ECON201. Intermediate Microeconomics Oleg Rubanov Problem Set 1 Problem 1 Come up with income, prices and a tax or subsidy that are described by the following graph. You need to provide exact numbers. Assume that the per unit price of good 2 is the same for any quantity that you buy. good 2, x2 36 18 0 12 36 good 1, x1 Solution Notice that there are two parts of the budget line. The slope of the left part of the budget 0−18 line is 18−36 = − 32 . The slope of the right part of the budget line is 36−12 = − 43 . So, the 12 p1 price ratio p2 is 32 to the left from the kink and is 34 to the right from the kink. Then the prices of good 1 are p1 for x1 ≤ 12 and p′1 = p1 − t for x1 > 12 (the price of extra units after x1 = 12, not all units). Let p2 = 1, then p1 = 32 and p′1 = 34 . The (quantity) overconsumption subsidy is s = p1 − p′1 = 34 (the equivalent ad valorem subsidy p′ is 1 − p11 = 50%). How much money does the agent have? She should be able to buy, for example, 12 units of good 1 and 18 units of good 2, so her income is m = 12 · p1 + 18 · p2 = 12 · 23 + 18 · 1 = 36. You can check yourself that this is indeed the correct solution. What is the maximum amount of good 1 the consumer can buy? She will buy 12 units at the price of 23 and for 1 the remaining 36 − 12 · 32 = 18 dollars she can buy 18 3 = 24 more units of good 1, bringing 4 the total number of units of good 1 to 12 + 24 = 36. The maximum number of units of good 2 is naturally pm2 = 36 = 36. 1 Any other numbers proportional to (m, p1 , p2 , s) = (36, 23 , 1, 34 ) are also a solution. For example, (m, p1 , p2 , t) = (1440, 60, 40, 30) is also a solution of the problem. Problem 2 Consider the preferences on the set X = {k, l, m} given by the following table (each cell indicates whether a ⪰ b (TRUE, denoted by T ) or not (FALSE, denoted by F ). However, you do not know the entire table (some cells are empty). a\b k k T a) l F m T l T T T m F F T b) a\b k k F l F m F l F T T m F T F a\b k k T c) l T m F l T T F m F F T For EACH of the three preferences given above, check if it satisfies EACH of the following properties (so, you need to answer nine questions): 1. Complete? 2. Reflexive? 3. Transitive? In each case, you either need to prove your statement, or provide an example where this property is not satisfied. Solution a) 1. Completeness. Yes, we have T on the diagonal and for the remaining 3 pairs (k, l), (k, m) and (l, m), we prefer at least one of the elements to the other in the pair: k ⪰ l, m ⪰ k and m ⪰ l. 2. Reflexivity. Yes, we have T on the diagonal. Alternatively, we could use the previous question, because all complete preferences are reflexive. 3. Transitivity. Yes, because if X ⪰ Y and Y ⪰ Z, then there are the following possibilities: If X = m, then automatically X ⪰ Z, because we prefer m to all other elements. If X = l, then since we only prefer l to itself and X ⪰ Y , it must be that Y = l. The same way, since Y ⪰ Z, it must be that Z = l. But then X ⪰ Z, because X = Z = l and l ⪰ l. If X = k, then since X ⪰ Y , then Y = k or Y = l. If Y ∈ {k, l} and Y ⪰ Z, then Z ̸= m. But for all Z ̸= m, k ⪰ Z. So, X ⪰ Z. 2 In all cases, we proved that for all X, Y, Z, if X ⪰ Y and Y ⪰ Z, then X ⪰ Z. Thus, transitivity holds. b) 1. Completeness. No, because if X = Y = k, then neither X ⪰ Y , nor Y ⪰ X. 2. Reflexivity. No, because if X = Y = k, then neither X ⪰ Y , nor Y ⪰ X. 3. Transitivity. No, for example, if X = Z = m and Y = l, then X ⪰ Y and Y ⪰ Z, but X ̸⪰ Z, because m ̸⪰ m. c) 1. Completeness. No, because if X = k and Y = m, then neither X ⪰ Y , nor Y ⪰ X. 2. Reflexivity. Yes, because we have only T on the diagonal. 3. Transitivity. Yes, because if X ⪰ Y and Y ⪰ Z, then there are the following possibilities: If X = k or X = l, then automatically Y ∈ {k, l} and therefore Z ∈ {k, l}, so X ⪰ Z, because both k and l are weakly preferred to both k and l. If X = m, then since X ⪰ Y , it must be that Y = m. The same way, Z = m, so X ⪰ Z, because m ⪰ m. In all cases, we proved that for all X, Y, Z, if X ⪰ Y and Y ⪰ Z, then X ⪰ Z. Thus, transitivity holds. Problem 3 There are other properties of binary relations that we did not cover in the lecture. 1. Irreflexivity. For any x ∈ X : NOT(x ⪰ x). 2. Symmetric. For any x, y ∈ X : if x ⪰ y then y ⪰ x. 3. Antisymmetric. For any x, y ∈ X , if (y ⪰ x)AND(x ⪰ y), THEN x = y (meaning that x and y are the same element). Also, answer the following questions: a) Can a preference relation be both irreflexive and transitive? b) Can a preference relation be both symmetric and antisymmetric? c) Can a preference relation be both complete and not antisymmetric? Solution a) Yes, for example: a\b k l k F F l F F 3 b) Yes, for example: a\b k l k F F l F F c) Yes, for example: a\b k l k T T l T T 4