Addis Ababa Institute of Technology (AAIT) HIGHWAY ENGINEERING I (CENG 3302) CHAPTER THREE GE O M E T R I C DE SI GN O F H I GH WA Y S Emnete. T 2015 Introduction Geometric design: is the process whereby the layout of the road in the terrain is designed to meet the needs of the road users Emphasizes on the requirement of Drivers Vehicles and Pedestrians Appropriate geometric standard Stage 1 – Provision of access Stage 2 - Provision of additional capacity Stage 3 – Increase of operational efficiency Main features to consider in geometric design Cross sectional element Sight distance consideration Horizontal curvature Vertical curvature/ gradient Intersections Etc. Good design Maximum safety Reasonable operating cost Reasonable Construction cost Design control and criteria Functional classification II. Terrain/ topography III. Design speed IV. Design vehicle V. Traffic volume VI. Human factor VII. Environmental and adjacent land use VIII. Traffic safety IX. Economy and other factors I. Functional classification Functional classification is the process by which streets and highways are grouped into classes, or systems, according to the character of service they are intended to provide The two major considerations in classifying highway & street networks functionally are: Access Mobility Access is a fixed requirement, necessary at both ends of any trip. Mobility, along the path of such trips, can be provided at varying levels, usually referred to as "level of service." It can incorporate a wide range of elements (e.g., riding comfort and freedom from speed changes) but the most basic is operating speed or trip travel time AASHTO classification Rural areas Principal arterials freeways Long through traffic, interstate, most heavily traveled route Minor arterials Linkage of cities, large towns, long distances, interstate/ inter-county (district) Collectors Primarily inter-district, shorter travel than arterials, moderate speed Local roads Provides primarily access, short travel distance Urbanized areas Minor arterials Principal arterials Interconnects with & augments the principal arterial, moderate freeways Highest traffic volume length, lower level of mobility corridors, longest trip desired, than principal trips entering and leaving the urban area, highest proportion of trip though Collector streets small percentage Both land access and traffic Fully or partially controlled access circulation, may penetrate residential areas, Spacing 1.6 km in highly developed distributes/collects trips from to 8 km I sparsely developed arterials/local streets Local streets primarily permits direct access to abutting lands, lowest mobility Trunk Roads (Class I): Centers of international importance and roads terminating at international boundaries are linked with Addis Ababa by trunk roads. Trunk roads have a present AADT 1000, although they can have volumes as low as 100 AADT . Link Roads (Class II):Centers of national or international importance, such as principal towns and urban centers, must be linked between each other by link roads. A typical link road has over 400 - 1000 first year AADT, although values can range between 50-10,000 AADT. Main Access Roads (Class III):Centers of provincial importance must be linked between each other by main access roads. First year AADTs are between 30-1,000. Collector Roads (Class IV):Roads linking locally important centers to each other, to a more important center, or to higher class roads must be linked by a collector road. First year AADTs are between 25-400. Feeder Roads (Class V):Any road link to a minor center such as market & local locations is served by a feeder road. First year AADTs are b/n 0-100 ERA Method Terrain Design Speed - the maximum safe speed selected to establish appropriate geometric design elements for a particular section of road taking into account topography, anticipated operating speed, the adjacent land use and the functional classification of the road Desired Speed - the speed at which a driver wishes to travel, determined by a combination of motivation and comfort. Operating Speed - observed speeds during free flow conditions. operating speed is generally lower than desired speed since operating conditions are not usually ideal. Running Speed – the average speed maintained over a given route while a vehicle is in motion. generally used in road planning and capacity and service level analyses. Posted Speed - is a speed limitation set for reasons of safe traffic operations rather than for geometric design considerations and is aimed at encouraging drivers to travel at appropriate speeds for all prevailing conditions. Ss Design Vehicle characteristics of vehicle weight Height Width Acceleration and deceleration capability dimensions of features: intersections, ramps, climbing or passing lanes, bus bays Turning capability Design Vehicle: is a representative vehicle having a standard weight, height width and operating characteristics that uses to established highway design elements Mostly used a largest vehicle that uses the road frequently ERA Vehicle characteristics Traffic Characteristics Volume Composition Directional Distribution Traffic Volume Number of vehicles passing a point on a roadway a specified time Expressed as AADT ADT DHV PHT Directional Distribution percentage of traffic volume flowing each direction Traffic Composition Percentage of heavy vehicles in traffic mix Environmental, Road side population and adjoining land use Human Factor When a design is incompatible with capabilities of drivers, the chance for driver errors increases, and crushes or inefficient operation may result A roadway should confirm what drivers expect based on previous experience; and Drivers should be presented with clear clues about what is expected of them Driver Reaction: It takes time to process information After a person's eyes detect and recognize a given situation, a period of time elapses before muscular reaction occurs. Reaction time is appreciable and differs between persons. It also varies for the same individual, being increased by fatigue, drinking, age or other causes. Speed reduces the visual field, restricts peripheral vision, and limits the time available for drivers to receive and processes information Cross- sectional elements Consists of Carriage way Part of road constructed for moving vehicle use Traffic lane, Auxiliary lane (accelerating and decelerating lanes) climbing lane passing lane and bus bays and lay bays Road way Consists of Carriage way Shoulder Parking lane Pedestrian and cyclist way Viewing area Earth work profiles Side slopes and back slopes Lane width Directly influence Cost safety Maintenance cost Usually is ranges from 3-6m For different class of road different lane width Shoulder Portion of highway adjacent to carriage way Provided for Accommodation of stopped vehicle, traditional and non motorized traffic Animals and pedestrians Emergency use Recovery of errant vehicle Lateral support for pavement layers Width of shoulders depend on type of terrain and design class of road Normal cross fall Provided for Drainage below poor drainage resulting pavement deterioration Above maximum erosion of material ERA 2013, for paved road 3% Generally 2-6% Side slope and back slope Designed to insure stability of roadway and provide reasonable opportunity for out of control vehicle Recoverable -1:4 or flatter Non recoverable -1:3 to 1:4 Critical –steeper than 1:3 Height of cut and fill Type of soil economy Medians Median is the portion of a highway separating opposing directions of the traveled way and the principal functions are to: Separate opposing traffic –reduce the probability of head-on accidents Provide recovery area during emergency Provide stopping area for left and U-turning vehicles (the width of median should be sufficient enough to accommodate left turning vehicles) Provide refuge for pedestrians Reduce headlight glare 1.5 to 5 m width Median end treatment Geometrical components of road Sight distance Horizontal alignment Vertical alignment Sight Distance is defined as the continuous length of highway ahead visible to the driver. A driver‘s ability to see ahead is of the utmost importance in the safe and efficient operation of a vehicle on a highway There are three different sight distances that are of interest in geometric design: Stopping sight distance (SSD) Meeting sight distance (MSD) Passing sight distance (PSD) Stopping Sight Distance is the minimum sight distance required by the driver in order to be able to stop the car before it hits an object on the highway It is applicable on all roads; on sag vertical curves it is equivalent to the headlight sight distance. It is the sum of two distances: brake reaction distance brake distance SSD = BRD + BD SSD - Stopping Sight Distance (m) BRD - Brake Reaction Distance (m) BD - Braking Distance (m) The perception-reaction distance (Brake Reaction Distance) BRD = 0. 278*V*t V= design speed, km/h; t = AASHTO assumes a brake reaction time of 2.5 seconds braking distance of a vehicle on a level roadway traveling at the design speed of the roadway V= design speed, km/h; a = deceleration rate (3.4 m / s2) when a highway is on a grade, the equation for breaking distance should be modified G is the percent of grade divided by 100, •positive for vehicle on up grade •negative for down grade When adjusted to surface condition 𝐵𝐷 = 𝑉2 254(𝑓+𝑔/100) where g/100 = G f = coefficient of friction between tire and roadway Passing or Overtaking Sight Distance the sight distance required by a driver to successfully overtake a slower moving vehicle on its path on a two-lane road. PSD = d1 + d2 + d3 + d4 d1—Distance traversed during perception and reaction time and during the initial acceleration to the point of encroachment on the left lane. d2—Distance traveled while the passing vehicle occupies the left lane. d3—Distance between the passing vehicle at the end of its maneuver and the opposing vehicle. d4—Distance traversed by an opposing vehicle for two-thirds of the time the passing vehicle occupies the left lane, or 2/3 of d2 above d1=0.278*t1(v-m + a*t1/2) d2=0.278*V*t2 d3= d4=2d2/3 t1=time of initial maneuver a= average acceleration km/h/s V= average speed of passing vehicle, km/h m= difference in speed of passed vehicle and passing vehicle km/h t2=time passing vehicle occupies left lane. s V= average speed of passing vehicle, km/h Meeting Sight Distance is the distance required to enable the drivers of two vehicles traveling in opposite directions to bring their vehicles to a safe stop after becoming visible to each other. Meeting sight distance is normally calculated as twice the minimum stopping sight distance HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT The horizontal alignment consists of straight sections of the road (known as tangents) connected by curves. The curves are usually segments of circles, which have radii that will provide for a smooth flow of traffic The design of the horizontal alignment entails the determination of the minimum radius, determination of the length of the curve, the computation of the horizontal offsets from the tangents to the curve to facilitate locating the curve in the field. to avoid a sudden change from a tangent with infinite radius to a curve of finite radius, a curve with radii varying from infinite to the radius of the circular curve is placed between the circular curve and the tangent spiral or transition curve There are four types of horizontal curves: simple, compound, reversed, and spiral Determination of minimum curve radius In order a vehicle to move in a circular path an inward radial force is required to provide the necessary centripetal acceleration Side way friction and Super elevation Rmin is the minimum curve radius that insure smooth and safe maneuver through the horizontal curve e + f = V2 / (127*R) where: e = rate of superelevation(m per m) f = side friction factor (or coefficient of lateral friction) V = speed (Km/hr) R = radius of curvature (m) Determination of length of curve SIMPLE HORIZONTAL CURVE PC – point of curvature PI – point of intersection PT – point of tangency T – Tangent length Δ – central angle R – radius of curve D – Degree of curve E - External distance M - Middle ordinate C - Long chord D – degree of curve that defines, Central angle which subtends 20m arc (arc definition), Central angle which subtends 20m chord (Chord definition) From arc definition, R = 1145.916 / D From chord definition, R = 10 / Sin(D/2) Tangent (T) T = R*tan(Δ/2) External distance (E) E = R*(Sec(Δ/2) – 1 Or E = T*tan(Δ/4) Middle ordinate (M) M = R*(1- Cos(Δ/2)) Long chord(C): C = 2R*Sin(Δ/2) Length of Curve (Lc) Lc = 20* Δ/D Or Lc = R*π* Δ/180 Stations of PC, PI, and PT: PC = PI – T P T = PC + Lc or PT = PI + T Field Location of a Simple Horizontal Curve Simple horizontal curves are usually located in the field by staking out points on the curve using angles measured from the tangent at the point of curve (PC) and the lengths of the chords joining consecutive whole stations The first deflection angle VAp to the first whole station on the curve, which is usually less than a station away from the PC, is equal to d1/2 based on the properties of a circle The next deflection angle VAq is and the next deflection angle VAv is The next deflection angle VAs is and the last deflection angle VAB is Lengths l1 and l2 are the actual distance along the curve. Thus, to locate end points of these curves, chord lengths corresponding to the arc length must be computed. The expression relating chord lengths to the corresponding arc length l1 and l2 and 20m station length COMPOUND CURVE REVERSE CURVE TRANSITION CURVE θs = spiral angle Δ = total central angle Δc = central angle of the circular arc extending from BC to EC = Δ - 2 θs Rc = radius of circular curve L = length of spiral from starting point to any point R = radius of curvature of the spiral at a point L distant from starting point. Ts = tangent distance Es = external distance S = shift HIP = horizontal intersection point BS = beginning of spiral BC = beginning of circular curve EC = end of circular curve ES = end of spiral curve