 8, Quarter 4 Daily Lesson Log Week No. 6 Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 36 Prepared by: Teacher: Signature: Date Submitted: Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar Checked by: School Head: Signature: Date: First Version: November 2016 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL Grade 8 Daily Lesson Log Junior HS Science Week No. 7 I. OBJECTIVES Content Standard Performance Standard School Teacher Grade Level Learning Area 8 Living Things and Their Environment (Biology) Teaching Dates Quarter Fourth MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY The one-way flow of energy and the cycling of materials in an ecosystem. Make a poster showing ways to minimize human impact on the environment. Describe the transfer of energy through the trophic levels; Learning Competency Analyze the roles organisms in the cycling of materials; Explain how materials cycle in an ecosystem. Code: S8LT-IVj-25 Explain how human activities Describe ways by which Suggest ways to minimize affect the ecosystem. human practices may disrupt human impact on the DAILY TASK a food chain or environment. food web. ECOSYSTEMS 1. Transfer of Energy in the Trophic Levels 2. Cycling of materials in the ecosystem 3. Water Cycle II. CONTENT 4. Oxygen-carbon cycle 5. Nitrogen cycle 6. Impact of human activities in an ecosystem III. THURSDAY FRIDAY Make poster or video SUMMATIVE showing ways to minimize TEST human impact on the environment. LEARNING RESOURCES Teacher’s Guide Learner’s Materials Additional Materials Pages 288-289 Pages 288-289 Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar Pages 289 First Version: November 2016 Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 37 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL IV. LEARNING TASKS What do we mean when we say ELICIT ecosystem? What are the components of the ecosystem? Have you sniffed any human activities that destroy ecosystem? Can you name ENGAGE them? EXPLORE What makes up a food chain and a food web? What can you say about this statement: “Human activities have a great impact on the food chain/food web”? Essential Question: How human activities affect the Ecosystems? Essential Question: How human activities disrupt a Food Chain or Food Web? Individual activity: Give the students 3 minutes to list down human activities in their communities which he/she believes has a negative impact in the ecosystem. Divide the class into groups. Let them read pages 288 – 289 and do the given task. Group activity: Group them into 5. Instruct them to make a consolidated group report from their individual output by sharing their answers to their group. Describe ways by which the following practices may disrupt a food chain or food web: 1. monoculture 2. use of insecticides 3. use of fertilizers What are some farming practices that disrupt the ecosystem? Want do you think will happen to mosquitoes if you have many lizards at home? Can you think of other ways of controlling pests using other organisms? Performance Task: Give final instruction for the whole period activity Essential Question: What are the ways to minimize human impact on environment? Divide the class into 3 groups. Given the same following practices in yesterday’s lesson can you device your own mitigation to minimize negative impact on the environment? After 15 minutes, instruct them to post their output on the wall of the room. Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar First Version: November 2016 Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 38 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL EXPLAIN ELABORATE In your locality, give one human activity that directly affects the ecosystem. EVALUATE Interview a farmer and know the following: 1. What is the crop/ product of his farm? 2. What are some practices he uses that may affect the ecosystem. EXTEND V. Give each group time to report on their output. (Write on the board the answers of each group , this will be used as spring board for discussion) What are the different human How do humans disrupt food activities in your communities? chain or food web in the following cases: How do these activities affect 1. in the use of monoculture the ecosystem? 2. in the use of herbicides and insecticides 3. in the use of fertilizers Explain how does the use of If you are a farmer, what can chemicals as herbicide affect you do to help save the the ecosystem? environment? Informal Evaluation: Instructional decision will be based on students’ responses during activity & discussion. What are some practices in your community which you think help in maintaining balance the ecosystem? Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 39 What made you think that your practice could minimize negative impact? Discuss each practice. As student, how can you contribute in minimizing human impact in our environment? Use the group’s justification as basis for evaluation. Bring the following appropriate Finish your video/poster. materials for tomorrow’s Submit it tomorrow. activity : 1. materials for poster-making 2. any gadgets with video recorder REMARKS Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar First Version: November 2016 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL VI. REFLECTION Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 40 From the evaluation, No. of Learners who earned: 80% and Above: Below 80%: Did the remedial lessons work? No. of Learners who: have caught up with the lesson continue to require remediation Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? What difficulties did I encounter which my Principal/ Supervisor can help me solve? What innovation or localized materials did I use/ discover which I wish to share with other teachers? Grade 8, Quarter 4 Daily Lesson Log Week No. 7 Prepared by: Teacher: Signature: Date Submitted: Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar Checked by: School Head: Signature: Date: First Version: November 2016 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL Grade 8 Daily Lesson Log Junior HS Science Week No. 8 I. OBJECTIVES Content Standard Performance Standard Learning Competency School Teacher Grade Level Learning Area 8 Living Things and Their Environment (Biology) Teaching Dates Quarter Fourth MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 1. The digestive system and its interaction with the circulatory, respiratory, and excretory systems in providing the body with nutrients for energy; 2. Diseases that result from nutrient deficiency and ingestion of harmful substances, and their prevention and treatment. Present an analysis of the data gathered on diseases resulting from nutrient deficiency. Explain ingestion, absorption, assimilation, and Identify healthful practices excretion. that affect the digestive system. Explain how diseases of the digestive system are prevented, detected, and treated. S8LT-IVc-15 Make and present a poster or video showing how diseases of the digestive system are prevented, detected, and treated. Code: S8LT-Iva-13 S8LT-IVb-14 Identify and describe the Explain how enzymes affect Explain how one’s diet and organs that make up the digestion & how pH affect lifestyle contribute to the digestive system and enzyme activity. function of the human body DAILY TASK explain how digestion of as a whole and analyze the food takes place in an consequences of an organism. unhealthy diet. Structures and Functions: Focus on the Digestive System 1. Organs of the digestive system and their interaction with organs of the respiratory, circulatory, and excretory systems. II. CONTENT 2. Changes in food as it undergoes physical and chemical digestion. 3. Diseases resulting from nutrient deficiency and ingestion of harmful substances. 4. Prevention, detection, and treatment of diseases of the digestive system. III. FRIDAY SUMMATIVE TEST LEARNING RESOURCES Teacher’s Guide Learner’s Materials Pages 205-211 Pages 291-298 Pages 211-216 Pages 298-308 Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar Pages 217-222 Pages 307-316 First Version: November 2016 Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 41 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL IV. LEARNING TASKS Post on the board the following words: HEART STOMACH SMALL INTESTINE BLOOD ESOPHAGUS LARGE INTESTINE ELICIT URINARY BLADDER KIDNEY (Ask the class to pick from the words the organs of the Digestive system based on what they can remember from their Grades) Use Activity 1A, LM pages 292-294 (Give them 5 minutes ENGAGE to do the activity) EXPLORE Essential Question: How does the Digestive system break down food to nourish the body? Let the students read the text on LM pages 295-297. Students will perform Activity 1B, Lm pages 297-298 What are the organs involved in digestion? What are their specific function? How does enzyme affects the process of digestion? How does lifestyle affect your health? Don’t you know that your saliva is an enzyme itself? It is not just to lubricate the food but digest. Essential Question: What can you say on this statement: ‘You are what you eat”. What happens when nutritional needs are not adequately met? Essential Question: Essential Question: How diseases of the digestive How enzymes affect digestion? How pH affect enzyme activity? (Prepare a setup of Activities 2 & 3 from the TG) Using the prepared set up, allow the class to observe while the teacher is demonstrating the activity. Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar How does one’s diet and lifestyle contribute to the function of the human body as a whole? Instruct the students to perform Activity 1, LM pages 308 – 312 Ask some volunteer students to share his/her output. system are prevented, detected, and treated? Group work: Make a poster/ a four-minute video presentation showing how diseases of the digestive system are prevented, detected, and treated. First Version: November 2016 Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 42 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL Ask these questions: In what ways are the different digestive systems of animals similar? In what ways are they different? EXPLAIN How does crushing the candy to smaller pieces affect dissolution? What does it represents? Use the guide questions in Activities 2 & 3 LM pages 298302 in processing discussion. How enzymes affect digestion? How pH affect enzyme activity? Process discussion by using the guide questions in the activity on pages 308 – 312 of the LM. Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 43 (Give a lecturette if needed.) How does the digestive system break down food to nourish our body? What was your breakfast this morning? How does your digestive system break down the food you ate to nourish your body? ELABORATE Show to the class a video clip: Journey of the Digestive system Link: watch?v=e301AdlC8bl What are the things you should consider in choosing the food you eat? Why? Ask these questions: What does the movie clip say about the digestion of food? What changes happened to the food as it was moved through the digestive tract? Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar First Version: November 2016 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL EVALUATE EXTEND V. REMARKS VI. REFLECTION Give the correct answer. 1. What organ is responsible in breaking mechanically food particles into smaller pieces? 2. Where does final digestion and absorption happen? 3. What are the two types of digestions? 1. What is the effect to the rate of digestion if enzymes are absent? 2. What is the effect to the rate of digestion if pH is altered? Paper-pencil Test How does diet and lifestyle contribute to the function of the body as a whole? What are the different enzymes involved in the process of digestion and their specific function. Record in a Daily Meal Journal what you eat for three days; LM page 308 Do activities 2 & 3. Submit your output next week. Rubrics: 5- if it was clearly stated that diet and lifestyle are factors in having proper growth and development, and to avoid diseases. 3- if answer is also correct but was not complete/not clear in giving the concept. 1- if all the answers are not correct. Students’ output will be utilized for evaluation. Rubrics: 5 – presentation is well organized, clear ideas with correct content as to the question. 3 – if ideas are correct but still needs improvement in the presentation 1 – if the idea presentation is not correct. Study your notes for a summative test tomorrow. From the evaluation, No. of Learners who earned: 80% and Above: Below 80%: Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar First Version: November 2016 Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 44 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL Did the remedial lessons work? No. of Learners who: have caught up with the lesson continue to require remediation Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? What difficulties did I encounter which my Principal/ Supervisor can help me solve? What innovation or localized materials did I use/ discover which I wish to share with other teachers? Grade 8, Quarter 4 Daily Lesson Log Week No. 8 Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 45 Prepared by: Teacher: Signature: Date Submitted: Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar Checked by: School Head: Signature: Date: First Version: November 2016 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL Grade 8 Daily Lesson Log Junior HS Science Week No. 9 I. OBJECTIVES School Teacher Grade Level Learning Area 8 Living Things and Their Environment (Biology) Teaching Dates Quarter Fourth MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1. How cells divide to produce new cells. 2. Meiosis as one of the processes producing genetic variations of the Mendelian Pattern of Inheritance. Performance Standard Report on the importance of variation in plant and animal breeding. Compare mitosis and meiosis, and their role in the cell-division cycle. Learning Competency Explain the significance of meiosis in maintaining the chromosome number. Predict phenotypic expressions of traits following simple patterns of inheritance. Code: S8LT-IVe-16 S8LT-IVe-17 S8LT-IVe-18 Identify and describe the Compare mitosis and Explain the significance of Predict phenotypic SUMMATIVE processes involved during meiosis, and their role in meiosis in maintaining the expressions of traits following TEST DAILY TASK mitosis and meiosis. the cell-division cycle. chromosome number. simple patterns of inheritance. Heredity: Inheritance and Variation of Traits 1. Stages of mitosis II. CONTENT 2. Stages of meiosis 3. Mendelian Genetics III. LEARNING RESOURCES Teacher’s Guide Page 223 Page 224 Page 224 Pages 225-229 Learner’s Materials Pages 317-326 Pages 326-327 Pages 327-329 Pages 329-349 IV. LEARNING TASKS From your Grade 7, what can What are the stages in How does mitosis differ from How does the chromosome you remember about the cell? mitosis and in meiosis? meiosis? number of the organism is ELICIT What are the organelles maintained in meiosis? present in the cell? Content Standard Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar First Version: November 2016 Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 46 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL What are the physical features of your parents which you like best that you also possess? Do you wonder why you have them? ENGAGE EXPLORE Can you imagine that you were once a single cell, but through the process of mitosis you are now what you are? See, the power of mitosis? Introduce to the class the topic for the day. Post on the board the table showing the number of chromosomes in the different organisms. Name Pairs of Chromos omes If fate will allow you to marry the Miss Universe of Africa, how would your offspring look like? Individual Chromoso mes 36 78 12 24 23 46 What does the table tell us? Dog Tomato Human Essential Question: What are the processes involved in mitosis and in meiosis? Essential Question: How mitosis differs from meiosis? Present a video hn3sA0ip0 Individual Activity I Perform Activity 2, LM pages 326-327. (After 10 minutes) Activity 2 – Board Work Post a table on the board like the table in the Activity Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar How does the normal number of chromosomes of every organism is maintained? Essential Question: What is the significance of meiosis in maintaining the chromosome number? Text Reading Give students 10 minutes to read and analyse gametogenesis in their LM pages 327-328. Essential Questions: What are the different simple patterns of inheritance? How can one predict the phenotypic expressions of traits using these simple patterns? Groupings Divide the class into 4 groups. Each group will discuss the assigned task. Group I – Incomplete Dominance Group II – Co- Dominance Group III – Multiple Allele Group IV – Law of Dominance First Version: November 2016 Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 47 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL 2 of the LM pages 326327. Ask volunteers to complete the table on the board. Use the video in answering guide questions for discussion from Lm pages 323 -237. Follow up with a lecture. (It would be better if you have pictures of the different stages to show to the class) Looking at the table on the board, is mitosis the same with Meiosis? How do they differ? Give lecturette if needed. EXPLAIN Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar Board Work: Post on the board the enlarged illustration (Figure 6, LM page 327) Ask volunteers to count the number of chromosomes before meiosis started and at the end of the process. Who can explain sperm formation? How many sperm cells are formed after meiosis? Any volunteer to explain the egg formation? How many eggs are formed after meiosis? How many number of chromosomes are there in the daughter cells after the whole process? Based on what we have discussed, what is the importance of meiosis in maintaining the chromosome number of the organism? Ask the students to post their output and ash one representative from each group to present their output.. What is the Law of Dominance? How does it differ from the other patterns of inheritance? Give lecture about the different patterns of inheritance. First Version: November 2016 Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 48 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL In what stage chromosomes In what respect do they replicate? Why do you think this differ in terms of: process is important? 1. location 2. type of cell produced Identify and describe the (haploid & diploid) processes involved i: 3. Number of daughter a. mitosis cells b. meiosis. What do you think would happen if along the process of meiosis, something wrong happens? Would it affect the organism? Why? Board Work: Using the different patterns of inheritance, predict the possible phenotype of: 1. If a white-colored rabbit pairs with a black-colored rabbit, what is the color of their offspring considering the Co-dominance pattern of inheritance? ELABORATE 2. Complete the table of the Blood Type Mother B AB O Paper-pencil Test Choose the word in the box to identify & describe the processes during mitosis or meiosis. EVALUATE Zygotene metaphase Anaphase Telophase I Pachytene Diplotene Prophase Leptotene Paper-pencil Test Compare mitosis from meiosis by putting √ if the statement happens in BOTH mitosis & meiosis, and x if it only happens in EITHER mitosis or meiosis. __1. A process wherein the cell multiplies its number by producing new cells. Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar Informal Evaluation Instructional decision is based on the response of the students during the whole process of learning. Father A O B Child Informal Evaluation Instructional decision will be based on students’ response in the elaborate stage. First Version: November 2016 Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 49 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL ____1. The chromosomes begin to pair off. ____2. The chromosomes align at the center of the cell. ____3. The paired chromosomes disperse in the nucleus. ____4. The paired centromeres of each chromosome begin to separate. ____5. The mother cell is now divided into two with half number of chromosomes for each new cell. Study in advance LM pages 326-327. __2. It produces a haploid new cells. __3. It resulted to the formation of a Diploid cell. __4. Occurs in all organisms. __5. It produces 2 new cells. Study the process of gametogenesis. LM pages 328-329. EXTEND V. Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 50 Read & understand LM pages 329-349. Other references can also be used or researches on line, and answer the following: 1. What is Mendelian Law of Inheritance? 2. What are the different NonMendelian patterns of inheritance. How do they differ from one another? Study your notes for a summative test tomorrow. REMARKS Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar First Version: November 2016 Department of Education Negros Island Region DIVISION OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL VI. REFLECTION Grade 8 Quarter 4 Page 51 From the evaluation, No. of Learners who earned: 80% and Above: Below 80%: Did the remedial lessons work? No. of Learners who: have caught up with the lesson continue to require remediation Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? What difficulties did I encounter which my Principal/ Supervisor can help me solve? What innovation or localized materials did I use/ discover which I wish to share with other teachers? Grade 8, Quarter 4 Daily Lesson Log Week No. 9 Prepared by: Teacher: Signature: Date Submitted: Junior HS Science Weekly Lesson Log & Lesson Plan Exemplar Checked by: School Head: Signature: Date: First Version: November 2016