Response of Rhode Island Red on Different Level of Fermented Water Spinach (Impomoea aquatica) as Feed Supplement May 2023 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION This chapter present the background, statement of the problem, hypothesis, significance, and the scope and delimitation of the study. Background of the Study Food is one of the common need of the people especially for those who are working, studying and other activities. They need the energy for their everyday activity for them to do a great job. Meat is one of the most staple food and it gives a great amount of protein. Many farmers raised different animals to supply the needs of people especially in terms of food. In the rapidly changing environment many study and new technology help the farmer to provide the needs of the community. It also helps the poultry and livestock animals to adopt in an early stage of maturity and can be dispose in a short period of time. But as the new technology discovered and introduced the financial status of the farmers became the problems. Many farmers are still continuing and pushing to raise poultry animals and some of farmers are stopping or quitting in raising poultry animals because some of the farmers can’t afford the needs in raising poultry animals specially the feeds for chickens. Chicken is one of the poultry animals that is commonly raised by the farmers and this animal is raised and sold to market because this animal can produce meat and egg. One of the breed of this chicken is the Rhode Island Red and this breed of chicken is an American chicken that can be used either meat or egg purposes. This breed has red-orange eyes, reddish-brown beaks, and yellow feet and legs, often with a bit of reddish hue on the toes and sides of the shanks. Chicks are a light red to tan color the roosters usually weigh in at about 8.5 pounds (3.9 kg), the hens average slightly less at 6.5 pounds (2.9 kg) (, 2018). Meat and poultry animal contain protein that is needed for growth development and nutrients that our body needs, like iodine, iron, zinc, vitamin B12 and essential fatty acids. We know that eating poultry and meat is very useful into our body and it help the economy to grow. Kangkong or water spinach is scientifically known as Impomoea Aquatica is an herbaceous trailing vine with a semi-aquatic habit. This aquatic herb extends across South East Asia, but it is common in many tropical and sub-tropical regions in the world. It has a long hollow stems that help it to float when growing in water. The stems help help keep the leaves above the surface and the pant continues to root at the nodes. The alternately positioned leaves are from 5-15 cm long and arrow shaped, or lanceolate. They may be from 2-8cm wide and held on the trailing stems, which may be 2-3 meters long. The leaves are green but may have a purple blush that varies depending on the individual plant. The white to pink-lilac flowers are trumpet shaped with a mauve center and are from 3-5 cm in diameter (, 2023). Statement of the Problem This study aims to know if the use of the different level of fermented water spinach as feed supplement to Rhode Island Red will affect the growth performance. Specifically, research will seek to answer the following question. 1. Is there any significant difference in the effect of different level of fermented water spinach of Rhode Island Red in terms of weekly gain weight and final gain weight? 2. Is there significant difference in the effect of different level of fermented water spinach of Rhode Island Red in terms mortality rate? 3. Which level of fermented water spinach is effective in the growth performance of Rhode Island Red? Significance of the Study The useful and relevant information acquired from the study will encourage the following: Farmers- the result of this study could help them realize that the use of different organic feed supplement will help them to less the expenses in using commercial feeds. Consumer- this study will encourage them to consume and buy the product that is produce by the mixed commercial and organic feed. Future researcher- researchers may find the findings useful as a basis by research enthusiasts for further research to support or negate the in terms of mortality rate, weekly and final gain weight. Scope and Delimitation of the Study This study focused on the maturation capabilities of Rhode Island Red affected by the use of different level of fermented water spinach as feed supplement. The prospected population will be limited to seventy-two 72 heads of Rhode Island Red chicken. The study will be limited to the effect of the treatment to the Rhode Island Red. Researchers only use based on what will be the data being gathered and the result when the different treatment is being applied to the population. The Complete Randomized Design (CRD) will be used with four (4) treatments and three (3) replications. It was conducted within from July to October 2023 in the poultry of College of Agriculture, Fishery and Forestry in Romblon State University, Odiongan, Romblon Main Campus. CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Poultry Production Poultry is an animal husbandry where birds raised commercially or domestically for meat, eggs, and feathers. Chickens, ducks. Turkeys and geese are primary commercial importance. Based on the number of animals, poultry represents the largest domestic animal stock in the world, and poultry meat was the fastest growing component of global meat production in the early 21 st century. Poultry meat and eggs provide affordable high-quality of protein. Poultry-farming, especially on a small-scale, is renewable and efficient and can provide a ready source of income and nutrition. (Britannica, 2023). In 2022, the total number of chickens in poultry farming in the Philippines amounted to around 185 million heads, indicating an increase from the previous year. Chicken was among the poultry meat widely consumed in the country. (Statista, 2023) Rhode Island Red is another breed of chicken that uses in egg and meat production. It is originated in the New England state of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Early flocks often had both single and rose combed individuals because of the influence of Malay blood. It was from the Malay that the Rhode Island Red got its deep color, strong constitution and relatively hard feathers. They were also developed from the black-red Java, where is most likely got its rose comb. Rhode Island Red are good choice for the small flock owner. In cock it weighs about 8.5 lbs (3.85 kg) and hen is about 6.5 lbs (2.95 kg). Cockerel weighs 7.5 lbs (3.60 kg) while the pullet is about 5.5 lbs (2.50 kg). It has a single and rose comb varieties. This breed of chicken has a yellow skin color and this breed is a dual-purpose for meat and egg, laying in their 4 to 5 months of age with around 5-7 egg per week and 150-200 per year (, 2018) Kangkong or water spinach (Impomoea Aquatica) is scientifically known as impomoea aquatica is a herbaceous trailing vine with a semi-aquatic habit. This aquatic herb extends across South East Asia, but it is common in many tropical and sub-tropical regions in the world. It has a long hollow stems that help it to float when growing in water. The stems help help keep the leaves above the surface and the pant continues to root at the nodes. The alternately positioned leaves are from 5-15 cm long and arrow shaped, or lanceolate. They may be from 2-8cm wide and held on the trailing stems, which may be 2-3 meters long. The leaves are green but may have a purple blush that varies depending on the individual plant. The white to pink-lilac flowers are trumpet shaped with a mauve center and are from 35 cm in diameter (, 2023) Nutritional Value Water spinach (Impomoea Aquatica) consist of amazing nutrients that are of a good amount of water energy, protein, carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, iron magnesiun, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, vitamin C, thiamin, rivoflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6, folate, vitamin B-12, vitamin A, and vitamin D. (, 2023). The proximate analysis on impomea aquatica was carried out using standard method. The result revealed 51.36% moisture, 42.18% carbohydate, 1.70% protein, 2.75% ash, 1.20% fiber and 0.81% fat. (Igwenyi I. et al., 2011) Medicinal Uses and Benefits According to Choudhary T. (2023), water spinach has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of jaundice and liver problems. Research has proved that the extract of this plant can provide protection against chemicalinduced liver damage due to its modulation of detoxification enzymes; antioxidant and free radical scavenger properties. Being rich in iron, the young water spinach leaves are extremely beneficial for people with anemia and pregnant women who require iron in their diets. Iron is an important mineral that is needed by the body, particularly by the red blood cells, to form hemoglobin. Water spinach has certain essential nutrients like vitamins A and C as well as a high concentration of beta-carotene. These nutrients act as antioxidants to reduce free radicals in the body, thus preventing cholesterol from becoming oxidized. Oxidized cholesterol sticks to the blood vessel walls, causing blocked arteries, heart attack, or stroke. Being a storehouse of nutrients, this water spinach vegetable is an inexpensive and natural way of boosting the body’s immunity in comparison to vitamin C supplements. Consumption of this green leafy vegetable on a regular basis boosts your body’s immune system and promotes the healthy development of bones. It also contributes to a healthy body by neutralizing and eliminating toxins. Water spinach is rich in fiber and hence, it aids in digestion, providing relief from different digestive disorders naturally. Its mild laxative properties are beneficial for people suffering from indigestion and constipation. Juice from boiled spinach can loosen constipation. This vegetable is also used in the treatment of intestinal worm infestation. It contains latex which is used as a purgative agent. According Maung T. et al. (2020), the experiment was conducted to study the effects of supplementing green feed-water spinach (Impomea aquatica) to basal diet on growth performance and nutrient digestibility of broiler chickens. As the study analyze that there was no significant effect on the growth performance through feed consumption, ody weight, weight gain, and feed conversion ratio (FCR) of broiler chickens. The digestibility of feed dry matter and feed crude protein was not significally different (P>0.05) among the treatment. Further diets supplemented water spinach had no adverse effect on growth perfomance and nutrients digestibility of broiler chickens. It concluded that the more expensive vitamin-mineral component of the ration can be replaced by the lower cost and widely available water spinach. According to the study of Ahemen T. (2015), where they used in experiment the mixed breeds of rabbits aged 10-12 weeks to determine the effect of feeding varying levels of water spinach leaf meal on reproductive tract morphometry, haematology and serum biochemical parameters of female rabbits. After the 16 week of the feeding trial the data shows no significant (P>0.05) effect of diet on reproductive tract morphometry, except the ovarian weight. The result also shows no significant (P>0.05) effect of diet on serum biochemical indices except alanine amino transaminase. This result suggested that inclusion of up to 15% levels of water spinach leaf meal diets will guarantee good health and support normal reproductive processes in female rabbits. According to Aung Y. L. et. al (2020), the experiment was conducted to study the effects of supplementing green feed-water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) to basal diet on growth performance and nutrient digestibility of broiler chickens. There were no significant effects on growth performances through feed consumption, body weight, weight gain and feed conversion ratio (FCR) of broiler chickens. The digestibility of feed DM and feed CP was not significantly different (P> 0.05) among the treatments. Further, diets supplemented with water spinach had no adverse effect on growth performance and nutrients digestibility of broiler chickens. It can be concluded that the more expensive vitamin-mineral component of the ration can be replaced by the lower cost and widely available water spinach. Conceptual Framework The variables observed in the study consisted of two major components the independent variables (IV) and the dependent variables (DV). The independent variables are the different organic feed supplement and the dependent variable is the growth performance of Rhode Island Red in terms of weekly, final gain in weight and mortality rate. Research Paradigm Independent Variables Dependent Variables DIFFERENT ORGANIC FEED GROWTH PERFORMANCE SUPPLEMENT OF RHODE ISLAND RED T1- Control (commercial feeds CHICKEN with 0% of Organic matter. T2- Commercial Feed with 10% Initial Weight of fermented water spinach. Weekly gain in Weight T3- Commercial Feeds with Final gain in weight 15% fermented water spinach. Mortality Rate T4- Commercial Feeds with 20% fermented water spinach. Figure 1: Research Paradigm showing the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. Operational Definition of Terms Rhode Island Red- refers to the genetically bred of chicken for meat and egg purposes. Initial weight- refers to the weight of Rhode Island red before the period of experimentation. Final weight- refers to the weight of the Rhode Island red gathered after the period of experimentation. Water spinach- refers to a semi-aquatic tropical plant grown as a vegetable for its tender shoots. Fermented- chemical process by which molecules such as glucose are broken down anaerobically. Weekly gain in weight- refers to the weekly weight increase of Rhode Island Red chicken. Mortality Rate- is the number of deaths due to a disease divided by the total population. Hypothesis Based on the forgoing presentation of variables, a hypothesis was drawn: 1. There are no significant differences in the effect of different levels of fermented water spinach in the growth performance of Rhode Island Red in terms of weekly gain in weight and final gain in weight. 2. There are no significant differences between the different level of fermented water spinach in the growth performance of Rhode Island Red in terms of mortality rate. CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research Design This section describes in details the research method used, location and time of the study, experimental design and treatment, experimental lay-out and the materials and instrument used; and the procedures in the conduct of study. Research Method Used The experimental method of research used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) utilizing 72 heads of Rhode Island Red randomly distributed into four treatments and three replications to evaluate the growth performance of Rhode Island Red chicken on fermented water spinach as feed supplement. Research Locale and Time of the Study The study will be conducted in Romblon State University Main- campus, Brgy. Liwanag, Odiongan Romblon for the period of 3 months which stated from July to October 2023. (Figure 2.) Experimental site Poultry, RSU Main Campus Figure 2: Map showing the location of experimental study Experimental Design and Treatment The experimental design will be used completely randomized design (CRD) to identify the performance of Rhode Island Red. It will be composed of eighteen Rhode Island Red per treatment with 6 heads per replication. The following treatment represented as follows: Treatment I- 100% Commercial feeds (0% Organic Matter) Treatment II 100% Commercial feeds with 10% of fermented water spinach Treatment III- 100% Commercial feeds with 15% of fermented water spinach Treatment IV- 100% Commercial feeds with 20% of fermented water spinach Experimental Lay-out The placement and distribution of treatments and the replications of the experiment is presented in Figure 3. 6 6 6 6 R1T4 R3T1 R1T1 R2T4 6 6 6 6 R3T4 R2T2 R1T3 R3T3 6 6 6 6 R1T2 R2T1 R2T3 R3T2 Figure 3. Experimental layout of the study Research Material and instruments The experimental materials and instruments that will use in the study are the following: 72 heads of Rhode Island Red chicks, cages, bamboo slats to be set up as alternative cage, feeder and waterier, weighing scale, commercial feeds, fermented water spinach, record book, laptop, camera, calculator and Ball point pen. Research Procedure This section includes the discussion of the procedures in the conduct of experimental study such as construction of the experimental cages, cleaning and disinfection of cages, purchasing of the experimental birds/biological/ feeds and other material, needed, management of the experimental birds, light and Brooding management, feeding management, preparation of fermented water spinach as feed supplement, water management, data gathering and recording and data analysis. Construction of Experimental Cages Since the Rhode Island Red is usually a free range an area of 25 square meters (5x5=25) will be utilized in this study with roofing of tarp and enclosed with slatted bamboo to secure the experimental birds. The cage of Rhode Island Red was set up and partitioned into twelve (12) compartment using poultry net, each cage measured 4ft x 5ft with a height of 90 cm from the floor and every caged contained 5 birds. Cleaning and Disinfection of Cages The cages use in the experiment will be disinfected a week before the arrival of the experimental birds using a disinfectant solution for proper sanitation and cleanliness of cages in order to avoid and prevent the presence of any harmful micro-organisms. Cleaning the surrounding of the experimental site will be maintained until the end of experimental period. During the conduct of the study, wastes of the experimental birds will be removed, collected and deposited in a compost pit three times a week to avoid unnecessary odor because chicken dung is high in ammonia and methane. Placing of dung receiver after the removal of waste under cages will be implemented. This will be done until the end of the experimental study. Selection and Purchase of Experimental Birds, Feeds and Other Materials Needed The experimental Rhode Island Red Chicken will be purchased from Ronald Gabayno, 80 heads will be selected for the study. Feeds of the Rhode Island Red such as chick booster, starter, grower and finisher in a mash form will be purchase from reputable feeds supplier in the locality. Initial amount of feeds will be purchase before the arrival of the experimental birds. Management of Experimental Birds Upon the arrival of the experimental birds, sugar and water solution will be given to the birds to help them recover from stress of transporting, after that fresh water immediately given. Two hours after the arrival of the birds, feeds will be available for birds. The birds will be fed in ad-libitum basis. Before the start of the study, the bird will be confine first in one cage for brooding period of 14 days. The birds will be randomly selected, weighed then putting a mark for identification will be done before distributing into four treatments on the fifteen days where the experimental research started with the different level of fermented water spinach as feed supplement. Light and Brooding Management A 100-Watt bulb will be use to light up the cages in the poultry house. A certain portion of the rearing area will be use as brooder. The brooding area will be covered with sacks to control the temperature needed by the chicks. The floor of the brooding area will be place with news paper to keep them safe. Lighting will be one daily from the starts of brooding period. After 14 days of brooding, the experimental study will be started. Chicks will be randomly selected and placed with a mark by means of color for identification and then transferred to their cages. Preparation of Fermented Water Spinach The young leaves and body of water spinach will be collected every morning and washed by portable water. The Water Spinach will cut into very small pieces and put into a clean container. After being cut into small pieces and put into a clean and disinfected container, it will be mix to a molasses and if it’s not available we will use brown sugar and salt with water. Feeding and Water Management Feeding is based on what is in the treatment using commercial feeds with different Organic matter. The feeding of different organic matter to Rhode Island Red as feed supplement will make available daily for the duration of 48 days’ period of experiment. Data Gathering 1. Initial gain weight of Rhode Island Red All the experimental stocks in each treatment will be weigh individually before the start of experiment. 1. Weekly gain in weight of Rhode Island Red All the experimental stocks in each treatment will be weigh individually once a week to record the gain in weight and will be done before feeding. 2. Final weight of broilers All the experimental stocks in each treatment will be weigh individually on the last day of experiment and will be recorded before the termination of the study. Statistical Treatment of Data Data gathered were analyze using the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) for the Complete Randomized Design (CRD) and Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) on the of response of Rhode Island Red on Different Level of Fermented Water Spinach (Impomoea aquatica) as Feed Supplement References Petruzello M. (2003). “Poultry”. Britannica. Retrieved April 6, 2023. From: Statista (2023). “Chicken Inventory Philippines 2012-2022. Statista Research Department. Retrieved April 6, 2023 from: Igwenyi I., Offar O., Obinna A. et al. (2011). “ Chemical Composition of Impomoea aquatica (Green Kangkong)”. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences 2(4), 593-598. Retrieved April 15, 2023 from: Choudhary T. (2023). 14 Benefits of Water Spinach for Skin, Hair and Health. STYLCRAZE. Retrieved April 15, 2023 from: Maung A.T., Swe K.H., Maw A.A. et al. (2020). Effect of Supplementing Water spinach (I. aquatica) to Basal Diet on Growth Performance and Nutrients Digestibility of Broiler Chickens. Journal of Livestock Science. 11, 77-84. Retrieved April 15, 2023 from: Ahemen A., Abu A., Arungo T. (2015). The Effect of Feeding Varying Levels of Water Spinach (Impomoea aquatica) Leaf Meal on Reproductive Tract Morphometry, Hematology and Serum Biochemical Parameters of Female Rabbits. Middle East Journal of Scientific Research 23(11) 2791-2796. Retrieved April 15, 2023 from: D'Souza R. (2020). Water Spinach -Uses, Quality , Remedies, Research . Retrieved: May 25, 2023 from: Aung Y L., Maung A. T., Maw A. A., et. al. (2020). Effect of supplementing water spinach (Impomoea Aquatica) to Basal Diet on Growth performance and Nutrients Digestibility of Broiler Chickens. Journal of Livestock Science 11,77-84. Retrieved: May 25, 2023 from: